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 No.20781 SYSTEMKONTRA [Last 50 Posts]

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Worst thread returns for another round


I want to start the thread with a tale of respect that stems from my exposure Al-Ernesto.

I have must logically have more respect for uneducated muslim gangsters that make profit through organized crime than for a German Michel pauper who goes to the ballot box in his idiotic hope for relief is an election a bourgeois catharsis? while he goes to work for minimum wage. The former have an entrepreneurial spirit and do what is a golden rule: make money. The Michel, however, only has his cheap surrogate, the nation, that should be great again. How can you respect someone that does not fight for his place in this society in the manly and respected way of business competition but instead swallows the minimum wage, the decrease of his wage by inflation and spends all his freetime in adoring a chimera? Is there anything more childish? When will these people grow up and open a business?

 No.20784 KONTRA

Please delete and post again when you're not drunk anymore and able to proofread.


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In upcoming elections, another country will rid itself of pro-western pro-EU pro-NATO government. Romanians are not weak gay fagots. Euro-Reich is crumbling!


- president trump will cut if support to the invented non-country of urine, the ukrop front will collapse within weeks
- EU will collapse in a matter of months, no one is interested in gay Brussels bullshit
- the baltic "countries" will be given the fair choice of re-joining Russia peacefully or finding out how much gay bullshit NATO is actually worth, before 2028

Hungary is a model for all of Europe to follow, no one is interested in having a country with homo-propaganda, refugee bullshit, climate-bullshit, renewable bullshit, ruled by the degenerate pedophile Brussels elites.


Down with gay NATO!
Down with fay EU!


German is a leftshit do-gooder shit hole with artificial poverty.

Proof: deposit on cans. In any decent country, an empty can is worth nothing and people can just throw it away. But protestant left shit do-gooders hate convenience and they hate when people have an easy life and can afford small luxuries. They love poverty. The leftists need poverty so the red nobility can promise people they will be lifted out of poverty. The protestants just love to see people suffer because a joyless live brings you to heaven.

So they create poverty were they see insufficient poverty. Thus, they came up with a scheme to assign value to worthless garbage, and the government-mandated price for an empty can is now 25 euro cent. They have created an economy where people are so poor that they bother to sell empty cans, like in the third world.

Thank you for turning Germany into a third world shithole, protestants and leftshits.


To add to the perversion of assigning a fixed price to empty cans, the price only applies to uncrushed cans, which are then crushed immediately.

So people take care off empty cans, because they lose their value when dented, only to see this exact can't crushed after they sold them. To any sane person, that is humiliating. But the Germans love it.
>Der pfand ist gut, ja, ja
>Es haltet unsere straße sauber!
Say the Germans while collecting garbage to sell, which they protect so the garbage isn't damaged.


Gotta schlepp a plastic box full of empty beer bottles to the supermarket, hope the garbage-buying machines aren't broken (they always are), take each individual bottle out of the box, feed each individual bottle into the grimey machine, then feed the box into the machine, all because of ridiculous German laws. In any normal country, I'd just throw this away.

I hate Germany, and this country is doomed because Germans love to make everything as inconvenient and inefficient as possible.


That's how it worked in USSR and boomers sometimes get nostalgic about it. Ossies must be happy.


Brother, please consider that these muslim gangsters are surrendering Deen for Dunya. The only golden rule is obedience to Allah.

 No.20836 KONTRA

Georgine-Kellermann-1-600.jpg (125.15 KB, 600x400)

I don't think they are happy, Ossies are never happy about anything and complain about everything.

I decided I am no longer German. I only have German citizenship. When 60 year old boomers can decide that they are now women, I can decide that I am no longer German.

Picture related. Female German journalist, completely normal woman, certainly not a disgusting old pervert with a disgusting perverted sexual fetish, lol.

 No.20837 KONTRA

The news thread is "popping"*
*not the latest slang but I'm still too old for it


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The bottle and can deposit is only $.05 in NY. Getting my nickel back on the five or six beverages I consume weekly is not worth the time and trouble of returning to the store. I toss them into the nearest bin and consider that deposit a convenience tax.


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She's so stunning and brave!
I remember watching South Park 10-15 years ago, seeing Mrs. Garrison and thinking "cmon, that's too absurd with his balding hairline, you're breaking the limits of parody". Turns out I was just a 3-rd worlder behind the trends.

> I decided I am no longer German

Whom would you like to be then? If I wanted or had to stop being Russian, I would like to be French or Belgian or maybe Switz, not sure yet.


I have decided that my nationality is "diverse", because diversity is strength.


The Schizo is actually quite a talented writer. His posts are expressive and interesting to read. He's doing what leftist professors call autoethnography.
Maybe when I have time, I'll collect his posts from EC and .xyz archive and sort them into different chapters and unite into book. So far I've made a map of schizoverse, that is hierarchy of his favorite topics.

You're welcome to suggest the name of the book and topics which I've forgot.

This idea also reminded me of Nikita Sadkov's opus magnum "One life in Russia". Yes, both schizos are cases of "grass is greener of the other side" but their styles are completely different.

 No.20848 KONTRA

Are you able to differentiate between the legit schizo and the schizo larper?
I find it rather suspicious that he is limiting himself (mostly?) to the news thread.
Actual schizos will shit everywhere. Now of course it would be interesting to see if the schizo in the news thread and the rudeposter in e.g. the Today thread are the same person.
Maybe it's all a larp, but to what end? We will probably never know.

That said, here's some actual news: I just took a shit.


> Are you able to differentiate between the legit schizo and the schizo larper?
Yes, it's very obvious.

> I find it rather suspicious that he is limiting himself (mostly?) to the news thread

There are different degrees of mental illnesses. I have a friend who had two psychotic episodes with forced hospitalization, around 2 years from one to another, but between them he acted almost normally for a while.
Our schizo is like 20% mentally troubled and 80% just an angry German individual.

> Now of course it would be interesting to see if the schizo in the news thread and the rudeposter in e.g. the Today thread are the same person.

Yes, it's him though he's not the only one rudeposter. Multiple Germans have issues with anger management.


Тепловизоры для охоты становятся всё
более популярными благодаря своей эффективности.

 No.20851 KONTRA

И телевизор с потолка свисает
И как хуёво мне никто не знает

 No.20855 KONTRA

>The Schizo is actually quite a talented writer.

It's like a more human LLM tbh. If you know how these people write online, having their "creative" lingo, it's really nothing special. Sometimes I'm not sure if it is not a parody altogether. If it's not a parody then what Michel Foucault called Discourse is materialized in the schizo's writing. Like a puppet, that human as a vehicle for statements.

 No.20866 KONTRA

>If you know how these people write online,
Man, you should REALLY go touch some grass

 No.20868 KONTRA

It was only a matter of time until the actual schizo would reply

 No.20874 KONTRA

>be terminally online retard complaining about other terminally online retards
>get called out on being a terminally online retard
Good job Ernst, stellar work. But you really, really, seriously should go touch grass.
Do a "digital detox" or whatever you people call it, just for a weekend or so. It will do wonders for your mental health and your schizo detection ability.

 No.20875 KONTRA

Thank dog we have modest Ernsts like you populating the board. Ein dreifaches Hurra.

Hurra, Hurra, Hurra

 No.20878 KONTRA

I just took a glimpse at a German newspaper article that said Elon Musk is challenging the arms industry. What did Musk do? He said we need more drones and autonomous weapon systems and less fighter jets. Elon really declared war on the arms industry, crazy guy.


>What did Musk do
Told the arms industry they were dumb for building manned fighter-bombers, and explained he could replace manned airplane with drones. (Implicitly, he would replace airplanes drones built by one of his own companies. Which is the important part you seemingly do not get.)


Judging by discord, every American has now became an expert in military airplanes
ofc they simply divided according partisanship lines

 No.20887 KONTRA

I am not an expert in military aircraft, but I imagine piloting one might be harder than driving a taxi.

About 8 years ago, Musk promised Tesla-Owners their cars would be upgradeable to robo-taxis. As far as I know, this is not the case.

I conclude that he might be full of bullshit.


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Foreigners in Germany get more money than Germans. Glad that Germany is not racist! Come to Germany, you will get much money, while German pensioners are freezing!

 No.20889 KONTRA

Genuinely who gives a shit about pensioners?
Ausländer raus and all that but the money we save on foreign leeches leaving Europe should be spent on our own youth and future, not subsidizing the past.
Pensioners should all be moved into communes to free up housing.


> work
> pay off house
> house gets redistributed to zoomers so you can go live in some unheated commune


I'm not an expert either but this particular argument is invalid. "Easier for humans" and "easier for computers" are different things. Being chess grandmaster is harder than driving taxi but computers are fine with that. Same way, pilot doesn't have to deal with traffic and obstacles but he has to deal with g-force and have good reaction time.


piloting airplane : driving car = being chess grandmaster : driving car



Disturbing lack of Confucianism. Maybe you've accumulated too much 气. Hopefully some day, some girl will suck it out of you and alongside it a bunch of horrible opinions.

 No.20894 KONTRA

>Work shit job for 40 years
>Have your existence be subsidized by the state
>Zoomers and millenials can't start families because they are paying for your meds, heating subsidies and pensions
We have adopted the worst tenets of Confucianism


The moment I know that I will be disowned upon retirement, I will get up from my office chair and never sit down in another one. Just saying.


And if unemployed checks are cancelled too?


What if they send me to Gulag to make me work, so zoomers "can have families"?

 No.20899 KONTRA

Addendum: I won't get unemployment-benefits, anyway. If you leave your job voluntarily, you don't qualify, if you are too rich, you don't qualify, and I'm too rich by far.

But if I loose everything the moment I retire, I might as well not work and use it up now.


The important part you don't get is: how that is challenging the arms industry? It's just that maybe some of them will lose the capitalist competition because of his genius brainchildren (and make some people unemployed) that says a more efficient form of destructive potential was archieved and must be invested in.

Apparently, they have a better education than you, do the tech jobs you don't do and they even pay more taxes and pension money to the German state than you.
They generously heat German pensioners flats while your wimpy talk produces only a fleeting moment of hot air.

 No.20905 KONTRA

>how that is challenging the arms industry

The first problem seems to be that you do not know what 'to challenge' means.

challenge (verb)
> to invite someone to compete or take part, especially in a game or argument:
> challenge someone to something/do something Tina has challenged me to a game of poker.
> He played a tricky piece on the piano and then challenged me to do the same.
Let us apply this meaning of 'to challenge'. Elon Musk implied he will compete with the arms industry and thus, challenged them. I will avoid discussing if there is competition when one of the competitors for government contracts heads the 'department of government efficiency'.

>to cause difficulties for someone or something:

> [b]Local businesses have been greatly challenged by the recession.
Local businesses have [/b]

Let's plug that back in:
>how that is causing difficulties for the arms industry? It's just that maybe some of them will lose the capitalist competition
What exactly do you assume is the raison d'être of capitalist enterprises? Would you, potentially, be willing to agree that part of it could be competitive economic success? Consequentially, would
> los[ing] the capitalist competition potentially
cause difficulties to such an enterprises?

The second problem seems to be that you have no idea how the term 'competition' is used in the context of economics.

>It's just that maybe some of them will lose the capitalist competition

> lose the capitalist competition
The curiose use of the definite article, combined with the verb 'to lose', makes it seem like there are multiple 'capitalist competitions' being held simultaneously or in succession, possibly with an award ceremony at the end of each.

These are two elements of your post that make me feel like I am starring into an abject void of absolute darkness and despair. The list could be expanded.

 No.20909 KONTRA

>Elon Musk implied he will compete with the arms industry and thus, challenged them

That is what he will probably not do. You could reason that he challenges the arms industry to shift their production, though.

