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R: 192 / I: 60 / P: 1



I congratulate the winner who won that race in the last moments of the old thread. Here's to you, Ernst!
R: 33 / I: 6 / P: 1

Dream Thread

Dream Thread continued.
Last one: >>899
R: 99 / I: 111 / P: 1


Old thread Systemkontra'd >>4573

Insert coin to play post.
R: 295 / I: 159 / P: 1


R: 88 / I: 58 / P: 1

Literature thread

Let’s continue!
Previous: >>7
R: 72 / I: 26 / P: 1

News and politics thread

Spirit Cooking Edward Snowden PRISM USAID Genocide in Gaza Bohemian Grove Cremation of care Murder of Seth Rich Operation Northwoods Dancing Israelis 4th Psychological Operations Group Pfizer vaccine side effects myocardite Jeffrey Epstein's list
R: 14 / I: 18 / P: 1

Radio Thread or: Where the Album Stream is announced

This is the Radio Ernstiwan-thread. Reachable at: radio.ernstchan.top

You can stream music or movies yourself. Here's how to https://ernstchan.top/howto.html
R: 90 / I: 78 / P: 1

Internet VIPs

What are some internet weirdos you know of?
How do you know them and do you actively follow them?
Are there internet weirdos in your country that you might want to share with us?
R: 81 / I: 47 / P: 1

Cinema and TV threda

Old one rotted away >>821

Threda for discussing or just sharing your impressions of movies, TV shows, cartoons and the like.
R: 53 / I: 8 / P: 1

Jokes thread

I accidentally deleted previous thread (see /meta/).
R: 153 / I: 38 / P: 2


I bought a new (used) ThinkPad which came with Windows 11 pre-installed.
I never had a problem with Windows but i played with the idea to go full Linux on this ThinkPad.

What are some good distros these days for people that don't want to fix stuff all the time?

Also: Computers general
R: 105 / I: 25 / P: 2

Linguistics thread

Avis, jasmin varnā na ā ast, dadarka akvams, tam, vāgham garum vaghantam, tam, bhāram magham, tam, manum āku bharantam. Avis akvabhjams ā vavakat: kard aghnutai mai vidanti manum akvams agantam. Akvāsas ā vavakant: krudhi avai, kard aghnutai vividvant-svas: manus patis varnām avisāms karnauti svabhjam gharmam vastram avibhjams ka varnā na asti. Tat kukruvants avis agram ā bhugat.
R: 143 / I: 34 / P: 2

It is long past time to address these matters seriously and effectively.

Generations of people have been, and continue to be, inspired by pervasive violence: namely anorectal violence. Many perpetrators of this violence against one or more others especially in public pornography have not faced severe punishment despite both 1) the high likelihood of anorectal injury to a receptive person due to anorectal fragility, and 2) the significance and potential severity (even lethality) of resultant traumatic consequences. What arguably should easily be considered incriminating behavior worldwide is commonly featured in public pornography, in many cases being sold for profit and far too often serving as an example to be copied. This situation is both one of the greatest injustices and one of the greatest contributors to societal decadence in the modern era. Facilitating factors include prevalent (willful) ignorance, apathy, and misinformation about anorectal topics, which are enabling people with (self-)destructive tendencies to have a field day with anorectal violence and to spread disinformation quite effectively.

BTW: Please delete my last thread. Thanks.
R: 76 / I: 21 / P: 2

Exercise / Fitness / Weight Loss

Did you Do It™?
Post your boastings here.

Previous: >>2356
R: 47 / I: 10 / P: 2

Wisdom for Suckers

Don't be mad it ended. Be mad how it ended.

An Euro spent is an Euro lost.

God is dead, but it wasn't me.
R: 219 / I: 87 / P: 2


How is Ernst saving his money?
This Ernst is currently just throwing everything he can put to the side in index funds.

DAX, S&P and MSCI World to be precise.

If i would actually have a lot of money to invest i could've made a lot of money that way in the last 3 month. Too bad.
R: 304 / I: 347 / P: 2

Radio Ernstiwan - TOP-edition

This is the Radio Ernstiwan-thread. The server stays the same, but is now reachable at:


It is recommended to switch to this address for both listening and streaming, though the old xyz-domain is still supported from our side. But given what happened on the old chan we can't guarantee that the xyz-address will be kept available for us. Also all technical/festival announcements by radio staff will be made here from now on.

