>oceanic depths
>daily life
Mine can't be any shallower.
>>15622> how to make something mundane interestingWhat would I need that for? I don't do things just to tell others about them.
A group of old Pekkas, 6 of them, take their seats at an outdoor café and then proceed to fortify their drinks with whatever is inside a plastic sangria bottle. As I write this, another one joins them. It's only 5pm.
No.15626 KONTRA
Live Breaking Update: One of the Pekkas spilled a beer pint all over the table and they don't seem to be disturbed by it, there wasn't even a token attempt to soak it up with napkins.
>>15626Try to find a ball and throw it to the unwashed masses.
Warning: Tschörman humor No.15630
>>15621idk, i guess something similar to why we have tamed horses but no tamed zebras?
No.15631 KONTRA
Snowing... against...
Worked way too much this week, but it will be like this for the foreseeable future. But now I'm gonna drink as many beers as I can.
>>15625Pekkas abroad and not already shitfaced before noon? Hard to believe. Keep the updates rolling, subscribed.
>>15631>But now I'm gonna drink as many beers as I can.Why is it that it confuses me that a man with gf gets shitfaced on a Friday night at home? Do you live together with her? Isn't she bothered by her man getting shitfaced alone?
Just watched a movie a friend of mine made. He’s only 18yo and made the movie for end of high-school project. The four teen actors were more or less all close friends of mine, he managed to rent a HUGE projection room and to fill it to the brim. And the movie was almost 1h40.
As for the story and the quality of the movie itself. It was nearly the Room tier bad. It was about a teen (portrayed by my friend) who was living throughout a depression and found some friends to help him. The guy pretty obviously never lived anything resembling depression, I’m happy for him, but that made for a pretty surreal experience. He obviously read som books about what depression should be, that mad to some cringe very specific description of symptoms where he explained to somebody he felt like he was forcing himself when master baiting. His parents were supposed to be portrayed as unsupportive and toxic but they were pretty nice, which made the scenes of him getting angry at them pretty cringeworthy. All the scenes were twice longer as they should’ve been. The friend group didn’t really felt real by any standards. They looked like a politically correct fever dream, all saying to each other how much they were grateful to be there all the time and saying to each others I love you. His gf irl (whom I had a crush on some years ago) also became his gf in the movie, in a very puritan hug scene.
For the positive, the music was top tier, very pertinent and sometimes composed for the movie. Beautiful images and pretty fucking good editing. And the guy managed to fill up at least 400 seats! All in all mediocrity was to be expected and was not as bad as it could’ve been, I hope he’s proud of himself. The work putted into all of this project must’ve been Herculean.
>>15636Maybe he is good at some of the things that are important in film, like editing and camera work. Maybe he can be a good director but maybe not a good screen writer. That said, he is 18yo. Normally you cannot expect people at that age to have profound insights into "life" and an eye for details. Remember how I joked about you feeling like Kafka's bug? Yeah, you are that young to think this without cringing yourself :DDDD
It sounds impressive nonetheless, but I can imagine the cringe quite well.
>>15637Yes I’m the Kafka bug Ernst. Though I’m not as young as my friend by far. I think the cringe was amplified by the fact I brought friends who were really not for that world with me. It was partly a me thing.
No.15639 KONTRA
>>15634Man problems? Communicate, it's not that difficult.
Anyways, kippis.
Worked out today. Also made a pizza. I wasted a lot of time online and sleeping.
Read the Meistersinger libretto. I'll try to finish the Mishima novel I started and go over to greener pastures. I need to clean the slate.
Turned on the PC to download a video game but even with an ethernet connection the internet is dreadfully slow for some reason. And the more time I waste on it the less sure I am that I want to play Fallout 4. Like I am definitely sure I don't want to pump like 40 hours into it because I know in my fucking bones that it's "shit" (or rather, that it's "slop" as the common vernacular puts it.)
Completely paralysed on the games front honestly. The things I want to play are all really fucking long I guess. Or I don't own it. And even if I did own Persona 3 I'm anxious that ultimately, like with everything, overdosing on it would lessen the effect.
Also backed up my external drive so I can re-format it to use with the Mac because I fucked something up and it can't write to the NTFS drive even though I have a driver for it so yeah time to waste time copying shit.
Drinking some very hot tea and sweating.
I guess the only thing I can still do today is to just lift some more weights and then go to bed before midnight.
>>15612Well, at the very least I can say is that it's not regret. It doesn't feel like wasted time.
It could simply just be that I'm coming off the chemicals my brain releases after the interaction ends. But could very well be that even if I feel like I had a good time that afterwards during my reflections I felt like I didn't belong with the group I was with. But that sounds like a self-flagellating aestheticisation of the problem.
Maybe it's just that I cannot live up to my overly grandiose self-image in an IRL interaction. Online I can broadcast myself in fragments. During an IRL get-together I'm a continuous stream of existence.
>>15638>Though I’m not as young as my friend by farStill young enough to make me smile in cheeky millennial ageism.
I use TikTok so I'm practically a zillennial>>15639>Communicate, it's not that difficult.Is that self talk?
>>15640>But that sounds like a self-flagellating aestheticisation of the problemThat sounds like a real thing tbh. I mean I cannot answer this question with a true value, obviously. It could just be a thought you have, not a true assessment of the situation. It is not uncommon for insecure people /with low self esteem to think such things, even though there might not be any occurrences that point in that direction.
For me I sometimes get panicky and frustrated after hanging out with people because to me it appears like I missed a lot of time and experiences to my depression in my 20s. I start comparing myself to others and then I feel these negative feelings. It's one way to tell my I should act on this feeling. Get the experiences I think I missed out on, like being more social, traveling etc.
>Maybe it's just that I cannot live up to my overly grandiose self-image in an IRL interaction.Sounds like unhealthy expectations that are not met. If you set up yourself for failure via hyperbolic expectations, you always fail and it will kill many possibilities for building a sense of confidence in yourself.
First, try to really find out what it is that you feel. Not just that it is a negative affect but what emotion (interpretation, like human made semantics): are you frustrated, disappointed, lonely, exhausted, furious, restless etc etc. When you have the right label, think of why that is. That is who to find out what is going and then you can think about a solution or proper make dealings with that emotion and the real world circumstances.
>>15643Mainly, yes.
Feel free to answer
>>15632, I'm still wondering.
>>15631Same here. Two weeks there was snow and I said "Enjoy the moment, next time you'll see snowfall in Autumn". I was wrong :D
>>15630Taming zebras is a surprisingly political issue because it's related to development of African civilizations. Anyway, no one needs to tame zebras when we have cars. But domestic foxes would make cool pets... I see an idea for start-up here!
It's tricky having to pick a place in your town to eat when you're the local. There's some added pressure over "I think this place looks nice", and while you're assigned the job of finding an "authentic" place - people (read: foreign women) don't actually want an authentic place. They want something that caters to foreign sensibilities while presenting itself as "authentic". At least it's not bars or cafes, there's still a couple of real Lusitan cafes hidden away across this land ravaged by tourists but they wouldn't like them. In fact, they'd hate them if they're sensible people. Barely sanitized drinking holes with decorations that haven't been changed since Expo '91. The only native women that dare show up there a special breed, quick-witted, ugly and comfortable in that sea of untrimmed moustaches. Undaunted by the pervasive smell of urine and bleach in the bathrooms, bathrooms decorated long ago with only with the concern of picking the cheapest tiles on the 1971 catalogue.
Personally, I do quite like these places. But outside of someone that can indeed find a sense of belonging in this reservation of machismo or ethnographers, you won't like them.
"Oh I went to Sintra, we went to this really authentic place and we loved it!". Did you really? Damn foreigners.
No.15652 KONTRA
>>15646Honestly I doubt we have that many cats around. Maybe it's the countryside. I think it's relatively common there for elderly women to feed like 5-6 cats. She doesn't house them, just feeds them and the cats roam around freely otherwise.
But up here near the city I think I know 3-4 cats total.
>>15651Overthinking is a very germanic trait, I wonder where you got that from; it doesn't fit with my picture of carefree, relaxed southerners.
>>15652These old bags who feed a fuckton of cats all have massive toxoplasmosis infections. This parasite is a symbiont of the house cat. It has no effect on cats, but it changes people's brain chemistry and makes them schizo, and love cats.
>>15626Went would they give a fuck. That's what the swarthy cleaners are for. Your country is now an amusement park, and you are part of the cleaning staff. Sucks to be you, but you it's somewhat of an ironic twist that this happens to a former colonial power. What goes around comes around!
>>15653Other nationalities can also suffer from neuroticism, there's an entire subtype of national literature dedicated to whiny, self-pitying neuroticism. I'm afraid proselytizers of German exceptionalism have deceived you.
>>15655>and you are part of the cleaning staffAm I really?
There's a retard who often begs people in front of a supermarket close to where I live. He begs for money, then he buys booze with it. He's barely articulate. He's ugly and smelly, you can smell this least from 5 meters away.
They used to keep retards locked up, so they wouldn't become a nuisance to decent, honest people. Not anymore, in an inclusive and free society the retards are free to become alcoholics and to pester everyone else, except for rich people.
I want the retards to be locked up, the homos can be homos in their own private residences instead of grossing out everyone, and the borders need to be closed to keep out the Africans who talk in French no Frenchman could ever comprehend and who smell as bad as the retard.
The greenvoters do not have to deal with niggers or retards, they just drive their Porsches and LandRovers to Edeka, on their way home from Emma-Liane's riding lesson.
>>15640> Or I don't own it. And even if I did ownI've recently heard, that you should pirate games because the code trying to make sure, that you don't pirate, is slowing the game down/eating resources like crazy - sometimes to the point of a laggy original and a smooth pirated version.
No.15664 KONTRA
>>15663I like how you are implying that the number of votes the greens got is directly proportional to the political power they wield in the government.
Also, what does the share of greens have to do with their supposed lifestyle?
And why of all things are you STILL replying to the schizo, you dumb dishonest gorilla retard?