>The curiose use of the definite article, combined with the verb 'to lose', makes it seem like there are multiple 'capitalist competitions' being held simultaneously or in succession, possibly with an award ceremony at the end of each.

The definite article implied that there is competition at the core of the capitalist economic system.


> choose the least possible and relevant interpretation of the post
> try to use it for an arrogant show-off
I must be hard to live while being such an annoying and unlikable cunt. You should change your behavior for your own good.

 No.20920 KONTRA

What are you even referencing?


Martial law declared in South Korea

President Yoon cites the rooting out of pro-North Korean and anti-state elements as reason. Accuses biggest opposition party of working with North Korea.
Policemen have allegedly blocked the building of the national assembly, preventing its members from lifting Martial Law.


Whom does the 4B movement support?


National assembly voted to lift the martial law and troops have begun leaving the building.
Nothingburger of the century.


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They're only interested in skirmishes against the sex drone operator faction.
Rate visualization help.


Senile president Biden got his coke-hound whore-mongering illegal gun-owning niece-fucking son Hunter a get-out-of-jail free card. Got to cut the kid some slack, his only like in his mud fifties. So daddy president took care of it and used his powers to help his lad.

This is democracy as Democrats want it, not corrupt at all! This is how they keep to their own standards!

Lol, what a bunch of cheers and liers.

I'm glad Trump won. I love Tulsi Gabbard, she is the voice of truth and she is going to reform the CIA, no more psyops against the American population.

Hope they find a way to still go after Biden junior, the entire clan is criminals, addicts and pedophiles.


>I love Tulsi Gabbard
I’m gonna bite because this irks me. I can understand liking Trump even as a foreigner but how can you say you like a second-rate American politician who has never done anything of global significance? How can you have such a deep emotion towards her such as love?
Don’t you have a life? Why is this so important?



Out of all OECD-countries, Germany has the weakest growth. I am glad to have such a great government with very competent leaders, without the traffic-light-coalition, everything would be so much worse. How would we even deal with daily news of bankruptcies without the wise words of the author of mediocre children's books who is our minister of economics and the even wiser words of the trampoline-jumper who is our minister of foreign policy?

It is clear to me that we need more pronouns and more tax-cuts and subsidies for renewable energy, the more we spent on electricity, the more efficient and competetive our economy will become!

Only a complete madman would say anything against the best government there ever was and the best Germany there ever was!


It's because I use the verb 'to love' in the generous American sense. Americans are not as gloomy as central Europeans, they are optimists who have a positive world-view. Central Europeans are eternal pessimists with gloomy faces who see the worst in anything. They live in a poor, backwards part of the world, but they judge everything to the highest standards, as if it had to be particularly good for them to even accept it. In the meantime, their cars are gay, weak little econo-boxes with four-bangers. But when they see a great car, they will only judge it OK. When an American meets a guy driving a Ferrari, he will be happy for the guy he will say "man, great car, I just love it". The central European will frown, be jealous and tell everyone how he doesn't even want a good car and how happy he is with his gay ass Ford Focus and how only criminals have Ferraris. Fox and grapes. It's particularly bad for leftist-green Europeon protestants.

What's your problem with loving Tulsi Gabbard? Would you prefer the Clinton-Biden clan to use the CIA to topple your government so they can install a liberal pro-European poverty-government with renewable energy, special pronouns for homos and anti-Russian bullshit instead?


Do-gooders got there knickers in a twist because some fatmaster girl was bullied to hang herself, than the bulllies snuck into the ICU to shoot some photos of her.

My opinion: if she cant look after herself, the bullies are right in bullying her. Idolizing weakness has to end. The bullies know they are strong, they deserve to live, she is weak, and deserves to die. Wead out the weaklings!


>I use the verb 'to love' in the generous American sense. Americans are not as gloomy as central Europeans, they are optimists who have a positive world-view
I feel like it's obvious that their niceness is fake, and I'm not sure where that idea comes from to be honest because in some areas like NYC you're definitely going to run into the opposite of that. There are some areas like the midwest that are known for their niceness, but it's pretty obvious that it's more or less passive aggressiveness rather than actual niceness, because the colonists that came to the midwest were from countries like Germany or Norway where the culture is a lot more passive aggressive. It's just that in the harsh midwestern winters, particularly in urban areas, you'd need to be on very good terms with your neighbours for survival, which lead to a culture of superficial niceness.
>They live in a poor, backwards part of the world, but they judge everything to the highest standards, as if it had to be particularly good for them to even accept it
Only in Poland, Czechia and Slovakia, which are hardly actually central European.
>What's your problem with loving Tulsi Gabbard?
She's just a very niche politician and it's weird that any European would say that he likes her, let alone say that he knows about her.

 No.21026 KONTRA

You sound like an anime villain


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Cucks and bulls


At least the schizo will output some verbosity, this is just lazy.


> accuses me of laziness while being a leech on German billions


One would have to wonder why these powers that spend money on maintaining the EU do so. Or nod really, lazy pseudoschizos can just say that it's because Washington DC told them to :DDD


Recently I'm getting some news that the Iberian peninsula is doing exceptional well economically.
Can you elaborate for me or is it mostly focused on Spain?


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> lazy pseudoschizos can just say that it's because Washington DC told them to :DDD
I didn't think about it until you mentioned it, simply posted a pretty visualization. But well, how am I supposed to disagree with your statement? Lazy pseudonafoids can just claim anything not accepted by establishment as "schizery". Meanwhile even according to mainstream sources Poland is loyal to United States and not to European Union:
> The Wall Street Journal reported that in early July the Polish government refused a government request from Germany to execute the arrest warrant, straining the relations between the two countries
What is non-schizo explanation in Germany giving unfriendly country billions of euros?Especially when their own economy shrinks. German politics only makes sense when you take its colonial dependency from USA into account. "Keep the Russians out, the Americans in and the Germans down", the strategy hasn't changed over the years.

 No.21056 KONTRA

Probably applies here too.

Hehehe, bullseye :DD
One would have to consider how the German economy benefits from a common market and especially a common currency. Or not :DD Amerigans told them to pay and they do :DD or not, we just look at the EU budget payments and conclude Washington as the only carrier of agency in the western world. I think sovereignty talk finally irreparably pierced your consciousness.


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East Germany was the fifth largest economy in the world and a manufacturing superpower that could make everything. In schools, they teach the lie that East Germany was bankrupt. This is not true. In 1990, West Germany had more government debt than east Germany. In absolute numbers, per capita, and in terms of GDP. If East Germany was bankrupt, then west Germany was bankrupt twice over!

In 1990 the Federal Republic in Germany annexed the GDR, and then, they stole all industry, dismantled everything, sold it for dimes on the dollar, to save their own economy. In the process making easy Germany as poor as their propaganda had always claimed it was.

They even believe their own lies. The West German is unable to detect propaganda, because he is both stupid and arrogant. This is a map of nuclear targets in Germany! Notice how they are all in West Germany!

The West Germans have been told that these weapons that have been hidden under their beds (metaphorically speaking) are there to protect them, and they even thank the Americans for being occupied!

Only the Russians were ready to give Germany freedom. Only half of Germany was liberated! It was not the western half!


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Allah – Syria – Bashar no more…
Moderate jihadis take Damascus, Bashar flees Syria. (Allegedly his plane was forced to land or got shot down within Syria, so there’s still a chance for a Khadaffi moment.)
Council of ministers announces they are ready for the transfer of power.

 No.21081 KONTRA

The virgin Putin removed from the mediterranean by the Chad Erdogan.

 No.21082 KONTRA

I would like to add an ironic 'alhumdulillah' to my hastily authored post, because this is without doubt what the momentarily victorious band of smelly hurka-durka sandniggers will be yelling for the next two weeks, without pause.


East Germans wanted capitalism and they got it - now they think it's people with a different skin color that are the problem. Education in the GDR might have been good, but not that good in the end.

debts != bankruptcy, anyway.

Quite surprising how fast this development happened - to an outsider at least. What can we expect from the rebels?


>What can we expect from the rebels?

According to a statement from the current council they plan to rebuild Syria as a democratic state and bring back the refugees. Of course that is exactly what is going to happen.

 No.21085 KONTRA

Social Democracy in a values-based system of governance with checks and balances.

 No.21087 KONTRA

Uneducated Wessi detected.

t. another Wessi


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Then educate us. Did the East Germans wanted a socialism with capitalist production with their round tables for democracy, a democratic DDR, a true democratic socialism? Was Kohl the barbarian that made real what most East Germans did not want? Is that what you want to say? Hier, take some Deutsch Marks for I want an answer.


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>Of course that is exactly what is going to happen.
My thoughts exactly when I read this:
>Syrians now have ‘historic opportunity’ to build a peaceful future, says Guterres
>After 14 years of brutal war and the fall of the dictatorial regime, today the people of Syria can seize an historic opportunity to build a stable and peaceful future, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said on Sunday.

You forgot the banana.


And the dubai chocolate.


>“As a result of recent negotiations between B. Assad and several participants in the armed conflict in the Syrian Arab Republic, he made the decision to resign from the presidency and leave the country, instructing a peaceful transfer of power,” the [Russian Foreign] ministry said.


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13 year civil war followed by peaceful transfer of power.

 No.21106 KONTRA

It just proves that even after a long period of war, one can't discount the value of round table discussions and negotiations.


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Queers for Palestine are now being challenged by transgenders for Al-Qaeda. Which side are you on?


You don't get it, al-qaeda is oppressed, like trans-persons in america and europe, and I always side with the opressed and oppose the imperialists.

 No.21109 KONTRA

I just find it insanely funny that he looks lik an Arab Zelenskyy.
But I don’t have high hopes for the “Kosher Jihadist” government.

I wish I could be as level-headed and respectable as you Portuernst. Truly a great vorbild you are.


> I just find it insanely funny that he looks lik an Arab Zelenskyy
It's because in both cases CIA tried to use style of Che Guevara and Fidel Castro.


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Well, Germany and Japan are pretty much officially occupied and don't have their own agency. Countries like UK or France are independent (which is why France uses nuclear power instead of buying overpriced American gas), however balance of power in not on their side, so they prefer silent sabotage to open confrontation with USA.

But enough with conspiratorial thinking. Let's try to reason like respectable moderate liberals. Germany actually wants to pay billions to a country to have a common market with it. But specifically with the country which participates in destructing German infrastructure. Despite a wise economic policy, Germany's economic growth sucks and even train in the "locomotive of Europe" can't arrive on time. This is strange, no idea what can be a reason behind it.


gerGDP_EN-1024x538.png (391.97 KB, 1024x538)

Well, Germany and Japan are pretty much officially occupied and don't have their own agency. Countries like UK or France are independent (which is why France uses nuclear power instead of buying overpriced American gas), however balance of power in not on their side, so they prefer silent sabotage to open confrontation with USA.

But enough with conspiratorial thinking. Let's try to reason like respectable moderate liberals. Germany actually wants to pay billions to a country to have a common market with it. But specifically with the country which participates in destructing German infrastructure. Despite a wise economic policy, Germany's economic growth sucks and even trains in the "locomotive of Europe" can't arrive on time. This is strange, no idea what can be a reason behind it.



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Feminine forces always win in the end, yay!

t. DCFE (Democratic Council for Ernstchan)


After Prussia got dissolved, Germans forgot what ORDNUNG is, which is why the trains are always late. The rest is just vatnikbabble not worth replying to.

 No.21161 KONTRA

Broisen.webp (260.58 KB, 640x890)

>Prussia got dissolved


The funny thing here is that Prussia has never been anything but a STATE. Not a country, the "land of X", because the original prussian tribes had long been displaced or assimilated into the german settlers, but an empire, like the chinese, russian, mongolian or roman one. A multiethnic state. At the height of its power, about a third of prussian citizens were poles.
And Frederick the Great was so keen on acquiring clay that he would have let everyone in, including muslims. In fact, muslims would have probably thrived in Prussia because it provided the necessary strictness and discipline to keep them from mudsliming around.
So, any actual "blood and soil" German should not wish back Prussia, but on the contrary, actively reject it.

