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 No.17883 SYSTEMKONTRA [Reply][Last 50 Posts]


Ernst hot (feminine) boy summer season travelogue is opened
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>The pinnacles of modern architecture are buildings which looks like Holocaust monuments.

That's because modern architects are shit.


halt-im-nirgendwo-bild-2.jpg (671.63 KB, 1320x1320)

These brutalist churches are actually pretty cool and closer to proper christian asceticism instead of the faggy gothic pomp or the low budget version of a 'pittoresque' church Ludwig II would have ordered to built.



>and closer to proper christian asceticism
Yeah, I need a sauce on that opinion


There may be nice brutalist churches but the one which you've posted is ugly and trypophobia-inducing.

 No.17093 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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or on the historical character of the english bourgeoisie
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I agree with you.


Reading close to ahistorical.

When Gorbachev took power in 1985, the shortcomings of the deficit-economies had long become blatantly obvious to their inmates. Polish martial law had come and gone, it had ended with concessions, not with a Warsaw pact invasion. As we have known since 2009, Jaruzelski had practically begged Kulikov. But Brezhnev-doctrine was over.


That was just the goofy national curriculum. Now that I've achieved the necessary grade, I can freely shit on it.
None of the silly Soviet curriculum even came up. Quite sad.

 No.18565 KONTRA

"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist…The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocation, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded"
We are remembered that one Dwight D. Eisenhower spoke about the perils of unchecked military-industrial expansionism, but the keepers of the historical record tend to omit the warning about scholar's being coopted by the warlord faction.

 No.10562 [Reply]

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Don't be mad it ended. Be mad how it ended.

An Euro spent is an Euro lost.

God is dead, but it wasn't me.
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It's not worth crying over spilt milk - for it wasn't beer.


Say "Yes" once too often and you can never say "No" anymore.


Don't eat where you defecate.


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Watch out where the huskies go, and don't you eat that yellow snow.

 No.16420 SYSTEMKONTRA [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Worst thread on EC.

Previous >>12299
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Donald Trump is chancellor Palpatine and antifa are Jedi. Have you watched "Revenge of the Sith"?


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There is 0 chances for the democrats now.
NATO is over, empire America is over, Urine is over, NWO is over, EU is over. Because obvious leftshit is too homosex to shoot straight.


Imagine believing that the future free world depends on you, and then not training. smh. The secret service sniper demonstrated the enormous gap between an amateur and a pro.


The SS clowns should probably buy some glasses

 No.4573 SYSTEMKONTRA [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Pirates vs Royal Fleet edition
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With the thread now on autosage, I decided to do a short retrospective of what happened in here and noticed that I must have posted almost half the pictures in the thread and probably made the most posts as an individual poster.
Basically I am almost only working and gaming anymore.


It really is.
One of the rare, finishable games that I actually finished and even rarer, have the urge to play again not too far out.
Deus Ex on LSD and capitalism.

 No.18215 KONTRA

> Only working and gaming
I can say the same about myself, at least for the last week. Trying to become decent at workers and resources, I play on hard, but I still make stupid mistakes. It's the worst kind of pseudo-achievement I'm chasing here. I need to stop. But the little cats and people going round are so nice to watch...

 No.18299 KONTRA

 No.17282 SYSTEMKONTRA [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Ed Hardy edition
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Have a badd ass weekend everyone!


Will you travel? Have you considered doing an interrail, young sparrow?


He's not in school anymore. Uni summer break means working a job to pay for shit.


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on a sidenote: most people I knew and including me worked jobs all year while studying

 No.16668 SYSTEMKONTRA [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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And another
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 No.17294 KONTRA

>the soviet union sat on huge oil- and gas-reserves, but did not built super-yachts, because it could not afford them

Ok, and?

I'm pretty glad somebody did not feel the need to construct an unnecessary luxury item for an elitist circle just to make money by doing so. Again: how is that intelligent energy budgeting? It's been a waste of energy. All that energy was used to fulfill the desire of an elitist circle. Yoyu could have used that energy to produce something which many more people could have used and deem necessary or beneficial. Certainly the best resource allocation there is: using energy to ultimately make money - and it helps the people!


> a piss-poor agrarian backwater
USSR had pretty developed science and industry. However, they were serving military industrial complex and not consumer economy, so quality of life was low.

The discussion about socialism vs capitalism is stupid, because big busyness has to follow state's will anyway. Don't you think that Rheinmetal, Gasprom or Google are independent entities? And small busyness is ruled indirectly, though regulations, fiscal and monetary policies. You could switch from mixed to fully planned economy and have local bakery micromanaged from Gosplan, but it will only make things worse.

 No.17307 KONTRA

>because big busyness has to follow state's will anyway

Can you elaborate on how you see the relationship between the state and private companies in capitalism?


Roughly like between farmer and fauna on his farm. He doesn't mind control his cattle, but he makes frames to keep it in stall, provides environment for it to grow and prosper and rips benefits from them such as milk and fur.
For big cattle such as horses farmer also cares enough to make strategic decisions, such as to mate this mare with that stallion. For smaller animals he doesn't make individual decisions and treats them groupwise (butcher 10% of chickens).

