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 No.21399 SYSTEMKONTRA [Last 50 Posts]

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>old thread still high up on page 1
>german Ernst:


I strongly dislike the German cities layout. I don’t like the weird medieval grids and the 1950s reconstruction era soulless cheap buildings that mostly populate those grids. The only positive thing is the quantity of urban trees, reminiscent of the great forests of Germania.


For now, we are taking less drastic measures: a pet gate to keep him out of the kitchen. Only when the stove is on. Other than that, he can't do much damage up there and will hopefully grow bored of the new experience before I grow tired of rewashing dishes and wiping down counters.


What are you going to eat at New Year and Christmas parties? Me - Olivier salad, bread with caviar, Veal Orloff.
Btw I tried Olivier in original receipt during work celebration and it's the same mayonnaise slop as soviet version.


> it's the same mayonnaise slop
But with expensive ingredients.


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Just the traditional Wurstbowle.


Many mistakes were made, especially after the war.
That said, your people literally lived in mud huts until like 150 years ago.

 No.21415 KONTRA

Looks like someone made wurstsalat and was too lazy to do the dishes.


Tomorrow will be the first snowy Christmas of the Swiss plateau in more than a decade. I am filled with childlike joy.

Many people crave the mighty Swiss woodhuts


I strongly dislike Germany. It's a day shut country that should be nuked. The whole world laughs at Germany.

And I'm the noodle ages. And I'm between. Germany just does not measure up to real countries. The foreigners who come here hate it. They only people who suffer Germany were born here it came here for free money. It's a crap country. I fucking hate Germany, like every decent person.

If you ain't hate Germany, it's probably because you are German and have nothing to compare to. The worst kind of German is the German who does not understand what a disgusting worthless piece of shit shitmany is!

Deutschland verrecke!

Germany is a Nike of a country.

Scheisssdrecksland verrecke!(Schizo-free christmas for EC)

 No.21419 KONTRA

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Go be a 90s far left RAF supporter somewhere else.


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Ordnung muss sein. Vernunft am Werke.

Quite accurate.

I don't even know what I will be doing on NYE. Since I don't have children I visit my family in my hometown, one of my parents prepare a dish and the bigger family gathering the next day will be meat with sides and some dessert. We never really stick to a classic or something, it just has to taste good and is a dish that is rarely prepared on other days.

The schizo is a dialectic person, he hates Germany like the Antifa but is a right wing retard.


It seems that you have a very special idea of "Wurstsalat" if this is what you think of.
I would have said it's the remnants of an Aufschnittplatte or something like that, because where I come from, Wurstsalat does not contain whole sausages or slices.


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>The schizo is a dialectic person, he hates Germany like the Antifa but is a right wing retard.

I know it's a meme but somehow it is right pretty much all the time.


The horseshoe theory is easily explained. Baby been borned in liberal (capitalist) democracies. Both far right and far left hate liberal (capitalist) democracy for differnet reasons and want to establish something else. Lib cucks think what they have and do is right and they don't want this changed in a fundamental way, thus both right and leftwing extremism appears as if it is the same to these people (both would do away with a trusted lawful state is the fear btw). Other than that it allows to opportunistically exploit left and right practices and viewpoints to support the reign of the political system, simply depends on what is necessary at the moment. Punish something harder or help the poor a bit?

It made me think of this quote. I had to google the text. Is the horse shoe apologist this person?

>Democratic man lives only for the pure present, transient desire is his only law Today he regales himself with a four course dinner and vintage wine, tomorrow he is all about Buddha, ascetic fasting, streams of crystal-clear water, and sustainable development. Monday he tries to get back in shape by pedalling for hours on a stationary bicycle; Tuesday he sleeps all day, then smokes and gorges again in the evening. Wednesday he declares that he is going to read some philosophy, but prefers doing nothing in the end. At Thursdays dinner party he crackles with zeal for politics, fumes indignantly at the next persons opinion, and heatedly denounces the society of con-

sumption and spectacle. That evening he goes to see a Ridley Scott blockbuster about medieval warriors. Back home, he falls to sleep and dreams of liberating oppressed peoples by force of arms. Next morning he goes to work, feeling distinctly seedy, and tries without success to seduce the secretary from the office next door. He's been turning things over and has made up his mind to get into real estate and go for the big money. But now the weekend has arrived, and this economic crisis isn't going away, so next week will be soon enough for all that. There you have a life, or lifestyle, or lifeworld, or whatever you want to call it: no order, no ideas, but nothing too disagreeable
or distressing either. It is as free as it is unsignifying, and insignificance isn't too high a price to pay for freedom.


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Since Germany is ruled by progressives, wouldn't it natural for conservatives to hate the current state of affairs? Isn't it natural for anyone to hate living in Germany? Like yeah, we're so environmentally friendly, but let's punish cyclists for riding a sidewalk without bicycle line. Instead of taking care of actual crimes.

> It made me think of this quote.
Pretty silly quote. Better analogy would be working at day and sleeping at night. While radicals from one side call for endless sleeping and radicals from other side call for endless wakefulness. Are pro-sleep or pro-wake? You must choose a side instead of being an opportunist!


You don't understand progressives. Being progressive is all about ideas. Execution is irrelevant. You need to be morally superior (publicly) and you win.

 No.21429 KONTRA

>Isn't it natural for anyone to hate living in Germany? Like yeah, we're so environmentally friendly, but let's punish cyclists for riding a sidewalk without bicycle line. Instead of taking care of actual crimes.

What a complicated way to say "I don't live in Germany".
Which Telegram channels were necessary to come to this elaborate opinion of Germany? I want to understand genesis of political genius.

>Better analogy would be working at day and sleeping at night.

It's a bad analogy and does not really make sense.


>You need to be morally superior (publicly) and you win.

With conservatives it is "the other way around". You need to be morally superior (privately) and you win.

That said the public/private option solely depends on the political ruling direction and is exchangable. Like all good citizens they pay a lot of attention to morality and moral critique. It's a tireless exercise but from within the wheels it looks like something important depending on who you are.

I call it the donut theory (of political spectra) a circle. in liberal capitalist society the political actors that feel themselves as citizens agree on all fundamentals questioned by their enemies so you basically have a horse shoe that contains a donut but only if your thinking and Lebenswelt is determined by the donut in the first place.


> It's a bad analogy and does not really make sense.
It's a good analogy and it makes a lot of sense, while yours is a meaningless one.
Situation in the world changes, because of new technologies, developments in international politics and so on. So policies shouldn't be fixed either.

And even in the times of stability. Some left wing policies are good, some aren't. Why should you take them all or reject all? Having state subsidized public transport is a good idea, while having fully planned economy with state-run cafes isn't.

This is such an obvious thing, why does it even need explaining. Really, for such a clueless person you act waaaay too smug. Typical horseshoe theory hater, who needs to touch some grass.

> What a complicated way to say "I don't live in Germany".

Cmon, trains in your country don't even come on time, at least approximately. This is 4-th world tier. I live in 3-rd world and the trains here run like clockwork.


>trains in your country don't even come on time

What is your source for this information?

 No.21433 KONTRA

I kept going back for naps after waking up until I ended up having a nightmare. It's an almost spiritual experience, as if some higher power told me "okay, you had your fun, time to wake up for good now!".

Wrote a lot today. Very satisfied. My projects are progressing.
Watched some anime with friends and also chatted a lot. Honestly insane how much I can just talk unpromted.

I think I'm keeping a nice balance between working and fun right now. Gotta exercise some more though.
I've been getting sick of the snacks for the past two days. Incredible how each year it happens quicker and quicker.
I've been really enjoying playing Persona 3.


> left wing policies are good, some aren't. Why should you take them all or reject all?
Because pragmatism/'political eclecticism' is insufferable to those who have self-contained theories of everything.


> let's punish cyclists for riding a sidewalk without bicycle line.
I can assure you that this, unfortunately, happens exactly never.



>Now, let's find out why do you deny it

I don't think i did. It is true that you have to expect trains to be at least a few minutes late.
But if that's the big problem a "let me tell me about your country" person has to point out I think I am pretty lucky to not be an Eastern European.


I hope I will get the Wurstkoffer for Christmas.


A lot of hot air and false expectations and implications, better read your comics than reproducing them.

I use public transport a lot and yet I rather live here than in Russia. It's a no-brainer when it comes to comfort of living, lol.
Especially in the city the public transport on tracks is very punctual, unlike the busses that depend on the traffic made up of individuals in rolling metal cages.


Happened to me once. You have to add 20€ on top for their time spent to bill you as well.
A person who likes the horse shoe theory would be happy about this, though. While it collides with their personal interest, it shows that the state runs very well, unlike in some corrupted shitholes omskistan which means the rules are reaching everybody and even in minor happenings the state order is enacted.

Some states are run very carelessly, with a lot of neglect and it drips through onto their citizens thinking.


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* a number between 1 and 10

 No.21444 KONTRA

I nabbed Tianding
Thank you!

 No.21445 KONTRA

That's a very inauspicious set of numbers for a Chinese topic. Oh dear, oh dear.


> act super smug and defensively and demand PROOFS
> when given them, claim that you never denied it and actually agree and your own experience confirms it

(a joke about Germans "just following orders")
Yes, ideally it shouldn't be crime according to the law in the first place. But even like that... Vital infrastructure doesn't work properly, there are neighborhoods which are unsafe for Jewish people to enter, and you're bragging about how orderly is your country because policemen take effort to fine cyclists (heroes of reducing emissions) for victimless crimes.

Anyway, enough bickering for today. You may continue without me.

 No.21448 KONTRA

>claim that you never denied it

Show me where i did. Please.

It is a well known fact that public transport is trash in Germany.
You're still trying to tell me about my country based on stuff you've seen on the internet.
You live in a third world shithole (which i know based on things i've seen on the internet, that makes it true) but somehow others are worse because trains. That makes me ask for your sources.

I would've had a follow up question but your retardation ruined it.


It's pretty funny that you're berating the russian (and I am not trying to defend him) for "let me tell you about your country" when all you know is your big city bubble. You two really deserve each other.


>big city bubble

I grew up in a small town and i am still often there to visit. In fact, i am going to be there in a few hours.


>ideally it shouldn't be crime according to the law in the first place.

Y It should be illegal for cyclists to use the roads, not the sidewalks, in the road, they will only allow down traffic. Germany has it backwards.


> I rather live here
Why? Russians aren't as brainwashed as Germans. They didn't fall for the Lord of the Democrats and believe all the Democrat propaganda like Germans do.


It's not a crime by law but an Ordnungswidrigkeit. You pay fines for these and that is it.

That exaggeration is what you get from using media but hardly thinking about mediality. Reading lots of media everyday makes you prone to sounding like the alarmed chicken farm that is journalism.

Crime and violence exist like in all modern socities, woah big deal. You can stay away thousand of kilometers and celebrate globohomo defense as if that is an archivement that can distract from poverty, bad infrastructure and disappointing state services I hear about your country a lot. I still have a good life and would never change for Russia, I am not a schizo.

