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/int/ - Calisthenicianistas

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 No.18242 [Last 50 Posts]

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Worst thread in EC II


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Imagine if second assassination attempt is successful. And then Biden gets elected but dies during his term from natural causes.
That would be epic


 No.18305 KONTRA

> Language constantly evolves and we look forward to the day when offices move past D&I and the letters drop off altogether. For now, we’ve kept D&I as a nod to our history and because of most people’s familiarity with it as a concept. By shifting it to the back of the acronym, we hope to signify that its utility is shifting as well.
actually agree with their reasoning.


Couple of months ago I talked with my family and grandma said that Joseph Biden is senile. Grandpa replied that it's Kremlin's propaganda - they cherry-pic his tongue slips and so on and then show it on TV.

And now Biden is officially over. How good are Kamala's chances against Trump?

 No.18451 KONTRA

Afaik nobody really likes Harris, even on the left because of her police background.


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Better than Biden. His decline was going to cost Democrats the White House and possibly Congress. Hard for Independant fence-sitters to vote for someone who may not survive the term. Now, I expect Harris to win. Doesn't matter if people like her or not, she'll pick up the Not Trump voters. That was enough for Biden in 2020 when Trump had the incumbency advantage. Now he's fighting uphill against a younger opponent.


Harris is a rambling idiot trying to pretend she's deep. She's also mystery-meat and not really an American, but Jamaican. US voters will not stand for it!


President Trump will win. Kamala Harris is Indian/Jamaican. She will continue to give free handouts to foreigners and immigrants. President Trump will make the foreigners pay and stop immigration. He will put America first!

The attempt on Trump's live, which was caused by the vile campaigns of the liberal press and liberal courts, failed. It failed because President Trump has the grace of God!

 No.18463 KONTRA

> has the grace of God!
Oh, Hund!
Are we witnessing the rise of another Gottesstaat like ISIS?

 No.18464 KONTRA

> that is something different
it's literally the same god and no subgroup was mentioned.


>one nation under god
President Trump wants America white, and Christian. President Trump wants conservative family values. President Trump is gods chosen candidate, it is a fact!

That is blasphemy.

 No.18473 KONTRA

With JD Vance as VP, we will have AI singularity soon and all the white christian workers will be replace by superior AI robots. You live so far in the past I can surprise you with a dial-operated telephone, lol.


As a left-wing intellectual, what do you hate more -- white people or AI?

 No.18475 KONTRA

I hate neither.


You can not replace workers with ai, only people in bullshit-jobs.

 No.18479 KONTRA

>You can not replace workers with ai,
True, they can already be replaced by common robots


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Robots cost more than laborers. Dave will be just fine. As for everyone else...

 No.18491 KONTRA

did amürica actually fall so low already?

i thought that statement would only be applicable to those so called "3rd world" countries.


Manual labor requires a combination of complex physical motions. Robots can't match Dave's ability to start digging with a spade, fill a few wheelbarrows and haul the dirt away, then switch to smaller hand tools as he approaches whatever underground pipes need attention. Not bad for a mere 25k per year. And if Dave breaks, he's poor enough the government will have to fix him with Medicaid Money saving his employer untold thousands when compared to robot upkeep.


>As for everyone else...
I don't think management will ever be replaced by ai. Most of them could already be replaced by air, but it hasn't happened.


I've been wondering, was the trump assassination attempt the lamest attempt ever? The whole story (some neck beard tried to shoot trump but got shot instead) is told in one sentence and was already known on the day it happened.
If I wasn't bored by the lack of news or entertainment on tv and the internet I would've already forgotten about it. Imagine getting shot for that.


It was so lame, that even the chef of had to look the name of them up, because they have like 1283708t971263087asd123 different agencies secret service resigned, because they ignored/dismissed five (5!!) independent reports of that guy.

 No.18535 KONTRA

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oh,.. and:
the result of the attempt is insignificant, because either or wouldn't change anything. just look how their "governing organ" reacts if the true ruler visits. >>18505
It feels lame, because it really didn't matter at all.

Bernie wasn't attending. Guess why he never was able to run for president!

 No.18539 KONTRA

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> even the chef had to resign


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> they ignored/dismissed five (5!!) independent reports of that guy.
Only boomers on pension support Trump. Serious people such as secret service employees are democrats. Get over it, chud.


I hate enviro-green climate-fagots. They do all this enviro-green shit, and demand we do it, too. They even ruin the German economy for it. Guess what? It's doing nothing! The Chinamen are burning those fossil fuels, anyway, they just have to pay less for it!