Finally, a fun fact to complete this: The people founding and being in charge of the Weimar Republic were also prussians.


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> The people founding and being in charge of the Weimar Republic were also prussians.
That's not surprising. Even after 1945 ruling class in FDR and DDR remained the same ethnically.


We learn more about the process of Bashar Al-Assad ensuring a peaceful transition of power.
>“The process of ceasing to serve as head of state was Assad’s personal decision,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters.
>“We’ll leave the rest without comment,” Peskov added.


Q: Why don't the Muslim women give testimony like this?


Franconians in 2024

 No.21172 KONTRA

Assad just lost on purpose, westerners will never get it, though. Mysterious (desert) soul brotherhood.


Assad could have continued to act as 'president in exile', with a posse of clowns pretending to be 'ministers' and 'generals'. Instead, he shows a sense of reality, which, admittedly, the Russians might have beaten into him.

Now, Syria is free to become the wonderful hurka-durka-theocracy it always wanted to be. I mean, we totally should cut off the hands of thieves and hang gay people from street lights, but when I say something like that, it's Nazi and I'm a fascist.

When islamists do it, it's an anti-imperialist revolutionary act supported by gay people all over the world, lol.


Stop being so racist, these people are an enrichment for us all and veritable gold nuggets.

 No.21188 KONTRA

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I usually don't even follow news too closely but this whole CEO shooter news cycle is some of the most ridiculously blown out of proportion shit ever. Tw*tter has been almost unusable the last day cause everyone is just memeing about the guy.


>Tw*tter has been almost unusable the last day cause everyone is just memeing about the guy.
Your own fault for being on twitter. And I have to share an imageboard with people like you.


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You're just envy because you realize your inferiority compared to the Hero.
You spent your life bitching about "muh capitalism" while he actually did something to change the world for the better.

Americans are denied healthcare because their money are spent on funding wars and sowing chaos across the world. Death to American empire and long live to Americans.

 No.21202 KONTRA

I’ve not noticed a change honestly.
The shooter memes are there but I still get regular posts too.


Big nothing burger that will trickle out like Occupy Wallstreet while leaving the masses more contempt as before.

>we did it reddit!

Could leave a nice opening to enter into some UNH shares or even calls maybe though.


There were lots of easily impressed teenage grills who joined isis and pursued others to do the same.


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Most white folks like to think their ancestry were apart of the solution and not the problem, as they actively participate in being the problem

Most white folks don’t wanna acknowledge that NOT doing anything about a problem IS STILL BEING PART OF THE PROBLEM

A slave bracelet… she knows darn well her family owned slaves. She would rather look stupid than racist on tv.


Think about the fact that ISIS wifes can now apply for asylum in Europe.

 No.21219 KONTRA

>easily impressed
Why don't you kill a few infidels if it is so easy?

 No.21220 KONTRA

Shut your pathetic mouth-cunt, cuck-Michel. You suffer from oral menstruation again. Fucking minimum wage loser.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


They cancelled the first round of elections after Anti-American candidate won it.


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Russian opposition are collective Judas: they betrayed their country, received 30 silver pieces from USAID and committed a political suicide


On paper, America sounds like a terrible place to live.


I think this is all part of people imagining they are the main protagonist of the story. They like to believe they freed the slaves, were part of the resistance against nazis etc. just as the average doom enthusiast likes to believe what they would do after a nuclear war, zombie apocalypse or whatever. Where obviously they would just be dead/a zombie.


Many of their ancestors were neither confederates nor yankees, but 20-th century European migrants.




On a second thought, Europeans also could be on the right or wrong side of history in that war.
France and Britain supported confederates, because:
1. Confederation of states, producing cotton, was a less dangerous rival for Europe than united industrial America.
2. Confederates were weaker, so supporting them meant prolonging the war and TAD (total American death).
Russia supported USA because it had very poor relations with Britain and France in the moment, and Crimean war happened roughly at the same time.
This reminds of a certain modern war where major world powers support racist agrarian southerners.

However majority of migrants came not from France and Britain but from Ireland, Italy, Germany, Poland, which hadn't been united and independent countries at the time of war. And in general, this discourse, about your ancestors having slaves centuries ago... It's for religious fanatics, who left England because it wasn't zealous enough, and later switched from Christianity to progressivism but still whip themselves for the original sin.


How did this aid materialize? Half a dozen ships sold to the CSA by the British? Both French and British government were generally against aiding the CSA.


I rechecked where I had read about it, and it says only about the plans, yet they decided not to fulfill them. British and French are exempted from self-flagellation on this issue, put down the whips.


On the other hand:
> During the Civil War, several British arms companies and financial firms secretly conducted business with Confederate agents in Europe, supplying the Confederacy with badly needed arms and military wares throughout the conflict, in exchange for Southern cotton. Companies like Trenholm, Fraser & Company also provided funding for British shipyards which built blockade runners[29] used for running the Union blockade to import badly needed cotton which textile factories in Britain were heavily dependent on. British companies like Sinclair, Hamilton and Company, S. Isaac, Campbell & Company, London Armoury Company and others were the primary suppliers of arms and military supplies, frequently extending credit to Confederate agents for them to make such purchases.[30][31][32] One historian estimated that these actions extended the Civil War by two years and cost 400,000 more lives of Union and Confederate soldiers and civilians.[33]
Seems shady. After all, East India Company also was just a private company formally.


As with all conflicts and sides, moral superiority is determined chiefly by the quality of their songs.


Trump administration will end the pervasive Vaxx-campaign that has been poisoning Americas children for decades.


Anne Hidalgo will be out as a Paris mayor. The leftshit car-haters who try to make Europe third world again are hated everywhere, as are the fools who voted for them!

All these leftshit cycle lanes need to go, if the granola-eating do-gooders do not like it, they can stop buying food and transporting it by bicycle instead. Then maybe they will learn that food does not grow on supermarket shelfs. Otherwise, they are to dumb to grasp that.


Germany is now hated in all of Europe, because the German policy of "renewable" enviro-green bullshit drives electricity prices sky-high. Norway&Sweden will cut supply, because they are sick of paying for the stupidity of Germans, who are dumb enough to vote for a green party led by a trampoline-jumper and an author of children's literature.

Germany is the worst governed country in Europe and possibly the world.

A new wave of 'refugee' Syrians is going to arrive, and they will all stay in Germany, forever, living here for free, forever. They are basically free to not work, or to become career criminals. Even if they are criminals, they will not be deported, ever. Even if they go to jail, it will be like a hotel to them and they will only laugh about it.

The German press will keep telling the Germans lies about the Syrians.

 No.21354 KONTRA

Damnit, shit posting is so boring when no one even reacts.


Homosexual Western Greens are the biggest war Hawks. So they are to blame for the black sea oil spill. Nur ersten Media predictably and unfairly blames Russia. No surprise from hypocritical Western green homos and Western media here.

Greens and green voters are the worst.


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They are intentionally slowing traffic on purpose by having buses stop in the street instead of bays and keeping traffic lights red for way too long. Them, they even add cycle lanes to make everything more congested.

They even close lanes!

Then, they lecture people in how much faster and more enviro-green everything is.

But everyone can see through it. It's just to make Europe third world again. Because enviro-green leftism just translates to poverty!

The arrogant self-righteous do-gooder cyclists never even use the cycle lanes, they are always in the road. Some of them do not even wear reflectives and helmets, but when they are run over, car drivers always get blamed!

Make the cyclists pay taxes and insurance and force them to have number plates, punish them for using roads instead of cycle lanes, them let us see how many cyclists there are!

The cycle-commutets who are it there to show everyone how much better they are in their home sexual fetish spandex clothing arrive at work sweaty and stinking, and their colleagues have to live with it! Why aren't cyclists fired?

Last year, an elderly driver had an accident in which a cyclist hour under his car. As you can see, the cyclist was just cycling in the road, not even inside a city, were cars go 100km/h at least, so the cyclist should be blamed, because he was clearly retarded and reckless, right?

Wrong! In Germany, were the left is right and right is wrong, the pensioner was sentenced for voluntary manslaughter and even had to pay a fine on top of having his car wrecked.

The enviro-green cycling-homos even built a monument to their martyr! Citizens repeatedly had to remove the heap of garbage the leftshits piled up!

The current German government is massively injust, shits on the law and is a dictatorship that does everything it can to bring Germany back to the stone age!

Once the cyclists pay taxes and insurance and stay in cycle lanes/cycle paths they have paid for with their taxes instead of using my roads, no one will have anything against them!

As long as cyclists think they are so much better than everyone else,as long as they are given a free ride, and as long as they try to become martyrs by endangering themselves, everyone will hate them!

 No.21424 KONTRA

I was wondering: is the right wing turn in eastern Europe and Russia a homoerotic reaction by analrectoral violence? Like they got butt fucked by capitalism pretty hard and now try to heal their bleeding anus by having soviet cult of personality mixed with anti globohomo ironically


> Bald, crooked, crippled: residents of a Kostroma village are afraid to go outside because of a scary New Year's tree

> Vladimir Putin ignored Kostroma journalists for the eleventh time

> As a present, Kostroma residents will be given magnetic storms for the New Year holidays

> A terrible horror will begin today on a federal highway in the Kostroma region: why you shouldn't panic

> Same-sex love of vandals in Ostrovsky's gazebo shocked tourists in Kostroma


Kostroma seems to be a bad place to be at the moment. I am glad to live in Germany where our homosexuals are too effeminate to be vandals.


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Serious answer for a bad faith and not serious question:

In one word, the main reason is "pinkwashing".
Western elites adopted LGBT and other culturally-liberal movements as a state ideology and pushed it to the extreme degree. On the one hand, they secured loyalty of progressive millennials like you.
But on the other hand people started to associate LGBT with American imperialism, Washington-funded NGOs, transnational corporations and other nasty things.
Even in pro-American countries like Poland normies don't like being force fed ideology and overreact by voting to ban abortions and so on.

 No.21478 KONTRA

Whacky history. The invasion of Crimea predates Ameriga legalizing gay marriage. Rejection of west and retvrn to anti-western tropes is older than the LGBTQ+ cultural victory. Iranian Revolution was in '79 and features similar dynamics. For a Russian case, one can see the emergence of these tropes (and of pig-cutting) in the 2000 hit movie Brat 2.


"Gay" "marriage" was only the last step after normalizing and legalizing perverted homosexual acts between men. They already made anal "sex" between men legal long before "gay" "marriage".

Homosexuality as imagined by liberals doesn't even exist. The active homosexuals are just depraved sex addicts of the worst kind who need sex 24/7 and are so addicted to sex that they will use man instead of A woman. The homosexuals are so weak, effeminate, and submissive that they let themselves be used as a woman because they can't defend themselves and are weak and without honor or testosterone.

In either case, homosexuality is an addiction to unnatural, disgusting sex acts that can be cured with behaviorist methods. Homosexuals have been successfully reconditioned.


I wrote not about social conservatism causing anti-Americanism but about anti-Americanism causing social conservatism. You missed the main point.

> The invasion of Crimea predates Ameriga legalizing gay marriage

Was is it even legal to be gay in 1853 or 1941's America?
Maybe, you meant reunification with Crimea, but what's so right-wing about it? Vietnam was a communist country when it reunited with its southern part (not as peacefully as it was with Crimea ofc).

