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 No.22761 [Reply]

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This is the Radio Ernstiwan-thread. Reachable at: radio.ernstchan.top

You can stream music or movies yourself. Here's how to https://ernstchan.top/howto.html


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This weeks winner is "Turbonegro - Apocalypse Dudes"
Good Album.

Next weeks poll:

Like always we start at 17:00UTC, which is in 45min from now.


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Streaming a playlist featuring female vocalists.

 No.22649 [Reply]


I congratulate the winner who won that race in the last moments of the old thread. Here's to you, Ernst!
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Several languages? Certified and not some self taught internet hobby? You can try policy shit, bi-national institutions or (private) intelligence. But getting in might not be so easy and needs some interest in it. Jobs are not as plenty as garbage on the street of some random city and you sometimes don't even know the right keywords to look out for.

 No.22756 KONTRA

Awful day to be honest. Woke up late, went to class a bit late, still managed to squeeze in a short library session though. Found some more worthwhile stuff to process and read the Tang penal code a bit but decided against borrowing a copy.

My first class got cancelled so I went and sifted through the offerings of the bookstands, something which I haven't done in a while. Found nothing. Was amused by a Lenin quote collection.

Went to my last class after wandering around. Did some more reading before class started. Following class I talked with the lecturer a bit and then came home. There was an anime screening tonight but I was beaten so I decided to just get home honestly. No idea why I felt so drained even though I did practically nothing today.


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tfw no latvian gf


If it paid as much, I'd love to work a job where I'm on my feet, working with m hands

My time as computer repair monkey at a small office was the most enjoyable job I've had, aside from that it didn't pay for shit.

 No.10562 [Reply]

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Don't be mad it ended. Be mad how it ended.

An Euro spent is an Euro lost.

God is dead, but it wasn't me.
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Now that's small


If every other car on the road is driving too fast, you're driving too slow.


If everyone agrees with your proposal, it might not be worth doing it.


A sunset always comes before the sunrise.

 No.19406 [Reply]

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Let’s continue!
Previous: >>7
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I recently read the book on Stuxnet and this one is a bit better. Again cyberwar is discussed and while this book is better because the examples are more interesting the solution makes you chuckle being MG pilled a geneva convention for cyberwar .. or strategies of resiliency, which seems the only realistic in this world. What I found most interesting is the mentioning of a speech Gerasimov gave in the early 2010s on wars of the future. It seems plausible that a contemporary mid economic power with historic military might would use cyberspace both to attack critical infrastructure and deploy info war to pursue its interests because its effective yet cheap.
The book mainly focuses on cyberattacks that hit Ukrainian targets before 2018 (it was first published in 2019 I think) and the history of cyber war and how it spins out with Russia as perpetrator. Nonetheless it thematizes how tools developed by the NSA and leaked by Russians play their role in this for example.

It comes to the conclusion that on the internet we are all Ukraine and that cyberwar has and will probably have devastating consequences for civilians as (critical) infrastructure is a main target within cyberwar operations.

The author paints a picture of insidious attacks that paralyze countries and civilian life and I have to admit that it is quite convincing. On the other hand I am not sure how devastating this effects can be and if resiliency can be archived rather fast to a certain level at least.

Makes think of the Government of Emergency book that I still need to read it some day and the history of resiliency discourse in general that not only can be found in psychotherapy but also infrastructure both in regard to climate change and natural disasters but also cyberwar as this book hints.


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Song Ci – Collected Cases of Injustice Rectified
A Song-dynasty coroner's handbook on conducting autopsies properly, written by and for officials. I'm left wondering how much of this is bullshit and how much of this actually worked. There were some quite interesting parts talking about fake bruises and killing covertly using nails.
Though the idea of the book is probably more entertaining than the book itself.
Still, it's not too long so it wasn't too grating to read.

Gui Wanrong – Parallel Cases from the Shadow of the Pear Tree
This is a collection of legal cases from the earliest times to the Song-dynasty, put into pairs. Some deal with proper methods of investigation (to find the actual culprit) using covert agents, cross-referencing evidence and using psychology, while others are occupied with categorizing the acts of a culprit to determine the appropriate punishment. (For example, a robber who murders a fellow robber but doesn't give himself up afterwards, does he still deserve a pardon for killing a robber? Is it matricide if you kill your stepmother after she poisons your father or just straight murder?)

This one was actually very fun, even if the cases themselves are very barebones. But I really liked reading it. Robert van Gulik's notes and long introductory essay is also very good and absolutely worth the read, though there were details on the history of Chinese criminology on which I am getting conflicting data on, but the philological part is top notch shit.

I also liked how some of the facts and methods from Song Ci's book made an appearance in the case anthology. A very pleasant interaction of sources.


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It's ok. Some interesting historic trivia but overall most things I came across already in some form or another. An interesting statement was that the US was putting their bets in technology (satellites for example) a lot while the soviets were very good at infiltrating, having agents in the field.