So what does the gay climate-fagotry achieve? Those arrogant leftshit homo have made the country poorer (leftshits love poverty!) and they can feel better about themselves, because they get to look down on everyone else for being such huge fart-sniffing enviro-green cycling granola-eating electric-vehicle-driving fagots!

 No.18567 KONTRA

Can you talk like a big boy, too?


Can you stop being such a raging fagot, homo?
>mimimimimi people drive cars people eat meat mimmimimi
>look at me, I'm a soy-eater and gay I am so much better than anyone else

You should be beaten to death, fucking student-scum bastard. Get a real job, you lazy good-for-nothing son of a whore, then maybe you can open your mouth-cunt to talk, fucking little gay homo.(Wow. Rude.)

 No.18570 KONTRA

Ok Mr. edgy 14 year old Hauptschul-Kevin.

 No.18571 KONTRA

> News & Politics
opion >>4531 or insult >>9844 threda is somewhere else

 No.18572 KONTRA

Thank you for blockwarting this important thread, Herr Blockwart.


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I'll cross the Mexican border illegally to vote for this man


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Do you want to know what is this thread about?
This is the thread where we observe collapse of AmeriKKKan empire. Where he SHIT on American empire. Where we PISS on American empire. Where we SPIT on AmeriKKKa.

Here we mock American ideology and laugh at genocidal invaders known as "Vietnam war veterans". Here we curse zionists and praise freedom fighters from Taliban.
Here we respect Lukashenko and condemn Taiwan separatists.
Here we discuss nuclear strikes on Washington.



> 3.jpeg
context? looks interesting.

 No.18587 KONTRA

nvm; found it.
> 2021
> willfully killing [stupid!] civilians, which try to flee by clinging to air plane

 No.18588 KONTRA

Preach it nigga!!!


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March of Justice: Budapest - Brussels
March of Revenge: Budapest - Ungvár


Is proxyposting allowed?


If you drink alcohol or take drugs then you have no moral right to complain about migrants


If it was possible to attribute medical conditions without error to tobacco/alcohol/drug abuse, would society still be willing to pay for the ensuing bills via healthcare? After all, healthcare is a system based on solidarity, and if people take money from it by abusing drugs, even when today their consequences are well-known, the consumption is a lack of solidarity in itself.

I wonder if the medical system already works like this, and doctors will priorize a non-drug addict over a drug addict, given they have equally critical diseases.


Can we go a step above and also deny healthcare for people with injuries that were preventable?


This is not the witty retort you think it is, because the answer is easily yes. Note that the care isn't denied, but the insurance payment. I'd prefer a system where they are certain activities like drug abuse, motorbiking, some extreme sports, which are classified as "do at your own risk". You can do them, but don't expect society to pay for the consequences. It's like risky driving, if you go too fast, insurance will cover way less of the consequences if an accident happens, so it's not like this principle is outrageous in any form. And the reason why it works is that driving too fast can usually be proven. If it ever can be proven that your health issues are caused by obviously careless behaviour, then it should be handled the same way.

Kinda annoying that drug addicts hide their egoistic behaviour behind the veil of solidarity and cry "inhumanity" whenever they get called out. In truth, it's the other way around, I think the current situation is inhumane, where people who have accidents have to wait for treatments because idiots clog up resources, and everybody has to pay more. Or, if you prefer the no u-version: Do you want little Timmy to die because a heroine addict just OD'd needs urgent treatment? Why do you want to murder children reeee.

In b4 but how do you wanna prove things? Yes, that's the point, at the moment it's hardly possible. But maybe it will be in the future.


The question becomes - is this merely for a more efficient use of medical resources or for moral reasons?


If we speak about moral reasoning then we should make a system as punishing as possible for drug addicts because they're awful people.

If we speak about efficiency -- people say that Portuguese system with legal heroine is very efficient but I doubt it tbh.


> I'd prefer a system where they are certain activities like drug abuse, motorbiking, some extreme sports, which are classified as "do at your own risk".
I think cycling should be in that list.


>legal heroine
I'm afraid Portugal isn't as cool as one would be led to believe. Drug usage is simply decriminalized, we have yet to achieve the sort of freedom where I can buy a kilo of China white at the supermarket. Soon.
Drug usage decriminalization is a pretty good system, it worked out pretty well in solving a heroin and AIDS epidemic. Decriminalization isn't incompatible with denying them medical care, I suppose.


Especially for people who transport their children on bicycles/in bicycle trailers. Those people obviously want their own children dead. But cargo-bicycles and crap are the hip new toy for enviro-green-eco-friendly-soy-Latte-Malte and cinamonon-sandal-free-bleeding-Sophie, so maybe kill a few children, lol.

