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 No.6 [Last 50 Posts]

How is Ernst saving his money?
This Ernst is currently just throwing everything he can put to the side in index funds.

DAX, S&P and MSCI World to be precise.

If i would actually have a lot of money to invest i could've made a lot of money that way in the last 3 month. Too bad.


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This Ernst doesn't know much about finances, he also has some index funds, but should maybe diversify his investments more. His main money saving strategy is being a cheapskate, though. Also I like complaining about missed opportunities, like the Bitcoin rise 10 years ago.


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Bump for interest and the pun. How does Ernst deal with rampaging inflation and how does he handle his financial reserves if available? Does the current Credit Suisse crisis bother Ernst? Is a new banking crash imminent and is Ernst thinking about transferring his investments because of it? Does Ernst invest in crypto, and if yes, what coins and how does he buy it?


I don't dabble in stocks because I am prone to gambling.

 No.1461 KONTRA

I only put a bit in MSCI World a few years back, but I had to sell some of it cause I needed the cash. Now I checked and it's worth less than the initial 2000€ that were left since the price went down. Such cases. Though right now I have a bit of cash, mb I should buy a bit more again.
And crypto ofc, though I only have about 0.15 BTC, some ETH/ETC and other assorted trash in my portfolio.
I don't really keep track too much of that stuff, ideally I just let it lie there until some day I need the cash for something.


I live hand to mouth

And my mouth is very big


I handle it like >>17

>main money saving strategy is being a cheapskate

And I love to complain about missed opportunities too

But Ernst is invested with all his savings. Around 80K into Tagesgeld (2.3 Prozent), 20K in Stocks sadly WV with a current minus of 30 percent and 45K into different ETFs

Right now, I would like to buy a car, but I dont want to cash out anything. Such cases


im this cat 182.jpg (59.21 KB, 695x694)

Way too heavy on cash. About half of stock investments are on a "stock savings account" which is a special thing in Finland (could be elsewhere as well, just not aware). Due to the nature of the account I'm mostly buying "large" Finnish companies paying high dividends and hopefully holding them for decades.

Another half is split into mostly steady US companies, some big tech, a few European picks and a little bit of index funds. Don't really have a specific timeline into liquidating these. Think I will be mostly increasing this part of my investments for now. No commodities, no crapto.

Despite my delusions I'm of course not beating indexes. So, if I weren't so much into gambling I'd stick to buying index funds. Included this part to help Ernsts manage better.


>How is Ernst saving his money?

I'm taking a 'bite and hold' strategy to equities while waiting for no brainer moves. It's depressing but will be worth it in a year or two once equities have properly rebounded - also I know that I'm too stupid and lazy to time a bottom like a lot of people seem to be trying to do at the moment. There was a sad moment yesterday where a colleague was using her savings and money from parents to buy a home which I didn't do when I had the chance. But it'll be worth it.

My other concern was reading that British people are unusual in that we don't invest in the domestic market like other countries do, which kneecaps are own economy and means there's some real value people leave on the table. I'm a good boy with around 20% (the UK's only about 5%~ of world GDP) but it does make me feel like I should be more of an American and just throw everything at home. Of course I've been making stacks from Swedish companies lately so who knows.

>Is a new banking crash imminent

We're probably fine from a systematic collapse - everyone knew Credit Suisse was a basket case that managed to burn through 3 CEOs in as many years. The problem will be guessing how many bad companies will go bust from their own stupidity but it's paradoxically a good sign if you zoom out on the graph.

>Does Ernst invest in crypto, and if yes, what coins and how does he buy it?

No because it's still a purely speculative asset. I'd rather my money be at least in theory put to good use by organisations raising capital to invest in productivity and capacity, I think that might make me the last living capitalist.

>Despite my delusions I'm of course not beating indexes. So, if I weren't so much into gambling I'd stick to buying index funds. Included this part to help Ernsts manage better.

I second this. My autistic idea that my money actually has any effect on the world dooms me but makes me broker very rich I'm sure.


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In a Money Market Fund currently returning 4.2%. Seems I am not alone; a lotta cash sitting on the sidelines.

Also kicking myself for not loading into gold when it fell to $1600. Long-term I don't expect much price movement there, but it was a crystal-clear buying opportunity which I passed up because I'm an idiot.


I honestly love Nano as a currency(instant feeless peer-to-peer payments), but not as an investment. At this point there is no reason to believe it will evolve into anything more than a proof of concept. It does have a small market cap, which means regular pump-and-dump opportunities, but I don't participate.


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I used to keep some money on Coinbase, but no longer do so. My account currently has 3 ALGO, worth ~50 cents. Funds kept on Coinbase are uninsured and in the event of bankruptcy will be considered the property of Coinbase and distributed to creditors. Coinbase can also freeze fiat withdrawals without notice. Self-custody of tokens is an option, but if Coinbase dies all roads back to fiat(in US) are in danger, so what's the point? Crypto waters are way too choppy for me. Maybe I should swing trade COIN as this drama plays out.

>The SEC notified Coinbase[COIN] that it plans to sue the firm for allegedly violating a range of investor-protection laws, the firm said this week.

>Since 2021[SEC chairman] Gensler has warned platforms such as Coinbase that they were breaking the law by letting investors trade cryptocurrencies that should have been registered as securities, the legal category that includes stocks and bonds. He has demanded the firms comply with SEC rules by registering as securities exchanges and separating parts of their business that create potential conflicts of interest.

>SEC staff say they could seek remedies including injunctions, cease-and-desist orders and fines—penalties that could threaten the company’s ability to operate in its current form. If it registered as a securities exchange, as Mr. Gensler has demanded, Coinbase would be able to list only SEC-registered securities. Yet no prominent cryptocurrencies—nor any of the 242 assets currently listed on Coinbase—are currently registered with the agency.

>The firm has accused the SEC of stifling innovation and has spent millions of dollars lobbying Congress in hopes of bypassing regulators through new legislation.

When your best hope is new laws, it's because you know you're breaking the current ones. Doesn't look good.

Crypto Faces Legal Reckoning as SEC Prepares Action Against Coinbase


German banks are offering 3% interest on day-to-day money. This somehow is presented as a good opportunity. I don't know, in times of 8-10% inflation, I can't fool myself into believing that 3% interest is not a scam. Surely banks have their way to profit from any kind of situation, so it feels like they should offer a lot more.

 No.1946 KONTRA

Which to go? My old Tagesgeldkonto will be dissolving from the banking side, I need to put my savings into such an account as they are not that much in order to invest I think and I sometimes need to draw from them and losing the savings would be a shame. So I use these offers, yet 3% is still a joke tbh. Better than nothing but eh


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I just read that for most of the time since WW2, the interest rate in Germany was below inflation, so it's not a new phenomenon, it's just a lot worse now. For me this looks like a method so that regular folks can't just save money for all eternity. That maybe would even be a good thing, but the problem is that large scale investors probably can do that, so it's taking more money off people with salaries compared to people with other types of income.

>Which to go?
I have no idea, I wish I was more savvy in things like that. If you have a small amount to invest, maybe day-to-day-money is the best solution, since you can access it quickly when you have unforeseen expenses, and it at least somewhat counters inflation. I read that the recommendation is to put no more than 3 monthly salaries there. If you have larger amounts to spare, then maybe managed fonds are the way to go, plenty of companies offer such things, and the management fee isn't that large. And over longer periods those do better than day-to-day or fixed-term deposits, even if you figure in market crashs, wars 'n shiet.

I don't even want to invest money to get more of it, I just don't want people to silently take it all away through shady mechanisms, it feels like theft.


>I want my money guaranteed
>I want to be able to withdraw every day
>Why do I get sub-inflation interest?
You have your risks minimized to banking system collapse and inflation, your commitment is virtually zero, yet you wonder why your interest rate is sub inflation.
The mind boggles. Pick two out of three:
- profit
- short-term commitment
- low risk

Example: real estate. You get very low risk of total loss, you can't get out day-to-day (need to find a buyer first), your long-term profits will probably be above inflation.

Example: stock. Higher volatility than real-estate, historically profits greater than inflation, can get out each day every day.

Example: government bonds. Low volatility, low interest, can be sold daily.


I don't need all of those. I'd be perfectly happy to have a fixed-term deposit fixed for years ahead, which guarantees inflation rate interest, and doesn't require administrative overhead. Profit and short-term-commitment don't matter much for me. I just think it's wrong that I save money, and then suddenly I have less money.


Many people would be happy to have that, but it doesn't exist. For no one. How do rich investors get richer, still?

1.) They shotgun it with risky investments, of which very few become profitable, but those which become profitable become super-profitable. High risk-high yield. Example: Peter Thiel.

2.) They put in an insane amount of legwork (or have trusted people put in the legwork for them) and look at a fuckton of investment opportunities, then pick the best ones. By analyzing fundamentals, they find companies that are undervalued and buy their stock. Example Warren Buffett.

If you don't have an asinine amount of money to begin with, I recommend the second approach. You can't be Peter Thirty, because you can't afford the risk and because you can't get in early enough.

If you want, I can tell you the stories of two investments I did, one asinine, one good...


That sad thing about this is that it kinda legitimates the richness of rich people, because they took the risk, while others didn't. Somehow it feels like putting yourself in danger to impress girls, this is also a bad decision that works most of the time. The rational decision to not take excess risks isn't always the best. I have to admit that I am kinda averse to risk-taking. Maybe I shuold just re-classify being averse to risk-taking as a risk.
>If you want, I can tell you the stories of two investments I did, one asinine, one good...
Sure, let's hear it. Sadly I have no such stories, it's all just ETF now and fixed-term / day-to-day money earlier. Some bitcoin, but I adopted it late and no big investment, so not that much gain. Kinda boring.

 No.2267 KONTRA

im this cat 57.jpg (37.09 KB, 760x760)

My bank has an offer that limits trading fees to 1€ max on US stocks tomorrow. A nice opportunity to make some retarded small bets without wasting money on fees. Please share your ebin x1000 US stock plays. I'm all out of ideas.


TSLA, obviously, but if you just want to play around MSTR.

The CEO dumps every spare company dollar into Bitcoin, which makes it a good proxy for trading crypto. Right now, Bitcoin is bullish but volatile, which provides opportunities to jump in and out.


What's the FX fee?

CRUS, ACHR, EVTL if you like gambling.

>TSLA, obviously

Explain yourself.

 No.2280 KONTRA

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Sounds ebin. But I'll stay out of crypto, even by proxy :DD

I would've bought some more MP Materials as a meme but it already went up bigly today. I wish there was some AI bet to make. Making it through MS, Google or Adobe seems lame. Maybe Palantir :DDD

Thanks, I'll look into this.


Only a matter of time before politicians ban combustion for passenger vehicles and Tesla dominates the electric market. Simple as.

 No.2313 KONTRA

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Ended up buying some PLTR :DDD And adding small amounts on to my previous US holdings. Spent a lot more buying Finnish paper and forestry companies from a big dip. Let's see what happens.