Everything else stays the same: The public stream can be used by everyone (see pic 4 for details), but if you stream regularly, an own account is recommended, write a mail to ernstiwan at protonmail.ch to get one. Include your desired user name and ideally (though optional) an avatar picture for the radio stats page. Reliable and production proven streaming software is butt: https://sourceforge.net/projects/butt/ (lightweight and easy to use, but lacks some features like updating artist/title) and mixxx: https://mixxx.org/ (can do it all, but setup is more complicated).

Also please remember that the radio recently switched from port 8000 to Port 80 (no SSL/TLS) and 443 (SSL/TLS mandatory).
R: 306 / I: 85 / P: 2


R: 81 / I: 200 / P: 2

IWO thread

R: 313 / I: 80 / P: 2

Nius & bolitics

Worst thread returns for another round
R: 14 / I: 6 / P: 3

Faculty of Theoretical and Applied Womanology

R: 20 / I: 17 / P: 3

American studies thread

Opening at a memorable date
R: 9 / I: 2 / P: 3
I shamelessly bumped the old one in order to finally open this shiny new one again with a picture of my choice the actually picture I wanted to use gives an error.
R: 118 / I: 27 / P: 3

History threda

or on the historical character of the english bourgeoisie
R: 68 / I: 41 / P: 3

Swiss IWO threda

I've always had the idea in the back of my mind of visiting Swiss communes as if they were entities in themselves, and carefully documenting the visit.
I recently found some friends crazy enough to come along! I didn't want to flood the existing IWO thread, so I decided to make my own containment thread.

The rules :
-at each outing, the commune of the day will be drawn from this wikipedia list using a random number generator -> https://fr.wikipedia.org/[...]ommunes_du_canton_de_Vaud
-the designated commune cannot be refused under ANY circumstances
-during the visit, it is forbidden to leave the boundaries of the commune, otherwise the visit will stop
-you can't decide to continue visiting neighboring communes after the fact without having rerolled for a new and completely random commune
-if possible, only consume goods purchased within the commune during the visit
-draw up an exploration report when the commune is drawn, and complete it with photos and anecdotes at the end of the visit.
-Most of the visit are going to be made in the canton of Vaud
-Each time ther's a 20 percent chance that we're going to visit another entirely diffrent welsch canton randomely chosen: Geneva, Neuvchâtel, Fribourg, Valais, Jura or Bern.
-After the random canton have been selectionned, the commune will be chosen randomly using the same rules.

We're going to have a lot of fun!
R: 42 / I: 17 / P: 3

Ernst has problems he doesn't want to talk about

since >>6754 suggested, ima start a thread.
which will prolly not get accepted/used a lot

Ernst didn't sleep last night and now is tired as fuck. Ernst has problems with sleeping since his teens. a lot of Ernst's problems started in his teens.

Ernst was very paranoid at that time and a lot into conspiracy theories. Ernst feared the emergence of a surveillance state.
Today Ernst isn't paranoid anymore, but suffers from PTSD because of it, which gets triggered every time he sees someone using his or her smart phone. Ernst doesn't trust in others reading the terms of services of commercial application and is aware that a lot of those commercial application demand unconditional access of the microphone and other things in their terms of services for targeted advertising, user experience and such.
A lot of people do not care about that, but Ernst did and still does to some extend. But Ernst can't just go to some stranger and say
> could you please stop using your phone around me, because i do not trust in your ability to read terms of services and make an informed decision based on what you have read.
these "strangers" include Ernst family. Although Ernst already told them how he feels about it, they seem to prefer the comfortability of use over Ernst feelings.

Ernst is aware that the amount of data collected today is way beyond the scope of human-based-supervision, so that it is very unlikely that any of the data is actually looked at by a person.

Ernst also thinks a lot about world politics, human potential, philosophy, how a "just" world could look like, how to define "just" and so on.
Ernst basically is a little autist, who thinks he might be able to "save the world". But Ernst isn't even sure if the world needs saving... and even if, who or what gives Ernst the right to decide how to define what a "saved world" is?
at least, looking at climate, geo-politics and socio-ecological situation of our current system, Ernst doesn't think it looks too good for humanity

Ernst has a few good-ish friends, he can openly talk with about pretty much anything, including his problems. Those help Ernst a lot.
Since Ernst never really felt that he could "support" another human being, because he has enough problems of his own, Ernst never tried to start a serious relationship with a woman. A few women tried to approach Ernst in his life and Ernst had a few, sparse sexual encounters as well. But ultimately Ernst always ended things, before a serious relationship could be established. Hearing the phrase "I love you" triggered Ernst to end at least one relationship.

