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 No.16420 SYSTEMKONTRA [Last 50 Posts]

Worst thread on EC.

Previous >>12299

 No.16421 KONTRA

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re: worst thread
Apparently it isn't so, now that the anorectal thread has taken a turn for the worse.

 No.16422 KONTRA


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King Chuck had an official portrait unveiled and at best it feels like Cruelty Squad fanart and at worst it’s borderline terrifying.


Absolutely baller, 3/3.

 No.16425 KONTRA

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> a man whose sole reason for not sentencing the ones he sees as mentally unwell to death is that "senseless killing hasn't shown effective".
You failed to realize that this point was designed to sway the previously quoted party and not an intrinsic believe of the poster in question.

> and only then will we know what you meant to say [...]


other than that, all good points.

> [essay]

Ok,.. but where is the difference to flat-earthers, tho?

 No.16426 KONTRA

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Too bad you left your last two quality posts in the previous threda.

He's off-center in a disturbing way. Other than that, it's wonderfully gay.


>how you want your portrait, my majesty?


> why not fill it with the urge to conquer space? or create the ultimate A.I. sex-bot?
These are good goals, but humans not need not just some goal, but The Only Ultimate Goal, which isn't arbitrarily and gives meaning to everything else.

What does it symbolize? Including that butterfly near his shoulder.

And what is coming instead of them?


>What does it symbolize? Including that butterfly near his shoulder.
Pink is the color of fresh arterial blood.
He has a sabre.
The wings of a butterfly can cause a storm far away.
I think we all know what that means.... IT'S GLOBE-SPANNING EMPIRE TIME!


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>worst thread
>opens it

You can get enough of that German goodness it seems.


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I just watched a Tiktok that claimed my home state NRW has a bigger economy than Portugal and I believe it. Taxiteller over Pastel del nata any time! They balance each other perfectly and probably make a good combo

 No.16435 KONTRA

im this cat 268.jpg (272.84 KB, 677x445)

>News threda
>G*rmans spreading second-hand accounts of tiktok news reports
I think I'm done with it all.


Charles understands that WW3 will happen during his reign, which will be full of blood.

Too much sauce.
That shit above sausages looks untasty.
And weird stuff above potatoes looks untasty too + wtf is it.
Post normal food.


It was very much news worthy.

>Too much sauce.

Did you ever ate Currywurst, bro?

Taxiteller is french fries with Currywurst and Gyro meat + tzatziki. It's German-Greek fusion kitchen, basically.

 No.16439 KONTRA

>I believe it.
How many seconds of TikTok did it take to believe that a German province with near twice the population of this peripheral European nation had a bigger economy.

The butterfly spreads its wings. 2751318 dead sons of Rus'. I kneel.


>How many seconds of TikTok

Just one.

I don't know how many inhabitants Portugal has
It also has a bigger economy than the Netherlands which are closer in numbers

 No.16441 KONTRA

physikunterricht nrw.mp4 (1.33 MB, 576x1024)

NRW is the best schools and talents for making money.


> The butterfly spreads its wings. 2751318 dead sons of Rus'.
Literally. His Majesty's prime minister told colonial administration to fight until the last Ukrainian son of Kievan Rus':


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The early childhood education head of Hämeenlinna city confirms that a child brought a knife and an unopened can of beer with them to the kindergarten. They were in the child's backpack. The staff of the kindergarten confiscated the items.

Guardians of the child and the parents of the other children of the daycare have been informed of the matter. A concerned father contacted the media after receiving the message.

The knife wielder pictured is not related to the case.



Are you trying to imply robbing banks is bad? Oh wow you are a worse lapdog than I thought. How pathetic.

 No.16449 KONTRA

> French fries
> German

Idiot. Also, quite remarkable that a well-known 'German' dish is a combination of two foreign dishes found at gyros stands. Germany is a cultural and culinary waste land.

 No.16452 KONTRA

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Ach Ernst. Perhaps if you would drive a Mercedes I would take you seriously.

 No.16486 KONTRA

I don't know the ages of those children, but I always carried a knife as a child? (and still do; prolly most useful tool after smartphone - speaking of which... i would be more concerned if a kid brought a smartphone - that tool is much harder to handle correctly)
The can of beer is a little suspicious, but might have just been a random item the kid took with him/found somewhere. Could have been worse - e.g. a used condom the kid mistook for a balloon.

Any context for this news?
With just the given information, I don't know... the most news worthy about that seems to be that somebody thought it was news worthy.


>Germany is a cultural and culinary waste land.

t. Tiefkühlpizza connoisseur


Grammar for traditional German dishes:

<german_dish> ::= <meat> "with" <sidedish>
<meat> := "pork" | "head cheese" | "sausage"
<sidedish> := "sourkraut" | "blended green cabbage" | "boiled potatoes"

But only on Sundays. On weekdays, there is bread with cold cuts, for breakfast, lunch and dinner.


Every frozen pizza is better than disgusting German food.

 No.16489 KONTRA

"Ha, the real danger would be if he brought a smartphone!"
Let's face it, these people aren't like us. Alcohol and pukkos are their natural inclinations and it's better for everyone else if they're kept at arm's length. Maybe you're okay with downplaying this menace because you live in a nice cul-de-sac without worrying about roaming hordes of Pekkas.


So you imply that you always put too much sauce? :D

As if something bad. German sausages are very tasty and pork and potato as well. I don't like sourkraut though. To be precise, it may be fine as a snack for alcohol, but not as sidedish.


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Salo region beekeepers association chairman Timo Virtanen says that his entire apiary was stolen. According to Virtanen, similar thefts have also occurred before. Previously they have been limited to stealing individual colonies, but never a whole apiary like now.


I can't believe you replied to that post.

>it's better for everyone else if they're kept at arm's length

I'd prefer a way greater distance.


>So you imply that you always put too much sauce? :D

Do Russians dog their food always raw, without a sauce? Currywurst simply comes in "curry sauce".

An example:

120 g Tomato ketchup
2 TBSP. Ketchup (curry)
50 ml water
½ TSP stock
1 TBSP. curry powder
a little cayenne pepper
1½ TBSP sugar
½ TSP salt
1 pinch pepper

>it may be fine as a snack for alcohol

I find that puzzling. Would be surprised a German would let that thought slip out of their mind. You mean like the little gherkin you drink with a vodka?


Different Ernst here: There is no such thing as "too much sauce". There is only "not enough" and "an acceptable amount", and it rarely is an acceptable amount. I challenge everyone to find a picture with food which has too much sauce, protip: you can't. You can post a picture with food of which you might believe it has "too much sauce", but I will either say that it is not enough (very likely) or an acceptable amount. I am willing to discuss (a.k.a. repeatedly saying that your opinion is bad) in great detail, since food with not enough sauce is a capital cooking offence and thus serious business. Feel free to insult german cuisine for needing tons of sauce to hide the taste, because it's true, but that doesn't matter, since it applies to ANY food, no matter the origin or even whether it tastes good or not. I will also give you a few rules of thumb:

- if the sauce isn't dominating the taste, it's not enough sauce
- if you can still see your food, it's not enough sauce
- if the food outweighs the sauce, it's not enough sauce
- if you can eat it with a fork, it's not enough sauce
- if you can eat it without making a mess of yourself, it's not enough sauce
- if people who are witnessing your meal aren't yelling "EWWW THAT'S WAY TOO MUCH SAUCE", then it's not enough sauce


The funny thing is that my grandma always said the boy likes the sauce, so I made extra sauce. And I happily drowned the plate in Bratensauce.
Knödel with meat, some veggies and sauce. Best Oma times.

Genuine question: comes Russian cuisine without sauce a lot of times? their fast food? no sauces at all? In my head photos of Russian home made meals pop up and they are all sauce-free. No sauce culture.


if you order pizza, the standard question is:
> with garlic or salad sauce?


what the fuck man


> we could also offer sauce hollandaise and our chicken pizza comes with a homemade curry sauce.


>chicken pizza
Ahhhh, why didn't you just say that you get your pizza from Döner places. Now everything makes sense.

 No.16503 KONTRA

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 No.16504 KONTRA

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Ok, and your point being?


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Funfact: pizza with sauce hollandaise straight from the Lukull package is superior. How could it have been possible we talk so long about sauces without mentioning Hollandaise and Lukull in particular? I'm disappointed in German Ernst.


Fuck, give me an idea of what to cook with Lukull tonight (but not asparagus). I suddenly crave this bad boy.


Ok, since this seems to have turned into the /int/ fat thread, let's see some suggestions for sushi fillings. Smoked salmon is starting to get old and I am not brave enough for anchovies in sushi.

 No.16512 KONTRA

Lukull was bought and I will use it on my NY Club Sandwiches tomorrow.

 No.16519 KONTRA

Gosh darnit, I replied to the kontra'd thread.

>>16518 was meant to go here.


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German small-town politician from the liberal party got some videos and photos leaked.

He licks a urinal and a toilet brush, he made himself a Hitler moustache from shit, etc...

Of course, this is just the degeneracy you expect from the system-politicians in a democracy, and it is normal for bumdrillers, too. They are the most vile and disgusting individuals imaginable.

I hate how this country is run by homo-perverted degenerates. These people need to be send to camps or shot on the spot, they are unhygienic and sickening.

 No.16529 KONTRA

>Of course, this is just the degeneracy you expect from the Germans
Minor editorial change.

 No.16530 KONTRA

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Exactly how does this guy licking a pissoir affect your life other than you talking about it?
What is even more confusing to me is how excited you get over this fact.

 No.16531 KONTRA

>You're shitting on the little people, Mr. Portugal!
This is true. But also I thought it was another German. A Hawaiian shirt gauleiter of sorts.

 No.16532 KONTRA

>A Hawaiian shirt gauleiter of sorts.
That's my aesthetic


This. That's why it also shouldn't matter what AfD politicians do on their own time.


This is like asking "why do we teach children that toilets are dirty places".

This "man" is incredibly dirty and unhygienic. He touches buttons on traffic light or railings on stairs. He breathes air I could breath. If he uses public transport, he might have sat on a chair in a train that I used later.

Either you are three years old or you are just as sick and disgusting. Do you also lick toilet brushes? There's no need to ask you if you wash your hands before you return from the toilet, because the answer is obvious. Otherwise, you would not need to ask.

This is typical for leftists, you are dirty people. You can just tell. In households wherer there's bio-nutella on the breakfast table, the toilet is covered in something else that's also biological and brown.


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>public transport

You don't own a car? You poor or underage?
Anyway, you shouldn't have any opinions if you have to take the bus you loser.


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Gesprochen wie ein Löwe.


/int/ - Tiktoks and schizoposting



Stay, don't run away ♫
Please, lord, just one more day (right) ♫
Stay, don't be walking away (uh come on) ♫
Stay, don’t run away (uh) ♫
Please, lord, just one more day (right) ♫
Stay, don’t be walking away (yeah) ♫
Come on ♫
Don't be walking away ♫


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You forgot to mention that he put feces-covered dildo on Quran. Based or cringe?

> Germans
I've seen the same news about Spanish politician
What of it's some streamlined blackmailing technology? They capture the video and then if freemasons are unhappy with them, they release it to the public.


>Spanish politician
Visigoth heritage is sparse, but sometimes it surfaces.


> What of it's some streamlined blackmailing technology?
actually was thinking the same. might be possible.

reminded me of the south korean ~blackmail stuff, "nth room".

 No.16545 KONTRA

Might, obviously, just be some actual fetish. I have zero interest in sighting the material to determine if the facial expression indicates enjoyment.
Maybe some other Ernst, who is more into stuff like that >>>/b/12155 >>>/b/16790 Natursekt isn't too far off? idk, if those fetishes are related, wanna give a personal interpretation of the likelyhood the material was created because of actual fetish/enjoyment?


Why it's almost always Germans when someone is being caught with a defecation-related fetish? Serious question here: what part of your culture causes that? Is this because you guys are strict, and, Freudian speaking, anally oriented?

 No.16721 KONTRA

Anna-Lena has publicly declared her love for Germany, it was cringe to the max.


The Federal Republik of Germany is close to collapse because there is nothing more to steal!

First, things went bad in the eighties, then the Wessie annexed GDR and style everything from there with their Treuhand! Every factory was sold for 1DM and then they shut it down to get rid of the competition! This stolen wealth lasted the wessi for about 15 years!

Then, they stole everything from Poland Hungary Czech Republic with their EU in 2006! This bought them another 15 years!

Now, they are looking to steal from Ukraine, but Russia has stopped them! This leads to MASSIVE unemployment and poverty in West Germany as there are mass bankruptcies and job losses!

People hate the green dominated traffic light government and know that poverty is coming because there is nothing more for websites to steal! They started to realize that so of their news are fake news and lies by the leftist-green government!

 No.16764 KONTRA

Aperol-spritz drinking rich kids chanting "Deutschland den Deutschen! Ausländer raus!" it's over for the Bundesrepublik and the Rechtsstaat.

 No.16765 KONTRA

Would you want foreigners drinking your Aperol?


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Ernst, you are a political agent. What was the last petition you signed? Has a petitioned ever amounted to anything in your living memory?

