No.20700 [Last 50 Posts]
Halal edition
>>19961 No.20703
>>20700You still haven't answered my question about your career path. Intelligence sector or political advisor? The line is blurry, I know.
*ominous muslim chanting in the distance*
No.20705 KONTRA
>>20703If either of these are a possibility on graduation, then I'd happily take them and thank Allah. Most likely route is doing a masters in logistics and working on commercial shipping.
No.20706 KONTRA
>>20705How can you do a master's in logistics if you have humanities in the BA? I'm only joking halfway btw.: with multiple languages and critical thinking™ skills you might have good chances in certain sectors that require information handling and assessment. Stuff like that was never on my radar before graduation. And I was only joking halfway when I said I would like to know more about logistics/SCM as well. There probably are jobs that are interesting to me and I'm building skills for at my current job.
>>20703He's going to become jihadist and fight American Empire.
No.20708 KONTRA
>>20707Portuball is a man of the state. He would 'opportunistically' take down any opposition to the democratic state without batting an eye.
No.20711 KONTRA
I woke up very late. Apparently I fiddled with the alarm clock last night until I left it unset so I woke up well rested from a dream.
I finished my second presentation and had lunch and a coffee. Lifted some weights.
I was half an hour late to class again.
Went to the library afterwards. Fiddled some more with my presentations until I realised I didn't actually need the second one for this week. I read a study I needed to comment on and then I read the second one I had to comment on and I made up some bullshit comments.
If I have to read one more "study" about “Breaking narratives” ”Examining“ “Reassessing” “Shifting perceptions” I'm going to go fucking postal.
Went to class and held one of my presentations. It went well I guess. I wasn't really invested in this.
Also spent some time reading modern Chinese stuff.
>>20702Intel Slava Z
>>20710I'd be happy to just get one 2bh
Having multiple wives might sound good on paper but even if you look beyond the boomer meme that women just can't get along, having three wives means that you as a man have thrice the obligations.
No.20712 KONTRA
>>20710> TribeThe disgusting hambeast has acquired four cuckolds / pay slaves.
These "men" have 0 self-respect.
>>20710>Would you like to have more than one wife? Hell no, that really only works in societies where women have no rights and shut up when you tell them. I mean they will probably still be jealous, but they won't bother you with it.
Polygamous/amorous relationships on a voluntary base just don't work, as evidenced by what the hippies tried and all those "happy" poly groups where you know that the guys are just in on it because they can't find anything else, and pussy is better than no pussy.
>>20710No, unless I can combine tradition and modernism and have 3 wives providing for me. Sadly, I was not born in an era of such advanced dialectical sophistication.
>>20708No quarter to the enemies of the status quo.
Damn I only just now noticed the new title.
Say, mod, do you get a kick out of choosing only the worst titles?
>>20723You could also not wear a jacket, but everything else.
If people look at you funny just tell them it's fashion.
That way you can keep your appendages and still get the full cold experience.
Had to go in early today for a research consultation so I had breakfast at like 11 and then went in. I was a bit late again but 10 minutes wasn't the end of the world. Though I had rushed the last bit of the way because I got an email asking me if I was going to be there at all.
The consultation itself I think went fine considering I basically did nothing besides noting down 9 hanzi and drawing a few arrows between them. Showed off my Taiwanese copy of the text and slowly but surely we got farther away discussing other research ideas finally degrading into a conversation that "I feel like there are days that are a lot harder. I don't know if I want a PhD."
I was advised to "not think about" whether or not "articles in journals matter at all".
Narrowed the scope of the research down a bit to a single chapter instead of a whole work.
I went out for lunch since I had an hour to kill. Asked a friend if he was on campus but he wasn't so I just grabbed a burger alone. I think I looked almost comical, just eating a burger and drinking a coke in winter clothing, ushanka on my head.
I first had my evening German class cancelled, then the environmental seminar got cancelled too during lunch so I just had to go through the interpreter training class. Which went remarkably well I think.
On the way home I spent a while idling before the antiquary, ogling that copy of the Nibelungenlied.
It's 15 euros. Beautiful, second edition from 1892. And I kinda don't need it.
I have an 1910 set with illustrations and a secessionist cover that was printed on better paper than the second edition.
Yet I still kinda want it. I'm going to resist. The first two pages are loose anyway. It's remarkably cheap but I legitimately don't need a copy.
Only if it were the first edition...
Gonna fix my sleep schedule tomorrow hopefully.
>>20724No jacket is the way to go. I'll pull one on for extended exposure like shoveling but just driving somewhere? Long sleeves are enough. Start in Fall and slowly acclimate. Also, embrace physical suffering. It's manly.
Gloves are another matter. I need those. Frostbite sucks.
>>20726>Gloves are another matter. I need those. Frostbite sucks.I don't even get that far. I need gloves as soon as it goes below 15C outside because the skin will just start bursting. By now I am pretty sure it has to do with humidity; the colder air will just pull all the water from my skin.
I hate it because I am basically wearing gloves from Oct-Apr despite being able to tolerate the cold.
I destroyed three of my pants lately and one has become too slim for my giant thighs. My only wearable trousers left are an old pair of jeans. I’m bumaxximg and I am NOT pleased.
>>20748Is it because you have juicy glutes from squatting or becaus you're a fatass?
>>20749Fatass with juice potential
>>20751I don't really know what you mean.
Can you give some photographic material for us to properly assess your claim?
Failed my theoretical driving license test today. It's over for me, bros.
>>20753>It's over for me, bros.It certainly should be.
Failing practical test? Yeah, shit can happen.
Failing the theoretical exam that is basically just learning a handful of questions by heart with like a million resources available? That's entirely on you.
>>20755>a handful of questionsThere are 1000-2000 questions, not a handful. And every few months new questions are introduced. Passing this exam has never been as hard as it is today.
>>20755bruder ich schwör die haben mich gefickt ich kann nichts dafür weil der neben mir war voll der alman ich hab ihn die fragen gefragt er antwortet nicht ich so bruder was das ich fick dein mutter hurensohn aber dann der eine da von tüv er sagt ich soll ruhig sein sonst ich flieg raus
>>20757>There are 1000-2000 questionsOh wow, 100 variations of "who can go first", which you don't even need to study if you actually understand how light/signs/right-before-left works, plus some other bullshit like how far away from a train crossing you are. And you have how much time? Like half a year? And, as I said, a million resources. You can easily do 100 questions per day, just in the evening or in the train or wherever. This means about two to three weeks max for one pass. This means you can work through this several times until the exam. So stop crying like a little bitch.
>>20757I scrammed them in an overnight session, 1400 questions for the car license and another couple of hundred for the motorbike license.
You get to a point where you identify the answer by just taking a glance at the question, even the supposed trick question ones.
Now if you are neurotypical of course...
>>20724>>20726I did this as a teenager because I thought jackets look stupid af. I wore two hoodies and stuff like that. I never pulled the shorts in winter type of thing, I know some guys love doing that.
Today I have a coat and also a jacket, but the latter is not suitable for low tempretures
the coat neither tbh, a true winter coat hardly exists in the world of fashion Doing the coat with some layers is alright.
>>20755>>20753>>20757>>20760I aced my theoretical test and also did my practical test first time. Not that long ago a friend of my wanted to do her driver's license. There are test questionaires for free online. They now cover questions on electric cars for example and have new videos. I failed all attempts and would not get my driver's license. But it's enough for driving every then and now. The basics should be in your brain forever anyway. I never attached a small trailer and forgot all the answers on how to drive with it and what you should look out for. You can look it up if it really is necessary one day. No.20777
>>20753You can just take it again, right?
They basically hand us a driver's license when you turn 16 because car culture. The only hard part is parallel parking, which I have done one time in my life. On that test.
>> not.
>>20777>You can just take it again, right?Yeah, you can take them all until you succeed.
Of course, it costs money.
For my driver's licence almost 20 years ago I paid about 1500 Euros (driving lessons + driving school + test fees + official document fees) and I wouldn't be surprised if it hasn't become cheaper.
>>20778It's around twice as much these days.
No.20780 KONTRA
>>20778I paid the same 10 years ago. Which means you took longer :DDDD
>>20702The important thing here is not set of sources but critical thinking. Stop blindly believing "serious institutions" and seek for objective facts.
No.20787 KONTRA
>>20779Only if you are retarded. Are you? I fucking know you are. What a loser.
Those who don't pass the first time shouldn't be allowed to drive, they are a nuisance to everyone else, and will be forever, because they are genetically unable to control a vehicle.
I wish I was allowed to kick in the teeth of such people. I was stock behind some dumb miscarriage who stepped on the break before every corner because he was too much of a gay pussy to take them like a man.
Are you some little gay faggot or retard like that? Better never get behind the wheel, ever, is you are. People like that have no right to drive.
(User has been declared unfit to drive a motorized vehicle) No.20788
>>20785>and seek for objective factsWhich are the best WE'VE BEEN RIGGED! channels to paste and stitch those facts together, though?
>>20788No idea tbh. I don't read anything in English or German in Telegram.
But once I sent this video to a German who complained about how Greta was arrested: He refused to believe it, saying that the source is Russian TG channel while there is literally just the video, where you can see that it has been staged.
(I don't read this channel either but sometimes see reposts from it)
Btw I started lurking chuddy content in French for practicing language. Their Dailystormer clone, groups about chemtrails, accounts accusing Macron of communism.
No.20793 KONTRA
Read two studies and commented on them.
Set up a Bluesky account to see what the srs academics who left Twitter are up to.
Read some manga. Talked with friends.
Otherwise not much happening.
No.20794 KONTRA
>>20793>Set up a Bluesky account to see what the srs academics who left Twitter are up to. BS looks like what Twitter used to be. Probably not for long unfortunately. Anyways, got curious if I could find your account and that took almost a whole minute.
Obviously you have always been aware how easy it would be to doxx you and I hope I haven't caused unnecessary anxiety. And this isn't really a doxx as I will not be pulling on this thread any further. It's just a social media account. Also if it makes you feel any better I'm now filled with regret. Mostly because I saw an animay cartoon panel that was translated into G*rman. Must be said that your brand translates very well from EC to BS. Impressive.
I'm sorry you had to see this.
On the topic of doxxing, I was previously trying to geolocate the resident burger's home using handrails that were visible in photos he posted. With great sadness I announce that I have ceased my efforts on this a long time ago. My goal was to find the address and send some sweets over mail. On picrel I've marked areas with red that aren't a match. On the orange area there were a couple of possibilities, but couldn't say for sure.
Dear burger, if you don't mind saying, is the general area correct and did I mark your house with red in error? Understand completely if you don't want to comment.
Apologies for failing the challenge. You will now have to get your salmiakki from somewhere else...
Long day at work. Toward the end, it struck me that there was football on today and I had missed it all. I dislike working Sundays, but whenever they ask me to cover, I find myself saying
sure purely as a reflex. I need a backbone, but this day will have to settle for overtime pay.
>>20794>is the general area correct It took a minute to find my bearings on your map, but the airport put me on track. I am a mile or so off the bottom of your picture. While this new information may reignite your search, I feel terrible for not disclosing a piece of information which could have saved you trouble: The railing and porch are off of my back door and not visible from the street.
