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 No.16668 SYSTEMKONTRA [Last 50 Posts]

economy of ethiopia.jpg (7.74 MB, 4344x2687)


And another

 No.16669 KONTRA

What is a bruh-faust?

 No.16671 KONTRA

bro-fist. It's a form of rectal homosexual incest popular in Germanistan. We urgently need to address these matters.

 No.16672 KONTRA

bruh_faust_example1.gif (1.31 MB, 498x224)


Do you ever think about cultural stagnation? And I mean mass culture and entertainment. There are clear and obvious differences between the cultural trends of, say, mid 80s and mid 90s; between mid 90s and mid 2000s. But after that? The changing becomes more and more gradual. There's basically no difference between "popular" music produced in 2015 and today. The film industry is either corporate franchise milking or independent productions regurgitating the same themes. Literature kinda gets a pass, it's not a very trend-depending medium after all. Even videogames, which, one would think, should be reflecting comparatively fast hardware evolution, fall prey to the same problem. The best received releases are mostly sequels or something similar nowadays.
Am I just getting old? Or is it an equalising effect of the widespread internet usage?
The internet culture, by the way, regressed if anything, and the reason for that is clearer, I think - a few corporations control the most popular websites (and there are like 4 nowadays, which is a symptom of the same problem) and since it's their goal to make them profitable, they have an incentive to make them bland, sterilised, uniform and advertiser-friendly.


AI will lead to rapidly evolving entertainment and AI-generated everything within days. Custom virtual realities will be available to the average consumer in just a few years. AI-generated music is now far superior to human-generated music.

I just LOVE how AI will make all the arrogant suckers who think their "skils" are worth anything redundant. Soon, there'll be masses of homeless former worker-bees who have a hard time grasping that they are not "middle-class" anymore, but lumpen depending on handouts!


>who think their "skils" are worth anything
Good thing I have skills instead of "skils".


It's called stuck culture

I used to get depressed about the idea but nowadays I think it's not as bad as people make it out to be. If you look at the bigger picture, it's hard to argue against but if you look in specific niches there's still plenty of interesting art being created. But yeah, with things becoming optimized by "market research" etc. the kind of projects that require big budgets are becoming less likely to take many risks. But who knows, maybe people will tire of endless sequels at some point and the trend will bounce back.
And it's not like you're gonna run out of things to watch/read/listen/play anytime soon.


> The internet culture, by the way, regressed if anything, and the reason for that is clearer, I think
to be honest, there are still parts of the "old and good" internet culture. at least as big as a decade or two ago. the only difference is, that the internet is now flooded with all the non-nerds as well. the people, who dominated the internet back than, were outliers. those outliers still have their niche within the modern, widely populated internet. they maybe even got more/bigger, but pale in comparison.

> Am I just getting old?

Not dissing, but i would assume that to be the main reason. by far not the only, though.

herb >>16674
i actually get a headache reading such stupidity.


Herb will never catch on, no matter how much you try to force it.


What kind of "skills" do you think you have? Playing an instrument? Code monkey? Writing up bullshit? I know it's the latter. AI is superior to you. LOL. You are now at objectively the same level as some mongoloid retard who is housed and fed by the government in exchange for existing, and your "skills" are worth as much as a mongoloid retard's "skills". You could be gassed, and it would not even harm the economy!


> economy of ethiopia.jpg
Yeah, few nouveau riche skyscrapers designed by foreigners for money raised by selling natural resources to foreigners are the "economy".

I use Linux at home because it CAN'T run videogames and motivates me towards more productive activities. Also I work in one of few domains where Linux is more convenient, so I'm more used to it. I don't get all the esoteric distros though, just Ubuntu or Manjaro.

Seems like you ask that question every half a year :D
There are some actual trends, but mostly it's your subjective perception. You remember good old things, but forget bad old things, because there is no reason to remember about some 90-s low quality movie. Unless you watched it back then as a child and will like for the rest of your life despite it being shit.


>because there is no reason to remember about some 90-s low quality movie.
Then why do I remember a crappy remake of a Kästner-children's book from the nineties?


Jehovahs-Witness.jpg (45.41 KB, 932x470)

Good evening, do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior, GNU+Linux?


The picture alludes to the discussion about ethiopia lately. I am aware that this does not work as a pars pro toto and was even intended to make that explicit by giving the picture such a "misleading" title.

Portugal, you have been a student? Now the class traitor comes out of his closet! (what did you study?)


I think your hate of humans getting channeled into some AI adulation that tops a tech bro hype machine is quite amusing.

AI + communism = paradise

Why do losers like you never want to be winners but instead want everybody else to lose? A Real communist wants everybody to "win" and it is the only rational choice to make


> discussion about ethiopia
I missed it. Was this discussion on EC, on Twitter or between you and your roommate?


> am aware that this does not work as a pars pro toto and was even intended to make that explicit by giving the picture such a "misleading" title.
I just remember that there was Ernst who wanted to move to relatively developed country in Africa because there is "too much bureaucracy" in Germany, so I thought that this was a honest intention.

 No.16688 KONTRA

>Portugal, you have been a student?
Yes, I studied computer science before dropping out. Short heda, culture of depression, I schizo.


> AI + communism
According to facial recognition system, you are:
86% - petite bourgeoisie
8% - lumpen-prole
5.5% - kulak
Sentenced to 15 years of solving captchas in gulag

 No.16690 KONTRA

>dropped out
Good decision.


Wow, I always thought that you majored in history


The only thing I'd posted in the last year is about my job discovering they've been overpaying me during the whole of 2023 :D
As for the memory thing, it's not exactly that. I'm not talking about fewer "good things" being produced nowadays, but rather the fact that the natural cultural shift in time seems to have halted to a crawl.


Between Portugal and me.

The robots with AI will do the labour and the humans can be rational and introduce communism, what's bad about it? You can still for work in your labor wage free time if you want to. You are free to do what ever work pleases you. Coding, some trade. The robots with AI just do the bulk so that we have things we need.


>and the humans can be rational and introduce communism
subtle, very effective


tech_farts.mp4 (583.14 KB, 576x1024)

Can some of you IT gigabrains tell me how accurate these are to real life? I work for the Institute of Teutonic Studies.


I have each and every once of these functions, often during one single day.

 No.16698 KONTRA

Congrats, sounds like we have an ultrabrain on EC. Will you answer the actual questions, though?


> Will you answer the actual questions, though?
No, but I will explain why:
a) Shitty unfunny tiktok shit
b) Cringy pandering oh-so-ironic post

In short: ur a faget lol

 No.16700 KONTRA

Nobody asked

 No.16701 KONTRA

But... but you did, right in the post before.
God no wonder nobody wants to answer your moronic questions.


All my historical shitposts are signed by an education on the topic that ended after the 9th grade. It's important to keep this in mind.

 No.16703 KONTRA

You answered things nobody asked for. We all know you are a gigabrain now but you still haven't answered the the only important thing people are burning to know. Can you at least be a one-man fart orchestra when you switch all roles throughout the day?


Didn't set an alarm for today. I decided to just rest. Had breakfast, lifted some and then wasted time online. I then decided to go to the store. Wanted to buy coffee and a light bulb. Also ended up buying a bottle of Mountain Dew because it was really fucking cheap and I never had the gamer meme drink.

Went to the newsagent on the way out and bought a left-wing journal because it looked moderately interesting. I wasted a lot of money today.
Essay on the developmental strategies of imperial and communist Ethiopia. Disappointed how the table give the targeted GDP/GNP growth for the five year plans of the empire but not the actually achieved growth.

I got really mad because the lightbulb I got is the right socket, but because it's a gay LED it won't fit in the actual lamp so I will have to fucking take it back tomorrow and get my money back and go to a different fucking store to buy a wolfram one.

Turns out the mountain dew was a bad idea because it's full of caffeine so a litre of that plus my usual two extra-strong coffees left me shaking as I was watching Danger 5 on a discord server.
I also spent a considerable amount of time watching Lupin III so I basically overdosed on cheesy espionage action today.
But it's good fun. Spies, thieves, guns, booze, fast cars, faster jazz, femme fatales. It's almost summer.

Tomorrow I will check the exam results to see if I need to continue living or not.
The weather's been really awful, another week of storms by the looks and I'm getting really irritated, lashing out at almost everything and everyone that even goes slightly against my plans.

I really need to sit down and finish that study tomorrow after coming home. Basically if I passed this last subject then the only thing left is the closing exam.


 No.16710 KONTRA

And you make posts nobody asks about.
We're not so different, you and I.

 No.16711 KONTRA

I was asking a specific question and not making statements.

 No.16712 KONTRA

And nobody asked you to do that.


Working from home is kind of insane. Sometimes in the evening I would think that some chores need to be done, and the next thought is "Fuck it, I'd rather do it in the morning on company time".

 No.16714 KONTRA

I simply asked, so somebody asked. Nobody asked you though to give information that is not relevant to the question.


1640101862-414.jpg (42.78 KB, 708x404)

Nobody asked

 No.16718 KONTRA

skull.png (45.7 KB, 256x256)

Are you mad that I don't validate your experience of a potential one-man fart orchestra?


You are doing it right.


Connections. 关系。
Great things loom in the near future if I keep my head screwed on tight.


Dicked around too much in the morning so I left a bit late for university. Also had to buy a new bus pass. As the clock was striking 12 I got a message that the lecturer was leaving for the day (despite calling us to look at the exam results between 12 and 13, which she promptly forgot by the looks) and I basically got off the metro and ran as fast as I can from the station to campus. Turns out she just left the papers there and told someone else to supervise people looking at them so I got to see the exam results anyway. I felt really energetic, running down the street, fast jazz in my ears.

Before I could enter the office I ran into the professor who usually helps me publish stuff in that magazine and he was holding a lecture and he stopped and told me he has a book for me and will probably leave it under my name in an envelope at the guardroom.

I checked the exam and the result was 77.5% so I passed and it's not even that bad of a result. (Considering the dude who's test was under mind failed.)
Essay was nearly perfect, only made stroke-errors, Chinese to Hungarian (which doubles as a gap-filling exercise too), error correction and "write a sentence with these words" all were nearly perfect. The only thing dragging it down was the Hungarian to Chinese part. Which is odd because I can apparently write Chinese sentences, just not these ones in Chinese.

I think two years after that disastrous exam, the Spirit has been restored. Or at least that's how I am going to turn it into a narrative for myself. I have recovered. I reliably passed all the exams. I developed my Chinese skills. I've won.

With this I have completed all the seminars and lectures necessary to be allowed to take the final exam.

Once I re-checked everything I peeked out of the office and told the prof that "Hey, we will be meeting at the final exam anyway, won't we?" and he was a bit shocked that I just popped out randomly but he agreed that this is indeed, true.

Then I spent like 1 and a half hours there talking with the lecturer responsible for supervising the papers and two other students. Then I left and handed back some library books I don't think I will need in the coming weeks anyway. I was running because of the hype I felt. The library has a Lidl next to it so I went in and bought a bottle of water and I decided to reward myself with a bottle of tonic. I cracked it open and it was hot outside, I was in a good mood, so I didn't care that the liquid shot out, I gulped it down, waltzing down the street between the cafés and restaurants, and then I washed my hand in the fountain next to some uni administrative building.

After that I went to the mall to return the LED and then I went home. Had lunch and then took a nap and then I spent the time shitposting on twitter and watching Lupin III and I also re-read that Hayao Miyazaki essay on Lupin I read like years ago and he was a lot less harsh than I remember it.


Today I was assured in my knowledge of being a funny person - at least sometimes.

I watched this TikTok with not a lot of views yet while having lunch. I posted a comment thinking this could blow up because it is genuinely funny to me. The content of the TikTok itself was meant to be funny and resembled a politician TV interview situation. But it reminded me of something else that everybody who does share a flat will know about and so I posted a funny remark that alluded to this situation and more than 5k people thought this was funny and true.
Numbers don't lie, Ernst. Numbers don't lie.


2024 Отдых


I woke up at a normal time, had breakfast and then I sort of went back to bed. I overslept the alarm I set on the tablet, so I was literally asleep most of the day.

After waking up everyone was already home and the weather turned bad. Also didn't have a coffee yet and I only had some toast for breakfast so I was really fucking irritated at everything.
For like 4-5 days now my left eyelid has been twitching on and off because of the weather and it's starting to really tick me the fuck off.

