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 No.19562 [Reply]

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ErnstTV.zip (381 B)

In a few hours the highly experimental ErnstTV-segment will start as a part of this years streaming festival. This sticky explains how this will work for spectators and streamers.

Spectators: Get VLC player, then get the ErnstTV-specific xspf file either from the radio page or EC front page integration when the ErnstTV-stream is live. You can also take it now from the attached zip, should work just as fine as soon as ErnstTV is live. Open that file with VLC - done. When the streamer changes during ErnstTV, the stream should disconnect, but reconnect when the next streamer goes live. If it doesn't, you might have to reconnect manually by restarting VLC or whatever.

Streamers: Use this URL to connect to the ErnstTV-mountpoint:


All other settings don't need to be changed. While someone else is already using this mountpoint, you can't test the connection, but it werks, I just tested it. after ErnstTV is over, the account will be disabled for same reasons as the public stream.

 No.15720 [Reply]

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April is nearing its end, and from there it's four months until September, when traditionally it is time to present the new Ernstalbum to the world during the Radio Ernstiwan birthday festival: Time for the new Ernstalbum-thread. The cover for Ernstalbum v4 is already finished, and its title, which might take a second look at the image to spot, describes a property:

- some people would say it about Ernstchan
- some people even would say it about imageboards as a whole
- in times of AI, some people would say it about manually crafted music
- the appliance in the picture is it for sure (if you exclude German bureaucracy, where it is still used in some places)
- despite all this, we'll always be number 1

There's also a very hard to find easter egg for 200IQ-Ernsts, which will be revealed during the festival, don't worry if you can't find it, it's just memeshit anyway. Please deliver your contributions via mail to ernstiwan at protonmail ch. You can also post them in the thread, but I think Ernstalbum is best when people don't know the songs beforehand when the show airs, that's why sending per mail is recommended. About AI-generated songs: Ernstalbum is a project where Ernst can show off his creativity. It is allowed to submit AI songs, but there has to be a clearly visible creative input from Ernst. A generic 90 seconds suno.ai-song is probably not gonna make it. Depending on the contributions we might do a double album, with side 1 being AI songs, and side 2 the handcrafted stuff.

Looking forward to your contributions :3


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Reminder that the Ernstalbum v4-project is ongoing, the first song has just been recorded. If you want to contribute, you have until the radio birthday festival (likely Sep 6-8) to do so.


Since we now seem to have about 3 songs by Iwan and 3 not by him, I think we are pretty close to an album (imo 7 songs IS enough for an album) and certainly beyond an EP.
So here is my contribution in hopes that someone else will feel encouraged to submit.... anything.


Got it, thank you! That makes 6 songs now. I see it the same way, one more and it would be fine.

 No.18906 SYSTEMKONTRA [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Found something related to the conversation at hand

 No.19398 KONTRA

Woke up, had breakfast and then went to Ikea to get a French press. It wasn't actually on sale but I got it regardless. I think it was good.
I actually made coffee with it and it was nice, although I feel like it could have been a bit stronger.

Read Mishima's novella titled "Star" and just generally wasted a lot of time chatting with friends online and doing some chores around the house.
Played some video games but I started feeling bad so I stopped and went for a Run instead which helped a bit.

I got back my interview again from the editor this time. He said he's pleased with it, because it's in-depth and subjective. He just re-worded some of the parts so it's not like a transcript. (Which it is actually for the most part.)
I will look through it tomorrow but most likely I will just say everything's fine and get a publication date.

Honestly I'm anxious about the MA classes. I really gotta start revising for the Chinese language stuff.


>Honestly I'm anxious about the MA classes.

You will be OK, trust.


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Found something related to the conversation at hand

 No.7 SYSTEMKONTRA [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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What is Ernst reading? How is Ernst reading? Where is Ernst reading? And last but not least, when is Ernst reading?

What can he recommend?
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It's a book detailing the author's travels in the last stages of the Russian civil war as he makes his escape from Siberia, into Mongolia, Xinjiang and Tibet, culminating in meeting with Baron Ungern-Sternberg in Urga and then finally escaping by train to Beijing and then leaving.

The Hungarian foreword says that "this is one of those so called famous books" and I guess this must have been sensational to read in the 1920s. It's got everything. Politics, intrigue, adventure, exoticism and mysticism.

Ossendowski's account is very colourful. Which is why I will not believe half of what he wrote but it's still a very good book. It's exciting to read.
Like in one scene, he's trying to cross a mountain with a Soyot–mongol guide and the tells him that the spirits are angry and they should turn back, but Ossendowski threatens to just shoot him, saying "You can die on the top or right here." and then makes a proclamation that everything will be fine, they will reach a forest and rest by the fire and that surprises the guide, prompting to ask him "Has the Noyon crossed this mountain before?" and he replies, "No, but last night I had a vision!" and then he says "I will lead you!"

