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/int/ - certified time wasters

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 No.22028 [Last 50 Posts]

 No.22029 KONTRA

>The Today thread is on autosage and not on the top spot anymore?

 No.22030 KONTRA

Kek, be mad bro

 No.22031 KONTRA

Yes, why not? Even if it's on autosage and still on the top stop, it's still worth to make a new thread.


Someone needs to come up with a new and creative thread for once or /int/ will soon be just a bunch of old today threads.

[spoiler]inb4 it is exactly that already[/spoiker]

 No.22033 KONTRA

>spoiker xD

 No.22034 KONTRA

Why do we need this sort of innovation? Is this some kind of EcKinsey speak to reorganize the whole enterprise and make everything worse for the employees?

 No.22036 KONTRA

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This is a very non-individualist, alete, anti western post by leftshit weakling mind btw

>somebody has to do something but it's not me who will improve and contribute to a better society

 No.22037 KONTRA

This is /int/. Only the exceptionally boring germans come here, and the foreigners are just too diminuitive in number to pick up the slack. Plus, I think they have already made threads for everything they're interested in.


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Read about the Bills, feel sorry for Ameribro.


I bought a pair of expensive Japanese pants and socks. It made me much more happy than I could ever have expected. Coming back from the store I took a nap in my new pants and socks and each time I would wake up, I would think about my new pants and socks and happily go back to sleep.
The last time I remember being this happy after spending something for myself was with the Nintendo Switch 8 years ago.


I only always get feelings of guilt when buying clothes, because even bottom tier shit is very expensive.
That said, what kind of pants and shoes are they? Are they indoor shoes? What's special about them? Is it hypebeast style shit?


>5 disposable pesticide-ladden slavery-produced T-Shirts for 40€ at C&A
>it's so expensive
You know that you can easily pay 50€ for one T-shirt, right?

 No.22043 KONTRA

>>5 disposable pesticide-ladden slavery-produced T-Shirts for 40€ at C&A
>it's so expensive
Yeah, paying for literal, actual shit IS expensive.
And the 50€ shirt will not survive much longer than the 8€ one because it's from the same child worker factory.


So you can get a T-Shirt for 8€ that is identical to a T-Shirt priced at 50€, and you still complain that it's too expensive? Maybe stop being poor af.

 No.22046 KONTRA

Way to miss the point, you illiterate retard.
No wonder you pay 50 for a tshirt that can also be had for 8 and is actually worth about 0.8 Euros.


I bought a pair of black Japanese jeans on sale for 80€. Fit seemed very nice when I tried them on in the store, but at home I realized they're a bit tight in the waist area when sitting. They should stretch out slightly but judging by my belt loops I also put on a bit of weight over the holidays so I'll take it as extra motivation to lose 1-2kg.
I think I might spend some time lurking Vinted, apparently there's some good deals on vintage European designer clothes to be had buying from Italian sellers.


>my point
You don't make a point, you whine and complain and want cheaper t-shirts.

>ackhually it's worth .8€

Then import 1000 T-Shirts for .8€/pc from China and sell them for 4€/pc, you'd still be making an immense profit, right?


Are you only here to stir shit up or do you actually have to contribute anything beyond douchebaggery?


>Why do we need this sort of innovation?
>creating a quality thread on an imageboard to talk about a topic so there is more than 3 posts a month would be too much innovation
U w0t, m8?

Ernst is a collective. Deal with it. Besides I'd open a thread if I had an interesting idea worthy of a whole thread. Currently I don't.


If you post in thematic thread at least once in 6 months, it won't drown.

> Besides I'd open a thread if I had an interesting idea worthy of a whole thread. Currently I don't.
This imageboard is too unpopulated for threads about "ideas". They'll get 5-10 replies and then will drown. Discussions should be grouped into major topics, such as "gym/sports/fitness", "literature" and so on. What are you interested in in your life? What are your hobbies?
I think we can create a thread about women and dating, this is a distinct topic, which can be redirected from overblown today thread to its own thread.


Very hot take: Most Ernsts are a bunch of social media addicted phone victims and thus can only consume and possibly react, but not act upon themselves.
I just skimmed through the catalog and there are a bunch of threads that should have attracted more activity given the userbase here, but for some reason didn't.
I might or might not bump a bunch of them later.