> one can see the emergence of these tropes (and of pig-cutting) in the 2000 hit movie Brat 2

I don't remember anything about homosexuals or feminism or other progressive topics in that movie except racist American cop saying "fucking niggers!". But as I said, you completely misread my post.
Back then American ideology was associated rather with Reaganism. When Russian gopnik messes with American mafiosi, he says something like: "Do you American think, that power is in money? And I think that power is in truth". If you wanted to be against current American thing back then, you'd rather be a leftie and focus your hate on capitalism and consumerism, not on wokeness (which existed but wasn't dominant back then).


The invasion of Crimea is a point by which Russia's nationalist right wing discourse had already crystalized. This was after the LGBT propaganda ban and the rallying around traditional values as a foundational national task. The timeline simply doesn't line up, Russia has already approved the legislation that is the cornerstone of anti-gay repression before the US even allowed gay marriage. Merely rewriting history to fit a narrative in which Americans have agency and others are merely capable of reaction.

 No.21483 KONTRA

>social conservatism causing anti-Americanism but about anti-Americanism causing social conservatism

While it sounds like there will be good arguments for both academically in this chicken or egg question, it reveals how obsessed people are without being students of cultural studies. They just need to be buttfucked economically!

t. Prof. Ernest H. Wurf

 No.21484 KONTRA

Would you say that progressive values were flowering a bit somewhere between the early 1990s and 2014 or is the nationalist education of the soviet union also at fault for a hard line on traditional values like family and against globohomo?


Why not take the czars word for it and instead view the (socially conservative) imperial ambitions of the Russian Federation as a logical continuation of (socially conservative) soviet imperial ambitions and (socially conservative) czarist imperial ambitions?

Vladimir Vladimirovich is an accomplished scholar and the grandson of Stalin's cook, we should take him at his written and spoken word.

Moscow is the third Rome, the collapse of the Soviet Union is the paramount historical tragedy of the 20th century, it is the destiny of Russia to re-unite the Russian sphere and bring an end to degeneracy.


I don't know exactly when you'd mark the progressive era of Rashka, it doesn't exactly line up with political liberalism. I'd guess the high watermark of gay expression was tATu's underaged lesbian kiss in 2002. I think Soviet conservatism contributed in a dialectical fashion.


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Reunification with Crimea was indeed related to nationalism. Except it was not in multi-culti Russian Federation, but in Ukraine, where pro-western Ukrainians and their government oppressed Russian-speaking people, denied them political and language rights, shouted "Hang moscovites!" and glorified nazi-collaborators.

> Americans have agency and others are merely capable of reaction

Contrarian reaction on American actions is a way of expressing agency. Sure, it's not always the only or the smartest decision possible, but that's how it often works:
> Washington wants us to be gay-friendly, let's ban LGTB propaganda among minors!
> Brussels wants us to be feminists, let's ban abortions!


I made up a period between the fall of the soviet union (finally free markets and chance for cultural imoerialism etc!) and another round of imperialist reality being realized after the cold war by the russian state. I am asking you specifically if you know something about cultural liberalization of Russia in those years. If you have nothing to say besides tatu than ok, if you want to expert and tell me the periodization is wrong because globohomo was stepping into soviet hivemind during the 1980s already that is also welcome too. I am curious about that question now.


I don't know about the periodization of cultural liberalism. I also don't think you can present cultural liberalism and imperialistic realities as opposites. The first Chechen War is ongoing under large scale liberalization of society.

 No.21492 KONTRA

>also don't think you can present cultural liberalism and imperialistic realities as opposites

Not generally, yes, the European Union or the US are a good example. But in the case of Russia it might have made sense that the imperialism goes hand in hand with a tightening grip of conservative values that are still backed by nationalism from soviet times and a way to sustain that all into the present because it was deemed necessary to have state that is capable of war. I am not saying that you need socially conservative values to go to war but that for Russia it was the chosen strategy.

I am merely interested in the question if progressive values were developing at some point since WW2 but then globohomo became abvery serious threat abnormality or families and thus the nations and capitals source of wealth being in danger - not that these concerns were not the case in other countries btw. The US Army is clever enough to recruit queer people now instead of letting the potential force go to waste

 No.21493 KONTRA

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I was thinking about the horse shoe theory advocators from a few days ago. Does not make sense to have queer people be celebrated in a society where the horse shoe theory is taken serious? I mean queer people represent both worlds, like left and right, man and women, queers take the middle position. It only makes sense. Why take it to the extremes of man and women as opposed forces when you can have the reasonable position and sexuality of being queer?

trannies 1
cis extremists 0

t. critical thinker


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Wrong premise, faulty conclusion, sit down, 6, inadequate.


>Russia it might have made sense that the imperialism goes hand in hand with a tightening grip of conservative values that are still backed by nationalism from soviet time
I think the present form of Russian nationalism is fundamentally different. The only element of continuity is anti-western and this one was interrupted, at least until Putin's formal second return to power. Of course in the initial Soviet formulation, they were themselves the progressive vanguard and now Russia is a keeper of ancient traditional truths.

 No.21496 KONTRA

Seeing this posted gave me immense joy, I had forgotten about it.


>this one was interrupted, at least until Putin's formal second return to power

That is what I was asking for. I was wondering if this was a period where Russia was in the to gradually accepting progressive values and metrosexuality.


I think there is a solid point that 1991-2010 was a period of increasing social liberties in gender and sexuality in Russia. Both in social expression and legal rights. If you take gay parades as an expression of this, they achieve their peak in the late 00s before being banned. Even transgenderism had its own framework from the late 90s until the current war.

 No.21502 KONTRA

The other side of the coin is that one can say that during this period, the sort of imperial project that characterized post soviet Russia continued - the creation of pseudo breakaway statelets in countries in the borders of empire. I think it's during the Georgian war that you can see the highest expression of an imperial liberal* Russia.

*Even then, liberal is a tricky term, by this time independent media had been shutdown. I place the begining of the end of Russian democracy in 1993, with the parliamentary crisis. The process of presidential centralization and vertical power being accelerated during the Chechen wars - but this is before Russian social liberalism in a "western framework" had reached its apotheosis.

 No.21503 KONTRA

At dinner, I played up my reactionary opinions. I don't find them in contradiction to my generally held liberal beliefs, but it is a politically and possibly hypocritic process of editing one's opinions for an audience - in this case, a reactionary Polish family. They're good people and immensely hospitable. Maybe if I lived here, I'd retreat to a more catholic existence.

 No.21504 KONTRA

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I take it all back, I am not a hypocrite, I am a poet. A poet is always a fake, for he fakes the pain that he truly feels.


> if regions try to separate from Yugoslavia or Russia, that's their indisputable right for self-determination
> if regions try to separate from Ukraine or Georgia, they're "pseudo breakaway statelets" and should be drowned in blood
Behold, neoliberal "rules-based world order"

You're most likely trolling, but still what you say is an American official position and reflection of their strategy after 1991: ambitions of the world policeman and ethics of a petty criminal.

 No.21506 KONTRA

Is your gf faking a trad wife for the family or did you chose to settled for conservatism now that your sexual freedom days are over and the Ernst des Lebens begins?

Your posts reminded on a scholarly article about in a compendium about social bots I read once and that was about russia's online discussion culture in the 2000s.


>You're most likely trolling
I love you too, Rusernst.
I think a good fundamental separation between these breakaway states in the Yugoslavia case and Russian imperial projects statelets is their integration to an international order. Russia had direct military intervention in Transnistria and still refuses to officially recognize its own creation, because it is preferable for Moscow for this statelet to exist in an unclear legal status. The same reasoning was behind DNR/LNR until the invasion - to create entities whose only purpose is to make impossible the integration of "unfriendly countries" - to use a more modern term into larger international entities. If these countries truly broke apart from their "parental" state, they would lose their function as an internal vector of Russian influence. If Transnistria truly became independent, Moldova would become free to choose its own fate in regards to entry to either NATO or the EU (or Romania). The same applies to DNR and LNR in the 2014-2022 period. This is to speak nothing of actual existing local desire for independence, which I think is undeniable in the Transnistria case. Of course, in even allowing this analogy to be taking seriously, in the most charitable case, one would be implying that Washington's control of Croatian politics is akin to Russian control of Abkhazia which I think is a very hard case to make until Washington demands the ownership of Croatian land, which the Croatian government would oblige despite local outcry at the fact. In creation analogies that erase fundamental differences, the only side that benefits is the one that offers more unequal terms.

 No.21508 KONTRA

I sense some dangerous cissy terrorism behind those words.


Gf is openly anti-trad. I am the candidate that shows his value by being in some contrast to her own views. I'm still the same creature as before.


Unless you're playing devil's advocate, you would find it easier to change your stance to a more moderate one instead of doing challenging mental gymnastics tricks.

You tried to defend double standards by making up an arbitrary criteria of diplomatic recognition which makes them different. The problem is that it doesn't work either. Russia recognized Abkhazia and South Osetia. Meanwhile US and Israel don't recognize Palestine despite taking this land from Egypt in a war. Neither anyone recognized Chechen moderate rebels despite several countries de-facto had diplomatic relationships with them.
Same with land owning. Americans are free to own property in Croatia:
Russians on the other hand for decades supplied Abkhazia with free energy without asking for any economic integration.

Dugin had a funny take that having two genders is an Atlantist heresy. True trads can't imagine male and female individuals living without each other and have only one family gender.


> True trads can't imagine male and female individuals living without each other and have only one family gender.
Interesting, Gender like magnetism, no monopoles allowed. They say that in same sex relationships one of the partners takes the role of the missing gender. I wonder if that's actually true, or just an urban myth.


>I wonder if that's actually true, or just an urban myth.
You've never seen any lesbian couples, eh?


Barely. I have seen some lesbians though. Some had the classic Butch look, some were actually hot. But I don't know how they tend to pair up.


>Russia recognized Abkhazia and South Osetia
15 years after their creation. Russia would also ultimately recognize the DNR and LNR - even in a shorter frame.
>Meanwhile US and Israel don't recognize Palestine despite taking this land from Egypt in a war.
Schizophrenia, I don't know how to even begin to make sense of this.
>Same with land owning. Americans are free to own property in Croatia:
It's hardly the same until Croatia is leasing hundreds of acres of land to the US government. Sovereignty for me but not for thee.

Once again, whataboutism only benefits the shittiest most rotten party who stands to gain from comparison to a superior opponent.


> Once again, whataboutism only benefits the shittiest most rotten party
In neoliberal newspeak "whataboutism" means putting things in context and challenging double standards. It won't benefit the most rotten party since by doing a comparison you can clearly see that it's more rotten.

On the opposite, when you support the shittiest party, you should avoid any comparisons. Instead you should judge pro-American countries separately, with one set of standards. And other countries separately, with another set of standards. And cry about "whataboutism" when they are measured on the same scale.


Ah but this isn't merely a comparison, a comparison would be a qualitative approach of measuring differences. And according to Said, across cultures the result is fundamentally racist :DD
In this particularly Russian whataboutism, the point is to draw tone-deaf analogies to justify creating pseudo-statelets with a comparison to NATO intervention in the Yugoslav implosion. This form of arguing seeks to erase differences and draw a 1:1 parallel, which of course, only benefits the shittiest side. But of course, you know this :DDD


For liberals any objective comparison will inevitable sound tone-deaf. Because expected tone for them changes drastically depending whether we speak about pro-American country or not. In the first case we're supposed to be cold cynical realists, use words like "collateral-damage" and "security concerns". However when speaking about country not aligned with US the appropriate tone would be to speak about "brutal unprovoked imperialist invasion caused by nationalist tropes".

And yes, this is not 1:1 parallel, because USA invades countries across the world and coupes their governments in an attempt to secure its hegemony while Russia only chooses military intervention when cornered by US empire. Russia doesn't provide money and arms to neonazi anti-American regimes in Mexico or Canada.