I am glad that these people are destined for extinction due to their lack of care for their own children and due to the coming economic collapse where people without jobs will be left without income and sustenance!


Do you still get booster shots every half a year? Or have you become science-denier?

 No.18817 KONTRA

I'm not even sure if I have two or three shots. I think just two.
Corona variants are less harmful these days, no?


Whenever I hear people say they have tested positive they are quick to add that they had a booster. I always get the impression that they make up the positive test as an excuse not to show up. The booster is probably made up, too. Perhaps to have another excuse if someone notices they're not really ill.


i srsly hope that was ironic or paid per word work.

I much prefer the system japan uses, where people, who do not regularly exercise and have an unhealthy body, have to pay a higher cut into their national healthcare system.
Ignorantly having an unhealthy lifestyle isn't restricted to just drug use/abuse.

You either have to advocate both positions or none. Otherwise you are an hypocritical narcissistic sub human, who fails at even simple logical coherences and therefor should get the right to vote revoked and prohibited from attending public discussions like social media or EC as an active participant.

And the unhealthy lifestyle is just the first thing that comes to mind. Additionally you are not only damaging your own health, but also the health of the whole human population and the planet, if you decide to use a car over cycling or public transportation out of an unhealthy convinience decision.

Would you deny support/medical aid to people who failed a suicide attempt?
What about officially prescribed drugs? (and their medical consequences?)

I've tried multiple prescribed drugs, but what I found the most helpful is good old cannabis. I had self-harming behaviour issues in my teens. These tendencies still come up from time to time, but smoking a nice joint gets rid of it. Sure, i might tend to overdo it and my consume could be described as abuse sometimes, but i had more issues, problems and side effects with all prescribed drugs i've taken. I didn't care for the legality nor that i had/have to pay the primary costs myself instead of public health insurance, since my own health was and is a higher priority.

 No.18838 KONTRA

It's always amazing to cyclists come out of the woodwork and deny that any cyclist could ever do anything wrong.
If riding a motorbike is on that list, cycling should be too. Too many of them would rather be dead than yield.
That said, such a thing could never be done because it would also mean sanctioning fat people.

 No.18839 KONTRA

> and deny that any cyclist could ever do anything wrong.
i never did.
from my point of view pretty much every human is an incompetent and narcissistic asshole. that would obviously include cyclists.
some use these narcissistic tendecies to show their intellectual superiority via advocating undenyable, scientific facts. Those are still sub humans, but you can at least work with those.

 No.18847 KONTRA

Or maybe all the idiots who took the vaxx and all the boo-hoo-sters on top against all the muh-tants and muh-oncles ruined their health completely.


I don't think it would be more efficient, it may even be less efficient, since it would require some serious bureaucracy to keep tack of things. I'd also not necessarily call it more moral, but more just. Of course there would be an outrage about "who are you to decide who lives and who dies" and "can't someone think of the poor people who can't pay the bills" or whatever. But I like the idea that people get empowered to influence their fate though their behaviour better than the current system, where nothing matters and you get away with too much crap in my opinion. There's also no need to put this into overdrive and enforce total Ubermensch behaviour. But surely there is a middle ground which encourages a healthy lifestyle while still allowing the occasional McDonalds XL menu.

>Would you deny support/medical aid to people who failed a suicide attempt?
Like I said before: I wouldn't deny medical treatment, but I would deny paying for self-inflicted problems. In this context, if a suicide attempt draws a lot of medical resources, and it turns out to not be the result of a severe psychological issue, but something like "GF left me now I'm sad, gonna kill myself", I think it's legit to receive a bill for that. Like it or not: Every cent taken from the health system is taken away from someone else, and if that someone else is a person which hadn't the choice to realistically avoid their issue, then I'd have a really hard time explaining to them why they can't have their treatment because there's no money left. Luckily, no one needs to do this, because the effect is hidden beneath enough layers of obscurity to be traceable. If it was, I'd expect riots tbh.
>What about officially prescribed drugs?
Obviously not, but that's included in my assumption that it would be possible to tell whether a health issue was caused by glaring carelessless or not. I am aware that a lot of constellations can be constructed where the situation might be ambiguous, but that's in my opinion no reason to reject the whole idea. After all, everything related to law and justice is a field with equally big impact on the individual, and is also riddled with subjective interpretations, arbitrary definitions and gray areas. Still, rules have been established and enforced for eternity.