>My goal was to find the address and send some sweets over mail. Pure love lives on. No apology necessary, as the failure was not yours, but mine. I do not deserve salmiakki.
No.20797 KONTRA
>>20794Yeah, I know if someone were to do it they could probably pull it off relatively easily.
I've always felt somewhat safe doing it simply because my twitter is essentially a research diary/diary of interests. Nothing offensive about it and it's not like I wouldn't rant to people about this stuff IRL anyway.
Plus I always use an pen name online. Even some of my IRL friends only know me under a nom de plume.
So yeah, really no harm done. Especially if you won't keep pulling on this thread.
>BS looks like what Twitter used to be. I was a latecommer to Twitter I must confess (Though still years before the Musk-takeover) and I don't think Twitter was ever as "bland" as Bluesky feels like. (At least until I fine-tune the algorithm.)
I don't exactly mind BS being a "liberal" space, but I kind of find it tiresome how it harkens back to how memetics worked 8-10 years ago. Everyone is a histrionic liberal dork with a PhD in shitting studies writing a book posting gotchas against dumb evil conservatives on that website.
If I could be an orthodox American liberal it'd probably be better, but otherwise it's just really boring to see liberals reposting the same image about gay rights and "resisting" 20 times in a row and congratulating themselves for standing up to le Drumpf. (That or "AMAZING PHOTO FROM THE SHOULDER OF ORION AND THE TANNHAUSER GATE from Hubble")
It just feels small honestly. Twitter was full of liberals too (and I got along well with a lot of them), but it was really easy to just fine-tune it so it felt balanced and you'd get the content you wanted, which my in case was stuff related to sinology. Twitter is probably one of the reasons why I didn't drop out of college.
I'm rooting for them to be honest but if they don't relax at least a bit this constant ideological vigilance will be their undoing.
The option to just unilaterally remove your tweet from a quote tweet feels bad. It's like cutting the nervous system of the website. The neurons can't fire.
The place needs 20 million more people who are not there simply to "escape the toxicity" of Twitter. (Twitter was always toxic as fuck, the whole point of it was that you formed Mad Max tier roaming hordes and when you encountered a hit tweet of the other camp you'd just dunk on it and discuss it why it's bad in long threads.)
Who knows, maybe I just don't fit and that's why I don't like it as much.
No.20800 KONTRA
>>20795>It took a minute to find my bearings on your map, but the airport put me on track.I hid the names of the places as not to make it too easy for anyone else trying to continue my efforts, though that airport is a rather great landmark.
>I am a mile or so off the bottom of your picture. While this new information may reignite your search, I feel terrible for not disclosing a piece of information which could have saved you trouble: The railing and porch are off of my back door and not visible from the street. That's too bad on all accounts. If I had continued, I think I would've headed more to the West next. I did consider the possibility of the pictures being from the back, but thought it was more likely from the front. I didn't want to probe for more info as that could've compromised the pleasant surprise that never was... As it stands I'm no longer a certified time waster so this endeavor has been abandoned and my shadowy schemes laid before your eyes.
>No apology necessary, as the failure was not yours, but mine. I do not deserve salmiakki.I wholeheartedly disagree on both counts.
>>20797>Yeah, I know if someone were to do it they could probably pull it off relatively easily.Indeed. Thought you could use the heads-up as it really was so easy. Something to be aware of in case of
bad actors.
>So yeah, really no harm done. Especially if you won't keep pulling on this thread. Good to hear. No harm meant and for what it's worth you'll have my word that I will leave it at that.
>I don't think Twitter was ever as "bland" as Bluesky feels like.To me it feels very much like what Twitter was like in early 2010s. Though it was very text-focused then (albeit with very limited char count), not sure if there even was videos on it. But the general sentiment was similar. Much science much librulism.
>it's just really boring to see liberals reposting the same image about gay rights and "resisting" 20 times in a row and congratulating themselves for standing up to le Drumpf. (That or "AMAZING PHOTO FROM THE SHOULDER OF ORION AND THE TANNHAUSER GATE from Hubble")This is the pure essence of BS for anyone wondering. Well put.
>Twitter is probably one of the reasons why I didn't drop out of college.Can you elaborate on that?
>I'm rooting for them to be honest but if they don't relax at least a bit this constant ideological vigilance will be their undoing. Could be. I made an account a while back just to follow some people and I'm already on multiple blocklists without having posted once. Presumably for following the wrong type of people. Doesn't effect me, but I'm not sure how good of an idea it is to let individuals with very poor judgement to sever these neuron links like you said.
>(Twitter was always toxic as fuck, the whole point of it was that you formed Mad Max tier roaming hordes and when you encountered a hit tweet of the other camp you'd just dunk on it and discuss it why it's bad in long threads.)Don't think this was always the case. And personally I don't appreciate the "roaming hordes". That sort of "localized ideological supremacy" doesn't lead to anything good. The thing is I don't think there's ever going back to
enlightened discussions on social media (if that ever even existed). It's either going to be a populist dunk fest or a heavily moderated safe space. There's no in-between.
>>20797>Everyone is a histrionic liberal dork with a PhD in shitting studiesSo? You are a histrionic reactionary dork with a B.Sc. in shitting studies, right?
Possible scenarios for Bluesky:
1. Critical mass of people moves to it and eventually everyone has two active accounts (X and bluesky) except few partisans with one account. Moderation on both sites becomes soft because it makes no sense to censor something which everyone can see on the other website anyway. End of partisanship, return to normal.
2. Libs move there, and chuds stay. Normies are divided 50/50 and get radicalized in two echo chambers. Polarization of America continues and worsens. Civil war happens, and the world can breathe a sigh of relief without the Big Satan.
3. Libs move there, some normies move with them, but get tired of activists and leave with loss of momentum. Bluesky turns into irrelevant and lame left-wing echo chamber like Reddit.
Which one do you expect?
>>208026/10 try to understand western mindset without having one.
Real answer is 4, first lefties leave under big (self-)fanfare - our local lefty newspaper had its 5th article already in which they coined themselves literally heros for leaving X - and after some indefinite time they all come back one by one.
One of the most vocal "journo leavers" is already back to commenting on X and gets called out for that.
How about 5. - everyone just deletes their accounts and never uses any of that shit again?
No.20805 KONTRA
>>20801Gross oversimplification and misrepresentation of the facts. (I am a bachelor of arts, not a bachelor of science.)
>>20800>Can you elaborate on that?I just didn't feel like my university studies were all that stimulating, I got most of my research ideas and help for research from mutuals on twitter.
>>20803>>20802This 2bh.
Half the content on BS is about "X-creters being mean on Xittter, all conservatives should die". They focus way too hard on twitter and keeping up appearances about how "it's so much better here good morning people" instead of actually posting stuff that could draw others to the website.
Fuck, I might have a decaying tooth in my mouth. Maybe too many sweets in the last months and less dental hygiene? Damn, I have always been warned my teeth are very good, I should look after them. I have good teeth genetics but now after some decades, this was destined to happen maybe.
>>20807Does she dress in a certain style that you can see in Berlin often or how is that possible?
>>20807Oneitis is one hell of a drug. Best of luck.
>>20803Well, there are certain groups of people who can't exist in Musk's Twitter, they need a safe space. At the same time they're terminally online and would like very much to continue using something Twitter-like.
Bluesky will always have transgenders, especially AGPs, grievance studies academics, NAFOids, queers for Palestine and so on.
So it won't be worse than scenario #3.
No.20813 KONTRA
>>20809God, do I hate PUA-lingo. It's so fucking cringe wanna-be-manly.
No.20814 KONTRA
>>20813Thinking PUA lingo sounds "wannabe-manly" and using words like "cringe" is pretty cringy in and by itself, friend.
But feel free to come up with a better term, I'm open to suggestions.
No.20816 KONTRA
>>20814I don't have time to waste on your bullshit, sorry.
>>20813What's so wannabe-manly about "oneitis" word?
>>20816Oh, you're just buttmad and retarded, forget the question.
Have you ever dug through the ditches and burned through the witches in the back of a Dragula?
>>20821>I don't want to get up earlier just so that a report that is due will be finished on time Shoulda learned something useful.
t. office wisdom pro who should already be in bed
No.20823 KONTRA
>>20822Interestingly you can earn very good money in this field I am in now and the actual sector is quite interesting tbh. I started with quite a low wage it seems
still in the average income bracket in Germany, not a bad salary for a humanities student, considering I have only a few side jobs as experience and I'm pondering about asking for a 20% raise in the next months so to push me towards the higher end of an average German salary.
>>20823You still have to get up in the morning, don't you?
Shoulda learned something useful.
t. still awake
>>20824Yes, but it pays better to get up - a small or big consolation, depending on the situations I find myself in during a typical week.
t. still awake but now turning on something to listen to
No.20826 KONTRA
Dinner yesterday was so big I didn't really feel hungry until the evening. Went for a pretty good run.
Had a coffee and went to class. I did classical Chinese translations on the spot and then suffered through German class.
I've started reading again. For some reason I feel motivated to work my way through a German-language monograph on a medieval Shinto sect called "One and Only Shinto", which based on my readings seemed to have laid the foundations for ultranationalism during the Meiji and Showa periods.
I feel like another cycle of "feeling good" ended for some reason but I'm not sure yet.
After sitting idle for six months, I put fresh gasoline in my snowblower and made sure it started. Forgot how loud it is. Winter weather is on the horizon. A shovel may he enough, but better safe than sorry. How hard we get hit this coming week, or if we escape snow altogether, depends on the lake and its unpredictable winds.
>>20821>my coworkers are friendly and I want to support our work since we work under the same management that we have a problem with. The collective nature of wage slaving makes daily suffering more tolerable. If I'm putting up with bullshit from management, so is the guy next to me. There is a bond in that.
When I started working in 2012 my monthly salary was about $850, and it was pretty meh for a young graduate. Nowadays I'm an experienced professional, and have had quite a few job changes, transfers, and promotions, so my salary has grown about 6x compared to the 2012 level and is now... $1500.
Kinda sad, I wonder if people in Turkey, Argentina, or other countries with similarly poorly performing currencies feel the same way.
>>20838My current salary is barely $3000 (net), yet I still can't afford a house.
>>20839You are not supposed to afford a house. Or anything, really. You are supposed to work, so you can pay rent (to boomers) and mandatory health-insurance (for boomer-healthcare, so they live longer) and pensions (for boomers, so they can go on cruises). You are supposed to pay for food, clothes, and transport to work.
If you have any money left after that, you are already cheating the system, which is run by boomers for the benefit of boomers.
>>20838> Kinda sad, I wonder if people in Turkey, Argentina, or other countries with similarly poorly performing currencies feel the same way.They probably feel more frustrated because for them there no visible reasons for inflation.
Here there are sanctions and war, so economy is performing than people expected, many of whom thought that it will collapse in the first few months. In Argentina nothing happens and then suddenly your savings are halved.
I just opened the door three times for three packages.
I admit, I order stuff at Amazon. This time mainly because it was the cheapest option. But I ordered only one of the three that came.
