>>22134> not sure if it will be betterWhat are you talking about, human history is the history of continuous improvements! With every new technolgoy, things become better and better! We destroyed the planet so the lower 80% can slave away in foxconn-factories so first-world-leftshits can have macbooks and nike socks to come in, and everyone is as happy as can be!
> hurr my macbook is insignificant, and it's meaningless that it is to consumerism what the cross is to christianity, because symbols are meaningless, that's why i dress in the leftshit-uniform> durr i only participate in society to a certain degree, so i'm not the problem> the true problem are all the people richer than me who consume more than i do, like i would, if it would just rain money straight into my pockets, which is why we need to eat the rich, so i (and people poorer than me, maybe) can consume moreololo
To keep it on topic: the biggest consoooomers are, of course, not reddit-cucks with anime-figurines, but women. The average weeaboo's consumption is limited by shelf space, the average woman's consumption is limited by garbage-can space, and men were dumb enough to set up societies where men empty garbage cans weekly, so women can consume one garbage can full of crap every week. (But women are opressed, not the men who take away there garbage.)
>look i bought a new temu sweater i buy three a week that makes me a well-dressed person and very valuable as a human bean and i only wash them once before throwing them away, and i only wear them for four hours before washing, because i'm very clean and cleanliness is next to godlinesst. typical woman
And this, by the way, is why clothing is so low-quality. Clothes can suck to the max, because most clothes purchases are controlled by women, and women consider it a cardinal sin to be seen in the same piece twice, so disposable clothes are right-sized for the market. Don't need no coats that will last for one or two decades, they are already overbuild and under-engineered when they last one entire season.
The muslims have it right when they just throw bags over their women's heads and tell them to stfu.