>>15640> I felt like I didn't belong with the group I was with. But that sounds like a self-flagellating aestheticisation of the problem. ppl can make or break a good time.
not everyone is in his/her/watev top mood every time. But - call me crazy - if multiple ppl already in a good mood are around you, it can be infectious. D'em waves, yo! (same goes with shitty mood, btw)
Welp, and sometimes it just doesn't fit at all and all involved persons have a shitty time, if they meet :3
> Maybe it's just that I cannot live up to my overly grandiose self-image in an IRL interaction. Online I can broadcast myself in fragments. During an IRL get-together I'm a continuous stream of existence.Not sure what you are hinting at, but:
if you can't be yourself around someone, it is not worth your time hanging around with those. So why even bother trying to role-play some self-imposed "ima need to come across like dis" image of yourself? :3
>>15663>>15661> greenvotersDieser linksversiffte Ernst schließt sich dem Grünenhass gerne an, auch wenn er andere Gründe anbringen würde.
Das einzig wählbare in der Gegend ist jedoch die Partei die Partei.
Ficken sie sich hinfort aus /int/ mit ihrer deutschen Politik!
>>15664>like how you are implying that the number of votes the greens got is directly proportional to the political power they wield in the government.wat?
>And why of all things are you STILL replying to the schizo, you dumb dishonest gorilla retard?Weil ich kann.
No.15667 KONTRA
>>15666>wat?* 14% of votes is not much *in toto* (which is what you were insinuating), yet it's enough to become part of the government
* not all ministries are created equal
Clearer now?
>>15666That mongo-face makes my blood boil. I want to kill him.
>>15671Post yours so we can rate.
>>15661One of the the key things I noticed in my travel recently is that more alcohol seems to lead to more fucked up places. I'm not sure if it just leads to other vices or what. Despite being a significantly poorer place than my homeland, in Taiwan the social connections seem so much better. Similar too with the feeling that if wallet is misplaced, it wouldn't get stolen. That's never happening back home, outside of small rural towns. I did hear that the cops go hard though.
I wish home would learn things from there.
T. Just spent a month in Taiwan (mostly staying with locals, so not just seeing the good things), with only one homeless person sighted
I've lost count of the number sighted in Philippines though. Street kids all around too, and so many cops. Still, I haven't been accosted or sworn at yet. Back home there's an aboriginal drinking corner I need to walk past where I get called a white dog sometimes - so even here it's been cruisier.
No.15678 KONTRA
>>15676I take you don't exempt yourself?
>>15673You are white dog. White places are ONLY ever rich bc they can exploit& colonize.
Europe was dirty poor until Europeans started stealing from Africa! Everything Europe has had been taken from Africa!
And all of Australia has been stolen from Aborigines.
The world would be a much better place without white people, Africa would be richer than America today!
>>15679> Africa would be richer than America today!So you're saying negroes are better than indians?
>>15680You know that the English colonized India and extracted wealth to the point of mass starvation, right?
No.15682 KONTRA
>>15681I didn't know America was in India.
>>15679>Europe was dirty poor until Europeans started stealing from AfricaEuropeans made economic use of Africa and Australia and that's it. Indeed, Europeans got rich by making economic use of Africa and Australia.
No.15684 KONTRA
Actually, the European forces of the bourgeois and capitalism moved the wheel of history by forcing the dialectics to go forward through the abolition of feudal overlords and Asiatic despots and causing the Weltverkehr to become an actual thing.
If you hold yourself to be a liberal or a leftist of any kind, you should celebrate the victory of dialectics on a global scale that was colonialism.
>>15682You compared Africa to India. I didn't have to ask if you are stops, because if you weren't stupid, you wouldn't be a fascist.
>>15683Enslaved, exploited and murdered millions, destroying the base of native economies and enthralling them.
I think you should be meafe economic use of, like Africans are made economic use of. I suggest you start digging for some stones I want and if you don't find them, I'll cripple you. How would you like that? Oh, but that's if course only hypothetical it isn't happen to you because you are white!
Asians were colonized and exploited and discriminated. But with time they overcame their past and became successful. Many Asian countries are 1-st world, and Asians in Western countries are as successful as whites, even more successful.
This doesn't work with Africans. Despite massive financial aid to their countries and affirmative action, they are failing.
No.15687 KONTRA
>>15684What a eurocentric view on world history, and what idiotic assumptions to make.
>>15685I don't see how any of these is excluded from the simple acknowledgement that this often happened within the realm of economic usage.
>>15686>Despite massive financial aid to their countries and affirmative action, they are failing>>15686China, Singapore and South Korea? Not sure how that is "many"
No.15689 KONTRA
>>15685>You compared Africa to IndiaYou have zero reading comprehension, troll about and are overall a right cunt.
Be happy you managed to rile someone up and fuck off, loser.
>>15688> Not sure how that is "many"China alone is a billion of people, that's fucking a lot. Also you forgot Japan, another 140 millions of people.
Also we can compare top African country with bottom Asian country: speak for themselves
>>15687> a eurocentric view on world historyThis is what Marxism is. Marx based his formation theory (Slavery->Feudalism->Capitalism) on European experience and ignored rest of the world as "Asiatic mode of production". Alternatively, we may say that non-European countries were progressive and socialist, since the state, the ruler owned means of production. This is the reverse side of argument by anti-communists calling USSR, especially under Stalin "Asiatic despotia".
>>15690>Also you forgot Japan, another 140 millions of peopleJapan was not colonized by Europeans.
That said, the history of these continents and countries differs. With different outcomes. SEA countries are a tourist magnet for rich westerners that prop their economy atm I suppose.
>>15691Neither Ethiopia was colonized :D
No.15693 KONTRA
>>15692I referred to the differing histories that will arguably play a role in the outcomes of today. Japan was a modernizing nation that after WW2 was occupied by the US just like Europe and given its strategic position was economically secured by the US and its interests in having a stable and communist-free Japan. I'm pretty sure that Ethiopia did not receive such attention by the US in the postwar period for example.
The discussion is shallow and it seems like you want to gravitate it towards niggers are low IQ hence their situation. Or how do you answer your question yourself given the low-resolution factors you put on the table to (pseudo) start the investigation?
>>15691>SEA countries are a tourist magnet for rich westerners that prop their economy atm I suppose.I have actually seen relatively few foreigners here. I strongly get the impression that it's more so Filipinos sending home remittances that is helping development. That, and a strong focus on education. Nearly everyone speaks English here.
Philippines had it rough - Spanish, Americans, Japs - then corrupt dictatorship - but I know 100% I'd rather live here than somewhere like modern South Africa (excl maybe capetown).
>>15694Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Laos, China etc. during my rather short life as an adult I met plenty of people who went to SEA, none visited the Philippines, though. I also heard many Australians easily vacate in SEA thanks to the locational proximity.
Also, think of the hippie trail or IDF soldiers celebrating their dismisson in India. The former definitely seems important for western tourism in these areas today. There was no hippie trail in a decolonizing Africa for reasons I guess
conflicts and not an attractive exotic spirtualism.
>Filipinos sending home remittances that is helping developmentYes, there even is a name for that I think.
No.15696 KONTRA
>Despite massive financial aid to poorhouses and affirmative action, people stay poor and poor people exist in these houses
Why are people poor? moral demises and low intelligence are racing against each other to the top, still don't know what to prefer :DDD
t. Russian philosopher
No.15718 KONTRA
>>15693You talk about shallow discussions and then you file developmental differences between Ethiopia and Japan under differences in the post war period. Fraud!
>>15718>you file developmental differences between Ethiopia and Japan under differences in the post war periodThese different developments are probably important enough for the present to stress them. Go further back if you want and make an explanation.
No.15721 KONTRA
>>15719And yet they fail to explain why even the pre-war period, far different levels of "modernization" were already there. I'll leave it to you to ponder if by choosing American postwar influence as the sole factor you'd name, you're not removing agency from the people who built those respective societies and assigning it to a white* society who in your analysis plays the role of kingmaker, attributing wealth and influence to their chosen protegee. I wouldn't even care but you'd have to go and call other's shitposts shallow while engaging in the same behavior.
>>15721>sole factor you'd nameYes, the factor I named. But probably not the only one, duh. History is always "there is a before", not the most clever thing to mention in that context tbh. I even mentioned that Japan was modernizing and continued to do so after WW2 but whatever.
Will you explain to me why Ethiopia wasn't modernizing as Japan did? And how that is important for the development of both countries in the postwar period? You seem to proclaim there is a continuation in both that cannot be ignored when talking about that history? If Ethiopia was barely modernized until WW2 then why did it not happen later on, while Japan was thriving even more, who is responsible for this, the niggers and their idiocy, corrupt communist statesmen, tribe heritage, US backed rebels, global market interests that did not see Ethiopia really as valuable investment for industrialized and industrializing production in comparison to Japan?
>who in your analysis plays the role of kingmakerSo you are implying that decisions taken in US foreign politics in the 20th century have been irrelevant to the constitution of nation-states and their respective societies around the globe? Or generally the foreign policy and economic considerations of wealthy and industrialized countries in which wage labor was the norm already? The US foreign policy has to deal with the people who live there, obviously. It's not about having no agency - Ethopians are neither puppets nor spirits who sublimate over material and social/political constraints - but what agency and who will decide on what is enacted/happening.
Ethiopia's development probably wasn't helped with an ass long civil war in which the US and the SU supported their favorite parties.
No.15730 KONTRA
>>15725You definitely give a lot more options for possible reasons as to why Ethiopia and Japan would see different development. Of course, this dreaded comparative example was brought upon as you brought upon by dialectical exchange from bird after you mentioned Japan as an example of a society whose historical development is marked by the lack of a period in which Japan was a victim of direct subjugation to a European
(read: white) colonial power. Ethiopia is brought on as a counterpoint, even though Ethiopia's relationship with the global world during the 19th century was itself subject to different pressures, environments and cultures. Of course, your dumb ass, replies to this by mentioning how Japan's development is directly influenced by its postwar semi-occupation.
Even this stance is later defended from my mockery of a shallow analysis in the form of:
>So you are implying that decisions taken in US foreign politics in the 20th century have been irrelevant to the constitution of nation-states and their respective societies around the globe? By 1905, Ethiopia and Japan are already on vastly divergent paths. One is a modernizing nation - as you correctly assess, unique in its African
(read:black) context and Japan having established itself as a real global power that would defeat the mighty Russian Empire. The basic "why Ethiopia develop different?" bait question is answered by your goofy ass with and I quote - "Japan was a modernizing nation that after WW2 was occupied by the US just like Europe". The first characterization of Japan as 'a modernizing nation' is already misleading in its implication that Ethiopia wasn't equally 'a modernizing nation'. It's acceptable to be ignorant of Ethiopian modern history, but why would you assume that modernization would be the distinction in pre-ww2 history? The answer to this lays in the second portion of your sentence "[Japan] was occupied by the US just like Europe.", like clockwork - your goofy ass brings up how the 'US just like Europe'
(read: whites) were involved in the post ww2 reconstruction of Japanese society.
