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From the thumbnail at first glance I thought that was a robot.


I did not.


Cutting my hair really short was probably the best descision I made in a while. I feel free and it looks ok.

 No.19972 KONTRA

Work went without much trouble. After work I went to pick up a book, which was a selection of Leblanc’s Lupin stories. Had a linguistics class and then I went home to drop off some stuff and then went back for my evening class. It was raining all day and so my shoes got completely wet and my feet felt cold on the way in.
The art history seminar was fine. I think I’m way more of a Marxist than I ever give myself credit for sometimes.
Seminar lasted longer than I’d have expected. I learned of an interesting book. But I’m very tired now.


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Progress has been made getting the old cat and new kitten together. We started with brief periods where they were in the same room and gradually extended the time limit. Giving them both positive attention, of course. After a week, they now spend most of the day together. She, the elder, no longer growls and runs away from him. She still doesn't like him. Tolerates is a better word. Unless he runs up on her. Wanting to play. She hates that. He's getting better at stopping a foot short and sitting down instead of crashing into her. Now he just needs to stop batting her swishing tail like it's a toy. That impulse has led her to swat him more than once.

 No.19974 KONTRA

Is Jon Arbuckle the whitest American Comic book character or is it Charly Brown?

 No.19975 KONTRA

What does this even mean?


> Pretending you don't know what whiteness is
These are comics for white people by white people. The humor is white. Well the characters are white. They are a product of white privilege and reproduce white privilege.

White people are the least humorous people, but these comics allow white to compensate for this insufficiency while taking humour away from everyone else.

It's structurally similar to how white people monopolized hygiene while being the most unhygienic race. White people used their privilege to code clean as white and black as dirty, while being the most dirty people themselves. Proof: white people don't even wash rice before cooking.

 No.19977 KONTRA

It's hard to say whites aren't the least funny race when faced with this prime example of German subversive wit.


Nothing here is intended to be funny at all.

Even today, advertising continues to equate cleanliness to whiteness. White bathroom tiles in every advert for cleaners, white cat litter with white cats, and so on.

Dagos, by the way, are not white, even if you don't wash your rice.


>Dagos, by the way, are not white, even if you don't wash your rice
I'm happier not having to share an ethnic group with Germans.

 No.19987 KONTRA

I woke up early, worked out a bit and then I had breakfast and lunch and then went to the library. Read a bit of the Leblanc book and it was really fun and then I went to class where we mostly just studied vocab and did some light on the spot interpreter practice. 
But before class I dropped by at the faculty library and asked to have my borrowings extended. The lecturer from last night’s class was there.
I bought a coffee which I regretted because my intestines started hurting after I drank it. I am afraid something’s not right but maybe I’m just paranoid. Honestly a good sing is that I’m sleeping well and I have enough strength to exercise and also an appetite. It’s just the pain is a bit disconcerning sometimes. I don’t know what’s “normal”.

After that I went back to the library since one of my seminars was cancelled and then read some more and spent some time online. German class afterwards was fine. The lecturer said I look to be in high spirits. Told me I’m in my 20s and that means I will “never die”.

Honestly I’m actually surprised how resilient I am right now. I fully expected to fall ill with a cold after how I spent hours in wet shoes yesterday but nothing. The current covidfluenza whatever season breezed past me. Half the university was out and I didn’t even notice it.

I borrowed a selection of Aby Warburg’s studies and based on that name (which when pronounced sounded like Abby to me) I thought it’s an up and coming female academic in her 40s writing “groundbreaking literature” but when I opened the book the portrait of the author showed a man with a moustache with the caption “Aby M. Warburg in 1912”.
I picked it up because supposedly he wrote some really good stuff on symbols that will make you go basically mad through finding associations and I need that in my life.

I think I will spend some money tomorrow on lunch. I’ll make rice (the way I like it) but I’ll buy the main dish. And breakfast too considering there’s nothing at home I could use to make a sandwich. I don’t want to honestly but can’t be helped.

Who’s the most Asian character in Naruto?

 No.20003 KONTRA

I woke up way too early and went back to bed for like two hours and I ended up regretting it for most of the day. I was too tired afterwards.
Work went fine, I got paid. Wanted to pick up a book of Sherlock Holmes stories but they told me 10 minutes after I left the city that I could go and pick it up.
On the way home I bought some groceries. Went for a run but I didn't manage to do too well. I ended up quitting after around 3kms but I was actually going at a speed higher than usual.


