No.16111 SYSTEMKONTRA [Last 50 Posts]
Joie de vivre à la Prusse edition
>>15619 No.16119
>>161171) Read above about replying to the schizo.
2) Why do you think that your "actual understanding and experience" is something more than statistics?
Still translating subtitles. Now on episode 4.
The last one was really miserable, incoherent mumbling formed into a ball of shit and then pressed into a script.
Now this one is rather pleasant again.
I looked it up and indeed the last one was written by another guy. Apparently this was the only one of him for quite some time.
And the worst thing is that semantically, the general gist is always clear, but trying to translate it to proper German is barely possible, at least for someone as inexperienced with this kind of stuff as I am.
I really wonder what the official german translation sounds like, because this actually ran in the 90s, on RTL2, which I personally wouldn't trust with contracting a good translation.
I'm currently reading a sci-fi book in which respectable members of society hire lumpens to shout slurs, spit conspiracy theories and so on. Then respectable people scold them, it is detected by their neural implants, and thus they raise their social credit score, while lumpens have nothing to lose.
So maybe you're just ahead of the time with your replying to the schizo.
>>16119>2) Why do you think that your "actual understanding and experience" is something more than statistics?So for example working out mathematics and its logical foundation rests on statistics, not an ability to reason, understand and have an exact concept? Behind the unshakeable, eternal truths of mathematics is just a probability?
Reasoning as a concept becomes obsolete and we won't need to discuss further then, god is just rolling dice for us.
>>16122> Behind the unshakeable, eternal truths of mathematics is just a probability?Behind the unshakeable, eternal truths of mathematics is just a neuron chemistry?
>>16064> Feeding a growing population of 10 billion people by 2050 with a healthy and sustainable diet will be impossible without transforming eating habits, improving food production, and reducing food wasteKlaus Schwab's diet. Why not just introduce feminism to Africans and Indians, so that their population starts to decrease too, and then eat as much meat as we want?
No.16125 KONTRA
I'd classify today as a failure. I literally wasted all of it. I wanted to finish translating the final block of text from that short story but I worked through like a single sentence.
I don't know, I just feel lethargic.
Re-read my presentation slides once for tomorrow's conference. I don't even know why I signed up for this. Well, another thing I can put on my resume.
I seem to have lost my pendrive. Genuinely have no idea where it could be, I checked it in both my coats, every pocket of my bag and even the jacket I wear when attending conferences.
Though I did learn while looking through my bag that I seem to be really paranoid about not having a painkiller on me, because I found 8 separate pills I cut off from full leaves just drifting around in one of the pockets.
Had to scavenge for one in the boxes and I found an old 4GB one I apparently used to make a Linux bootdisk when I was into that shit. Funny how 4GB seems kind of small nowadays. Checking it, I have one 2.4mb file on it, and that wouldn't fit on a floppy.
Brewed some of that earl gray I got and it's not doing it for me. It's weak. It tastes really good though. But it makes me feel really thirsty. I kinda prefer making pu-erh 2bh.
>>16112Never heard of them before. Odd coincidence but "zaba" is actually a word in Hungarian used to describe a very hearty meal or used in a verbified form to describe eating a lot of something tasty in a very low class but enjoyable manner.
Reading up on it, that candy bar sounds absolutely decadent.
No.16126 KONTRA
>>16123My understanding is the following. While humans can be trained in logic and comprehend it conceptually, a neural net is simply fed with examples (data) and generates probable outcomes according to the fed data in the interaction with the parameters used in the model. And you just get better models with more parameters and more data. I don't see how more data and more parameters overcome the barrier of conceptual comprehension that humans are apparently able to pull.
All that said, can you prove all human activity and human - so called - reasoning is reducible to statistical processes in nature?
No.16127 KONTRA
>>16126>All that said, can you prove all human activity and human - so called - reasoning is reducible to statistical processes in nature?Can you prove the opposite? No? Then stop it both with your inane squabbling or make a new thread.
No.16128 KONTRA
>>16110Yes it makes more sense
>>16130Mine is doing great. I left my twenties and it is still full.
Would you consider going to Turkey for sugery?
>>16130Mid (soon to enter late) 30s and from what I can see in the mirror, still full head of hair, though the grey ones are starting to get through on the sides and I might or might not get more pronounced widows peaks.
There's also a spot in the back of my head right at the crown or whatever it is called that always looks suspiciously thin. Though it might just be that the hair from my head is wandering down my neck, because my back and arms are getting increasingly hairy.
Compared to some friends I'm in a pretty good state though. One perk of being short.
>>16132>One perk of being short.Can you elaborate on what is implied in that statement in connection to what you wrote in the preceding sentences? Do short people have fewer problems with pattern baldness or do you mean that in general being short is better for your health? I once heard that tall people die sooner because the organs and all have to work so much.
whole body/organism has it more diffcult to maintain itself basically No.16135
>>16133Bring short is würde dir your health, short men have inferior defective genetics, that's why they make less money and women hate them.
>>16135>Bring short is würde dir your healthAre you on drugs?
No.16140 KONTRA
If competition is natural to humans in every regard, then why does capitalism need a state that regulates competition on all levels? Even deregulation is a sovereign act. Are the owners of the means of production just massive pussies that set up the Leviathan to compensate for their inferior genes?
Ernst has to do grocery shopping, but don't want to leave the house. It is all so tiring.
No.16142 KONTRA
>>16141If only you lived in Finnland where grocery is devilered to your house instead of the Entwicklungsland known as Germany…
>>16142Parcel delivery is very unreliable in Germany. Nothing you want your food in.
Infrastructure problems are the most common in Germany. Never rely on working Internet, telecommunication, public transport or postal services in Germany. Also better don't need cough syrup for your children.
No.16144 KONTRA
>>16139He's more likely just on his phone.
>>16143>Nothing you want your food in.Your food is not delivered by DHL or one of the abysmal providers. It hints to why Germany is a developing country when comes smart optimized revolutionized digitized services. It's people like you :DDD We need more Finn spirit among us.
>>16146Finland is just cold enough to not spoil your food if it is unattended.
>>16133>Can you elaborate Being short means being more youthful for longer, which usually goes along with having less hair loss.
I wonder if all the people calling for even more delivery vote FDP.
>>16149How is that? The Finn probably would.
By god, this current episode's subtitles are so much better to translate than the last one's. It's like a difference between going uphill and downhill.
No.16156 KONTRA
>>16155If you can translate subtitles, you don't need them. If you need translated subtitles, you can't translate them. Put them through deepl and be done with it.
>>16156*MAYBE* I am not necessarily translating them for myself.
Also, you can't just run them through a translation program because you need context, and for multi-timepoint subtitles you need the entire sentence. That way I'd still have to go through everything to check if it's correct. But someone who suggests AI probably does not concern oneself with such minutiae.
No.16162 KONTRA
>>16141Can't imagine going shopping for
groceries... what a waste.
>>16147>Finland is just cold enough to not spoil your food if it is unattended.Funny joge. The delivery vans have sections for hot, refrigerated and frozen items and the order is split in them accordingly.
>>16149Why would someone not vote FDP?
P.s. The first thing to pop into my mind regarding FDP: No.16163
>>16143I am using public transport right now. The app said train will depart at 4:30pm, already about 25min late. Another, slower train I could ride, departing shortly before that was the alternative. Now, question for non-germans: which train do you take given that other trains on the platform of the late train not moving and accumulating delay?
Exactly, the slower one on time. Because while this one is on schedule, the other already has another 15 min delay added in the app by now
No.16168 KONTRA
Nearly a week without any actual studying. Now I stack low-sugar sodas in front of me as I power through the Portuguese 19th century.
I once read that dry beard stubble has the consistence of copper wire.
Today I was preparing for a shave by trimming the longer hairs. When I was brushing off the cut stubble from the shaver, I felt a sting in one of my fingers.
Turns out one of the pieces of stubble, maybe 2mm long, really had been driven into my finger, like an ordinary splinter, and I actually had to remove it with pliers.
Never happened in a good 20 years of shaving.
Political polarization in USA is a well-known topic, there is even a dedicated wiki article: feel like here in Russia it's much worse, even though authoritarian system hides it (people are divided into two groups, but every structure is run from the same one center).
So tomorrow I'll meet gf's parents and I'll larp as a Stalinist. And next week gf will meet my mom and pretend to be Ukraine-sympathizer. Cheers to Anglos for inventing hypocrisy.
>>16173How do you two classify yourself when not in the presence of each others parents?
>>16174Probably whatever the main political affiliation for zoomers is.
No, really, what IS it?
I woke up at a reasonable time and had french toast for breakfast.
Did my usual workout and then washed my hair and trimmed my beard so I don't like an Orthodox Jew in training and prepared the stuff I need for the presentation.
I arrived there half an hour early because my mother had something to do in the city so she took me by car. I lounged around a bit at the buffet, chatted with people. I was in a good mood. Lecturer approached me and asked me if I have my presentation on me and I told him I'd be there in a minute. He kept switching between the Hungarian equivalents of du and Sie. Don't know why when he was the one who initiated to be on per tu terms.
Anyway, I was afterwards asked to be the student representative for the section because both the person originally responsible and her replacement couldn't make it. It's not complex shit, I basically just had to conduct some ceremonial affairs like handing out the certificates to the presenters and give a bottle of wine to the lecturer conducting the section.
One person didn't show up so I had to go first. I was in my element honestly. I was fucking brilliant. Mopped the floor with those MA students with the quality of my research and presentation skills. Essentially a demigod. The head of the workshop seemed satisfied too.
I think I have zero angst before presentations now. I just go and do it.
I could answer every single question they asked me afterwards.
