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 No.19406 [Reply]

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Let’s continue!
Previous: >>7
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>American progressives hate suburbs and want "walkable cities", while conservatives defend their McMansions
Pretty much. Speaking as a lifelong suburbanite, I see cities as filthy crime filled hellholes and would squat in the woods before living in one. Generally speaking, people who can afford to leave cities do which leaves them populated by poorer demographics. This, ofc, makes cities a political hot button. It's also why mass transit is controversial. Everyone in the suburbs has a car and busses are for cityfolk.


Funny, only ~600 years of Landflucht and now we already have Stadtflucht. But I absolutely share your sentiment.

t. been to the big city just this week again


Total 858 hours

Moby-Dick – 10.58 hours
The Brothers Karamazov – 13.27 hours
Crime and Punishment – 7.17 hours
Ulysses – 12.17 hours
Lolita – 5.6 hours
Don Quixote – 13.27 hours
Infinite Jest – 26.83 hours
Blood Meridian – 10.42 hours
Gravity's Rainbow – 26.83 hours
Stoner – 6.25 hours
The Stranger – 6.08 hours
Anna Karenina – 14.67 hours
War and Peace – 21.83 hours
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Now that's assburgering.
How did you record those times? You sitting in front of a book with a stopwatch?

 No.22028 [Reply]

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> Manual labor was more physically demanding, but I miss the days of zero stress.
Each office job should have one day of manual labor each week. Would help to reduce stress, and save money for the gym. Sitting in a chair for five days isn't very fulfilling.


No one wants to work with the dumb, slow idiotic weaklings who learned nothing and can do nothing but talking bullshit.


capitalism is nothing without an office where everything is planned and directed so that proles have it good.


Finally got back into exercising again. My right leg hurts but I had to do it.
Wasted a large amount of time trying to make a pdf file smaller but I succeeded. It looks like shit now but it doesn't take the e-reader 15 seconds to flip a fucking page.
Tomorrow will be even better I think.

 No.8074 [Reply]

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I shamelessly bumped the old one in order to finally open this shiny new one again with a picture of my choice the actually picture I wanted to use gives an error.
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 No.8345 KONTRA

That sounds like a misunderstanding. Renaming the image to have a different file extension is not the same thing as converting the image to a different format.
If I misread that you may ignore this post; and sorry for wasting your time in that case.


That's Richard II who was born in Bordeaux


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I made that post

 No.6 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

How is Ernst saving his money?
This Ernst is currently just throwing everything he can put to the side in index funds.

DAX, S&P and MSCI World to be precise.

If i would actually have a lot of money to invest i could've made a lot of money that way in the last 3 month. Too bad.
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>NVDA +6%
Forget what I said, go Nvidia!
Daddy needs some more Thai femboys!

Sounds like you are just to risk averse.
It's a very common trope around German speaking cunts, especially when it's about the stock market.
Do you park your money in bonds? They still seem to give rather nice returns, now with Powell all hawkish and naughty.


>Do you park your money in bonds?
Idle cash is swept into a money market fund by my broker. When I buy and sell the cash is automatically withdrawn, settles in 1 day, and then goes right back to work earning me a risk-free 4%.


Tfw we have lived to see a trillion dollar corporation swing like a penny stock.


Thought about putting some cash into bonds or such while interest is still high as well to be fair, I just have no clue how they work.
I know that bond ETFs are garbage, as they continously rotate their bond holdings, so they loose value or whatever during a dovish environment... I guess?
I'd like to buy some US 10yr bond just via my broker and hold them until maturity, if that would be possible.

Anyway, ASML smashed their earnings and reported a fat order book. Already 10% up again. Nvidias ER next month will hopefully be sames.
Already ~300 Euros/15% up on me calls :3


Sold with a loss against.
No more gambling, all into the holy SP500 ETF and chill.
Welcome to the bear market.

 No.10562 [Reply]

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Don't be mad it ended. Be mad how it ended.

