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 No.1512 [View All]

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Got Food? Into the thread it goes.
95 posts and 43 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

 No.13039 KONTRA

As a PoF (Person of Fatness) i've been told that i should lose weight by doctors only once. Even when i had pain in my ankle with nearly twice the weight i should've had, i wasn't recommended to lose weight. And that is not a good thing, they should have told me that all the time.

I managed to lose weight by myself. Still a fatty but i can buy clothes in regular stores and don't have pain. If i wouldn't have lost weight i would feel worse than i do now and it would be my fault and not societies.

And that whole
>Medicine neglects women

Is the dumbest thing i've heard today.
Medicine is a industry and women are the better customers.

 No.13040 KONTRA

'Red-pilled' 'self-improvers' should go back to the /pol/. Please be an incel elsewhere.

 No.13041 KONTRA

>As a PoF (Person of Fatness) i've been told that i should lose weight by doctors only once.

Your experience is not the experience of others. That said I think you did not understand the issue that fat people's problems are allegedly reduced to their weight most of the time. While it is true that being overweight is a cause of health issues it can be an obstacle for important diagnoses that are not related to weight and would bring relief to the person.


Are you even white?


Grenadilla - relative of passion fruit. Less sour and more bland.

 No.13048 KONTRA

There is no diagnosis in a fat person not related to weight. All conditions of the body are either related to weight or obscured by the effects of being overweight. The fat itself is a hindrance in diagnosing anything and everything.


>All conditions of the body are either related to weight or obscured by the effects of being overweight. The fat itself is a hindrance in diagnosing anything and everything.

How so exactly? Especially for the last sentence. A doctor saying: "oh it's your overweight causing the problem" posits that the fat is the hindrance to a diagnosis that sees this is not just the weight but an issue people without overweight could also have and is treatable in a way that is not dependent on weightloss albeit weightloss in general might be a healthy advice for that person, is that correct understanding of your sentence? So you principally agree that doctors misdiagnose because people are overweight? Or do you agree and also posit that doctors have no other choice as to diagnose this way because they cannot diagnose in another way because the overweight makes it impossible to diagnose in another way?

 No.13052 KONTRA

> How exactly so
You are a fat-activist and get behind the most retarded activism like a cult-follower as soon as their is a disadvantaged minority, and then you come out with your insinuating questions, feeling very smart, as always.

Yeah, you are a pathetic piece of shit without the slightest hint of common sense.

> Look at me I'm so smart I see through it all being fat is healthy it's just the fatphibic doctors contact that makes us think otherwise

> See how smart I am

No, you are flat-earther-tier.

Please take your super-smug self-righteous über-woke aura and hump of a bridge.


Rambutans are much better the lychees and unripe, green papayas make an absolutely addictive salad.

 No.13064 KONTRA

So will you answer the question or just vent?

 No.13161 KONTRA

It's a proven fact that being overweight is unhealthy and there are a myriad of conditions that can directly be traced to being overweight.
Being fat and eating healthy (as if that could ever happen) would still be worse for you than being slim and only eating meat and sweets (which rarely happens).

 No.13181 KONTRA

>It's a proven fact that being overweight is unhealthy and there are a myriad of conditions that can directly be traced to being overweight.

It's missing the point of the argument. The argument was not that this cannot be a cause but might not always be the cause which is the problem, accordingly.

 No.13197 KONTRA

Name one condition that isn't made worse by being fat. 1.


I gave a second chance to liquorice by buying picrelated. Well, it's not so bad. Actually, it's tasty when it's just a part of candy and not it's sole ingredient.

That's like with Tabasco sauce, it can make dish tastier, but drinking it without anything... not good.


Tobasco barely has any taste, it's just spiciness with barely any hint of tomato and pepper flavor. Even the shittiest Adjika or Ladjan is better because it at least has flavor.
I need to try sriracha next.

The more I become socialized into american cultural/gastronomical LARP through my workplace, the more I become disappointed.
All this memed american cultural export kinda sucks shit.
The sauces suck, McDonalds and burger king suck compared to my mother's kotlets, KFC sucks, domino and papa john's pizza suck, all soft drinks suck except for coca cola zero which is allright.

I can't believe we gave up socialism for this fucking crap.

worst part is that my lib larper coworkers will pretend to like all this shit, and scoff at traditional post-sovok snacks and foods, even though any post sovok babushka can cook food a million times better than any american fast food chain import.

I spit on america. I can't believe that I was denied socialized healthcare and free university education in exchange for shitty KFC chicken and 7-up.
fuck this

 No.13208 KONTRA

Forgot to add:
Video games suck and movies suck

nothing better than Tetris has been invented yet.


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I thought there are socialized healthcare and free university education in Kazakhstan, because "why would they be different from Russia?". Don't you have analogs of ЕГЭ and ОМС?

McDonalds and KFC are good in their domain of fast food, which is ofc not comparable to home food or restaurants. Also American chowder soup is very tasty, you buy picrel, chicken and milk and follow simple instructions and that's it.

But yes, people who traveled to USA say that food there is worse than in our 3-rd world homeland while being expensive as in Western Europe (where food is better than in Russia).

Don't judge them too strictly, Americans descend from Br*tish after all.

 No.13210 KONTRA

americanized sushi is good tho, can't fault em for doing a better spin on rice and fish


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Yeah, I also heard that Japanese Sushi chefs aren't all that traditional about Sushi as one might expect. They usually create new stuff that suits the taste of the host country. California Rolls ftw!


