I strongly dislike the German cities layout. I don’t like the weird medieval grids and the 1950s reconstruction era soulless cheap buildings that mostly populate those grids. The only positive thing is the quantity of urban trees, reminiscent of the great forests of Germania.
>>21396For now, we are taking less drastic measures: a pet gate to keep him out of the kitchen. Only when the stove is on. Other than that, he can't do much damage up there and will hopefully grow bored of the new experience before I grow tired of rewashing dishes and wiping down counters.
No.21407 are you going to eat at New Year and Christmas parties? Me - Olivier salad, bread with caviar, Veal Orloff.
Btw I tried Olivier in original receipt during work celebration and it's the same mayonnaise slop as soviet version.
>>21407> it's the same mayonnaise slopBut with expensive ingredients.
>>21402Many mistakes were made, especially after the war.
That said, your people literally lived in mud huts until like 150 years ago.
No.21415 KONTRA
>>21413Looks like someone made wurstsalat and was too lazy to do the dishes.
Tomorrow will be the first snowy Christmas of the Swiss plateau in more than a decade. I am filled with childlike joy.
>>21414Many people crave the mighty Swiss woodhuts
>>21402I strongly dislike Germany. It's a day shut country that should be nuked. The whole world laughs at Germany.
>>21414And I'm the noodle ages. And I'm between. Germany just does not measure up to real countries. The foreigners who come here hate it. They only people who suffer Germany were born here it came here for free money. It's a crap country. I fucking hate Germany, like every decent person.
If you ain't hate Germany, it's probably because you are German and have nothing to compare to. The worst kind of German is the German who does not understand what a disgusting worthless piece of shit shitmany is!
Deutschland verrecke!
Germany is a Nike of a country.
Scheisssdrecksland verrecke!
(Schizo-free christmas for EC) No.21421
>>21400Ordnung muss sein. Vernunft am Werke.
>>21415Quite accurate.
>>21407I don't even know what I will be doing on NYE. Since I don't have children I visit my family in my hometown, one of my parents prepare a dish and the bigger family gathering the next day will be meat with sides and some dessert. We never really stick to a classic or something, it just has to taste good and is a dish that is rarely prepared on other days.
>>21419The schizo is a dialectic person, he hates Germany like the Antifa but is a right wing retard.
>>21415It seems that you have a very special idea of "Wurstsalat" if this is what you think of.
I would have said it's the remnants of an Aufschnittplatte or something like that, because where I come from, Wurstsalat does not contain whole sausages or slices.
>>21425The horseshoe theory is easily explained. Baby been borned in liberal (capitalist) democracies. Both far right and far left hate liberal (capitalist) democracy for differnet reasons and want to establish something else. Lib cucks think what they have and do is right and they don't want this changed in a fundamental way, thus both right and leftwing extremism appears as if it is the same to these people (both would do away with a trusted lawful state is the fear btw). Other than that it allows to opportunistically exploit left and right practices and viewpoints to support the reign of the political system, simply depends on what is necessary at the moment. Punish something harder or help the poor a bit?
It made me think of this quote. I had to google the text. Is the horse shoe apologist this person?
>Democratic man lives only for the pure present, transient desire is his only law Today he regales himself with a four course dinner and vintage wine, tomorrow he is all about Buddha, ascetic fasting, streams of crystal-clear water, and sustainable development. Monday he tries to get back in shape by pedalling for hours on a stationary bicycle; Tuesday he sleeps all day, then smokes and gorges again in the evening. Wednesday he declares that he is going to read some philosophy, but prefers doing nothing in the end. At Thursdays dinner party he crackles with zeal for politics, fumes indignantly at the next persons opinion, and heatedly denounces the society of con-sumption and spectacle. That evening he goes to see a Ridley Scott blockbuster about medieval warriors. Back home, he falls to sleep and dreams of liberating oppressed peoples by force of arms. Next morning he goes to work, feeling distinctly seedy, and tries without success to seduce the secretary from the office next door. He's been turning things over and has made up his mind to get into real estate and go for the big money. But now the weekend has arrived, and this economic crisis isn't going away, so next week will be soon enough for all that. There you have a life, or lifestyle, or lifeworld, or whatever you want to call it: no order, no ideas, but nothing too disagreeable
or distressing either. It is as free as it is unsignifying, and insignificance isn't too high a price to pay for freedom.
