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 No.18906 SYSTEMKONTRA [Last 50 Posts]


Felt sick at work. My nose was constantly running and I was sweating a bit. Though when I left it cleared up so it was probably just the AC. I'll probably take a pair of socks with me to wear inside the office. That is if it was the AC and I'm not in the process of developing a cold in the middle of summer.

Also spent a lot of time just laughing at the term "Wokebusters" like borderline tearing up in my mind whenever I'd drift off and this would just surface in my thoughts.

It rained on the way home. I enjoyed it. I felt good.
Bought some groceries and a pack of valerian tea, though I ended up not drinking it.

Tried out that fancier coffee I bought and it was good. It smelled good and tasted good.

Got some money on my account finally and I bought two books. Turns out shipping got really fucking expensive recently so I decided not to get most of the ones I wanted to get. Though I did manage to find a loophole to have a copy of Das kleine Heldenbuch shipped to me because the seller had a lower shipping fee listed on another webshop where they were selling it.
The only other good deal I got was snagging a copy of Allinson's "Understanding the Chinese mind" which is supposedly good but the library had no copy of it and there was also no pdf last time I checked but like 15 bucks isn't that much for it. I wonder if the seller lied about it taking 25-60 days to ship to here from Germany.
Seems like save for a few edge-cases, the ereader was a top tier investment.

Ultimately, I just feel bad I spent like half a day's wages in 15 minutes. It's terrible that I neither enjoy saving my money, for I want to buy things and enjoy them, and I also do not enjoy spending it.

There seems to have been some progress in the garden with construction. My father dug a hole he intends to fill with concrete because he cannibalised the stones he previously cannibalised from the original building project from there so it's like a rube-goldberg mess of construction where you reclaim material you claimed from a project to finish a previous project or fill a need.
But I see the light at the end of the tunnel. It's probably a train.

Seems like I will be out of a job soon, because there's simply just not that much work to do. There's a lot less invoices to process this year for some reason. I do not believe that the kulaks stopped buying agricultural supplies. Something is up.

I had this idea that maybe I should try writing an essay on my feelings. I mean just thinking that "something is not right" is unproductive. It needs to be untangled. Expanded. Magnified. Terms tied to it in at least three languages.
So far it feels like this summer has been nothing but a massive failure from a personal perspective.
I keep hoping honestly.


>Uber is a prime example of bogus self employment. They have been called innovative, but I have no idea what's innovative about tax evasion
In past taxi driver spend most of his time waiting for a client. But if he caught a client, then he would charge a huge price. Now taxi drivers spend their time mostly driving and charge a reasonable price. So they raise the same money and spend the same time at work but for consumers prices dropped.
I don't that it's about taxes because here taxi drivers have never paid taxes and yet prices dropped after introducing Yandex.Taxi (which at least pays some taxes).

Instead of bitching about taxis and writing le ironic posts, try to provide alternative solution.
> public transport
Can't cover every possible route and barely possible for people with small children. Moreover, if you support social democracy where public transport workers are constantly on strike, then public transport is extremely unreliable which causes people to buy their own cars despite all the taxes and regulations.

> think black people are suspicious
Are they as bad in Germany as they are in USA with their 13/50? Or there is no statistics?


The German is unable to explain the harms of "independent contractor" hiring practices. It's not that it fleeces the taxation office, arguably it does this less by virtue of being one unified megastructure as opposed to a series of independent operations. The independent contact system is more of a system to skip various clauses of employee protection and avert liability. Vehicular and driving related risk fall entirely on the self employed independent contractor as opposed to fleet maintenance being the company's fault. The intersection of mass immigration and these app contractors is a vector for corruption. I'm not so interested in neo-taxis but in the delivery aspect of things. It's more interesting, and I struggle with resisting these services.


> The independent contact system is more of a system to skip various clauses of employee protection and avert liability. Vehicular and driving related risk fall entirely on the self employed independent contractor as opposed to fleet maintenance being the company's fault.
Yes, contract job has its downsides compared to 9 to 5 job like no paid sick leave. But is it possible to make taxi drivers usual shift-employed workers? Like bus drivers but just driving small vehicles and not along a predetermined route. The question is how to make an adequate system of motivation for them once they have a fixed wage. For instance, will they be able to choose where to wait for orders in such system? Or when to work.
BTW I think that state should subsidize taxi, especially for people with children and handicapped. It's more effective than people owning each their own car. It's less efficient in terms of manpower but in 21-st century there is no deficit in unskilled labor, moreover there is an excess of unemployed people who could become state-subsidized taxi drivers.


I'm not interested in deliveries at all.

I don't like waiting for a delivery boy. You are at your home and then interrupted by a call and have to go meet him. And I don't like relying on his choice (if it's something like delivering fruits). I want to go to a shop and choose among physical objects myself. That's an easy and joyful experience. And healthy since there is a few motion in modern life, at least you walk 50 meters to shop and then back. Literally no need to outsource it to another person.


Another thing why personal car is preferable is empowerment. Gf is a small girl working at a shit job and she seems to be disappointed because of feeling powerless. I want her to feel cool and strong by operating a hundred of horsepowers. VRRROOOOOMMM VRRRROOOOOMMM. Probably the same psychological mechanism as people with small dicks driving a Hummer except she doesn't even has a small dick, only a clit. Poor little creature, I love and pity her so much.


She texted me back today, over a week later, just when I was about to come to terms with getting ghosted. Sorry for the late reply I'm doing fine how about you bla bla.
I guess I'll have to ask her to meet for coffee now but with how anxious and resentful I felt during the last week and her lukewarm response I'm not particularly eager to. Not sure what other options I have.


>Not sure what other options I have.

I guess creating more options by talking to other women in some way to get to know them.

t. not doing it myself but probably true


Options for replying to her or options concerning women in general?
In any case, what do you have to lose? Just be yourself.

 No.18930 KONTRA

>what do you have to lose? Just be yourself.

Yeah but maybe somebody who needs a week to respond is probably not eager nor interested to see you I'd say.

Maybe being yourself in this case means not wasting time with people that test your limits with what you are willing to accept. That make you feel anxious and resentful with their behavior.
He would not spend so much time thinking about this if he had somebody else who will respond faster and is at least equally attractive/interesting. If you want to get to know somebody but that person delays response over several days it simply means in probably almost all cases that person is not really interested if at all.


She might also just be playing hard to get. Though I would not recommend playing along to anyone, unless it's a literal bombshell genius.

 No.18932 KONTRA

If he is willing to accept this kind of prolonged "hard to get". I mean they have known each other since before he left for China and even then she wasn't particularly eager to see him during these times if I remember that correctly. There are caucious women who will meet you for a longer time before they open up and so on but that still implies being ready to talk and even meeting up. A former roommate of mine told me she talked to a man for a month before they met. But they talked continuously.

The Berliner should just end that shit because it's a behavior that follows from desperation and put up with shit he gets mad about regardless. Self-respect might be built by doing what I suggest and that can be used to garner the attention of another woman.

 No.18933 KONTRA

Ah, it's that one? I remember something in the back of my head.
Yeah, in that case fuck her and her games.


Just ghosting her now wouldn't feel satisfying either, like what the fuck did I text her for in the first place then?
It really is a stupid situation I put myself in by investing so much mental energy and emotions into her that now I feel like I need to get to some more conclusive resolution with her before I can really move on.
I'm definitely feeling more confident in general now and I've kind of been trying to see other women, but it feels like as long as she's at the back of my head (I had hoped that this would just go away over time but it didn't) I'm just half-assing it and letting plenty of opportunities slip.


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 No.18936 KONTRA

>Just ghosting her now wouldn't feel satisfying either, like what the fuck did I text her for in the first place then?
Depending on the context of whatever she said, I'd reply with a disinterested, short message that is fit as a final word for whatever this is.
Or don't, and call her sometime in the near future.


>Just ghosting her now wouldn't feel satisfying either, like what the fuck did I text her for in the first place then?

Why not? She took a week to reply. You don't want that and had enough of that "appreciation". Just cut it. Why resolution? Did she write you while you were in China? Do you think she wants a "resolution"?
Just see other women. Not saying you should pressure yourself to find somebody else to obsess over or get into bed. Just meet people, talk to them and eventually, you have a spark with someone.
My conviction is that when you put yourself out there and talk to a lot of people (not necessarily women) you will eventually meet a person that is interested in you and you as well in that person. So just do that and cut out that slot from your valuable time you subconsciously reserve for a hardly interested girl.

 No.18938 KONTRA

And for that rare case that she will double text and ask why you don't write back, simply tell her the truth. She always needs so many days to write back to you, you took that as disinterest and stopped.


*ominous overthinking and overanalyzing in the distance*


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I'll acquire a wall piece that features the face of Joseph E Davis, so I always bear in mind how dangerous the intersection of middling intelligence and revolutionary spirit are.


He looks like Michel Friedman.


Ngl that picture would make a perfect addition to any kitchen in the western world. Do it.

 No.18944 KONTRA

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Instead of waking up with a cold, I woke up with a terrible pain in my neck. Went to work and did my job. Found a cheap copy of the Tarot book I read recently so I ordered it during lunch break.
Time was passing rather slowly until we suddenly ran out of work around 6 hours in. We made some calls and afterwards we were let go. Turns out there's nothing suspicious going on with this, the numbers are the same as last year, it's just that the papers came in more evenly.
I didn't earn as much as I would have liked but this is still going to be immensely helpful if my mother's monetary prognosis happens to come true.

I felt good leaving. Even the sad tracks that came in the playlist made me feel like I was moving again somehow.
Didn't stop to do anything on the way home. Once I arrived I just had a bowl of cereal and slept.
Apparently the deck has been completed and the holes in the path have been filled up.
I just need to put the parasol back and there should be some order in the universe again.

Afterwards I went for a run again. I broke my best again but I still think I could go just a little bit harder until I reach my limit with this.

Finish chapter 1 tomorrow, read some, have a good lunch and so on. Work can continue again now that work is over.
This summer is not yet lost.


Illness persists. Had to call off work.


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Good Morning from Chongqing, Ernst


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I woke up before the alarm and I went to bed early enough. Looks like I had between 6.6 and 7h of sleep which will hopefully carry me through a stressful day at work and my evening program.

Good Morning, Vietnam!

What are you doing in China, which Ernst are you?


>What are you doing in China
Holiday, I've been wanting to go to China since a few years ago anyway and figured I'd do it now since they allow Germans in for 2 weeks without any visa right now.


Someone must have a twin tower fetish there


Double phallic symbolism is thought to increase virility.

 No.18951 KONTRA

> Yeah but maybe somebody who needs a week to respond is probably not eager nor interested to see you I'd say.
> needs a week to respond
she is the one.
a whole week without nagging gf. and that's already how it started. don't let her go :3

 No.18952 KONTRA

> Chongqing
hong kong VPN?
heard dat pretty common over there. like ~70% of normal population using VPN.

u gonna visit all those touri highlight places and barely rest in those 2 weeks, or what ya gonna aim for?


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Nice, how do you like China so far? Which other cities are you going?


>hong kong VPN?
Prepaid sim which works in Mainland/HK/Macau in this case.

>u gonna visit all those touri highlight places and barely rest in those 2 weeks, or what ya gonna aim for?

