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 No.12299 SYSTEMKONTRA [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Previous >>248
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 No.16391 KONTRA

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I am Confucius.

While your post hasn't much outside of emotional information, I feel like you wanna point towards something. Since your posts lack factual information, all I can do is some guess work.
Do we have the same definition and separation of "religious" and "spiritual"?
e.g. ~"religion" is the act of forcing your believe system upon the next generation via laws, propaganda, force and indoctrination from childbirth on - often symbolized by either cutting off parts of reproductive organs, LARPing a drowning or something of that sort at very early stages of ones life.
> You either follow us, or we kill you - or even worse, cut your reproductive organs off completely.
Granted, the human is naive and not everyone trapped in a religious believe system is the devil himself - but they are still stupid for still following and enabling it.
Aren't we, as scientific community, even in agreement that the "dark ages", where religious power was at it's greatest, was a time where humanity barely progressed, if not even degenerated? - Pointing towards that with the Galileo habbening. (And we are pretty certain today, that Galileo was by far not the first. Not even by a millenia.)

Assuming todays religious people are any different from those in history is nothing but wishful thinking. Still power hungry idiots, that wouldn't be able to survive without a social community supporting their needs.

~"spiritual", on the other hand, I would define as something more of an intrinsic value to some/all humans. There is a lot out there which we cannot explain. Doesn't matter if we look into science or fantasy. Maybe there is something beyond our senses (most certainly; our senses are super limited and fine tuned to our earthly habitat). Maybe there is not. A single divine being? Multiple spirits? One love? One consciousness web everyone is connected to? Everyone is free to believe, what they assume to be the most likely reality.
Not sure if "intrinsic" is the right label/word for this, but I would categorize this as something
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goya.jpg (171.37 KB, 800x1122)

>Since your posts lack factual information, all I can do is some guess work.
Definitely a good choice in retrospective, as it allows me to see you bring up even more points that would be out of place in a pop history magazine for children - all punctuated by the smugness of a man whose sole reason for not sentencing the ones he sees as mentally unwell to death is that "senseless killing hasn't shown effective".

>Do we have the same definition and separation of "religious" and "spiritual"?

Of course not, you have an imbecile's definition of religiousness, whose defining traits are obscurantism, oppression and genital mutilation. I don't know if you really believe sentencing apostates to death is a fundamental criteria for religious belief, but I must take your potato headed ignorance at face value. In a sensible definition, religion is to be understood as a system of cults, beliefs and modes of worship practiced by a community of believers. Spirituality being the ethereal base for all of this.
Being the intellectual equivalent of a worm, you're eager to shit on the formal and organized system while giving credence to the broader and more mystical non-denominational 'spirituality' - a creed that exists in our modern Europe as an unexamined and uncategorized sludge of very limited knowledge of various traditions all condensed together by people sporting mandala tattoos and drug induced brain damage. Not that I think you, yourself, are a spiritual person in any way. You've just suspended your core rationality and scientism long to enough to adopt the idea that there's something laudable in this sort of spirituality at some point - I could only try to guess why, but I'll spare you from it. Instead, in my next post ("body too long") - I'll make the case as to why, even in a rational and non-religious ideal society, you should be sentenced to a burning in the public square.


>Aren't we, as scientific community, even in agreement that the "dark ages", where religious power was at it's greatest, was a time where humanity barely progressed, if not even degenerated? - Pointing towards that with the Galileo habbening. (And we are pretty certain today, that Galileo was by far not the first. Not even by a millenia.)
This quotation alone would be enough to convince a merciful deity to sentence you to spend multiple lifetimes in purgatory wearing a dunce's hat. But we don't have such a deity to arbitrate, so we must break this tremendous sentence into bite sized pieces for the potato mind.
Scientific community - If we were a proper scientific community, we would not use terms of such questionable historiographical merit as "Dark Ages". But in the event that we, as a scientific community, would use this loaded term in a meaningful way, maybe refering to the early middle ages, maybe reaching all the way to the Renaissance period. I wish I could crack your square head open and understand what you actually mean by this term - to see what historiographical horrors lay dormant inside this Hun mind. What was this dark age? What did it entail? When did it end? 1789 with the French Revolution? 1971 with the release of John Lennon's Imagine? Good lord, by Galileo's trial, we already past the Renaissance and mere decades before the age of enlightenment. Was all of history up until then just a time of obscurantism and religious repression? How does a mind buy wholesale into such a simplistic notion? Was it all through pop culture osmosis or did you ever try to learn about the periods you discount as Dark Ages? Only through preserving your brain in a formaldehyde solution can we hope to one day, in the near future, have answers to these questions. Maybe then, future generations will run a scalpel through your brain, slice off the appropriate sections, place them into some advanced machine and only then will we know what you meant to say by Galileo "not being the first by a millenia". It's definitely a curious case to single out, it has all the trappings of secular power - a favored subject losing his patron's protection and encouragement due to court intrigue, nearly a century after Copernicus' work - and being sentenced to house arrest. It's almost a white washing of the crimes of the Catholic Church to single out this event as thPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


The narrative spun by that Germanposter reflects somewhat what I was taught in school. Not factually, but after forgetting enough details what remained was a vague impression that the middle ages were bad, enlightenment was good but all of that is mostly irrelevant when compared to the more recent history of the 20th century.

I'm sure you know that WW2 takes up more than half of the history curriculum in most schools here. Since most students can't find genuine interest in the subject being taught it boils down to heavily compressed anecdotes being remembered, if at all.

For reasons I don't dare to guess I found some interest in the subject of history roughly 5 years after being done with school. The past decade was filled with moments of realisations that my understanding of the past was less of an understanding and more of a caricature of history.