>>21421Since Germany is ruled by progressives, wouldn't it natural for conservatives to hate the current state of affairs? Isn't it natural for anyone to hate living in Germany? Like yeah, we're so environmentally friendly, but let's punish cyclists for riding a sidewalk without bicycle line. Instead of taking care of actual crimes.
>>21426> It made me think of this quote.Pretty silly quote. Better analogy would be working at day and sleeping at night. While radicals from one side call for endless sleeping and radicals from other side call for endless wakefulness. Are pro-sleep or pro-wake? You must choose a side instead of being an opportunist!
>>21427You don't understand progressives. Being progressive is all about ideas. Execution is irrelevant. You need to be morally superior (publicly) and you win.
No.21429 KONTRA
>>21427>Isn't it natural for anyone to hate living in Germany? Like yeah, we're so environmentally friendly, but let's punish cyclists for riding a sidewalk without bicycle line. Instead of taking care of actual crimes.What a complicated way to say "I don't live in Germany".
Which Telegram channels were necessary to come to this elaborate opinion of Germany? I want to understand genesis of political genius.
>Better analogy would be working at day and sleeping at night.It's a bad analogy and does not really make sense.
>You need to be morally superior (publicly) and you win.With conservatives it is "the other way around". You need to be morally superior (privately) and you win.
That said the public/private option solely depends on the political ruling direction and is exchangable. Like all good citizens they pay a lot of attention to morality and moral critique. It's a tireless exercise but from within the wheels it looks like something important depending on who you are.
I call it the donut theory (of political spectra)
a circle. in liberal capitalist society the political actors that feel themselves as citizens agree on all fundamentals questioned by their enemies so you basically have a horse shoe that contains a donut but only if your thinking and Lebenswelt is determined by the donut in the first place.
>>21429> It's a bad analogy and does not really make sense.It's a good analogy and it makes a lot of sense, while yours is a meaningless one.
Situation in the world changes, because of new technologies, developments in international politics and so on. So policies shouldn't be fixed either.
And even in the times of stability. Some left wing policies are good, some aren't. Why should you take them all or reject all? Having state subsidized public transport is a good idea, while having fully planned economy with state-run cafes isn't.
This is such an obvious thing, why does it even need explaining. Really, for such a clueless person you act waaaay too smug. Typical horseshoe theory hater, who needs to touch some grass.
> What a complicated way to say "I don't live in Germany".Cmon, trains in your country don't even come on time, at least approximately. This is 4-th world tier. I live in 3-rd world and the trains here run like clockwork.
>>21430>trains in your country don't even come on timeWhat is your source for this information?
No.21433 KONTRA
I kept going back for naps after waking up until I ended up having a nightmare. It's an almost spiritual experience, as if some higher power told me "okay, you had your fun, time to wake up for good now!".
Wrote a lot today. Very satisfied. My projects are progressing.
Watched some anime with friends and also chatted a lot. Honestly insane how much I can just talk unpromted.
I think I'm keeping a nice balance between working and fun right now. Gotta exercise some more though.
I've been getting sick of the snacks for the past two days. Incredible how each year it happens quicker and quicker.
I've been really enjoying playing Persona 3.
>>21430> left wing policies are good, some aren't. Why should you take them all or reject all? Because pragmatism/'political eclecticism' is insufferable to those who have self-contained theories of everything.
>>21427> let's punish cyclists for riding a sidewalk without bicycle line. I can assure you that this, unfortunately, happens exactly never.
>>21436>Now, let's find out why do you deny itI don't think i did. It is true that you have to expect trains to be at least a few minutes late.
But if that's the big problem a "let me tell me about your country" person has to point out I think I am pretty lucky to not be an Eastern European.
