>>22028Radio Thread or: Where the Album Stream is announced
This is the Radio Ernstiwan-thread. Reachable at: radio.ernstchan.topCinema and TV threda
Old one rotted away >>821Computers
I bought a new (used) ThinkPad which came with Windows 11 pre-installed.Linguistics thread
Avis, jasmin varnā na ā ast, dadarka akvams, tam, vāgham garum vaghantam, tam, bhāram magham, tam, manum āku bharantam. Avis akvabhjams ā vavakat: kard aghnutai mai vidanti manum akvams agantam. Akvāsas ā vavakant: krudhi avai, kard aghnutai vividvant-svas: manus patis varnām avisāms karnauti svabhjam gharmam vastram avibhjams ka varnā na asti. Tat kukruvants avis agram ā bhugat.It is long past time to address these matters seriously and effectively.
Generations of people have been, and continue to be, inspired by pervasive violence: namely anorectal violence. Many perpetrators of this violence against one or more others especially in public pornography have not faced severe punishment despite both 1) the high likelihood of anorectal injury to a receptive person due to anorectal fragility, and 2) the significance and potential severity (even lethality) of resultant traumatic consequences. What arguably should easily be considered incriminating behavior worldwide is commonly featured in public pornography, in many cases being sold for profit and far too often serving as an example to be copied. This situation is both one of the greatest injustices and one of the greatest contributors to societal decadence in the modern era. Facilitating factors include prevalent (willful) ignorance, apathy, and misinformation about anorectal topics, which are enabling people with (self-)destructive tendencies to have a field day with anorectal violence and to spread disinformation quite effectively.Exercise / Fitness / Weight Loss
Did you Do It™?Finances
How is Ernst saving his money?Radio Ernstiwan - TOP-edition
This is the Radio Ernstiwan-thread. The server stays the same, but is now reachable at:Today
>>21399Swiss IWO threda
I've always had the idea in the back of my mind of visiting Swiss communes as if they were entities in themselves, and carefully documenting the visit.Ernst has problems he doesn't want to talk about
since >>6754 suggested, ima start a thread.Aphorisms
This is a thread for aphorisms.Today
old >>20700A.I.
General A.I. thread.Human DNA Fitness as a Game Achievement
It is said that we are adaptation executors, not fitness maximizers. That is, we have inherited the instincts that made our ancestors pass on their genes, but we don't value passing on our genes as such.Care package thread
For 30 days straight /int/ fell behind /b/ on posting volume. If EC were a capitalist board, /int/ would be fired for not meeting targets, but luckily we are socialist board, so /b/ decided to help the oppressed, and share some of our wealth with our less fortunate brothers. In this thread, /b/-Ernsts will drop care package posts, until the budget provided by EcKinsey runs out and the mission ends. This thread will also serve as flagship project to inspire more native activity, so that in the foreseeable future /int/, which once was the more active board, can manage without foreign aid again.Imageboards
How does Ernst think about Imageboards these days?Today
>>19402Videostreaming via Radio Ernstiwan
To prevent the new information from being forgotten in the radio thread, and to appropriately flex with out newly discovered feature, a new thread seems necessary. We can now videostream over our radio server. In fact, we could have done so all the time, but we just found out that it's feasible. OBS works well as streaming client, it is not known if other tools also work. By now, at least three different Ernsts tried it and got it working.Galaxy Trek - /int/-Edition
'''What is Galaxy Trek?'''Moderation on /int/
In the last few months we slacked off a little considering moderation on /int/, and there was a lot of bickering, some Russia/Ukraine shitposting, and similar things. When we started out with top, we promised that moderation on /int/ would be stricter than on /b/, because /int/ historically had less shitposting, and is generally considered to be the more serious board. However, that hasn't been the case recently, but there were no reports or complaints on /meta/ so far, so maybe there is no need for more moderation. In addition, each time we asked whether we need more rules, Ernst said it wasn't necessary. So we thought about either removing the hint about stricter /int/ moderation from the global rules, or alternatively return to the earlier moderation style.Radio Ernstiwan birthday festival Sep 6 - Sep 8
On Sep 3rd Radio Ernstiwan will be half a decade old, we want to celebrate the occasion with a radio festival. Since Sep 3rd is a Tuesday, the festival will be scheduled for the following weekend Friday Sep 6th to Sunday Sep 8th. As is has become tradition, the new Ernstalbum - if completed by then - will also be presented that festival. Some streamers seem to have quit during the last months, so I'm not sure if we can fill up three full days. If we see that it's too much space, we will compress the schedule as needed. Of course you can stream at alle times, not only at designated slots. If someone actually wants to do graveyard shift, feel free!ANGLO COMICS THREAD