Thanks. We had a chance at the end but, unfortunately, losing big games is kind of our trademark ;_;

 No.22063 KONTRA

Good quality fashion for a reasonable price is cheap thrifted designer. The way something is woven, the material chosen for a t-shirt or whatever kind of clothing is usually better and it also looks better. Once you delve a little deeper you can sometimes see what is cheap from Zara and what is not. Zara dress pants have a shine to them from the plastics for example.
Of course even some designers use plastics but even there qualitative differences exist.

>apparently there's some good deals on vintage European designer clothes to be had buying from Italian sellers

Interesting. I think buying designer from Japan is also very cool and cheap in many cases.
Also check sellhelp gmbh, search the better, pricier scandinvian brands: their basics can usually be bought for little money there.

Bigger online communities are a better opportunity to discuss things. EC is like a sort of bar to me. Hence the today thread being the best thread usually.

 No.22064 KONTRA

What did you buy exactly? There is a second hand designer for Japanese clothing here and I want to check it out even though most things might be a bit to extra for me even thrifted these are usually to expensive for my taste: and I already spend larger part of my income since I work fulltime


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I received a gift card for a good urban 35yo left-leaning upper-income educated class small clothing store. Came to spend it during sales.
The pants are from %nanamica%, a japanese clothing and design company and the socks are from %rototo%. It doesn't feel like any clothes I ever had to the touch (the pants are woven half-coton half-wool), and it gives me a good silhouette.

 No.22073 KONTRA

Here, didn't mean to post the ass... gosh


So it's some kind of linen? Certainly sounds nice, and they make you look like someone who lives with a bratty stepmother and -sister who will molest behind your dad's back.

 No.22075 KONTRA

>So it's some kind of linen?
No, it’s denser and is more or less wind and water resistant, it may be gabardine.
>they make you look like someone who lives with a bratty stepmother and -sister who will molest behind your dad's back.
I style them better than the guy on the pic I sent I’d have you know!


Never heard of it. But looking it up, it sounds like something I would like.


It is impossible to overstate just how much I love proper fitting socks. Everyone deserves comfortable feet.


I have been going to bed after 1 for the past two days and right now I actually feel it.
I could *really* take a nap, but I have to work. I also wanted to go for a run tonight, but I think instead of the projected 7km I might only do half or so if I don't wake up.


A friend of mine is apparently in constant acute physical pain because of how unhappy he is, to the point he used to think he may suffer of poisoning. I’m as unhappy as the next guy but that’s a really impressive level of emotional pain, I didn’t even know one could suffer this much. He doesn’t really have a reason to be this sad, it’s a mental illness.

 No.22122 KONTRA

Woke up late. Spent the morning watching Chinese TV and then I had lunch, groomed myself a bit and then went to college to deliver my presentation.
Big triumph. Mopped the floor with everyone, lecturers couldn't find a single thing wrong with my delivery or conclusions.
Total, flawless victory. Especially great considering the amount of work I put in was miniscule I feel like. (Will bite me in the ass next semester, but right now, I enjoy the nectar of victory.)

After the workshop I talked with classmates for like two hours to the point where the bookstore closed so I couldn't actually pick up the book I ordered. But I don't really mind I guess.

At home I had dinner and watched some anime with friends.


Used my brain so hard today that I actually felt it tire down, and then I had a one and a half hour conversation with my boss about a new project. Good thing I took notes. Bad thing I can't take notes of everything. My working memory is constantly short of overflowing and I think that is what is causing that feel of a spiral spring getting tightened in my head.

There are moments when I have this voice in the back of my head "get a manual labor job, thinking is too hard", but it will never be an alternative. Or at least, not now. I drank more beer than water today and I have a slight headache. I'll wait for the next time I have to pee and then I'll go to bed.

 No.22140 KONTRA

Slept very little and very badly. Woke up twice. After breakfast I went to the city and picked up the book I couldn't.
The girl working at the bookstore recognised me and didn't even ask for my name.

I read some and had lunch and then spent some time gaming.
Had a coffee.