> Do Russians dog their food always raw, without a sauce?
Dunno, Beef Stroganoff for example is usually drowned in sauce, but it's sauce with soft taste, not ketchup like on your pic. Pelmeni are traditionally eaten with sour cream.
So no, not always. But in general yes, there is no sauce culture. People just add ketchup to meat usually. And sour cream to carb food.

> their fast food

Russian fast-food? You mean, blini or pies? You can add jam or sour cream (smetana) to blini.


What do you recommend to order?


Can confirm, t. eating Sushi with California Rolls right now.

Whoops, that post is already 3 months old and was made by me.


>Pelmeni are traditionally eaten with sour cream.

But it's not really a sauce to me and I eat it rather regularly btw when pelmeni or vareniki are on offer. I also enjoy smetana with carb food. Romania taught me the way to go with a mamaliga smetana fried egg combination.

>there is no sauce culture.

Is there an explanation? Really sad I did not major in food history :DDD


Also there are salads with ungodly amount of mayonnaise. And horseradish sauce - goes hard with meat or fish or lard or bread.
I think it's just that "true sauce" for you means only tomato sauce, which is indeed rare (non counting ketchup with shashlik).

P.S. give advice >>16509


>for you means only tomato sauce

Germans have so many sauces apparently and you don't even know!!! Did you never had gravy with your meats? Monsters.


> give advice
Schweinshachse - there is a reason it is the only thing appearing twice with a picture :)


That just looks wrong and it IS wrong, I don't care about any official orthography, it is wrong, WRONG!


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Ate canned horse meat on weekend. It tastes just like beef. Meanwhile as dried snack and as kielbasa it tasted very distinctly and much better than beef. Could BuryatMeatIndustry scam me?

Planning to go to Tatarstan this summer, their cuisine has all sorts of horse meat.

 No.16969 KONTRA

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>complain about the looks of German food
>eat dog food


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Wings with coca-cola sauce, popcorn and fries. Very tasty, funny and original. God bless!


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Is there a food/meal which ernst eats every day?
Me: Yes. Oatmeal.

1/2 cup of oats in a bowl. Add water. Microwave 2 minutes. Stir in peanut butter. Top with brown sugar and milk. Easy breakfast.


For a while I ate couscous every day. You just pour boiled water in it and wait for few minutes.
Now - no.


I eat in phases. Usually I eat a meal on several days during a week and for several weeks at least. Pasta with tomato sauce and grated Italian hard cheese is a default meal.



Btw tried okroshka on ayran and on craft beer. Both were tasty.


I also eat in phases: I eat something in the morning, then in the afternoon, and then in the evening.


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Came across a store of Armenian goods. Bought rose petal jam (I've wanted it for a long time) and walnut jam. I usually don't like walnuts, but the jam is tasty. And rose jams goes very good with Uzbek flatbread.

Strange that I randomly encountered two (!) Armenian stores in a single walk in my hometown. Meanwhile dad had told that there is a big Azerbaijan diaspora here now))).


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Fixed up a pretty decent canned tomato + tuna pasta sauce with olives, capers and anchovy paste


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Can't just let /b/ hog all this effort alone.

Witness a homemade Schwarzwälder Kirsch.
But, my friends, do not get addicted to Schwarzwälder, as you will resent its absence!


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Started to try out new things in the kitchen. Here’s an entrecôte with pepper sauce. I used white wine instead of red for reduction, calvados instead of cognac for blazing and finally milk and butter instead of cream. It turns out that my biggest mistake was neither, my beef broth was too salty…


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Here's my two new go-to staple meals:
1) egg fried rice upgraded by the addition of the humble shrimp and my roommate's self-made chili oil
2) cold rice bowl topped with a can of tuna, tomatos, spring onion, furikake, mayonnaise & sriracha sauce. started adding two fried eggs on top as well. surprisingly scrumptious considering how effortless it is to prepare, though the furikake does a lot of the heavy lifting flavor-wise.

Lookin good


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Behold! A grilled ham and macaroni and cheese sandwich. Had some leftover mac n' cheese which I heated through prior to assembling and grilling. Served with ketchup, mayonaise and pickles. Result was good, but also disappointing as the combined ingredients did not reach peak synergy. Rate slightly above a regular grilled ham and cheese sandwich but slightly below a bowl of macaroni and cheese.


>but also disappointing as the combined ingredients did not reach peak synergy
I feel you, I once tried noodles as a filling for pastry and it made both things taste less intense for some reason.




Vibrant and authentic


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I made Bortsch and pumpkin soup lately. Bortsch was especially good, I’m proud of my achievement


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Fun fact: I once bought a can of Borscht, without having eaten it before, just to try it out. I didn't know that the can was largely drained of water, and that you had to add water while cooking. Then I was all like:
>It's not bad, but man, it's dry as fuck, I need something to drink
Could get another can tomorrow, not that I think about it.


>eating canned food
Enjoy the chemicals from the can lining. Enjoy the preservatives. Enjoy the cigarette butts, boogers and spit from the workers in the food plants.

 No.20156 KONTRA

Very German post: disgusting hippie crossed with petty bourgeois attitude

 No.20162 KONTRA

That’s more or less how I see Swiss Germans: contempt, Birschermüesli and family biking vacation

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