In capitalism Germany so far is the better economic competitor and that is in accordance to my private interest as citizen. The ideology that pairs well with that is called nationalism btw.

 No.21454 KONTRA

Finest whataboutism.
Weird how that works when it's about something you actually care about.


Where is the whataboutism? I just mentioned that I can read a lot of negatives about Russia in media as well. It was about media and mediality and not really about problems occuring within a society. Not interested in the chicken farm chatter.


>Where is the whataboutism?
Ah yes, and the denial and deflection are there, too.
God, you are such a smart and likeable person, I bet everyone loves you for being so smart and such a master debater, and such an honest one at that! Hey buddy, why don't you come to my house and fuck my sister?


I thought ernst was completely deda.
I haven't used since .xyz shut down.
And I just found this right now!


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>And I just found this right now!
Really? Funny that word hasn't really gotten around much, even after almost two years. Well, we can't expect the whole event to be as important for everyone else as it was for us.


Christmas passed rather uneventfully I guess. Spent most of the day helping out and listening to music.
Also played some more video games.

I got the book I asked for, some new winter socks, some gloves, a pendrive, bedsheets and also most interestingly, a teaplant.
It’s in a tiny pot. On one hand, I am a bit angry, because my father yet again thought that “gifting responsibility” is a good idea and he thinks that finding someone a new hobby is also a good gift, but I am also feeling a sort of animistic humility towards the plant and I don’t want it to think that I am mad at it and whither away in sadness. Really, the more I think about it, the more I want to cry.
Though looking it up, it just needs ideal soil for it and a slightly shady place. It can survive the winters. My father did not haphazardly set me up for failure by the looks. But otherwise it is an evergreen plant.
My plan is to just put it in a big pot with the special dirt and then water it as needed. Will probably take years until it reaches the height where I can harvest leaves for it, and the quality will probably be dubious at best.
But considering I sometimes thought about buying an olive tree, maybe the teaplant is not the worst thing that could have happened to me. It’s next to me on the desk as I’m writing this. I think it has a bright future ahead of it.

I hope you guys had a fine Christmas too.

 No.21466 KONTRA

Do you have a photo of your sister first?
you could just answer the question


Merry Christmas to you too, Ernst, and to your based dad.


Pretty good Christmas. This place is extremely cold but the houses are warm. Ate a bunch of strange Polish food (people seemed to disagree with my comment that herring in smetana is an exotic dish). Went to midnight mass.
Gf's family got me a lot of gifts, which makes me think I should have brought more things for them. A great time.


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Woke up sick. Tea, Tylenol, and toast for breakfast. Likely the same for lunch and dinner. A Christmas trip to visit my mother has been cancelled. My sister will go and return with her gifts to me. There are a couple of football games today, both with playoff implications for the Bills. Can still watch those, at least. I am supposed to work tomorrow. Probably won't. This illness is work's fault. People have been coming in sick for weeks. Can't dodge 'em all.

Merry Christmas, Ernst.


Merry Christmas in polish

Merry Christmas and get well soon. Fuck work, I'm home until the 6th.


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That's great. Welcome!

Herring in smetana sounds interesting. Must be good with mashed potatoes.
I like "herring under fur coat" where it's mixed with mayonnaise, but yeah, that food is not for everyone.
What more strange food were you fed?


Merry Christmas to all Ernsts

 No.21479 KONTRA

Well, I guess today was fine. Went for a run and it was good.
Helped with some baking and also just kept eating trash in general.

We didn't end up playing boardgames and I kinda feel bad because my mother said it's "my fault" (it is) but I just didn't feel like I have the strength in me to wear a mask that tight for a few hours where we have to play a teams-based game which we do not know the rules of. It just sounds like torture.
I'd like to cope by thinking my father would not have liked to play either. And my sister was busy gaming anyway.
Christ of the family basically.

Thought more about the teaplant, I gave it a fancy Chinese name from a quote of the Hanfeizi, but I've just been referring to it as its shortened form, "Gaoshan 高山". Still on my table. Looked up the type of soil it needs, should be easy to get. Yeah, I'm gonna do this and it'll turn out good.

Took a nap while listening to music. It's always so weird that happens, but I cannot resist just laying on top of the bed.
Continued gaming. Felt a bit guilty about it.
Also been making some progress with the German book I got for Christmas.

 No.21510 KONTRA

Not that I had hoped for anything much but kind of a depressing christmas. First one since my grandpa is gone but it's a lot less lively without him. My brother is still doing fuck all and managed to mess up getting my parents the present I asked him for despite me reminding him several times. I wouldn't have minded getting something myself but he assured me he'll get it done and then last minute told some excuse that he forgot where he put it.
Did the annual secret santa with my group of friends from school. In the end only a few of us stayed and we did coke until 6am for no reason.
Managed to watch some nice movies together with my parents yesterday but this afternoon they've been watching some total trash so I visited my grandma, got my birthday money in advance and then retreated into my room.
Relapsed on watching porn but i guess being bored and drunk is not a great position to be in. Looks like I haven't achieved much of what I wanted to in terms of getting a gf this year and quasi-wizardhood is imminent.
I just wanna get back into the city and to the gym but my wrist/elbow feel in constant pain and my back also hasn't fully recovered.


I cannot imagen myself doing coke for no reason until early morning anymore but somehow I still would like to do it for whatever reason.

At least I was with friends as well, though one is at a psychological treatment facility after breakdown. Yesterday on visit we were having a smoke outside and a beautiful girl stepped out of the building for a smoke as well. Clicheed somehow. On the other hand I know my ex was in that facility for suicide last year.

A strange Christmas somehow. But also very human for lack of better vocabulary. Maybe also depressing because I was not able to cure myself from lonliness as well even though I made big steps to leave chronic depressions behind for good.

New year, new opportunities, I guess.

>I just wanna get back into the city and to the gym

Same. I just want to get back. Here at my parents home in hometown it is like hoovering between things, kinda gives me an uncomfortable background feeling.
Hopefully the modular mats made from EVA-Schaum will arrived before NYE so I can train dancing at home better right when I am back. They will allow me to learn floor work at home.

What are Ernsts doing for NYE?


Man compared to the other germans I feel right-out normal.
Christmas was uneventful.
NYE will be spent with friends. I will get hammered, shoot one pack of rockets to ward off at least the evil spirits in the immédiate vicinity and then drink some more.
Good slide everyone.


Days move slowly when I'm sick. Painfully so. Free from work, but with no energy or focus to do anything at home, I simply wait for time to pass. Back to waging today. I'm not 100% and haven't had a decent meal or cup of coffee since Tuesday but would rather grind through some semblance of normalcy than persist in this suspended state.

>What are Ernsts doing for NYE?
The same procedure as every year, ernst. No plans, with work the next morning.


Will visit grave of friend and then help my parents with some stuff and later hopefully find the motivation for some mobility exercises. Tomorrow the trains will bring me back but I will see another friend before boarding.

Careful, not getting that rest can bite back a little later and you get sick even worse since did not allow your body to rest properly.


Christmas was a rather sad affair for Ernst. It's like witnessing a decaying institution. Most are old and sick, with death already sneaking up, and the few younger people are struggling for various reasons, mostly mental things, hopeless education/employment situation or drug addiction. Worst thing is that it's already obvious that things will only be getting worse in the future. People will die, or will need to go into a nursing home at some point. And then there's Ernst, who's doing well for himself, but has not much hope of having a family of his own, so it's just existing and waiting to get old. There's simply not much to look forward to, it feels more like administrating a downward spiral.

It seems like everyone is aware that the whole family jumped off a huge cliff a long time ago, and now we're just waiting for the impact.

Get well soon, Ernst!


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Reached 200 days streak on Duolingo while studying French. Can now read picture-memes, can read twitter brainrot with some effort. Listening however is difficult with French phonetics, can't understand half of words in "Peppa pig" without subtitles.

I'll spend NYE with gf, we'll be at home except going to nearby park and watching fireworks.


When I woke up my father asked me to "explain the Laozi in 5 sentences" as if I was "telling it to the dog".
I tried to do my best.

Afterwards I longued around a bit and then went and had a massage. I think it was fine. Got told that it really shows on my legs that I'm running, but my neck was all fucked up.

Spent the rest of the day playing videogames.
I've been reading more in the evenings. Started taking vitamin D again and I'm suddenly feeling a lot more "well adjusted" in the sense that I'm motivated to go to bed earlier and I'm thinking more clearly.


On Christmas:
My brother is a rather unpleasant person. Our mother offered us pickled cucumber (grown herself, pickled herself), he tasted it and was like 'meh, it's just cucumber, maybe it tastes a little like mustard, dunno,' you know, like you do when someone did something for the first time and is proud of it. He foes that all the time to almost everyone, he just loves putting people down. Fucking little pissant.

My sister made an awesome vegan dinner, bless her heart. My mother tries to compensate for not giving a fuck about me when I was a kid by knitting scarves and hats to keep me warm. Yeah, it's a little late now, trying to make me feel cared for.

Luckily, I don't have friends anymore, so I did not have to drink or do coke, they are all married with children, anyway. Keiner hat mehr Bock auf kiffen, saufen, feiern, so ist es hier im Block tagein, tagaus, halt mir zwei Finger an den Kopf und mach bang, bang, bang, bang.

Couldn't stand it on the second day of Christmas and fled back to my flat. These Christmases were fun back when the grandparents were alive. Christmas sucks ass now. It's like we're trying to pretend it's Christmas.

Watched a YouTube video titled something like 'what happens to YOU when the Russians nuke us'. Expected to die, was not disappointed. I wish they would finally do it, after so many red lines.

 No.21550 KONTRA

Woke up early again. I went out shopping with my mother. She forced me to sign up for a revolut card to get the sign-up bonus which I despised but I could not say no to her.

I picked up a network switch and some ethernet cables. After I got home I installed them so now I don't have to get under the desk to change the cable from the Mac to the PC and vice versa when I want to switch between the systems.
I'm surprised that it just works.

I had lunch and then I finished the first season of Apothecary Diaries on discord with friends. It was incredibly moving and I ended up shedding a few tears.

After that I went over to the old place to try and find a CD player I remembered having. I spent like an hour and a half just rummaging through stuff in an environment reminiscent of the exclusion zone, getting hit by intermittent bouts of nostalgia and disgust over the past.
I did not find what I was looking for. I found some papyrus bookmarks and my old Playstation, which I evacuated. It still works if I recall correctly but has no cables or controllers or games. Best bet would probably be to just sell it.
Anyway, I think this was a fun "adventure". Though I think most people would not call this one.
It'd probably be for the best if I managed to suppress this urge to fuck around with old, out of date audio gadgets.

I then wasted some time online, went for a run and washed off. Played some more Persona.
The run felt good. Honestly I've been feeling pretty good these past few days even though I have stopped drinking coffee.
Sort of more balanced.