 No.2315 KONTRA

You're not wrong. But what is a good price to buy TSLA? I really don't know.


I'm considering to put a few bucks into crypto as a high-risk fire and forget-investment. Buy it, store it, and then forget about it for a few years. If there's a crash: Bad luck, but I'd survive, also it would be an amount of money that current inflation rates would overall cost me more than a total loss of said crypto investment. Not sure which coins I should buy, though, I guess I'd go with the bigger names, like Bitcoin, Ethereum and Monero. Sadly it's a real pain managing wallets for all of these. As of now, I only have an Electrum-wallet for a few tiny bits of Bitcoin. It's good, but it can't store anything else.

Main thing that keeps me from doing it is my laziness.


>what is a good price to buy TSLA? I really don't know
I don't think anybody does, tbh. The current p/e ratio is out of whack for the auto industry, so future growth is already priced into the stock. To rise from these levels, you basically have to believe that Tesla will be Google or Apple and lead innovation for the foreseeable future and trade closer to a tech company than a manufacturer. Which I do. That said, it's still a gamble, and so for my risk profile I won't throw the house at it. Despite believing it will go up. Which is why I'll never be a wildly successful investor.

Smart sticking to the large names if your timeline is years long. Historically, small alt-coins don't survive the Bull-Bear cycle- dying out and being replaced with newer options. Meanwhile, Bitcoin and Ethereum march on.


Don't you have cheap ass neobrokers in the Finland?
My regular depot charges 10€ per trade so i use it only for my ETF savings plans.

In my other depot i pay 1€ for trades below 500€ and 0€ for trades above 500€. The only downside is that gettex is the only market i can trade on there, but that's fine as long as it's cheap. Also, i can just move all my stuff to the less cheap depot for free anytime i want.

I don't have that many US stocks on my watchlist right now, but i would look out for small and medium sized companies that do in AI.
Also semiconductors and weapons.

Tesla is a bubble that is going to explode at some point.
The only thing that keeps the prices up is Elon Musk and as you could see with the Twitter fiasco, every little fuckup by Musk brings the company close to collapse.

 No.2341 KONTRA

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Assuming you mean stuff like Robinhood with neobrokers, I think some of them are available. I'm not really interested in them as my bank has decent rates, 1% fee capped at 8€ max, but US trades are flat 8€. No service costs as long as I do at least 1 trade a quarter at any price. The convenience using the bank is great as they do all tax reporting on my behalf, moving funds between accounts is effortless and I get certain benefits and reduced costs for other services as well.

Might want to look into US stocks right now as the exchange rate is pretty good. Of course never know how it develops going forward, but it has moved a lot within a year.


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Isn't that super reddit tier?
What i understand as neobroker is just a regular broker with a different pricing model and usually without the whole bank structure bundled with it.

Stock trading became super cheap within the last few years thanks to that.

 No.2345 KONTRA

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You didn't really describe what a neobroker is, but what it isn't.
T. Burger

I was just interested if I could make some small retard bets on US markets. Usually the 8€ fee ends up being less than 1% of my trades anyway.


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Why not just buy UBS? Under the buyout terms, once complete shareholders will receive 1 share of UBS($21.91) for every 22.48 shares of Credit Suisse($21.58). Close enough, without headaches.


>Sure, let's hear it.

1.) In the summer of 2021 one, I expected an economic downturn/inflation in the United States. (Plenty of people expected that.) What consumers cut last on during inflation/recession are daily small spendings. Like a habitual snickers-bar each time you gas up the car, bottle of Cologne, things like that. So first, I looked into consumer staples. But they were (are) all trading at ridiculous multiples. Then, I looked at super-market chains. Mainly, chains that operate smaller stores. The European chains were all doing much worse than the American chains, excluding Russian chains. Those had very high margins, but I shunned the risk.
So I looked closer at American chains. The Kroger, Weis Markets, Target, Wall Mart, they all were trading at PE-ratios far above 20.

IMKT and SPTN were not all that expensive. I looked closer at both of them. I looked on videos from inside the markets on youtube. I read there reports. I liked that SPTN had a contract with the US army and wagered on it getting prolonged. I liked that on third-party videos, there stores looked clean, orderly and well organized. I liked that they had plans for micro-fullfillment-centers where costumers can pick-up their pre-ordered shopping items. I liked that their shops were mainly in the mid-west, a region I hoped would benefit from de-globalization.
In the Spring of 2022, the stock was up 75% from when I bought it. At this point, I sold 1/3 of my stake. It is still up ca 25%, and I think about putting a stop-loss order. The consumer-economy in the US is doing badly, People have jobs, but too many are dirt poor, to the point where they can hardly afford to go to work. SPTNs profit-margin is razor-thin and the dividend, while sizable, is not well-covered.

Things I did right:
- I put in the work. Finding this stock cost me 2 weekends.
- I bought what I understand. While running a profitable super-market chain is hard, their business model and the economic pressures that work on them are easy enough to understand. This is not rocket-science.

2.) A couple of months later, I came across OTLY. I looked at the last quarterly report, I rolled my eyes at the "hip" font and layout. I read that their new Asian production facility was delayed, for ... reasons. The whole thing read like "lol we have no idea what we are doing, but just have faith". On top of that there was legal trouble about overstated revenue.
I knew that it would be very hard to get new production online, because there was a huge shortage of everything that goes into production machinery, not just semi-conductors, but simple stuff like din-rail clamps.
I thought "fuck it, the product is good, the marketing is good, maybe the management isn't THAT bad".
I lost half my investment before I got sensible and got out. Stock is now trading at a quarter of the price at which I sold.

Things I did wrong:
- Put in too little work, bought on a whim
- Bought against my better judgement
- Ignored the domain knowledge I had

Overall, I am a measly 7% in the green from 2021 when I started to today. AT&T and 3M as well as FTSE all world are weighing heavy on my portfolio.
But the OTLY-plunder is the worst, I'd be at 13% plus without that. I think of this loss as a fee for my stupidity.

>Sadly I have no such stories, it's all just ETF now and fixed-term

If you are holding index-funds, you will do about average. Average is good, it means that you will beat the majority of professional fund managers.


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Thanks for sharing!
>What consumers cut last on during inflation/recession are daily small spendings. Like a habitual snickers-bar each time you gas up the car, bottle of Cologne
Funny, I expected it to be exactly the other way round, since both seem like non-essential products. But I agree with the conclusion that it makes sense to focus on food companies/distributors in bad times. In fact I remember back in school there was an official stock market game organized by the school in coop with a local bank, where you got a virtual budget, and after a few months the winner was who made the most of it. We opted to buy McDolans and Coca Cola, because people would always eat and drink :DD
>I put in the work. Finding this stock cost me 2 weekends.
I wonder how much time you spent on getting savvy on those things and managing your stocks, because that is one thing that keeps me from doing stock trading myself: It seems high maintenance. Same goes for buying any kind of real estate: It seems like you have to dedicate quote a lot of time into ownership, and the state can milk you for lots of things. And don't get me started about renting things out: Every single landlord I've spoken to could tell tons of stories about vandals, people who just wouldn't pay, and complainers with law insurance who would sue the fuck about you. I was starting to think that, despite it's overused as fuck by now, they were right in Fight Club: Everything you own ends up owning you. So I only want to own things that are super low maintenance.
>Ignored the domain knowledge I had
Is there any kind of domain knowlwde that mere mortals can hope to accumulate? I always thought that such information is only made public in case some big dog investor would profit from n00bs like me acting on it.
>Overall, I am a measly 7% in the green from 2021
Given the inflation rates it's probably a net loss, but at least a lower loss than if you hadn't done anything.


>Funny, I expected it to be exactly the other way round, since both seem like non-essential products
It's usually consumer discretionary spending that is cut first. New car, new TV, etc. Consumer discretionary is highly cyclical. Consumer staples might at times even be a little anti-cyclical, as people reward themselves for delaying the new car, because they need something to calm the anxiety, etc. One beer more, after all, I didn't get the new graphics card, the expensive tampons instead of the store brand, gotta live a little, and so on.

>I always thought that such information is only made public in case some big dog investor would profit from n00bs like me acting on it.

If you have a day job, there is automatically an area of expertise where you know quite a little.


> Only a matter of time before politicians ban combustion for passenger vehicles and Tesla dominates the electric market. Simple as.
This reasoning already contributes to Tesla's stonk prices. So you must be sure in it harder than weighted-average investor.

Btw if you own stocks, you're basically capitalist and exploit surplus value of workers. When the day comes, guillotine won't spare you.

 No.2456 KONTRA

>If you have a day job, there is automatically an area of expertise where you know quite a little.

Man, that's some dangerous advice right there. I think the bigger area of expertise would be in looking at the broad information you get on the internet and trying to draw relatively safe predictions.

>Btw if you own stocks, you're basically capitalist and exploit surplus value of workers. When the day comes, guillotine won't spare you.

Jokes on you - everyone is in the red. There's some additional class above all of us who exploit the surplus value of the capitalists.

 No.2457 KONTRA

im this cat 42.jpg (26.02 KB, 500x430)

Let me know when day of the guillotine is nearing so I can invest in private security companies.

>Man, that's some dangerous advice right there. I think the bigger area of expertise would be in looking at the broad information you get on the internet and trying to draw relatively safe predictions.
I thought it more of a statement what domain knowledge is, rather than advice. Even if one is a street sweeper they probably have domain knowledge unknown to the company CEO or street sweeper industry investor pros. Doesn't necessarily mean the knowledge is is actionable.


>When the day comes, guillotine won't spare you.
When the day comes I'll make sure to buy guillotine stocks.


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The site is loading properly again, but this kind of thing does not inspire confidence.

>Even if one is a street sweeper they probably have domain knowledge unknown to the company CEO or street sweeper industry investor pros
If Home Depot is busy, the economy is fine, but when foot traffic dies the guys in the lumbar department are the first to notice. Slow week at work? buy SPY puts.

>I won't throw the house at it. Despite believing it will go up.
TSLA stock price down ~15% since I made this post. #Accountability


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Fed is raising interest rates about twice a day now, EZB surely will follow, because they always follow. Somehow I have a feeling it won't take long until there will be trouble, because some states will struggle to sell their government bonds unless giving out huge interest rates themselves.


Should I invest in red or black?


Go green brother.


What >>2946 says, the only way to really win at investments is to be the bank.


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Ernst bought some Uniper stock a few weeks ago.
I don't regret it, yet.

Does Ernst have an investment he has high hopes in?


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Everyone is obsessed with semis at the moment so I'm reluctant to do anything new. I've made a bit of money on MKSI and you can probably ride for a bit longer.


>the only way to really win at investments is to be the bank.

Who's the bank and how would it win by an investor losing money?


What is Ernst holding at the moment?

TUI AG (bought at 6,32€)
INTEL (bought at 30,43€)
Hims+Hers (bought at 8,42€ and it was an impulsive buy that i regret)
VOLVO CAR (bought at 3,64€)

And then i have some smaller summs (below 500€) in Coca-Cola, 3M, Bank of America and some lithium mines.

