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 No.22028 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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 No.22347 KONTRA

>it's just nice to have it in your hand to have an effective pause as you take a whiff of it.

That's one of the secrets of smoking, though. It just taste and smells bad in the end but it suits conversations and gives you something to do.

t. noch immer Gelegenheitsraucher

 No.22348 KONTRA

Had a small breakfast (small in the sense that I have been eating way too much mozzarella these past few weeks, like way more enjoyable than the bread and salami part of the meal so I just cut down on the toast and eat more cheese, but the meal is still pretty small regardless.)

As I was trying to get stuff out the fridge my father told me to "Not buy anything today" and I was like "why?" and he just said "because it's don't-buy-things-day" and I left it at that because I wasn't feeling up for it, but I later checked it out because my curiosity got the better of me and apparently, I was so fucking mad, some random retarded proles decided to copy some literal BALKAN initiative to "not buy things for a day" to "punish the stores" for "having high prices".
We could tie Marx's remains to a generator and power all of Europe.
I was genuinely insanely fucking mad stupid people exist.
Also that these people see themselves primarily as consumers and not workers.

Went to class. I was half an hour early so I had my student ID validated. (For one because I need it for the bus passes and I spent the last few months traveling with an expired ID, and second because my sister needs proof for some stipend that I'm an uni-student and this is the easiest way.)

Class went fine. Except for how I had to use a keyboard I'm not used to at all so I felt kinda like a caveman. It's not even the excuse that "Durr I use a Mac durr" because I used windows often enough it's just that none of the three keyboards or mice are shaped like that so it's really not lending itself to my reflexes.

I got home, talked a bit with friends and had an st. John's wort infusion. Going to bed early tonight. I'm grabbing tomorrow by the throat.

People are surprised honestly.
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>How does this game feel for an American football fan?
I'll start by admitting my limited exposure to rugby, having only watched Olympic coverage. To my eye it appears chaotic. American football is very structured: line formations, set plays, eligible receivers, clock stoppages and coaches actively managing every call from the sidelines etc. It's slow, but methodical. There is a reason for everything that happens. Without sufficient exposure to rugby, it appears to be a bunch of players randomly running into each other, only to line up and do it again. Yes, I know this is an ironic statement coming from a fan of the NFL.


I need work more than the useless humanities degree that I'm currently doing, also, I can't find a job that I could work and keep going to college.
I hate the college, hate the professors, classmate... I hate that place.

I think I would be happier with my dead end job and playing piano during all my free time.

 No.96 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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The last three songs I heard on my car radio and saved:

Papa Roach & Carrie Underwood - Leave A Light On (Talk Away The Dark)


Jamie MacDonald - Desperate (Official Lyric Video)

That last one is a Christian artist. Don't know much about her, but here's another:

Common Hymnal | He Has Time | Jamie MacDonald


I'm just enjoying Bach during the last few days because I want play some stuff from The Well-Tempered Clavier.



Idea for a parody:
Aliens visit Earth and find among radioactive ruins piano, text of Poe's "The Raven" and image of Hatsune Miko. Then combine them in a video, reconstructing "how earthlings supposedly listened to music", with their hypothetical knowledge of English phonetics.


Luckily, they also found a vinyl with Polish folk songs, so they know how Latin script is mapped to sounds.
This is how "The raven" supposedly sounded:

 No.22301 [Reply]

Spirit Cooking Edward Snowden PRISM USAID Genocide in Gaza Bohemian Grove Cremation of care Murder of Seth Rich Operation Northwoods Dancing Israelis 4th Psychological Operations Group Pfizer vaccine side effects myocardite Jeffrey Epstein's list
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A dateless man who has given up in the rigged dating game already has the right emotional deficit to execute Chicago Boys x Silicon Valley (White Trad Mist)

Premature cum is featured heavily in this thread I must admit. The revolution will not be televised by hotly debated online.

 No.22328 KONTRA

> Let them eat cake
A slap in the face of the people! They knew exactly that eating cake is what good, plain Americans have resorted to for many decades. The American people even has started to call cakes 'bread', since real bread can't be had!

I, for one, welcome our new zoomer overlords.


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Wake up bro, Americans are cooked. Elon will turn the US into a giant hackathon, the SSilicon Valley squadron will leave no one behind - those zoomies don't even know yet how under their keyboard and Rothbard novel scrambled brains their exit fantasies are just the preparation for a reentry of bourgeois on steroids - they needled pumped up with 8chan juice . But you cannot expect anything else from a TikTok generation to make politics for the dopamin hits, it even aligns with their evolutionary psychology beliefs about being apes I guess.