>>21413I hope I will get the Wurstkoffer for Christmas.
>>21430A lot of hot air and false expectations and implications, better read your comics than reproducing them.
I use public transport a lot and yet I rather live here than in Russia. It's a no-brainer when it comes to comfort of living, lol.
Especially in the city the public transport on tracks is very punctual, unlike the busses that depend on the traffic made up of individuals in rolling metal cages.
>>21435Happened to me once. You have to add 20€ on top for their time spent to bill you as well.
A person who likes the horse shoe theory would be happy about this, though. While it collides with their personal interest, it shows that the state runs very well, unlike in some corrupted shitholes
omskistan which means the rules are reaching everybody and even in minor happenings the state order is enacted.
Some states are run very carelessly, with a lot of neglect and it drips through onto their citizens thinking.
No.21444 KONTRA
>>21443I nabbed Tianding
Thank you!
No.21445 KONTRA
>>21444That's a very inauspicious set of numbers for a Chinese topic. Oh dear, oh dear.
>>21438> act super smug and defensively and demand PROOFS> when given them, claim that you never denied it and actually agree and your own experience confirms it>>21441(a joke about Germans "just following orders")
Yes, ideally it shouldn't be crime according to the law in the first place. But even like that... Vital infrastructure doesn't work properly, there are neighborhoods which are unsafe for Jewish people to enter, and you're bragging about how orderly is your country because policemen take effort to fine cyclists (heroes of reducing emissions) for victimless crimes.
Anyway, enough bickering for today. You may continue without me.
No.21448 KONTRA
>>21446>claim that you never denied itShow me where i did. Please.
It is a well known fact that public transport is trash in Germany.
You're still trying to tell me about my country based on stuff you've seen on the internet.
You live in a third world shithole (which i know based on things i've seen on the internet, that makes it true) but somehow others are worse because trains. That makes me ask for your sources.
I would've had a follow up question but your retardation ruined it.
>>21449>big city bubbleI grew up in a small town and i am still often there to visit. In fact, i am going to be there in a few hours.
>>21446>ideally it shouldn't be crime according to the law in the first place. Y It should be illegal for cyclists to use the roads, not the sidewalks, in the road, they will only allow down traffic. Germany has it backwards.
>>21441> I rather live hereWhy? Russians aren't as brainwashed as Germans. They didn't fall for the Lord of the Democrats and believe all the Democrat propaganda like Germans do.
>>21446It's not a crime by law but an Ordnungswidrigkeit. You pay fines for these and that is it.
That exaggeration is what you get from using media but hardly thinking about mediality. Reading lots of media everyday makes you prone to sounding like the alarmed chicken farm that is journalism.
Crime and violence exist like in all modern socities, woah big deal. You can stay away thousand of kilometers and celebrate globohomo defense as if that is an archivement that can distract from poverty, bad infrastructure and disappointing state services I hear about your country a lot. I still have a good life and would never change for Russia, I am not a schizo.
In capitalism Germany so far is the better economic competitor and that is in accordance to my private interest as citizen. The ideology that pairs well with that is called nationalism btw.
No.21454 KONTRA
>>21453Finest whataboutism.
Weird how that works when it's about something you actually care about.
>>21454Where is the whataboutism? I just mentioned that I can read a lot of negatives about Russia in media as well. It was about media and mediality and not really about problems occuring within a society. Not interested in the chicken farm chatter.
>>21455>Where is the whataboutism?Ah yes, and the denial and deflection are there, too.
God, you are such a smart and likeable person, I bet everyone loves you for being so smart and such a master debater, and such an honest one at that! Hey buddy, why don't you come to my house and fuck my sister?
I thought ernst was completely deda.
I haven't used since .xyz shut down.
And I just found this right now!
Christmas passed rather uneventfully I guess. Spent most of the day helping out and listening to music.
Also played some more video games.
I got the book I asked for, some new winter socks, some gloves, a pendrive, bedsheets and also most interestingly, a teaplant.