>but I would deny paying for self-inflicted problems
Thoughts on them also having to pay entirely for children with down syndrome that they chose not to abort? I mean, I purposely choose to bring a baby to life that will cost a fortune to the healthcare system and then demand you pay for it.
But I guess it's not a moral thing that drives you:
>then I'd have a really hard time explaining to them why they can't have their treatment because there's no money left
I've formulated the thought in my mind that the elderly who medically extend their lives for what amounts to at times amounts to mere months of low quality of life followed by slightly delayed death - all of this at a very high cost for us, the taxpayers. Should we have overcrowded hospitals in which healthy and young people struggle to find medical care from doctors and nurses that are overworked by walking corpses, the drug addicts and motorcyclists?

>the effect is hidden beneath enough layers of obscurity to be traceable

You know what isn't? The fiscals costs of each patient. What they've put back into the system and what they're expected to keep taking from it. A good functioning social democratic system requires fiscal responsibility.

In 2054, every time you visit the hospital, a worker for the European Health Insurance Review will take check each hospital bill and, through consultation with medical professionals and adhering to European rules on health and equity, will determine if your visit was superfluous, self-inflicted or innate to your condition and decide a corresponding compensation penalty fee. After reviewing cases for a 7 hour workday, this worker will return home. He will eat bread, drink water and fall asleep happy that he is doing his part in improving our common social infrastructures.

 No.18856 KONTRA

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>fiscal responsibility

There will come nothing very extraordinary from the confines set by operating with these.

 No.18857 KONTRA

Ook, merci pour ta contribution.

 No.18858 KONTRA

Sacre bleu, une citoyen! But the one with the morals I suppose

 No.18859 KONTRA

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Tu connais le « merci pour ta contribution »
Un homme de culture


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My contribution is dissolution.


I'm a white dude and I'm voting for Harris because she's BRAT and conservatives are WEIRD


Tremble, ye Postmodern Neomarxists!
Apparently our Dear Leader in his infinite wisdom had his men establish the “Wokebusters” initiative:

(My tax monies at work)
Honestly I don’t even mind them doing random shit like this I am just mad that it’s am American millenial pop culture reference. (Says the guy who references the Simpsons at least once a day.)
(But I guess the point is to have dumb American retards with money fund this throup the PAC.)

 No.18888 KONTRA

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>The need to unite is greater than ever: the assassination attempt on President Trump, the adoption of international migration pacts, the Biden administration's blunders, and then the Deep State's interference in the presidential nomination process and the EP's gender declarations are just some of the shameful events of the past few months that show the enemy is ready to do anything to consolidate its power. And we know this enemy well, all that happened was that they gave their ideology a new name: Bolshevik became Bolshewoke.
>Up, to victory! We are the Wokebusters and we are draining the liberal swamp!
Do people in this thread know what the process of unilaterally expelling Hungary from the EU would look like? How can politically active Europeans bring it about?


> Wokebusters
It's over for globalists.

> Bolshevik became Bolshewoke.


>Do people in this thread know what the process of unilaterally expelling Hungary from the EU would look like?
Not possible. Hungary can be stripped of its voting rights (Article 7), then, the other EU-countries can vote additional unpleasentries on Hungary. Of course, this would not change anything. Since no country has ever been stripped of its voting rights, we should have doubts about whether it can be done. Once Germany or France fall to the respective country's Putin-Party, there will be no political will to do anything about it.

If Hungary should be stripped of its voting rights, (konjunktivus irrealis, proposition ridiculous), the left/right inside and outside of Hungary would just spin it as German neo-imperialism/fascism and an infringement of Hungarians right to self-determination by fascist/communist Brussels eurocrats, who need to be hanged


>German neo-imperialism/fascism and an infringement of Hungarians right to self-determination by fascist/communist Brussels eurocrats
It could work as a form to convince Hungarians to leave the union before their children are castrated by Brusselites.


Israel vs. Muslims.
Place your bets here.

I say Israel.

 No.18895 KONTRA

We will only leave once we have to start paying into the EU budget instead of receiving a net surplus from the EU. (Which is a lie, they are just paying us for unfettered market-access.)


I hope for mutual annihilation

 No.18907 KONTRA

Orbán called me, I'm on the Wokebusters team now. Boarding a military transport plane to Portugal as we speak. I'm armed.


In long term Muslims because of COLLAPSE OF AMERICAN EMPIRE


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Bolshewokes, assemble!

 No.18920 KONTRA

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Goddamn commies!


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RACE WAR in United Kingdom

 No.18922 KONTRA

>have problem
>ignore it and call everyone mentioning it an evil racist
>problem escalates
>surprised pikachu face
In a few years we will get this in Germany too. We could have it right now, but germans take longer to boil over and when they do, it will be much worse than this.

