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 No.1591 [Reply]

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>The city feels historical and alive unlike any place that I've visited in Russia
What about Yalta? Is Yalta not Russian?


(replying to old post)
Reminds me of when I was in (at?) an ethnographic museum. Another visitor, a child, was looking at Mongolian Mongols in Mongolia, with their yaks and gers, in a room about them and their folk Buddhist items and nothing else. Child exclaims something like "Indians!" or "Buffaloes!"
Child's parents didn't say anything. I wonder if they just didn't bother to correct the child, or didn't have the faintest idea about the exhibits themselves.

Perhaps they just haven't visited Yalta yet. But I think a key difference is that Tbilisi is still inhabited mostly by a people that has always been there (even if it has lost diversity), whereas Yalta and all of Crimea is mostly inhabited by culturally foreign newcomers and probably feels fake and sterile after all the disruptions, deportations and genocides of the last centuries.


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still mad about that conference?
Not him, but Crimea is overpriced because for people with clearance level (many of military officers, FSB, MIC workers) it's the only possible choice as they can't leave the country until the clearance expires. Or because they have state-subsidized vacations there like gf's parents. They love Yalta and want to move there when their youngest child goes to college.

Georgia is overpriced too, but for another reason. Because people who left Russia in 2022 can't get into better country. So it's a pretty curious place, having vegan queer cafes and horizontal safe spaces. Like Tangier was for beatniks.

Good options for ordinary Russian (poorfag without Schengen visa) are Thailand and Turkey.

 No.22423 KONTRA

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This poem conveys the atmosphere of the place:

mom took me to crimea

...mom took me to crimea
against my will
without my consent
to break me
to force
to love putin
to love this country
to stop thinking about freedom
about truth
about conscience
to stop thinking
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 No.20781 SYSTEMKONTRA [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Worst thread returns for another round
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 No.22281 KONTRA

Who else?


I haven't stopped smiling since president Trump took office! He's sticking it to the libs 24/7 exposing their corruption! DOE has been destroyed! I love it! Hope him and Elon ignore all the liberal judges trying to stop them and earmark them for later!


I wonder if the dems will try to mobilize the niggers for their anti-musk pro-corporation pro-big-government protests. They are like teenagers who will not clean their room. You tell them once, you tell them twice, but they didn't do it. Then, you do it yourself and they throw a hissy fit, and that's when you know they have something in there they are not supposed to have like alcohol or dirty magazines. Sometimes, they break stuff. That is when you have to be extra tough.

When the libs start openly rioting, the national guard must come out. Arrests have to be made, and those arrested need to be imprisoned! All the rioters can be locked up or shot! The libs need to be neutralized before America can be great again!


There's a measles outbreak in Texas. Why now and why in Texas, I wonder?

The libs are foaming because DOGE is draining the swamp. Maybe they put the measles in the drinking water, to punish Texas for voting pro-America?

Maybe they did it to pressure people into having their children vaccinated?

Maybe it is both?

 No.19650 [Reply]

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Opening at a memorable date
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Interesting, thanks.
>America does not have a good track record when it comes to integration
I don't know if I've been thinking of it as worse than any random society of the human race.


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I want to be an American so much it's unreal.

Imagine being able to save via 401k, having a highly paid white collar jerb at some dam power station somewhere in the LCOL-Midwest and bam, you're able to retire anywhere in the world at 40 with 2-3 million in the bank.
The example is just so specific because I saw some documentary about such a power plant and the work happening there some time ago.

And if you dislike your job or location fuck it, move across the whole country somewhere between both coasts.
This borderline nomadic flexibility that Americans have is something great.


Just remembered that, while it doesn't alleviate the sprawl, perhaps the advent of remote work and remote education allows for generation of more wealth at the same amount of commuting traffic if not less. It enables some white people to work from the safety of their burbs, and possibly some city dwellers to work from the relative safety of their homes at any time of the day. It's not specifically American though, and I wonder how much of an impact it has on a wider scale. I know many people are glad to have the option, for example because they can look after their baby while remotely doing something that would've otherwise been out of reach. For myself, I had mostly just considered how I wouldn't have to endure the occasional bad breath of some customers and fellow mass transit commuters, not to mention infections.


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Starting over somewhere else is every American's Plan B.

 No.8074 [Reply]

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I shamelessly bumped the old one in order to finally open this shiny new one again with a picture of my choice the actually picture I wanted to use gives an error.
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 No.8345 KONTRA

That sounds like a misunderstanding. Renaming the image to have a different file extension is not the same thing as converting the image to a different format.
If I misread that you may ignore this post; and sorry for wasting your time in that case.


That's Richard II who was born in Bordeaux


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I made that post

 No.17093 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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or on the historical character of the english bourgeoisie
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That was just the goofy national curriculum. Now that I've achieved the necessary grade, I can freely shit on it.
None of the silly Soviet curriculum even came up. Quite sad.