After the section a guy came up to me and asked me to send him the slides via email and I wasn't sure what the fuck he wanted but I told him I'd do it. Turns out there was some organisational mishap and the presentations were recorded, but without anyone's knowledge or consent. (Not by outsiders, it's rather like the Sicherheitsdienst, Gestapo and the Abwehr fucking each other over, because the university sent a press team to the college without the college consenting or knowing about it, so even the conference's organisers only found out about it after some presenters asked what the fuck this is about.)
So they ended up destroying the footage or so I'm told.
Though it's interesting how the EU had like one successful buzzword in like the past 15 years with GDPR because everyone instantly rushed to say that it must be against the GDPR or something. It's in the public consciousness.
Had to get home by bus and I only realised when I was about to board after taking the metro that I actually left my pass and ID at home, so I wanted to buy a ticket but the driver looked at me and said "Take a seat" and I rode for free. I was a bit anxious to not have someone check for a ticket or pass but I got home without a hickup.
Also apparently the people in my class are really dissatisfied with the Chinese teacher for some reason and as I looked through the messages they basically scheduled a struggle session 批斗大会 cultural revolution style. I honestly have no trouble with the lecturer. She's fair to me and helped me when I asked her questions. I have zero clue what the beef of the others' is.
But this happens all the time. Even when everyone hates a lecturer, I never have any trouble with them. Never quite got why.
So anyway, today was excellent. Plans for tomorrow include knocking out some of that paper I need to write for my research seminar and also reading more on the Asiatic mode of production for the other seminar. Oh and to keep practicing modern Chinese. Last night I dreamed that I was talking in Chinese and had the teacher tell me it's not perfect but at least she understands what I'm saying.
What we need is more cardio, more coffee, more sunshine and more books.
>>16174Vatniks have slave mentality and crave for strong czar's dick in their asses. And liberals are self-hating cucks with outgroup bias.
So I'm independent hehe.
Not sure about the gf, probably something similar.
>>16175I'm borderline zoomer and I know few people significantly younger than me and don't remember talking about politics with most of them, too few information to say anything in general.
>>16178Putin is bad for being Ersatz-Czar, but he's good for destroying the corrupt degenerate West? You can't have one without the other.
Monarchy is the only good form of government, since it ties the destiny of the nation to the destiny of the ruler. Russia is now a pseudo-monarchy, since it has all the elements of a monarch, but without the clearly specified transfer if power to the next generation. Still, Putin is Russia and Russia is Putin. You cannot have one without the other. Only a czar or a pseudo czar could ever able to rise the Russian people and expose the fake Western democracies and their lies, without him, Russia would be just the same as the West and enthralled to the USA.
Historically, German teens / twenty somethings have been pro-Russia, but in increasingly cryptic ways. For example, we had communist hippies in the sixties, then peaceniks who tried to prevent Pershing missiles, then anti-nuclear nutjobs who eventually made made Germany energy dependent on Russia.
Now, they are growing more pro-Chinese.
This is the result of having 'openness', 'free speech', 'free press', etc. foreign powers exercise control over young people's minds and fill them with propaganda.
>>16144Hardly any difference
No.16184 KONTRA
>>16181> most leftists in postwar Germany were not interested in Soviet Union party Doesn't matter, your idols were still controlled by StaSi and LGB, you idiot.
>>16183>I don't doubt there were plenty of Soviet sympathizers among west Germans.There were - the DKP for example. But the groups/identifiers the other German classified as pro-Russian is simply false in a broad sense.
>Sounds like a timeframe issue. Anti-Soviet sentiment from western communists is something that is only developed decades after the war. The invasion of Czechoslovakia possibly being the turning point for the end of a broadly pro-Soviet camp in western Europe.The timeframe could have been more precise but I'm not speaking of 1950 but 1968 and the years prior. Because these people already weren't pleased with Stalin. My definition of western marxism is the New Left/the marxism of the student revolts and its various strands. Maybe that would have been beneficial for thinking. While Czechoslovakia plays a big reason in disappointment I guess, the critique of the SU had already started before this in what later has become known as New Left and is what is still dominantly known as left today.
>your idols were still controlled by StaSi and LGBMarx was already dead and the others I'm interested in were doing critiques of SU/GDR. So if at all, they were on the list of these secret services for denunciation, liquidation and dangerous behavior.
t. intelligent and not schizo
No.16186 KONTRA
>>16185>My definition ofStopped reading there, opinion disregarded, etc.
>t. intelligentlol, lmao even
>>16183I forgot Hungary 1956.
>>16186It is very well known definition.
If you shy away from making arguments, just post nothing, dawg.
No.16188 KONTRA
>>16180> foreign powers exercise control over young people's minds and fill them with propaganda.> foreign powers...
> t. proxy german No.16189 KONTRA
>>16187>It is very well known definition.Oh, so now you are a well-known scholar? Damn seems like we have a celebrity here. Can I get your autograph dude? You are so intelligent.
>>16183Correct. There were those who were openly controlled by the Soviet Union, there were those who just took the East German's money / training / logistical support, but who, of course, were not pro-soviet at all, no sir! They didn't like the 'party shit', you know!
The West German leftist / alternative scene was ripe with east German influencer agents and informers. They were not in ideological alignment with marxism-leninism, but they were still useful idiots. They had their talking points supplied by the communists, and of course, the communists supplied talking points the western leftists would willingly repeat. For example, they shared grossly exaggerated takes on nuclear winter, to weaken Western resolve.
Ideological subversion was the KGBs main task back then. It is the FSBs main task now. Some of the tales are even re-used in slightly modified form. There was Soviet propaganda that claimed HIV has been produced by the Americans in bio-weapon labs. Search for "operation denver". Compare to the fanciful stories about bio-weapon labs in Ukraine we heard in 2022.
> the process of subversion is such a long-term process that an average individual, due to the short time-span of his historical memory, is unable to perceive the process of subversion as a CONSISTENT and willful effort>>16180>>16181AfD polls as second-strongest or strongest party with first-time voters in most German states. AfD might as well be called 'official Putin-Party of Germany'.
This eerily parallels history. In the seventies, young voters mostly voted for Brandt, who was the eastern block's preferred candidate.
> But Brandt wasn't a communist so this isn't true at all!!!! 😭😭😭 And who was Gunther Guillaume and why was the failed vote of no confidence against Brandt bought with StaSi money? (Steiner-Wienand-Affäre)
Brandt was the chancellor StaSi preferred, and he was the chancellor young leftist shit-for-brains youth had voted into power, after they had received a proper Russian brain-washing.
You posting your Karl Held-shit here does not help you at all. You are just saying what a chronic communist shithead would say to defend his cause, and you add proof that you are, indeed, a chronic communist shithead.
No.16191 KONTRA
There might even be something to say beyond just being Soviet-controlled, sympathetic to the Soviet project to downright being anti-Soviet. I figure only a small percentage of western left wing intellectuals were actually truly anti-Soviet. A disdain of "the excesses of Stalinism" isn't a signifier of anti-Soviet sentiment, especially when so many intellectuals wilfully tricked themselves into believing his policies were a departure from Lenin's - something that is still seen today. It's ironic that the event that would permanently split sensible western intellectuals that pay lip service to democratic principles would come after Stalin's death. In the west, the Soviet government was accused of being red fascists and Khrushchev accused of being a "social imperialist" - as if his predecessors would have behaved differently.
Even today, there is cognitive dissonance in regards to the Soviet experiment in the western left. It's opposed because good modern communists understand on some level that it was a macabre totalitarian prison state - but it is praised because it's red and was the great geopolitical foe of America.
I look better again, the difference is striking, some people turned their head to look at me in the street. It’s been a long time since last such occurrence. Then my friends said I looked good. Feels good man.
>>16191For a while in east-European countries, cognitive dissonance was the only way to survive for a communist. I’m reading a biography of Tito by a Joze Pirjevec. In the 1920s the Yugoslavian communist party strictly depended on the Komintern, the members of the party touching a salary from Russia. He was invited to Moscow to dispense lectures to some Komintern classes in the midst of Stalinist terror. He stayed in a hotel redacted as apartment for foreign communists coming to Russia. From here he could here each other night from his own admission, the scream of women and children from whom their man was taken away by the military to be shot and killed. Most foreign communists who went to Russia couldn’t help but live this alarming reality, but their surviving was for some, depending on their faith, so they were proud Stalinist.
I know it’s only tangentially related. But it’s been a while I wanted to talk about Tito.
>>16192>TitoReminds me of a joge:
Tito is visiting the nail factoy
So he asks some random worker; how many nails can you make in one day? Worker says 1000. Tito: this is a disgrace! I can make 100 000. So tito take's his tools and starts to woork... at the end of day, Tito is worn down but he menaged to make 100 000 nails and he fulfiled producion plans by 150%.
Satisfied, he turns to that worker and says; 'That is a way to do it', but worker corresponds; 'yes comrade tito, but you are turner, I am college professor'
I would rate my performance as B+ for her mom and B- for her dad and sister.
Had some good talk, but had some awkward silence. Said and did extreme cringe couple of times. Showed my divine intellect (actually, good luck) by winning in a board game. Took home very tasty and fresh homemade kulich (Easter cake), yeah, her mom is a great cook.
Anyway, it's not that important because her parents are poorfags. But she needs to make a good impression on my rich mommy so that she'll buy for us apartments when we have children.
>>16180> then anti-nuclear nutjobs who eventually made made Germany energy dependent on Russia.Isn't it dependent on USA after sanctions? Or do you still buy gas through 3-rd parties? WHO BENEFITS? Anti-nuclear green-voters, as I remember, are the most anti-Russian people in Germany.
>>16185> The invasion of Czechoslovakia possibly being the turning point for the end of a broadly pro-Soviet camp in western EuropeThis is what they want you to think. Actually, it was after 1991.
It's like with Zizek deleting his video where he called himself "friend of the Russian state" and turning into NAFOid. When enough time passes for most people to forget, he'll tell us that the turning point for him was war in Georgia or death of Magnitsky.
