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How does Ernst think about Imageboards these days?
Are there any good boards left other than Ernstchan?

I used to browse various boards back in the good ol' days but they're all shit or dead now.

The only other board I look into every once in a while is lolcow.farm because watching a bunch of middle aged women shit talk Internet people and celebrities is funny to me.

What else is there?


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I think 4chan is still a good imageboard if you're looking for specific topics. There are topics you couldn't discuss on EC, because no one here shares interest in them. In b4 "how can you know if you didn't try" - I did. On 4chan, you will usually find people even for very specific topics. So, for my personal lurking experience, EC is the home base, and I use 4chan whenever I need manpower. Don't know about the general boards there, haven't been there for ages, but I just assume they suck badly until proven otherwise.

Too much manpower is also bad though. There is a correlation between thread speed and the lack of effort people put into their responses.


>How does Ernst think about Imageboards these days?
I'm pretty sure that when you're looking to talk special interests some imageboards can still provide a decent environment for that. Others might still be fun to shitpost when you're fairly new to the imageboard world. But the overall momentum of imageboards has long declined.

>Are there any good boards left other than Ernstchan?

Probably, but I wouldn't know 'em. Haven't really come across anything interesting, which is fair considering that I haven't been looking for new imageboards in the last couple years anyway.


>4chan is still a good imageboard if you're looking for specific topics
I keep tabs on their Stock Market General. The real one on bant, not the dead one on biz. That's not a serious thread, as it hosts a mix of market info, shit-flinging, and sexual fetishism but there are enough nuggets to make visiting worthwhile. I've also found some decent discussion on their comics board.


I visit some threads on 2ch.hk and 4chan sometimes but it can't be compared with Ersntchan, that's entirely different mode of interaction.


Heyuri.net is a fine place for discussion Otaku interests. Lainchan and LamdbaplusJS are good for tech-related stuff.

 No.20259 KONTRA

The only one I use besides EC is magyarchan and even that it kind of like watching a train crash everyday but instead of it being an accident it’s a group of half a dozen obsessed schizos doing it because they enjoy their anger.
It’s interesting to see the rhetorical arms race between them as they come up with new copes why the West is falling or Orbán is finished.

I started my “career” on 4chan like a decade ago and it definitely feels like the place is past its peak now. Or maybe I’ve just grown out of it. (I mean, they still come up with new buzzwords which is probably the most important thing on the internet right now.)
I visited /v/ a few days ago because a friend linked a thread and all I could think of was that it’s not that they are having the same one line bait threads every day, they keep repeating the same replies even within the thread.
/lit/ hasn’t changed any. (That’s bad.)
Really it feels like an overripe peach now.

I want to say that “It’s a good format” but honestly I’m not even sure, considering all I’ve seen is that it always attracts 1-2 unbearable autists who end up ruining the fun for everyone else by spamming stuff.

 No.20260 KONTRA

I think a lot of the "culture" can be found on discord and in other corners online as well these days.
I don't visit any other boards these days.

I found out that boards available over onion address are crawled and likely monitored by private and government security entities that care about political opinions of people.


>I think a lot of the "culture" can be found on discord
Maybe similar people can be found, but I doubt that there can be a similar culture withot the anonymity of imageboards. I cannot imagine myself being part of an online commutity where I have a nametag, and, even worse in case of Discord, my presence or absence is visible (unless I use invisible mode). I'm not condemning these tools, but they belong to a completely different type of interaction than imageboards.

>Or maybe I’ve just grown out of it
The fact that I tend to avoid places which are vastly more popular than EC also tells me that I may have grown out of certain things. I wonder how one grows out of EC. It's probably either getting caught up in real life, or just get bored with it.


It's true that Discord "suffocated" a lot of places like imageboards, forums, reddit, and even wikis.
The only issue with this is that Discord was always a chat software and it was never meant to be a wiki for a mod or a pastebin alternative or God knows what else people are using it for. It's a massive pain in the ass to look for stuff on it and to archive it.

It seems like to me that a lot of people tend to map discord to a made up space so they think the channels are different "rooms" you can just store information in and tell people to look behind that door.
I mean okay, you can lock it but realistically speaking it's an ever expanding series of corridors where the door keeps moving away from the end of the room.

I just don't feel like there's much sportsmanship in berating semi-literate American teenagers making the same 5 threads every day.
(And besides that, it's also not very interesting. You can't make a difference by pissing into a sea of piss.)


Imageboards are largely dead now, this place being an exception, this place behind too "refined" for most.


I'm glad EC gets the recognition it deserves.


Honestly, imageboards (EC, 4chan niche boards) are basically the only places I even visit on the internet outside of actually researching and looking stuff up.
Sometimes I listen to a song on youtube, but that's it.
I think without imageboards browsing the internet as a pastime would be something of the past for me.

 No.20284 KONTRA

Do you buy stuff online?


I try not to, but even then I wouldn't just browse Amazon for fun.


