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/int/ - certified time wasters

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 No.96 [Last 50 Posts]

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What does you pet think of
https://www.musicforcats.com/ ?

I might try it on stray cats, but they are pretty wild here and easily frightened by humans.


They just used the meme of classical music and added purring, then label it music for cats? Is it this easy? This more likely is just music for cat lovers and might just irritate cats since they should need to find out which other cat is purring all the time they have not spotted yet?

So would really be interested what cat owners can report.


https://www.musicforcats.com/the-science - what they say

> might just irritate cats since they should need to find out which other cat is purring all the time they have not spotted yet

Just thought of it when saw TV for cats. It shows birds all the time. Isn't it annoying, constantly showing prey which can't be caught? "Висит груша – нельзя скушать".


Some of you may now one of the most influential ambient albums from Brian Eno "Music for Airports"

The Black Dog released an ambient album called music for real Airports recently. Bold move but it's actually pretty good

 No.104 KONTRA


 No.106 KONTRA

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I didn't notice any sort of a reaction from my cat. I'd consider that music for the cat-less.

Listening to that album right now, thanks for linking.

One of my favorite songs, also by The Black Dog:


Song about being a normie

Song about zombie apocalypse

Song about not being a normie

Song about living in worrisome times


Song about a jewish ferric cat.


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Post music that GOES HARD!


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 No.495 KONTRA

kolmio ukko tykitys.mp4 (5.54 MB, 720x480)

Fuck man, that was HORSE SHIT! Where's the ENERGY?!

 No.498 KONTRA

I lack high octane music.
t. low energy person


Blues…emo…folk…grunge…dreampop…(sigh)…my hard game is soft. Try this:

RISE OF THE NORTHSTAR - Here Comes The Boom (Official Music Video)


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Nice taste otherwise, too. Do post some of your favorite dreampop and emo. I'll listen to it when I'm done going hard.


Some music for when you're ready to join us lying on the floor staring at the ceiling:

FLOOR CRY - Happy Together

Men I Trust - Show Me How

Kid Francescoli - "Moon" (Official Video)

sød ven - catacombs

Strawberry Guy - Birch Tree

Dreamgirl - Teenage Blue

Sunsetz - Cigarettes After Sex


friday night yakuza.mp4 (6.36 MB, 532x916)

My AI overlords served me this song today. And I love it. I'm a sucker for terrible (German) zoomer music of whatever genre this is.


>Dreamgirl - Teenage Blue

Very nice. Reminded me of Tennis, though can't figure out what song specifically. Here's something if you haven't heard them before:

And that Rise of The Northstar song brought me back to Pleymo. It's been a long time. Anyways, they're pretty good.


I hadn't previously heard, thx. Enjoyed and will dive deeper. The video you linked wasn't available for some reason, but found another upload:


Hm, it's also tagged #RLBurnside. Same record label; I loved his album "A Bothered Mind", which isn't so much 'his' album as it is his old stuff remixed with hip-hop beats. Funny that RL didn't like it, but came around:

>One last question: how does he like the remixes of his music that Fat Possum has put out? 'At first I didn't like them too much,' he says. 'Then I saw how much money they were making and I got to liking them pretty well.'




Huoratron - $$ Troopers.webm (9.07 MB, 480x360)

>Post music that GOES HARD!

Okay, finland edition:
*Nicole - 8442*: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=LjPPCAeUKKo
*Huoratron - $$ Trooper* (see file, if uploading this webm works)


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Liked that one, would also make a good background track for a scary horror shooter game level.

No idea about the songs, but I liked that static pic in the last video.

Mother of dog, those videos were nothing short of epic. Why did they both run away at around 1:15 in the first video? At first I thought bolice had arrived, but I can't see any. Maybe because of the flares?


I've listened to this more than once in the past week: https://invidious.snopyta.org/watch?v=mi106DZJhuQ


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Rare "Shazams". Post 'em if you got 'em.


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Good singing, wonder whether they are actual singers or indeed amateurs. Also: Would do the left of the two grills.

 No.666 KONTRA

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Another successful recommendation by Apple Music®, Joeyy. Has a couple of "good" songs. Think he's one of Sam Hyde's goons. Strange.
Trigger warning: zoomer music

Do you find yourself using Shazam often? In what sort of situations? I tried it once and it failed do identify the song.


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>zoomer music
Even with fair warning I still found myself unprepared.

Shazam is a Radio ErnstIwan listener's best friend. Outside of that, I rarely use the service and rely on the old standby of googling lyrics. Screenshots are made so that I remember to look up artist's later; Shazam remembers your history, but pics in a common folder are a more prominent visual reminder.

 No.673 KONTRA

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>Even with fair warning I still found myself unprepared.
I'm so sorry. It's like these artists are aiming to make some sort of post-ironic, post-music music. Don't understand why I like it, but I really do. Unfortunately I can't link this stuff to anyone I know for it would be too shameful. Thank God for anonymous bosting.

>Shazam is a Radio ErnstIwan listener's best friend.

Oh, but of course. I mostly prefer bad music or ambient, so it's rare I really like a song on EC radio. Agree on the point about the screenshots. I'd do that as well if I'd use Shazam.


I did a bit of research and it looks to me like they won some *-idol show in indian television and are now recognised as proper singers who go on tours even. No professional concert recordings available though and it seems no album release either. They're called "Nooran Sisters".


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>Thank God for anonymous bosting.
No one can know how many times I've listened to this song

lil peep - gym class

 No.692 KONTRA

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Respect :D Despite listening to lil peep adjacent music, he's not for me. Except for this song, what a masterpiece:

The version without Billy Herrington is ok too. But man, it's pretty sad all of these guys are dead already.


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For some reason the "Mix of the Week" i get from Spotify every week always has finnish music in it. I don't know why Spotify thinks i like finnish music, but it is right.


It also has a tendency to give me german language music by non german bands and stuff where the lyrics are spoken.

Is Ernst listening to music recommended by a algorithm? Does it work for him as well as it does for me? No sarkasm involved, Spotify is doing a surprisingly good job


Iirc I learned about this band solely thanks to the algorithm:

Also it's very helpful with music on unusual languages, where I can't search for anything myself because of language barrier:
(and yes, also Finnish)

But usually it recommends songs of the bands which I listen to anyway. And does it quite well. Or recommends some mediocre post-punk shit.

 No.914 KONTRA

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>Is Ernst listening to music recommended by a algorithm?
For me it's almost exclusively algorithmically recommended music (as well as algorithmic music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1BzGaz62PE ). I listen to weekly lists compiled by Apple music, check out artists or albums it shows on my "For You" tab and listen to "Ernst's Station" when I'm outdoors, cooking, etc.


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>I learned about this band solely thanks to the algorithm

Dog bless Youtube recommendations. I never sign in, and routinely clear history, but it still gives me what I'm looking for- even when I don't know what that is.


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I like listening to retro-radios on youtube while working. It's nice background entertainment, but not distracting enough to take my attention away from work - I have better methods for this anyway. There are plenty of channels like this, just a few examples:



I think it’s diverse for me. I often go through youtube recs, but I found a few artists based on what other artists I liked on bandcamp recommended.
Plus recommendations from friends.