 No.21551 KONTRA

> I've been feeling pretty good these past few days even though I have stopped drinking coffee
>more balanced

Maybe your body is trying to tell you something. Restlessness and anxiety can be due to coffee consumption as well for example.


Maybe you wouldn't me so miserable if you didn't have such a miserable taste in music.


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I think I have a suspicion about the nature of my sleeplessness.


>Careful, not getting that rest can bite back a little later and you get sick even worse
I survived Friday, but late last night paid for the exertion. Seriously considered bailing today, but gutted through it. Added Ibuprofen to my maximum safe Tylenol dose, staggering the pills so that either is always at full potency. Did the trick.
Work week over. Holiday over. Now I can rest.


Stress or salt?
I should not have started salting my eggs. Going back to plain will be tough.


>Stress or salt?
Fuck if I know. Currently on vacation, though I still think about work. I use very little salt in my cooking.

I found a special form of hypertension though that can occur in young, fit people, predominantly males. I still fit in the observed age bracket. But it would also explain why I would sometimes wake up with anxiety and why I am such a hothead.


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How big do you think are the local and touristic grief and psychological damage done by climate change to winter sports areas and the people who live and visit(ed) there?

Will or is your area of living impacted by climate change? How so and how do you feel about it?


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It's one of the most important topic regarding climate change here with the slow melt of the glaciers. Both worry the right-wing conservative types, because it touches both a national symbol and for the case of ski station a well established industry.
Most stations under a certain altitude are slowly shutting down; I'd say that under a 800m threshold it becomes too costful to artificially elongate the season with snow canons. As for higher altitude stations, it's less of a strain and public/private instances take the time they have to try to reinvent Alpine tourism with less winter sports.


in 10-15 years, 1.5 billion climate refugees will flood northern Europe, that's 5 times the current European population. Holidays were bourgie-types can move without bodyguards will be very much in demand, and Switzerland can sell them, you just need to built a wall to keep the africans and muslims out of your country.

 No.21565 KONTRA

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Hope you had a nice Christmas and wishing you a blossoming year 2025.


Same to you, Erno.

 No.21569 KONTRA

Writing about yesterday in the today thread. Wow. Subersive.

I went to a thermal bath with the family. I'm experiencing insane fucking mood-swings again.
The water was nice but having to listen to retards say "insightful" political platitudes wasn't that good.
Ultimately I think I masked it relatively well, my mother's only comments being that I am not talking much and that I look "tired". Indeed.

Spent some time playing video games afterwards and then I sorta screwed a bit around with my research and then talked with people.
Went to bed a bit late.

Today I had a coffee thinking it would help. It really didn't. Or at least I feel like it didn't give me the rush I wanted it to give me.

Had a meeting today. It went well. I'd say very well. Nobody does meetings like I do believe me.
So yeah I'm just going to crush this research assignment.

Time to play more video games and then read irrelevant books.

 No.21570 KONTRA

I'm waiting for a person to answer my message and who initially reached out to me and asked if we want to hang out sometime. Which I was happy about because I need to meet more people and attend events etc. The more I am puzzled that the person does not answer since I am back from my Christmas holiday.

Es ist alles so mühsam, Ernst.

 No.21571 KONTRA

Sheesh, u cringe and delulu.

NGL we not vibing. I was only being polite I had no idea you would actually msg me. U givin Ohio rizz.

you never msg me again or I report you for sexual harassment.


I got myself Bumble. I liked two women I think, or only one. Now I have to wait because I cannot swipe anymore. Most profiles gave me nothing. Funny to think it may be the same the other way around making a profile is so cringe. Though, I got three matches albeit none from the one or two I assigned a like and Bumble wants me to pay to see who liked me. Should I get another app already, Ernst?

o-o-ok Carlotta, I will never message you again :(((


Eating eggs again. With toast. The only thing I can stomach this past week. Tried a few other dishes, nothing sits right. Other than my appetite, most symptoms of illness fade with Tylenol. Strange it persists. I am rarely sick more than a day or two.

To you as well, ernst.


>making a profile is so cringe
Lmao, I installed Hinge yesterday after a friend advised me to, but entering all the info to create the profile was pissing me off so much already that I gave up. Instead reinstalled Okcupid and got a match with a cute girl.
I was having a bit of meltdown trying to come up with something interesting to text her but then a buddy called me up to go out. Thought I might as well go out and meet some people irl, but little did I know that I was going to be barhopping with a group of middle aged lesbian moms on ketamine and a gay Indian dude until morning. It was fun to develop this weird camarederie with this random group of people throughout the night. But also cocaine is a hell of a drug. Gotta watch that I don't pick up a habit.

 No.21577 KONTRA

Sounds fun tbh. But on the other hand thinking about the comedown I would have declined.
Okcupid is a good idea. I will probably download that and Tinder and Hinge at different times and check them out. I have a suggestion of cute spanish grill but no likes REEE not that she will match with me anyway :DDD

Going to sleep now. I will probably do nithing on NYE because the only contact in this city I have that is here and that I know well enough to ask is sick and maybe not ready until tomorrow it would mean going to a club, which I'm not super fond of

 No.21578 KONTRA

>Funny to think it may be the same the other way around
You are only realizing now that 80% of men are sub-beta garbage and genetical refuse? Cope or rope, Yence.


I installed Bumble too recently. I only matched with a sound engineer, with whom I ruined the conversation by sounding cold, and a girl 10 years older than me whom I found so attractive wrote to her ignoring the age gap. They both stopped responding weeks ago and I’ve seen most of the profiles in my surroundings.

 No.21580 KONTRA

Already running out of choices that fast sounds tough.
I just cast a wide net with a bracket from 20-40 in a big city, though I get more older women which I guess is because of the womens age settings? Since I don't look my age in the street I usually get lols from younger women.

The problem is that most of these profiles really don't sound interesting to me. It strikes me as very normie. At least she should be visibly pop culture and "alternative" by which I mean the uniform outfits and hair cuts some have


>using dating apps, ever
No wonder you guys are like that.
Or are you using dating apps because you are like that?


IMG_4293.MP4 (1.27 MB, 672x848)

2023 was a smart year according to EC calendar, and 2024 was a strong year. What is 2025 supposed to be?


The year of the soldering iron

 No.21585 KONTRA

It was an "intelligent year".
Get it right!

 No.21586 KONTRA

Year of the noose.


Sail back to the mainland, Norman


2025 will hopefully not be a lonely year.

Proof of Ernst succesful.


Ernst would also like to have a GF, but he doesn't want to deal with social stuff, like visiting her parents and playing board games on Saturday evening with other couples. He only wants it for homely things like cooking together, cuddling and SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEGS, but otherwise no further impairment on his life.

Basically Ernst wants a GF but also doesn't.


There are prostitutes that give you the "girlfriend experience". Sounds like the thing you want.


That's for ultimate losers and pretty disgusting.

Imagine kissing a prostitute, while she hates you and just wants to go back to her pimp as quickly as possible, to give him your money, suck his dick and have him shit in her whore-mouth, which you are kissing.


Absolutely not. The mere thought of the girl not really wanting it totally ruins it for me, no chance I'd ever touch a prostitute, no matter how well she delivers the GF experience. It's a personal thing though, might work well for others, who don't share that sentiment.


Understandable. I wouldn't want to sex a whore or roleplay having a relationship with one either, but there's a reason why it's such a successful industry. Enough people don't mind.>she hates you and just wants to go back to her pimp as quickly as possible, to give him your money, suck his dick and have him shit in her whore-mouth


That's your problem. You're a people pleaser, a sub-beta homo who worries about what women want. Women can smell that, and they are disgusted by your weakness.

If you can't even assert yourself towards women, how can you ever hope to make it in the world of men? By bending over and be a gay little prison bitch? Did you make this whiny little homo-post so I would fuck your pink little boy pussy until it twitches?

Women's feminist bullshit is just a collective shit-test. Don't believe it. Women always flock to the strongest men.

Read this excerpt from a feminist newspaper.
Woman cries that no man can fuck her like her pimp did, and no one will ever be able to measure up to him.

To a woman, no man can ever measure up to the man who dominates and abuses her. He positions himself far above the woman and other men, and women want men they can look up to, not gay little touchy-feely prison-bitches who talk about their gay little fee-fees for hours on end.

If you cannot accept that, there's always a resolution nearby where you can get your pink little boy-pussy filled with cum.

Now say thank you to the nice uncle who explained the world to you, like a good little boy. (Or is it girl? Honestly, I can't tell.)

 No.21599 KONTRA

Thank you Dr. Sommer


Yeah, a lot of people don't seem to mind. Fun fact: The hottest thing about a girl in my opinion is when she shows affection towards me. Not saying looks aren't important, but I would be way more interested in a decent looking girl who likes me than in a 10/10 who I've just met. Don't really know why, it always worked that way for me.

Ok cool.


it's not that the Johns don't mind.

There are sadists who want the prostitute to be disgusted.

There are idiots who fool themselves into thinking that the prostitute likes them, at least a little. Even if they just paid for her to pretend she likes them.

 No.21602 KONTRA

I feel very old using the apps. I thought I would comment one of these question prompts she beats me in being chronically late but apparently, I just opened the overall chat after matching with "god help me", kek. Well, she wrote back.

You need to find somebody that also hates visiting parents and whose personal hell is boardgame night with two other couples.

I can understand the sentiment, though. While I don't mind visiting parents if they are ok I have done so in the past the imagination of a couple's night makes me uncomfortable. I'm not anti-social though


Reading Ernst postings about women and relationships is always funny


i_hate_women.webm (5.46 MB, 640x360)

Ernst has special insight.


> visiting her parents
Yes, that sucks. Moreover, her dad and sister seem to be just as unenthusiastic as I am. It's her mum who is instigator of such meetings but she also doesn't have a good time and is fairly anxious.
I'll probably limit such events to 1-2 times a year. Over that limit gf can just see them without me if she wants to.

Roughly the same situation with my relatives. They often come to the city (unlike her family always sitting in suburbs) so it doesn't take a whole day to meet with them. But you can't satisfy mom with meetings in restaurants, she wants you to come to her place. We'll visit my parents during winter holidays, and I agreed to that solely because my sister with her husband will come there from another city: it's a rare opportunity, and also I want to consult with her about organizing marriage, choosing rings and so on.

> playing board games on Saturday evening with other couples

Things like that happened once on her initiative and couple of times on my initiative. Usually we spend time with each other besides paying tribute to relatives.


Happy New Year from Poland.

 No.21613 KONTRA

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Well, prosit, Ernst!
Here's to a Consistent Year!

Had a really good running session. Perfect to close the year off.
Then I sorta spent the day in anxiety over the party my sister is throwing but it turned out fine. When the clock struck twelve, I was out with them on the balcony and we shared a drink and a cigarette.

Did a bit of calligraphy.
I kinda wish I was drunk but I want to not overburden my digestive system by nuking it with vodka or champagne.