Though I think it's important to add that however much Ossendowski engages with religion, spirits and mysticism on his journey, he never "goes native". He's curious, fascinated and willing to acknowledge the existence of the beliefs, but will actually find the scientific rationale behind them, and isn't afraid to grapple with omens and spirits when they are unfavourable or are hindering him. Even if he visits Lamas and lords, he always remains an European, a foreigner, and he's unapologetic about it.

Some of the prophetic/mythical stuff reads a bit odd, like there's a part where a young Mongolian lama proclaims that he had visions of a man rising up and fighting with the "Red Demons" "under the banner of a swastika" and he obviously thinks that he's that man who's destined to do this. In hindsight you might think it's about Hitler or something, but obviously prophecies in hindsight often lend themselves to favourable interpretations.

So it's essentially a very good adventure novel. Though I'd like to mention that the author wastes no timPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Recently read this little play by Heinrich von Kleist called Prinz Friedrich von Homburg as Stefan Zweig called it Kleist's best work in his phenomenal book Der Kampf mit dem Dämon: Hölderlin, Kleist, Nietzsche. I liked it a lot, especially the authentic and approachable depiction of Prinz Friedrich von Homburg as a hero that is entangled in the contradiction between his heart and authority. The play is also structured very beautifully allowing a deep insight into the psychology of the protagonist.

Besides that I reread Apuleius's Tale of Cupid and Psyche, which I enjoyed. Psyche, in her innocence, is a mythological favorite of mine.

I also reread Dostoevsky's Notes from Underground, which scares and repulses me with every reread more and more. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy reading it for its intense psychological character, but everything in it is just repulsive, so I read it as a reminder to not become that kind of person.


>But is there really difference?

Did you forget about his surrogate activities theory? It is explained even too much i think.

Yes, he wasnt wrong about industrial society, but FC world still is an utopia.


Finally, i have read all of the Teddy Kaczinskys books

 No.18420 SYSTEMKONTRA [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Funny edition
Recent >>17883
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Ach halt einfach dein dummes Maul.


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You can't stand a honest worker sharing his experience of using his whole body to move things around with his bare hands? Sweating while pushing cat litter, fragrances, books, small electronics parts clothing, wine, fitness devices and all that shit having a calculate 90 seconds to get the job done each time? To people who vote CDU, think black people are suspicious and that want a little fun on their life? A new top, the new book by Kopp Verlag, that smart watch or the plastic toy your daughter wanted when she looked over your shoulder while you scrolled Ebay to relieve some stress after work?

The only sweat you know comes from anfrily typing word sequences that aim to prove your moral superiority to others below you. The pale citoyen can only lose. Remember that, boy.

 No.18909 KONTRA

> Mimimi ich hatte einen Drecksdschob für Kanaken wegen den Grünen

 No.18919 KONTRA

Handelt es sich bei deinen Verständnisschwierigkeiten um genetische Dummheit?

 No.18772 [Reply]

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KC int is better, even with all the brown people, pedos, and pr0n.

EC is too slow and boring :(


Get a life.
Instead of refreshing /int/ all the day, you can come here once in a while and there will be enough new posts each time.


How did OP post without a countryball? I must know.


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 No.18799 KONTRA

N..No you!

 No.18688 [Reply]

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no thread for the Olympic Games?

 No.18690 KONTRA

Proles go to /b/, /int/ is for cultivated scholars such as myself. We don't need to watch sweaty meatheads carrying out pointless competitions.


no I dont like watching satanic faggots


A true intellectual would intellectualize the Olympics by looking closer at concepts like competition, games, vitality, ritual and democracy that can be found in the Olympic tradition.

>A close connection between architecture, athletics, and the urban fabric is central to the idea of the modern Olympic Games.

 No.18666 [Reply]

I can't fill out these babylonian captchas fam.

 No.18670 KONTRA

no need to open a new thread.
am robot as well, apparently.

 No.18681 KONTRA

As a result of ECs troubled past, we have a board rule here concerning meta discussions of other boards. Refugee threads during downtimes are exceptions, though.

 No.17883 SYSTEMKONTRA [Reply][Last 50 Posts]


Ernst hot (feminine) boy summer season travelogue is opened
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>The pinnacles of modern architecture are buildings which looks like Holocaust monuments.

That's because modern architects are shit.


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These brutalist churches are actually pretty cool and closer to proper christian asceticism instead of the faggy gothic pomp or the low budget version of a 'pittoresque' church Ludwig II would have ordered to built.



>and closer to proper christian asceticism
Yeah, I need a sauce on that opinion


There may be nice brutalist churches but the one which you've posted is ugly and trypophobia-inducing.

 No.16420 SYSTEMKONTRA [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Worst thread on EC.

Previous >>12299
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Donald Trump is chancellor Palpatine and antifa are Jedi. Have you watched "Revenge of the Sith"?


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There is 0 chances for the democrats now.
NATO is over, empire America is over, Urine is over, NWO is over, EU is over. Because obvious leftshit is too homosex to shoot straight.


Imagine believing that the future free world depends on you, and then not training. smh. The secret service sniper demonstrated the enormous gap between an amateur and a pro.


The SS clowns should probably buy some glasses

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