Like how I’ve been listening to Feindflug’s album titled “Volk und Armee” and it’s a sick hardcore electronic album that I would have never found if a friend on discord doesn’t link it.


I'm ill, can't sleep, and for some reason I felt like listening to "All I Need" by AIR.
In the process I found out it's been 25 years and two months since the release of Moon Safari.


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Going through my old music folders, stuff I saved 5+ years ago. It's all MP3 format, 128kbps. Played one track back-to-back with a fresh 320kbps download. If pressed to answer: Yes, I could hear a difference between the two, but it was negligible and would go unnoticed if I wasn't actively scrutinizing the quality. These days I save everything at 192kbps, a compromise between what I would consider the floor of 128 and the maximum 320. Thank you for attending my TED talk.


Did you make a typo and wanted to write 15+ years?
Five years ago I was already ripping everything in FLAC and I wasn't aware you could even get 128kbps MP3 anymore from downloads.
But it also depends on how it was ripped. Some of the older ones have noticeable artifacts, but most of it is absolutely serviceable for earplugs and such.
But yeah, everything below 128 is noticeable even on cellphone speakers.

 No.1290 KONTRA

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Working on a playlist of upbeat happy songs. Not really my thing but giving it a go. What I've got so far- heavy on pop. Post 'em if you got 'em.

Everything prior to 2017 is organized in one folder- all sorted and such. Everything after is in another- kind of a mess. I think that's when I switched PC's.

Imagine not writing your own audio script to load all music into a single large buffer before play effectively removing your processor from the loop. smh.

 No.1298 KONTRA

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Looks like a playlist I would've put on my MP3 player in 2003 or abouts. Crazy.


Wow, I know a whopping six songs from this list


Seven. What do I win?

 No.1314 KONTRA

I've heard of blink182, but not this song.


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The most important song to know is this, from the era defining Fast & Furious franchise. Not the best movie of the bunch, but one of the best songs:

Tokyo Drift - Teriyaki Boyz [ MUSIC VIDEO ]

 No.1324 KONTRA

PiterFM has playlist of like 50 songs (of 10 bands) which they repeat over and over. It's impossible to listen to it for an hour without stumbling upon of these:

I was wrong, I know 1 song.


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Listened to Arcade Fire's debut album Funeral. Indie rock. It's good. I am not the first person to say this.

Arcade Fire - Neighborhood #1 (Tunnels)


Lady nipples (and tight tummy)

Peng was a better album


Damn, Marilyn Manson got gender reassignment surgery?


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If you've got it, flaunt it. Hm. She wore that same shirt for an entire concert. Where were you on February 10th?

Caroline Polachek at Chalk, Brighton, UK Feb. 10, 2023


If you like that aesthetic, check out pvris: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=tvHjUpHTfO4

Also not bad musically if you like that genre, I guess. Not my home turf, but this track in particular has grown on me.

 No.1972 KONTRA

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Thought of this song and video with all these [REDACTED]s pestering the Burger about the pancakes:



She's actually performed many times down the road from me but I've never been able to see her for this or that reason. Many such cases.

>If you've got it, flaunt it

Indeed. And if there's one consolation to the coming summer heat it's the bodies.

To this day I still don't understand what yewtu.be is. Does it just block view counts or something else?

 No.1981 KONTRA

yewtube is an inviduous instance, of which there are many that all do the same thing: The are a proxy between you and youtube.com. You can watch videos there without google/alphabet seeing your IP address (if you enable video-proxy in the settings) but it also allows you to see the videos without seeing any comments or recommendations or ads or ever enabling javascript.
Actually, it's more than just a proxy; their servers will relay your search request to youtube, parse the page returned to extract only the relevant parts (video url, some of the text like video description, thumbnails, etc) and then construct a new webpage from that data.

The same exists for twitter (eg. nitter.nl) or reddit (eg. teddit.net). In all cases you just take the original url and replace the domain name (replace youtube.com with yewtu.be but leave the rest of the URL as it is). Here is a list of invisious instances you can chose from, I'm only using yewtu.be because the url is so easy to remember:


 No.2052 KONTRA

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I think I'm ready for the summer now. Fug I didn't save any money at all for holidays abroad.

Is Americana popular in Finland? I know you have Leningrad Cowboys etc.


what do you guys think of this song?


(not on spotify)

 No.2063 KONTRA

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I'm not sure about the definition of Americana, but if we're talking similar to Leningrad Cowboys I'd point to these:


Hanoi Rocks

Used to be on the radio all the time when I was, a young boy.

Shoegaze-y, not bad.


90's alt-rock out of Canada which I recently heard on the car radio and decided to run down. Great song, great album.

The Tragically Hip - Bobcaygeon (Official HD Video)

More psychedelic than my usual shoegaze/dream pop but rate highly. 8/10.



Black metal, but instead of harsh vocals Panopticon has a banjo and folksy drawl. Nice.


Glass harmonica, invented by Benjamin Franklin. Doesn't sound impressive, but much better than you would expect from rubbing glass.

Insane how many different instruments there are:


>Insane how many different instruments there are:
Without looking I'd guess most are percussion. How far off am I?


First impression seems the wind instruments are the most numerous. Making a bone flute is certainly easier than making a drum.
Note: Banging two bones together is NOT an instrument.



The chorus in the beginning is (sacred) harp singing, I wish I could listen forever. Unluckily what I can find on youtube under harp singing does not come close to this ancient-like sound I want to be showered in.


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Listening to Ludacris again.
Makes me always laugh.

>Perpendicular vehicular homicide


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It's like some kind of voice magic and I am entranced. Is this how mermaids summon sailors to their doom?

Anna Maria Alberghetti - Queen of the Night (1955)


We can only hope aliens react in awe as well when they hear it, as it is part of the golden voyager record. Though Chuck Berry's Johnny Be Goode may fix that netherless, or the epic gamelan or panpipe music on the record as well.


 No.2539 KONTRA

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It's so good


I love this instrument




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I had no idea that Visual Kei music even existed until I stumbled on this gem by Hizaki



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That sounds like a mix between power metal and glam metal. And sure enough, looking up Visual Kei on Wikipedia puts it close to that category.

Not bad tbh, thanks.

Some more time on Wikipedia and I find picrel. Hell yeah, I'd be down for a hairmetal revival with Japanese-imagined Louis XIV-aesthetics :-DDD


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What is a HURDY-GURDY? How does it work?


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Annie Hurdy Gurdy - Sea of Thieves


Annie Hurdy Gurdy - Ramund Den Unge (hurdy gurdy & nyckelharpa)


Andrey Vinogradov - Reverse Dance



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>Andrey Vinogradov - Reverse Dance
Checked this one out yesterday, very good. Also the chick >>2750 is hot, seems she's german. This raises my chances to meet and marry her about 0,000001%, nice!


The ability to sing like that is a basic job requirement sopranos. It takes considerable voice training in addition to natural talent.

Who Sang The "Queen Of The Night" Staccatos The Best?


If you can't get lucky with Annie Hurdy Gurdy, try Patty Gurdy. She's German as well.


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What do you think of The Skin Receiver?


>Who Sang The "Queen Of The Night" Staccatos The Best?
Cristina Deuketom was best followed by Natalie Dessay.