I plan on getting some more INTEL, TUI and lithium stuff. Maybe 3M and i go for some German real estate companies like Vonovia or TAG Immobilen soon. Also BASF.


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>What is Ernst holding
Currently holding back tears because I didn't buy TSLA.


Deutsche Post, Freenet and SADLY Volkswagen (which I bought at the ATH). The Rest is on Tagesgeld (2.3 Prozent a year)

I wait for a real good time to get in more. TUI is not looking good, but 3M is on my List too


My stock picks in brief:

Sold? Too early.
Holding? Down, increasingly.
Passed on? Way up.

Such cases.


>because I didn't buy TSLA.

At least you invested it all in Nvidia last year, right? Right?

>TUI is not looking good

Why is that?


>3M is on my list, too
Dividend stock will rise when the FED lowers interest. But the question is whether MMM will still be dividend stock after the FED lowers interest.

I hold this toxic shit and I'm too retarded to sell.


I read that it's possible to buy ETH via PayPal on eToro. I'll do some research about that, and if this is feasible I might put some money into that, and then forget about it for a while. I wanted to have a little crypto stash as long-term high-risk investment, like 10-15 years or something. If it blows up: No harm done, it will be less than what inflation eats away each year. But if it does well the value might even multiply. Also HODL!


All-in SP500 for now, a slight typical diversification into bonds will happen after the sale of my real estate.

Last time I tried to hold single stonks, I suffered through up to -50% on AMD and NVDIA and said myself to hold them longterm anyway, just to sell them when they finally where +10% while they would now be at something like +50%.

Single ETF, buy only, never look at it, the dead make the best retail investors.


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But all the cool kids invest in MSCI World. Why S&P?

Also, Siemens Energy might be a cheap buy now.



Better long time performance, less turnover, lower cost, better tracking difference and their companies cover the whole world anyway.

I don't see us Yuros ever getting ahead of the US ever again and the rest of the world is a shithole, financially, sometimes also culturally.


>and the rest of the world is a shithole

In 30 years India will be number 1. Maybe number 2 after China.

While i'm going to sit at home, trying to power my new 200" TV with a hand crank generator, which is going to be the only legal source of energy when there's no wind or sun outside, dem Indians just keep getting ahead by not giving a fuck.

MSCI World and MSCI Emerging Markets all the way.

 No.4135 KONTRA

Sure thing comrade.


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Meanwhile emerging markets (1) and S&P 500 (2)


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Ernst, I have some serious question: What to do with all that money?

During the last weeks, I keep asking myself this and I cant find an satisfying answer to myself

I saved a lot of money during the last decade. I investesd most of it (I safe around 70 percent of my income)

But why I should I contiune? The question that bothers me the most is: What to do with this? I sadly dont have kids or anyone else in my life ...

I dreamed about buying a fancy car or somehting else. But I cant spend anything of my money, somehow I am afraid of it. This might sound silly and it is.

But my finance and investments somehow became a burden to me.

 No.4139 KONTRA

I know a person who I think has a decent amount of money saved, not even necessarily invested though. And this person has no kids and the prospect of kids is not around the corner. Albeit this person is rather young (passed mid twenties). But I can't get it in my head why this person does not buy a little luxury here and there. Some nice food, take a trip to somewhere. Not a journey around the world, but maybe a week in Italy or something. Such an amount of money spent would probably be back within a few montsh of saving. Instead, these people pile money, pile for what? For bad times? Yeah sure, it's a good idea to have emergency savings/wealth, even a decent pillow of it is not wrong either. But why be so stingy with yourself and never spent money to have some fun and make some experiences that differs from their daily dread? Nothing big. A nice lunch for example instead of the cheapest products from the supermarkets. I'm not talking about getting lunch or dinner nearly everyday but maybe once a week.


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>But I can't get it in my head why this person does not buy a little luxury here and there
I can identify a lot with that person, I also have no real use for money. Most of the examples you made I would consider to be wasteful. A week in Italy or similar things I wouldn't even do if it was free, it would be stressful for me and I'd feel out of place. Luxury products / fancy cars are also out of question, since I've grown up poor and despise such things. Sometimes I buy decent (read: not the cheapest one available) products, but only if the old product I used is broken or otherwise unusable, but that means I basically buy the cheapest thing that satisfies my reasonably upgraded needs. The only thing I willingly spend more than necessary is food, because you literally put this into your body, so it makes sense to watch for quality. But that is basically limited to things like eggs or meat. With things like vegetables, bread, milk products, tea and some more I don't really feel the need to upgrade them, since the base product is already great. And in my opinion at least 80% of getting good food means no alcohol, not too much sugar, no fast/junk food, no energy/soft drinks and so on, and only then the leftover 20% may be quality of the things you actually buy. Whores per definition don't sell what I want, and I'm not interested in getting drug addicted, so those two money drains are also not available for me.

And there's always the thought of never buying things that aren't necessary, because it's a waste of resources, and I don't mean money here, but the resources needed to create that thing. If you ask me things like fashion should be abolished. Imagine wasting natural resources just to look good, and then throwing it away because it's not "in" any longer. The mere thought makes my stomach churn. It's the same reason why I hate to throw away food, especially meat. It's one thing to kill animals for food, but fucking up my time management and having to throw meat away because it has expired is just a disgrace.

The piling of money is not intended, it's just a byproduct of not feeling the need to spend. It has nothing to do with being stingy in my opinion. but I can see why it would look like it.


Ernst, getting a lunch you are not paying for the ingredients but also for the service. So go where people use good ingredients and then pay them for their service on top. You can consider this a waste since you can make it yourself of course you probably can't because you are not a chef and lack some tricks and equipment. Or you just enjoy not preparing a dish for once but getting it done by somebody else. People don't go for lunch because the food is the best ingredients. They go for lunch to eat a nicely prepared dish without doing anything but waiting for the food. Or do you also skip a Döner because the guy behind the counter is doing a service to you which is frivolous? If you can't get the poor people's survival habits abolished then so be it and you are more or less uselessly piling money/wealth. You could finance an organization that is having a noble goal in your eyes. For example, an organization that fights food waste.


>Ernst, getting a lunch you are not paying for the ingredients but also for the service.
Oh, I misread that, I thought it was still about quality food. I sometimes do that, mainly for things I can't do properly myself, but as you said, that's once a week, so it's not a major factor. But any time I do that, I'm amazed at the luxury I am indulging in. These things still feel special to me. And so does going to the butcher and ordering steaks, just because I feel like it.
>Or do you also skip a Döner because the guy behind the counter is doing a service to you which is frivolous?
I rarely buy Döner, because once the opportunity is there, I could as well eat at home, because it's not far. It's not about money, it's the knowledge that I already have food at home, so I rarely resort to Döner. But it happens, maybe once every few months.
>If you can't get the poor people's survival habits abolished then so be it
This reminds me of a friend of mine, who put a lot of effort into his career and thus by now makes more money than me, and still he was always complaining about how things are so expensive. Some day he said to me: "Ernst, I wish I had your standards, things would be so much easier". And he's right.
>and you are more or less uselessly piling money/wealth
I'd rather uselessly pile up money than to spend it for things I don't even want. Like I said before: There's nothing worth spending on for me. If there was, I'd do it. All my hobbies are already well funded, and my fridge is full. The more you have money involved to satisfy your needs, the more dependent you become on money. I'd suddenly be dependent on my well-paying job, while currently, if something went wrong, I could just tell everybody to get bent and take any job which pays less, because I don't need to care. That's freedom for me, especially after being poor in my early life and watching my mom struggle to make ends meet.
>You could finance an organization that is having a noble goal in your eyes.
That's likely going to happen - after my death.


And your point?
It was like that in the past so it will stay like that forever?

 No.4158 KONTRA

It's more about having an extra thing next to piling up that you can spend.
You think it very functionally. I have food at home so I can eat that, and it's cheaper than eating a lunch or Döner. True, and I often reason like that because I simply don't have the money, but when you have why not enjoy things, nobody says you should risk your future for lunch or fancy dinner. But as I tried to elaborate in the other post, you don't buy nutrients to fuel your body when eating out. You buy into a feeling, in pleasure, a little luxury, a treat, in having time to just relax and enjoy and not put work into preparing something.

I give you an example. I was out with a friend, walking around chatting, we decided to check a neighborhood nearby with high rents (and there would be the bars and restaurants that exploded in the last two decades, don't you feel like that happened?) to have a drink and maybe a little dish. The drink was 10€! 9,5€ to be precise. I could not believe my eyes. But when did I eat out the last time? Long ago. But I know from other bars that this was definitely overpriced as fuck. I still bought it, just to continue having a nice time with that friend. It did not break my budget and it made the evening more enjoyable.
But maybe you do this. One should not feel bad. Money can buy you more than functional and existential things. I don't mean a Porsche, a Yacht, a penthouse or a some expensive beef from Japan. It buys you time of, it buys you time to relax. Sure, you can go sit on your couch or go to the beach and lay down on a towel and relax. For some people relaxing is worth a price higher than that. YOLO, Ernst. YOLO but don't be stupid. And I don't think you are anywhere near doing stupid stuff with your money. I'm also not saying you should spend your money on relaxation now but it was a suggestion that money can buy you different experiences and qualities than nutrition and a place to sleep and wash yourself. Maybe something of these option is important to you that can enhance your quality of life without fucking up the environment, harm animals or humans extraordinarily that you think is worth the price without risking a wealth for old age or job loss or whatever it is that you are fearing as a certified psychologist I'd say you fear being poor again which is understandable but it will probably not happen when you spend money on some things while still having increasing your wealth every year, after all that is how most rich people live, they spend a certain amount for a nice comfortable luxurious lifestyle while also making sure their wealth increases regardless.


It's even more obvious if you visited some of those "emerging markets" yourself and know how they work on the inside.

I see no reason why America should stop being a fair playground for capital and talent and both things kinda enjoy liberty.

Example: Yurop gets 100k new refuggers and the US and Canada both claim that their humanitarian share to help will be the resettlement of 10k each. Now guess who gets the tripple screened, useful academic families and who gets the illiterate rest.
For them America is a golden ticket into prosperity too, rather Yurop with its 10000 rules and norms about anything just to have your income tax-taxed to pay for lousy state amenities that one hasn't asked for or could provide oneself for better, like our retirement gibs pyramid scheme etc.


Ernst startet a savings plan for various (mostly German) real estate companies.

I assumed that they would slowly get back up after the extreme crash the industry had. Around 2 month in an some of them are over 30% up already.
I don't go full in and keep the plan with around 200€per month going. I should go full in.

The companies:

LEG Immobilien
TAG Immobilien
Deutsche Wohnen
Adler Group


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Market is slowly pivoting towards expecting lower interest rates going 2-3 years forward, good choice. But never go full on in, stick with a strong base ETF for your main and know when to rotate money out of your winners back into your base.

Just keep reminded that you will never EVER outperform the market in the long run and it's that long run that generates you the big profitsss.


