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 No.20781 [View All]

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Worst thread returns for another round
204 posts and 60 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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> Annie Altman, the sister of the famous CEO of "open AI", has sued him for pedophilia and anal rape, which he practiced on her for 10 years, first starting sodomy when he was 12 and his victim was 3 or 4 years old. The family denies everything.
> The main complaint, however, is not about sodomy, but about the fact that after her father's death, she was not given all the money at once, but a trust was set up for her, with a monthly payment of a relatively small amount, and she has so many different diseases that no amount of money would be enough.
> It seems she works as an escort (when she's not in a madhouse) and has an onlyfans with hardcore pornography.
> Here is medium.com of Annie Altman
> there, among other things, she talks about how she grew up, entered into relationships with psychotherapists, got herself an onlyfans, and as a result of sessions with psychotherapists, she gained information about sodomy, which she was subjected to in childhood. Before sessions with psychotherapists, her subconscious hid the truth about sodomy from her, but with the help of psychotherapy she managed to comprehend the truth. Great science!
> How much benefit can be gained from wonderful scientific knowledge.

 No.21782 KONTRA


> The European Union intends to introduce another ban in the name of "eco-madness," writes the Polish portal "The Highest Hour." This time in relation to the garment industry. As a result, consumers will see a jump in prices.
> For decades, cotton has been one of the main raw materials used in the garment industry. This material is so versatile that it can be used in almost every wardrobe. But it may end soon. And all thanks to the Brussels Eurocrats. The EU plans to ban its production and sale from 2030.



 No.21787 KONTRA

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Documentary on BBC


Do you go out of your way to find those pol tier ragebait news bits or are you an actual poltard?


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A Baltic Sea maritime shipping incident has made the news. Panama-flagged raw oil tanker "Eventin", allegedly part of Russia's shadow fleet of oil tankers, was on its way from the Russian port Ust'-Luga (in Ingria) toward the Suez Canal, with approximately 100,000 tons of oil on board. While still in the Baltic Sea north of Rügen, the ship lost the ability to move on its own. It was then supposed to be towed to near Sassnitz to stop it from drifting about in a disorderly way; I don't know if that has been done yet.

What I don't understand: Why would Russia, or anybody else, ship (or want to appear to ship) oil from near St. Petersburg to the Suez area? Doesn't oil, especially raw oil if that's what it is, normally move in the opposite direction?


The only one who would rage about it is the poltards. There was no grooming scandal, it's modern day blood libel directed against Asian men.

 No.21799 KONTRA

How do you think oil gets from Russia to India? By truck over land through Iran and Pakistan, 20 tons at a time? Or maybe they just teleport it in?

 No.21801 KONTRA

Why would India buy oil from as far away as Leningrad if it can get oil from as near as the Gulf?

Until a few minutes ago, I assumed Russia would have an oil deficit instead of a surplus, and would therefore not export oil.
Even if Russia is a net exporter of oil, which to my surprise seems to be the case, I still don't understand how oil shipped from Ingria can compete against Gulf oil in markets beyond the Suez Canal and what the final destination might be: buyers around the Indian Ocean should be able to satisfy their oil demand from the Gulf States, and East Asian destinations could get Russian oil without the oil taking a long detour through the Baltic Sea, the Danish straits (or Kiel canal) and the Suez.

All this only starts to make sense if Russia produces much more oil than it needs (check), if distances and canal passages have a near negligible effect on transport costs (possible), if Russia somehow struggles to route enough oil through its Asian (or through China's) pipelines and ports, and if customers beyond Suez, such as India, for some mysterious reason need more oil than the Gulf and South East Asian wells combined will deliver (Hormuz bottleneck?).
Perhaps East Asia and the affluent West outbid South Asia for Gulf oil, so South Asia must get the remainder of its own demand from sanctioned Russia, which in turn must be happy to find any buyers at all, even if distance and detours eat most of the profit? Doesn't that sound too much like Western propaganda?

 No.21805 KONTRA

> why would India
Are you pretending to be dumb for the sake of the argument? Are you just doubting facts so I will
debunk your bullshit? And when I have had enough of it, you will pretend to have won a debate, right?


That's 2022 data, it will have shifted towards Russia significantly.

>Even if Russia is a net exporter of oil, which to my surprise seems to be the case,

OK, you are obviously pretending.

Fuck this, I am not going to be the clown for some troll playing dumb.


>Are you pretending to be dumb for the sake of the argument?
No, I'm just not at all knowledgeable about many things, which is fine as long as they seem to be of little relevance to my life. But it means some information is surprising or difficult to understand for me.

>Are you just doubting facts so I will debunk your bullshit?

Thank you for that screenshot and especially the link.

>you will pretend to have won a debate, right?

No, I have not tried to turn this into a competition, I was just hoping someone would help me make sense of why (some) crude oil would go from the Baltic Sea to Suez instead of (only) the other way round. I'm now thinking maybe it also has to do with different kinds of crude.

>Fuck this, I am not going to be the clown for some troll playing dumb.

Wow, crude. You must be a popular conversation partner.

