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 No.821 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Threda for discussing or just sharing your impressions of movies, TV shows, cartoons and the like.
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It's not about her looks, rather her horrible, I might even say non-present acting skills, as if they couldn't find a better actress for the role. And, as you've mentioned, the unsatisfied, yet "I'm stronk" grunt on her face doesn't help


marvel.mp4 (5.15 MB, 640x360)


Who's the best actress? The one that is best at sucking the correct dicks. They all willingly suck massive amounts of schlong, they swallow, and than, they say "thank you", the whores. Decades later, contribute dissonance over the massive amount of cock they sucked and the realization that all those cocks are now right years old folks them with disgust. They then decide that they must have been raped. No other way they would ever suck such an old farts disgusting shrimpled up duck right? (They forget that the old fart was decades younger back then, because like all women, they are too dumb for that.)

That's what happens when women are not kept in their place.


You've overreacted a TINY bit. Yes, Hollywood mostly worked through dick sucking, so that even mediocre actresses like Scarlett Johansson can be main characters in multibillion franchises. It doesn't negate the fact that there's still positive selection going, and there's a variety of at least decent ones to choose from.

 No.15619 SYSTEMKONTRA [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Bathyscaphe_Trieste.jpg (314.88 KB, 1920x1545)

Follow me into the oceanic depths that is Ernsts psychology and daily life.

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Programming mongoloids and creatives and all the other ass-sitting jobs are being obsoleted at record rate. LLMS outperform doctors. Being a smartass earned for grades in school, but in the real world, it's increasingly useless! I celebrate this because it will take lots of arrogant worthless pieces of shit down one or five notches. Advertisement geniuses and Codegarchs will soon collect empty bottles in parks for deposit! Serves them right!


little lord with dog.jpg (11.37 KB, 250x278)

>elaborate statistics will topple actual understanding and experience

It automates certain human practices, sure. But thinking that automating some behavioral niches will replace a human bean is plainly stupid. Come back when neural net statistics and ai expert system shit work together like it happens in humans in some way.


I just heard a nice sentence from the wise asmongold while binging yt

> why should you believe in capitalism, if you can't work towards achieving capital?

general topic was (student) debts, housing market and wages.

You are half right, half wrong.
Why would the smart asses stop being smart asses? We just abolish capitalism and live in hyper automated communism.
Free stuff for everyone; created and maybe even designed by AI.

Problems weren't.

 No.10764 [Reply]

🔰🔰🔰 we need utf-8 support for thread titles 🔰🔰🔰

pseudolingoExample (

䷅ ≍ 𝍖
∵ 💢 ≡ 🤔
∴ 🗁 🕊🌍🕊🌎🕊🌏



[Conflict] is [Equivalent to] [Fostering]
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 No.10772 KONTRA

we do not care.webm (291.75 KB, 1280x720)




 No.15900 KONTRA



 No.1591 [Reply]

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IWO Cali 2024 Lizard.jpg (2.33 MB, 3000x4000)

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Some miscellaneous stuff captured on camera that didn't fit in.


IWO Cali 2024 Condors 01.jpg (2.55 MB, 4000x3000)

IWO Cali 2024 Condors 02.jpg (2.45 MB, 4000x3000)

IWO Cali 2024 Condors 03.jpg (3.1 MB, 4000x3000)

IWO Cali 2024 Condors 04.jpg (2.93 MB, 4000x3000)

Condors at the Santa Barbara Zoo feasting on some ribs.


IWO Cali 2024 Flamingos 01.jpg (2.18 MB, 4000x3000)

IWO Cali 2024 Flamingos 02.jpg (5.61 MB, 4000x3000)

IWO Cali 2024 Cacti Garden.jpg (4.51 MB, 3000x4000)

IWO Cali 2024 Cactus Flower.jpg (2.83 MB, 4000x3000)

More sights at the Santa Barbara Zoo.


Feels bad that I never saw a flamingo while living in Florida. Closest I came were spoonbills. Some old guy pointed them out to my brother. Called them "flamingos". Ummm. No.

