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Looking forward to scientific and level-headed discussions about that topic.


No reasons to reject AI girlfriends

Meanwhile women in FC(anprim) world still are better, because in nature women would sometimes use brain

 No.22091 KONTRA

1. All women are dumb. Especially the smart ones.
2. All women should be treated as kids.
3. That does not make them lesser humans.
4. (for a lack of a better word:) Simps are the main reason why women have risen into and keep staying in power.
5. Women seek safety above everything else.
6. Women's tastes vary wildly, but keeping in mind point 5, certain traits are more attractive than others, like power, money and height.

Now I said all there is to say, except


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>No reasons to reject AI girlfriends
I doubt evolution would give a fuck whether girlfriends are AI or not. As long as they are more effective for reproduction / survival than regular girlfriends, they will prevail (assuming a host body that does support reproduction). Note that "being effective" already includes the deconstruction of social stigmas that obviously are associated with it. In fact, I think that considering ever-growing possibilities of genetic engineering and medicine, a lot of former biological imperatives will be converted to questions of choice. It already started with the increasing number of "gender affirming surgeries" (cutting off or attaching dicks), and of course, the results are shit, like with most technologies in their beginnings. In the future however, we might be able to choose our appearances, gender, maybe our whole bodies, and to change our choice whenever we want to (and have enough money to pay for the procedure). Everything concerning appearance would be relegated to the realm of fashion.

Of course, none of this is going to happen anytime soon, so better get some exercise, your blubby ass won't be replaced by the brand new Chad Thunderbutt model ordered from Amazon, delivered in two days (even tomorrow, with Prime).


>Are AI or not
That's what i said.
I meant anprim would make woman more smart, then they are now.

>genetic engineering

It is the unabomber's worst nightmare.
Better go play in Roblox. Genetic engineering and "profile choise" will destroy human's identity.


I go to the gym

>ordered from Amazon

I am living in Russia and cant use this technophile stuff (Trump, remove sanctions, pls)

 No.22116 KONTRA

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Is this thread a circlejerk for omsk and the schizo with the horseshoe German chiming in from time to time?

 No.22117 KONTRA

I've made no posts here besides the opening one.
But recently I updated Ernstchan's domain on Russian wiki-like website. I think, I lured a new poster. ECKinsey owns me a bonus.


>Nothing makes women wetter than pointing out inconsistencies in their worldview
t. Ernst Lauert, permavirgin

I like the strategy of advertising only on very obscure sites. We should hold a competition about who can advertise EC on the most abandoned/useless place.

>Is this thread a circlejerk
Every thread is, mate, even those where I talk to myself. Those are a circlejerk with radius 1.

>will destroy human's identity.
Or it will shape a new one. Not sure if it will be better, but I can't see it not happening. As soon as it will bring visible advantages in procreation/longevity, the resistance against such technologies will slowly erode, and then, some day, they will be standard. Not to mention the conflicts between those who can afford it and those who can't.


From my field studies I might state the theorem that men are better at everything than women, even at being a woman.

Ad AI gf:
Should we one day actually establish strong AGI, I consider it the cumulative brain child of all of humanity and a worthy heir of our dominance to spread across the whole galaxy, as such an endeavor is probably far out of our mortal reach.
As such we shall embrace AI gf, as one day part of it may become part of said God AI and with it a part of ourself.

 No.22137 KONTRA

Shit thread so far.

 No.22138 KONTRA

> not sure if it will be better
What are you talking about, human history is the history of continuous improvements! With every new technolgoy, things become better and better! We destroyed the planet so the lower 80% can slave away in foxconn-factories so first-world-leftshits can have macbooks and nike socks to come in, and everyone is as happy as can be!

> hurr my macbook is insignificant, and it's meaningless that it is to consumerism what the cross is to christianity, because symbols are meaningless, that's why i dress in the leftshit-uniform

> durr i only participate in society to a certain degree, so i'm not the problem
> the true problem are all the people richer than me who consume more than i do, like i would, if it would just rain money straight into my pockets, which is why we need to eat the rich, so i (and people poorer than me, maybe) can consume more

To keep it on topic: the biggest consoooomers are, of course, not reddit-cucks with anime-figurines, but women. The average weeaboo's consumption is limited by shelf space, the average woman's consumption is limited by garbage-can space, and men were dumb enough to set up societies where men empty garbage cans weekly, so women can consume one garbage can full of crap every week. (But women are opressed, not the men who take away there garbage.)