My father had some guy over for srs discussions about stuff (I try to listen as little as possible lest I get an aneurysm from my father knowing everything better) so I couldn't really eat immediately as it felt improper. Still made a coffee. I was so mad for no reason.
After like two hours he left and I had some spaghetti and my mood got somewhat better.
I just honestly wish I could control the irritability at home better. It's like losing the same match over and over again. But I just fucking can't bear the small-talk and the like.

Watched a few eps of Lupin and then also cleaned out the room. Lot of socks floating around etc. Played like another hour of Persona 2 and I think this is what it must feel like to try to read Classical Chinese if you've only ever studied modern Chinese. The elements, their order and meanings are insanely familiar, but it's different enough so that it's a massive fucking pain in the ass to work with. So like, yeah, I don't know if I want to actually apply myself to finishing it. Well not right now anyway.

Idk I'm a lazy piece of shit right now. All day. Every day.
Gotta vacuum tomorrow and also gotta finish that study I've been meaning to throw together.
And buy milk. Gotta write that on a post-it note.


It was +27C today, but I almost adapted for the heat. Luckily, smelt fish season is over because Azers were selling it right in front of subway station, unrefrigerated. Imagine the smell.

My friend was taken to asylum today. He took psychedelics on new age festival last weekend, then had hypomania for few days and finally switched to paranoia, being obsessed that CIA is after him. He's been in asylum already few years ago, but recovered after and was sane until last few months when he started to go nuts. I think, he could prevented it if he had more self-control: led a healthy lifestyle, hung out with normal people instead of lowlife potheads and chased boring girls instead of selfish psychopathic bitches. This would also reduce the number of stressful scrapes he got into. He followed Nietzschean morality and presented himself as a tough guy and hang out with actual tough guys, they wiped their feet on him, he endured and then showed Stockholm syndrome.
America is to blame. Its mass culture instilled false values in him. Death to America. Glory to People's Republic of China.


Me at work all day.
Came home and my sister had ordered a pizza. Things are looking up.

 No.16818 KONTRA

I woke up relatively early and spent most of the morning getting groceries and the like. After I got home I vacuumed the room. Should have done it a lot sooner but I keep forgetting it.

Afterwards I had lunch and wasted most of the time on the computer. Almost done with the first series of Lupin III. I sometimes hear out the sinicisms from the Japanese speech and it's making me go mad. But I guess it's the kind of madness that's actually fun.

I think I'm getting tired. There's a spot on my right arm that keeps on randomly stinging. It's near a birthmark and I noticed that the birthmark has a slight hump under it and I can't tell of these three things are related but in a paranoid manner I'm afraid that it might be skin cancer. Maybe I should get it checked out. I think I do this like once a month.

I've been slacking off with my running and it's making me feel bad, but it's just too hot to run outside at the usual time.


Lost my car key today. Have a spare, but now will need to get another. Will cost hundreds because technology. I am so pissed off about this it's unreal. It's not just the money. I don't lose things. I don't drop things. Things do not fall out of my pocket. My systems have broken down.


FYI: Messing around with the board software, don't be surprised about funny error messages like "Your post was empty" when it clearly was not.


Didn't want to go to the dealership for a new car key. Everything at a dealership is overpriced. My local ACE Hardware was supposed to have some machine to cut and program replacement keys. The guy there said it had been removed. Great. Gave me the number for a locksmith. He came to the house. Took about half an hour. I have two keys again. Having only one was extremely stressful. One step away from no transportation and a 1-ton brick in my driveway.

>Will cost hundreds
Looking into GPS/Bluetooth tracker keychains. I will never recover from this incident. It will not happen again.


I would cry. It's okay if you did.


Damn those crooks.
Are you sure you lost lost it or did it just vanish within the house? We have a saying "The house doesn't lose anything".


puck did this.jpg (61.14 KB, 436x470)

I swore. To get even. With whatever trickster god orchestrated this situation.

Lost it at work. I spread the word for people to keep an eye out, but if it wasn't located yesterday then it's not likely to ever turn up.


Well then, sorry for your loss. Glad I'm still very low-tech with my "stick-into-lock" key.

 No.16874 KONTRA

Wasting colossal amounts of my day. The night's still young. I wish I had a bottle of wine right now honestly. I will probably just copy out relevant parts of my thesis for the essay I cannot be bothered to fucking write and cite shit again I'M DONE WITH THIS.

I keep reading random stuff, keep watching Lupin and then also just listening to jazz and watching for my eye to stop twitching. It's endless storms and fleeting rains and I just want it to fucking end finally but no, it keeps going on and on.

Local elections are in like 10 days. They threw in an election special of the local magazine. Read the candidate's program for my district. Two Germans vying for control under two German mayoral candidates. Like half of the candidates have German names and its endlessly amusing to me.
Me? I will be voting for the incumbent who's been at it for 33 years. Can't go wrong with that. You look at him smile on the campaign photo, with those teeny-tiny eyes and somehow, I feel at ease that yeah, I can trust this guy to manage our beautiful town for another 5 years. Heil dir, Herr Bürgermeister!

The desk-lamp stopped working again. Or rather, it kept working on and off and it was killing me how the thing would work one time and then not work the other and of course I had to see what was the problem, the lamp, the bulb, the outlet or my hand so I took out from storage the identical lamp and sat down to a different outlet, switching the bulb and stuff only to realise that the issue basically was that the wolfram inside the bulb started fracturing so it wasn't making contact all the time. Basically down to blind luck. Then it broke just as my father was looking at it. The sides of the bulb also melted. So tomorrow I'm off to find a bunch of replacements. The gay LEDs don't fit so I need an old-style batch. I wonder if they stopped making these in the past couple of years.
I kinda like this lamp. It's old-fashioned, once I showed it to a friend and he laughed because his impression (as an Amercian) was that "It's so you. It's something out of some Soviet archive." of course it's not that old-fashioned but it has a creamy faux-marble hood and otherwise is plated in shiny material. It's one of those three-phase touch sensitive lamps. I think we got them as gifts.

The most infuriating thing is that I wanted to buy a replacement bulb but I failed. And it's just so infuriating that I go to a store and I cannot expect to find what I want even if months ago I bought something there once.

I skipped like a week of running and it was a bit hard to do it again, but I pulled through.

The thing I felt on my arm yesterday turned out to be muscle-related and I essentially forgot about it by lunchtime right until now.
We talked about my studies over lunch. My sister wasn't present because she was busy with something else. My father was really enthusiastic about the possibility of me getting a PhD. He didn't say it but it was that working-class sort of "My son is a doctor [of philosophy]!" enthusiasm.
People keep telling me I should do it. Well, the lecturers of course tell me, but they have their own interest at heart. I don't know if they are motivated by genuine goodness of them thinking I'd make a good Sinologist. I think I'd probably make a colossal misstep at some point and tell someone important enough to put it mildly into English "Go fuck themselves" for being "A retarded faggot" who "wastes my fucking time" and therefore "should commit ritual suicide" that my career would be over in this shithole.

I guess I should really leave the house tomorrow. Have lunch, buy the lightbulb etc because I am yet again slowly going mad. And then start prepping for the exam.


I was ignorant of how cheap hydrating yourself is in Germany. 1€/year.


Taking notes.webp (16.51 KB, 480x253)

Go on...


What is the make of your car?


The new key is nearly identical to the original. One small detail: it doesn't have the H.


Why did you choose this exact car?


The amount of piped/faucet water in German costs you maybe 1-3€/year depending on the region to hydrate a human. according to some page I came across I never really thought about calculating what my use of faucet water for drinking costs. It makes sense given that water is usually the cheapest in comparison to electricity and gas, though.


>It makes sense given that water is usually the cheapest in comparison to electricity and gas, though.
Well, right now we certainly can't complain about a lack of water.


Today’s confession : I’m not as much of a good person as I’d like to be. I have some kind of morality obsession but I see people who don’t obsess over morals being better at being « good » than I.
It pisses me off, I think I want to be good because I want to be loved by most people I meet. Which is egomania, there could be worse manifestations of this though so it’s not that bad. But being disliked really puts me in a crappy mood.


You want to reference impending water scarcity in Germany?


>I want to be loved by most people [...] Which is egomania

I vote for emotional neglect which is also the reason for your depression. I know many people who have a problem thinking they need to be good and that they are the worst.
The hard facts are these: people won't like you for whatever reason, maybe even because your voice is stupid, stuff like that. You cannot change that. Don't try to be liked by most people. Focus on people who seem to like you.
And honestly most people are morally volatile. Shouldn't feel bad about it. I'm not saying you should be malicious but don't fuck yourself for having an evil thought or not giving that homeless person the coins you had left in your pockets.


No, I want to reference the recent floodings


The decision was easy: it's my sister's old car.


I was considering the recent rain period as reference as well but decided against it. Maybe because I only know it from the news. Though rain has been quite heavy here that is when it rained which was heavy but not very frequent. But afaik that is a normal "new pattern"


>It's not just the money. I don't lose things
I feel you. Certain things never leave certain places, there's no chance they will ever get lost this way. This works well for the vast majority of time, but that makes it worse if it doesn't work for some reason. It's not the loss of the particular object, but the loss of theoretical certainity that no item of importance can truly disappear.


>as well but decided against it.
See this is why irony doesn't work on the internet in general an on EC /int/ with germanballs in particular.
Half of Germany gets flooded and Ernst thinks about a drought.
Would you have understood it if I had put a ;) or :) or :^) or ^^ behind the post?


>Would you have understood it if I had put a ;) or :) or :^) or ^^ behind the post?




I thought this is (aged) Jeremy Fragrance for a few seconds.

 No.16913 KONTRA


 No.16914 KONTRA

Du Schelm. :^)


A minor traffic accident just happened in front of the house. I think this is the second time since I have lived here. Turning is a bit dangerous here, people often overlook one lane it seems. It is the third time I have been an earwitness to a traffic accident happening outside the place where I live.


Btw my "package" still is nowhere to be found. I suspect her to have a bf by now. But she’s still buying stuff for it and waiting to send it.
If it’s some kind of psychological torture it’s well done.


They car that probably did not pay attention to oncoming traffic is pretty much fucked, they "drove" it on the parking lane and it bounce like crazy. Total damage I guess?

She eventually will have a bf again, yes. Be prepared for the message.


I very much think she has one and that it’s a guy she’s been flirting with (and recognized having been flirting with) while we were together. Well, that’d just be another humiliation that very much follow every last one she made me endure.


Sad. You will find somebody that suits you better. Sounds cliched but is probably true. Just get to know people, if you can pull her you can pull a similar woman I guess.


Or maybe he won't, you don't know that. It's over either way and there is no point in crying over spilled milk.

t. cryer over spilled milk.


>I very much think she has one and that it’s a guy she’s been flirting with (and recognized having been flirting with) while we were together.
Complete and total psychological destruction. A rural kind hearted Swiss boy never stood a chance, she's playing in higher leagues. I would suggest no longer engaging with this woman unless this sort of stuff strikes your fancy. Forfeit the elusive package, lest it carry within a selection of items full of emotional meaning tailored to deliver permanent damage.


I saw in our last dispute months ago she was starting to rationalize the emotional abuse by saying to herself we weren’t really going out with each other, and overreacting about my mistakes.
>playing higher leagues
She only dates in STEM and I was in humanities. It displeased her since she wanted me to buy us a castle. Now she dates in STEM again.

 No.16923 KONTRA

That’s why bro said maybe. Though I do not plan on trying to fuck my way up the social ladder again anytime soon. The Oligarch and the Count were enough. I’ll come back to local peasantry

 No.16924 KONTRA

She told me I was honorary stem once lol




Don’t worry. I’m the broken record in that situation lol. And you are right.
Sorry you have to see all this btw


flashback granny.mp4 (2.13 MB, 576x1024)

>Or maybe he won't, you don't know that.

No, I don't but it is not unlikely tbh. If he gets to know enough women there will be one that suits him. He sounds like a decent human and he is still young.

t. not a believer in the one and only. The one and only is a simply decision to make but this decision could be made for multiple people on this planet


They are right. Make an epic move and decline the package and then ghost her if she asks why it came back to her. (you can write her an answer once you are actually over her)


Google published a textbook on prompt engineering. Maybe if I read it, I'll achieve at least a tiny part of your skill.

