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 No.19961 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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somewhere else.webp (219.21 KB, 1080x716)

We're a complicated people.


Your infantile preoccupation with empiricism and rationality is masculinist and white-centric. (Besides revealing your castration anxiety). You must learn to accept that there are other non-white, non-male kinds of knowledges and modes of cognition, which have been rendered irrelevant by white male european cartesian and constructivist logics in the sciences. Empiric approaches purposefully neglect the deep knowledges of marginalized groups and their realities in order to produce dominant and dominating knowledges that further exploit and marginalize.
Methodology: auto-ethnographic. the porto-post was analyzed by using the authors (them/their) awareness of their own reactions to observe the consequences of exposure to the rationalist euro-centric thinkings of a shitlord.


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Now that's what I call research


Siense.png (1.28 MB, 1420x939)

The number of circles does not match the amount of names in the article, I call fake news on this!

 No.96 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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falco.jpg (55.24 KB, 1280x720)

I rediscovered my Falco playlist and it got me thinking about his legacy. German Ernsts, is he still a household name in the German-speaking cultural area or has he been largely forgotten outside of Austria?


> is he still a household name in the German-speaking cultural area
Still king for me. Maybe not with the kids these days, but otherwise: Still a legend.

 No.20497 KONTRA

Only gen xers and millenials have even heard about him.


Falco - Jeanny.mp4 (14.1 MB, 640x360)

"Rock me Amadeus" is still the biggest german-language pop song ever. "Der Komissar" was another giant hit.
Here in Germany he had some more success with other songs. Dunno if they got popular elsewhere.
And there was huge controversy about Jeanny.

 No.821 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Threda for discussing or just sharing your impressions of movies, TV shows, cartoons and the like.
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 No.20485 KONTRA

>And when was anyone raped?
Ok, just say you didn't watch it, saves us all a lot of time.


Why can't you just give an answer? Why be passively aggressive? What did I do wrong by asking a question?
It has been a couple of years since I watched the Sopranos and I do seriously not remember any rape happening.
The worst thing other than what I described above, was when Meadow had that guy putting his finger into her face. And Tony curbstumped him for that.

 No.20493 KONTRA

Like you didn't actively provoke that answer by insinuating that your preferred definition of rape is dude-bro-like narrow. You are an ebin shitlord.


>your preferred definition of rape
Okay. So by what definition does the Sopranos have rape?
Give me an example then.

 No.18242 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Worst thread in EC II
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My little China girl
You shouldn't mess with me
I'll ruin everything you are
You know it
I'll give into your visions
I'll give you eyes of blue
But I'll give you a man who wants to rule the world


Wait wut?
Why was my other post deleted? Was it because I used the f-slur? Or because I asked about kc? Or because you didn't like the song?
I need to know.

 No.20489 KONTRA

>endlessly talking about the US election

Pathetic. It's like watching TV interviews after a football match but worse.


Concubine's post

 No.19 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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This is the Radio Ernstiwan-thread. The server stays the same, but is now reachable at:


It is recommended to switch to this address for both listening and streaming, though the old xyz-domain is still supported from our side. But given what happened on the old chan we can't guarantee that the xyz-address will be kept available for us. Also all technical/festival announcements by radio staff will be made here from now on.

Everything else stays the same: The public stream can be used by everyone (see pic 4 for details), but if you stream regularly, an own account is recommended, write a mail to ernstiwan at protonmail.ch to get one. Include your desired user name and ideally (though optional) an avatar picture for the radio stats page. Reliable and production proven streaming software is butt: https://sourceforge.net/projects/butt/ (lightweight and easy to use, but lacks some features like updating artist/title) and mixxx: https://mixxx.org/ (can do it all, but setup is more complicated).

Also please remember that the radio recently switched from port 8000 to Port 80 (no SSL/TLS) and 443 (SSL/TLS mandatory).
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gone.jpg (22.11 KB, 412x215)

True. Let's hope it has the desired effect of strengthening the radio threads, and subsequently looking more attractive for new streamers. It can't be denied that a few streamers have disappeared over the last 12 months, even some with lots of airtime - though some of them accumulated through falling asleep and forgetting to turn off their streams.