Mixture of touri highlights, simply walking around and taking in impressions of the reality here in order to get closer to the EC task of understanding Chinese soul and eating delicous and/or mysterious food.

>Nice, how do you like China so far?
It's very cool so far, though some things are a bit more complicated than elsewhere at first. E. g. wechat mostly works fine but sometimes produces errors because it is linked to a foreign credit card. People are super friendly and helpful if you ask them but sadly I don't speak mandarin and most of them don't speak decent English so you can't really chat which would be delightful. Was kinda impressive to see that even the countryside is filled with modern style commie blocks.

>Which other cities are you going?

Guilin, HK, Beijing

 No.18960 KONTRA

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Today was an okay day I guess. I failed my run because my left knee just hurt so fucking bad after like 3 minutes I stopped.
My neck still fucking hurts and my right wrist also still fucking hurts.

The deck is finally finished so I put the table and the parasol back and spent some time cleaning stuff and setting up the "basecamp". I ended up spending a lot of time reading, read the third of Ossendowski's "Beasts, men and gods" and had a good time and then I finished the foreword of the Ficino volume. Had some coffee.
It was great. I felt really fucking good just reading out there. Also dousing the fresh concrete with water every two or so hours. (Not the deck, the deck is made out of individual stones.)

Turns out there's nothing wrong with the tomato plants. There are ripe tomatoes on it, it's just that the poodle realized that it likes the taste of tomatoes and keeps eating them.
I don't know what else to say about this, I'm just surprised this hasn't happened earlier.

Ordered the last book from the list I assembled. Hopefully most of this shit arrives before the end of summer.
Also ordered BBs for the pistol because I ran out of the hundred or so that came with it.
Basically I got a book on the British civil service, a collection of small medieval German epic poems, a book on Chinese thinking, a Tarot-book, a Japanese grammar and also a copy of the Grundrisse. I'm continuing my 6-front autistic war.

I failed to do any translations but I'm not exactly mad about it. I think tomorrow I will focus on that instead of just reading.
Well, I have to pick up a package and I have to go to the city for that. Also being home means I have to plan for lunches now, which is kind of a pain in the ass.
If I can get like those two translations done then I'd feel like a god honestly. And then not have them published because the magazine I do shit for like short form stuff and these are too long for that. The novella is dead because you cannot reasonably publish a 50-60 page something, it needs to be a short story or a fucking novel.

At this point everyone on Ernstchan has been to China except for the Sinologist. (Me.) (I'm never going to China I will just die or something IDK I'm not even sure I speak Chinese I am anxious I wasted 4 years of my life.)


>I'm never going to China I will just die or something IDK
Nah, you will make it too infa 100. Isn't there maybe even the option of applying to a student program so you could do a whole semester abroad here?

 No.18964 KONTRA

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Unexpected boons of investment. I don't think I'll have to work for the entirety of my upcoming bachelor's. I'll still work, try to find a part time of sorts, but ayy lmao this is gonna be great


Nice, post some pics of Guilin plx. I only passed through on train but it looked pretty cool with all the mountains and trees blending into the city (or the other way around).
Also lmk if you want some tips for Beijing.

Are you gonna be doing a master's btw?

Getting a scholarship or what?

 No.18967 KONTRA

>Getting a scholarship or what?
Not, a scholarship, although I should look into that at some point. Too burgissi to qualify for the poorfag help, I'm not sure how the excellence based scholarships work


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>I'm not sure how the excellence based scholarships work

Since poorfag scholarships are out of question because you are not poor enough I can tell you about Germany and scholarships:
It depends on what you have to do and how to prove your excellence. And I assume it might be similar in Portugal. I received a scholarship for a year once during my BA once, not too much but a nice addition every month. I simply applied and was granted a scholarship because of my excellent grades. All I did was attend one evening event where we were celebrated for being so excellent young people and also put into the spotlight the people/businesses that sponsored part of the scholarship.

There are, however, bigger scholarships with interviews and presentations from your side. These are often problematic insofar as people from educated and often wealthy families meet people from the foundation who have at least a very educated background, but often the same rather wealthy educated background, which makes for a sympathic match. Poorfags and not officially educated ex-punks might have a chance but from what I heard it is a circle jerk for liberals and those that can handle performing as one an art in itself I admit. The up-and-coming poor fag that cares for "democracy" or "climate change" might have a chance it presented well.
I only know people who tried to apply. Never did so myself because it sounded so abhorrent as what was expected. Life is a circus but these foundations funding (young) academics are a very special case it seems.

Good thing you don't disappoint your brothers in arms at the shop over this fortunate turn of events.


Had a very cute experience today with a young woman who was really really excited to see a laowei and tried to get into an actual conversation which sadly did not work behind some what's your name/where are you from questions because of language barrier/impractibility of apps but her whole energy was just so wholesome in the situation, she seemed so geniuely amazed about it.

>Also lmk if you want some tips for Beijing.
It's very likely I won't have the time to look into it because I will not have that much time in Beijing, but I'd love to hear. Maybe I can fit something in.

 No.18970 KONTRA

My neck still fucking hurts but despite this I had the best run of my life again in the morning.
Otherwise I wasted the entire day online. Didn't eat much most of the day. I put together a pizza dough late in the afternoon but I just ended up eating some pasta my mother brought home. Ate some liver cream which was apparently bad already and had a very unpleasant stomach for a few hours.
Couldn't go outside because it rained and it was too damp. Also due to nearby agricultural work the entire town smelled like fertilizer.

We're discussing the college entrance procedure and most likely I'll serve as a student representative for the workshop's professional committee during the admittance interviews. They asked me if I'd like to be on the student committee too but I told them that since I don't live in the college, I kinda don't feel like it'd be proper of me to be on the student committee which evaluates the sociability and compatibility of the applicants. (I do not wish to make a decision of which I will bear only limited consequences.)
This is always exciting. I get to feel important a bit.

Got the book I ordered from Germany and it's really nice. Like the material quality is just wow, even though it's probably over 120 years old most likely.
Anyway for a split second I was sweating fucking bullets, because when I checked the table of contents in the back it only had them for volume two. And I only got one volume and I was kind of getting anxious that I or the seller have fucked up (I wouldn't have minded if I had only gotten volume one, that has the poem I need) but after closer inspection it turned out that the book's just a late republishing and they had the two volumes bound together without changing the page numbers or editing the table of contents together so everything was fine.
I'm still surprised I can read fraktur even though I never bothered with it before.

Mom's going to the hospital tomorrow. Surgery's on Monday. And then we'll see. I try to not think much about it.
Honestly even in my head, confronting the worst possible outcome is impossible. She never told me "the chances". I initially suspected it's to keep me calm, but she told me she never asked. She was just told her odds are good.

Tomorrow I'm picking up some more packages.

>Are you gonna be doing a master's btw?
Yes, I'm enrolling in the MA since I got accepted for state funding.
Though I don't know if I'm enthusiastic about this or not.
I guess I will be able to develop my abysmal Chinese abilities some more at least. A lot if the fucker at the head of the department didn't lie about this being a dual degree programme with a Chinese uni.


There really aren't any must-dos except for the Forbidden City tbh, you'll probably be fine just checking some of the regular sightseeing spots. I'd recommend booking tickets in advance if you wanna go to the Forbidden City. The Jingshan park at the north exit has a pretty nice view of the city. The National Art Museum is close to there too and might have some cool exhibit, entry is free.
If you go to the Temple of Heaven and wanna get a coffee after, there's a pretty cool tiny cafe tucked in the hutongs called Liberté. If you're planning to see the Great Wall don't go to Badaling, it's likely gonna be too crowded, Mutianyu/Jinshanling are better. Lama Temple is fine but not a must if you've been to other temples in China. Wangfujing street not really worth checking out, the hutongs are also not that great unless you like touristy shopping streets. That's about it, other than that I can give you some bar/club recs if you're into that.

>dual degree programme with a Chinese uni.
Does that mean there'll be a mandatory exchange as well? In any case you could probably get a CSC scholarship regardless if you wanna go to China. Just go anywhere else but Bejing imo.

 No.18972 KONTRA

Yes. According to the announcement they dropped on us before the MA interview, we’d spend a year here and then two years in Shanghai at Fudan University.
(I’m still sceptical about the existence of this thing because they’ve been lying about shit like this for over a decade now.)


Double-degree programs are not uncommon at German universities (and thus at the non-German universities). It's at least common between EU universities I'd say but I suppose it's also a worldwide phenomenon to a certain degree.
But then again it's usually one year at home uni and one year at exchange uni, since EU master is two years but China might have simply different periods sets for an advanced degree.


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Would you eat this?


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Not a particular fan of Brezeln or Frozen pizzas, so not really for me.
I like Laugenbrötchen though, with a nice chunk of butter and ham.


It's a pizza with Laugenteig. I was skeptical but it's a nice change and taste well for what it is I'd say. The Laugenteig is not the best, of course.


Yeah, that is why I pretty much completely stopped buying frozen pizzas.
If I am lazy but want a pizza, I get one of those premade doughs. Takes maybe ten minutes to prepare a pizza with that, and it is almost as cheap as a frozen one, but tastes so much better.


When it comes to pizza I either get frozen pizza because I ate it as teenager several times a week for years - it is like I'm use to it.
Or I get die hard autistic and need 24-48h fermented dough and a hot enough oven which means pizza places that actually offer Neapolitan pizza. My attempts at home were good, but not good enough. the oven was just too weak for a good rise and browning. Everything in between those is not really acceptable to me unless it is other good Italian style pizza like Roman al taglio for example


Woke up, did my usual run and then I went to the city to pick up the book order. Every time I go to that store I am irked by the fact that I have to tell them the last 4 digit of my order number and every single time they tell me this even though I know it but I can never just rush ahead and say it because when I say my name and that I'm here for a package they rush off and then they immediately begin by asking me for the 4 digits but today I managed to actually squeeze in the number early so I was spared this absolutely awful bit of neurotic torment. (Of course then on the way out I saw a woman whom I vaguely recognized and I said "hi" before realizing she actually works here and she was coming back from her lunch break and then I felt a bit embarrassed about it, though she seemed to have recognized me too.)

I thought I might as well kill some time, so I went over to the book carts to see what they had in stock. I found an Aischylos volume and a book on Egypt. Had to wait a few grueling minutes as an old lady attempted to haggle to get the 4th book free (based on an old, no longer valid offer where the 3rd book was free) and then pay with a 10k banknote at a stall where every item is 450HUF. At the second stall I checked out a far-right book on Trianon and then I bought another book on Egypt.
In the end, I felt kinda bad about spending this money, but I thought to myself that it's probably just me being hungry and wishing for a coffee.

On my way home I picked up the BBs for the gun. The package says it's 5000 of them. I spent quite a bit of time just shooting at an apple but I also broke the plastic storage box I stacked it on top because these ones are a bit heavier. My father saw the gun and he was considerably less amused by it than my mother, asking me whether or not I could get in trouble for owning something like this.

Read some more of Ossendowski's book and then I just wasted time online and watered the plants.
Been checking out Asian garbs on Aliexpress but every time I do I'm ultimately put off by realising my family would just cringe if I dressed like the character in this drawing >>18960 when I'm at home on the weekends. (But for some reason the LARP idea keeps tormenting me.)