 No.18565 KONTRA

"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist…The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocation, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded"
We are remembered that one Dwight D. Eisenhower spoke about the perils of unchecked military-industrial expansionism, but the keepers of the historical record tend to omit the warning about scholar's being coopted by the warlord faction.


 No.23044 KONTRA

Not including a link to Clubnika casino. smhtbh

 No.11692 [Reply]

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I've always had the idea in the back of my mind of visiting Swiss communes as if they were entities in themselves, and carefully documenting the visit.
I recently found some friends crazy enough to come along! I didn't want to flood the existing IWO thread, so I decided to make my own containment thread.

The rules :
-at each outing, the commune of the day will be drawn from this wikipedia list using a random number generator -> https://fr.wikipedia.org/[...]ommunes_du_canton_de_Vaud
-the designated commune cannot be refused under ANY circumstances
-during the visit, it is forbidden to leave the boundaries of the commune, otherwise the visit will stop
-you can't decide to continue visiting neighboring communes after the fact without having rerolled for a new and completely random commune
-if possible, only consume goods purchased within the commune during the visit
-draw up an exploration report when the commune is drawn, and complete it with photos and anecdotes at the end of the visit.
-Most of the visit are going to be made in the canton of Vaud
-Each time ther's a 20 percent chance that we're going to visit another entirely diffrent welsch canton randomely chosen: Geneva, Neuvchâtel, Fribourg, Valais, Jura or Bern.
-After the random canton have been selectionned, the commune will be chosen randomly using the same rules.

We're going to have a lot of fun!
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You've been heard, tomorrow is free and visiting more of Switzerland is in my bingo. Thus I decided to expand my usual cantonal field and pick a random comune anywhere in my country.

It'll be Arosa in Graubunden! Graubunden is a weird canton. It was its own confederacy of three mountainous microstates called leagues:the Grey League, the League of the Ten Jurisdictions and the League of God's house https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three_Leagues.
Arosa itself seems to be one of those ski resort communes of the beginning of modern tourism history at the start of the XXth century. The most intresting buildings will most probably be historical hotels. I also noticed I missed the %Arosa Gay ski week% by only a few days.


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Exciting destination!
>tomorrow is free
In my mental map, Graubünden is the least accessible canton from western Switzerland on account of multiple hills in between, so you'd need a whole day just to get there and another whole day just to return.

Ah, looking at a real map and Wikipedia, it looks like you will pass through Zürich and the almost 4 km Kerenzerbergtunnel. It says the watershed near Sargans is "barely noticeable" where my mental map had placed the trip's most insurmountable hills.
Or you could take the slower but probably more picturesque southern route passing through Brig and Andermatt instead of Zürich.


The only place made harder to set by topography would be Ticino I think, you are right. Though Arosa is not that hard to get to by train. It’s directly connected to the main valley of Graubunden.


Fun fact: From where I live in the northern wasteland, I can walk to a station and ride a train directly to Chur / Coire and back without having to transfer.

 No.6767 [Reply]

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since >>6754 suggested, ima start a thread.
which will prolly not get accepted/used a lot

Ernst didn't sleep last night and now is tired as fuck. Ernst has problems with sleeping since his teens. a lot of Ernst's problems started in his teens.

Ernst was very paranoid at that time and a lot into conspiracy theories. Ernst feared the emergence of a surveillance state.
Today Ernst isn't paranoid anymore, but suffers from PTSD because of it, which gets triggered every time he sees someone using his or her smart phone. Ernst doesn't trust in others reading the terms of services of commercial application and is aware that a lot of those commercial application demand unconditional access of the microphone and other things in their terms of services for targeted advertising, user experience and such.
A lot of people do not care about that, but Ernst did and still does to some extend. But Ernst can't just go to some stranger and say
> could you please stop using your phone around me, because i do not trust in your ability to read terms of services and make an informed decision based on what you have read.
these "strangers" include Ernst family. Although Ernst already told them how he feels about it, they seem to prefer the comfortability of use over Ernst feelings.

Ernst is aware that the amount of data collected today is way beyond the scope of human-based-supervision, so that it is very unlikely that any of the data is actually looked at by a person.

Ernst also thinks a lot about world politics, human potential, philosophy, how a "just" world could look like, how to define "just" and so on.
Ernst basically is a little autist, who thinks he might be able to "save the world". But Ernst isn't even sure if the world needs saving... and even if, who or what gives Ernst the right to decide how to define what a "saved world" is?
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 No.10345 KONTRA

> Everyone who doesn't talk with his heart on the tongue is stupid by default, since such an act doesn't use the whole intelligence available to an individual being.

The used idiom is powerful.
> to talk with your heart on the tongue
This idiom is truth transcending science, logic and time.

