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 No.16111 [Reply]

Joie de vivre à la Prusse edition

Old: >>15619
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Correct. There were those who were openly controlled by the Soviet Union, there were those who just took the East German's money / training / logistical support, but who, of course, were not pro-soviet at all, no sir! They didn't like the 'party shit', you know!

The West German leftist / alternative scene was ripe with east German influencer agents and informers. They were not in ideological alignment with marxism-leninism, but they were still useful idiots. They had their talking points supplied by the communists, and of course, the communists supplied talking points the western leftists would willingly repeat. For example, they shared grossly exaggerated takes on nuclear winter, to weaken Western resolve.

Ideological subversion was the KGBs main task back then. It is the FSBs main task now. Some of the tales are even re-used in slightly modified form. There was Soviet propaganda that claimed HIV has been produced by the Americans in bio-weapon labs. Search for "operation denver". Compare to the fanciful stories about bio-weapon labs in Ukraine we heard in 2022.

> the process of subversion is such a long-term process that an average individual, due to the short time-span of his historical memory, is unable to perceive the process of subversion as a CONSISTENT and willful effort


AfD polls as second-strongest or strongest party with first-time voters in most German states. AfD might as well be called 'official Putin-Party of Germany'.

This eerily parallels history. In the seventies, young voters mostly voted for Brandt, who was the eastern block's preferred candidate.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

 No.16191 KONTRA

There might even be something to say beyond just being Soviet-controlled, sympathetic to the Soviet project to downright being anti-Soviet. I figure only a small percentage of western left wing intellectuals were actually truly anti-Soviet. A disdain of "the excesses of Stalinism" isn't a signifier of anti-Soviet sentiment, especially when so many intellectuals wilfully tricked themselves into believing his policies were a departure from Lenin's - something that is still seen today. It's ironic that the event that would permanently split sensible western intellectuals that pay lip service to democratic principles would come after Stalin's death. In the west, the Soviet government was accused of being red fascists and Khrushchev accused of being a "social imperialist" - as if his predecessors would have behaved differently.

Even today, there is cognitive dissonance in regards to the Soviet experiment in the western left. It's opposed because good modern communists understand on some level that it was a macabre totalitarian prison state - but it is praised because it's red and was the great geopolitical foe of America.


I look better again, the difference is striking, some people turned their head to look at me in the street. It’s been a long time since last such occurrence. Then my friends said I looked good. Feels good man.

For a while in east-European countries, cognitive dissonance was the only way to survive for a communist. I’m reading a biography of Tito by a Joze Pirjevec. In the 1920s the Yugoslavian communist party strictly depended on the Komintern, the members of the party touching a salary from Russia. He was invited to Moscow to dispense lectures to some Komintern classes in the midst of Stalinist terror. He stayed in a hotel redacted as apartment for foreign communists coming to Russia. From here he could here each other night from his own admission, the scream of women and children from whom their man was taken away by the military to be shot and killed. Most foreign communists who went to Russia couldn’t help but live this alarming reality, but their surviving was for some, depending on their faith, so they were proud Stalinist.
I know it’s only tangentially related. But it’s been a while I wanted to talk about Tito.


Reminds me of a joge:

Tito is visiting the nail factoy
So he asks some random worker; how many nails can you make in one day? Worker says 1000. Tito: this is a disgrace! I can make 100 000. So tito take's his tools and starts to woork... at the end of day, Tito is worn down but he menaged to make 100 000 nails and he fulfiled producion plans by 150%.
Satisfied, he turns to that worker and says; 'That is a way to do it', but worker corresponds; 'yes comrade tito, but you are turner, I am college professor'

 No.11295 [Reply]

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General A.I. thread.
As in: general thread about anything A.I.

Do have a post in mind, but wanted to keep OP neutral, since there seem to be a few Ernsts using and/or interested in A.I.. That way the thread can develop while I don't work on my post.
Maybe just one little thing: A.I. is a misnomer. It is statistics with a pseudo random number generator on top to induce variations; nothing intelligent about it. While popular culture likes to romanticize general purpose A.I. in media, I would prefer if we keep the thread somewhat close to current techniques we attribute the misnomer A.I. to.
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AI is bottled human mediocracy thanks to technology

 No.11982 KONTRA

And you (like everyone else) believe to be not mediocre, and thus irreplaceable? AI can and will replace 90% of jobs, paupers are going to be fucked.

