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 No.18906 [View All]

251 posts and 64 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


You can also be rich.


I am rather rich, 1500€ is an insult to my working performance.


Then you can just not work and live off investment income. Not enough? You are not rich.


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Yes, you have been rather whiny about having to work to make living.


Do you wear a hard-boiled detective hat by chance?


That's called a fedora


What a strange way to say yes but ok.


>using multiple shoe inserts together.
Probably not common, even for people who work on their feet. For starters, you have to have a roomy shoe. More than one insert, and the extra bottom cushion moves your foot right to the top of the interior. Toes rubbing against a hard-shell cap (can't correctly call it a steel toe, as the protection is a composite material) can be worse than a thin insole. As a result, what is comfortable on Monday may not be on Friday. I swap things in and out frequently and rarely keep the same sock/insole/shoe configuration for long.


>Toes rubbing against a hard-shell cap [...] can be worse
Man I actually have marks on my index toes' knuckles because they constantly rub against any harder structure. I also have very wide feet and a bit too high instep, which makes wearing certain shoes really painful after a while and warrants a special lacing technique for boots.


Neither by chance nor on purpose. >>19310 is not me.
You are too poor to live without either working a job or to go on welfare. If you think you are underpaid, find a job that pays more. Now stop acting like a sulky teenager.


Why... can't we all... just... get along?
Acknowledge our... differences and work... together?


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>is not me

Are you sure? If it's true than that person can mimic you very well, kek.

you might think about how serious my pasts post have been. In case I've been moving in a certified autism zone

 No.19324 KONTRA

It came to my mind that you also might mistake me for the welfare Ernst who was forced laboring in a café btw.

 No.19325 KONTRA

>just pretending to be retarded
Yes, we know.


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Returned from a two week vacation to Ulyanovsk and Kazan. It was tiresome but very cool. Note that last time I had a trip 12 years ago, with family, as a teenager.

I'm thinking of going to Kazan for one more week next year, I didn't have time to see everything I wanted. And another week for Yoshkar-Ola. It is famous for having an extravagant governor who filled the town center with mini copies of Venetian palaces, Moscow Kremlin, Neuschwanstein castle and so on. He's now serving his 13-years term in a maximum-security penal colony for "bribery, abuse of office and illegal possession of ammunition".


dat me. haven't posted in a while.

btw, after my lengthy, autistic rant e-mail, they seemed to be most concerned about my e-mail name.
> You, like, in a extremist group or something? We tried to translate your name. It's something along "plz kill (me)" or similar?
wtf. It's a gmail addy. As if any extremist (group) would use an e-mail provider, which is known to collect all the data (to train A.I. or sell). On top of that they translated it wrong. Or I wrote it wrong in my teens.

iirc, it was Futur II, 1st person plural, subjunctive… I found it funny way back, because in latin it is a single word and in german and english you need to build a whole sentence for that :D And I just took one of the many vocabs, which translate to ~kill. Was an inside joke:
> Just translate all verbs with "kill" and you get about half of them right.


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I ate Banh Mi with pork, pretty tasty. Is this colonial dialectics or what some people would call the agency of colonially subjugated subjects?

I'm usually not a fan of fresh coriander or my taste changed, can't remember when I last had a dish with fresh coriander, probably years ago tbh - or it was never prominent enough, but it plays out so well on these things - I would never remove it.

Will you have to continue wörk and potentially arouse the attention of hardworking yet dulled germans with fedoras with your complaints about wage labor?

 No.19339 KONTRA

Today I read and also took back all the plastic bottles to get the deposits back. Translated half a page from the short story.
I'm feeling down again for some reason. Maybe it's because I left the herbs in the cup for too long. I don't know.
Gonna go and work tomorrow. Idk for how long. I guess I can afford a few more books. Though I will probably save like 80% of the money for the time I'm in college.

I registered for most of my classes. I decided to take the "Translation assisting tools" seminar. Who knows, maybe it'll actually be helpful. Though now that I think about it, environmentalism in China doesn't sound that bad either.


> I decided to take the "Translation assisting tools" seminar. Who knows, maybe it'll actually be helpful. Though now that I think about it, environmentalism in China doesn't sound that bad either.

Can't you register for both and then decide after taking the first class and knowing about the syllabus and all?

 No.19342 KONTRA

No, I can’t. Technically you can de-register on the first week but the person holding the class might feel insulted (small department) and also the trick is that while you can de-register on the first week, the university has no classes during the first week of September, so it’s practically impossible to sample a class.


After a dental visit, they invariably ask if I would like a toothbrush to take home. Of course. Who would turn down free stuff? Between the dentist, and years of my mother giving me toothbrushes every Christmas, I have never purchased one.


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>and years of my mother giving me toothbrushes every Christmas
What is this, islamic gommunism? I hope those were at least 500 horsepower toothbrushes, carved out of ivory, and that they weren't your only christmas gifts.


It was probably a subtle attempt by his mother to get him to brush his teeth


>your only christmas gifts.
There were a few small things she would get my siblings and I every year. A bag of M&M's. A box of chocolates. A random book. Socks.

Mission Accomplished. I am now a religious tooth brusher and avid flosser.


You're supposed to change your toothbrush regularly, aren't you? Using just one, two or three brushes every year seem a bit sparse. Or have I fallen for a capitalist scheme tricking me into buying more products when two toothbrushes a year suffice? That said I probably change them every two months or so.


