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/int/ - *Ominous shitposting in the distance*

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 No.8229 [Reply]

Petting.webm (Spoiler Image, 2.93 MB, 640x640)

Since the question came up: Does Ernst consider /int/ to be a SFW (safe for work) board? In this context declaring /int/ as SFW would mean something like no nudity, no gore and things like that, basically a page that no one who accidentally catches a glimpse will not be offended, as long as it's not your boss and you should have been of wörkenings instead. If we however define /int/ as not safe for work (NSFW) it would still mean that threads shouldn't be derailed with coomerposting and so on, so it either should be related to the thread or put in a dedicated thread.

In case you were wondering: /b/ is per definition NSFW, derailing still not recommended though.
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>any imageboard
Pick one.


"Proud detrans" header is not SFW


It seems the discussion has died down and there is no final consensus amongst Ernst whether /int/ should be SFW or NSFW. What can be said though is that most Ernsts think that there is currently no need to create rules concerning NSFW content, so we won't make any. Thanks for your contributions.


hi.png (Spoiler Image, 304.78 KB, 601x443)

Ernst would like all content to be allowed (as long as it isn't cp or illegal in any way) but it's always nice if porn or gore or anime gets hidden behind spoilers.

 No.8074 [Reply]

middle ages king.jpg (75.87 KB, 279x380)

I shamelessly bumped the old one in order to finally open this shiny new one again with a picture of my choice the actually picture I wanted to use gives an error.
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 No.8081 KONTRA

>I forgot it,
That'what you get for rushing.


>the actually picture I wanted to use gives an error.
Perhaps the file extension was incorrect?

 No.8100 KONTRA

Yeah, might have been a weird file type that I converted to jpeg for download, hoping that would work.

 No.8345 KONTRA

That sounds like a misunderstanding. Renaming the image to have a different file extension is not the same thing as converting the image to a different format.
If I misread that you may ignore this post; and sorry for wasting your time in that case.

 No.7649 SYSTEMKONTRA [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Women clothed in Sun and shit
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AP23161390448867.jpg (644.66 KB, 2048x1365)


Please ignore the horizontal guy.


Now when leftists are no longer majority on EC, I'll have to become one of them in order to stay agent of chaos.

The teams have been auto balanced


Thank dog autumn arrived in Germany.


Lord Fartula is still here, don't worry.

 No.7182 SYSTEMKONTRA [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

edelfelt.jpg (2.29 MB, 3000x2232)

Previous >>6728
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 No.7646 KONTRA

winning.png (149.93 KB, 421x310)

Man with an impressive monobrow spotted in an advert. Could this possibly be a sign of things to come?

If Germans actually saved the planet, bickering wouldn't be necessary. We could just wire a dynamo to their smug grins and tell them how they saved everyone and that's what everyone will remember Germans for.


>tell them how they saved everyone and that's what everyone will remember Germans for.

You would need some special wire technology that does not break down under the energy produced by Germans thinking they are the best and having alleged proof of being so.


>You would need some special wire technology
I recommend wireless German bickering (wGb™) transmission.


eckert-schiffmann-hildmann.png (795.94 KB, 990x556)

Nicola Tesla knew about that one already but the elite doesn't want you to know. The German Volk: An infinite source of energy, wealth, and unmatched greatness.

 No.5565 [Reply]

4th Birthday.jpg (299.37 KB, 1325x1071)

Schedule.jpg (132.36 KB, 1679x836)

On September 3rd Radio Ernstiwan (est. 2019) will celebrate its fourth birthday. On this occasion we want to have another streaming festival, for which the weekend from Sep 1 to Sep 3 looks suitable. Since the festival covers the whole weekend, we assume that there's no need for two parallel streams. If this proves to be wrong, we'd first double up the prime time slots. Fixed in the schedule are the Weekly Album Stream including pre-stream an Saturday and the Ernstalbum (assuming it will be finished) stream on Sunday. Schedule for now has slots for streams from 10:00 a.m. UTC until midnight UTC, on Saturday until 02:00a.m. UTC. Of course streams can be held any time, but we don't want to schedule anyone into poor slots, so that eveyone has a fair chance that his stream can be enjoyed by a lot of listeners. Streaming slots will be 2 hours as usual, though that isn't set in stone, if you need more just ask. Worst thing that could happen is that you are asked if you can shorten your stream in case we run out of slots.

If someone has ideas for other schedule items then let's hear it. It doesn't necessarily have to be a stream, maybe someone has an idea for a fun game or something, which can be done while listening.
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 No.7175 KONTRA

That's name of a radio host who streamed the song. Yes, he took name after anime-dickgirl.


Interesting cover.
As Omskbird explained, it's my streamer name. I don't send any meta data - song title, artist etc. - so it only shows streamer name, stream name and stream description.
The name I used for avatar fagging in drinking threda on the cabbage. Maybe it's time for a subtle change.
t. Stolfer

 No.7177 KONTRA

ackchyually.gif (7.31 MB, 480x480)

Ackhtchually, Astolfo is a boy who is just dressing girlishly, so he's more of an anime-dickboy.

 No.7180 KONTRA

Thank you for making this point so I don’t have to.

 No.6728 SYSTEMKONTRA [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Schjerfbeck.png (3.89 MB, 1600x1193)

Previous >>6217
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 No.7178 KONTRA

im this cat 18.jpg (66.71 KB, 734x734)

Cigarettes! Wouldn't have guessed. Nice package and cat. Food also looks good. Rate?