As an alternative, you provide:
>Or generally the foreign policy and economic considerations of wealthy and industrialized countries in which wage labor was the norm already?See the post above.
You could even try reach further back to try to prove your theory that it was whites used their historical agency to change the world. You could start by saying they developed differently because of the Perry Expedition, it'll be a better hill to build your contrived arguments that ultimately explain how whites are responsible for the difference between Ethiopia and Japan(!).
[error: autism was too long]
I'll give you credit, and say that despite of the rude disposition of challenging myself to answer for why there is a difference, you do provide some hypothesis and factors that could explain why difference in development!:
"[...]Japan was thriving even more, who is responsible for this:
>the niggers and their idiocy
This is your ironic presentation of an idea you think you disagree with. The idea that it's because of race - adding an excuse to use the naughty word.
>corrupt communist statesmen
It wouldn't have been a corrupt communist state that ruled Ethiopia from 1974-1991 the great factor behind Ethiopia's modern day underdevelopment. After all, other societies had longer and equally if not more macabre revolutionary experiences! But this is a factor of differentiation, as Japan didn't have one such period. I don't know much, but one would be hard-pressed to lay it all squarely on the feet of one particular government.
>tribe heritage
Who knows what you mean by this. Are you being funny and ironic again, or did you, some Icarus of mockery that accidentally scrapes your wings on the unraveling of answers as to why two places on opposite sides of the globe, populated entirely by different people would develop different.
>US backed rebel
A presentation on the agency of whites. This is the unironic presentation of the aforementioned idea you thought you disagreed with.
>global market interests that did not see Ethiopia really as valuable investment for industrialized and industrializing production in comparison to Japan
A final, ultimate and more elaborate version of your sole central idea that appears scientific and blames greater nascent market forces for the gap in difference. With an attentive eye, one can see that these 'global market interests' are meant to be read as the sole entities with agency, that chose one society over another to elevate to modernity. These 'Global market interests' picking Japan over Ethiopia are, you guessed it - you should see the common theme by now.
>Ethopians are neither puppets nor spirits who sublimate over material and social/political constraints - but what agency and who will decide on what is enacted/happening.(?)
To find out what drives historical changes over the time, in a way that neither simply ascribes it all to races, nor in a way that perversely (and dialectically) contributes to a Euro-centric approach that denies indigenous agency in the face of colonial pressures - use a one time -75% voucher and enjoy a one time payment of 39,90€ for an ENTIRE year's subscription valued at 129,90€, that will provide you with access to elite Ernstchan content from myself and other innumerous other quality contributors - content that will keep you A DECADE ahead of what current societal discourse is.
No.15735 KONTRA
>>15730>(read: white)You are insinuating this is a race thing for me which is wrong. Even if Europeans are white that was simply not the issue of concern.
But for the bird it is allegedly a question of race: Asians vs Africans
>Ethiopia is brought on as a counterpoint, even though Ethiopia's relationship with the global world during the 19th century was itself subject to different pressures, environments and cultures.Yes, and in the 20th century as well.
>mentioning how Japan's development is directly influenced by its postwar semi-occupation.Yes. Japan is a modernized country and already was in the (first half of the) 20th century (you are right). After the war, the US had an interest in continuing this path and stabilize its former enemy economically. An important sovereign power for the postwar world order was directly involved in regulating Japan toward economic success. I did not say it is essential or THE factor for the difference, but it certainly could be of considerable importance what your country means to a world power in how your further development will go about. I was just pointing out an overall factor for developmental differences that is not solitary for the 20th century but a prominent one. Not THE critical difference. Which I think is also "stupid" to ask for historiographically because so many things come together over a certain amount of time that it becomes what historiography often is: a potpourri of explanations of various time scales to find reasons for why something happened and that overlap and some people try to make a synthesis every then and now.
No.15736 KONTRA
>By 1905, Ethiopia and Japan are already on vastly divergent paths
Yeah. Call me ignorant but I was pretty sure that Ethiopia had no comparable industrial production nor a comparable stately administration that was as far-reaching as some European countries or Japan, both of whom were able to participate in a mechanized war of large scale. Ethiopia was modernizing, apparently before the war and after. While Europe and Japan were already developed when it came to "modernization" during that time, it is important that the US was geopolitically interested in certain countries in Europe and Japan being economically strong sovereigns after a devastating war (two of them former enemies) that helped to continue that path as fast as possible and maybe even boost the industrial/economic and thus wealth development further. For a modernizing nation like Ethiopia this was not the case as far as I know and the modernization was slow(er). A world power that put enough money and care into politically and economically stabilizing a country that then can be acknowledged as solid sovereign might have helped to steer Ethiopia on a different path ("better developed", a wealthy, industrialized, politically stable, world trade participant) than it is today, who knows. As you correctly object this is not simple mechanics where an input guarantees a certain output. Surely, there are a lot of other factors than just foreign money/investments but it can be an important factor in modernization, also in the long run. If both countries Ethiopia and Japan were interested in modernizing/industrializing in the 20th century to properly participate in world trade at least since WW2 to become wealthy nations, one of them was on a the right path already and going quick and was supported after a war by the government of a powerful nation to continue that path while the other was just beginning to take modernization to a larger scale while having no support to become economically strong and militarized again. It is not THE only and ever-defining factor. As we will both agree this is historiographically problematic given all the things that usually happen, oftentimes simultaneously.
It is not a question of whites or not. It is among many other things a question of political and economic power which is not only up for grabs for the people in a specific territory but also for people outside of it.
You seem to have a thing for the contingency hypothesis in historiography, therefore the "vastly different path" is not determinate for the outcome of each path in itself. I think what I wanted to say is that looking into history, you have actions that have a sort of "probability value" and "foreign interests" is one such thing.
not ultimately as explained above
No.15737 KONTRA
>>15731>you do provide some hypothesis and factors that could explain why difference in development!That was a very polemical list and I was hoping to get answers from our Africa expert.
>Who knows what you mean by thisAgain, part of the polemic list but was meant to hint at a possible social-political organization of people that was/is not compatible with modernization and a democratic government
>'global market interests' are meant to be read as the sole entities with agencyCertainly not. But I find it funny to deny that the movement of of that thing called money by actual people as a way to bring people to do certain things (and their interest in making more money, so making people do things) is regarded as a minor factor in how this world and its dynamics are playing out. Or treat this as a negligible factor because that is evil Marxist thinking and an old hat, even though the basics haven't changed. You would be surprised and probably more enraged with what is granted agency in the humanities these days. I am curious to get to know your stance on agency, so far it sounds like you want to say that Ethiopians and Japanese are not unconscious, helpless puppets. Which is true. Ethiopians and Japanese can decide to fight a foreigner and their equipment, to decide on what industries to build and what products to produce, what policies to implement to facilitate economic growth and to optimize education of the youth - and whom to love and whom to hate, and whom or what to worship. But other people exist and they have a will and means as well and they can put their will over other peoples will. They can be Ethiopian or Japanese or some other label.
>To find out what drives historical changes over the timeSince I don't know but you sound like you know I'm paying the sum in €C to find out. Scholarly sidenote: No.15741
>>15624>What would I need that for?A talent for story telling.
No.15744 KONTRA
>>15740> having neighbors > having neighbors who listen to Funk-dirtGay af bro. Stop being a loser, maybe?
>>15744I even have roommates, brah.
I think it was Caren Miosga btw.
No.15749 KONTRA
>>15745How urban and enlightened and not shit-poor at all! You know what's funny? That's how you will have to live for your entire live.
>>15750Why does it have to be done?
And does your mower work properly in the cold?
In other news, yesterday we had a few minutes of snowfall here. It didn't stick or anything, but it reminded me of april 2022 when one friday evening there was like half a meter of snow that came down within two hours or so, made a bunch of tree branches snap and fall onto cars and felled a bunch of trees in the forest that it looked like the Ardennes in '44.
I even went out at around midnight to park my car elsewhere because I didn't want it to get hit.
No.15753 KONTRA
>>15750> 38°38° what? 38°Rø? 38°N?
No.15754 KONTRA
>>15749>shit-poorJoges and you, I received Bürgergeld, so I'm quite poor indeed.
>live rest of your life like thisHow so? Or do you mean neighbors?
Don't see the problem with neighbors. I encountered wealthy enough people with direct neighbors btw. Just take any major city and consider the expensive apartments.
>>15755I know, subconscious driven mistake it is.
Lawn status: mowed
>>15751>Why does it have to be done?90% of the neighbors have done theirs, and I don't want to be the last one. Hate being
that guy.
Had to pull the starter cord a half dozen times, as this was the first mow of Spring, but otherwise it ran fine. Stalled a lot, but that was due to the tall grass and thick clovers. Went over most parts twice. Once tipping the wheels back to chop the top half, then pushing it level for a final clean cut.
>>15753>38°N?Yes. Will be a bumpy ride as we move to 50° this afternoon.
>>15759Oh, excuuuuuuuse Me! But I thought this was America, the one with the Freedom!
Currently translating english subtitles (because apparently german ones don't exist) and I must say, it's a most interesting activity, because it challenges me in several ways:
>having to think about colloquialisms and context>having to think of a proper way to transfer meaning, and if possible, wordplay into german>actually remembering the german words (my passive vocabulary should be about the size of the Duden, but I seldomly manage to come up with a fitting translation right away)>researching terms because it's a period pieceThrough the last point I actually came across a device called a "scarifier", which in german, as far as I can tell, is called a "Vertikutator".
This is funny for two reasons, because it sounds almost like "Vertikutierer", which is a device to rip open grass and moss, and because in english both devices are called the same. That can't be a coincidence, especially if you take a closer look at a medical scarifier and realize it works exactly as the horticultural device.