So, first time it's an Amazon dude handing me a package for [redacted]. I close the door and then I remember that my order was supposed to arrive today, too. With passcode and whatnot. I look out of my office window where the guy is delivering something to the next house. I check the tracking and it's supposedly still in delivery. Okay, maybe they will send ANOTHER car with someone who speaks german? Then two minutes later the bell rings again. It's the same guy, also laughing, asking me in english for the password. On the interface on his device I see he's apparently a turk or something like that. I give him the password, he enters it, wrong password I noticed he had pushed the 5 instead of 8, but not in time for him to warn him.
I tell him the password again, we slowly enter the code digit by digit, and suddenly it works. Good, seems they improved the system. Last year I had to do that shit at the office and they had to come back three times because the passcode just wouldn't work or the guy was too retarded and we only got the package because our secretary channeled some Karen energy and made him leave it with us.
Then a few minutes later the bell rings AGAIN. This time it's our regular postwoman with another package for [redacted] that, as I suspect, contains at least part of my christmas gift.
>>20846Please tell me that you're redacting parts or clothes for your upcoming sexdoll xmas gift.
I received a metric fuckton of assorted sheer legwear today, goes straight into my traveling baggage.
Friend of mine celebrated his birthday in a bar. Despite knowing some of the other people, I struggled to make conversation. Tried my best to just accept it and not let it make me anxious. Drank a bit too much and decided to skip the Chinese class this morning to nurse my hangover since I still had to go to work in the afternoon.
>>20808>Does she dress in a certain style that you can see in Berlin often or how is that possible?The usual leather jacket, dark wide fit pants, Docs combo which like half the girls at uni wear.
Ofc I remember most of her specific outfits in more detailThough I think it's the mid-length curly red (or any darker shade) hair that sets me off most of the time.
I make advances in my dancing. The (sad) truth is that my emotional tracking app reveals I mostly tick off the good emotions after dancing sessions. Being challenged, motivated, delighted, successful, energized, happy, confident, glowing, peaceful. All these usually only occure while and after dancing. I really need more social contacts and some sort of intimate relationship to give this some variety. The Hegel girl skips buses to talk with me but she still has a boyfriend. I was hoping to see a women from dance class I met in a bar by accident, but she has not been showing up.
>>20853>mid-length curlyOh yeah, give me all those mid-length bob cuts, curls or not.
>The usual leather jacket, dark wide fit pants, It's doing its magic though. I really like when they wear something else than docs, though. Some other cool boots that are proportionally big or some chunky sneakers, also those Sambas are fine, "basic" but I still like it. Those plateau boots are too much though, too teenage.
No.20856 KONTRA
>>20838My entry salary without any real work experience is ~$2400 after taxes (and meh for a graduate in many cases) and my 20% raise might actually work and push me close enough toward those $3000. My goal within the next 5 years is 3000€ after taxes or a bit more - which is quite comfortable for Germany right now. I don't plan to build a house or live in the suburbs or in the countryside. Albeit rent in a big city is oftentimes 1500€ for a mid sized two room flat these days, with a partner that earns well enough that would be alright, though.
>>20856Is that with a bachelor's or a master's? In the latter case that should be about the same as you'd get as a full-time E13. If it's with a bachelor's, that's damn good, especially for a huge manatee degree.
>>20857A Masters.
>In the latter case that should be about the same as you'd get as a full-time E13E13 is 52k entry and I aim at asking for that and since I know people get that sort of money for similar work I'm doing or even more at my place of work, I might actually get through with asking or that then. I'm replaceable but not super easily and I guess they rather spent some more money on my rather low entry salary then looking for somebody else that might even ask for more.
Entering a E13 job without experience is impossible with a humanities degree. No state facility that needs somebody for E13 tasks will hire somebody without any working experience. E13 full time is oftentimes about leading small teams or having very exceptional skills in something. 3000€ after taxes is possible with TVL 9 even after 5 years or so. But I will probably stay in the private sector and branch I am entering with this job I have. Not sure how high the salaries can get, though, but 70k/year can be possible I guess.
>>20858God I love me some nicely defined deltoids on ladies
and even more on ladyboys!Also mighty fine feet to never ever walk all over me.
>>20860> what kind of body control tThe one you use your muscles for, or what did you mean?
>>20870Dude needs to learn when to stop, he looks like some esoteric granny now.
Not that he ever looked any better without make-up. No.20873
>>20871I find he looks like Robert Smith's aunt.
>>20871Marilyn Manson has always been ugly, but also very funny.
I only recently got into the music. Antichrist Superstar is funny because it's exactly the "mirror" to 90s american christian bullshit. It's so incredibly edgy, but in a silly american teenager "I draw an inverted cross in my schoolbook because my mom makes me go to church every sunday" way that I can't help but smile. Plus, every song is about him and how dangerous and evil and edgy and antichristian he is. I mean, I totally get it. Hell, had I actually listened to that music as a teenager, I would have LIVED it. Now I can appreciate the sound and atmosphere and his voice and different singing styles which I really like, but I have to deliberately ignore the lyrics.
Kind of like an inverse Smiths, because they would be so good without that horrible, grating, unbearable eunuch wailing. Everything after Holy Wood is shit though.
No.20883 KONTRA
Classes seem to go fine.
One of my longtime classmates remarked that I look "unusually gloomy".
Got another volume of Sherlock Stories. This time it's the novels, since I already had the complete short stories. Actually started reading A Study in Scarlet last night and I'm having a remarkable good time with it. Probably the best written detective fiction I've read in the past few months, then again I cannot accurately asses the quality of Rampo's or Leblanc's prose.
I fucked around with Toki Pona and a hanbook of Hawaiian grammar during some of my classes to prevent terminal boredom setting in as the lecturer tries to convince me that NGOs are good and that Falun Gong is part of "civil society" (also good).
I sorta managed to fix my sleep schedule, I wake up before 10 on my own again.
>>20872I was almost sure that it's Lavrov in photoshopped goth outfit but then decided to check just in case. No, it's an actual Manson :D
>>20883> the lecturer tries to convince me that NGOs are good and that Falun Gong is part of "civil society" (also good). How is that class called?
>>20883 >as the lecturer tries to convince me that NGOs are good and that Falun Gong is part of "civil society"Lol what a pathetic brainwashed Sorosite.
How does such a disgusting do-gooder leftshit even exist in Hungary in 2024? Is he too retarded to emigrate to gayrope?
I need to get a haircut again.
It's weird. I get a haircut, weeks go by and everything is good and then, within a week, the current amount of hair becomes unbearable and irritating.
Happy are they who can actually stand having long hair.
No.20903 KONTRA
I had my bag fixed. One of the rings holding the shoulder strap snapped so I got a new one.
I somehow felt really energic so I spent the entire afternoon transcribing research notes for one of my projects into Obsidian, and then I also dabbled a bit in HTML and made a website.
>>20885Environmentalism in China. Yeah, I made a mistake.
I think the problem is that in the common vernacular NGO means "Foreign agents trying to make the country (especially our children) gay". And I just can't tune that out legitimately.
Black Friday™ purchase:
JBL Endurance Peak II earbuds for $29. The
Peak III model was also on sale, but for twice the price. While not the latest, these are still an upgrade over my current broken buds.
>>20883>Sherlock StoriesThe BBC radio dramas are great. No.20906
>>20904I restarted my yearly quest for the perfect patchouli stank.
Already arrived has Guerlain Heritage EdP, excellent smell.
And a little more aggressive, oldschool-experimental and as such bought in smaller bottles for now are finally some of Teufelsküche perfumes.
Opium-patchouli and sandelwood-patchouli, also 2 tubs of patchouli scented bodybutter because my skin becomes like parchment in our shitty dry winter climate.
They seem cheap on any metric from the shop pics down to the bottle quality and even the price, but they get really good reviews all around.
Eager to see if those Teufelsküche stanks are actually something one can wear casually.
>>20906You might want to try this as it is a rather affordable one. Or look up reviews on fragrantica at least. It was part of the discovery set. For me too little cocoa. have quite some samples of parfums that contain patchouli somewhere and that I like but they are all not affordable at all.
>>20907>the subtle fact that it's a ladies odor>that tasteful thickness of the neck>oh my god - it even considered eau d'asbergS..saved.
>>20908Noted, but as of now my thirst for stank is quenched and the Patchouli budget exhausted.
Thanks anyway, there's never enough inspiration for future requesting.
You were the Ernst that taught me about Fragrantica in the first place a year or 2 ago IIRC :3
>>20911>taught me about FragranticaYes, I remember :DDD
Lately bought a small bottle of this off eBay for a reasonable price's indeed sweet and orientalic but also has modern edge to it, something that makes it suitable for me who wears all black I listen to techno, guess it's the metallic in the notes, but not sure if metallic classifies this well.
>>20915You seem to have quite a taste for unisex smells :3
The aromas listed do sound very intriguing though, never seen saffron or pistachio in a composition and some others I've never even heard about.
Surely it smells great!
Ebay has to be great for vintage smells, read a few times now to get this or that fragrance BUT... only the one from 197x or whenever.
Also black clothes best clothes, why wear anything else when the best is already invented?
Never understood people on that one.
>>20916>You seem to have quite a taste for unisex smells :3I wear unisex and I wear scents labeled for male. But it's true that I also wear unisex scents that would be categorized as female, as long as it is not too flowery or gourmand. Most important is that it smells good and I want to smell like that. one has rose in it but also patchouli, it's kinda dark, so that is fine. one is rather a classic male scent, woods, pepper, the fir is great
>read a few times now to get this or that fragrance BUT... only the one from 197x or whenever.I've become a fragrance lover. But I usually buy samples and rarely a full bottle. So far I never had an interest in buying something old and out of production just to be disappointed by the smell and spend a lot of bux on it.
>Also black clothes best clothes, why wear anything else when the best is already inventedIndeed, I have some colored clothing but black is like 70% of my wardrobe. It makes everything simpler and you look good.
I love gf's natural body odor more than any smell
>>20918What does she smell like?
I helped with grocery shopping and then cleaned out my entire room and vacuumed the house.
I worked more on my notes, did some reading and also started writing an article.
Lifted a lot.
Also talked a lot with a friend. He told me he's jealous of me because I "get a lot of things done". Which I found odd because I always feel like I'm barely getting anything done.
But obviously it sounds stupid to reply that "Okay I can't deny that I'm
doing stuff but you see I want to do
more stuff".
I want to publish an entire book. Does my wish to do this actually negate the other stuff I've done? Probably only in my head.
I think today was nice. Nicest in a long time.
>>20904I feel like I missed out on Black Friday this year. There's not really tech I wanted to buy so it's kinda meh.
Saw the first Black Friday ad weeks ago and I thought I have lost literal weeks of my life because I was expecting it to be after Thanksgiving but I didn't hear any Americans post about Thanksgiving yet.
(No, I do not know when Thanksgiving is, I have no practical need for it.)
As for Sherlock, thanks for the dramas.
But honestly I feel like so far this is the only detective fiction I've read where the prose is actually pleasant and doesn't feel "bare". Then again I cannot judge Japanese and French prose for myself because I speak miniscule amounts of those languages.
But Conan Doyle is good. Strangely good.
I finally decided to upgrade to the Pixel 8a from my 3a with some black friday deal. It's been crashing a lot lately and when the screen started randomly turning on yesterday, it made me pull the trigger.