NYE was fine. Met some pals, no alcohol, good food, only outside in the cold for the fireworks, and back home fairly early. Couldn't ask for more. Well, I could ask for big tiddy GF and three months vacation, but that seem to be unreasonable expectations.

Happy new year Ernst!

Do siego roku, KURWA!


Happy New Year!
May it bring luck and wisdom for those willing to embrace it.


Happy new year, Ernst.
Stay healthy and happy, and if you aren't, become.
Let this be the year of the soldering iron.


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Went to bed early last night, as is tradition. Was awakened by by neighborhood fireworks. Assumed midnight. Nope. 11pm. Back to sleep. Fireworks again. Now midnight.
Up early for work. Finally recovered enough that I am drinking coffee again, which means the year is officially off to a good start.


Was considering going out on NYE but the weather was exceptionally lousy and I felt somewhat spent after my recent drug-fueled night so I just stayed in, drank a bottle of makgeolli and some soju, opened a pack of Japanese cigs I had stashed and watched a couple old hollywood movies.

Happy New Year, Ernst!


proper blue sky!!1.jpg (1.35 MB, 5184x3456)

…aaand we're back.jpg (1.45 MB, 5184x3456)

>the weather was exceptionally lousy
Same here. Rain and darkness seemingly without end.
But today, there are moments of blue sky and sunshine and real shadows, which feel like a sight last seen long ago. The sun doesn't shine on my windows because other buildings, but from my windows I am able to see places where it does, when it does.


Stayed in as well, first time. Somehow relaxing tbh. Chatted with a depressed chick who hates NYE on okc but it went nowhere in the end.

May 2025 be a year of not being alone.

 No.21634 KONTRA

>But today, there are moments of blue sky and sunshine and real shadows

Oh really? I should open my curtains :DDD I think they have been closed since NYE. Luckily I can get quite some sun when it shines here.


It's probably safer to stay inside. I feel like people are getting dumber and more aggressive with their fireworks by the year.
Apparently, it's not fun unless someone can get hurt.


Berliner detected


Inbred Provinzseppel detected. Why do retarded villagers even post on the internet? Go do some Catholic magic with incense or maybe fuck your cousin or do some Hitler salutes.


The fastest way to write a paper is to just stream of consciousness words onto paper and searching the generalities of what you wrote so you can find references to what you wrote. I wonder what kind of grade I'll get on this one.

 No.21647 KONTRA

I woke up afrer 4 hours of sleeping but I was insanely well rested. I woke up an hour before my alarm rang even.
And then I spent the rest of the day in good mood because I managed to fix my internet connection. I wasn't really hungry, nabbed on a few blocks of chocolate, skipped lunch until late in the afternoon.
Got some money for Christmas so I am going to get the iPod repaired for larp purposes. Shouldn't be that expensive. Going to town tomorrow. Might end up picking up a book too.
Also indulged and bought a second Tarot deck.

Finished another batch of the story in Persona 3. I'm getting the hang of the game.
Lot of fun even if it has a lot more grinding in it than Persona 5.

Translated two paragraphs and inserted them into the essay. Tomorrow I'll finish it.
Slow and steady.
Being a real academic badboy and just citing Engels to own the libs.
Also reading Xi in the original Chinese for it is kinda exciting. I mean sure he's obviously not an adventure novel author or anything but I sorta feel like I'm getting my appetite for China studies back even though my consumption of materials is still badly unbalanced in favour of Japanese stuff rn.

Also gonna have to buy some groceries because there's barely anything home after the holidays.
Mom seems to be sick again, she apparently almost fainted after a migraine episode in the morning.


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A female friend of mine cut her hair short into something like that with dark blond hair and curtain bangs. It’s really shockingly beautiful on her,
I think I blushed when I first saw her today. But she’s already taken and I don’t think she ever thought of me as a potential romantic interest even before that.
Though two times already she called me by her boyfriend’s name and called her boyfriend by my name while I was absent once.

 No.21649 KONTRA

I realize the person in the illustrative picture looks like a 12yo boy. Focus on the hair please


ponytail.jpg (50.3 KB, 518x806)

>Though two times already she called me by her boyfriend’s name and called her boyfriend by my name while I was absent once.
So, you're telling me there's a chance...

I have always loved ponytails. Recently noticed a woman at work wearing one low and loose. Perfect style, imo.

 No.21651 KONTRA

There is no escaping the friendzone.


You should watch less anime.

 No.21664 KONTRA

I like loose ponytails a lot too. Women’s hair is something so beautiful and mysterious.

>you should watch less anime
Last one I’ve seen for the first time was Lain 2 years ago.
The style is inexact it’s more an indicator of the length. For example, my friend tucked her hair behind her ears, she has bigger volume, more hair and more "organized" strands.


Lain.png (401.52 KB, 598x1021)

> 2 years ago
You should watch more anime.


besthaircut.png (1.4 MB, 900x900)

Yes, it's the a very nice hair cut and I love that it is in style. Mid-length is the best.

 No.21670 KONTRA

Helped out with grocery shopping. Then I wasted the entire day online and on video games.


I had a pretty good running session today after lunch.
Afterwards I worked on finishing the essay. Gotta say, I kinda started enjoying reading Xi by the end of it. Actually I've decided I'm going to take this topic to a conference sometime soon.
Gonna write the abstract for it tomorrow.
But yeah in general I'm very satisfied with the essay. Hope the lecturer will like it too but I have a reason to believe that in the end, I did not quite steal her heart.

Played a bit more Persona until my Steam's screenshot function made Windows screenshit itself and then came some troubleshooting because after rebooting Steam just decided to send notifications for every screenshot I've ever taken on this system.
But hey, at least it's not my 80 buck video card dying on me.

I'm honestly feeling a lot better for some reason this past week or so. I'm really not sleeping all that much but I have a lot of energy. Don't know what changed.

 No.21681 KONTRA

She said sorry for the late answer and that she would like to meet with happy happy smiles.

Also, one of my bumble matches confirmed that she would like to go with me to redacted.

Berlin-Ernst, how long do you have to wait for an answer if you get one if you intro'd sombody or a mutual like on okc. Are these rather instant or can they take their time? I want to know if I don't stir any attention or if I am impatient. probably both kek I'm asking because bumble showed me a match only two or three days after she liked me first, or somebody unliked me and she was instantly shown to me this morning.


> go with me to redacted.
What is even the point of such a sentence? It's like people censoring swear words for no f*cking reason.

 No.21683 KONTRA

Because I am paranoid and not the only Ernst in this city.


Then why not just leave it out entirely? The amount of information would be the same.

>fear of nudification
>in 2024
Nobody fucking cares my dude. Finnball can precision airstrike people based on snapshits they took with their potato camera with shaky hands in pitch black night, and that with them being the only people from their country here and you bitch about some Ernst living in the same city as you?

 No.21686 KONTRA

>Finnball can

That is the reason why I am careful at times. I'm pretty sure that other Ernst would not lurk all weekend at the location to spot two people that look like they are on a date. Just accept my desire for privacy :DDD


> Just accept my desire for privacy :DDD
I know that you're aware of the framework within which you are making that statement, but it's very silly nonetheless.
Or is it some modern netizen thing I don't get?


Lucky you, getting a headstart this year in the battle against loneliness

>how long do you have to wait for an answer if you get one if you intro'd sombody or a mutual like on okc

Idk, my personal experience is pretty limited, but I'd say they respond either quickly or not at all
>I'm asking because bumble showed me a match only two or three days after she liked me first, or somebody unliked me and she was instantly shown to me this morning.
It's probably throttled in some way, guess you're just at the mercy of the algorithm unless you buy premium

I think I need to stop thinking about sth cool to say and just send more intros

 No.21690 KONTRA

>send more intros

I sent intros with every third or fourth like. Some we're quick in response, just a few hours. But mostly nothing :D


I bode Afteryule "Anglish awareness month". I'll write all my posts in Anglish throughoutbewhile this time


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Can there be a more jewish name than Eliezer Yudkowsky? Can anyone be more soyfaced? Looking at this soycuck's actual name and face has convinced me that AI is the best thing that ever could have happened to humanity.


What do you think about hatred in arts and the expression of hatred in arts? Is there a hateful work of art you enjoy?


Define "hatred" and "hateful".
There is more than enough art mocking the ruling class, is that borne from hatred?
Is some gay fag making art depicting the deconstruction of the nuclear family hateful? Or a jew making a parody of the Last Supper, or Jesus in general?


I was lazy and hoped Ernsts who took the time to respond would define "hate" and "hatred" themselves in order to formulate an answer.
Hate, for me in that case, is a violent negative emotion towards an object that wishes for its destruction. Maybe what I meant was a work of art that’s specifically hateful towards its own medium or/and hateful towards a more or less non-situated public.


>Maybe what I meant was a work of art that’s specifically hateful towards its own medium or/and hateful towards a more or less non-situated public.
Like the entirety of modern Hollywood? See also: Writer's Guild strike and SAG/AFTRA strike

 No.21704 KONTRA

>all my posts


>Etymology 2
>Borrowed from Middle French poste, from Italian posta ‎(“stopping-place for coaches”‎), feminine of
posto ‎(“placed, situated”‎).

You have sullied the tongue of our foreskins

 No.21706 KONTRA

> Is that born from hatred
No, from slave morality.


He's a platonic shape of Redditor.

Thanks for your righting. With evenway help, we'll unsettleland our minds.


mfw it's dead.jpg (35.9 KB, 500x500)

Current status of my Windows 10 installation: It will not update, with the last successful security update occurring in 2021. No restore points exist. Both system recovery options- with data retention and without- fail. Today I created an external boot drive and attempted to start. It would not boot. Tinkered with BIOS. Nothing. Just an HP logo. Yep. It's over. Still works, with regular crashes and odd system quirks. The start button search feature doesn't open. Edge browser bookmarks exist but cannot be exported. Firefox randomly closes. My mouse driver will not load half the time. Small annoyances I will now solve by purchasing a new PC. I still don't know if this is a hardware problem or software. Doesn't matter at this point. My solution is the same.


Btw, this is an excellent opportunity to leave the shackles of M$ behind and install Gentoo.

 No.21714 KONTRA

>but I'd say they respond either quickly or not at all

I would say yes. But I got an an answer from a girl who I matched with on saturday or sunday, dunno. So it depends, for whatever reason.

>I think I need to stop thinking about sth cool to say and just send more intros

The problem is an intro is either funny (and cool) or thoughtful. I guess both work. My attempts at being funny first have been ignored so far :DDD, while my bumble matches turned into walls of text but in a good way, one date confirmed, another is pending. I got another match as well, so I cannot complain. If this is the normal outcome you quickly cannot keep up anyway I think. I'm either Icarus or maybe can evolve into the brit who worked for the state and posted sometimes on old EC. Whatevs: wish you luck, for all I know you "check boxes" of those girls in leather jackets and tattoos with cool hair, so don't despair.


Woke up very early. Had breakfast and then slept for another 40 minutes.
I finished a piece of homework and then I also submitted an abstract for a conference.