I also found a nice, kinda surreal video on it: No.15762
I went to bed early and then woke up early only to go to bed for another 3 hours for no reason. I worked out after having a late breakfast, had a coffee and then left for the library. On the way there I read some and then there I worked on translating a Tang short story which I have been meaning to tackle for a while now. I finished like a quarter of it and after that I decided to go home. At home I had lunch and now I'm just lazing around before I will look through some modern Chinese and go to bed early again. Trying to make that a virtue honestly.
>>15761And: You need to be concise enough for the subtitles fit the original language's duration!
>>15762>And: You need to be concise enough for the subtitles fit the original language's duration!True, bit since I am making them mainly for myself, I can afford slightly longer ones.
Just learned that the first mosque to open in my city and maybe all of Switzerland was actually dedicated to a doomsday cult who considers the Quran to be an incomplete revelation.
No.15772 KONTRA
>>15764Either you can make subtitles for yourself, than you didn't need them, it you need them and your subtitles will suck.
No.15773 KONTRA
>>15770Any country that has mosques will turn into a shithole like the average sandnigger country. Bosnia is a best case scenario.
No.15774 KONTRA
>>15773You are so tiresome.
No.15775 KONTRA
>>15766> The USI prolly wont tell u anything new, but moving to the US isn't a decision i would take lightly. For a few years it is fine, especially if you are young and healthy. But if you want to start a family, i highly recommend avoiding the US. School shootings, ~10 times more drug deaths per capita (some states have about equal rates, some > 40 times the rate compared to EU/Ger), no heath care and, imho the worst of all, the heavy propaganda your kids are getting fed early on in school, starting
every day with praising the US via singing a propaganda song.
Additionally, i would never want my children to have the idea of "uh, we can't effort health care so i should stay ill/insured".
There is no amount of money that can balance out the ease of mind that comes with a functioning health care system.
not to mention that "the Amüs are stupid" is a saying for a reason... their education suxx and only the propaganda seems somewhat effectiveIt is, however, for foreigners somewhat useful to study there. Since they lack a decent education in their own country, they try to entice foreigners into joining their universities (it goes beyond the usual cultural exchange reasons other places have at/with their unis).
Another thing you should be aware of is something people call the "shadow state". It is now known, that their secret agencies have trained the Gulf cartel in order to flood their country with drugs and afaik they even trained/supported local gangs; black budget. The biggest criminal force there is the state itself.
You either are a conspiracy theorist or you are plainly stupid. their secret agencies most definitely didn't change over night and are now suddenly the good guys. And "Innocent until proven guilty" doesn't work, if you have no legal framework of proving said guilt - that would remove the "secret" in "secret agencies" and they would actually be accountable for their actions.If you stay in your walled garden, which they have a quite a few of, you shouldn't rly notice much of the really fucked up shit; maybe you see a few corpses/drug-addicts/homeless lying openly on the street. That should be about it.
study there? - fine
starting a family? - the fuck nope
No.15778 KONTRA
>>15775Given that I will write emails probably at the end of this week I already decided to very likely accept a future offer on going to a US university to do my PhD if the monetary conditions suffice and I cannot find a proper job here in Germany
also it would ease research trips to archives tremendously is what I see as well Even if I would meet somebody to start a family with these factors in the US might not affect me or my children. Just like with schools in Germany, you have to raise your kids yourself and talk to them about politics yourself. Other than that I would probably meet somebody that would like the more "social" policy in action in Germany anyway. Your post is expectably placative but many of the factors your mentioned are not a big issue of concern to me. I would probably return to Germany because the US is one of the worst of the developed countries when it comes to maintaining capitalism. The guns and shootings rank second in being a shitty outlook.
No.15779 KONTRA
>>15772Seems like you need some subtitles for yourself, illiterate imbecile.
>>15775This is a clickbait media-driven criticism of America. OK, there are "a lot" of shootings. So your chance to die in it is 0.001% instead of 0.0001%. Is it really important?
Or the healthcare. You say it's bad because this claim has been repeated thousand times by leftist bloggers. But life expectancy in USA is Western-European level despite higher obesity rates.
There are actual problems, ofc, but there are also advantages compared to Europe, which you ignore.
Americans love podcasts so much because they live in suburbs and they need to listen to something while they commute 2 hours to work to a city.
I just now understand that the schizo is an example of the highly acclaimed resistive (indigenous) agency of Germans against US imperialism.
>>15782>there are also advantages compared to Europe, which you ignoreElaborate so I can garner more endorsement for my decision to move to the land of the free people.
>>15783Nomad core of modernity
>>15784>Elaborate - Free entrepreneuship, open shop without bureaucratic hassle
- Free to own any firearm you want (unless NY or Cali)
- Beautiful nature and low population density outside of metropolitan areas
- Girls are easy
- Cheap gas
>>15786Only three and four would be relevant to me. Not a whole lot that speaks for the US tbh :DDD
>>15788My opinion is that these are the consequence of cloud seeding actions to oppress the us, the man on the street. Such proles have it right.
>>15789But I work from home, so I couldn't really care any less.
>>15791Neat. Fully formed throat singing robots when?
No.15795 KONTRA
>>15794The only thing worse than schizposting is schizolarping.
I rarely say this, but you should really commit suicide.
>>15795>I rarely say thisAch, Pinocchio.
Also it was not a larp but a parody at best.
No.15797 KONTRA
>>15796>Also it was not a larp but a parody at best.Tomato tomato, Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, only pretending to be retarded, etc.
My point, as well as my request, still stands.
No.15798 KONTRA
>>15797I cannot fulfill the request of an asshole. That is against my morals.
No.15799 KONTRA
>>15798So you never listen to yourself? Shiiiiiiiiiet
No.15800 KONTRA
>>15799I this the famous no u that you bring up every other discussion?
No.15801 KONTRA
>>15800Oh, I should have known it was you.
Only interested in discord, too smug for your own good, and in dire need of someone punching you in the face irl to set your mind straight.
But you have to admit, you provided a most excellent setup.
No.15802 KONTRA
Today was good. Took back a book to the library and the librarian showed me some of the new stash, as in the books that are to be thrown out. She apparently saved the best for me, one of which was some early Republican era treatise on Confucianism and Daoism, and the other being a Classical Chinese dictionary. (A dictionary, not a character dictionary, so it contains binomen.)
Honestly while I'm very happy to have both of them I also feel like I just partook in a form of corruption or something. Like this dictionary is good, there's nothing wrong with it. Why aren't we keeping it? Well, there's probably a serious constraint on room and usability. I better make good use of it I guess.
Got back the midterm exams and I basically barely passed, mostly because my essay wasn't up to the required length, so they deducted 10 points, otherwise it would have been the usual "mediocre" result in the mid 70%.
At home I had lunch and then my mood turned a bit sour when I got a call from my bank about some "personal offer" and they wanted me to validate my identity and I honestly thought this was going to be a scam so I told them I'm not going to do it.
Honestly sometimes I feel like having a debit card is more stress than it is worth. Like I'm deathly afraid I will get it stolen somehow.
Went back to classes after lunch and I was a bit late, but the lecturer was even more late, so no harm was done. I winged doing the Classical Chinese translation and it went well enough. I made 1-2 mistakes but otherwise it was pretty good.
German class was fine, though I was quite a bit tired by the end of it.
As I left the classroom I whistled the first line of "Die Arbeiter von Wien" instinctively and I was shocked when someone, like a bird, whistled the second line back. I wonder who it was.
Tried to order a book from Germany but the seller's new delivery charge is too much for my taste so I'm going to tell the good Herr tomorrow that I cannot make a commitment to the purchase.
Been thinking about the mood-swings and I think what's very irritating about it is that ultimately, I cannot reasonably expect people to put up with me going through a crisis regularly. And the thing is that the feelings are genuine, but the feelings being genuine don't make them any less irritating to the external observer.
Honestly I expected the current manic phase to last longer than like two days. Especially with how I went to bed early for the past few days.
No.15803 KONTRA
>>15801hurr durr you need punch hurr durr kys hurr durr smug
You should not claim to say anything rarely if that is everything you can think about every time it happens. Also your persistent visions of violence are not speaking for you as a decent human being.
Do you need a punch to shake off some stupid ideas maybe?
Canceled my monthly car wash membership today, as I'm reasonably certain the last snow is now behind us. Without that and salted roads, I'll only hit the car wash once a month or so, which means there is no longer a financial advantage to paying for unlimited visits. Was going every week for a while, so definitely came out ahead by signing up.
>>15788>Most cars are already fitted with summer tires.Nobody expects second Winter.
>>15802>Why aren't we keeping it? Well, there's probably a serious constraint on room and usability.Yeah, ours have regular book sales which end with
fill a bag with whatever fits for $5. Basically, the money doesn't matter and they're just out of storage space.
>>15808Are those private lawns?
Does the grass grow to hip height if left unchecked?
Do those flowers produce pappi like our dandelions that then fly EVERYWHERE?
I also enjoy a semi-wild garden over an english one, but it really depends on where and what is growing.
That great feel when having all-weather tires, so at least legally I'm safe from whatever comes down.
To have hurtful larger than life love experiences or normal ones. That’s the question
No.15816 KONTRA
>>15815Larger than life or bust. There's no going back, you can't just switch heroin for an earl gray tea.
>>15815Oh stop being so melodramatic you fairy.
No.15818 KONTRA
>>15817I was just kidding bro. All is good bro ☺️
>>15809Those ones belong to the temple - but many (especially in the countryside) are similar. That one is a bit more tame than most - most are higher and a bit wilder. Most free land seems to be used for something productive, if not wild too. Little banana plantations, backyard rice paddies, small orchards. It's really nice to see.
Part of me when I first saw it felt that it needed to be tamed, but I think it's just a cultural thing. Not all nature needs to be conquered. The butterflies here are beautiful. Obviously some parts are mowed, but it's comparatively little.
One thing I love too, is the amount of greenery. A western city planner would probably nut thinking about how much poor quality low density they could shit out here. Instead, you get a couple of dozen highrises with pretty countryside surrounding them.
>>15815A few of the first for the memories, and the latter for long term.
t. experiencer
No.15820 KONTRA
>>15809Also - some do go to hip height. I haven't got photos as I didn't think of it yet (probably won't get to, as leaving soon), and some have had seedlings(?) if that's what you mean. Nothing too severe though.
>>15819> Instead, you get a couple of dozen highrises with pretty countryside surrounding them.Yeah, makes living in a commieblock certainly much more bearable.