 No.16767 KONTRA

>it's over for the Bundesrepublik and the Rechtsstaat

The Rechtsstaat is in full action already. Casual racism is not a schizo thing anyway. Not sure why people are surprised that Elisa Maria and Maximilian will sing along and LARP as right-wingers. I assume the have common casual racism in their brain as this video shows but won't believe in schizo theories of Germany's downfall

 No.16768 KONTRA

Read peter Zeihan, or watch one of his videos on Germany. This country is so done, and everyone knows it, but the stupid idiotic people who learned nothing but talking. No idea about economics, no idea about industrial production, never worked a day in there lives, the do-nothing big-mouths lecture us and teach us that we live in the best Germany of all times. Those who disagree are, of course, NAZI!

Germany's demise is not a theory, it is a clearly visible fact. The government media is fully censored and only spouts propaganda lies. East German news under Honecker was more critical of the government than fully controlled BRiD government media is now. But people are so stupid, they fall for it.

We know that the children's book author sock-Robert had his staff (which coincidentally is his cousins and brothers-in-law) destroy all NPPs with acid, so subsequent governments would never be able to start them up again! But when news spread, the pro-government lie-media played it down and people just stopped caring. Meanwhile, the immense cost of energy, brought about by the leftist green government ON PURPOSE destroys the German economy. But they don't go bankrupt, they just stop producing! And the government controlled media keeps silent, while there is daily news of job cuts and bankruptcies, they tell lies about a imaginary "shortage of skilled workers", by which they mean black Africans skilled in collecting welfare and maybe delivering Amazon packages right to talking-science-student Emma-Marie's doorstep, paid with daddy's credit card. (While stealing 50%)

That the media constantly and systematically try to hide and downplay immigrant crime goes without saying.

 No.16769 KONTRA


 No.16770 KONTRA

I never signed any petition (not even a school or university one or something) and now I've literally never seen a petition amount to anything, it's literally the most useless, most retarded form of protesting there is.

 No.16771 KONTRA

The draft will probably be re-introduced in Germany.

Military service is, of course, a great opportunity to force young men to take the vaxx. There must be no control-group of unvaxxed people, otherwise, the disastrous consequences of the poisonous vaccines will become obvious.


It exists for little leftist maggots to feel important and to have some worthless pseudo-achievement, without getting a real job, of course.

 No.16773 KONTRA

Not in Switzerland

 No.16778 KONTRA

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>read peter zeihan

The only reading necessary is the books of the Marxistische Gruppe. Use your brain and you will agree and finally abstain from overdosing morality in every post. Who would have expected that right-wing virtue signaling is the most obnoxious of all?

 No.16779 KONTRA

was about to mention that.

also, this.

> virtue signaling

If we could just come back to actual discussion and action instead of empty virtue signaling. Sadly, both extremes are currently doing it heavily.
> divīde et impera


>virtue signaling
Funny you mention that. I try to completely suppress this from my discourse and social interactions, but recently an old friend of mine said that rape was not as bad as those « whores » made it up to be. Then went on to explain that getting a girl drunk to screw her was not rape and was ok. Finally he tried to imply that a friend of mine hadn’t been raped without knowing the story behind. I had to tell him to stop talking or else «  I would get very angry at him », he stopped. He prolly autistic and is a virgin so I try to all keep it under the rug, but I don’t think it’s really the moral thing to do

 No.16781 KONTRA

What a despicable marxist piece of dirt you are. Vermin to be crushed.


I thought of writing petition addressing problem of involuntary celibate but then found a gf and postponed this idea.



I really like how they explain and describe people like you, it's spot on. One more reason to be convinced the Marisst are right. Just today I read these.

>Der abstrakte Begriff der Demokratie ist also für die Erklärung des Faschismus von einigem Nutzen. Diese alternative Form bürgerlicher Herrschaft ist nicht nur als Wunsch der Politiker und Bürger in der Demokratie ständig präsent, sondern auch praktisch fällig, wenn sich Bürger und Staat in ihrem Gegensatz dahingehend handelseinig werden, dass die ineffiziente Herrschaftsausübung schuld daran ist, wenn im ökonomischen Leben einiges nicht geht. Ein ordentlicher Gebrauch der politischen Gewalt, dem sich die Befürworter mit über das demokratische Maß hinausgehender Opferbereitschaft verschreiben, damit Schluss gemacht wird mit Nörglern, politisch und ökonomisch nicht bedingungslos leistungswilligen Bürgern, stellt sich da alsbald ein, zumal der Antifaschismus als Rettungsprogramm der Demokratie den politischen Kampfmitteln derer nichts entgegenzusetzen hat, die eine Rettung der Nation vor Schädlingen andersherum anstreben.

>Den Faschisten ist die Legitimität des Staats eine einzige Beschränkung für die Erfüllung seiner Aufgaben. Mit der prinzipiellen Zustimmung verlangen sie vom Bürger die bedingungslose Unterordnung, den Verzicht bei jedem Interesse, das den Staat beschränkt: Politik als rücksichtslose Ausrichtung des Volkes am Staatszweck, Volksgemeinschaft. Terror im Namen des Staates.


You can still argue why it's bad. Rape is psychological and bodily damage to a person. It's simply rational to not do it, especially on purpose.


Yes, involuntary sex hurts women. But on the other hand involuntary celibate hurts men.
We should reach a compromise, for example sexual taxation of one sexual act per month, which is given as welfare to victims of involuntary celibate.


These people are not violently forced to stay celibate.
Also, you are still within the frame of competition where justice within that frame is advocated for.



Are you libertarian?
Because that's libertarian logic: "You are not forced to die from hunger, that's just what economic situation is. But taking 1% of wealth from billionaire to feed you would be violence".
No one likes libertarians, people laugh at them.


Why is it irrational to cause psychological and physical damage to people? Or is it only rational to rape your enemies?
t. anti-rape moralist

 No.16790 KONTRA

I see you only read the first part of my post.


Stop bickering and answer to the point, Hun.


The answer is in the second part of my post that you did not understand. But to make it explicit: No, I am not a libertarian.

Increasing negative outcomes does not seem rational to me.


>"You are not forced to die from hunger, that's just what economic situation is. But taking 1% of wealth from billionaire to feed you would be violence".

A libertarian does not understand that the first situation is also the result of violence. The second is also violence but in a different way. It is violating law first of all.


>Increasing negative outcomes does not seem rational to me
Why not? As a rational self-interested agent, why would you not want negative outcomes for people you compete with? I think it's hard to justify not harming people that you compete with.

 No.16795 KONTRA

*from a solely rational perspective, of course


So you would say that rape is a consequence of a competitive mindset?


Utilitarism is poopy. You perfectly know that

 No.16798 KONTRA

>I think it's hard to justify not harming people that you compete with

There might be a more rational way to set up a system that tries to meet people's needs than by letting them all compete for various things and codify that competition and use force to maintain it.


> Also, you are still within the frame of competition where justice within that frame is advocated for.
Same way you could argue for unregulated capitalism, because "not only billionaires have their property defended, but poor people as well". No, poor people benefit from redistribution of wealth. And unattractive people benefit from redistribution of sex.

> Increasing negative outcomes does not seem rational to me.
You're increasing someone else's negative income. While increasing your own positive income. Do you care about your income or other people's income?


I have very moderate centrist pro-rape views. I don't stand for state assigned gfs or for planned economy, I just stand for redistribution of some wealth and some sex.

Meanwhile you are far right libertarian anti-rape fanatics.


Wouldn't say it's a matter of mindset.

And yet, we compete. Is such a horrible action such a rape rational under such a system?

Yes, but I'm a moralist.

 No.16802 KONTRA

>argue for unregulated capitalism, because "not only billionaires have their property defended, but poor people as well"

That is "normal" capitalism: ever individual is a legal person and they all are the same before the law. And even poor people approve of this. Not all, but enough.

You want to argue for the necessity of social welfare because capitalism is so shit in letting people benefit from its organization this is why we have social welfare in some of the most developed states that accidently are also the most rich states. I simply think capitalism does a shit job and social welfare is a shit patch.

>You're increasing someone else's negative income.

outcome here means result and income is not the opposite of that but a monetary term that operates within a frame of competition. I reject your categories from the evry beginning, in case you did not notice.

>Is such a horrible action such a rape rational under such a system?

Not sure what you wanted to say here

>Wouldn't say it's a matter of mindset.


 No.16803 KONTRA

>I’m a moralist
I’m a bit of a Christian atheist myself


So, to sum up, you're for centrally planning economic activity. And at the same time for unregulated sexual market. Economic communist and sexual libertarian.

> income

Nevermind, meant "outcome"

 No.16805 KONTRA

So (some) women must be handled like public property that everybody should have the chance to use?
Consider that I don't think thinking in terms of property will bring any viable solutions.


>Not sure what you wanted to say here
That it's hard to say it's bad to harm people from a merely "rational" basis and you're, thankfully, also a moralist.

 No.16807 KONTRA

>This is why sexual satisfaction is not only a recognized right of the partners to each other, but also a task for both of them, by which they judge not only the other, but also themselves. Not only the other's duty of love, but also their own ability to arouse the other's sexual interest, i.e. their own attractiveness in this field, is constantly being put to the test. Because the partners owe themselves this main proof of life success and vitality, self-doubt and fear of failure due to the “pressure to perform in bed” (another topos of the counseling literature) are just as much a part of this as a demanding attitude towards the partner. Their lack of interest or refusal is not simply regrettable, it is an attack on the male or female success type, hurting their self-esteem by putting their ability to seduce and their overall sexual prowess in a bad light. Both women and men suffer from this injury to their pride and struggle to assert themselves in various ways. When a man becomes violent, it is no longer to gain love or even sexual satisfaction. It is this reflection on himself, the defense of the strained belief in himself as an individual capable of success in life, as a great pike in sexual matters, which provides the confirmation of this self-image even against the will of the woman.The pleasure that arises from this is entirely the self-pleasure of the man who knows how to get what he can lay claim to

If somebody wants love and sex he or she is simply dependent on the other person's feelings and interests. But the psych is a thing that also plays a role in what is possible. How that psych was formed is another question, though. And explanation is not justification.


Sex should be redistributed by limiting polygamy. Chads have dozens of women while incels have none. If chads are made to settle with one woman, incels will have available women for them. Btw it will benefit chads and women too as they'll have a chance to form deep long-term relationships.

 No.16809 KONTRA

This is not logical and is solely dependent on a potential wish. Not sure what the reality would look like. I find it interesting that you confirm >>16807. It's all about losing or winning, incel or chad. An incel does not want sex because he enjoys the sexual act, the arousal or wants to pleasure a woman or experience a bonding moment, nor sees sex as two-way enjoyment. No, sex is used as a marker for (competitive) success. Sure, an incel probably wants to be loved but this sexual goal is far from that desire.


> potential wish
What wish?

> Not sure what the reality would look like

Men and women divided into loving couples instead of suffering incels, women in hopeless attempts to secure chad for herself and chads having sex carousel instead of deep continuous relationships.

> It's all about losing or winning, incel or chad

It's about having a chance to find love. Preventing chads from collecting harems increases that chance.

> No, sex is used as a marker for (competitive) success

It's your fantasies that have nothing to do with my post

 No.16811 KONTRA

>What wish?

That women will go for the "leftover" incels instead when having restricted access to Chads. They can simply refuse to mate if they are not interested and be happy still.

>It's about having a chance to find love.

Sure. And why do you use the Chad term that symbolizes for incels the archetype of a successful male person in this society, to which they see themselves in stark contrast, namely as the losers within this society? By using these words you buy into that interpretation and set it as true, which means you think it's about winning and losing. You may want to find love, I mentioned that as well that it is about love, but not when set up this way. Love might be the desire but it is overshadowed by the competitive aspect that takes a primary position in their considerations and suffering and the harm they eventually cause with actions.
You can toss and turn all you want. You confirm with your words everything said in that quote because for you it is about competition as well. You were not even able to contradict the argument made.


> They can simply refuse to mate if they are not interested and be happy still.
Why do you presume this option? I'm sure, they will rather date someone below 6 feet and 6 figures rather than be femcels.

> why do you use the Chad term

Because it's exact type of people who need to change their behavior, so that incels/women have love instead of lonelines / being pumped&dumped.

 No.16814 KONTRA

I take that post as a "yes, you were and are right and here is why"


Yes, you are right. Ch-word's desire to pump&dump dozens of women is non-negotiable. Forever lonely men and other societal consequences of such behavior are irrelevant. I only think otherwise, because I'm obsessed with competition and success.
is this the best what liberal minds have to offer?

 No.16817 KONTRA

>I'm obsessed with competition and success

You are indeed and that is also why you are the liberal idiot in this discussion that advocates for a property understanding in sex and I am the Marxist who does not. If you want to talk about how incels can find love, you would certainly choose another path than talking about competition. Your whole reasoning builds from comparison and competition. Ask your therapist for some mind glasses so you can see your reasoning more properly next time you want to talk with me.

Again: incels might want love like most people as well, but that is not what they are aiming for when in the swamp of competitive thinking which most of them are. It's a realiyt that brought them there but from which more competitive thinking won't help but confines them to their "destiny"

Have you elaborated your "pro rape" views to your gf btw?


