>>21823Of course there are people who are even worse than 'urban explorers': railway-enthusiasts. These are certainly the most un-political petit-bourgeoieses spit-lickers possible.
Millions of workers are oppressed and exploited, women cannot be save because of the patriarchy, railway enthusiast have nothing better to do than to restore 'rolling stock'. 'Rolling stock' is what these white male autists call old railway equipment. Look how they have their special retarded autistic words for everything, just so they can derive inside status from using them. The use of specialized vocabulary of course always serves to separate an in-group from an out-group and is this, in essence, fascist. Fascist pigs! The stowed up sexual energy these unfuckable losers waste on their autistic railway hobby could be used to fight capitalism, but they decide to stabilize the system instead. Then, they go buttmad when someone gets angry at them and destroys their bigboy-toys and act like all surprised when someone dies graffiti or smashes a few windows, just to get in and have a place to sleep. Railway enthusiasts could house the homeless, but they decide to not do it and do some autist shit and restore 'rolling stock' instead because fuck poor people! They hate poor people!
They are too dumb to understand that it's really their fault for being such spitlickers.
Only volunteer fire brigade are worse than railway enthusiasts. People who do the job is firemen, which is protecting the capitalist property, for free, lol. Of course, they get something in exchange for it:
1) the feeling of being a 'big boy' for playing with big machines
2) the feeling of being manly for doing dangerous stufc
3) the feeling of being a good lapdog for protecting master's property
These idiots rush their life just to protect something that belongs to some higher-up, that's the ultimate subordination to the capitalist system and as fascist in nature as can be. It's course, these people are also xenophobic nazis, racists and sexists. They put themselves below capitalists, and someone needs to be below them, and that's where they see dark-skinned humans, foreigners and women. They also have rigid internal hierarchies like a military organization. Volunteer fire brigades never even pretended to be not fascist.
It's no surprise that people are starting to wake up and attack fire brigades in some cities. The attackers correctly identify fire brigades as an exposed, vulnerable element of fascism that can be harmed, and as a damage multiplier, because preventing the fire brigade from doing their 'job' destroys the capital the capitalists use for exploiting workers.
If fascism is to be destroyed, an the little fascists need to be destroyed or brought to their senses. They may not feel safe! Railway enthusiasts and volunteer fire brigades are full of fascists!