It’s in a tiny pot. On one hand, I am a bit angry, because my father yet again thought that “gifting responsibility” is a good idea and he thinks that finding someone a new hobby is also a good gift, but I am also feeling a sort of animistic humility towards the plant and I don’t want it to think that I am mad at it and whither away in sadness. Really, the more I think about it, the more I want to cry.
Though looking it up, it just needs ideal soil for it and a slightly shady place. It can survive the winters. My father did not haphazardly set me up for failure by the looks. But otherwise it is an evergreen plant.
My plan is to just put it in a big pot with the special dirt and then water it as needed. Will probably take years until it reaches the height where I can harvest leaves for it, and the quality will probably be dubious at best.
But considering I sometimes thought about buying an olive tree, maybe the teaplant is not the worst thing that could have happened to me. It’s next to me on the desk as I’m writing this. I think it has a bright future ahead of it.
I hope you guys had a fine Christmas too.
No.21466 KONTRA
>>21456Do you have a photo of your sister first?
you could just answer the question No.21467
>>21463Merry Christmas to you too, Ernst, and to your based dad.
Pretty good Christmas. This place is extremely cold but the houses are warm. Ate a bunch of strange Polish food (people seemed to disagree with my comment that herring in smetana is an exotic dish). Went to midnight mass.
Gf's family got me a lot of gifts, which makes me think I should have brought more things for them. A great time.
>>21468Merry Christmas in polish
>>21469Merry Christmas and get well soon. Fuck work, I'm home until the 6th.
>>21460That's great. Welcome!
>>21468Herring in smetana sounds interesting. Must be good with mashed potatoes.
I like "herring under fur coat" where it's mixed with mayonnaise, but yeah, that food is not for everyone.
What more strange food were you fed?
Merry Christmas to all Ernsts
No.21479 KONTRA
Well, I guess today was fine. Went for a run and it was good.
Helped with some baking and also just kept eating trash in general.
We didn't end up playing boardgames and I kinda feel bad because my mother said it's "my fault" (it is) but I just didn't feel like I have the strength in me to wear a mask that tight for a few hours where we have to play a teams-based game which we do not know the rules of. It just sounds like torture.
I'd like to cope by thinking my father would not have liked to play either. And my sister was busy gaming anyway.
Christ of the family basically.
Thought more about the teaplant, I gave it a fancy Chinese name from a quote of the Hanfeizi, but I've just been referring to it as its shortened form, "Gaoshan 高山". Still on my table. Looked up the type of soil it needs, should be easy to get. Yeah, I'm gonna do this and it'll turn out good.
Took a nap while listening to music. It's always so weird that happens, but I cannot resist just laying on top of the bed.
Continued gaming. Felt a bit guilty about it.
Also been making some progress with the German book I got for Christmas.
>>21510I cannot imagen myself doing coke for no reason until early morning anymore but somehow I still would like to do it for whatever reason.
At least I was with friends as well, though one is at a psychological treatment facility after breakdown. Yesterday on visit we were having a smoke outside and a beautiful girl stepped out of the building for a smoke as well. Clicheed somehow. On the other hand I know my ex was in that facility for suicide last year.
A strange Christmas somehow. But also very human for lack of better vocabulary. Maybe also depressing because I was not able to cure myself from lonliness as well even though I made big steps to leave chronic depressions behind for good.
New year, new opportunities, I guess.
>I just wanna get back into the city and to the gymSame. I just want to get back. Here at my parents home in hometown it is like hoovering between things, kinda gives me an uncomfortable background feeling.
Hopefully the modular mats made from EVA-Schaum will arrived before NYE so I can train dancing at home better right when I am back. They will allow me to learn floor work at home.
What are Ernsts doing for NYE?
Man compared to the other germans I feel right-out normal.
Christmas was uneventful.
NYE will be spent with friends. I will get hammered, shoot one pack of rockets to ward off at least the evil spirits in the immédiate vicinity and then drink some more.
Good slide everyone.
