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 No.19402 [View All]


Nobody has the intention to open a Today thread
250 posts and 58 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I left work an hour early today, instead of an hour late. A two-hour swing. Mentally and physically, it feels like a day off.


Good for you.
Do you regularly work overtime? Do you at least get paid for it?


Yeah, I work overtime every week. By law, any hours over 40 in a week pay one and a half times my normal rate.


>I think the anger was mostly the weather.
As a card carrying member of the Ernstchan anti-therapy gang, I'd have to recommend therapy at some point.


I haven't counted, but to me it looks like half the threads in the catalog are Today threads.


It's our signature thread after all. With signature postings.


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Why not open a yesterday or a tomorrow thread for some variety?

 No.19910 KONTRA

I got paid and I picked up that very cheap humidifier at work. Of course it was crap that didn’t work and no takesies backsies so I have to throw it out. Oh well. Honestly I’m not even in despair over it.

I made up with my father, though according to my mother my conduct made quite the impression on him.
It finally rained and I’m no longer angry.

Also I finally ran after skipping 4 or so days. I decided to go faster and I also dended up going for half an hour instead of 25 minutes so I basically just set a new personal best.
Felt fucking brilliant.


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Triple your post count with verb conjugation. EcKinsey & Company approves.


> Tomorrow, I will
> Yesterday, I haven't


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I will probably have a few weeks where I won't be on EC because I get my own place and I heard internet takes a few weeks. I won't use my phone to browse EC. Let's see how that turns out. I can already hear a German rejoice.

Because the present (today) is the ever pulsating glue point of past and future already.


I once had to wait six weeks for internet.
And the current apartment also took several weeks, but they gave me some "mobile access" stick. Sadly I live more than 5km away from the next big city (one of the largest in Germany) and thus mobile reception sucks. It was enough to check emails.
That said, do people even have "landline" internet anymore? Everyone is doing everything on their phones anyway, aren't they?


>adly I live more than 5km away from the next big city (one of the largest in Germany) and thus mobile reception sucks.

Are you the northerner?
Well, shit anyway. Six weeks is tough. I updated my prepaid mobile contract and tripled my data volume for 5€ more per month. Should satisfy my needs, though not watching youtube while eating could become reality. I significantly use my phone more often to do things on the internet since commuting and work is where I spend most of my time now.

>do people still use landline

Sure, streaming/video content is the big deal here. And maybe downloading games.


Addendum: the first time I lived alone several years ago I got Unitymedia NRW beste and it took not that long, a week or two max. Or is my mind memory playing tricks on me?


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Veronica Lake or Lauren Bacall?

 No.19920 KONTRA

I fail to get things done on the weekend repeatedly. I shoveled the gravel like it was asked of me. I had a bad headache throughout the day.
For a few hours I felt manic.




They just installed speed bumps in the parking lot at work. Rolled over one for the first time today. Unpleasant. Even at 5mph. Avoiding them should be possible if I plan my parking appropriately. Stay near the end of rows and near entry/exit points to minimize the chances of doubling back if traffic is heavy.

Why does internet take so long to hook up?



>Why does internet take so long to hook up?
Not him, but basically, because this is Germany.

It took my colleague 9 months to get an internet connection. And this wasn't just nine months of waiting, it was nine months of beurocratic nightmares. There was a three-month period when she had a landline (all landlines are now via VoIP, by the way) but couldn't use it for an Internet connection, because the provider tried to set up an appointment with their technician by calling the landline during working hours. Every time she tried to schedule an appointment, they emailed her back that the appointment couldn't be set up, because she refused to take their calls. They agreed to call her mobile each time, but then continued to call the landline.


>Why does internet take so long to hook up?
Mainly bureaucracy. The old account has to be deregistered, the new one has to be registered, if you want to keep your numbers that has also to be done, and the isp companies like to take their sweet time.
Oh, and one company owns all the wires and everyone else has to pay fees to use their (badly maintained) infrastructure and there are court cases about this on the regular.

 No.19925 KONTRA

This post needs to be fact-checked.

>and one company owns all the wires

Twisted pair subscriber lines are almost 100% owned by Telekom. But this applies only to twisted pair and only to subscriber lines. Vodafone owns and operates all coax subscriber lines. Local fiber networks are often owned by municipalities and leased out exclusively to tier-3 providers via long-term agreements.