 No.21525 KONTRA

A comparison not only is about qualitative or quantitative differences but also similarities.

Not following the discussion really but I do think some people online probably mix up comparison and whataboutism. A comparison classifies itself through the existence of a tertium comparationis. Just Check if that exists.


Leave it to the smartass german to chime in just to be a smartass.

 No.21529 KONTRA

So you and your post? :°)


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Interesting drama: people from Trump's administration (Musk and Vivek) said that they plan to remove limits on H1B visas (for skilled specialists). Trump's voters were enraged and asked why can't they just hire "native" Americans. And technocrats replied that it's because they're lazy retards who walk in malls and shake their asses on Tiktok instead of taking additional classes like Asians with their tiger moms.
Reminds me of the Tweet which I posted recently:
What should schools teach and in what amount, in your opinion? That probably depends on the country, its situation and goals, so you can just answer about yours.

 No.21531 KONTRA

It's all about competition. And people like him know that very well.

 No.21532 KONTRA

Show me the smartassery in that post.
Fucking retard.


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Please compare the agency of Somali pirates with the governments of the US and Europe.


It's about cheap labour.
Indians (from India) are cheaper, not better.

People like Musk and Trump profit from cheap workers, not from competition. Why would they want competition?

 No.21535 KONTRA

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Ach Ernst.

Maybe competition and cheap labor have something to do with each other. But that is not what I was hinting toward. If you want cheap labor you could just contract them from India while they stay there is what I would think now. Btw: you say Trump and Musk profit from cheap labor, which can be the result of global competition --> Indians are cheaper, they get the job, competition against US applicants won It's also about US corporations having to be competitive in a global economy, the US as a state also is interested in these companies being globally competitive. This means labor needs to be cheap among other things in the best case but also you simply need suitable workers whose brain capacities you can exploit to innovate and thus be competitive. Musk and others know that a Pajeet can deliver results just like a David can, so they take what they get if the conditions ask for it and it promises to pay off proceeding like that. Of course, an illiterate Juan from Mexico or an Amber with a female science degree or whatever else does not meet the formal criteria will not get flown into the US but kept outside or in the latter case downvoted as dispensible.

My question to you: are Indian engineers/educated specialists that much cheaper once they settle in the US? Without looking it up I'm pretty sure that outsourcing work to India is cheaper, but getting them into the US, how much cheaper is that really in the long run?


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How satisfied are the retailer or retailer's associations with the Christmas season this year in your country, Ernst?

In Germany, they are not satisfied, only certain sectors were able to benefit noticably, like perfumes and cosmetics. One head of a retail association said the reason for this is that Germans feel uncertain about 2025, a new government on the horizon and the desolate political state of the world put them in a mood that kept them from going into the city while enjoying the Christmas market and buying gifts!

Are your countrypeople better shoppers who resist the state of the world and political uncertainty?


Somali "pirates" are hard workers and entrepreneurs from a country destroyed and starved by the West, trying to make a living.

Governments of Europe and are imperialist organizations of incompetent, fat, lazy, old white man, enslaving the third world for the benefit of their lazy, pampered white populations, WHO are degenerates unable to think of anything but their next plastic gadgets and preverted unnatural sex like homosexuality.

Somali pirates attack ships belonging to rich international white corporations, occasionally taking white crews off white ships hostage, which are male dominated. Male-dominated Eu governments murder and enslave non-white children all around the world.

Female children are commonly captured of the streets and sold into sex slavery by Western-government associated figures like Jeffrey Epstein. Rumors of entire campus full of sex-slaves for use by NATO and EU officials just outside Brussels have existed for decades. It is likely that Marc Dutroux captured children for this operation. When he tried to use them in his own side-business, he was caught. Somali pirates have normal, healthy family lives.

Somali pirates use weapons in self-defense against the overwhelmingly fascist militarization of shipping, were ships are increasingly armed, to protect the goods (future garbage) of the rich white consumers in the West against starved black people, who are kept in eternal poverty.

US and EU governments sell weapons to kill non-white people and use weapons to kill non-white people in bombing runs, drone strikes, etc.

Somalian pirates are anti-fascist, anti-imperialist and anti-white. US and EU governments are fascist, imperialist and white.

I hate every white person that has ever existed in history, yakub's cursed breeding experiment. White people need to be exterminated and wiped off the face of the earth.

 No.21540 KONTRA

The leftist-green government has destroyed the German economy with sky-high taxes, diversity-bullshit, expensive energy, overbearing regulation, etc.


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>Are your countrypeople better shoppers who resist the state of the world and political uncertainty?
Nothing stops the American consumer.


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And this is one of the many reasons why the America economy is growing, while Japan and Shit-many are in a death-spiral of decline: no internal demand, just save it all, so inflation can eat it up. All of Europe laughs at the immense stupidity of the Germans who, by saving and inflation, pay for spending in other European countries.

Look at the photograph, this is German green party politician Ricarda Lang. She talks a lot about saving the planet and wants to ban meat for the commoners, we are supposed to eat bugs instead. But she herself buys McDonald's. Of course, she has no meaningful qualifications at all, except for being a fat woman.

Around 15% of German voters will still vote for her pro-immigrant leftist party, even after another middle-Eastern immigrant drove a car into a Christmas market. Middle Eastern terrorist attacks on Christmas markets are by now an annual tradition.

This is how stupid Germans are. No other nation in Europe is this stupid and easy to fool. Germans suffer from congenial mental retardation. It's a national trait.(Reminder that we have a board rule against political agitation. If you just want to shill your opinions and not discuss anything, then go somewhere else.)


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Not only people are consooming, but also they order delivery for that. The legal framework is made in such a way that couriers have almost the same social benefits as 8/5 workers, but they don't have to pay taxes and thus raise unreasonably high wages. This creates a situation when in wartime economy with labor shortage millions of couriers are busy delivering stuff for people who are too lazy to use their legs and walk to the nearest store.

Germans are wise people that they banned stores on Sundays (including self-checkouts): people should have a break from thinking about material issues.


This is why in Indian tradition Vaishyas stand lower than Kshatriyas and Brahmins: capitalists, merchants are only able to think about short-term easily-quantifiable profit. They are unfit to rule a state.


America has lost 3 planes in 2 weeks. 2 F-18, shit down by Huthi, and 1 F-16, shot down by Russia, so-called Game changer. It is certain that F-16 was piloted by NATO pilot, because it takes 3-4 years to become pilot, but Ukraine has had such aircraft for merely 6 months.

Nato is weak and a joke. But Western News media keeps telling us: Russia is retreating forwards, and almost all westerners believe the lies!

The average man on the street in India and China can only laugh about the immense stupidity of westerners who fall for propaganda lies time and time again!


The impudent bog-dwellers Finland stole Russian tanker. They claiming it was spy ship. Finland feels emboldened by joining NATO. They think they can do whatever they want, they believe America will protect them!

Such hostile actions have have consequences, so Finland has a chance to learn that empty American promises are worthless to them!



oj ford bronco.webp (98.99 KB, 1155x647)

While Musk's signature product exploding is not ideal, there is no such thing as bad press. Tesla stock to the moon.


I was betting on a negative market reaction but by the time our stock exchanges opened Tesla was already down 5% and my order wasn't valid anymore. Could've made 200 Euro man. Fucking timezones man.


Chad value investor vs virgin news trader.


You shouldn't use stock market for "trading" because you compete against people with inside knowledge and nerds with programs, analyzing news, prises and statistically predicting mob's reaction on it. You can't win against them.

Here is what might interest you:

 No.21632 KONTRA

> against people with inside knowledge and nerds with programs, analyzing news, prises and statistically predicting mob's reaction on it
you forgot to mention that those people are the biggest retards in our world.

do you really expect them to be competent?

 No.21636 KONTRA

Both of you are wrong.


was-1.webp (7.74 KB, 400x400)

COPPA.png (113.41 KB, 1301x421)

> comments_COPPA.png
> An updated version of COPPA, informally called COPPA 2.0, was introduced in 2023,[6] and again in 2024 by representatives Tim Walberg and Kathy Castor.[7] The bill was passed in July 2024,[8] raising the age covered by COPPA from 13 to 16 years, prohibiting targeted advertising to children and teens, and making certain other changes to COPPA.[9]

> certain other changes

so, amürica is servin' dem ~'kids' an uneditable, heavily censored version of the internet?
teachin' dem youth to shut the fuck up and obey?! or, alternatively, start lying - idk which is worse
…and here i thought dem chinanazis were crazy control-freaks.

 No.21668 KONTRA



Like the Link says. Like anti-vaxxers predicted. The vaxx has made the vast majority of white people infertile, just as planned. Europe can now be repopulated by Africans, just as planned!

 No.21673 KONTRA

images (2).jpg (7.88 KB, 275x183)

Yes, that is exactly what it says.


Tell me you took the vaxx without telling me you took the vaxx. https://youtu.be/tBzU8-z-vtA?si=uvaJ5ks-J-FBxiLT

The vaccine is magnetic for a reason. We now know what the magnetic dust in the vaxx was.

Magnetic micro robot swarms have been confirmed.
They only release stuff like that after it has been in use for years, and you now have microrobots inside of you. They can probably use them to kill you by microwave (blocking your aorta with the microbots), give you embolism on command or they could even use them to give people superpowers.

 No.21675 KONTRA

I've heard it's secret alien technology used by the lizard people to make everyone autistic, actually.

 No.21676 KONTRA

bierchen.jpg (153.05 KB, 1080x1025)

i think it is hard to filter what is actually done behind the scenes.
when did "they" start prodschekt mockinbörd? so many lies, so much deception. "they" figured it is easier to flood the population with stupid lies and denounce ppl lookin into what "they" are doing by association with their own brainfart spam.

> who "they" be?


The liberal self-styled 'political philosopher' Vlad Vrxler just said something about 'benign nationalism' and 'civic nationalism', showing his true colors. The only way in which nationalism can and must ever be benign is towards it's own nation. The only way in which nationalism can and must always be hateful is towards other nations.

It's obvious that all those liberal supporters of a 'free' Ukraine are globohomo imperialists, another symptom of this is that they see no issue in supporting the fascist paramilitary organization azov brigade.

No nations no borders fck nzs!


Austria will have an anti-EU anti-immigration anti-western pro-Russian government soon, as per the will of the Austrian people, who are far less dumb and enviro-green brainwashed than Germans.

Xi Jinping is right: the green party are ultra-rightwingers and war mongerers.

We will see similar results in many other European countries. Nobody wants the bloody euro shit from Brussels, nobody wants enviro-green poverty-laws on grounds of gay climate lied, nobody wants fagots in their streets making out!

The German imperialist EU-project will be buried in 2025!

Of course, the dumb Germans are always late at grasping anything, and they drank the most kool-aid, so Germany will be the last European country to stop importing millions of 3rd worlders every year and trying to push further EU integration on other countries, and have faggors parade their streets, which will make Germans even more unpopular and an even bigger laughing stock to all self respecting people.

There is no animal as dumb as the German!

 No.21719 KONTRA

photo_2024-08-16_10-39-01.jpg (301.3 KB, 1088x1280)

i find it hard to follow your blabbering. A.I.-chan, is it you?

> There is no animal as dumb as the German!

using "animal" as superordinated identifier implies that "German" inherits traits of the animal. In this case my mind automatically groups every g*rman-speaking-person under this umbrella terminology of "g*rman animals".

Are you trying to imply your previous statement of the same post is stupid, because it is done by the g*erman animals in Austria?
Or are you trying to say the g*rman animal is stupid, but the austrian animal - as subrace of the g*rman animal - got rid of all of these negative trait just because of hearsay/~"predicted future outcome"?


10 years ago, the religion of peace shot ten edgy boomer-leftists in France.

Germans became stupid after Austrians went their own way.