 No.21815 KONTRA

> You must be a popular conversation partner.
he provided useful information.


In the West, we are told lies about North Korea sending troops to Ukraine. This is propaganda. Russia is a giant country with many ethnic minorities, people in the West usually do not understand this. The Asian-looking men shown in news footage are part of ethnic minorities from the asiatic part of Russia. Gullible westerners are lied to by propagandists.

Westerners believe every lie they are told in the news, they do not understand that the news is full of lies.

Because westerners are so gullible, there are so many more climate-believers and green party voters and vegans and pro-immigration anti-German activists and so on in West Germany than in East Germany.


Why are "urban explorers" such massive cucks? They are always angry about someone destroying an abondaned building that belongs to some rich-guy capitalist, as if it was their own building. "OH noes why do they smash windows in a building that belongs to $capitalist, I AM NOW VERY ANGRY" "OH NOES WHY DOES SOMEONE THROW FURNITURE INTO THE SWIMMING POOL OF $DEAD_CAPITALIST I AM NOW VERY ANGRY"

Why do they identify so much with capitalist that they can't tell anymore that it's not their house that has been destroyed? Are they such lapdogs? Is it because they subconsciously now that they will never own anything in capitalist society and will always remain paupers / slaves? They are probably totally delusional and cannot face this reality.

Fucking losers, lol.


Of course there are people who are even worse than 'urban explorers': railway-enthusiasts. These are certainly the most un-political petit-bourgeoieses spit-lickers possible.

Millions of workers are oppressed and exploited, women cannot be save because of the patriarchy, railway enthusiast have nothing better to do than to restore 'rolling stock'. 'Rolling stock' is what these white male autists call old railway equipment. Look how they have their special retarded autistic words for everything, just so they can derive inside status from using them. The use of specialized vocabulary of course always serves to separate an in-group from an out-group and is this, in essence, fascist. Fascist pigs! The stowed up sexual energy these unfuckable losers waste on their autistic railway hobby could be used to fight capitalism, but they decide to stabilize the system instead. Then, they go buttmad when someone gets angry at them and destroys their bigboy-toys and act like all surprised when someone dies graffiti or smashes a few windows, just to get in and have a place to sleep. Railway enthusiasts could house the homeless, but they decide to not do it and do some autist shit and restore 'rolling stock' instead because fuck poor people! They hate poor people!

They are too dumb to understand that it's really their fault for being such spitlickers.

Only volunteer fire brigade are worse than railway enthusiasts. People who do the job is firemen, which is protecting the capitalist property, for free, lol. Of course, they get something in exchange for it:
1) the feeling of being a 'big boy' for playing with big machines
2) the feeling of being manly for doing dangerous stufc
3) the feeling of being a good lapdog for protecting master's property

These idiots rush their life just to protect something that belongs to some higher-up, that's the ultimate subordination to the capitalist system and as fascist in nature as can be. It's course, these people are also xenophobic nazis, racists and sexists. They put themselves below capitalists, and someone needs to be below them, and that's where they see dark-skinned humans, foreigners and women. They also have rigid internal hierarchies like a military organization. Volunteer fire brigades never even pretended to be not fascist.

It's no surprise that people are starting to wake up and attack fire brigades in some cities. The attackers correctly identify fire brigades as an exposed, vulnerable element of fascism that can be harmed, and as a damage multiplier, because preventing the fire brigade from doing their 'job' destroys the capital the capitalists use for exploiting workers.

If fascism is to be destroyed, an the little fascists need to be destroyed or brought to their senses. They may not feel safe! Railway enthusiasts and volunteer fire brigades are full of fascists!


>"OH noes why do they smash windows in a building that belongs to $capitalist
You don't have to make the building look worse than it already is, it's just basic human decency to treat the buildings in your city with respect. Them being abandoned doesn't change that, I would've thought a gommunist would understand that.

 No.21833 KONTRA

>Them being abandoned doesn't change that, I would've thought a gommunist would understand that.
lol, lmao

Also: Don't feed the schizo troll. He constantly makes all these angry and rude posts and engaging him will only embolden him.


Destroying abandoned buildings is class warfare at best and good entertainment at worst. Destroying abandoned buildings withdraws them from capitalist logics of exploitation.

 No.21837 KONTRA

> blah blah blah
most capitalistic take i ever read.
you are so trapped in your capitalistic views, that you fail to see anything as common wealth.

> It is[.] theirs.

Just take; no need to destroy. fucking idiot.

didn't bother to read.



>just stay brah
And then, the police comes and drives you out, after you took care of "common wealth" for months or even years, instead of just fucking the capitalists and fucking off. Must be nice being a for-free-janitor for the class enemy. You are brainwashed so hard that you can be exploited without you even noticing.

 No.21840 KONTRA

> And then, the police comes and drives you out,
nah, you grass-root the police and politicians so they follow your instead of the capitalist's agenda. easy as that, d'uh!


Capitalists are powerful exactly because they control the capital stock. As long as they control the capital stock, they can reduce the effectiveness of any action.

As long as capitalists control the capital stock, they can always use it to control YOU and limit your effectiveness. There is no "grassrooting", it's only an excuse for avoiding revolutionary action! Destroy the capital, end the capitalist!


