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 No.21167 [Reply]

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argentinian girl is Italian

 No.21168 KONTRA

We appreciate the interest in EC, but please keep in mind that it's a board for serious discussions - mostly. This is simply not enough for a thread of its own. For regular chatter, the Today thread is recommended.

 No.21146 [Reply]

do you see when sportsmen celebrate a goal they point their fingers to the sky thanking god, do you think god is in some measure involved or is it just a testimony that they're a Christian?

Aston Villa FC's Christian Benteke celebrates his goals by thanking God because he believes that God gave him the power to score. Benteke is a religious person who prays before and after every game, asking God to keep all the players safe.



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If you can draw power from your belief in god, and that power helps you in your sporting career, then I guess god was involved, even if it only was the idea of god, not the entity. Ernst has thought about this in the past, because it's really ridiculous, it boils down to: Believing in your regionally dominant 31,6% god, who was invented by humans at some point, has been reinterpreted about a million times, and on each and every occasion had to retreat to the realm of obscurity when scientific advances challenged beliefs, still makes you stronger. Makes one think of the value of truth. Maybe we're all better off with comforting lies, because the truth isn't very motivating.

Maybe the real truth is what motivates people most.


real truth is the truth not what the majority think otherwise noah and his arc would've bring everyone on board in his boat

 No.21131 [Reply]

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Getting hammered inside the garage again


And then?

 No.15256 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Kohl is kill for now, so I am preparing for the worst:
How can I convert from Bernd to Ernst? What is yhe culture here?
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 No.19311 KONTRA

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Thank you for acomondating us in our tiem of need, Earnst.

t. Bernd
P o l i t e


Can't we all just get along


Christ Jesus why? They're mods kek? I can't stop laughing fuck... Do administration do captcha too?


>Bernd to Ernst
Will not happen, pedo nazis are superior to germ commies

 No.20247 [Reply]

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How does Ernst think about Imageboards these days?
Are there any good boards left other than Ernstchan?

I used to browse various boards back in the good ol' days but they're all shit or dead now.

The only other board I look into every once in a while is lolcow.farm because watching a bunch of middle aged women shit talk Internet people and celebrities is funny to me.

What else is there?
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sportschan is pretty good if you can handle the banter.
>pic related
their /h/ board actually has hobbies/tips/etc on it, rather than trolls trolling trolls. endchan isnt bad despite being as slow as it is.


Most chan sites I've been on are dead no PPH and I make a thread and come back 2 years later to see it was the last thread created with maybe 3 replies

The chan federation needs to be like the mythological beast the Hydra to slice of one head (defunt one site) only creates two more heads


4chan is suffering from success so many people are on there that they get offended by my 4chan personality I feel alienated for being a Nazi on my own website

I've met people in real life who have gone on the more popular boards many times like b or mu

 No.899 SYSTEMKONTRA [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Share your dreams, Ernst.
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Had a very weird dream, and very disturbing.
First I was in Spain or somesuch where I wanted to sleep at an inn. I had to climb through a window.
Then it was dinner with parents, but for some reason the food took very long for some while others were already finished.
Then I went to my room and unpacked a gift. It was a blanket with a happy birthday greeting and an explanation about the gift, which was special badges that I needed in spanish winter as a foreigner, and it was in english.
Then I went to attach the badges to my car. It was very snowy, the road was covered. A long WW1-style bayonet was just put into the ground, so I pulled it out and put it under my car to retrieve it later. I also had to change tires or something, though it was only the rubber part and I managed to get them all in the trunk WITH ROOM TO SPARE. Then I laid down next to the car, in the snow, to sleep, but was disturbed by a man taking pictures of me with his phone.
Next I remember I was kidnapped, or got there on my own, in some kind of castle/dungeon. I was part of a group that was apparently torturing and was tortured (the woman giving the introductory speech was saying something like "let's all have fun now") with all kinds of nasty stuff. I remember a woman being suspended over a hot cauldron and her skin "melting" so her upper body was kind of fused together.
I can't remember more because I think that was the moment my alarm went off. I hate these kind of dreams, I want to dream about flying and travelling through space, not this shit.


Getting cockblocked even in my dreams, Ernst-Style:

I was at some event that took place in something like a congress center or airport or mall - multiple levels with escalators, that were connected to something like resort rooms, you know, bungalows with nice gardens.
I was there with colleagues, but not current ones, but former ones, one of which is a rather attractive, tall blonde. She was wearing a sundress, one of my biggest weaknesses.
Anyway, we were strolling around this event and she and I were very close together; the sexual tension was palpable. At one point we stood there and were talking and I was inconspicuously grabbing her ass. She suggested we go somewhere else, so we went. She ran away, in flipflops and I could barely keep track because mine were rather slippery, so I was running like Jackie Chan.
We then arrived at the rooms, but at the roof, so we had to climb down a bunch of rocks on the side of the complex.
Inside her room I was starting to take off my sweaty clothes. I went over to her to kiss her when her friends, or at least a group of women that appeared like such, burst in and wanted to talk, but they seem to have noticed that something was going on. I excused myself to the bathroom while she was trying to get rid of them.
To my surprise the bathroom and kitchen were one single room. The shower (a big one) was on the right side of the door, while a bigger part of the room opened to the left with a dinner table and an entire cooking/dishwashing alcove with about a meter away a toilet. I sat on the toilet because I am a polite guest when a boy came in whom I identified as her little brother. He started talking to me, saying something about eating, and then another guy came in.
And before I could solve this and fugg I woke up.