Ernst fears that his suffering rubs of, if he commits to a serious relationship.

Ernst prefers to suffer alone.

A "good" thing Ernst did in his life:
He promised himself, that no matter how bad his situation or the world becomes, he is at least going to watch it unfold; to at least spectate.

good night, Ernst,
and have sweet dreams of a better future.
R: 61 / I: 14 / P: 3


This is a thread for aphorisms.
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines "Aphorism" as follows:

1: a concise statement of a principle
2: a terse formulation of a truth or sentiment : ADAGE
3: an ingeniously terse style of expression : aphoristic language

Please adhere to this form and try to stay under 30 words.


>The purpose of aphorisms is to keep fools who have memorised them from having nothing to say

Isaac Asimov

>It is not possible to step into the same river twice.


>Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live: and unselfishness is letting other people's lives alone, not interfering with them.

Oscar Wilde

>One sandwich is enough for two

R: 303 / I: 70 / P: 3


old >>20700
R: 9 / I: 1 / P: 3

Browser thread

Hello Ernst

I'm tired of being googlecucked.

Recommend me something actually good. I know that anything at this point will be better than chrome, still, what Ernst is using right now?
R: 91 / I: 42 / P: 3


General A.I. thread.
As in: general thread about anything A.I.

Do have a post in mind, but wanted to keep OP neutral, since there seem to be a few Ernsts using and/or interested in A.I.. That way the thread can develop while I don't work on my post.
Maybe just one little thing: A.I. is a misnomer. It is statistics with a pseudo random number generator on top to induce variations; nothing intelligent about it. While popular culture likes to romanticize general purpose A.I. in media, I would prefer if we keep the thread somewhat close to current techniques we attribute the misnomer A.I. to.
R: 4 / I: 3 / P: 4

Human DNA Fitness as a Game Achievement

It is said that we are adaptation executors, not fitness maximizers. That is, we have inherited the instincts that made our ancestors pass on their genes, but we don't value passing on our genes as such.

But it is also said in an internet meme: Why not both?

Humans value game achievements. For example, there is a game achievement in the Torchlight II game that counts how many breakable objects (vases, boxes etc.) the player destroys while dungeon-crawling. If you destroy enough, you have accomplished the game achievement and get a nice icon for it.

Other people are out there in the real world driving race cars in circles at fast speed or kicking balls into nets.

So why not also have human DNA as a game achievement? It may not be our one and only maximization imperative, but there is no reason why we cannot as a species also value how much of the human DNA molecule there is in the universe. After all, it is a part of our origin and our identity and it doesn't occur in nature outside of humans (although some other organisms share some of our genes, non-living matter doesn't even have those).

We could, as a civilization, aim at this game achievement in the same spirit and with the same motivation as we aim at other game achievements. And unlike a single-minded maximization imperative, it would be very compatible with very many other goals and values. The universe is filled with resources. Winning a reasonably sized human DNA fitness game achivement would require only a tiny fraction of them.

Such a goal would also give you, yes YOU, the person who reads this, more intrinsic value because you also have human DNA inside of you. (In addition to whatever other value you have.)

So consider treating human DNA fitness as a game achivement for our civilization to which you can contribute in some way or another!
R: 22 / I: 36 / P: 4

Care package thread

For 30 days straight /int/ fell behind /b/ on posting volume. If EC were a capitalist board, /int/ would be fired for not meeting targets, but luckily we are socialist board, so /b/ decided to help the oppressed, and share some of our wealth with our less fortunate brothers. In this thread, /b/-Ernsts will drop care package posts, until the budget provided by EcKinsey runs out and the mission ends. This thread will also serve as flagship project to inspire more native activity, so that in the foreseeable future /int/, which once was the more active board, can manage without foreign aid again.

Sooo... what were the most popular topics on /int/ again? From my memory it was anime, shitposting, and germans talking about Germany, correct?
R: 300 / I: 84 / P: 4

Today Threda

Halal edition

R: 67 / I: 22 / P: 4

Ernstchan /int/ Germanistikfaden

R: 4 / I: 1 / P: 4
Looks like we will be staying here.
So, what is all your favourite football(soccer) teams and why is it FC Barcelona?
R: 13 / I: 7 / P: 4
KC been down all day and this place get 5 posts. I guess everyone went back to 4chan or whomst the fuck where ever.
R: 57 / I: 18 / P: 4

"let me show you how retarded i am" thread.