 No.19152 KONTRA

>Marxist critique does not complain that the world is not as it should be, but says why it is the way it is. It traces the same evils that everyone complains about back to their causes and explains their necessity on the basis of the way this society is organized. This is at least useful enough for those who are bothered by these evils to know what they have to oppose and what it takes to put an end to them


Pavel Durov, founder of Telegram, was arrested in France for not collaborating with French secret services.

Heh, I planned to go to bookstore to buy French textbooks today. Going to be embarrassing((.

 No.19334 KONTRA

How western ethics have changed.
I remember us valuing privacy/private communication as a pillar of democracy. What happened with that?

 No.19337 KONTRA

>post contains 100% freshly squeezed citoyen


 No.19338 KONTRA

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Bought this today. I'm going to France to rescue Durov.

 No.19354 KONTRA

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Godspeed, Ernst.


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Islamic State of Rome and Naples also made me chuckle, though.


This already happened from about 1817 to 1820. History repeats itself.


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Funposting a bit

 No.19436 KONTRA

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 No.19437 KONTRA

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"In USA people get into huge debts in order to lose their virginity"

 No.19438 KONTRA

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I thought jews were supposed to be good at propaganda, but all they have is "opposing mass murder and genocude is antisemitic mmmkay?"

They don't even realize how blunt their club has become.


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My guess is that it's not about Jews, it's about BOOMERS. Young Jews in America aren't Zionist. All the sassy neurotypical types stand with Palestine.

Probably the better PR strategy would be not these "gotchas" but accepting the image: "Yes, we are a militarist genocidal colonialist state. Based?"

 No.19453 KONTRA

Maybe stopping to tell everyone that wypipu bad, brown people good would be smart for Jews. One might think they would be able to figure out that they themselves are mostly not dark enough to count as darkies, so bad things will come to them ...

But historically, Jews were never good at preventing progroms, so we might see history repeat itself and maybe the woke retards and the sandnigger retards will start to assisinate Jews.

[spoiler]Of course the muslims have already started killing woke retards. See Germany, muslim goes on a stabbing-spree at multicultural festival. Wokeness is haram. But muslims are "oppressed", so the woke brigade will still support Muslims.

We should not critizise this, as both sides get what they want from this kind of itneraction. The muslim will go to paradise and get this-and-that-many virgins, the woke people become a martyrs for a free and open society, so all can be happy.[/spoiler]


Election season in Germany continues, with AfD victorious. Germans are fed up with foreigners and with the war in Ukraine, they want know more specialists for knife-wielding and bad smells, and they want peace with Russia!


About the guy who committed second assassination attempt on Trump:
Based schizo, would be epic if he succeeded


Remember Republicans, we love Ukraine just as you love your life.


The assassination attempts on Trump keep failing due to incompetence, so the deep state will have to try to steal another election with fake votes in November, then have the same news media tell lies to cover it up.

 No.19750 KONTRA

Preach it nigga!


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Can you try to be a bit more of a cliché?


I doubt this was an actual assassination attempt. The guy being caught without anything actually happening sounds like falseflag.
Getting more sympathies and martyr points.


He was in Urine in 2022 and was likely recruited by their secret service back then.

 No.19758 KONTRA

An underrated aspect of Donald Trump is that he managed to turn everyone into a schizophrenic. He might have singlehandedly advanced the dialectical process by a couple of decades.


Your style of posting is becoming increasingly dialectical, I would dialectically argue.


Reptilians really shat their pants after he was elected and instead of adjusting their views doubled down on propaganda and enforced censorship, thus creating massive echo chambers such as Reddit.


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It sucks to be a hohol. Even your "friends" want to fight until the last Ukrainian.
Tolkienist has a peace plan but he will most likely lose the elections:

No, he's just a mentally unstable boomer.


Anyway, Leninism is a previous century. Now it's the time of Bioleninism:


>Even your "friends" want to fight until the last Ukrainian.

How is that a surprise? It was clear all along that Ukraine is a useful outpost for the west that is to be sacrificed for higher goals.



How come there are seemingly no mentally unstable boomers trying to shoot Kamala Harris? If it's just a few random maniacs trying to randomly assassinate trump, we must assume there are maniacs trying to assassinate Harris. But we hear of no such maniacs. That means the hypothesis is incorrect, and we can conclude that would-be Trump assassins are not random maniacs. My explanation is that Trump assassins are sleeper agents recruited by ukrops or maybe polacks!


rightwingers attract schizos, it's beginner social math yo.