>What do you think of The Skin Receiver?
Ladytron meets Veruca Salt.
Ladytron - Destroy Everything You Touch [Official Music Video]

Veruca Salt – Seether


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Found a user on archive.org who uploaded a couple dozen albums, including a number of Greatest Hits compilations. I was looking for Billy Joel because My Life has been getting heavy radio rotation on my commute and is stuck in my head. Anyway, his file descriptions were....unique.

Nirvana - In Utero
>I used to listen to Nirvana a bit but as of recent I haven't listened to anything by them. I think this makes me better than people who do listen to them.

Flogging Molly - Drunken Lullabies
>Alright, all the files should be here but even if some are missing I made sure the best ones aren't. Anyway this is an epic album and shows why Irish people are better than most other European cultures.

Led Zeppelin - Mothership
>Led Zeppelin music sounds like it was made by woodland elves who got ahold of an electric guitar. Pretty epic

Bob Segar And The Silver Bullet Band - Greatest Hits
>Off the bat, "Old Time Rock & Roll" is a compete banger. Also, Bob Segar's hair in the album cover for "Stranger in Town" looks very fluffy.

George Harrison - Let It Roll
>I personally like some of George Harrisons personal work better then a lot of the beatles songs. Other than that, "what is life" is my favorite song of his. Unrelated question, was he the dude who preached peace and then went home to beat his wife or was that another one of the beatles?

Jackson Browne - The Very Best Of Jackson Browne
>Never listened to anything by Jackson Browne. Hell, I don't even know who he is. If you know who he is then please tell me.

James Taylor - The Best Of James Taylor
>Just like Jackson Browne, I haven't the foggiest idea who this guy is, but I know some other people might like his music so I'm posting it.

Imagine not knowing former president James Taylor, smh.



You forgot to mention Rush and Weird Al

 No.2939 KONTRA

>James Taylor
I don't really care for his own brand of laid-back adult contemporary music.


Great entrance theme, tbh.

Shinsuke Nakamura - The Rising Sun (Entrance Theme)

James Taylor isn't as laid back as people think. Now here's the deal: he's going to play, and you're going to sit there and like it!

 No.3035 KONTRA


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A song that I hated the first time I heard it, but now love:

The Drones - Shark Fin Blues

A song which I loved the first time I heard it, but now hate:

Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros - Home

The Drones vocal style didn't immediately appeal to me, but when it clicked they rapidly became one of my favorite bands. For the Magnetic Zeros, while I initially found Home pleasantly quirky, as the novelty wore off that charm turned into annoyance.

What song or artist has ernst done a complete 180° on?


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Two Feet. Bluesy. Jazzy. Electronic-y.

Two Feet - Had Some Drinks

Two Feet - You Say


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I had prejudice against "Гражданская оборона", thought that it's something like "Король и шут" or "Сектор газа" because it was listened to by the same social group (back then).

I didn't like "4 позиции бруно" at first, because singer makes his voice sound faggier and nastier than it actually is (which is justified)

I started to hate this song
because for some reason it starts to play after every playlist. Worse than alarm clock's melody.


Where do you find music to listen to?


Amy Macdonald. This Is the Life. 2007 album. Loved it. The 2008 deluxe release was a bit of a letdown, as it included a number of live tracks which were not as good as the studio versions. She seems to sing in a deeper tone on stage. Her cover of Fairytale of New York was good, and only falls short when compared to the Kirsty MacColl original.

Barrowland Ballroom

Mr. Rock And Roll

Youtube algorithm, archive.org users(if a user has uploaded a good album, it's worth checking their profile for similar), something will occasionally catch my eye on reddit's music subs, and also ernst ofc.


Back in the day /mu/, rym, allmusic. Now mostly Spotify algo and playlists (based on mood, genre etc.) & recommendations on twitter or from friends.

GrOb/Egor Letov is fucking based. Just the right mix of punk don't-give-a-fuck attitude, political content and literary lyrics. My favs are:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrGdFx5wRBw (the line на кухне свинеет моя одиночь never fails to send me)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_I0V5nQ5AU8 for sth deeper
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Te33x5dlRA and this one just an all time banger


I started listening music according to flowcharts from /mu/

They're bullshit tbh. For instance, all 4 charts on Pink Floyd recommend to start with "The dark side of the Moon" which is lame unlike "Wish you were here" or "The Wall".

Still better than nothing.


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Guess it's down to subjective taste. I for example think The Wall is overrated, and my favourites are Wish You Were Here and Meddle. The Wall is barely a top 5 Pink Floyd album for me.


As mentioned in some older music thread, I don't really care for Waters Floyd, it's all just MUH DADDY MUH WAR.
My favs are Wish You Were Here and Animals.


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Canadian blues vocalist Betty Bonifassi's 2014 self-titled release consists largely of songs traditionally sung by slaves and prisoners. SLĀV, a theatrical production based on the music, followed in 2018 but was shuttered after charges of cultural appropriation. The album lives on. 10/10.

Prettiest Train

Go Down Old Hannah



 No.4386 KONTRA

>cultural appropriation
Has to be the single most retarded retard anglo concept that they have managed to spawn so far.

Here's something slightly related, Dom Flemons of the Carolina Chocolate Drops.


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I'm too retarded to listen classical music, can't keep such complex patterns in my head.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4wBG8BWbYg - Nutcracker is the only suite which I managed to. Maybe because I'm quite familiar with it.

> Nazism need its own Bob Marley

Could Douglas Peers qualify as such?
No, he's not popular enough for that

 No.4653 KONTRA

> cultural appropriation
Half of acidhead music falls under this accusation

 No.4654 KONTRA

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What does Ernst think of live recordings?

Unless the performance itself is significantly worse, I usually enjoy them more. Somehow the expression, different adaptation or intro/outro sections, imperfections, announcement of songs or other talk make the experience significantly richer. Audience can be hit or miss. Sometimes a cough just belongs there, man.

 No.4655 KONTRA

I hate them because in 90% of cases there's some retard who coughs into the recording.

 No.4661 KONTRA

For classical music live recordings are usually worse, agreed.


>What does Ernst think of live recordings?
Love them for all the reasons you mentioned. While I can't say that I prefer them to studio masters, at least not always, I like to hear different versions of a familiar song. Radio and TV studio performances are also good for this, combining the slightly different take by an artist with high quality sound.

A favorite of mine:

Everything Everything live from Old Granada Studios

KEXP is a gold mine:

Courtney Barnett and Kurt Vile - Over Everything (Live on KEXP)


Very rarely do I prefer the live RECORDING over the studio version. Some Slayer songs, but that's it.
I prefer live over stereo, but I prefer studio recordings over live recordings, exactly because live is live and having a recording of an experience is not the experience.
Exceptions include music dvds. Watching Pantera touring and doing shit with a bunch of drunk friends has always been a very enjoyable experience.

 No.4695 KONTRA

im this cat 55.jpg (67.33 KB, 466x611)

Yeah KEXP is awesome. NPR's tiny desk has some good ones as well. Being able to see the artists perform definitely adds even more to the experience. Though it's not often I watch them as it requires my full attention.


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Latest earworm I acquired during my studies into Shostakovich:

>The Fall of Berlin, Op. 82: Stalin at Berlin Airport

It's from the soundtrack of a soviet film from 1949. It's the piece for the finale where after the fall of the Reichstag, Stalin arrives via plane, clothed in a white tunic, and the people greet him with giant portraits with slogans, singing his praise as the great teacher and leader.