Tried playing video games but my SSD seems to be dying. Or the cable connecting the SSD or the port. Most likely the port connecting the SSD is dying because the motherboard is too old.
I reinstalled the drivers and I thought that fixed it and only after that did I managed to figure out it's probably the SSD fucking up.
Fucking irritating because I'm like 50 hours into a JRPG and the story was just about to pick up.
I just really hope it's the SATA port that fucking died and not the motherboard itself or the SSD itself.
Worst would be if the motherboard died because that's expensive and I'd also need to buy a new CPU probably and I don't want to spend like 120 on buying used trash.
Goddamit I just want to finish Persona 3.

Changed by mattress cover and I ended up doing some retarded move while doing it and I pulled my lower back or something so it hurts slightly.
I wonder how this will influence my plans to have a run tomorrow.

Glad to see you're having fun too Ernst!


lol, you maybe just don't have an upgrade-path anymore. Ridiculously enough, that can happen. It happens to the windows admin at work when the spares have been sitting in the shelf for to long.

 No.21717 KONTRA

Gentoo is for beginners. I only use xherbo and nixos because either you have no package management or you do it right. All other approaches are half-measures, and if I wanted half-measures, I could be using Windows.

t. Non-passing 45 yo mtf with autism and 20 old thinkpads, 30 pairs of programming socks, but no job


gottfrid.jpg (182.94 KB, 1024x768)


> All other approaches are half-measures, and if I wanted half-measures, I could be using Windows.

>~ Windows > 1/2 good
1/2 [good] != |windows|
half good still beats windows.

you should try mint [~"very" restrictive from the view of linux users, much like windows] or KDE Plasma [similar look to windows; that's about it] before buying another machine with trash software pre-installed.

village-Ernst never bothered with any of those dating apps.
you either learn some perverted stuff about someone you already know or you have to drive ~1h+ in order to get to know a new face.


Fucking hell, I was just making a joke, but I should have known that one does not joke about lunix.

 No.21721 KONTRA




I once found my cousin-once-removed on a dating app that targets the lower classes. she had faked her age. only by four years from 14 to 18, lol. she wasn't allowed to use social media at the time, but i didn't tell on her


I’ll wanna house a Muslim apostate friend, his family is about to discover through account statements that he’s been frequenting bars and lied about his earnings. Since I still live with my parents, I won’t be able to expose them to the risk… I’ll have to figure smth out

 No.21724 KONTRA

I know people like this and they are amazingly irritating and picky and 90% of their opinions depend on edge-cases the average user doesn't or shouldn't encounter.
IT equivalent of being a theorycel leftwinger.


What's the problem, you think they'll go honor kill him and anyone in their way?


They may actually try the former, but I don’t think they’ll do anything to me. Anyway it’s best not to involve my family in any way


How do you even manage to associate with these people?

 No.21728 KONTRA

Maybe I’m blowing things out of proportion.


So they will not honor kill him?

 No.21730 KONTRA

Although, I just realized, you called him an apostate, but only talked about him doing haram things. What is it now? Just drinking something is usually tolerated. I know a guy who doesn't smoke in front of his parents "out of respect". He makes a point of not associating with expats because he considers them backwards retards, but there's still enough desert in him to have him shackled more than enough.


They are extremely pious and represent local religious authority. To them, their kid never lied to them and is the most pious a Muslim can be. These are war traumatized people who have an history of violence. Most worry comes from him not me.


> These are war traumatized people who have an history of violence.
A bloo bloo, then they should know better. But then again, they are religious retards of the most retarded faith of them all.
On the other hand, lying to your parents in that dimension is pretty bad too. But then again, they are religious retards of the most retarded faith of them all.
The proper solution would be to just send them all back to where they come from if they want to keep their dumbass ways like that.
Can't you just call the police or something? Or won't they do anything because of racism?

 No.21733 KONTRA

So they are extremely sangniggery sandniggers. Stay away, do not interact, there business is not your business. If they are extremely pious muslims, killing you (an infidel) will gain his brothers and muslims a special place in paradise with x number of virgins.


>The proper solution would be to just send them all back to where they come from if they want to keep their dumbass ways like that.
That's racist and you are a fascist AfD-nazi. These are only cultural differences! We have religious freedom! Diversity is strength! The failure is on your side for not working harder to integrate humans who were forced to flee to Europe. I will not tolerate any other so-called 'opinion'. (Because those are not 'opinions', but crimes against humanity.) In essence, YOU want to drown people in the mediterranean for having a different color of skin! If it wasn't for YOU, Africa and the middle east would be as rich as Europe, at least, btw., because they invented EVERYTHING and EUROPE invented nothing. Before Europe exploited the world through imperialism, Europe was the poorest continent! Everything you have, YOU STOLE from the people you now want to SENT BACK!(I cannot tolerate such leftist opinions, t. Mod Högge)

 No.21744 KONTRA

Woke up late. I wasn’t feeling very well rested at all. Ended up just laying in bed for a long time.
Got out of bed and spent some time online and then I got an email notifying me of how my essay was evalued to be a B and I was devastated that she did not let my bullshit pass like that.
What a bitch for actually seeing trough my poorly structured, bloated nonsense.
Well, I was actually kinda bummed about it even if I wasn’t actually you know, in the right.

After that I had lunch and then I set to try and fix the fucking PC. Turned it on, wouldn’t give a video signal. Fans turn on, everything, no signal. Try different ports, different cables, try booting from a different sata slot, no SSD etc, then I switch out the video card for the old nvidia one I have. No signal still, so at least it wasn’t the video card.
Took out one RAM stick and it suddenly posts. I put the old card back in and it still posts. Fucked around a bit more with the RAM and it turns out slot 2 on the motherboard is fucking dead and it wouldn’t let the PC send video signal if there’s RAM inserted into it.

I used it for the next 4 hours and there was no lag or crash or anything of the sort, but it only has 8 gigs of RAM now. Ended up being able to run Persona 3 just fine. (I didn’t spend 4 hours playing it but the PC’s uptime was 4 hours by the time I was turning it off.)
I had a friend help me a bit but honestly I’m surprised how I actually figured it out.
Like a decade ago this would have been an expensive repair job or something because I’d have been too afraid to take it apart. (Not taking it apart, but rather, the responsibility and the naysaying of my parents.)

I felt pretty good about it all things considered. Even if the next step is to just find a cheap used motherboard that I can just plop this shit into without having to buy other components.
(Maybe a new CPU too, but it all has to be used shit from like 3-4 generations ago.)

I think it was a productive day all things considered. Now all that’s left is to read a bit and then sleep.
Also I skipped a run because in the morning my back felt fucked still.


>leave the shackles of M$ behind
From my cold dead hands.

Tried. It works, but it's going to take a lot to break my familiarity with Windows.

>upgrade path
I only recently discovered that years of updates were failing. The process finished, I paused updates for another month and moved on. Turns out it was just wasting time. Maybe if I had caught it sooner...

Nice. I'm still afraid to take my PC apart. Well, not afraid but merely certain that I will destroy what functionality remains. Things have a history of breaking when I touch them. I am, however, great at any task which requires brute force. So, I
have that going for me.


I have yet to be punished for not studying anything for my exams. Am I genius, did I crack the discourse codes of examinations and through my powering intellect I'm able to figure out what I'm supposed to say without actually knowing anything concrete? Are humanities fake? Let's see how these next few grades play out.

 No.21752 KONTRA

It's fake when fakers are sitting in the chair of the lecturer.
It's as real as it gets when you have someone who's in it for the love of the game sitting in the chair.

Really, there's layers to taking apart a PC.
Taking our the RAM is simple, taking out an HDD is also simple. A GPU is a bit more hassle but otherwise it follows the same pattern of "find the slot the thingy slides into".
PSU is moderately complicated with how you need to plug a lot of stuff all over the place, but still managable for the average user I think.
The fun begins when you take out the CPU and the motherboard.

Personally I was too lazy to wire up the front IO of my case. getting the motherboard to interact with the built-in parts of your case is probably the "hardest" because instead of having to just plug one cable in you need to put in like 10 and it's small and I can't be bothered to find the manual but basically it's simple enough once you look up what the symbols mean and just match them up.

(Then again, the only reason I ever took out the motherboard of the PC because I accidentally uninstalled the socket holder for the CPU because I just kept unscrewing the screws until there were none.)


>zoomer talking about (dis)assembly of pc components
Always funny


I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX. Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called “Linux”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called “Linux” distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.


>Not taking it apart, but rather, the responsibility and the naysaying of my parents

My mother flew into a blind rage when she found out that I had even opened the case. Of course, that was close to a quarter of a century ago.

> pic?
No, but I knew a guy who looked exactly like that in uni. He's a multi-millionaire now.


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> Are humanities fake?


I just found out that Plexiglas (PMMA) has already been used (commercially) since the 30s.
I always thought it was one of those 50s inventions. For me, all plastics before that were Bakelite and its relatives.


PVC is about as old as bakelite. Celluloid was before that.


Got to work today and found out they had fired my direct manager. No one knows why. Or they aren't saying. This is the second time this has happened. My last manager was fired for time theft. Eventually word will get around as to what this guy did. Or what he didn't do. Anyway, now I have to break in another one.

>I just kept unscrewing the screws until there were none
Same way I broke my old lawnmower. Taking off the carburetor to clean it and took out one too many screws. I keep meaning to piece it back together. Someday.


Can you not take that position?


I don't want it. More hours, more office politicking, more responsibility, and more meetings for not much more money.


>for not much more money.
I see. Understandable.

 No.21780 KONTRA

Woke up tired and just stayed in bed. Had breakfast and then I wasted some time.
Had lunch and then I went to the city to pick up some books. Had to buy a new bus pass too.

The weather was harsh. Lots of wind. Blew through even my winter coat.
Picked up two books, one is Iamblichus' book on Theurgy and the other was Voices from Chernobyl, because for the past few days I've been reading about the disaster. (After seeing a few excerpts from the TV show from 2019)
Mostly checking old archive papers from Hungary.
Almost finished the novel I'm reading right now on the bus.

On the way home I felt very tired for some reason. Don't know what caused it but I felt very drained. Even after getting home it took me some time to regain my strength.

After that I played some video games and then also watched anime with friends online.

 No.21789 KONTRA

Got woken up way too early by an alarm. It was some "smart thermometer" my father installed, it has a clock function that got turned on for some reason, this morning it managed to penetrate the walls and wake me up. I got so mad I considered smashing it after I couldn't figure out how to turn off the alarm function (I guess it's not actually that smart, it's like figuring out how to set an alarm on a Casio watch, kinda not in the mood for at 6 in the morning. In the end, I just decided to take out the battery. I can always hammer it to pieces next time.).

Been reading more. Can't say I'm enjoying Voices from Chernobyl but something still makes me pick it up and read a chapter from it. Almost a quarter of a way done with it.
I don't know if I am more active or not. Maybe walking in the city shook me up a bit finally.