>>20906>>20917Do you guys just wear perfume daily or on what kind of occasions? I have a couple of bottles I got as gifts and when I was briefly interested myself during covid but it rarely feels appropriat to use them.
>>20883>lecturer tries to convince me that NGOs are good and that Falun Gong is part of "civil society" (also good). Lmao, I'm glad to be taking language classes with my old Chinese teacher again, she never misses an opportunity to go on an impassioned trilingual rant about AmeriKKKa
>>20923I recently was shocked about the fact that my phone is already 6 years old and still going strong.
Minor weakness of the battery, but far less then older devices lost in charge.
All the while a perfectly new Samsung S-something is sitting in my work cabinet, fully paid for by my employer with him being low-key mad that I don't use it as my private phone as well... it even features dual-SIM for that reason GOD DAMNIT!
But I enjoy having clean breaking points.
I'm using perfumes daily, a nice shelf with a selection of odors from which I choose from for fun.
Maybe it's just a realigned sense of fashion with the other German poster and me, with both of us enjoying plainly black clothes otherwise.
Gifted perfumes however, my parents know which one to buy and to not experiment on their own behalf, but with smells being such a personal sensation, you can hardly gift the right perfume to someone without knowing their exact taste.
Which fragrances do you enjoy?
Try looking up what you already have on Fragrantica, look which aromas are included in those you like or dislike and try to pinpoint the exact ingredient, then look for similar ones or ones to avoid based on that and get some samples or buy by sheer luck.
>>20917>Most important is that it smells good and I want to smell like that. Yeah, that's what most important. But I do also like going by compliments that a smell raked in.
> one was my fathers scent and as a youngling I always would generously use it myself and get mad compliments about the smell all around.
Meanwhile during that age my peers would either shower in Axe or use something turbo-manly completely unfit for their appearance.
Still a staple today, a nice, fresh sweetness and flowery without being ladylike, as you said.
>Carner Barcelona Volcano and DrakonI'd probably enjoy the Volcano myself more, but both seem interesting.
Together with that Faces of Francis posted before, they remind me of a bottle I recently finished, but hesitated to buy another one.
> aggressively hit or miss, I liked it and it wasn't too expensive, but I opted for something new instead.
>samplesDo you have a source to buy a lot of samples at once that offers a wide selection?
I mostly choose a 1-3 bottles per year to buy and if there's something I really dislike, I usually find someone happy about it as a gift.
My mother's happy about every gift by her son and dismays gender with perfumes altogether for example :3
You have an opinion about Fahrenheit?
> have a bottle for ages that just won't get empty somehow.
It's not bad and especially in Asia it seems to really connect with da ladies and "ladies", but I find it just plainly mediocre and mostly wear it for work.
Yet even there's a coworker immediately "You wearing Fahrenheit today, right?"
Maybe it's the wide acknowledgement of that scent which makes it a little uninteresting for me, it just lacks mysticism.
Going to smell on some Sauvage next time I'm abroad and at the mall.
Got home from work yesterday and an hour later my boss called. A file had to be filled out and submitted. He was, ofc, completely clueless as to how that was done. Ordinarily, this falls into the very large category called
Not My Problem. I am not salaried and off the clock. But whatever. I'll help.
Right off the bat, he can't find a spreadsheet on his computer that is necessary to kick off this fun ride. I tell him to turn on my computer, log in as me and he'll find it in folder such and such. From there, it was another painful half-hour of talking him through the process before he thanked me and hung up. Two hours later I get an email from his boss. The file was filled out incorrectly and submitted incorrectly and I am an idiot for not knowing my job. Bossman didn't just use my computer to find a file, he did everything under my name. Everything
wrong under my name.
tldr: never answer the phone.
>>20923>Pixel 8aI'm on the fence between this one, and a low-end carrier-locked
Samsung for Under $100. Either will be an upgrade from my current 5-year-old-non-5G model. I don't strictly
need the
Pixel, and I rarely purchase unless I
need, but it would be nice to have a decent phone for once.
I have another day to think about it.
>>20926>But I enjoy having clean breaking points.You are smarter than me.
>>20923>Do you guys just wear perfume daily or on what kind of occasions? I have a couple of bottles I got as gifts and when I was briefly interested myself during covid but it rarely feels appropriat to use them.Daily. These days I feel strangely unequipped if I forget to spray myself in the morning
it's just nice to get wafts throughout the day, your nose will not smell/send signals of the scent constantly btw. Since I have a choice between 20-30 samples I pick what seems appropriate for the situation or what I want to smell like during the day. Sometimes you want to smell professional, or elegant or cool or mysterious or whatever. It's an accessoire, it elevates you and your appearance in the best case. There are some no brainers you can spray and go to the office or a bar, though.
As the Austro said, gifted bottles might not be your thing. I would never gift somebody a scent if I don't know they like it and I don't want to receive a bottle of something I never smelled if I not asked for it. Maybe these perfumes are not your style. Ofc there are endless choices and many scent profiles so it will be a journey of discoveries anyway if you want to get into it.
>>20926>that age my peers would either shower in Axe or use something turbo-manly completely unfit for their appearancekek, the axe shower was me :DDD with 13 I had D&G The One. Probably unfit for me back then. Generally, perfumes are an "adult thing". I think teenagers are not suited for perfumes, really. I mean sure, they know something smells nice but seems like playing adult somehow.
>I opted for something new instead.Yes and why not? To me I can hardly settle, that is why I buy samples. When the small sample is used up I got another one that is also nice. Buying bottles really becomes a thing reserved for scents one really really likes. Or a travel spray, 10ml, 20ml, that is totally fine for me. Better do the journey through a lot of perfumes it is for me.
>Do you have a source to buy a lot of samples at once that offers a wide selection? On there is a community that also does sample swaps and making samples from full bottles. Never tried that.
I usually buy discovery sets from perfume brands or samples/travel sprays of ebay, sometimes bottles that have already been used a lot and left with only a half or less. A Carner Barcelona discovery set means picking 5 samples of your choice from their lines for 25€ for example.
>You have an opinion about Fahrenheit?No, never smelled it. I get the mediocre thing, though. I try to wear things that are smelling well but not smelling mediocre either. I usually buy niche perfumes. But usually samples because, well, a lot of niche is crazily expensive, unncessarily though, I guess.
I rarely get comments on my smell, though :DDD
Since Ernst is keen on perfumes: Does Ernst use after shave? Ernst has some at home, but rarely uses it, and most of the times when he smells them on different people, they feel too strong. This can be annoying when sitting on a train, and someone emits a toxic dose of fragrance you can't escape from. Can also happen with perfume of course, but in that case the culprits are usually middle-aged women in ugly dresses.
>>20930Well fug!
>log in as meDid you give him your password? In b4 it was a fake call from IT security, impersonating your boss. But I guess in that case your boss would have sounded smarter :DD
>he did everything under my name. Everything wrong under my name.That's one of the things I hate most at work: When anyone, especially boss level guys, tell me how to do something different than I would do it normally, and it backfires, and my name gets tarnished. Obviously I can't jsut say "that guy told me to do it", that would only make things worse for many reasons.
>>20941>Does Ernst use after shave? No, I only use after shave cream because my skin is already really bad and drying it out further with alcohol is not good.
Plus, I don't like not smelling like me, or strong odors in general for that matter, so I also only use deodorant that doesn't smell like much. I get breathing problems upon entering any kid of beauty shop or perfumery.
>>20942> I get breathing problems upon entering any kid of beauty shop or perfumery.Same, I thought it was just me. Usually, I stick to normal deodorant, and just put some in the armpits, and a little more on the chest, but that's it. Any more and my own scent would piss me off during the day.
>>20943You sweat on the chest throughout the day?
>>20944Not really. It's normal deodorant, not an anti-transpirant. So I just put just a trace on the body, and a little more in the armpits, since that's probably where the most body odor will be coming from after a few hours. Never put much thought into it tbh.
>>20941>Does Ernst use after shave?No. My skin is too sensitive after shaving.
>picMe on the right.
>Obviously I can't jsut say "that guy told me to do it", that would only make things worse for many reasons.Yep. I wanted to respond to my boss's boss and let them know it wasn't my mistake, but that would have led to a discussion on how it was submitted in my name. I've given my password to trusted coworkers before, but I'm not going to put it in writing that I have done so. No good can come from that. And no good can come from calling my boss incompetent. The only thing I can do at this point is grind my teeth that the guy makes more money than I do.
No.20947 KONTRA
>>20941>Does Ernst use after shave?No, my skin is too sensitive for that. Also it would conflict with the perfume.
Since deodorants came up: I use a scentless or almost scnetless one
No.20948 KONTRA
I woke up early and had a pretty good run. I read a bit in Chinese, finished writing the article I wanted and I also worked some more on my research notes.
Also finally bit the bullet and bought Persona 3 now that it was 50% off.
Had a pack of chips I've been meaning to eat for days and I didn't really enjoy it.
Not much else to today honestly. I feel like I'm running out of time for university stuff. But I also feel like I have a lot of energy.
Today at work I noticed that urge to create something more meaningful again.
Something that brings people joy and gets my brain juices actually flowing as well.
But without any pressure or stress, Ernststyle.
Just... a few... more years.
>>20940>the axe shower was meHaha, it's not that I didn't use it as well, just not as liberal as some others.
A slav peer called it "turkish shower" to spray yourself from top to bottom...
But I was kindly remembered while browsing them on Fragrantica... Africa... Pulse... Marine, collecting them was being cringely cool back then.
The issue with samples is just, you use them what, like 5 times and their finished already.
I rely on my intuition and sometimes luck, ain't nobody got time samplin'!
>a lot of niche is crazily expensiveYeah... Le Labo Patchouli... 500 Euros a bottle, surely not with me, but I would love to own it nonetheless.
I heard there are usable knock-offs though, probably a given at that price.
No.20957 KONTRA
Woke up early again and worked out. Then I had a light breakfast and worked on some stuff before having lunch and then heading out for university.
I forgot to buy a new bus pass so I was half an hour late. I was pretty mad but my mood recovered later.
Afterwards I picked up the book I ordered and also borrowed a volume of Jung's on archetypes because I need some more info and data on tricksters, but it has like 30 pages on the subject so it's not exactly what I'm looking for.
Crazy how there's just not one autistic German academic volume in this shit or some traditionalist book that looks at everything. My best bet seems to be Lewis Hyde's "Trickster makes this world".
Still feeling pretty good.
Tomorrow I am going to try to focus on university priorities instead of random passion projects.
No.20960 KONTRA
>>20528>but I'll get the answer to how much KC tiering out over political systems in a dilettante manner can serve to replace genuine and honest studyingAnswer: Yes, it can replace honest studying. Had a solid grade in a class marked by people failing. That, or I'm just a genius.
Speaking of academic endeavours, whatever happened to the other German preparing for his master thesis? He should be finished with coming up with a concept by now.
>>20962Apparently, the city is German again :DDD
Looks like my provider stays German.
>>20961I have finished my Masters a year ago with a very good grade prepared a research proposal which found eager supporters in an anglo country but since anglo countries require scholarships (the fees as international grad students are for very rich people only) and there were non with enough financial support so I picked up a job instead. Ultimately moving with and because of the Job, having money and focusing on my psychological well being is better than writing a dissertation while Not planning to stay in academia anyway.