He's a masochist, he wants to cuntsuffer over her.


Educational story:

When I got into the relationship with my ex, she was still hanging out with her ex. In fact, I had been flirting with her on a birthday where they both went together.
She acted like she was being nice to him (I think she actually thought that, but knowing her character it was more likely some unconscious drive to torture him, or the "being nice" thing was for the public so she wouldn't be perceived as the heartless cunt she is), and he probably thought there was still something going on, because why else would a woman that just broke up with you still deal with you? Later she explained to me that he was definitely not the right guy, but in the right spot at the right time.
Anyway, one day at some village fair we met him. It was clear we were an item and even he noticed that. A few minutes after we passed each other, he wrote her an SMS about how she was being dishonest and scheming (frankly, she was, but not in the way he meant it) and "ah so THAT'S how the cookie crumbles".
What followed was her attempts to soothe the waters and him acting erratically in a way that I was expecting suicide threats any moment. It didn't happen, gladly, and apparently he found someone else a few months later.

Moral of the story: I vowed to never let that happen to me because it's just dumb, from both sides, so after she broke up with me, I cut off any contact, and with time I got over her. I even realized how large of a bullet I dodged there, drew a bunch of lessons from it (because we really went through every facet of a shitty relationship) and have been in a happy relationship for over a decade now.
The important thing is to keep going, to learn from the past, but not let it determine your future.


Last night I finished the last paper of my BA studies. It was pretty shit tier and I hated every second of it, mostly because I left it half-finished and I didn't cite like half the shit so the first round of review was basically just comments saying "Um... Source?" but some stuff was baffling, then again, I did get caught up in mid-century Marxist mumbo-jumbo.

But sending it in felt liberating. Of course I can only blame myself because of course coffee, anime and just generally dicking around checking cultural references in Lupin III was just simply more important than finishing this shit on time. (I sent it in on time, it's just that the inside of my head is basically like a field of stick being tied together with string right now and I'd rather focus on the string than the papers honestly like "Oh wow look I think this influenced that!")

Went to the local electronics store and bought a single light bulb. I wasn't sure what type to get because I used like a 38W one in the lamp but the labels say 28W is the maximum, but the lumen value was different on the 42W and the 28W ones and I was afraid it'd be dim if I buy the 28W one but if I buy both then one will turn out to be useless definitely so I can't buy both if I don't want to return it but I also don't want to come back to buy extras for the future so in the end I just decided to go with a 28W as a test to see if it's too dim or not and it worked just fine, but I spent like a good 10 minutes just looking at the boxes and stuff.
(Total amount paid: 1.14 Euros)
Gotta buy like 10 I feel like to have some in storage.
My life isn't interesting, I just make some cosmic quest out of the most minor things.

Tried to do some more research into Japanese detective literature but it wasn't really working out.
Idk what I'm actually doing with this. I'm just satisfying a mania. I think. At best this will result in a 3-4 page magazine article that will never get published and then a translation that will be taken as a declaration of war by the local Japanologist community because I used the Chinese as a basis. But I want to do this. I need it in my life. I want to translate a Ranpo-story.
I need to unearth more intertextuality. I need more poles and more string. MORE!

Then I spent some time on discord with friends. Re-watching Danger 5 and at this point, that combined with Lupin III means I've seen so many fucking cigarettes on screen in like the past week that I think I actually am suffering from the negative effects of second-hand smoke.

My father got me some special charger that has two USB-c sockets so I can charge multiple appliances faster if I need them. (I honestly don't keep my phone or tablet or my earbuds fully charged, sometimes I go days without charging them and then I need to get some juice into them in like 30 minutes when I fuck up.)

Tomorrow will be more productive I hope. I'm totally beat because of how I stayed up until like three hours past midnight. How did I used to do this regularly?

Anyway, with that study submitted, I have no fulfilled my obligations for the semester to myself. I wrote a contract with 10 goals set for the semester and decided to complete at least 70% of them, with the first three (Get better at Chinese and then also to finish two studies) being mandatory parts of that 70%.
Probably sounds massively autistic that I print it out and ceremoniously sign it and also write it out in pseudo-legal language to bind myself to some promise but it seems to be working. Almost completed my first 5-year-plan too.

Now only the final exam remains. *'Tis the final conflict!*
I'm hyping myself up. The end of a narrative. The end of a chapter. The storyline spanning four seasons finally coming to a close.

 No.16931 KONTRA

Thank you. It definitely has similarities with my story

I pledge it’s the last time for months I’ll talk about this here.

>Now only the final exam remains
Good fucking luck!


Maybe you should not listen to the Germans? Enjoy the tragic romance instead of looking for philistine happiness.
I don't know tbh but consider the option.


Quintessential russian "crab in a bucket" mentality post

 No.16934 KONTRA

Diagnosis: Das kleinbürgerliches Konzept von Glückseligkeit.


That would be the "I think I like this little life" song memeing on TikTok. What Swizz is doing is midwestern emo or hopeless euro romantic softboy with glasses stupidity.


So many words to just say I’m behaving like a Frenchman T_T


What is your native tongue?


1) I don't think that I can qualify as a crab in a bucket currently, since I'm in relationships and my love is reciprocal.
2) I used cuntsuffer couple of times and I appreciate it. Listening "Creep" on repeat and so on :D . My life would be less complete without this experience.
3) Romanticism is part not only of Russian, but also of German culture: there is not only Dostoevsky, but also Goethe. Meanwhile culture of avoiding any discomfort... It smells with Carnegie's books, Prosac, extra large Doritos with Mountain Dew taste and so on.

 No.16939 KONTRA

I haven't watched the video, but I bet that it supports my point


There is a difference between drawing creative spirits from suffering, finding some kind of aesthetic appeal in the darker aspects of life and reveling in it.
The latter one is victim-complexed slave morality, i.e. quintessential russian mindset.

 No.16942 KONTRA

>victim-complexed slave morality

Sounds like a particular German 💙💙💙

 No.16944 KONTRA

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Today it was +30C so I went to The Summer Garden (there were no urgent tasks at work). Shadows, fountains, greenery, marble chicks - everything man needs.

 No.16945 KONTRA

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German Ernst #2, we both know you are three weeks overdue getting some girl's phone number. I would advise against following German advice until this is rectified.

 No.16950 KONTRA

> p4.jpg
that looks like artificial bubblegum flavored waffle with citrus ice cream. what is the correct english term for this type of ice again?
Why does the waffle have such a weird colouring?
(also, in America your The Summer Garden would have been destroyed for being inappropriate. <- could amiball confirm or deny this? actually curious.)

 No.16951 KONTRA

>What Swizz is doing is midwestern emo or hopeless euro romantic softboy with glasses stupidity.
I wish I could do that but my the bipolarity of my feelings just makes it comical. (Plus I'm too lazy to shave.)



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>make some cosmic quest out of the most minor things
Lumens vs. Watts. CFL vs. Halogen vs Incandescent. Type A base vs. Candelabra. Not to mention the physical size of the bulb itself if the fixture is enclosed. Shopping for lightbulbs is no easy task.

>could amiball confirm or deny this?
While nude sculptures regularly pop in and out of controversy, we're actually more into banning books these days. Marble chicks are generally safe. Unless the subject owned slaves. In which case It. Is. On.


It's true. I even set myself a timer for last week. I have been busy-depressed over getting a job. The good news is that I at least got one of them as it seems.
Still have the challenge in my mind. The worst is I have been doing this every few months in the past but it certainly is way too little to achieve something.

 No.16964 KONTRA

Yes. In a sense it kind of feels like an issue my father would have. Or any man above like 30. It's completely normal to get lost in the maze of data when trying to pick the perfect bulb for your home.


Must be nice having no problems so you can make your own.


Yeah, the weather is insane. I also didn't have too much to do at work today but decided to stay inside, where the temperature is more comfortable.


Chinese teacher invited the class for dinner yesterday. Unfortunately didn't manage to talk to her too much despite us sitting next to each other. Afterwards most of the class went to a Karaoke place and some of us got pretty wasted. That might or might not be part of the reason, but it was the most fun I had at karaoke so far.
All the Japanese classmates did the dance from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sr--GVIoluU when it came on. Soft-spoken Japanese girl went crazy with some anime intro. Spanish girl with the big bunda put on a pretty good Shakira impression. Class clown Korean guy made everyone's ears hurt to Smells Like Teen Spirit. All the boys getting emotional to Creep. I managed to belt out a pretty decent solo rendition of this Chinese disco rock banger: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OC4OzBPUi4

 No.16980 KONTRA

Got asked if I want to conduct an interview for a magazine. I have the option of choosing between two people to interview, though my connection is encouraging me to pick one over the other. Though I happened to have taken classes from the other one. (And the one he wants me to interview lives very far away.)
Can't be that hard to conduct and interview. You assemble 8-10 questions, you arrange a date and then just ask them and record them answering and then transcribe the answers and publish it.
Feels like a golden opportunity. (Probably not, it just sounds illustrious as an outsider.)
If I end up becoming a journalist I swear I will be independent and objective!

I did a treadmill session in the early evening and now my head hurts and I feel sick. I probably shouldn't have had coffee before running.

My mood turned sour again.


I asked my neighbor if I could print something, turns out her roommate has the printer. I had a long chat with printer girl which surprised me. They are my favorite neighbors, though I have never spoken to printer girl besides handing her a package the delivery service left at our flat. She was very engaged in the chat. Maybe I should ask her to do something again? She seemed to enjoy my presence and did enjoy hers. She seems a cool person who does interesting things that have nothing to do with humanities :DDD. It's a great feeling when something unexpected and enjoyable happens.

 No.16984 KONTRA

You should offer her a coffee or meal for the effort.
Just to be clear: The goal here is to get a date of sort.


It was a single page to be printed. I will write her a message, though.

 No.16988 KONTRA

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Wrote her a message.


It's cool inside because of air conditioning, but air is stale for some reason, so it's more comfortable outside. In shadow, ofc.

I'll probably have nothing to tomorrow as well. Both at home and in office. Thinking of solving through http://verbit.ru/MATH/UCHEBNIK/Verbit-topology-in-problems-and-theorems.pdf
Last time dropped at second chapter.


>It was a single page to be printed.
I expected as much, and that was the joge, dummy. On second thought, don't do it, you would probably sperg out and spoil it.


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>I'm sorry Ernst, I cannot take your offering of coffee or a meal as a payment for my efforts, for it was a single page.


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I just thought about something:
With all the people working from home (and WFH hopefully not becoming any less popular), will dedicated studies become a thing again? I currently have an "office", but "office" does indeed sound so official and work-related and basically it's just my hobby room repurposed, whereas "study" puts an image into your mind of a wooden desk, walls covered in bookshelves stacked with books and a comfy wing chair.
Hence I started calling my "office" my "study" and it already feels less sucky.


Gonna be conducting the interview with the old sinologist after all. But I'll have to put it off for a bit. They are going to give me a copy of the book. So it's a good deal.

Wasted the first half of the day. Then I read like 20 pages outside. Got bitten in 4 places by mosquitoes and then I came in. Talked a bit with my mother and then I ran, though I felt a bit weak so I stopped earlier than usual. Showered and washed my hair.
My mother asked me if I'd like her to cut some of it, and I agreed. She was so giddy looking at it, "Oh my God Ernst, it reaches the middle of your back" and like yeah. So we agreed on a length, but it ended up being a lot shorter. Honestly I'm okay with it.

Yesterday night I wanted to fix my sleep schedule but I ended up wasting a lot of time looking for a single piece of paper that contained the details of my "First Five-year-plan" and I couldn't find it. Of course I remember the five goals on it, but I am a bit sad that I cannot actually ceremoniously sign the goals off.
I'm going to make a second list for the 2025-2030 period.

I have library dues so I cannot register for a small routine examination I still need to take. So I'm going to take back the two books I still have on me tomorrow. I'm too much of a lazy ass to scan the 700 page long Wittfogel volume. Idk maybe I will just re-borrow it.

Anyway, I feel like my mood took a turn for the worse again. Probably from staying home too much.
Also skipped lunch. Woke up very late actually.

 No.16996 KONTRA

> I'm too much of a lazy ass to scan the 700 page long Wittfogel volume.

I once scanned four volumes (1200 pages) of articles on Baudrillard. I never read one of those articles. A friend back then did a Fernleihe on these volumes and I was reading Baudrillard at that time

She said she also enjoyed the conversation so I asked her if she wants to do something and continue the conversation.