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>Imageboards are largely dead now, this place being an exception
Even some of the people who lurk here aren't too invested. Far too often I had the situation where possible board content was discussed on Discord instead, going so far as having made a post on EC, getting no replies, then days later on Discord:
>I know it was you who posted that on EC, let me tell you my opinion, bla bla bla
Note that Discord was used as intended here: For gaming voice comms. But a lot of people who consider themselves Ernsts seemingly have no interest discussing anything here, and they either can't see or don't care that such actions hurt the board. Whole discussions and potential interesting new threads have been lost to that. And then someone visits EC, doesn't see those contents, doesn't stay and participate, and that's that. Maybe he even thinks "dead board" and leaves for good, because the lively discussion from earlier is nowhere to be found. I could tell you more examples, but guess what would happen? Correct, I will be called out for them, on Discord. We made the right decision when we castrated the radio Discord for anything else than stream announcements / outage communication. That doesn't help though if people simply are not willing to use the board, and use their own Discord communities or whatever instead. My impression is that for a lot of people EC isn't really important, they just associate with it for nostalgic reasons or something. I am probably preaching to the choir here, because the people who read this obviously are invested in the board.

>this place behind too "refined" for most.

I don't even consider it very refined, it's just the absence of certain things, like polfaggottery, namecalling/nu u-posting and the likes, but discussions aren't overtly high level or something. That goes especially for /b/, which is for most part threads about videogames, food, drinks, sports, esports and radio. I'm completely fine with that by the way, and I enjoy a lot of them, but it's not exactly what I'd call refined. But I know what you mean of course.

Pic unrelated.

 No.20292 KONTRA

Discord is probably the worst thing that has happened to all kinds of forums

 No.20294 KONTRA

> Look at me iam so special I don't order Amazon because I'm so much better than anyone else
What a dumb, edgy and childish "person".

Maybe take your butt plug out? You're full of shit.

 No.20295 KONTRA

I take EC as a sort of agora. But not the ancient greek fiction where lazy non working philosophers and "citizens" met to discuss politics and such but more like the agora of mental ward or a moderately busy subway concourse. Yes, EC is an online non-place and home to some. It's familiar too me like the wind flow of a subway entrance or the colors of the station.


I'm not the poster you replied to, but if you use amazon you're a threat to me and you existance needs to be ended.

The search is fundamentally broken, filtering options basically do not exist. The reason it's so popular is because normies don't care.
If you type something into the search, something vaguely looking like what you want shows up, and people buy it without thinking with "one click" and have it conveniently shipped to their place with "prime" without having to think about shipping cost.
Is it the best product for their needs and at their budget?
Did they get the best price for it?
Usually, absolutely not.
But the normie doesn't care. The normie doesn't carefully research what he buys.
If you do, amazon is useless. You need to search on other sites anyways, and then once you found what you want, the place you used for search is likely to already show you the best possible price which is basically never amazon.

When you casually mention that you use amazon, you brand yourself a brainless normie who wanders the world without consideration.
You're a low agency person, someone who is unlikely to consider anything seriously, even if pressed in a life or death situation.
You're thusly a threat to real humans, people who think about their existance, people who have actual self-awareness and are actually alive in a true sense, and do not merely exist.
Why are you a threat? Your unconsidered existance shapes society. Your unconsidered participation in the "democratic system" allows elites to casually manipulate you towards their goals. Every single bit of our society, every bit of content, doesn't aim to target 100% of the population, but the vast majority, which is normie cattle, hence why netflix is full of awful slop with plotholes and terrible acting.


Giant butt plug. How full of yourself can you get? Try having sex, loser. Btw, I put batteries into the trash can. What do you want to do about it? You can do nothing. What a victim, I swear.

 No.20352 KONTRA

Yes, be a good consumer little bee.
Support the ultra rich and the chinese sweatshop owners.
Go now, work, spend and repeat so Jeff can build a new space rocket.


How stupid cranola eating green party voters are.

> I bought this from somewhere else, this means it is better because it is not from China and did not make anyone richer

Is this what you really think you legit green homo?

Why do you even care about some Chinamen? You are so gay and stupid. I can tell that you are a total loser. You know that everyone hates you and laughs about dumb idiots like you who think they are better than anyone else.

Even women laugh about you because you are so pathetic.(Banned. t. Mod Bannalena)


This theory is empirically supported by a relative's Amazon "shop" that basically works like this: buy cheap elsewhere sometimes that means buying something on Amazon Italy or some smaller online shop, sell high on Amazon Germany where people want to use prime to get their shit fast and want to spend energy on looking shit up.

Amazon is for brainless retards indeed.

t. does not have Amazon


How does one "have" amazon?



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sportschan is pretty good if you can handle the banter.
>pic related
their /h/ board actually has hobbies/tips/etc on it, rather than trolls trolling trolls. endchan isnt bad despite being as slow as it is.


Most chan sites I've been on are dead no PPH and I make a thread and come back 2 years later to see it was the last thread created with maybe 3 replies

The chan federation needs to be like the mythological beast the Hydra to slice of one head (defunt one site) only creates two more heads


4chan is suffering from success so many people are on there that they get offended by my 4chan personality I feel alienated for being a Nazi on my own website

I've met people in real life who have gone on the more popular boards many times like b or mu

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