I'm still sad I gave it up. There is the possebility to Return one day but it's not very likely.
>>20965Good for you. Fuck academia, it's a dead end.
>>20962What do we know about Belgium? What do we think about this country?
>>20969There is a german saying "Belgium - The gateway to France".
>>20969I dont know much about Belgium. Brussels feels very french. Almost everybody speaks french, I only occasionally hear Dutch. As you can see the buildings also look very french - which I like.
The food is good so far, the fries, the waffles. Had some more traditional dish for lunch, some Croque Monsieur for breakfast. Not sure what Dinner it will be. I slept shitty because Hotel with hostel rooms. Also people are away early. I talked with an anglo couple when I came back. Not sure if I should get my cigs and go to a bar tonight.
Tomorrow I will go further north.
>>20972At least people here don't hate you when you don't speak french with them.
Not sure how true that is for french people these days anyway.Usually I just tell them in french and thank dog that I read french philosophers and had a couple of weeks A1 french so I don't suck completely at pronounciation
>>20972Well, Brussels might be in Flanders, but it's also officially bilingual, so it's to be expected to be able to get by with french. Plus, Brussels is full of foreigners, so people would probably not mind you speaking even english anyway.
Further north sounds like dutch, but with less throat cancer. That's the description I got from a Fleming.
Are you on a vacation trip or what? Belgium isn't that big anyway, even from Brussels you're in e.g. Bruges in no time. If you go there, make sure to visit the alcoves in the Queen Astrid park. Also, Brugse Zot is a pretty nice beer.
>>20974Brussels might be full of foreigners but they seem to speak french. But yeah they dont mind english.
It's quite touristy in the center, yesterday at almost 11pm all the chocolate store tourist traps were open still. Supermarkets close at 8pm in contrast.
And yes, just a small vacation.
Still pondering dinner. Not interested in another Belgian restaurant. Maybe fries again. Snack Bar style. And then just taking a tram somewhere, see the city live and go to sleep early.
>>20954>But I was kindly remembered while browsing them on Fragrantica... Africa... Pulse... Marine, collecting them was being cringely cool back then.Will do this now and see what I can remember using, kek. Also seeing notes and reading comments might be great.
>The issue with samples is just, you use them what, like 5 times and their finished already.You must be very liberally using the samples for it being that quickly. Either that or the juice is weak af. I used samples for two weeks, usually sometimes I use another in between
No.20979 KONTRA
Doing the usual rounds. Had a good run. Wasted some time. Followed the military coup. Was late to class because of it. Did on the spot translations of some classical texts. Managed to guess where they were from based on the topic.
Got off half an hour from German class. Spent some time with friends on discord.
I had a dream there was someone who loved me
The north is dutch. This is so weird. I assume you only learn one language here in school depending in where you grew up
>>20979>Followed the military coup.I get my breaking news from EC.
>>20984>you only learn one language here in school depending in where you grew upVery American. Also, every region speaks the same language. Also also, Louisiana is the weird one for not going along with this.
>>20987Why is Hungary so bad?
>>20987Normal people should not even now more than one language. It undermines their loyalty to their nation and turns young people into wanna-be cosmopolitan woketards who are oriented towards foreigners, foreign media and foreign countries.
People should be publicly shamed for consuming foreign books and foreign media.
No.20991 KONTRA
>>20989Hungary is so good because Hungarians have conservative values.
>>20990Fun fact: That's exactly what some "cultural appropriation" people say, just from the opposite direction.
So you're an SJW, basically.
>>20992It's the other way round: they are fascist nazis (which I am not), but they chose to hypocritically claim moral superiority, because it is the only way in which they can gain status and power.
New hotness: calling a dream Lumumba is nazi. (But being anti-german and calling inlagd sill Bismarck-Hering is completely ok, and by the way, i couldn't remember the english word for hering if i was beaten with one, so i supplemented with swedish, hoping it would be similar.)
No.20995 KONTRA
>>20987Fake news. Average Hungarian speaks 0.5 languages because SHITGARY is so bad that its people can’t even write and use Hungarian properly.
Can’t wait for SOROS to finally put this shit country out of its misery.
>>20989I blame the very strong dubbing industry here. Causes a lack of motivation.
And the language family being different from the rest of Europe, making the barrier of entry higher.
That and the education system is just bad. The only valuable thing I did during my English classes was rote learning irregular verbs.
>>20987I refuse to believe the Spanish out-language us. I guess it's the fact that some of them have a regional language they speak, it's hard to find a paellito that can speak English decently.
There is nobody on my room. Kinda nice but also I would have welcomed an opportunity to ask hey how are you whats you name would you like to grab something to eat while we talk?
But I could not be bothered taking a bed in the trillion beds room. The lounge or whatever you call it is quite empty and is a social barrier for me :/
I had a nice chat while in the city, though.
>>20995>I blame the very strong dubbing industry hereDo you want to get in trouble with a future employer?
>>21000Heavens forbid!
I know it’s a golden opportunity, but that wasn’t the questions asked.
No.21002 KONTRA
>>21001>I know it's a golden opportunity Once again, the cold realities of corporatism defeat any possibilities of improving societies. Truly, we live in one.
>>21002You will quickly find out the cold realities of being humanities graduate! They all sell their soul in jobs paying well and they never imagined would be jobs where they are wanted.
or never earn the average wage No.21005 KONTRA
>>21003I'm suffering through another aspect of humanities, most of them (us? my dogg...) really are just beneath average intelligence fellas. Group works make me want to harm people, it's like having to co-write posts with schizenu and signing it with my actual name. I can't cope. At some point, you run out of political will and power to force your views on them.
No.21006 KONTRA
Dad's going to have a business trip to China and wants me to accompany him. I'm anxious and scared. We will see. Will finally set foot in Asia for the first time in my life.
Need to get up to speed on 口语。
I don't know I should be happy but instead I just feel anxious about it. What if I
Classes went fine. Found some more books for my passion research. The last class was held really long and I was so tired by the end that I just kept making puns randomly much to the pain of others.
I have my first exams in a week. And then a conference too. Then I'm free-er so I will work on a translation commission and then on my other projects some more.
Cultural enrichment
Go go go
Enjoy it to the fullest, Asia is a great place.
I can already see the news snippet
>Two hungarians killed in China by angry mob. Allegedly one of them served as interpreter and accidentally insulted an entire village.
>>21006What part of China are you going to?
>>21012Lies. They will make their way to kublai khan and bring the great chinese invention of pasta back to Hungary.
>>21015Fun fact: Kublai Khan's *chinese* name as emperor was
I'm Happy that Antwerp is such an international city. Just everybody speaks English and you don't feel Bad about it. Cosmopolitical revelation. I am big fan of international English. That Reich when?
>>21027>everyone speaks english>cosmopolitical revelationMore like globohomo revelation
>>21028That's a Neonazi word and you are a pathetic little Sellner-fanboy.
Tell me, why are you a Nazi? Did your mommy not love you, because you are dumb and ugly? Do you want to suck Götz Kubickis dick?
Lol hässliche dumme Faschosau.
(That post hurt my white pride, t. Mod Paul) No.21031
>>21030So, have you been in Bruges?
>>21031Nö, I am sort of a contrarian in touristic matters.
>>21032Brussels and Antwerpen are not particularly contrarian.
>>21033Bruges even less so.
>>21035Kek. If you say so, Butthurtus Maximus.
One thing that is actually true within my ironic statement is that I hardly take photos of historic sights. You can go to Instagram for such bland center piece photos.
I took however a few photos of the chathedral's tower because it gave me a kafkaest moment. The old watchtower over the city reminded me of Kafkas Castle novel and the tower in it. Perhaps it was the light and the alien Like ornament with that big clock (time!). Together with pictures in my mind: the flamish portraits of burgermeesters and others in the 16th century, still lifes, Antwerps role in trade and early capitalism and this religious building
though catholic and therefore not calvinist? make for a great amalgam to dig deeper into the cities possibly rich history and its role today as the city with one of the biggest ports (which I will visit of course, even though I have port at home)
Others than that I did what some people come to this city for and this city is known for but you are not one of these people.
>>21036>Butthurtus Maximus.Wow, struck a nerve there, eh?
From your posts I just got the impression that you are like that american who comes to Europe and then goes to eat at McDonald's.
You don't want any actual experiences, you just want the same experience you have at home, but with the ability to say you were somewhere else
wowwww I did drugs in another city!!!!11. If that's your thing, ok, but I don't have to agree with it.
But I do agree with you in that taking pictures is for basic bitches. Experiences are worth more. I've always wondered if I'm able to experience Stendhal syndrome.
>>21037>no u sorry for using your favorite phraseI am convinced that it is you who is taking drugs
I only had a few beers since I arrived in brussels with your delusional talk about an authentic Belgium.
That said it is not cocaine which brought me here
i can have that at home but something else and it is noticable within the city if you are attuned to it. Too bad you are too worried about an authentic belgic experience that boils down to architecture as if that is all there is to a culture or place. Ironically, your proposal is very ameriducated.
Looks like I am contrarian enough as traveler if not going to Bruges like everybody else gets your blood circulating like that.
I turned in a translation homework. Talked a bit about China with my father.
Went to exactly one class, interpreter training where I think I did fine save for how I sometimes still fuck up and think in wenyanwen and just use one syllable words. Which is stupid I know but it happens. Mostly with verbs.
Then I went to a Chinese cultural event, skipping my two other classes. I won a mug.
Since the Chinese lecturer was going too, she took another student and me by car to the place. I was anxious to see what this would be like considering she knows Hungarian, we sorta know Chinese, but we just ended up defaulting to Chinese when talking about random stuff on the way. She said she can understand me, but there's a long way to go with my speech. (But I was still happy she understood me at all and I wasn't just speaking pure nonsense.)
The event itself was fine. Mainly was doing reconnaissance to see if anybody has wised up to my secret project by accident or anything. Talked with some people I know. At a lot of treats from the free food table afterwards. Drank two glasses of tonic. Good time.
I like the mug I won. I'm going to use it a lot.
Went home in a relatively good mood. Talked with friends online afterwards. Still gonna do some reading before bed.
Good times all around.
Tomorrow I'm going to start preparing for my exams.
>>21038Wow, you did not understand a single word I wrote.
Or misrepresented what I said on purpose.
Hey, did you know that you can have a discussion and disagree? Not everything is supposed to be an attack. You'll be happier when you have realized that, you prissy little bitch.
That was an attack No.21050 KONTRA
I watched ships getting unloaded, very interesting. Close to the level of people spotting trains.
>>21042What do you want? I had the discussion before even going on this vacation, but my friends are not annoying. Your remarks were idiotic mostly and your backpaddling sort of won't change that.
No.21055 KONTRA
>>21005>Group works make me want to harm peopleI know what you mean. My first group work in social science made me switch my minor because I was so fed up with the (non)competence of my group members that I sais fuck it I am no longer part of this assignment.
Sometimes you will have good people who are willing to work and don't need outright 'correction'
>>21059Did you seriously translated your /b/ post from two weeks ago and post it on /int/?