>>16192Recently had a talk with Serbian pen-friend where he told me the history of his country. He told a funny (and terrible story) how in one day Tito proclaimed friendship with USSR instead of belonging to non-aligned movement and hating USSR. "Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia" People who had't read the news and haven't updated their ideology, were gulaged.
Also I noticed the repeating pattern in their history:
1. King of Serbia tries to be friends with Austro-Hungaria.
2. He gets assassinated by a secret pro-British organisation.
3. New king spoils relationship with Austro-Hungaria to the point of war.
4. Serbia loses 2/3 of its territory.
God, punish England!
There is a movie about that episode: haven't watched anything by Kusturica, but it's curios that he seems to be the only person on Balkans who loves gypsies.
>>16193Lol even in jokes about Tito the point is that professors and universities are worthless useless smart talking arrogant suckers who are good for exactly nothing at all
>>16196Hey now, calm down Herr Pot.
No.16198 KONTRA
There are French words to big for small Switzerland . Concorde is one of them
No.16199 KONTRA
I spent most of the day reading and translating in the garden. I neglected my duty somewhat because I didn't work on that seminar paper I have to have an rough draft of in two days.
>>161891. Are you stupid?
2. Where can I install the understand irony plug-in for you?
The definition I use is a very well-known one. So "my definition" is one that already existed before.
>East German's money / training / logistical support, but who, of course, were not pro-soviet at all, no sir!Yes because why should people refuse money and other material support and still play their own game? THAT NEVER HAPPENS, no never ever forever. I'm sure the Taliban was always a democratic force the US could count on forever. There was this discussion some time ago about agency. What do you think the west is doing with pro-liberal organizations or activism in Russia or Ukraine? Of course, finance them as well. What you paint here as extraordinary is a normal thing for any political power to do.
Are you simply talking about the RAF? Whom are you talking about anyway?
I know that the publisher Pahl Ruggenstein was funded by the GDR. You can simply fund groups you think will be a pain in the ass for the rivaling government, no need for them to have a raging boner over the SU or GDR government in that regard.
Simply said. You don't need to be "pro Russian" to to be left or support a leftist agenda. But a leftist agenda of whatever kind probably seemed to be handy for the SU or GDR to support anyway. It's not the same thing but in your brain, everything melts together.
The rest of the post is more of the same stupid melting together. The comparison with the Afd is interesting because funding from Russia is likely having the same rather abstract goal of destabilizing your competition and its political power. This probably was a goal of the SU back then as well. But as I said, this is a normal thing to do.
>>16191>it is praised because it's red and was the great geopolitical foe of America.You think that online tankies are a big majority? What is calling itself left today is usually very defused and tame.
>I figure only a small percentage of western left wing intellectuals were actually truly anti-Soviet. A disdain of "the excesses of Stalinism" isn't a signifier of anti-Soviet sentimentI would like to see more proof of the percentages. I would say most intellectuals have been well paid uni professors and did not need to take any money from the SU for exmaple. They could just theorize the "crisis of marxism", become postmodern and that is it.
But I guess for as long as the SU and the soviet bloc existed people were sympathetic to the idea of an alternative but not downright the SU as such. If that would have been the case, the support would have been very different to what it was. There would have been no need for a New Left if the SU was the great country with the best politics to simply follow and copy. It was not a support for the SU as such but for leftist potpourri depending on who you ask. Sure, I would not even doubt that SU and GDR tried to support people of various kinds just so as to have an opposition going but this opposition was not explicitly "pro Russian" or fondly talking of the SU all the time. They simply were supported for being leftists and having the potential to destabilize a rivaling power within the realm of the Cold War power fight. The RAF is the most prominent case because it meant supporting an armed group that killed politicians and business people of the opponent. If this group was an avid supporter of the SU government is tertiary to how their action played into the hands of the soviet governments.
>>16200>online tankiesIt's not just an online tankie thing, a cult of certain 20th century revolutionaries exists in the European Left (broad left in particular, not merely actual Marxist-Leninist parties) even to this day. Of these heroes, Lenin is particularly esteemed and it's not hard to find support for many other first-generation revolutionaries in other nations who were aligned with the Soviet cause during the cold war and had great enthusiasm for the potential of global progressive forces led by Moscow. The Soviet Union also gained the eternal glory of being the worker's state that defeated fascism - which, despite all of the caveats towards his policy and personality, gains Stalin some good will even in leftist publications of a more libertarian variety.
I can't read German, but I doubt the potato people are any different, presumably they are even worse.
>New Left This is itself a product of the end of the revolutionary class shoulder-to-shoulder alliance between the Soviet nomenklatura and the western communist intelligentsia, it represents the seeping disillusionment towards the Soviet future. If the Sino-Soviet split happens due to a lack of Stalinism in Moscow, then the Soviet-Euro split happens due to an excess of 'Stalinism' in Prague. Then - by action of the dialectical process - the revolutionary vanguard leapfrogs neo-Czarist Moscow and Paris streets are taken by Maoists.
Of course what we have in the present day in Europe towards the Soviet cause is not the feeling of revolutionary excitement of the first decades, or frustration towards its failures to live up to revolutionary ideals. What we have is an entire political host that is hopelessly lost and trying to rediscover itself. The Soviet Union is no longer contemporary, so it becomes a historical being worthy of contextualizing as opposed to an ongoing event with policies subject to daily critique.
I've thought about the invasion of Hungary in trying to figure out why it seems to me that it didn't provoke such a response from the western left. I may be ignorant to how much backlash it caused, it may be that Prague was just the straw the broke the camel's back, but it might also be that the world as a whole understood the Hungarians probably deserved it in some manner.>>16194True believers stand by to this day. Now the remaining vanguard has opinions on excessive foreign meddling in Belarusian elections. It really stopped being cool by the 60s, by the 70s it was only the dorks and by the 80s only schizophrenics remained.
No.16202 KONTRA
>>16201Almost an hour to write this retarded, uninformative post.
One day they'll pay me for this.
>>16200> furthering the interessests of Russia for money is a totally normal thing to doIt is for you, and that's what I have been saying all along
No.16204 KONTRA
>>16200>So "my definition" is one that already existed before.Then say so and don't call it "your" definition. But then you couldn't seize the interpretive authority and would have to play even field instead of shitting out your only correct opinion uncontested. Oh but wait, it was all irony, wasn't it? Such a shame I am too stupid to understand it, so I have to make an attempt to take you seriously. Maybe you're right and I should stop that and treat you like the clown you are.
No.16205 KONTRA
>>16201> a cult of certain 20th century revolutionaries existsWell that much is true, but I'm not sure if that means being fond of the SU in general. You could accuse people of cognitive dissonance :DDD
>MaoistsYeah, Germany's 70s are oftentimes displayed as the red year and Maoist K-Gruppen. Who died out in the 1980s, when they realized their ideals and theories didn't match reality and many found back into the political mainstream and the social movements for peace and what not. (Green party one outlet to return to). However, it still stands that this was not a partisanship for Russia or the SU.
The German SDS was founded in 1960, after students had been expelled from the SPD. There were some years in which to "prepare" for 1968. The critique did not break out with 1968 but was at its highest point and by about 1970 it was already over for the student movement and people channeled their dissatisfaction into various other political opportunities.
No.16206 KONTRA
>>16203>for youIt is for all nations with enough political and economic power to do so. I already wrote that but I guess that was an argument not to your liking. How well it works out is an entirely different question btw. Surely some factors will be more relevant for success than others.
No.16207 KONTRA
>>16204Instead of getting upset over semantic issues taking several posts by now you could have just said something about the definition and argued but no that would be too hard of a thing to do. It would among other things mean finding out that hippies had an entirely different (bourgeois) ideology than any of the party communists you think they were rooting for.
So instead you jump on my ironic use of the word intelligence to ride on the train of professorial arrogance that suits your perception so well.
Sag doch mal was zur Sache :^)
No.16208 KONTRA
>>16207>Sag doch mal was zur Sache :^)Oh you :3
I would, probably, if there were anything worthwhile to discuss in the first place and if I were under the impression that you were actually interested in discussion and not just talking big and deflecting to "irony" and semantics whenever someone points out a flaw or mistake in your musings.
But life is not a pony farm, so I'm forced to keep taunting you as long as you reply.
What I find interesting in this "discussion" though is the lack of talk about the massive cope of the "left" ever since the war started. The cognitive dissonance in the spring of '22 was hilarious.
>>16209Your country is already ruled by a foreign power and if you pay taxes then you serve it.
Meanwhile there is another foreign power, which would prefer independent Germany to American-controlled Germany (for selfish reasons ofc). So by serving it, communists serve independence.
>>16208>points out a flaw or mistake in your musingsSo far your pointing out is simply a semantic anger issue.
If I have the opinion that beating children is healthy I'm not the original originator of that opinion, it is still my opinion. If my definition is the definition of somebody articulated elsewhere it is my definition in this discussion regardless.
We could discuss why this definition is not adequate historically, but you are not making any effort to do so. Instead: semantic babble, ad hominem and the absurd claim that smelly sex revolution hedonist hippies have been rooting for the SU allegedly, which is laughable. In the US these people were among other things also anti-communists for example.
>What I find interesting in this "discussion" though is the lack of talk about the massive cope of the "left" ever since the war started.This seems completely irrelevant to the original post but I'm still curious what massive cope the abstract of "THE LEFT" had to arrange in early '22.
