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 No.96 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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>from 50 years ago


>Now lean back
>Lean back
>Lean back
>Lean back



A pleasant blast from the past. 😊


Same day I got this game I went to the cinema to watch Alien vs Predator. And both of these things happened TWENTY years ago, almost to the day.

 No.2352 [Reply]

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This is a thread for aphorisms.
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines "Aphorism" as follows:

1: a concise statement of a principle
2: a terse formulation of a truth or sentiment : ADAGE
3: an ingeniously terse style of expression : aphoristic language

Please adhere to this form and try to stay under 30 words.


>The purpose of aphorisms is to keep fools who have memorised them from having nothing to say

Isaac Asimov
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In 3-rd world life itself is an any % speedrun.


Career success isn't based on doing a good job. It's based on others believing that you're doing a good job.


I swear I've seen this post before


When life gets in your face, lean back.

 No.12299 SYSTEMKONTRA [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Previous >>248
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 No.16391 KONTRA

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I am Confucius.

While your post hasn't much outside of emotional information, I feel like you wanna point towards something. Since your posts lack factual information, all I can do is some guess work.
Do we have the same definition and separation of "religious" and "spiritual"?
e.g. ~"religion" is the act of forcing your believe system upon the next generation via laws, propaganda, force and indoctrination from childbirth on - often symbolized by either cutting off parts of reproductive organs, LARPing a drowning or something of that sort at very early stages of ones life.
> You either follow us, or we kill you - or even worse, cut your reproductive organs off completely.
Granted, the human is naive and not everyone trapped in a religious believe system is the devil himself - but they are still stupid for still following and enabling it.
Aren't we, as scientific community, even in agreement that the "dark ages", where religious power was at it's greatest, was a time where humanity barely progressed, if not even degenerated? - Pointing towards that with the Galileo habbening. (And we are pretty certain today, that Galileo was by far not the first. Not even by a millenia.)

Assuming todays religious people are any different from those in history is nothing but wishful thinking. Still power hungry idiots, that wouldn't be able to survive without a social community supporting their needs.

~"spiritual", on the other hand, I would define as something more of an intrinsic value to some/all humans. There is a lot out there which we cannot explain. Doesn't matter if we look into science or fantasy. Maybe there is something beyond our senses (most certainly; our senses are super limited and fine tuned to our earthly habitat). Maybe there is not. A single divine being? Multiple spirits? One love? One consciousness web everyone is connected to? Everyone is free to believe, what they assume to be the most likely reality.
Not sure if "intrinsic" is the right label/word for this, but I would categorize this as something
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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>Since your posts lack factual information, all I can do is some guess work.
Definitely a good choice in retrospective, as it allows me to see you bring up even more points that would be out of place in a pop history magazine for children - all punctuated by the smugness of a man whose sole reason for not sentencing the ones he sees as mentally unwell to death is that "senseless killing hasn't shown effective".

>Do we have the same definition and separation of "religious" and "spiritual"?

Of course not, you have an imbecile's definition of religiousness, whose defining traits are obscurantism, oppression and genital mutilation. I don't know if you really believe sentencing apostates to death is a fundamental criteria for religious belief, but I must take your potato headed ignorance at face value. In a sensible definition, religion is to be understood as a system of cults, beliefs and modes of worship practiced by a community of believers. Spirituality being the ethereal base for all of this.
Being the intellectual equivalent of a worm, you're eager to shit on the formal and organized system while giving credence to the broader and more mystical non-denominational 'spirituality' - a creed that exists in our modern Europe as an unexamined and uncategorized sludge of very limited knowledge of various traditions all condensed together by people sporting mandala tattoos and drug induced brain damage. Not that I think you, yourself, are a spiritual person in any way. You've just suspended your core rationality and scientism long to enough to adopt the idea that there's something laudable in this sort of spirituality at some point - I could only try to guess why, but I'll spare you from it. Instead, in my next post ("body too long") - I'll make the case as to why, even in a rational and non-religious ideal society, you should be sentenced to a burning in the public square.


>Aren't we, as scientific community, even in agreement that the "dark ages", where religious power was at it's greatest, was a time where humanity barely progressed, if not even degenerated? - Pointing towards that with the Galileo habbening. (And we are pretty certain today, that Galileo was by far not the first. Not even by a millenia.)
This quotation alone would be enough to convince a merciful deity to sentence you to spend multiple lifetimes in purgatory wearing a dunce's hat. But we don't have such a deity to arbitrate, so we must break this tremendous sentence into bite sized pieces for the potato mind.
Scientific community - If we were a proper scientific community, we would not use terms of such questionable historiographical merit as "Dark Ages". But in the event that we, as a scientific community, would use this loaded term in a meaningful way, maybe refering to the early middle ages, maybe reaching all the way to the Renaissance period. I wish I could crack your square head open and understand what you actually mean by this term - to see what historiographical horrors lay dormant inside this Hun mind. What was this dark age? What did it entail? When did it end? 1789 with the French Revolution? 1971 with the release of John Lennon's Imagine? Good lord, by Galileo's trial, we already past the Renaissance and mere decades before the age of enlightenment. Was all of history up until then just a time of obscurantism and religious repression? How does a mind buy wholesale into such a simplistic notion? Was it all through pop culture osmosis or did you ever try to learn about the periods you discount as Dark Ages? Only through preserving your brain in a formaldehyde solution can we hope to one day, in the near future, have answers to these questions. Maybe then, future generations will run a scalpel through your brain, slice off the appropriate sections, place them into some advanced machine and only then will we know what you meant to say by Galileo "not being the first by a millenia". It's definitely a curious case to single out, it has all the trappings of secular power - a favored subject losing his patron's protection and encouragement due to court intrigue, nearly a century after Copernicus' work - and being sentenced to house arrest. It's almost a white washing of the crimes of the Catholic Church to single out this event as thPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