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Thinken about going long on cable manufacturers (high voltage transmission, etc.) because of the ever increasing electrification and "green" projects. Too bad most of these companies are already around ATH.

Certainly one of those investments where you could've easily seen the writing on the wall 10 years ago and made good money. Really makes you think what similar opportunities go unnoticed at the moment.


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8 days ago i ordered stocks for various military equipment producers. Kinda feels bad in a good way.
Since the actual offensive seems to be starting soon, maybe next week, i'm probably going to feel worse (in a good way).

 No.8514 KONTRA

i hate you.
stonks seem logical sound, thou...


SP500 all the way, it covers all your investing needs.
Just recently dropped another €10k extra in it from a early inheritence gift by my granny.


I put 75% of my earnings to a deposit, and knowing the current market situation, I'd prefer not to risk it


Don't know what to do, all investments suck. Moved another 1000 into mintos yesterday for lack of better ideas and 5000 into treasury bonds due 2025.


lol, can't do that. My grandparents are dead, but if they knew I'm putting their money in stocks, I'd be in for a scolding, so I got to keep it in an account. I could use it for real estate, though.


Are they checking your finances?
>Yeah... I put all that money into a Bausparer, of course, 2% interest, how can I possibly loose with that... Haha!

Not that I suggest gambling the money on single high risk stonks.


>Are they checking your finances
From beyond the grave? In their case, I consider that highly likey. When they were alive, they couldn't do it, but now that they are dead, they are probably sitting on a cloud somewhere and check on me. And I will get my dressing-down in the afterlive.

I can do whatever I want with money I earned, obviously. But with the money they left to me, I have to do something they would agree on. Anything traded at an exchange is just not possible. They viewed it as clearly immoral, for rich people and crooks, not for normal, hard-working folks. (And don't trust the bank, either, the people who work there can see how much you got, so move it to a different bank, where no one knows you.)


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Moved ~%10 of my portfolio into SPY this week. Why now, after staying on the sidelines in a money market fund this past year? Primarily, we appear to have avoided a recession. Yes, investing while there was more uncertainty would have provided larger returns, but I am a timid ernst with no stomach for volatility. Hence, my choice of equities. An ETF which tracks the S&P 500. Also, it's a new year and that seemed like a good time to kick off a more active investment strategy.


100% SP500 100% of the time.
Gotta say except for some EUR/USD currency shenanigans recently again, I am well satisfied with how it is going.

On another note, the Thai Baht keeps climbing despite high season bringing in fresh foreign money.
Prolly not everything going as well as they want to make it seem, but good for us western Falangs as our holiday budget keeps growing.
I physically wasn't able to shell out all the cash I brought with me on my last vacation.
Just if somebody is looking for a cheap holiday destination, you literally have more money available there then before Covid so you won't feel any inflation.


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I got a bunch of coins. Some of them silver and pretty heavy (~30g).
How to find out if they're worth more than the silver or how pure the silver is?

The S&P is way too tech focused right now.


It's a long shot, but you can try to find them here:

Came across that site while I was looking to buy an old coin. I ultimately didn't.


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>The S&P is way too tech focused right now.
Seems so. Read than Nvidea stock alone accounts for 20% of S&P year-to-date gains. Also, classic Bart pattern on NVDA this past week. Earnings tomorrow with near impossible expectations. Can't blame profit takers. I wouldn't hold it through the call either. Although, since I'm holding SPY, I guess I am.


That feel when I can't get myself to take some of my spare money to put into ETH, because I'm too lazy. I suppose I'll just wait for the next crash and reframe this retroactively as smart behaviour.


Nvidea is basically printing money at this point. Not complaining. They dragged the market up today.

Which crypto platforms can you use? I think Coinbase is the last man standing for NY customers. I used to have a couple others-Binance US, coinex- but they're no longer available.


I used HodlHodl a few times, but it's already been a while, now I'm using eToro. I have no idea which one is the best, and I'm reluctant to invest a relevant amount of money, because it seems to be a real drag to transfer currency to a local cryptowallet, and for obvious reasons I don't like the idea of investing money into a private platform that could simply disappear any day. Not that funds are 100% safe in a private wallet, but if I lose those, at least it would be my fault.


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>a private platform that could simply disappear any day.
That was one of the things which limited my crypto investing/gambling/speculating. Even Coinbase, a legally compliant platform, treats customer holdings as their asset. Unlike a bank or brokerage account, if they go bankrupt, your money is gone. Bitcoin has had moments when I considered throwing some money at it, but with that risk never did. Now that there is a Bitcoin etf, it's back on the table.


New York really hates crypto.


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I opened a new credit account in January. Came with a promotion: Use the card for $1000 in purchases within 90 days and receive $150 dollars. Deadline is April 9th. Did the math. Wasn't going to hit 1k. Roughly 150 short.
Rather than let the opportunity slip away, I just bought five 1 oz bars of silver. $156 including tax. With the incoming bonus, basically free.

Wanted something with assay to maximize future resale opportunities. Chose this mint as the cost was closest to the spot price of silver. Also chose a reputable seller on eBay. One that had a physical location in NY and 1 million+ sales. Apparently, there are a lot of fakes in the silver and gold market. Will still probably magnet test these upon arrival.

 No.14986 KONTRA

I've always wondered what the re-sale value of "retail" physical precious metals is. For whatever reason I imagine that the item loses at least 20% of the value the moment you buy it. Source: I made it up.

Anyways, your MSTR play is doing incredibly well, congrats! Did you sell any of it yet?


You're not far off. From my recent reading, silver can be sold at spot to local coin shops, but retail pieces carry a premium over that number. With tax, the above lot cost me $31/oz. Without my roundabout method of cheap acquisition, that's roughly a 25% haircut right off the bat.


I didn't have the courage to buy in ;_;

Fundamentally, I still believe crypto is a bubble propped up by Tether fraud, and I didn't want to risk being the bag holder. Scared money doesn't make money, and I missed out.

However, the recent Bitcoin ETF's have created new institutional buyers, and this legitimate demand does have my attention. Bought the equivalent of 1/100 Bitcoin in IBIT. It went down. Then up. Then down and up again. We'll see how that plays out over the next few months.


1/3 BTC
1/3 iShares Core S&P 500 UCITS ETF
1/3 Invesco QQQ Shares

I'll probably switch to Vanguard's ETFs (profits are better distributed for the "good times"), but for now, DCAing 75% of my salary into these three is a decent long term saving strategy. I'm kinda a risk aversive person, who took a few courses back in the day, so I don't throw my money at TSLA and scream "Why it doesn't go up". There are a lot of opportunities to scalp the market, which requires time and practice fine-tuning bots against an army of AI fed giants.


> I imagine that the item loses at least 20% of the value the moment you buy it.

> From my recent reading, silver can be sold at spot to local coin shops,

Doing the math:

Spot price for silver is $25.3 per ounce. I can buy maple leaves at 27.67€ per ounce. $ is at 0.93€. That is roughly 14% spread (sales tax included.) That's short of 20%, but still pretty bad and you really have to believe in silver to enter this transaction.

Is it better with gold?
One ounce of Krügerrand retails at 2113.84€. The spot price is at $2257.56, translating to 2099€, which is a spread of about 1%.


>I'm kinda a risk aversive person
Same, so much so that I haven't touched QQQ.

Current portfolio is 70% Money Market Fund, although I'm thinking of moving some directly into T-Bills. The return is only slightly higher for my trouble (5.3% vs 4.9%), but the interest paid on T-Bills is also exempt from State income tax while Money Market dividends are not. Could add up to real savings next filing season.

Higher dollar buys bring the purchase price closer to spot. A one kilo(35.2 oz.) bar of silver is currently listed for $887.35, which is $25.19/oz. before taxes. Current spot is $25.87. In NY, I can actually avoid sales tax if my purchase is over $1000. Arbitrage opportunity intensifies.


Well, I'm trying to beat inflation + add a nice profit with few % on top of that, I don't really see a better option with my low income. The choice of these particular shares is bound to me using an official app of a local stock market with low fees and barely any variety, otherwise I'd have to risk sending moneys to IB or something.


Added options to my brokerage account. Looking at Married Puts. Think this suits my investing goals/risk tolerance. Make some money/Don't lose too much money. Comes with an upfront cost of the put contact, but limits losses to that initial hit while maintaining exposure to the upside. Premiums vary depending on the underlying stock, becoming prohibitive with longer expiration dates.

Example: DIS currently 113, with June in the money Puts @5.15. Would need to hit 118 in the next two months to break even. if it doesn't my loss is limited to 515.

Hm. Still risky.
Research continues.



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Made the move into T-Bills. Each of the past four weeks I purchased a 4-week bill. Interest rate is 5.3%. As one matures, I'll roll into another. I could have automated the process but entering a new order each Wednesday (auction is on Thursday) only takes five minutes. I don't like to automate financial dealings unless there is a significant advantage.


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>I don't like to automate financial dealings unless there is a significant advantage.
Turns out there is a significant advantage to automating my T-Bill purchases. The four-week bills auction on a Thursday and mature on a Tuesday. Four weeks and five days later. If I wait for one to mature before rolling into another, I will miss the prior Thursday's purchase window. To keep one four-week bill maturing each week, I actually need to purchase five. Both Treasury Direct and my brokerage offer an auto roll feature. With this, any maturing funds will be reinvested the same day into the next T-Bill. Somehow, they can administratively close that five-day gap.

Anyway, enjoy this reference for visual learnings. I must ponder if I want to hold five four-week T-Bills or allow the money men to magically move time. Both options agitate my autism.

 No.16550 KONTRA

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Got into and out of another stock. Less than 2 minutes. Made a little money. Check chart an hour later. Still going up. Could have made a LOT of money. Had a plan, though. The price movement I wanted. It happened. I sold. Got to be happy with that.

I can't get tulips to stop spreading in my yard. Next bull run I'm going to be rich.


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I've been actively trading with a portion of my brokerage account. Just did the math. Return over the last two months: 3%. S&P return over the same period: 4%.



Played a little with Nvidia calls and of course timed the top perfectly with them.
Sold for -50% and immediately got an automatic tax return for collected dividends this year, so whatever.

Short time gains are either insignificant when played safely or just pure casino with a big chance to loose it all, if you actually want to make life changing money.
Double the bullshit with those kind of "option warrants" available easily in Europe, such tools are banned in the US for a reason.
But it's a lesson I need to learn year after year again.

Regular investment is going great though.
At this pace it is more the lifespan of my cats limiting my exit into freedom to work solely for myself wherever I want.
Not gonna lie, the rabid inflation in Austria helped a lot, as wages kept up nicely while I spend very little money in Austria.
The "Austro-Euro" got stronger against the world, as dumb as it sounds and as unsustainable it is economically.


I will not increase my position in the MSCI world any further. Call me out on trying to market time, but there are too many very high valuations at the top of that index. PEs of 61.13 for TSLA, 67.9 for AVGO, 68.99 for NVDA? Great companies, but do we actually assume most of them will be able to at least quadruple their earnings in the foreseeable future? This sounds like bullshit, and I am not buying it.