I wonder what happened to the Christenklatscher.
It's just not as fun being a Ketzerfetzer when there's nobody to fetz.


It's like being Sherlock Holmes without Moriarty. Or Batman without the Joker. Or Coca Cola without Pepsi.


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Or Maggie without that baby with the one eyebrow.

 No.18347 [Reply]

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To prevent the new information from being forgotten in the radio thread, and to appropriately flex with out newly discovered feature, a new thread seems necessary. We can now videostream over our radio server. In fact, we could have done so all the time, but we just found out that it's feasible. OBS works well as streaming client, it is not known if other tools also work. By now, at least three different Ernsts tried it and got it working.

Everyone who has a streaming account can do this, no extra configuration on server side needed. The stream will show normally in Icecast and will be recognized by BOT Erna and pushed to the radio Discord as usual, but you can't watch in your browser, because it can't handle the format. I heard it's possible if webm is used instead of mpegts, but until now I couldn't find a working setup for that. For watching you'll need for example VLC, which you can feed with the xspf file that Icecast provides. Red fields are mandatory as far as we know, in green fields you can put whatever works for you. Of course you'll need at least semi-decent bandwidth on your side to even attempt videostreaming.

OBS Studio: https://obsproject.com/download - important: After adjusting the settings, you have to click "Start Recording", not "Start Streaming". Don't ask me why. Please be careful with what you stream, I recommend "Window Capture" instead of "Display Capture", and then choose the correct window. That way you won't accidentally stream your desktop, where your name, address, banking PIN and dick pic collection will be visible. For your Copy/Paste convenience:

File path or URL: icecast://yourmount:yourpass@radio.ernstchan.top:80/yourmount
Muxer settings: content_type=video/m2ts tls=0

Happy streaming!
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Due to regular old Ernst fail there was a mixup concerning the start of the stream.
It will start one hour earlier, at 19:30 UTC.
I apologize for the mixup and will pray a bunch of hail marys to make up for it.
Tits for grabbing your attention


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Since the last stream was a failure do to technical difficulties, i will try again.
Instead of regular movies i fill the poll with documentaries. Maybe they allow for more conversation (which sadly only happened on /b/).

In the poll:

The Barkley Marathons - The Race That Eats Its Young (US, 2014)
A documentary about a "Marathon" in the wild which goes on for over 2 days.

My Best Fiend (DE, 1999)
A documentary by Werner Herzog about his relationship to Klaus Kinski.
It's well made but probably not that interesting if you have no idea who Werner Herzog or Klaus Kinski are.

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>Carts Of Darkness
I watched it like 7 years ago, if I recall correctly because it was recommended by someone on EC.


I saw it a few months ago and can recommend it as well. Just like all the other docs in the poll.

t. >>20401

 No.19914 [Reply]

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'''What is Galaxy Trek?'''
Galaxy Trek is a free browsergame (means you can play it only with a browser). It's a strategy/idle pvp game - you own (in the beginning) one planet, build buildings on it, build fleet, and attack other players with your fleet for more ressources to build more buildings and more fleet. This all happens in real time, and while in the beginning, building is quiet quick, it may take several days to finish a building later.

If you know Spacepioneers/OGame, it's like that. It's developed by the original dev of Spacepioneers.

'''"Free", so I have to pay to make progress later?'''
While there are premium features, you can easily unlock them for free. You can enjoy the full game for free.

'''Okay, sounds boring so far'''
It is! Well, depending on what you like. Check the screenshots to see everything the game have to offer. It's not everyones cup of tea, but if you're browsing anyway, why not open a new tab and check every few minutes?

'''Why play with Ernst?'''
You can build ingame alliances. Ernstchan had one a long time ago, but it kinda died out - now it's time for another try!

'''Will I get stomped by players that play for a few years already?'''
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Don't be shy, Ernst!


Huge Success.jpg (284.34 KB, 1217x500)

This could be you :3


The Ernst Alliance will soon be opened. It's never too late to join!

 No.20396 KONTRA

>It's never too late to join!
Never had the makings of a salesman.