A thread to let off steam and take a break from following social norms.
R: 29 / I: 4 / P: 4


Suffering is unimaginable. What is prostitution like in your cunt tree? In mine it's horribly illegal except in Nevada for I'm sure bullshit evil reasons. But strip clubs are everywhere as well as sex shops.
R: 5 / I: 0 / P: 4
a poem for ernst
nothing against
we will be family
said drily

who's more beautiful
who more unsinful
than my lord
the most graceful
R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 4
argentinian girl is Italian
R: 2 / I: 2 / P: 5
do you see when sportsmen celebrate a goal they point their fingers to the sky thanking god, do you think god is in some measure involved or is it just a testimony that they're a Christian?

Aston Villa FC's Christian Benteke celebrates his goals by thanking God because he believes that God gave him the power to score. Benteke is a religious person who prays before and after every game, asking God to keep all the players safe.

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 5
Getting hammered inside the garage again
R: 152 / I: 43 / P: 5

How to become Ernst?

Kohl is kill for now, so I am preparing for the worst:
How can I convert from Bernd to Ernst? What is yhe culture here?
R: 28 / I: 3 / P: 5


How does Ernst think about Imageboards these days?
Are there any good boards left other than Ernstchan?

I used to browse various boards back in the good ol' days but they're all shit or dead now.

The only other board I look into every once in a while is lolcow.farm because watching a bunch of middle aged women shit talk Internet people and celebrities is funny to me.

What else is there?
R: 304 / I: 82 / P: 5

Dream Thread

Share your dreams, Ernst.
R: 39 / I: 28 / P: 5

Tabletop thread

Thread for discussing and sharing anything related with tabletop rpgs and/or boardgames.
R: 302 / I: 102 / P: 5

News & Politics

Worst thread in EC II
R: 301 / I: 92 / P: 5


R: 45 / I: 35 / P: 5

Tiktok thread

Burning our brain cells, destroying our attention span.
YouTube shorts are welcome as well
R: 301 / I: 250 / P: 5

Cinema and TV threda

Threda for discussing or just sharing your impressions of movies, TV shows, cartoons and the like.
R: 28 / I: 35 / P: 6

Videostreaming via Radio Ernstiwan

To prevent the new information from being forgotten in the radio thread, and to appropriately flex with out newly discovered feature, a new thread seems necessary. We can now videostream over our radio server. In fact, we could have done so all the time, but we just found out that it's feasible. OBS works well as streaming client, it is not known if other tools also work. By now, at least three different Ernsts tried it and got it working.

Everyone who has a streaming account can do this, no extra configuration on server side needed. The stream will show normally in Icecast and will be recognized by BOT Erna and pushed to the radio Discord as usual, but you can't watch in your browser, because it can't handle the format. I heard it's possible if webm is used instead of mpegts, but until now I couldn't find a working setup for that. For watching you'll need for example VLC, which you can feed with the xspf file that Icecast provides. Red fields are mandatory as far as we know, in green fields you can put whatever works for you. Of course you'll need at least semi-decent bandwidth on your side to even attempt videostreaming.

OBS Studio: https://obsproject.com/download - important: After adjusting the settings, you have to click "Start Recording", not "Start Streaming". Don't ask me why. Please be careful with what you stream, I recommend "Window Capture" instead of "Display Capture", and then choose the correct window. That way you won't accidentally stream your desktop, where your name, address, banking PIN and dick pic collection will be visible. For your Copy/Paste convenience:

File path or URL: icecast://yourmount:yourpass@radio.ernstchan.top:80/yourmount
Muxer settings: content_type=video/m2ts tls=0

Happy streaming!
R: 6 / I: 3 / P: 6

Galaxy Trek - /int/-Edition

'''What is Galaxy Trek?'''
Galaxy Trek is a free browsergame (means you can play it only with a browser). It's a strategy/idle pvp game - you own (in the beginning) one planet, build buildings on it, build fleet, and attack other players with your fleet for more ressources to build more buildings and more fleet. This all happens in real time, and while in the beginning, building is quiet quick, it may take several days to finish a building later.

If you know Spacepioneers/OGame, it's like that. It's developed by the original dev of Spacepioneers.

'''"Free", so I have to pay to make progress later?'''
While there are premium features, you can easily unlock them for free. You can enjoy the full game for free.