> B-but PE ratios are highest during a market crash when earnings are lowest

Fair enough. During a crash, we can assume that it's temporary. Cyclical crises ends, earnings will recover. But this is different. It's a bet on a massive ai boom. Will this happen? Maybe. Has TSLA, for example, made good on their promises so far? In 2016, 8 years ago, Elon Musk declared fully autonomous operation to be available in 2017. It is 2024 now. Such a feature is not available.

Of course, people continued believing for the past seven years. But I will not bet on market irrationality lasting for as long as I plan to remain alive.


To stop completely sounds dumb, yeah.
Just put half of your savings rate into some short term cash savings and continue to buy ETF with the rest.
As for valuations, I'd say partially they'll grow into them and the rest just slowly rebalances into other sectors, but I don't see anything like the dotcom bubble, as the most prolific AI companies do have nice & growing streams of income.
Interest rates should/will fall as well over the next 1-2 years.
I see downside, but slighty more upside as well.

Just like that, I'm putting about 1/3 of my savings towards cash and increased mortgage repayment, while the rest still flows into ETFs.


> Just put half of your savings rate into some short term cash savings and continue to buy ETF with the rest.
> short term savings account
That sounds stupid.

> Interest rates should/will fall as well over the next 1-2 years

That is uncertain. Inflationary pressure is dependent on political developments that influence government spending on defense/renewable energy, availability and pricing of Russian fossil fuels on the world market. Expecting a low-interest-scenario, the logical choice would be bonds and dividend stock.

 No.18460 KONTRA

> It's a bet on a massive ai boom. Will this happen?

The AI bubble is currently in the process of killing itself:
we have used all.jpg the data we could use to train AI. It is badly labeled/categorized data. We are now reaching a point where a lot of the data available is actually already AI generated. this degrades the result (typical incest problem).
that is why everyone is desperately trying to get more and more somewhat useful data from every possible angle (smart tv, fridge, bank account ... to name a few).

don't get me wrong. the technique (was around ~1950 when it was invented) is going to further improve, but most of those investing/trying to get a slice of the pie will fail. Short term investment into nvidia to profit off of the dumbfucks getting baited by the AI-propaganda seems fine, though.

it should be obvious, that our current investment schemes/stock market are impossible to work in a functioning society. luckily, we don't live in one of those.

t. investment-pro neet


>That sounds stupid.
So where, when not ETF nor savings account, do you put your cash?
Money market funds? Single stock picking?

Interest rates will go down, just as the EU already started, now that the desired economic pain is slowly settling in.
Surely the US will keep a little more "meat" for bad times on theirs, but even JPow already made some hints that inflation rates of a little over 2% seem fine to him as well.
2026 projection sees them at around 3-3.5% for the Fed.

For russian crude, I suspect they continue to mysteriously export more than they enjoy themselves.
Also won't influence any US decisions, as they are oil exporters as well.


I stopped MSCI World a few weeks ago as well.
I split my money up into "defense" and healthcare ETFs, that seems to be kind of a safe bet.
An other ETF i put money in is the World Water Index.

I want to go for cars as well, the German car industry seems to be extremely undervalued.
I guess the future German government could do a lot for this industrie. I have a tiny bit of money on Volkswagen, Porsche and BMW now. Also Ford.
I might or might not increase the amount of stock owned over time.

A big junk of my money remains on real estate companies (which is going very well) and 3M which i managed to buy when it was at the lowest a bit over a year ago.


>So where, when not ETF nor savings account, do you put your cash?

P2P loan platforms. Mostly, I plan to go into agricultural loans, but that will only last me a few months until the amount of exposure will become unpleasant.

Maybe some stock picking. Last time I did it, I got lucky with Murata and Spartan & Nash. I might try to screen for mobile providers in underdeveloped markets. Maybe gold producers, since producer valuation has not kept pace with gold prices, but with gold producers, it is the boom-bust-cycle that makes things very risky.

> Interest rates will go down, just as the EU already started, now that the desired economic pain is slowly settling in.

Consumer inflation rates have merely plateaued. 3% is not "a little over two percent", it is 1.5 times 2%.
Stocks (even apart from ai-meme-stocks) are still high. To me, this indicates an ample money-supply. Cutting interest rates will easily have greater effect than desired.

> no
At least not to the extent that is priced in.

> that is why everyone is desperately trying to get more and more somewhat useful data from every possible angle

Other than that, they throw more computing power at it and built bigger models. Since the models already have a tendency to quote some of the input verbatim, I doubt that this will increase performance much.

We could go "Moore's law will fix it", but that would at best make things cheaper (meaning more competition, less likely nvidia-monopoly on ai-hardware), not better.


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US Treasury yields will soon drop. Money Men are almost certain to cut at the next Federal Reserve meeting. Markets are expecting a full point drop by 2025. Historically, moving into stocks immediately after an interest rate reduction has not been a good idea. I must prepare for the end of risk-free gains.


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> I went to college and graduated with a bachelor's degree in women's studies in 2007. My family paid for college, so I graduated debt-free.

>I became a lactation educator and then a lactation consultant.

> The pay was not great, but my family helped me financially by paying my rent.

>I inherited $75,000 from my grandma's will and $175,000 from her life-insurance policy. My sister and my two cousins all received the same amount of money.

> I received the $175,000 as a lump sum and the $75,000 in multiple payments over the following months.

> I hired a financial advisor who offered a yearlong program in which we would meet twice a month to develop a plan for the money I received.

> I ghosted her because of my limiting beliefs about money and spent my inheritance pretty quickly.

> I spent a good portion of my inheritance on Airbnbs, hotels, gas, and food. Some other items I purchased with my money were expensive health equipment for $5,000, a $2,000 silver diamond ring that I still own, and two fancy dinners in Santa Fe.

> The financial advisor helped me heal a lot of my money trauma and my money blocks — I've done a lot of healing work. I have also improved my financial literacy.

> I rent an apartment in San Antonio, and I'm still building up my salary. I haven't started investing or saving, but when I have the extra money, I want to invest in real-estate investment trusts.

> I'm passionate about my leadership work in the corporate world. I'm in a better place, and if I were to receive a large chunk of money again, I would have the capacity to hold it and use it wisely.

Shortened from

She went threw a quarter of a million in a few months, not because she's an idiot and a 40 y.o. woman child, but because she has money-trauma and needed healing. Of course.

How a on earth do you need 24 hour-long meetings with a financial advisor to privately invest a quarter of a million? It doesn't even make sense to go into private equity with that little money. You can put it into a few ETFs. Not more than you have fingers on one hand. In her case, because she lacks income, those would have been some cheap government bond etf or other, one or two dividend stock ETFs, all distributing, 2-3 reits at most, your welcome. How on earth is this advice worth $5,000 and how does it take a year of bi-monthly sessions to explain this to someone?

 No.19413 KONTRA

The trauma thingy is just a way to explain why she is/was financially illiterate. Basically she dont know how to handle money and there you have an explanation that is different to why is everybody idiot but me smart.
Anyway, the clickbait works just fine and people like you really blow up like a ballon, lol.


> The trauma thingy is just a way to explain why she is/was financially illiterate.
That is not what trauma means, you dumb asshole

> Anyway, the clickbait works just fine and people like you really blow up like a ballon, lol

So you smart and I'm everyone else an idiot?


Someone should break her legs so that she knows what "trauma" actually means.

 No.19419 KONTRA

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>That is not what trauma means, you dumb asshole

This is such a funny reply to that post.

 No.19422 KONTRA

That's not finances, that's gossip.

 No.19423 KONTRA

> She has trauma, this is why she can't cross-multiply and needs a financial advisor

Get a dictionary. And maybe figure out the difference between a financial advisor and a psychotherapist.

 No.19426 KONTRA

>does not understand what a discourse is and tells people to look in a dictionary on top of it

Your level of autism disqualifies you from understanding neurotypical life. No problem, pal. But being that angry about it should not be taken out on me.

I understand perfectly why makes sense she uses the trauma concept and it even springs from the text how it is used and how that fits into the recent use of trauma (that is the discourse aspect - the shifting of meaning among other things). Unlike you I simply don't care if that is useful or not, I deem other things more important and worth a thought, in case you want to accuse me of defending this clickbait as you like to do.

You are that kind of linguistic hobbyist who would be active in Verein zur Rettung deutscher Sprache because the youth now uses English words instead of Germans!


The real issue is where this trauma could come from. From personal experience, people that suffered extreme poverty become exceptionally frugal while those who lived through financial instability tend to spend their money more rapidly. Both two forms of "trauma", I suppose. In the particular case of this lady, it seems that the real trauma was her family conspiring to ensure she lived a happy life without any real issues or worries.


> pal
I am certainly not your pal. In what whorehouse do they breed your kind, you fucking bastard?

> I understand perfectly why makes sense she uses the trauma concept

It doesn't make any sense at all, since she has no (0) traumatizing experiences. The only trauma she has is being a 40 year old baby instead of being a grown-up.

> Unlike you I simply don't care if that is useful or not, I deem other things more important and worth a thought,

Oh yes, you are so above it all and so much better than everyone else, right?

>in case you want to accuse me of defending this clickbait as you like to do

If you do not defend it, why do you write essays about why I am wrong? Worth a thought, maybe, PAL.


Stop simping for stupid rich people.


How dumb are you? I never said it was "real" trauma, all I said is that this is very well aligned with how the trauma discourse has spread out. That is how it is explained and in that sense makes sense. Do I think that is good reasoning? Probably not. Do I care about this story? No. Do I despite idiots that get angry at clickbaity nu-modern bs? Yes.

My fucking god, who is the 40 year old child here? You or the financially incompetent lady? trick question - the answer is: both


>do I despite?
What is it you supposedly 'despite' and when has 'to despite' become a verb?

>look at how much I don't care

Fucking mongoloid retard.

 No.19515 KONTRA

>this is very well aligned with how the trauma discourse has spread out
Mass use of therapy and its consequences.

 No.19518 KONTRA

>Fucking mongoloid retard.

That is at least one level above being a person who gets seriously aroused about this story so that he has to share his findings with others. Guess I should be glad then.


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A new stadium is being constructed for the Buffalo Bills and for a limited time fans can get in on the action. By action, I mean the exciting world of Municipal bond auctions.

Buffalo Bills fans can buy bonds to finance the team’s new stadium



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Ernst bought Ubisoft stocks last week on wednesday.
Breddy good so far. Probably going to buy some more.


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Are you suggesting an investment is a bad one in the present because it used to be worth more in the past? Poor idiots who bought stocks after 1929, right?


Congratulations, you bet on a good report, you have been rewarded. You can now invest with more certainty at a ~15% higher price.

Compared to industry peers, valuation still seems to be good, however, the track record is more than shaky.


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Why do you expect that the trend will change and Ubisoft will start making money?