Did it happen again?
For the next part of my paper that will be a *paradigm shift* for area studies, I need to find a good way to explain why Said stayed absolutely silent about Russian representations of orientalism.
Now, the keen observer already knows why the leftist intellectual in 70s didn't mention Russia, but I need to present alternative theories. A bit of dishonest, I suppose.
>>21061No, there I asked something completely different, yet was shocked right now how similar the outcome was.
People are more eager to nitpick for their ego, then to spread knowledge.
No.21064 KONTRA
>>21062You really know how to twist the knife.
>>21062>why the leftist intellectual in 70s didn't mention Russia I think at that time postmarxism was already a thing in france. I'm happy to see your evidences you are asking for. Another quick answer would be that Said was not eager to learn russian etc.
I don't know much about Said but I know that french intellectuals werent big friends of the soviet government or the SU in a communist party kind of way.
Why not become the Said we never had and write about russian orientalism? That would impress your lecturers more I guess. The opener of the paper is that Said never die.
>>21068>Why not become the Said we never had and write about russian orientalism?I need to present a critical analysis on Said's work, not shed lights on the genocides and modes of understanding the other Said
purposely obscured
. I really think the answer is the same psychological process that causes other students of the post colonial field to look away from the Russian imperial question, averting their eyes to things that are magnified in the case of the Franco-British experience. It would also make his work trickier if he could not simply analyse one consistent tradition but had to incorporate other conceptions of the Orient that also equally serve(d) even served more successfully** to uphold imperialist paradigms. But it's okay, it's been a few hours of reading his other works and trying to collect opinions on Said's change from pro-Foucault camp to one opposed to, but still indebted to this thought. I'll use a bunch of expensive words to relate different literary critical traditions, but I already know truth in such a visceral manner that it's beyond this smoke-screen "qualitative research".
> In art history, literature and cultural studies, Orientalism is the imitation or depiction of aspects of the Eastern world (or "Orient") by writers, designers, and artists from the Western worldHow can that be applied to Russia given that we're Mongoloid Finno-Ugric people from the tribe of Moskha? You need to consult with Ukrainian race science scholars. For starters I recommend "The country of Moksel" by Vladimir Belinsky.
Russians are a natural part of the Eastern World.
Home and tired. I woke up with a hangover, somebody checked into the hostel when I was away and came back later than me in the night, probably also drunk. He turned the lights on for a long time. He brought food with him that he ate, something from the frituur, the whole room smelled like that fat the belgians frie their snacks in, I think it is beef fat. It did not help my drunk perception and unruly stomach. He made weird noises that almost sounded like moaning while eating. I'm no sure exactly because I use earplugs when sleeping in shared rooms. Woke up again later because my head was in pain from dehydration.
But I managed the day quite well for such a shitty sleep-disturbed night.
>>21069>causes other students of the post colonial field to look away from the Russian imperial questionWhat a 21st century sentence. Are these postcolonialists even Marxists? Aren't they suspicious of Marxism as white paradigm? Aren't you a true 21st century postcolonialist by opening up the spectrum of colonial thought and practices (and unhumanly crimes against human rights ) under the banner of imperialism from the imperalists that have been forgotten as subjects of oppressive symbolism and practices?
I see the academia pulsing through you and with everday you have to sharpen your tongue to still perform a distance to the ivory tower whose stairs you are climbing but Ernst should not notice. Jaja.
Today I said no to overtime.
I'll still work 50+ hours this week but turned down a request to put in 60. Never thought it would happen, but here we are. I said no. It's been a long couple of weeks. Long month. Is it December already? Damn. Anyway, at this point I want the day off more than the money. And bossman could use a lesson in timing. Ask me in the morning when I'm rested and not at the end of a twelve-hour shift.
>>21075Good for you!
But why are you working so much anyway? I thought you already had some nice stock market gains going on. Or was that another yankee?
>>21072Said is definitely open to shitting on Marxism and criticizing Marx's adoption of orientalist ideas. Arguably in a mild way, but the criticism is there. Of course, one doesn't need to be a Marxist to be lenient or silent on Soviet imperialism/orientalism. Maybe even a bigger factor in Said's silence is the Soviet turn to anti-zionism and backing of Arabs in this conflict. I'll make the case that Said's silence is carried on by those who continue his work, maybe in a formulation that implies a "sins of the fathers" logic. I don't think that's all true though, there are other reasons as to why so many of these people who deeply examine the edifice of western imperialism entirely ignore Russian imperialism, but it could be a good way to underscore the importance of Said's silence as something that is repeated across another generation.
One even wonders if post colonial studies and its focus on informal
and esoteric forms of dominance are even suitable to discuss a state of actual colonial dominance.
>>21071Russia isn't disqualified, in the introduction, Said mentions Russia as a European power whose imperial project is also connected to orientalism
only to never bring it up again, but a country that had a more limited experience of this form of imperialism compared to the great powers of Britain and France
western chauvinism?, I'll make the case that this is flawed and Russia has a far longer history of orientalism than either of these countries. At the very least from 1552 to the present in a direct manner. Although Said uses the ancient Greeks as a foundation for western orientalism, in this way giving this ancient dimension - the same can be rescued to shit on Russia. As a wise orientalist once said "восток - дело тонкое!"
No.21080 KONTRA
>>21078> connected toGod, I hate that phrase so much. It's intentionally vague and pseudo-profound, the reader can project everything he wants onto it. That is, of course, exactly why it is used so much.
No.21086 KONTRA
>>21078>One even wonders if post colonial studies and its focus on informal and esoteric forms of dominance are even suitable to discuss a state of actual colonial dominance.You want to bring more Marx back into it again? Or how do you think colonial dominance is put to practice and what the motor is?
>Of course, one doesn't need to be a Marxist to be lenient or silent on Soviet imperialism/orientalismOn the other hand, being a Marxist does not imply that the Soviet Union and its actions and organisation must be approved and defended.
>so many of these people who deeply examine the edifice of western imperialism entirely ignore Russian imperialismWho are you talking about exactly? I've never been deep into postcolonialism and my impression always was that they pretty much abandoned any analysis of imperialism as consequence of a capitalist economic system.
And tankies on the other hand are not postcolonialists, afaik.
So hence my question, who are you refering to?
>Maybe even a bigger factor in Said's silence is the Soviet turn to anti-zionism and backing of Arabs in this conflict.Now that is an interesting thought for me! As I said, hardly know Said. Was he a(n) (arab) nationalist? That indeed then would be an interesting path to follow.
But it would mean scurrying through sources that cast light on his private life and views, no? Or did the secondary literature already work on this a lot and you can just combine from there?
>>21080What makes you think it is intentional? It is first of all a phrase that sums up a relation between to things. How that relation actually looks like, how it came about and how it might dissolve, has been dissolved etc. is usually part of the argument, the former is just an abstract thesis and perhaps a poorness of speech
and the consequence of our conspiratorially and link obsessed culture, if I might make an ass pulling move here.
No.21088 KONTRA
Have you ever met someone suffering from bpd? What do you think about bpd people?
>>21076I'm trying to accumulate as much money as possible for reasons I no longer remember.
>>21088I'm not sure if my brother is BPD or bipolar. Either way, it's a wild ride. Sometimes mood swings are week to week, other times minute to minute. You get used to it and learn to just roll with whatever version of the person is in front of you at the moment.
No.21090 KONTRA
>>21088Yeah, you have to look for yourself and keep a distance if it gets too much to handle for you.
>>21078I think both you and German are right.
On the one hand, Russian Empire's colonial history is boring and uninformative compared to Western European. Barely populated lands in harsh climate vs such regions as Middle East, India and China. Soviet Union meanwhile is a very unusual state and needs its own research. And competent writing about any of states requires a lot of work, studying Russian and different Turkic languages, while this guy as Palestinian migrant probably spoke French and Arabic fluently and pursued low hanging fruits.
On the other hand, western lefties usually sympathized to Soviet Union, sometimes openly, sometimes subtly. Even in more suitable circumstances, Said still would be silent. I'm now reading "The second sex" and it's pretty obvious that de Beauvoir is biased in favor of USSR.
Now when we have settled, why Said was quiet about Russia and Soviet Union, let's think why are you so loud about it: "Hey, Said, what about Russia? Hey, say something about it!". I think it's because USSR supported national liberation movements in Angola and other Portuguese colonies, and as a jingoist you still hold a grudge. Let the past be the past, hate is destructive for you first of all.
No.21094 KONTRA
>>21093>let's think why are you so loud about it: "Hey, Said, what about Russia? Hey, say something about it!". I think it's because USSR supported national liberation movements in Angola and other Portuguese colonies, and as a jingoist you still hold a grudge. Let the past be the past, hate is destructive for you first of all.These lines sums up quite well what I was thinking about with an uneasiness in this whole debate: crossing humanities research with psychological reasoning. It's unavoidable when you speak about motivation but on the other hand it can quickly become this rather subjective old reasoning that could be seen in literature studies where you psychologize authors and how that translated into their texts.
If Said was a Palestinian he might have been fond of the USSR supporting a "liberation" attempt, but where does Said say something about it? What do contemporaries say about him? Everything else is just speculation based on some simple data points/facts.
Also: how is Beauvior biased towards the SU in that book?
No.21097 KONTRA
>>21086>What makes you think it is intentional? It is first of all a phrase that sums up a relation between to things.It does not sum up. To 'sum up', there first has to be something that can be summed up. Stating there is a relation, but not explaining the nature of the relation is empty. If something is out of scope, just say it is out of scope. Do not make vague insinuations instead.
I would like to sum up by stating that there is a connection between your asshole and your mouth.
>>21086>my impression always was that they pretty much abandoned any analysis of imperialism as consequence of a capitalist economic system.Of course, at times they can be reasonable people too. The notion that imperialism is an exclusive product of capitalism is a goofy one, it was goofy in the early 20th century and it's positively comedic today.
>That indeed then would be an interesting path to follow. No it wouldn't, it would be a suicidal path to follow. There are plenty of quotes from Said himself going over the importance of the Arab-Israeli wars in his political awakening, how this conflict was his reason for breaking with Foucault, and hundred of hours of speeches on the topic that I won't even have time to listen to. Even subtly making a hint that his Palestinian identity gave him pro-Russian sympathies would be lazy and haram.
>>21093If Angola was the real case, I'd have to hate Amerikkka too and I would never do that.
I'll provide EC with a list of presentable list of reasons why Said was silent on Russia, and one of real reasons. But first I must read Anwar Abdel-Malek, who seemed to be a far more honest man than Said. Anwar, who wrote on Orientalism a decade before Said was straightforward as to why his criticisms of the West did not apply to the Soviet Union.
You guessed why :DD He even goes so far as to single out "Bourgeois Orientalism" as the evil twin, presumably while proletarian orientalism is intended to build bridges between different cultures.
>>21098> If Angola was the real case, I'd have to hate Amerikkka too and I would never do that. Then how do you think, that's the reason of your obsession?
*ominous intelligent chanting*
No.21102 KONTRA
I think this weekend was a good balance between leisure and getting things done.
Played some video games, read some short stories and started another Sherlock novel.