I am not your bro, friend.

 No.20553 [Reply]

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Old one rotted away >>821

Threda for discussing or just sharing your impressions of movies, TV shows, cartoons and the like.
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Current Barbiegamer, hyping hard:
Anora: about love of Russian nouveau riche and American stripper
Nosferatu: remake of the classic movie


>Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Nutzen Sie die Suche oder die Links, um Inhalte zu finden.

 No.22065 KONTRA

Oh, sorry. I hadn't checked if the film is available.
If you've seen the fence film linked from the IWO thread, it's probably the same but ranting about balconies etc. instead of fences. Top notch entertainment.


"A Real Pain" is really good, god tier performance by Kieran Culkin, Jesse Eisenberg was pretty good as well. Recommended.

I enjoyed "Kneecap" as well, everything fits. I think it succeeded in creating an appropriate mix of drama and comedy. The performances of the protagonists are very good as well, I honestly thought they were professional actors, that they're the actual band members surprised me. They did a great job.

"Babygirl" is okay, not great, not terrible. I expected less, Nicole Kidman's character is more interesting than I thought. The guy is a bit confusing.

 No.10562 [Reply]

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Don't be mad it ended. Be mad how it ended.

An Euro spent is an Euro lost.

God is dead, but it wasn't me.
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The smart man says "I think.".
The wise man says "I know.".


A man who listens all day will have earwax tomorrow.


Drink water, be fish.


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 No.18732 [Reply]

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Did you Do It™?
Post your boastings here.

Previous: >>2356
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Depends on the gym in my opinion. I have also been to two different ones, one was mostly normies, also lots of courses, aerobics and shiet. The other one was more of an MMA club with attached gym, this one had mostly buff guys with haircuts in the milimeter range, and lots of tattoos. Not as bad as one would think though, the buff guys are either bros and really helpful, or they are a walking mess of insecurities themselves. But they never annoyed me in any way.
>You might want to avoid places/times with lots of teenagers, though.
This, absolutely. They want to prove their ego, talk too loudly about the last party and brag about chicks they scored with, and tend to hog the bench press forever. Those are also the only ones who would make fun of lesser built guys.


Reminds me of a gym I passed in my way to uni. One guy who was always there has a matte green lotus and always wore wife beaters. Lots of tuned VWs and Hyundais in the parking lot.


Thanks, guys. I fear that I don't choice anymore and really need hit the gym, so, the best thing I can do is avoid eye contact with other people there and avoid cry before arrive home.


Went running on Saturday again. Still no sub-hour time, but I managed to startle a woman so much she jumped. At least she took it with humor, heard her say something like "I really need to visit an ear doctor". I really don't know why it's always women who seem to be completely oblivious of their surroundings. And this is not the first time something like this has happened (like when I was approaching a couple walking on the pavement from behind. Hard rubber soles on stone. The man pulled his wife towards him to make room for me because she just didn't notice me coming).
You would think between the loud stomping of my feet, the jingling of the keys around my neck and the heavy breathing one would hear me from far enough to not be startled, and because she was alone I didn't bother yelling something like COMING THROUGH which I normally do when groups of people are clogging the entire width of the path. Oh, and while I was approaching she actually turned back several times, so I assumed she had seen me.
Apart from that, there was surprisingly little traffic overall, especially since it was such a nice day. Running is really not fun though, I don't think I could ever work up the will to run a marathon.

 No.19 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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This is the Radio Ernstiwan-thread. The server stays the same, but is now reachable at:


It is recommended to switch to this address for both listening and streaming, though the old xyz-domain is still supported from our side. But given what happened on the old chan we can't guarantee that the xyz-address will be kept available for us. Also all technical/festival announcements by radio staff will be made here from now on.

Everything else stays the same: The public stream can be used by everyone (see pic 4 for details), but if you stream regularly, an own account is recommended, write a mail to ernstiwan at protonmail.ch to get one. Include your desired user name and ideally (though optional) an avatar picture for the radio stats page. Reliable and production proven streaming software is butt: https://sourceforge.net/projects/butt/ (lightweight and easy to use, but lacks some features like updating artist/title) and mixxx: https://mixxx.org/ (can do it all, but setup is more complicated).