>look i bought a new temu sweater i buy three a week that makes me a well-dressed person and very valuable as a human bean and i only wash them once before throwing them away, and i only wear them for four hours before washing, because i'm very clean and cleanliness is next to godliness

t. typical woman

And this, by the way, is why clothing is so low-quality. Clothes can suck to the max, because most clothes purchases are controlled by women, and women consider it a cardinal sin to be seen in the same piece twice, so disposable clothes are right-sized for the market. Don't need no coats that will last for one or two decades, they are already overbuild and under-engineered when they last one entire season.

The muslims have it right when they just throw bags over their women's heads and tell them to stfu.


Questions of theoretical womanology:
1) What is a woman?
2) What does a woman want? What is her purpose?
3) Classification of women.
4) Origin of women.

Questions of applied womanology:
1) How to defend against woman's sorcery?
2) How to filter out bad women?
3) How to make women like you?
4) How to live with a woman?
5) How to organize a wedding? How to choose rings?
6) How to communicate with your and her relatives?
7) How to have kids and raise them with a woman?
8) How to distribute your property between the woman and kids in your will?


>What is a woman?
A merry big pinch of openness.


Theoretical womanology:
1) What is a woman?
>According to the late Mr. Stronach, women are actually humans like us men. It seems as this is the agreed upon general consensus.
2) What does a woman want? What is her purpose?
>Their strife mostly develops around enhancing security by any means necessary and caving in to their biological need to reproduce. Just as men tend to behave risky and curious, Yin and Yang and so on. To much risk gives you a quick demise, while too much security will wither you away in what seems to be "comfort".
3) Classification of women.
>Achieving above state goals/purpose either by honest or dishonest means.
4) Origin of women.
>Evolution, huh? Somewhere, some time ago, pure chance decided that reproducing via two donors of genetic material is more viable then asexual reproduction like mitosis or whatever. Interestingly 3 genetic donors never evolved, it stopped globally at 2. Not counting any cuckold bs like non-reproducing worker ants or sparrows with 4 "genders", sex still only happens between 2 without the actual need of a third party to complete the process.

Questions of applied womanology:
1) How to defend against woman's sorcery?
>Realign your own value against a worldwide standard instead of just locally. A financially secured male is much more rare than a financially insecure or meta-stable female.
2) How to filter out bad women?
>For a quick and easy rough filtration, learn to identify Cluster B disorders and stay clear of them... at least in any long-term case. Applies to any kind of relationship actually.
3) How to make women like you?
>Just be yourself. Also work out, have hobbies, have money, be a good lover (literally just a compound of skills to train) and again, especially refer to applied womanology pt. 1. All factors can be seen as singular values that, once they reach an additive critical mass, net you a female.
4) How to live with a woman?
>Be okay to have a stable routine constantly wildly shaken apart, compromise in her favor often and be liable for her errors. But then also regular sex, even if it looses novelty after a few years, if you don't use enhanced intimacy for deeper debauchery.
5) How to organize a wedding? How to choose rings?
>No idea, either I have a gay ladyboy wedding or die a proud, tranny-chasing bachelor.
6) How to communicate with your and her relatives?
>Back when I still had a gf female, we would often discuss about many things, it was actually quite pleasant that she was left leaning while my rather right wing views gave a constant stream of words. Her relatives... gf relatives tend to be a heavy burden you have to live with, mostly.
7) How to have kids and raise them with a woman?
>If you intend to keep the steering wheel of your life in your own hands and carry your balls in your nutsack instead of your gfs purse, don't have any children.
8) How to distribute your property between the woman and kids in your will?
>There's regulatory in place here to distribute a minimum, otherwise I'd say use the knowledge of your family and give most to the person that won't waste it away, but further cultivate it into generational wealth.

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