The narrative spun by that Germanposter reflects somewhat what I was taught in school. Not factually, but after forgetting enough details what remained was a vague impression that the middle ages were bad, enlightenment was good but all of that is mostly irrelevant when compared to the more recent history of the 20th century.

I'm sure you know that WW2 takes up more than half of the history curriculum in most schools here. Since most students can't find genuine interest in the subject being taught it boils down to heavily compressed anecdotes being remembered, if at all.

For reasons I don't dare to guess I found some interest in the subject of history roughly 5 years after being done with school. The past decade was filled with moments of realisations that my understanding of the past was less of an understanding and more of a caricature of history.

What I'm trying to say is: You're shitting on the little people, Mr. Portugal!

But don't worry, everything will be better when schools are replaced by AI teachers hosted in the Microsoft cloud.

 No.15256 [Reply]

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Kohl is kill for now, so I am preparing for the worst:
How can I convert from Bernd to Ernst? What is yhe culture here?
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It loaded once. Now it's deda against. BKA is probably collecting IPs right this minute.


Kohl doesn't work ;_;


Kohlchan is down again for one minute already ;_;

 No.6 [Reply]

How is Ernst saving his money?
This Ernst is currently just throwing everything he can put to the side in index funds.

DAX, S&P and MSCI World to be precise.

If i would actually have a lot of money to invest i could've made a lot of money that way in the last 3 month. Too bad.
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Added options to my brokerage account. Looking at Married Puts. Think this suits my investing goals/risk tolerance. Make some money/Don't lose too much money. Comes with an upfront cost of the put contact, but limits losses to that initial hit while maintaining exposure to the upside. Premiums vary depending on the underlying stock, becoming prohibitive with longer expiration dates.

Example: DIS currently 113, with June in the money Puts @5.15. Would need to hit 118 in the next two months to break even. if it doesn't my loss is limited to 515.

Hm. Still risky.
Research continues.



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Made the move into T-Bills. Each of the past four weeks I purchased a 4-week bill. Interest rate is 5.3%. As one matures, I'll roll into another. I could have automated the process but entering a new order each Wednesday (auction is on Thursday) only takes five minutes. I don't like to automate financial dealings unless there is a significant advantage.


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>I don't like to automate financial dealings unless there is a significant advantage.
Turns out there is a significant advantage to automating my T-Bill purchases. The four-week bills auction on a Thursday and mature on a Tuesday. Four weeks and five days later. If I wait for one to mature before rolling into another, I will miss the prior Thursday's purchase window. To keep one four-week bill maturing each week, I actually need to purchase five. Both Treasury Direct and my brokerage offer an auto roll feature. With this, any maturing funds will be reinvested the same day into the next T-Bill. Somehow, they can administratively close that five-day gap.

Anyway, enjoy this reference for visual learnings. I must ponder if I want to hold five four-week T-Bills or allow the money men to magically move time. Both options agitate my autism.

 No.16550 KONTRA

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 No.4573 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Pirates vs Royal Fleet edition
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 No.16311 KONTRA

It's not really directed against the NES or the SNES or Nintendo itself, rather I just despise their rabid fanbase sucking them off and saying that Ocarina of time is the greatest game ever. (It's not) (No, these people are not in the room with us right now.)

 No.16312 KONTRA

Though I might add that Nintendo's 2D catalogue probably aged a lot better than its early 3D one.
SMB3 is still a very fun game.
Or the Tengen version of Tetris on the NES is an amazing party game with that multiplayer mode. (But it's not like that was up to Nintendo.)

I don't mind Nintendo games, I do mind people fellating Nintendo endlessly as it whips them. It's the oddest mass-BDSM relationship on the web.
(But in general I do have little interest in their games nowadays. Maybe I'd try Breath of the Wild but I don't see myself buying a switch to play it.)


>muh fanbase
Good thing I don't care about that, or I couldn't enjoy Silent Hill, for example. Or Factorio. Or Disco Elysium, or many more.
And from what I can gather, the Nintendo fanbase is not any more rabid than other console's fanbases; and while Ocarina of Time might not be the greatest game ever (because we're not at the end of time yet), it's pretty damn close.

 No.16369 KONTRA

In the early 2010s, at the height of millennial cultural relevance, pixels and 16 bit nostalgia was at its paroxysm, and early 3D catalogue was a bit disregarded. Now that us zoomers have the lead, early 3D nostalgia seems at its height. A lot of creative new games use low poly aesthetics and PS1 UI.