 No.11692 [Reply]

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I've always had the idea in the back of my mind of visiting Swiss communes as if they were entities in themselves, and carefully documenting the visit.
I recently found some friends crazy enough to come along! I didn't want to flood the existing IWO thread, so I decided to make my own containment thread.

The rules :
-at each outing, the commune of the day will be drawn from this wikipedia list using a random number generator -> https://fr.wikipedia.org/[...]ommunes_du_canton_de_Vaud
-the designated commune cannot be refused under ANY circumstances
-during the visit, it is forbidden to leave the boundaries of the commune, otherwise the visit will stop
-you can't decide to continue visiting neighboring communes after the fact without having rerolled for a new and completely random commune
-if possible, only consume goods purchased within the commune during the visit
-draw up an exploration report when the commune is drawn, and complete it with photos and anecdotes at the end of the visit.
-Most of the visit are going to be made in the canton of Vaud
-Each time ther's a 20 percent chance that we're going to visit another entirely diffrent welsch canton randomely chosen: Geneva, Neuvchâtel, Fribourg, Valais, Jura or Bern.
-After the random canton have been selectionned, the commune will be chosen randomly using the same rules.

We're going to have a lot of fun!
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LLage_von_busingen.png (61.93 KB, 800x500)

There are two exclaves in Switzerland. A German one - Büsingen and an Italian one - Campione d'Italia.

Both of these have held referendums to join Switzerland but the Swiss have rejected them.

 No.16890 KONTRA

> Have rejected them
Wrong. The county of Constance was not ready to hand over Büssingen to the Suisse.


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Supposedly in 1945 the Swiss refused to take over it due to being nazi German sympathizers.


Back then the Geistige Landesverteidigung was still strong.

 No.16111 SYSTEMKONTRA [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Joie de vivre à la Prusse edition

Old: >>15619
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 No.16666 KONTRA

>The all so great commercial CAD software, according to your words
Never said that, maybe learn to read actual words instead of just code.

>maybe don't start it? you know i am a troll, don't start feeding me :)

Wow, an amazingly smart and successful galaxy brain crypto bro who also does victim blaming.

I totally believe you, btw. With all those details it can't NOT be true.
Kontra just because.

 No.16667 KONTRA

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>>16641 (me)
> Linux
> [wall of text ad-hominem, no content]
> how you dare mention linux you low-life sub-human edgy neckbeard man child homo.

>>16656 (me)
> how about you post some actual talking points
> lol, no.

>>16658 (me)
> ad hominem
> stop hurting my feelings, please leave me alone T_T
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


> personal home computer
It's even worse for that. Can't really play videos without tearing the stream, can't use gpu for vidoe codec, can't run games properly because no directx (no, opengl is bullshit and doesn't compare), etc.

Luckily, only old people even have home computers, everyone else has an iPhone and maybe a switch. (Android if they are paupers.)


>Can't really play videos without tearing the stream,

No tearing since the amdgpu driver is out so AMD GPU users can have tearfree video since a few years ago. On Nvidia the problem never existed afaik.

can't use gpu for vidoe codec,

see above.

can't run games properly because no directx

Most directx11 games are running fine with proton so if you don't need the latest dx12 games you will be fine. Some of the latest games even use vulkan API directly, no more directx.

CAD-SW: Having used AutoCAD at uni and FreeCAD at home i must say that FreeCAD wins hands down. That doesn't mean it's the best CAD-SW on the planet but good enough for many needs.

Office: ALL office-SW sucks. Microshit Office stinks but so does Libreoffice. I seriously can't decide which stinks more. It's like comparing dogshit with catshit.

 No.2356 SYSTEMKONTRA [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Documenting fitness goals, habits and challenges. Went to the gym? Counting your calories? Counting your steps? Post it all here to be scrutinized by fellow Ernsts and future sociologists.
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I found out that training body part isolation is a good way to get that flowy movement in dancing while in the past I thought it mainly came down to stretching which according to a website is false and I think it is quite convincing. While a low flexibility hampers my attempts at making crazy cool kicks or floor work (I suppose, never tried because it's quite straining for my body rn) moving "the whole body" in dance comes down to controlling small muscle movements and coordinating them right.
I actually can see a difference after doing isolation exercises.

I used videos that teach you isolation for Salsa but found a Korean (?) guy who does videos on different body isolations for popping - the dance style where people can move robotically or like computer animations. Looks pretty cool in how controlled it is.



I lost 4kg the last week alone, from 90 to 86kg. In two weeks, my BMI probably won’t be in slightly overweight anymore. I just decided to just eat less, like three or four times less. This ascetic change seems to make me generally jollier and helps me have a stronger will. If I get a better sport routine into all that I’m set for life


Once a month, I eat my 461Kcal milk shake during the Saturday and walk 14km. The usual route is walk 7km, go to the straight to the lake, chill out in the really shallow water for 20 minutes and walk 7km back home.
My waist is already 89cm... things are going smoothly.


sometimes I go to the gym holding in a shit
because I like to live dangerously

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