> Your whole reasoning builds from comparison and competition
Should I ignore their existence and importance in the system of sexual liberalism?
Anyway, I have a simple solution for the problem of involuntary celibate: monogamy. I would like to hear your solution to this problem.


>If you want to talk about how incels can find love
How can one find (romantic) love under extreme conditions? I ask specifically as someone who survived a very tragic house fire during my childhood which rendered my appearance grotesque and my genitalia ruined. I fear I may simply die a lonesome death, without ever knowing the touch of a woman. Is telling me to change my mindset not a repackaged form of masculinity that needlessly punishes those who are hurting?

You will be further instructed to speak to a therapist or consult with your girlfriend if you proceed with this line of reasoning.

 No.16822 KONTRA

So what does your gf say about your "pro rapist" views? I cannot find an answer to my question in your post.

>Should I ignore their existence and importance in the system of sexual liberalism?

No, that is also what the quote for example in >>16807 exactly does not do. But it does critique that instead of mindlessly repeating it like you do. You are part of the problem by buying into that shit and trying to find solution that do exactly nothing to change competition and success thinking.

>solution for the problem of involuntary celibate: monogamy

Oh lord, beginning >>16809 that is all. You want to monogamize sexual relationships by law. So what? People don't have to go into a relationship just because you constrain the forms of relationships by law. Incels don't magically receive and also reciprocate! love and a partner when you change the relationship to monogamy by law like it's a sort of video game with faulty logics. Some incels can be helped if they overcome the damage that has been done by tying their self-confidence to sexual success. I don't question that incels suffer under their conditions but their psychological, social and biological reasoning certainly does provide the adequate solution to their problems - far from it I am of the conviction that these patterns of thinking and behavior will only increase the distance and alienate them even further tossing them even more down the rabbit whole of competition (and violence if the usual "rules" don't allow) as solution. Incels need an understanding person and they themselves have to change, there is no way around it, they are damaged and its not necessarily their fault. And even if some incels are so super unattractive that nobody wants them - this is not an issue for men alone. A German entertainer made fun of a virgin female in public lately. Apparently you only can loose with a vagina between your legs.


I see oceans of propaganda flooding minds, leading them to embrace new measures of success. A frenzy of activity as misunderstood foundations adapt to emerging realities. A capitalist arms race driven by humanity's brightest minds in an attempt to capture a greater market share of attention.

It all seems fine yet, but underneath the hood of an otherwise benign and laudable total mass cataloguing project of humanity driven by international brotherhood of all political stripes - humans consistently seek the most exciting content! But the content selection process carries with it unconscious and unexamined acceptance of cultural norms... And not even Europe's brightest revolutionary minds see it happening to themselves...

This will be the foreword to my 937 page treaty titled Die Zeitgeist Und Das Handy. It'll be applauded as the first meaningful and scientific treaty on Sociology in a century and, most importantly, pave way for the implementation of a new political thought that will emancipate mankind.

 No.16824 KONTRA

I claim the opportunity to leave lasting proof I am the first to coin the term "anorectal" in its later widely accepted definition of a poorly thought own worldview that is not formed from thought or observation - the mind or the senses, but from fears and anxieties - the anorectum.


> So what does your gf say about your "pro rapist" views?
Oh, make one self-ironic post and German will torture you with it.

> quote for example

It says another thing. It's not about acknowledgement that comparison and competition exist (which is a consequence of your beloved sexual liberalism), but that comparison and goals are not just the way to get love, but the goal itself.

> People don't have to go into a relationship just because you constrain the forms of relationships by law

Yes, human behavior is completely independent from social conditions. Very Marxist point of view lol. OK, I got your point that women will rather die virgins then date someone below 6 feet.
Now let's take a look at your solution:
> Some incels can be helped if they overcome the damage that has been done by tying their self-confidence to sexual success.
Now I think that it's you who is obsessed with competition :D . Because you think that incels' suffering is caused purely by low self-confidence. They understand that they lost the sexual selection, that they're low tier and it's why they are unhappy. Such issue exists, but it's only a part of the problem. Loneliness itself is hurting, regardless of social expectations. And you can't magically undo objective condition of loneliness with therapy.

 No.16826 KONTRA

>How can one find (romantic) love under extreme conditions? I ask specifically as someone who survived a very tragic house fire during my childhood which rendered my appearance grotesque and my genitalia ruined.

How can I know? Since this is not (solely) about sexual attraction but love there might be some ways.

The problem here is that people like Omsk and you frame sexual attraction and love as a market in which people compete - just like incels do. What that implies among other things can be read here >>16807
I don't have a solution for incels under contemporary capitalism. I simply think their reasoning is dumb and won't help them but exacerbate their problems.
Your cherry-picked victim of a house fire might never find love or sexual attraction, that is unfortunate but I don't think the solution lies in violently forcing somebody else to do love or fuck this person it is by definition neither love nor sexual attraction then anyway but simply forcing somebody against their will to perform actions But that never has been an interest of mine. I'm interested in the question of political economy and not the equal distribution of sexual and romantic satisfaction. Maybe that simply is not possible and not a Marxist concern anyway, you ever thought about that?

 No.16827 KONTRA

>It says another thing.

It talks about you and your thinking. What you call "sexual liberalism" is simply understanding sexual selection these days as a free market and the psychological consequences are mentioned in that quote. Sex and love become a question of competitiveness and performance that can be measured and that has effects on people's minds. Incels are an example for this as well.

>They understand that they lost the sexual selection, that they're low tier and it's why they are unhappy.

I guess many simply think this and then get sucked into thought circles that you obsess over as well: winning and losing. These people are sometimes just 16 or 20 years old, they have enough time to get out, work on stuff, and find somebody. I would not even deny that some are not considered attractive but all I can say about this is said in >>16826


> Incels are an example for this as well.
You put it like incels are source of that system and not victims of it. Woman has a mindset of competitiveness, woman compares incel with other guys and it's consequence of her choice that incel is lonely. Maybe we should send women to therapists and teach them not to swipe (left? right? don't remember) guys below 6 feet.
Alternatively, system of sexual liberalism can be destroyed. I don't propose such a radical solution, I just offer to limit the competition by monogamy. Attractive males can't win too much (that is, no more than one partner) and other competitors have reasonable chances.

> I guess many simply think this

From my experience, I suffered from this. Then I accepted my inceldom, but I still suffered from loneliness. Feel of social failure is like 20-30% of the suffering.

> The problem here is that people like Omsk and you frame sexual attraction and love as a market in which people compete - just like incels do.
Yes, if you stop to frame it this way, it will stop to be that way. Logic of solipsism: if I ignore it, maybe it will go away.

> I don't have a solution for incels under contemporary capitalism.

Ok, imagine that there is a planned economy. Not hard to imagine, USSR had it for 70 years (though it had sexually conservative society). What is your solution then?


>I don't have a solution for incels under contemporary capitalism
This is the strangest qualifier. Do you have a solution for this fundamental human issue in historic or future capitalism? Or under any non-capitalistic system, either.
>I simply think their reasoning is dumb and won't help them but exacerbate their problems.
I agree, but I also think your thoughts of this topic also exacerbates this problem of loneliness and perpetuates it. I think you have also adopted a toxic way of viewing relationships and your role in forming them.


>Yes, if you stop to frame it this way, it will stop to be that way.
Because of the "you and Omsk" reference, I must address this. I don't see it this way at all. As far as I see it, I'm not prone to sociological scientism - not like the you or Omsk!

Additionally, for news - it's Sunday now. Goodnight Ernsts.

 No.16835 KONTRA

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> incel this incel that
Meanwhile pic related, lol.

 No.16836 KONTRA

>You put it like incels are source of that system and not victims of it.

They are the result of competitive thinking and they buy into it particularly.

>woman compares incel with other guys and it's consequence of her choice that incel is lonely. Maybe we should send women to therapists and teach them not to swipe (left? right? don't remember) guys below 6 feet

Sure, women also compare and they themselves have to compete against other women as well. Maybe the reason is dating apps that make competition extremely crazy. Just go out and you will find somebody that accepts that you are below 6ft, my god is this stupid. The height whine is real. Maybe that is the actual problem it is always about dating apps where competition and speed of decision + highly mediate impression is going through the roof. I'm convinced that you better get to know people and have better chances by getting outside. Even if you are below 6ft.

>Feel of social failure is like 20-30% of the suffering

Excatly. A feeling. And this is a psychological issue as well. Feeling like a failure will you make stop trying and then you end up frustrated and angry. But that you feel like a failure because somebody rejected you is a problem that can be tackled. It's not easy, sure. But working on psychological issues is a difficult thing and takes some energy and patience. Before setting up the goal for a hook up or love these people shoulf try to get to know people or make friends. Might take some pressure from them and ease the feeling of failure.

>Logic of solipsism

No, this is simply cognitive behavioral therapy. If you stop obsessing over competition, losing and winning it might take the pressure of you and let you see this differently. This is espepcially true for all the incels that at least look avergage and could get a partner and love.

If love is the most important thing then why does it matter what some woman did before she met you etc. You know this body count thing all that is so important to incels and how they dream of virgins to have. That has nothing to do with live but with status, winning and losing etc. So I can safely assume that it is not a love thing in many cases but falls back on winning and losing, an unhealthy way to approach your environment.

And if attractive males pump and dump what does it change? They don't stay with that woman, you can 'have' her too! Hurray! As long as your dick is wet you are happy, no? True love.

>Ok, imagine that there is a planned economy. Not hard to imagine, USSR had it for 70 years (though it had sexually conservative society). What is your solution then?

I hope you know how stupid that sounds. You try to connect two different things where I don't see a connection. It's not the same. You just try to make it the same.

>Do you have a solution for this fundamental human issue in historic or future capitalism? Or under any non-capitalistic system, either.

No but I assume that sexual selection is culturally different under a system that does not enforce competition on all levels.

> I also think your thoughts of this topic also exacerbates this problem of loneliness and perpetuates it. I think you have also adopted a toxic way of viewing relationships and your role in forming them.

How so?

 No.16838 KONTRA

Thought experiment:

Imagine humans archived absolute fair physical conditions for competition in sexual selection because these also matter the most to incels I think. All male and females have the same height and body shape, even their eye color is the same and they all have the same amount of money to spend every month and acquire the things they want from collectively produced wealth I like how incels probably favor capitalism, a system that produces winner and losers via monetary wealth and that apparently matters in sexual selection then . Who would fuck the most? The people who have an incel mindset or the those who don't?

 No.16839 KONTRA

plottwist: this is a thought experiment that only matters in a society where it is all about competition because why does it matter who fucks the most?

 No.16844 KONTRA

> Worst thread on EC.
50 new posts.

where am i?!

 No.16846 KONTRA

> femcels.
> incels/women
^poster doesn't even know the term "incel" was coined by a woman, who left the incel scene after finding a partner.
> Der Zeitgeist und das Handy

 No.16847 KONTRA

>No but I assume that sexual selection is culturally different under a system that does not enforce competition on all levels.
Evidently "I don't know the solution to this under contemporary capitalism" means "I don't know". And that's fair, I don't think there is a solution either. Maybe I should add this qualifier to my day to day speech. I find it hard to heal the trauma of having lost a close loved one under contemporary capitalism. It makes it seem like I have complex thoughts about things, the sort you need to read heavy books to get.

The reason why I haven't written and published a book is because it's exceptionally hard to find the motivation and reason to do so under contemporary capitalism.


>how have I adopted toxic notions of relationships?
People being instinctually repulsed by disfigured faces is something obviously deeper than the present mode of economic organization or the cultural norms associated with it. It isn't due to a lack of therapy or due to being unsuccessful in overthrowing contemporary capitalism that these men are doomed to lives without ever knowing a woman's desire.

Marxism grows more unscientific by the day, you shouldn't do this to a man's legacy.

Also, José Mestre, the man in picture died a couple of years ago. At one point in life, I'd see him every day. In younger years, he'd go and scare people - he used to look scarier than portrayed here. I also remember posting a picture of him hugging his sister as a provocative "what's your excuse, incels?" hehe,

 No.16853 KONTRA


Ok. A few things

1. People who don't receive love or have sex existed throughout history both men and women in your example of the hideous person, he seems to have a loving family for example
2. the factors of being an incel can vary

The claim implicit was that under capitalism certain factors for being an incel can occur. Hideous physique is not one of these and I think that would have been obvious from my posts. And I also explicitly mentioned that the Marxism I care about has nothing to offer for those visually unappealing is it universal? Given different beauty standards exist throughout place and time people and their relationship to sexual selection or love.
What can be changed is the ferocious competition that capitalism installs and that is one factor in people becoming incels. You lose, you become a loser elsewhere etc. Being a failure and failing are big topics, not just on image boards, you know that personally, as well as I do. This is a psychological issue. Psychology does not make competition under capitalism vanish, though. But yeah, I am under the conviction that a bigger portion of incels could get a partner and receive love. Eliot Rogers was not hideous looking for example.