Wrote an essay I way overdue but the professor told me he kinda doesn’t care when we accidentally bumped into each other at a event.
I have my first exam and a conference this week and I kinda don’t want to go to the conference dinner because it sounds incredibly boring and I am a picky eater so I’d much rather just avoid the potential humiliation.
I was feeling so good and now I have three emails to answer and write and I feel like nothing matters any more.
Maybe if I pretended to be dead on the floor most of my problems would solve themselves but that seems like a childish way out of this.
It’s not even that I want to lay on the floor and cry out of depression or anxiety because that’d be stupid, rather I wish I could just hide in an insanely juvenile and whimsical manner to reset the status of events around me.
I’d a 100% rather be at home reading Kerényi and translating from Three Gallants Five Heroes than go to classes and take exams.
I have this light tootache and I’m not sure it’s a mental thing or if it’s actually hurting.
>>21088I don’t know how many I’ve met but I know there was one girl with BPD during my first year at university in one of my philosophy classes and she created insane amounts of drama and chaos in a very short period of time and then defended herself by saying “I got BPD teehee you should be understanding”. Made me feel like that it’s a stupid thing, you are a massive pain in the ass depending on the cycle and then you just try and wave it away with the diagnosis but a rose has thorns too and I’m not going to touch the rose because the thorns hurt, I don’t care if you explain it that it’s because of the angle and the physics of it.
But this is just anecdotal evidence, I’m sure there’s a lot of BPD people out there who are doing fine and are good people.
>>21099I think the reason of my obsession is that Russophobia is a mental illness, and I will not rest until I can spread this virus. Eventually, it will come to be known as Russorealist studies in the west.
>>21110Reminds me that I still need to get some more backup media and do proper backups.
My newest drive is about five years old, my oldest more than ten.
>>21110The update ended with an error and no changes made to my PC. Yep. This thing is fucked. As I don't care to pull the tower apart and swap components, I'll begin my quest for a
cheap replacement. I only use it for reading, browsing and music. A laptop could do the job, tbh.
>>21115It's worth the effort for peace of mind. Feels good knowing every file is now in at least two places. Since the PC backs up my phone, and the PC is backed up to an external drive, my pictures are in three places. Same for much of my music which sits on various mp3 players. Nothing is in the cloud because I hate making accounts and have trust issues.
>>21115I don't even dare to check for dead sectors on my full to the brim 1,5TB porn drive.
I should just get a larger one and copy everything over before the corruption reaches the rare Max Hardcores.
>>21118Goddamit Ernst, are you the one actual bona fide degenerate we have on this board?
What else is there? Girls shitting? Brazilian schoolgirl vomit porn?
>>21119Somebody got to do the heavy lifting to make this an actual imageboard, if ya'll so vanilla.
At this point it's probably 75% kathoey, tranny and futa. No.21125
>>21120That's just /int/, you know very well that there is a general smut thread on /b/. You pervy little Seppel.
Experienced an insane moodswing in the morning. Said I won’t go to the dinner. I don’t care.
Felt better after a coffee. I skipped lunch.
Chinese class went fine. Teacher for some reason segwayed into talking about the Ukraine war, asking us abour our opinions and I was surprised that I could talk about it in some capacity. I guess being a chud is easy in any language.
Still, it feels nice that I seem to know at least some Chinese.
Basically my brain shuts down when it’s about practical stuff but when I need to talk about politics or it’s ancient shit it flips right back on.
I picked up my mother’s gift on the way home and also a box of painkillers since I had an insane fucking headache the entire day and there was none home.
Thought some more about one of my projects and I am developing this concept of a volume of translations but I do not want to overdevelop it to such a level that I cannot actually realize it.
The exams are making me anxious.
>>21129they brainwash you when you need education.
>>21094>Also: how is Beauvior biased towards the SU in that book?Well, it was 1949, peak of Stalinism, and she praises it as the country of workers. Brags that women can vote and there are lof of women-deputes (while elections and deputes under "democratic centralism"... you get it...). She mentions countries like Sparta, Late Roman Empire and Nazi Germany where women are somewhat liberated from their men but they're slaves of a government instead. Of course, Soviet Union is not in that list.
Her only criticism is that Soviet government advises women to do a make-up to look attractive for their husbands.
>>21179>Her only criticism is that Soviet government advises women to do a make-up to look attractive for their husbands.Ebin :DD an often overlooked flaw of late Stalinism!
Broke the glass on my phone. Replacing it costs as much as a new phone, so I used this as an opportunity from Samsung to Xiaomi. Now I can expose Zionism and American imperialism in the news thread without risk of device exploding in my hand. Otherwise, it's the same shit so far.
>>21186Broke the glass on my Xiaomi after not even six months after I bought it.
That was in 2018. I am still using it.
I slept terribly because I went to bed very late because I got invited to watch Apothecary Diaries with friends on discord and I just ended up talking about China stuff for like two extra hours before dropping off.
“Can you tell I have a degree in this thing?”
I finished reading Death Note yesterday. In the end, I don’t think my concerns regarding it were warranted at all.
Was exciting but ultimately kind of mid if not outright insulting in the end.
We were given clarification on how to apply to the double degree program in China. I need to get an HSK5 cerificate. But if I fail to get it before I start my second year I can just turn my uni status passive for a year, build up my knowledge and apply to the progam anyway. All that matter is that you’re a second year student.
The Confucius Institute will organise some preparatory classes.
It’d be kick ass to go to Shanghai for two years with all my expenses like housing and tuition covered + a stipend.
Catch is that I’d have to write my thesis in Chinese.
Had an exam today. It was terrible. They handed out like a two page long text and we were tasked with translating it with “any tools we would normally use at home” so I hammered Pleco as hard as I could on my tablet but I was still a paragraph short when they told us the time was up an hour later.
Turns out getting through it all wasn’t the point and if they just articulated that clearly I’d have probably paid more attention to the quality of my text. (Not that it was a low quality text, I think I didn’t get to the end of it precisely because I wasted way too much time on style.)
After that came the art seminar which took like 2 and a half hours as the lecturer went from one asinine tangent to the next one and I was gnashing my teeth by the time we were past 10 pm and she just started talking about something utterly irrelevant again.
(She just says random shit, we’re the ones holding presentations she literally has zero fucking plan for the lectures.)
It snowed again. Woke up an hour early. Will need time to clear my driveway before heading in to work. My efforts this morning will be buried under the new snow that is likely to fall while I'm there. It's all so tiresome. And this is just beginning.
No.21214 KONTRA
Why is there so much 4chan posting going on on /int/ suddenly?
Do you remember the context when schizo posted about lobster-red tourists in Croatia as part of German imperialism? I can't find that post
No.21224 KONTRA
>>21179How was the reality then? Did not read the book but a book about gender in 1949 is probably not a handbook on stalinism.
>>21224On the form of makeup that was advised or the question of democratic rights under comrade Stalin?
No.21230 KONTRA
>>21226more the reality of being a woman under stalinism, how much of it is true that she wrote in that regard? Is she talking of realization or formality?
No.21248 KONTRA
German class afterwards went fine. We spent time on filling out a personality test. Lots of new vocabulary.
Of course these tests are never more than amusing but people reacting to seeing your results is. I got that I’m “dominant” and “knowledgeable” and the lecturer remarked that it’s how he has come to know me over the past few years. Which is strange because I don’t consider myself dominant or domineering.
Anyway, I got home and then I got roped into watching a few more episodes of anime and then some of the game awards.
I enjoyed watching Apothecary diaries so far.
The game awards I liked a lot less to be honest. I was just curious to see if Wukong gets anything or if there’s anything I would actually like just by looking at it but I think I spent like three hours on this shit and the only even remotely interesting one was a brawl-game set in Taisho Japan by the Yakuza-guys. I’m insanely jealous that westerners can get genuinely excited for things.
By the time they announced like the 20th shitty slop game I felt like that Schopenhauer quote except the pendulum was swinging so fast that it was for all intents and purposes at every place at the same time. It was painful and boring. But hope kept me going.
Anyway, I think I slept reasonably well. The plan for today is to buy a packet of coffee, some pretzels, something for lunch and then go to the library and cram hanzi because the exams are coming and they are going to eat me alive at this rate.
Are you ready for the holidays? Do you have Christmas Spirit?
I bought presents for my close ones and for randomly chosen coworker from "Secret Santa". Also want to make a postcard for gf with congratulations and our photos and memories over the year.
No holiday mood yet though, because there is no snow at all.
>>21224I mentioned it not as criticism of the book which is dedicated to another topic (and is bullshit for another reasons), but as an illustration of left-wing intellectuals' opinions about USSR.
> How was the reality then? Women were slaves of the state as much as men, worked a lot, received few and lived in constant fear. There was equality in suffering.
In late USSR it wasn't as bad, but life still was miserable. Soviet leadership predominantly consistent of old males (ethnically diverse though) but average woman was above average man, she was head of a family. For instance, often wife received husband's salary and then handed out him pocket money.
>>21256>For instance, often wife received husband's salary and then handed out him pocket money.Otherwise he would have just spent it all on vodka.
No.21264 KONTRA
Gonna order me some Persian food because I am home from work earlier and it's Friday and I don't want to do anything.
I think I'm getting sick but not with a cold. I woke up with headache, popped a pain killer and got headache again later. I feel kind of fevery drowsy but I don't have a high temperature by touch and neither have I a sore throat or blocked nose or anything.
>>21256>Are you ready for the holidays? Do you have Christmas Spirit?No and I can't believe it is that time of the year again already.
>Women were slaves of the state as much as men, worked a lot, received few and lived in constant fear. There was equality in suffering.That's very general. Probably true but probably not accurate either. It certainly has been a topic here in Germany to compare the gender aspect and its reality in GDR and GFR and there are differences that go beyond "men and women suffered in GDR under the evil regime equally because it was an eveil regime."
No.21266 KONTRA
>>21264Your use of "GFR" tickles my assburgers, because it has always been "Federal Republic of Germany", i.e. "FRG" if you want to abbreviate. The acronym "GFR" can refer to many things, but none of those describe a country.
Thank you for your understanding. Carry on.
No.21271 KONTRA
>>21266I knew something was off. But the urge to press post was stronger.
>>21264>I think I'm getting sickUpdate: I just needed to eat something properly it seems.
>>21247>I wanted to actually see her in action to assess her abilitiesHas your opinion of her changed?
One semester, our university had an art show which featured a piece made by the instructor of my drawing class. It wasn't even a drawing, just some food in formaldehyde or something. He was a decent teacher, but I thought a little less of him after that.
>>21256>Do you have Christmas Spirit?No. I actually find myself tuning away from Christmas music while commuting. I just don't feel it, although I noticed tonight how many of my neighbors have lights up. The street looks nice, especially with the snow.
🧍.jpg (124.04 KB, 687x1359)

>>21281It probably hangs there to explain who Maureen Paley is and her role in an artist community. Her importance is underlined by the famous artist sketching her with a pencil, which he probably did not do with everyone he met.
>>21282Thank your for your assessment. It's entirely irrelevant to the discussion though.
No.21285 KONTRA
>>21279No, not really.
I just think it’s always worthwhile to re-check my preconceptions regarding other people and research fields.