 No.16997 KONTRA

I just thought maybe we could simply get ice cream down the street and I pay hers. Hope she says yes and likes ice cream.


don't focus in on sexual stuff too much.
sounds like she seems a kewl person (for your taste), could also be a good buddy.
obviously, if you sex as well, it is more enjoyable


Four days later, someone actually found my missing car key. Did not expect that. Sucks that I already paid for a replacement but definitely feel better with this original back in my possession. Having two spares is better than one, and my car is more secure without a random key floating around.


Yeah, I'm not expecting too much. Personally, for me, it is good if I just go out more and talk to people. It helps with mitigating depression.


Today I had to write that democratic centralism was a form of political organization and one that is considered democratic because there is a "bottom-up" electoral process.

In another topic, I'm (correctly) supposed to write that Portugal was a dictatorship because despite having elections, they only involved a single party and were conducted in a context of oppression and vigilance against anti-regime forces.

I understand the necessity of learning how to compartmentalize thought to avoid cognitive dissonance as a hazing process into academia, but why did they have to invent their own definition of democratic centralism? Couldn't they have called it democracy of soviets or something of the sort?


Do you really want to get into academia when it's controlled by communists?

 No.17009 KONTRA

It's controlled by fascist reactionaries. Proof: all the professors are old white man. No black women. Even most students are ypipo.


It's not even controlled by communists, it's by social democrat apparatchiki who larp as revolutionaries. The worst combination.

>all the professors are old white man
Are they really majority male in Germany? Here's it's a definitely a majority female thing.


Majority as in >50%? Probably.
Though I'd argue that the rates vary between fields. I definitely had a high share of male professors in my STEM studies.


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There was an interesting twitter drama with historian guy who wrote books about "whiteness" and than had a meltdown because he couldn't find a job due to diversity quotas:
Stonetoss made a comics about that.

I wonder if there is such affirmative action in Portugal. And whether Ernst could qualify for it with his 25% African DNA test.

 No.17013 KONTRA

It was me, with VPN


>I wonder if there is such affirmative action in Portugal
Thankfully no, these sorts of policies would be unconstitutional.


One is several political parties competing with their programs about how to conduct sovereignty, the other is communism. The difference is in free competition, doofus!


Yes, it's an ice cream with bubble gum taste. And it painted my sharts green for a while.


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I got an email that I can pick up the review copy at the office of the publisher (it was rather nice, I got tagged in one and I was referred to as "A young Sinologist"), and since I got two emails asking me to return the books I have with me to the library I set off to the city. It was rather hot but I felt alive again.

First I went to the publisher and I had that slight zoomer angst when I had to use one of those intercoms Budapest houses have on the outside but I composed myself in like 10 seconds and called, told them why I was there and they let me in. I walked in, knocked, came in and a nervous man in a suit greeted me, I told him who I was, why I was there and he seemed baffled and confused for a second, I thanked him, shook his hands and then left. I think he was more nervous than me.

I then went to the library, book in my hand. Looked through it on the metro a bit and honestly it's a triumph. Not just for the literature studies, but also for Sinology. Not only is the content remarkably good at first glance, the quality of the materials themselves is amazing. Hardcover, acid-free, sewn binding, 1070 pages.
(And it's a 15 Euro volume alltogether.)
It's a triumph I tell ya!

Went to the library. I looked through the adoption box outside. It had a Japanese reader and a Japanese philosophical journal in it and also some small booklet on Japanese verb and adjective conjugation, and I adopted them. Went inside and the librarian greeted me, saying she could probably bet her life that it's me coming because I'm the only one who walks in as if he's followed by a storm or something.

I handed back the volumes and we chatted a bit. She also gave me like three more books she stashed away from the "to be thrown out" section. Another old Japanese reader and also a copy of "Selections from the Zuo Zhuan" and a copy of the Shijing. So I handed back two books but came home with like eight. A good deal.
Supposedly the Japanese reader I snagged is actually a very good one. And it's not like owning the Odes or the Zuo Zhuan's most important chapters is bad either.
The other Japanese reader is a bit too archaic though, because it uses a different romanisation system and it's like "Japanese Wade-Giles isn't real, it can't hurt you" and no, it's really fucking real and it's hurting me.

She ended up going out to buy groceries and I sort of ended up tagging along her on a trip to the local Aldi and I excused my the end because I felt like it was the most cringeworthy retarded thing I've ever done, though she just remarked that "As long as I don't mind that I have a heavy bag to carry with all those books."
Told her about some of my amazing plans so at least that was worthwhile I guess.

I got home and had some lunch and wasted some time, and then friend told me that the EU election debate was actually on, so I tuned in and listened to it. Subjected myself to like two hours of domestic politics. We haven't had a TV debate like this in like 15 years now. Was it worthwhile? No. It was a colossal waste of fucking time where nobody engaged in any dialogue. Everyone was allotted 8 minutes all together, so it was totally fucked.
And I feel ashamed I got taken in and that I watched it, even if I laughed as we shared snarky comments about it over messenger and discord.
I could go into detail about what I thought about it but it's kind of pointless.

 No.17031 KONTRA

Spite politics: the French revolution and its consequent century of anti-clerical struggle through public education is nothing but the specter of the Huguenots (my people) taking revenge for St.Barthélemy.


Funny, just today I read about the siege of La Rochelle.




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Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité.

One nation under capitalism.

 No.17036 KONTRA

And now, the materials begin contradicting themselves. The political system called "democratic centralism" now lasts until 1936 - in which the adoption of a constitution that (theoretically) enshrined political freedoms and personal liberties marks the start of a personal dictatorship. We speak of the massive human costs of Italian fascist central planning and gloss over the human cost of Soviet industrialization. The necessities of forced relocations "to where labor shortages required it" and forced works of prisoners is what's referenced as the costs of Soviet Industrialization.

I really need this grade. I will write about Soviet "bottom-up" democracy under the form of "democratic centralism" in the 30s if prompted. I will imply that the NKVD was spawned out of thin air due to a personal whim of a man who subverted an established democratic process. I don't care anymore. I will enter these ivory towers. And when the wheels of the dialectical process turn and we're all hung from lampposts, I'll know it's a sign of humanity's healing.


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Accidental Swiss moment to end the day:


 No.17039 KONTRA

> O B S E S S E D
Yes that was supposed to be the joge


Today sucked ass. The storms brought me no respite. I had lunch very late. I overboiled the coffee and then when I was wiping off the cutting board it slid a bit and the coffee in the cup spilled out too. I took a nap but it didn't help and then I wasted a lot of time online. I made a bunch of obsessive twitter posts and then I also completed the first dungeon of Persona 2. Read some Heine because it was referenced. +130 years old copy of the Book of Songs was finally useful.

I basically produce colossal amounts of writings on discord and Twitter on minute details of works I encounter and I'll be sad when I will inevitably lose them one day. I should really get a random notebook or something to write into.

Right now reading the introduction of the Kosztolányi volume and it's eerie because I know like a a third of the people who worked on it in some capacity personally. Cool shit I guess.
Learning a lot from this book actually. I enjoy it. Might translate one of the interesting short stories and put it online.

I considered drinking or taking some valeriana to solve the issues. I feel like I have a dumpling in my throat for some reason. It's an emotional dumpling.

Third storm just broke out.


I woke up very late and groggy. The tea I made last night went bad, because it didn't have enough lemon in it and there was none left. Had a leftover pancake for breakfast and then I worked in the garden a bit, cleaning the road and putting away some things my father left outside for weeks now and I had fucking enough of them.

Talked with my mother a bit about the future of the garden and then we assembled a shopping list and she told me she'd get it done. I opened a small, 0.25L bottle of wine and drank it and while tipsy I tried to hit a fly and somehow I hurt my neck, so I decided to sleep and I was absolutely fucking livid to find out nobody went grocery shopping by the time I woke up saying "it can wait until tomorrow" and I was mad because I need that fucking lemon tea to start my fucking day. If the routine is broken I'm stuck.

So I took it upon myself to actually go out and buy the fucking lemon juice because fuck this shit honestly. I had to wall across town to a fucking Lidl and they didn't even have the kind of lemon juice I wanted, only that small 0.2L one Germans use. Bought some salami and a box of milk too and then I left like 10 minutes before closing and when I got home my parents were surprised and thankful that I went out and did it, but because I am a massive asshole I said "I have had the luck of studying at least 6 languages over my life and not one of them has the vocabulary that would be able to describe how fucking mad I'm right now."

My neck still hurts a lot but my mood recovered after some tea and sandwiches. Tomorrow will be better. (I keep telling myself. I just need to sit outside.)


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Long day. Days, really. One rolling into the next. Finally, work week is over. Boss man got chicken wings for everyone. Grabbed a pile on my way out. I'm not really a social eater. Took medium spice because I also don't like hot things.


Today I'm gutting Starbucks® Espresso capsules and feeding them into my coffee maker so I have enough mental fortitude to continue studying. This is what post apocalyptic scavenging will look like.

 No.17055 KONTRA

A female friend of mine recently did her first time with a guy who allegedly cosplayed Marinetti for a uni presentation. He was apparently an asshole.


Why are car alarms legal? All neighborhood is forced to listen to howling for entire hour because of one retard who parked his car next to the soccer field.


But Marinetti was a such feminist!
sad for her, did she just want to get over it or why chose him for this?


Honestly, I think she did the same thing as me. Maybe less tragic though. She started resenting the fact of being a virgin and made up a story with the first idiot that came in her way. She could’ve found way better in my opinion, but I think she now knows that. And that’s all for the better. At least he was just autistic, opportunistic and rude, he could’ve been manipulative, needy and depressed, which would’ve been way worse for a first time.


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Today was very good I think. My neck still fucking hurts, but I went out into the garden to work after having a very good breakfast. The sun was scorching but I cleared out some of the weeds and I prepared the area for the planting of the pepper plants, which was long overdue.

I regretted not buying or hatching any tomato plants from seeds but as I was cleaning some more weeds I accidentally found a small school of 10 tomato plants growing just randomly, so I guess they were so successful last year that I accidentally made them endemic to the garden.
I think 10 is actually more than I'd have bought if I had the chance, so ultimately nature's taking care of itself better than I ever could. Still gonna have to re-plant them to a different place so we can mow the lawn in that area.

My father completed a planter box so I donated the marigolds I accidentally had growing to my mother for it and they look kind of nice by the entrance.

I had lunch and then watched a film (2007 adaptation of the first Yakuza game. It was a confusing mess and that's the opinion of the guys who actually played the fucking game) on discord with friends and then I went out to read and finished reading the Sinologically relevant parts of that book and thought up some interview questions. Though I will probably go and read the remaining essays too about the reception of the poems in Hungary.

After coming in I wasted some time online and then chatted with a friend about the Budapest municipal election debate as it was going on. I think this is my second leftist friend I accidentally made. Let's see how long this one will last.

I honestly don't know what changed that magically my mood was a lot better and I could do things. I am going to go to the library tomorrow to cram Chinese for the exam. And also to read and finalize the interview questions.
The past 3-4 days have been absolute fucking hell for some reason. I actually apologized to my mother.

Checked and they still haven't finished writing a review of my thesis. It's not that I care about what the reviewer has to say. I had two people I trust read it already.

Anyway, time to go to bed and then arise with new conviction tomorrow. The Quest continues.

>He was apparently an asshole.
Giggling very hard at this 2bh.

Speaking of: I remember printing a copy of the Futurist Manifesto at high school and for a split second they thought I was a political extremist. Maybe I shouldn't have been printing it alongside a document called "My Five Year Plan".

Sounds like something I'd do.
Remember what Lenin said:
>Our task at hand is to study, study and study.

 No.17064 KONTRA



What's so "fugg" about it?


I haven’t seen the sun in a month

 No.17070 KONTRA

Probably something or other about climate.


There’s no green or anti-green dog whistle to my post. It just has been raining absurd quantities everyday for all of may. I have to take a pullover and umbrella every time I want to go outside, it’s annoying


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 No.17079 KONTRA

Getting better at writing and I've assimilated the "correct" justifications for historical processes. It's important to bear in my mind that easy access to coal and iron deposits is NOT a valid justification for Britain's precocious industrialization.
16 days remain.


What is valid? Protestant spirit?