They had a catered lunch for everybody at work today. I didn't know why we were called up, just that there was a meeting of some sort. Entered the room. Saw people sitting down at tables. Eating. Talking. I am neither a socializer nor an enthusiastic eater. Got the hell out of there and went back to work.

>My working memory is constantly short of overflowing
Feel known. Too many small details to juggle while keeping track of deadlines, answering calls, and directing my minions. Manual labor was more physically demanding, but I miss the days of zero stress.


> Manual labor was more physically demanding, but I miss the days of zero stress.
Each office job should have one day of manual labor each week. Would help to reduce stress, and save money for the gym. Sitting in a chair for five days isn't very fulfilling.


No one wants to work with the dumb, slow idiotic weaklings who learned nothing and can do nothing but talking bullshit.


capitalism is nothing without an office where everything is planned and directed so that proles have it good.


Finally got back into exercising again. My right leg hurts but I had to do it.
Wasted a large amount of time trying to make a pdf file smaller but I succeeded. It looks like shit now but it doesn't take the e-reader 15 seconds to flip a fucking page.
Tomorrow will be even better I think.


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Gave a presentation of my bachelor thesis project and had a seminar where we spent picking apart a short story translation I made. Dunno why I expected to slam dunk both, but they turned out mid and now I'm kinda bummed.
No weekend plans except going to see a few movies. I want some excitement in my life.


>bachelor thesis project
lmao it's fucking nothing. No need to be bummed about it. In a few years when you look back at it you will think "what the FUCK did I write there" anyway.


On the EC I enjoy the regular board layout with threads in antichronological order based on bump status.
On the 4chongs I prefer catalog view.

That is because EC is so slow that, provided you haven't started lurking yesterday, you will know basically all the current threads just browsing the first two pages.
On the dedicated cambodian shitpost forum you actually need the catalog because everything is moving so fast - even after introducing that retarded 15min post timer - that it's almost impossible to just stumble upon a good thread.

 No.22160 KONTRA

While in retrospect my BA and MA don't really come close to what I admire in academic work remember both very well and the topics and concepts are still prominent in my mind and can bei unpacked in different situations where they knowledge comes in handy.

What is excitment for you? I assume you need to see more people

 No.22161 KONTRA

Better day today. Then again I did wake up tired and went back to sleep until after noon.
Had breakfast at one. Very nice stuff. Cheese, bread, some spices.

Did some administrative work. I wrote my performance report for college. I did well enough I guess even though I cannot write anything extracurricular into the thing this semester.
I wanted to digitally sign it so that it's proper but the government website no longer does digital signatures. I need to get a "digital citizenship" phone app for that and you need to activate that at a government office so I was left with no way of signing the paper, for I have no access to a printer.
Matters not, because they never actually asked for my signature before it was just my own personal autism.

Very close to finishing Persona 3. Hell of a game.
Well, technically I still have the story expansion but I'm almost done with the basegame. I'm very happy I decided to get it ultimately.

Personally I always had a really good time with translation criticism sessions.
Probably because I did slamdunk most of them.
But honestly, there's always another day. Another presentation, another conference, another seminar. So don't worry about it.

 No.22162 KONTRA

Btw my BA was nothing new or anything but what I hear about what others wrote theirs like mine probably looked like the second coming of Christ in comparison to the person judging it.
Obviously it's not the height of research and feels meaningless but I think I put it together well enough to say that at a BA level I did an outstanding job.


>mine probably looked like the second coming of Christ in comparison to the person judging it.
>at a BA level I did an outstanding job.
Now what was it, did you do an outstanding job or did everyone else just suck so much that it just appeared like it?
But I know what you mean, even before the coof I had students (bio-german students) that couldn't write a straight sentence. It's actually puzzling how these beasts manage to get into university.


Just started reading Das Kalkwerk. About two thirds into the first paragraph that is just one runaway sentence I stopped.
Will it get better or is the entire book like that?

 No.22165 KONTRA

The entire book is like that and it's peak.


>Sitting in a chair for five days isn't very fulfilling
I don't know that I could go back to a full-time sitting down job. Working on my feet has its downside, but I don't feel trapped like I did in a cubicle.


