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 No.15385 [Reply]

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Kohlchan can't maintain a MongoDB instance, and I showed up drunk to Eid prayer this morning. Nobody can tell when I'm drunk or high.

The Muslim community in this area has grown substantially in recent years. This year, they had to rent a small stadium. I got there kind of late and had to pray in the bleachers. Didn't take many photos, but it was a pretty crazy event due to its scale.

Prayer was oriented in the long axis of the stadium, and I don't think it pointed to Mecca. But whatever. Note that there were three shifts of prayers - 7:30am, 9:30am, and 10:30am. So this only shows one of the shifts.

One of the things that made an impression on me was the diversity of the ummah. Many distinct phenos were present. Also some serious QT3.14s.

I did the basic prayer (took 3 minutes) and then sat for the basic sermon (4 minutes) and left when the guy started talking about Palestine. He was talking about "war crimes," "international law," "historical norms," etc. Stupid bullshit. I'm convinced such rhetoric is designed to demoralize. I'd have preferred a simple call to Jihad. When I was young, I went to the LA mosque that the 9/11 hijackers went to, and those guys would have called for Jihad probably.
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Please, we all know there's no God

 No.15441 KONTRA

Then why do all you hurka-durkas go to your smelly-sandnigger-club meetings?


Mom made me

 No.15443 KONTRA

If serious and old enough to post, you're also too old for mommy to control you.

 No.15350 [Reply]

Is .top the leftard site or .xyz?

t. forgot
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In the end, it doesn't matter. If there is going to be an actual Kohl diaspora, Bernd will swamp out either.

 No.15353 KONTRA

top is what you like less.
Go to .xyz.


I like it here, I will stay and you will enjoy it


this is the one linked to from kc

 No.15348 [Reply]

bleh.jpg (92.82 KB, 378x378)

Bernd>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ernst(Ernst >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>bernd)

 No.14564 SYSTEMKONTRA [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

old people home_peng.mp4 (1.34 MB, 576x1024)


Now with 10% more dance content
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I joined the German Association for Media Studies because I feel like a beggar asking my former advisor or an acquaintance for the newsletter every other week it contains academic job postings for media studies. Luckily, it is a bit cheaper with my current status now.

Have you ever joined an association?

Interestingly I was born in a part that is rather north but without many stereotypes on a national level. Now I live in northern Germany and I dislike the idea of ever moving south, like Munich, Freiburg, Stuttgart or Würzburg etc. Even Kaiserslautern would be too south. Italy or Vienna would be great, though.


> but without many stereotypes on a national level.
Hannover area? They are so boring they don't even have their own dialect.


>As usual, southerners are cunning materialistic peasants. And northerners fart-sniffing snobbish intelligentsia.
Wow. Is it the same in every country?


Not Hannover but it is not too far away. Yes, we speak Hochdeutsch though idioms exist here as well

 No.14759 [Reply]

me palm.jpeg (1.2 MB, 4000x3000)

Does anyone here engage in zone pushing? This is where you grow plants in climates that are too cold (or hot, but that's rare) for the species and employ various tricks to pull it off.

I planted this windmill palm tree about a month ago. In this pic the weather got down to around -7 C and was obviously quite snowy, and the palm was entirely unharmed save for the tips of a couple west-facing fronds that took the worst of the wind. For future winters, I am planning an evergreen bush to its west for wind protection as well as a removable snow cover. I haven't decided yet if I'll try to add supplemental heat with Christmas lights or similar.
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>Ostfriesland or northern Bavaria worse than Hamburg

> It would be interesting to see something more recent



I just skipped over it, it says that the contamination is highly variable depending on the place. Which might not be that surprising, when it comes to motorized traffic. What is the physics or chemistry behind vegetables and fruit grown close to city streets in comparison to rural streets? Are there simply more cars per day passing by that is the problem? Air flow? Or have the regulatory (EU) limits been lowered since the 1980s?

The city can "keep" contaminations better than rural areas?


>What is the physics or chemistry behind vegetables and fruit grown close to city streets in comparison to rural streets?
What do you mean? It's exactly the same lol

>The city can "keep" contaminations better than rural areas?

Well you have to consider the dwelling time of a given pollutor. In a city you have a lot of pollutors on a small area, perpetually.
On a highway you have less pollutors at nights because less people are commuting and trucks are sleeping, plus people on the highway move faster through the area, wheras in a city it's usually stop and go, and acceleration costs more gas and thus produces more dirt than going straight at a constant speed like the autobahn. Some people going very fast might burn a lot of gas, but I out of a first impulse I would say a truck passing a crop field on a highway will leave less dirt along the 300 meter of field (plus higher dispersion because more room) than when it's moving the same distance in a city where the 300m might be two turns around a block, plus traffic lights and brake-accelerate cycles.

