'''What is Galaxy Trek?'''
Galaxy Trek is a free browsergame (means you can play it only with a browser). It's a strategy/idle pvp game - you own (in the beginning) one planet, build buildings on it, build fleet, and attack other players with your fleet for more ressources to build more buildings and more fleet. This all happens in real time, and while in the beginning, building is quiet quick, it may take several days to finish a building later.
If you know Spacepioneers/OGame, it's like that. It's developed by the original dev of Spacepioneers.
'''"Free", so I have to pay to make progress later?'''
While there are premium features, you can easily unlock them for free. You can enjoy the full game for free.
'''Okay, sounds boring so far'''
It is! Well, depending on what you like. Check the screenshots to see everything the game have to offer. It's not everyones cup of tea, but if you're browsing anyway, why not open a new tab and check every few minutes?
'''Why play with Ernst?'''
You can build ingame alliances. Ernstchan had one a long time ago, but it kinda died out - now it's time for another try!
'''Will I get stomped by players that play for a few years already?'''
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