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 No.10916 [Reply]

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I really long for a place where I can go to read a book, speak with interesting people, just chill and spend my evenings. At home I always think of things I have to do, like cleaning the dishes or fixing broken stuff. Also its kind of lonely.
I am fantasizing about gentlemens clubs as they are portrayed by Jules Verne and others from that time, it would be amazing to have a club where only a selected group of people can go and meet, have nice furniture and lots of books and newspapers and so on. Unfortunately I don't think they would be as nice today, probably attracts arrogant douches only and also I probably wouldn't get into one even if I moved to London.
I heard that hackerspaces are nice for this in many places, but I have been to the local one a couple of times and it is merely okay. Most people go there to use a tool and then go back home immediately without chatting with anyone. The ones who like to talk are not my cup of tea, one can't stop talking about some political bs all the time and some dumb crypto investments like NFTS. Then there are two teenagers who I have helped with a little project once, they are friendly and I like talking to them, but most of the time I don't learn a lot during our conversations myself.
My current favorite place is at work, where we have a small "social room" with sofas and coffee machine and a bookshelf. I often go there for breaks to read, but staying there after work feels weird.

Does Ernst have such places? Or does he not even desire it? For me this feeling is very strong, I would be happy to move somewhere else if I knew that there was such a hangout place. I even considered starting a club myself, renting a small place, getting nice furniture etc but there would probably be nobody to join it.
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>Apparently, designating "the internet" as your holy scripture isn't allowed
That wouldn't have made any sense at all, I am surprised they even had to think about it. Almost anything can be found within the depths of the internet, and if its not there yet you can upload it yourself. So having the internet as a holy scripture is not much different from having your internal monologue as a holy scripture, except there is more insane and selfcontradicting stuff on the internet.
>I believe an agnostic view should be welcomed.
You can be agnostic theist.
How was your interaction with them like though? Did the guy you talk to seem more or less normal? Do you know how the process of deciding about you went, do they have some official protocol for that? I have never had real life contact with freemasons, it would be interesting to hear what they are like.


> So having the internet as a holy scripture is not much different from having your internal monologue as a holy scripture, except there is more insane and selfcontradicting stuff on the internet.
Pretty much that was actually the reasoning I've came up with.
Just that I've wanted to argue to interpret this ~"one consciousness" / "we are one" ~idea as deity proxy and "the internet" as its currently purest form of scripture, exactly because it is this time and individual sensitive.

> How was your interaction with them like though? [...]

Eh... I would argue it was more like me bothering 'em. :3 (Those I interacted with seemed pretty chill, though.)


Using "the internet" as holy scripture seems counter to this idea of pantheism. 3/10, wouldn't let you in my apron circlejerk either.




More and more souls are flooding this hell we call home.
Every one a potent stream of consciousness, adding to One.

Do you really want to cast away their words of struggle, just because you've seen it before?


Not every soul had the luxury to watch this hell grow.

 No.248 SYSTEMKONTRA [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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I'm not writing an OP edition.
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You should have gone to seminary instead of media studies. You would as well learn no useful profession and spend several years being indoctrinated but at least it would be a normal religion and not a destructive cult.


fang mich doch.jpg (97.47 KB, 539x500)

Thinking about mediality makes religious people blush in how far it reaches to the bottom of things.



> You would as well learn no useful profession

Somebody has to do the ungrateful job of developing ideologies after learning everything about the trade of how it has been done before.

 No.11915 [Reply]

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Bro I fucking found it.


Stalin_grinsen.jpg (47.78 KB, 265x337)

Best of luck, comrade.





 No.11478 SYSTEMKONTRA [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Christmas Edition
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Interesting fact: in 90-s people used such movable cope cages as garages and erected them on public territory. Then it was banned


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EC is back so we can discuss the sokalization of the sciences in seriousness.

Never owned a car. When I freshly owned my license I looked up cool used cars to potentially buy. Among them were the Volvo 440, the Renault R19 (facelifted), the Citroen BX, the Mercedes 190 and 220 I think, and Seat Ibiza with the around 2000 facelift.

I have the same favorable opinion towards edgy cars see Volvo 440, generally, today many cars really seem to look alike. I hardly care about performance in a car even though driving fast and sporty is fun, I would generally care about the car being not a repair carousel and it looking extravagantly nice bc of age.

I will never drive any of these cars, because in the future I will own nothing and I will love it.


Modern cars are a jewish plot to make boys homosex

 No.11870 KONTRA

Glad to see yhat Almans are ready to learn to read and write properly! May Allah in his wisdom lead the honorless kuffar right!

Destroy the pre-Islamic Germany!