What’s Ernst favorite console generation?

 No.16298 [Reply]

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There is a mod that is eating shit every day and destroys kohlchan, do you guys know about him? He ist the one who is using the term "Waldi" all the time, he himself probably is "Koti".
t. Bernd

 No.16299 KONTRA

Please leave cabbage problems on the cabbage. There is a global rule on EC, resulting from the flooding of cabbage meta in the later phases of xyz, that we do not want this topic here. Thanks for your understanding.

 No.7 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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What is Ernst reading? How is Ernst reading? Where is Ernst reading? And last but not least, when is Ernst reading?

What can he recommend?
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Yeah, it's pulp. Very short. Not all that complicated.

The main reason I even bothered to read it is because I knew that one of the characters in Persona 5 is based on Edogawa Ranpo's detective character, Akerchi Kogoro, and I was just honestly curious to see the degree of the influence and such. (I think in a normal society this is considered a sort of disease.)

Anyway, I never was really into detective fiction, though I did read quite a few Sherlock Holmes stories to train my English in elementary school. But I guess Doyle's tone set the wrong kind of expectations when it comes to the genre overall.

Edogawa's book's not overly complex. Most of the twists can be deducted by the reader before they are revealed. Though I found little enjoyment in that.
What I found a lot more interesting is how heightened the erotic tone is throughout the novel. It's borderline pornography, and even if it's pulp fiction, I expected a Showa-era publication to be a lot more tame. So this is why I mentioned that Doyle's victorian style set the wrong expectations.
Though the style is otherwise charmingly dated in a sense. (I mean, it's a hundred years old almost, but I still couldn't help myself imagining it in a contemporary Japanese setting, which constantly fucked with me when the included illustrations popped up.)

It was overall a moderately fun light read, though I feel like I didn't really achieve my personal goals with the book. Well, maybe the homage itself doesn't really run all that deep. "Edogawa Ranpo has a detective called Akechi Kogoro, we will put a detective character called Akechi Goro, removing a 小 from his name, meaning he's an even greater detective, highlighting his self-importance."
Felt a bit like that maybe Edogawa's Akechi also influenced inspector Zenigata from Lupin III, but I'm not sure.

So yeah, it was okay and the essay in the front of the volume talking about the author's career and the history of detective fiction in Japan. That's a worthwhile short read imho.

On a personal note: There, I went and read something "light" like people always tell me and I had considerably less fun than I'd have had with a difficult book. I am literally unable to have fun without it being intellectually stimulating. This wasn't.

 No.15924 KONTRA

Well, if it's any consolation I also went ahead and bought a Rider deck from Aliexpress and started reading Hermetic texts. It's a treasure-trove of symbols and narratives you can use. It's great.


Taras Bulba, by Nikolay Gogol
Very close to the movie >>12866 . Not only in the plot sense, but also in general spirit. Seems like Gogol wanted to make a blockbuster even before cinema was a thing. If only he could see the movie adaptation of his book...

SCUM Manifesto, by Valerie Solanas
Mostly it's "no you, men are women, women are men". But some hot takes about males really hit the spot. As every radical, Valerie hates her less radical comrades more than chauvinist misogynist men and dedicates half of the manifesto to it. Written in a very juicy manner, at translation preserved it.
> To call a man an animal is to flatter him; he's a machine, a walking dildo. It's often said that men use women. Use them for what? Surely not pleasure.
> Eaten up with guilt, shame, fears and insecurities and obtaining, if he's lucky, a barely perceptible physical feeling, the male is, nonetheless, obsessed with screwing; he'll swim through a river of snot, wade nostril-deep through a mile of vomit, if he thinks there'll be a friendly pussy awaiting him. He'll screw a woman he despises, any snaggle-toothed hag, and furthermore, pay for the opportunity. Why? Relieving physical tension isn't the answer, as masturbation suffices for that. It's not ego satisfaction; that doesn't explain screwing corpses and babies.
> Completely egocentric, unable to relate, empathize or identify, and filled with a vast, pervasive, diffuse sexuality, the male is psychically passive. He hates his passivity, so he projects it onto women, defines the male as active, then sets out to prove that he is (`prove that he is a Man'). His main means of attempting to prove it is screwing (Big Man with a Big Dick tearing off a Big Piece).

Incels. How virgins become terrorists, by Stephan Krakowski
Given that author is from Sweden, I expected the book to be more bluepilled. He doesn't slam all involuntary celibates as "misogynist bastards who deserved it" and has some empathy towards them. But still, Sweden is Sweden. When he writes about chadfishing, he says "incels perceive it like attractive mPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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I found contemporary literature from NY


 No.16151 [Reply]

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Get back to wörk. NOW!
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 No.16160 KONTRA

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Still on my lunch break. See you in 30.

 No.16165 KONTRA

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 No.16166 KONTRA

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 No.12871 [Reply]

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Burning our brain cells, destroying our attention span.
YouTube shorts are welcome as well
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 No.15648 KONTRA

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