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I heard from someone who heard from someone that my manager was fired for drinking on the job.


Shaved (usually I just trim).
Always think there's a different guy looking back at me, and it's remarkable just how much like my mother I look.

 No.21809 KONTRA

Annoying dating bullshit:
While the likes and matches are not really getting more on bumble I was matched but they never wrote, such cases. On OKC there is a match with a hot Ukranian woman, but I don't really have time for a fourth person to write/date anyway - yet I would like to see more interest and approval for myself I had two dates and both went fine. One I know from IRL and the other was today. Today was sweet and is an interesting person, she was also a bit touchy. We exchanged numbers for next time. The IRL one I'm not sure about, she is also very sweet and also an attractive woman but I'm not sure if we have some serious differences she has no idea about marxism and political economy, not sure how anti-capitalist she is and how well we pair when I rant about political economy - she was not scared away when I told her I read Marx**. She suggested we could also meet in the time between our next date which is Saturday, so not long anyway. Hm. Maybe I will crash and burn, not sure how to proceed.
Whatever, definitely more mentally healthy than browsing EC.**

I will shave before going to bed and wake up put together for the beginning of the working week.

 No.21810 KONTRA

Well, quite a spoiler fail.


>she has no idea about marxism and political economy
I'm sure she's just preoccupied with the industrial output of the Ottoman Empire in World War I, or with the effect of rail gauges and track layout on freight speed and timetables.

 No.21812 KONTRA

Do you ever wonder why your love life is the way it is?

 No.21813 KONTRA

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I just matched with a woman two years older than me, dopamin hit, now I can go to sleep and eventually write her. I should also write to the Ukranian woman and eventually get overwhelmed if the convo is good and a meet up is necessary, because I unexpectedly need to juggle people, kek, that is what having an active social life feels like I guess.

I'm pretty sure she is not preoccupied with this stuff even though the Ottoman Empire is in her genes somewhere.

Here comes the lecture. It's actually starting to resemble something called a love life tbh


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i watched »american« football today. buffalo ~bills; weird sport.

they have a break before the break.

they call it 2 minute warning. It is a 5 min break before a 15 min break.

»Die spinnen, die Römer!«


Handegg becomes more interesting after you realize it's a kind of wargame with actual people (inb4 hurr durr actual war is wargaming with actual people).
Of course, you need to be able to bear the commercials.


I too started going on tinder/bumble lately. From time to time, I match with someone very interesting, which plunge me in a state of moral panic and makes me absolutely unable to either write to her or to not destroy any chance I would’ve had in the first three messages I exchange. That’s annoying


"Online" dating is a numbers game and warrants having experience. By not doing anything you won't gain anything.


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My sister made pizza for the game and my brother came over to watch. The Bills almost Bills'ed it up we have a history of losing games we should win in soul crushing ways in the first half but eventually got it together. It's playoff time in Buffalo for at least one more week. I'm not optimistic about our chances to beat Baltimore. They already destoyed us earlier this season and we have no way to stop their running game.

re: da' rules. I just want regular kickoffs back. The league changed them this season to reduce injuries but left intact an option to still allow the kicking team to recover an onside kick in certain situations. The new setup is overly complicated.

 No.21825 KONTRA

Don't overthink it. I know what you mean, though, my okc matches are somehow intimidating and they need a more thoughtful approach is what I think. Today I matched with a young woman I also liked on okc. She said hi :)) so asked a stupid question, she is new to the city and looking for fun according to her profile. Guess that makes already two of us.

 No.21826 KONTRA

I wanted to write something else to encourage you and me because more matches with these kind of people
You match with a cool girl? My sunday date falls into that category and she was very sweet and nerdy. Also these people all have their insecurities, don't get fooled by their cool pictures.

 No.21829 KONTRA

Men on dating sites are 94% losers. Just look at their profile pics. There's a reason they can't date irl! Most of them are also insecure and insecure men are the worst to date. Everyone hates when you end up on a date and he's like insecure. Yuck. Women are not insecure because they are not losers unlike most men


>Men on dating sites are 94% losers. Just look at their profile pics
Let's be honest here, "losers" means ugly. I hate to be that guy, but the reason most men are on dating apps is because they're not good looking enough to meet people in meatspace, and they think that dating apps will improve their chances.


oh look i found the shitlord tate fanboy incel.


They will call you "incel", but they'll never call you wrong.


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the "incel" never refutes being in an involuntary celibate, as well.


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Seeing this clip made me wonder:
How do hungarian women look in general?
Hungaryball, can you post some pictures of your sister?


Obviously, I am not Hungary-ball, but I do have superficial (as in: non-penetrative) knowledge of Hungarian women.

Hungarian women have hair that ranges from dark-ebony to wheat. They are, at least in my south-west-german view, surprisingly tall and surprisingly wide-hipped. But a Western Westphalian, who is used to women who are roughly the shape of a draft horses, might take a different perspective. In my opinion, Jucika is not an accident. Neither is Christa of the Mezgá Család. (We know her as Archibald's sister from "Archibald, der Weltrauntrotter"/"Adolars phantastische Abenteuer" , synchronized by both DEFA and ARD.)

The songs Gyöngháju Lány by Omega and Budapest by Jethro Tull capture the essence of Hungarian women.

Hungarian women lack the down-to-earth heartiness of their Austrian and Bohemian sisters. They seem to be much more aloof and distanced. Their confidence is often superficial, but might come of as arrogance. Mostly, they do not mean it. Intellectually, they are superior, as is to be expected.

Treat them with care and politeness.
Although it may not seem like it, they are good souls, and they deserve it.

 No.21856 KONTRA

>the reason most men are on dating apps is because they're not good looking enough to meet people in meatspace, and they think that dating apps will improve their chances.

The things is I'd say those men have better chances IRl than on dating apps where pictures and a decent bio is everything.
Most men
a) rarely have photos of themselves
b) these photos are usually bad because
c) men rarely know how to take good photos

You need good photos and preferbly taken by somebody else and you need a variety of what you are doing for better impression as well.

My match from yesterday did not write me a message nor did the other. I guess it was not their thing or some other dude was better with his opener. It must be really cruel when you have close to zero matches and then they ghost you as well.

I think dog is trying to tell me something when my saturday date is asking how my day was for the second time this week and I get comfortable with the idea to have this talk with that person in the future, anyway.


Tinder was designed as an app for casual sex. Women don't like having sex with strangers unless it's an outstandingly attractive man, like top 10%. But when it's not casual sex, but long term relationships, then average men have good chances. So finding people IRL can be easier for an average guy.

Also it's not always about the looks, there are plenty of mentalcels. And when it's about the look, it can sometimes be fixed with doing sports and so on.


As if soccer and basketball are not wargames too.

 No.21859 KONTRA

Baseball is a much much more mysterious American sport....


 No.21871 KONTRA

I want a soft drink so bad but everything close by is closed already.


Got a checkup yesterday. Turns out everything is fine.
Today I played video games and also watched some lectures in preparation for my final exams this season.
Also went for a run. Shower is broken again so I had to bear with water alternating between cold and scorching hot water while washing off afterwards.

Lookswise they are all over the place. Not in the sense that some are ugly and some are pretty, it's more the fact that some look Germanic, some look Mediterranean, some Slavic and so on. Carte blanche in a sense.
I don't think Enji looks particularly outstanding locally or anything. Every time he came up in conversation with Hungarian friends the consensus was that she has that "girl next door" look to us.

 No.21881 KONTRA

Went to the city. Thought I'd feel better if I spent time at the library but I couldn't really, because everything was covered in library stock so I just spent like an hour talking shit with the librarian and then I went home.
Bought a tin of hand cream on the way home and checked out the offerings of some high end porcelain and glassware shop from the window.

At home I watched a few lectures and also talked with friends online. Got a headache and also a bump on my forehead. It's almost as if I hit my head or something but I don't know what caused it. Hopefully it'll just disappear tomorrow.


There is a paid family leave tax in NY. It's like insurance which we are required to buy- via a payroll deduction- and pays out a percentage of your wages if you need time off from work for the birth of a child or to assist a family member with a serious health condition. Ostensibly a good thing, but all I can think of is the $4 they are stealing from me every week.

 No.21886 KONTRA

lmao. Out of a gross wage of €3000 a month, a German pays €1000 in taxes, and his employer pays another €600 in taxes for the privilege of employing him. So the gross wage is really €3600, but we pretend it isn't.
Of course, any company will just subsume the entire gross wage under 'cost of labor', but it's not socially acceptable to say that out loud. VAT is 20%, btw.

If you work hard, improve yourself, and manage to double your gross income and make €6000 a month, you will have a net wage of €3500. (And your employer will have to spend €7200 a month on your gross wage, including taxes, so your taxes are already at > 50%.) You could save a little bit of that and receive capital gains, which are taxed at 25%. If you put your savings into ETFs, you will discover what the German government calls a 'vorabpauschale', which is a tax on non-materialized capital gains in funds. And no, when your non-materialized gains turn into materialized losses, you don't get anything back. It's like some lame joke from a radio show: 'How can you tax losses?'-'Don't know, but they do it in Germany.'

1.2 million people emigrated from Germany in 2023, emigrants are mostly young and university-educated. Immigrants are mostly low-skilled illiterate religious fundamentalists from cultures of honor who will have negative net contributions. (And the children they have with their cousins will have negative net-contributions, too.) Skilled immigrants prefer anglo countries, which have higher wages, lower taxes, a higher standard of living, a more accessible language, less bureaucracy, etc.

This post is very evil and nazi, by the way, and I need to be shunned and shamed, no, tarred and feathered.
Maybe I could add something like 'I hope the Palestinians will drown the Jews in the Mediterranean' to make up for it, which is a very anti-fascist thing to say. You can never go wrong advocating for genocide of Jews in this country!


It's actually very simple. Difference between a Jewish person and a Zionist is the same as difference between a German and a National Socialist.
If you hate genocidal settlers, ruining Middle East for the benefit of American empire, it doesn't mean that you're antisemitic. There are plenty of Jewish antizionists such as Noam Chomsky.

 No.21888 KONTRA

The ADL says otherwise, nazi scum.


It's actually very simple. Difference between a Pole and a Polack is the same as difference between a German and a National Socialist.
If you hate genocidal settlers, ruining Prussia and Silesia for the benefit of the West-Slavic Intermarum, it doesn't mean that you're antislavic.

I think we should drive the Poles out of Prussia and into the Sea, give Prussia back to the rightful heirs who were displaced from there 80 years ago.

 No.21890 KONTRA

> NGO on Washington's payroll says...
Very interesting, keep us informed.

 No.21891 KONTRA

Silly analogy, as "Prussia" has always been a multiethnic empire instead of a "land of the X".


Ernsti weini weini.png (291.16 KB, 720x707)

Farewell, my home.
Back into 6 months of grind in the grumpy Austrian office mines to get more money to one day never ever leave again.

Spent the last 3 days with a 21yo Bond girl male look-alike, one of the ones that turn out evil even.
God, what a life to have.