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Just posting so it's not just Hungary.

I've driven automatic car now and also an electric car. Pretty nice tbh. I like Rallye and the sound but for ordinary traffic, e-vehicles are the better option tbh. Also, acceleration is fun in city traffic.

I now live rather centrally and have a place of my own. A friend visited me over the long weekend she's on the dole anyway, and I did not have a long weekend because I did not take the bridge day off. That was kinda great. We went to a club and I did a small dose of synthetic drugs, barely noticeable. I think the shots and beer were heavier on my body in the morning and on my mind and perception in general. The club was not really great. We both felt quite old with the young crowd of techno hipsters, it was way too bright and while super thin young women in 2000s cropped tops and bikini or mesh tops with stylish hair and stylish clothing are making me weak I was rather bored with all the social shit and the standing around rather than dancing of these young people. I like the clothing this "new" techno crowd is doing/trend recycles but it seems that their coolness infiltrates the ability to be less dearing when it comes to moving the body which I think is a loss.

We were expecting different music but wanted to leave early and not party until the morning hours so we had to make up with what was playing, the first set was great nonetheless, the second was boring and dull and so we left instead of waiting for the music to finally get better.

For the next time we were forwarded to a club that has older people attending on average and maybe also better musical skills by the djs on average - don't know. This too often is a suprise. Always has been. Anyway, I guess I will go more often now that I don't need a long ass commute anymore on weekend nights.

 No.20017 KONTRA

You hardly can go through humanities if only long and deep enough without somebody mentioning Warburg.


I bought a 65 year old sewing machine on ebay last week. It showed in some Berlin package store until yesterday, then it arrived here today.

It is running with very little noise. The reduction gear works fine. The needle needed centering, the foot holder was a little offset. One of the belts is losing rubber, and I will probably change that. The brushes are not spectacularly worn, but they are pretty worn and it smells like an ozone generator, so I will probably change those, too. A rubber cushion which dampens the motor is totally worn out, but I will certainly not replace that. And it needs new rubber feet.

Unsure about the denoising capacitor. It runs smoothly, so the capacitor probably still works, but for all I know, that things could be full of PCB, which makes me feel more than a little uncomfortable.


I woke up early. Had breakfast at home. Got my stuff ready and then went to the city. Had lunch and then I decided to buy a coffee. Turns out coffee is everywhere I went into a random shop and ordered an americano and drank it wandering the street. My bag was really dragging because I picked up my package and I underestimated how good quality the materials would be for a book being sold for like four dollars. It's a really nice edition of the Sherlock Holmes short stories.
Firs time in my life I was the person walking on the street in a trenchcoat drinking a coffee. What a day honestly.

Checked the book carts and I saw a copy of Maspero's history of ancient China for sale and I bought it and took it to the college library and handed it in. Then I went to the university library. The coffee made me feel nice. I read three studies and wrote comments on them. Which I guess is a good amount of work done.

I did mostly some light lifts at home. Helped a friend with editing his sci-fi short story.
Though I did express my doubts about me editing an English story when I'm not a native speaker. It was kind of odd to be at the other end of the stick honestly. I basically did what my professors did to me at university.
He seemed quite satisfied with my criticism and recommendations for improving his writing abilities.

Honestly I don't know what changed that I'm suddenly "getting stuff done". Not as much as I'd like to but things feel like they're moving again.

The Asian art history classes weren't all that in-depth to be honest.


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What is the oldest thing Ernst owns?
Me: A Lettera 32 typewriter which dates to the mid 1960's. I received this as a gift ~5 years ago. While the typewriter has ribbon and functions, I appreciate it more as an aesthetic object than a useful and practical one.


 No.20021 KONTRA

A book feels like cheating, but the oldest thing I own probably is an 1854 edition of the Odyssey in Greek.


> Oldest thing
My grandma's chairs, mid 1950s, probably. Some of my grandfather's tools might be older, but I can't tell.

> Lettra 32

Very Nice. If you have good accuracy, you can actually use them to do paperwork. I used on old Olympia Monica when I had no printer. (Picture not the actual machine, but same model.)


Good question.

Cannot think of anything else than some books from the early 20th century. I guess anything else I have is not older than the 1980s. Maybe that one kitchen chair I have is from the 1950s or 1960s. I don't think it is younger


Being all romantic with a girl. We haven't even had sex yet, but we've already exchanged vows of eternal love. Shit is so cash.


How long has it been since you banged the squirter? Why don't you want to settle down with one woman and start a family?