In this itt thread I will post two comics by anglo writers.ErnstTV - How to
In a few hours the highly experimental ErnstTV-segment will start as a part of this years streaming festival. This sticky explains how this will work for spectators and streamers.Ernstalbum v4
April is nearing its end, and from there it's four months until September, when traditionally it is time to present the new Ernstalbum to the world during the Radio Ernstiwan birthday festival: Time for the new Ernstalbum-thread. The cover for Ernstalbum v4 is already finished, and its title, which might take a second look at the image to spot, describes a property:Today
>>18420News and politics
Previous >>248Today
Follow me into the oceanic depths that is Ernsts psychology and daily life.unicode (U+1F530) Beginner
🔰🔰🔰 we need utf-8 support for thread titles 🔰🔰🔰[Door]
[Conflict] is [Equivalent to] [Fostering]
[Because] [Anger] is [Identical to] [Thinking]
[Therefore] [Open Folder] [Dove of Peace] [Earth Globe Europe-Africa] [Dove of Peace] [Earth Globe Americas] [Dove of Peace] [Earth Globe Americas]
[Put Litter In Its Place]
# Doppelkopp
40 * 🂠
Trumpf (
Fehl (
4 Players á 10 🂠
the Player left of the Dealer starts (1st [Aus])
[Aus] = play whatever card
1 [Stich] = each player plays exactly one card in clockwise order
the player winning the last [Stich] is the next [Aus]
[Trumpf] && [Fehl] is ordered
[Trumpf] > [Fehl]
[Trumpf] [Aus] is [Bedienpflicht] -> you have to play [Trumpf], if you can
[Fehl] [Aus] is [Bedienpflicht] -> you have to play the the same [Fehl]-colour, if you can
Ace = 11 points
10 = 10 points
King = 4 points
Queen = 3 points
Jack = 2 points
[Reh] = the players with Queen of Clubs play together
[Kontra] = the players without a Queen of Club play together
the player winning the first [Stich] has to call [Reh] or [Kontra]
[Reh] wins, if their cards add up to > 120 points
[Kontra] wins [gegen], if their cards add up to >= 120 points
[Tack'n] (
90, 60, 30, 0 (0 = [schwarz]) enemy points + one additional [Tack'n], if called.
[gegen] + one additional [Tack'n], if called.
[Doppelkopp] >= 40 points in one [Stich]
[Fuchs gefangen], if you get the ace of diamonds from the enemy
[Solo] = 1 [Reh] against 3 [Kontra] (
[Trumpfsolo] = [Trumpf] is [Trumpf]
[Damensolo] = only queens are [Trumpf]
[Bubensolo] = only jacks are [Trumpf]
[Fehlsolo]* = no [Trumpf]
* most play without [Fehlsolo]
[Hochzeit] = 1 player has both queens of club (
the player calls 1st [Trumpf]- or 1st [Fehl]-[Stich] going towards someone else to be 2nd [Reh]
if the player with [Hochzeit] gets the first 3 [Stich]s, he plays [Solo]
[stille Hochzeit] = 1 [Reh] against 3 [Kontra] without saying anything
[Solo] has to be called before the 1st [Aus]
[Tack'n] has to be called before the 4th [Aus] or directly after the last [Tack'n] call.
if a [Fehl]-[Stich] of hearts gets played, where everyone had to [Bedienpflicht], the next 4 round's [Tack'n] are doubled. If already in a doubled [Tack'n] round, you add 4 rounds.
>>14564IWO: Eid Prayer
Kohlchan can't maintain a MongoDB instance, and I showed up drunk to Eid prayer this morning. Nobody can tell when I'm drunk or high.Zone pushing
Does anyone here engage in zone pushing? This is where you grow plants in climates that are too cold (or hot, but that's rare) for the species and employ various tricks to pull it off.Today
Old >> birthday party Feb 17
Almost one year has passed since the secession from xyz, on Feb 17 will celebrate its first birthday. Since you all are top-oldfags, you obviously knew that and have prepared ideas for the party, so feel free to drop them ITT. Since it's an EC festival, and we already have a dedicated radio festival, my suggestion is that we do some other stuff besides the obligatory radio streaming. One idea was to host a Quake 3-tournament (you DO rememeber that we have our own Q3-server, right?) or simply a Quake 3-evening, depending on how many people would want to participate. Maybe /int/ has some ideas to add their own flavour.Today
>>11478Places to hangout at
I really long for a place where I can go to read a book, speak with interesting people, just chill and spend my evenings. At home I always think of things I have to do, like cleaning the dishes or fixing broken stuff. Also its kind of lonely.Downtime
Good evening dear sirs, EC and Radio Ernstiwan are back online. Reason for the downtime was - as already suspected - a damaged storage volume at our providers' site. The following happened: Wednesday at about 08:00UTC both chan and radio (which run on different servers, but are hosted by the same provider) went offline, even admin access was impossible. In the late evening I at least could see the servers as online in the VNC console, which can be opened from the admin area of our providers' web page, but all services and SSH access were still offline. The logs on both servers showed complaints about a corrupt file system with the hint to fix it via fsck. I waited until now whether our provider would react to the incident ticket I opened, which he didn't. So I tried the fsck fix, and it worked. I hope the 36 hours without EC weren't too painful.