 No.20028 KONTRA

Not him, but maybe because they made money in 2023?


They had a few bad months. People won't stop buying a new Far Cry or Assassin's Creed game every year and they keep spending on micro transactions. The gaming market hasn't changed. So I assume that Ubisoft is doing good at some point in the future. Or they get bought out.

I bought Take-Two for the same reason when it went down a bit. As soon as the next GTA hits they're writing record numbers again.


lol then by embracer, you homo.

It is impossible to make any money in the stock market, all the isntitutional investors have way more information than you, and everything you know has long been priced in.

for pathetic retail investors like you, you are just gambling in a casino, and the bank will take all your money. but go on, bet your money on red or black or a number and lose it all, you fagot.

you are a maximum bluepilled cuck fucking homo idiot. you are so dumb, you believe every lie they tell you.


>invest in the stock market
>you will have it good

and you are dumb&naive to fall for it. once you find out how stupid you are (when you are old&poor and realize you are loser cause you haven't fucked any significant number of women) you will die from shame because you realize how pathetic you are.

what a a bluepilled cuck.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


Just a hint: If you write like a 14 year old incel, people don't read your posts. I stopped after the first sentence and I guess I did not miss anything worthwhile.

 No.20067 KONTRA

>still replying to him
You're should be banned along with him.


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I received an email from Coinbase asking me to verify my personal information. Nothing unusual, just KYC regulations. I had forgotten that I even had this account. Just logged in. Seems I own some ALGO.
I think I bought this stuff when it was close to a dollar.


> They had a few bad months.
Why did it happen, in your opinion?


Now with the Don bringing some market volatility back, I put some funny money into Marathon and Rocket Lab.

Obviously, I timed MARA perfectly the day before they did their 700m share offer, which brought me down 15% in an instant, but they already recovered strongly with the continued gains of the BTC, of which they now hold 700m Dollar worth more. Same infinite money glitch as MSTR tries to play PENIS :3
It's more of a short term specualative position to take some gains from crypto.

RKLB on the other hand was being eye fucked by me for a year or 2 now, seeing them walk the corridor between 5 and 10 Dollars.
I see big long term potential here, with Space X obviously being the biggest player, yet sadly not openly traded due to no lack of willing venture capital.
But as government institutions and wise companies won't be putting all their seeds into one basket or rather all their sats into one rocket, there should be mighty fine business for other private space transportation companies.
Space is the market of the future and technological moats are immense.
We (I) intend to hold this long term and should it dip back down to ye olde price, buy some more.


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Every day I would think It can't just keep going up and didn't buy in. Every day I was wrong.

>seeing them walk the corridor between 5 and 10 Dollars

RKLB had virtually no price movement for the longest time, and as soon as I turned away it jumped. There is still money to be made, but I can't help but feel I missed the boat. I'll revisit this post when the stock hits $40 and kick myself again.


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Saylor manages to scam the market with his obscure company for nearly 3 decades now, quite a feat in itself to be fair.
Settled his scam allegations for a lousy 10 millions back in 2000 and still manages to rake in a 3 billion share offer now, it's crazy.
Hardly anybody within the cryptosphere even knows what their actual product is, aside from being a BTC fund.
It's some shitty accounting software similar to ze German SAP IIRC.
Also Citron a shit, same scammer, different side of the medal.

And yes, it also boggles me that I could have bought RKLB for 5 bucks when it was just some research, intuition and willingness to take risk.
This position would already be free after selling the initial investment.
PLTR did the same run recently with the news about them being added to the SP500 or N100 after being mostly flat since the initial hype.
I really hope Trump pushes his US Space Force agenda again, the private space sector is going to secure energy and resources of the future.
Also geopolitically, as I for one, would welcome a US world government.


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Ice, AIS Ernsti!
Rocket Lab had another successful launch and was up 15% in premarket at times, now there seems to be some selling pressure at 25$/+8%.

MARA also seemingly being one of the better pick to play crypto, their "premium" on the BTC price is about 150%, with Microstrategy its at about 250-300%.

 No.20799 KONTRA

Additional info: one more lift in 2024 and RKLB will be without failure all year long!


RKLB was pumping again this morning. It goes against my nervous nature to buy and hold, but I couldn't resist jumping in and out for some quick profit. Not much, but free money is free money.


Nice scalping!
Sadly there isn't a good broker here without trading fees that also does the taxes for me, so I'm more of an mid- to long term investor.

But the more I read about the CEO of RKLB, the more I want to be a really long time hodler.
Self-taught blue collar worker that basically put rockets on everything as a hobby during his life, culminating in buying a cruise missile engine from the US.
That man has set himself a mission and goes for it, something I can dearly shika..noko.. NOKONOKO! understand.

 No.20844 KONTRA

Out of MARA and into Kodak, made some nice Euros on my playmoney pile.

Holding on to RKLB.


On my taxes, I'll have to fill out a form (Schedule D) reporting the proceeds from each stock sale. My broker also reports that info to the IRS. I then subtract the average price paid for that stock and pay taxes on any gains. It's not a complicated process, but it is tedious. For that reason, I keep a running spreadsheet with the information I'll need so that I won't have to reconstruct everything next year from broker statements. I'll also owe taxes on my money market account, as they pay monthly dividends. That is a single line entry IIRC. Just the total. My Treasury Bills will be a little trickier, as I will owe Federal taxes on the interest, but not State taxes.

Anyway, it probably helps that I have a background in accounting. My mother was also an accountant. Not a CPA, but she used to do taxes for friends and family. The government forms start off as unintelligible gibberish, but when you read enough of them it starts to make sense.

Wow, it's been moving. How did this pop onto your radar? Despite the fact their corporate headquarters is only 90 miles away, they are so low key I forgot they even existed.


Scouring the net for DD and then judging if it's bullshit or actually something of substance.
In this case it's from r/valueinvesting.

They're opening a pharmaceutical precurser plant in Rochester, NY in a few weeks.
Remember their squeeze from 2 to 70$ back when Trump did daily covid pressers and randomly namedropped stock tickers with wild claims? I watched that one live back then, as I couldn't stand those pressers in Austria with our personal fools.
Turns out they never got the grants for that, but built that plant anyway.
And recently they liquidated some pension funds that heavily outperformed expectations, giving them a windfall of about a billion Dollars while still paying existing annuities.
AFAIK for now they intend to pay down half their debt and will still be sitting on a nice pillow of money.

But given the strength of BTC yesterday, I kinda feel sad to have already dropped MARA for a seemingly more risky play. Then again I have no idea or intuition about future BTC price development, for that I'm glad to be out again. Yet now I'm without hedge for crazy upwards price movement of cryptos for now, it's all very schizophrenic.

 No.20865 KONTRA

Oh and could you please drive over there and tell Jim Continenza ha.. hahaha to not fuck that one up?
Tell him there's hundreds of Dollars on the line for me!
And that he should invite Trump for the grand opening.

 No.20882 KONTRA

i did't hear no bell.gif (102.82 KB, 220x164)

Sent a mail to that Kodak Business Park that imo as a shareholder, they should invite Trump to the grand opening of that pharmaceutical plant.

 No.20955 KONTRA

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Panicjumped out of RKLB today at open, saved me a few more points of loss, but I was up nicely nontheless and ain't nobody ever got broke taking profits.
Even if it was just 200 bucks for the play pile.
I really wish I could muster more mental strength to hold such stocks through the bad times as well...

Got into some puts on Walgreens, maybe they'll get kicked out of the SP500 this month or cut their dividend or just continue delivering bad numbers.

Slight loss on Kodak so far.
Tried a little more to get Trump and that Eastman Business park to kith.
But I guess at the very latest their monetary windfall should be visible at their next earnings, so not very scared.
A shower thought hit me, that this windfall probably still stems from that ultra-squeeze back in 2020, they literally heavily outperformed even the N100 for 4 years, surely they held some options on their own stock as trivial security.

MARA is also getting interesting again, today those madlad market pushers offered ANOTHER 700m zero interest notes to buy more BTC with.
Maybe with a little additional BTC pullback tomorrow they'll get very buyable.

 No.20997 KONTRA

Fugg, I can't do that.
That constant urge to check positions bundled with those highly speculative plays.
Meanwhile a lot more money just easily does it's thing in the index fund without me breaking a sweat, whether up nor down.
Out of Kodak, put the money into RKLB and HERE IT WILL STAY, still believe in that company.
Keeping the Walgreens puts until end of week or month, but eager to exit them as well and go more into RKLB and forget about that position.
Deleted the watchlist I build again as well.

This is a message to future Ernst from current/past Ernst.
You try it every year and whether you loose or gain a little, remember: it's not worth it. You are not a trader.
Read this once more and understand.

SP500 and chill your base dude.
Literally no work, that's what we're aiming for here you idiot.
See you in a year when the urge hits you again, thank dog it's a slow board.


I have become lowkey addicted to buying stocks that will lose me money because of the trade wars.


All corner drug stores are dying off, killed by Walmart and Amazon.

>Trump and that Eastman Business park to kith.

Upstate NY is his base, and- while still a Democratic State- the numbers have moved and we're close to becoming a legitimate swing state. If Trump were in office a visit would be on the table, but right now he's still handling the transition from Biden.

>Meanwhile a lot more money just easily does it's thing in the index fund without me breaking a sweat, whether up nor down.
My cash is in a money market fund which I draw from to do some active trading. Seeing my annual return vs. the S&P 500 over the last year is depressing. But I don't have the stomach to always wonder what my money is doing and have to accept that. Even when I'm certain a company or index will thrive long-term, the daily swings weigh on my mind. So, I sit idle, earning a guaranteed 4.25% and jump on short term price movement when I can. This November was actually my best month, up ~3%. The S&P is up 5%.


You made money, and green is green.
Widespread profit taking was inevitable after this recent rise. As the most visible competitor to Space X, they'll bounce back. If I'm lucky, I'll catch a piece of the upswing.

How big was your watchlist? I have several and keep tabs on ~75 tickers in all. Everything from quantum computers to gold and Bitcoin etfs. Most are ignored on any given day, with ~25 drawing the majority of my attention.

I'm addicted to watching stocks after I sell.


i make my own game.jpg (45.74 KB, 620x422)

The I repeat it early once for you as well.
Choose a nice index fund , set up a saving plan and dümp moni in eet.
Comes with the added benefit of not driving you crazy and more free time to do productive things as if, which is worth a lot.

Yesterday another -2% on WBA, really hope the news of SP500 exclusion drops this Friday.
A last gamble to go out in style... or maybe...?
Kodak meanwhile lost all traction and I'm too much of a pussy that it drops all the way back down to 2-3$ again.
RKLB I'm still a believer.
Really trying to build a clean, simple position from here for the first time, no erratic trading.
If it rises, good. If it drops back to 10$, I dump another grand into it.
R8 big brain strategy.