 No.19821 KONTRA

But all the SJWs are leftwingers??!?


Nice try, but we all know social justice schizos are the right wing equivalent to SJW. Their moral zealousness goes the strangest ways.


> How come there are seemingly no mentally unstable boomers trying to shoot Kamala Harris
I think, their hate is less personalized because Kamala is replaceable with any other Democratic nominee. Meanwhile progressives hate not just Republican party but Trump personally, see "Trump derangement syndrome". So getting rid of him seems like a very important for them.


After desastreous results in state elections, Ricarda short-and-wide decided to step back. It turns out threatening people with repossessing their homes if they are not able willing to invest hundreds of thousands in green-party mandated heating systems was not a popular move. (On top of threatening to make all farmers bank rupt, etc...)

Ricarda fat-and-wide is devastated, just devastated!

 No.19882 KONTRA

I honestly can't tell if you're the legit schizo who has bought into his own meme so much he's actually announcing "schizo" posts or the schizo larper.
If it's the latter, please consider hanging yourself.


What if there never was a legit schizo and a schizo larper? What if it was all just in your head?

 No.19890 KONTRA

Do you think you're clever, or witty or funny or anything like that?

 No.19892 KONTRA

You certainly aren't.

t. schizo larper who is not responsible for Ricarda fat and wide creativity.

 No.19898 KONTRA

What makes you think that was the intention?
And can you do anything besides shitty NO Us?


Fatmaster-occupier stabbed a German last year, in Germany.

The occupiers conduct the trial on their occupation base at Spangdahlem, German police and German courts have no say in the matter.

The victims family are not even allowed to bring a translator with them.

The murrican pleads innocent. What do think the fatmaster's court martial will decide? My bet is on "he a good boy, he dindu nuffin."

 No.19957 KONTRA

>What makes you think that was the intention?

I never said that was the intention (beyond that post?), just a general assessment.


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Port workers are on strike. With no one to unload cargo, the US economy is doomed. Wages aren't the biggest issue. Their union wants to stop the robot revolution.

>Dockworkers are rallying against a growing trend among port operators to increase the number of cranes and driverless trucks – which use fewer humans – to shuttle goods from container ships.

>The longshoreman’s union is demanding “airtight” language that the ports won’t introduce automation “or semi-automation.”

Five things to know as the massive port strike enters its third day


Lefties will defend this

 No.19983 KONTRA

> the US economy is doomed
On a second thought, I also support this. ZZZZZZZZ


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I can understand that they want to keep their jobs, but protesting against doing things in a (at least in the long run) faster and cheaper way seems to be futile. Since more and more jobs will be affected in the future, we should be starting to search for ways to define our existence / distribute resources in a world where work becomes less and less important.

I like that by the way, because instead of making people happy that they have more spare time, it will likely spark another wave of depression, because after the loss of religion/spirituality as a reason for living, any illusion of the need to work to sustain existence will also fade away. The question of why we are here and what we should be doing with our time will become more pressing, even more so when our lifespans continue to increase.

Summary: We'll have more and more time, but are given less and less reason to do something with it.

 No.19985 KONTRA

> we should be starting to search for ways to define our existence / distribute resources
Translated, that means
> We must think of ways to make people give us stuff for free
Next step is
> We will just steal from those people who have the most stuff
and after that
> We will just take stuff from those who have any stuff to take and don't want to join us. And then, we will murder them. To justify it, we will call them 'foreign agents', 'wreckers', etc


Artificially raising the cost of imports, and no one can accuse America of protectionism. If the government is smart, they strengthen American manufacturing by letting the port workers win.

Of course, this will be another hefty blow to the German economy, after the CIA blew up nordstream and blamed Russia for blowing up their own pipeline.

I celebrate the demise of this the nigger/sandnigger shithole formerly known as Germany. Will be south Africa soon. Of course, south Africa and Germany will be so much better once all the ypipo have been disowned and murdered!

 No.19992 KONTRA

Franco? Is that you?
I suppose one wonders why governments even invest in ports and rail infrastructure if they could get big and strong economies by shutting them down.



Situation: Most american exports are now non-physical (software, entertainment) or have a low tonnage-to-value-ratio. (ICs, Jet engines, antibiotics, IPhones.) The USA has no need to import massive tonnage of key ressources, they have their own.