Days move slowly when I'm sick. Painfully so. Free from work, but with no energy or focus to do anything at home, I simply wait for time to pass. Back to waging today. I'm not 100% and haven't had a decent meal or cup of coffee since Tuesday but would rather grind through some semblance of normalcy than persist in this suspended state.
>>21512>What are Ernsts doing for NYE?The same procedure as every year, ernst. No plans, with work the next morning.
Will visit grave of friend and then help my parents with some stuff and later hopefully find the motivation for some mobility exercises. Tomorrow the trains will bring me back but I will see another friend before boarding.
>>21514Careful, not getting that rest can bite back a little later and you get sick even worse since did not allow your body to rest properly.
Christmas was a rather sad affair for Ernst. It's like witnessing a decaying institution. Most are old and sick, with death already sneaking up, and the few younger people are struggling for various reasons, mostly mental things, hopeless education/employment situation or drug addiction. Worst thing is that it's already obvious that things will only be getting worse in the future. People will die, or will need to go into a nursing home at some point. And then there's Ernst, who's doing well for himself, but has not much hope of having a family of his own, so it's just existing and waiting to get old. There's simply not much to look forward to, it feels more like administrating a downward spiral.
It seems like everyone is aware that the whole family jumped off a huge cliff a long time ago, and now we're just waiting for the impact.
>>21514Get well soon, Ernst!
Reached 200 days streak on Duolingo while studying French. Can now read picture-memes, can read twitter brainrot with some effort. Listening however is difficult with French phonetics, can't understand half of words in "Peppa pig" without subtitles.
>>21512I'll spend NYE with gf, we'll be at home except going to nearby park and watching fireworks.
When I woke up my father asked me to "explain the Laozi in 5 sentences" as if I was "telling it to the dog".
I tried to do my best.
Afterwards I longued around a bit and then went and had a massage. I think it was fine. Got told that it really shows on my legs that I'm running, but my neck was all fucked up.
Spent the rest of the day playing videogames.
I've been reading more in the evenings. Started taking vitamin D again and I'm suddenly feeling a lot more "well adjusted" in the sense that I'm motivated to go to bed earlier and I'm thinking more clearly.
On Christmas:
My brother is a rather unpleasant person. Our mother offered us pickled cucumber (grown herself, pickled herself), he tasted it and was like 'meh, it's just cucumber, maybe it tastes a little like mustard, dunno,' you know, like you do when someone did something for the first time and is proud of it. He foes that all the time to almost everyone, he just loves putting people down. Fucking little pissant.
My sister made an awesome vegan dinner, bless her heart. My mother tries to compensate for not giving a fuck about me when I was a kid by knitting scarves and hats to keep me warm. Yeah, it's a little late now, trying to make me feel cared for.
Luckily, I don't have friends anymore, so I did not have to drink or do coke, they are all married with children, anyway. Keiner hat mehr Bock auf kiffen, saufen, feiern, so ist es hier im Block tagein, tagaus, halt mir zwei Finger an den Kopf und mach bang, bang, bang, bang.
Couldn't stand it on the second day of Christmas and fled back to my flat. These Christmases were fun back when the grandparents were alive. Christmas sucks ass now. It's like we're trying to pretend it's Christmas.
Watched a YouTube video titled something like 'what happens to YOU when the Russians nuke us'. Expected to die, was not disappointed. I wish they would finally do it, after so many red lines.
No.21550 KONTRA
Woke up early again. I went out shopping with my mother. She forced me to sign up for a revolut card to get the sign-up bonus which I despised but I could not say no to her.
I picked up a network switch and some ethernet cables. After I got home I installed them so now I don't have to get under the desk to change the cable from the Mac to the PC and vice versa when I want to switch between the systems.
I'm surprised that it just works.
I had lunch and then I finished the first season of Apothecary Diaries on discord with friends. It was incredibly moving and I ended up shedding a few tears.
After that I went over to the old place to try and find a CD player I remembered having. I spent like an hour and a half just rummaging through stuff in an environment reminiscent of the exclusion zone, getting hit by intermittent bouts of nostalgia and disgust over the past.