 No.11855 [Reply]

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Looks bad mang.jpg (67.19 KB, 1026x145)

Good evening dear sirs, EC and Radio Ernstiwan are back online. Reason for the downtime was - as already suspected - a damaged storage volume at our providers' site. The following happened: Wednesday at about 08:00UTC both chan and radio (which run on different servers, but are hosted by the same provider) went offline, even admin access was impossible. In the late evening I at least could see the servers as online in the VNC console, which can be opened from the admin area of our providers' web page, but all services and SSH access were still offline. The logs on both servers showed complaints about a corrupt file system with the hint to fix it via fsck. I waited until now whether our provider would react to the incident ticket I opened, which he didn't. So I tried the fsck fix, and it worked. I hope the 36 hours without EC weren't too painful.

Of course this is just a cover-up-story, the truth is it was a CABBAGE ATTACK!!!111 THOSE MONSTERS, HOW DARE THEY???

 No.11100 SYSTEMKONTRA [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Iewelk düdesch lant hevet sinen palenzgreven: sassen, beieren, vranken unde svaven


That map is a lie. The Holy Roman Empire had internal borders. It wasn't 'of the German nation', either, it was multi-ethnic. Go and read a book, maybe you'll learn something, for example you might learn not being a Nazi.

Deutschland ist scheiße, ihr seid die Beweise!
Deutschland von der Karte streichen, Polen muss bus Frankreich richer!


I'm not sure who is trolling who at this point.


I'm 1945% certain that the lefty and the righty have teamed up at this point to entertain the portugal-kazakh faction.

 No.10641 SYSTEMKONTRA [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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>How can a person radiate such a depressive and gloomy atmosphere with every word they let out of their mouth
I mean if we look at the germans around here, it shouldn't be surprising.
Is it a finnish online community? Maybe he heard about the highest suicide rate meme and tried to fit in.

 No.11097 KONTRA

lumikola.png (1.62 MB, 1440x1153)

You use picrel for clearing out the snow right? Works especially well for driveways. I only use a shovel in tight spaces where this can't fit. Anyways, a little snow clearing gets the day off to a good start don't you think?

>if we look at the germans around here, it shouldn't be surprising.
I thought that we only had a bad batch of G*rmans here. Troubling.
>Is it a finnish online community?


shovel.png (76.53 KB, 404x621)

I use pic. Lift and throw method, which is easier with that ergonomic handle. Not a perfect shovel though. Wet snow tends to get clogged. I also have a long narrow shovel for pushing light snow, and a lightweight flat shovel for...actually don't know why I have that one. Rarely use it. Oh, and a snow broom for my car. Love that thing.



>a little snow clearing gets the day off to a good start don't you think?

Watching my neighbors in full hooded winter coats boots and scarfs while I'm out there in a t-shirt and sneakers :D

 No.11099 KONTRA

I have like two exams and one presentation, so I’ll have plenty of time off after Christmas.
My plan is to try out a few games and to read some.

 No.10221 SYSTEMKONTRA [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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>>9766 is now officially dead
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 No.10637 KONTRA

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>Angela Anaconda
I hated her voice so much it's unreal.

 No.10638 KONTRA

im this cat 187.jpg (77.79 KB, 750x748)

Some Ernst might appreciate this so I'll share: FreeTube application provides most of youtube's features without requiring a google account. I think it also uses those individious services you seem to like. Not sure, check it out for yourself. Seems pretty good to me so far.



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Seryoga has a busyness to discuss with Oleg. He'll make a phone call in evening. Most likely, Oleg (going to alcostore under daylight) is a handyman. And Seryoga (with his own car and loud music) is a small entrepreneur. They speak jargon common for this social environment.

 No.20610 KONTRA

 No.8130 [Reply]

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i just watched a Type Ashton t. not a shill yt-vid.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ks21NXDBRWk [~25min]

she focuses on censorship in that vid, but, since limited length, leaves a lot out. could we call this "censorship", which she applied herself for the goal of creating a cohesive video for the average watch-time of her viewers? I'm sure she is one of those that at least looks at it, prolly even tries to use it.

Anyhow... i wanted to ask about Ernst's opinion about censorship and maybe start a discussion.

mainly because of the following i thought of.

self-imposed censorship.
i'm sure all of us are using some form of ad-blocker script, which pre-filters the content we consume and automatically censors "content", which has been added to a list of "this is content purely put in view because someone paid bling bling".

censorship is fucking useful.

now, there are all types of censorship.
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> #Worldwide
> ##Bicycles
> The episode "Bicycles" and all episodes featuring characters riding in cars were edited after their initial broadcasts to make the characters wear helmets in the former and seat belts in the latter.

And as always:
censorship is used to misrepresent reality.

How many helmets can you count? And what percentage or ratio of all cyclist is wearing a helmet?


keanu_thumbs_up.jpg (48.85 KB, 584x757)

https://yewtu.be/watch?v=KMLMQRS3Krk (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMLMQRS3Krk)[~15min]
> even the FBI says: "use an Ad-Blocker."
so does our government.

 No.10828 KONTRA

im this cat 2024.jpg (127.6 KB, 1024x1024)

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> 1.png
First time I've seen advertisement in a very, very long time while browsing/lurking. Chances are high the person responsible for propagating said advertisement didn't even get any financial gain for doing so.


> EC has fallen
It do be like that.mp4

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