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 No.6767 [Reply]

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since >>6754 suggested, ima start a thread.
which will prolly not get accepted/used a lot

Ernst didn't sleep last night and now is tired as fuck. Ernst has problems with sleeping since his teens. a lot of Ernst's problems started in his teens.

Ernst was very paranoid at that time and a lot into conspiracy theories. Ernst feared the emergence of a surveillance state.
Today Ernst isn't paranoid anymore, but suffers from PTSD because of it, which gets triggered every time he sees someone using his or her smart phone. Ernst doesn't trust in others reading the terms of services of commercial application and is aware that a lot of those commercial application demand unconditional access of the microphone and other things in their terms of services for targeted advertising, user experience and such.
A lot of people do not care about that, but Ernst did and still does to some extend. But Ernst can't just go to some stranger and say
> could you please stop using your phone around me, because i do not trust in your ability to read terms of services and make an informed decision based on what you have read.
these "strangers" include Ernst family. Although Ernst already told them how he feels about it, they seem to prefer the comfortability of use over Ernst feelings.

Ernst is aware that the amount of data collected today is way beyond the scope of human-based-supervision, so that it is very unlikely that any of the data is actually looked at by a person.

Ernst also thinks a lot about world politics, human potential, philosophy, how a "just" world could look like, how to define "just" and so on.
Ernst basically is a little autist, who thinks he might be able to "save the world". But Ernst isn't even sure if the world needs saving... and even if, who or what gives Ernst the right to decide how to define what a "saved world" is?
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 No.10344 KONTRA

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time for some attention whoring

> Maybe I update this thread somewhat weekly, with banal personal habbenings to imitate a therapeutical group session and ease others into sharing their personal habbenings, which they struggle to solve.

> maybe my last QQ bump, idk
Not gonna do a QQ bump but instead a blogpost about what happened today, I've decided. Let's define "blogpost" as mainly todays personal habbenings; may include thoughts, feelings and references of past personal habbenings [the "mainly", "may include", XOR, OR, AND, NAND, NOR and XNOR part can be moved around, included or left out freely]. I'll try to order the habbenings of today somewhat chronologically and somewhat after personal interpretation of importance; in other words: it is a chaotic, yet ordered, list of [Today's habbenings].

> Why aren't you posting it in the dedicated thread?

Because you can't [-] in a thread.

Like always: don't take anything at face whale you. I even lie in this half-ish meta post. Everyone is lieing - even to themselfs; copium. Of course I am going to misrepresent myself and what actually happened in order to give a better impression. Sure, you might not like that impression I am trying to portrait - but you are not deciding about how, when and where I lie. I do. Maybe you can even learn from my lies and improve your own lieing. The communication form attention whoring, which is "shitposting publicly without anyone asking", is always full of lies; especially if you force others to repeat a 3rd person's lie (e.g. ads, news […]) via an external tool (e.g. money, religion, group faggöttingen, fear […]).

I left my lurkingcave; visited society (and fell in love). I gonna focus on that. I know not everyone likes to read everything or everyones posts. I usually skip past hungry's blogpost myself and read pretty much everything else. But than, again, sometimes when I lay in bed and can't sleep and am not in the mood to do anything - I lurk those posts. It is a different kind of lurking. And I am not always in the mood to listen to the problems and habbenings of someone else. There is enough not habbening in my own life. I don't need more problems induced by others to further increase this non-hPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

 No.10345 KONTRA

> Everyone who doesn't talk with his heart on the tongue is stupid by default, since such an act doesn't use the whole intelligence available to an individual being.

The used idiom is powerful.
> to talk with your heart on the tongue
This idiom is truth transcending science, logic and time.

And at this point it might be important to mention the following:

Mine Primärattribut iß LAZY
"My primary attribute is lazy." ?

