>>21272The trading / brokerage app which coined the term "diamond hands" because
at times the ability to sell or buy stock mysteriously vanishes...But luckily, despite the initial GME crowd getting fucked over doubly due to this, those 3 years are so far in the past, everyone is praising and using RH again while the ape cultists are just creeps lurking the shadows of the trading floor.
Good financials, good growth, may be a keeper
as if.
Also hands off pennystocks, not worth it.
Dabbled a little with them years ago, but there's 95% pump'n dumps and hardly any signs to find the legit 5% that could make you a hellavulot of money.
And sitting them out is about as good of an idea as with options, there's always another 99% it can drop.
See the ATOS idiots as of late, that got fucked over by France. France of all instances, imagine!
Good Friday, RKLB did a surprising 7%, HOOD just a little and GOOG is back into grey mouse mode after fucking around in a slutty outfit, but that bitch is free for me, so whatever.
Hope Sundar brings baby oil next Thursday when he has his personal appointment in Mar-a Lago to visit the Golden One.
The Zucksuck brought 1 million bucks for some inauguration stuff and META does mighty fine.
I was in MDB post-earnings but got out on the first dip before the market completely died. They beat expectations and raised guidance but were still punished. My biggest mistake was not shorting this after selling. The direction was clear- straight down- but I hesitated because their earnings were solid. Have to remember stocks move on sentiment, not financials. The loss wiped out my RKLB gains. CADL popped on Wednesday. A medical study produced positive results. It wasn't on my radar, but a pump is a pump. That put my week solidly back in the green.
With the recent UFO hysteria, I'll be watching drone stocks this week.
>>21272My biggest single loss was on a penny stock. While there is money to be made, the risk of a rug pull is on par with crypto. Pumpers hoping retail buyers FOMO and buy their bags. Not worth it with so many better opportunities.
Everything going nicely so far.
GOOG touched 200, probably going further soon.
HOOD also running.
RKLB got me in the first half, but then engaged its engines anyway.
Will be a great Xmas holiday for sure!
Yet there's more and more signs, that a correction is looming somewhere in the shadows, can't always go up like that.
Maybe selling my speculative positions before Xmas, forfeit the AMD play for now and see what happens to have put cash on hand.
PLTR is forming a nice double top and has plenty of meat after the 23.12.24 Nasdaq inclusion to fall of that hill, maybe that's the play to be on the right side.
MSTR *spits* is now in Nasdaq as well.
>>21294Hope you were holding some Redcat Aviation, brother :3
Sadly all those fun drone & electric aviation stonks are Nasdaq exclusive for my brokerage, which comes with a hefty 20$ trading fee in every direction.
Also: wouldn't be surprised if those drone sightings are some kind of field visibility study of the Chair Force, they recently received their first fliers (Archer Midnight and an autonomous Chessna) for that AFWERX Prime program.
>>21314>RedcatI was an idiot and decided to hold through their earnings call. Ouch. Missed expectations and it wasn't close. Took an L on that one.
I'm considering a longer play on ACHR. $8 April Calls break even at ~9.50. I think their ties to the Trump administration will pay off, but haven't pulled the trigger because of that inverstor meeting where they plan to dilute their outstanding shares. Decisions...
>>21316Oh well, part of the game.
Panic exited everything today while it was still up a little, nice profitsss on Google tho.
Then lost a 100 bucks on quick PLTR puts, would have been up a little but then the market recovered.
Everything's sketchy as fuck right now.
Tomorrow the interest rate decision, with the outlook to pause them for now.
Yield curve de-inverted.
Extreme valuations across the board.
Nasdaq rebalance on Monday, I'll be ready for a bigger drop.
>>21322Losses are the cost of doing business. Nothing to do but move on to the next. Booked a nice profit in NUKK today. Got out in the pre-market before it tanked.
>Everything's sketchy as fuck right now.One day later...
Nearly jumped into ACHR this morning, but held off because I didn't like the way it crashed into Wednesday's close. I like to see some support before I reach for a falling knife. Those April Calls just got cheaper.
>>21358I've made my trades.
All of my playpile deployed in PLTR puts, no quite the top from Friday before close, but around the 2% range.
Let's see if they keep their 360 PE (150 forward PE) without big ETFs buying, just look at that spike in volume last week.
And if it fails, I sacrifice a good chunk of my play money by selling at a loss after 1.1.25 and get a fat tax deduction :3
At times you need to take risk, as the downside is much more limited then the upside.
>>21376The one in orange who
almost made it.
>>21398>At times you need to take risk, as the downside is much more limited then the upside.Agreed. RCAT didn't play out for me last week and I lost
x. As I look back on my decision-making process, I can't fault the move. If it had played out, I would have made
3x. Worth the gamble.