I keep wasting my days on nonsense instead of sitting down and working on my translations. But if everything goes fine, then tomorrow should be the day I make lightning-fast progress. I can feel it. Still keep thinking about writing an essay too.
Sometimes I get really inspired and "write" a lot of it in my head.

I know it's a thing, I'm just skeptical because the head of the department has been swindling poor schmucks to come to the MA by promising a dual degree that doesn't exist for almost a decade now.


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>look for Wayne's World dance moves
>get some utterly unrelated whatever bullshit right in the middle of the results
youtube is about to die, isn't it?


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Grew up eating the cheapest everything available. Including pizza. Still love that shit.

Why did he break in? Where did he get the ice-cold water? Why is his brother dying? So many questions.


When did you last search youtube? 2016?

 No.18986 KONTRA

Kopf zu arschgeburt niemand hat dich gefragt oke huso


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Not my fault that you look stupid af with that post.


How pro pop-culture are you?
How would you define pop-culture?


That wasn't me, but I actually do fairly search regularly stuff on youtube.


>How pro pop-culture are you?
Not very because today's pop culture sucks. It's inevitable though.

>How would you define pop-culture?

As "popular" culture, as the term already tells you.

 No.18993 KONTRA

Limp-dicked geezer-post. Quite pathetic.


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I had a class on German pop cultural literature products once. Which also meant reading theoretical texts on pop culture first.

Popculture is what happens on TikTok to a certain extent. Pop culture is what is not necessarliy bound to official institutions. it has its own rules and institutions that change quicker I'd say Now that I have deleted it for several months I feel far away from it. At least I read the Crumpstack as free reader. You might like the crumpstack, Swizzball. It's about current New York scenesters who are not academics but "cool" theoryladen individuals that usually try to push what is called artistic results.
Today I read the lastest entry for leech readers not willing to pay for a substack yet about the "Hegel E-Girl Council"


Question to the pop culture pros:
Just how big is Taylor Swift exactly?
With the recent news about the stabbings and terror warnings, I recall visiting a bookstore like a week ago and seeing a whole shelf with Taylor Swift products, such as coloring books (!) and the like.
I don't know a single song by her and if I didn't come across her being posted by a bunch of underage b& on the 4channel I probably wouldn't even know her face.


She is huge, she has kinda this cult following so if she plays a show in a city it is a considerable economic factor because of hotel bookings (prices for rooms go up ofc), eating out etc. I heard that some organisations cancel events if they occur on the same date in the same place because it would be too hard for some participants to get decent accomodation nearby. Her music is mid btw

 No.18998 KONTRA

She’s probably the largest star there is right now.
I heard some say that she’s the “last of her kind”, as in, she’s still relatively young but has a kind of global carrier that’s almost impossible to build in a culturally fragmented environment following the sprouting of social media platforms.

I know people IRL who have been to basically all her European concerts so far and will probably be very sad the Vienna one got cancelled.


I know somebody who went to Vienna and peole that would have wanted to go if they had secured tickets for themselves. Can agree with the others. Though I don't understand the appeal of her music, personally. It might have to do with not identifying as a woman but could have other reasons as well. I don't know any of her songs by title but I'm pretty sure I heard her songs on TikTok or the radio or through my roommate but to me she is this woman that makes this sort of contemporary sad music that I can't stand for the love of god.


Made some minor progress with learning hiragana. I drank a lot of tea. Tried to spend some more time with mom.
Finished reading the Ossendowski-volume and shot the pistol a lot.
After finishing a chapter, I'd load the magazine of the gun with BBs, the wind would blow the anti-mosquito incense into my face and I'd hear the wind chimes and for a split second, I'd feel like I'm very far away. It was a good feeling. Looking up at the sky.
Watered the plants and harvested some tomatoes. Soon, we will have peppers.

We're taking mom to the hospital tomorrow and she's getting surgery on Monday. She asked if I'd come with them in the morning or visit with my father in the second round in the afternoon and I told her I'd go in the afternoon after a bit of deliberation. Though deep down I feel I should probably go both times.
I don't know why, but I don't feel as anxious as I should be. I mean, I feel like it's threatening, but I'm not a "wreck". Almost makes me feel guilty. Guilty that I do not care enough about her or something.

I guess I will try to spend these days as best as I can. Best not just meaning as pleasurably as productively. I mean some more intrinsic, mystical value by that. If there's such a thing.


Made it through the work week. Still sick. Sort of. Tylenol knocks out most symptoms. Does nothing for my diminished lung capacity.

Neighbors are having a party. Or something. Can hear their music. And talking.

Consume more music and comic books than television and movies.


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>You might like the crumpstack, Swizzball.
Getting recommended a niche New-Yorker hip intellectual journal, the ultimate form of validation. I have now left the world of little kids and entered the cultural elite.


Yes, yes. Crumplar instead of Kafka.


Though, make no mistakes. Reading Kafka and other classics of literature and theory will benefit reading Crumplar.


I'm in apartments in my hometown, place where I spent my childhood. Lived here until 12, visited once in a while afterwards, but last time I've been here 7 years ago. Still regularly see this place and its surroundings in my dreams.

Drowning in nostalgia. Closing many gestalts. There are things about which I've completely forgot yet once I encounter them they seem extremely familiar and bring up more memories.

Another thing is that this place and people exist in 2000-s in my mind but in reality time didn't stop here. There's internet delivery point (Yandex.market) where I used to buy 1 rouble gum.


I was invited to inspect a flat later today. It looks a bit old in the photos and is next to a main avenue but close to the subway and s-train and rather well-placed when it comes to having useful places around. Windows face the back alley and not the street I hope, the tree infront the windows could also be on the avenue. You cannot be too picky I guess. As long as the heating is not absolute shit nachtspeicherofen and the acoustic is abysmal that is - so far. I have not lived alone for a long time and I don't even remember what to look out for like back when I had to go through this shit.
Applying Applying Applying. The joys of competition.
But at least I have an inspection after three days of trying to get one by applying to 4 offerings, another inspection is possbile according to an email but the office contact for making the appointment was gone on Friday noon already. Hopefully, I get a date set on Monday.

I really can't bring myself to apply for another shared flat located more centrally, for 300-500€ more you can live alone, depending on the price of a room and a flat, of course.

It's great though, no? I mean nostalgia is this crazy mixed feeling state. Not sure how it is for others but I like to revel in nostalgia. Maybe that is why I'm prone to depression.


It's a cool feeling, just a bit overwhelming.

Found my mom's diary about me:

> He may suddenly and unexpectedly hit his head hard on a toy, a cupboard, a sofa. If it doesn't hurt, he will hit harder, and then cry bitterly.

> We ask:

> -- Ernst, do you want to go to kindergarten tomorrow?
> -- Yes! It's boring at home. It's fun in kindergarten. [dreamy:] We bully each other

I think, this proves my point about the French ex-girlfriend.


> We watched a program about how children get lost. We decided to check how he remembers the address (he used to know and tell)
> -- How old are you?
> - Seven
(*actually three)
> -- What is your name, last name?
> - I'm a motorcycle.
> - Where do you live?
> - In Russia.


Am I glad not living in a place where people actually have to apply for just an inspection.
But then again, I don't have to live near my workplace.


>just a bit overwhelming

Yeah, nostalgia exactly hitting like that

>I'm a motorcycle.

Early bicyc-sexual I see

I would live considerably closer to my place of work but still might take 20-30min. 20min to work is quite luxurious, though. But might be possible if the schedules of public transport are well timed.


>20min to work is quite luxurious, though.
The absolute state of things when someone calls the upper limit of "just tolerable anymore" luxurious.

 No.19023 KONTRA

>20mins of commute is the upper limit of just tolerable
What a comfortable life some of us have.


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Windows Blue Screen of Death. Ran a system scan. Log files should have a tldr. It fixed something. Everything? Who knows.


I am talking by car.
By public transport it would take me an hour.
Even going by bike would be faster, but for reasons I can't ride a bike ;_;
Don't you hate commuting? You really think an hour of your day spent in traffic is not bad?


My competition is not the craziest I'd say. We weren't many people. All single. All probably younger than me or my age and I'm in my early thirties. No couple with money.

The flat has cozy potential but it is not new, dated certainly and the heating situation is 20th century even for today rather bold to not have this updated. But since central heating is part of the NK, I'm not too worried about the energy budget getting out of hand with these dated windows. So for that price I would take it. The acoustics from the sides or above I could not judge, no movements. Probably not very good since the building is also 20th century. The street was not very loud when I was alone in one of the rooms and the back can be loud but the kitchen is located there.

Whom am I kidding, I would say yes and just have the flat so I live close by and rather centrally and have my own fucking place before it takes months to find something of the same quality or better that also is in a great corner of the city for a sum of money I can spend without cutting corners in other areas.
The district is good. Shopping, groceries and all is very close and very varied.

Yes, who thinks all those commuters, an hour or two two times a day? Personally, I have to spend about an hour at the moment for one way.


I have nothing against pop-culture.
I like pop songs sometimes but in general far from it


Do you write your posts in german and then translate them?
The word you are looking for is "utilities".
Also, something I learned from my current apartment is that if possible talk to the neighbors. They might know stuff you should know.


Fuck it, this Sunday's vibe is reading Proust and chain smoking

Would try it tbh

As a lot of people who got their taste in media shaped by chan culture, I've always been more interested in things that are more undergound/avant-garde etc. and held pop culture in disdain. I try to be more open-minded these days, but don't go out of my way to seek it out. Aside from a couple of popular rap and rock artists and some blockbusters there's not much I like pop culture-wise. Poptimisim was a mistake.


"The classics" are just pop culture of yesterday.
Anyone who claims they're not interested in pop culture is ignorant, you're just not interested in contemporary pop culture.
If you listen to Mozart, pop culture.
If you read Schiller, pop culture.
Joyce's Ulysses contains so many "hey I got that reference" parts it makes the latest MCU shit pale in comparison.

*drops mic*
*backflips off stage*
*breaks neck and shits on your shoes while dying*


You people don't even realize that chans are pop culture. 4chan is fucking pop culture, lol. Pop culture is not chart music but indie/underground shit and commercialized culture. The former also getting mangled by commercialization.

>Do you write your posts in german and then translate them?

No, just lazy enough to not look it up.

>talk to neighbors

Yeah but ringing the neighbor's bell on a Sunday evening to ask hey I might move here so I interrupt your evening to ask stupid questions while the people that run this place are next door with us.
I get what you say but not in a big city in a many-parties apartment building.

Or do you mean later? Then it is too late :DDD

 No.19035 KONTRA

There is this classic theoretical text on pop culture. And I think pop culture was defined as something that in the 1960s involved

1) porn
2) western (narration, topics etc)
3) sci fi

This sounds stupid but the text is more detailed in why that is and how abstractly this might even apply today.

Basically, it's low brow, not coming from so called cultural elites (institutionalized forms of culture like fine arts painting, its educational facilities and distribution).


>Pop culture is not chart music but indie/underground shit and commercialized culture.
What the fuck am I reading?
You are probably thinking of Warhol and the like taking motives FROM pop culture in their "indie/underground" stuff.
But pop culture is popular culture. It's the kind of references everyone understands. Call it mainstream memes, if you will.