Also please remember that the radio recently switched from port 8000 to Port 80 (no SSL/TLS) and 443 (SSL/TLS mandatory).
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This weeks winner is "Melissa Auf der Maur - Out of Our Minds"
Good album.

In addition, two more albums have to go:

Natural Child - Dancin' With Wolves (good album)
Firewater - The Golden Hour (good album)

Are out.

New to the poll:

The Dad Horse Experience - Dead Dog On A Highway

A German musician who plays various genres and sounds a little bit experimental. Including blues, folk and country.
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Some Pink Floyd to celebrate the fact that it isn't Monday yet.


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Thanks. Good stream.


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 No.19406 [Reply]

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Let’s continue!
Previous: >>7
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>Lolita 5.6 h
You didn't read it in english, did you?


It is.

I changed my mind. It's not reading stats, but an estimation for each book from top 100.


I strongly dislike to read fast and suspect reading fast a book one is truly interested in is completely idiotic. When I like a book, I ponder it for weeks. If I read one book a day, I can’t ponder the good book


This is essentially a pamphlet.
The author, Nichiren was a radical Buddhist reformer and as far as I can tell him and Yoshida Kanetomo are essentially the fathers of Japanese ultranationalism.
(And traditionally it was the Buddhist sect for people who "wanted to rock the boat" as hard as possible. Basically if you find some hardcore schizo who was against the central government's nationalists, there's a good chance he was a follower of Nichiren Buddhism.)

The book is mostly just Nichiren shittalking his ideological opponents from Confucians, Brahmanists to the Shingon, Tendai and Zen schools of Buddhism in Japan for being retarded and not accepting the fact that the Lotus Sutra is the ultimate expression of Shakyamuni Buddha's teachings and all other teachings are simply provisional.
(Because of how the Mahayana sutras are a clusterfuck without clear order, every Mahayana school or sect just picks one text and uses that as the centre of their interpretations, which "solves" the issue of there being too many Sutras, in Nichiren's case he just goes with the Lotus Sutra.)

The English text is a bit cumbersome to read at times, but otherwise Nichiren's insane ego comes across very well.
It's especially amusing to read if you subvocalize it in Trump's voice.
"Nobody knows this in Japan. Nobody. Only I know this." and stuff like that.
I'd be lying if he didn't make me at least a bit curious about actually reading the Lotus Sutra.

 No.18298 [Reply]

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Old thread Systemkontra'd >>4573

Insert coin to play post.
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It's really intuitive. If you do the little side missions and everything you get really strong personas you can use in combat, tons of XP, etc.
The game essentially railroads you through the missions to build a competent team.
The downside of this is that you have this sunken-cost-fallacy feeling to completing the side-quests and I wasn't really able to complete the final side quest because you would actually need to micromanage things for that and I wasn't willing to follow a guide, I just wanted to play and see the story for myself.

Gameplaywise you get the dungeon and you also have the "social link system" that 3 introduced into the series (which makes the entire thing infamous in a sense I guess). You organise little hangouts with friends, classmates and acquintances or go out to better your skills. These all take up time, which is the hidden resource of the game. You have a limited number of activity slots you can spend on all this stuff, and the game constantly hammers this point that "Time is running out" to you so you are really conscious that every day is a hard decision to who to not spend time with or what not to do.

The social link part of the game flies by really fast I feel like, a lot of my playtime was spent in the dungeon either climbing the new section or grinding resources or XP, though as the game progresses, grinding becomes way less of an issue with you being able to expend some resources to get the lagging party members who are not actively engaging in combat up to the protagonist's level instantly.
So every time something becomes a problem a bit later the game will introduce a new mechanic to solve that problem which shows the insane thought and care the devs put into the game.

The music is insane. I expected the rap parts to really get on my nerves but I ended up loving it anyway, probably just as much as I loved 5's OST, which is probably way too much.

I know I'm comparing it a lot with 5 but I basically never thought about Persona 5 while playing it past the initial few hours.
The game uses a lot of the same elements. Same character archetypes, similar structures, similar references (like the Tarot), but when it's all put together you get a completely different story and message.
Though in general I feel like PersoPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Also it's a lot more open about its influences. One of the characters at school regularly gives lectures on occultism and mysticism. Telling you about mystic traditions and the like, mentioning names and books. This is integrated to the point where you can meet up with him as an extracurricular activity where the game literally teaches you basic Tarot-divination. (It's not bullshit, I have a Tarot handbook and it's actually teaching you proper divination techniques and the reasoning behind them and everything, it's insanely cool, at least to me. I've actually started reading more stuff because of it.)
Basically it gives you the key to decode the story as it entirely unfolds, you just have to put it in the lock and open it.
It's not "deep" or "subtle" in my opinion, but it's very well executed and it really takes you in with how much they cared about everything in this game, be it the background research, the music, the gameplay and the design. (Yeah, the menus are really fucking cool, very dynamic and so on. Everyone jerks off over them for a good reason.)


