You were right, this is nothing like the movie. Thanks for posting.
>>4833Merci Ernst!
Looking forward to Supergod, a Friend of mine bought it Years ago, and gave it to me.
...I left it on a Train before reading the first Chapter. ;_;
>>4833That's propably the edgiest comic I've ever read. Kinda funny that it has almost nothing to do with the movie. Why adapt a comic and then make it completely differnt?
Well either way, thanks for posting.
...and that was it.
So, what can I say?
Supergod is about as pretentious as Wanted is edgy.
It has some things I like, like the 6 Billion Dollar Man, the 4th wall breaking un-sanity creature and underlying casual racism.
What I don't like is that utterly british style of telling the story, though it might just be intentional because the narrator is some uptighty bong. I don't know.
I also didn't like how all those ideas were just tangentially touched on, but never actually used beyond some rule of cool spectacle shit. It feels like the author had gone on a Wikipedia binge and just put everything in there that sounded cool, like quantum tunneling and global mycelium and interface to god and whatnot.
Having someone more talented who can actually pursue a thought deeper than the surface write an actual book about this, like, say, Asimov, could have been really great.
And the artstyle is something I didn't really enjoy. Way too stiff and inexpressive for depicting the happenings here. Someone like Alex Ross who could have properly shown the statuesqueness as well as crazy deformations, or Tradd Moore with his excellent kinetic feel would have been suited way better for this story.
Oh well.
I hope you enjoyed it, I'll see what other fun trash I can dig up.
>>4936Thank you for sharing!
Havent read Supergod yet but Im really looking forward to it.
You want some Trash...
I will be your Servant :3
M.I.L.F. Magnet Writer: Tony Lee Artist: Daniel Sampere Moonstone Dec 2008
No.4962 KONTRA
Oh, a new thread with comics. I will now quickly read through it.
>80 posts and 283 image replies omitted.
Well fug :DD
>>4936I liked that a lot more than wanted. I guess it would have been the other way around in my younger years maybe.
>What I don't like is that utterly british style of telling the storyCan you elaborate on that? What makes it so british? Since Ellis is a brit and the protagonist is british too it kinda makes sense?
>I also didn't like how all those ideas were just tangentially touched onI had the same thought reading it but maybe it was just Ellis having fun with some topics he read about on a Wikipedia binge that sounded cool and I can't be mad about a guy just having some fun. I would read some Spinoffs for sure tho.
>And the artstyle is something I didn't really enjoy. Way too stiff and inexpressive for depicting the happenings here.I kinda agree on that one. I mean it could be that that was intentional too. It does fit the stoic retelling of the horrible things happening imo but it could have been better.
All in all it I gotta say I really enjoyed it. Loved the creative writing and it had some really fun ideas and even a Cthulhu close to the end :D
Only other thing I read from Ellis was, of course, Transmetropolitain. I actually re-read it about 2-3 years ago and still really liked it. Maybe read some issues of Planetary and since I read a bunch of Hellblazer, I guess I also maybe read his run. Can't remember. I also really liked the animated Castlevania series he wrote.
Thanks a bunch for sharing!
The art style really brings down them "serious" American comics tbh
>>4999Ugh, no DAD, these are "graphic novels", it's a very different medium within sequential visual storytelling with much more mature themes for mature readers like me, demanding way higher intellectual investment than "comics".
Neat, thanks guys. Not sure if I will actually read through MILF Magnet, but Wanted and Supergod look fun.
I'll look through my comic books collection and see if there is something worth giving back.
I read Wanted slowly during the last week at wörk and now I wish the movie adaptation would have been done by Uwe Boll.
>>5088Nice, it certainly would have been a much more faithful adaptation.
Although I think he wouldn't have quite been able to hit the same tone.
For that someone like David Ayer would have been better suited, he has the necessary smugness and lack of self-awareness.
>>4999Serious Amurrican Comics...
Here we go. XD
The Pro
Writer: Garth Ennis Artists: Amanda Conner Jimmy Palmiotti Image Comics 2002
>>5133>written by Ennis>drawn by PalmerShit, that's all you had to say Schluchti. I love her style.
>>5139...and yes I got this as a first Print in my Bookshelf.
Its a Musthave!
Maybe Im still able to get it signed too. :3 No.5153
>>5046If you like Superhero Comics read M.I.L.F Magnet, yes its stupid but its fun and you will enjoy it and might find some good Allusions to actual Superheroes.
>>5152Thanks for posting, can't wait to read it
Wow, what a ride.
Also, what was it with "Palmer", of course it's Conner. Probably conflated her with Palmiotti because those two are always together.
But this was fun, like a proto-Boys (hardly surprising since it's Ennis), but still having a strong "Hitman" vibe, which made it way more fun than The Boys.
That said, I just remember that I have some Hitman issues somewhere; provided you don't also have them, I could post something.
>>5133Ernst hivemind in full effect. After finishing
Supergod and
M.I.L.F. Magnet, my mind immediately turned to this, which is in my backlog of books to read.
My primary critique of
Supergod has already been mentioned: broad ideas are touched upon but not explored deeply.
M.I.L.F Magnet was exactly what I expected from the title.
Finally brought myself to read MILF and oh god that shit is awful!
The Pro was at least kinda funny but damn. Milf gotta be the horst comic I ever laid my eyes upon. Thanks for posting this mess lmao
No.5255 KONTRA
>>5254...and that was it.
Any more wishes?
Do you happen to have the "collected short stories" book?
Those are the best for story times.
>>5277I don't think so. I own a few actual paper books, but it's all the main storyline ones (that have some shorts as part of the collection), but everything I have digital you can see in the screenshot I posted.
>>5277Im pretty sure I got it in my Hellboy Folder, but Im not checking my external Disk now and more important I dont think the Thread should "fall" always to the same Direction.
Imo this Thread is for Entertainment purpose and not to have someone to be able to get a full Hellboy,Mark Millar,whatever,... Collection.
There are enough other Sources for this.
thanks, good read
made wwork day a little bit less boring
ok, finally took the time to read wanted
I think millar might just genuinely be a dumb guy
I used to think that the unfunnies and nemesis were weird outliers, but it seems that his general output is mediocre crap, with some forays into absolute so bad it's still bad trash.
Maybe I should dump the unfunnies.
How utterwy siwwy.
Fun fact: "Fudd", when pronounced german, sounds like a vulgar word for "vagina".
i need more story time I like comics, even bad ones
thank you for your service, gonna read on lunch break today
it was interesting
>>19624Oof, the first one was really good.
Didn't like the others too much, too clichéd.
Say, does this also have the one with the super s&m fiend who enjoys all the flailing and only gets tortured by getting cucked?
>>19628>the one with the super s&m fiend who enjoys all the flailingNo. There is an s&m themed story, but no cuckoldry. Didn't post because the plot is
>>19629Shame, I thought I had it, but I can't find it anymore.
I think it was basically a female cenobite taking his lips, putting them on another man and making out with him while lipless would have to watch or something like that.
I liked that story because it's not about actual physical torment with hooks and chains and getting ripped apart, but pure psychological terror.
Huh, that's the one.
Thank you, fiend.