Woke up. Said farewell to mom. Had breakfast and ran. Didn't finis the session. I spent a lot of time thinking about this whole thing going on. My mind is going crazy. Every minor thing feels like a sign. Essentially the potential symbolic interpretation of the world around me is making me go mad. I accidentally turned on my desk lamp and the bulb immediately went out and it freaked me out a bit.

Dad and my sister came home and they said they'd get some fast food for lunch but I didn't want to have KFC so I skipped lunch, but in the end, they didn't get fast food either. I was thinking about the implications of this too though. Was it a bad idea from the get-go that amid such a reshuffling and restructuring, I wished to take no part in the first meal that essentially seals the deal, that binds us together more.

I wasted some time outside shooting BBs at a box and listening to music and then I started getting ready for my visit. I basically did everything I could to to be as clean as possible. It was a borderline ritual. Scrubbing myself from head to toe, washing my teeth again, washing my hair, trimming my beard, filing my nails. It's not that I do not take care of myself in general, but just doing all of these all at once in quick succession feels special.

Went to the hospital. I didn't have much to eat during the entire day, I just had a cup of coffee with a pastry. We didn't talk much with my father in the car most of the ride. Until we discussed Teslas for a bit.

At the hospital we went up a bunch of stairs. I felt a bit nauseous but it didn't show and I didn't mention it at the time. Quickly found my mother's room and went in. One of the other patients was fiddling with a tube she accidentally disconnected and we went out to talk in the hallway. We found some chairs. It was only partially lit. It's not even that the lightbulbs were out, there was no lighting designed for that part. No windows either. A gray space in the corridor. We sat a bit. Lot's of hugging, a bit of talking. Handholding. I could feel she was sick because her hands had little warmth in them. She cried once. I tried my best to hold on and only let a single tear flow down my face.
All in all, half an hour quickly passed and we said goodbye and promised to visit her tomorrow after the surgery. I think things will go fine.

 No.19039 KONTRA

My father wanted to drink something so we rolled up to a gas station. I picked out a bottle of Almdudler. There was a Chinese lady freaking out at her husband. I nodded to my father and told him "The comrade here has no money". He didn't get at first what I was on about. We paid and left as the shouting continued. He remarked that "The wife seems to be the boss in this relationship" and then I repeated that "Her problem is that she has no money on her. She kept saying 我没有钱" and in that moment he laughed and said "Oh yeah, you understand it! That's kind of cheating!"
On the way home he revealed that he finally reached a new level of political development by quoting 2016-ish alt-right talking points about judges giving lenient sentences to immigrants. I shittalked NGOs and the Mainstream Media for him a bit as the "4th and 5th branches of government that have remained unseparated, unlike the other three."
Idk how to feel about this honestly.

Went to the store to get some groceries because I was still famished. Did a pretty good grocery run and then went home. I didn't do much interesting stuff and then I just watched to movies on discord with friends again but I feel like I am quite literally incapable of enjoying normal things. Or maybe it's just the circumstances.

I should've read the CVs for the workshop today but they looked all so ungodly boring I just couldn't bring myself to it. Then again, my application letter was probably self-important as fuck too. I will catch up with it tomorrow and write my reports for the others to read. Though the google form looks confusing as fuck. Honestly I'd call in all the applicants.


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My hometown has Ministry of happiness. It is run by governor's lover. She had surgery to make her ears less protruding (otoplasty).
After Putin appointed new governor from KPRF, a criminal case of "corruption on an especially large scale" has been opened against her.


Have you already told us what your mother has? Just that I know whether I should just wish her well or send thoughts and prayers. I guess it's the former, so good luck and let's hope she's wiser than the parents I have to deal with at the moment who had heart and hip surgery and still insist on doing all kinds of stuff around the house.

She gives free blowjobs or what?


The usual. She must have known this would happen to her once she fell from grace, which was a question of 'when', not 'if', since her position as governor's cock-sucker in chief was predicted on her youth, which, obviously, would not last.


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>Nice, post some pics of Guilin plx


Not sure what you mean but I was not thinking about Warhol in this post

>of happiness

I did not know Russia was that advanced.



I was able to apply to three flats today. Which is quite nice. Wondering if I will be invited to at least one of them.
No message from the people yesterday, which I already take as a bad sign.

 No.19054 KONTRA

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Woke up very late and groggy.
Avoided going outside due to the heat. Had lunch and then I took an nap and had a shower and went in to visit mom.
I slept in the car too. I was really sleepy throughout the day for some reason. I blamed the fact that I ran out of vitamin D pills but I also missed my coffee and stayed up late and that seriously fucks with my ability to stay up during the day when I'm not under serious academic/work pressure.

Mom was still tired and shifting in and out of sleep after the surgery. Apparently she was in there for 6 hours. She said that she's in pain. We spent some time with her, holding her hand and stuff, giving her amenities and then we left to let her sleep.
My sister got sick near the end of our visit for some reason. I tried to console her. I think it was emotional, rather than physical.
Any further news we will get tomorrow morning.

On the way home I asked my father to go in to a pharmacy so I could get a box of vitamin D and he was like "Why not go in alone? Don't have any money?" and I said I honestly was lying. I had plenty of money on me. I had my card and cash too. But I used the method mom does to get him to pay for household stuff because the other option is me paying for it.
Do I feel guilty? I don't know. Probably not.

We also went and grabbed something to eat as a family. It felt a bit odd. I had chicken nuggets.

Got another book. I am in luck sort of. I ordered a lot of stuff to my mother's workplace and I was worried my packages would get stuck there with her not being present, but she's a genius matriarch so this is not a problem, since she basically told her boss that "I might be out of my job for a month but I have a daughter majoring in business she can fill in" so she basically pawned off her job to my sister for the foreseeable future. I'm fucking amazed.
So my sister's picking up my stupid packages.
This one was a volume of studies titled "Understanding the Chinese Mind" edited by Robert Allinson. The old professor called my attention to this volume but the library and libgen had no copies. I guess I could have just borrowed it from him, but I didn't want to inconvenience him and I had no time for it at the time anyway. Yes, this is going to be my cope.

Idk I should read the fucking CVs. I don't want to. I said I'd to it on Monday. I guess I will just flip through them and then say that I want everyone to be called in for an interview.

She had a fistula on her intestines which needed to be removed surgically. The way I thought about this is that "It's not cancer" but as far as dice-rolls go, this sucks almost as much.

 No.19055 KONTRA

I found a telegram group for Portuguese nationalists in Switzerland. Dialectical.


There was a group of Ukrainian nationalists in Romania (Румынская сотня) who bullied mobilization evaders crossing Romanian border illegally (while being draft evaders themselves).


Finally learned how to ride a scooter despite having spend my youth in rural Germany. Xiexie based China.

We also met another german of brazilian origin who was solo scootering so she joined our group for a while. Cliché but pretty cool honestly.


>despite having spend my youth in rural Germany.
From my experience, kids in the bigger towns and cities rode more scooters.
In fact I don't have a single friend who rode one, and from the people I know there was also not even a handful.
Maybe it was not a thing in our region.


I lived in the "big" village (5000 inhabitants) so for me it was mostly cause the folks from the surrounding villages got scooters


Back on the type of bullshit where I wake up after 1pm, laze around all day, maybe read a bit and do Japanese anki, go for a walk, watch two movies, jack off then lie in bed unable to fall asleep until after 4am. Going hiking for a week on thursday, so hopefully that'll help.

Yeah, last pic is the type of shit I wanna see. Wonder if they got some cool hiking trails there.

 No.19071 KONTRA

Population in the colonies getting radicalized is nothing new.

Heard that Portugal was home to a politically active kkk chapter. Is it true?

 No.19072 KONTRA

This is not true, there's no KKK here.
These nationalists in Switzerland are something like a lower class rendition of Lenin, demanding us in the homeland to keep fighting in the trenches for national and racial purity, as they seek to increase their aryan spiritual vril by diddle-daddling around the Alps in a swarthier rendition of The Sound of Music. Switzerland has caused immense damage to other nations of the continent by allowing the radication of foreign radicals and treating them to spas and hikes.


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>Wonder if they got some cool hiking trails there.
Are you looking for real hikes or sceneric hikes? We went on the day hike in Zhaoxing, it is not alpinistic level but given the Chinese summer it was a decent activity. Also it was cool to see the Dong villages that are a little less touristy for Chinese conditions. Would recommend. Pic related.

 No.19076 KONTRA

Had a good run. Had lunch. Tried to survive the heat somehow.
Arranged to have lunch with a friend on Sunday.
Registered for some of my subjects. Apparently I have "some choice". I need to attend three special seminars, which are often undecided and I also have 6 free credits.
One of the special seminars is "Tools to help with translating" and I'm making that Ron Swanson face and saying "I know more than you" lol like at some point I quite literally showed new sources to a lecturer.
The other option is "Environment in China". I don't care honestly.

We discussed the applicants a bit online. I thought I was the last one to do the CV reviews but no, I was among the firsts again. Anyway, it turns out I might not be on the committee this year because the workshop supervisor wants to axe student representation on the professional committee compared to last year. I'd honestly love the power, but I'd also be fine with letting the other potential candidate have it because I trust her abilities.
Though the supervisor offered both of us a position on the student committee but we both declined. She declined because she feels like too much of a square to evaluate someone's potential social compatibility, I declined because I'm a massive autist and also because as an extern I don't want to decide who those that live at the college actually live with. I don't like making a decision that I bear not the consequences of.

Visited mom again. She seems to be doing rather fine. Apparently she can already walk. Not much but she can. I held her hand while she walked a lap in the corridor. I think we spent around an hour with her.
Dad went in early in the morning once already to talk with her doctor to learn about the details of the surgery and apparently everything went according to plan and now it's just waiting to see her recover. She'll stay in the hospital until she can eat again.
I'm honestly just glad she's fine. Relatively speaking.

Managed to get some work done on a translation again, despite the abysmal conditions at home. Also re-read the earlier material and made some corrections. It's definitely a very ornate text but I think I'm happy with it. Hopefully the librarian will be too when I show it to her.
Ah fuck and I just remembered I also have a study to write. Keep calm. You're doing it to be in a print conference volume. It's going to look fucking cool. It's a publication.


>The way I thought about this is that "It's not cancer" but as far as dice-rolls go, this sucks almost as much.
My dad had a similar thing once. A day later or so could have already led to a life-threatening inflammation. But everything went fine, and there were no long-term effects or anything.


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There is no massage chair at Gulinxi Railway Station. Day literally ruined.


If you want a picture of the future, imagine two legs on each side of the frame and a jar in the middle on the ground, forever.


My auto insurance renews today. Supposed to keep an updated copy of the ID card in my vehicle at all times.For production on demand. Don't recall recieving a new paper card in the mail. Probably arrived a few weeks ago. If it did, I know exactly where I would have put it. Look. It's there.
I like being so predictable.


Looks cool. I'd like to visit the countryside more next time I go, something I barely did when I was there.
Yeah, I guess there's definitely options for day hikes, but I'd be more interested in a "real" longer hike. I'll have to do some research about routes like that at some point. Otherwise HK has a lot of options for hiking as well


There are drugs which raise amount of serotonin in your organism such as LSD and psylocibin. And there are antidepressants which do the same but gradually and over long term. They are used to cure depression and anxiety.