What I'm trying to say is: You're shitting on the little people, Mr. Portugal!

But don't worry, everything will be better when schools are replaced by AI teachers hosted in the Microsoft cloud.

 No.16298 [Reply]

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There is a mod that is eating shit every day and destroys kohlchan, do you guys know about him? He ist the one who is using the term "Waldi" all the time, he himself probably is "Koti".
t. Bernd

 No.16299 KONTRA

Please leave cabbage problems on the cabbage. There is a global rule on EC, resulting from the flooding of cabbage meta in the later phases of xyz, that we do not want this topic here. Thanks for your understanding.

 No.16151 [Reply]

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Get back to wörk. NOW!
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 No.16160 KONTRA

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Still on my lunch break. See you in 30.

 No.16165 KONTRA

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 No.16166 KONTRA

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 No.15619 SYSTEMKONTRA [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Follow me into the oceanic depths that is Ernsts psychology and daily life.

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Programming mongoloids and creatives and all the other ass-sitting jobs are being obsoleted at record rate. LLMS outperform doctors. Being a smartass earned for grades in school, but in the real world, it's increasingly useless! I celebrate this because it will take lots of arrogant worthless pieces of shit down one or five notches. Advertisement geniuses and Codegarchs will soon collect empty bottles in parks for deposit! Serves them right!


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>elaborate statistics will topple actual understanding and experience

It automates certain human practices, sure. But thinking that automating some behavioral niches will replace a human bean is plainly stupid. Come back when neural net statistics and ai expert system shit work together like it happens in humans in some way.


I just heard a nice sentence from the wise asmongold while binging yt

> why should you believe in capitalism, if you can't work towards achieving capital?

general topic was (student) debts, housing market and wages.

You are half right, half wrong.
Why would the smart asses stop being smart asses? We just abolish capitalism and live in hyper automated communism.
Free stuff for everyone; created and maybe even designed by AI.

Problems weren't.

 No.10764 [Reply]

🔰🔰🔰 we need utf-8 support for thread titles 🔰🔰🔰

pseudolingoExample (

䷅ ≍ 𝍖
∵ 💢 ≡ 🤔
∴ 🗁 🕊🌍🕊🌎🕊🌏



[Conflict] is [Equivalent to] [Fostering]
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 No.10772 KONTRA

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 No.15900 KONTRA



 No.15058 SYSTEMKONTRA [Reply][Last 50 Posts]


A quarter of 2024 is already over soon, what does it feel like, Ernst?
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> I don’t know why,

Do some guesswork at least. That would be interesting and helpful for you.
This is a familiar situation for me and there can be several reasons why a rather satisfying event sequence/situation still has sort of negative feelings mixed in. I found out some reasons why that is and it is helpful to know these. These negative feelings are either trying to tell you something or they might be the result of self-critical talk, which is not very helpful.


Why hasn't humanity domesticated foxes and other canids like it did with dogs? Is any work being done on it?


Oh cool
But haven't they become mainstream pets?


*WHY haven't

 No.15385 [Reply]

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Kohlchan can't maintain a MongoDB instance, and I showed up drunk to Eid prayer this morning. Nobody can tell when I'm drunk or high.

The Muslim community in this area has grown substantially in recent years. This year, they had to rent a small stadium. I got there kind of late and had to pray in the bleachers. Didn't take many photos, but it was a pretty crazy event due to its scale.

Prayer was oriented in the long axis of the stadium, and I don't think it pointed to Mecca. But whatever. Note that there were three shifts of prayers - 7:30am, 9:30am, and 10:30am. So this only shows one of the shifts.

One of the things that made an impression on me was the diversity of the ummah. Many distinct phenos were present. Also some serious QT3.14s.

I did the basic prayer (took 3 minutes) and then sat for the basic sermon (4 minutes) and left when the guy started talking about Palestine. He was talking about "war crimes," "international law," "historical norms," etc. Stupid bullshit. I'm convinced such rhetoric is designed to demoralize. I'd have preferred a simple call to Jihad. When I was young, I went to the LA mosque that the 9/11 hijackers went to, and those guys would have called for Jihad probably.
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Please, we all know there's no God

 No.15441 KONTRA

Then why do all you hurka-durkas go to your smelly-sandnigger-club meetings?


Mom made me

 No.15443 KONTRA

If serious and old enough to post, you're also too old for mommy to control you.

 No.15350 [Reply]

Is .top the leftard site or .xyz?

t. forgot
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In the end, it doesn't matter. If there is going to be an actual Kohl diaspora, Bernd will swamp out either.

 No.15353 KONTRA

top is what you like less.
Go to .xyz.


I like it here, I will stay and you will enjoy it


this is the one linked to from kc

 No.15348 [Reply]

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Bernd>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ernst(Ernst >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>bernd)

 No.14564 SYSTEMKONTRA [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Now with 10% more dance content
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I joined the German Association for Media Studies because I feel like a beggar asking my former advisor or an acquaintance for the newsletter every other week it contains academic job postings for media studies. Luckily, it is a bit cheaper with my current status now.

Have you ever joined an association?

Interestingly I was born in a part that is rather north but without many stereotypes on a national level. Now I live in northern Germany and I dislike the idea of ever moving south, like Munich, Freiburg, Stuttgart or Würzburg etc. Even Kaiserslautern would be too south. Italy or Vienna would be great, though.


> but without many stereotypes on a national level.
Hannover area? They are so boring they don't even have their own dialect.


>As usual, southerners are cunning materialistic peasants. And northerners fart-sniffing snobbish intelligentsia.
Wow. Is it the same in every country?


Not Hannover but it is not too far away. Yes, we speak Hochdeutsch though idioms exist here as well

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