I guess I have no ill feelings or anything, I just kinda don’t like the soypogging over LGBTQ buddhist patriarchs from Taiwan.
I don’t feel like that research like this which essentially just leads to you inserting your ideological biases from the west as desirable into the culture you are researching is worthwhile.
Me dismissing her research as uninteresting is probably telling more about me than her 2bh.
It’s just that I grew up in an environment which was hostile to sociologists. I’m working on unlearning my biases to be able to function more inclusively in a global academic environment.
No.21296 KONTRA
>>21285>It’s just that I grew up in an environment which was hostile to sociologistsI have a bias against sociologists because I hated my Sociology professor. He would make sarcastic comments on my papers. Possibly justified becaise I was not taking the class seriouly, but still. He also did a bunch of hands-on stuff in class like playing Musical Chairs. I was first out every time because I refuse to fight for a seat when standing is a valid option.
I don't think it's necessary to unlearn your biases- we all have some one way or another. It is enough to be aware of them. Sometimes a visceral reaction is lazy thinking and sometimes it is correct.
>>21285> I just kinda don’t like the soypogging over LGBTQ buddhist patriarchs from Taiwan.It doesn't say anything about person's abilities, maybe she's just trying to build a career. Not everyone has rich parents to support her as adult.
Can't sleep again. Also hungry, so I ate selfmade bread with a black/white chocolate spread and bananas and drank a glass of whisky.
This comes in phases, yet I still have to find out what causes them.
I set up my new phone. Moving data and settings was easy enough.
Samsung Samrt Transfer. I usually hate apps like that- preferring to do things manually- but it saved a lot of time. Getting the phone number moved took longer. I purchased it online, and whoever picked my order neglected to scan the IMEI/SIM barcode which is necessary before a phone can be activated. After being informed of this by my service provider, I took the box to Walmart and they were able to fix it. The guy in electronics didn't miss a beat- seems this is a common occurrence.
>>21305Yes. In the past I've recommended coworkers for this, but nobody I've mentioned has won. The employee of the month gets some sort of prize- a small gift or whatever- and a dedicated parking spot.
No.21311 KONTRA
Had an exam. I think it went reasonably well.
Kept watching Apothecary Diaries with friends.
Also played some video games to just blow off some steam. Stayed up way too late again.
Got a phonecall from a HS teachers. She wanted me to write her a small review as a former student for some evaluation she's getting. I agreed to do it since it's less than a page long.
Feels kind of weird that I'm on the mind of other people even years later.
Desperately need to fix my sleep schedule and I'm gonna get to it once the exams end.
I want to eat something so bad. Like a burger. I don't know. I somehow went another day without having a proper meal.
>>21309Ever since I have started working with Americans I have encountered this, too, though in our case it's quarterly.
>>21315EC doesn't have enough activity for a
n employee poster of the month, but it could have something like "poster of the solar cycle". I bet that would be
Ernst, if he tries hard.
>>21320I like how that filename specifies "extra nostrils" as if that were the most unusual thing there.
Wrote the last essay I had to submit for a subject and then I also made a corrected version of all the shit I translated for a seminar. Now I just need to cram more vocabulary.
Also wrote that letter of recommendation.
I went out for lunch because I did not have lunch in days now I think for some reason and I needed it. Wore my spring coat because it was relatively warm. Felt good.
I feel like I'm gonna perish at this rate from the exams.
I don't feel like I am being efficient at all. I just hope I don't fuck up this one last exam.
Then I will get to breathe at least a bit.
> "Having a child? That costs so much money, it's so bad for your career"
> Makes tattoo on his face
>>21334It can work if you're a career criminal
No.21338 KONTRA
>>21334Do you little punk give boy pussy to bankers at the main station? Do you take coke as payment?
I had the highest grade for Asian geography, I thought I bombed the test so hard that last night I had a nightmare involving it. I hadn't studied at all, and yet it was enough for excellence. Maybe I had been studying all along via imageboard and higher education is like removing ankle weights.
No.21341 KONTRA
>>21340I left academia a year ago, Hungary will follow soon, probably. I'm pleased to see someone else will keep us updated about his academic sufferings for another few years and on a at least weekly basis, it seems.
Remember your post about group works? Think about that ankle weights again :^) No.21343
>>21338Most likely, he used to, but doesn't do it anymore. Homosexuals rarely love adult men, and he has already went through twink's death.
>>21339No true Ernst can be envy to such way to make income, as we're all fully aware of
risks and consequences of anorectal violence.
You come home from work, your wife served a shitty soup, your kids are fighting and EC has nothing to offer but homo jokes and shitposting hungary has not posted yet. What would be the equivalent of shooting your television in the last days of 2024?
A coworker asked me to do something. Track a shipment in our system. I was juggling a half-dozen other things at the time, each of which was a higher priority than his request. Told him I would get to it. He said he would be back in 10 minutes. I told him it would be closer to two hours. Day ended. I left without doing it.
On one hand I feel bad, because he's a decent enough guy, but on the other I believe people who aren't busy should recognize when someone else is and not add idle requests to the queue.
>>21355Shooting your television is timeless.
>>21355Wait a minute. You meant
shooting your television as a way to express over-the-top disappointment in media/entertainment. In that case, the equivalent is throwing your computer out a window.
Sorry. I'm tired.
Finished my last exam for the year. I was really anxious about it. I crammed a lot and slept like 5 hours. By the time I got to the exam room I was kinda fucked up. Had a coffee and honestly I mispronounced words I didn’t even mean to mispronounce initially.
Ultimately the lecturer told me that I seem like a diligent person and that save for the occassional grammar fuckup my biggest issue is that I seem to be in desperate need of more vocabulary.
So I might sit in at some of the Chinese specialisation BA classes next semester where they just do nothing but read contemporary news shit.
Had a small meal on the way home and then I played like an hour of video games before literally collapsing on the bed. And after waking up collapsing again in another 20 minutes so I decided to just get ready for bed. I ended up sleeping 12 or so hours.
No.21363 KONTRA
>>21360Where are the photoshop wizards of EC to make that picture happen?
>>20808Turns out what looked like tooth decay was really just a hard to remove seed from a kiwi indeed. My teeth are well tended according to the expert. Which surprises me everytime since I don't feel like really giving my teeth the treatment they should get. I either won the genetic lottery in that regard or other people do even less than me
I brush every morning, mostly before bed as well and I floss about 2-3 times a weekAlso to celebrate I tried a taro brown sugar boba. Never tried boba tea so I was curious. Late to the party, definitely. It's ok. Though, I would like to try one combination in boba that catters to my interest in artificial flavoring.
>>21364lmao, I brush once in the morning and floss like twice a year and haven't had a single cavity in three and a half decades. Then again, I don't smoke or drink coffee or softdrinks, and I can't stand having food taste in my mouth when not eating, so I always drink water after any kind of food.
>>21366Never had a cavity either and it is the same time frame. But I still smoke from time to time, drink a softdrink here and there and eat sweets almost daily.
Flossing was adviced to me even though my teeth are good to keep them that way.
Teeth will probably look better/cleaner when you floss more, at least I noticed it in my case.
>>21367I haven't noticed anything about my teeth looking different, but the first time I flossed was like cleaning the drain after moving into a new apartment, and it smelled a bit like that, too.
>>21370>and I had a dentist tell me my dental cleanliness is greatHow is the general quality of dentists in Portugal?
>>21370Maybe what connects ECler besides the autism is good teeth.
My old roomate brushed twice a day and still battled with cavities. Which i think is odd but apparently EC is build by strong teeth.
No.21373 KONTRA
>>21369>it smelled a bit like that, too.A reason to floss more than twice a year tbh.
>>21371I don't know.
Re: today/tomorrow
I'm going to Poland tomorrow.
No.21375 KONTRA
I slept 12 hours. Had an exciting series of dreams. I woke up. I had some marzipan-filled rolls.
Had a coffee.
I spent the next few hours high in caffeine. Went shopping for Xmas gifts.
Got everyone everything,
Wasted some time online with friends. Not much else happened today. I'm feeling insanely good health-wise now that my responsibilities are dealt with.
>>21373As I said, the very first time. Imagine the gunk of 20 years or so. Haven't had that ever since, even with flossing rarely.
>>21377This is kind of implausible given food remains rotting between your teeth will smell after some time. And I don't mean months. I don't say that it has so smell absolutely terrible everytime you floss but If you rarely do it, smell is biologically expected, no? Do you Go deep enough when flossing?
>>21380I brush my teeth, too, you know?
>>21382Good grief. I can just imagine your yellow rotting teeth. It's it actually you, Dr. Lauterbach? Or are you just some basement-dwelling incel? It are you preparing for a career in reality-TV?
> I also brush my teethYou just said that as if it was some kind of achievement to be proud of. Like this is you going an extra mile. Actually, you are not even doing the basics like flossing regularly.
>I also brush my teeth.But not between your teeth, which is impossible. Flossing is not optional, it mandatory. You are so you used to the unbearable stench that without a shimmer of doubt emanates from your mouth that you don't even notice it.
I had a classmate in you like highschool, he always smelled like a walking garbage can.
I bet you never had sex. Ever wondered why? Because you are disgusting. That's why.
Do you at least shower?
Shower daily, use soap, use deodorant, brush your teeth three times a day, floss daily, wear fresh clothes each day. Clean your ears. Wear clothes that fit and have some style. Hit the gym twice a week. Get your hair cut two times a month. Clip your nails daily. And, I'm saying this just in case, wear gym clothes and shower afterwards.
It is a shame that I have to teach these basics to a grown-up.
Aren't you ashamed of yourself?
No.21384 KONTRA
>>21383>Clip your nails dailyUnhinged neurosis.
>>21382Putting the schizo posting aside, a toothbrush usually does not reach that far, that is why flossing is done. Flossing also helps with keeping the gum intact afaik. Something that will be more relevant down the line of life. If you are 28yo your gum probably suffered less than with 45 or 65.
All that said, Ernsts are as of now genetic cash cows teeth-wise, waiting to be milked by young fertile women.
>>21385I brush teeth, I drink a lot of water, rinse my mouth and I can assure you that the amount of shit between my teeth is way less than in other people.
Everything that can be reached by tongue or toothpick will be extracted anyway.
Are there really people who will eat something like beef or spinach and then walk around for who knows how long with shit stuck between their teeth?
No.21390 KONTRA
Today was kind of lazy and slow. I went back to sleep so I literally spent most of my time asleep. Had a nice run and also wrote a bit.
Had a coffee too.
Played some video games.
I’m probably gonna do the same tomorrow. Feeling pretty good. Maybe a bit drained.
1:22am, neighbor above listens to Orthodox chanting. Another neighbors are knocking on the pipes as a reaction
2:42 in the night.
I know it's saturday, but:
The new kitten just realized he could make the jump up to my kitchen counter. It was only a matter of time.
>>21394I have three days off next week. Another win for Jesus.
Are holidays a break from bickering, or will it intensify? Find out here!
>>21395 No.21397 KONTRA
Woke up pretty early. A siren was blaring but ultimately it turned out to be nothing.
Some more reading and also some writing. Not very happy with how it's coming along.
I lifted weights today.
Not much happening otherwise honestly. I need to ramp up my game.