What if you do the same with another hormone, oxytocin? MDMA raises your empathy and social skills, so you if you craft MDMA with prolonged action, you can make a cure from autism.

 No.19085 KONTRA

P.S. there are also opioids which are used in anesthesia, "prolonged heroin"

 No.19086 KONTRA

>MDMA raises your empathy and social skills, so you if you craft MDMA with prolonged action, you can make a cure from autism

You apparently never took any MDMA the empathy might be true, yes.

 No.19087 KONTRA

I bought an imported US salty snack with buffalo blue cheese flavor.
It looks like more and more food items get imported in the "higher class" grocery stores. Sometimes these items are not that much more expensive than what you can get in regular items I think.

t. does not know what a regular bag of Funny Frisch chips costs


It's because high cost of Energy and the death of manfacturing in Germany. Thank the 🚦.


>P.S. there are also opioids which are used in anesthesia

 No.19090 KONTRA

>the empathy might be true, yes.
There's more than enough studies that confirm this effect.

Fuck's sake for being such avid consumers of all kinds of pharmacologically active substances you people have very little knowledge of them. Did you know that nicotine is extremely toxic on oral uptake and alcohol abuse can lead to liver cirrhosis?


>very little knowledge of them

You should get some knowledge behind the bookshelves and take it yourself and gain some experiential knowledge.
Might be true here means that it's a certain form of empathy I'd say. It might depend on the dose anyway - so much for the studies confirming something.
That MDMA simply enhances social skills is utter bullshit and everybody who has experienced people on MDMA can confirm that they can be quite annoying, especially if you are not consuming it yourself. If you consume it with somebody else then it is quite great in a certain way.


>Dumb drug fiend too dumb to parse a simple sentence
Just because studies confirm ONE effect doesn't mean there can't be other effects.
In fact what you are saying has also been confirmed by studies.
Take less drugs and read more books not written by other druggies.

 No.19093 KONTRA

For a professor of enormous magnitude, your reading comprehension has serious deficits I have to say.

 No.19094 KONTRA

>N-NO U!
Stay classy, narkoernst.

 No.19095 KONTRA

Having serious discussions with a Muscovite girl that has seriously similar centers of interest


Damn son you're really working through the entire Europe, aren't you?


I actually already did Russia, I have one or two cultural footholds in there


So you liberated some poor girls with promises of a better life in rich Switzerland?

 No.19099 KONTRA

No, the daughter of an oligarch who already lived in the Swiss. Way richer than me


I am starting to see a pattern here, you foxy little golddigger, you!

 No.19101 KONTRA

Not to overstate the effect, but I'd say first time I took MDMA basically felt like I "unlocked" certain social skills & a basic level of confidence & empathy. It's like I immediately went from basement dweller to slightly weird guy tier. Something I surely would've picked up over time otherwise as well, but still felt like an impressive shift at the time.
After the first few times the drug felt played out though and after maybe a dozen times or so during that initial phase of taking it I've only indulged in it a couple of times over the years, also because I became too afraid of the come-down depression that I discovered (which should admittedly be certainly manageable if you know what you're getting into though).


>they can be quite annoying
On a peak of a trip - yes. Especially if they are talkative even when sober. But I'm talking about moderate and prolonged effect. Same relationship as between LSD and Prosac, only instead of LSD it's MDMA.


80 HK$ for a beer in a bar, what a disgrace. Gott strafe Hongkong


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I acquired some beginner salts for our professor to try. It was some shady vendor from my childhood but just look at that stuff! It will it hard for sure.

Sure, I also get more touchy than I am normally with strangers. Not sure if that are sort of social skills. You just overdose on oxytocin and that certainly is not normal. I can understand that MDMA can have therapeutic effects or is used therapeutically. But as a sort of self-unweirding-yourself like the Russian tries to spin it - I have a big doubts. There are better and more sustainable ways doing this. If you take MDMA yourself it is magical, especially for the first few times as you said. But later on you and especially when sober/on other drugs it is painstakingly clear how artifical and weirdly "social" this drug makes people. Don't get me wrong, I would certainly enjoy a trip again. I collected some pills like people collect stickers or stamps or whatever but never took them the color and logo thing fascinated me when I first heard about MDMA in school - I also did a presentation on it back then. They won't go bad, so some day with the right people, right setting I will probably give it another go. But generally the effect is to artifical in most cases and doses taken to come close to empathic or social behavior that I deem skillful. Some people who are already skillful in it will also be good in it when on MDMA I suppose.


Yesterday I visited mom again and she was doing fine. Told us it's okay to come in every to days, so we agreed that we'd switch it up and my sister would go in today and then I'd visit tomorrow.
I was kind of tired the whole time because I got woken up from a nap and that's not really conductive to a good mood I couldn't really bear with the smalltalk like we pulled up to a car with an Asian in it and my father asked if I think he's Korean and I asked "What's Korean?" "The guy driving the car." "How the fuck should I know" and then he asked why am I so on the edge and I honestly don't want to play the skull-shape examination game. I sometimes play it but that's it.

I'm not going to be on the interview committee after all because the head of the workshop decided that he's going to change things up.
Last year it was two professors, two students and another two students from a separate committee deciding. Apparently he didn't like that so this year he will have four professors against 2 students in the committee and since I'm not the secretary, I can't be on the professional committee for the interviews.
He also decided to disregard our input for the CV reviews. Though we only disagreed on two candidates.
Supposedly he is hiding a lot of nasty opinions about a lot of people in the workshop. My egoistic, narcissistic self is curious about what kind of an image he built of me.

I slept terribly. I woke up like three times, each time to the storm. I flipped the light blanket 3 times, once to the other side and once from top to bottom so I could escape the sweat.
I remembered that I left the tablecloth and the pillows outside and they go soaked a bit but not too much when I checked.
But yeah it rained. Not that it fucking mattered besides it filling up the barrels with water. It was still 40 degrees so I physically couldn't go out for most of the day. I did spend like 15 minutes outside shooting with the BB gun and sweeping the deck plus putting the stuff in the sun to dry.

Today I spent the first half of the day suffering because I was too lazy to make breakfast. I translated a short classical Chinese letter for someone who was curious about a random piece of calligraphy and then had breakfast and a coffee. Dad had pasta but I skipped out on it because I kinda didn't want to eat plain pasta with cheese. But the bread went bad and I was sick of potatoes so I suffered until something happened and then I made some french pastries thinking I will watch a movie with friends online but they postponed.

Otherwise I spent the day listening to random albums on youtube and also reading Dovlatov and some articles from the DSCH journal for some fucking reason. Watched the Bundeswehr's analysis of the Kursk-offensive (2024) and then a 1941 episode of the Deutsche Wochenschau for whatever fucking reason.


Bruised my thigh. Doing work stuff. It was fine until I stopped moving. Now it's not. Applying heat and alternating with ice. Will either magically heal overnight, or tomorrow is going to suck.

 No.19112 KONTRA

Going on a pilgrimage across this land. The goal is Santiago. I'd litter the IWO thread, but my phone camera is pretty busted.


Write a travel diary


Going to sister's wedding. 70 drunk Chuvash villagers expected


Will there be a proper fist fight?


Dass racis


This product is very American. Especially the marketing. It says made with real cheese on the bag and it's basically blue cheese aroma with 1,1% cheese powder. Though I expected Buffalo flower to be hit and spicy but it's sort of parika with some other spices and onions/garlic powder.

 No.19119 KONTRA

I woke up, I ate some spongecake, had a cup of tea and then I went back to sleep for another 5 hours because my digestion was really bad after eating all this snacks I baked yesterday. Basically skipped every single meal today.

Saw a bunch of mosquito-killer tablets on the cupboard so I asked my father if he used them, because if he did then I can't water plants we're going to eat with it, and then he said that "No actually you can use this one to water everything because this poison doesn't actually kill them it just makes them unable to progress past a certain stage in development" so I actually read the back of the label where it explicitly said you cannot water plants that are for human consumption with this shit and then he said "But the guy at the store said it's a-okay so I dunno" and I'm just so fucking mad for multiple reasons because
1. It just rained, he essentially made hundreds of litres of water unusable
2. When I asked for this shit YEARS AGO he actually said this is a bad idea and didn't do it
3. He didn't ask me about it and just fucked everything up with this

I washed off and then we went in to visit mom again. She was doing remarkably good considering the scale of the surgery. Asked if we have gotten into any arguments already since she was away and my father said "We haven't" and I told her that "Yes, he's enduring me with patience". While he was out my mother actually told me he thinks I'm very rude and unpleasant, almost hateful towards him.
And I guess it's true. But I don't hate him. I just cannot put up with the small talk and his inane comments about things and his constant know-it-all attitude and how he always has to show he knows one tangentially related fact and then use that fact to talk for 5 minutes without saying anything.
I don't hate my father, I just find his way of talking and his inability to cooperate with the rest of the family very fucking tiresome a lot of the time. I guess I should tell him I love him. Or something.

We went and shopped for groceries. Afterwards I had a coffee and lazed around a bit some more. Then I had a run and lifted, showered again and I worked some on my translation. It's painstakingly slow for some reason. I don't know why. The book is not even that hard to read it's just that I usually leave it for so late in the night that I spend an hour or 40 minutes on it and that's enough to work out two-three paragraphs at best and I hate myself for it.


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Today didn't suck. Leg was miraculously better this morning. Weird. Could barely walk last night.

This is the official® flavor of Buffalo.

 No.19121 KONTRA

> No actually you can use this one to water everything because this poison doesn't actually kill them it just makes them unable to progress past a certain stage in development" > it explicitly said you cannot water plants that are for human consumption with this shit
> "But the guy at the store said it's a-okay so I dunno" and I'm just so fucking mad for multiple reasons because
> 1. It just rained, he essentially made hundreds of litres of water unusable
> 2. When I asked for this shit YEARS AGO he actually said this is a bad idea and didn't do it

Senility comes early now. I swear, people at 60 today are less aware than their parents were at 85-90. Maybe it's leaded gasoline or Asbestos or PCBs, but probably micro plastics and PFAS and bromide flame retardants, so it will be worse for us and we'll be fucking dumb af at 50.


I don't know what I could meal prep for the week. Should be able to be eating cold. I'm thinking about chicken with some carbs and green again...
Maybe there is some sort of dish with curry sauce to make some changes.

While my parents noticeably get older these days they would probably not think of poisoning the water they use for their tomatoes. Then again my parents simply would not buy mosquito poison in the first place I'd say.

 No.19123 KONTRA

No it’s not senility.
This is an age-old process here.
We have a problem, we ask for him to solve it, he says that our solution is stupid and then does nothing/does a day of googling where he becomes an “expert” on the topic and illuminates the hidden depths of whatever we need solved, then he does nothing for a few weeks/months/years and eventually he will also notice the problem after staying home for a longer period of time and just implement the original solution we told him to except he will pretend it was his idea in the first place and we should be glad he did something.


My grandmothers both knew that appliances are not supposed to just blow fuses all the time.

My mom has decided that appliances sometimes trigger circuit breakers, so you just push that circuit breaker back in and stop thinking about it.