All in all I played around with about 1200 Euros and made a profit of about 100 Euros within less then a month.
Annualized that's ~100% return, which to be honest, would be impossible to keep up over a longer time frame to actually earn an amount of money with that changes anything. Buffet beats the SP500 by 2-3% and he's one of the best.
It did cost me a lot of time looking shit up and more time watching my watchlist tick up and down.
But maybe I learned a little more, about markets and myself, which is always a good thing.

My recent watchlist was just some crypto miners, experimental aerospace and a few quantums as well, as those had volatility as of now, maybe 20 positions. Now it's just RKLB and Wallgreens.

What are your trades? Did you get into RKLB?
Was torn on quantums, the stocks did move nicely, but in the end they're just small fries against the R&D departments of Google and them big bois.

All I want is the financial stability to work on my own game in peace.
In Southeast Asia. With Blackjack and hookers.


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>What are your trades?
This week I moved in and out of SMCI, SNTI, and RKLB. Last week: SNOW, NVDA, LLY and MSTR. Nvidia was my only loser. It was making a run in the final hour of trading before their earnings were released. I expected it to continue, but when it switched directions, I cut it fast. Good call, as their earnings disappointed. Senti Biosciences was my best move. They had two pieces of good news on Monday: A medical study produced positive results, and they secured additional financing. I sold out of that one too early and missed major gains.

>All I want is the financial stability to work on my own game in peace.

Same. For now, I view trading as a small side job. I put in some time and make a little money. Easy enough in a bull run, when we're all geniuses.


Haha, just recently had to hold back a coworker on that one, after he got his first broker, a thousand bucks and blew some of it already on Bayer and Intel.
I hope you could do some flipping on that one, but last I heard they probed themselves and deemed everything a okay while still booting their chief account and CFO.
Nothing to hold for too long I guess.

NVidia also seems to have lost a lot of steam recently, but they rose incredibly over all of that AI craze already. Not that easy to move a stock with that large of a market cap, despite being "cheap" compared to AMD right now.

>Easy enough in a bull run, when we're all geniuses.

Yeah, I remember it all too well from last time during covid.
Bet on anything with the highest leverage possible and you could still make money, not that I had the balls to do that back then, just slightly.
Glad to be a little gay bear right now with my Walgreens puts, either they drop on their numbers or the whole market may drop, I don't care.
Gonna miss the high number on my ETF though, when we finally correct a little.

I do note a lot of premarket action on Walgreens though, which seems to imply that a lot of European buyers rush straight into that value trap, just looking at the dividend yield as per usual... Our ATX also offers generous dividends, zero growth on them or valuations, but still enough of an argument to hear it everywhere from our dork retail investors.


I got out with a small profit on SMCI. It continues to swing wildly in the wake of the on again/off again Nasdaq delisting saga. While there is money to be made in this short-term uncertainty, as an investment how can anyone trust a company which fails to produce timely reports? Accounting scandal means run.


2 weeks away from the next quadruple witching.
Are you playing it?
Do you expect the mega crash? Or maybe a mega bull run?
Could be risky for my WBA puts, their already so low, yet with some meat left and earnings are in early January.

 No.21105 KONTRA

Out of WBA, they excluded 2 other companies from the SP500, one even being profitable for Dogs sake smh tbhfam.
A total of 20 bucks was made, now the swing of Friday already working against me.

Poured it into some long lasting GOOGL calls.


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>Are you playing it?
I'll be at work that day ;_;
After consulting my usual sources:


I am confident calls are the way to go.


Good call dumping your puts while they were still green. That stock is pumping.

Jumped into- and out of- RKLB for some quick gains this morning. That one has been good to me.


That's one way to play.
Seeing WBA pumping after everything else sells off at US open really got me glad to be out yeah, not liking that drop on RKLB tho.

The news about some quantum tech breakthrough for Google came at the right momnent, was a little scared about my 30x leveraged call warrants.
Let's hope with Trump all those monopoly probes get off the table.
Those Mag7 are too important for the US and selling off Chrome alone would most likely have the ant colony around Tencent sucking it up at any cost.


Crypto and electric cars and e home product shits make it so the glow niggers can turn off your cabinet shower car and wallet in two seconds

Combustion engines and paper money or metal coins can be used even by crimminals or usurpers


Good idea for a thread. Would have enjoyed more diversity of thought.


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Wew at that 17% which WBA gained yesterday, thank Lichtbringer I was already out.

Sitting on a nice +50% for my Google calls though, feeling all warm and fuzzy.
But lets not care about small fry, win big or go bust!
Still holding.

RKLB is back to about +-0%,not terrible, not great, given the overall correction this sector is doing lately.
A new launch is scheduled for 18th of December, hopefully another success to finish this year with a perfect game.

 No.21189 KONTRA

Pulled 60% of my GOOG calls, rest rides highly leveraged for free until December of next year.
Back to the drafting board for the next play :3

 No.21252 KONTRA

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Put Rivian and Robinhood on my watchlist yesterday morning to look into them further and of course, both had a +4% day.
Must. Not. FOMO. into. them.

On the other hand, AMD could be an interesting, yet longer dating play.
Once the Xilinx acquisition falls off their balance sheet, their PE ratio should rapidly improve, which then could finally let them get on the move again.
But then AMD is a bitch to hodl at times, even if Mommy Su always delivers sooner or later, most often when nobody is looking.
Probably keeping that for a later date, a month before their earnings on Feb 4th or so.

HOOD is already earning actual money, back at a bit above IPO price and continuing to grow.
Even rumors about them expanding into sports betting float around
>You are out of liquidity for this bet. Select shares from your 401k account to sell, to add extra purchasing power to your betting account.
I do like the sound of such.
Let's see if we find a nice entry for the last grand of my play pile.

 No.21262 KONTRA

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Snagged me 20 HOOD shares.
Rocket Lab doing so so.
Google being a good girl next Thursday hopefully.

Now it hands off the steering wheel, Kali is driving this vehicle.


Robinhood? The penny stocks bullshit?

Are penny stocks worth it or is it video games for adults just small cash to earn?


The trading / brokerage app which coined the term "diamond hands" because at times the ability to sell or buy stock mysteriously vanishes...
But luckily, despite the initial GME crowd getting fucked over doubly due to this, those 3 years are so far in the past, everyone is praising and using RH again while the ape cultists are just creeps lurking the shadows of the trading floor.
Good financials, good growth, may be a keeper as if.

Also hands off pennystocks, not worth it.
Dabbled a little with them years ago, but there's 95% pump'n dumps and hardly any signs to find the legit 5% that could make you a hellavulot of money.
And sitting them out is about as good of an idea as with options, there's always another 99% it can drop.
See the ATOS idiots as of late, that got fucked over by France. France of all instances, imagine!

Good Friday, RKLB did a surprising 7%, HOOD just a little and GOOG is back into grey mouse mode after fucking around in a slutty outfit, but that bitch is free for me, so whatever.
Hope Sundar brings baby oil next Thursday when he has his personal appointment in Mar-a Lago to visit the Golden One.
The Zucksuck brought 1 million bucks for some inauguration stuff and META does mighty fine.


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I was in MDB post-earnings but got out on the first dip before the market completely died. They beat expectations and raised guidance but were still punished. My biggest mistake was not shorting this after selling. The direction was clear- straight down- but I hesitated because their earnings were solid. Have to remember stocks move on sentiment, not financials. The loss wiped out my RKLB gains. CADL popped on Wednesday. A medical study produced positive results. It wasn't on my radar, but a pump is a pump. That put my week solidly back in the green.

With the recent UFO hysteria, I'll be watching drone stocks this week.

My biggest single loss was on a penny stock. While there is money to be made, the risk of a rug pull is on par with crypto. Pumpers hoping retail buyers FOMO and buy their bags. Not worth it with so many better opportunities.


Everything going nicely so far.
GOOG touched 200, probably going further soon.
HOOD also running.
RKLB got me in the first half, but then engaged its engines anyway.
Will be a great Xmas holiday for sure!

Yet there's more and more signs, that a correction is looming somewhere in the shadows, can't always go up like that.
Maybe selling my speculative positions before Xmas, forfeit the AMD play for now and see what happens to have put cash on hand.
PLTR is forming a nice double top and has plenty of meat after the 23.12.24 Nasdaq inclusion to fall of that hill, maybe that's the play to be on the right side.
MSTR *spits* is now in Nasdaq as well.

Hope you were holding some Redcat Aviation, brother :3
Sadly all those fun drone & electric aviation stonks are Nasdaq exclusive for my brokerage, which comes with a hefty 20$ trading fee in every direction.

Also: wouldn't be surprised if those drone sightings are some kind of field visibility study of the Chair Force, they recently received their first fliers (Archer Midnight and an autonomous Chessna) for that AFWERX Prime program.


I was an idiot and decided to hold through their earnings call. Ouch. Missed expectations and it wasn't close. Took an L on that one.
I'm considering a longer play on ACHR. $8 April Calls break even at ~9.50. I think their ties to the Trump administration will pay off, but haven't pulled the trigger because of that inverstor meeting where they plan to dilute their outstanding shares. Decisions...


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Oh well, part of the game.
Panic exited everything today while it was still up a little, nice profitsss on Google tho.
Then lost a 100 bucks on quick PLTR puts, would have been up a little but then the market recovered.
Everything's sketchy as fuck right now.

Tomorrow the interest rate decision, with the outlook to pause them for now.
Yield curve de-inverted.
Extreme valuations across the board.
Nasdaq rebalance on Monday, I'll be ready for a bigger drop.


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Losses are the cost of doing business. Nothing to do but move on to the next. Booked a nice profit in NUKK today. Got out in the pre-market before it tanked.

>Everything's sketchy as fuck right now.

One day later...

Nearly jumped into ACHR this morning, but held off because I didn't like the way it crashed into Wednesday's close. I like to see some support before I reach for a falling knife. Those April Calls just got cheaper.



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I've made my trades.
All of my playpile deployed in PLTR puts, no quite the top from Friday before close, but around the 2% range.
Let's see if they keep their 360 PE (150 forward PE) without big ETFs buying, just look at that spike in volume last week.

And if it fails, I sacrifice a good chunk of my play money by selling at a loss after 1.1.25 and get a fat tax deduction :3
At times you need to take risk, as the downside is much more limited then the upside.


The one in orange who almost made it.

>At times you need to take risk, as the downside is much more limited then the upside.
Agreed. RCAT didn't play out for me last week and I lost x. As I look back on my decision-making process, I can't fault the move. If it had played out, I would have made 3x. Worth the gamble.


I usually don't start to run at all and then I'm mad because i could've made a lot of money like the first guy.


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PLTR -4% today... finally going back towards breakeven price for my damn puts.
Still a month for expiry tho, so at least 2 weeks until theta decay becomes really painful.
Strike price is at 62$, but them being "option warrants" and not real options, there isn't really much to gain by holding to expiry other then decay, it's just the full... 50x leverage applies when it gets under it.

That fucking urge to bet against trends, a pitfall one falls just to easily into when trying to apply to much immediate logic to the market.
Just value will be evaluated, but quick enough for Ernst?


