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/int/ - certified time wasters

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middle ages king.jpg (75.87 KB, 279x380)

I shamelessly bumped the old one in order to finally open this shiny new one again with a picture of my choice the actually picture I wanted to use gives an error.

 No.8075 KONTRA

And where's the title of the thread?


I forgot it, the mods would have to step in but Finland ignored everything and opened another, welp, my favorite picture did not make it anyway.

 No.8081 KONTRA

>I forgot it,
That'what you get for rushing.


>the actually picture I wanted to use gives an error.
Perhaps the file extension was incorrect?

 No.8100 KONTRA

Yeah, might have been a weird file type that I converted to jpeg for download, hoping that would work.

 No.8345 KONTRA

That sounds like a misunderstanding. Renaming the image to have a different file extension is not the same thing as converting the image to a different format.
If I misread that you may ignore this post; and sorry for wasting your time in that case.


That's Richard II who was born in Bordeaux


fast.png (73.54 KB, 328x121)


I made that post

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