>>16209This is not what I said. Reading comprehension yada yada
This is a happy thread
We're happy here in the happy thread
Oh, it's such fun, fun, fun, whoa-oh
We've come to post in the happy thread
And waste a day in the happy thread
It never rains, never rains
We've come to scream in the happy thread
We're in a dream in the happy thread
We're all quite sane-ane-ane, whoa-oh
This is the happy thread, we're happy here, oh
There's room for you if you say, "NO u"
But don't agree or you'll have to go
We've done no wrong with our browsers on
It's safe and calm if you sing along
Sing along, sing along, oh-oh
This is the happy thread
We're happy here in the happy thread
To forget ourselves and pretend all's well
There is no hell, oh-oh
▔▜▛▔ ▔▜▛▔ '||
▐▌ ▐▌ .... .. .. .. || ... ... ... ... .. ... . .... ... ..
▐▛▀▀▀▀▜▌ '' .|| || || || ||' || || || ||' '' || || .|...|| ||' ''
▐▌ ▐▌ .|' || || || || || | || || || |'' || ||
▁▟▙▁ ▁▟▙▁ '|..'|' .|| || ||. '|...' '|..'|. .||. '||||. '|...' .||.
>>16216Lyrics are under public licence, so if an Erna wants to sing it, I'd happy to hear the result.
>>16218Is this some kind of oriental ruse? It's off.
>>16218Trick question: It's not even connected to anything.
>>16218No idea, just click it until the light bulb shines
No.16222 KONTRA
Went to the doctor today. Said my test results are a bit worse so he decided to start an auxiliary treatment besides the main one. Honestly I'm more concerned with my mother becoming hysteric whenever I get prescribed something than actually getting something prescribed. And indeed, she told me to stop drinking coffee and so on.
Told her to stop worrying so much about me. I know it's technically her job but I still don't like it.
Read another Edogawa Ranpo short story while waiting for my checkup. I started reading it in Chinese initially but I switched over to an English edition I found later to save some time, and I was satisfied that I wasn't that far off in my reading of the plot in Chinese.
On the way home also read a few pages from Yu Dafu's
Sinking in Chinese and I was yet again pleasantly surprised that I understood like 90 of what I'm reading.
At home I had lunch and then slept for an hour and then went out to read. Finished the Asiatic Mode of Production book and then dicked around online a bit.
I think for the second seminar paper I need to turn in I will take this book on and attack its flawed reasoning in favour of Wittfogel's concept of the hydraulic society.
Package from Germany arrived and I've become a victim of dialectics. They wrapped it in a 2022 issue of
Junge Welt, and then included a communist pamphlet and a Marx sticker (It's not stuck plastered to the book, it's just in there). I could hardly contain my laughter that these were packed alongside
Der Wille zur Macht of all things.
It's endlessly amusing honestly. Or maybe I'm just easily amused.
I think some people would be offended by this but it honestly made my day. To encounter pure ideology in the wild without having to seek it out on twitter or something. It was cool.
(And the book itself is very nice too. I wish Kröner was the baseline for all books. Compact, good quality paper and good binding etc. It's just nice to hold in your hands or use for studying.)
Worked on the seminar paper I need to write. It should be ten pages. I re-formated it to follow the guidelines and it's 7 pages now, so it's actually going great.
>>16218Is this a trick question?
(Honestly at this point I'm afraid to answer any question like this online.)
No.16223 KONTRA
>>16219I encountered a person confused by this switch. And with some discussions on it, I now dislike the design.
Thank you for your answer.
>>16220RETARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>>16221Thank you for your answer.
>>16222It's not a trick question. Please answer!
Also, for any further answers feel free to elaborate on your reasoning.
No.16224 KONTRA
>>16223That switch is off. Reasoning:
The switch under my desk is like that, and is currently in the opposite state, supplying power. We assume that these symbols are standardized and so by knowing the state of one switch, we can determine the state of the other.
(Addendum: I have a second switch like that under the desk in the same sate and it is not supplying power currently.)
(Or just, fumbling a bit and maybe assuming the line means that it's connecting the wires to supply the electricity to the circuit.)
Electricity requires a closed loop which is symbolized by the circle.
>>16223> RETARD!!Not that retard, but he was correct. An "on" or "off" state requires the switch to be connected to a functional electric circuit.
If the power is shut down - is the light switch turned on or off?
Assuming it is norm'd and a standard switch used e.g. for power supplies, it is obviously in the "off" configuration. At least that is how all my power supplies always have been set up. No.16227
>>16218I say it is off.
>>16225>Electricity requires a closed loop which is symbolized by the circle.Hypothesis: The circle is an O or an 0 (they are the same on simple mechanical typewriters), the line is an 1 or an I (again, the same on simple mechanical typewriters). One is on, zero is off.
>A common style of a switch is a rocker design, which includes on/off markings. To meet the standard IEC 60417, the symbol for ON is “I” (a straight line) and the symbol for OFF is “O” (a circle). It is important to check the appropriate equipment standard for instructions regarding the position of “on” as some may require the “I” to be installed in a vertical position.
(German) Ernst, what yearly wage would you ask for when entering a stressful OSINT like job (observation and analysis, no geolocation skills necessary etc?) with no prior experience?
No.16232 KONTRA
>>16231Isn’t OSINT just posting on twitter about Whokraine destroying 6 gorillion T-54s?
Or am I missing something?
>>16231>stressful OSINT like jobSo, social media manager?
I dunno, 80k? Even 20k would be too much, so better to shoot for the stars.
No.16234 KONTRA
As the G*rman spoiled the answer, the quiz is over. The switch was set to "off" position.
It's quite interesting that a simple binary function represented by such simple design causes so much confusion. The answers here paint quite the picture. Seems to be a coin toss whether people would make the right call if they encountered this switch in the wild and had to make a split-second decision about its state.
RETARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!How you two managed to get through life to this point is nothing short of a miracle.
>>16231>no geolocation skills necessaryPathetic.
>>16234Ok, and can you now provide some actual information?
Like why would it be so confusing and what would be the rationale behind it to make someone dislike the design?
No.16236 KONTRA
>>16235>Ok, and can you now provide some actual information?No.
No.16237 KONTRA
>>16235Symbols are not universal and are prone to misinterpretation without context or experience.
Cf. with our inability to come up with a radiation warning sign that another culture would interpret as hostile 10k years into the future.
>>16237There's a difference between lost context over the course of millenia and symbols that are well-known through the ubiquity of the devices they are painted on.
I assume in Finn's case it's either overthinking like the closed circuit suggestion or a classic woman moment.
>>16239Do I need to speak finnish to fully grasp it?
I would say the round one is the booba and the spiky one is the kiki, simply because of the round/spiky qualities of the words.
However, I wouldn't necessarily try to draw analogies here because one is a descriptor of a thing and the other of a concept/mechanism, so in the latter a certain degree of detachment between the word and the thing can be more likely than in the first case.
>>16240> Do I need to speak finnish to fully grasp it?No. Speakers of almost all languages claim that bouba is round and kiki is sharp.
>>16237>Cf. with our inability to come up with a radiation warning sign that another culture would interpret as hostile 10k years into the futureIs there a humanities student who does not know this example?
t. deep time sign expert
>>16239I think this is still contextual but less arbitrary, no? soft vowels and soft curves, harsh vowels and angles. I don't know the exact history of this psychological experiment material but it's probably not universal, is it?
No.16245 KONTRA
>>16243The adressees of that symbol were staff of a laboratory at Berkeley. It was an ad-hoc standard established to ensure safety of scientists, lab-workers and grad-students. It was never intended to be a warning to post-collapse hunter-gatherers stumbling on a nuclear waste site.
Now, it has become a may-may among self-righteous fools
> lol they so stupid they thought oogah-aggah neanderthals would understand their symbolic interpretation of ionizing radiation, a concept I have no understanding of but am ready to talk about at length, xD No.16246 KONTRA
It feels like something went terribly wrong if the best representation we could come up with was | / O. We could probably think of a list of universal associations to on/off which could serve as a base for better symbolic representation. Or perhaps not, as these symbols are still being used to this day.
As a side note it's also funny that separate on / off buttons are often paired with green and red. The colors associated with the most common type of color blindness.
>>16243>I think this is still contextualHow would you convey a concept using no context?
>>16246>How would you convey a concept using no context?That's the issue.
>>16248Norm has never been funny, FACT!
No.16255 KONTRA
>>16251The German has an opinion on comedy.
>>16255I can instantly name at least ten german comedians, yet not a single portuguese one.
Checkmate, babaca.
No.16258 KONTRA
>>16257>posts a picture of someone putting out a fire>with an intentionally inflammatory postOh, wait, is that this "irony" I keep hearing about?
>>16256>ten german comediansI stand corrected, Germans can say funny things sometimes.
>>16259The real German comedians are the Germans on this board, though.
No.16262 KONTRA
I'm surprisingly alert today for some reason. Chinese class went well enough.
During CC class we discussed the Xi visit a bit and accidentally piece together where he will be staying from random info.
Coming out from class there was a campus event and I took a trivia quiz on Russian culture and I got 7/13+1 and I briefly considered suicide. I got some cookie as a gift.
Showed the German teacher the pamphlet the sellers included with the Nietzsche volume and we spent 15 minutes laughing at it.
The thing is that I'm still somewhat alert. I'm a bit tired after my classes but I feel like I could still achieve something so I'm gonna try writing. But it's a "so close yet so far away" feeling.
It's snowing again. At this point it's not even funny.
Four days off this week. Spent the first three sick. Today is meh. At least I can now tolerate proper food. Was getting tired of tea, toast, and crackers. Should be healthy just in time to return to work.
No.16274 KONTRA
>>16272I literally cannot, otherwise I would have done so already :DD
He will take part in a state dinner and visit the Dual Teaching Language Sino–Hungarian Elementary School. Otherwise he will be in talks with the PM and the MFA. Every single "public" event he will take part in will actually be in front of a select crowd and well, I'm not selected to see the Son–of–Heaven a
n award-winning, up and coming scholar lowly Xiongnu barbarian.