>How long has it been since you banged the squirter
I think that was Tuesday. Maybe Monday.

>Why don't you want to settle down with one woman and start a family?

I think that's what I'm going to do now. Oxalá.


We went to a street food festival with the family. I’d say the offerings were staggering but ultimately it was just a bunch of stalls doing the same thing. Good stuff though. Not a checkered tablecloth or a chef who was educated during Socialism in sight.
Afterwards I had a coffee and then we also went into an Asian deli nearby. My father got me a waving cat statue.
“You should carry it around the store. It’s ritually proper since it’s a gift.” and when I handed him a pack of ramen he was like “Is this a ritual too?”
“Yes, it’s the Chinese ritual of 给钱, which means “to pay”.”

At home I ended up wasting colossal amounts of time.
They sent us an email that there will be no classical class this week and we should instead attend the lecture of some Canadian dude talking about the commentary of a sutra in Japan and I’m honestly just gonna go to work and make money. You can’t tell me to go to an extracurricular event.
I’ve evolved into what most people are like when they start university.

Also arranged for one book to be shipped out of China and I bough Rise of the White Sun on Steam because it was 50% off and I felt obliged to try it considering the period it talks about is fun.


No home internet for a couple of weeks :(((

 No.20039 KONTRA

Had to cut my workout short since I was late for a movie I was going to see with some friends. Hurried myself so I'd make it in time only to find out that I've been stood up. Tbh I kinda expected it since my buddy said he'll have to leave work early so I suggested that we move it to another date but he insisted on sticking to the plan.
So I watched that movie alone and afterwards went to see the new Joker which might without exaggeration be the most boring piece of shit I've ever seen. Really regret I didn't just walk out.
Went to get groceries on the way home and ofc my shitty local Penny only had one register open and some guy was trying to return some shit and the new cashier couldn't figure out how to do it and there was a group of kids who were being noisy and kept cutting the line with one item each. Everybody was on edge since the line kept growing through half the supermarket and we had to wait there like 15 minutes until they finally opened another register. So yeah, just one of those days I guess.

Bunch of early 20th/late 19th ct books. My grandfather left some Russian Empire coins when he died but not sure if my parents threw those away.


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I went to work. I felt tired because I stayed up a bit too late last night in a voice call watching stuff. Had some interesting thoughts on it I wrote up because I’m a massive autist and when you joke “What is your college educated opinion?” I will use my minor in media literacy lmao.
Also I continued reading Zetsubou-sensei in Chinese. It’s funky stuff honestly.

Anyway, work went fine. I’ll be out of a job soon in two-three weeks probably. Will have enough money for a while. Gonna get a mouse, a book I pre-ordered and that’s it for spending I have tied down. Been diligently leading my budget in excel.
Told them I’d work tomorrow. I have a class cancelled so I’m gonna put in some more hours to increase my reserves.
They asked us to go to some lecture on Buddhism but like, it’s about the Japanes reception of a Chinese commentary to a sutra and it just feels like such a niche fucking theme that I don’t feel like it’d be much to my benefit. Work it is.

After that we went to Chinese class where I feel like I did surprisingly well compared to the last few weeks. I was communicating efficiently, albeit I am still cursed with the 文言 brainrot where I leave off like half of a word because I think one character is enough be it a verb or a noun. At least I’m not ending my sentences with 也.

I rushed home afterwards. Talked a bit with my mother, I ate some jaffa cakes, had a warm cup of tea and then I went back to the workshop meeting where we talked about editing a conference volume and also organising our next conference.
My tongue was way too loose. Generally, I feel like I’m talking very freely and I make clever little sarcastic comments and language games that get people laughing.

Anyway, I mentioned getting a book from China and I said
“It’s like a million.” and one of the girls had her fucking mouth agape from shock and she was like
“Really? That expensive?”
“I mean it’s like 20k. You didn’t think I was really paying a million for a book?”
“I mean. I think you’re the kinda person who’s depraved enough to do that.”
Which probably speaks volumes about how people perceive me IRL.


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Gave squirrels uncooked corn on the cob a while back. Judging by this young stalk in my yard, they buried some kernels. Grass was getting long, so I had to mow it down today.


There's weed and even clover in your lawn. What does the HOA have to say about this? You need to get some weed killer ASAP, capisce?

Are you trying to lower the value of everyone's home by making the neighborhood look like a slum area?