I did not find what I was looking for. I found some papyrus bookmarks and my old Playstation, which I evacuated. It still works if I recall correctly but has no cables or controllers or games. Best bet would probably be to just sell it.
Anyway, I think this was a fun "adventure". Though I think most people would not call this one.
It'd probably be for the best if I managed to suppress this urge to fuck around with old, out of date audio gadgets.
I then wasted some time online, went for a run and washed off. Played some more Persona.
The run felt good. Honestly I've been feeling pretty good these past few days even though I have stopped drinking coffee.
Sort of more balanced.
No.21551 KONTRA
>>21550> I've been feeling pretty good these past few days even though I have stopped drinking coffee>more balancedMaybe your body is trying to tell you something. Restlessness and anxiety can be due to coffee consumption as well for example.
>>21549Maybe you wouldn't me so miserable if you didn't have such a miserable taste in music.
>>21519>Careful, not getting that rest can bite back a little later and you get sick even worseI survived Friday, but late last night paid for the exertion. Seriously considered bailing today, but gutted through it. Added Ibuprofen to my maximum safe Tylenol dose, staggering the pills so that either is always at full potency. Did the trick.
Work week over. Holiday over. Now I can rest.
>>21553Stress or salt?
I should not have started salting my eggs. Going back to plain will be tough.
>>21554>Stress or salt?Fuck if I know. Currently on vacation, though I still think about work. I use very little salt in my cooking.
I found a special form of hypertension though that can occur in young, fit people, predominantly males. I still fit in the observed age bracket. But it would also explain why I would sometimes wake up with anxiety and why I am such a hothead.
>>21557It's one of the most important topic regarding climate change here with the slow melt of the glaciers. Both worry the right-wing conservative types, because it touches both a national symbol and for the case of ski station a well established industry.
Most stations under a certain altitude are slowly shutting down; I'd say that under a 800m threshold it becomes too costful to artificially elongate the season with snow canons. As for higher altitude stations, it's less of a strain and public/private instances take the time they have to try to reinvent Alpine tourism with less winter sports.
>>21559in 10-15 years, 1.5 billion climate refugees will flood northern Europe, that's 5 times the current European population. Holidays were bourgie-types can move without bodyguards will be very much in demand, and Switzerland can sell them, you just need to built a wall to keep the africans and muslims out of your country.
>>21565Same to you, Erno.
No.21569 KONTRA
Writing about yesterday in the today thread. Wow. Subersive.
I went to a thermal bath with the family. I'm experiencing insane fucking mood-swings again.
The water was nice but having to listen to retards say "insightful" political platitudes wasn't that good.
Ultimately I think I masked it relatively well, my mother's only comments being that I am not talking much and that I look "tired". Indeed.
Spent some time playing video games afterwards and then I sorta screwed a bit around with my research and then talked with people.
Went to bed a bit late.
Today I had a coffee thinking it would help. It really didn't. Or at least I feel like it didn't give me the rush I wanted it to give me.
Had a meeting today. It went well. I'd say very well. Nobody does meetings like I do believe me.
So yeah I'm just going to crush this research assignment.
Time to play more video games and then read irrelevant books.
No.21571 KONTRA
>>21570Sheesh, u cringe and delulu.
NGL we not vibing. I was only being polite I had no idea you would actually msg me. U givin Ohio rizz.
you never msg me again or I report you for sexual harassment.
I got myself Bumble. I liked two women I think, or only one. Now I have to wait because I cannot swipe anymore. Most profiles gave me nothing. Funny to think it may be the same the other way around
making a profile is so cringe. Though, I got three matches albeit none from the one or two I assigned a like and Bumble wants me to pay to see who liked me. Should I get another app already, Ernst?
>>21571o-o-ok Carlotta, I will never message you again :(((
Eating eggs again. With toast. The only thing I can stomach this past week. Tried a few other dishes, nothing sits right. Other than my appetite, most symptoms of illness fade with Tylenol. Strange it persists. I am rarely sick more than a day or two.