Can't sleep, again.
GLass oh whisky to get the buzz
I wish I weren't tierd anymore
Whisky is finished, but I am not feeling anything.
I also don't want to drink more.
I want to go to bed, feel comfy and fall asleep.
Would be cool being able to just turn off your brain, like putting your cortex to sleep with the press of a button. Poof, lights out, sleep tight.
I want to sleep on a cloud. It has the exact temperature of my skin and it adjusts to my body shape.
The air I breathe is fresh outside air without being too cold or too hot.
I close my eyes and I slip away.
>>15824You should try floating
its expensive, but I want to try for some month nowFind sleep soon
>>15825Sounds like some kind of drug. But it’s just a big warm bucket of water
>>15828Yeah, I once read an interesting report from somebody on floating that included history of the techniques of sensory deprivation later used by the CIA for example. Donald Hebb appears in that article as he conducted such experiments in the 1950s. Hebb is also an important figure for ideas in learning within neural nets. The other side is of course sensory deprivation is those floating tanks as stress minimizier. And the report made it sound so good at the end, a noteworthy effect right from the first time.
Sadly, I cannot find the article anymore. It was orginally referenced in an article Orit Halpern wrote for a compendium.
>>15828It's best combined. You inject ketamine, get in an isolation tank and talk to dolphins. No.15835
>>15834These tanks are fringe but not so fringe and the idea of isolation will have its own cultural history.
Take this novel, its based on a film script I think or it later was adapted as film, dunno exactly. But it is about a guy using isolation tanks to become a prehuman being :DDD
>>15835I remember watching the film. Good premise, but execution was... very silly.
>>15777You are 100% correct in your assessment. Is it non-exclusive or exclusive to the points I made in my spastic rage, though?
:>>>15778> you have to raise your kids yourselfPretty much the most important point, yes.
Just got a theory. Maybe living in a country you perceive yourself as shitty makes you a better parent, because you do not trust the gov/school/official institutes to raise your offspring decently? That might be why US families are so fucked; they get blasted with propaganda implying they live in the best possible country all the time. Why try raising your kids, if there isn't anything better than 'this'? Maybe there are also some *cough* science *cough* studies done regarding this?
humanities :/ ...would be an interesting read.
>>15782> There are actual problems, ofc, but there are also advantages compared to Europe, which you ignore.of course I am ignoring the advantages, if I am trying to formulate a counter-propaganda-piece; no need to point it out
;pI think I am mainly butthurt, because you get blasted with pro-US-propaganda all the time - so I try to counter balance it? Being neutral/based would be better, but I am a weak emotional being.
>>15834I need a gov job real bad; I can do drugs, too.
Uh,... psychonaut. That was the term. Yeah, am one as well. Sure.
Anyone knows where I can apply as psychonaut?
inb4: welp, that would be CIA - which u are dissing all the time. No.15850
Felt the Helveticness wash over me, but the worst has presumably washed over. Scary to see this irrational side both give and take color from the world around me at whim. I need to meet other people :DD
>>15848>they get blasted with propaganda implying they live in the best possible country all the time.It's called nationalism and every country has its own.
t. humanities expert
Still translating the subtitles and it's not as much fun anymore.
For some reason the actors stopped speaking clearly and slur everything, plus the english subtitles are simply wrong at time, missing words, writing words wrong and now there's a million of ellipses and old-timey colloquialisms and special terms that are virtually impossible to translate if you're not a native english speaker who also studied that shit.
As an example of my limited translation skills and the dialogue:
Context is they are talking about besieging a city and scaling its walls.
First guy says that he will get a promotion if he gets over the wall first.
Second guy (engineer) says this: For me, I must get up along of he or there won't be none of it.
That is the exact subtitle, and frankly I can't manage to understand anything else. I guess second guy says that he must also get up there, or else they won't win and thus first guy can't get the promotion, but I am having huge problems actually making proper sense of that sentence.
I don't want to do anything, I just want to go to sleep and wake up when we meet next time, which is in a week. Everything in the world seems so boring and meaningless except spending time with her.
Well, at least watching the remake of DUNC made me want to return to studying Arabic.
No.15854 KONTRA
>>15853>Everything in the world seems so boring and meaningless except spending time with her.Fugg :DDDDDDDDD
I've made a miscalculation and the book I ordered from Germany was more expensive than I expected due to banking related costs. C'est la vie. I mean I guess I feel better about it if I tell you guys that I fucked up and lost like 10 euros on it extra. No fault of the seller or anything, I'm just retarded.
The part for the iPod arrived too so I tried putting it together and I was successful, but then the fucking battery died. It's flash modded now, it just won't hold a fucking charge. So I guess I did technically complete this project which I had on my list but I'm not happy about it.
I've learned to use the radical tables and have been getting some pleasure out of reading paper Chinese dictionaries. Like damn these are actually much more useful now that I can use them as self-contained pocket dimensions.
On the way home I noticed the Moon was almost full but it still looked glorious on the horizon. I wish the sky was always this beautiful. But then again the stars couldn't be seen, so it could have been even better.
>>15856You got Jewed by the German. Everything Germans say about Jews is a projection, Germans are worse more Jewish than Jews.
No.15861 KONTRA
>>15860If anything I got Jew’d by my own countrymen (inb4 every banker is a Heeb) but when I checked it this morning the bank balance was actually more sensible. Idk why they decided to charge me 4k more and then put it back after the charge went through in the morning.
Anyway, stop making comments like these they are annoying.
No.15863 KONTRA
>>15861>Anyway, stop making comments like these they are annoying.As I told the other germ, stop replying to and enabling the schizo, you IDIOT!
What’s your top 5 most liked countries Ernst?
>>15850Oh… btw I’ve finally cut the bridges with my ex.
Other countries don't even compare!
No.15866 KONTRA
>>15865>FranceWhy you do this to me Iberian…
>>158641. Germany
2. USA
3. Israel
t. high performing German
No.15868 KONTRA
No.15869 KONTRA
>>15867> high performing GermanLiar, if that were the case, Israel would on first
No.15870 KONTRA
>>15866Just be happy that was the background for your romantic adventures. Others have to make do with piss stained Lisbon streets.
No.15871 KONTRA
>>15861>Anyway, stop making comments like these they are annoying.I often end up deleting my posts (or not making them in the first place) because of the thought of having to read these retarded G*rman posts. Especially ones that are directly addressed to me. Simply not worth it to subject yourself to such suffering.
>>15864Out of countries visited only three stand out:
1. Netherlands
2. Poland
3. Türkiye
Otherwise: No.15872 KONTRA
>>15871Most of our German Ernsts are wonderful and we shouldn't let a few (one) bad apples influence our view of large groups.
>>15872Even over a century after the fall of that wretched Austrian Empire, and the Hungarian still seeks their validation. I'm gonna start writing decolonization theory but for centra-eastern nations.
>>15871>because of the thought of having to read these retarded G*rman posts. I couldn't decide on what smug and witty thing to post.
Nochmal Glück gehabt, Nordmann!
No.15875 KONTRA
>>15873Troubling observation.
>>15874tapa ittes kehari
>>15875Hey now, it's not nice to tell a retard to kill himself, he can't help it.
>>15854OK, maybe I'm exaggerating and just having a lazy phase now.
Still I love her and it manifests in my desire to betabux. What are the options?
- DIY stuff
- Sweets
- Flowers
- Plush toys
- ???
We go to a restaurant today. I want to buy her flowers. Any advice on how to choose them?
>>15877>Any advice on how to choose them?Ask her what flowers she likes. Alt.: If you know her favorite color choose them. Do not get flowers if she's allergic or some hippie who "prefers living flowers".
No.15879 KONTRA
>>15877I’d buy her roses. The feel of buying roses to a girl is like no others
> Incel became an environmentalist and threw himself under a lawn mower trying to save dandelions. No.15881 KONTRA
>>15830>>15831Update: she told me my voice sounds like that of a radio host.
Tbh I do wanna
[redacted] and
[redacted] her pretty badly but surely getting involved with a teacher is a terrible idea. Anyways no class for ten days now due to May First so time to clear my head a bit.
>>15881Redacted 1 = host a show on Radio Ernstiwan
Redacted 2 = invite her live on air to talk to
OK, I bought a pre-packed bouquet of flowers. The choice was easy because it was the only one in the store which was not obviously ugly or withered. Seems like she liked it, at least pretended to.
We also ordered the deer steak I was talking about earlier. It tastes like something between beef steak and beef liver. I don't regret trying it but I won't order it again.
No.15885 KONTRA
>>15877>>15879> rosesand do an autistic monologue about how modern roses don't smell like they used to, because they were bred for the looks, which sold better.
Modern Roses can't even survive on their own.
> !w grafting chop 'em off and put 'em on a wild-rose's roots.
>>15885> they were bred for the looksWhat about taste? :D
When I was in West and in Turkey, rose jam was served everywhere. In Russia I don't remember seeing it anywhere, but maybe I'll find it if I look for it deliberately. Hmm, I've got an idea. I'll bring it to gf's home when she invites me to meet her parents.
Btw today we ordered "forest tea" with pine jam, and it was incredibly tasty, I ate all the jam without tea and didn't left any for gf.
Thoughts on rose jam? Thoughts on pine jam?
No.15896 KONTRA
>>15885Apple trees are typically grafted, so are grapes. Grafting hast been known for hundreds of years. Halfwit.
>>15896Yeah, but "normal" roses can't even survive anymore with the roots they develop on their own.
How many other species you know of, that would instantly go missing once the human stops supporting them? How many of them need grafting?
> Halfwit.:> No.15901 KONTRA
>>15897Grapes can't survive, they are not resistant to phylloxera.
No.15902 KONTRA
Please be precise. "Grapes", "apples" and "roses" of fucking course can survive on their own.
The ones you are talking about are special breeds that have been bred for certain traits on expense of others and are grown in a very specific way that warrants this kind of treatment.
Today is Saturday workday, because Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday will be days off due to 1-st May.
No.15905 KONTRA
>>15902Semi-accurate, more accurate with grapes (in general) then with the roses (in general). What we understand as a grape is the European grapevine. A parasite of the American grapevine was introduced to Europe mid 19-th century, and it caused a crisis in vine-making, which was then solved by graftingb European vines in the stock of their American relatives. So grapes are not unviable because they have been bred for certain traits at the expense of others, but because of the introduction of a parasite they did not co-evolve with and you are as wrong as the other German.
