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 No.18347 [Reply]

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To prevent the new information from being forgotten in the radio thread, and to appropriately flex with out newly discovered feature, a new thread seems necessary. We can now videostream over our radio server. In fact, we could have done so all the time, but we just found out that it's feasible. OBS works well as streaming client, it is not known if other tools also work. By now, at least three different Ernsts tried it and got it working.

Everyone who has a streaming account can do this, no extra configuration on server side needed. The stream will show normally in Icecast and will be recognized by BOT Erna and pushed to the radio Discord as usual, but you can't watch in your browser, because it can't handle the format. I heard it's possible if webm is used instead of mpegts, but until now I couldn't find a working setup for that. For watching you'll need for example VLC, which you can feed with the xspf file that Icecast provides. Red fields are mandatory as far as we know, in green fields you can put whatever works for you. Of course you'll need at least semi-decent bandwidth on your side to even attempt videostreaming.

OBS Studio: https://obsproject.com/download - important: After adjusting the settings, you have to click "Start Recording", not "Start Streaming". Don't ask me why. Please be careful with what you stream, I recommend "Window Capture" instead of "Display Capture", and then choose the correct window. That way you won't accidentally stream your desktop, where your name, address, banking PIN and dick pic collection will be visible. For your Copy/Paste convenience:

File path or URL: icecast://yourmount:yourpass@radio.ernstchan.top:80/yourmount
Muxer settings: content_type=video/m2ts tls=0

Happy streaming!
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Due to regular old Ernst fail there was a mixup concerning the start of the stream.
It will start one hour earlier, at 19:30 UTC.
I apologize for the mixup and will pray a bunch of hail marys to make up for it.
Tits for grabbing your attention


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Since the last stream was a failure do to technical difficulties, i will try again.
Instead of regular movies i fill the poll with documentaries. Maybe they allow for more conversation (which sadly only happened on /b/).

In the poll:

The Barkley Marathons - The Race That Eats Its Young (US, 2014)
A documentary about a "Marathon" in the wild which goes on for over 2 days.

My Best Fiend (DE, 1999)
A documentary by Werner Herzog about his relationship to Klaus Kinski.
It's well made but probably not that interesting if you have no idea who Werner Herzog or Klaus Kinski are.

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>Carts Of Darkness
I watched it like 7 years ago, if I recall correctly because it was recommended by someone on EC.


I saw it a few months ago and can recommend it as well. Just like all the other docs in the poll.

t. >>20401

 No.19914 [Reply]

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'''What is Galaxy Trek?'''
Galaxy Trek is a free browsergame (means you can play it only with a browser). It's a strategy/idle pvp game - you own (in the beginning) one planet, build buildings on it, build fleet, and attack other players with your fleet for more ressources to build more buildings and more fleet. This all happens in real time, and while in the beginning, building is quiet quick, it may take several days to finish a building later.

If you know Spacepioneers/OGame, it's like that. It's developed by the original dev of Spacepioneers.

'''"Free", so I have to pay to make progress later?'''
While there are premium features, you can easily unlock them for free. You can enjoy the full game for free.

'''Okay, sounds boring so far'''
It is! Well, depending on what you like. Check the screenshots to see everything the game have to offer. It's not everyones cup of tea, but if you're browsing anyway, why not open a new tab and check every few minutes?

'''Why play with Ernst?'''
You can build ingame alliances. Ernstchan had one a long time ago, but it kinda died out - now it's time for another try!

'''Will I get stomped by players that play for a few years already?'''
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Don't be shy, Ernst!


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This could be you :3


The Ernst Alliance will soon be opened. It's never too late to join!

 No.20396 KONTRA

>It's never too late to join!
Never had the makings of a salesman.

 No.20034 [Reply]

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In the last few months we slacked off a little considering moderation on /int/, and there was a lot of bickering, some Russia/Ukraine shitposting, and similar things. When we started out with top, we promised that moderation on /int/ would be stricter than on /b/, because /int/ historically had less shitposting, and is generally considered to be the more serious board. However, that hasn't been the case recently, but there were no reports or complaints on /meta/ so far, so maybe there is no need for more moderation. In addition, each time we asked whether we need more rules, Ernst said it wasn't necessary. So we thought about either removing the hint about stricter /int/ moderation from the global rules, or alternatively return to the earlier moderation style.

Since the board should be how Ernst enjoys it most, we'd like to hear your opinion, mods would be fine with either outcome. Note that /pol/-shilling, especially in unrelated threads, will always be banworthy, no matter how Ernst decides, so no need to fear to be overrun by pol-schizos when the rules stay relaxed.
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 No.20244 KONTRA

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If you're that shy about your benis we can go for a swim in a frozen lake before. Then there's absolutely no chance of me seeing it x--------DDD

Can't relate with the shocking part. Good luck with the gf and dog bless.


>It seems like you didn't even read my incredibly short post before replying and dragged in a bunch of unrelated bullshit to bicker about.
It's just banter mate :-DDDDDDDDDDDD - but funny that you reacted to that post like a german would.