That is a valid justification, but I must write it as "the innovative mindset of the English bourgeoisie". There are other reasons allowed - notably natural resources from their colonial empire, but not coal and iron.

 No.17082 KONTRA

Uni in humanities (and architecture) in Switzerland often creates neat little ideologues who exactly know what to think to fit in the social narrative of their faculty and university life. They can quote one or two authors out as if they were picked out of the ether and one history of their discipline as if it was the only one. Maybe I’m harsh on them(me) and everyone is like that.
t.humanities student


History is basically people giving different reasons for why things to happen and they try to be convincing in it and other check how convincing it is. If other territories also had iron and coal deposits and easy access to it then this becomes less convincing as most crucial factor.

>Maybe I’m harsh on them(me) and everyone is like that

You will later on (exactly now with my post) realize that the humanities field is vast and people lecturing and reading only have a limited capacity to take it all in. So yeah that is why they only know a few things in depth and the rest is more or less shallow knowledge. Uni professors have vast knowledge gaps, just like you. It's just that you have even more. The capacity to argue is a different thing, though.


>If other territories also had iron and coal deposits and easy access to it then this becomes less convincing as most crucial factor.
It's a combination of factors. Denying it as a factor is what's retarded. It's really the one factor that differentiates England and the Netherlands for contenders for an early industrialization.
Academia defense force out in force today.


Germany also had easy access to coal and iron for its industrialization. History is not a calculation anyway. inb4 that's the problem with humanities!!

>Academia defense force out in force today.

Please you are happy like a dog to finally get in (again). You barely can hide the wiggling, my friend. Stop the romanticization of prole culture before you one day wake up with a massive adolescent hangover.

t. academia in my flesh but Marxist Group publications next to the bed


>Germany also had easy access to coal and iron for its industrialization
And in the case of potatoland, we can say that unlike Germany, Britain - through political unity, had a large internal market unhindered by a multitude of taxes and tariffs between every town. Internal commerce was furthered enhanced by a series of canals and means of transportation that didn't exist in the bickering German lands.

>Stop the romanticization of prole culture

I'd accuse of you hypocrisy, what with being a Marxist and all but we both know you're a dedicated servant of the status quo.


>academia but Marxist
There is no opposition here. Grievance studies are established part of academia.

>but I must write it as "the innovative mindset of the English bourgeoisie"
That's interesting, probably in textbook they elaborate what it means and how they observed it.


Portugal fighting out methodological and epistemological questions in disguise reminds me of a seminar I had where in 14 proceedings we looked at 14 different explanations of capitalist economic growth. Among such elaborate factors gathered there have been technological innovation the main station book shop classic for the masses by economics professors, a change in the understanding of time religious Europe went from eternal time to an open future and speculation or something like that to dominating nature as well as humans understood as humans who do not have a right to possess themselves (slaves and women) as servants to human needs. But because of the diabolical hegemonical knowledge of gatekeeping academics, we never learned about easy access to coal and iron as the defining factor for industrializing production. Thank dog my history teacher in high school was a Marxist that thought us that iron and coal were beneficial for stem engines (also trains then) which again elevated the exploitation of iron and coal deposits. A positive feedback loop sort of. The real kicker is that the question of industrialization is a bourgeois question to distract from questioning capitalism, though. And that fox Portugal did not see through that ruse, I'm dissapointed tbh.

>I'd accuse of you hypocrisy, what with being a Marxist and all but we both know you're a dedicated servant of the status quo

We are all "servants". I don't see how that contradicts being a Marxist. I don't romanticize prole culture, though. Proles are cognitively complicit false consciousness these days always have been.

Yet you have to prove to me how I am dedicated in the way of defending or fighting for this system where abstract wealth and not use value is the end goal.
I can only assume you want to attach complicity with a status quo to me because I don't actively fight to change this system but we both know that most of these fights won't change much or are hopeless as most people who we see every day either mindlessly accept or even morally defend this. You can fight for more bike lanes and more social welfare but it won't change any of the foundational principles. And I don't want to join a new Red Army Fraction to kill off some character masks and commit a human tragedy doing so.

I'm happy about the use values we have but who is not? I don't have a problem with the available use values, I have a problem that I need money for these / that wage labor exists.


Will you actively (violently) fight this system or just be a zealous critic on paper (EC) like most academics and join the ranks of the "educated" and your touch to reality becomes delusion in hindsight?

You could have understood this line if you knew what the publications of the Marxist Group (Marxistische Gruppe) are about.

>There is no opposition here.


> We are all "servants"
You're not just a servant, you're a happy lackey who rushes to defend power structures. Not only you serve status quo for 1500 euro, but even in your free time you defend it willingly and for free.


Will there be an argument to be found next time you post?


At this point you're basically avatarfagging with your "I am so smart and totally not seething" reaction pictures.
Isn't it funny how Swissball managed to identify and name your kind and only shortly later you made a long-winded post proving exactly what he said?

 No.17103 KONTRA

I like to argue. Which might be obvious at this point. Tell me what is "smart" about Omsk's post and why am I wrong when I say that there is no argument to be found in that particular post.


I woke up at a normal time and ate some of the leftover pizza I baked and then I did a running session but I started earlier than usual. Then I had a shower and had breakfast for lunch before finally going to the library to study. I read a bit from a book on Daoism and it was pretty meh and also crammed the vocabulary for the closing exam. Gonna do the same tomorrow.

My mother told me she found two more tomato plants in a completely random place, so all-together we have 12 of them, which is probably more than how many we would have bought anyway.

Brought out the fan from the basement and re-assembled it.
I'm tired but I feel like I'm on the way to ramping up my productivity after wasting two weeks. Things are looking up.


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It's too late for arguments. Just stop if you don't want to share guillotine with your masonic masters.

 No.17111 KONTRA

>It's too late for arguments

We both know you never had any to begin with.


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Early 21st century aesthetics is low focal length faces.


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>still mad
You talk like someone who takes SISTEMA seriously and your shit's all retarded yo


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Im listening to the audiobook for Norm MacDonald's Based On A True Story again. It's one of the best things I've listened to, I haven't even tried to read it but I'd still recommend listening to it as its read by the funny man himself who keeps a serious tone throughout that I really like.

I'm not sure how someone who isn't a Macdonald fanboy would like it, as a lot of the things feel referential and maybe require some knowledge of the figures he talks about, but maybe not really. A lot of reviews online however do mention how it repeats itself needlessly, especially in other particular chapter when it begins going over and over again on the topic of rape. Rape. Gratuitously a free mentioning repeating the unwilling taking of another's man dignity for your own sadistic gain. Prison rape. Jammed into the story for no purpose whatsoever narratively.


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How popular are Spencer/Hill in Hungary?
Apparently there is/was a festival. And I always thought it was germans being crazy for them the most.
Thread question: Favorite Spencer/Hill film?


Very popular with my father's generation. Reruns are regularly shown on different channels and the original dubs are considered classics. (Plus his autobiographies and other books got translated too.)
They even have statue of him in some place plus they almost named a street after him once, but couldn't due to legal obstacles.

Haven't seen one in like a decade but I remember finding Who Finds a Friend Finds a Treasure (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zwei_Asse_trumpfen_auf) being fun because of the exotic locale and to this day I can quote scenes from Odds and Evens (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zwei_sind_nicht_zu_bremsen) from memory. (Though that might be because a scene was my father's ringtone for years.)
(Of course the titles vary wildly between languages.)


Did they also dub them like in Germany?
Part of the popularity over here is the dubbing, which usually didn't have much to do with the original script and was just cheesy lines and corny quips.
In Schwäbisch Gmünd they named a swimming pool after Bud Spencer. They also tried to name a tunnel after him, but bureaucrats didn't like it or something. Terence Hill almost got a bridge, but that was also just an "almost".

 No.17150 KONTRA

Honestly I can't tell you how close the texts of the dubs here are to the original. The language is clever at least, plus they got good actors to do it so the films are both full of good lines and are well delivered.


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> abstract wealth
can we focus in on the pros and cons of this concept?

since i assume the cons side is going to be overwhelmingly represented, ima try finding a pro:
Assuming we do not want a static, frozen reality, change should be one of the goals. Change is a conflict between "what could be" and "what is". If we include several factors - outside of the materialistic one - into the concept of wealth, (from the top of my head) namely:

* Time - the time we have to relax/chill/hobby/watev, maybe even the time we can invest into the education of our population
* Freedom - the ability to choose between different "to-do"s dschobs!! and the freedom to travel (don't force me to define freedom >.<)
* Well being - physical health and a supportive social network (no, i am not talking about a digital one)

I would feel comfortable using "abstract wealth" as a concept to address this difference between the "what could be" and "what is". You need a concept to judge whether the change has positive or negative impact. Let me use my redefined term of abstract wealth harro anorectal, ima steal your MO here :3 to look at a simple example of transforming raw material into a finished, tradeable product/tool.

[raw material] -> weaponry
(Weaponry as in "tools design to kill (or harm) other humans"; excluding tools designed to hunt game (every tool can be abused...).)

We still need to define who's abstract wealth we are looking at. I would like to look at humanity's and not at a subgroup; makes it easier to assign values. I'm also assuming, that each individual is assigned the same significance as another. Since we defined weaponry as tools designed to kill (or harm) other humans, we can safely assume that an intended use of such tool has negative impact on time, freedom and well being of another individual and therefor negative impact on humanity's overall, concrete wealth.
I gonna ignore the argument of "But it has an abstract value of intimidation and hasn't to be used" and the like for now, since it is pushing everything too far into the abstract (for my taste).
I would argue, that producing weaponry always decreases humanity's wealth and therefor should never be done. Commercializing such, aka increasing private materialistic values on the cost of humanity's wealth, is pure perversion.

> valid arguments

Yes, yes. I do understand this is naive and unrealistic; we do seem to have the need to defend ourselves against other global actors abusing weaponry. And offense is the best defense, no doubt about it. That is why i tried to focus in on the commercialization. There is no way their abstract wealth is worth more than mine. -,.-

t. philosophisch kategorischer Pazifist wennu mich ankackst, gibt's trotzdem auf's Maul - Gefühle sind was anderes ;p


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Didn't get around to mowing my lawn over the weekend (Visited my mother on Sunday. A late Mother's Day visit which took all my energy). Took care of it this morning. Was up early. Waited until 7:45. Didn't want to be a bad neighbor.

 No.17153 KONTRA

Abstract wealth simply means money. So the goal is to accumulate money and not useful things. That is what is behind this sentence.

 No.17154 KONTRA

yotsubato_hmpf.png (62.88 KB, 215x264)

> Abstract wealth simply means money.
y u no allow me to redefine dem meaning and work with it?! If you dunt wanna, just replace that term with "%abstract wealth$2%" or something and work with dat.

omskbird right, you willing lacky.

 No.17155 KONTRA

 No.17156 KONTRA

You were asking about the pros and cons of that concept which implies that it is already somehow defined.

You can define wealth in all sort of ways, ofc. But that diverges from my post anyway.


> But that diverges from my post anyway.
at least you understood my intent.

> which implies that it is already somehow defined.

> You can define wealth in all sort of ways, ofc.
I was hoping you would be dissing the traditional definition while i chime in with the ~"but we need a concept to address the value judgement of potential change" argument. Additionally, outside of the predefined, there always is the plain and simple literal interpretation of that compound term. Having the concept of literal abstract wealth should be beneficial; that is why we work now for future gains to begin with, 'ight? (e.g. planting crops to have food at a later date)

My general dissatisfaction with our conversation is, that you seem to be unwilling to challenge the definition of terms we use; essentially allowing others to dictate your (our?) language. "Wealth" seems a fitting term - even if you include the few points i mentioned. why should i change my language and not the other party? inb4: well defined in previous academia literature bla bla -> Euler used π as a variable, not as a fixed number. Idiots started to use it as a concrete number based on one of Euler's use cases.

 No.17158 KONTRA

>I was hoping you would be dissing the traditional definition while i chime in with the ~"but we need a concept to address the value judgement of potential change" argument. Additionally, outside of the predefined, there always is the plain and simple literal interpretation of that compound term. Having the concept of literal abstract wealth should be beneficial; that is why we work now for future gains to begin with, 'ight? (e.g. planting crops to have food at a later date)

Using the terminology of abstract wealth and use value in one sentence pretty much signals Marxist concepts. If you are familiar with it ofc.