Yes, all capital letters. Ernst, in all honesty: you can be really happy, that I do not write like I want to write most of the times. I wouldn't bother with capitalization unless it is camelCase or self-imposed meaning as in Wortneuschöpfung literally: wordNewCreation. correct translation: neologism. I prefer the look of all smoll, but wouldn't really care enough to hit the CAPS key, if it is enabled. (Why is it a "key"? It is a [binary switch] or [toggle], chrott færdømme !!. Just put an actual, physical switch on the keyboard. Isn't thaaaat hard, is it?! It's even hard to find decent hardware without RGB-BULLSHIT.
Just gimme my goddamn logical consistent hardware instead of bling bling faggotory !!

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If he doesn't want to talk about them he sure fooled Ernst by typing a huge paragraph and spilling all

You think thoughts a think that's the truth when really women were there for you. If we criticize you you manufacture fake thoughts of non reproduction again and you're always right so what can we do?

You're a bitter fool full of thoughts. How dare you have treated women that way instead of making a family someday. Foolish. A fool.

 No.21244 KONTRA

Aye, led the thread die >:/

> How dare you have treated women that way instead of making a family someday.
my current working hypothesis is:
- i'm hyper sensitive (2 separate people's diagnosis - dem might be right)
- my father loved and beat me
- my mother didn't love me and treated me "ok"
she once fled our home out of fear of death. she took my brother with her and forgot me. i've hid behind the kitchen door with a knife in my hands; for hours. i was ~5-8 yo -- recently a few things happened, bringing that memory back.
- - -> I've learned that love is something bad or at least makes you do bad things.

 No.21131 [Reply]

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Getting hammered inside the garage again


And then?

 No.15256 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Kohl is kill for now, so I am preparing for the worst:
How can I convert from Bernd to Ernst? What is yhe culture here?
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 No.19311 KONTRA

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Thank you for acomondating us in our tiem of need, Earnst.

t. Bernd
P o l i t e


Can't we all just get along


Christ Jesus why? They're mods kek? I can't stop laughing fuck... Do administration do captcha too?


>Bernd to Ernst
Will not happen, pedo nazis are superior to germ commies

 No.20247 [Reply]

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How does Ernst think about Imageboards these days?
Are there any good boards left other than Ernstchan?

I used to browse various boards back in the good ol' days but they're all shit or dead now.

The only other board I look into every once in a while is lolcow.farm because watching a bunch of middle aged women shit talk Internet people and celebrities is funny to me.

What else is there?
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sportschan is pretty good if you can handle the banter.
>pic related
their /h/ board actually has hobbies/tips/etc on it, rather than trolls trolling trolls. endchan isnt bad despite being as slow as it is.


Most chan sites I've been on are dead no PPH and I make a thread and come back 2 years later to see it was the last thread created with maybe 3 replies

The chan federation needs to be like the mythological beast the Hydra to slice of one head (defunt one site) only creates two more heads


4chan is suffering from success so many people are on there that they get offended by my 4chan personality I feel alienated for being a Nazi on my own website

I've met people in real life who have gone on the more popular boards many times like b or mu

 No.18298 [Reply]

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Old thread Systemkontra'd >>4573

Insert coin to play post.
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That was iirc after already dropping everything and strafing them. I think the auto-pull-out only engages at a certain angle and with the bomb still attached.

But I have found my stick again and now things are going a lot better. I even managed to land without flipping or dying.


AFAIK the bomb detaching is what activates it combined with the altimeter, but you can't be unrealisticly steep in your approach.
It's just Kraut space magick, not actual space magick :3


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2024.12.05 12-21-27.jpg (1.7 MB, 1920x1080)

Finally managed to take some pictures. Not really eventful, but when you're trying to not crash into the ground, I think it's acceptable.
I made a small single mission just to practice divebombing.
From Graz you fly a bit south towards Murfeld, kill a radio station and some AA cannons there (smoke visible in last picture) and return north across Stubenberg to land again.