It must be very taxing carrying this internal monologue around. May I recommend finding a reason and purpose through obedience to Allah(SwT)?

 No.20050 KONTRA

FYI: EC and radio were offline for a couple of hours earlier. It seems there was an issue with our provider, since both servers were down at the same time.


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>just one of those days


But maybe this is another call to action to choose Lidl instead.

Lidl is closer to me than Penny and I thank the Schwarz everyday for his wise choice in location


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May the Schwarz be with you, always


It's 21:14 and I'm still in office. Not because I'm hardworking but because I'm too lazy to stand up and go home.


I worked hard all day. Then on the way home I bought groceries for tomorrow and also went to the pharmacy and picked up another Lupin-book. I swear there's a grand design behind me buying century-old pulp shit.
I think I will do a conference presentation on this topic. Actually drew up a small web of relationships at work during my lunchbreak. This is fun.

I had my other class cancelled too, so I instead just relaxed a bit and finally did a run again after like three days of not being able. It felt good. Wasn't a record or anything, but it felt really good.
Chatted a bit with a friend. He attended the Buddhology lecture. Asked him if my presence was missed or anything and he said "lol why the fuck would they have missed you it was about Japanese Buddhism".

Save for all the money I spent on stuff, this was a good day. Well, if I think about it, if I weren't so greedy I could have had an entire day off but I went to work instead. Oh well.


No HOA. They primarily exist in large new developments where the developer continues to hold partial title to all homes even after the sale. That is one thing I do not miss about Florida. Now I cut the lawn when I want. Weeds? Nobody cares.


Got a haircut and bought a new shampoo since the skin on my scalp has been kinda bad lately. Went to wörk, it was pretty böring. Managed to sell some Magic cards I bought in Japan for a solid profit and promptly spent most of it on more cards.

>But maybe this is another call to action to choose Lidl instead.
Next Lidl is only 200m or so away and I usually go there (or Rewe) for dedicated grocery shopping, but the Penny is literally right across the street so it seems convenient if I just want to grab a few things but actually I do regret going there most times.
Though as a Wessi my favorite supermarket is Aldi Süd tbh. Or a big REWE. Ideally both next to each other.


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I bought prickly pear for the first time a couple of days ago. Now after work I bought another box. Read that citrus juice squeezed on top enhances the taste of the edible part. And it's true. I could probably eat two boxes right now. I have a new favorite fruit I will add to my rotation.

200m is worth a Lidl. Penny and Netto are trash, no good offerings nor any cool staples.

Edeka has best selection but is most expensive, then Rewe and then Lidl, followed by Aldi. Last place are Penny and Netto, something like Kaufland or regional grocery chains range somewhere in the middle usually.

>bought a new shampoo since the skin on my scalp has been kinda bad lately

How so?

 No.20078 KONTRA

>Why don't you want to settle down with one woman and start a family?
Update: This girl is the one. I'm going to be with her forever. We are going on a trip next weekend and I'm going to just ask her if she wants to be my gf and I'm going to dedicate my life to creating a family with her.

 No.20079 KONTRA

Woke up early. Packed breakfast and lunch and then went to work. At work I ordered a steel water can. I decided that I need a smaller container because I'm tired of lugging the huge as fuck sodas bottle around and everything else at home is also too big so I'll pay a bit for one that I like and I can also put tea in because I miss tea.

Went to class. Linguistics was suffering until we started talking about historical phonology and then my brain immediately switched back on. I then went home, had some warm tea, ate some jaffa cakes, put down some stuff and then went back to a lengthy art theory seminar.
On the way friend dropped me a message that apparently the communist party published some Kim Jongun speeches in Hungarian and they hailed it as a big victory. Even dragged here some NK ambassador dude for it and shit and I'm going to ask them for a free copy because it is so funny. The lecturer who was a Koreanist and also the Kordepthead was less amused by it though she found it interesting nonetheless that there are still communists in this country.

Afterwards I talked a bit with classmates. I think what's odd is that I somehow seem to have become freer. I talk a lot more and my jokes land and only afterwards do I realize how much I just talked and how I basically kept a group of people entertained for 30-40 minutes with anecdotes and jokes and the like.
So yes, I'm in a good place right now for some reason.


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> If I were to actually engage your days-late reply because you just *reaaaaaaally* need to have the last word


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Update: I ate the last four prickly pears and I want more.

 No.20093 KONTRA

I woke up very early and I then couldn't fall asleep for a bit but I went back to bed eventually after breakfast. Basically I woke myself up ever half an hour or so, and each time I fell back into bed, having a different, pleasant dream.