> Use their infrastructure

1&1 (Versatel) and Vodafone do operate DSLAMs in significant numbers, with their own uplinks.

> badly maintained

How can you assess this? What kind of maintenance do you even think can or should be done on networking equipment?

 No.19926 KONTRA


 No.19927 KONTRA

The truth does not fear fact checking. Your baseless slander has been exposed.

 No.19928 KONTRA

The portogreek in defense of big telecom. Checks out.
The badly maintained infrastructure for example is a well-known fact, but the proofster Ernst would probably also ask for proofs if someone talks about badly maintained roads or municipal piping

 No.19929 KONTRA

>The badly maintained infrastructure for example is a well-known fact
You think they don't oil the door-hinges on the gateways or maybe they don't re-pressurize the copper lines?

You have already made it more than obvious that you have no idea what you are even talking about. It would be better to shut up now.

In case you are wondering: your crappy data rates with telekom are a result of insufficient peering.


How much do you pay for your internet and how much is the speed?

 No.19932 KONTRA

Nobody has been talking about data rates. But good job making it clear you a) can't read and b) are just talking out of your ass.


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I had to purchase gasoline without ethanol. For my snowblower. Won't use that for another month or so, but as I had immediate need for lawnmower gasoline, I decided to buy something both small engines could use. They didn't sell it at the first two stations I visited. Only the 90/10 blend various regulations and subsidies have normalized. Found some pure stuff at the third stop. Available from one pump out of 20. The guy ahead of me was filling gas cans as well.

Close to $200 a month bundled with cable.


Is this some not so-subtle attempt at trolling or are you actually abysmally dumb?

>talking out of your ass

1) 1&1/Versatel and Vodafone do operate DSLAMs, even if the subscriber lines that are hooked up belong to telekom. You can find out by checking easybell, they use 1&1/Versatel as a carrier were available, Telekom otherwise. See https://github.com/n-thumann/easybell-carrier-map, there is a tool that makes use of this fact. Here is a video of a nice man explaining to you that not all DSLAMs are owned/operated by Telekom. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1xBSXaytpA.
2) The coax network is not owned by Telekom and has not been owned by Telekom for about 25 years. It was sold in the early 2000s. The regional operators were subsequently consolidated and now, it is owned by vodafone. You can read this up on wikipedia, starting here. Quote: "Am 9. Mai 2018 gab die Muttergesellschaft Liberty Global bekannt, dass Unitymedia an die Vodafone Group verkauft wird.[9] Mit der Fusion von Vodafone und Unitymedia ist eine Monopolstellung beim Kabelfernsehen in Deutschland entstanden"
3) Regional fiber networks are owned by municipalities and leased out to tier-3 carriers. Example https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/NetCom_BW . Similar Model M-Net, where all the local public works own a stake in tier 3 operator. See https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/M-net

From 1), 2) and 3), we can conclude that Telekom does indeed not own all subscriber lines, neither do all other carriers have to use their infrastructure. So much for me talking out my ass.

Now, we come to where you are talking out of your ass. You have not made it clear what maintenance you think should be done on all the "wires" Telekom owns. You have, until now, failed to explain how those wires should be maintained, how their maintenance is neglected, and what the consequences of this supposedly are. Educate me on the basics of wire-maintenance, please I beg you. If you can't at least tell me how a subscriber card, a controller card or carrier-grade Router should be maintained.

 No.19935 KONTRA

Imagine having a meltdown over some throwaway post in the successor to the little brother of a german version of a nepalese yak milk fermenting board's clone. Are you banned on /fefe/ or something?
Get a life, nerd.
None of this would have happened if you weren't such a condescending piece of shit


You mean: someone knowing more than you? That must happen all the time.

>none of this would have happened

you mean, you would not have been embarrassed?

 No.19938 KONTRA

>You mean: someone knowing more than you?
No. You can know more without being a condescending piece of shit.
So, let me restate: You're an illiterate, yet awfully smug piece of shit.


Replying like this to a genuine informative effort post. What's going on?


It's a tschörman zing, you wouldn't get it

 No.19941 KONTRA

I can't fucking get anything done for some reason.
Ordered some books from China.
Hammered my budget a bit. Added a small table of estimated expenses that are certain or are just planned to happen. (Book preorders and the like that I have not picked up yet but are bound to happen or stuff liken that.)
I failed to buy opera tickets because they were sold out. Instead of running I ended up doing extra lifting.