Worst thing is, she learned it from a boomer electrician who told her to just push the circuit breaker back in when the sewage pump triggers it, because 'they do that sometimes'. She took the lesson to heart, she has paid 50€ for it.

Goodbye, sewage pump, you valiantly tried to pump the thickened sludge at the bottom of the pump sump, until you burned out.

Goodbye, electric drier, it took her half a year to kill you. You would have needed the help of a professional. You could have been saved, but alas, you went out with a big bang.

 No.19125 KONTRA

The positive interpretation of this is that at least he did ask someone if the water could be used for plants after the treatment, so he remembered what I told him, it’s just that he asked some dipshit retail worker and like why the fuck would you expect a retail worker to know anything in this day and age when those that sell things have nothing to do with making them or procuring them?


Question: If your dad is so useless, why not do that shit yourself?

That way you can learn something new, surpass your elder as you should, and maybe give him a reason to get his head out of his ass.
The old adage stays true: If you want to have something done right, you have to do it yourself.

 No.19128 KONTRA

I might be mad but usually he produces marvellous things. When he finishes them anyway.
In this specific case nobody asked him to do anything.
But, yes I’ve learned to take things into my own hands when I can and it doesn’t require powertools at least.

 No.19129 KONTRA

Like you know what? I had endless doubts but the deck turned out fucking great. Those stones look so smooth I almost want to lay down on them and feel the heat they radiate back from the sunshine.
Things can be so fucking great.


Just use the water, I bet all farmers do it that way, anyway. It won't kill you, it will only prevent you from reaching a certain stage of development.


He's already posting on the EC

 No.19135 KONTRA

This, just give second hand poison yourself a little bit, it's not like the fruits in the supermarket aren't showered in herbicides and pesticides regularly, getting into the groundwater perhaps as well.


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I was invited for a flat inspection and I noticed two days later (today). The flat is already gone now. FUCK!!! Hope I get at least another answer within the next three days from other flats and that tomorrow and on Monday more suitable flats will be posted. Fucking shit. I thought my wage would put me in an ok position a couple of hundred bucks more at the end of the month would put me at the high end of tenants being able to easily pay the price for a good chunk of two room flats, though. Maybe I'm just too slow in reacting tp new postings as well.

At least the current tenant is a sweet person and we had a short chat via eBay classifieds.


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Is this a good deal?

 No.19138 KONTRA

She likes my frenchness, I dislike my frenchness


You should start writing songs about your amorous adventures and the inevitable heartbreak.
Like a male-ish Taylor Swift.


I have a vision of a whole new musical genre, EC pop. Currently discussing a deal with Eckinsey for my debut album.


Can't sleep, again.
This time it's no diffuse inner turmoil though, but something else, I think physical. No idea why.
Listening to the radio, I hope it's not over after the next song.
Debating whether I should drink something, but I have already been drinking today.


Given that Elbrus processor costs 2000 euro - definitely yes.

 No.19150 KONTRA

Maybe you cannot sleep because you drank something.

 No.19153 KONTRA

Marx claims that night/shift work is unhealthy and the sources he cites are old as fuck and do not have the knowledge of today's medical science, so he is wrong.


People often forget this, but the whole of the opus that was written to question the scientific basis of Marx's writings rests on the shaky grounds of pro-night shift theories.


Thank dog these days the scientific basis of economics is based on pro making money theories.


>Thank dog these days the scientific basis of economics is based on pro making money theories.
What was it based on before these days?

 No.19157 KONTRA


Ernst, not every joke is an attempt at trolling.
Some jokes are very obviously jokes.


Jokes are illegal here, this is EC after all.


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Remember how this guy got beheaded by mods?


Went to a small town fair, with wine stands and "street food" stands.
It was a funny mixture.
Way in the back was a booth where you could get caribbean cocktails served in melons and right next to it they sold "latin american" meat skewers, and between them a large speaker that blared latin rhythms. The dudes in the cocktail booth were both singing and dancing while preparing them; one of them looked like he just came from a Brazil or Colombia football match.
In the other booth the guy who apparently ran it didn't do anything, but there was a chocolate girl serving the customers. She actually seemed to be latin, but my spanish is not good enough to make a naughty joke with meat skewers and her serving me.
There was also a burger booth that sold exotic meat (kangaroo, moose, water buffalo) ran by indians, and a booth that sold indian food manned by a pretty european girl. And I overheard one of the younger indian guys talk about how he used to live in a haunted house and how he never believed in ghosts until it actually happened.


Woke up, had breakfast and a coffee. Went out and read from a Machiavelli biography.
I decided to start drinking St. John's wort infusions again and people actually said I look like I'm in a noticeably improved mood. It's good. I mean even if it's not permanent euphoria, it's empowering to have minor inconveniences happen and not feel like it's the end of the world. Emotional defense in depth, the outer parts are pierced, but the inner parts can now resist.

My father asked me if I want to help him with carpentry work for a client for a few days. He said he'd also pay for it so I agreed. I have a feeling fate is trying to teach me a lesson. I think it'll be all right ultimately.

Went to the city to meet up with a friend. He's doing his PhD next year. We checked out a burger place that was all the rage a few months back because of its tiktok advertising. It's near the uni. When it was the current thing it'd have 30-40 minute lines in front of it.
You know what? It was good. I enjoyed the burger. Afterwards we talked for about two hours about random shit like the state of the uni department, Japanese literature and our projects. At one point I jumped up the bench and imitated that photo where Mishima stretches out his hand during the coup on the balcony to illustrate what I was talking about. I felt really alive.

Yesterday I read and also finished translating chapter one of the novella. Watched a film with friends online.
I think translating is becoming more and more easy. Though I'm still not sure how to treat the multilinguality of the text. Well, the editing will take care of that eventually. (Basically in some parts the main character quotes English and German poetry in the original and then has those translated back into Chinese within the text.)

Texted a bit with mom. She really wants to come home already, but I doubt they will let her go before the long weekend. She's so restless she handed my father an entire shopping list for stuff she probably intends to cook herself once she triumphantly returns. (To spend the next 6 weeks at home recovering.)
Will probably visit her tomorrow.

 No.19169 KONTRA

 No.19170 KONTRA

This “Hegelian e-girl” shit is the most cringe thing I’ve seen in ages honestly.
I want them to go back to larping as tradcath e-girls this is a travesty.

 No.19171 KONTRA

Wake me up when there are stirnerian e-girls.

 No.19172 KONTRA

In Galiza, saw Santiago de Compostela. Tomorrow I'll go on a 7 hour trek tomorrow.
So far so good.


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Don't pretend to be a Hegel expert!

I ordered a copy of Grundlinien einer Philosophie des Rechts because it was an important book for MG I reckon.

I hope you have Crumps in your substack alert

 No.19175 KONTRA


I hoped for it but no((
Still was fun
Dancing with boomers to Chuvash pop music (my favorite genre now). Newly husband vomiting from weed and moonshine. Eating pilav and chorba cooked by his relatives. Seeing long-forgotten people such as sister's childhood friends.

 No.19186 KONTRA

Galegos are a funny people. Being able to communicate with them in my native language is neat.

 No.19189 KONTRA

>new husband vomits

I have in mind those photos of bydlo russian couples from back on KC when people wanted to make fun of Russia.

I don't really like weddings, food great and all but the music is usually terrible I would enjoy russian bydlo folksy pop with boomy electronic beats underneath more than German Schlager though they probably have similarities


>it's better because it's not german!
But funny enough, today I was eating something in a deli and they had some kind of late 90s playlist, with Backstreet Boys and Christina Aguilera and the like; "Genie in a bottle".
My companion then started complaining about the music and about Schlager and we noted that we can tolerate english language Schlager better because we usually don't pay attention to the lyrics (or don't understand them), but anglophones do, so people in the anglosphere who enjoy english language pop music are the same kind of people who enjoy Schlager in germanophone countries.

 No.19191 KONTRA

> people haves fun
> like bydlo from them
You are one arrogant son from a whore.

 No.19192 KONTRA

Yeah, I indeed enjoy non-German, non-English music because I don't understand the lyrics.

Wen willst du hier verarschen? If a black person would do these things you would sniff at those niggas with your civilized nose, hands down.

 No.19193 KONTRA

And then? The similar is not the equals, understand you that? True likely not, while do beest so dumm.


You are pathetic and give me second hand embarrassment.


What embarrass you? That I not one friend from negroes be? Why be you from negroes so occupied that you them mention must if well no one over them spoken has?


For a brief moment, before bickering was resumed, they all agreed that German music is trash.



 No.19198 KONTRA

The most embarrassing thing here is the samefagging schizolarping


Hans and Franz had a stroke and now make linguistic yoda joges that reach the level of was guckst du, du problem? and I genuinely think he would laugh about it because it's so trueee



Does this look and sound like trash to you?!

 No.19201 KONTRA

Mom got home yesterday so I spent most of the day cleaning for her arrival. Also had the worst headache in a long time but I managed to just sleep it off.

Today I read some and then went to meet at a café with workshop members and applicants. I got to have some tea and a slice of cake on the college's dime. Afterwards we wanted to see the fireworks, but as we were going up the hill we got caught in a storm and had to turn back. I was fucking drenched like clothes sticking to my body drenched. Decided to just run to the metro and it was basically raining sideways.
Though apparently they ended up doing the fireworks anyway.

 No.19202 KONTRA

Life would really be so much easier if I was more of a conscious piece of shit. It's not that I'm a good person, but that I'll miss opportunities to self-censor or lie because I'm genuinely just that retarded. If it's topics that tickle my autistic obsessions, I can't help but be entirely honest before I realize the damage I've inflicted. Could have been fugging a russian bint now if I just played along with her retarded russocentric theories.


> her retarded russocentric theories
Tell us about them.

>The similar is not the equals
Good phrase, I'll use it to defend my double standards.

And I don't understand a single word in Chuvash. Chuvash are baptized Tatars (same way as Bosnians are Muslim Serbs) and their language is Turkic. BTW remember linguist Ernst? Which languages did he spoke? Chuvash, probably? Or Bashkir? Villagers don't speak native language but they all understand it, even little children. The exception is husband's wife who employs it often and speaks Russian with accent. Probably because she's housekeeper and spent most of the time speaking with her kind.
Anyway I don't have such a problem, understanding lyrics doesn't prevent me from liking a song.

He did it after official ceremony, the next day after it. So I don't condemn him even though I don't drink and don't take drugs.


You are an NPC and when someone speaks out against the pro-western media-lies you were conditioned to believe, you get triggered and yell 'blasphemy', like some devout Catholic when someone as much as insinuates that Jesus was not the son of god and the 'virgin' Mary was a slut and joseph was a cuck.

Of course educated thinking women will not dish out to unthinking npc sheeple going bah-bah-russia-bad like some automaton.

 No.19205 KONTRA

> don't speak
I mean they can speak, they just don't do it
> husband's wife
Husband's mum


Failed birth son from a whore, I fucking you mother!


I speak very good English, not how yoda! I speak much businessy on the phone at all days!


>Tell us about them
The reason that Russian has very little accent and dialect diversity is because all diversions from the norm are classified as their own languages by russophobic western philologists.


This is actually true, Western Imperialists do this. The study of Slavic languages had the purpose of proofing that slavs are subhumans. They invent all those game languages like Ukrainian, belorussian, Polish etc to divide and conquer the natural Russian world. Ironic how Shitmany lost 2/3 of its territory and all of the German settlements in the East doing this.