In the hindsight of 70 years I don't know what the actual, visual effect of the scene on me is:
https://youtu.be/eVp7Nf6pQnI?t=4136 (Mosfilm has the entire thing on youtube with English subtitles but it's over two fucking hours long.)

I find the song really catchy though. I don't pay attention and suddenly start whistling it. If I had to say why, it's probably the "bending" of the tune at the end of the vocal lines, giving it this heroic flavour.
The whole soundtrack is kind of good. It's not Shostakovich's best work, but his actual style shines through the basic-bitch tunes the war setting demanded.
Which says to me that he could never put just 50% of effort into anything he did. He was always putting 100% into it. And that's why it's so odd to listen to his "official" pieces. They are still very good, have his signature style and it never feels like he didn't put much thought into them. But regardless, he actively disliked these works.

It's really hard to keep reading this biography sometimes. Apparently when they premiered his ~40 minute long oratory piece titled "Song of the Forests", which praises Stalin as the "Great Gardener", he went to his suite in the hotel and cried.
(Though the piece would later earn him a Stalin Prize, first class, which also meant 100k roubles.)


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Random selection of Estonian music. Mostly recent and popular songs, I'd imagine.

Küberünnak & Karmo - Valge Nissan

STEFAN - Kiri külmkapi peal

ALIKA - Lihtsalt veab

Merilin Mälk - Sinisilmne

villemdrillem x Elina Born - niiea

nublu - kastehein

Merilin Mälk, säm - 11

villemdrillem - leekiv armastus

Sanna Sööt - Tüdinenud

pitsa - Kuulsaks


Some shoegazing


You won't trick me. That's not shoegaze, that's Britney Spears reversed and slowed by 5 times.

t. lover of such tricks


So, what about 2015 and beyond? Did the author behind this picture die, get bored, or what?


Re shoegaze, loveless didn't impress me that much on my re-listen except for "when you sleep" which was by far my most listened track: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcOhXThqh_0

Also sharing some albums by Boris and Fennesz that are broadly shoegaze-y that I re-listened to today and really enjoyed:

My guess is that there's been so many flavor-of-the-month microgenres since then that it's probably pointless to try and keep track


The question is when the picture was made. There are two options.
1. It could be made in 2014 or early 2015. Author just didn't know what will be popular next. And then with time the picture acquired comical effect.
2. Or it could be made few years after 2015 ironically. The earliest search result I've seen in Google and Yandex is from 2017.


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Let's talk a bit about Stockhausen.

Pioneer of electronic music, weird-ass extremely-high-concept music creator and generally batshit insane (and/or a very effective troll).
Soft cunts will gasp at his comments regarding the 9/11 attacks.

For beginners, an interesting experiment: String music in helicopters. The sounds of the engines and rotors are part of the piece, as is the video transmission from the cabins.

"Sirius" is basically space music

And I personally like this one - "Lucifer's farewell", part of "Licht" (which also the helicopter quartet is a part of)

I personally find his work more interesting than e.g. John Cage's.
Obviously a big difficulty with his works is that you can't just "listen" to them, because they were usually only part of a whole multimedia package, especially within the opera cycle "Licht" (that the helicopter quartet is also part of), where e.g. there are pieces that can't be listened to in their entirety because they're being played in different rooms. Oh, and the operas together have something over 20 hours of music and never been played in their entirety.


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Since everyone posts music on Fino-Ugric languages:


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Photo if Stravinsky drinking some booze in his bed.


RE: live recordings

I love that one more than any of their studio albums


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Elvis live recordings are incredible. Full musical backing, chorus singers, and audience interaction add layers not found in studio recordings.

ELVIS PRESLEY - Sweet Caroline (Las Vegas 1970)

Elvis Presley - Burning Love (Aloha From Hawaii, Live in Honolulu, 1973)

Elvis Presley - Jailhouse Rock ('68 Comeback Special)

Great Helter Skelter cover. Unique opening and ending.


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Let's make use of the anonymity. Share songs that are your guilty pleasures.


>guilty pleasures.
Only gay homosexual fags have "guilty pleasures".

I enjoy the music of Lana Del Rey and Mariya Takeuchi as well as Kassierer, Scissor Sisters and Journey and I will proudly advertise that to anyone asking.


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>Share songs that are your guilty pleasures.

 No.5774 KONTRA

Thanks for sharing, fag.


You're welcome.
Also, check this out:



I'm too old for this but the chorus is catchy.


That's just a classic! You need to come up with something else buddy.

Love it. Always makes me want to replay Need for Speed Underground games.

LGoony on the EC. Epic. Used to listen to this quite often:


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Peak German rap, peak guilty pleasure





This song kills all of K-Pop and is why North Korea will always stay best Korea.


Actually breddy gud idea.

Not bad, don't see how that could be considered a guilty pleasure.

Here, have my nohomo selection (and serious contribution to this thread):


And speaking of... I do enjoy female voices that can do false-chord or fry screams:



Meh, I still can't deal with that level autotune. This is fine though for some reason: https://youtube.com/watch?v=_fM4FLHoGNg

I used to listen to this unironically back in the day. Glad to say it doesn't do anything for me anymore. Kool Savas on the other hand... https://youtube.com/watch?v=f_jTP1H65Lk

How about nostalgia with a twist though?



I don't know that beat, so no nostalgia for me, but it's nice to hear something new from her. Been a favorite ever since "Willkommen im Fuxxxbau".



Not sure if the beat is a reference, but the lyrics and video call back to the 2000s with Eminem and Spears.
And yes, I was delighted when I saw that Antifuchs is releasing a new album and there is even a collab with Disarstar (Heckmeck & Randale).


Anyway, I've posted them before so it wasn't really anonymous post. I also like this album:

Let's post some retro.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=db-uYmkGxHA - about a date on a frost.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbLXPfhhL_E - about death of an anarchist
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WuK1uPFL5o - about our martyr czar whom we betrayed


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atm listening to some afroman, because someone in /b/ triggered me to look it up :3


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Bob Dylan is such a boring howling moron. No wonder that he has a Nobel price in literature.

 No.6259 KONTRA


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One of my favorites. Listen to this once or twice a week.



I have now ≈300 albums saved. ≈100 of them are broken or haven't been listened by me yet. How many more do I need to reach singularity - the point when I forget saved music faster than get tired of it and no longer have to look for new albums?


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>I have now ≈300 albums saved
Lol, lmao even.
This are just full studio albums, I have another folder with single tracks, compilations, live, other stuff, plus yet another folder with stuff I haven't listened to yet (which is pretty small tough)


>no longer have to look for new albums



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There is a new album from Xotox and I'm really digging it. He's changed his style a bit, which he has done a few times in the past, and it feels pretty fresh again.

Ich Funktioniere https://yewtu.be/watch?v=4nj2EqG7ZeA

Die Strömung der Welt https://yewtu.be/watch?v=TuJPEIHVVxw


First one sounds like Atari Teenage Riot if danceable



That was entertaining, thank you very much.