 No.11985 KONTRA

I'm a human, AI is human mediocracy.


today threda seems interested again :3

> Do have a post in mind
still not working on it.

 No.899 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Share your dreams, Ernst.
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 No.16078 KONTRA

I had my first day at a German takeaway currywurst, burger, fries etc for minimum wage and I was overwhelmed with the cash register and registering orders. People left because I couldn't get it right. Bad omen for me entering the job market for real this time :DDD


>malte smartass-leftshit is a useless piece shit, too dumb for idiot job, despite having papers from schools and universities that is he's best at inventing smart-sounding mouth-words. (KEBAB HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM PREMISES)

 No.16104 KONTRA

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>he's best at inventing smart-sounding mouth-words

the best of all economic systems requires jobs like these and I am pretty thankful for that.

t. converter to economic realism


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Had a dream last night where colleagues convinced me to take part in some kind of non-violent heist, where we would use our job positions to get our hands on important documents for profit. We got exposed during the execution, and instead of getting arrested or fired it was more like everybody was making fun of us because our stupid plan failed. Also people were surprised that I would agree to such a thing just for profit, both because it was obviously illegal and also not the most sophisticated plan (it somehow involved social engineering and relying on reactions from people who weren't involved). I even had to agree with them that it was a completely stupid idea, since it was not my style to try something like this, even if the plan had been foolproof. Last thing I remember before I woke up is that I probably threw a lot of my once good reputation out of the window, and that from now on people would be inevitably wary of me for the rest of my life.

 No.19 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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This is the Radio Ernstiwan-thread. The server stays the same, but is now reachable at:


It is recommended to switch to this address for both listening and streaming, though the old xyz-domain is still supported from our side. But given what happened on the old chan we can't guarantee that the xyz-address will be kept available for us. Also all technical/festival announcements by radio staff will be made here from now on.

Everything else stays the same: The public stream can be used by everyone (see pic 4 for details), but if you stream regularly, an own account is recommended, write a mail to ernstiwan at protonmail.ch to get one. Include your desired user name and ideally (though optional) an avatar picture for the radio stats page. Reliable and production proven streaming software is butt: https://sourceforge.net/projects/butt/ (lightweight and easy to use, but lacks some features like updating artist/title) and mixxx: https://mixxx.org/ (can do it all, but setup is more complicated).

Also please remember that the radio recently switched from port 8000 to Port 80 (no SSL/TLS) and 443 (SSL/TLS mandatory).
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No weekly Album stream today


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Please pay no attention to this impostor, today at 16:00UTC we will listen to the album "Under Jolly Roger" by german power metal band Running Wild. There will also be a pre-stream with similar music.


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No stream for you today


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As replacement for the WAS we will listen to "Outlandos d'Amour" by The Police at 16:00UTC - which is now.

 No.16151 [Reply]

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Get back to wörk. NOW!
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 No.16160 KONTRA

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Still on my lunch break. See you in 30.

 No.16165 KONTRA

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 No.16166 KONTRA

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 No.12871 [Reply]

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Burning our brain cells, destroying our attention span.
YouTube shorts are welcome as well
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 No.15648 KONTRA

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 No.6 [Reply]

How is Ernst saving his money?
This Ernst is currently just throwing everything he can put to the side in index funds.

DAX, S&P and MSCI World to be precise.

If i would actually have a lot of money to invest i could've made a lot of money that way in the last 3 month. Too bad.
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>I'm kinda a risk aversive person
Same, so much so that I haven't touched QQQ.

Current portfolio is 70% Money Market Fund, although I'm thinking of moving some directly into T-Bills. The return is only slightly higher for my trouble (5.3% vs 4.9%), but the interest paid on T-Bills is also exempt from State income tax while Money Market dividends are not. Could add up to real savings next filing season.

Higher dollar buys bring the purchase price closer to spot. A one kilo(35.2 oz.) bar of silver is currently listed for $887.35, which is $25.19/oz. before taxes. Current spot is $25.87. In NY, I can actually avoid sales tax if my purchase is over $1000. Arbitrage opportunity intensifies.