Who is also wrong about roses, by the way, because while some hybrids do have weaker root development, they are not doomed to certain death. Un-grafted modern roses do, by the way, exist, and can be bought, the German term is wurzelecht, and after I looked up Reblaus, I will not look that up.
With apples, things are more complicated, but I won't type an essay on pomology into my phone, you can both kiss my ass
No.15907 KONTRA
>>15905> knows more than me> must have looked it up on wikipediaOh wow, it's you again
Are other Germans studied in biology? One did but what about the others that were part of this exchange I've not been part of.
I only know grafting from fruit trees
No.15914 KONTRA
>>15907Maybe if you weren't always trying to shit on people on someone else's behalf you would manage to quote the correct posts... 99% fail nice ahben wir selten hier
>>15905Yeah, I know I was oversimplifying things; especially with the grapes I was thinking of the example of the seedless ones, because those can not procreate (and thus also not survive on their own beyond the individual).
I actually didn't know about that parasite, however.
Sometimes all you need to get your spirits up is to shave your head and grow a goatee.
No.15918 KONTRA
>>15917I don't like this so much, the blade shave makes it too much like a shiny cue ball. Weak goatee too!
>>15918Either do or don't. Stubble head just looks silly.
My hands have burst again.
I am now pretty sure it's from the dry air.
I really don't want to start creaming my hands, but I am afraid there is not much I can do anymore.
>>15922>I really don't want to start creaming my handsWhy?
Other things than just dry air might be a reason as well. You don't have these problems in winter? Or when you come in contact with cleaning produce?
>>15925I have always hated creaming hands. It's a bit of an OCD in that can't have anything even remotely fatty on my fingers, and I don't want to become dependent on skincare products like the people who fuck up their skin because they're constantly smearing all kinds of shit on it; mine is already bad enough as is.
And I ONLY had these problems in winter, but I can alleviate that by always wearing gloves when leaving the house (and it is, in fact, not dependent on the temperature, because I have spent hours in the freezing cold with my fingers being completely numb without the skin breaking because they were covered), but in recent years, when I managed to not get bloody hands in winter, I became careless in spring and poof, more blood.
This year was pretty tender though, until yesterday and today when it turned out to be worse than it has been in years, and all I did was having the windows open all day, i.e. drying out the air.
It might be an exsiccation eczema - I have to visit a dermatologist anyway because of other issues. Maybe it's time to actually make an appointment now.
Back muscle all tensed up again in a completely different place in the lower back. Only noticed it while bending down to grab a mug from the table (I still have like two of those tiny, Japanese-style tables in my room I use. They are great actually). I massaged out as best as I could and that seemed to have cured it mostly, but yet again I'm baffled why this happened, and I should probably check my mattress. Or it also curiously seems to happen when I stop doing all exercise for a day or two.
(Most likely I just sit in my computer chair retarded so when that's compounded with no exercise shit hits the fan.)
Maybe I should lay down on a sunbed in the garden instead of sitting at a desk outside too. Or at least I cannot think of another idea. Most of the things I do and want to do require me to sit. If I lay down in bed or on the couch I fall asleep simply and then entire day's fucked.
I did my usual exercises and had lunch and lazed around some and then went out into the garden and spent like an hour working on classical Chinese translations. I really love having that paper dictionary. It's actually fun to use. I don't know why. It's probably the small format.
Plans for tomorrow? Reading and actually doing the Chinese homework on time again to live a sensible life. Also probably going to have to find an open pharmacy because I'm out of anti-acids and it's killing me.
Had a medical exam done yesterday and the result was that I probably have some light general inflammation. Which is always the case, so I am unsure what we learned by testing for it again with a different method which is not covered by state healthcare. But I'm like a peasant in the 11th century following his parish's priest when it comes to doctors.
>>15917I know a guy who looks like that lol.
>>15927>I don't want to become dependent on skincare products like the people who fuck up their skin because they're constantly smearing all kinds of shit on it; mine is already bad enough as is.I got eczema later in life on my hands as well. Bad luck I guess. I never creamed my hands and here I am. No evil business strategy of the effeminating skin care industry made me do it but probably genetics and environmental exposition. You are also dependent on the medical industry and many others.
>>15932I never talked about any le ebul cosmetics industry, what gives? But perioral dermatitis (also known as stewardess disease) is a thing, as is getting skin rashes from constantly washing hands etc. Having to constantly disinfect my hands when the coof was in full swing probably didn't help either. Shame I can't blame my diet, but I am eating mainly vegetarian these days. Maybe I should go back to meat everyday.
>>15933>But perioral dermatitis (also known as stewardess disease) is a thing, as is getting skin rashes from constantly washing hands etc. Sure you can overdo it. Yet people also feel lucky that these products exist. I'm quite happy I can cream my hands in winter with a good hand cream
the texture can vary, not all creams are created equal, might be an important note for you to stop my eczema from flaring up and make me scratch badly.
>Maybe I should go back to meat everyday.I'm pretty sure it won't help but you could try it of course. Also, it might never go away again for other things are responsible. I'm not an expert on this, though.
No.15935 KONTRA
>>15934Yeah I'm being a bit polemic here. I know about eczema and dermatitis. My Erna has that, but it's a condition she's been having since forever, and we have at least three kinds of creams and salves at home at any point.
But it can indeed change with age. My mother had the same thing on her hands as me and then in her late 50s it just stopped, so it could also be hormones.
The relationship between skin, hormones and mind is still not fully comprehended.
>>15935I recently read that the itching might be caused by certain bacteria. So there might be a solution for the itching that comes with some skin conditions
>in her late 50s it just stoppedOr it just shows up then :DDD
No.15937 KONTRA
>>15936Eh, I have another condition, that, depending on the study, is caused by some rogue skin yeast, autoimmune disorder or both.
No.15938 KONTRA
>>15937Disgusting. People with offensive skin conditions are banned from public pools, you know that, right?
A few months back, I saw a young man with massively swollen red flaking skin in the supermarket. He went through the produce section and touched the food. It's supposed to be a good supermarket, but they didn't throw him out, even when I asked them to.
I hope you have some consideration and do not touch anything IF you should go shopping. It's plainly unhygienic.
>>15942That's why I only ever replaced whole paragraphs
Is high cuisine untasty cuisine, just like high fashion is ugly fashion?
>>15943Yeah, maybe that is a solution. I usually have to adjust all paragraphs a little and completely renew second and third paragraph. Could have also used AI to make me aware of that blatant mistake my brain was predicting as correct and went on.
>>15944>just like high fashion is ugly fashion?Be careful what you say, young man. Haute Couture is usually considered a form of art and not for wearing, especially not for every day wear.
>>15946>SchumiWhat year is that? I say 2003 at the very latest, possibly even 1999.
His clothes are expensive, but I don't think they qualify as high-fashion. Men who dressed in a similar style could be found at every upscale "in" Pizzeria, and it's pretty tame for Schumacher.'t tell if he wore those outfits ironically, but probably not.
Feeling particularly hopeless and defective, I swore I wouldn't leave downtown without some woman's phone number. Verily it came to be, we're meeting next week. I don't care much for her - she seems dull and yet :DDDDDDDDDD
>>15948>What year is that? I say 2003 at the very latest, possibly even 1999.Don't know but would also say around 2000.
>His clothes are expensive, but I don't think they qualify as high-fashion.Can you identify brands? High fashion I would consider the classical houses like Gucci, Hermes, Valentino, LV, Fendi and others.
> a similar style could be found at every upscale "in" Pizzeria I did not care back then. My first rather conscious "fashion experience" is wanting/getting Puma t-shirts, uma sneakers and jeans from a store that sold mid priced clothing around mid 2000s
>but probably not.Probably not.
>>15949Ach Chad, how did you do it? Today I was reading at the park and a lonley cute was coming along my bench and looked at me when I looked up from my book. I knew instantly I was interested, her jeans, her shaggy hair and a reading device in her hands. She lay down not too far away but I was too much of a pussy to just go to her and compliment her hair and ask for her number
there was a group nearbyGuess at the moment I feel not very confident. I know the experience of rejection by woman but I still have a hard time getting over my psychological barrier when an opportunity opens up.
>>15950>but I was too much of a pussyCommon settis. It's a rough situation, especially when you actually care about this person's validation. Just yesterday, there was an opportunity that I squandered - the cause as to why I was feeling so down today. Better not to dwell so long on these missed opportunities, how many ethereal reading device ladies are out there? If you find 5, at least one of them will think you're a cute fella and give you her number.
>>15951>when you actually care about this person's validationYes. You said yours seems dull. You still approahc her, any experience with this kind of feelings? Because I often encounter women I think are attractive but it's eh they have something attractive about them but should I really go up to her? I don't actually really care, I probably just want to fuck and be done with it.
>If you find 5, at least one of them will think you're a cute fella and give you her number.Yes. Rationally I know that I can only win by asking more. I have made positive experience in the past but the last time I did it was in February
kill me,I could have asked 20 women or so since then, probably even more No.15954
>>15952>they have something attractive about them but should I really go up to herIf the question poses itself, the answer is always yes. Even if it's someone you won't be with forever and after, does it really matter? Are you not entitled to human affection like everyone else?
If you are ever hounded in the night over your lack of proactive measures in securing someone you can sleep beside, then you aren't doing enough. How many goofy women are out there, who go places alone in the hopes that someone will talk to them? I used to think that being a man was rough, what with you having to be the one sticking your neck out. But it isn't so, much harder on the soul for a woman to dress up and parade herself before others only to hear crickets. Of course if you fail at getting a girl's number, she will laugh about you behind your back, possibly to me, and I will share this hilarious story with so many people that in your next family dinner, your old man will laugh about your ineptitude before the entire family. At that point, I'd consider suicide.
or nobody will care or know No.15956
>>15954>Are you not entitled to human affection like everyone else?I guess entitlement is the wrong word but there is nothing wrong with desiring affection indeed.
>or nobody will care or knowEven if they rejected me they usually say there were delighted by the compliment and think it is brave to do so. But I don't do it that often so I guess some might be rude about it as well. My problem is not that they might laugh about me behind my back, I couldn't care less
Which is the same with many other people, it's just a waste of time to think much about this. It is more about being rejected and having thoughts about that which reach deep down psychologically. Silly, I know. I try to get better. Slowly it works and you are right, the more you do, the better and a bit easier it gets. Making it a habit would be a good idea.