 No.20247 [Reply]

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How does Ernst think about Imageboards these days?
Are there any good boards left other than Ernstchan?

I used to browse various boards back in the good ol' days but they're all shit or dead now.

The only other board I look into every once in a while is lolcow.farm because watching a bunch of middle aged women shit talk Internet people and celebrities is funny to me.

What else is there?
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Giant butt plug. How full of yourself can you get? Try having sex, loser. Btw, I put batteries into the trash can. What do you want to do about it? You can do nothing. What a victim, I swear.

 No.20352 KONTRA

Yes, be a good consumer little bee.
Support the ultra rich and the chinese sweatshop owners.
Go now, work, spend and repeat so Jeff can build a new space rocket.


How stupid cranola eating green party voters are.

> I bought this from somewhere else, this means it is better because it is not from China and did not make anyone richer

Is this what you really think you legit green homo?

Why do you even care about some Chinamen? You are so gay and stupid. I can tell that you are a total loser. You know that everyone hates you and laughs about dumb idiots like you who think they are better than anyone else.

Even women laugh about you because you are so pathetic.(Banned. t. Mod Bannalena)


This theory is empirically supported by a relative's Amazon "shop" that basically works like this: buy cheap elsewhere sometimes that means buying something on Amazon Italy or some smaller online shop, sell high on Amazon Germany where people want to use prime to get their shit fast and want to spend energy on looking shit up.

Amazon is for brainless retards indeed.

t. does not have Amazon

 No.899 SYSTEMKONTRA [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Share your dreams, Ernst.
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Several times the last weeks I dreamed that I was part of sports teams, entering a contest in which our team was expected to win. But I secretly knew that, despite having the reputation of being a star player, I didn't have the ability (any longer?) to compete, being slow and clumsy. The games never happened, but I remember the impression of warming up, and already being outpaced by everyone else, and the realization that humiliation would be inevitable.

>and found a machine making Weisswurst
This can be read both ways: A machine that is making Weisswurst, or a Weisswurst that is making machines. For the sake of surrealism, I vote for the latter.


Had this odd dream that this old lady my mother used to care for was still alive and having a heart attack. Of course I diagnosed it and then I had to call the ambulance. Which didn’t come. It was odd. Instead I saw 6 American-style cop cars race down the street before I called again and the ambulance turned up, only to find the old lady being fine.

There was also something about public transportation and bridges in the previous segment but I really can’t remember it.


Woke up from a nightmare where me and some friends wanted to prank some fishermen by putting sushi on their lines but they didn't think it was funny and just started catching my friends and methodically and unperturbedly carving them up with their knives.
Second dream was about that girl I haven't seen in over a year where I kissed her and said I'm sorry (for what?).
What watching a horror film with a romance subplot when you're feverish does to a mf. Not sure which dream was worse.


Dreamed that we just got home with my mother and sister and we got the US election results by looking at the water level in the pool. The water was overflowing. We turned off the garden hose and I said that this means a Trump victory. We checked the water level with my sister, measuring it and we declared that “This was basically rape, he fucking raped her he won so fucking hard dude.”

 No.9269 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Generations of people have been, and continue to be, inspired by pervasive violence: namely anorectal violence. Many perpetrators of this violence against one or more others especially in public pornography have not faced severe punishment despite both 1) the high likelihood of anorectal injury to a receptive person due to anorectal fragility, and 2) the significance and potential severity (even lethality) of resultant traumatic consequences. What arguably should easily be considered incriminating behavior worldwide is commonly featured in public pornography, in many cases being sold for profit and far too often serving as an example to be copied. This situation is both one of the greatest injustices and one of the greatest contributors to societal decadence in the modern era. Facilitating factors include prevalent (willful) ignorance, apathy, and misinformation about anorectal topics, which are enabling people with (self-)destructive tendencies to have a field day with anorectal violence and to spread disinformation quite effectively.