But seriously, it sounds like you had different expectations to what top should be than basically everyone else, especially concerning the Ukraine thread, which could have never been expected to be anything but a trashcan thread.
I mean, I would welcome stricter moderation, especially with regards to actual shitposting, but it's a discussion I have already had with mods in the past. But I also understand that banning the schizo is a fruitless endeavour because he's of that special (as in special ed) kind that he will actually get another IP to continue his retardation, and that is something that can only be resolved by real life violence.
Although I think more important than banning the schizo would be banning the people actually interacting with him and especially the one german larping in that fashion.

In general, mods are too nice, and that's a factor in what killed xyz.

Last, however, your whole post seeps with butthurt and you seem rather thin-skinned right now, which has never been my impression of you before. I will not assume things about your private life, but this is "just" an imageboard, there's no reason to let it get to you like that.
And "not making threads because shit" is an excuse I won't accept on EC. This is not the 4channel where a good thread will get drowned out immediately by an ocean of shit, but as someone mentioned in the other thread, Ernst interests are very narrow, so it's not necessarily a good place to talk about certain topics. But how can you know if you never try? But I understand your sentiment.


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>Speaking of, interesting cultural dialectics with gf
Is she Finnish?

 No.20320 KONTRA

Polish. At least she's naturally a Russorealist.

 No.1512 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Got Food? Into the thread it goes.
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Thank God I'm not fr*nch


I've worked in food plants. Food safety is mostly kabuki. When bad shit happens, someone is blamed and fired, but chances are they just did what everyone else also does all the time, and if anyone took the time to do it right, they'd be fired for wasting time.

The workers might not actively snip boogers into the food (allthough some might), but be assured that if dough is spilled on the floor, it gets shoveled back into the machine. And the floor is not as clean as it is supposed to be, because that double-door-room is used as a junk room and people do carry dirt from the street inside.

 No.20230 KONTRA

I’m not either, at least I hope

 No.20241 KONTRA

>but be assured

Yes, the food industry and food service industry does not work to regulatory's satisfaction. My expectation, though, is that the process of canning food is already quite automated and leaves less chances for workers to do something dirty. Other than that, we live in a quite intoxicating environment anyhow.

 No.15311 [Reply]

This is the designated thread to post about the Ukraine-Russia War.
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 No.21688 KONTRA

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Here's some low effort love for everypony's favourite armchairing thread.

AFU is reported to have made some territorial gains at the eastern front of their little pocket of RF clay occupied since 5 August 2024.
I think this is noteworthy because AFU has generally not been gaining but slowly losing territory for many months.
You're onions:

 No.21755 KONTRA

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Daddy, what did YOU do in the Ukraine War? Back when you were alive?
– I tried to construct a "tough badass" public persona for myself to distract from how I had my underlings torture, disable, abduct and kill innocent people while living a cozy life cosplaying as zorglhomme to mock my victims.
– I was employed as cannon fodder with other obese husbands, we were total edgelords, our employer tortured innocent people, and its logo was a drawing of an evil grinning human skull, it was totally ebin.
– I served in a group of cannon fodder whose logo was a drawing of an evil grinning clown, it was so cringe.
– I traded my leg and my dignity for a full bottle of cooking oil, a whole can of food, and not one but TWO plastic bags so full of something that I'd have to be careful for them not to rip open while I carry them home … if I could still walk.

 No.21794 KONTRA

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Looks like that Ukrainian offensive hasn't resulted in major changes to the frontline.

I don't know if the following is a result of said offensive, but, according to the Ukrainian state, AFU has captured North Korean soldiers alive for the first time in this war. They are injured but concious and have been brought to the capital where they are being treated and interrogated.
Again, this is all according to Ukrainian state media. I wouldn't be able to tell if they're just Buryats or Korean Russians from these photos.

 No.21795 KONTRA

>The SBU stated that Ukrainian authorities are working with South Korean intelligence to communicate with the POWs as they do not speak English, Russian, or Ukrainian.
You don't say!
>The POW told Ukrainian authorities that he had undergone coordination training with Russian forces for only one week before deploying to combat and that he thought he was going to a training exercise in Russia, not to the war in Ukraine. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky stated that usually Russian or North Korean forces kill wounded North Korean personnel in order to conceal their participation in the war.
It's easy to come up with additional reasons why they'd try to kill them.

Sauce: https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-January-11-2025 citing Ukrainian state Telegram channels

 No.19402 SYSTEMKONTRA [Reply][Last 50 Posts]


Nobody has the intention to open a Today thread
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Stopping at an African enclave train station to proselytize the natives on African history and neocolonialism. People must know about Patrice Lumumba. It was harsh seeing the death of Amílcar Cabral simply assigned to "Americans", but, as a leftist, I understand that revolutionary consciousness won't be grown overnight.


Your liquids have been in unbalance and that was the long required drainage.

t. dogtor

A progressive leftist would listen what the African people's opinion is and then just take that undebated because they know best what is true and right. Non-white conservatism is fine. After all, you don't want to be caught being the source of heteronomy.