I mean what should be produced and should be the endgoal is not money but useful things. I produce cars not to simply make as much money as possible but insofar they can be used for transport/mobility. Instead of having the money end goal and money as an access barrier, useful things are produced and distributed. How that looks like is entirely speculative. It should start by acknowledging that the way we do it now is not the best way because it comes with a lot of harm implicit in the administered competition that produces useful things to accumulate abstract wealth.

I guess the useful things are tied to your variables of time, freedom and well being.

 No.17159 KONTRA

I want to add an example. That might please your suggestion.

Machines that do work formerly executed by humans are not built to free humans from working with their bodies and because it it also is faster in many cases. It's built and used because it lowers the cost of production.
The human conveyor belt in a Madagascar sphire mine costs just $100/day while a machine's maintenance would already be thousands of dollars a day.

We should build machines because they free humans from work and because they can potentially also produce more in less time. That is useful.


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Woke up early, had breakfast, worked out, wasted some time online and then went to the store. Bought some food and then came home to have lunch and afterwards I left for the German exam. Had an energy drink in my bag and some biscuits.
On the wax home from the store I went by a large election poster that'd been on the ground for like a week now and every day I felt very tempted but today I finally took the courage and I spat on the face of the Budapest Mayor because fuck that retard. Honestly, I felt pretty guilty afterwards. It wasn't satisfying at all.

Exam lasted around 5 hours because it was a mock C1 exam. I was the only person taking it at this time so I basically spent like a quarter of it talking about random shit in German with the lecturer. We skipped the preparaty 30 min preparation for the Sprechen part because why the fuck waste time on it anyway.

As we were wrapping up I got an email that they finally corrected my thesis so I opened it on my phone and read it aloud to him and it was a good evaluation, he offered to talk about it while he smoked a cigarette and I told him that I want a cigarette too, so I smoked one with him. Got a camel. Very intellectual. Of course he laughed when I didn't know how to smoke or light it. My lungs felt a bit sore afterwards and I was like
>It feels off a bit but I'm sure it's not this one cigarette that'll kill me
>Well it better not be MY cigarette that kills you!
We talked about politics for like 5 minutes regarding the mayoral election, I said I'd prefer the technocrat to win because I fucking despise everyone else and he called me an anarchist. I guess I should take that as a compliment. I guess I will never be "politically happy".

I dragged myself home and I woke everyone up to have a drink to celebrate the evaluation of the thesis. We opened that Fascist vodka from Ukraine made from corn because I said so.
It's actually kind of good. 40 horsepower but doesn't actually burn. Then again, I don't feel all that drunk. Maybe the Hohols didn't put any actual alcohol in it or something like that.

Here are some lines from the evaluation:
In its choice of topic and its methods this is a classical Sinological work. The language of the text is excellent, especially worth mentioning are the pleasantly archaized translations from Classical Chinese. In summary, this thesis is the result of outstanding research. "The bibliography tells us of honest, in-depth research. I certainly recommend the student continue his research on the topic and to continue his studies in Sinology. Based on its merits, I hereby award the thesis an A.

Basically I got the academic equivalent of a blowjob. (The only criticism was about how I translated 正名 but I followed the old professor's wording because I thought it was good enough so like whatever. I'M LITERALLY INVINCIBLE.)
Then I proceeded to get shitfaced on the Khruschev vodka and blast Shostakovich on full volume for like an hour.


Academic blowjob's an odd wording, but I salute your achievements and high praise.


I think there is still a lot of work ahead before finding peace of mind


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>Got a camel. Very intellectual.

How so? I've been smoking Camel for a few years, mostly in honor of a now dead friend. The Egyptian orientalism is certainly more interesting than the Pearl Habor cigs.

I would say the only 'intellectual' cigs are Gauloise because it's French. I assume all the existentialists and postmodernists smoked Gauloise. Smoking Gauloise in high school made me an academic. Just one hit and there is no going back.

Enjoy the certificate milestone.


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I got export quality snacks.
The Philippines know how to make a choco boy eating fatty fried snacks.

Two steps forward, one step back.


Gauloises are fucking disgusting and I still regret buying a pack a smoking it six months ago.
I smoke parisiennes jaunes and blue Winstons. Most cigarets smoked by 18-40yo people are those two brands.


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Maybe you just need a Piece of Mind?


Still one word about les Miserables.
At the end of the novel, about 100 pages before the end of the novel, Hugo stops his story to give his opinion on poop. He takes a good 1000 words to say that the combined poop of the parisian people is an unused treasure, "Paris seats on gold", "the parisian guano". Proposing to spread the poop of Paris on all of France to fertilize it, unconsciously resuming his philosophy in a hilarious way.


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>we need more parisienne / you don't have to roll

>sitting in a park Berlin night / spotted you from afar
>I know you will break my heart but until then you stay with me
>and wherever you are I will always find you

The text is quite bad after that but I like the refrain because it's kinda catchy cool kids adolesence :DDD


I was hungover as shit so I woke up from a nightmare and since there was no bread I baked the remaining fragments of a chocolate roll I found in the freezer, I had some tea with it and then I basically went back to sleep for like another 5 hours of sleep.

Afterwards I studied some Chinese and also watched some friends play on Discord and I was astonished by modern gaming looking actually fun.

My stomach's hurting after the hohol vodka but I think I will recover. Had lunch and then wasted some time online and when my mother got home I had dinner with her since she bought some groceries. We talked about my career options and my experiences with university and so on. She asked me to help with her English lesson and gave me a crude description of a detective story which I recognised as Poe's "Murders in the Rue Morgue" and I lent her my copy of Poe's stories to help her catch up after missing a few weeks.
Talked about moving out potentially but she told me that she isn't actually annoyed by any of my habits so I can stay for as long as I feel comfortable. Then again, it's mostly my father's habits that drive us both up the wall regularly.

Also got an email that they are rewoking my status as a state-funded student for some reason. Idk what happened so I threw them an e-mail that I've done my part of the contract, what the fuck is going on?
I'm a bit scared that they will say I breached the contract or some shit and demand I pay 4 years of tuition which would suck major dick because I don't have or want to pay them ~4000 Euros. Especially when I did my part.

Played some more Persona 2 and I'm really vibing with the game actually. I did not progress the story at all, I just visited all the different shops and looked at the dialogue options and such.

Btw also yesterday I talked with that German teacher and he said that he could get me a copy of that C.G. Jung volume where I contributed a footnote on a Chinese topic and I have my name there after it. He said even if it costs him 40% of the original price he will give it for free because I changed his entire workflow by telling him about Libgen and Calibre.
And all of this happened because I joined a college. That was the best decision of my university career honestly.

It just feels like I belong somewhere. I can write "Member of the Oriental Studies Workshop of XY Special College of the University" on my presentations and it's not even about the prestige, but rather that I have just this one extra thing differentiating me from the people treating this place as a degree mill.

My mood's fluctuating, so I will go to the library tomorrow. I also ordered a book like a month ago and I gotta pick it up. (It's a copy of Zimmermann's Der Grosse deutsche Bauernkrieg.)
Maybe I will have lunch in the city. Who knows. Though I'm trying to save as much money as possible.

I saw one scene from Twin Peaks related to coffee and I have been thinking about it basically non-stop when my mind was unoccupied and I feel like I need to at least try watching it so I downloaded it. (I think we actually have some gay streaming subscription I could use but I always pirate films even if the Russian dubs take up extra space.)

I always associated Camels with Camus for some reason. Don't ask me why.

I'm honestly very satisfied with the evaluation I got, simply because it actually reassures me of the strengths I have developed. The lines complimenting my style of translation are especially flattering in my opinion.

Though it's not the first time they said this. My supervisor actually mentioned how my translations have an aesthetic to them and while he's an accomplished scholar he could not match it in quality of style. Which felt like the biggest compliment ever as a second year student just finishing his first semester of Classical Chinese, trying his hardest to work out a translation of a chapter of the Hanfeizi.

 No.17174 KONTRA

> smoking
i've been smoking the "you cannot get any childs && unborn child kill0r" - canuma brand since a few years.
when i switched to that brand, it was a bit more expensive to the previous one i smoked (pueblo) - now it is cheaper :3


I wasn't aware that /int/ was full of disgusting smokers.
Do you need to be a smoker to be accepted into your respective intelligentsiya? Or is is some super-post-irony thing because only the most bydlo of bydlo are still smoking?


My sister is providing cookies for a church event. Brownies, too. A lot of them. Baking all day. She left me a bag of irregulars which didn't make the cut. Too flat, small, undercooked, whatever. Taste fine, but you know. Presentation matters. Just glad I got some.


All Cookies Are Beautiful


westpakt raucherlunge.jpg (105.69 KB, 1080x935)

Every true Ernst has at least a background in adolescent smoking.


I’m currently creating such background…
t.baby Ernst


Are you purposely picking up smoking? That's really goofy, I'd advise you accept your Swiss identity and stop pretending you're a Frenchman.

 No.17181 KONTRA

Noo. I do not. Sometimes I go out, my friends (non academic intelligensiya) smoke, I smoke with them. That’s partying, and then generally you pick up smoking by yourself, which I recognize is cringe. It’s not larping.

 No.17182 KONTRA

t. nicotine slave


There is a joke about apprenticeship schools in Germany (prole education) that everybody smokes.

Friends in my hometown to a large percentage never dropped smoking, yet reduced or try to reduce it oftentimes. I usually only smoke at parties, clubs or bars or when hanging out with other smokers these days. Since all of this has been becoming rare occassions I've long periods of non-smoking. Last time I regulary smoked just for the sake of smoking and alone was during my masters thesis.

I guess it is very beneficial for my health and my wallet. I simply wonder if occassional smoking is as unhealthy as regular smoking.

 No.17185 KONTRA

> There is a joke about apprenticeship schools in Germany (prole education) that everybody smokes.
It’s the same thing here


aI0eZyW.png (185.88 KB, 610x405)

For me, smoking is closely related to social circles. I am in contact with a few circles, and either almost all of them smoke, or no one. There are exceptions, of course, like myself who as a non-smoker also hangs out with smokers. I suppose the reason for this is that most of those circles are stable since adolescence, where either everyone picked up smoking, or no one did. Might be different in groups which formed in a later phase of life.

Tfw no free cookies to start the weekend ;_; Wouldn't even want to buy some, because it's not the same. Warning: Bad analogy ahead! Buying cookies is like buying women: One feels guilty afterwards. t. doesn't buy women


Not good. My sister used to smoke socially, and now she's heavy smoker.


Imagine taking up smoking in your 20s.
No wonder she could play you like a fiddle, you have the mental fortitude of a golem!


I think I started smoking semi-regularly when I was about 17. Remember waiting for my driving school teacher in the snow and smoking poorly rolled American Spirit, then he offered me one of his cigs (he was a total chain smoker) when I failed the driving test, haha. Then I had a phase when I smoked packaged Pepe, mostly while commuting to university, so about a pack per week. Smoked Camels for a while to look cool. Marlboro Gold once I moved out. Quit for a year. Only smoked one cig per day after work since my colleague smoked a lot and I was afraid I'd end up smoking with him. Still joined him on all the smoke breaks. Started vaping, then quit nicotine altogether for a year or so. Started rolling cigs again at some point. I liked Javaanse Jongens, but they raised the price so much that I went back to the Medium Pepe. Now I smoke a pack of Chinese bitch-sticks per week or so.
Sometimes I try to rationalize the habit that since I don't smoke that much or lead an otherwise relatively healthy lifestyle it won't have such a bad impact on my health. Maybe it's true, maybe it isn't. Maybe it's not important.

 No.17192 KONTRA

I called for a job at a city institution and the supervisor told me I am overqualified for the job with my degree and that I will be bored quickly and probably leave quick as well because a) I am bored and b) the pay is not adequate to my degree according to them. Nonetheless I was told getting the first job makes everything easier when I mentioned that higher position decline me because of my unsufficient working experience. The supervisor has to estimate if I fit the team. I can ofc course write an application. The posting says men will be favorised if they have the same qualifications since they are underrepresented. Wish me luck - it's the same for all three postings I want to apply to that the city has on offer. Indeed the pay is about 200-300€ less than the job I'm still having a contract with. Fuck, Im really bothered that their customer went bankkrupt and I ahve to apply to rather boring jobs with worse pay.