'''Okay, sounds boring so far'''
It is! Well, depending on what you like. Check the screenshots to see everything the game have to offer. It's not everyones cup of tea, but if you're browsing anyway, why not open a new tab and check every few minutes?

'''Why play with Ernst?'''
You can build ingame alliances. Ernstchan had one a long time ago, but it kinda died out - now it's time for another try!

'''Will I get stomped by players that play for a few years already?'''
You'll probably never catch up to them - but they can't harm you if you take precautions (which is very easy). For gameplay information, you can consult this thread.

'''Okay, fine, I'll take a look.'''
R: 21 / I: 10 / P: 6

Moderation on /int/

In the last few months we slacked off a little considering moderation on /int/, and there was a lot of bickering, some Russia/Ukraine shitposting, and similar things. When we started out with top, we promised that moderation on /int/ would be stricter than on /b/, because /int/ historically had less shitposting, and is generally considered to be the more serious board. However, that hasn't been the case recently, but there were no reports or complaints on /meta/ so far, so maybe there is no need for more moderation. In addition, each time we asked whether we need more rules, Ernst said it wasn't necessary. So we thought about either removing the hint about stricter /int/ moderation from the global rules, or alternatively return to the earlier moderation style.

Since the board should be how Ernst enjoys it most, we'd like to hear your opinion, mods would be fine with either outcome. Note that /pol/-shilling, especially in unrelated threads, will always be banworthy, no matter how Ernst decides, so no need to fear to be overrun by pol-schizos when the rules stay relaxed.
R: 149 / I: 68 / P: 6

Cooking & Food Thread

Got Food? Into the thread it goes.
R: 23 / I: 15 / P: 6

Ukraine-Russia War Containment Thread

This is the designated thread to post about the Ukraine-Russia War.
R: 300 / I: 71 / P: 6



Nobody has the intention to open a Today thread
R: 167 / I: 153 / P: 6

Great East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere

Or, *The Ernstchan Oriental Studies Thread* (ECOST)
R: 20 / I: 7 / P: 6


I came here from Kohlchan to raid this place. This is a raid. All my buddies will join this raid any minute now. You've been warned.
R: 60 / I: 30 / P: 6

Radio Ernstiwan birthday festival Sep 6 - Sep 8

On Sep 3rd Radio Ernstiwan will be half a decade old, we want to celebrate the occasion with a radio festival. Since Sep 3rd is a Tuesday, the festival will be scheduled for the following weekend Friday Sep 6th to Sunday Sep 8th. As is has become tradition, the new Ernstalbum - if completed by then - will also be presented that festival. Some streamers seem to have quit during the last months, so I'm not sure if we can fill up three full days. If we see that it's too much space, we will compress the schedule as needed. Of course you can stream at alle times, not only at designated slots. If someone actually wants to do graveyard shift, feel free!

Color coding is the same as always: Green: confirmend, Yellow: reserved, but not yet confirmed, grey: available.

Since we're able to do videostreams now, we were thinking about doing a dedicated videostream segment. With the focus of the festival being radio, a slot outside prime time seems reasonable, though that might change if interest is high. The idea is that all interested Ernsts get a timeslot inside that segment to stream whatever they want, for example three Ernsts with one hour each during a three-hour-segment. We could use a dedicated Ernst TV-mountpoint for this, so that viewers would not have to manually switch between each segment, VLC should be able to reconnect. If nobody is interested, we will scrap this in favor of normal radio streams. Still, I think that this has potential for entertainment, at least the inevitable technical clusterfuck would be hilarious.

Stream duration should be 2-3h, the focus is to provide enough slots so that everyone who wants to stream can get a slot. Please post your desired timeslots itt. The pictured commemorative coin sadly is already sold out, maybe you can acquire one on the black market (chat, Discord, Ernstagram).
R: 186 / I: 581 / P: 6


In this itt thread I will post two comics by anglo writers.
First there will be "Wanted" by Mark Millar, the edgy scot probably better known for Kickass (though the films are also just rather "free" interpretations of the source material, like Wanted - although that one did indeed barely have anything to do with the comic).

After that we will read "Supergod" by writer Warren Ellis, better known for Metropolitan. Supergod is not exactly "edgy", but it's very entertaining in its own over-the-top silly way.

Please note that I will not necessarily be able to post all of it fast and quick, so prepare for an irregular posting schedule.