 No.22167 KONTRA

Forms matches content in this one yes

 No.22182 KONTRA

Showerhead broke again but it got fixed luckily because we had a spare one.
Had to do some chores and then I spent a lot of the day trying to write, making moderate progress.


If I could go back in time and change everything I think I would’ve tried to be a doctor


Which kind of doctor?


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This is the kind of doctor I want to be.
By the way, names of many subcultures come from pejoratives ("geeks", "punks" and so on). In 5 years we can expect teenage subcultures of "chuds" and "wokes". They will accuse each other of being "posers":
- You're not a real chud, you've had sex!
- How can you call yourself woke if you don't even take HRT pills?


You mean a medical doctor? What prevents you? I thought you're even younger than Hungary?


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Visited a festival of Chinese culture at the weekend, timed to Chinese New Year. It was overcrowded but at least not too loud unlike such events usually.
There were a lot of high school weebs and Chinese people, but mostly it were normies.
Shows were epic, especially mask changing show (from Sichuan opera).
Food -- good, normie stuff as well as something more exotic.
Lecture (visited only one) -- lame and gay.
Calligraphic class - fine.
Bought a set of teas, tried one of them afterwards, it was great.

In general, I accepted that China will always be terra incognita for me, and it's better to focus on matters in which I have a chance to gain any deep knowledge. But still went to the festival because gf wanted to go and I had a good time.


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For nearly three months, I have been outside only to shovel snow and to walk from my house to the car or from my car to work.

 No.22243 KONTRA

Went out and grabbed lunch with a friend. After that we went and had a few drinks too and I think I got almost totally shitfaced. Spent a good few hours talking.
Main reason we met up was so I could borrow a book from him.
This year he's holding classes and he asked if I'd come and attend one that might be of interest to me but I told him I kinda don't wanna break up classroom discipline.

At one point in remarked that I'm in a constant ironic-unironic superposition on everything and when I say the darnest things it's straight up impossible to decide if this is my actual opinion, a reference to something or if I just said it ironically as a joke.
I immediately quipped back "Good."

Good day overall I guess.

I feel like Chud is already a "reclaimed" term for a lot of people.

 No.22246 KONTRA

>I feel like Chud is already a "reclaimed" term for a lot of people.
Why would it not be. They consider themselves as much on the right side of history as any other culture war retard.
At least "chud" is a word that seems somehow artificial because most people don't know about the film (and if they know, it doesn't really make sense to use in the context, but whatever).
But as we have it in Germany, the "left" has called everyone disagreeing with them a nazi for quite some time. That is much more dangerous because it essentially diminishes and relativizes the nazi crimes. And when people stop caring about being called nazis, you have lost. But it's entirely a homemade problem, which is why I have no sympathy for the "left". And seeing how they are now constantly attacking (as in physically attacking) another party for a perceived adoption of "nazi" ideas, I am constantly oscillating between smirking at the irony of using violence against political opponents being socially accepted again and worry about how that is only playing into the hands of those attacked because they can now point fingers and, in the case of getting into power in any capacity, having a bunch of precedences justifying why they are now using violence against the opposition. And you know what? It will be fully deserved.


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 No.22253 KONTRA

Woke up late. Went for a run and had a good breakfast. My mother asked me if I want to go out for dinner for my birthday to some local chain place and I told her I'd rather go to that Italian restaurant we went to last time so we went there instead.
Amazing food. Yet again I got kinda drunk from one shot and my parents remarked that I'm a total lightweight.

Got home, we had some cake and then I spent time with friends online and played some video games.
Reading a book by Nichiren.

 No.22256 KONTRA

Had to take part in a public session of my translation seminar last night. I felt so uncomfortable sitting in the front with the lights and microphones I didn't speak once. Didn't think I'd get stage fright so badly considering it was a pretty minor event. Just stormed off home when it was over instead of partaking in the networking afterwards and laid in bed completely drained. Didn't help that I decided to wear those jeans that felt too tight when sitting lol.


>those jeans that felt too tight when sitting
Weird, considering how you seem to have no testicles.


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Woke up today feeling that I absolutely HAVE to become a professional poker player even though I've never played the game.

rate career plan


I had sex
call me T-Rex
spitting in these threads
like hawk tuah on my max
with special fx
burning these tracks
try'n out lifehacks
drinking some Beck's yo

 No.22268 KONTRA

Is this the return of the brick?