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Was considering to post about this follow up hype novella here but then realised it is written in German not English

 No.18298 [Reply]

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Old thread Systemkontra'd >>4573

Insert coin to play post.
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As my god-awful starting charisma slowly develops, I'm accumulating quite a posse of steel-chewing and bullet-spitting girls or are they?.
Obviously those are quite far from being the min-maxxers choice of pet, but it's not fun to travel around a stinking minotaur, unfriendly T-Rex and whatever else is considered top-tier.

First there's the starting Little Girl, quite a pure melee fighter and tank without consenting to it.
Then the trusty nurse, lifesaver with her healing spells and throwing about her magical fragrant panty.
Third of the gang was the Little Cat Sister, thief by profession and dual wielding an artifact mace & axe at high speed & low drag, squishy tho.
And finally I was finally gifted my Goddesses Lulwy's pet, the Black Angel, support gunner and speed buffer getting blessed by my own direct hand-me-downs.
Still looking to catch a Xeren Auto Tank or even better, a Yerles Combat Plane as my personal mount, for the latter I'm still lacking a lvl.50 Pokemonster ball.
Time to finally conquer the deepest parts of Leminas and end act 1 of the game, South Tyris awaits with bigger challenges!

Also I somehow went from 600k gold to being broke again.
Damn all those shopping opportunities and expensive slaves to gene splice my girls into shape.

Also also Card Survival Fantasy Forest finally has a release date end of month, but it rather seems like a heavy reskin of Tropical Survival while 3 big content patches are but a promise for the distant future. This will maybe need another year to slowly stew in the pot.

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FINALLY found a dungeon filled with Yerles Combat Planes and had to abandon it due to only carrying a lvl.49 monster ball while those are lvl.50.
Shamelessly save-scummed at a shop for a lvl.50 monster ball, returned and caught one of those sleek fuckers.
It's even a "female" plane, stringently continuing my harem!
And riding "her" increases my speed tremendously, while she acts as a gun turret under my buttocks.
In party quests I can now pull off 2 consequent ensemble actions, giving my pets a steady stream of income to improve their potentials.

In the end, the Little Cat Sister was still far too squishy, so she was appointed shopkeeper for my first general goods store, while also opening a food, gear and magic store with freshly caught thief guild members for their high charisma/negotiation.
Rotated into the smackdown posse was the unique fairy archer that I found some time ago, some time later I even got my goddesses gift weapon, a strong ether bow that fits her perfectly.

Also doing pet arena battles from time to time and the act 1 story dungeon is conquered to lvl 35 of 45.
Soon South Tyris should open up.


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Playan' Cataclysm DDA Bright Nights!

No more bullshit pocket system, no more bullshit proficiency, no more bullshit crafting times to nudge you towards an even more bullshit follower system!
Instead all the magnificent boomsticks, explosives, magick and whatnot to RIP'N TEAR!

Sadly dev is obviously slower, but more and more people seem fed up with the direction DDA is moving and convert to BN instead.
Another lad seems to have forked Cataclysm on her own into a third direction even, no idea when we see something happening there, but I'm glad that people start to front the DDA devs that only are interested in adding chore while removing endgame & sci-fi features.

Been poking at some zeds from a rooftop and managed to haul some stuff back into the starting shelter.
Now plotting my next raid.
The FEMA camp would be nice, but I'd have to poke through breakable fences and hope to be able to take all zeds out before I run out of length of fence.
A garden shed near the house that I liberated sported a pitchfork I was unable to carry, which would be a great poker overall instead of long pointy sticks.
That wizard tower has a deadly plastic golem, can't go there for some time and directly outside south of my shelter are nether creatures, so this direction is off limits without guns as well.


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Ernst made himself mightily at home.

Moved into an abandoned gas station with garage, set out to loot and returned with dented cars for spare parts, found a mechanized infantry carrier that may serve as base for my personal death truck and sleep on a comfy pile of guns.
Now that's survival of my taste.

Ammo isn't yet secured in great enough quantities to go everywhere guns blazing, but we're getting there.
The next FEMA camp should deliver additional 5.56 for my polish assault rifle and 7.62 for ze German bewties is helping to pick of targets at range.

Sentry guns only drop a couple of dozen cartridges now, a needed nerf down from multiple full ammo belts.
That most buildings now come with an integrated electrical system is great, just plop down some batteries and wind turbines on the roof and everything is set up.
Winter is coming and with that the need for some indoor heating while working on the truck, which shall emerge from the garage in spring like the most beautiful flower blossom.

 No.15 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I bought a new (used) ThinkPad which came with Windows 11 pre-installed.
I never had a problem with Windows but i played with the idea to go full Linux on this ThinkPad.

What are some good distros these days for people that don't want to fix stuff all the time?