 No.15720 [Reply]

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April is nearing its end, and from there it's four months until September, when traditionally it is time to present the new Ernstalbum to the world during the Radio Ernstiwan birthday festival: Time for the new Ernstalbum-thread. The cover for Ernstalbum v4 is already finished, and its title, which might take a second look at the image to spot, describes a property:

- some people would say it about Ernstchan
- some people even would say it about imageboards as a whole
- in times of AI, some people would say it about manually crafted music
- the appliance in the picture is it for sure (if you exclude German bureaucracy, where it is still used in some places)
- despite all this, we'll always be number 1

There's also a very hard to find easter egg for 200IQ-Ernsts, which will be revealed during the festival, don't worry if you can't find it, it's just memeshit anyway. Please deliver your contributions via mail to ernstiwan at protonmail ch. You can also post them in the thread, but I think Ernstalbum is best when people don't know the songs beforehand when the show airs, that's why sending per mail is recommended. About AI-generated songs: Ernstalbum is a project where Ernst can show off his creativity. It is allowed to submit AI songs, but there has to be a clearly visible creative input from Ernst. A generic 90 seconds suno.ai-song is probably not gonna make it. Depending on the contributions we might do a double album, with side 1 being AI songs, and side 2 the handcrafted stuff.

Looking forward to your contributions :3

 No.15058 SYSTEMKONTRA [Reply][Last 50 Posts]


A quarter of 2024 is already over soon, what does it feel like, Ernst?
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> I don’t know why,

Do some guesswork at least. That would be interesting and helpful for you.
This is a familiar situation for me and there can be several reasons why a rather satisfying event sequence/situation still has sort of negative feelings mixed in. I found out some reasons why that is and it is helpful to know these. These negative feelings are either trying to tell you something or they might be the result of self-critical talk, which is not very helpful.


Why hasn't humanity domesticated foxes and other canids like it did with dogs? Is any work being done on it?


Oh cool
But haven't they become mainstream pets?


*WHY haven't

 No.15385 [Reply]

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Kohlchan can't maintain a MongoDB instance, and I showed up drunk to Eid prayer this morning. Nobody can tell when I'm drunk or high.

The Muslim community in this area has grown substantially in recent years. This year, they had to rent a small stadium. I got there kind of late and had to pray in the bleachers. Didn't take many photos, but it was a pretty crazy event due to its scale.

Prayer was oriented in the long axis of the stadium, and I don't think it pointed to Mecca. But whatever. Note that there were three shifts of prayers - 7:30am, 9:30am, and 10:30am. So this only shows one of the shifts.

One of the things that made an impression on me was the diversity of the ummah. Many distinct phenos were present. Also some serious QT3.14s.

I did the basic prayer (took 3 minutes) and then sat for the basic sermon (4 minutes) and left when the guy started talking about Palestine. He was talking about "war crimes," "international law," "historical norms," etc. Stupid bullshit. I'm convinced such rhetoric is designed to demoralize. I'd have preferred a simple call to Jihad. When I was young, I went to the LA mosque that the 9/11 hijackers went to, and those guys would have called for Jihad probably.
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Please, we all know there's no God

 No.15441 KONTRA

Then why do all you hurka-durkas go to your smelly-sandnigger-club meetings?


Mom made me

 No.15443 KONTRA

If serious and old enough to post, you're also too old for mommy to control you.

 No.2555 [Reply]

sigma-neo.png (23.3 KB, 200x191)

I came here from Kohlchan to raid this place. This is a raid. All my buddies will join this raid any minute now. You've been warned.
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I opted to assimilate peacefully.


look at OP date, it's from a year ago

this is basically a dead board


>this is basically a dead board

Land with no people, people with no land, etc'


A jew would know.

 No.15350 [Reply]

Is .top the leftard site or .xyz?

t. forgot
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In the end, it doesn't matter. If there is going to be an actual Kohl diaspora, Bernd will swamp out either.

 No.15353 KONTRA

top is what you like less.
Go to .xyz.


I like it here, I will stay and you will enjoy it


this is the one linked to from kc

 No.15348 [Reply]

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Bernd>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ernst(Ernst >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>bernd)

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