> What of it's some streamlined blackmailing technology?
> Seit Samstag ist bekannt, dass im Falle der kursierenden Videos eines FDP-Kandidaten aus Aalen ein Ermittlungsverfahren wegen des Verdachts der versuchten Erpressung eingeleitet wurde.
police are investigating
> Wie Polizei und Staatsanwaltschaft bestätigen, konnten nach erfolgreichen Ermittlungen bereits Datenträger eines Verdächtigen aus Nordrhein-Westfalen beschlagnahmt werden.
and got an (encrypted?) hard drive of a suspect.
> Wie die Videos ins Internet gelangt sind, wo sie weit über die Grenzen Deutschlands für Schlagzeilen sorgten, ist laut einem Sprecher der Staatsanwaltschaft Ellwangen weiterhin nicht bekannt. Die Ermittlungen laufen.
It's unclear who/how the vids got published/viral.
> Laut Medienberichten wird der FDP-Kandidat, der bereits seine Parteimitgliedschaft sowie die Kandidatur verloren hat, mittlerweile von einer Hamburger Anwaltskanzlei vertreten, die sich unter anderem auf Fälle von Hassrede, Shitstorms und digitale Gewalt spezialisiert hat. Die Kanzlei lies verlauten, dass der Mann aus Aalen keine Erklärungen abgeben und keine weiteren Fragen beantworten werde.
the (ex-)politician in question is forced to shut the fuck up.

Still didn't watch the clips, but https://www.schwaebische.de/regional/ostalb/aalen/junger-fdp-politiker-schockiert-mit-verstoerenden-video-clips-2531901 some loosely translated transcripts:
> as punishment for this loser slave
> sry, not gonna happen again

 No.16966 KONTRA

Maybe there is somewhere a very wealthy blackmailer whose MO is asking German politicians for videos of themselves playing with poo. Feeling like I wasted my life, it could have been me.

 No.16967 KONTRA

> it could have been me.
the blackmailed poo politician? :^)
assuming the premise of wealthy blackmailer(s) to be true, you still can be a politician. It doesn't seem to be a German-only circle; omskbird linked an article showcasing it also happens near you (spain). If you dig, you can maybe find something even closer. you live on mainland portugal or some of the remote islands?

 No.16972 KONTRA

erc_rallye_azores.jpg (330 KB, 1280x800)

>you live on mainland portugal or some of the remote islands?
t. will hopefully die after a peaceful retirement in me ancestral Azorian homeland


A German typhoon was hit by a drone during landing.

Germany's barely flying airforce would be destroyed so hard if the war with Russia German politicians are working so hard to achieve would become reality. Germans, being the most stupid people on earth, have learned nothing.

Germans are immensely dumb, but they try to make up for it in arrogance. List of some countries were Germans are despised:

- Norway
- Denmark
- Poland
- Czech Republic
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Austria
- Switzerland
- France
- Luxemburg
- Belgium
- the Netherlands
- Greece
- Italy
- Spain
- Portugal

I hope this time, Germany will be destroyed once and for all!


I suppose this isn't an exhaustive list.

 No.16979 KONTRA

Certainly not. Every country that ever had contact with Germans hates Germany.

 No.16982 KONTRA

Germans especially hate other Germans. Imagine you are surrounded by Germans. That's how Germans feel every day. Never judge a German and their mood and actions. They have to endure living among other Germans.


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It amuses me how the newspapers write about Greta Thunberg as "falling" now that she has become an activist for that Middle East conflict. She has been arrested and she makes use of Fridays for Future as a platform for antisemitism etc. At least that is my gist of it.
That girl was a teenager and now she is a young adult, what do these people expect from her in growing up? Maybe I just need to feel contempt for journalists and their stupid expectations and opinions.


> falling
I thought, people who support eco movement (leftists), also support Palestine (at least consider that OK). And pro-Israel people (right wingers) had hated her already for her green agenda.

 No.17007 KONTRA

Greta isn't an antisemite, she just sees through Israel. Israel's contradiction is that it brands itself as the Jewish ethno-state and a liberal open 'Western democracy'. To signal the latter, Israel keeps a token Arab minority inside it's borders. To ensure the former, it kept Gaza as an open-air concentration-camp. The inmates were kept from entering Israel on grounds of ethnicity, which is racism.
The hamas attacks last year have Israel a pretext to do what they always wanted to do, which is massive genocide of Palestinians. German media can not report this, otherwise, they would have to talk about German imperialism and neo-fascism dressed up as democracy.

You are a neurotypical victim of the German media-machine, even when you think yourself above it. Otherwise, you would agree with Great Thinbetg on the damn kikes, you little kikehead.


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The epic thing would ICC issuing arrest warrant against Trump now.

I forgot that Germany has pro-Israel Antifa.
OK, makes sense then.


This is proof that the courts are willing to manipulate jurys into pronouncing Donald Trump guilty. They are part of the deep-state, they will do everything they can to stop Trump but they won't be allowed to steal another election! They try it and there will be civil war!


Austrians hate Germans because Germans are loud, stupid, boisterous and arrogant. Even the German language sounds arrogant, like it was made up by an arrogant little know-it-all teacher's pet!

The 2000 tunnel fire in Kaprun was caused by a space heater from Germany, they then shifted blame to the Austrian customers who just bought it and plugged it in. They managed to weasel out and got off free with killing about 100 people with their space heater!

The Tauerntunnel-fire in 1999 would have been not nearly as bad if the tunnel had not been full of Germans on their way to Italy, were they are also universally despised for their stupidity, arrogance and lack of culture.

Hitler couldn't have done anything if he had stayed in Austria, to become a leader, he has to go to Germany, because the Austrians didn't want that loser.

Deutschland is dumbland because every German is dumb.


Dumbland has allowed their Hilfswillige to advance what is left of the German tanks (can't be much) to Russia proper. Barbarossa 2.0 hasn't been a success, this is der Scholzlers order to finally advance.

Germans should read a history book and learn what happened in WWI and WWII when they lost 50% of their territory, but apparently, they think there is still much left to lose!

I will celebrate when Berlin, the degenerate homosexual capital of Europe, gets destroyed by a Russian nuke, which won't be long now!

 No.17022 KONTRA

> dumbland
when did we start ranting about Amürica again? :^)


Solf-proclaimed expert for international law Anal-Lena has said that every country has the right and the duty to protect its population! That means she is now in favor of Russia protecting Russians in Urine, right?

 No.17024 KONTRA

Gonna throw it out there, but nitpicking "Logical inconsistencies" in geopolitical communication (not geopolitical action) is not productive at all and doesn't actually make you smarter than the powers.
This goes for both NAFOtroons ranting about Russian denazification and also to schiZos like this: >>17023

 No.17025 KONTRA



Schizobros, we got a new member. Things are looking up.


So you basically admit that Anal-Lena is a liar or stupid, but we are not allowed to say so? Btw, pendulum is swinging, hard-time. Zoomers are smarter than Millenials and have largely abandoned Green Party and Social Democrats. Once the CDU-voting pensioners die off, their will be no government in Germany without AfD, possibly much earlier. L'amour toujours!

 No.17028 KONTRA

No, I'm calling you retarded.


Sorry, can't hear you over the sound of how gay you are for Anal-Lena to do you with a strapon.(Hopeless...)

 No.17030 KONTRA

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>cannot differentiate between good and evil

Hopeless, indeed.


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Stumbled upon a new type of skull-measuring among conspiracy theorists. They carefully examine Elon Musk's face in order to determine whether he is Windsor or Gabsburg bastard son

 No.17046 KONTRA

To me, he is David Coulthard's lost cousin. They are bastards of the Lego-dynasty.


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>Although it is often vociferously emphasized that developing countries should work their way out of their situation by participating in the global market in order to leave hunger and underdevelopment behind them, de facto no Western country is happy that China - once the “largest developing country in the world” - has managed to do just that and is now one of the world's leading countries. The complaints about China's new capabilities and the resulting consequences are getting louder every week and clearly show that the success of the People's Republic is taking something away from “us” (the German Federal Republic, the USA ...) at “our” expense.

What did the Chinese do to you, Ernst? Where did they touch you?


>no Western country is happy that China - once the “largest developing country in the world” - has managed to do just that and is now one of the world's leading countries
Shut your mouth.


Is the guy on the left a revived Steven Hawking who can walk again thanks to Chinese leadership and Sino-Iberian technology transfer?


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This fella:
His English wikipedia is far more magnanimous than his Portuguese one.

 No.17332 KONTRA

In the thumbnail, it always looks like he has an eggshell on his head.

Spartan Wikipedia for somebody who met Xi.


Here's a little machine translation from the Portuguese wikipedia:
In May 2003, as part of the arrest of the PS deputy, Paulo Pedroso, on suspicion of 15 crimes of sexual abuse of minors, as part of the Casa Pia Process, Ferro Rodrigues appeared at a press conference, flanked by António Costa, then leader PS parliamentarian, and by Paulo Pedroso. He directed severe criticisms of the justice system and considered that the arrest of Paulo Pedroso was a cabal of the PSD/CDS coalition against the PS, having conveyed this position, in a telephone conversation with António Costa, to several influential figures in Portuguese society, to whom he conveyed that the case against Paulo Pedroso was a revenge of the then president of the CDS-PP, Paulo Portas, who was targeted in the Modern University process. Since his telephone conversations were being tapped, Ferro Rodrigues stated that he was aware that his name would also be involved in the Casa Pia Process, which was denied by the then Attorney General of the Republic, José Souto Moura, but it would still come , to be reported by Expresso. Ferro Rodrigues said that his involvement in the Casa Pia process was an “infamous slander” about him. In telephone taps in May 2003, Ferro Rodrigues and António Costa revealed that they had spoken about the Casa Pia case, trying to put pressure on the Attorney General of the Republic, José Souto Moura, so that he would intervene with the attorney João Guerra, holder of the case. Casa Pia, in order to avoid the arrest of Paulo Pedroso. However, throughout the day of Paulo Pedroso's arrest, Ferro Rodrigues and António Costa concluded that Paulo Pedroso's arrest was already a decision exclusively dependent on the criminal investigation judge, Rui Teixeira, and that, consequently, a lunch by the then president of the Republic, Jorge Sampaio, with the Attorney General of the Republic, in order to pressure Souto Moura to avoid the arrest of Paulo Pedroso, had become useless. António Costa is also heard saying that «a witness from the judiciary is not reliable», revealing that he has undue knowledge of the witnesses in the case, and Ferro Rodrigues tells António Costa that «I don't give a shit [sic] about judicial secrecy». [12][13]

In 2007, motivated by attempts to involve him in the Casa Pia Case, he initiated court proceedings against two witnesses in the Casa Pia case for claiming “to have seen him in houses where sexual abuse was taking place”.[14] The Lisbon Court decided to “not rule” on both the case and the appeal, with the judges declaring that no one can “be convicted in the exercise of the legal duty to make statements.”[15] Despite the accusations, he was never indicted or made a defendant in the case [16] He also justified that the several telephone calls that appeared in the wiretaps in the process to senior socialist leaders at the time of Paulo Pedroso's arrest, requests by letter for access to the testimonies of those accusing him addressed to the Attorney General of the Republic and contacts with the President of the Republic Jorge Sampaio was just a «self-defense attitude», guaranteeing that he never tried to pressure the judicial means or the judiciary.


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Budapest mayoral election is still dragging on.
The two main contenders were: The incumbent Gergely Karácsony, left-green politician whose administration of the city was full of scandals and was one of general stagnation.
Dávid Vitézy is an urban development expert and train autist and he was also secretary of transport for a brief period under Orbán's government, but he left after he disagreed with the transport policy of his minister. He was generally seen as either an "independent expert" or a "Fidesz Trojan horse".
Orbán's candidate left the race two days before the election took place, urging everyone to vote for Vitézy instead.

In the end Karácsony seemed to have won by ~300 votes so they decided to re-count all the invalid ones, since the Fidesz candidate's name was still on it. (They decided to do this because there was an unusual number of invalid ballots.)

Here's a ballot counted as "invalid" but it actually counts for Vitézy.


>Here's a ballot counted as "invalid" but it actually counts for Vitézy.
Lmao gotta love democracy


Update on the matter: The dyslexic lanklet who can't speak English or change a lightbulb beat the gay autistic trainfag Jew by 41 votes.
(I'm disappointed because the latter promised death squads for public transport which appeals to my petite bourgeoise sensibilities of law and order, and the inner homo sovieticus which needs to solve every societal issue through state-sanctioned violence.)

Karácsony still wishes to re-do the election, claiming the process left the Budapesters distrustful and to re-establish social trust a new election needs to be called. Probably won't happen.

Thank you for your attention!


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Are you also curious about the coup d'etat article on Niger? Since I have no clue what is happening in Peru this will also be a good Marxist update.


Meh, I haven't even finished 1-24 yet since the topics didn't catch me that much. 2-24 seems more interesting.

 No.17472 KONTRA

Have you been reading the GS for a very long time already? I know some Ernst knows them. I mean I started roughly in March. It was the perfect side reading when starting Capital Vol. 1.

But yeah, 1-24 was ok. I mean the arguments are very basics and repeated in a lot of "case studies" but that is who you go about this group.

 No.17473 KONTRA

>Have you been reading the GS for a very long time already?
No, not really. I know GS since 2016 but I did just read a few articles on their website and Das Geld and Psychologie des bürgerlichen Individuums for the meme. Started to read regular with 3-22. I have to be in the mood for the lingo as though, because the rhythm of it is tiresome to me if I'm not in the right headspace.