Here is my favourite rendition of this song (by my favourite Indian metalheads): https://yewtu.be/watch?v=SwgSbJrnCoE

While we're on the topic of covers, this one has stood the test of time for me: Postmodernjukebox - Chandelier https://yewtu.be/watch?v=RhXWZoqkb_Y


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It's been reported the lead vocalist for the legendary Japanese band GISM has died. Lee Dorian is reporting as such and it seems others are, too.

There will never be a greater testament to the extremity of Punk than Detestation. Sayonara, SKV. Your contribution to extreme music cannot be overstated. If there is an afterlife, I hope you and Randy Uchida are composing sonic warfare in the heavens:


For reasons I got into the mood for some goth industrial techno in the past weeks, here are my most precious findings in case anyone wants to know what the pearls of that genre look like (subjective):

Dxrk ダーク - BONES: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=8O9l05_YmgM
Into the Pale Abyss - You Can Never Win: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=KKVDM0SZYGw
Xotox - Ich Funktioniere: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=4nj2EqG7ZeA
Haus Arafna - Keine Tränen: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=LsBHxUWv5iY

Kinda fun to do a deep dive into something like this.


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Invincible.mp3 (3.77 MB)

>All my life, I was in the cold
>Now I find I feel nothing more
>Leave me to learn
>Leave me to hurt
>Now I'm not so invincible

There's just something about Static-X that always makes me come back to them and listen through a full album, and it's not mainly nostalgia.


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The latest single from Nati Dreddd has just dropped:

For those unaware, Nati Dreddd is singer from Scotland who has accrued nearly two million followers on TikTok since 2020. Nati's presence there drew the attention of Newton Faulkner who saw potential in this up and coming singer/songwriter and brought her on to OMG-Music with Lottie Jackson-Faulkner acting as her manager. If you ask me, she's a genuinely talented singer who spent a great deal of time honing her craft, and it shows in her live performances. She could play to potentially thousands, if not millions:

As seen in the interview above, her natural charisma shines through in any conversation she's in where she humorously recounts her journey through music with plenty of amusing anecdotes and witty remarks:

While romantic ballads are her strength and her covers are fantastic, she needs to broaden her palate to include more personal themes because singing where it hurts earns you lifelong fans. As it stands, she suffers from many of the same problems those contestants who makes it on shows like America's/Britain's Got Talent for a few rounds before going home. They're always in the running but they never win the game. In any case, I sincerely wish her luck and hope she finds a global audience who treasures her.


Why so many D?


At the time, it was the only way she could have online handles. Natidredd and Natidred were already taken, so she just added the extra D. She now officially goes by NATI. after accusations of cultural appropriation:


>after accusations of cultural appropriation:
lolwut, 2000AD is genuinely bri'ish


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Those are dreadlocks, or "dreads" if you REALLY want to be anal.
Sadly, even the word "dread" has multiple meanings, of which "filthy hair" is not the main one.
Then you have "dredd", which might be counted as some kind of patois spelling of "dread", but that one is also already assigned to a main meaning.

Cultural Appropriation, that's nine years in an isocube for you, creep.


Her name is a Bob Marley reference which she acknowledges:


This just filled me with a bit of hope for the US, not really sure why:



Since you can't seem to stop using that "yewtube" thing (which doesn't give me a preview in dollchan), would you mind stating artist and song title yourself?


Why doubt you Like yahoody-tube? Are you Nazi? A faschist? Alte, aleta, No parmesan! Smash bis knee caps! Heil israel!

 No.7581 KONTRA

that name seems to be a joke from the dutchys.

project seems decent - viewing yt without ads/tracking.

> dollchan preview

can't you add your own custom scripts to dollchan?


>can't you add your own custom scripts to dollchan?
No idea. And ALSO no idea if it can read any information out of a yewtube link at all. API and stuff.

Are you dumbass? Are you so lazy you can't say WHAT THE LINK IS FOR?



I wasn't aware that there was a youtube-preview for you, I've never used dollchan. That's no excuse anyway, giving the title and artist should be a no-brainer, I usually do that but somehow didn't think about it this morning, sorry.

and >>7578 was not me...

I'm using that particular invidious instance because it has very good uptime and I can remember the URI :-DDD

>And ALSO no idea if it can read any information out of a yewtube link at all. API and stuff.

Should be trivial, yt-dlp parses invidious pages using their official API, see documentation here: https://github.com/iv-org/documentation/blob/master/docs/api.md


>I've never used dollchan.
On Ernstchan there might not be that big of a difference due to the low posting frequency (relatively speaking) but I couldn't use imageboards without dollchan and its features anymore after having done so for a really long time.


Cool Turkish folk music:


Turk living in France with last name German wow such /int/


Reminds me of Selda Bagcan.
It's amazing how an attractive female voice can even make a language as ugly as turkish soound good.


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Some days I'm just in the mood to listen to Kurt Vile. Like Today. Also, yesterday. Tomorrow? Possibly.

Kurt Vile - Like Exploding Stones

Kurt Vile - Loading Zones


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Which way, western men?

 No.7827 KONTRA

You simply start with the Jazz Suites, repeatedly. Might as well be fully decadent if one is to listen to this formalist.


i think i found the song with perfect lyrics.


yes, i consider a technically slowed down version of a single letter as valid lyric.


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Does this music make you feel like a machine? Does it bring you joy?


>bring you joy
Machines don't know joy. Beep boop.


So, for the past 3 years my favourite DJ has been Sama Abdulhadi. She's from Palestine, which has a sprawling techno scene. In light of recent events I thought now might be a good time to share her music. I find that it is very well suited to listen to while working:

Sama Abdulhadi at Utopia Festival 2021 (Marseille) https://yewtu.be/watch?v=9IrTCtJCmro (https://youtube.com/watch?v=9IrTCtJCmro)

And here is another one where she is playing for no audience in the desert:

Sama Abdulhadi at Monegros Desert Festival: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=V4lH-KzsQi0 (https://youtube.com/watch?v=V4lH-KzsQi0)


Zanzibar: Vágyom rád (Hivatalos klip)

Kormorán - Szegénylegény


Not bad. A little tame for my taste but I do like the sound of the language and that makes up for it.

Speaking of, another song that made me appreciated a language is Herr Mannelig from Garmarna: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=X_BpmQqErks


Got addicted to AI covers. It's usually Prophet Sunboy (rocker lolcow with Motörhead voice) or Neco Arc (some weebery).

Animal ДжаZ - Три полоски (Пророк Санбой AI Cover)

Dead blonde - Бесприданница (Neco Arc AI Cover)

Sunboy claims that he literally sang these covers.



ddg "lyrics" -> deepl

Oh, I've been frustrated for days
I don't feel like doing anything
Not for boozing, not for women
I'm just super down

Hanging around in my shithole
Feeling stuffy, old and stupid
Don't want to go outside the door
And I don't want to see you, [especially]

Where I look far and wide
Nothing but transience
Death is so attached to everything
That you can't escape it

Happiness melts like spring snow
What makes you happy today, hurts tomorrow
All beauty a pale glow
And never will it be any different?

I'd like to shit on everything
And never get a hold of myself
It doesn't matter anyway
Anyone can fuck me anyway

I don't see the point
That I was born
That anyone is born
That everything revolves around itself

Isn't it crazy, man
How deep I can suffer?


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> Neco Arc
damn, you infected me as well.