An Euro spent is an Euro lost.

God is dead, but it wasn't me.
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Don't eat where you defecate.


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Watch out where the huskies go, and don't you eat that yellow snow.


Stop listening to people. Start talking to people.


Even the smallest journey consists of very many steps.

 No.20781 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Worst thread returns for another round
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What are you, a nigger?

 No.22115 KONTRA

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 No.22118 KONTRA

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Usually when people are convicted of property damage, they don't clean up the property they damaged.

 No.22079 [Reply]

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>Nothing makes women wetter than pointing out inconsistencies in their worldview
t. Ernst Lauert, permavirgin

I like the strategy of advertising only on very obscure sites. We should hold a competition about who can advertise EC on the most abandoned/useless place.

>Is this thread a circlejerk
Every thread is, mate, even those where I talk to myself. Those are a circlejerk with radius 1.

>will destroy human's identity.
Or it will shape a new one. Not sure if it will be better, but I can't see it not happening. As soon as it will bring visible advantages in procreation/longevity, the resistance against such technologies will slowly erode, and then, some day, they will be standard. Not to mention the conflicts between those who can afford it and those who can't.


From my field studies I might state the theorem that men are better at everything than women, even at being a woman.

Ad AI gf:
Should we one day actually establish strong AGI, I consider it the cumulative brain child of all of humanity and a worthy heir of our dominance to spread across the whole galaxy, as such an endeavor is probably far out of our mortal reach.
As such we shall embrace AI gf, as one day part of it may become part of said God AI and with it a part of ourself.

 No.22137 KONTRA

Shit thread so far.

 No.22138 KONTRA

> not sure if it will be better
What are you talking about, human history is the history of continuous improvements! With every new technolgoy, things become better and better! We destroyed the planet so the lower 80% can slave away in foxconn-factories so first-world-leftshits can have macbooks and nike socks to come in, and everyone is as happy as can be!

> hurr my macbook is insignificant, and it's meaningless that it is to consumerism what the cross is to christianity, because symbols are meaningless, that's why i dress in the leftshit-uniform

> durr i only participate in society to a certain degree, so i'm not the problem
> the true problem are all the people richer than me who consume more than i do, like i would, if it would just rain money straight into my pockets, which is why we need to eat the rich, so i (and people poorer than me, maybe) can consume more

To keep it on topic: the biggest consoooomers are, of course, not reddit-cucks with anime-figurines, but women. The average weeaboo's consumption is limited by shelf space, the average woman's consumption is limited by garbage-can space, and men were dumb enough to set up societies where men empty garbage cans weekly, so women can consume one garbage can full of crap every week. (But women are opressed, not the men who take away there garbage.)

>look i bought a new temu sweater i buy three a week that makes me a well-dressed person and very valuable as a human bean and i only wash them once before throwing them away, and i only wear them for four hours before washing, because i'm very clean and cleanliness is next to godliness

t. typical woman

And this, by the way, is why clothing is so low-quality. Clothes can suck to the max, because most clothes purchases are controlled by women, and women consider it a cardinal sin to be seen in the same piece twice, so disposable clothes are right-sized for the market. Don't need no coats that will last for one or two decades, they are already overbuild and under-engineered when they last one entire season.
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 No.17093 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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or on the historical character of the english bourgeoisie
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Reading close to ahistorical.

When Gorbachev took power in 1985, the shortcomings of the deficit-economies had long become blatantly obvious to their inmates. Polish martial law had come and gone, it had ended with concessions, not with a Warsaw pact invasion. As we have known since 2009, Jaruzelski had practically begged Kulikov. But Brezhnev-doctrine was over.


That was just the goofy national curriculum. Now that I've achieved the necessary grade, I can freely shit on it.
None of the silly Soviet curriculum even came up. Quite sad.