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Temperatures have hovered around the freezing point this week, moving above just long enough to mix rain with snow before dropping well below in the over-night hours. Result? Instead of just snow, every unsalted surface is now covered in ice.
Poker After Dark was a comfy show.
Follow your dreams, ernst.


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From what I heard, "professional" poker players had a golden time after the release of Casino Royal.

Suddenly everybody wanted to be a James Bond Texas Holdem pro, throwing money around without actually giving the game a second thought, reading a book or learning the chances.

Knew a literal village idiot from playing airsoft back then, he always bought the newest and most shiniest gear and played like shit because he was carrying just too much stuff into battle.
But that idiot earned thousands upon thousands of Euros because he actually learned how to play Texas Holdem and draw an endless stream of money online from Bond wannabes.

If you want to try the same thing now, you may find yourself surrounded by hardened pros rather quickly.
Not that I'd call your dream unreasonable, but the learning curve to success may be a metric fuckton steeper then back then.


Man I remember watching Casino Royale in the cinema. Had a halb-chub the whole time because of Eva Green and frankly have been a bit in love with her ever since.
But I digress. Right next to me there was some dude of the kind of you described. Fully committed to the poker fad, exactly the kind of metrosexual guy reading Men's Health and GQ, who, during the poker game with Le Chiffre tried to explain to his gf what moves they were making, and at the scene where the Aston Martin flips he actually commented "I will never forgive them for this".
I never really liked Texas Hold 'Em, but that was all everyone wanted to play. I'd rather have five card stud or something like that. I still have some nice, comfy memories of winter evenings spent with poker and alcohol and a bunch of friends listening to Rat Pack.

 No.22278 KONTRA

I thought the Poker fad was around 2002 and casino Royal was about 5 years late to the game.

In any case, the guy sitting next to you had a girlfriend while you were ogling the female lead and nearly soiled your underwear, so there's that.


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It certainly was in full swing in 2006. Hell, most people only had dial-up until like 2004, so either your memory is bad or you weren't actually there. But funny, I kind of wanted to write something akin to your second sentence, but didn't because I wanted to focus on the good memories, but now I wonder what triggered you to such an extent that you did.


I remember buying a poker set in the 2000s while being a teenager. Don't know why I did it exactly, though.


I got my first docsis modem in 2002, and that was comically, ridiculously late to still be using dial-up. Of course, casino Royal might have brought poker to the culturally unaware boomer, but I played my first irl poker games during late summer 2003.

> mimimi you triggered

And you built an elaborate fantasies about the magazines a guy you saw in a cinema twenty years ago consumed, just so you can feel superior to him. Reality check: on the one hand, you nearly nutted in your panties because the visuals of a pg-13 movie had put you in an extraordinary state of excitement. On the other hand, he was there with some gf he might not even remember. He certainly doesn't remember you (probably didn't even notice you back then). Yet, he lives in your head rent-free. I can only roll my eyes.

 No.22284 KONTRA

>and that was comically, ridiculously late to still be using dial-up.
No it wasn't, you spoiled prick. Not everywhere is whatever urban hellhole you hail from.
The rest of your post is pretty ironic because you clearly felt triggered enough to not just make such a needlessly mean post just to feel superior but also fantasize some details about myself in an even more butthurt post just to feel superior, while claiming I can't properly assess people. And even if he didn't read Men's Health and GQ, the rest strongly indicates he did. Furthermore, a halb-chub is far away from creaming one's pants. For someone obviously so americanized as you (what with your pg-13 shit that doesn't even exist in Germany) you seem not very acquainted with colloquialisms.
Really wondering what went wrong with your upbringing that you became such an unwarrantedly smug, condescending farthuffer.
Yes I am butthurt, and it's because you are such a colossal knobhead and you don't even notice. Or maybe you do and have fun being offensively douchey. Does it help with the ladies? I bet you are very successful with the ladies, since it seems to be the most important thing to you.

 No.22287 KONTRA

wurf, ernst wurf.jpg (4.86 KB, 259x194)

Ernst never disappoints in getting into heated debates over nothing.