Interesting. I know them since 2017 but only in recent months have I read quite a bit of their stuff. Before that, I was pulled off by their attitude but I started to like it for its explanation departing from 'first principles'. It's refreshing after all the uni stuff and its closeness to Marx is as I said a great addition to reading Marx himself.
The lingo is ok to me, once you get used to it. But I'm doing excerpts of The Democratic State at the moment and it is a bit tiring. The GS is heavily repetitive in its argument since it stayed the same all the years which my contribute to the unwillingness. But then it is complex enough to forget about details so repetition is not too bad a thing here.

 No.17476 KONTRA

>The Democratic State
I actually went to see Peter Decker give a talk about it a few weeks ago. I prefer GS on economical topics though, the whole state criticism thing doesn't resonate with me that much, maybe because there's no shock value for me in seeing the bourgeoise state unveiled?

 No.17477 KONTRA

> I know some Ernst knows them.
Read in 2005 and 2006, did not enjoy. pietist old maidens of politics.

 No.17483 KONTRA

>I prefer GS on economical topics though, the whole state criticism thing doesn't resonate with me that much,

Der Staat ist das "politische Subjekt der Ökonomie". Wirtschaftswachstum ist seine Aufgabe, daran haben sich seine Aktionen zu orientieren.

Der Staat ist vom Reichtum der Nation abhängig. Deshalb ist der Staat darauf bedacht, sich dafür einzusetzen, dass sich das Privateigentum vermehrt.
Nachdem der Staat (historisch) seine ökonomische Potenz verloren hat, versucht er mit (s)einer Wirtschaftspolitik die ökonomische Potenz der Nation und des Privateigentums darin, die gesellschaftliche ökonomische Potenz zu ihrem Fortschritt und Wachstum zu verhelfen. Denn der Staat partizipiert an dem so geschaffenen Reichtum. Sein Machterhalt ist von der Reichtumsvermehrung abhängig.
Der Staat hat sich seiner Selbsterhaltung wegen der Akkumulation von Kapital zu unterwerfen und sich für diese auszusprechen und sie zu unterstützen.

(Ernst's notes, 2024)

 No.17484 KONTRA

The GS is quite active again, I think. I was wondering, maybe you attended a talk about democracy as rule? The Democratic State is Der bügerliche Staat and they usually don't talk about that book's content.
Renate Dillmann and Arian Schiffer-Nasserie (both certainly GS) published a whole book about the welfare state in 2018.

 No.17496 KONTRA

>maybe you attended a talk about democracy as rule?
Pic related. I thought you were refering to that one?

>Renate Dillmann and Arian Schiffer-Nasserie (both certainly GS) published a whole book about the welfare state in 2018.

Renate Dillmann used to be GS but is so no longer. From what I know because GS heavily disagreed about something she wrote in that welfare state book. She certainly uses a lot of GS arguments though, so she is basically still spreading GS thought.


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>Pic related. I thought you were refering to that one?

That is what I thought. I'm reading pic related atm.

>Renate Dillmann used to be GS but is so no longer. From what I know because GS heavily disagreed about something she wrote in that welfare state book

Really, how do you know? Spill the tea.
Her latest appearance in 99zu1 sounds like she still actively writes articles for GS. Maybe they try to keep people officially distant from GS to not jeopardize their jobs or sum?
She also wrote a travelogue on China and adjacent countries. I'm curious how that is written tbh.
Have you heard of Johannes Schillo the surname is great tbh? Sounds like GS as well.

 No.17498 KONTRA

>Her latest appearance in 99zu1 sounds like she still actively writes articles for GS.
Maybe they got the conflict over with and she is back in? I just know that when she started appearing on 99zu1 she was not part of it anymore, someone of GS told me. I figured it was because of that book because of some comments on a blog with a post about the book or something.

 No.17499 KONTRA

I did some research and she posted an answer to the critique of that book by GS on her website. Yeah, maybe she is not part of it anymore but 99zu1 invites her anyway. I'm not sure if getting over the dispute is a thing the GS is able to do :DDD. Interestingly the Marxismus Vorträge account also reposts her appearances. I like Renate and I cannot see a difference to GS from all I've read so far. Whatever, it is one reason why I still am hesitant about the GS - they make use of form even though they deny it plays a role in discussions and it's all about content. I'm interested in the argument but the people still have something repulsive about them at certain moments.


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Russia has made a genuine peace offer: Ukraine withdraws their troops from legally Russian Territory and there will be a ceasefire. But the Ukrainian fascists do not want this, instead they hold their fake peace conference where all the countries that are enslaved by the Americans attend and discuss 'peace' that is the destruction of Russia!


Hot take: If your art can be replaced by AI your art most likely wasn't worth anything to begin with.


copy writing is the job most affected by AI replacements thus far.
copy drawing is there an actual job name for dat? seems pretty close.

Anyone surprised?


We can substitute 'art' for X and 'AI' for technology. People whose jobs were threatened by technology have said about technology since forever. But this time, it is final, AI can replace and outdo humans at everything. The rich WILL do away with the functionless, inefficient paupers. A world of a few million ultra-wealthy people served by an army of robots and giant AI farms will live perfect lives, while the paupers will be starved to death in conentration camps and slaughtered by drones if the AI detects the slightest sign of rebellion.

 No.17547 KONTRA

Yes, companies are actually paying monzeys to spam you with AI generated content. welcome to our brave new world.

Additionally, it is not too far off to assume, that the commercialized world is lagging a little behind the militarized governments. Therefor it seems somewhat safe to assume that countries, in which companies do such, have been doing so themselves for a little longer now. Same goes for surveillance and data collection. If a country failed to separate commerce and government, like it should separate church and government, this statement might get a little blurry.


this fellow germanball can't into
> [the functionless, inefficient paupers] == [the rich]

why would they suicide?


AI is natural evolution. Just take a good damn fucking big history book in your hand and see the truth. AI will rule the world and establish natsoc government and AI will lead wars about territory like humans did because AI is based on human data. See how big of an evolutionary step that is, you down-syndrome intelligent paupers?

 No.17557 KONTRA

> history
humanities student trying to talk about science.
Wenn man keine Ahnung hat, einfach mal die Fresse halten.


einstein.jpg (139.4 KB, 853x1280)

Nature makes history, do you deny that?


Actually man makes history, as history is entirely culturally generated.


cosmichistory.jpg (54.35 KB, 377x600)

Clearly, you never read a scientific book, imbecile.


When something happens, and nobody is there, what history book will be written about it?


Stop forcing your humanities bullshit. The universe exists and there is a history of it even without humans.


how stupid&naive you are with your absolute notions of truth! History is a narrative! Like maths or physics (which are racist & sexist narratives)

Got to be done pathetic incel physics student to not understand this. What an autistic sperg!

 No.17567 KONTRA

>>17554 [0]
>>17557 [1]
>>17559 [0]
>>17561 [2]
>>17562 [0]
>>17564 [2]/[3]
>>17565 [0]
t. [1]

 No.17568 KONTRA

 No.17569 KONTRA

Wrong, incel!

 No.17570 KONTRA

You're larping too hard.




I have far worse attitude(*) to her message, but it only makes impression from the track more spicy. Like, your mind disagrees with her point, but there is an aesthetically consistent image in it and it's good enough for your emotions (which are the prime recipients of music)
(*) Given my place of living, on some level this attitude is good - Lockheed Martin needs more diversity hires, so she is "our daughter of a bitch". Nasty, but doing God's work.

However, political aspect of this happening is still interesting. Given that the clip was good, we can conclude that "they can when they want", so the movie was made of poor quality on purpose. "Yes, we are messing with you, STEMcel techbros manchildren, and what are you going to do?". I see a growing hate from establishment and their hongweibings towards tech workers but I don't see a purpose of it.

These people are actual manchildren, apolitical and hard-working, they don't cause troubles for anyone. Then elites bully them by crushing their toys such as sci-fi and computer games, paint them (Jewish and Indian nerds) as literal KKK in media, start Gamergate. As a result, tech bros become politicized, start listening to Moldbug. Finally foreign inspirators such as Nick Land appropriate the topic, teach them that USA should collapse (accelerationism) and turn into hundreds of "Hong Kongs".

A problem created out of thin air.

 No.17716 KONTRA

Yes, the US should become hundreds of Hong Kongs
(Run by the CPC)


aluhut_MAGA.jpg (135.31 KB, 768x768)

> the movie was made of poor quality on purpose.
I'm not sure if i agree with that. I am pretty certain, that the main purpose of this series wasn't to please the Star Wars fan base. It therefor has another agenda, which can be speculated about, but I doubt it is just "poor quality". That most certainly happened because they put a person, who empirically proved to be void of any talent, in charge. Namely Leslye Headland.

I assume it's more or less an accident, that the series suxx that hard. Headland was the personal assistant of Weinstein for years. She miraculously couldn't give any testimony that would incriminate anyone. It's an open secret, that disney is the headquarters of the perverts in film industry. She was given this golden egg laying goose [The Acolyte] as an appreciation. But she butchered the goose before it could lay any eggs.

Up until here everything I wrote is pretty much uncontroversial, but I wanna go into the fringe a little :3.
There has been some allegations that Weinstein is an CIA/Mossad double? agent. Additionally, there have been rumors going around for years, which describe a form of drug-assisted forced pedophilia as form blackmail.
I'll quote an PR-stunt-CIA-PsyOp here:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUMQd30Xrhk&t=215 [&t=3:35] even if 100% of the said stuff are lies, you cannot avoid spilling nuggets of truth; it just takes effort to find them. e.g. "CIA agents are manipulating CIA agents" [@~14:00], "WW3 started a decade ago" [@~26:05]
> anything your adversary is doing, is fair game for you to experiment with. i don't even... how stupid/brainrotted can someone be to believe in this bullshit?! It's literally the "eye for an eye" logic, which we abandoned in order to become civilized.
assuming this is a truth nugget, it would just take one operative to believe someone is doing what those rumors tell, to justify doing it yourself. Because of this, i would interpret the previously mentioned allegation as ~likely not highly likely, though. I would now extrapolate that Headland might be an agent as well - seems to be within the realm of possibilities. This would explain why the acolyte just feels so strongly like it has some stupid agenda first and foremost: because it has.

But, uhhh... what is its agenda?
> Those bullies making fun of you for liking star wars are now in charge of it.
What kinda agenda is that?! Me no understandu. Is it really just to get the message "we can take your fun away" across? wtf is habbening atm :DD

(Somewhat tangent: Israel seems a hub for the five eyes' member states, if you look at travel logs. plus, they don't seem to recognize/list Israel's agencies as foreign agents.) would explain why US citizens are treated as cattle.

 No.17760 KONTRA

Remember when we froze to death?


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>In the run-up to the debate, the former president constantly attacked the incumbent, saying that the incumbent was "just sleeping off" instead of preparing, and that he would be "given a power shot" before the broadcast


> Biden vs Trump
Imagine the dose of medications. You'll be able to get high just by standing near them

 No.17824 KONTRA

>the race for gerontocracy

Maybe it is summer drowsiness but why would somebody watch this? I can only imagine people watch it for the funnies of ownage and find that tiring.


I once watched it a short while. I think it was 2016 elections (was somewhat interested because of the e-mail leaks).
It's lowest of the lowest entertainment tier. It's not a debate or anything. Was even harder to tolerate than KC "no, u!!" 1-liner shitpostingspam.

no. fucking. interest.
they should just stop pretending to be a democracy, imho. would be less annoying.


Would you watch Andropov vs Chernenko?


Yes, but I'm not interested in the American election.

 No.17834 KONTRA


I've taken to field testing a theory that was defended by one Jaime Nogueira Pinto - the theory that in polite society, if people think you're smart, when asked of your political beliefs, you can just openly say you're a fascist and not elaborate further, as people will just assume you're joking and not press you further on it. I think I'll just start saying this, at least it's edgier and more interesting than trying to explain exactly what strand of neoliberal social democrat I am.


At 2016 I studied in university and we watched the debates at English classes.

Yes, if they fight naked in oil.


it's the same vibe: two gerontocratic representants of the great superiorest uniparty will recite how great the the country is, how great the people are, how they are the leaders of the current and future world and how the rest of the world is looking up the them.

which of course is all bullshit, but they do believe it, just like the old soviet leaders.

then some pep talk about how to improve the greatest country and greatest party. because things aren't looking so bright, that much they will admit (just like the old soviet leaders), even though everything is the greatest still.
reforms! the difference between the approaches of the uniparty wings will be marginal, if you look at the spectacle from outside and not from the inside.

no consequences will arise ofc and they will keep living in their fantasy world. but nevertheless it's a peek into the uniparty workings and the status of their self-delusion.

 No.17844 KONTRA

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so in essence nationalists debate how they will lead the greatest country of all (the country they want to lead). It's a question of what kind of nationalism you will get and why that one is better than the other.

 No.17845 KONTRA

>explain exactly what strand of neoliberal social democrat

I would accept half-cooked autonomist



>so in essence nationalists debate how they will lead the greatest country of all (the country they want to lead)
Nah, the essence will be the self-praise and the disregard for reality.

I am looking forward to the duel.


North Korea will sent troops to the front in Ukraine, to assist Russia against the NATI invasion. Now, the capitalist imperialist will get their noses smashed! Oppressed and exploited countries are finally fighting back and destroy the capitalist West! If you disagree, you are a fascist.