>>21565To you as well, ernst.
>>21574>making a profile is so cringeLmao, I installed Hinge yesterday after a friend advised me to, but entering all the info to create the profile was pissing me off so much already that I gave up. Instead reinstalled Okcupid and got a match with a cute girl.
I was having a bit of meltdown trying to come up with something interesting to text her but then a buddy called me up to go out. Thought I might as well go out and meet some people irl, but little did I know that I was going to be barhopping with a group of middle aged lesbian moms on ketamine and a gay Indian dude until morning. It was fun to develop this weird camarederie with this random group of people throughout the night. But also cocaine is a hell of a drug. Gotta watch that I don't pick up a habit.
No.21577 KONTRA
>>21576Sounds fun tbh. But on the other hand thinking about the comedown I would have declined.
Okcupid is a good idea. I will probably download that and Tinder and Hinge at different times and check them out. I have a suggestion of cute spanish grill but no likes REEE
not that she will match with me anyway :DDDGoing to sleep now. I will probably do nithing on NYE because the only contact in this city I have that is here and that I know well enough to ask is sick and maybe not ready until tomorrow
it would mean going to a club, which I'm not super fond of No.21578 KONTRA
>>21574>Funny to think it may be the same the other way around You are only realizing now that 80% of men are sub-beta garbage and genetical refuse? Cope or rope, Yence.
>>21574I installed Bumble too recently. I only matched with a sound engineer, with whom I ruined the conversation by sounding cold, and a girl 10 years older than me whom I found so attractive wrote to her ignoring the age gap. They both stopped responding weeks ago and I’ve seen most of the profiles in my surroundings.
No.21580 KONTRA
>>21579Already running out of choices that fast sounds tough.
I just cast a wide net with a bracket from 20-40 in a big city, though I get more older women which I guess is because of the womens age settings? Since I don't look my age in the street I usually get lols from younger women.
The problem is that most of these profiles really don't sound interesting to me. It strikes me as very normie. At least she should be visibly pop culture and "alternative"
by which I mean the uniform outfits and hair cuts some have No.21582
>using dating apps, ever
No wonder you guys are like that.
Or are you using dating apps because you are like that?
>>21583The year of the soldering iron
No.21585 KONTRA
>>21583It was an "intelligent year".
Get it right!
No.21586 KONTRA
>>21583Year of the noose.
>>21585Sail back to the mainland, Norman
2025 will hopefully not be a lonely year.
>>21585Proof of Ernst succesful.
>>21589Ernst would also like to have a GF, but he doesn't want to deal with social stuff, like visiting her parents and playing board games on Saturday evening with other couples. He only wants it for homely things like cooking together, cuddling and
SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEGS, but otherwise no further impairment on his life.
Basically Ernst wants a GF but also doesn't.
>>21590There are prostitutes that give you the "girlfriend experience". Sounds like the thing you want.
>>21591That's for ultimate losers and pretty disgusting.
Imagine kissing a prostitute, while she hates you and just wants to go back to her pimp as quickly as possible, to give him your money, suck his dick and have him shit in her whore-mouth, which you are kissing.
>>21591Absolutely not. The mere thought of the girl not really wanting it totally ruins it for me, no chance I'd ever touch a prostitute, no matter how well she delivers the GF experience. It's a personal thing though, might work well for others, who don't share that sentiment.
>>21593Understandable. I wouldn't want to sex a whore or roleplay having a relationship with one either, but there's a reason why it's such a successful industry. Enough people don't mind.>she hates you and just wants to go back to her pimp as quickly as possible, to give him your money, suck his dick and have him shit in her whore-mouth
>>21593That's your problem. You're a people pleaser, a sub-beta homo who worries about what women want. Women can smell that, and they are disgusted by your weakness.
If you can't even assert yourself towards women, how can you ever hope to make it in the world of men? By bending over and be a gay little prison bitch? Did you make this whiny little homo-post so I would fuck your pink little boy pussy until it twitches?