After that I had lunch and quickly re-wrote a comment I was asked to provide on an article which was denied by the lecturer leading the seminar. I went to class afterwards. I was a tad bit late because I stopped to pick up the German copy of No Longer Human I ordered.
Class started late anyway. My translation homework was mediocre. Lecturer said it's "overwritten" and she was right.
We then practiced on the spot translation of Chinese audio. I did horribly I think.
After class the lecturer found three of us waiting outside and invited us to some PhD conference or whatever because "You guys want to do a PhD, right?"
Told her to send over the call for presentations. Will probably dust off the Chao Cuo presentation again.

After that I had the Chinese environment seminar which was boring as shit. The lecturer said she's into "Marxist terminology" which really showed when she misused the term "capital" in an ancient context and I accidentally put her down and I swear I'm trying not to be a dick but it's just terrible how she can't dominate. Anyway, in the end it was fine.

Also wrote two emails. One is asking the communist party for a copy of their new Kim Jong-un book, and the other was me writing a letter of complaint to a Hungarian publisher for their reckless publication of No Longer Human in a terrible edition.


Today was bad. I missed out on a gig job a friend offered to me online because I tried to haggle for 10 extra bucks and then I got a reply from the publisher I complained to, essentially dismissing my complaints as nonsensical because nobody else wrote them a letter like this. (The most popular review site is full of comments like mine btw.)
Anyway, I'm getting together with a Japanologist friend and we're writing a proper reply since the fucker asked for "something concrete".
Generally I just felt frustrated throughout the day.

Finally got paid again. I ordered a new mouse because I'm fed up with the apple one.
Voicechatted a bit and went for a run. I think the run really made me feel better. Though my performance was just average.

Tomorrow's gotta be better so I'm going to go to the library. Declined to partake in a family outing to some thingamajig museum. I got stuff to do.
Maybe tonight I will be able to get a whole 8 hours of sleep instead of waking up after 6.

 No.20117 KONTRA

> new Mouse
> fed up with the apple mouse

Lol. You replaced an apple original partb with cheap bullshit. Why not use a PC at this point.

What a loser.


Heading into the house tonight, I used the key fob to lock my car. This also flicks the lights on and off. I noticed one of the driver rear lights stayed dark. Went back to check which one. It's not a brake light, so that's good. Means I won't get pulled over by the po-po. I just had that bulb replaced last month. Must have been a dud.


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When is it YOUR time for gnosis?


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>Friedrich Dürrenmatt (1921 – 1990) hatte sich – fast Zeit seines Lebens - mit dem Turmbau zu Babel beschäftigt und u.a. folgendes Schauspiel dazu geplant: Jeder Akt sollte auf einem höheren Stockwerk des Baus spielen, bis die Akteure nur noch in Sauerstoffmasken auftreten würden. Der Bauherr (König Nebukadnezar) möchte den Himmel erobern und Gott töten – so die Dramaturgie. Aber statt Gott findet er auf der Himmelsplattform nur einen Vorgängerkönig, der vor Jahrtausenden dasselbe versuchte. Dieser Vorgänger war am Zusammenkehren von Atomen. Lachend und erleichtert drückt der Vorgänger dem König den Besen in die Hand und verschwindet....

We need to build another tower of Babel to kill the demiurge, Ernst.


I am sick and it's annoying.

Bought Nürnberger Lebkuchen. I also have a dishwasher running, which is great.


Prove me wrong:

The eastern part of a country is always poorer than the western part.



 No.20127 KONTRA

> 2.jpg
> TempleOS as base
> goal is to mimic nazi Tay


How does Ernst deal with idle time? I. e. empty wasted time where one simply isn't capable of doing anything meaningful because the mind needs to "recharge" first.


I generally use that time to "recharge" my mind.

 No.20130 KONTRA

United Kingdom

Just off the top of my head


Witty. Let me rephrase for you, smartass: how do you avoid feeling worthless when "recharging"? I'm not talking ordinary about relaxing.

 No.20132 KONTRA

*about ordinary relaxing

 No.20133 KONTRA

>how do you avoid feeling worthless when "recharging"?
By not being a worthless nothing who needs to ask questions like this.


I read comic books and graphic novels. More engaging than television or movies. Also feels productive if the story has a defined beginning and end. Not just passing time, but finishing something.

 No.20137 KONTRA

>how do you avoid feeling worthless when "recharging"?