>>21376I usually don't start to run at all and then I'm mad because i could've made a lot of money like the first guy.
>>215731582 trades here. Get on my level.
the trades count savings plans in which stocks are bought on a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly basis automatically for whatever amount i setAlso, i have a minus of 56,82€ in my current portfolio but overall i come out with a plus of around 1000€. It's tax free up to a 1000€ so i tried to stay below that.
Donald Trump will restrict international trate. If you think there's any value in the classics (Smith, Ricardo), you must conclude that this will harm the world economy. Worldwide economic turbulence is to be expected. Fasten your seatbelts.
No.21608 KONTRA
>>21607Free trade is good when you have economic/manufacturing supremacy. Free trade is bad when your rivals have manufacturing/economic supremacy.
No.21609 KONTRA
>>21608Unless you come up with an absolute number in the next 17 minutes, that was your dumbest post in 2024.
>Free trade is good when you have economic/manufacturing supremacy. Free trade is bad when your rivals have manufacturing/economic supremacy.This is how very simple-minded people think about comparative advantages. Arm-chair mercantilism of someone who (hopefully) spent less than 10 minutes on the absolute basics of classical theory.
>>21608Trump's administration understands that USA is inevitably losing world hegemony and wants to go through it gracefully like it was with British Empire.
Better to relocate manufacturing from Asian countries on your terms than wait until they fall under Chinese sphere of influence and will use your technological dependency to intimidate you.
No.21611 KONTRA
>>21608Fact checked by real Victoria II enthusiasts - Real ✅
No.21614 KONTRA
>>21609My source is Larry Gonick's Cartoon History of the World 2bh.
>>21573I would have said that my best performing assets are my ETF savings plan and real estate...
Now for the love of Kali please drop further and don't give me a double finger up my bum for not selling at +-0 when I had the chance.
In other news, after all that figurative bumming by the market, I was literally bummed yesterday too.
This Ernst just throws everything into FTSE All-World. Can't really go wrong with that.
No.21768 KONTRA
> Thinking buying some imaginary bullshit like stocks that does not even exist on paper, just as states in electronic circuits, will make them rich
The Jews got inside your brains. The only ones who get rich are the Jews who sell this bullshit to gullible little goys like you.
Post collapse, it will all be worth 0.All financial indeces will be 0.
Buy land (timber and farmland) or gold or guns and ammunition or tools. Acquire valuable skills.
Of course, somebody who does not know such obvious facts will not be able to survive in post-collapse society, either way.
So all the 'men' posting in here will only need 1 gun with 1 bullet. But even if they had it, they'd be too gay to use it.
Instead, you will turn into beggars we will have to drive from our doorsteps with guns, just so you go somewhere else to starve to death.
No.21773 KONTRA
>>21768They should buy dice and playing cards so that they still could gamble after the collapse.
No.21785 KONTRA
"Muh guns muh land" is a huge cope.
After 1917's collapse urbanites dominated over villagers and forced them to give away bread almost for free.
Army of proles was more organized and better equipped than villagers rebelling against them.
So you should invest in your social capital if you expect bad times.
No.21800 KONTRA
>>21768>Buy land (timber and farmland)Post collapse the jews will take your land and rape you.
>Acquire valuable skills.Like trade?
Sold my PLTR puts today!
One month of holding a highly leveraged position worth 2,5k and I made a grand total of... 2,8k Euros.
Mistakes were made, but things were learned as well.
First thing first, for some reason I believed my puts would run until end of month, but just now I saw that they would actually run due at the end of this week, despite me adding the correct note to that position in my brokerage.
Idiocy number one. Know your tool, fool!
Then the whole ETF inclusion play on a highly overvalued stonk, good in theory, but executed way to early.
I should have waited the whole inclusion week out before buying in, the week afterwards would have been the perfect moment to buy some pootz.
Not quite an idiocy, but inexperience. Valuable lesson though!
Then, once more, don't let yourself get lured by too much of a leverage.
Take the expiration date you aim for and slap a month for safety onto it.
Would have been in the money last week already while still having time for further drops, even if that thing would expire end of month as I wrongfully believed.
That's an idiocy for sure, driven by greed for high multipliers... 25-30x leverage is enough, doesn't need to be 50-60x.
Anyway, glad that I still made my money back and can continue some gambling until I finally hit my 2025 tax credit loss.
But damn, those measly 300 bucks were exchanged for heart blood and soul sweat.
If I would have bought the same puts right after inclusion week, I surely could have made 10 grand without breaking much sweat, seeing how far they were down at times.
No more plays for now, only holiday.