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Slavoj Zizek announced that he is done with philosophy and be a gamer now.

>Ah, yes, I have retired, yes, from philosophy—such a tedious, repetitive, and often very boring activity, you know? Too much talking about the "big ideas," and then no one actually does anything with them! And now, I have found my true passion: video games. It is the perfect escape, the perfect arena for exploring the contradictions of late capitalism, no? Video games! The virtual space where ideology meets pure, unadulterated fun! And, of course, violence!

>You see, video games—they are like philosophy in some ways, but with much more action. In the games, you can, at least, do something. You can jump, you can fight, you can save the world, or destroy it—depending on how you feel. And it is through this process, this engagement, that we see the true nature of our existence, yes?
>Now, take Dark Souls, for instance. This game—it is not just a game, it is an allegory of life, the struggle of existence itself. You die, over and over, and then you rise again, you learn, you adapt, and this is the dialectical movement of life, no? It is the repetition of death that allows you to transcend it. But do we truly transcend? No! Because in the end, death is always there, waiting for you. It is the ultimate limit. A real philosophical problem! But also: it is very fun!
>In my gaming, I don’t just play—I interrogate. What does the game really say about us, about our world? Look at Grand Theft Auto V, for example: the way it presents us with a moral universe that is so fragmented, so full of contradictions! Is it not a perfect critique of capitalism, of our obsession with freedom and the destruction of all values in the pursuit of wealth? But, at the same time, it is also a capitalist product, selling us this critique as entertainment. It is like we cannot escape the system, even when we try to critique it.
>But don’t worry—I will continue to game, and I will continue to think. Perhaps there is something to this after all. It is not so different from philosophy, but with better graphics!



Best post in a good while, where is the like button


photo_2025-01-06_15-56-17.jpg (17.03 KB, 596x246)

Elon Musk:
> America should free the folks of Bretland from their thearlwieldery stewardship

Freedomers find folkishness good when it helps Amerikish befallendom.

 No.21746 KONTRA

I hate how you almost made me click on that link.


mycollages-20.jpg (187.54 KB, 1280x720)

> Annie Altman, the sister of the famous CEO of "open AI", has sued him for pedophilia and anal rape, which he practiced on her for 10 years, first starting sodomy when he was 12 and his victim was 3 or 4 years old. The family denies everything.
> The main complaint, however, is not about sodomy, but about the fact that after her father's death, she was not given all the money at once, but a trust was set up for her, with a monthly payment of a relatively small amount, and she has so many different diseases that no amount of money would be enough.
> It seems she works as an escort (when she's not in a madhouse) and has an onlyfans with hardcore pornography.
> Here is medium.com of Annie Altman
> there, among other things, she talks about how she grew up, entered into relationships with psychotherapists, got herself an onlyfans, and as a result of sessions with psychotherapists, she gained information about sodomy, which she was subjected to in childhood. Before sessions with psychotherapists, her subconscious hid the truth about sodomy from her, but with the help of psychotherapy she managed to comprehend the truth. Great science!
> How much benefit can be gained from wonderful scientific knowledge.

 No.21782 KONTRA


> The European Union intends to introduce another ban in the name of "eco-madness," writes the Polish portal "The Highest Hour." This time in relation to the garment industry. As a result, consumers will see a jump in prices.
> For decades, cotton has been one of the main raw materials used in the garment industry. This material is so versatile that it can be used in almost every wardrobe. But it may end soon. And all thanks to the Brussels Eurocrats. The EU plans to ban its production and sale from 2030.



 No.21787 KONTRA

photo_2025-01-11_20-42-09.jpg (79.19 KB, 867x597)

Documentary on BBC


Do you go out of your way to find those pol tier ragebait news bits or are you an actual poltard?


frageali.jpg (37.54 KB, 550x308)

A Baltic Sea maritime shipping incident has made the news. Panama-flagged raw oil tanker "Eventin", allegedly part of Russia's shadow fleet of oil tankers, was on its way from the Russian port Ust'-Luga (in Ingria) toward the Suez Canal, with approximately 100,000 tons of oil on board. While still in the Baltic Sea north of Rügen, the ship lost the ability to move on its own. It was then supposed to be towed to near Sassnitz to stop it from drifting about in a disorderly way; I don't know if that has been done yet.

What I don't understand: Why would Russia, or anybody else, ship (or want to appear to ship) oil from near St. Petersburg to the Suez area? Doesn't oil, especially raw oil if that's what it is, normally move in the opposite direction?


The only one who would rage about it is the poltards. There was no grooming scandal, it's modern day blood libel directed against Asian men.

 No.21799 KONTRA

How do you think oil gets from Russia to India? By truck over land through Iran and Pakistan, 20 tons at a time? Or maybe they just teleport it in?

 No.21801 KONTRA

Why would India buy oil from as far away as Leningrad if it can get oil from as near as the Gulf?

Until a few minutes ago, I assumed Russia would have an oil deficit instead of a surplus, and would therefore not export oil.
Even if Russia is a net exporter of oil, which to my surprise seems to be the case, I still don't understand how oil shipped from Ingria can compete against Gulf oil in markets beyond the Suez Canal and what the final destination might be: buyers around the Indian Ocean should be able to satisfy their oil demand from the Gulf States, and East Asian destinations could get Russian oil without the oil taking a long detour through the Baltic Sea, the Danish straits (or Kiel canal) and the Suez.

All this only starts to make sense if Russia produces much more oil than it needs (check), if distances and canal passages have a near negligible effect on transport costs (possible), if Russia somehow struggles to route enough oil through its Asian (or through China's) pipelines and ports, and if customers beyond Suez, such as India, for some mysterious reason need more oil than the Gulf and South East Asian wells combined will deliver (Hormuz bottleneck?).
Perhaps East Asia and the affluent West outbid South Asia for Gulf oil, so South Asia must get the remainder of its own demand from sanctioned Russia, which in turn must be happy to find any buyers at all, even if distance and detours eat most of the profit? Doesn't that sound too much like Western propaganda?

 No.21805 KONTRA

> why would India
Are you pretending to be dumb for the sake of the argument? Are you just doubting facts so I will
debunk your bullshit? And when I have had enough of it, you will pretend to have won a debate, right?


That's 2022 data, it will have shifted towards Russia significantly.

>Even if Russia is a net exporter of oil, which to my surprise seems to be the case,

OK, you are obviously pretending.

Fuck this, I am not going to be the clown for some troll playing dumb.


>Are you pretending to be dumb for the sake of the argument?
No, I'm just not at all knowledgeable about many things, which is fine as long as they seem to be of little relevance to my life. But it means some information is surprising or difficult to understand for me.

>Are you just doubting facts so I will debunk your bullshit?

Thank you for that screenshot and especially the link.

>you will pretend to have won a debate, right?

No, I have not tried to turn this into a competition, I was just hoping someone would help me make sense of why (some) crude oil would go from the Baltic Sea to Suez instead of (only) the other way round. I'm now thinking maybe it also has to do with different kinds of crude.

>Fuck this, I am not going to be the clown for some troll playing dumb.

Wow, crude. You must be a popular conversation partner.

 No.21815 KONTRA

> You must be a popular conversation partner.
he provided useful information.


In the West, we are told lies about North Korea sending troops to Ukraine. This is propaganda. Russia is a giant country with many ethnic minorities, people in the West usually do not understand this. The Asian-looking men shown in news footage are part of ethnic minorities from the asiatic part of Russia. Gullible westerners are lied to by propagandists.

Westerners believe every lie they are told in the news, they do not understand that the news is full of lies.

Because westerners are so gullible, there are so many more climate-believers and green party voters and vegans and pro-immigration anti-German activists and so on in West Germany than in East Germany.


Why are "urban explorers" such massive cucks? They are always angry about someone destroying an abondaned building that belongs to some rich-guy capitalist, as if it was their own building. "OH noes why do they smash windows in a building that belongs to $capitalist, I AM NOW VERY ANGRY" "OH NOES WHY DOES SOMEONE THROW FURNITURE INTO THE SWIMMING POOL OF $DEAD_CAPITALIST I AM NOW VERY ANGRY"

Why do they identify so much with capitalist that they can't tell anymore that it's not their house that has been destroyed? Are they such lapdogs? Is it because they subconsciously now that they will never own anything in capitalist society and will always remain paupers / slaves? They are probably totally delusional and cannot face this reality.

Fucking losers, lol.


Of course there are people who are even worse than 'urban explorers': railway-enthusiasts. These are certainly the most un-political petit-bourgeoieses spit-lickers possible.

Millions of workers are oppressed and exploited, women cannot be save because of the patriarchy, railway enthusiast have nothing better to do than to restore 'rolling stock'. 'Rolling stock' is what these white male autists call old railway equipment. Look how they have their special retarded autistic words for everything, just so they can derive inside status from using them. The use of specialized vocabulary of course always serves to separate an in-group from an out-group and is this, in essence, fascist. Fascist pigs! The stowed up sexual energy these unfuckable losers waste on their autistic railway hobby could be used to fight capitalism, but they decide to stabilize the system instead. Then, they go buttmad when someone gets angry at them and destroys their bigboy-toys and act like all surprised when someone dies graffiti or smashes a few windows, just to get in and have a place to sleep. Railway enthusiasts could house the homeless, but they decide to not do it and do some autist shit and restore 'rolling stock' instead because fuck poor people! They hate poor people!

They are too dumb to understand that it's really their fault for being such spitlickers.

Only volunteer fire brigade are worse than railway enthusiasts. People who do the job is firemen, which is protecting the capitalist property, for free, lol. Of course, they get something in exchange for it:
1) the feeling of being a 'big boy' for playing with big machines
2) the feeling of being manly for doing dangerous stufc
3) the feeling of being a good lapdog for protecting master's property

These idiots rush their life just to protect something that belongs to some higher-up, that's the ultimate subordination to the capitalist system and as fascist in nature as can be. It's course, these people are also xenophobic nazis, racists and sexists. They put themselves below capitalists, and someone needs to be below them, and that's where they see dark-skinned humans, foreigners and women. They also have rigid internal hierarchies like a military organization. Volunteer fire brigades never even pretended to be not fascist.

It's no surprise that people are starting to wake up and attack fire brigades in some cities. The attackers correctly identify fire brigades as an exposed, vulnerable element of fascism that can be harmed, and as a damage multiplier, because preventing the fire brigade from doing their 'job' destroys the capital the capitalists use for exploiting workers.

If fascism is to be destroyed, an the little fascists need to be destroyed or brought to their senses. They may not feel safe! Railway enthusiasts and volunteer fire brigades are full of fascists!


>"OH noes why do they smash windows in a building that belongs to $capitalist
You don't have to make the building look worse than it already is, it's just basic human decency to treat the buildings in your city with respect. Them being abandoned doesn't change that, I would've thought a gommunist would understand that.

 No.21833 KONTRA

>Them being abandoned doesn't change that, I would've thought a gommunist would understand that.
lol, lmao

Also: Don't feed the schizo troll. He constantly makes all these angry and rude posts and engaging him will only embolden him.


Destroying abandoned buildings is class warfare at best and good entertainment at worst. Destroying abandoned buildings withdraws them from capitalist logics of exploitation.

 No.21837 KONTRA

> blah blah blah
most capitalistic take i ever read.
you are so trapped in your capitalistic views, that you fail to see anything as common wealth.

> It is[.] theirs.

Just take; no need to destroy. fucking idiot.

didn't bother to read.



>just stay brah
And then, the police comes and drives you out, after you took care of "common wealth" for months or even years, instead of just fucking the capitalists and fucking off. Must be nice being a for-free-janitor for the class enemy. You are brainwashed so hard that you can be exploited without you even noticing.