Next time you can use that "idle" time to ask yourself why you feel that way in the first place and check in on how you became caught up in that situation. Which in the long run might help you to overcome this feeling.

 No.20140 KONTRA

Serious relationship ongoing. It's all pretty magical. Redeeming, even.


Good for you. I wish you best.


>I read comic books and graphic novels.
I used to be into comics but not really anymore. If I stumbled about something cool, I'd still get it though. Maybe I should get into reading a magazine, seems better than the doomscrolling routine I do currently.


Some people are so used to being worthless, it doesn't bother them in the slightest and they even are proud of that. As you can see here.


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Woke up and decided to go in an hour early since I thought there wasn’t much work left, maybe two day’s worth and the more stuff I do while there the more I get paid instead of the internal people.
I went in and there wasn’t much work to do so I expected to go home in an hour or two but people kept uploading new stuff to process at a reasonable rate so I ended up working the full day but we agreed that my presence is unneccessary from tomorrow onwards so I got paid and left for class.
My only gripe was that because I thought I wasn’t going to stay long I didn’t order any lunch. I just needed to buy sides because I had a box of spicy chicken and salad with me but without no sides I instead skipped lunch. Had a pastry instead on the way to class.

Chinese class went rather well considering how tired I felt. It was held by a substitute teacher and he seemed really enthusiastic despite how he seemed to have been suffering from a cold probably.

After that I went home finally and had lunch at like 7 and then I spent some time chatting with friends and watching stuff on discord. Played some video games too.
I feel a bit liberated to be honest.

Today’s big failure was that I couldn’t get two of the books I wanted from China. I’ll get my money back but time’s ticking. Though apparently the dreaded “Library of Foreign Languages” in Budapest has copies of both books so yet again I will have to pony up for a membership I will use once or twice because their opening schedule is absolutely retarded and awful. Every fucking year I borrow like two things from there at best and it’s awful to sit in because there’s always some fourth rate holiday or event they close the place for.

But I’ll get that done tomorrow. Also gonna get a new noteblock and take back the bottles to get the deposits back.

Because I had lunch so late I ended up skipping running but I’ll try to squeeze one in tomorrow morning.


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I woke up a bit late. I had some apple pie for breakfast and then I went to the store to buy some stuff. Got a new mousepad because the old one was turning into goop slowly and I was tired of sticking paper on the bottom of it. (Technically I just stuck old receipts to the bottom of it as a stopgap measure but it was kinda after a year or so.)

I had lunch and then I went to the foreign languages library to look if they have those crime fiction books. I paid 2 euros for a yearly pass and I went in and checked. Whole place was pleasantly empty. I felt almost like a child. The place had carpets and ottomans all over the place. I checked what I needed and I found the two volumes. They weren't suitable because they were novels and I was looking for short stories.
BUT! I found two other volumes in the same series that collected writings from the "Mandarin duck and Butterfly" school of writing from the early 20th century and I borrowed those. One of them has Chinese jokes in it.

I spent some time reading and making notes in my tiny notebook in Chinese. Very fond of it honestly. I went to classical Chinese class afterwards. I didn't prepare or anything. We're reading from the Golden Light Sutra. I just did it on the spot and it felt great.
Actually told the lecturer that this was quite stimulating and we should focus on doing it like this more. So yeah I'm not doing CC homework any more. It's boring shit.

Got a call from work and they want me back. I don't want to go back. But my greed makes me return. I'll work tomorrow.
German class was fine. The topic of Korea came up and the lecturer also knew about the Kim Jong-un book they published but he also mentioned that he read they only made 200 copies of it so my chances of getting one are pretty low. The party hasn't replied to my email.
Oh well.


Long day at work. Could have had the day off, but a coworker called out. Not a surprise. The Buffalo Bills played late last night. Days following a night game are unofficial holidays.

>If I stumbled about something cool, I'd still get it though.
There is a lot of bad work published but a lot of good, too. You just have to be willing to dig, skim, and move on if the material doesn't grab you. It helps that I read digital, so there is no cost to browse.

>I don't want to go back. But my greed makes me return.
Feel known. I can't say no to overtime.


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> Buffalo Bills
Very racist and problematic. William Frederick Cody was a genocidal murderer with the added distinction of contributing to the close extinction of the American Bison.

I suggest that people who do not condone the genocide of native Americans and the extinction of native species refer to the team as Buffalo Bigots or the Buffalo Butchers.

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