The future of warehouse automation. Unfortunately this company, Slip Robotics, is privately held. I ran down a list of names in the field and most are included in ROBO. That's a small ETF with low volume and barely 1 billion in assets. It has also traded flat for the past year. Either the tech is not profitable, or the market has yet to see its potential. Hmmm...
>>21821>No more plays for now, only holiday.The markets have been sideways for large caps and down for speculative plays. A tough month which has me sidelined as well. Money Market and chill.
>>21785>invest in your social capital if you expect bad times.PUTS on my social game are guaranteed to print money. I don't expect civilization to collapse, but anticipate a market correction and likely recession. But I have expected this a year now, so what do I know?
>>21851While the tech is incredibly efficient, it seems people are still cheaper than robots. Yeah, I actually recall writing something similar in another thread some time back. get-rich-quick investment, but on the other hand job security.
>>21852In many scenarios, an AMR can not do much more than an AGV.
Unit cost for a small to mid sized machine is about $40.000. They will need charging stations. Specialized handling equipment is often necessary. A complete implementation will almost certainly have six-figure cost per unit. Return on invest depends on the concrete scenario.
>>21849>>21851I see the upcoming robotics trend is here already too :3
So far only SERF on my watchlist, as I haven't looked into all that too much, some look like pretty small caps for the risk of pump and dumps tho.
Maybe I slowly nudge into PLTR puts again, once the good CPI data are fully digested and there's more fat on it again.
I see them at 40 at some time in the future.
Bought some Nasdaq puts.
Seems like a volatile week, let's crash this filth.
And we'll build back better with my proceedings and that juicy, substantial yearly bonus that caught me completely off guard.
This is only loosely finance related, but what advice could Ernst give career-wise? I'm in my second year of college (technically) and still have no idea what I want to do for work.
>>22098If you have no passion and simply want a paycheck, become a financial analyst. Banks throw piles of money at my brother for querying databases and reconciling variances. He hates the job, but it pays.
>>22093What was the expiration date of your Nasdaq PUTS?
>>22102End of March I think.
Seems as the bounce back of NVDA might take some more time as well.
I should prolly just stop gambling again and throw it all in my ETF...
>>22107>I should prolly just stop gambling againNothing wrong with stepping back, especially when eating a loss hurts more than missing a run. Funny thing: for a brief period last year I was losing on every trade and decided to change my perspective. I wouldn't trade at all and viewed the money I probably would have lost as a gain- since I still had it.
Despite my bearish nature, even I know ETF and chill is a guaranteed winner in the long run. I'd do it, but I like to go to sleep at night knowing exactly how much money I'll wake up to. It's a character flaw.
>>22109>NVDA +6%Forget what I said, go Nvidia!
Daddy needs some more Thai femboys!
Sounds like you are just to risk averse.
It's a very common trope around German speaking cunts, especially when it's about the stock market.
Do you park your money in bonds? They still seem to give rather nice returns, now with Powell all hawkish and naughty.
>>22110>Do you park your money in bonds?Idle cash is swept into a money market fund by my broker. When I buy and sell the cash is automatically withdrawn, settles in 1 day, and then goes right back to work earning me a risk-free 4%.
>NVDATfw we have lived to see a trillion dollar corporation swing like a penny stock.
>>22111Thought about putting some cash into bonds or such while interest is still high as well to be fair, I just have no clue how they work.
I know that bond ETFs are garbage, as they continously rotate their bond holdings, so they loose value or whatever during a dovish environment... I guess?
I'd like to buy some US 10yr bond just via my broker and hold them until maturity, if that would be possible.
Anyway, ASML smashed their earnings and reported a fat order book. Already 10% up again. Nvidias ER next month will hopefully be sames.
Already ~300 Euros/15% up on me calls :3
Sold with a loss against.
No more gambling, all into the holy SP500 ETF and chill.
Welcome to the bear market.
With today I am 2/3rds into cash, feels strange shifting such amounts of cash around and if you would have told me that I would no longer have absolute trust in the US a year ago, I would have burst into loud laughter.
🥭 man just can't be trusted, even readjusted my savings plan to half/half SP500 and EU STOXX 50 and a 20% increase in funds deployed monthly.
More is going into downpayment of my mortgage, as those are profits ain't nobody can take away from me anymore, also increasing my regular cash savings account.
The surprisingly fat bonus for last year surely comes at the right time.
Orange man and his babby faced, chubby sidekick ain't gonna destroy my dreams of living of capital abroad in wonderland.
When will Biden storm the White House and gun them down with akimbo M16??
Wake up Biden!
>>22717Be careful, that's a poor man's thinking. Rich man sees new opportunities in the changing world instead of whining about them.
I want to invest a lot, but stocks and etf are too high, so I cant buy anything. I am mad
>>22738Buy penny stocks. Easy.