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/int/ - certified time wasters

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 No.11295 [Reply]

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General A.I. thread.
As in: general thread about anything A.I.

Do have a post in mind, but wanted to keep OP neutral, since there seem to be a few Ernsts using and/or interested in A.I.. That way the thread can develop while I don't work on my post.
Maybe just one little thing: A.I. is a misnomer. It is statistics with a pseudo random number generator on top to induce variations; nothing intelligent about it. While popular culture likes to romanticize general purpose A.I. in media, I would prefer if we keep the thread somewhat close to current techniques we attribute the misnomer A.I. to.
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You forgot: Harder


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Generative AI is a Parasitic Cancer [~1h 20min]
by Freya Holmér, aka acegikmo

i tried to somewhat replicate at least one. i found even less human created content.

what are Ernst's thoughts?


i do not think that A.I. in general is at fault here; it's not the tool, but the system. I would argue the core problem is rooted a little deeper:

The main model to make $CASH$ in modern internet is to lie, aka ads.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


Your post formatting gave me parasitic cancer (unlike all those other, non-parasitic forms of cancer).

 No.21663 KONTRA

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form follows function - not the other way round.

i'm a retard, i function differently.

 No.21561 [Reply]

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It is said that we are adaptation executors, not fitness maximizers. That is, we have inherited the instincts that made our ancestors pass on their genes, but we don't value passing on our genes as such.

But it is also said in an internet meme: Why not both?

Humans value game achievements. For example, there is a game achievement in the Torchlight II game that counts how many breakable objects (vases, boxes etc.) the player destroys while dungeon-crawling. If you destroy enough, you have accomplished the game achievement and get a nice icon for it.

Other people are out there in the real world driving race cars in circles at fast speed or kicking balls into nets.

So why not also have human DNA as a game achievement? It may not be our one and only maximization imperative, but there is no reason why we cannot as a species also value how much of the human DNA molecule there is in the universe. After all, it is a part of our origin and our identity and it doesn't occur in nature outside of humans (although some other organisms share some of our genes, non-living matter doesn't even have those).

We could, as a civilization, aim at this game achievement in the same spirit and with the same motivation as we aim at other game achievements. And unlike a single-minded maximization imperative, it would be very compatible with very many other goals and values. The universe is filled with resources. Winning a reasonably sized human DNA fitness game achivement would require only a tiny fraction of them.

Such a goal would also give you, yes YOU, the person who reads this, more intrinsic value because you also have human DNA inside of you. (In addition to whatever other value you have.)

So consider treating human DNA fitness as a game achivement for our civilization to which you can contribute in some way or another!


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I have a better idea: why not scene casher, mmh? You can select scenes from movies in your network and such, mmh.

 No.21563 KONTRA

yves matrix.webm (3.83 MB, 640x480)

How has Yves developed? I remember on EC some Ernsts dug it out again with him making vlogs in a flat that I think was under the roof of his parents house, his hmm going on and him talking about a Fasson(g)schnitt.

 No.21564 KONTRA

That's the last Yves season I know of. He also talked about some project he called "scene casher" . Like I said, you can connect scenes, or videos respectively, big emojis, big emotions, like in cinema, you can make your own stories out of that, this interactive effect is really heavy there, mmhmm, the fifth dimension, guys, ciao, ciao! that makes about as much sense as OP.


 No.21656 KONTRA

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> human DNA fitness
am not understanding.
in fact, is any human understanding?
afaik, we still ~cut it open >>>/b/28536 and don't understand the knots of DNA structure at all.
(haven't looked into the topic since that post; might have changed even before i posted in /b/)

what are you trying to game or maximize here?

 No.18293 [Reply]

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For 30 days straight /int/ fell behind /b/ on posting volume. If EC were a capitalist board, /int/ would be fired for not meeting targets, but luckily we are socialist board, so /b/ decided to help the oppressed, and share some of our wealth with our less fortunate brothers. In this thread, /b/-Ernsts will drop care package posts, until the budget provided by EcKinsey runs out and the mission ends. This thread will also serve as flagship project to inspire more native activity, so that in the foreseeable future /int/, which once was the more active board, can manage without foreign aid again.

Sooo... what were the most popular topics on /int/ again? From my memory it was anime, shitposting, and germans talking about Germany, correct?
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I sincerely apologize for not fulfilling my quota recently. I shall enthusiastically integrate hyper-scale growth strategies to exceed EcKinseys novel KPIs.

Btw I kinda got back into reading manga. Finished Dragon Ball, caught up on Chainsaw Man and the post-Miura Berserk chapters, read Fire Punch and now started One Piece.
It's a lot of fun, nowadays I think I enjoy the shounen stuff more since I appreciate the creativity put into it and the positive messages more than when I used to be a gloomy teenager interested in more edgy & 2deep4u stuff. Though that also still interests me.
But I also want to get into some other genres. Maybe try reading Yotsuba in the original now that I'm back at studying Japanese.



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My current manga obsession is trying to finish every volume of Sayonara Zetsubou-sensei.
I'm on vol28 currently out of 30 and while it has no overarching plot, it was interesting to see the form, content and characters shift with between the start of publication and the later chapters.

It starts out with a huge cast which at some point gets into like the mid 20s and it slowly "degrades" until it only uses 5-6 characters at best regularly and even those seem to only lose from their initial traits. It's basically getting worse but I still like it in a sense.
I'm sick of it, I wish it was over and I also don't know what I'll do with my life once its over.

It baits you in with having a melancholic main character who's a homage to Dazai and then you stay because you realise that it's basically just the author's neurotic diary about what grinds his gears about Japan currently, which is usually that the LDP is ass (because they are not nationalist and effective enough), something baseball/idol related and then also some really awful pun you only understand once you look up the kanji and then you actually want to kill yourself because it was so fucking bad.