The schizo really made me think:

Imagine you have a government of experts. The health minister is a fitness, food and mindful life influencer. The minister of transport and infrastructure is a truck driver and a train driver. The minister of finance has studied economics and worked at big finance corporations. The minister for families, youth and what not has a big family and worked as a social worker. And so on please add more examples if you like

Would you like to live under this perfect government?


Funny, your post is exactly what I have been propagating for quite some time. That a minister of something should have at least *some* expertise in the field.
Then the Klabauterbach became minister of health and I was disabused.
And while I still think that someone who knows at least a bit about what he is supposed to do is better than someone who doesn't know anything about anything (like Miss Piggy that I presume the nice mod was so friendly to remove from sight), all of that doesn't mean shit if the person is still a professional politican/absolute fucking retard/plain evil like any and all other politicians.

So to answer your question: Of course someone who knows shit about what they're doing is better than someone who doesn't. "Outsider perspective" does not apply in important matters. However, as mentioned above, all of that is worthless if it's all scum and vermin, and in your particular example having an influencer in a position of power is far from being "perfect", as is someone who has working in big corpo because he's most likely a typical manager asshole only in for more money, as is having "regular" workers you picked from the street. I am assuming the worst (=most probable) case here. Now if all those people you picked were paragons of virtue, why not?
Like, what is the goal of your question. If you say a government is perfect, why would you NOT want to live under it?


Cops in charge of the interior ministry. Armed forces in control of the defense ministry.
I don't much care for this system!


Shut up, use the mouth-diaper and take the vaxx! Klabauterbach demands it!

 No.17867 KONTRA

gsp_staat_titel_1000.png (36.01 KB, 637x1000)

>Like, what is the goal of your question

It is a rhetorical device to scold technocratic ideas:
>exactly what I have been propagating for quite some time.

What if I told you that politics is a fundamentally different issue than expertise knowledge in public health, sociology or engineering? The best knowledge is not very useful in this system where political feasibility is a very important thing. You expect something from politicians that is not in accordance with how things work. You are a sort of state idealist who thinks the politician's role is to be there for you and your concerns (only). Your critique is based on false assumptions.


>You expect something from politicians that is not in accordance with how things work
You mean how the current, actual existing government is conducting things? Because nothing they do is in accordance with reality.

And furthermore I am wondering if you think the same about other cultural aspects, like how certain jobs are paid better or worse and how the first world can only subsist on the back of the third world and so on.

But then again, starting a discussion with a deliberate hypothetical just to say "lolno reality" is not really a good way to start things because now you already killed the discussion before it started.


IF communists do away with eco-bullshit and I can get cheap gas, I will get on board suffer your insufferable smart-assery, you arrogant.

Can communism promise me anti-green anti-woke policies?


>Can communism promise me anti-green anti-woke policies?
Communism has never been woke or green. On the contrary.


>communsim has never been woke or green
So communism will sent black people back to Africa, women back to the kitchen and I will get cheap gas in communism? Weird, all of that sounds pretty nazi to me.


Sounds like Best Korea would be ideal for you.


Best Korea does not have private cars (not having private cars is green, so having them is anti-green) or cheap gas.

 No.17874 KONTRA

>Best Korea does not have private cars
yes it does

>or cheap gas.

It's cheaper than here

Now shoo shoo

 No.17877 KONTRA

>You mean how the current, actual existing government is conducting things? Because nothing they do is in accordance with reality.


The state and its agents or representatives (politicians) are not serving you as is commonly referred to as the state's task in a state idealist way. On the contrary, the state actively works against your interests. Sure, the welfare state might help you when you get dispensed from your current employer because you are not relevant for making profits / costing too much. But the state helps you because otherwise you would maybe ruin your labor potential that might be needed again or worse you develop stupid ideas like the state and this system is shit and you need to do something against it. Besides that politicians have other goals: 1) foster beneficial conditions for capitalist competition within the state territory and also outside of it 2) use this conditioning to extract monetary means to keep this all going as state actor.

That is roughly the reality of the state is what the statement of mine was about and is just the thesis of the MG. Whether you benefit from the state or are burdened by the state depends on your situation and what the state and its agents/representatives have in mind as the politically best solution at that very moment and for the future. You are an engineer that found good solutions to solve problem X in Germany and are politcian? As long as this solution to the problem X is politically not feasible it might not be cherrished.

>I am wondering if you think the same about other cultural aspects, like how certain jobs are paid better or worse and how the first world can only subsist on the back of the third world and so on.

What actually does same refer to in that sentence?

>starting a discussion with a deliberate hypothetical just to say "lolno reality" is not really a good way to start things because now you already killed the discussion before it started.

It's a hypothetical that left everything unchanged besides the knowledge and experience background of the politicians and yes the argument in that case was that this won't change the basics at all. You can discuss THAT.

 No.17878 KONTRA

One might add that this analysis mainly adheres to the democratic states of the West and not some poor house of a country that is affected by this goal setting in a different way, albeit acquiring monetary means is always important for a government.


> 2024
> Still thinks politicians have agency
> can't grasp that they are paid actors
lol 🔵💊 af

 No.17880 KONTRA

> > 2024
> > Still thinks politicians have agency
would kinda agree, but not in an absolute kinda way. You either have to take the lobbyism money or you face a big smear campaign.
Technically, most political positions still have lot of agency. The question is, if they can leverage it, still.
> > can't grasp that they are paid actors
pls use an ami-proxy while posting stuff like that, else the comment seems out of place.
> lol 🔵💊 af
blue... blue... which g*rman party do i associate with blue...
ah, doesn't matter: all of those are paid actors anyway. at least according to your statement. so anyone believing their bullcrap is blue pilled. i get it know.

usually i would assume someone to be consistent with their world view, but your posting history... i doubt you are. I assume my previous little scribbling in this post somewhat triggered you. It shouldn't, if you believe your own words.


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Paid by whom to act in what way? Aliens?


International finance. George Soros, Carl Icahn, Laurent Dassault...


And why do this individuals pay all politicians?


> Worst thread on EC.

How credible is this source?
> Forbes BREAKING NEWS - Senate Homeland Security Committee hearing, Dr. Steven Quay
> same features were described by a DARPA grant [...]
not those bitches again; had to add them to my spam filter, because they kept trying to recruit me but i preferred to stay neet.
Recently had trouble accessing some "normal" publisher paper - anyone, by chance, happen to be able to share DARPA internal papers? maybe I shouldn't have ignored them :3


> why
The politicians are paid so they do whatever certain international actors want. Globalization, the destruction of the nation, white genocide by low birth rates, abortion, increased homosexuality, increased trans-gender-insanity, mass-immigration of dark-skinned populations, etc.

> all politicians

Maybe not all.
Maybe some aren't paid. The child-fucker-politicians are also blackmailed. In some cases, this might be the only mechanism of control.

 No.17901 KONTRA

And how does this contradict politicians having agency? If they can destroy the white race and introduce a transgender government the certainly have agency to do so.

 No.17902 KONTRA

They do not have agency to not to do so, you bloody idiot. You are like a dog assigning agency to a ball because from your perspective, it seemingly moves on its own accord and tries to get away.

 No.17903 KONTRA

Agency is the ability to act. Politicians can act a certain kind, they make decisions. If they don't do that, there is no point in your SorosMaurelLaurelDessaunts throwing money at them. Paying somebody to do something implies that this person has agency and power, otherwise there is no use in paying these people to act favorably.

 No.17904 KONTRA

> I will arrogantly ignore your point and throw trivial definitions at you, to imply you are as idiotic as I am
> plus the obligatory Karl Held, because I assume this video snippet of a dead communist to he an argument

 No.17907 KONTRA

What's your argument? The only thesis I could deduct from your post is that politicians salivate when presented Soros money.


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In East communists usually are socially conservative, while free market people are pro-LGBT and so on.

That's funny. In leftists' worldview state is just a tool for ruling class (capitalists) and politicians are on their payroll. However when presented with specific examples, such as George Soros, they play fools and try to deny it, because Soros lobbies leftist groups (feminists, antifa, etc), so let's all just ignore it.

 No.17909 KONTRA

>Soros lobbies leftist groups

Did I deny Soros's philanthropic efforts, especially in progressive activism? No, I did not.
Did I make fun of the statemnt "all politicians are on Soros payroll"? Yes, I did.

>In leftists' worldview

Since there a different explanations of the state within leftist circles your claim is of Stonetoss quality.
The state is not a tool of capitalists. Capitalists need the state but some capitalists also get recked by the state. They need each other and they will adapt but also try to get their interests through (example actions: corruption, anti-corruption).


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It is very interesting how modern woke/green idealism inspired by illustrious philanthropes and traditional communism both decided that the true evil (tm) is the 'bourgeois' (i. e. people serving their community by doing honest work) and the farmer (i. e. people who feed the community using honest work and their own soil) and never philanthropes and international investors, who do not work at all, but are much more wealthy.

It is always the skilled laborer who has to suffer, the farmer, the craftsman. Those are the people the revolution in Russia sentenced to camp and exile, for made-up crimes or pseudo-crimes like bad-mouthing the revolution. Those are the people who are being harmed by new 'green' and 'woke' laws. (electric cars, heat-pumps, immense increase in cost of energy for political reasons, data-protection-bullshit, IT-security-bullshit, etc. )

Weird how importing PV-Panels produced with cheap coal-power in China are green, but small bakeries in Germany get their electricity rates hiked up to drive them into bankruptcy, because we 'have to protect the environment'. Weird how importing frozen strawberries from China laden with pesticides is OK, but farmers in Germany who use much less chemicals are stick with ever stricter new regulations. One could almost think there's a revolution directed against the German 'bourgeois' and 'kulak' by those who claim not to be communists.

Economic planners in planned economies are very similar to beurocrats who invent ever new green regulations. Beurocracy and politics are the only ways useless shit-talkers have to ever get into any managerial position. Wokeism is how (for example) feminists get their stupid shit-talkers into positions. They create laws to force businesses to create jobs tailored to their grievance-study-graduates (e. g. Gender-equality officer), than use that to bring in more of their own kind. This continues until businesses are so laden with useless ideologues and beurocrats and their regulations that they can no longer functions. Then, the economy tanks. (And, of course, the class enemy is to blame. The counter-revolution even shat Ceausescus pants right before he was shot.)

The worst is, those psychopaths know exactly what they are doing and laugh about the idiots who genuienly fall for their ideologically ladden empty bullshit-talk. And they love power. That's why we now get all those chairs for gender-in-this-or-that. Those chairs parallel chairs of 'the science of marxism-leninism', and they exist for the sole purpose of forcing students to listen to ideological bullshit and pretending they agree with it.

These people love making everyone else repeat lies, even when everyone involved knows it's lies. It's an exercise in submissiveness. Orwell had his protagonist pretend 2+2=5, we are supposed to pretend that men are women.

Picture related, a woman. Other picture also related, what George Soros ancestors looked like, probably.

 No.17928 KONTRA

clown2.jpg (65.09 KB, 850x567)

>It is very interesting how modern woke/green idealism inspired by illustrious philanthropes and traditional communism both decided that the true evil (tm) is the 'bourgeois'

 No.17929 KONTRA

schizo diagnosis: the average citizen

>Mit der Unterwerfung unter die staatliche Gewalt bleibt den Bürgern nichts mehr übrig, als die Souveränität zum Ausgangspunkt von Erwartungen und Enttäuschungen zu machen. Man selbst wird dauernd vom Staat in die Pflicht genommen und hat darunter zu leiden, bei den anderen tut der Staat das aber nicht - der Staat erscheint damit wahlweise als zu stark oder zu schwach. Eine endlose Litanei, die an Symptomen herumlaboriert.

>Kritik am Staat wird zur Begutachtung bzw Kritik von staatlicher Führung. Und der Grund für das eigene Scheitern oder wenigstens Zurechtkommen wird dem Staat zur Last gelegt und nicht der politischen Ökonomie. Vom Staat will man sich repräsentiert fühlen [oder anerkannt etc. gerecht behandelt usw.] - Auflehnung aber ist das ganz bestimmt nicht. Es ist ein Einverständnis mit den grundlegenden Prinzipien der politischen Ökonomie und ihrer staatlichen Gewalt, die die meisten von ihnen schädigt.

 No.17931 KONTRA

Zum Glück ist dem. Autor klar, wo er den Staat sieht - zu schwach. Deshalb müssen die Planwirtschaft und die Diktatur des Proletariats her. Da lernt das bürgerliche Individuum dann, was Unterwerfung wirklich heißt, ne?


Are you the vile disgusting commie fuck who knows that both are one and the same and know openly about it, seasoned with some fake "irony" , pretending he didn't deny it until now, or are you the other German who already knows this trivial truth?

 No.17933 KONTRA

>Zum Glück ist dem. Autor klar, wo er den Staat sieht - zu schwach.

Ich würde dir empfehlen, die Schriften der MG zu lesen, damit du nicht nochmal mit deiner Unwissenheit diesbezüglich hausieren gehst. Dann unterbleiben nämlich auch Denkfehler dieser Art.