 No.19959 KONTRA

> doing missionary work in the streets to convert the unbelieving masses
Like a mormon or a Jehova's wittness. And all of them bring salvation, some after the world revolution, some after the rapture.

Difference is: the Jehova's can't bring us heaven on earth, and they don't promise it. The socialists promise it, but would bring us hell on earth.


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I woke up and I felt really good. I had breakfast and then lunch and went to the library where I did a really effective study session for my classical Chinese seminar. I was sitting at a table with 3 Iranian women. They were cute.

Classical Chinese class went okay. We agreed that we’d read the tiger episode from the Golden Light Sutra next. (I picked it because it was referenced in a manga but I didn’t tell the lecturer that I just said “hey that’s a cool story isn’t it?” and he went along with it. No, there’s no lesson plan for this shit.)

German class went fine. Learned how to export my uni calendar from an IT guy sitting next to me. Coolest shit ever.
Learned about a good Bernhard short story because it came up in a discussion. Might read it later.
After class I felt energized and we talked a bit with the lecturer about the state of the education a bit. Then I went on a rant about the new Dazai book they published in Hungarian. I really have to write that letter of complaint. It’s my duty!
I almost wanted a cigarette but ultimately I didn’t smoke one. I mean it looks cool but I just don’t enjoy it. What’s the point?

After my run yesterday my legs still feel a bit sore, but otherwise I feel like I’m doing well again.
Also one of my book orders got delayed.
I think “reading for pleasure” is off the table for now. Way too many assigned books and the like.

 No.132 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Or, *The Ernstchan Oriental Studies Thread* (ECOST)
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When will the Budapest-Belgrade railway see return on invest? Doesn't matter much to China, they don't pay for it.

Those k&k-beurocrats must have made interesting experiences in Hódmezővásárhelykutasipuszta and I guess they would not have been as mild as I have been.

 No.19363 KONTRA

Considering that the last time I heard about the project it was about to completely collapse, probably never.



Is the last I know. It still won't be worse than German infrastructure projects (BER, Stuttgart 21), but you are right, it will never see return on invest. Still profitable for China.


 No.2555 [Reply]

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I came here from Kohlchan to raid this place. This is a raid. All my buddies will join this raid any minute now. You've been warned.
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>this is basically a dead board

Land with no people, people with no land, etc'


A jew would know.


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don't make us look bad infront of new frens bernd


Helluva raid, still going strong after more than a year. It's a wonder EC hasn't collapsed yet. Probably due to the herculean efforts of Ernst and the EC administration.

 No.19010 [Reply]

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On Sep 3rd Radio Ernstiwan will be half a decade old, we want to celebrate the occasion with a radio festival. Since Sep 3rd is a Tuesday, the festival will be scheduled for the following weekend Friday Sep 6th to Sunday Sep 8th. As is has become tradition, the new Ernstalbum - if completed by then - will also be presented that festival. Some streamers seem to have quit during the last months, so I'm not sure if we can fill up three full days. If we see that it's too much space, we will compress the schedule as needed. Of course you can stream at alle times, not only at designated slots. If someone actually wants to do graveyard shift, feel free!

Color coding is the same as always: Green: confirmend, Yellow: reserved, but not yet confirmed, grey: available.

Since we're able to do videostreams now, we were thinking about doing a dedicated videostream segment. With the focus of the festival being radio, a slot outside prime time seems reasonable, though that might change if interest is high. The idea is that all interested Ernsts get a timeslot inside that segment to stream whatever they want, for example three Ernsts with one hour each during a three-hour-segment. We could use a dedicated Ernst TV-mountpoint for this, so that viewers would not have to manually switch between each segment, VLC should be able to reconnect. If nobody is interested, we will scrap this in favor of normal radio streams. Still, I think that this has potential for entertainment, at least the inevitable technical clusterfuck would be hilarious.

Stream duration should be 2-3h, the focus is to provide enough slots so that everyone who wants to stream can get a slot. Please post your desired timeslots itt. The pictured commemorative coin sadly is already sold out, maybe you can acquire one on the black market (chat, Discord, Ernstagram).
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Listening to the first Burger stream I missed when it was live.


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Many thanks, radio recorder man.

Fun fact: Queen, Will Smith, and- unexpectedly- Robin Williams all appear twice.

 No.4776 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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In this itt thread I will post two comics by anglo writers.
First there will be "Wanted" by Mark Millar, the edgy scot probably better known for Kickass (though the films are also just rather "free" interpretations of the source material, like Wanted - although that one did indeed barely have anything to do with the comic).

After that we will read "Supergod" by writer Warren Ellis, better known for Metropolitan. Supergod is not exactly "edgy", but it's very entertaining in its own over-the-top silly way.

Please note that I will not necessarily be able to post all of it fast and quick, so prepare for an irregular posting schedule.

Let's start now with Wanted.
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Enough detail for me to find it.


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Huh, that's the one.
Thank you, fiend.

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