 No.19213 KONTRA

Heil Scholzler btw.


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Well, it's well known known thing that language/dialect division is a political concept, not a linguistic one. And that difference between Russian and Ukrainian languages (even considering official version of Ukrainian) is less then between dialects of Chinese or Arabic.
What were your counter-arguments?

> by russophobic western philologists

I think these people are just following Soviet classification of considering Ukrainian a separate language.


Thine dis-equal is raisin-pecking.

 No.19216 KONTRA


 No.19217 KONTRA

>What were your arguments?
I can't recall the entirety of it, and an attempt to rewrite them would enable me to make them seem more coherent than what they probably were.
I referenced the linguistic distance between Russian and Ukrainian being greater than Portuguese and Italian, the 18th century bans on writing in (what would become) Ukrainian - itself a form of admission of a distinct and separate language, and some drunken ramblings trying to draw parallels and differences between Spen and Russia.


A webinar by a service provider is a very corporate-y phenomenon, the memes are true.

NATO nominated for worst wingman in history.

 No.19221 KONTRA

Got the last two books that I ordered. Read a bit from one. The post office placed a toll on it and it angered my sister that I didn't notify her of this in advance when she picked it up at work, and I told her that if I knew about it I'd have paid it in advance and that I'm sorry.
Showed a friend who works in the bureaucracy this book called "How to be a Civil Servant" I got and he remarked that "You are cynical, you hate people and you love to powertrip. You don't need a guide for this."

Skipped breakfast because we had no bread and just had a coffee. I got sick. Had lunch. Read some more.
I waited for dad to call me to go to work with him but he ended up not doing so and I'm kind of pissed because if you tell me in the morning that in the afternoon we will be going out to work then I'm going to be on the edge and not do anything and it wastes my entire fucking day.

Ended up also doing a lot of chores too to help my mother. She seems to be doing fine.
Got a letter from my bank. They want me to go in and show them my ID and other papers again for some fucking reason.
Also got a call from the data entry job that they want me back on Monday. So I got that too going for me which is nice.

Been trying my hand at playing Yakuza again after I got horribly stuck on the early game but a friend on discord helped and he remarked that "Looks like all I needed was just a German to tell me what to do".

Am I happier right now? I don't know. I'm definitely feeling a lot more stable currently. The highs aren't as high and the lows aren't as low. Closer to the mean is better.


>I referenced the linguistic distance between Russian and Ukrainian being greater than Portuguese and Italian
According to what metric? Even dialects of Italian with their different grammar and lack of mutual comprehensibility are not more similar than Ru & Ua.
> the 18th century bans on writing in (what would become) Ukrainian - itself a form of admission of a distinct and separate language
As if it's not possible to ban a dialect.

Once again, no matter how close are the languages, they still can be considered distinct from each other (Montenegrin & Serbian). And even if they're as far as Moroccan Arabic and Iraqi Arabic, they can be considered forms of the same language. It's a sociopolitical matter, not linguistic one.


NATO is my bride.

>According to what metric?
I believe it's similarities between words and mutual intelligibility. Not that I actually understand enough to discuss the specifics.
>It's a sociopolitical matter, not linguistic one.
It's really both, by definition it's a linguistic matter. Whatever, the point wasn't even the fine details of the exact division between language and dialect, but that Russian has almost no accents because these were turned into languages (by perfidious foreign agents).


>NATO is my bride.

And yet you contemplate an erotic adventure with an enemy subject. Five years for doublethink, no parole.


Harsh, but fair. My most sincere apologies.

Also, speaking of languages, I've now left Galicia and I can no longer just use Portuguese and expect to be understood. Switching over to an advanced form of Portuñol.


Just how similar are Portuguese and Spanish, anyway? Can people at least "kind of" understand each other or is it more like German and Dutch where people claim to be able understand things but they are lying?
I am asking because today I was watching the gameplay showcase for Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 and Henry was freeing a polish soldier who only spoke Polish and Henry had problems understanding him. Obviously being a showcase, all the czech people were speaking english, but if we consider them ACTUALLY speaking czech, it seems to become some kind of joke because czechs and poles seem to be able to kind of understand each other, even if not fully. Or it is like with German and Dutch where one language sounds like a mentally retarded german toddler with throat cancer trying to speak english.


>Just how similar are Portuguese and Spanish, anyway
Breddy similar. Both western Iberian languages, I believe Portuguese is closer to Spanish than Catalan is.
In regards to understanding each other, it's often said that we can understand them but they can't understand us. I'm not sure if this is wholly because of differences in pronunciation patterns, as is sometimes claimed, or if exposure to Spanish plays a larger role. I generally don't struggle much* with understanding them, written language is broadly mutually intelligible for both. Today a Castilian told me that he visited Portugal, expecting to understand people alright but was forced to switch to English.
Word differences also play a role, I've encountered a lot of words that I'd have no way of understanding them without context or prior knowledge.
*It's my first day in actual Castilian speaking lands, and so far only one encounter had me asking the person to repeat themselves


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> I believe it's similarities between words and mutual intelligibility. Not that I actually understand enough to discuss the specifics.
I'm asking because I suspect that you took this information from Tishchenko's scheme. It's quoted a lot because it has a form of catchy infographic but enough to say that according to it Russian has more lexical similarity with Bulgarian than with Ukrainian.
"Armenian scientists proved that Jesus was Armenian", "Ukrainian scientists proved that they have nothing to do with Russia".

 No.19236 KONTRA

*Taps the sign*
A shprakh iz a dialekt mit an armey un flot


Visited my mother. She has books everywhere. Spent a lot of time going through the stacks. Flipping to random pages, reading a bit. Moving to the next. Realized something. Her apartment is the only place where I handle physical books. Everything I have is digital. Reading those is more...methodical. Look for a specific title. Open. I enjoy the arbitrary nature of a book pile, and envy Hungary his book carts.
I should go to the library. Not just libgen.


>Hungaryball was jewish all along
Now it all makes sense!


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Back from the yearly hike with my buddies. Weather was a bit foggy and rainy, but we got some decent sunshine for the last ascent at least. Feeling better. Hope I can use this reset to get out of my recent rut.


Beautiful. Where is that?


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I lost 90 min on the job clock to go to a spontaneous flat inspection I tried to get a date for during lunch break. It worked, at least. The flat is not very expensive, close to the center and has a good kitchen. and two rooms. The bathroom is a small crime, though.
Anyway, it was utter shit and I now know why people really fucking hate job hunting in big cities. Too many people, who all make enough money to pay for this flat. What makes me different from that single women or that couple in their mid twenties besides looks and relationship status? On top you have to provide a picture and a small text together with a shitload of data and affidavits that you are liquid and not a bad guy to the person who owns the flat.

Will I get that flat? Absolutely not! Have I wasted an entire evening on the application regardless? Yes.
I probably got 100 emails today that are only related to job hunting, registering for shit here and there, getting notified on new flats, on dates, on successfully asking to be allowed for inspection...*


Move somewhere else, then.


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Woke up and I got really mad that nobody had the courtesy to leave me a single slice of bread for breakfast so I had to go out and buy some for myself. I bought a bunch of other stuff too while at it and then I had some spaghetti for lunch but ultimately it didn’t really sit well with me.

I kept reading outside and also cleaned some garden paths while out and about.
Took a nap in the afternoon and then I played some video games again.

Tomorrow I’m going to work with dad because he finally said he will actually do the job. I just hope it goes okay. Why shouldn’t it? I don’t think I’ve ever been in better shape than this honestly.

One of my classmates is going to Japan. It’s that girl that rejected me. She invited me to her farewell get together. Alongside a hundred other people. It’ll be roasting bacon. And wearing cat ears.
As I was leaving the college on the 20th, a guy who also fancies her asked me “where she is” and I told him honestly she went home. The whole affair puts me in despair and I wish it didn’t surface to torment me every couple of hours.

Would that really make the pieces fall into place?


It does not make anything better besides it's less competition in that regard. No, it's like with the job hunt.

Nur die Harten kommen in den Garten, Ernst. Ich bin nicht bereit, als weichgekochtes Landei zu enden.


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>mimimimimimimi I finally have to work and live on my own but let me make an ironic cope (I'm not actually being ironic) about living in the city being for hardasses
:-DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD oh Ernst you're killing me

 No.19248 KONTRA

I wrote this to trigger you, Landei. It seemed to have worked just fine.


>I complain and bitch and whine, but I am not ready to change anything about my situation
Have fun living in your hellhole, I guess.
*dabs* *crunks* *turns 360° and walks away*

 No.19258 KONTRA

> *turns 360° and walks away*
dude, wtf is wrong with you? why are you walking into me?!


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Here, I illustrated it for you.


>try to get into 3D modeling AGAIN
>fire up Blender AGAIN
>watch a tutorial AGAIN
>give up AGAIN
I'd probably learn how to operate a space shuttle quicker than this shit ;_;


Kleinwalsertal in the Allgäu Alps. Fun fact: It's a "practical exclave", i.e. while it belongs to Austria it's only accessible via road from Germany due to the terrain.


Spen trip wrapping up, about to leave this fascist prison of nations and return to the last stronghold of Iberian freedom. Rated 5/5, will return. Train tickets are exceptionally expensive when compared to bus fares, a 7 hour bus ride awaits me.


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I was hoping for better posts after being absent for 24h.
Extremely exhausted but sort of proud I survived this day quite well. In the past that would have not been possible. I really think this "being an emotion scientist" shit is working out to my benefit.


Maybe you didn't stay away for long enough.


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Are these kind of post the alternative to the void I left?


With how these posts wouldn't exist if you wouldn't post in the first place, I guess not?


I woke up early and had breakfast and then went to work with dad. It went fine. I had little trouble with doing what was physically asked of me.
I think in the end we were both surprised that this is probably the best we’ve gotten along in years probably. It was remarkably smooth.
He said he will pay me later but I told him that it’s not like I expected him to pay me before he gets paid.

The only troubles were that we basically skipped lunch and I was rather hungry by the time the afternoon rolled around. Also didn’t have a coffee so my head kept hurting periodically. I once hit my head in a cabinet we installed and remarked “What fucking moron put this thing here?”.

We had a kinda mid burger after we finished work and then got home. At home I basically just played video games and that’s it.


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When using multiple shoe inserts, I can now declare that combining one memory foam and one gel insole provides superior comfort when compared to two layers of memory foam.

The quality content you crave.


I think I never heard of somebody using multiple shoe inserts together.

The good thing is that nobody else feels personally attacked by that post - it is just you.

 No.19280 KONTRA

>The good thing is that nobody else feels personally attacked by that post
You meant the good thing is that someone reacted to your intentionally inflammatory and otherwise utterly superfluous post.
Well done, keep on rocking!


a little bit more relaxation would do wonders for your attitudes
t. emotion scientist


I can't relax, I have to work on monday ;_;


You don't have to do anything.
Be your own man, not a slave to a society that doesn't care about you.

 No.19288 KONTRA

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Me too


You don't have to do anything.
Be your own man, not a slave to a society that doesn't care about you.


I don't want to be a stinky anarchist, though. What else to grab in the market of political ideas, old man?