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Haven't played OG Elona+ in at least 10 years now, just now understanding how far development of this game already went.
If Elin one day can build farther with its much more comfortable UI, it shall become one of the greatest RPGs of our time, together with its parent Elona.
With it's townbuilding it already successfully branched into something Elona doesn't even offer, but there's yet a lot of old stuff to add as well.
Also nice to see how the overworld and towns are related between both games.

Playing a lich magi-gunner... buuuuut to get around some grind, the comfy community patch lets you enable save-scumming, which is used in moderation. 0 deaths so far, yay!
Nice experience oyakodoning both games tho :3

Does it suffer from the JRPG overleveling by sidemissions if your somewhat of a completionist?
Had that happen hard with Nier:Automata which took a lot of challenge out of the latter part of the game, despite still being an eyewatering experience.
Feels like as a player you're better of with at least minor JRPG grind instead.

The whole Persona series does look interesting, often looked at those games on Steam.
But in the end I always shrug them off due to that time limit and seemingly too character/story driven gameplay, gimme a juicy blank slate to work with anytime.


>Does it suffer from the JRPG overleveling by sidemissions if your somewhat of a completionist?

It has 101 side-missions, some of which include fighting specific enemies or creating specific personas with specific skillsets, and the personas it asks you to create are, while often hard to actually create, incredibly powerful by the late game. If you give a shit it absolutely railroads you into being overpowered.

But it also motivates you. The dungeon has a "Reaper" that comes and hunts you down if you spend too much time on a given floor loitering around. Actually fighting the Reaper and killing it is one of the final side-missions and when you get it you are at around level 70 or so (which is already overlevelled mind you, because as I said, I never had to fight normal enemies after the initial two sections) I instantly jumped up to level 80 and then to 90 the second time I killed it.
And there's no avoiding it, because when you've done 90 quests in the game you are going to keep doing it because you're invested in this shit so yeah, I absolutely was a beast by the end.

(Not that it really matters, initially elemental attacks are the focus and finding weaknesses of enemies to knock them down, the late game is all about abusing the physical attacks and the critical hit system because enemies just straight up stop having weaknesses, so your best bet is to just crit as often and as hard as you can. Even the bosses. I was literally wheezing because the average elemental attack did lik 500 damage unboosted, but for the boss the stars aligned and one of my physical attacks was both normal attack boosted and charged up, landing a critical hit, ending in 5k damage on round one, and this was a semi-normal occurrence.)

It's definitely story heavy.
I sometimes liken it to Asian plays. A JRPG is about fulfilling the role of the ideal protagonist. You're meant to fill in the mold/shoes of what the writers wanted and if you don't like being an actor in a 100 hour long Noh play then it's probably not your cup of tea.

But I personally (no pun intended) am really into it because I like how it has an insane cohesion of gameplay, art direction, music and themes. Every single detail is working towards fulfilling its role in the tePost too long. Click here to view the full text.

 No.1591 [Reply]

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No, because that's "strategic object". BTW there is a parallel bridge nearby. This bridge is 2km long and that bridge is 6 km long.


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Had a surprisingly good time in Tbilisi. The city feels historical and alive unlike any place that I've visited in Russia


>The city feels historical and alive unlike any place that I've visited in Russia
What about Yalta? Is Yalta not Russian?


(replying to old post)
Reminds me of when I was in (at?) an ethnographic museum. Another visitor, a child, was looking at Mongolian Mongols in Mongolia, with their yaks and gers, in a room about them and their folk Buddhist items and nothing else. Child exclaims something like "Indians!" or "Buffaloes!"
Child's parents didn't say anything. I wonder if they just didn't bother to correct the child, or didn't have the faintest idea about the exhibits themselves.

Perhaps they just haven't visited Yalta yet. But I think a key difference is that Tbilisi is still inhabited mostly by a people that has always been there (even if it has lost diversity), whereas Yalta and all of Crimea is mostly inhabited by culturally foreign newcomers and probably feels fake and sterile after all the disruptions, deportations and genocides of the last centuries.

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