>n ports and rail infrastructure if they could get big and strong economies by shutting them down

The American electorate is fed up with other countries taking the stable manufacturing jobs from them.
Strategically, America has the possibility to eliminate competitors, and, if this should not be possible, at least keep them out of their own market to eliminate dependency on increasingly unstable trade partners. One method would be raising the cost of imports while impacting the cost of exports in a compartively smaller measure. (done.)

>I suppose one wonders why governments even invest in ports and rail infrastructure if they could get big and strong economies by shutting them down.

I suppose one might be tempted to assume that a person pretending to be educated would be able to work out a key difference between ports and railways. Hint: Ports are only for external trade.

>rail infrastructure
The 19th century called, they want their slow, inflexible method of transport back.


Sad news. The strike is over. America lives on.
The workers sold out for a mere 62% pay increase when they could have saved the world.

US port workers and operators reach deal to end East Coast strike immediately


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Autarky enjoyer. Shutting down trade with the outside to develop national industries. didn't work, immediate economic boom when he was convinced to drop that tomfoolery.

>The USA has no need to import massive tonnage of key ressources, they have their own.

Comparative advantage. Cheaper to import certain materials and more profitable to be involved in other, higher steps of the manufacturing chain.

>Ports are only for external trade.

No, they aren't. Maybe for a WEAKLING prolapsed country like Germany but global powers (Portugal, USA) also use ports to reach faraway national lands.

>62% pay increase
Devilish. Possibly creating more of an incentive for automation

 No.19998 KONTRA

Total neglect of strategical considerations. Sad.


>long hours
Are there people who work that job for 10 years and then retire with a mcmansion and a stock portfolio?


The costs of German reunification (an act of madness Helmut Kohl committed out of pure self interest) are hard to guestimate, but the probable range after 34 years is somewhere between 2,000 billion and 3,000 billion, and growing by 100 billion per year. That is about Germany's total government debt.

But that paints an incomplete picture, the situation is worse. The debt burden lessened West German gdp growth, gdp per capita could be much higher. This cost aggregated over my working life could easily be another 600,000€.

First, they blackmailed us: "kommt die d-mark, bleiben wir, kommt sie nicht, geh'n wir zu ihre" - either the d-mark is introduced or we will all go to west germany. They chanted that at protests. This is when West Germany should have closed it's borders and told them to stick their demands were the sun doesn't shine. Instead, they were given the west German currency, and literally thousands of billions in handouts on top of that. Since then, they complain that evil west Germans came and stole all their socialist achievements.

These "people", in the vaguest sense of the word, owe me 1.000.000€.

And that's just ossis. All the money that went to EU and non-Ossi-immigrants not included. The cost caused by an artificially low currency not included. Downward pressure on wages caused by immigration not included.

During the past three to four decades, every single west German, man, woman, child, senior citizen, was robbed of millions of Euros, by the failed policies of reunification, open borders, eu-membership, the Eurozone, etc.

 No.20013 KONTRA

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I'm too late to the party.

Not the MG, though.

 No.20030 KONTRA

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Couldn't keep this from you people


Remember when a certain Ernst go on unhinged rants about FEMA camps? I wonder what he thinks now.


The coolest strand of American conspiracy theories is people getting herded into FEMA camps while UN troops place the US under military occupation. To hear people seriously discuss tactics against UN military control was my first foray into conspiracy theories and it gave me immense joy.

 No.20075 KONTRA

Is that Elon Musk? Did he really jumped like that at a Trump rally while Trump was giving a speech?


I can tell you what I think: they forced people to evacuate, they will not be allowed back in for weeks, many will lose their homes due to storm damage or missed mortgage rates because they are locked up in FEMA camps and not allowed to go to the 'area of destruction'. They will only be allowed back home after big business has bought all those homes for dimes on the dollar, then, people will have to rent back their own homes from slum lords.

Oh, and climate change is going to destroy the world economy with natural disasters not by 2100 or. 2050, but this decade. Collapse is not coming, collapse is here. Now. Major tipping points have been triggered, no level of emissions control is gone to change that, no amount of so-called Green energy is going to change that.

Billionaires only have their mouthpieces tell us that there is still a chance to lessen impacts so the sheeple remain calm and keep slaving and and consooming so the billionaires can make more money and buy more land and water and built more doomsday shelters.


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Welcome to American politics.

 No.20082 KONTRA

Honestly it’s kind of amusing to see Musk in US politics. In a short span of time he went from reddit soyence spaceman to being a twitter chud and it’s funny how the people who worshipped and hated him basically switched sides even though he’s still a cringe retard propped up by fed money.