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Van Halen - Ice Cream Man

Heard this on the radio. Binged David Lee Roth albums. Why Roth and not Van Halen? No idea. My ratings:

Crazy From the Heat. Debut solo EP. Great.
Eat 'Em and Smile. 1986 follow up LP. Even better.
Skyscraper. Couple of good tracks, otherwise meh.

David Lee Roth - Just a Gigolo (I Ain't Got Nobody)

Ladies' Nite in Buffalo?

The Bottom Line


David Lee Roth - The Shit That Killed Elvis (Unplugged)


somehow got reminded of


after listening to the song posted in >>9977


Pretty good dnb that I noticed because of the cover:

Frederik The Curious Frog - Not So Kind 02 EP https://yewtu.be/watch?v=YcuZTYOQYk4 ( https://youtube.com/watch?v=YcuZTYOQYk4 )


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>because of the cover


Pretty cool Grunge/Hard Rock/Punk mixture: https://diespitz.bandcamp.com/album/teeth-2


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Punk Christmas song. In November, because fuck you!

Sanktio - Perus Suomalainen Joulukuvaelma (Basic Finnish Christmas Tableau)


Saat jouluna turpaan
(Gonna get your ass kicked on Christmas)
Soita vaikka poliisit
(Go ahead and call the cops)
Ei ne kerkee kuitenkaan
(They won't make it in time anyways)

Saat jouluna turpaan
(Gonna get your ass kicked on Christmas)

Saat aattona turpaan
(Gonna get your ass kicked on the eve)
Juokse vaikka turvakotiin
(Go ahead and run to a shelters for victims of domestic violence)
Et sä kerkee kuitenkaan
(You won't make it in time anyways)
Saat aattona turpaan
(Gonna get your ass kicked on Christmas eve)

Onnelliset perheet juoksee lumihankeen joulusaunasta
(Happy families run in to the snow from the Christmas sauna)
Meidän perhe juoksee suoraan joulupöydästä
(Our family runs straight from the Christmas table)

Saat jouluna turpaan
(Gonna get your ass kicked on Christmas)
Soita vaikka poliisit
(Go ahead and call the cops)
Ei ne kerkee kuitenkaan
(They won't make it in time anyways)

Saat jouluna turpaan
(Gonna get your ass kicked on Christmas)

Saat aattona turpaan
(Gonna get your ass kicked on the eve)
Juokse vaikka turvakotiin
(Go ahead and run to a shelters for victims of domestic violence)
Et sä kerkee kuitenkaan
(You won't make it in time anyways)
Saat aattona turpaan
(Gonna get your ass kicked on the eve)


Lyrics self made, no refunds.


tiernapojat.jpg (81.62 KB, 1024x576)

Now that it's December, let's enjoy some more Christmas music.

Timo Rautiainen ja Trio Niskalaukaus - Tiernapojat

If you're confused, please see:


Ramones are best 'mones

Merry Christmas (I Don't Want to Fight Tonight) Does anyone else think the English capitalisation rules are weird? Everything starting with caps BUT words like "to", or "and", or "a"


Are those actual rules outside of song and film titles?




Truly the most retard language of languages



I'm currently enjoying my most recent discovery (despite the edgelord naming): One True God

OTG - Jinn https://yewtu.be/watch?v=jO36Trj3cC8 ( https://youtube.com/watch?v=jO36Trj3cC8 )

And then there is this label I've found called Kannibalen Records, of which every release I've checked out was sick as hell, for example:
Black Tiger Sex Machine (feat. Yookie) - Deathstalker https://yewtu.be/watch?v=KXba7gbknVo ( https://youtube.com/watch?v=KXba7gbknVo )



Thank you for this. I've only heard an Italian version before.

Brought back some memories for me.


Hey that's pertty cool, wasn't aware there were versions in other languages. I'll be checking out more from Haggard when I'm done with work today, they seem to be right down my alley.


New Danny Brown stuff: https://dannybrown.bandcamp.com/album/quaranta

Pretty chill & mellow


A new chart for a new year.


So cringe, but I like it
Reminds me of cybernetics Ernst posting those images

 No.12671 KONTRA

I cannot believe this one is 20 years old already


Makes me think of mornings on the highway in 2014 when I had a job where I was provided with a car and drove around many days of the week. To me it feels like the 2000s are the new 1980s. Oh well.

 No.13107 KONTRA

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Was expecting a My Chemical Romance cover. It isn't.

Gin Wigmore - Black Parade - Live NYC Sessions

Not disappointed, tbh.


Yung Lean and Bladee released a new album (though it's EP-length tbqh). Is Ernst into draining?



 No.14430 KONTRA

Haven't really enjoyed Yung Lean's music after Warlord with some exceptions. Consequently had low expectations for this but was positively surprised. Not something I'd listen again, though.


Castle Rat - Cry for me

Came from the bikini armor aesthetic, stayed for the sound.


Lynsey de Paul's first foray into singing the songs she'd write.
Seems even hard to imagine that one point the sounds of whips cracking would be very racy and propel this song to the #1 of billboards.




A video forbidden and blocked in the Rossiya. Seems to be too old school, too catchy and too much smoke in general.


Listening to Renaissance in Extremis again, the latest album by Akercocke - five years after their breakup they reunited, released this record in 2017, then kinda vanished again.
It's very clearly Akercocke, but it sounds... older, so to say, you know, when people mellow with age. It's the same here. It's less experimental and less brutal than their older stuff (for the most part at least), with some really weird choices like the singing on "First to leave the funeral", but nonetheless I still like it, it's comfy.
I also found out that a few of the dudes did music with another band after the breakup, which sounds like they went into the exact opposite direction, mixing the new Akercocke stuff again with more older, chaotic, "evil" stuff. In fact, if it weren't a different singer I would say that IS Akercocke. Basically Voices is the New Order to Akercocke's Joy Division, just that nobody died.

The intro on "Petrograph" basically sounds EXACTLY like Akercocke and the singer does his best to do a Mendonca impression


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Immortal Hulk issue 40 panel. Lyrics differ from Lead Belly and the well-known Nirvana version, but this one matches.

Grateful Dead - In The Pines - 1966/07/17 Fillmore


It's not blocked. I can open it from Russian IP:
Catchy track indeed.

 No.14852 KONTRA

but it was banned, judging by comments section? ok, i have no idea


I kinda think Kim Gordon might have dropped the AOTY in march already at the age of 70. It's a serious candidate at least.

Unless you are into german hardcore, then it's probably gonna be this one.



I love the sound of Ukrainian language. It borrowed whispering sounds from Polish language but in moderate amounts. And sounds like a babbling stream ^_^
Also this song and clip have such a light-hearted summer vibes, they remind me of me being a child and my sister being teenager.

Native Siberian music. Modern, but based on folk motives.

Magic sound

After few weeks I hear (about) this song on every corner. You are an early adopter.


Light late night Liquidfunk

Godlike spicy modern Jungle

Superb roller from Australia's best DJ



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More hardcore that nobody is gonna care about but which I post anway for some reason.

SPACED - This Is All We Ever Get

Just out. Love the energy, love the artwork. Good record to drive a car to.



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Tbh my music taste has been gutter-tier lately, I mostly just listen to hyped up hardstyle remixes and angry rap/metal in the gym.