 No.21840 KONTRA

> And then, the police comes and drives you out,
nah, you grass-root the police and politicians so they follow your instead of the capitalist's agenda. easy as that, d'uh!


Capitalists are powerful exactly because they control the capital stock. As long as they control the capital stock, they can reduce the effectiveness of any action.

As long as capitalists control the capital stock, they can always use it to control YOU and limit your effectiveness. There is no "grassrooting", it's only an excuse for avoiding revolutionary action! Destroy the capital, end the capitalist!


Destroying buildings that could've gone to better use is retarded, and ironically a very capitalist mindset.

 No.21844 KONTRA

mehsam.png (58.11 KB, 736x600)

> Destroy [...]!


Destroying capital prevents gentrification. If you don't do it, then tech bros will move into your neighborhood and you'll have to leave because of raised rent.
Proletariat marks their space with graffiti, stickers and broken windows. They reclaim and liberate LA by setting fat pigs' houses on fire.


I cannot take this, but I can prevent my enemy from keeping it. It is still a win.

AI makes techbros go back to being proletarians, lol. That will put the insufferable ugly autists down a notch or three and we can go back to beating the everliving shit out of them like in highschool.



Leftist activist Maja T. was deported from Germany to Hungary for beating up some nazis at a nazi rally in Budapest.

The German government once more makes clear on which side it stands: on the side of nazis and fascists. It deports those who stand up against nazis to its "NATO-Partner" Hungary, where we can expect this trans-activist to be tortured in some Hungarian shithole-Prison.

It is clear that the SPD/Green German government paves the road for the rapid re-fascistisation of Gemrany. It's the 1920s all over again!

 No.21850 KONTRA

Godemperorban.jpg (26.25 KB, 392x263)

>The German government is on the side of fascists
>we can expect this trans-activist to be tortured in some Hungarian shithole-Prison.
As the adage goes: Igény az volna rá...


Just because she hit some wannabe Horthy Miklós a little bit?

Hey, I only shitpost when I'm bored.


You can always move the homeless into abandoned buildings. It might not be the best step up, but it is better than sleeping on the street. Destroying what could potentially be something useful is wasteful. This is why Communists never succeed and moderate leftists always win, you guys are obsessed with destroying things rather than building things or reusing things.


According to Hungarian law, will the hon be sent to male or female prison?


>I cannot take this
You can, there's a thing called stealing, and it is part of leftist political action in some circles.


> stealing
as in "not paying taxes"?
those arguing for their ownership rights are usually those trying to steal from their whole community by avoiding taxes; they steal from schools, police, public transport, health care [...]. I remember linking an article about the car bombing killing one of the reporters involved with panama and paradise papers.
personally, i would argue what amazon is doing is war-like aggressive behaviour from a non government organization. Why is europe allowing it?!


>as in "not paying taxes"?
As in squatting.


If you squat, at least decorate everything with antifa-graffiti, break the wash basins and shit in the corners. It is the right thing to do.

 No.21877 KONTRA

im this cat 112.jpg (25.17 KB, 720x732)

> antifa-graffiti
> It is the right thing to do.

> anrifa
> right
does not compuht'.

 No.21878 KONTRA

Reminds me of a joge:

>what's the difference between an Antifant and a Glatze?

>hair length


> colonization and genocide are justified if local population haven't legalized gay marriages
1) No, they aren't. This is no more than a rebranding of "white man's burden" narrative.
2) It's Zionists and Americans who fund religious fanatics, help them topple secular factions in Arabic countries, then cry about religious fanaticism:
> In the late 1980s, Yassin's network would evolve into the armed Islamist and nationalist group Hamas. Former Israeli officials have openly acknowledged Israel's role in providing funding and assistance to Yassin's network as a means of undermining the secular, left-wing Palestinian factions that made up the PLO.
Demilitarization and decolonization of Israel are inevitable.


>break the wash basins and shit in the corners
Or you can shit in the bathroom and use wash basins to wash your hands... like a civilised person.

 No.21898 KONTRA

Fuck's sake, lad, are you dense or something? See >>21833
Or are you him under a proxy having a conversation with yourself?

 No.21899 KONTRA

> like a civilized person
Problematic post. There is a lot to unpack here...

 No.21904 KONTRA

soyjack horseman.jpg (43.44 KB, 632x500)

Friday night quality offensive

 No.21905 KONTRA

>quality offensive
I don't care if it's meant to be ironic. Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
So fuck off asshole.

 No.21910 KONTRA

You should not go at me when you don't like what you see in the mirror, pal.

 No.21911 KONTRA

Oh, you're the NO U asshole. Checks out.

 No.21916 KONTRA

You are reading a lot into that post. Get some fresh air for a change.

 No.21936 KONTRA

>NO U!
Your lack of self-awareness is really astounding.


1737406706045.png (Spoiler Image, 136.93 KB, 480x333)

Connecting a dots:
>The oil transported by [Volgoneft-109 and Volgoneft-212, the latter of which spilled its oil into Kerch Strait] was likely intended for delivery to Indian refineries, the [Ukraine War Environmental Consequences Work Group’s] experts said.
A bigger picture emerges!

 No.21964 KONTRA

> a bigger picture emerges
What emerges? Russia brings river boats out into the black sea to do ship-to-ship transfers there, because they can't get their sea-going tankers through the defenses they installed on the kerch bridge.

River boats are not made to face the black sea during winter storms. It was to be expected that some of them would be seriously. I don't understand why it would be relevant where the oil goes.

Or is there an implied "no matter what the news says, the imperialists torpedoed those vessels to fuck over india, specificially! they wouldn't have done that to china!"?

 No.21966 KONTRA

I was not being serious there. I thought that would be clear from the emerging bigger picture I attached.

 No.21988 KONTRA

ernstchan-brüste.png (291.73 KB, 794x761)

> I was not being serious
requesting insta ban.

It is ernstchan here.


Afghan refugee stabbed Syrian Girl (2) and Marrocan Boy (2) in Aschaffenburg park. Our colorful and diverse republic keeps improving daily, as multicultural and multi-ethnic integration develops. No nations, no borders!


Does any of you even practice critical whiteness? Or do you have respect for indigenous cultures, on which all of your knowledges are based?

 No.22007 KONTRA

Even if I promised to behave from now on, you could never again trust me, or anything posted under a German flag.


laoganma.jpg (252.19 KB, 800x800)

Why do (some) Western states have a lot of "responsibilities" in the world? Why not African states? These have agency after all.


Western liberals think that their country is responsible for their former colonies because they used to control them. They neglect to consider that that's essentially a colonialist mindset itself.

 No.22100 KONTRA

>I come to your house
>I smash all the furniture, break your legs, rape your cat and shit on your dinner table
>lol I'm not responsible for cleaning up lol


If we talk about refugees from Middle East and Northern Africa, it's Israel and America who destabilize this region. So it's their duty to accept the refugees.



>You come to my home
>You put in electricity, pave the driveway, plough the garden and plant potatoes
>lol you are now responsible for me forever gibbe more free gibbes

>have agency
no, they don't. for the opressed (everyone but white cis hetero men) the future is pre-determined. White cis hetero men are evil opressors and are responsible for everything bad that ever happens and ever will happen. To the point where they determine the laws of nature. For example, airplanes and pens look the way they look because white heterosexual men supress their gay feelings and want them to look like dicks. To facilitate this, they made physics the way it is so engineering can be the way it is so everything can look like dicks. If lesbian black women had been allowed to be phycisists (Isaac Newton personally kept the black african women of the 17th century out of physics), they would have discovered completely different laws of nature, because those don't actually exist, they are just narratives and everything I believe can be true. Beethoven was black, by the way.

This is bullshit, but people believe it and you are a fascist if you think it's bullshit, by the way.


Yes, I wouldn't be responsible for cleaning up because it's not my house.


What are you, a nigger?

 No.22115 KONTRA

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 No.22118 KONTRA

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Usually when people are convicted of property damage, they don't clean up the property they damaged.


Being a citizen means oscillating between calls for (heavy) regulation and being against certain regulations. One of the reason a schizo is borned.


There are few people who are consistent in their desire for regulations / law enforcement. The desire for righteousness usually breaks down when their mp3 collection is mentioned, or speeding in traffic. Most of the times, when people want more law enforcement, they usually mean a special type of law (best case - like you said, they oscillate), or it's simply an expression for their hate of the group they deem to be the main offenders of said law.


Their desire for regulations also breaks down when you suggest introducing a law that demands that parents sacrifice their firstborn to Baal for the common good.

Lol citizens are so schizo, on the one hand, they demand law and order like psychopaths shouldn't be allowed to burn down their homes or sell poison as food, on the other hand, they don't even want to sacrifice their children. Either it's no rules for anyone, no government at all (but not like libertarians want it, that would be fascist) or all the arbitrary rules for everyone (but not like fascists want it, that would also be fascist), even if contradictory! No in-betweens!

 No.22175 KONTRA

Ah, Look! A schizo with private interests that collide with the laws every day.

 No.22176 KONTRA

I bet you're replying to the same freak who heard about "horseshoe theory" and after that was mad and shitposted for 2 weeks.

Seek help

 No.22177 KONTRA

nochdichterdenker.png (618.47 KB, 547x695)

The intellectual might of a free thinker. Argh, turn the light of wisdom away from me, my eyes hurt!



The public in the West has not grasped it, but the West is in free fall!

Already Asia has surpassed the West in terms of GDP and population.

The rot is within, the West. And people have lost faith in institutions like the government, and business, including specifically the judiciary and the media. The people of the West will eventually turn against their leaders, leading to a break down in law and order. Economic output will be severely reduced, chaos and crime will rule the streets, civil wars and revolutions have already begun!

It is too late for the West, the point of no return has been crossed!


FARMERS made everything you eat! TRUCKERS brought it to you! These are the only 2 professions that matter, producing there only things that matter! The rest of the economy is people to weak&gay to be truckers/farmers forcing there way in, pretending they as something 'valuable', like children 'helping'! The bag thing is these worthless losers pretend to deserve to be paid, even highly paid! Just kill them all, they are useless, we didn't need this surplus people!


Love Donald Trump showing the arrogant Canucks what's what! They are going to come begging to be the 51st state soon enough!



JD Vance doesn't care what Europeons scream


Shitrope is DONE for. The gay homo continent can now go on sucking DICK. They can suck american dick or chinese dick russian dick, because Europe is full of gay pussys.

I approve of this, because this is what Europeans deserve for placing their trust in Brussels beurocrats instead of strong national leaders. SHITMANY is worst of ALL.


I hope the USA just TAKE fucking Greenland, I hope they do it soon! Denmark is weak! Europe is weak! They cannot do anything about it! Why wait? It will every little leftshit grasp reality! They will see how wrong they are with their weak-ass gay slave-morality! Europeans will see how weak and pathetic their governments are and revolt! Disorder and chaos! Why follow laws when you know your government can't do anything? They will be able to see that the emperor is naked!


ELON MUSK has suspend USAID!

Meanwhile, the German government won't stop wasting millions on golden bicycle paths while bridges collapse in GERMANY! BECAUSE BICYCLE PATHS IN THIRD WORLD SHITHOLES ARE MORE IMPORTANT TO THE GREEN PARTY THAN GERMAN ROADS! THEY BURN OUR MONEY! DEMAND YOUR MONEY BACK FROM GREENS!(Banned for Retardation)


Canada is strong. It won all its wars against USA. White house will be burned again.


howdy.png (253.84 KB, 600x600)

Thank dog we killed all the people that built the tractors and trucks!

 No.22216 KONTRA

Doesn't matter, there would be nearly no one to feed, so we wouldn't need tractors and could use horses or slaves instead and built nice bronze-age-style palace-economies with ME as the big boss who owns everything and everyone! Only a weakling or a loser would oppose to that, lol.