Then of course in cities you have all those areas where there might have been industry so the soil is already contaminated, or people using certain spots as designated trash dumps, all the dog and cat shit, trash everywhere (incl. smoking residues), and so on. There was a reason the plague could spread so well in cities.


>What do you mean?

Air flow that might have an impact or other variables that might impact chemical reactions. I'm not an expert in either hence the question.


Air flow in cities is definitely different than outside of cities.
In fact, city climate can be very different from rural climate, though that effect is more pronounced in bigger cities with higher buildings.

 No.14093 SYSTEMKONTRA [Reply][Last 50 Posts]


Now with 15% more REEE
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> it's organization which is problematic, and I was just following orders
You have learnt nothing since last time.


footworkfran.mp4 (3.3 MB, 576x1024)


That is what my dancing experience prior to taking classes boils down to.

>that can make you appear overeager.

I dance a variety of street dance, apparently. Usually, these are cool? I'd say dancing is intimidating because it demands being comfortable and secure with your body and its movements.

>Generally, I think condemning artistic expression as unmanly is very negative for the well-being of men.

Yes, though that appears to be the case only for certain artistic expressions. Many men are and have been very successful artists without being perceived as unmanly, probably the majority of them.

>But as someone who doesn't really know how to dance, I can't say I haven't welcomed it.

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You posted an article snap that said TikTok is antisemitic and asked me why I am. Logically, I have to tell you that I am not an app, not sure why you think I am but I'm not surprised by some of your intellectual merits anymore, fam.


It must be really hard being so far beyond everyone else both intellectually and morally

 No.13746 SYSTEMKONTRA [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Cooking a new one

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 No.14094 KONTRA

at least it's not glue, right?

 No.14095 KONTRA

I talked about richkid climate idiots, I never said anything about whether (some) farmers are turbocapitalists or not, but that was not the point. And some post on reddit is hardly proof for anything. I only read the title anyway because it told me thst comments had been deleted, and I refuse to allow all scripts to see what some asshole on reddit writes.
But you being the dishonest prick you are of course had to go all in with, yes, whataboutism.
>b-but muh rich farmers!!!1

The thing people like you don't understand is that you are only playing into the hands of the big companies. Provided the link you posted is indeed legit, these kind of farmers are not the majority, but they will rise in share when the smaller ones are dying, and then everything will be consolidated into a few large conglomerates. And you are supporting that. And why? I don't know, hatred for life maybe.


>and then everything will be consolidated into a few large conglomerates.

Let me guess, the AFD will revert capitalism and not lick the floor clean with their tongues to roll out a red carpet for entrepreneurs who produce wealth for this country. Why are people like you allowed to vote, you don't know what is good for capital and thus the country.


Imagine being such a petty asshole that you jump to the new thread to carry on with your bullshit instead of using the perfectly fine old thread.
You should become a gluer, you have that certain attention whoring attitude.
Didn't read your post btw.

 No.13780 KONTRA [Reply]

>have commie government
>live in literal sea of oil
>gas is $40/gallon
If there weren't so many poor cubans getting shafted it would be hilarious.

 No.13315 SYSTEMKONTRA [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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This was an attempt made by my very ambitious, shrewd and family-politically scheming auntie.
The daughter in question is from a family of her friends, which means that if I went for it, I'd have fallen under her political influence.

That's not a transactional relationship, that's an extractional relationship.


I thought you were muslims, couldn't you just tell your aunt to stfu?


There would have been gains and losses on both sides, it would have been transactional!


>There would have been gains and losses on both sides

I'd wager there would have been mostly losses on the bricks side.

My great-great-grandmother forced close to 80% of her numerous children from multiple husbands and one extramarital affair to marry for economical gain. These marriages were mostly unhappy.

She then found ways to funnel the wealth she herself had gained by marriage and the wealth her less-favorite children had gained by marriage to her favorite children, mostly her youngest son, who died a wealthy man, despite being a drinker and an intense idiot who once gave away an entire house while drunk.

The Brick is adviced to rather stay single then to enter into a marriage arranged by his aunt.

 No.499 SYSTEMKONTRA [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Let's give this one a try again.

Mods if it gets too cancerous just nuke it and then ban discussions of whokraine.
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 No.13355 KONTRA

>Other returning Vietnam veterans, meanwhile, were coping with the challenges of reintegrating into an America society
>implying white veterans were not coping with reintegrating. they got home and got busy and
> engineered
> the white resurgence

Veterans came back and struggled with reintegration and one way to reintegrate and cope with the changes and challenges faced in post 1968 US for them was apparently to fuse the thoughts a white ethnic revival discourse with methods from the culture wars of black people and women and their vocabulary (+ making use of the therapeutic turn and its methods/vocabulary to make meaning of what happened to them)

So while you think that the authors think these people did not struggle and cope and with returning from the war, the author describes exactly HOW they did struggle and cope with their return.

 No.13377 KONTRA


 No.13383 KONTRA




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