I'll spare you the anime/russian pop edits, this is a good hardstyel banger for PRs.
There seemes to have been quite a wave of rap metal in recent years, this guy's one of my favs recently, has some more emotional songs too
Thrash metal with hardcore vocals. Aesthetics are kinda cringe but goes pretty hard

Hard to believe this is a new release, esp the video aesthetics is some myspace era hardcore tier stuff

>Скрябін — Кольорова [Official Video]
Nice, video gave me nostalgia. Extremely 00s Ukraine coded

>OTYKEN - STORM (Official Music Video)

Sounds and looks extremely fake. Lost it at pic rel. Cute girls tho

>Love Like The Surging Waves (2016 Remaster)

Nice. The Japanese were cooking so hard in the 70s/80s. I should get back into listening more music from that era.

>Tim Reaper - Deep Within
Pretty cool, would be nice to vibe to at outside rave in summer. Nice artwork too

The instruments sound so bold & crisp, reminds me of Phil Spectors production style. Incredible banger

Meh, degenerate geezer is NOT funny



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Does anyone know where the love of God goes
When the waves turn the minutes to hours?

You don't hear a lyric like that while driving and just forget it.

Gordon Lightfoot - "The Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald" - Chicago - 1979


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Yesterday I went to see Eläkeläiset. My first concert since the first lockdown.
As you might know, it means "pensioners", and was actually the theme of the evening:
On imageboards I am usually among the older people, get called a boomer and such, but yesterday, at least 2/3 of the audience were over 40 and I would say at last half of the audience was over 50. It has been some time that I was actually below the average age when I went out; I think the last time when I saw Crowbar and except for me and my friend everyone else was a fat bald guy with a beard.
As you can see, the stage was really small; and the venue was oblong and streching to way in the back.
They also had a smoker section where some people seemingly spent the whole concert, because I saw them everytime I went to piss. Unfathomable why you would go to a concert and then don't watch the band or at least be in the same room as them.
Most of the time the people were just moving and dancing a bit, but at some points some light moshing commenced; except when they played Breaking the Law as the last song of their second encore. At that point even one of the old-timers who had been standing next to me the whole time went in there. It was fun, although I realized that I am at an age where I now mind having physical contact with completely sweat-soaked dudes, but that's the price to pay.
Because I am not really well-versed in popular music, as usually I recognized only a few songs, but it doesn't matter because it was just fun, and the keyboard player was constantly drinking the local pils.
Afterwards I spent again too much money on merch (a pack of 6 CDs for 40 Euros, a "Old ist not dead" pin I might give my dad for his 70th birthday and a doormat with the reindeer logo because I found it funny, which also cost 40 Euros). But then again, I rarely buy anything anywhere and here I at least know that Amazon won't get a share.
If getting everywhere weren't such a hassle, I would go to concerts more often again. Live music is just among the best things one can do or consume outside of one's own home.


> Unfathomable why you would go to a concert and then don't watch the band or at least be in the same room as them.
employees and/or ppl who go there regularly and do not care about the band all too much every time. Or maybe even friends of the band? I've heard some bands often enough, mainly on band rehearsal, that I can imagine preferring to smoke outside myself. e.g. if it's too crowded or something.


Might be true, though I can swear there were also people who came in like me with a ticket.
If it's regulars I still wouldn't understand, because you still have to pay for the show, and then you don't even watch it. Just to be clear, there was nothing else going on in there.

 No.15930 KONTRA

Meh. Some murrican song from 50 years ago about some murrican thing from sixty years ago no one younger than 50 has ever even heard of.


>from 50 years ago


>Now lean back
>Lean back
>Lean back
>Lean back



A pleasant blast from the past. 😊


Same day I got this game I went to the cinema to watch Alien vs Predator. And both of these things happened TWENTY years ago, almost to the day.


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The South... Korea?


For me, it is the one, who tipps her cap

She has the phaddddest ass


Another edition of Songs Seen in a Comic Book.

Boardwalk Empire OST - After You Get What You Want (You Don't Want It)


God, I hate people like you. People who use their phones at concerts should be lined up and shot. Sorry for the extreme language, but seriously...

 No.17407 KONTRA

>should be lined up and shot

Do you call yourself a centrist?

 No.17408 KONTRA

Stay mad, uh, what's the finnish analogue for "fag"?



Picard-facepalm[1].jpg (59.25 KB, 1920x1080)

One of the oldest threads on the board, and it really will be going out with a bang.

 No.17414 KONTRA



Cannot believe this one is 25 years old already.



Tracy-Chapman-Luke-Combs.jpg (65.14 KB, 1200x802)

When I first heard Luke Combs cover of Fast Car, hated it. Even though I like Luke Combs. It has, however, grown on me. And this duet kills.


And another from my ongoing series of Comic Book Beats:

Whitesnake - Here I Go Again '87 (Official Music Video)


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Post your favorite niggerlicious music

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPO76Jlnz6c - Coolio - Gangsta's Paradise
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJGcwEv7838 - XXXTENTACION - Look At Me!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KViOTZ62zBg - A$AP Rocky - Babushka Boi
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDZX4ooRsWs - Nicki Minaj - Anaconda


> jpeg
why is only the male a pervert?! sexist chinese!! hope those signs are actually chinese ones

> niggerlicious

not listening to too much rap. hoping those fall under niggerlicious.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMTUBE4KOek [~7min] ICYMI - Joyner Lucas: "I'm Not Racist" -- (only ever listened to this song from those artist)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AniVfAS1BZ4 [~4:45min] Immortal Technique - Rich Man's World (1%) -- (good artist, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3u3JSEqNtlg [~6min])
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GmG4X9PGOXs [~3:40] Jon Lajoie / Wolfie's Just Fine - Everyday Normal Guy 2 -- (supreme niggalicious lyrics)
uhh... this might not be niggalicious anymore, but it is "Sprechgesang" and therefor my german mind equals it.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4L20t8Dvlg [~3:25] System Of A Down - Prison Song (
> utilizing drugs to pay for secret wars around the world
> drugs are now your global policy
> now you police the globe
< I buy my crack, my smack, my bitch right here in holly wood...
> drug money is used to rig elections and train brutal, corrupt dictators around the world

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEXVqYgHrsY [~4:20] shaban & Käptn Peng - parantatatam -- (german nigga :3)


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I love mega remixes.

Niggas In Paris Remix Ft Chris Brown - Meek Mill - Busta Rhymes - T.I - Game - Tory Lanez - Arsonal

I get money mega remix - 50cent ft cassidy 2pac and jay-z

Im so Hood remix Khaled T-Pain Jeezy Ludacris lil wayne

Paper Planes (Mega Remix)

>Joyner Lucas: "I'm Not Racist"
Love this track. Also the only thing I have saved by the artist...

Okay. Just saved this. Because I like Jelly Roll.

Joyner Lucas ft. Jelly Roll - "Best For Me" Official Music Video (Not Now I'm Busy)


Actress of new "Star wars" dissing people who didn't like the movie because of their racism. Haven't watched the movie, maybe it's really shit, but anyway the track is cool. However it's not niggerlicous. She gives impression of white college girl rather than sheboon. Eminem-type rap.

Thank you, will listen tomorrow while at work.