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Just dropping by. I managed 25 hours without EC.
5G mobile data with hotspot might be the better idea. My laptops browers is fast af - looks like the router and speed we had in the shared flat was just shit shit shit. I could get 200GB of mobile data a months starting at 50€/per months. Or I get a simple just internet solution for less than 40€/month and my ~10€/month for 15GB mobile data.


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At least the Bickerfest continues without me.

 No.19945 KONTRA

What a smug retarded pathetic little piece of shit >>19938 is.


When was the last time you visited IKEA?


2017. Is that really Ingvar Kamprads Volvo?


2022. Buying crap for the apartment.

 No.19950 KONTRA

>IVs Volvo.

No, it allegedly is the Volvo the director of IKEA in the czech republic bought some time in the past and somebody sold on the internet as such.

Same here, just it's 2024. What kind of crap did you buy? I bought a small table (and will probably buy a second one because it can act well as a nightstand) and crap like a pack of drinking glasses, kitchen utensils, some stuff for the bathroom and unplanned two pillow cases because that is how IKEA makes money no really, I needed those.

I cannot remember when I was at IKEA before this. While I lived alone in the past, that was in my home town and my parents gave me household items they did not need anymore. I still have furniture that is mostly gifted by my parents and what they bought between ~1985 and 2000s. But now for that little crap which makes a household running smoothly I had to quickly make decisions and frequent a few selected stores (including IKEA).
While I was there the first time in ages on a weekend, which is always a mistake I vaguely remember Tyler Durden or Ed Nortons words about the homely nest that is so happily endowed.


2018 or 2019. It's been a while. No stores in Buffalo.


Late spring 2024, went there to eat a lot of cheap hotdogs with friends

 No.19953 KONTRA

A few weeks ago. I bought a french press.

 No.19954 KONTRA

I felt fucking awful yesterday and I was afraid I stepped on a path of terminal decline health-wise but for the first time in maybe weeks I slept without getting drenched in sweat so something got fixed I think.
Though this is kind of a “housewife’s” view of medicine where “pain” means a sort of purging of poisons from the body.


Stopping at an African enclave train station to proselytize the natives on African history and neocolonialism. People must know about Patrice Lumumba. It was harsh seeing the death of Amílcar Cabral simply assigned to "Americans", but, as a leftist, I understand that revolutionary consciousness won't be grown overnight.


Your liquids have been in unbalance and that was the long required drainage.

t. dogtor

A progressive leftist would listen what the African people's opinion is and then just take that undebated because they know best what is true and right. Non-white conservatism is fine. After all, you don't want to be caught being the source of heteronomy.

 No.19959 KONTRA

> doing missionary work in the streets to convert the unbelieving masses
Like a mormon or a Jehova's wittness. And all of them bring salvation, some after the world revolution, some after the rapture.

Difference is: the Jehova's can't bring us heaven on earth, and they don't promise it. The socialists promise it, but would bring us hell on earth.


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I woke up and I felt really good. I had breakfast and then lunch and went to the library where I did a really effective study session for my classical Chinese seminar. I was sitting at a table with 3 Iranian women. They were cute.

Classical Chinese class went okay. We agreed that we’d read the tiger episode from the Golden Light Sutra next. (I picked it because it was referenced in a manga but I didn’t tell the lecturer that I just said “hey that’s a cool story isn’t it?” and he went along with it. No, there’s no lesson plan for this shit.)

German class went fine. Learned how to export my uni calendar from an IT guy sitting next to me. Coolest shit ever.
Learned about a good Bernhard short story because it came up in a discussion. Might read it later.
After class I felt energized and we talked a bit with the lecturer about the state of the education a bit. Then I went on a rant about the new Dazai book they published in Hungarian. I really have to write that letter of complaint. It’s my duty!
I almost wanted a cigarette but ultimately I didn’t smoke one. I mean it looks cool but I just don’t enjoy it. What’s the point?

After my run yesterday my legs still feel a bit sore, but otherwise I feel like I’m doing well again.
Also one of my book orders got delayed.
I think “reading for pleasure” is off the table for now. Way too many assigned books and the like.

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