I do not condone your faggotry, but I envy you obviously living a very good life.


>has always been multiethnic
Not anymore, as you might have realized, they drove the Germans out.
Maybe you wanted to write "had always been", but you didnt't.

>land of the x

You think there were only "Palestinians" in Ottoman Palestine?

But you get a pass, since you are an actual, open nazi and thus align well with the Arabs, their preferred model of society, their eternal revanchism over past losses, the desire to "correct" their defeats from 1948 onwards, when they attempted to invade hours after Isreals declaration of independence from the UK, etc...

It's different with the pro-Palestinian leftists, who are secretely as nazi as you are, but who have learned that they can't use their fascist tendencies to virtue-signal. In their support of Palestinians, those nutters support a bunch of genocidal authoritarian religious fundamentalists who have very clear views on law, justice, women, homosexuals etc.

Normally, the "leftists" cannot support any of that openly, they need to collect them good-boy-points. But in their twisted support for Palestine, they can finally support everything they pretend to hate AND be very moral people.

Ridiculous attempt at having your cake and eating it, too, and quite sickening.


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That's alright I guess, have some EC exclusive Moo Dengs for consolation.

 No.21901 KONTRA

Murrica flag now, huh?
Well fuck my sideways, yokel folks of EC. Yippiekaye!
Love being an AMERICAN. Simple ass.


Wait, are you the one who pushed them on /b/?


No, at least some other Ernst posted most of the bouncy pork edits.
I did appreciate it however.
Moo for the Deng god!

 No.21906 KONTRA

Watched some lectures and played some video games. Exams coming up in a few days.
The strange bump on my forehead is still there, though I have managed to inflict a wound on it by thinking I could scratch it open. Generally I'm unconcerned by the health implications of this I just wish the swelling would go down.

Thinking about jumping on Xiaohongshu too. Even some of my nonsinologist friends are enjoying it.
Wonder how long this will last anyway.


>The strange bump on my forehead is still there,
Heh, I have a bruise on my inner left bicep, and noticed another, apparently older one on my inner left calf. I have no idea how I got these because I don't easily get bruises.
In fact, I would need to hit something with my entire weight to cause something like that, which makes the origins of those very mysterious.
That said, I have a weird bump on the top of my head. When I first noticed it I thought it was a zti and scratched it bloody. Only later I found out it is a mole.


Revolt against your king.

We'll ban that one too.
t.Land of the free


Mercedes-Benz und Autobahn
Alleine in das Ausland fahren
Reise, Reise, Fahrvergnügen
Ich will nur Spaß, mich nicht verlieben

I planned to visit Tayskaya Oblast (for the first time) this winter, but so far is too busy with other matters. Raining season starts in May, so maybe there is a still possibility to go there in this season.


Punished? Rewarded, highest grade in class. I am the master of Orientalism.

 No.21919 KONTRA

I feel bad since I probably hurt somebody by turning them down basically. Mistakes happen, I am new to this. Feels bad nonetheless.


The key is to be gentle. Don't say "FUCK OFF CUNT", that's not good.

 No.21922 KONTRA

She was rather reserved which I did not expect from her texting. And it was not as lively as I expected IT to be. At the end I asked she wanted to meet again and she said yes. I then said I want to be transparent about where this could go yesterday I had a very good second date and she said that is ok. But when we parted she made the impression of just wanting to get away from this disappointment. Maybe she lied and did not enjoy it, which would be fine for me. I just feel bad if she was expecting something else or wished for me to disclose this before the date. I felt it would be rude cancel a date a few hours before it starts and I also thought it would be an opportunity to maybe make a friend. I am not so sure. Since I am less depressed Inam looking for rather talkaktive people actually. Dunno. Chalked up as weird experience of the dating world.


Ah. Overthinking, the classic Ernst move.

 No.21924 KONTRA

The classic answer as well. How to tell a person something depends on the person in the end. Maybe we just ghost each other. Oh man.

Well, I will delete the apps anyway if my other date and I continue what we did yesterday. So it was a short adventure in the world of OLD, luckily, perhaps.


You just started out and after one bad experience you throw the towel?
I mean, in principle I think it's good to have less apps, but come on, Ernst. Getting good at something means to start out sucking at something.


Online dating is a dumb idea that unfortunately took hold. Even if it sucks, it's now very common to meet your signifcant other through online dating. If you really want a gf, it's better to keep it up. If you are certain you don't want a gf, it's better to not waste your time on it.

If you keep it up, keep managing your expectations.


> Online dating is a dumb idea


> Why
it's a great idea when you run a dating platform and make money off it. It's then in your interest to keep people single and hooked on your app. Keep them gambling, give them random rewards, they will continue to insert coins instead of taking their win and leave.

 No.21929 KONTRA

No, I'm throwing the towel because my known from IRl date and I got close yesterday on our second date and it looks more like a relationship kind of thing tbh - maybe I'm guessing wrongly on her expectations and interest. Why continue to swipe and think about openers when I know a person I already vibe with? Worst case is she will tell me it won't go anywhere and I write to that cutie in an open relationship who I matched with. For now, I told that cutie I won't continue writing with other people and she said good luck with that girl. I will resume to OLD if my date says sorry this won't lead anywhere, welp then and I have to try my luck again. Not a rosy outlook - so fingers crossed that concentrating on the lady from yesterday is the right thing to do, I think it is worth it.


Still way overthinking, but good luck to you anyway.


> It's then in your interest to keep people single
technically, this doesn't need to be true. If you are successful, the offspring could become new customers.


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I wasn't supposed to work today. Slept in. Went out to get my car washed. Bossman called. Some guy didn't show up and they wanted me to cover. Sure. Why not? Worked 7 hours- Overtime pay, ofc- and was home in time for the Buffalo Bills game. We won. The Baltimore Ravens comeback fell short when their player dropped a game tying pass. Shocking, tbh. Anyway, we're one step away from the Super Bowl.


> I'd rather make amount X now, plus
X adjusted for inflation in 20 years, than many times X know
G8 business plan m8. 🤌


Why are you posting? I thought today the world would end.


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>Super Bowl
Oh yes, it's that time again. It will be another iteration of trying to watch and falling asleep at halftime, because it's 2AM and I have to work next day.
Pic related.


How would you describe your relationship with water?


Drinking: Refreshing
Showering: Daily
Rain: Comfy
Swimming: Fun

Aside from occasional appearances where it doesn't belong, like in my car, all is wet well.

 No.21939 KONTRA

Threw together my presentation yesterday. Wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be.
Watched the last lectures. Took the exam in the morning. 40/40 points.
Turns out I should've checked my calendar because we're presenting tomorrow so I have a day to polish it.
Or a free afternoon to play video games and read.

The bump went away. Idk what even triggered it but it's gone.
I have a light cold. Slight coughing and runny nose, but I don't feel like it's impacting my mental performance much.


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I signed up for a sportbook to receive their new customer bonus. Again. There are a lot of them and while they fight for customers I'll happily take their free money. Have to wager it first, though. To that end, I played it safe last year but maybe this time I'll take some risks. I have a few days to run through my options.

I'm literally shaking right now.

I need it, it doesn't need me.

 No.21942 KONTRA

I just remembered something bad that happened last year. Up until recently, it was hard for me to believe one could temporarily erase something from his memory because he didn’t want to deal with it, now I’m pretty sure everyone does it. I think I’ll forget it again.

I used to be good at swimming, I could go into a deep meditative state. Now I run out of breath or have a cramp before I can reach any hope of meditation. I’ve put in my New Year’s Eve good resolution Bingo to go to the swimming pool ~30 time this year.


>he lives in a place that still has public pools
Check your suisse privilege.

The capitalists shut all the pools down in East Germany.


"Good resolution Bingo" is a fun idea even though by the end of the year your priorities may seriously change. I'll make one for myself.
Going to add target of "visiting swimming pool 30 times" to it.

But he didn't say it was a public pool.


>though by the end of the year your priorities may seriously change
I agree, my philosophy is to put things I want to do and will take pleasure in doing in the bingo. Seeing 100 movies, reading n books, start to learn Ancient Greek… leisure is more consistent than duties.

>But he didn't say it was a public pool.

More than a private pool, it could also be one of the numerous very swimmable and clean rivers and lakes of my beautiful country


>More than a private pool, it could also be one of the numerous very swimmable and clean rivers and lakes of my beautiful country
Rivers and lakes here are not swimmable, because the EU/Greens made rules that forbid it.


Composed my "Project 2025", consisting of 25 possible goals.
Usually I have something in between of TODO-list and monthly (or biweekly) plans. Experimentally I found out that it suits my psychology best.

You remind me of my dad. He can also turn any discussion into complaining on his unlimited suffering in this country. Same obsessiveness, same constant and abrupt change of topic.
I'm a son of an IRL EC-schizo.


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OK. I calculated. There are four teams remaining in the NFL playoffs. Taking into account the odds of each winning the Super Bowl, and the total house money I have to play with, I placed bets on three of them to win it all. If either Kansas City, Buffalo, or Philadelphia take home the Lombardy trophy, I walk away with 2/3 of the total I was granted for opening an account. Free and clear, I can withdraw it and walk away. That is over the expected value of 1/2 the money, assuming all bets were placed at random on 50/50 propositions. This is not without risk, ofc. If somehow Washington wins, I get nothing. That is- by far- the least likely outcome. I expect their Cinderella run to come to an end this weekend, and even if they beat Philadelphia, they would still be huge underdogs in the Superbowl.

>erase something from his memory because he didn’t want to deal with it, now I’m pretty sure everyone does it.
I have done this at least once that I know of. The weird part is realizing there could be more instances, and I simply have no way to reaccess the information.


Except for the contaminated waters around chemical dumps from factories like Lonza Group who has poisoned the groundwater and tries to make the state pay for it. Taking profits, externalizing costs. Oh, and giving everybody who lives downstream only the contamination, without the jobs.
This is upper Rhône; I wonder if Basel is any better.


It must be really hard being such a negative Nancy all the time. I am sorry. You should get some therapy.


Thank you. My, she's grown!
Nothing wrong with that.
I think you're mixing me up with somebody else. See how I did not blame the Greens. It's just when I think of Swiss rivers, my last thought would be swimming in them. I hope water quality has improved since, like it has in Germany.

 No.21953 KONTRA

make that rivers anywhere, actually

 No.21954 KONTRA

>See how I did not blame the Greens.
You know, having people talk about rivers and then chiming in with a HAVEN'T YOU HEARD is not that far away, and my point still stands. Less *Betroffenheit*, more solutions.

 No.21955 KONTRA

I have to admit I never swam in any rivers… Except maybe the Doubs when I was a very little kid. Still, our lakes and rivers used to be dirtier, they no longer are.
And Valais is a bad example of Switzerland done right.


Yes, I think I got your point. I was just unsure if Switzerland was joking or genuinely thinks Swiss rivers are clean, which triggered my one minute pol rage.
Valais is probably all sorts of weird.