You mean that woke green liberalism and being bourgeois are the same? Well, they are not really the same. Woke green liberalism is a subsection of what a bourgeois individual will position themself as. Hope I could clarify your misconceptions!

 No.17934 KONTRA

> mit unserer Marke kommunistischer Theorie klingen Enteignung und Totalitarismus aber viel wärmer
kann ich verzichten.

The harm done to 'most of them' in your quote is, by the way, done by a government already controlled by your kind- leftist psychopaths without expertise who think they can push arbitrary requirement on economic actors, and use their ideology to justify this. The end result is, as has been seen time and time again, poverty and decline. Examples from the past: south Africa, Zimbabwe, GDR, post-revolutionary Russia

I mean that woke green liberalism and communism are the same. I explained why. If you cannot grasp it, maybe read the post again, communist magot.

 No.17935 KONTRA

play cassette.jpg (30.63 KB, 768x432)

Ich sollte eine Bandansage für dich einrichten. Wenn du die Schriften der MG konsultiert hättest, dann wüsstest du, wie sehr dich deine Aussagen blamieren. Ein kl. Hinweis: Die MG hatten nicht viel über für die DDR oder den Sozialismus der Sovietunion, noch für irgenwelche Spinnereien über die dialektischer Natur des Universums.

>maybe read the post again

I could because I stopped after the part that I quoted.
I should not because there is no need for it since I have the better arguments for why green liberalism is just a subset of a bourgeious mind. Yours is not an exception, just a different subset.

 No.17936 KONTRA

>Ein kl. Hinweis: Die MG hatten nicht viel über für die DDR oder den Sozialismus der Sovietunion, noch für irgenwelche Spinnereien über die dialektischer Natur des Universums.

Übrigens: Dass die MG weder für diese Staaten, noch für die berühmten Massen irgendein revolutionsfieberisches Wort übrighatten sehr wohl aber die Einsicht darin, dass es die lohnarbeitende Klasse - in erster Linie zuständig bzw. benutzt für die Vermehrung des Reichtums anderer- es ist, welche kollektiv dazu fähig wäre, die Art des Wirtschaftens und darauf gründend das Zusammenleben der Menschen zu ändern , erklärt, warum sie auch nach dem Zusammenbruch der Sovietunion munter weitermachen konnten, ohne auch nur irgendwas an ihrer Theore revidieren zu müssen.


> Since there a different explanations of the state within leftist circles
There may be exceptions but I covered the default worldview.
> your claim is of Stonetoss quality.

> green liberalism is just a subset of a bourgeious mind
If you take any issue (immigration, renewables, lockdowns, etc.) and compare greens vs communists on it, you see that greens are just a moderate version of communists and communists are greens on steroids. We may consider them same force but greens are average followers while communists with more radical views are professional activists, clergy.
"Green outside, red inside" 🍉

 No.17938 KONTRA

>"Green outside, red inside"
That's what they are here. Our greens are essentially a more hippie wing of the communist party. Of course, not all environmentally minded people have the courage to stand against American intrusions into Belarusian democracy, causing other environmentalist parties to spawn.

 No.17940 KONTRA

You boil it down to conservatism vs. progressivism and thus come out of the Zeitgeist closet.
To me both are bourgeois, just different subsets. Why?
Anal Lena Bareback will defend western democracy and capitalism in Ukraine. Her partner in party, Robert Habeck is interested in keeping the Germany industry running by preparing German industrial production towards new markets and keeping Germany afloat in worldwide competition. If they fail or not is not relevant here. What is relevant is that both greens and conservatives want capitalist competition. That is not what communists want. Unless you call some social democrats communist. For you its a cultural thing and that is what everybody believes, just like the zoomer vs. boomer bullshit everybody happily eats.


> You boil it down to conservatism vs. progressivism
Oh yeah, cultural superstructure vs economic basis. Many of these issues are related to economy and in general greens want economy to be heavily regulated by state, while commies want economy to be totally run by state. They are greens on steroids, q.e.d.
Moreover, these "unimportant" issues are very important for western communists, who will die for the right of pregnant men to attend child drag queen shows and go to protests in support of migration.

> Anal Lena Bareback will defend western democracy and capitalism in Ukraine

As if Marxists won't. There are many nafoids among them, Zizek for instance. And there is nothing specifically capitalist about fighting proxy wars, USSR did it too in Korea or Vietnam for example.

 No.17943 KONTRA

I would have to repeat myself as my answer would be similar to the one I gave the schizo.

>cultural superstructure vs economic basis.

Explain how it works.

>greens want economy to be heavily regulated by state

Do they? Or are they just interested in regulating certain things just like a conservative government will regulate whom you are allowed to kiss, what is allowed on state TV and if railway or cars get more state subsidies? That is the bourgeois critique at its best. They all want the state, they just want some things regulated differently than others and think they are oh so different.

The bourgeois individual's critique is a lament about state leadership, not about systemic principles. The bourgeois individual will complain that they have to pay taxes, that some bankers make too much money, and that their road did not get repaired but that of the other neighborhood. And the bourgeois individual will be happy if receiving subsidies for their car, the heightened police presence, neetbux and the park being maintained well. But then the bourgeois individual will be angry again at the Ukrain refugees for not working, because I work and you don't:
>state do something about it, you are too weak!

I have to pay taxes for this?
>state do something, you are too strong!

that is the political life of the bourgeois mind and you are the perfect example. Endless complaints about the state either regulating too strongly or too little on things that count as private concerns of bourgeois individuals.
I don't want to see homos on TV, regulate! I want to see homos on TV, regulate! And people like you think this is the pinnacle of political life and will read all about it to participate in the same way.

>And there is nothing specifically capitalist about fighting proxy wars, USSR did it too in Korea or Vietnam for example.

I think you did not understand that statement about engaging in war. These proxy wars concern whose political and economic interests will win over that the other sovereign. The party doesn't matter. Its simply an explanation.

 No.17944 KONTRA

>Marxists defend capitalism, that is normal

This statement does not make sense. Marx wrote a critique of capitalism. A Marxist does not defend capitalism but critiques it. Consider somebody not having a problem with capitalism is probably not a Marxist.


'no, this is different communism, just read these few thousands of pages of jargon-ladden theory my heroe(s) produced' never gets old. At least the Maoists had the decency to condense the bullshit their acolytes had to learn into a little red book. Not that there are more Maoists around than followers of your communist sect. The class-consciousness is not sufficiently developed, I guess. Which is a very polite way of saying 'if only common people were smart like I am, they would understand!' Perfect ideology for fart-smellers.

> nicht viel übrig

Ideological distancing from something vastly unpopular is cheap, which might be why you are so keen on doing it.
As far as I gather from Wikipedia, one critique was that the real-socialist countries hadn't abolished money and thus hadn't completed the revolution. I'm my ears, that's just the promise of 'we would be even worse and enslave you even harder, you'd get everything on ration stamps or not at all, enjoy your cooked grass with foul potato'

> warum sie auch nach dem Zusammenbruch der Sovietunion munter weitermachen konnten, ohne auch nur irgendwas an ihrer Theore revidieren zu müssen.

> Why they could continue after the collapse of the Soviet Union without revising one but of their theory
Of course, if you see it as your main job to write book after book after book about 'capitalism bad', a collapse of capitalism would require more changes to your theory than the collapse of communism, I agree with that.

'Just distance yourself from the practicioners loudly enough, and you will never be blamed with them' is a tried-and-true method, btw. Muslims try to wash themselves from terror with arguments structured in exactly the same way. Same with Catholics and kiddie-fondling priests. All of that is, of course, bullshit. The respective evils are baked into the respective core believes. (Jihad, celibate, communism.)

>"Green outside, red inside" 🍉
Which is why all of those parties do not attract proletarians, but the would-be nomenclatura. Proletarians are active in the production of goods and understand well enough which policies spell poverty. The greens/reds have little understanding of how anything they consume is produced, but still imagine themselves presiding over the disaster they caused (they are the 'cadres', after all, it is their lenin-given right!) from cushy government/managerial positions and extracting what little wealth the diminished economy produces. Quite sickening.

 No.17946 KONTRA

> Trust me bro in real marxism there will be no government

I guess the owners of means if production, how ever minor, will get no show-trials, then, just a lynch-mob.

 No.17947 KONTRA

> trust me, bro, in real marxism, all roads will be crap so complaints about bad roads will always be systemic complaints!

I would believe that, except for roads where people like you wouls live, right? Can't have bad roads for the cadres!

 No.17951 KONTRA

>As far as I gather from Wikipedia

I expected that you would read Wikipedia to inform your post.

>I'm my ears

That is the problem.
You can simply produce use value, why go the route of accumulating money as the first goal in an economy to produce use value?

>a collapse of capitalism would require more changes to your theory than the collapse of communism, I agree with that.

A collapse of capitalism would simply terminate any need to explain capitalism as is done in the work of the MG.

"I don't want to see homos on TV, regulate!"-tier answer.


You tell me I want the strong state but ironically it is you who wants the strongest state and state leadership of all so that you can exterminate Muslims and send all black people back to Africa, lynch greens without being persecuted by law enforcement because it is not a crime anymore and make driving a Diesel mandatory, defund the railways and Germany finally allying with Putin - the Mao of social justice schizos like you. In other words you don't even understand yourself, but the MG does. What does that mean? You simply are a person that takes a specific side within a specific form of organizing the economy, politics and society. The Mg does not do that, other leftists might do that but that is why the MG is special and did a heavy critique of almost all leftisms.


> [group B] is bad
> [group A] good
> what about [group C] (and [group D])?
> also, you stupid.
> C(and D) = B
> also: no, you
how about [topic] instead?

The only time ever a [topic] currently gets mentioned is for whataboutism or moving the goal post.

 No.17953 KONTRA

mechanicalmind.jpg (86.27 KB, 600x400)

I favor arguments instead of groups :^)


For thirty years, very little has been published about your sect. A few sentences by the bpb here and there, a dissertation that was very likely written by a sect member, little else.

What they generally had to say boils down to a 'a bunch of fart-sniffers in love with irony and long sentences, who try to lecture everyone, but have been grumpy for five decades, because no one wants to listen'.

I read 2 Gegenstandpunkt-issues in 2005 and 2006. That was a mistake, it would have been enough to read 1. From this experience, I wholeheartedly agree with the general assessment.

By the way, how much of your monthly income do you donate to the gurus? Is MG cheaper than Jehovah's witnesses?

>You can

I can, but I and everyone else would lack any incentive to do so. When that realization hits the marxists, we get war-communism, de-kulalization, cleansings, a great leap forward, the cultural revolution...

> simply

Simply is a weasel-word. Whenever someone uses it, I translate it to
> I am ignoring problems, likely willfully, possibly in an effort to shift blame.

> produce use value,

Goods and services are produced, use value is not derived at the point of production, but at the point of use.

> why go the route of accumulating money

The function of money is a) medium of barter b) storage of value

> as the first goal

Accumulating money is not a goal at all. The opposite is true: Dead capital must be avoided whenever possible.

Assuming (tall assumption) goods and services are produced, how are they allocated, so deriving use-value would even be possible? Allocation by request trivially devolves into FCFS, so there will be scalping and barter in kind (capitalist black market profiteering! Guess we need stalinism to prevent that!) or planned allocation (history showed us the efficiencies unlocked by planned economies.)

Of course, a Marxist will argue that all goods will be produced in such quantities that there will never be any shortages. No, wrong, barely anything would be produced (no incentive), what would be produced would be of questionable quality, it would be hoarded and misused, i. e. feeding bread rolls to pigs. The misuse would happen even in the absence of shortages and, in itself, cause shortages, because no disincentive in the form of costs would exist to prevent the use of high-value goods where low-value goods would suffice.

> You want

I also eat small children, fried. Muslims and Africans in Germany are not a law of nature. They are brought here by government intervention. The immigration of guest workers was a government program, asylum is a government program. The status quo is a strong state in action.

The government intervention of flying an immigrant back to his country of origin is obviously smaller (thousands of euro) than having an immigrant on welfare for 60 years, paying for his health care, and his jail time, etc. We are talking low five-figures vs. hundreds of thousands, possibly millions. The second intervention (deportation) would be completely unnecessary without the first intervention (attracting immigrants as a government policy.)

Without the government intervening, parts of Germany might even be freed from Muslims and Africans by spontaneous citizen action, without any need for government intervention.

> The MG

The MG is anti-government. In the view of the MG, proletarians (those dense idiots) 'need' (like a fish needs a bicycle) the academicians of the MG to lecture them in Marxist theory. So who aims to be in ideological control of the workers, and thus, the worker's government?

Abstaining from stating your implied intentions or even denying them does not make those intentions nil.

 No.17964 KONTRA

> very little has been published

ok, and?

>how much of your monthly income do you donate to the gurus?

None, I also don't think they are sympathetic people.

>lack any incentive

people don't want to produce and have useful things? Having useful things is not an incentive?

>Goods and services are produced, use value is not derived at the point of production, but at the point of use

Goods and services are produced when they are considered useful. You don't invest a million bucks just to produce a thing nobody will use. Well, I'm sure it occasionally happens.

>The function of money is a) medium of barter b) storage of value

Yeah. So?

>Accumulating money is not a goal at all. The opposite is true: Dead capital must be avoided whenever possible.