Let's start now with Wanted.
R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 7

ErnstTV - How to

In a few hours the highly experimental ErnstTV-segment will start as a part of this years streaming festival. This sticky explains how this will work for spectators and streamers.

Spectators: Get VLC player, then get the ErnstTV-specific xspf file either from the radio page or EC front page integration when the ErnstTV-stream is live. You can also take it now from the attached zip, should work just as fine as soon as ErnstTV is live. Open that file with VLC - done. When the streamer changes during ErnstTV, the stream should disconnect, but reconnect when the next streamer goes live. If it doesn't, you might have to reconnect manually by restarting VLC or whatever.

Streamers: Use this URL to connect to the ErnstTV-mountpoint:


All other settings don't need to be changed. While someone else is already using this mountpoint, you can't test the connection, but it werks, I just tested it. after ErnstTV is over, the account will be disabled for same reasons as the public stream.
R: 3 / I: 2 / P: 7

Ernstalbum v4

April is nearing its end, and from there it's four months until September, when traditionally it is time to present the new Ernstalbum to the world during the Radio Ernstiwan birthday festival: Time for the new Ernstalbum-thread. The cover for Ernstalbum v4 is already finished, and its title, which might take a second look at the image to spot, describes a property:

- some people would say it about Ernstchan
- some people even would say it about imageboards as a whole
- in times of AI, some people would say it about manually crafted music
- the appliance in the picture is it for sure (if you exclude German bureaucracy, where it is still used in some places)
- despite all this, we'll always be number 1

There's also a very hard to find easter egg for 200IQ-Ernsts, which will be revealed during the festival, don't worry if you can't find it, it's just memeshit anyway. Please deliver your contributions via mail to ernstiwan at protonmail ch. You can also post them in the thread, but I think Ernstalbum is best when people don't know the songs beforehand when the show airs, that's why sending per mail is recommended. About AI-generated songs: Ernstalbum is a project where Ernst can show off his creativity. It is allowed to submit AI songs, but there has to be a clearly visible creative input from Ernst. A generic 90 seconds suno.ai-song is probably not gonna make it. Depending on the contributions we might do a double album, with side 1 being AI songs, and side 2 the handcrafted stuff.

Looking forward to your contributions :3
R: 301 / I: 79 / P: 7


R: 303 / I: 140 / P: 7


What is Ernst reading? How is Ernst reading? Where is Ernst reading? And last but not least, when is Ernst reading?

What can he recommend?
R: 302 / I: 93 / P: 7


Funny edition
Recent >>17883
R: 4 / I: 1 / P: 7
KC int is better, even with all the brown people, pedos, and pr0n.

EC is too slow and boring :(
R: 3 / I: 1 / P: 7

Paris 2024

no thread for the Olympic Games?
R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 7
I can't fill out these babylonian captchas fam.
R: 301 / I: 107 / P: 7



Ernst hot (feminine) boy summer season travelogue is opened
R: 312 / I: 75 / P: 7

News & Politics

Worst thread on EC.

Previous >>12299
R: 308 / I: 268 / P: 8


Pirates vs Royal Fleet edition
R: 302 / I: 86 / P: 8


Ed Hardy edition
R: 310 / I: 86 / P: 8



And another
R: 304 / I: 100 / P: 8


Joie de vivre à la Prusse edition

Old: >>15619
R: 302 / I: 117 / P: 8

Exercise / Fitness / Weight Loss Diary

Documenting fitness goals, habits and challenges. Went to the gym? Counting your calories? Counting your steps? Post it all here to be scrutinized by fellow Ernsts and future sociologists.
R: 306 / I: 90 / P: 8

News and politics

Previous >>248
R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 8
There is a mod that is eating shit every day and destroys kohlchan, do you guys know about him? He ist the one who is using the term "Waldi" all the time, he himself probably is "Koti".
t. Bernd
R: 7 / I: 7 / P: 8
Get back to wörk. NOW!
R: 305 / I: 88 / P: 8


Follow me into the oceanic depths that is Ernsts psychology and daily life.