Woke up slightly hung over today so I decided to not go see a local skate contest and instead sleep a little longer. Instead went to see a vernisage in another town. Got cig köfte as late brunch on my way to the station. Read on the train. Because of delay I was stuck in another town for 45 min. so I grabbed an ice cream and went for a walk. Found out the train stations book shop as a super far right magazine on the shelfs, weird flex. Arrived at the vernisage. Got a Weiszweinschorle and browsed a little. Listened to the opening speech. Superb small town wholesomeness. Had a vegan sausage and potato salad with a beer. Bought a book of the artist. Went for a walk in the town. Got a radler at a 24 h automat. Sat on a nice bench facing the river and drank it. Now in the train again on my way home. Weather was splendid all day.




 No.7352 KONTRA

You're replying to an old thread, go to a new "Today thread". Yes, he's a foreign student from Germany.

 No.6217 SYSTEMKONTRA [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

ninimae.jpg (154.89 KB, 549x460)

Previous >>5701
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 No.6724 KONTRA

Or searched for the nearest place with "Sally beauty supply" or "Five below".


>be american
>get malled
I am not good enough at drawing to draw something like a grizzly in a wal-mart uniform, so just pretend I did

 No.6726 KONTRA

im this cat 255.jpg (86.96 KB, 968x954)

I was searching for all sorts of * hills malls which lead to dissimilar locations. Then with the full name I used Google Maps and searched for it, enabled globe view, and located the arch. Dropped the street view guy around the spot where I think the photo was taken and there it was. First location happened to be the right one.

Failed with the Walmart photo before because based on the license plates I thought it was somewhere close to the border between Pennsylvania and New York border. But that didn't narrow it down enough. There are so goddamn many Walmarts. Still, tried to look around if I'd get lucky. The orange canopy thingy seemed to be somewhat rare and could be used to quickly disqualify locations with a glance.

On a second try locating it with the expectation that it was at least somewhat close to the mall made it a lot easier. Maybe eight possible locations, landed on the correct one on second try. Dropped streeview on the shelter. The shelter being aligned with the row 13 sign, large concrete tiles visible on the photo and the building corner on the spot made it a likely enough location to post the pictures.

I don't think those were visible in the original photo, or I missed them.

 No.6727 KONTRA

Oh and the other buildings visible in the distance on the Walmart photo made it pretty much a sure match.

 No.6663 [Reply]

rP1vi.jpg (32.58 KB, 377x561)

What is truth?
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You mean how they got the model reference or how carvers work?

 No.6694 KONTRA



I thought about that question a alot in the past years. It started while I was studying formal logic, where I discovered that there aren't just logics with two truth-values (true and false) but logics with many truth-values (for which we don't have names outside of these logics).

My current take is that truth is conceptual only, but we can't ever hope to experience it.
But then I also think that true things can be observed and that for a single truth, multiple true perspectives exist.

I love your ferocity, thanks for enriching my EC experience with your knowledge.

 No.6709 KONTRA

It's true that it comes up when you search for the name of Pilate on google (it links to "Pinterest" which isn't he most retarded site on the planet right now because now you have 9001 AI image generator site shitting up the search query too), but usually art like this is easily verifiable if you reverse-search the image and find the gallery that owns it.

Anyway, what I was trying to say is that Pilate is important because of his role in the scriptures, politically in his own time he was kind of "unimportant" (as unimportant as a provincial governor who ruled for over a decade can be), so there's really nothing visually representative of him. There are a few inscriptions bearing his name and that's it.

 No.5370 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What could go wrong.jpg (7.11 KB, 300x168)

On /meta/ the following suggestion was made: Since on /int/ many posters are identifiable by their countryball, those posters might preemptively alter their posting behaviour due to the fact that each post can be traced back to them. Basically only ze germans have the luxury to post anonymously due to their numbers, which means that posters aren't equal. It was proposed to have an experiment where we would disable countryballs on /int/ for a limited timespan, for example a week, and see if this changes anything, for the better or worse. Of course we wouldn't just want to implement this without discussing it first, so please let us know if you'd like to see this, or if you consider this an unpromising approach.

1. I don't know if existing posts would be affected (probably no), I also don't know if posts made during that period will show countryballs after they are re-enabled (probably also no). We can test this on /test/ beforehand
2. 7 days should be okay as testing period, starting next weekend - if the experiment is approved by Ernst
3. No matter how the experiment works out: We re-enable countryballs after the given timespan, and then we discuss whether they should stay enabled or be disabled

Please share your thoughts on this, thank you in advance.
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 No.6438 KONTRA

omsk psychologist.png (402.02 KB, 640x428)


I don't want to be turned into bloody pulp, so I'll pass.


Lol you thought that would save you? 👊👊👊


Thanks bro

 No.5701 SYSTEMKONTRA [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Anonymous edition
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You can. Do they "taste" the same?


>Do they "taste" the same?
They basically ARE the same. I think they only differ slightly in protein content or something.
But it's just seeds. You grind them a bit to break them up and then mix them into your muesli or whatever, if they're not the only thing in there you'll barely notice.


I eat the chia seeds in a pudding, soaking them in (plant) milk over night with a teaspoon of cocoa powder and puts fruits over them. According to a source online flaxseeds taste nutty. Chia has no taste basically, but definitely a weird texture though when soaked.


I think gf sometimes makes something like that, too.
>but definitely a weird texture though when soaked.
Yes, that is what makes them so good for your guts: The "fibers" draw water and (with other effects) make your shits softer.
Chemically, they're related to snot and the stuff that is used in actual laxatives. And oats getting slimy is a similar mechanism.

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