 No.18565 KONTRA

"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist…The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocation, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded"
We are remembered that one Dwight D. Eisenhower spoke about the perils of unchecked military-industrial expansionism, but the keepers of the historical record tend to omit the warning about scholar's being coopted by the warlord faction.


 No.234 [Reply]

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Avis, jasmin varnā na ā ast, dadarka akvams, tam, vāgham garum vaghantam, tam, bhāram magham, tam, manum āku bharantam. Avis akvabhjams ā vavakat: kard aghnutai mai vidanti manum akvams agantam. Akvāsas ā vavakant: krudhi avai, kard aghnutai vividvant-svas: manus patis varnām avisāms karnauti svabhjam gharmam vastram avibhjams ka varnā na asti. Tat kukruvants avis agram ā bhugat.
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The German language has to be adapted.
Take the words constant and instant, in German you'd say "konstant" and "instantan", which is very inconsequential.
So I'd suggest we adapt "konstant" into "konstantan" to streamline this whole sequence of adjectives.
Sounds more intellectual and will allow for at least 10 years of "Uhm, ackshually, it's "konstantan" now." as well.


What is instantly and constantly? What is Konstante and Moment? What is sofort or stande pede?


See, it's "momentan" as well, hence it should be "konstantan".
Haven't thought about nouns too much, was more of a clearing thought in between paid thoughts at wörk.


Apples and oranges, Ernst. Apples and oranges.

 No.11692 [Reply]

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I've always had the idea in the back of my mind of visiting Swiss communes as if they were entities in themselves, and carefully documenting the visit.
I recently found some friends crazy enough to come along! I didn't want to flood the existing IWO thread, so I decided to make my own containment thread.

The rules :
-at each outing, the commune of the day will be drawn from this wikipedia list using a random number generator -> https://fr.wikipedia.org/[...]ommunes_du_canton_de_Vaud
-the designated commune cannot be refused under ANY circumstances
-during the visit, it is forbidden to leave the boundaries of the commune, otherwise the visit will stop
-you can't decide to continue visiting neighboring communes after the fact without having rerolled for a new and completely random commune
-if possible, only consume goods purchased within the commune during the visit
-draw up an exploration report when the commune is drawn, and complete it with photos and anecdotes at the end of the visit.
-Most of the visit are going to be made in the canton of Vaud
-Each time ther's a 20 percent chance that we're going to visit another entirely diffrent welsch canton randomely chosen: Geneva, Neuvchâtel, Fribourg, Valais, Jura or Bern.
-After the random canton have been selectionned, the commune will be chosen randomly using the same rules.

We're going to have a lot of fun!
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You've been heard, tomorrow is free and visiting more of Switzerland is in my bingo. Thus I decided to expand my usual cantonal field and pick a random comune anywhere in my country.

It'll be Arosa in Graubunden! Graubunden is a weird canton. It was its own confederacy of three mountainous microstates called leagues:the Grey League, the League of the Ten Jurisdictions and the League of God's house https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three_Leagues.
Arosa itself seems to be one of those ski resort communes of the beginning of modern tourism history at the start of the XXth century. The most intresting buildings will most probably be historical hotels. I also noticed I missed the %Arosa Gay ski week% by only a few days.


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Exciting destination!
>tomorrow is free
In my mental map, Graubünden is the least accessible canton from western Switzerland on account of multiple hills in between, so you'd need a whole day just to get there and another whole day just to return.

Ah, looking at a real map and Wikipedia, it looks like you will pass through Zürich and the almost 4 km Kerenzerbergtunnel. It says the watershed near Sargans is "barely noticeable" where my mental map had placed the trip's most insurmountable hills.
Or you could take the slower but probably more picturesque southern route passing through Brig and Andermatt instead of Zürich.


The only place made harder to set by topography would be Ticino I think, you are right. Though Arosa is not that hard to get to by train. It’s directly connected to the main valley of Graubunden.


Fun fact: From where I live in the northern wasteland, I can walk to a station and ride a train directly to Chur / Coire and back without having to transfer.

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