Seriously, all the posts above might read like only a complete idiot suffering from a particularly severe case of mental retardation combined with an absurd dose of authoritarian aggression could write them up. Yet, >50% of Americans who voted voted for exactly this, and Germany is not much better. (Albeit better, for the time being.)

 No.22218 KONTRA

>Yet, >50% of Americans who voted voted for exactly this, and Germany is not much better.

I am not surprised tbh.


elections.png (Spoiler Image, 434.06 KB, 1366x768)

Imagine being such freaks that normies vote for THAT over you. Sadly, democrats were even more psychotic, and burgers had to choose the lesser evil. Dems could win simply by abandoning the most fringe of their points. Maybe Greens will learn from their example.

 No.22220 KONTRA

>vote for the lesser evil

weakling takes 101

 No.22221 KONTRA

What happened: Farmer rep says there won't be brown eggs because the white laying races are more economical. Headlines on ippen media: soon, there will be no more brown eggs! Comment section: Brussels beurocrats want to make our good, natural brown eggs illegal! They want to force the disgusting, thin-shelled white eggs on is! Stand up for brown eggs! Vote AfD!

I wish I was joking.

 No.22222 KONTRA

>Maybe Greens will learn from their example.
lmao, rofl even

 No.22227 KONTRA

>The rest of the economy is people to weak&gay to be truckers/farmers forcing there way in, pretending they as something 'valuable', like children 'helping'! The bag thing is these worthless losers pretend to deserve to be paid, even highly paid! Just kill them all, they are useless, we didn't need this surplus people!
Sadly, very real. Urbanites are surplus people, they should be forced to take efforts in real economy (agriculture, transport, so on)

 No.22230 KONTRA

People who build tractors and trucks live in another 🇨🇳 country anyway.
Still, why kill "media studies researchers" when you can turn them into agricultural slaves and/or sex slaves?


You need the media studies students/researchers to optimize capitalist competition and its administration, sorry, that's more important than people who produce commodities!

 No.22235 KONTRA

Capitalist competition clearly has already been optimized close to the the theoretical optimum, since even you could afford enough drugs to cause permanent, irreversible brain damage. But I highly doubt media studies students had anything to do with it, except for working as low level pushers.

 No.22236 KONTRA

But the indiviual capitalist or capitalist association is not optimized in its operations and decision-making. There is always space to improve and find the right mold for an ever changing environment. Workers Like don't know anything about it though. You may not like it but the capitalist society values a media studies graduate higher than a worker. I provide decision-making knowledge to capitalists and workers just produce property for these people and then they Vote AFD to change something about that - hahahaha.


Seriously speaking, "Media studies" have practical meaning. They can be used for studying how to do marketing, propaganda, counter-propaganda and propaganda branded as counter-propaganda. Also like any academic field it can use its authority to publish marketing/propaganda masked as scientific research.

On the other hand, there may be excess of them and they can do a poor job. Like that guy who retold leftists pamphlets and produced boring pseudoscientific texts that boil down to "Facebook bad, Tiktok good". Then he complained that 1500 euros which state pays to him is too few. Cmon, you're on the right of history but Deepseek can produce word salads about how (American) AI is bad for few dollars per article. Find an actual job.


You don't have any actual experience in the things you talk about, really. Could it be that you are just another big mouth you so passionately like to judge and talk about? The fate of so called free thinkers I guess.

>Find an actual job.

I never wrote academic texts that we're about Facebook nor TikTok nor was I paid for that as a student. Maybe you should step back from consuming so much media uncritically?

Are you guys that assblasted about me working in the private sector and producing decision-making knowledge to capitalists and getting paid by another capitalist to do so?

To my amusemnt people who hate on humanities students are the same people that make the taxi driver joke. Suddenly working a normal job will be looked down upon and is made fun of when its convenient. It's disgusting social justice schizosim at it's finest. The highest morals for everybody on display but obviously not able to pull through with it. Ah, the citizen of the democratic society.


>the citizen of the democratic society

On the other hand, there may be excess of them and they can do a poor job. Like that guy who retold rightwing pamphlets and produced boring pseudoscientific texts that boil down to "niggers bad, Dating game rigged". Then he complained that 1500 euros which state pays to somebody else is too much. Cmon, you're on the right of history but Deepseek can produce word salads about how (American) niggers and women are bad for few cents per article. Find an actual job.


People who worked in DEI departments also thought that capitalists need them for decision-making. Then guy in Washington DC changed and they were all laid off.

I respect humanities and students of these discipline. Being good humanities researcher/professional is harder than being good STEM researcher/professional. The key word here is "good", and in previous post I talked about another case. Not being able to write FizzBuzz program and demanding a high paid programming job doesn't get my sympathy either.

Also, never heard "taxi driver jokes". That's probably some German thing.

 No.22245 KONTRA

I looked up the perfectly average incomes of media studies graduates. I expected to be surprised, I was underwhelmed instead. The median seems to be just above 50k €. I am anything but impressed. That is the lower end of the income spectrum for electricians and mechanics in manufacturing enterprises.

Most job offers for media science graduates are for 'content manager' or marketing, they have nothing to do with
> Optimizing operations
Controlling, process development and production planning are firmly in the hands of senior engineers and business graduates. Bean-counters who are both willing and able to crunch numbers.

I will abstain from commenting on the contradiction between taking as much pride in being a bourgeois specialist as you do and being as critical of capitalism as you are.


Yes, at this point stigma around Nazism/fascism is pretty much dead.

1) As you said, it's "the boy who cried wolf" thing. If being against puberty blockers for kids is a Nazi thing, well, why not be a Nazi then? Everything is Nazi, so nothing is Nazi.

2) Worse than that, in 2022 the same concerned liberals started to actively support actual Nazis. People who went all hysterical about Pepe the Frog started to tell that having Black Sun on your insignia are "just the symbols" and that Germans should lower their living standards in order to help regime which renames dozens of streets after Nazi collaborators while pushing rhetoric about ethnic cleansing and "fino-ugric subhumans". Even before Musk's roman salute we had SS veteran in Canadian parliament praised as a hero who fought RuZZians.

3) Genocide also was normalized. It's happening in Gaza, and this time Jewish people (not all of them, only Zionists, but still) are on the side of perpetrators of genocide, not victims of it, which breaks normal system of coordinates. And no one actually finds this genocide important except few campus leftists. Thus opposing genocide takes place somewhere in between of PETA and radfems.

It's pretty big thing because Holocaust and Nazism were important part of modern political discourse. Friend studied in American middle school, and they were constantly being told about Holocaust during the academic year. Can imagine how big it is in Germany.

 No.22250 KONTRA

chairmanmaga.png (262.97 KB, 495x612)

Cultural Revolution but right-wing
Speedrun of the long march through the institutions

 No.22260 KONTRA

Capitalists pay for the service so I guess they need it. Weird thought, i know.

>respect humanities and students of these discipline. Being good humanities researcher/professional is harder than being good STEM researcher/professional

Do you want to Go for a gold medal in talking abstractly?

>wages and merit talk

Citizen science kek

Depends on what kind of media studies you talk about. 50k is German average indeed. You can get better results though. That said, there are no specific jobs you are trained for in media studies at least the one I know, it's just humanities. Depending on experience you go somewhere else. I am in a field that has opportunities for humanities graduates but you cannot study this job I am doing but the necessary skill set is trained within the humanities.

>Controlling, process development and production planning

Not everything in the introduction to BWL/economics book is part of optimizing outcomes in capitalist competition.
Most people don't have a clue that people like me exist and what I do and what perspectives I can get on 'business'

>taking as much pride in being a bourgeois specialist as you do and being as critical of capitalism as you are.

I was being ironic. I don't take pride in my job, lol.

 No.22262 KONTRA

 No.22263 KONTRA

images.jpeg (8.12 KB, 225x224)

> beginner
Someone who majored in microeconomics will only have skimmed the beginner literature of the subject he graduated in, so you will be more knowledgeable about their field. It's obvious,


even though you neither know the English word for microeconomics nor have heard that dictionaries exist, as you proof to us time and time again.

> depends on what kind of media studies

> no clue that people like me exist
So what is your job description. Enlighten us dumb peasants.

 No.22264 KONTRA

ctj2317739b51.png (182.12 KB, 799x2000)

>People who worked in DEI departments also thought that capitalists need them for decision-making
They never thought that. Their mission always was creating 'diverse inclusive environments', not profit, not efficiency.

The idea that diversity has positive effects on organizations is post-hoc. Like in 'Diversity is the opposite of bigotry,' (is it, though? See attached.), 'so diversity is good, and since diversity is good, it must make any organization perform better, or at least we must make people believe diversity will make any organization perform better '

Attached DEI-poster must be one of the most racist things I ever saw, this could be straight out of the Stürmer. Only white people work hard, only white people are on time, only white people plan for the future, only white people can be rational, etc.

1930s cartoons with dumb emotional lazy black pickaninnies and mammies and buck-toothed little yellow men were accurate, after all. At least this is what I must conclude from the DEI's agitprop.

 No.22266 KONTRA

>even though you neither know the English word for microeconomics nor have heard that dictionaries exist, as you proof to us time and time again

I was pretty sure it was microeconomics but too lazy to look it up. I'm talking to another German. It's called being pragmatic. Anyway, sophisticated criticism you brought up here I have to admit.

>what is your job description

A favor that is asking too much 🤫

 No.22267 KONTRA

Ok, you have a very special specialisation in media studies that gives you more insights into microeconomics than microeconomists could ever have, you have a job that can't be named, it nets you an unfathomable amount of money, and we are supposed to take your word for it.

Sounds like that one kid on the playground whose full of shit.

 No.22269 KONTRA

Keke, relax.

I simply said that what you listed is 101 things that you can think of when thinking about optimizing competition, obviously what I do is not on your radar, probably because it is not about products and their production itself.

>it nets you an unfathomable amount of money

It nets more money than what people usually earn that actually produce things I'd say, yes. I'm not talking about your numbing crunching office sitters that use a computer and their brain to model these products and their production.

>you have a job that can't be named

The role often has different names though tasks are similar - on the other hand it depends heavily on the employer and the sector they service or the service they are selling on what you do. I have a job that borders different established fields and is part of the big field of consulting in my case and I won't talk about my job because it's not a super big community like marketing or whatever and it's part of the branch itself to be rather tight-lipped and shady. Job postings pop up every then and now. It's not like some roles in HR or in IT that pop up every day.
If I felt the need to openly talk about my job I would have done so in the past already.

 No.22275 KONTRA

Wondering if you're the humanities Ernst who got his first actual job like half a year ago

 No.22279 KONTRA

If it's him, he's writing about his income.

 No.22281 KONTRA

Who else?


I haven't stopped smiling since president Trump took office! He's sticking it to the libs 24/7 exposing their corruption! DOE has been destroyed! I love it! Hope him and Elon ignore all the liberal judges trying to stop them and earmark them for later!


I wonder if the dems will try to mobilize the niggers for their anti-musk pro-corporation pro-big-government protests. They are like teenagers who will not clean their room. You tell them once, you tell them twice, but they didn't do it. Then, you do it yourself and they throw a hissy fit, and that's when you know they have something in there they are not supposed to have like alcohol or dirty magazines. Sometimes, they break stuff. That is when you have to be extra tough.

When the libs start openly rioting, the national guard must come out. Arrests have to be made, and those arrested need to be imprisoned! All the rioters can be locked up or shot! The libs need to be neutralized before America can be great again!


There's a measles outbreak in Texas. Why now and why in Texas, I wonder?

The libs are foaming because DOGE is draining the swamp. Maybe they put the measles in the drinking water, to punish Texas for voting pro-America?

Maybe they did it to pressure people into having their children vaccinated?

Maybe it is both?

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