I know people who are invited to the dinner tho. I think.
Did you have a weekend at the farm at school ?
No.16278 KONTRA
>>16277I have been to a pig stall for half a day.
>>16276> mostly relating to investment and infrastructure development by Chinese corporations in Hungary.As if the Budapest-Belgrade-railway wasn't enough.
>>16283Hungary ball will become an agent of China's imperialism in Europe.
Why is Ernst so silent, lately, ya'll out in the parks holding meetings with friends and lovers or what???
I cannot bring myself to watch movies. I should cancel my subscription. I really want to watch a movie but it is 10pm already and watching a movie is getting "too late".
Good thing I finished reading a dissertation I started some weeks ago today. I also went out and had a walking chat.
>>16285I went to
therapy, then called my relatives, then ate a lot of lard and fell asleep.
>>16288It's called content crumbing.
>>16291That is four things for a day. Was therapy that straining?
>>16291Did you not participate in the parades? This morning I had live TikToks from Berlin where Russians gathered at some monumental site to show Russian flags and put flowers or sum.
>>16293>This morning I had live TikToks from BerlinFlamboyant sentence.
>>16292No, it's lard which put me to sleep.
>>16293I wanted to go watch fireworks with friends, but there is too much social activity for this 4-day long weekend already. I'm going out tomorrow, the day after and at Sunday too.
>>16287Imagine going to
Wendy's and not ordering a Frosty™. That's the whole point in going to
>>16285>in the parks holding meetings with friends and loverslol. lmfao even.
While I've mostly recovered, I noticed a few other people were sick at work today. Looks like I got in on this one early. Usually, I'm the last to get whatever.
No.16297 KONTRA
>>16296What do you do at work to get infected with your coworkers diseases? Bumdrill each other or what?
btw, this is one reason I fucking hate humans. They can carry whatever. Overall, they are nasty and dirty and can give you any kind of disease. In that respect, humans are worse than dogs, and dogs are very dirty animals.
Thinking about it, I'd love to terminate a huge share of humanity just to improve hygiene.
>>16297You are a funny schizo.
On the one hand everyone is a weakling, on the other hand you are scared of tiny little microbes like the king of weaklings.
Let's play a march, Ernst. We all play together.
Let's start, shall we? We begin with a cadence:
Dim-de-dim-de-dim-de-dim de-didededi-dedidedidim
De-Dim-de-dim-de-dim-de-dim de-didededi-dedidedidim
A friend invited me out for dinner since he had a class cancelled and I agreed. I woke up a bit late because I decided against setting an alarm. I wasted some time online, exercised and then left after taking a shower.
He initially wanted to go drinking but I told him I'd rather not drink so we settled on going to a burger place near the university. We had food and ended up talking about our studies at first and then the state of the departments we're at and so on. Then we drifted slowly into the realm of politics and the like because of the Xi visit and we ended up talking for a good 6 hours.
Though I ended up learning some horrifying facts about Hungarian Japanology and Buddhology. For a second we both were very youthfully idealistic. "Why don't people rise up against this? Why cannot we take the system on?"
And for a second I think I understood how in a society where young people meet often and there's a lot of them compared to the old, a single strike of a match could set the whole world on fire.
I had a really good time.
In a meeting at work, a woman began her address to the group by pointing out that she was sweating due to moving something...or running. I don't know. Wasn't really listening. Anyway, she went on to say that it wasn't because of menopause, and she knows that's "what all you guys were thinking". Do women actually believe men think about that stuff? At all? It was a weird and awkward moment, Ernst.
I am wittnessing a quarrel between ukrainain and some arabic kids who also want to climb a tree in the park.
They use their german language skills ability for insult the ukranian girl is 9 only here for only two years, the arabs are here for 9 years according to what they say. It's funny and sad to see at the same time that and how they conflict with each other
Still struggling to get back on my feet. On my way though, it’s going to be alright and it’s gonna be worth it.
>>16346Also the ukranian kids speak in their mother tongue sometimes whereas the arabic kids speak strictly german with each other
No.16350 KONTRA
>>16346>Germany isn't a peaceful multi-kulti utopia yetIt must be because we didn't have enough refugees and too many nazis.
No.16351 KONTRA
>>16350Or maybe conflict is good. The rules of interaction have to be fought out each and every day, the more fluid rules, values and dominance hierarchies among the multi-ethnic population of the area formerly known as Germany are, the faster all the remains of the disgusting white German majorit-culture can be removed!
No nations, no borders! No more Germany, no more fascism/imperialism! White Europe MUST be punished for colonialism! Europe must be destroyed!
>>16346And how long have you been speaking english? Two months?
But what's so surprising about that? Arabs can't live without conflict.
No.16354 KONTRA
>>16353>Arabs can't live without conflictThis is racist, you are a nazi!
No.16355 KONTRA
>>16353Fascist pig! Islam is the religion of peace! You know nothing about it! We need more Muslims in government and media! We need Sharia to determine who gets to climb trees!
Hint: it will not be the kuffar.
Jesus, stupid dogs use every opportunity to bark and disturb the summerly quietness.
This was not a comment on a "multi kulti" vision but simply a common interaction every child will encounter often enough. It was just the HOW that was interesting. I was sad about the kids fighting instead of playing together on and around that tree that by law belongs to the city anyway. These kids have internalized very well the notion of property already, tz tz tz.
No.16358 KONTRA
>>16357>yeah this was TOTALLY not expected and I TOTALLY did not specifically mention their ethnicities in order to elicit a reactionTroll dich einfach, Hurensohn.
No.16360 KONTRA
>>16358Es ist nicht meine Schuld, wenn der Schizo sich nicht kontrollieren kann. Die Sprache der Kinder spielte bei dieser Interaktion der Kinder nunmal eine Rolle.
No.16361 KONTRA
>>16360We speak english on /int/. Dumb troll.
>>16361I switched to German since you did as well. That said, if insinuating makes you happy, there is nothing I can do anyway. Good Luck.
No.16364 KONTRA
>>16363He ain't trolling, he's just immensely stupid. But we have known that for quite some time.
No.16366 KONTRA
Unbearable krautposting.
Today, as yesterday, I am extremely depressed. Haven't been this bad in months. I just need to power through this.
No.16367 KONTRA
House felt incredibly cramped today.
Managed to finish my translation of that Tang era short story finally. Also flipped through a journal. Got quite a bit of cleaning done and updated my catalogue with the stack of books I got over the past few weeks/months.
I made some French toast and I feel like absolute crap after eating a bunch of it.
I'm sick. I can hardly breath, nose is shut, throat is shut and I have a hard time getting enough air. Knee is fucked, I can hardly walk. Try to ignore it and keep going but really, fuck this. This is what it just feel like to be 85 years old.
>>16388Sick? The first part sounds like it could be an allergic reaction. Are you the Ernst that regularly reports having something with his airways, be it nose or throat?
No.16390 KONTRA
Wrote a two-page long magazine article on Japanese detective fiction and a five page critique of that book on the Asiatic mode of production I read like two weeks back. It's amazing how "home" I feel while writing about a Marxist topic.
I went out to buy a pack of coffee. Didn't have the type I wanted so I bought a different kind. It was very strong and after the second cup I felt kind of nauseous. Actually I still do.
But otherwise I felt really good. Full of energy and power. Borderline dancing.
I need to complete like one more seminar paper and then I will be in the finish line and I will go to library every day to cram Chinese. My reading's been getting a lot better I feel like.
>>16389> The first part sounds like it could be an allergic reaction.Could be part of it, but the cough feels more like a common cold. It's probably a linear combination of both.
> Are you the Ernst that regularly reports having something with his airways, be it nose or throatI hope that's not me, at least I don't remember posting something like that.
>>16398Wrong thread! Du Dummkopf!
Now you have to write an effortpost of at least 3000 characters about the dialectics of stock brokerage.
>>16399>Wrong ThreadIt occurred to me that if I jumped back into the frenzy to grab some more free money, I could end up reporting my next trade in the Rectal Violence thread. Bulls and Bears eat, pigs get slaughtered.
>>16400But the bull runs, while the bear forces one.
>>16406You don't even own a Mercedes --> your opinion is automatically discarded as irrelevant noise.
No.16413 KONTRA
I'm such a retarded pessimist. Why wouldn't women want to be with such a handsome, cultured man? Need to stop interpreting every lack of enthusiastic response as a permanent, devastating failure.
No.16415 KONTRA
The exams are beginning to creep up on me, and as things keep progressing I find myself alternating between optimism and a deep sense of terror and despair. It feels like as if deep below the surface, a single stone fell over. What is there to be done?
My mother went off to get checked by the doctor and turns out she will require some surgery. I was very anxious because she just sent me a text afterwards that “there’s a trouble we need to talk” and no explanation. So I spent most of my class worrying, but I was still egoistic enough that afterwards I had lunch in the city and bought some books before buying some milk and tea on the was home. When I got home she was fast asleep, so there was nothing new I could learn. Eventually she woke up and I learned it’s not cancer so I wasn’t as worried as before.
Went back to class, where we finished early with our last text so the next 45 minutes was spent on discussing the Xi-visit. It’s always interesting to hear second gen Chinese go on about China and despite speaking flawless Hungarian say that “My president from my country came to visit.”
Lecturer showed us a meh libtard AI generated parody video of Xi and Orbán talking. The idea was fun, but my only thought was that it could have been a lot better too. The writing was simply mediocre.
Went over to German class where I was asked about the Xi-visit again so I spent like 40 minutes talking about Sino-Hungarian relations and so on in German. After class I had my regular chat with the lecturer and we talked about Tiananmen. He just lets me talk. He tells me he always learns something you when we talk and that feels reassuring. But as I left the dread set in again.
The nausea waxes and wanes. I think it’s the stress. If I eat it gets better. I just hope I don’t develop a stomach ulcer again.