R: 5 / I: 2 / P: 8

unicode (U+1F530) Beginner

🔰🔰🔰 we need utf-8 support for thread titles 🔰🔰🔰

pseudolingoExample (

䷅ ≍ 𝍖
∵ 💢 ≡ 🤔
∴ 🗁 🕊🌍🕊🌎🕊🌏



[Conflict] is [Equivalent to] [Fostering]
[Because] [Anger] is [Identical to] [Thinking]
[Therefore] [Open Folder] [Dove of Peace] [Earth Globe Europe-Africa] [Dove of Peace] [Earth Globe Americas] [Dove of Peace] [Earth Globe Americas]

[Put Litter In Its Place]

🔰🔰🔰 we need the same [-]-function for into text in posts like [-]wallOfText[/-] 🔰🔰🔰

anyone wanna play cards? https://www.compart.com/en/unicode/block/U+1F0A0

# Doppelkopp

40 * 🂠

Trumpf (

Fehl (

4 Players á 10 🂠

the Player left of the Dealer starts (1st [Aus])
[Aus] = play whatever card
1 [Stich] = each player plays exactly one card in clockwise order
the player winning the last [Stich] is the next [Aus]

[Trumpf] && [Fehl] is ordered
[Trumpf] > [Fehl]
[Trumpf] [Aus] is [Bedienpflicht] -> you have to play [Trumpf], if you can
[Fehl] [Aus] is [Bedienpflicht] -> you have to play the the same [Fehl]-colour, if you can

Ace = 11 points
10 = 10 points
King = 4 points
Queen = 3 points
Jack = 2 points

[Reh] = the players with Queen of Clubs play together
[Kontra] = the players without a Queen of Club play together

the player winning the first [Stich] has to call [Reh] or [Kontra]

[Reh] wins, if their cards add up to > 120 points
[Kontra] wins [gegen], if their cards add up to >= 120 points

[Tack'n] (
90, 60, 30, 0 (0 = [schwarz]) enemy points + one additional [Tack'n], if called.
[gegen] + one additional [Tack'n], if called.
[Doppelkopp] >= 40 points in one [Stich]
[Fuchs gefangen], if you get the ace of diamonds from the enemy

[Solo] = 1 [Reh] against 3 [Kontra] (
[Trumpfsolo] = [Trumpf] is [Trumpf]
[Damensolo] = only queens are [Trumpf]
[Bubensolo] = only jacks are [Trumpf]
[Fehlsolo]* = no [Trumpf]
* most play without [Fehlsolo]

[Hochzeit] = 1 player has both queens of club (
the player calls 1st [Trumpf]- or 1st [Fehl]-[Stich] going towards someone else to be 2nd [Reh]
if the player with [Hochzeit] gets the first 3 [Stich]s, he plays [Solo]

[stille Hochzeit] = 1 [Reh] against 3 [Kontra] without saying anything

[Solo] has to be called before the 1st [Aus]
[Tack'n] has to be called before the 4th [Aus] or directly after the last [Tack'n] call.

if a [Fehl]-[Stich] of hearts gets played, where everyone had to [Bedienpflicht], the next 4 round's [Tack'n] are doubled. If already in a doubled [Tack'n] round, you add 4 rounds.

🔰🔰🔰 utf-8 is garbage und kann in den Müll 🔰🔰🔰

t. 💁
R: 301 / I: 96 / P: 9



A quarter of 2024 is already over soon, what does it feel like, Ernst?
R: 19 / I: 5 / P: 9

IWO: Eid Prayer

Kohlchan can't maintain a MongoDB instance, and I showed up drunk to Eid prayer this morning. Nobody can tell when I'm drunk or high.

The Muslim community in this area has grown substantially in recent years. This year, they had to rent a small stadium. I got there kind of late and had to pray in the bleachers. Didn't take many photos, but it was a pretty crazy event due to its scale.

Prayer was oriented in the long axis of the stadium, and I don't think it pointed to Mecca. But whatever. Note that there were three shifts of prayers - 7:30am, 9:30am, and 10:30am. So this only shows one of the shifts.

One of the things that made an impression on me was the diversity of the ummah. Many distinct phenos were present. Also some serious QT3.14s.

I did the basic prayer (took 3 minutes) and then sat for the basic sermon (4 minutes) and left when the guy started talking about Palestine. He was talking about "war crimes," "international law," "historical norms," etc. Stupid bullshit. I'm convinced such rhetoric is designed to demoralize. I'd have preferred a simple call to Jihad. When I was young, I went to the LA mosque that the 9/11 hijackers went to, and those guys would have called for Jihad probably.
R: 5 / I: 0 / P: 9
Is .top the leftard site or .xyz?

t. forgot
R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 9
R: 301 / I: 122 / P: 9



Now with 10% more dance content
R: 19 / I: 7 / P: 9

Zone pushing

Does anyone here engage in zone pushing? This is where you grow plants in climates that are too cold (or hot, but that's rare) for the species and employ various tricks to pull it off.