Oh it was a plural with the gifted toothbrushes, never mind.
We can still talk about the capitalist toothbrush scheme.


>capitalist toothbrush scheme
Bought a toothbrush made from recycled bottles.

Pro: I haven't had a toothbrush that felt so good in my mouth in decades. It feels smooth and solid. Like it's worth something, unlike most toothbrushes that feel like yogurt cups.
Cons: I bought literal garbage for a premium price and supported the single-use beverage-container industry by making its business case even more viable.


I don't see why I should change my toothbrush if the brush is still perfectly in order.
Sure, if it looks like you are scrubbing your shower booth with it daily you should probably get a new one, but my brushes are still almost as pristine as they were they I bought it. In fact, I can't even remember when it was the last time I changed my toothbrush.
But then again, I brush with little pressure, it's better for the gums too.


I change my brush ~every 6 months. Sooner if it looks worn, later if it doesn't. If the Capitalists want me to swap more frequently, they shouldn't make these things indestructable.

And, yeah. Most years I received multiple toothbrush gifts. Had a lot of travel brushes, given to me despite the fact I never travel.

 No.19366 KONTRA

I've just been working and reading basically.
Next shift's on Friday because we ran out of stuff to do again. But at least I got paid.

 No.19368 KONTRA

You got something good? Why can't you be happy?


There is no happiness possible under capitalism.


Not true, you are just an ungrateful German - like all Germans.

 No.19375 KONTRA

>le meta german strikes back
You'll never get tired of this, do you?


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You are distracting from truth seeking with this meta-question.

 No.19377 KONTRA

Truth is a phallic fetish of white male eurocentric culture.


Very creative, good thing I want to go to sleep.

 No.19379 KONTRA

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I went to the city in the morning to have a medical exam done. After that I went to the bank to have them verify my existence so I can keep using the account. Turns out they misregistered my birth date.
The visit to the bank would have been kind of pleasant actually if it wasn't for the anti-theft alarm going off in the background without any break because of a malfunction of one of the tablets they have out for clients.
I found a copy of that schizo book that claims China went to the Americas in the 1420s and I bought it because it was cheap.

After that I got home and read some. Also had a nap.
Finally finished the study I needed to write. Wasn't much work, I had like 14 pages written already, basically I just had to fix it up along the lines of the style guide.
Gotta hope whoever reviews it doesn't rip it a new one and I'll be in a print volume with this shit.
Will re-read it one more time tomorrow and then send it in before the deadline.

Sorry I forgor.

 No.19380 KONTRA

>After that I went to the bank to have them verify my existence so I can keep using the account.
I did that yesterday. And a month ago, but apparently, the clerk did it wrong back then.

> Mr. Ernst if it doesn't work this time, we will lock your account

said the barely-out-of-her-diapers-girl with the fake tan, as she scanned my new ID card for the for the third time. Well, what am I supposed to do about it? Come around the counter and do her job for her?


not everyone has a useful Karen to help him out.


Went in for my yearly teeth cleaning at the dentist and it was the same girl doing it as last time. I expectd it to just be sth I have to get over with, but it ended up salvaging my mood after I've been feeling so shit yesterday. While it's rather sad to admit, it felt almost unreal to be treated so caringly by a cute girl for a change.
Her upper chest rubbing against my head, joking how I still haven't stopped smoking or started using flossing yet my teeth look better than last year, won't-you-please-move-your-head-a-little-closer-towards-me-thank-you, all while handling all these strange whirring potentially dangerous appliances in my mouth. I'm not there yet but I could understand someone developing a fetish for this kind of thing.
With the health insurance covering almost 2/3 of the costs, this is honestly a steal. Cheaper and more erotic than going to a prostitute.

something something what zero zero pussy etc

 No.19389 KONTRA

> erotic

I understand the erotic potential. My teeth cleaner woman is probably a couple of years older than me but she is a bubbly person and I like chatting with her. Thank dog I also have good genetics when it comes to teeth health

Grateful for service was nowhere to be seen.

 No.19392 KONTRA

Went and enrolled in the MA. The line was long but otherwise it was uneventful. After becoming free, I have entered into a second pact with the Devil.
Picked up a copy of the Picatrix. Also ran a new personal best. That really heightened my mood. I liked that a lot.

Workplace didn't call, so I will be home tomorrow. Maybe go out and buy a french press.


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At work, I know a Brandon, a Brendon, and a Brennon. Very confusing.

My dental hygienist is a dude.

Was there even a serious doubt you would continue?

 No.19394 KONTRA

What a pathetic post to write. Are you a virgin or something?


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Found something related to the conversation at hand

 No.19398 KONTRA

Woke up, had breakfast and then went to Ikea to get a French press. It wasn't actually on sale but I got it regardless. I think it was good.
I actually made coffee with it and it was nice, although I feel like it could have been a bit stronger.

Read Mishima's novella titled "Star" and just generally wasted a lot of time chatting with friends online and doing some chores around the house.
Played some video games but I started feeling bad so I stopped and went for a Run instead which helped a bit.

I got back my interview again from the editor this time. He said he's pleased with it, because it's in-depth and subjective. He just re-worded some of the parts so it's not like a transcript. (Which it is actually for the most part.)
I will look through it tomorrow but most likely I will just say everything's fine and get a publication date.

Honestly I'm anxious about the MA classes. I really gotta start revising for the Chinese language stuff.


>Honestly I'm anxious about the MA classes.

You will be OK, trust.


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Found something related to the conversation at hand

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