Honestly I think I feel worse on the medicine than I felt before. It’s just that my feeling of hunger changed.
I have to read some Huntington and Fukuyama for tomorrow, but I kinda know Fukuyama’s schtick so I feel tempted to skip his writings and just focus on Huntington’s comments on China.
The professor corrected the essay I sent him and he said he really liked it and that it is a good, succinct summary of the issues based on what I’ve learned this semester, and I’m happy, because I actually enjoyed writing that essay a lot.
Day after tomorrow I’m having Chinese oral exams. And then next week the written exam. Then I have some time to prepare for the final language exam and the final oral part with the 3x10 topics.
In two days after 5'C it's 20'C. Some people are wearing winter coats, other are wearing t-shirts. Total confusion. Greta could save us but she's too busy fighting Zionists. Leaves on trees have already grown, I want to go to park, missing the nature.
I’ve made my brother into a communist, and quite a convincing one. He’s passionate about epistemology and it’s meeting point with concrete action and avant-guard art. All I had to do was introduce him to Disco Elysium and Guy Debord. He now dwarfs me in politics, but still looks up at me as some kind of genius because my blasted mind wandered in some weird places while I was being geographically close to him.
No.16451 KONTRA
>>16445> 2.jpg> Pääsiäisena saa mit Nutella™wat?
how the fuck do you pronounce something like that?
Got a message from dad that grandfather died yesterday night. Been putting off calling for a few hours now. Feels pretty unreal reading the message every time I look at the lock screen. It was to be expected though. Just yesterday I thought about how it's amazing he held out this long. He's been miserable when I left last year in autumn already. The old him was already missing. Last time I saw him was the first time I saw him cry. He kept reminiscing and going on about how I'd ask him for candy as a child. I can only guess at what that meant to him.
Tears finally coming now. He wasn't always an easy person to get along with but he was a great guy. I wish I'd be able to better express my thankfulness to him.
No.16456 KONTRA
>>16451This language has low orthographic depth. Your guess on how to pronounce it is probably correct, which makes it even more hilarious.
No.16457 KONTRA
He's a progressive of course. I'm talking about his "field of expertise" so to say, it's soviet avant-guarde, Mach's and Feyerabend's epistemology and situationism.
No.16459 KONTRA
>>16457Now that I have took a deeper dive into the Marxistische Gruppe
yes, they called themselves really and simply 'Marxist Group' theory and critique of capitalism after having discarded them for years as 'killjoys' I'm smiling a smugly smile reading that post.
They have some English articles and their most important books have been translated into English as well and can be read online. do some very good work, albeit I'm not deep enough to say I am convinced about their arguments about psychology for example. Basically their point of origin is that Marx wrote Capital I (and Engels did put together II and III) and what Marx was not able to do or finish has become their agenda: a theory of the bourgeois state, a theory of imperialism, a theory of finance capital, and a tract on competition is what they did deliver. They think historical and dialectical materialism as world view are stupid. They are very polemical and are perceived as aggressive by other leftists because their approach was to be a corrective to the theoretical mistakes all the leftists made, when they established in 1979 [they worked theoretically since 1970, though] No.16460
>>16459I forgot to mention: with a depression under the hood, reading these books and articles might make it worse. Depends. I'm starting to see things differently when it comes to what my peers have to say about how we live and what is to be done. On the other hand you simply accept partaking in the realities and do your thing regardless because there is not much to do at this point is a quintessence that comes from their thinking as well.
No.16462 KONTRA
>>16459Thank you I’ll take a look!
>>16462Remarkably, they have done this for 54 years now. There is a text that argues this is due to their theory formation which is not "proven wrong" unlike all the other leftist groups that counted on the revolutionary masses, spontaneous action to free the narrow-minded or simply "history", the belief in a historical philosophy/ inherent historical trajectory.
Broken down: they just critique why capitalism is shit and not rational and why it still has a hold on the world even though these two things are evident.
>>16465actually bookmarked the page for later studies.
what i've read so far is pretty close to some anarchy theory/critique/writings i've came across a while ago.
Similarities are prolly because
> capitalism is shit and not rationalwhich is easy to detect and confirm.
the problem seems clear; the solution not.
No.16467 KONTRA
>>16459>The path America followed on its way to establishing its power over the globe is marked by murder and mayhem. It allowed the nation to enjoy the blessings of freedom both at home and abroad. This freedom consists in being able to decide on every means for accumulating wealth. And that is not just true of the president of the United States, who openly calculates with threats and annihilation of other nations and also knows how to present interim solutions in the process. American citizens are themselves walking documents of democratic freedom, which on the other side of the Atlantic exists only in fascist fantasies around the regulars’ table in the pub.
>While European democracies go to great lengths to cool off their citizens’ enthusiasm for the death penalty, fascist selection, and toy guns, American citizens insist on their right to lynch law, a rather unideological racism, and a gun in the closet — and their state lets them. That has shocked many a European democratic soul — wrongly. And while, in the face of state power, the democratized citizens of European nations think of their duties and regard sacrifice as the chief virtue, the American constitution calls on citizens, without any hypocrisy, to pursue happiness. That has thrilled many a European subject — likewise wrongly. The relation between state and citizens in a modern, i.e., capitalist, society actually allows for some nuances in the way rights and duties are shaped. The duties that a state imposes on its citizens depend on whether their competition suffices or needs to be curbed or steered for them to perform their duties. Conversely, the rights that dutiful citizens expect from their state depend on which preconditions for realizing their competitive plans are made available to them. This kind of thing is settled by history — which doesn’t mean that this ominous character is itself the instigator of anything.
>America No.16468
>>16467> the mere muttering of this name is enough to drive any g*rman into a spastic fit.rightfully, so.
It's called envy. - They stopped us nearly a century ago so that they can do it themselves :/ No.16469 KONTRA
>>16466>some anarchy theory/critique/writingsThey think the state and capital are intertwined and the state needs to go. Yet they are not autonomists and think the actions of these people won't do much.
Also, the MG does not provide a solution, only a critique of why capitalism is a non-rational system of producing useful things and meeting needs. People who want a constructive critique ask for how to make better capitalism.
>Die plurale Kritik demokratischer Gesellschaften will nur Kritik als Kritik ansehen, welche praktische Verbesserungsvorschläge am Gegenstand der Kritik vorweisen kann.
>Eine Kritik, die dem nicht nachkommt, sondern vielmehr und hier zeigt sich das Verständnis, was Kritik dem GS nach ist>"erst einmal mit Fleiß niederzureißen, um freien Raum für Licht und Luft zu gewinnen, welche überall sich von selbst einfindet, wo ein sperrender Gegenstand weggenommen ist" wie es im 'Grünen Heinrich' von Gottfried Keller heißt" könne ja nichts taugen, so die landläufige Meinung, denn der Gegenstand der Verbesserung ist einfach zerstört oder abgelehnt.
>Die Forderung nach konstruktiver Kritik prüft nicht auf die Stimmigkeit der Kritik, sondern auf deren Verträglichkeit mit akzeptierten Reformierungsbemühungen.
>[@huisken1996, 91]>>16467You can talk about agency all day long but without American support Ukraine would have long been Russian territory. Facts. I'm sure you will enjoy reading MG. It's best in German of course, because the polemical edge is more entertaining in a language these people excel in.
>>16469>without American support Ukraine would have long been Russian territoryBut that's the theory I've always stood by, and it often causes me to have disagreements with certain Anti-American groups who champion the antithesis - that Ukraine would be an independent nation if it wasn't for American meddling. I don't much care for these highbrow Marxists though, I'm too proletarian and I prefer it when political schizophrenia isn't chained by academic formalism. This combined with committee driven, collective publishing just makes these papers a snooze fest. Their brilliance only reveals itself when it's a topic when the entire collective can stand as one, otherwise it's too full of caveats and obfuscations. I'll read more about this MG though.
>>16470>Their brilliance only reveals itself when it's a topic when the entire collective can stand as one, otherwise it's too full of caveats and obfuscations.It's your lucky day.
The emphasis is on intellectual homogeneity. While Held for example is dead, younger members show the same dedication to the basic argument. It's what drew me closer in the end and is responsible for the persistence of this group over all. The argument starts with simple observations (which is very similar to Marx in Capital) and goes from there. What I noticed, however, is that older publications make use of politically incorrect slang that at least partly was used as "that's how people see it" but has vanished today. The basic lines of the argument are the same as 54 years ago, simply because the basics of developed capitalism have not changed, so there is no need to make big changes.
No.16474 KONTRA
>>16473>future communists wantIn NY that is currently capitalist reality and it also comes with a $2k rent. 😍 But not shame, everybody mixes up fact and fiction sometimes.
No.16475 KONTRA
Under gommunism there would be no Need for Speed Underground 2. Checkmate, tankies.
>>16445Finland mentioned!!!!!!!!! Nice. Very cute.
>I shittalked Fukuyama on twitter some more and had some neolib loitering munitions find my position and strike me.I lmao'd :---D
>>16451>>16456G*rman is one of the most disgusting European languages. Sit down.
No.16476 KONTRA
>>16474The joke, your head, etc.
>>16472>The basic lines of the argument are the same as 54 years ago, simply because the basics of developed capitalism have not changed, so there is no need to make big changes.Is this the mindset as to why gommunisd theory is still stuck in its Marxist ways? Too much dogma. If am allowed to be serious for a moment, clinging to Marxism is why revolutionary gommunism is dead. I wish it was possible to tally up the total of hours spent by thought circle
jerks looking over Das Kapital and trying to conform the reality around them to notions of labor theory of value that were already outdated in Marx's time. It's a religious movement that spawns no new prophets due to a need to conform to theological tenets. In my national sphere, I think Marxism affiliated schools of thought are the oldest traditions of political thought. They have been since the last absolutists died in Vienna. Maybe one could link the new appearance of liberal forces to an older thought line that was born in 1820, but that's somehow even more of questionable lineage than the ancestral beliefs held by the followers of Marx.