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I have compiled a comprehensive spreadsheet of every stock trade made in 2024. Results: 93 trades for a loss of $25.74. Many good buys offset by a handful of poor ones. Strange that is ends so close to even.
My big winner was my most consistent investment: T-Bills and Money Market dividends. Not much when set beside S&P gains, but 5% is 5%.
On to next year.
When that 5% will be 4%. Thanks, Powell.


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1582 trades here. Get on my level.
the trades count savings plans in which stocks are bought on a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly basis automatically for whatever amount i set

Also, i have a minus of 56,82€ in my current portfolio but overall i come out with a plus of around 1000€. It's tax free up to a 1000€ so i tried to stay below that.


Donald Trump will restrict international trate. If you think there's any value in the classics (Smith, Ricardo), you must conclude that this will harm the world economy. Worldwide economic turbulence is to be expected. Fasten your seatbelts.

 No.21608 KONTRA

Free trade is good when you have economic/manufacturing supremacy. Free trade is bad when your rivals have manufacturing/economic supremacy.

 No.21609 KONTRA

Unless you come up with an absolute number in the next 17 minutes, that was your dumbest post in 2024.

>Free trade is good when you have economic/manufacturing supremacy. Free trade is bad when your rivals have manufacturing/economic supremacy.

This is how very simple-minded people think about comparative advantages. Arm-chair mercantilism of someone who (hopefully) spent less than 10 minutes on the absolute basics of classical theory.


Trump's administration understands that USA is inevitably losing world hegemony and wants to go through it gracefully like it was with British Empire.
Better to relocate manufacturing from Asian countries on your terms than wait until they fall under Chinese sphere of influence and will use your technological dependency to intimidate you.

 No.21611 KONTRA

Fact checked by real Victoria II enthusiasts - Real ✅

 No.21614 KONTRA

My source is Larry Gonick's Cartoon History of the World 2bh.


I would have said that my best performing assets are my ETF savings plan and real estate...
Now for the love of Kali please drop further and don't give me a double finger up my bum for not selling at +-0 when I had the chance.

In other news, after all that figurative bumming by the market, I was literally bummed yesterday too.


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In the last month, SPY has quietly dropped over 3%. This marks a rare period where I- down a mere 1%- have outperformed the index. Not the way I wanted to win, but I'll take it.


Purchased my first option. Wanted to test my broker's buy/sell interface. The S&P was up, and so I picked a far out of the money SPY PUT to minimize my investment and risk. Then SPY started to decline. Sold that PUT as soon as it went green. SPY continued to crash, and the PUT got a lot greener- for someone else. Whatever. Options test complete and I managed to make a few bucks on a red day.


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Theta is fucking me sideways due to the put expiring end of month already.
Still 25% down as of now in premarket, but PLTR seems to continue dropping, even when the N100 is green, which is promising.
The good part is, it is recovering equally as fast as it dropped before and ever so quicker the nearer it gets to the 62$ strike price.
Come on, gimmme dat red line!


This Ernst just throws everything into FTSE All-World. Can't really go wrong with that.

 No.21768 KONTRA

> Thinking buying some imaginary bullshit like stocks that does not even exist on paper, just as states in electronic circuits, will make them rich
The Jews got inside your brains. The only ones who get rich are the Jews who sell this bullshit to gullible little goys like you.
Post collapse, it will all be worth 0.All financial indeces will be 0.
Buy land (timber and farmland) or gold or guns and ammunition or tools. Acquire valuable skills.

Of course, somebody who does not know such obvious facts will not be able to survive in post-collapse society, either way.
So all the 'men' posting in here will only need 1 gun with 1 bullet. But even if they had it, they'd be too gay to use it.
Instead, you will turn into beggars we will have to drive from our doorsteps with guns, just so you go somewhere else to starve to death.

 No.21773 KONTRA

They should buy dice and playing cards so that they still could gamble after the collapse.

 No.21785 KONTRA

"Muh guns muh land" is a huge cope.
After 1917's collapse urbanites dominated over villagers and forced them to give away bread almost for free.
Army of proles was more organized and better equipped than villagers rebelling against them.
So you should invest in your social capital if you expect bad times.

 No.21800 KONTRA

>Buy land (timber and farmland)

Post collapse the jews will take your land and rape you.

>Acquire valuable skills.

Like trade?


Sold my PLTR puts today!
One month of holding a highly leveraged position worth 2,5k and I made a grand total of... 2,8k Euros.
Mistakes were made, but things were learned as well.

First thing first, for some reason I believed my puts would run until end of month, but just now I saw that they would actually run due at the end of this week, despite me adding the correct note to that position in my brokerage.
Idiocy number one. Know your tool, fool!

Then the whole ETF inclusion play on a highly overvalued stonk, good in theory, but executed way to early.
I should have waited the whole inclusion week out before buying in, the week afterwards would have been the perfect moment to buy some pootz.
Not quite an idiocy, but inexperience. Valuable lesson though!

Then, once more, don't let yourself get lured by too much of a leverage.
Take the expiration date you aim for and slap a month for safety onto it.
Would have been in the money last week already while still having time for further drops, even if that thing would expire end of month as I wrongfully believed.
That's an idiocy for sure, driven by greed for high multipliers... 25-30x leverage is enough, doesn't need to be 50-60x.

Anyway, glad that I still made my money back and can continue some gambling until I finally hit my 2025 tax credit loss.
But damn, those measly 300 bucks were exchanged for heart blood and soul sweat.
If I would have bought the same puts right after inclusion week, I surely could have made 10 grand without breaking much sweat, seeing how far they were down at times.
No more plays for now, only holiday.


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The future of warehouse automation. Unfortunately this company, Slip Robotics, is privately held. I ran down a list of names in the field and most are included in ROBO. That's a small ETF with low volume and barely 1 billion in assets. It has also traded flat for the past year. Either the tech is not profitable, or the market has yet to see its potential. Hmmm...

>No more plays for now, only holiday.
The markets have been sideways for large caps and down for speculative plays. A tough month which has me sidelined as well. Money Market and chill.

>invest in your social capital if you expect bad times.
PUTS on my social game are guaranteed to print money. I don't expect civilization to collapse, but anticipate a market correction and likely recession. But I have expected this a year now, so what do I know?


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Rockwell Automation recently acquired Clearpath, they are trying to push into the European market. But at the moment, they can't even sell their PLCs in Europe.


While the tech is incredibly efficient, it seems people are still cheaper than robots. Yeah, I actually recall writing something similar in another thread some time back. Well...no get-rich-quick investment, but on the other hand job security.


In many scenarios, an AMR can not do much more than an AGV.

Unit cost for a small to mid sized machine is about $40.000. They will need charging stations. Specialized handling equipment is often necessary. A complete implementation will almost certainly have six-figure cost per unit. Return on invest depends on the concrete scenario.


I see the upcoming robotics trend is here already too :3
So far only SERF on my watchlist, as I haven't looked into all that too much, some look like pretty small caps for the risk of pump and dumps tho.

Maybe I slowly nudge into PLTR puts again, once the good CPI data are fully digested and there's more fat on it again.
I see them at 40 at some time in the future.


Bought some Nasdaq puts.
Seems like a volatile week, let's crash this filth.
And we'll build back better with my proceedings and that juicy, substantial yearly bonus that caught me completely off guard.


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Godspeed, Ernst. China just built the world's best AI with glue and popsicle sticks. The most obvious bubble since .com may be bursting with no survivors. Or the Chinese model may be a man in a box CTRL V'ing ChatGPT. Either way, earnings season has arrived, and our tech CEOs have some explaining to do.


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Should have sold in yesterdays premarket while it dipped to -5%... Instead with a loss this morning.
Would have been about +50% within an hour.

Pivoted myself into longer lasting NVDA calls.
The bounce back looks fine so far.
Prolly should finally stop the gambling while still up from that Google play some time ago, haven't made anything substantial since.


This is only loosely finance related, but what advice could Ernst give career-wise? I'm in my second year of college (technically) and still have no idea what I want to do for work.


If you have no passion and simply want a paycheck, become a financial analyst. Banks throw piles of money at my brother for querying databases and reconciling variances. He hates the job, but it pays.

What was the expiration date of your Nasdaq PUTS?


End of March I think.

Seems as the bounce back of NVDA might take some more time as well.
I should prolly just stop gambling again and throw it all in my ETF...


>I should prolly just stop gambling again
Nothing wrong with stepping back, especially when eating a loss hurts more than missing a run. Funny thing: for a brief period last year I was losing on every trade and decided to change my perspective. I wouldn't trade at all and viewed the money I probably would have lost as a gain- since I still had it.

Despite my bearish nature, even I know ETF and chill is a guaranteed winner in the long run. I'd do it, but I like to go to sleep at night knowing exactly how much money I'll wake up to. It's a character flaw.


>NVDA +6%
Forget what I said, go Nvidia!
Daddy needs some more Thai femboys!

Sounds like you are just to risk averse.
It's a very common trope around German speaking cunts, especially when it's about the stock market.
Do you park your money in bonds? They still seem to give rather nice returns, now with Powell all hawkish and naughty.


>Do you park your money in bonds?
Idle cash is swept into a money market fund by my broker. When I buy and sell the cash is automatically withdrawn, settles in 1 day, and then goes right back to work earning me a risk-free 4%.


Tfw we have lived to see a trillion dollar corporation swing like a penny stock.


Thought about putting some cash into bonds or such while interest is still high as well to be fair, I just have no clue how they work.
I know that bond ETFs are garbage, as they continously rotate their bond holdings, so they loose value or whatever during a dovish environment... I guess?
I'd like to buy some US 10yr bond just via my broker and hold them until maturity, if that would be possible.

Anyway, ASML smashed their earnings and reported a fat order book. Already 10% up again. Nvidias ER next month will hopefully be sames.
Already ~300 Euros/15% up on me calls :3


Sold with a loss against.
No more gambling, all into the holy SP500 ETF and chill.
Welcome to the bear market.


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I made seven stock trades in February. 6 green. 1 red. Combined with money market dividends, current yield 4%, my monthly return was +0.50%.
Not great, but I'll take it.


With today I am 2/3rds into cash, feels strange shifting such amounts of cash around and if you would have told me that I would no longer have absolute trust in the US a year ago, I would have burst into loud laughter.
🥭 man just can't be trusted, even readjusted my savings plan to half/half SP500 and EU STOXX 50 and a 20% increase in funds deployed monthly.
More is going into downpayment of my mortgage, as those are profits ain't nobody can take away from me anymore, also increasing my regular cash savings account.
The surprisingly fat bonus for last year surely comes at the right time.

Orange man and his babby faced, chubby sidekick ain't gonna destroy my dreams of living of capital abroad in wonderland.
When will Biden storm the White House and gun them down with akimbo M16??
Wake up Biden!


Be careful, that's a poor man's thinking. Rich man sees new opportunities in the changing world instead of whining about them.


I want to invest a lot, but stocks and etf are too high, so I cant buy anything. I am mad


Buy penny stocks. Easy.

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