And at this point it might be important to mention the following:

Mine Primärattribut iß LAZY
"My primary attribute is lazy." ?

Yes, all capital letters. Ernst, in all honesty: you can be really happy, that I do not write like I want to write most of the times. I wouldn't bother with capitalization unless it is camelCase or self-imposed meaning as in Wortneuschöpfung literally: wordNewCreation. correct translation: neologism. I prefer the look of all smoll, but wouldn't really care enough to hit the CAPS key, if it is enabled. (Why is it a "key"? It is a [binary switch] or [toggle], chrott færdømme !!. Just put an actual, physical switch on the keyboard. Isn't thaaaat hard, is it?! It's even hard to find decent hardware without RGB-BULLSHIT.
Just gimme my goddamn logical consistent hardware instead of bling bling faggotory !!

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If he doesn't want to talk about them he sure fooled Ernst by typing a huge paragraph and spilling all

You think thoughts a think that's the truth when really women were there for you. If we criticize you you manufacture fake thoughts of non reproduction again and you're always right so what can we do?

You're a bitter fool full of thoughts. How dare you have treated women that way instead of making a family someday. Foolish. A fool.

 No.21244 KONTRA

Aye, led the thread die >:/

> How dare you have treated women that way instead of making a family someday.
my current working hypothesis is:
- i'm hyper sensitive (2 separate people's diagnosis - dem might be right)
- my father loved and beat me
- my mother didn't love me and treated me "ok"
she once fled our home out of fear of death. she took my brother with her and forgot me. i've hid behind the kitchen door with a knife in my hands; for hours. i was ~5-8 yo -- recently a few things happened, bringing that memory back.
- - -> I've learned that love is something bad or at least makes you do bad things.


Since there was talk about a relationship thread, we already had something like that, so here's a bump for all the loney people

 No.2352 [Reply]

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This is a thread for aphorisms.
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines "Aphorism" as follows:

1: a concise statement of a principle
2: a terse formulation of a truth or sentiment : ADAGE
3: an ingeniously terse style of expression : aphoristic language

Please adhere to this form and try to stay under 30 words.


>The purpose of aphorisms is to keep fools who have memorised them from having nothing to say

Isaac Asimov
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When life gets in your face, lean back.


>Tam miser est quisque quam credidit
Seneca the Younger


>Suppose you succeed in breaking the wall with your head. And what, then, will you do in the next cell?
- Stanisław Lec

 No.22085 KONTRA

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>32 words
But only 22 distinct words.

 No.21399 SYSTEMKONTRA [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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 No.22020 KONTRA

Went out and helped with grocery shopping. I didn't really feel good while out and about. Mentally anyway. I just felt constant guilt over how much everything costs.

After coming home I had lunch and then I spent the rest of the day playing video games and chatting. Mostly video games. Though I sometimes end up obsessively going on a tangent because of a story element so it's sort of semi-productive.


>I just felt constant guilt over how much everything costs.

Since when do you decide what everything costs?

I spent 80€ on four drinks, two fancy pizzas and two artisan italian lemonades yesterday. It just makes getting a raise more urgent.


My new sportsbook FanDuel is trying to make me an addict. Not going to happen. I work too hard for dollars to risk any on gambling, but I don't mind playing on their dime. To that end, I've recieved a different promotion every day this week offering bonus bets if I do %%x%. Took advantage of several offers and I now have more house money to wager. Not sure on what, but I want to avoid putting anything on our game this afternoon.


Shouldn't that format fail have italicized the remainder of my post? Or does it only work if the code is closed?

 No.21401 [Reply]

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Hello Ernst

I'm tired of being googlecucked.

Recommend me something actually good. I know that anything at this point will be better than chrome, still, what Ernst is using right now?
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Chrome detects adblockers and throttles youtube videos. It's insane.

 No.21422 KONTRA

FF and on my smartphone I use the Kiwi Browser.


FF + user.json
OG: https://github.com/pyllyukko/user.js/
prolly successor: https://github.com/yokoffing/BetterFox
not too much into that, since i use
or use an FF-clone, which does all the stuff already, e.g.:

FF is, imho, still best browser, but it suxx in standard. mozilla took too much $CASH$ and now is bound to suck in exchange for $CASH$ (e.g. standard search-engine setting)

> Kiwi
does it have a functioning ad-blocker?
i use brave since a while on mobile; don't surf much on mobile, but the current form of internet is unbrowse-able without a functioning ad-blocker. i fucking hate all the web-applets - which are basically a chromium without ad-blocker - flooding the market-place/app-store/whatev. kewl, you force me to see ads without giving me any benefit… great!/s


> use shitfox, which is derelict crap, but muh pronouns, zero market share, got to up compensation for CEO, because wokeness up to 11
> Use this chrome-skin instead of that chrome-skin
Thread summed up

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