I must admit that most of the flight I let the autopilot do because for some reason I can't get the plane to keep calm and climbing doesn't work well. Might be the stick because I noticed that I have bad deadzone problems, but I still have to learn a lot, of course. Only for the actual diving I switched to manual. And I landed by myself, which worked way better than anticipated, considering that over the past few days I usually crash-landed, often fatally.


2024.12.07 15-24-49.jpg (1.71 MB, 1920x1080)

2024.12.07 15-29-54.jpg (1.71 MB, 1920x1080)

2024.12.07 15-30-01.jpg (1.78 MB, 1920x1080)

2024.12.07 15-44-23.jpg (914.7 KB, 1920x1080)

Still practicing divebombing.
First one looks cool, but missed one AA.
Second and third are from a run where I thought I missed, but as it turned out, the bombs still had some way to fall, as evidenced by the third one, with total annihilation.
Last one is total annihilation of my own plane after AA killed my ailerons and I started banking to death.

Also, this stick isn't really usable anymore for this kind of fine-tuned work.
I'll have to get a new one.

 No.234 [Reply]

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Avis, jasmin varnā na ā ast, dadarka akvams, tam, vāgham garum vaghantam, tam, bhāram magham, tam, manum āku bharantam. Avis akvabhjams ā vavakat: kard aghnutai mai vidanti manum akvams agantam. Akvāsas ā vavakant: krudhi avai, kard aghnutai vividvant-svas: manus patis varnām avisāms karnauti svabhjam gharmam vastram avibhjams ka varnā na asti. Tat kukruvants avis agram ā bhugat.
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 No.20756 KONTRA

In Polish "they" is also gendered (oni/one) so tranners use sci-fi neopronouns:


>In Polish "they" is also gendered (oni/one)
So how do they refer to a mixed-sex group or a person who's sex they're not sure of?


Probably the same as french


Yes, same as French, mixed = multiple males.

 No.8074 [Reply]

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I shamelessly bumped the old one in order to finally open this shiny new one again with a picture of my choice the actually picture I wanted to use gives an error.
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 No.8100 KONTRA

Yeah, might have been a weird file type that I converted to jpeg for download, hoping that would work.

 No.8345 KONTRA

That sounds like a misunderstanding. Renaming the image to have a different file extension is not the same thing as converting the image to a different format.
If I misread that you may ignore this post; and sorry for wasting your time in that case.


That's Richard II who was born in Bordeaux


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 No.8852 [Reply]

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Thread for discussing and sharing anything related with tabletop rpgs and/or boardgames.
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A win of epic proportions, on the Ernestochannel, starting off the D&D dice rolling storyline under the luckiest of stars? This has been screencapped and will be reposted once this thread falls off the board - which I asssume will happen in a mere few hours, since we are bound to be overrun by gamblers, daring adventurers, soldiers of fortune and hot chicks right away.


The traveller knows, as he brought the dice you dork.
I use wisdom shield against your 15 accuracy attack.



Damn, still felt that one.


Instead of doing the wise thing and pulling your upper body back to avoid the mighty pimp hand, you are still pondering your course of action and soon find yourself with a bright red cheek.

I roll for a 10 Intelligence to determine the quality of my taunt: dice

 No.18242 SYSTEMKONTRA [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Worst thread in EC II
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This is why you invest.
Then even playing vidya earns you money.
Just let time pass, bro.


First Pit 150, then next stop Mars.


Both pay2win to be honest.


That's why I'm only watching Let's Plays for both of them.

 No.19961 SYSTEMKONTRA [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Ha! Now you have outed yourself as a phony.
Everybody knows that you get a ZVAB only from a DEKRA/TÜV training.
I bet you don't even procrastinate.

 No.20693 KONTRA

I was given a beautiful copy of the Al-Quran in recognition for my efforts in calligraphy. The Chinese never gave me anything. Time to come to water and be relax.


I admit it, I am a mere hobbyist. And I stopped practicing. I just can't find the time for procrastination anymore.


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Mashallah brother
I just can't find my mohammed(pbuh) spurdo anymore

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