Then keep working until your're allowed to retire with 75. Enjoy your last 5 or 10 years before you die collecting empty bottles so you can afford your rent.
I don't judge if that's what makes you happy.

 No.19295 KONTRA

If you make this post but with a Nietzsche photo I am going to agree.


You can feign some illness and go on welfare. To make it political, you can pretend it's anti-capitalist.


You either can be a stinky anarchist under capitalism that lives through the breadcrumbs of others provided or you have to work as wage slave until 75? That's not what I was promised when borned into this world.


I have been on welfare. It's not anti-capitalist at all, though.


That's why you'd have to pretend.


You can also be rich.


I am rather rich, 1500€ is an insult to my working performance.


Then you can just not work and live off investment income. Not enough? You are not rich.


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Yes, you have been rather whiny about having to work to make living.


Do you wear a hard-boiled detective hat by chance?


That's called a fedora


What a strange way to say yes but ok.


>using multiple shoe inserts together.
Probably not common, even for people who work on their feet. For starters, you have to have a roomy shoe. More than one insert, and the extra bottom cushion moves your foot right to the top of the interior. Toes rubbing against a hard-shell cap (can't correctly call it a steel toe, as the protection is a composite material) can be worse than a thin insole. As a result, what is comfortable on Monday may not be on Friday. I swap things in and out frequently and rarely keep the same sock/insole/shoe configuration for long.


>Toes rubbing against a hard-shell cap [...] can be worse
Man I actually have marks on my index toes' knuckles because they constantly rub against any harder structure. I also have very wide feet and a bit too high instep, which makes wearing certain shoes really painful after a while and warrants a special lacing technique for boots.


Neither by chance nor on purpose. >>19310 is not me.
You are too poor to live without either working a job or to go on welfare. If you think you are underpaid, find a job that pays more. Now stop acting like a sulky teenager.


Why... can't we all... just... get along?
Acknowledge our... differences and work... together?


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>is not me

Are you sure? If it's true than that person can mimic you very well, kek.

you might think about how serious my pasts post have been. In case I've been moving in a certified autism zone

 No.19324 KONTRA

It came to my mind that you also might mistake me for the welfare Ernst who was forced laboring in a café btw.

 No.19325 KONTRA

>just pretending to be retarded
Yes, we know.


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Returned from a two week vacation to Ulyanovsk and Kazan. It was tiresome but very cool. Note that last time I had a trip 12 years ago, with family, as a teenager.

I'm thinking of going to Kazan for one more week next year, I didn't have time to see everything I wanted. And another week for Yoshkar-Ola. It is famous for having an extravagant governor who filled the town center with mini copies of Venetian palaces, Moscow Kremlin, Neuschwanstein castle and so on. He's now serving his 13-years term in a maximum-security penal colony for "bribery, abuse of office and illegal possession of ammunition".


dat me. haven't posted in a while.

btw, after my lengthy, autistic rant e-mail, they seemed to be most concerned about my e-mail name.
> You, like, in a extremist group or something? We tried to translate your name. It's something along "plz kill (me)" or similar?
wtf. It's a gmail addy. As if any extremist (group) would use an e-mail provider, which is known to collect all the data (to train A.I. or sell). On top of that they translated it wrong. Or I wrote it wrong in my teens.

iirc, it was Futur II, 1st person plural, subjunctive… I found it funny way back, because in latin it is a single word and in german and english you need to build a whole sentence for that :D And I just took one of the many vocabs, which translate to ~kill. Was an inside joke:
> Just translate all verbs with "kill" and you get about half of them right.


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I ate Banh Mi with pork, pretty tasty. Is this colonial dialectics or what some people would call the agency of colonially subjugated subjects?

I'm usually not a fan of fresh coriander or my taste changed, can't remember when I last had a dish with fresh coriander, probably years ago tbh - or it was never prominent enough, but it plays out so well on these things - I would never remove it.

Will you have to continue wörk and potentially arouse the attention of hardworking yet dulled germans with fedoras with your complaints about wage labor?

 No.19339 KONTRA

Today I read and also took back all the plastic bottles to get the deposits back. Translated half a page from the short story.
I'm feeling down again for some reason. Maybe it's because I left the herbs in the cup for too long. I don't know.
Gonna go and work tomorrow. Idk for how long. I guess I can afford a few more books. Though I will probably save like 80% of the money for the time I'm in college.

I registered for most of my classes. I decided to take the "Translation assisting tools" seminar. Who knows, maybe it'll actually be helpful. Though now that I think about it, environmentalism in China doesn't sound that bad either.


> I decided to take the "Translation assisting tools" seminar. Who knows, maybe it'll actually be helpful. Though now that I think about it, environmentalism in China doesn't sound that bad either.

Can't you register for both and then decide after taking the first class and knowing about the syllabus and all?

 No.19342 KONTRA

No, I can’t. Technically you can de-register on the first week but the person holding the class might feel insulted (small department) and also the trick is that while you can de-register on the first week, the university has no classes during the first week of September, so it’s practically impossible to sample a class.


After a dental visit, they invariably ask if I would like a toothbrush to take home. Of course. Who would turn down free stuff? Between the dentist, and years of my mother giving me toothbrushes every Christmas, I have never purchased one.


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>and years of my mother giving me toothbrushes every Christmas
What is this, islamic gommunism? I hope those were at least 500 horsepower toothbrushes, carved out of ivory, and that they weren't your only christmas gifts.


It was probably a subtle attempt by his mother to get him to brush his teeth


>your only christmas gifts.
There were a few small things she would get my siblings and I every year. A bag of M&M's. A box of chocolates. A random book. Socks.

Mission Accomplished. I am now a religious tooth brusher and avid flosser.


You're supposed to change your toothbrush regularly, aren't you? Using just one, two or three brushes every year seem a bit sparse. Or have I fallen for a capitalist scheme tricking me into buying more products when two toothbrushes a year suffice? That said I probably change them every two months or so.


Oh it was a plural with the gifted toothbrushes, never mind.
We can still talk about the capitalist toothbrush scheme.


>capitalist toothbrush scheme
Bought a toothbrush made from recycled bottles.

Pro: I haven't had a toothbrush that felt so good in my mouth in decades. It feels smooth and solid. Like it's worth something, unlike most toothbrushes that feel like yogurt cups.
Cons: I bought literal garbage for a premium price and supported the single-use beverage-container industry by making its business case even more viable.


I don't see why I should change my toothbrush if the brush is still perfectly in order.
Sure, if it looks like you are scrubbing your shower booth with it daily you should probably get a new one, but my brushes are still almost as pristine as they were they I bought it. In fact, I can't even remember when it was the last time I changed my toothbrush.
But then again, I brush with little pressure, it's better for the gums too.


I change my brush ~every 6 months. Sooner if it looks worn, later if it doesn't. If the Capitalists want me to swap more frequently, they shouldn't make these things indestructable.

And, yeah. Most years I received multiple toothbrush gifts. Had a lot of travel brushes, given to me despite the fact I never travel.

 No.19366 KONTRA

I've just been working and reading basically.
Next shift's on Friday because we ran out of stuff to do again. But at least I got paid.

 No.19368 KONTRA

You got something good? Why can't you be happy?


There is no happiness possible under capitalism.


Not true, you are just an ungrateful German - like all Germans.

 No.19375 KONTRA

>le meta german strikes back
You'll never get tired of this, do you?


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You are distracting from truth seeking with this meta-question.

 No.19377 KONTRA

Truth is a phallic fetish of white male eurocentric culture.


Very creative, good thing I want to go to sleep.

 No.19379 KONTRA

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I went to the city in the morning to have a medical exam done. After that I went to the bank to have them verify my existence so I can keep using the account. Turns out they misregistered my birth date.
The visit to the bank would have been kind of pleasant actually if it wasn't for the anti-theft alarm going off in the background without any break because of a malfunction of one of the tablets they have out for clients.
I found a copy of that schizo book that claims China went to the Americas in the 1420s and I bought it because it was cheap.

After that I got home and read some. Also had a nap.
Finally finished the study I needed to write. Wasn't much work, I had like 14 pages written already, basically I just had to fix it up along the lines of the style guide.
Gotta hope whoever reviews it doesn't rip it a new one and I'll be in a print volume with this shit.
Will re-read it one more time tomorrow and then send it in before the deadline.

Sorry I forgor.

 No.19380 KONTRA

>After that I went to the bank to have them verify my existence so I can keep using the account.
I did that yesterday. And a month ago, but apparently, the clerk did it wrong back then.

> Mr. Ernst if it doesn't work this time, we will lock your account

said the barely-out-of-her-diapers-girl with the fake tan, as she scanned my new ID card for the for the third time. Well, what am I supposed to do about it? Come around the counter and do her job for her?


not everyone has a useful Karen to help him out.


Went in for my yearly teeth cleaning at the dentist and it was the same girl doing it as last time. I expectd it to just be sth I have to get over with, but it ended up salvaging my mood after I've been feeling so shit yesterday. While it's rather sad to admit, it felt almost unreal to be treated so caringly by a cute girl for a change.
Her upper chest rubbing against my head, joking how I still haven't stopped smoking or started using flossing yet my teeth look better than last year, won't-you-please-move-your-head-a-little-closer-towards-me-thank-you, all while handling all these strange whirring potentially dangerous appliances in my mouth. I'm not there yet but I could understand someone developing a fetish for this kind of thing.
With the health insurance covering almost 2/3 of the costs, this is honestly a steal. Cheaper and more erotic than going to a prostitute.

something something what zero zero pussy etc

 No.19389 KONTRA

> erotic

I understand the erotic potential. My teeth cleaner woman is probably a couple of years older than me but she is a bubbly person and I like chatting with her. Thank dog I also have good genetics when it comes to teeth health

Grateful for service was nowhere to be seen.

 No.19392 KONTRA

Went and enrolled in the MA. The line was long but otherwise it was uneventful. After becoming free, I have entered into a second pact with the Devil.
Picked up a copy of the Picatrix. Also ran a new personal best. That really heightened my mood. I liked that a lot.

Workplace didn't call, so I will be home tomorrow. Maybe go out and buy a french press.


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At work, I know a Brandon, a Brendon, and a Brennon. Very confusing.

My dental hygienist is a dude.

Was there even a serious doubt you would continue?

 No.19394 KONTRA

What a pathetic post to write. Are you a virgin or something?


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Found something related to the conversation at hand

 No.19398 KONTRA

Woke up, had breakfast and then went to Ikea to get a French press. It wasn't actually on sale but I got it regardless. I think it was good.
I actually made coffee with it and it was nice, although I feel like it could have been a bit stronger.

Read Mishima's novella titled "Star" and just generally wasted a lot of time chatting with friends online and doing some chores around the house.
Played some video games but I started feeling bad so I stopped and went for a Run instead which helped a bit.

I got back my interview again from the editor this time. He said he's pleased with it, because it's in-depth and subjective. He just re-worded some of the parts so it's not like a transcript. (Which it is actually for the most part.)
I will look through it tomorrow but most likely I will just say everything's fine and get a publication date.

Honestly I'm anxious about the MA classes. I really gotta start revising for the Chinese language stuff.


>Honestly I'm anxious about the MA classes.

You will be OK, trust.


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Found something related to the conversation at hand

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