Women's feminist bullshit is just a collective shit-test. Don't believe it. Women always flock to the strongest men.
Read this excerpt from a feminist newspaper. cries that no man can fuck her like her pimp did, and no one will ever be able to measure up to him.
To a woman, no man can ever measure up to the man who dominates and abuses her. He positions himself far above the woman and other men, and women want men they can look up to, not gay little touchy-feely prison-bitches who talk about their gay little fee-fees for hours on end.
If you cannot accept that, there's always a resolution nearby where you can get your pink little boy-pussy filled with cum.
Now say thank you to the nice uncle who explained the world to you, like a good little boy. (Or is it girl? Honestly, I can't tell.)
No.21599 KONTRA
>>21595Thank you Dr. Sommer
>>21594Yeah, a lot of people don't seem to mind. Fun fact: The hottest thing about a girl in my opinion is when she shows affection towards me. Not saying looks aren't important, but I would be way more interested in a decent looking girl who likes me than in a 10/10 who I've just met. Don't really know why, it always worked that way for me.
>>21595Ok cool.
>>21600it's not that the Johns don't mind.
There are sadists who want the prostitute to be disgusted.
There are idiots who fool themselves into thinking that the prostitute likes them, at least a little. Even if they just paid for her to pretend she likes them.
No.21602 KONTRA
I feel very old using the apps. I thought I would comment one of these question prompts
she beats me in being chronically late but apparently, I just opened the overall chat after matching with "god help me", kek. Well, she wrote back.
>>21590You need to find somebody that also hates visiting parents and whose personal hell is boardgame night with two other couples.
I can understand the sentiment, though. While I don't mind visiting parents if they are ok
I have done so in the past the imagination of a couple's night makes me uncomfortable. I'm not anti-social though
Reading Ernst postings about women and relationships is always funny
>>21590> visiting her parentsYes, that sucks. Moreover, her dad and sister seem to be just as unenthusiastic as I am. It's her mum who is instigator of such meetings but she also doesn't have a good time and is fairly anxious.
I'll probably limit such events to 1-2 times a year. Over that limit gf can just see them without me if she wants to.
Roughly the same situation with my relatives. They often come to the city (unlike her family always sitting in suburbs) so it doesn't take a whole day to meet with them. But you can't satisfy mom with meetings in restaurants, she wants you to come to her place. We'll visit my parents during winter holidays, and I agreed to that solely because my sister with her husband will come there from another city: it's a rare opportunity, and also I want to consult with her about organizing marriage, choosing rings and so on.
> playing board games on Saturday evening with other couplesThings like that happened once on her initiative and couple of times on my initiative. Usually we spend time with each other besides paying tribute to relatives.
Happy New Year from Poland.
NYE was fine. Met some pals, no alcohol, good food, only outside in the cold for the fireworks, and back home fairly early. Couldn't ask for more. Well, I could ask for big tiddy GF and three months vacation, but that seem to be unreasonable expectations.
>>21613Happy new year Ernst!
>>21612Do siego roku, KURWA!
Happy New Year!
May it bring luck and wisdom for those willing to embrace it.
Happy new year, Ernst.
Stay healthy and happy, and if you aren't, become.
Let this be the year of the soldering iron.
>>21626>the weather was exceptionally lousySame here. Rain and darkness seemingly without end.
But today, there are moments of blue sky and sunshine and real shadows, which feel like a sight last seen long ago. The sun doesn't shine on my windows because other buildings, but from my windows I am able to see places where it does, when it does.
>>21626Stayed in as well, first time. Somehow relaxing tbh. Chatted with a depressed chick who hates NYE on okc but it went nowhere in the end.
May 2025 be a year of not being alone.
No.21634 KONTRA
>>21631>But today, there are moments of blue sky and sunshine and real shadowsOh really? I should open my curtains :DDD I think they have been closed since NYE. Luckily I can get quite some sun when it shines here.
>>21626It's probably safer to stay inside. I feel like people are getting dumber and more aggressive with their fireworks by the year.
Apparently, it's not fun unless someone can get hurt.