Which of you two debated me in the nius thread yesterday or is this a one-man show?

 No.22288 KONTRA

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Awful lotta Germany in this ITT thread.




You both are Germans


So are you


No, I'm not.

 No.22299 KONTRA

Had an okay lunch. Finished reading the Nichiren book. I probably spent most of the day just chatting about random stuff (as in, bothering everyone with random shit I read or find interesting) and also listening to music.
My mood is bad and I feel weak again.
Classes start next week.

 No.22300 KONTRA

Having to study highschool subjects so I can teach them to other people is more taxing than studying for university stuff. Maintaining a good work ethic despite being on some very extended holidays. It's scary how fast one forgets 汉字. More importantly than anything else, I'm in a committed relationship that brings me immense joy. Maybe I was supposed to marry a Polish woman from the start.


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Today I will find out how profitable my annual foray into sports wagering has been. I put 90% of the house money FanDuel granted my account on the Superbowl. Some on each team because I am risk averse and a therefore a natural hedger. I do, however, believe Kansa City will win and have placed 50% more on their side. I still hate them for eliminating us four out of the last five seasons, but in this one and only instance: Go KC. I guess.


>More importantly than anything else, I'm in a committed relationship that brings me immense joy.
Good for you. Live long and prosper.


Probably not very fun to see the team that just eliminated your fav team play like utter retards in the first half.


Don't hesitate to share your wisdom and experience in The Womanology thread.


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I can't believe that was the same team that beat us. There has been an arms race in our Conerfence as teams draft and build to match Kansas City's offence. Philadelphia simply shut them down with a competent defence. Who knew that was an option?
Despite my having more dollars staked to a KC victory, I must confess there was still some joy to be had in seeing them fall.


I am bored, but I don't want to go to bed yet.
Be more interesting, Ernst.


Lil’bro is now Zizekian. I’m learning a lot about Jaques Lacan lately

 No.22331 KONTRA

I woke up three times during the night.
After waking up for the final time I had some breakfast, got ready and headed out. Went to the city hall and ordered a new passport so I can go to China. That went surprisingly fast. It took like 20 minutes including the waiting.
Then I bought a new bus pass and also picked up a letter addressed to me at the post office.

Went home and had lunch and then I went out to class. Hit the library before class. There was a pile of books up for "adoption". There was a random Chinese socialist-realist novel and a two volume Japanese textbook, but I took neither. The Jap textbook was sort of tempting but I decided against it because I already own Japanese textbooks. (It also didn't have any kanji or hiragana and used a nonstandard transcription system too so it just seemed like a massive hassle.)

The librarian had book for me she didn't put out into the pile, which was an anthology of classical Chinese poetry in German. I was very happy with it. It's a nice book.
I also borrowed a book on Chinese doctors. (Strangely enough this was also German. I only borrowed it because it was out in the open among the freshly registered stuff and watching the Apothecary Diaries with friends made me curious.)

Had class. Went fine I guess. Then at home I talked with friends online.
My neck's been killing me but I guess now that I have walked a lot around town, it's better, strangely enough. Gonna have a run tomorrow.


Today I learned that ANOTHER employee of my former employer left the office.
Now his smol 15 man office lost 3 people after I left and he prolly still doesn't understand the message that he just pays like utter shit compared to the responsibility one has to carry.
He rather pays this shitty social media company for marketing, but seeing the engagement happening there it seems to mostly fluster his own ego.
In April the next employee will leave into retirement.

Just low-key gleefull, because when I left we got into a quarrel, as he wanted to keep me employed for another month so he can safe literally maybe 100 Euros for those few hours of accumulated overtime.


lol did you work for a swabian or something?


I'm about to drop out my useless college degree and dedicate all my time free time to improve my piano technique and have a dead end job so I can afford food and rent.
Nothing else matters.

 No.22336 KONTRA

Graduate, make deadening Job for more money and learn the piano Just as well?


is the good american still posting here


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Now that's a flag I haven't seen for a while.
>is the good american still posting here
If "good" was meant unironically, then the answer is yes.

 No.22341 KONTRA

My neck was still fucked up but I went for a run anyway. It was incredibly mid but it seems to have helped a lot. Same for just walking more in the city.