One day, I'll write a great foundational theory for a new thought line. One without German pseudoscientism.
>>16470> Ukraine would be an independent nation if it wasn't for American meddling> without American support Ukraine would have long been Russian territoryBoth are true. If America stopped intervening in ex-USSR affairs before 2022, Ukrainian authorities would stop antagonizing against Russia, and there would be peace.
But after 2022 (failed negotiations in Istanbul particularly) possibility of Ukrainian independence is gone, so the question is how soon Ukraine will become part of Russia again and how many Ukrainians will die as American cannon fodder before that happens.
>>16480I don't actually think that Ukraine will inevitably return to Russia, especially its western territories. Many things can happen, situation can change.
But it's true that Ukrainian ruling class did everything for confrontation with Russia (from stealing transit gas to staging coups against elected president for being pro-Russian). That was obviously not for Ukrainian benefit, but for American. For USA Ukraine serves as anti-Russian vassal state, to which they outsourced fighting for their interests.
I slept very little, but it was quality sleep I feel like. Had a coffee and then a single scone on the way to university. I did the oral exam in like 15 minutes and it went fine I guess.
Afterwards I decided to be utterly decadent and had breakfast at McDonald's before going home and then sleeping 5 or so hours. I had all sorts of odd dreams before finally getting woken up by my alarm clock. I thought about going to the final German class and after a lot of thinking I decided to go. Packed the books I borrowed from the workshop and went. It was okay.
My mood is a rollercoaster. Probably because of the fucked up sleep I'm feeling very paranoid. On the way home I saw a cat, sitting in a hole that was in an lamp post made out of concrete. It was just observing things, and I decided to pet it with my index finger, right on top of its head. Strangely enough it let me do it and I know it's probably bullshit but afterwards I'm always scared I caught rabies. I really should get a rabies shot sometime.
Anyway, tomorrow I will go to the library to cram modern Chinese.
No.16483 KONTRA
Also I ran into an Assyriologist lecturer I had a seminar with and we discussed the Xi visit and the Fico assassination and he confirmed my theory about what the assassin's book's title "Efata" is and how it's a cognate with some Ugaritic verb too.
Went to bed one and a half hour ago.
Can't fall asleep, again.
Drinking Schnaps to hopefully get a light buzz on.
It must be nice being able to not think about tomorrow. I would love to have that.
Didn't manage to catch any sleep.
Laid in bed for a few hours. Got a dentist appointment in ~3h.
Made some coffee.
It must be nice being able to not think. I would love to have that.
t. not
>>16484 No.16490 KONTRA
>>16477Just read MG and prove them wrong or ask questions to them and point out why they are wrong. They will happily give you an answer. They answer these things. They regularly print people's critiques of their position and their answers. They care mainly about the Capital volumes but developed - as the quote in the attached picture points out - their own theories and introduced concepts that Marx never developed.
You tell me why Marx was wrong and why the basic principles in capitalism he points out are not true and that the fundamental actions of how this economy works have changed so much that you need an entirely new theory.
So far I only see critical posturing. The" no authority but my own" punk attitude does not make for a better argument automatically.
>>16484>>16485Just slept an hour this night - very nervous, many worries about the next day and its outcome. All went well.
No.16492 KONTRA
>>16477Addendum: It looks like you want to play the epistemology card. Something is old so it must be wrong by now.
>>16473>Cooks food over his toilet>Has girlfriendPick one.
>>16482>I really should get a rabies shot sometime.Forget the shot, try a tasty edible.
To control rabies in wildlife, the USDA drops vaccine treats from the sky No.16515
When I read Americans books, I get confused with all the denominations of Protestantism. If character is Unitarian, what does it mean? I can google about their theological beliefs but it's more interesting what social implications does it have. Like:
Lutherans - default Europeans.
Anglicans - default Anglos + old elites of United States
Quakers - hippie progressive intelligentsia
Pentacostal - bydlo, speaking in tongues
Mormons - spooks, living trad way and having 5-10 children
Baptists - ???
Unitarian - ???
Evangelicals - ???
Methodists - ???
Presbyterian - ???
Shit I hate French people so much it’s unreal. I hate their intellectualism, I hate their class of literature amateurs, I hate their quick wit made to mock, I hate them.
A French person was mean to me today on the online.
Those creatures who read to dominate don’t exist in my peasant republic
Went to the library today after exercising and having lunch at home. Spent time mostly on revising vocabulary for the exams. The weather was really bad while I was there, which honestly made the whole experience kind of comfy. I put on some good music and crammed.
Shopped for groceries on the way home and I think at this point I have burned through all the money my parents left me, just buying groceries. Well, now that I think about it, I did eat out twice, which probably negatively impacted the budget. Whatever.
Chinese teacher sent me an email, telling me she decided to award me a B for my performance (or at least, that's what I managed to decypher from the email) and wished me good luck for the written part of the exams.
Getting in the car and shutting out the world after a long workday. That moment of transition from one mode of being to another is brief, but also one of life's finest.
>>16515>BaptistsPolitical force and a social lightning rod regularly drawing fire for opposition to LGBT issues.
No.16558 KONTRA
>>16554I'm down for a Germanistikfaden
>>16557It's like Germany is my whole identity 😱😵. Dialectical Nationalism.
>>16558Linguistics will be verboten, though.
No.16561 KONTRA
>>16560This schizo germ would trigger a giant schizo crystal called Germany.
herr ribbeck von ribbeck im havelland
No.16563 KONTRA
>>16562Ein Gashahn in seinem Garten stand
New drinking game:
Watch Schindler's List in english and anytime someone gets shot for no reason or Ralph Fiennes is talking in a silly "german" accent you have to take a shot.
>>16582That's not a drinking game but dragged-out suicide.
ftfy, Mr. "Lighweight have no liver"
>>16591I stand corrected.
Never heard or seen it used anywhere, though.
>>16592Now you have. And next time look up stuff you don't know instead of making a dingus of yourself.
>>16593>implying you actually knew that and didn't just try to literally translate "in die Länge gezogen" and were right just by accidentWith the average grammatical quality of germanball posts on here it wouldn't have been surprising that it was just a shoddy false-friend translation.
And you could have gracefully basked in your superiority and be a gentleman about it, but instead you had to be smug about it.
>>16594>the average grammatical quality of germanball posts on hereI hardly ever post on /int/. And you tried to be smug first with that "ftfy".
>>16595> And you tried to be smug first with that "ftfy".I also put a silly taunt right after, but I forgot that 90% of germs on /int/ are legit autistic.
I would still like to know where "dragged-out" is actually used, because I have ever only seen it for the actual action of dragging something out of somewhere.
No.16600 KONTRA
>>16594> With the average grammatical quality of germanball posts on herehey, thats mainly me.
don't attribute my
non-qualities to others.
>>16600Maybe you should sign your posts then, so this kind of injustice won't happen again.
_________________Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe. - Albert Einstein
Sent from my Xiaomi Redmi Note 5
No.16603 KONTRA
>>16602This reminds me of a post I read where someone was theorizing that if Germany won WW2 and developed the internet, there wouldn't be any memes but the forum-format would be much more popular.
>>16603Germany couldn't have developed the internet. The best-effort delivery implemented in IP would have been found to be unacceptable by any German-dominated committee. Reliability has to be built-in at the lowest level. The requirement to achieve sufficient reliability mandates control over every node in the network by a consortium of 4-5 German companies, and one toothless Amt in Berlin.
We'd have ISDN-like super-Telex with bells and whistles instead, to transmit files between our 34.000RM-RMGE-Arbeitsplätze.
rechenmaschinengestützter Entwurf. Do you prefer Schaub-Lorenz, Hollerith or Zuse?
Of course, the banks and the post offices and the railways would each run their own vaguely similar networks for internal use.
No.16612 KONTRA
>>16609Stop it you're turning me on!
No.16621 KONTRA
>>16612A German physicist turned novelist even wrote an alternate history on the premise of "what if the third Reich had developed the internet", it's 700 pages. But reading it would put you at risk of developing fatal priapism, so I will not tell you more.
>>16608I'm always getting Spacesur4er vibes from this dweeb. Bet he's nearly bald under his gay little cap.
>>16622Well, this guy is successful and is loved by the masses. Unlike Yves who is just a laughing stock and a punching bag for the masses. In fact, Machére is the type of guy to make fun of Yves and even exploit people like Yves for a dime to be made.
No.16625 KONTRA
>>16624Oh, poor Üffes. You identify with Üffes because are also pathetic. But smart enough to not make a lolzcow out of yourself. Still, you know that you are not far removed from Yves Synthman, you know that you are a failure in life, because you are a loser, you are ugly, you are dumb, you are without talents, everyone laughs at you, just not nation-wide, because you lack videos.
>>16625You know a lot about losing. Coincidence? I don't think so.
I drive a Mercedes, you don't. Bow down like you are supposed to.
Woke up early, had breakfast and a strong coffee and then went to university. Got there rather early so I looked through the grammar one more time and then talked with the other students a bit.
I jokingly knocked on the Confucius statue in the lobby and it gave off a gong noise. The girls were amused by it. They joked that the Master would favour me instead of them, since I'm a male.
The exam itself went okay. I had like 5 minutes to spare, though my pen almost ran out of ink by the end. The essay part was about plans for getting a job so it wasn't something overly specific.
Afterwards talked a bit with the lecturer, asked her about my thesis and so on, told her I'm in no hurry really or anxious about it. Told her that the old professor was very satisfied with it and she was surprised that he was still teaching, essentially saying "He was old 20 years ago when I was studying."