BTW: Please delete my last thread. Thanks.
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"Appetitive conditioning plays an important role in the development and maintenance of pornography-use and gaming disorders. It is assumed that primary and secondary reinforcers are involved in these processes. Despite the common use of pornography and gaming in the general population appetitive conditioning processes in this context are still not well studied. This study aims to compare appetitive conditioning processes using primary (pornographic) and secondary (monetary and gaming-related) rewards as unconditioned stimuli (UCS) in the general population. Additionally, it investigates the conditioning processes with gaming-related stimuli as this type of UCS was not used in previous studies. Thirty-one subjects participated in a differential conditioning procedure in which four geometric symbols were paired with either pornographic, monetary, or gaming-related rewards or with nothing to become conditioned stimuli (CS + porn, CS + game, CS + money, and CS-) in an functional magnetic resonance imaging study. We observed elevated arousal and valence ratings as well as skin conductance responses for each CS+ condition compared to the CS-. On the neural level, we found activations during the presentation of the CS + porn in the bilateral nucleus accumbens, right medial orbitofrontal cortex, and the right ventral anterior cingulate cortex compared to the CS-, but no significant activations during CS + money and CS + game compared to the CS-. These results indicate that different processes emerge depending on whether primary and secondary rewards are presented separately or together in the same experimental paradigm. Additionally, monetary and gaming-related stimuli seem to have a lower appetitive value than pornographic rewards."
"Appetitive conditioning with pornographic stimuli elicits stronger activation in reward regions than monetary and gaming-related stimuli." Human Brain Mapping. 2024 Jun 1; 45(8): e26711. PMID 38798103. doi:10.1002/hbm.26711.


"Decades of research have examined the association between pornography use and sexual coercion, with the most significant relationships found between more deviant genres of pornography use and sexual violence. However, researchers have yet to provide a comparable body of research examining the theoretical mechanism of this association. One theory that has shown promise in explaining the association between certain variables of pornography use and sexual coercion is the sexual script theory. In this theory, scripts can best be understood as a mechanism through which society defines and disseminates what is acceptable, desirable, and pleasurable sexual conduct. Studies examining the application of the sexual script theory to the association between pornography use and sexual coercion have found that pornography use has a significant indirect effect on sexual coercion and correlates of sexual coercion through sexual scripts. The current study sought to extend this line of inquiry by examining the relationship between pornography use, sexual scripts, and sexual coercion. A structural equation model examining direct and indirect effects of sexual scripts and pornography use on sexually coercive behaviors was run using a sample of 390 college-aged males. Results of the study indicated there were significant direct and indirect effects in the model. Specifically, pornography use, while not directly related to sexually coercive behaviors, had a significant indirect effect on sexual coercion through sexual scripts. These results further support the use of the sexual scripts theory to help explain the relationship between pornography use and sexual coercion."
"The Role of Sexual Scripts in the Relationship Between Pornography Use and Sexual Coercion." Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 2023 Apr; 38(7-8): 5519-5541. PMID 36181240. doi:10.1177/08862605221123291. Epub 2022 Sep 30.


We are so back.


"This study moved beyond previous investigations concerning the associations between pornography use and IPV [intimate partner violence] by using a sample of young adult couples from the community, examining the directionality of associations using a 2-year longitudinal design, and using a dyadic design considering both partners’ pornography use and IPV perpetration. The findings suggest potential bidirectional links between pornography use frequency and sexual coercion perpetration. This highlights the relevance of addressing pornography use frequency as an important risk factor of sexual coercion perpetration in prevention and intervention efforts targeting young adult mixed-sex couples, especially during this period in life where they are learning healthy romantic relationships. This supports the Sexual Script Theory (Simon & Gagnon, 1986) that young adults are at risk to reproduce violent pornographic scripts with their partner in real life leading to sexual IPV perpetration. Pornography literacy and teen dating sexual violence prevention programs may be beneficial to young adults to help them understand that sexual behaviors depicted in pornography may represent sexual violence and are not necessarily enjoyable for their partner, as opposed to what is shown in pornography (Dawson et al., 2020)."
"Associations Between Pornography Use Frequency and Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration Among Young Adult Couples: A 2-Year Longitudinal Study." Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 2024 Nov; 39(21-22): 4260-4284. PMC11465595. doi:10.1177/08862605241234656. Epub 2024 Mar 7.

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