Destroying buildings that could've gone to better use is retarded, and ironically a very capitalist mindset.

 No.21844 KONTRA

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> Destroy [...]!


Destroying capital prevents gentrification. If you don't do it, then tech bros will move into your neighborhood and you'll have to leave because of raised rent.
Proletariat marks their space with graffiti, stickers and broken windows. They reclaim and liberate LA by setting fat pigs' houses on fire.


I cannot take this, but I can prevent my enemy from keeping it. It is still a win.

AI makes techbros go back to being proletarians, lol. That will put the insufferable ugly autists down a notch or three and we can go back to beating the everliving shit out of them like in highschool.



Leftist activist Maja T. was deported from Germany to Hungary for beating up some nazis at a nazi rally in Budapest.

The German government once more makes clear on which side it stands: on the side of nazis and fascists. It deports those who stand up against nazis to its "NATO-Partner" Hungary, where we can expect this trans-activist to be tortured in some Hungarian shithole-Prison.

It is clear that the SPD/Green German government paves the road for the rapid re-fascistisation of Gemrany. It's the 1920s all over again!

 No.21850 KONTRA

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>The German government is on the side of fascists
>we can expect this trans-activist to be tortured in some Hungarian shithole-Prison.
As the adage goes: Igény az volna rá...


Just because she hit some wannabe Horthy Miklós a little bit?

Hey, I only shitpost when I'm bored.


You can always move the homeless into abandoned buildings. It might not be the best step up, but it is better than sleeping on the street. Destroying what could potentially be something useful is wasteful. This is why Communists never succeed and moderate leftists always win, you guys are obsessed with destroying things rather than building things or reusing things.


According to Hungarian law, will the hon be sent to male or female prison?


>I cannot take this
You can, there's a thing called stealing, and it is part of leftist political action in some circles.


> stealing
as in "not paying taxes"?
those arguing for their ownership rights are usually those trying to steal from their whole community by avoiding taxes; they steal from schools, police, public transport, health care [...]. I remember linking an article about the car bombing killing one of the reporters involved with panama and paradise papers.
personally, i would argue what amazon is doing is war-like aggressive behaviour from a non government organization. Why is europe allowing it?!


>as in "not paying taxes"?
As in squatting.


If you squat, at least decorate everything with antifa-graffiti, break the wash basins and shit in the corners. It is the right thing to do.

 No.21877 KONTRA

im this cat 112.jpg (25.17 KB, 720x732)

> antifa-graffiti
> It is the right thing to do.

> anrifa
> right
does not compuht'.

 No.21878 KONTRA

Reminds me of a joge:

>what's the difference between an Antifant and a Glatze?

>hair length


> colonization and genocide are justified if local population haven't legalized gay marriages
1) No, they aren't. This is no more than a rebranding of "white man's burden" narrative.
2) It's Zionists and Americans who fund religious fanatics, help them topple secular factions in Arabic countries, then cry about religious fanaticism:
> In the late 1980s, Yassin's network would evolve into the armed Islamist and nationalist group Hamas. Former Israeli officials have openly acknowledged Israel's role in providing funding and assistance to Yassin's network as a means of undermining the secular, left-wing Palestinian factions that made up the PLO.
Demilitarization and decolonization of Israel are inevitable.


>break the wash basins and shit in the corners
Or you can shit in the bathroom and use wash basins to wash your hands... like a civilised person.

 No.21898 KONTRA

Fuck's sake, lad, are you dense or something? See >>21833
Or are you him under a proxy having a conversation with yourself?

 No.21899 KONTRA

> like a civilized person
Problematic post. There is a lot to unpack here...

 No.21904 KONTRA

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Friday night quality offensive

 No.21905 KONTRA

>quality offensive
I don't care if it's meant to be ironic. Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
So fuck off asshole.

 No.21910 KONTRA

You should not go at me when you don't like what you see in the mirror, pal.

 No.21911 KONTRA

Oh, you're the NO U asshole. Checks out.

 No.21916 KONTRA

You are reading a lot into that post. Get some fresh air for a change.

 No.21936 KONTRA

>NO U!
Your lack of self-awareness is really astounding.


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Connecting a dots:
>The oil transported by [Volgoneft-109 and Volgoneft-212, the latter of which spilled its oil into Kerch Strait] was likely intended for delivery to Indian refineries, the [Ukraine War Environmental Consequences Work Group’s] experts said.
A bigger picture emerges!

 No.21964 KONTRA

> a bigger picture emerges
What emerges? Russia brings river boats out into the black sea to do ship-to-ship transfers there, because they can't get their sea-going tankers through the defenses they installed on the kerch bridge.

River boats are not made to face the black sea during winter storms. It was to be expected that some of them would be seriously. I don't understand why it would be relevant where the oil goes.

Or is there an implied "no matter what the news says, the imperialists torpedoed those vessels to fuck over india, specificially! they wouldn't have done that to china!"?

 No.21966 KONTRA

I was not being serious there. I thought that would be clear from the emerging bigger picture I attached.

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