No.15958 KONTRA
>>15956>Making it a habit would be a good idea.Alright, you have a week to post back results :DDD
>>15948>Can't tell if he wore those outfits ironically, but probably not.That style of dressing is what happens when you let a man with money dress by himself.
Any rich man who is well-dressed has someone picking stuff for him (unless it's some actual fashion mogul).
>>15959Sounds plausible. But I like that Schumi instead did stay clumsy when it comes to fashion so I can post fit pics of him two and a half decades later
>>15962If you have ever heard him talk you'd know he's a regular car dude. If here weren't a multi-millionaire he'd work in some garage and wear Ed Hardy apparel, and would probably still have an intact brain.
Back's a lot better after another round of massaging and exercise. Had a light lunch and then some ice cream with coffee. Spent some time reading outside, mostly focusing on this small book on the Asiatic Mode of Production. I found it relatively interesting, but the author's insistence on trying to make it seem like Marx and Engels were actually formulating something coherent despite never developing the term and topic all that well is a bit tiresome.
Also quickly gonna read this medieval French novel about the quest for the Holy Grail. I didn't make much progress with it because the other book wore me down.
I copied back the files onto my SSD from my PC and played like 10 minutes of Fallout 1 before realising I don't actually want to play it. (Plus I started a vanilla character because I apparently have it installed twice and I didn't notice the other installation had Fixit on it.)
Helped with some grocery shopping. Wanted to get some coffee too, but Lidl didn't have any "really strong" coffee so I decided to postpone getting some until tomorrow.
Otherwise things seem to be going fine. I seem to consistently achieve almost all of my daily goals which I write down the night before on a post-it note.
>>15963> Ed Hardy That's so 2009. I do not know what the ugly flamboyant brand for people who do not have much money but want to spent much money is atm.
> intact brainCar mechanics can still have skiing accidents.
>>15966>Car mechanics can still have skiing accidents.They can, but he wouldn't.
;_; No.15968
I read 20 pages from a rationalist book. Haven’t felt this alive in months
>>15969Pensées de Pascal. It’s my first dive into broadly theological philosophic theory, I’m obviously lacking a lot of cultural background. I didn’t even read the Bible in full. But the annotations help me greatly, the
folio classique edition is really complete, well done and paged.
But I didn’t mention the name on purpose, the point is, I’m at the point where doing even a tiny bit of reading is salutary.
No.16000 KONTRA
Didn't make any progress with anything. Save for maybe exercise.
I did half an HSK4 exam and there's still a lot to learn. But I feel like now that I at least try to read books in Chinese I'm getting a lot better.
I should definitely start grinding the word-lists in totality. I feel like I spent the past 4 years dicking around. No more lies and self-anesthesia, I will drain the swamp of my soul completely.
Took care of the lawn. Pruning and mowing- except for under the neighbor's apple tree. It's flowering and full of bees. Steared clear. Went to the park after. Got some running in. Stopped home for a Gatorade, then walked to the gym. Seems I never updated my credit card on file. They need the new expiration date. Didn't have it on me. Dude let it slide until next time.
Now I'm tired.
No.16019 KONTRA
Smart home update:
Since yesterday, only the bathroom remains as dumb room. Haven't figured out how I'd make it smart in a way that is useful as well as easy enough to install and manage. Automation would require at least two radar based occupancy sensors. These aren't really widely available as consumer devices yet, and I really don't want to build my own. PIR occupancy detection simply doesn't cut it, as experienced from work/public bathrooms which turn off the lights if you spend a little too long on the John.
Expanding the multi-room speaker setup was a great idea and I now use it every day. Feels good man.
>>16014You speak of caffeine like it was amphetamines. It's bizarre.
>>16019"Smart home" has no practical meaning, it's just a toy for tech bros. And you keep convincing yourself, that yes, I totally use all these jokes, I'm not spending time on a hobby, but I'm doing something useful.
>>16020Boy I do sure love literal teenagers telling me that I am wasting my life
No.16022 KONTRA
>>16020>>16021What happened here? Omsk became a G*rman, and a G*rman made a good post?!
Anyways, of course setting up and using a "smart home" is a hobby for me. It is something I enjoy and my daily life is improved by it. Like you can see from my previous post, I don't want to spend time doing "something useful" by building a radar based occupancy sensor as it would be a lot of
On the notion of being just a toy, there are very few objects in your daily life that couldn't be describe in such a way. You really need a chair? It's just a toy since you already have a good floor to sit on. Retard.
No.16029 KONTRA
Saw a couple riding a tandem bike. Very c&a.
>>16022I'm having holidays due to 1-st May. 3 of 4 days spent, and so far I have successfully abstained from alcohol. Am I not even allowed to make some recreational shitposts?
>>16029After your post I want to try tandem bike this summer, if it's available for rent.
let's see
International workers holiday, coming tomorrow has brought some weekendish vibes to me. I've drank 4 bottles of beer and haven't really worked today. First part of the day was doing nothing in the office and recovering from yesterday and the second part of the day was spent on a "conference" or whatever you call it. Time after that was for personal discussions with a colleague of mine, drinking beer and enjoying early spring weather. He went onwards, I came home. Which I think was a good decision. I can enjoy my good old yt favorites playlist, all alone, drinking some more beer.
I was thinking of going a little further and blogposting about last week, reflecting on a recent professional achievement and on the situation in life in general, but this isn't the moment I think. I'd like to have a month or two just for myself. I have this idea that I need to be with myself, but also a hunch, that maybe there's really nothing there. There's not much to ponder about and I have my life figured out in general. It's just easy to lack confidence in what you're doing when you can't properly reflect on it. The everyday leaves all else behind it.
All in all not a great post, wouldn't recommend. Maybe the track will save it: No.16032
I had one of the good frozen pizzas and a Birra Moretti Aldi had on offer lately. Now I have a very light buzz since I rarely drink alcohol. A business said my wish for the wage they are looking to occupy was too high and what my lowest wage would be. Interestingly, they either did not care about the severe grammar mistake or read over it like I did.
No.16033 KONTRA
>>16032They found it and decided they want to hire you at a massive discount. Lowest wage? Tell them to get stuffed. Do not accept anything under 65k.
No.16034 this is going hard, I remember it aired on TV but I was just a kid in elementary school. Where were you when they released this classic?
>>16033>they want to hire you at a massive discountYou don't say. A degree under your belt is not mandatory for this position, though. And who knows what my competition for this job is trying to offer as the lowest payment? Workers unite!
>under 65kLol bro. 50000 as first "proper" job
I worked part time and fulltime in jobs that qualified me for this and jobs that did not really qualify in anything besides life experience and some jobs suck ass and pay bad wage for a humanities student would be good I think. Now I get humiliated with my masters and 2k netto if I'm lucky and they invite me for an interview and then actually hire me :DDD
I'm applying for jobs that would leave me with 2.5k netto and will gradually rise to 3k or more within 5 years or so, the golden public sector No.16035
>>1603450k with a humanities degree is pretty good tbqh, and 2k after taxes is not bad living alone, unless you live in Munich inner city or something like that, but then that's on you.
>>16035How much is the rent? Let's say, for small one-room studio apartment near subway, but not in inner city.
>>16035It is. I don't know anybody who made 50k in their first job from all the humanities people I know.
Or ever :DDD I have seen a few positions ranging from 60-80k in the private sector that require what is typically a humanities field of skills during my search, though. Needless to say these required things no graduate has. Even for BWL people that would be quite good I think. Might be normal for STEM but I assume anything above needs some years of relevant experience. Technically, the public sector offers these 50k figures to master graduates
~55k but usually, they miss the work experience/qualifications these jobs ask for
These are rare as well. Usually a PhD or Postdoc is the same grouping but PhD only part time employment, outside of that they often are used for leading positions and big(ger) budget responsibilitiesI applied for jobs in a lower range (first year 40-45k) though and while these are challenging I have some relevant experience and would be confident to acquire further skills and knowledge necessary in time.
My minimum is 36k which becomes around 2k netto/month that for living alone should suffice for now. And while I don't need to live inner city I would welcome the place being close to an S- or U-Bahn station and the city center being reachable in <30min. It is not Munich but still one of the expensive ones. There are 2ZKB places in good areas for 700-900€ 'warm' from one agency but I guess they are flooded with emails each month and I cannot expect to get one of these apartments if I actually would get this job. First I would have to get the job anyway. For now I am not sure if I should say my minimum already or place it a little higher and justify this with a comparison to the public sector where positions that require a BA start at 40k
>>16038> Might be normal for STEM I know people with a Dr. rer. nat. who started at under 50k.
>where positions that require a BA start at 40kIs that supposed to be good or bad? Because a bachelor is - in any field - not much more than a glorified Ausbildung (in fact a lot of employers will prefer the latter one because those people have actually already worked somewhere), so 40k is pretty good for that actually, and it's already above average in like half the states.
Also, stop it with the random spoilers, it's not getting any less irritating.
>>16039>I know people with a Dr. rer. nat. who started at under 50k.Very calming. I assume they can increase quite a bit with the years, though.
>Is that supposed to be good or bad?For me? Good because apparently, it pays better than what a private business is willing to pay. They would like a person with a degree but also accept someone with an Ausbildung according to the job posting. I was just considering the argument hey I have a degree and the state pays better for it, why don't you huh?
>BA is pretty much an AusbildungI guess. Dunno. I know people with an Ausbildung and while they certainly are not stupid, they simply don't know about some stuff and skills you learn in university and that come in handy at some jobs. Mind you I guess almost everybody can learn these. It's just that people are sieved beforehand in this system.
Doing my master's had many benefits for some skills and also did quite something when it comes to understanding and acquiring and situating new knowledge
might also be age-related tbh but that is because I'm interested in what I studied, this is not true for everybody in the field of humanities.
>random spoilersThey include information that is not really relevant yet might still be interesting to know
>>16037Here it costs 300 euros. So 2000e/month = 2000-1200+350=1150 euros in Russia. That's a decent salary much above average wage. 5-6 minimal wages.
And 50k/year is achievable only for top senior codegarches, actually a small part of them (among wagies).