And you kind of realize that yeah, you also have these moments where something about everyday life really ticks you off, be it an odd expression, custom or procedure where the entire thing falls apart the moment you think a bit too hard about it.
So like it's really relatable at least for me.

Also been re-watching the anime. Honestly from an artistic standpoint it feels like a prototype of Monogatari. Same studio. The quality's is shit for the first season but it's really funny honestly. And it has a good soundtrack and some nice character-tracks, of which I understand nothing but I like the tunes and some of the VAs can actually sing and no I am not going down that fucking rabbit hole where I care for seiyuus.


Ernst, I think you will mostly enjoy this Arctic Permafrost Atlas (PDF, 225 MiB, 176 pages, published last year). I had to think of you when I noticed how often it mentions "infrastructure". I hope the link still works:
I was going to attach its cover here, but when I extracted the image it turns out the cover illustration is not what it looks like. Instead of just going with the aerial image, apparently they decided to subtly overlay some random "gritty texture" image.

People who looked at this item may also be interested in Canada's zone pushing thread: >>14759

 No.20700 SYSTEMKONTRA [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Halal edition

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2:42 in the night.
I know it's saturday, but:


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The new kitten just realized he could make the jump up to my kitchen counter. It was only a matter of time.

I have three days off next week. Another win for Jesus.


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Are holidays a break from bickering, or will it intensify? Find out here!


 No.21397 KONTRA

Woke up pretty early. A siren was blaring but ultimately it turned out to be nothing.

Some more reading and also some writing. Not very happy with how it's coming along.
I lifted weights today.
Not much happening otherwise honestly. I need to ramp up my game.

 No.16566 [Reply]

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We really have a real estate crisis. Rostock is now about as affordable as Stuttgart. (Not.)

Used to be a Apartment in Toitenwinkel or Lichtenhagen was < 100k. I always dreamed of living on the shore. Now, I can dream of live in nether-lower-Frankonia, Coburg or some fucking shit.


Buying apartments is a bad idea anyway, because anything pertaining to the house still has to be decided by the homeowner association.


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>I always dreamed of living on the shore

Just rent an apartment and live on the shore? You are making up excuses.


 No.21277 [Reply]

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Looks like we will be staying here.
So, what is all your favourite football(soccer) teams and why is it FC Barcelona?


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 No.21288 KONTRA

I went to Barcelona for the first time this year and if it wasn't for the stadium you'd believe you'd be in a city with no actual big football club of it's own. No stickers (except for foreign clubs), no graffitis or murials etc.
It's like there's no fan scene in the city?

 No.21289 KONTRA

>No stickers (except for foreign clubs)

That's because the Barcelonians are a proud nation full of well adapted people. Unlike other football people with their dirt and noise everywhere.


All of them are bad, and they all need to be gassed. No exceptions.

 No.21231 [Reply]

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KC been down all day and this place get 5 posts. I guess everyone went back to 4chan or whomst the fuck where ever.
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 No.21265 KONTRA

Nothing shows quality like Drachenlord gossip on page one.


Darchenlüfter haben EC aufgebaut.


Thank you for bringing Drachenlord to page one on /int/, good sir!


Tried it one time and was banned within 15 minutes due to very slight erotica, not even softcore.

 No.12098 [Reply]

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A thread to let off steam and take a break from following social norms.
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You should always surround yourself with people who are smarter than you. Therefore I have come to the conclusion that I'm doing everything right when I regularly get reminded how stupid I am.

 No.13185 KONTRA

> I regularly get reminded how stupid I am.

You need other people for that?



Well, women put much more effort into upbringing infants than men so they're naturally more selective in their sexual behavior. They only want sex with someone they they can rely on or with rare top gigachads. Men on the opposite usually have no problem with casual sex provided it's achievable for them.
Gay people and tranners share some feminine traits, but their sexual drive follows masculine patterns. So instead of pursuing sexual relationships they have sex with dozens of strangers, who are in their turn also males, so they're also eager about such prospects.
So when conservatives criticize LGBT for sexual promiscuity and spreading AIDS, Monkeypox and so on, they're actually mostly criticizing men (who in straight relationships are limited in their passion by women). Lesbians have the opposite thing, "lesbian bed death", when they live together but don't want to bang each other.

That said, Tinder is built precisely for casual (=gay) sex. Couple of words about yourself, few photos and precise distance to potential sex partner. If you're looking for wife it's unimportant whether she lives in 4 or 5 kilometers from you, you have other priorities, for instance you'd like to know more about her. But if you look for a quick coom, it's the primary priority.

Based. Humans are very social animals so you should surround yourself with people who motivate you to become better by their example.

 No.21665 KONTRA

Sind Sie ein Handlichlauerer?
Dann ab ins Gas mit Ihnen.

 No.21145 [Reply]

Suffering is unimaginable. What is prostitution like in your cunt tree? In mine it's horribly illegal except in Nevada for I'm sure bullshit evil reasons. But strip clubs are everywhere as well as sex shops.
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There are brothels and whores on the streets and the internet but Ernst never sexed one.
Ernst was thinking about going to a brothel once but after seing all the trucks parked outside he didn't feel like he's in the right place.


Do you have a better idea?


Well, yes.
Have sex with women that won't charge you for it and masturbate in the meantime.

t. keen masturbator

 No.21292 KONTRA

Not everyone can be alpha enough to pay someone to touch you.

 No.21149 [Reply]

a poem for ernst
nothing against
we will be family
said drily

who's more beautiful
who more unsinful
than my lord
the most graceful
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


thank u
can you make verses?


gay chileno
writes shitty poem
it's not kino
it's very dim

I wasted my time
Writing this poem
In response to your crime
I myself am very dim




Thank you

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