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/int/ - certified time wasters

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For 30 days straight /int/ fell behind /b/ on posting volume. If EC were a capitalist board, /int/ would be fired for not meeting targets, but luckily we are socialist board, so /b/ decided to help the oppressed, and share some of our wealth with our less fortunate brothers. In this thread, /b/-Ernsts will drop care package posts, until the budget provided by EcKinsey runs out and the mission ends. This thread will also serve as flagship project to inspire more native activity, so that in the foreseeable future /int/, which once was the more active board, can manage without foreign aid again.

Sooo... what were the most popular topics on /int/ again? From my memory it was anime, shitposting, and germans talking about Germany, correct?


What happened on /b/ in late June?


Wild guess, some Kohl refugees made EC their new permanent residence? I have no idea otherwise.


Cabbage was down and a lot of refugees came over. Was a little stressful at times, but not as bad as one would expect, most of them were nice.


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Urgent shipment of lewd content coming through.
Please refrain from masturbating ITT, we arranged privacy cabins for this.


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We're a respectable board, don't forget to hide nudity under spoilers!

BTW recently I made a telegram channel to dump there cool lewd picture I've seen. Here are something from there.


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Who asked for this international aid?

Germans trying to problem solve, trying to keep themselves busy and look what they've done. Anorectal posting will keep the production figures up, whenever inspiration strikes. It's about quality, not quantity.


You vil akzept ze help, and you vil like it!

>Anorectal posting will keep the production figures up

I lack faith in aesthetic anusposting. It's been 15 years, yet issues still remain unaddressed.


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> 2 & 3
> 4
why... you vile bastard. at least do a separate post :/

> lewd pictures
i would only label the drawn pictures as lewd. what have 1 & 3 about them, that you think it is lewd?


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The difference between lewdity and nudity should be self-explanatory.
It's how I dance around /int/s spoilered nudity rule as it if was the Maginot Line.


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It's my fault, the wine red Ernst with the grey volumes of grey matter marxist content. My solidarity shrunk under the mills of capitalism. Forgive for I have to make money and can do so for some time now. My posts in the last weeks can be counted with two hands whereas before it was two hands for one or two days.

 No.18328 KONTRA

The first Austrian post on /int/. Awful, send them back.

 No.18330 KONTRA

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are you, by chance, colour blind?
you didn't even hit the first post in this thread.


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Ach Ernst, I even documented my mysterious encounter with the goddess Kali in the dream threda a year ago.


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>The first Austrian post on /int/

 No.18336 KONTRA

Please refrain from posting Makima I come to this place to feel safe.


I recently learned my father is actively reading chainsaw man scans. Is that bad?


Mfw only a movie is coming out, and no hints of season 2 yet.


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>Is that bad?


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Fire Punch - Chapter 73 - 11.jpg (374.29 KB, 1115x1600)

One Piece - Chapter 42 - 2.jpg (175.05 KB, 1066x1600)

I sincerely apologize for not fulfilling my quota recently. I shall enthusiastically integrate hyper-scale growth strategies to exceed EcKinseys novel KPIs.

Btw I kinda got back into reading manga. Finished Dragon Ball, caught up on Chainsaw Man and the post-Miura Berserk chapters, read Fire Punch and now started One Piece.
It's a lot of fun, nowadays I think I enjoy the shounen stuff more since I appreciate the creativity put into it and the positive messages more than when I used to be a gloomy teenager interested in more edgy & 2deep4u stuff. Though that also still interests me.
But I also want to get into some other genres. Maybe try reading Yotsuba in the original now that I'm back at studying Japanese.



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My current manga obsession is trying to finish every volume of Sayonara Zetsubou-sensei.
I'm on vol28 currently out of 30 and while it has no overarching plot, it was interesting to see the form, content and characters shift with between the start of publication and the later chapters.

It starts out with a huge cast which at some point gets into like the mid 20s and it slowly "degrades" until it only uses 5-6 characters at best regularly and even those seem to only lose from their initial traits. It's basically getting worse but I still like it in a sense.
I'm sick of it, I wish it was over and I also don't know what I'll do with my life once its over.

It baits you in with having a melancholic main character who's a homage to Dazai and then you stay because you realise that it's basically just the author's neurotic diary about what grinds his gears about Japan currently, which is usually that the LDP is ass (because they are not nationalist and effective enough), something baseball/idol related and then also some really awful pun you only understand once you look up the kanji and then you actually want to kill yourself because it was so fucking bad.

And you kind of realize that yeah, you also have these moments where something about everyday life really ticks you off, be it an odd expression, custom or procedure where the entire thing falls apart the moment you think a bit too hard about it.
So like it's really relatable at least for me.

Also been re-watching the anime. Honestly from an artistic standpoint it feels like a prototype of Monogatari. Same studio. The quality's is shit for the first season but it's really funny honestly. And it has a good soundtrack and some nice character-tracks, of which I understand nothing but I like the tunes and some of the VAs can actually sing and no I am not going down that fucking rabbit hole where I care for seiyuus.


Ernst, I think you will mostly enjoy this Arctic Permafrost Atlas (PDF, 225 MiB, 176 pages, published last year). I had to think of you when I noticed how often it mentions "infrastructure". I hope the link still works:
I was going to attach its cover here, but when I extracted the image it turns out the cover illustration is not what it looks like. Instead of just going with the aerial image, apparently they decided to subtly overlay some random "gritty texture" image.

People who looked at this item may also be interested in Canada's zone pushing thread: >>14759

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