Got asked if I want to do a PhD and my reply was that we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
After I left I ran into another professor fiddling with a bag of fast food and he said there will be some Chinese literature event and I got roped in with the promise of free books, so I spent the next two and a half hours listening to some literary delegation from Jiangsu and it was funny when the Chinese entered the room and you could see from posture and clothing alone who was the chinovnik and who was the author. (Bureaucrat to Author ratio was 2:1 I think.)
There was no free book at the end. The professor remarked "They said there would be free books in the email. Looks like I accidentally fucked you over"(sic).
Some journalist wanted to interview me but I kindly declined, citing my limited Chinese abilities. (I regret it a bit but whatever.)
I had a pizza in the city and then I got home and slept.
Woke up and now my right shoulder hurts. Ever so slightly. It still rains on and off.
Idk what I will do tomorrow. I want to relax for a day. Or two. I have the results on Thursday. Realistically, I should crank out that study I need for the seminar.
Got the blue screen of death today. First time on this PC. 6 years old, I think. Turned on updates, as that was the top/easiest first step to resolving any problem. Update failed. Checked my update history. Seems they have been failing for years, I just never noticed. Some obsolete HP driver which trips up the process. Or something. I don't know. PC works and I'll leave it at that. Important data is backed up and I can fresh start this thing if it gets out of line.
>>16635Never tried. I'm a Gatorade man. Also, Kool-Ade. And Tang. Love Tang.
>>16637>no hungary ball in huanqiu shibaoEternal regret.
t. has been interviewed for Deutschlandfunk twice.
No.16640 KONTRA
>>16639Well I have been mentioned in Chinese state media once, so it's not like I missed my debut.
>>16638> windows10.pngwhat the fuck are you supposed to do with such a screen? there is no actual info, which could help troubleshoot the problem, on the screen.
> CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIEDwhich one?! which process died?! gimme an ID, or thread or... something.
> Windowsi would recommend installing linux
>>16641Details were available in the Event Viewer, but nothing useful to me. The only critical error was code 41. It means the system shut down unexpectedly. I already knew that. Some problems with bonjour- an apple app- Some ESENT errors. I could dig deeper, but won't unless necessary.
>installing linuxWindows sucks, but 99.99% of the time
just works®. So I stick with it. Also, I hate change.
No.16645 KONTRA
My ex gf gave me too high standards. Crushing majority of girls can’t compare in terms of culture, open mindedness and relatability and body. It’s all so annoying, I don’t wanna date below now. And I’m a weirdo, so it might take a while finding a good one
>>16645Post pics of her, so I can help you. I dont mind seeing some nudes btw.
No.16647 KONTRA
>>16641Linux is completely unfit for desktop use. There isn't even any decent office suite. Libre office is pure crap. It has an unusable interface and is equivalent to office in the late nineties, but more buggy. No real CAD-software, either, only crappy worthless freecad. How ugly and crappy and useless everything on Linux is is unbelievable.
Only edgy neckbeards and man children without real jobs can even afford to use Linux. Clean up your room and get a job, or at least finish uni instead of trying to get latex to properly format your thesis. And maybe try to grow up. And no, you won't ever find a job as a bad tranny in 'programmer's socks'.
Fucking neck beard manchild snimu homo.
No.16648 KONTRA
>>16645Do not compare spouses. It's unfair and leads to unhappiness.
No.16649 KONTRA
>>16648Noted, pardon my inexperience
>>16651>Studying for national examsWhat for exactly?
And I assume it's a test not you writing a text? Real bickering starts with a text of your own. Though I guess you make a good bickerer if it was not for your proletarian self-discipline.
>>16652>What for exactly?Pursuing higher education in the humanities.
>And I assume it's a test not you writing a text?Exam includes a written portion. I will not expose my own bickering, just try to get a high grade. That comes later.
>>16654>Pursuing higher education in the humanities. I was hoping my persona on EC would have done everything to prevent that :DDD
>Exam includes a written portion. I will not expose my own bickering, just try to get a high grade. That comes later.Makes sense, though these kinds of tests are always weird to me. In my BA
History major, Literature minor I had exactly two tests in the first semester, one in each subject, and later on it was always writing texts
and the occasional presentation which were mandatory but not relevant for the overall grading usually.
In any case, you are cut out for a humanities education.
>>16647> any decent office suitetop kek. as if there is one on another OS and as if you can't get all the office suits running on linux without problem.
who the fuck actually uses any office software?! wtf? they are all shit.
> CADsomewhat niche. the short time i worked, i programmed
bug fixed -.- on a commercial CAD. Never really used a CAD-software to design a lot of things, though.
> Only edgy neckbeards and man children without real jobs can even afford to use Linux. oh, granny.
when was the last time you actually looked at linux? 10 or 20 years ago?
and windows is getting more and more shit. even if linux hadn't improved in the last 10 years, it would be superior by now, just because windows is getting worse.
srsly, get some new talking points; you are getting triggered over things from the long gone past.
No.16657 KONTRA
>>16656>the short time i workedOpinion disregarded, come back when you have to actually productively use an OS.
No.16658 KONTRA
>>16657> >topic is personal home computer> but my djooob forces me to use this shitty OStypical brainless granny post, who never learned to read and lives in her own world.
how are you even supposed to be productive with a slow and bloaty OS? oh, yes, i know: because you don't need your computer at all to work - you just need a corporate approved text editor, which spies on you so management can optimize you away in case you write witty short sentences instead of long content-less wall of texts.
>>16655>I was hoping my persona on EC would have done everything to prevent thatIt only strengthened my resolved to wrestle the ivory tower of academia away from its occupants. However, the plan is to take a sensible masters in international shipping or something of the sort.
i would accept a paltry 1.5k€/month grant, though No.16660 KONTRA
>>16658>talks about using computers at work>uhm no ackshually it was about private machinesI know you're just trolling, but at least be consistent.
Also, /fefe/ is that way -->
No.16661 KONTRA
>>16660> I know you're just trolling,we had that topic already.
you need to look past the trolling, which is mixed in. stop thinking in full on black and white 🙄
No.16662 KONTRA
>>16661>mixed inOh, that's a new one. Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
If you can't be earnest without hiding behind seven layers of irony/pretending to be retarded then just stfu. And get a job, punk.
>>16659>wrestle the ivory tower of academia away from its occupantsI already left, bro. You are too late.
I will consider doing a PhD some time though. Depending on what happens in the next years.
Albeit, not really true. I simply turned away from historiographic nitpicking and all the "turns" towards the Marxist Group and deep diving into political economy, the real Marxist kind of way because it was never part of the curriculum in the humanities at all.
>masters in international shippingSounds cool. I would totally study maths, biology or supply chain management if I had the time and money.
Do you have a BA??? But I look for a job and can consider doing my PhD on the side
it's not very realistic No.16664 KONTRA
>>16663>Do you have a BA??? Nope
t. drop out pro
No.16665 KONTRA
>>16662I'm kinda curious, actually. What do you do?
you constantly try to ad-hominem, because
> hurr durr, you don't worknot sure if i wrote all of those already, but
- sold my first scripts at age of 12
bot scripts for in-game coin :D- worked as dev on multiple private servers until ~16
afterwards drugs became more interesting, didn't had the time anymore- got a reward in an international coding competition hosted by MIT
yes, that MIT- worked on 2nd largest crypto currency
- the "actual" job i had, i had to bug-fix the code other people couldn't or didn't want to bug fix.
The all so great commercial CAD software, according to your words.i never wanted monzeys. monzeys is pure shit. the only reason i would consider a job is because of the mental health benefits of having at least something to do.
am actually working on getting out of my year long depression, though
> Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.maybe don't start it? you know i am a troll, don't start feeding me :)
Do you work in some circlejerk humanities field that only exists because there are enough involved in said circlejerk? You do not sound like someone with an actual, productive (!!) job. I am inclined to believe your job is more of a parasitic nature and humanity would be better of, if you would be jobless as well.
>>16664> t. drop out prot. bruh-faust
No.16666 KONTRA
>>16665>The all so great commercial CAD software, according to your wordsNever said that, maybe learn to read actual words instead of just code.
>maybe don't start it? you know i am a troll, don't start feeding me :)Wow, an amazingly smart and successful galaxy brain crypto bro who also does victim blaming.
I totally believe you, btw. With all those details it can't NOT be true.
Kontra just because.
No.16667 KONTRA
>>16641 (me)
> Linux>>16647> [wall of text ad-hominem, no content]> how you dare mention linux you low-life sub-human edgy neckbeard man child homo.>>16656 (me)
> how about you post some actual talking points>>16657> lol, no. >>16658 (me)
> ad hominem>>16660> stop hurting my feelings, please leave me alone T_T>>16665 (me)
> ok, let's compare dicks.>>16666> don't wanna T_T No.16670
>>16658> personal home computerIt's even worse for that. Can't really play videos without tearing the stream, can't use gpu for vidoe codec, can't run games properly because no directx (no, opengl is bullshit and doesn't compare), etc.
Luckily, only old people even have home computers, everyone else has an iPhone and maybe a switch. (Android if they are paupers.)
>Can't really play videos without tearing the stream,
No tearing since the amdgpu driver is out so AMD GPU users can have tearfree video since a few years ago. On Nvidia the problem never existed afaik.
can't use gpu for vidoe codec,
see above.
can't run games properly because no directx
Most directx11 games are running fine with proton so if you don't need the latest dx12 games you will be fine. Some of the latest games even use vulkan API directly, no more directx.
CAD-SW: Having used AutoCAD at uni and FreeCAD at home i must say that FreeCAD wins hands down. That doesn't mean it's the best CAD-SW on the planet but good enough for many needs.
Office: ALL office-SW sucks. Microshit Office stinks but so does Libreoffice. I seriously can't decide which stinks more. It's like comparing dogshit with catshit.