Cold worsened. Played games. No fever or anything, just my nose running mostly.
Feeling pretty good otherwise.


>Valais is probably all sorts of weird
Come to think of it, all French speaking cantons are. Neuchâtel was a Hohenzollern holding in south Germany, has its own brand of Protestantism.
Vaud is an artificial creation from revolutionary France.
Geneva is a city-state and the birthplace of Calvinism.
Juras is the result of a successful separatist movement, which most radical political action was to steal a rock and paint on barns.
Valais is a confederacy in its own right, had a bloodier civil war than the (not so bloody) Sonderbund war -a XIX century conflict between progressive Protestant industrialized cantons and the conservative Catholic cantons- for the same general reasons at the same time with a similar outcome.
Of all, Fribourg may be the less weird and follows mostly the other Germanic cantons history norms.


Interesting, didn't know half of that.
I noticed Valais votes conservative in all referendums, unsurprisingly correlating I think with less urbanization than the other French cantons except Jura.


> If basel is any better
There was the HCH-dump in Huningen, for example. But that's not made much worse by swimming in the Rhine, it was bad enough to exist in the general vicinity. The dump directly next to the factory has been cleaned up, but there was a quarry that was filled up with it and it was used as a component in low-quality concrete and given away to farmers in the area. Just one example.

In the 60s, it was not unusual to have incidents where the citizens were advised to keep their windows shut or to not nurse their infant children.

 No.21965 KONTRA

Not third-world tier, but still.

 No.21972 KONTRA


Documentation about Hüningen from the late eighties/early nineties, I think. The cleanup started in the 2010s, and as I said, they didn't clean all the sites. Chances are they don't even know where all the sites are.

If you are interested in such stuff, here's a document I particularly enjoyed. If you want to look for others like it, look for the older ones, they use examples sparingly in the newer guides.

 No.21974 KONTRA

Cold got worse instead of better.
Held the presentation regardless. I was criticised but I still think I'm God's gift to the department.

Made a very good coffee today. I enjoyed drinking it.
Having honey with my evening cup of milk.


Cleared my driveway of all the snow which fell yesterday. Went inside with a feeling of accomplishment. Hours pass. Look out the window. More snow is now falling. Whatever. That's tomorrow's problem.


I wonder if there's something like Violent Femmes, but for alcoholics instead of nerds.


Thanks, will watch later!
Fifth chapter looks interesting!
I cannot into scienc, so the rest is lost on me.

News says
>Historic snowfall is expected in the US South, and historic blizzard and whiteout conditions are expected on the Gulf Coast.
I think your regular North American winters are severe enough. Happenings incoming. Stay safe!
t. no snow, temperatures around freezing point


Cold.jpg (40.49 KB, 616x373)

Thanks. Snow has been shoveled- again- and as a reward I can now...drive to work.


> permanent snow
> -8°C
Is any one of the muh-global-warming-crowd reading along? Dumb motherfuckers!

 No.21983 KONTRA

It's -8F

 No.21984 KONTRA

that makes the climate-homos even dumber!


Swizz Ernst, I congratulate you and the individual that thought Ovomaltine is of good use value. Better than Nutella ngl.

It's not a lonely year anymore and it's not even February. Everything went better than expected.

 No.21989 KONTRA


The original Ovomaltine is a powder that is mixed into milk. This is a bandwagon-product to cash in on the brand.

For the German market, the chocolate- and sugar-content of ovomaltine are dialed up (because Germany is basically a third-world-country, and the inhabitants of this colorful and diverse republic are unfortunately too poor to afford the real deal, aber deutschland ist ein reiches land, no näischens no borders ASÜL FÜR ALLE IST MENSCHENRÄÄÄÄÄÄCHT DU NADDSI-SAU!) so it does not taste like real ovomaltine.

God, I hate how crappy and ramshackle and poor Germany is compared to Switzerland or even B-tier first-world-countries like Sweden. Germany is a C-tier first-world-country like Italy now, and on its way down.


Manic phase was replaced with a depressive phase.
Not good. Whiny bitter cunts won't survive THE COLLAPSE.


gettyimages-95602542.webp (38.33 KB, 1000x722)

Today I made the good old Hitleridoo to my boss. I keep the context for myself.

 No.21992 KONTRA

Thank you for that information, Reichsmarschall Aufmerksamkeitshure.



Today I was called a Aufmerksamkeitshure in a thread called Today.
I might dare to post about music in the music thread next, who knows.


>Swizz Ernst, I congratulate you
You’re welcome, cheers.
Here’s a list of ovo products I eat on at least a yearly basis: hot chocolate, energy bars, biscuits, cereals, the paste you posted, carton of cold chocolate, bottle of cold chocolate, chocolate bar.


I rather take the product that cashes in on the brand than the real deal tbh. I'm a good German, a German who dates a woman with Migrationshintergrund even.

Godspeed, fulfilling a national duty.


said.jpg (20.05 KB, 400x399)

I wrote an essay in which I accused Eduard Said of being a western chauvinist and claimed that his magnum opus Orientalism carried a lot of unexamined westerncentric logic that ignores a large history of asian resistance to European domination because he's an ignorant westerner who repeated too many of the tropes he set out to deconstruct, and in the process only further solidified the west/east dichotomy. I also mentioned how his unexamined failures and racist blind spots would be repeated by an entire academic field - and thus compromise the integrity of post colonial studies.
My first large essay was, indeed, about how postcolonialism has failed because Said is actually the real racist.
I received a top grade. Humanities is water and I am fish.


>Humanities is water and I am fish.

It's just about being critical of things :DDD


You were not called an attention whore for merely posting in the today thread. But you probably already knew that, you dishonest pos.

 No.22001 KONTRA

Went and picked up a book from the bookstore after breakfast. It was cold. I still haven’t recovered fully from my cold yet but I felt confident and ran the last two blocks home just to feel alive a bit.
Had a coughing fit afterwards.

Finished reading a book and then played more Persona.

Been enjoying drinking my milk with some honey mixed into it for the past two days. Very tasty and wholesome.

Tomorrow I plan on writing.
Personal stuff and also I need to draft my performance report for college.



Then what for if not that?


Erna Thumbs Up.png (47.12 KB, 244x332)

> Humanities is water and I am fish.
the deep waters of these swamps called image boards is a great teacher for a fish.

 No.22009 KONTRA

>It's just about being critical of things
And conforming this criticism to acceptable modes of thought that are in accordance to what the zeigeist/reviewers want to read.
Nobody is ready for the Absolute Truth(tm), this is why I must shape my criticism into something that is palatable. It's harsh to say he was primarily driven by palestinian bughurd and that his book focuses primarily on arabs because of this - and therefore is not a study on orientalism in general, but specifically about French-British-USA (evil trifecta) interactions with the arab world. Especially in the present year, such criticisms don't fly. So I switch it around. He claims he focuses on Arabs because it was araps that resisted Europeans the longest, where as other Asiatics were always passive losers towards Europeans. This is obviously some arab nationalist ahistorical schizophrenia, but that's heresy. So instead, I paint this as western chauvinism - one that accepts Arabs as the strongest of the orientals because they are the closest to us, hiding this silly thought throughout a full paragraph of complicated words. Now why does he focus in the French-British-USA trifecta and ignores all other empires that interacted with araps or islamics as the other? The answer might be clear as to why he ignores the Russian/Soviet case and the Ottoman case, but it's hard to say it without saying it. Thankfully in the book he tries to justify why he only focuses on these countries, he says Orientalism there is simply more advanced and other countries are merely downstream from the original Franco-British thought. There it was, explicit western chauvinism I can point to. Of course it's not real chauvinism, it's something else masquerading as it but alas. I am the only holder of the Absolute Truth(tm).


I'm pretty sure worded non-polemical, your argument would have worked. Maybe not with a zealous postcolonialist but usually the humanities are pretty open to criticism of theories, persons attached to these theories and arguments that had a large impact on reasoning and so called "turns". People like Foucault were hotly debated when they entered the scene and are also debated later, It's like people who want to do away with strict "postmodernism" - it's a thing and its not like this stuff is not criticized by many humanities scholars these days.
I was remembered of my presentation on Franz Fanon during my BA. There was a book from 2001 or so that already showed he was quite problematic in his reasoning. Had inceltier views on sex between white and black people, problematic towards women. In other words if you have good arguments/proofs, there will be people open to follow your train of thought, including teachers, without the need to disguise it.


It would be too difficult to shit talk Said by saying he only wrote what he did how he did because he's an ethnocentric arap driven by bughurd. Especially in a degree that had its foundations shaken by this work, causing a real identity crisis in it. This work has been described as "the bible of this course" by a teacher. Which is insane, because if we take his work to he religious canon, we should dismantle it but alas. It simply wouldn't work to call someone a bughurd ethnocentric Palestinian during an active ethnic cleansing.


So your criticism of Said is basically "but what about Russia?"

As one orientalist said,
> Once again, whataboutism only benefits the shittiest most rotten party who stands to gain from comparison to a superior opponent

 No.22013 KONTRA

I have been expoZed...

 No.22016 KONTRA

Well if you want to make a psychological case out of it, yes than that's not humanities anymore. You need to show bogurt arab nationalist reasoning within the text not within some res cogitans.

It's so normal to say "x forgot y" that is a core sentence, though. Sell it as research gap.

 No.22017 KONTRA

Tried running today. Had to stop midway my usual time because I just kept coughing. Wasn't really happy about it.

I ended up writing a page. Very pleased with it. I'll probably do more writing tomorrow.

I then watched some anime with friends, talked a bit and I played some more Persona.

Btw I'm not commenting on the Sayeed debacle because I never read him and I don't feel like evaluating his ideas based on my experiences of midwits on twitter just calling everything "orientalism" they don't like in Asian studies or even just liking a foreign culture is very productive on my part. (Just like how them shouting "orientalism" isn't very productive either because it's just tearing down modes of engagement, but doesn't really build anything in its place.)

 No.22020 KONTRA

Went out and helped with grocery shopping. I didn't really feel good while out and about. Mentally anyway. I just felt constant guilt over how much everything costs.

After coming home I had lunch and then I spent the rest of the day playing video games and chatting. Mostly video games. Though I sometimes end up obsessively going on a tangent because of a story element so it's sort of semi-productive.


>I just felt constant guilt over how much everything costs.

Since when do you decide what everything costs?

I spent 80€ on four drinks, two fancy pizzas and two artisan italian lemonades yesterday. It just makes getting a raise more urgent.


My new sportsbook FanDuel is trying to make me an addict. Not going to happen. I work too hard for dollars to risk any on gambling, but I don't mind playing on their dime. To that end, I've recieved a different promotion every day this week offering bonus bets if I do %%x%. Took advantage of several offers and I now have more house money to wager. Not sure on what, but I want to avoid putting anything on our game this afternoon.


Shouldn't that format fail have italicized the remainder of my post? Or does it only work if the code is closed?

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