My cousin and I were on some university campus, close to where the university related start-ups had their offices. He had some convoluted plan on how to prank a priest, and he would need an Ukrainian phone number for it, he wanted me to set up a voip-system with an Ukrainian phone number to route calls through it. Somehow, this was also a business idea. I didn't quite get it, he calmly explained to me that, in 2002, he had paid a guy outside a soccer game 1500€ for something related to someone's browsing history, as if that would explain anything.

I was then trying to eat in the university cafeteria.
First, I waited to get some cutlery, but everything they brought out was dirty. The cafeteria was buffet-style, and they printed a label with some numbers and matrix code for every item of food that went onto your tablet. Tried to do it right, but there were no soup cups. I had already been waiting for a spoon that was not green with spinach from someones mouth for half an hour, so I put a small amount of soup on a plate, received the label, stuck it on the edge of the plate. Some soup got on the label.

I was already walking to a table and wanted to sit down and eat, then I remembered I would have to pay. Found the checkout in some niche, stood in line for a few minutes. A middle-aged blonde Austrian woman with a giant curly perm and red lipstick straight from hell was sitting at the checkout counter. When it was my turn, she told me. 'Dös kauni enk nöd berechnen, bringens zum auszolln'. Me 'what. ' 'dös kauni enk nöd berechnen, do is suppen auf dem preispapperl, außerdem is dös a dellar. Bringens zum auszolln.' I asked her where I should bring it and she told me 'ZUR AUSZOLL-LINIE'. I asked her what would be payed out (ausbezahlt), she told me 'ausZOLLN, nöd ausZOIN' (to toll-out, not to pay out. The word 'auszollen' does not even exist, afaik). She angrily pointed to a conveyer belt. I put my tablet there and watched it disappear. I woke up while yelling 'tariffs, goddammit, we are at a cafeteria, not at a customs office'. (I actually yelled 'auszolla, herrgotsack, mir sand enra mensa, ed aufam zollamt.')

still confused on why the impolite Austrian woman would ihrz me. Maybe she mistook me for some professor, because of my advanced age.


Dreamt I had lost my job and had to get a new university degree to get a new job. To get into uni, I had to re-do my A-levels. Except they had since changed the curriculum and I had to convert Boolean Formula to diagrams. That doesn't exactly sound hard, but they had re-invented boolean logic, too, and there was now a Nonce-Latch-Gate I couldn't get my head around. I overslept on the day of the exam and my mom was very dissapointed.

 No.8852 [Reply]

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Thread for discussing and sharing anything related with tabletop rpgs and/or boardgames.
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A win of epic proportions, on the Ernestochannel, starting off the D&D dice rolling storyline under the luckiest of stars? This has been screencapped and will be reposted once this thread falls off the board - which I asssume will happen in a mere few hours, since we are bound to be overrun by gamblers, daring adventurers, soldiers of fortune and hot chicks right away.


The traveller knows, as he brought the dice you dork.
I use wisdom shield against your 15 accuracy attack.



Damn, still felt that one.


Instead of doing the wise thing and pulling your upper body back to avoid the mighty pimp hand, you are still pondering your course of action and soon find yourself with a bright red cheek.

I roll for a 10 Intelligence to determine the quality of my taunt: dice

 No.18242 SYSTEMKONTRA [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Worst thread in EC II
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This is why you invest.
Then even playing vidya earns you money.
Just let time pass, bro.


First Pit 150, then next stop Mars.


Both pay2win to be honest.


That's why I'm only watching Let's Plays for both of them.

 No.19961 SYSTEMKONTRA [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Ha! Now you have outed yourself as a phony.
Everybody knows that you get a ZVAB only from a DEKRA/TÜV training.
I bet you don't even procrastinate.

 No.20693 KONTRA

I was given a beautiful copy of the Al-Quran in recognition for my efforts in calligraphy. The Chinese never gave me anything. Time to come to water and be relax.


I admit it, I am a mere hobbyist. And I stopped practicing. I just can't find the time for procrastination anymore.


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Mashallah brother
I just can't find my mohammed(pbuh) spurdo anymore

 No.821 SYSTEMKONTRA [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Threda for discussing or just sharing your impressions of movies, TV shows, cartoons and the like.
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 No.20493 KONTRA

Like you didn't actively provoke that answer by insinuating that your preferred definition of rape is dude-bro-like narrow. You are an ebin shitlord.


>your preferred definition of rape
Okay. So by what definition does the Sopranos have rape?
Give me an example then.


Not him but i think at some point that female doctor was raped


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