I planted this windmill palm tree about a month ago. In this pic the weather got down to around -7 C and was obviously quite snowy, and the palm was entirely unharmed save for the tips of a couple west-facing fronds that took the worst of the wind. For future winters, I am planning an evergreen bush to its west for wind protection as well as a removable snow cover. I haven't decided yet if I'll try to add supplemental heat with Christmas lights or similar.
R: 301 / I: 103 / P: 9



Now with 15% more REEE
R: 305 / I: 59 / P: 9


Cooking a new one

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 9
>have commie government
>live in literal sea of oil
>gas is $40/gallon
If there weren't so many poor cubans getting shafted it would be hilarious.
R: 301 / I: 87 / P: 9


Old >>12845
R: 314 / I: 144 / P: 10

Ukraina threada

Let's give this one a try again.

Mods if it gets too cancerous just nuke it and then ban discussions of whokraine.
R: 27 / I: 10 / P: 10

Ernstchan.top birthday party Feb 17

Almost one year has passed since the secession from xyz, on Feb 17 Ernstchan.top will celebrate its first birthday. Since you all are top-oldfags, you obviously knew that and have prepared ideas for the party, so feel free to drop them ITT. Since it's an EC festival, and we already have a dedicated radio festival, my suggestion is that we do some other stuff besides the obligatory radio streaming. One idea was to host a Quake 3-tournament (you DO rememeber that we have our own Q3-server, right?) or simply a Quake 3-evening, depending on how many people would want to participate. Maybe /int/ has some ideas to add their own flavour.

We are lucky this year, Feb 17 is a Saturday, so we have a day each for a pre- and post-party, if we want to.
R: 301 / I: 96 / P: 10


If nobody else does it...
R: 301 / I: 107 / P: 10


Beautiful people edition

Old: >>11871
R: 306 / I: 93 / P: 10


R: 14 / I: 4 / P: 10

Places to hangout at

I really long for a place where I can go to read a book, speak with interesting people, just chill and spend my evenings. At home I always think of things I have to do, like cleaning the dishes or fixing broken stuff. Also its kind of lonely.
I am fantasizing about gentlemens clubs as they are portrayed by Jules Verne and others from that time, it would be amazing to have a club where only a selected group of people can go and meet, have nice furniture and lots of books and newspapers and so on. Unfortunately I don't think they would be as nice today, probably attracts arrogant douches only and also I probably wouldn't get into one even if I moved to London.
I heard that hackerspaces are nice for this in many places, but I have been to the local one a couple of times and it is merely okay. Most people go there to use a tool and then go back home immediately without chatting with anyone. The ones who like to talk are not my cup of tea, one can't stop talking about some political bs all the time and some dumb crypto investments like NFTS. Then there are two teenagers who I have helped with a little project once, they are friendly and I like talking to them, but most of the time I don't learn a lot during our conversations myself.
My current favorite place is at work, where we have a small "social room" with sofas and coffee machine and a bookshelf. I often go there for breaks to read, but staying there after work feels weird.

Does Ernst have such places? Or does he not even desire it? For me this feeling is very strong, I would be happy to move somewhere else if I knew that there was such a hangout place. I even considered starting a club myself, renting a small place, getting nice furniture etc but there would probably be nobody to join it.
R: 302 / I: 70 / P: 10


I'm not writing an OP edition.
R: 3 / I: 2 / P: 10
Bro I fucking found it.
R: 300 / I: 74 / P: 10

Today Thread

Christmas Edition
R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 10


Good evening dear sirs, EC and Radio Ernstiwan are back online. Reason for the downtime was - as already suspected - a damaged storage volume at our providers' site. The following happened: Wednesday at about 08:00UTC both chan and radio (which run on different servers, but are hosted by the same provider) went offline, even admin access was impossible. In the late evening I at least could see the servers as online in the VNC console, which can be opened from the admin area of our providers' web page, but all services and SSH access were still offline. The logs on both servers showed complaints about a corrupt file system with the hint to fix it via fsck. I waited until now whether our provider would react to the incident ticket I opened, which he didn't. So I tried the fsck fix, and it worked. I hope the 36 hours without EC weren't too painful.

Of course this is just a cover-up-story, the truth is it was a CABBAGE ATTACK!!!111 THOSE MONSTERS, HOW DARE THEY???