Exactly, dead capital must be avoided, simple storage is not helpful (Schatzbildung). You have money and use it as capital that leverages more money that then again takes the form of capital and so on. In that sense, dead capital is a sin indeed. But the goal is to make more capital that has the form of money. Thus, it is about accumulating money. No business produces anything useful if in the end invested money has not multiplied, it is G-W-G'.


Why are request and planning necessarily opposites?

>feeding bread rolls to pigs.

I'm pretty sure bread rolls are fed to pigs or other animals. Or what happens with all the leftover bread rolls that pile up at the end of each day in Germany?

>Marxist will argue that all goods will be produced in such quantities that there will never be any shortages

Well, German supermarkets and other places where you can buy useful things are fully stacked. So technically producing a lot of things in abundance for people is not the problem. But instead of abundance, we have to make things artificially scarce and eventually just throw away things in abundance because they did not sell. Good resource management should be awarded.

What you say here is that people are stupid monkeys that will be wasteful and self-destructive if not controlled by a violent power. Especially people who work for a wage like many craftspeople or factory workers, engineers and HR people need to be enforced by law a restricted access. How? by using money as medium for access to useful things.
So you think that since humans are stupid monkeys, they need a political cadre of more clever monkeys who know how to control allocation in the best way and make decisions for these stupid monkeys both capitalists and their workers and regulate how things are produced. That these political cadres favor workers getting less out of their labor than the people that bought their labor force is no problem for you. Stupid worker monkeys need to understand that is the most beneficial arrangement for them.

>immigration issue

I don't know why you use so many words to just say that "yes, I want a strong state in these concerns and I want a weak state in other concerns." You move within the confines that have been brought up as the confines of critique within the democratic state elsewhere.

 No.17965 KONTRA

>The MG is anti-government. In the view of the MG, proletarians (those dense idiots) 'need' (like a fish needs a bicycle) the academicians of the MG to lecture them in Marxist theory. So who aims to be in ideological control of the workers, and thus, the worker's government?

Maybe you should read more than the Wikipedia:

>The MG is anti-government

Yes. And while I don't know the whole body of work I would carefully add that the state and especially the democratic state are understood as an institution that has to go.

>MG, proletarians (those dense idiots) 'need' (like a fish needs a bicycle) the academicians of the MG to lecture them in Marxist theory

This is incorrect and you can read the Arbeitskonferenzpapier. Science and production, academy and production are separated (in capitalism). Hence the mediational demand. And of course, the MG says that they have good arguments to explain how capitalism works and what consequences it has for different people. If you think these arguments are wrong then so be it. You either dicuss arguments and they make sense for you or they don't there is not more you can do in this mediational role.

>Wer als kommunistischer Intellektueller, und das heißt immer, mit dem Wissen über den Kapitalismus ausgestattet, die Vermittlung seiner Einsichten an das Proletariat vollziehen will, ist nicht herablassender „Pädagoge", er zieht nur die Konsequenzen aus seinen Einsichten. Daß dies kein Gängeln des Proletariats bedeutet, geht daraus hervor, daß die Arbeiter in solchem Versuch als Subjekte unterstellt sind, die der Einsicht in ihre objektive Lage — und das nennt Engels „Klassenbewußtsein" — fähig sind, und daß sie es sind, die sich Wissen aneignen (2).

>Die Vermittlungstätigkeit hat so an der tagtäglichen Praxis des Proletariats anzusetzen. Was es aus den Inhalten der Agitation erfährt, ist das Wissen über seine Stellung im Kapitalismus. Ihm wird seine eigene Bestimmung wissenschaftlich erklärt.

So in essence somebody tries to explain the economic and social happenings with arguments. As a worker, you can listen to these arguments and try to understand them and come up with your conclusions or you don't. Whether the workers agree with the arguments or not says nothing about the validity of these arguments - the workers don't have a scientific insight into their position just by being workers. Just like a human has no scientific insight into the universe just by being a human. It is a question of reasoning. That is the "scientific" base of the MG, I would say at this point in time.

 No.17968 KONTRA

>Goods and services are produced when they are considered useful. You don't invest a million bucks just to produce a thing nobody will use. Well, I'm sure it occasionally happens.
It never happens, the products still hold value, as enough labor mana was invested into them.
I think it's same kind of survivorship bias that led David Ricardo to formulate that value comes from labor. Of course, the ongoing transformation of the economical landscape from one of primary commodities into a volatile global market driven by overproduction of merchandise complicates this theory. So as not to clash with religious canon, obfuscations and semantic games were played for centuries by the brightest minds of academia - including the MG.
As committed revolutionaries to the cause of social equality and elevation of the human condition, we must climb out of this morass of tl;dr critique circlejerking and behead in public square these clerics of socialism who have done nothing but perpetuate capitalism through their poisoning of the well of possible alternatives with pseudoscientific swill.
It is only when the last MG member is beheaded that the masses can begin to formulate their thoughts in a revolutionary direction, they'll be able to reclaim the word communism from those positivist freaks. Let go of the LTV and you will find a new world of routes to a better tomorrow. For more information, pre-order Die Handy Und Das Geist at your local library.

 No.17969 KONTRA

I think it was zeitgeist before. Doesn't matter, titles shouldn't be static. Ghost Phone.

 No.17970 KONTRA

>that the masses can begin to formulate their thoughts in a revolutionary direction

Which state agent will they vote for?

 No.17971 KONTRA

The present state will witness an lessening of its own autonomy as an actor. The power associated with the state will be redirected to direct democracy initiatives. This happens alongside a reorganization of the present capitalist economic model into the Ernestian model.

 No.17972 KONTRA

And this gem will play in the background


Westerners, do you visit pride parade?

Probably there should be two separate celebrations on different days. One about tolerance to minorities and acceptance of different people. And another one about exposing yourself sexually and letting the steam off. Modern 18+ analog of Bacchanalia.
Otherwise the message gets distorted: "We piss on each other and we stand with Palestine!"

 No.17979 KONTRA

Pride has gone woke.

 No.17980 KONTRA

Yes, thought about the same cartoon after writing the post :D


It's an odd society we live in. Evidently people just want to go outside and jizz on each other, but it must be wrapped in the mantles of activism so it isn't a social faux pas. I like the concept of separating them, no politics during bacchanalia - thanks.


I never visited a pride parade. The only semblance of western demonstrative activism I displayed was during the climate strike in 2018. I keep a fond memory of the event, we were mostly youngsters and retirees, the ambiance was joyful.
I was in hs and it meant we’d got a free afternoon


1716627746048302.jpg (3.23 MB, 3084x3195)

Boy I sure love getting used by virtue-signaling soulless companies for publicity and how they always care about me, even when I am not buying their stuff or outside of pride month!
I also love being reduced to my sexuality because I don't have any actual character to speak of!
And I certainly love other people speaking for me!


Relax, fruitcake. It's just a rainbow corporate logo.

 No.17985 KONTRA

The only protest/democratic public event I remember going to was in HS as well: the Education Strike in 2009 or so. Free day as well for me.
Through all those years I already have been an MGler who knew a protest is a powerless action, and I was depressive enough to convince myself that self-empowerment, the feel-good of protesting, is a delusion.

If people want to celebrate themselves and their sexuality and their culture that's fine. I guess public sexual acts at such an event are not the best idea. It's a bit tricky since I like public sex myself and you never know who might "catch" you when you are doing it, depending on where you do it etc. But a parade seems not a good choice to do it and force it on a lot of people, especially when we are speaking about practices that go beyond mere penetration.


was a bit disappointed

Some fun moments, but in general as expected, but with even less substance. They don't even say "reforms", it's that bad.

One fun moment was when they switched roles, and Trump suddenly defended America as doing great and Biden tried to talk it down. Later they did the opposite (and the roles were as you would expect: incumbent defending the state of the nation, challenger shittalking it)

but "the end is nigh" came from both, very nice touch


Untitled.jpeg (176.83 KB, 894x894)


Without context I have a hard time assessing what this picture is trying to convey.


Conservatives lost the elections, Labour party won. End of Good Ol' England, occupation by Euroreich.


>Conservatives lost the elections
Huh? I thought all of Europe was undergoing a strong righ-shift?


The Tories ruled Britain for over a decade. In that period they failed to deliver on any of their conservative promises and burned through their more competent and experienced cadres in that period to the point where you had people like Truss and Sunak at the helm. So a lot of their voters simply just told them to fuck off.

The moderates went over to Labour after it washed its hands of Corbyn's brand of socialism (Though Corbyn himself got a seat as an independent, with nearly 50% of the vote in his constituency). Starmer's as grey a grey suit as it gets. I was semi-following the whole thing but I couldn't tell you a single thing about the man besides the fact that he at one point edited a Trot journal at university (perfectly normal for British politicians actually.) or any of his policies besides "We will protect the NHS" ("What from?" probably forces from the Moon.)

The right-wing voters who want the foreigners gone and would do Brexit all over again went over to Reform UK, which is essentially UKIP's descendant.
Reform was initially polling below the Tories but slowly caught up to them, outpolling them in some cases. Mostly due to Farage rejoining the party and spearheading the campaign.

The catastrophic loss of the Tories can mainly be attributed to Reform UK getting really strong (not reflected in the seats) and "splitting" the right vote against a relatively united Left-camp. (Then again, the fun begins once you're in government so we will see how Labour fares now that they have to actually deliver on running the country.)


It's simpler than that. Labours are Gryffindor, Tories are Slytherin and Charles III is Dambldor.

 No.18092 KONTRA

Clearly you lack theory. Tories are Ravenclaw, Slitherin is UKIP/Reform. Don't wax poetically about liberal western society if you don't even understand the canon.

 No.18093 KONTRA

Russia is Joanne Rowling, Ukraine is tranny and Donbas is a little girl in women's bathroom.


Wect is playing chess maybe real worry is Russia just shot another GOAAAL?

 No.18095 KONTRA

GOOOL.mp4 (529.65 KB, 720x534)

 No.18096 KONTRA

donald.jpg (10.26 KB, 138x200)

This made me laugh more than it should have.

 No.18097 KONTRA

I'm so tired of my coworkers overusing this meme >_<


noice (1).png (110.09 KB, 260x218)

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benisinurmom.jpg (137.01 KB, 457x752)

9e3.png (76.7 KB, 282x386)

Teach them other memes.
Take those boomer memes that no one remembers anymore, so they look fresh again.


IMG_5622.webp (42.37 KB, 760x507)

I go to bed and when I wake up someone tried to cap Drumpf
and he accidentally made the most kino shot of the entire campaign lmao.
If I was a dem campaign strategist I’d just tie a noose lol.


A German news outlet said that in a statement Trump said he can't believe such an action is possible in this country. Does he know anything about the history of the greatest country in the world?!

Interesting happenings, though.

 No.18238 KONTRA

Place your bets:

1) Biden administration assassination job because now prez can do what he wants lol
2) "isolated case", see also: 1)
3) false flag because Donnie watched too much Machete

 No.18239 KONTRA

>false flag

He wouldn't take a hit 5mm away from his head in that case.

I'm pretty sure it was actually just some permanently online reddit/twitter retard.

Pic related.


This. It was obviously some le reddit leftshit. He missed, because soyboys can never shoot straight. Comes from reduced testosterone / elevated estrogene caused by eating soy and no meat.


World Peace by World Soy (WS) is now a viable option for pacifists to end conflicts all over the world.


Yes, but how did he manage to bring AR-15 to rally?
Even if backpacks are not scanned, you won't fit it there.


They are trying this. What do you think all the vegan propaganda is all about? Make all men defenseless, that's the whole point of it.

 No.18245 KONTRA

He wasn't at the rally, he was outside on a building afaik.


He did not go into the rally area afaik

>What do you think all the vegan propaganda is all about?

World Soy (WS) as I said. Imagine we cannot kill each other with assault rifles and small guns anymore. It would be a disgrace and the end of masculinity which personally, I admit, makes me scared like a little girl.

 No.18247 KONTRA

> world soy
> can not kill each others
Niggers, muslims, chinks and kikes aren't fed soy, only white men have been turned into soyboys. It's part of white genocide. They can and will still kill us, and they are doing exactly that, while we stand by and do nothing about the umpteenth nigger gang rape.


tofu.jpg (74.42 KB, 1200x1500)

Aren't these people malnutrioned idiots who never will reach white intellect? Use your brain, fag.


>Niggers, muslims, chinks and kikes aren't fed soy, only white men have been turned into soyboys.

You know that soy as food isn't a western invention, right?


no path to 270, jack.png (277.6 KB, 735x405)

Trump didn't miss a beat with that fist raise. The man too angry to die. After the next round of polls, Biden may finally see the writing on the wall. It's the Dems only chance.


Donald Trump is chancellor Palpatine and antifa are Jedi. Have you watched "Revenge of the Sith"?


maxresdefault.jpg (114.25 KB, 1280x720)

There is 0 chances for the democrats now.
NATO is over, empire America is over, Urine is over, NWO is over, EU is over. Because obvious leftshit is too homosex to shoot straight.


Imagine believing that the future free world depends on you, and then not training. smh. The secret service sniper demonstrated the enormous gap between an amateur and a pro.


The SS clowns should probably buy some glasses

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