I’m not picking up smoking at all… I must’ve wrongly expressed myself. I
As for my mental fortitude, I’ll let you know I’m working on it >:/


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>I’m not picking up smoking at all
Yes, you will. Do it now!


mixmag_iconic_sasha.jpg (109.55 KB, 1008x672)

Smoking is as cool as this technological music. Start smoking listening now.



Fuck, there is a different layout on that Youtube. Is this what the other Ernst were talking about? My older tabs still have another layout. The big thumbnails don't make anything better.


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I used to work at a cigarette factory. They gave everyone a carton of smokes a week. A lot of manufactures have this fringe benefit. Give whatever product to the employees. Seems normal when it's ice cream or shampoo, but odd when it's cigarettes. I never smoked. Told the chick who sat one desk over she could have mine.

Good luck.


>They gave everyone a carton of smokes a week.
Don't they have those company employee retirement plans in USA? If yes, giving your employees a free pack of cigs each week would be really creepy.


Are you the US-Ernst that draws?
What have you been doing at the factory? My hometown has a very well-known manufacturer. I think employees can get produce at a discount.

>Good luck.

 No.17200 KONTRA

>Good luck.



my retirement plan.mp4 (262.98 KB, 848x480)

>Don't they have those company employee retirement plans in USA?
Yes. Pensions and such. Most people don't really save for, or worry about, retirement though.

>the US-Ernst that draws
I was working in the accounting department.

 No.17202 KONTRA

Very glad you are still here! A lot of good users stoped coming frequently this last year and a half.

 No.17203 KONTRA

>I used to work at a cigarette factory.
That's beautiful, packaging Virginian tobacco that I might have consumed.
>Told the chick who sat one desk over she could have mine.
This proof that you are good man, not profiting over that vile disease. But you should have, if I worked at a cigarette factory, I'd take all misprinted cartons to sell to friends and acquaintances.


>Yes. I was working in the accounting department.

Great, I enjoyed the whole style of that cigarette factory post. Dunno why I liked it that much.

Besides brick, I already forgot. The Iberian prole is still here, though.

>to sell to friends and acquaintances

An affinity for class mobility in class solidarity. Dialectical.

 No.17206 KONTRA

A good point. Even unconsciously, class forces apply in this hypothetical, well caught.


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How tidy are you, Ernst?

When living with my parents I sometimes kept plates and cutlery or glasses in my room for a few days. Later when I lived alone or with gf I/we were living pretty dirty. Especially the kitchen has been a problem. Flat sharing and getting older eventually turned me into what my parents where living and preaching: plates, cutlery and pans - everything is going to the dishwasher or will be cleaned by hand the same day it was used. I'm not a maniac when it comes to cleanliness but I vaccuum my room at least once a week and demand that my roommates do their cleaning outside their rooms. When I first went for flatsharing I was worried the people would be too clean and demanding too much cleanliness and now I am such a person I guess.


Your plans for the weekend?

 No.17209 KONTRA

Mixed, I can keep plate and cups in my room for a few days but my room is otherwise pretty clean. I used to let my clothes on the ground but it smells too bad when I do that

Exam prep and my bro’s birthday



Buy more OKF Aloe Vera King drinks. I'm ashamed to admit that I started drinking sugared drinks to please my sugar addicted body. And they come at 2€ for 500ml also.

maybe see a friend


I studied the grammar a bit. Not as much as I'd have liked to. I'm still recovering.
Two good things happened today: I found a small thermos I could safely transport coffee in and also turns out we have a machete at home so I basically went ham on the taller weeds with it while singing the song of the Autumn Harvest Uprising.
Wrote some haikus afterwards, since I usually always greet the new season with one, but I forgot to do it this spring, so I just wrote two summer ones.

The garden's coming along nicely in general.

Exam prep and voting in the European and municipal elections.
If Karácsony loses the Budapest election I will have a shot of alcohol too and laugh very hard.

I think I'm generally pretty tidy when I'm left to my own devices.


Nothing, as intended.


There was a strange ethic among the salesmen I would speak with. They were always very clear- even in private conversation- to point out that they don't actually tell anyone to smoke. Their job was to provide cigarettes to people who had already made that decision. Don't think they felt guilty about selling cigs, about profiting from unhealthy addictions. Seemed to be just another job, but still there was an awareness of how the public could perceive their profession.

I think RAC and birding Ernst were the only other regular Americans. The former still pops in now and then. I assume every other Ameriball is a proxy.

Very. Everything has a place and, when moved, is returned to it. My tidiness does not always equal cleanliness, though. I rarely dust or thoroughly wipe surfaces clean. Except for coffee mug rings. I hate to let those sit.

Work. Then rest.


My parents were pretty strict about cleanliness and I abided by their standards so it took some time to adjust after I moved into a WG and discovered most people my age didn't care much about cleanliness. I usually vacuum every 1-2 weeks since I also kinda enjoy it. Dishes I usually put away after use or at latest on the morning of next day if I had some late night snack and don't wanna make noise with the dishwasher at night. Right now I only eat at the cafeteria or use disposable dishes when ordering delivery so it's a non-issue.
I'm kinda lazy about cleaning the bathroom and anything that requires more effort though. I just try not to be too messy and wipe off tables etc as I go so dirt doesn't accumulate as quickly.

Prepare for my last exams next week, go to the gym tomorrow morning, maybe watch some movies. It's my last week in Beijing, but I don't really feel like going out. Gonna have to start packing stuff and figure out if I should ship some things ahead.
Next weekend I'm gonna travel to Sichuan, afterwards to Guangdong, then two weeks in Japan before going back to G*rmany.


newnewyork.mp4 (5.66 MB, 576x1024)

>Next weekend I'm gonna travel to Sichuan, afterwards to Guangdong, then two weeks in Japan before going back to G*rmany.

Time flies. I'm looking forward to the reflection when you are back in Germany.

I cannot believe 2024 is halfway done. There is basically no progress since the start of the year. At least it feels like that I have a developed PhD project for example but I don't really feel like persuing that, my satisfaction and well being is found somewhere else than in academic success. I guess what makes this all worse is that I could not really start that cool job before getting laid off because of that bankruptcy. I would have moved and remote work would have made it possible to live somewhere else easily. I could have visted Portuball and be an annoying tourist driving rents even higher :3


Brick has cut back on posting significantly, his Aussie bro has been gone completely for a while, just like the russian drawfag, those are the guys I miss most, since they all brought important ingredients to the /int/ mix. The Ukrainian who occasionally reported in about his house project didn't make the jump to top. There will always be people who stop posting for whatever reason, that's why it is important to acquire new posters, even for a chan with a comparatively stable audience like EC.

 No.17219 KONTRA

>Brick, the Aussie and the Russian homosex
Yes, it’s mostly them I was thinking about…
> that's why it is important to acquire new posters, even for a chan with a comparatively stable audience like EC.
It’s possible that I’m the last frequent poster who join to date and that was nearly four years ago


evolution family.jpg (31.3 KB, 750x519)

>that was nearly four years ago

Wait, how many years have passed since I dropped Kohl? Everything before covid has already become a hasty memory. How long did xyz has existed before top? I mean xyz was the successor to doxxed Ernst Admins on the original Ernstchan, no? Oh boy. I wasn't ready for another melancholia attack.


>Yes, it’s mostly them I was thinking about…
I miss the cocky, artsy schizo-/int/ of earlier times, today it's a lot more about depression and sadness. Which is not a bad topic or something, its just that other topics have declined.
>It’s possible that I’m the last frequent poster who join to date and that was nearly four years ago
Good to have you on board. But we need more posters: With this negligible acquisition rate, I fear EC is doomed sooner or later. I have no idea how to fix this, though. EcKinsey-joges aside, I don't think it's worth going out of our way in hope to appeal to different audiences.

xyz started shortly after com died in 05/2018. It still exists, though it is not a good existence.
>I mean xyz was the successor to doxxed Ernst Admins on the original Ernstchan, no?
Yes, and it was a good time. Until it was not.


I came to EC when KC died. And that was already six years ago ;_;
After almost 20 years on different imageboards it's hard to imagine how it would be without them. I'd probably stop using the internet altogether except for looking things up.

 No.17224 KONTRA

At times I hesitated to invite some acquaintance(s) I made online. Not people of whom I’ve seen the face mind you, but EC tier individuals I found interesting. But knowing someone I’d invite would break the last illusion of anonymity that’s kept here. So it’s still a question in suspense. The premises are also a dying underground internet counter-counter-counter-culture which doesn’t help integration at all


1717843207786493.png (326.31 KB, 714x703)

What do you think Finnball looks like? I think he looks something like this, but he grew out of his afro phase and cut it short.


>talking about chans with people outside of the chans
>inviting people to the chans outside of the chans
Just what the fuck is wrong with you? I don't even talk about the chans with people I know personally who also lurk. Please tell me you don't also use chanspeak irl.


> Please tell me you don't also use chanspeak irl.
No I do not. The two people I’m talking about were a French trap from kc I met on an anonymous French online space and another an active poster on /lit/ I also met on an anonymous space. You always try to take the worst possible scenario in everything I post.


When EC dies I have to transition elsewhere in the dark forest of the internet. I still think about doing this in parallel for some niche interests of mine.
I also discovered that Reddit is fine for some things. I often google with a reddit appendix to get some people's answers on things instead of ads and online articles or a bot whose information provision is rather flimsy or surface level I'm not interested in becoming a prompt engineer to get better info


>I also discovered that Reddit is fine for some things
For reading: Yes. For posting: No. Anything that has names tied to posts is offensive for me.


Why are you such a snobish elitist?
I think, we should invite acquaintances to EC. I know at least one potential candidate.

Tell them about EC.


>You always try to take the worst possible scenario in everything I post.
That's because in 2024 that's the default expectation, and from your past statements I simply cannot expect the best possible scenario. And people have advertised for the chans among their friends in the past. It's one factor why they have developed into their present state.

As for the reddit topic: Yeah, for some things it's fine to read and look up answers to questions Google won't answer anymore, but I would never, ever interact with the "community" and frankly, the dumbest reddit posts put even the most pants-on-head retarded 4chongs posts to shame.


Sure, the name thing. I made a throwaway account. It was super handy when I was about to apply for a PhD scholarship abroad and people in /classified were helpful when I asked what is possible concerning rent/living in such a big city as classified and how I need to budget with the money provided.


webeburnin.mp4 (1.98 MB, 576x1024)

Es ist Samstagabend.

 No.17236 KONTRA

I went to the library today. It was very hot. I brought a fan made of fragrant wood with me I got from the Chinese embassy a few years ago. I accidentally sat at a table that was "Reserved for researchers" but I was too embarrassed to get up. I think it actually motivated me to study a bit harder.
Did a complete vocab review and looked through some of the grammar points again. I seem to know like 90% of this shit instinctively at this point.


Euroernsts, what parliamentary force will you vote for today?


I already did. Voted for the PARTEI. Had they not been available, I would have voted AfD probably because accelerationism is based.


Die Partei for EU 'reports'. Or left party for "better" EU government. Both change nothing about the EU and what it is. So the reporting function is interesting and a good voting option.

 No.17242 KONTRA

As a conflicted, 20-something individual, my only choice is putting the cross next to the Nazi party while touching my copy of the little red book in my pocket in the voting booth.



 No.17244 KONTRA

My only wish is to be able to be a more liberal Christian democrat with a straight face who partakes in the democratic public sphere in the European sense of the word.


You will never get the imageboard experience out of your head and body for this to happen.


I thought brekkie is a brainrot term that surfaced in social media but it apparently has been in use since 1904.


Why did you think that? It sounds like a proper english term, like telly, tenner, fanny, quid.


Because I consume a lot of American English media.


And I want to be the progressive pseudorevolutionary social democrat, and somewhere out there, there's a fella like him that wants to be an Orbanite. A society of political envy.


I'm afraid I don't quite follow mate

 No.17251 KONTRA

I voted on four popular initiatives today. Two relative to the increased assurance cost, one about stopping the state for to strong vaccine incentive and a final about stopping production of renewable energy to pollute the landscape (the Green Party haven’t pronounced themselves on this votation which I find shameful).