Well, I'm trying to beat inflation + add a nice profit with few % on top of that, I don't really see a better option with my low income. The choice of these particular shares is bound to me using an official app of a local stock market with low fees and barely any variety, otherwise I'd have to risk sending moneys to IB or something.


Added options to my brokerage account. Looking at Married Puts. Think this suits my investing goals/risk tolerance. Make some money/Don't lose too much money. Comes with an upfront cost of the put contact, but limits losses to that initial hit while maintaining exposure to the upside. Premiums vary depending on the underlying stock, becoming prohibitive with longer expiration dates.

Example: DIS currently 113, with June in the money Puts @5.15. Would need to hit 118 in the next two months to break even. if it doesn't my loss is limited to 515.

Hm. Still risky.
Research continues.



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Made the move into T-Bills. Each of the past four weeks I purchased a 4-week bill. Interest rate is 5.3%. As one matures, I'll roll into another. I could have automated the process but entering a new order each Wednesday (auction is on Thursday) only takes five minutes. I don't like to automate financial dealings unless there is a significant advantage.

 No.4573 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Pirates vs Royal Fleet edition
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Ohh, I recognized this guy, it's Kirill Nesterov or Kazimirka. He was a eceleb in Runet, making extremely autistic but original videos about computer games and politics. He hanged out with a very toxic subgroup of nationalists (enough to say that their head died by jumping naked from the window while being drugged).
After Kazimirka had a quarrel with them, he deleted his videos and switched to English audience. Seems like he achieved a success in that field.

 No.15616 KONTRA

Shit, it looks like he was pretty far off from all the English written traces of his past I can gather. For having followed him for a few years, he seems to now be perfectly westernized liberal. Though I noticed some fun weird references to some underground internet communities he made in his vids, it doesn’t surprise me, plus his subjects and knowledge base, it doesn’t surprise me that much. Still, it’s one of the best gaming channels I know of


I want to play vidya.
I start up some vidya and immediately quit again.
I think I would like to play some strategy games, but I don't feel like thinking in my free time.
I think I might just be in the process of abandoning gaming as a pastime.


There is a follow up video to the campaign.


 No.821 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Threda for discussing or just sharing your impressions of movies, TV shows, cartoons and the like.
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It's not about her looks, rather her horrible, I might even say non-present acting skills, as if they couldn't find a better actress for the role. And, as you've mentioned, the unsatisfied, yet "I'm stronk" grunt on her face doesn't help


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Who's the best actress? The one that is best at sucking the correct dicks. They all willingly suck massive amounts of schlong, they swallow, and than, they say "thank you", the whores. Decades later, contribute dissonance over the massive amount of cock they sucked and the realization that all those cocks are now right years old folks them with disgust. They then decide that they must have been raped. No other way they would ever suck such an old farts disgusting shrimpled up duck right? (They forget that the old fart was decades younger back then, because like all women, they are too dumb for that.)

That's what happens when women are not kept in their place.


You've overreacted a TINY bit. Yes, Hollywood mostly worked through dick sucking, so that even mediocre actresses like Scarlett Johansson can be main characters in multibillion franchises. It doesn't negate the fact that there's still positive selection going, and there's a variety of at least decent ones to choose from.

 No.15619 SYSTEMKONTRA [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Follow me into the oceanic depths that is Ernsts psychology and daily life.

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Programming mongoloids and creatives and all the other ass-sitting jobs are being obsoleted at record rate. LLMS outperform doctors. Being a smartass earned for grades in school, but in the real world, it's increasingly useless! I celebrate this because it will take lots of arrogant worthless pieces of shit down one or five notches. Advertisement geniuses and Codegarchs will soon collect empty bottles in parks for deposit! Serves them right!


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>elaborate statistics will topple actual understanding and experience

It automates certain human practices, sure. But thinking that automating some behavioral niches will replace a human bean is plainly stupid. Come back when neural net statistics and ai expert system shit work together like it happens in humans in some way.


I just heard a nice sentence from the wise asmongold while binging yt

> why should you believe in capitalism, if you can't work towards achieving capital?

general topic was (student) debts, housing market and wages.

You are half right, half wrong.
Why would the smart asses stop being smart asses? We just abolish capitalism and live in hyper automated communism.
Free stuff for everyone; created and maybe even designed by AI.

Problems weren't.

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