>>16042>Here it costs 300 euros.Maybe I should consider WFH in Moscow working for the German government. I'm sure both the German and Russian governments will approve of my efforts. Schizo-Völkerfreundschaft.
No.16044 KONTRA
Chinese class went well enough, I only made one minor mistranslation. Before class I went and picked up a book order and a book at the library. Got this 1930s Kröner Nietzsche for like 10 bucks and I borrowed a book on the German Peasants' War to check it out. It's huge as fuck and nobody seems to have ever read it because most of the pages are stuck together. With the illustrations in this "volksausgabe" it feels more like a children's book than a historical work.
Wanted to extend my borrowings at the East Asian Library too but it wasn't open when I went there and it closed just as my class ended so I ended up just writing an email asking the librarian to extend my borrowings.
At home I had lunch and also checked out the progress of my thesis' evaluation and apparently they picked out who will be the opponent. Mine ended up with a seemingly random lecturer who's an expert on Buddhism.
When I went to classical Chinese class I asked the lecturer there what happened, and he said it was essentially decided over his head. Initially it was given to someone who was an expert on Chinese legalism (The prof who I thought would actually get it. I know him relatively well and we drank together once at a conference and he helped me publish shit so it'd have been both in good hands academically and personally.) but he's getting eye surgery so he cannot read anything for some time. So in a 5 minute revision to the table of "who will read what" the chief administrator decided that she herself will read it, no worries.
So whatever. In an act of defiance, we went out drinking instead of class again. Don't exactly know what warranted it. I told them "Why are you asking me as if I would be the biggest opponent to this?".
I mean, I read classical Chinese in my free time. I actually work on this shit, it's you who are losing hours of training on this shit.
Had a cup of hot tea and it really energized me. The German class afterwards had few people attending, so we just talked in groups of three. I spent most of it talking about my research topic. I think this is the best form of training, when you're using it to talk about your major/research.
Saw a graffiti on the sidewalk that said "No homeland on a stolen territory!" and for a second I thought it was some Romanian nationalist nonsense about Hungarians being without a homeland before seeing a fainter line of text above it saying "Free Palestine".
It's odd how basically nobody seems to give a shit about the Israel war. Everyone is busy with the municipal and EU elections. Or just life.
Had a libtard party ask for my signature and I told them I won't sign because I'm hoping they crash and burn. Hardest political act of my life save for reading Lenin on the bus.
>>16019It seems to stabilize my mood for some reason. Alongside sunlight.
I went to see a movie with my uncle about a year ago. He went to check something on his phone, but as the phone opened it appeared to be full of furry porn. I wasn’t that surprised, there were clues leading to a secret inclination to furry porn.
>>16046Is your uncle a bachelor?
I never understand people who don't put their porn at least one layer under the one everyone can potentially see.
Hell, even when I was living alone I never had a raunchy wallpaper and my porn is in a folder on the "film and tv" drive.
No.16048 KONTRA
>>16047He’s been in a homosexual relationship for 15 years at least. I guess his kink is at least known by his partner.
No.16050 KONTRA
>>16040> they are certainly not stupidI'd say they are not certainly stupid. Some of the electricians were I work can't read schematics.
No.16051 KONTRA
>>16050Isn’t that kind of like how some musicians used to be unable to read notation?
No.16052 KONTRA
Then again, a piano or a trumpet doesn’t burn down your house.
>>16051That probably was before musical education was formalized.
Some people go through three and a half years of vocational school and don't learn much, either because they are not great at abstract thinking or because they don't want to learn anything. They then barely graduate with much good-will and two squinted eyes. In the current situation, they still land jobs, and they are good enough at certain tasks. That's OK, but I won't pretend that those people are very smart.
No.16054 KONTRA
>>16052If your house burns down because your electrician is an idiot, the part that's important to the insurance is that he's an electrician, not that he's an idiot, and they will pay.
But I don't think any of our electricians would create a really dangerous situation in a home.
No.16055 KONTRA
>>16053>That probably was before musical education was formalized.No, that's still a thing today because musical education was formalized like 500 years ago already.
That said, without going into detail about how education everywhere (not just the trades) has been run into the ground, why would an electrician need to read schematics? That's a thing for electrical engineers. The electrician needs to know what phase is (höhö) and what spot on the wall he has to pull the wire through and what kind of load the electrical installation at hand can take.
It's like wondering why a bricklayer can't read an architectural blueprint.
No.16056 KONTRA
>>16055>why would an electrician need to read schematics?To know how to wire up a motor.
>>16056You need an electrician for that?
Wait, what kind of working class hero are you, comrade?
>>16057The state of knowledge of accredited electricians is at times abysmal. Sometimes it's impressive how much these fellas know, at other times I was instructed with guiding them step-by-step on how to follow basic schematics.
t. teacher of the working class
No.16060 KONTRA
The Immortal Science of Marxism Leninism dictates that those on the intellectual forefront should act as an Avantgarde for the working class. Portuernst is in tune with the theory.
Post a happy face if you have a holiday today.
No.16062 KONTRA
>>16055> why would an electrician need to read schematics? That's a thing for electrical engineersI do not concur.
We have electricians implemented changes highlighted in schematics.
We have electricians check for changes not documented in schematics.
We have electricians wire up entire production lines from schematics.
>>16059Same experience.
>>16062Sounds like your company is ran very well.
No.16066 KONTRA
>>16064All named diets are shit, no exception.
>>16066Is there a diet that has no name?
No.16068 KONTRA
>>16067Yeah, the "regular, well-balanced no-name diet that doesn't need a fancy name and whole concept behind it because otherwise idiots apparently can't adhere to it" diet. Ah, damn.
>>16068Sounds like the planetary diet.
Pascal oddly enough described the difference between Swiss and French people I noticed while with my noble and tried to analyze since. In vanities he says : “The Swiss take offence at being called gentlemen, and prove [their nature of commoner] in order to be considered worthy of high office.”
That’s it! It’s been at least 400 years that people observe this difference between the French and the Swiss.
>>16071>Rediscovering teaDon’t half of the blogpost contain a tea-break? When did the tea stop??
>>16074Weren't the Swiss peasants living in actual mud huts until like the end of the 19th century?
Also, congrats on the Marzipan. It feels good, doesn't it?
No.16089 KONTRA
>>16079I heard of this myth. But I couldn’t help but notice while wandering around the different cantons how much most of the farms were dating back to the 17-18h sometimes even 16th century, rural infrastructure seems to always have been pretty developed, most of those look decorated or are made of strong well masoned rocks, have clear architectural traditions and so on. Didn’t see that level of rural sophistication in France. There’s a mystery here imo
>>16089I can't even remember where I heard it - whether I read it on a wikipedia spree or even from some post on a chan made by a swissball, I just had something in the back of my head, and it just fit your post.
>>16074A why would the people of a land which was forged in battle against the nobles and lords, welcome being called alike a noble or a lord?
As for the tea: There's different kinds depending on how you make it or what quality of tea you use. For household and common consumption we have this very low quality earl grey tea which is almost powdery. You take two teabags, put them in 1.5 litres of hot water, add two spoons of sugar and some lemon juice after letting it seep for two minutes and you have a relatively sensible drink. I spent most of my childhood drinking this.
By rediscovering tea I meant buying loose leaves and making it with the Chinese tea set I own.
>>16093If you had to sort it by topics, what would main folders be like?
>>16094Good question...
Music looks to be a lot of Indie rock and blues. The MP4 folder is largely imageboard-tier stuff. Webp rhyme or reason to any of it. Why did I save this?
Classes went fine yesterday. Afterwards I went to a nearby Asian deli to buy some tea and I got a package that has "Earl Gray Imperial" written on it. Strangely enough the prices weren't unbearable. Well, they did make the packet 10g smaller.
Checked out the ramen section too and they had indomie ramens so I got one because normal stores don't seem to carry it and I'm always surprised how good it is for some reason.
I went to bed a bit late. Unrelated, but I had to change the lightbulb in my desk lamp because as I turned it on it immediately went dark. Luckily I was stubborn enough to have a G9 type bulb in store. Honestly, changing a lightbulb feels like a very odd activity you don't think too much about, but it's one of the few things that basically changed very little since the invention of the bulbs themselves.
Lazy friday.
Work is not particularly fun at the moment.
I feel tired and was stung by a tick (not related).
I wish I could walk through the forest instead of sitting in the office.
>>16105>I wish I could walk through the forest instead of sitting in the office.The dialectics of modernity. What holds you back from pulling a Ted and living in a shack?
>>16106>What holds you back from pulling a Ted and living in a shack?Because "walking through the forest" does not necessariyl mean "abandoning all society", which I don't want to for reasons. Without these reasons, I would have probably already gone off grid.
As I’m reading « Les Misérables », I stumble mostly on two types of words I can’t comprehend, first the reference to revolution, a lot of personalities, most of them I don’t know of and secondly words referencing either jobs and tools, mostly manual.
I think I’m stating the obvious, but with industrialization and taylorism, people need to know less and less word, since less and less specific knowledge is needed. The vocabulary is getting poorer and poorer as a result of the disappearance of tools, fields of works knowledge and so on. And the new jobs and new tools being fewer, it’s not a change, but more of a loss. This loss of words is another face of a broader loss of meaning induced by taylorism and post-industrial society maybe one most graspable to my bougie mind.
>>16108>since less and less specific knowledge is needed. Uh, actually it's the other way round. With industrialization division of labor and compartmentalization, specialization became only deeper, all while the total number of specializations rose, each with their own professional language.
>>16110Knowledge is useless and close to worthless in an age of GPT.
>>16115Programming mongoloids and creatives and all the other ass-sitting jobs are being obsoleted at record rate. LLMS outperform doctors. Being a smartass earned for grades in school, but in the real world, it's increasingly useless! I celebrate this because it will take lots of arrogant worthless pieces of shit down one or five notches. Advertisement geniuses and Codegarchs will soon collect empty bottles in parks for deposit! Serves them right!
I just heard a nice sentence from the wise asmongold while binging yt
> why should you believe in capitalism, if you can't work towards achieving capital?general topic was (student) debts, housing market and wages.
>>16116You are half right, half wrong.
Why would the smart asses stop being smart asses? We just abolish capitalism and live in hyper automated communism.
Free stuff for everyone; created and maybe even designed by AI.
Problems weren't.