Also: Computers general
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> Works as intended.
> Introducing Rust is not just a technical change but a culture change. People joke about Rust being "woke" or whatever but there is truth in the matter: Rust greatest strength is not technical but social, making low level programming much more accessible than C or C++ ever made it. The typesystem not only guarantees correctness but also makes original intent obvious, facilitating maintenance by outsiders. 
> In principle there's nothing you can't code in Rust that you couldn't do in C. Moving to Rust is thus very much about lowering barriers to access which is bound to displease some old timers. Having the rigidest of them quit is a normal, even beneficial, side effect of the process.
Returned to studying Rust. First (second) impression is good. On the other hand,
Turns out, the guy who constantly shilled Rust to me doesn't even know the basics of it himself.


Arch with sway is best.


I installed stock ubuntu on my laptop that has a touch screen
Touchscreen seemed to work in the browser, gestures work
But then I opened a regular gnome program, tried scrolling with gesture, didn't work. The only way to scroll was to drag the absurdly thin scroll bar
Uninstalled ubuntu
And that was my linux journey for 2025
Better luck in 2026


Recently I updated Manjaro on my laptop and touch screen stopped to work properly (I could move pointer with it, but not click).
Had to manually redact system config files to fix the issue.
Told about it to a techno-entusiastic friend, he replied that if I had Nixos then everything would work fine.

 No.6 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

How is Ernst saving his money?
This Ernst is currently just throwing everything he can put to the side in index funds.

DAX, S&P and MSCI World to be precise.

If i would actually have a lot of money to invest i could've made a lot of money that way in the last 3 month. Too bad.
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With today I am 2/3rds into cash, feels strange shifting such amounts of cash around and if you would have told me that I would no longer have absolute trust in the US a year ago, I would have burst into loud laughter.
🥭 man just can't be trusted, even readjusted my savings plan to half/half SP500 and EU STOXX 50 and a 20% increase in funds deployed monthly.
More is going into downpayment of my mortgage, as those are profits ain't nobody can take away from me anymore, also increasing my regular cash savings account.
The surprisingly fat bonus for last year surely comes at the right time.

Orange man and his babby faced, chubby sidekick ain't gonna destroy my dreams of living of capital abroad in wonderland.
When will Biden storm the White House and gun them down with akimbo M16??
Wake up Biden!


Be careful, that's a poor man's thinking. Rich man sees new opportunities in the changing world instead of whining about them.


I want to invest a lot, but stocks and etf are too high, so I cant buy anything. I am mad


Buy penny stocks. Easy.

 No.22301 [Reply]

Spirit Cooking Edward Snowden PRISM USAID Genocide in Gaza Bohemian Grove Cremation of care Murder of Seth Rich Operation Northwoods Dancing Israelis 4th Psychological Operations Group Pfizer vaccine side effects myocardite Jeffrey Epstein's list
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I see you agree with what I said.




If you're Green, then go back to Greenland

 No.22760 KONTRA

I am not the other Ernst, dumbass.

 No.6275 [Reply]

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I accidentally deleted previous thread (see /meta/).
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An economics professor was crossing campus with one of his students and walked by a twenty-dollar bill lying on the ground.
The student was shocked: Professor, why didn't you pick up that twenty dollars?
Without looking back, the professor responded: If there was a twenty-dollar bill on the ground, someone would have already picked it up.


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In order to increase cross-thread engagement and overall post lead generation by providing calculatedly controversial content in the form of easily digestible artifacts, I will now post some women jokes:

Never run after a bus or a woman. You will be left behind in any case.

The most expensive way to sleep with a woman is marriage.

He was a mathematician and she was incalculable.

Women often adopt bad habits from men and call it "emancipation".

I love women's movements, but they have to be rhythmic.

It's nice having found the woman for life. It's nicer meeting a bunch more.

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What do cobblers in Warsaw speak?
Shoe polish

 No.22757 KONTRA

Ach, Ernst.

 No.96 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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I'm just enjoying Bach during the last few days because I want play some stuff from The Well-Tempered Clavier.



Idea for a parody:
Aliens visit Earth and find among radioactive ruins piano, text of Poe's "The Raven" and image of Hatsune Miko. Then combine them in a video, reconstructing "how earthlings supposedly listened to music", with their hypothetical knowledge of English phonetics.


Luckily, they also found a vinyl with Polish folk songs, so they know how Latin script is mapped to sounds.
This is how "The raven" supposedly sounded:


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The latest songs heard on my radio while driving to and from work. Many genres. The station goes to commercial; I change the channel.

Baby's In Black (Live / Bonus Track)

My Promise Land- Josiah Queen (Official Lyric Video)

Better live:

Twenty One Pilots - “The Line” (from Arcane Season 2) [Official Music Video]

Badflower - Detroit (Official Music Video)

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