2024-06-20_mynerdyhome_180364671….mp4 (Spoiler Image, 20.34 MB, 720x1064)

> >the track
> king Trevor
assuming she talking about the african white boy, she right. dat guy deserves an honorable title and absolutely slays.
not sure if "king" is fitting, while you try voicing an opinion against institutionalised oppression, thou
kinda funny how he always was "the white boy" until he arrived in america - suddenly he is black :DD
> I say white people crying was the goal
she nearly lost me there, but continued listening.

she doesn't seem to be too far into the cringy racism bubble. seems more like an actual, emotional reaction to the current racism situation in america; looks alien to any outsider.
her emotion/rage still gets the better of her - she adopted the black and white mentality.


> Haven't watched the movie, maybe it's really shit

the series is a total shit show for any fan. It ignores and breaks well established franchise lore.
even as a stand alone it is total shit. e.g. fire in space ?! like what the actual fuck ?! is nobody working on this space fantasy ever thinking about what space is?!
story telling is bottom tier as well. exposê in form of dialogue all the time
> hello, my dear year long friend.
> we see us every day
> that is why i have to tell you how our current and typical interaction goes in the form of this dialogue

 No.17705 KONTRA

misclicked spoiler button, watev.


Sandie Shaw - Puppet on a String - 1995


> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMTUBE4KOek [~7min] ICYMI - Joyner Lucas: "I'm Not Racist" -- (only ever listened to this song from those artist)
Cool rap, feels like listening to someone's family quarrel which I like to do.

> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AniVfAS1BZ4 [~4:45min] Immortal Technique - Rich Man's World (1%) -- (good artist, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3u3JSEqNtlg [~6min])

Oh, that sounds good and reminds me of my childhood when antiglobalist leftist aesthetic was in fashion.


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Ghost. Phantomime. EP of covers.

Jesus He Knows Me

Popestar EP was also mainly comprised of cover songs. Not as solid as Phantomime. Still good.

Nocturnal Me

Didn't expect to see so many women at one of their shows. Director likely over representing because of the particular track.

Ghost - Mary On A Cross (Live In Tampa 2022)


A song about the beauty of the german language.


Was the Fick?


>not knowing Outerspass
Kiek op, je



Zat is really shtupid.


Why are you writing like an idiot?


Found an internet archive that seems to have (all?) Townes van Zandt albums.
Fella has been dead for 25 years, don't pay for his records.



I'm only seeing 30 second samples ;_;


Found a user who has archived a few complete albums I can access.



It seems those are also in that collection, but yeah, I also noticed there are a bunch that are just samples.
I think the ones I downloaded are the ones from your link.


King of Nowhere 2.png (1.05 MB, 903x685)


You can download his albums via torrents (https://rutracker.org/forum/tracker.php?nm=townes%20van%20zandt) or Soulseek. You can also directly rip his albums from streaming services with these tools: https://rentry.org/firehawk52


What the fuck, that still exists?
I remember using some kind of music ripper that basically just recorded the music from the streaming service.


Nowadays you don't need to record stuff anymore, you can rip directly from their servers. I most often use https://lucida.to/ as I don't have to install anything to use it.


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 No.19464 KONTRA

>lol i rip music because i am a massive spaz


Currently listening to some fun schizo rock from the balkans.



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Robert Schumann Märchenbilder Op.113


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Rage Against The Machine - Killing In the Name


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mewithoutYou made heavy use of spoken word vocals in their early work. Later tracks included more singing, but I can't shake my initial impression that he's simply reciting lyrics. Well, it's Indie Rock. So, that works.

Me Without You - Carousels (Lyrics)

In A Sweater Poorly Knit

Magic Lantern Days

The King Beetle On A Coconut Estate


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The artwork in The Private Eye contained a number of musical references. In a future which has turned off the internet, the protagonist has a vinyl collection. First pic has Madonna lyrics on her tombstone. Second pic plays off of the Flaming Lips album Hear It Is.

Madonna - Into The Groove


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Like a Velvet Glove Cast in Iron, a surreal, and increasingly bizarre, graphic novel, inspired its own soundtrack. Yes, the story features a stall genie.

Victor Banana - 07. Stall Genie


Playing Doom again.
Sign of Evil is a very fine song for a mid 90s shooter game.



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I rediscovered my Falco playlist and it got me thinking about his legacy. German Ernsts, is he still a household name in the German-speaking cultural area or has he been largely forgotten outside of Austria?


> is he still a household name in the German-speaking cultural area
Still king for me. Maybe not with the kids these days, but otherwise: Still a legend.

 No.20497 KONTRA

Only gen xers and millenials have even heard about him.


Falco - Jeanny.mp4 (14.1 MB, 640x360)

"Rock me Amadeus" is still the biggest german-language pop song ever. "Der Komissar" was another giant hit.
Here in Germany he had some more success with other songs. Dunno if they got popular elsewhere.
And there was huge controversy about Jeanny.


lol Yi swear you are like fifty years old


Saw this on a mobile game add. It's catchy.


I'd say it's a pretty lucky find.

 No.20514 KONTRA


Sabrina Carpenter is doing something for me



I deserve a Sabrina Carpenter gf.


Song based on Michele Houellebecq's poem


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Just finished this one. A fitting song for the season.

Auld Lang Syne - The Choral Scholars of University College Dublin


Just listened to Marduk's Opus Nocturne for the first time.
I don't quite get the hype. Maybe it's because I couldn't pay attention the entire time, or because it needs a bunch of attempts. I liked Panzer Division Marduk, but this seemed more Emperor-esque and, dare I say, "conventional", but certainly less brutal.


The last three songs I heard on my car radio and saved:

Papa Roach & Carrie Underwood - Leave A Light On (Talk Away The Dark)


Jamie MacDonald - Desperate (Official Lyric Video)

That last one is a Christian artist. Don't know much about her, but here's another:

Common Hymnal | He Has Time | Jamie MacDonald


I'm just enjoying Bach during the last few days because I want play some stuff from The Well-Tempered Clavier.



Idea for a parody:
Aliens visit Earth and find among radioactive ruins piano, text of Poe's "The Raven" and image of Hatsune Miko. Then combine them in a video, reconstructing "how earthlings supposedly listened to music", with their hypothetical knowledge of English phonetics.


Luckily, they also found a vinyl with Polish folk songs, so they know how Latin script is mapped to sounds.
This is how "The raven" supposedly sounded:


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The latest songs heard on my radio while driving to and from work. Many genres. The station goes to commercial; I change the channel.

Baby's In Black (Live / Bonus Track)

My Promise Land- Josiah Queen (Official Lyric Video)

Better live:

Twenty One Pilots - “The Line” (from Arcane Season 2) [Official Music Video]

Badflower - Detroit (Official Music Video)


yes this thank you.png (163.25 KB, 666x848)

Heard this song on the radio. Was familiar, but didn't know the title or artist. Couldn't Shazam. Driving. Only recalled a few details but had to find it. Several searches came up empty, until this. Finally, AI is actually useful for something.

Gerry Rafferty - Baker Street (Official Video)


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Doom 2024 One-Shot comic opens with an MF DOOM lyric. Fitting. Sadly, not a great book. A big idea, but there was no room to flesh it out. 5/10 with decent art. 9/10 track:

Borrowed Time

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