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This transition was even more obvious in eastern Europe. Ukrainians and liberals created a thread on Sosach's /po/ every time SpaceX launched a rocket, bragging about how he "mogged Roskosmos". They dreamed of how Musk will build Hyperloop in Ukraine. Meanwhile vatniks roasted him saying that he's just a scammer.
Then he said few negative things about Ukraine and the attitudes changed by 180 degrees.


Transgenderism is based because it neutralizes feminism, much more dangerous problem


Have you once posted anything critical of your own country? Have you once posted anything positive about Ukrainians? Your colonial mindset is showing and it’s quite honestly disgusting. Do better.

 No.20091 KONTRA

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In less than a century we went from stuffy men in dark-shaded suits to badly dressed tech entrepreneurs teaming up with a(nother) manchild from the old school. The west has fallen. I will welcome any emotionally disciplined Chinese government officials over this kindergarten.


> Have you once posted anything critical of your own country?
Yes, a lot. I used to be liberal couple of years ago. This is why Russia constantly exceeds my expectations and Ukraine surprises me in a negative way. Still, Russia is a 3-rd world country with poor life standards and terrible international relations.

> Have you once posted anything positive about Ukrainians

Well, I praised Gogol in the literature thread. :D
I wish the best for Ukrainians, they're our brothers. And this is why Ukrainian state should be abolished. There is hardly anything good which I can say about it. It's a totalitarian proxy state which uses its population as a cannon fodder for American empire. Its ideology is built on hatred, larp, lies and betrayal. Even replacing current Kiev/Washington administration with current Moscow administration would be a huge improvement.

> Your colonial mindset

What do you mean by it?


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For those who don't remember what I'm talking about.


So? He's right. You will be detained in those camps. They didn't built them for nothing, you know?


Good thing I don't live in Florid Dump.


> It is physically impossible to detain anyone but Floridians and immigrants in camps


Slovakia will ban mRNA-vaccines. They did an investigation, and they found that COVID is literally harmless and the vaccines made everything much worse.

Another loss for the vaxxlings. If the vaccines you helped big pharma to sell to unknowing victims are so great, why does Slovakia ban them?


Pretty much a non-country


Please, stop saying mean things about Slovenia


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Look who's talking


Schizenu was a retarded whackjob and his predictions weren't accurate. As much as he would whinge about rightoid disinfo and posture as speaking truth to power, he'd flood this zone with his own bullshit that served to distract others from what's going. Not saying he did this intentionally, but his own blindered zeal kept him from looking at the bigger picture.

Think of it this way. That post was made pre-COVID and, in that time, the government has only grown more in its ability to exercise and project power over its own people. Were people herded into FEMA camps en masse during a very deadly pandemic which resulted in the global economy being locked down?

I'm glad he ragequit after Portugal roasted him royally.


You'll be herded to the camps and be happy


We'll see, won't we?


Your government manipulates the weather. We have HARP skies very often now. They turned off the sun in spring and they switched on a nuclear powered replacement stub over Germany. I know because the replacement sun is greenish white instead of yellow like a proper sun.


 No.20139 KONTRA

Isnt this old news?


Don't blame the poster, probably took a DB train to Омск so just arrived


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Court decision is in. Fatmaster was let go. He is cleared of charges.

Blood splashes on his shoes and witnesses who saw him stab his victim are not sufficient evidence for stabbing an occupied kraut.

Occupier soldiers can officially stab the occupied in the streets. NATO-countries are occupied vassals where fatmasters let their niggers run wild. It's not different from Iraq or Afghanistan.



It may useful to differentiate between NATO countries and countries that still have a form of American military occupation. In Germany's case it's for the common good of European social democratic society that Germans aren't entrusted with full sovereignty.


Fake news, the offender was not a muslim.


Maybe the current state of Germany is a direct result of the occupation?
Maybe you'd be happier under a pax germanica instead of getting globohomo'd by the eternal anglo.


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>Reichsbrüder, die Republik ist in Gefahr! Geht auf die Straße für Demokratie und Freiheit, zerschlagt die Ränder, welche unsere bunte Gesellschaft zerstören wollen!

Did you know that 1920s Germany had next to the Hitler SA and the communist Rotfront also democratic groups that tried to defend democracy and republican freedumbs?
Do you think we need those groups today and relive the ethos of defending the political system we live in? Or will you be the Ernst that is hunted down by people on fast bikes armored with bows made from sustainable woods that shoot soy spiked arrows? There is no pity nor mercy left for undemocratic vermin like you behind those eyes hidden by sporty sunglasses.
The airflow produced by the greenocratic future brings colorful Republikanertage and prisons for political opponents.

 No.20163 KONTRA

The SPD has never been democratic.

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