Had one meeting today to decide the class schedule. After class I talked some with the German lecturer. I got a free book. It's an anthology of Japanese poetry in German. Fun stuff. There was also a copy of Frithiof's Saga. (I assumed it was the Swedish paraphrasing of it.) I didn't/couldn't take that, but the lecturer was very happy I shared what I knew about it.

We stepped out for a cigarette and when he took out a second one I asked for one too because why the fuck not honestly. I don't think I will ever learn how to properly smoke. It makes me feel nothing, it's just nice to have it in your hand to have an effective pause as you take a whiff of it.

Anyway, I feel a bit better about the past few months because I recounted all the things I've read about and learned and it seems like a lot I guess.
Felt pretty good on the way home.

Hi Brick!


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The new kitten kept falling from his cat tree. To prevent injury, and at my sister's request, I built and attached a small wood railing to the top level. Nothing elaborate. Two 1"x1"x18" boards separated by four makeshift balusters cut from the same 1"x1" wood. Held in place with three corner braces because Home Depot did not have L brackets in stock. I expect it will hold.

Had a problem with the screws. They kept breaking. Used ten total, not including the brace assembly, and five snapped at the neck. Everbilt brand. Do not recommend. Had to finish the project with some loose screws from my loose screw pile. Should have read the reviews first, but who expects screws to break?

Also, it snowed again. The streak continues.

Are both schooling and piano not possible?

I'm the only regular American.

t.Occasional radio-streamer and erstwhile cartoon poster who currently reads comic books and works too many hours


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What do you think of rugby? How does this game feel for an American football fan?

 No.22347 KONTRA

>it's just nice to have it in your hand to have an effective pause as you take a whiff of it.

That's one of the secrets of smoking, though. It just taste and smells bad in the end but it suits conversations and gives you something to do.

t. noch immer Gelegenheitsraucher

 No.22348 KONTRA

Had a small breakfast (small in the sense that I have been eating way too much mozzarella these past few weeks, like way more enjoyable than the bread and salami part of the meal so I just cut down on the toast and eat more cheese, but the meal is still pretty small regardless.)

As I was trying to get stuff out the fridge my father told me to "Not buy anything today" and I was like "why?" and he just said "because it's don't-buy-things-day" and I left it at that because I wasn't feeling up for it, but I later checked it out because my curiosity got the better of me and apparently, I was so fucking mad, some random retarded proles decided to copy some literal BALKAN initiative to "not buy things for a day" to "punish the stores" for "having high prices".
We could tie Marx's remains to a generator and power all of Europe.
I was genuinely insanely fucking mad stupid people exist.
Also that these people see themselves primarily as consumers and not workers.

Went to class. I was half an hour early so I had my student ID validated. (For one because I need it for the bus passes and I spent the last few months traveling with an expired ID, and second because my sister needs proof for some stipend that I'm an uni-student and this is the easiest way.)

Class went fine. Except for how I had to use a keyboard I'm not used to at all so I felt kinda like a caveman. It's not even the excuse that "Durr I use a Mac durr" because I used windows often enough it's just that none of the three keyboards or mice are shaped like that so it's really not lending itself to my reflexes.

I got home, talked a bit with friends and had an st. John's wort infusion. Going to bed early tonight. I'm grabbing tomorrow by the throat.

People are surprised honestly.
"What kind of a humanities student are you? No smokes and no drinking? Come on!"
It just fits my stupid aesthetic. Doesn't fit my wallet, nose or hypochondria.


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>How does this game feel for an American football fan?
I'll start by admitting my limited exposure to rugby, having only watched Olympic coverage. To my eye it appears chaotic. American football is very structured: line formations, set plays, eligible receivers, clock stoppages and coaches actively managing every call from the sidelines etc. It's slow, but methodical. There is a reason for everything that happens. Without sufficient exposure to rugby, it appears to be a bunch of players randomly running into each other, only to line up and do it again. Yes, I know this is an ironic statement coming from a fan of the NFL.


I need work more than the useless humanities degree that I'm currently doing, also, I can't find a job that I could work and keep going to college.
I hate the college, hate the professors, classmate... I hate that place.

I think I would be happier with my dead end job and playing piano during all my free time.

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