I wish we had popular initiatives too ;_;


Renewable Energy is a Green Line for greenvoting idiots. Renewable Energy means poverty and de-industrializiation, wbich can be seen in Gaymany, the most proudly idiotic holier-than-thou country in the entire world. Enviro-Greens leftshits want this, because they are stone-age communists. But they want power more, so they can't openly come out in favor for ugly windmills and pv farms that run the landscape and make people and Even farm animals sick.

If you want to do a good deed, harm a green politician or a greenvoter.

If citizens could be held liable for the damages they cause by voting for a certain party, there wouldn't be any greenvoters left!(Hopeless...)


This. We could re-intriduce the death penalty and finally do away with all the ahmeds and dishes and murats and mamadous and mbekes. Send all of them back, we don't want them here and have no need for them! Germany is the country of Germans, not the country of black men and head-scarve owls!


>Renewable Energy means poverty and de-industrializiation

Why do the US, Chinese and German industries compete over competing in this market like it is the big next deal, though? Do these world-leading economies all want to become poor on purpose?

 No.17256 KONTRA

>lobbying does not exist and it's totally impossible for people to exist that make life worse for everyone just to enrich themselves
>and even if they existed, they would certainly not exist in economy and political circles
Not sure if trolling or just retardedly naive


America and China don't abandon nuclear power because it's not "green enough". And they don't stop using fossil fuels either. For them wind turbines and solar plants are experiments, R&D, and not actual energy strategy.

 No.17258 KONTRA

You say it like lobbying makes for less profit. But lobbying is for making more profits and profits are good because that means wealth for the country.

So they have gigantic industry efforts just to sell nobody these products that are used in a 'new' energy strategy? Sounds like a good plan that all the world's leading economies are going for. They are so stupid, that is why they are the leading economies of this planet.


> They are so stupid, that is why they are the leading economies of this planet.
Even the strongest countries make mistakes. America spent not billions, but trillions in Afghanistan for nothing. And China ruined its demography with "1 family - 1 kid" program.
Previous big thing was nanotechnology, and it turned out to be nothingburger. This is fine, technology is a way of trials an errors, but hopefully no one closed chemical plants because "nanotechnology will make them obsolete any time soon".

 No.17260 KONTRA

Lobbying makes for more profits for the few people that are the lobby. Capitalists don't care about countries, they only care about themselves. Anyone who is a "cosmopolitan" and not filthy rich is an idiot.

RE: US and China going green - they are the world's leading economies solely on account of their sheer size. And the US could have never achieved its status had Europe not been reduced to rubble a few decades ago, and China not had not everyone else put their business there. While Europe was rebuilding, China killed a fair share of its own population.
But then again, you seem like the kind of person they invented greenwashing for
>US and China have more renewables because they're bigger and generally have more
>Ernst thinks they are now going green

And I am still not sure if you're just trolling and larping as some kind of teenage Sörgel who doesn't know any history from before covid or if you are not larping and are exactly that. Any case, this shall not derail into political bullshit because that's exactly what we don't want on here, so stfu everyone and talk about your day.

I grilled and drank beer and had a very nice day overall.

 No.17262 KONTRA

I'm under the impression that you think I think this renewable energy industries these economies are going for will make for a "clean" planet. I simply said it is very likely that some significant amount of money is to be made if all leading economies feel like they need to be at it. Is the hype around nanotechnology comparable to the green transition? Is this green transition comparable to other decisions a state made? How so? I don't see it.

>non-relevant content

Who cares why they happened to become these leading economies? What is relevant as of now in this is that they ARE the leading economies right now and they put a lot of money into renewable energy industries which means they all three expect for their economies to get a good share in this market. Somebody has to buy and use this shit otherwise they won't produce this. Somebody is going "green". What you don't seem to understand is that I don't care how actually "green" it is. I simply question your claim that this move creates poverty and de-industrialization. It - as of now - is the contrary. It fosters industries. And as Omsk noted, these industries are still powered by oil, coal, and atomic energy.

 No.17263 KONTRA

Net_energy_cliff.gif (74.14 KB, 1516x812)

Edwin_Drake_580x.jpg (79.49 KB, 580x441)

I will just leave those here. Anyone with half a brain can figure out the implications. Those who can't suffer from terminal communism / magical thinking and can get electrocuted with renewable energy on the next sunny day for all I care.


Consider that it could be preferable to live in economic downturn due to a rising cost of energy production over the German government having ready to access to nuclear development expertise and an infrastructure to enrich uranium on a large scale. Especially when considering this hypothesis under the Führership of one Annalena Bareback and her red-green paramilitaries


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I will just leave those here. Anyone with half a brain can figure out the implications.


You post these graphs and don’t see that there’s no problem at all? With renewables and nuclear humanity will be fine. Germany excluded of course.


> I simply said it is very likely that some significant amount of money is to be made if all leading economies feel like they need to be at it
10 years they felt need to be at nanotechnology. And 100 years ago all leading countries felt need to built dreadnoughts. Both turned out to be complete waste of resources. Significant amount of money were made, but by people who sat on government contracts. Well, if you have company producing solar panels, renewables can be beneficial for you.
> Is this green transition comparable to other decisions a state made? How so? I don't see it.
And I don't see how it's not comparable. If China can fuck up its demography, why can't it waste just a few billions on experimental investments?

And this is how a new meme was born. Ebin


> niche internet community
this one always has been a forum lurker of games he actively played. one forum had first an "art" thread in off-topic, afterwards a dedicated art tab. lurked that niche way longer than playin dem game. guild wars; my guild even had a bronze cape once :3


illinois-tourism-campaign.webp (122.15 KB, 1280x720)

Saw pic related ad today. A lot of States run sporadic national tourism campaigns. Always struck me as odd. Growing up, my family never vacationed. Am familiar with the concept, but only for specific major destinations. New York City. Grand Canyon. Chicago. Why don't they just say Chicago? If someone is going to visit Illinois, that's probably where they're going.

Additional info: This is a great album.

Sufjan Stevens - Illinois (Complete Album)

 No.17270 KONTRA

Unrelated to the discussion, you fucking subhuman imbecile. The diagrams in >>17263 are very related. Can you grasp how this is different? (You obviously can't, or you would have spared us your pseudo-smart post.)

I had written a post explaining to dumbasses like you the graphs in >>17263, because I knew that exactly you would (once more, by the way) pretend to be even dumber than you are. The board wouldn't let me post it, it was too long. Since it is not my job to give you an education, I decided against typing it out a second time.

And please stop pretending you have any idea of mathematics, because you clearly don't.

You are scum, vermin, a subhuman, and you deserve to be killed in any number of slow and painful ways.(Hopeless...)


Yes, investments can fail to deliver and governments can make mistakes. How is nanotechnology comparable to the energy transition, though? Besides being technology, what other factors make it comparable? For example the amount of investments. How experimental are they in comparison? I know that nanotechnology was a hype but how big were industry investments back then? Or was it more of a government institute race?

With my last braincell I found out that the EROI values are debated and not set in stone like the law of gravity. I think I even remember that methodological issues are debated. You are right about me not having much knowledge in physics and mathematics but if something is hotly debated and politically charged (your posts are as well) then I'm sceptical about your sourcesless charts being terminal truth.


Those charts are not terminal truths, but they are also far from baseless. EROI is admittedly hard to measure.

However, the debate is not about renewables having the EROI of a good oil-field of the mid 20th-century, but whether they have sufficient EROI to sustain a civilization that can sustain renewable energy production. Unless someone comes up with very good buffer technologies, they very likely do not.

 No.17274 KONTRA

>they very likely do not

That might be, from what I gathered some people pointing out the EROI and that it won't be enough advocate for a different economic operation of humanity overall COMMUNISM!. With that in mind, this can still be a big industry with the goal of reducing carbon dioxide in the long term, not eliminating it, though. Or it becomes the base of a new economy that needs it and does not need the energy we need today but less because of that new economic operativity. I simply pointed out that this is a likely candidate for further industrialization and thus against poverty as of now.

 No.17275 KONTRA

There isn't enough enthalpy in the entire universe for communism.

 No.17276 KONTRA

> The abolishment of productive property and almost universal wage labor is impossible according to a physical concept.

Not sure how the ancients did it then. A mystery like the pyramides I suppose.


>A mystery like the pyramides I suppose.
Fun fact: The pyramids were built with wage labor and slaves. Under a monarchy.

 No.17278 KONTRA

Reviewed some grammar points and some literary history for the exams.
I went to vote. I had a fan and the little red book in my pocket. I went alone because my parents got it over with in the morning. Voting was uneventful otherwise. I enjoyed the sun on my walk.

I skipped lunch because it's so warm again, that my appetite feels suppressed.

We bought a new toaster. It's the same as the old one, but a new iteration of the design. "All toasters toast toast".
It doesn't burn the bread because the ejector works.

Wasted the night baking and watching the Xbox and PC games shows on discord. I've never seen a show like this before and most of the time it was dreadfully tiresome, but friends made it bearable. Saw like three games that looked interesting. It was an endless running gag that I didn't like anything because I couldn't run it or afford it.

Followed the elections afterwards. The guy I was rooting for in Budapest (the Jewish technocrat who wanted an anti-hobo police force) lost to the incumbent dipshit retard by like 300 votes so it's literally over. Budapest is finished.
But I had a satisfied laugh at how Momentum got fucked and didn't get a single EU seat.
So yeah. Time to go back to not caring about this shit at all.

Gonna try to go to the library today. I decided to wake myself up early instead of sleeping in. Pull myself up by the bootstraps. Hoping torture/struggle can make things right.

 No.17280 KONTRA

I wanted to write something similar, but you did it better than I could ever have.


Since those slaves belonged to state instead of private owners, actually it was socialism. Just like slaves building Belomorkanal under pharaoh Stalinhotep I.

>>17280 deleted a post to fix a type

 No.17283 KONTRA

Ancient Egypt was not a capitalist society even if they paid people to build the pyramids.

I'm still waiting for proof about that physical concept being in contradiction with "communism".


>I'm still waiting for proof about that physical concept being in contradiction with "communism".
Why would anyone need to proof anyting? You are making that claim. And equating pharaonic monarchy with communism lmao.

 No.17285 KONTRA

>a physical concept
Increasing the amount of energy available to an economic system that historically failed due to systematic misallocation of resources will only lead to greater misallocation of energy expenditure. (As exemplified by the government-mandated expansion of renewable energy sources.)

 No.17286 KONTRA

>And equating pharaonic monarchy with communism lmao.

Not really I just referred to state of none-capitalism and wondered how they did it.

So the production of luxury yachts is well well-expended energy? Capitalist growth implies having an energy need that far exceeds what is possible to harvest on planet earth. Not sure how that is intelligent energy budgeting.

 No.17290 KONTRA

Got to view it the other way round: the soviet union sat on huge oil- and gas-reserves, but did not built super-yachts, because it could not afford them. The country was a piss-poor agrarian backwater, due to its infeciencies.

 No.17294 KONTRA

>the soviet union sat on huge oil- and gas-reserves, but did not built super-yachts, because it could not afford them

Ok, and?

I'm pretty glad somebody did not feel the need to construct an unnecessary luxury item for an elitist circle just to make money by doing so. Again: how is that intelligent energy budgeting? It's been a waste of energy. All that energy was used to fulfill the desire of an elitist circle. Yoyu could have used that energy to produce something which many more people could have used and deem necessary or beneficial. Certainly the best resource allocation there is: using energy to ultimately make money - and it helps the people!


> a piss-poor agrarian backwater
USSR had pretty developed science and industry. However, they were serving military industrial complex and not consumer economy, so quality of life was low.

The discussion about socialism vs capitalism is stupid, because big busyness has to follow state's will anyway. Don't you think that Rheinmetal, Gasprom or Google are independent entities? And small busyness is ruled indirectly, though regulations, fiscal and monetary policies. You could switch from mixed to fully planned economy and have local bakery micromanaged from Gosplan, but it will only make things worse.

 No.17307 KONTRA

>because big busyness has to follow state's will anyway

Can you elaborate on how you see the relationship between the state and private companies in capitalism?


Roughly like between farmer and fauna on his farm. He doesn't mind control his cattle, but he makes frames to keep it in stall, provides environment for it to grow and prosper and rips benefits from them such as milk and fur.
For big cattle such as horses farmer also cares enough to make strategic decisions, such as to mate this mare with that stallion. For smaller animals he doesn't make individual decisions and treats them groupwise (butcher 10% of chickens).

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