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>>2356 No.18734
Haven't been to the gym since May or so :(
Received an email from my gym.
>First and foremost, we want to give a tremendous thank you, to you, our incredible members.
Wait for it.
>We strive to bring you continuous improvement at all our locations
Here it comes.
>we will be implementing a $5.00 per month rate increase
My membership is currently $10, which makes this a 50% increase. Still affordable, and no better local alternatives. So, I'll eat it. I only go once a week but can't imagine dropping to no gym. My muscles, such as they are, would suffer.
Had the chance to go running in the hills again, and I did. By god, I did.
The whole track I used to run back in the day is only about 5 km long, but it has an ascent of about 1,5 km with an average incline of about 8 % (that's a good 130 m height difference), then it's like 2 km through the forest and then back down on the other side.
Back in the day it took me a bit over 30 min from door to door again. Yesterday - granted, I am a bit tired currently and about 10 kg heavier than when I did those times, it took me around 45 min just to the bottom of the downhill. I still did everything jogging, but it's noticeable just how much slower I have become.
Oh, how I miss the hills of my home. Where I currently live there's a height difference of like 10 m to the next village, so basically flat land.
No.18939 KONTRA
I tried to learn a sequence from dance class which I failed to execute in class because I was way too slow. It took me an hour today just to minimally be able to get the idea of the actual movements at the right speed I more or less postponed training that sequence the last days. Frustrating but I saw some progress at least and it shows me that I want to get better at this.
175cm, 74kg, waist around 88cm, body fat around 20-19%.
I got really sick and had stop working out for almost the entire month July and half of August.
My goal is lose much fat as possible until September 22.
I'm hopeful.
No.19178 KONTRA
>>19177Are you trying to enter some kind of contest or why do you need to lose even more fat?
Or is your distribution that bad?
>>19178Pretty bad fat distribution: my waist and tights have too much fat and that makes impossible wear all pants that I have.
Clothes are absurdly expensive right now in Brazil, any decent jeans is so fucking expensive that I can't afford that even on installments and for wear my old jeans I need I need body fat around 10-12%.
My goal is starting to get too much unrealistic and so I changed my deadline to October 22 I guess.
No.19501 KONTRA
>>19490Those two guys do not pass. They might be sore, but they aren't traps.
>Did you Do It™?
03.06. 95,9 kg
07.09. 83,7 kg
that's about 1 kg per week
Autumn arrived, so I guess I'm done with the outdoor calisthenics thing for now. Signed up and went to gym today. Started with some lower numbers to get back into it, hope it won't take too long to catch up with my former PRs and make progress again.
>>19591>that's about 1 kg per weekThat's a pretty good rate. Keep it up!
No.19899 KONTRA
>>19894> people die from jogging on a beach> jogging is less primitive than swimmingWhat a valuable quote by a smart philosophy man.
>>19899Exercise is inherently fascist
No.19908 KONTRA
>>19899What are you running from here, hairy man?
Height: 175cm
Weight: 72kg
Body fat: 11%
I finally reached a healthy weight, but should I try gain some muscle despite be a 37yo man?
I'm currently just jumping rope (boxer skip) and doing calisthenics (pull ups, push up, sit ups).
>should I try gain some muscleYes. I favor cardio over building mass, but, even so, would recommend
some lifting regardless of age. With what you're already doing, you should have a good base to start from.
Any book recommendations on how to get into shape?
>>19990 can also simply watch some beginner capoeira sessions and do them while playing it on youtube. If you are out of shape this shit will get you on your knees gasping for air and your muscles will indicate WEAKLING before the video is finished, though.
Has anyone here ever found themselves earting 4-6k calories worth of food every day for a week for no apparent reason? How do you break this cycle?
>>20119>Has anyone here ever found themselves earting 4-6k calories worth of food every day for a week for no apparent reason? Yes, I eat like 5 full meals a day and do so without having any real hunger feeling or anything. I just gradually started eating more at some point and it steadily increased to this point now.
>How do you break this cycle?...I have no clue.
>>20142>someone took some plates from one side of my barbell while I was doing calf raisesI had someone take a plate from my bar
between bench press sets. I was still on the bench. Some people just don't pay attention.
Temperatures fell this week. 40°F. Went for an evening run. My legs were fine, but lungs were not. Cold air triggered asthma symptoms. This is nothing new. I have numerous reasons for hating Winter. Anyway, while lung constriction wasn't severe it was a clear signal that we are rapidly approaching the end of running season.
No.20544 KONTRA
>>20541> 40°FNo one here knows how much is that
>>20544It's easy. Just keep in mind that 100°F is the body temperature of a healthy man, and 0°F is the Temperature of a specific mixture of water, ice and ammonium-chloride. You know, constants (as if) that can be reliably reproduced (as if).
Went for a run. Weather was nice, and after the last time out was cut short due to my lung's betrayal, I wanted to get a solid 5k under my belt. Likely my last for a while. I'm working 9 out of the next 10 days, and snow is expected by Thanksgiving.
Failed a squat for the first time today. It was more boring than I expected, not like failing a bench press. I just paused too long at the bottom, realized I'm not getting back up again and put the bar on the safeties.
Got some new PRs for squat: 8x105kg and deadlift: 5x142.5kg
>>20699Meanwhile I haven't done anything in a good half year ;_;
>>20714I know that feel. I do some squats and deadlifts occasionally - with my ~25kg in total dumbbells, but obviously that's not enough. Still looking for a reasonable home gym setup, but I have no space available inside, and outdoor equipment is rare and expensive. I'd need a standalone pullup bar, and high/low barbell mounts on it, and I only have a balcony, so nothing that needs to be anchored in the ground. Could use this for squats, deadlifts, bench press and pullup, that would be plenty. No big weights needed, just for regular fitness.
>>20699>squat: 8x105kgThat's about my max what I could do - once. However I was nowhere near 140kg deadlift.
I just measured my resting heart rate: 44
I think that's the lowest I've ever been.
Probably still have a >130 blood pressure :-DDDD
5x117.5kg squats yesterday and I think I just woke up with what must be a herniated disc or sth. Lower back hurts like a mf, esp. on one side and I just briefly lost consciousness in the kitchen
>>21057That's not good. Go to a hospital RIGHT NOW, and if you can't, call an ambulance. A herniated disc is very officially a justified ambulance call.
>>21058Ended up lying down for a bit and it got better. Still had some back pain on wednesday after having to sit at the desk all day so I went to the dogdor today. It's really hit and miss who you get, had to explain what happened three times over until the lady got the gist of it. I'm not sure she knew what squats are.
In any case she did some basic tests and said it's most likely not a herniated disc, probabaly a pulled muscle and I just passed out because of the pain. Got a prescription for some muscle relaxant medication but I'll try to take it sparingly. Also she reminded me that I have some mild scoliosis which is probably also some of the reason why my form gets uneven at challenging weights. Guess I'll take the rest of the week off and get back to the gym on monday.
>>21259Did your form suffer? Better to deload and do it with proper form than trying ego lifts.
And one piece of advice I can give you is to NOT sleep on this.
I did and I have been dealing with the consequences for over three years now.
>>21260My form was breaking down a bit with the last 1-2 reps but I'd say it was to an acceptable degree. I think it was one set where my bar placement was a bit off that triggered this.
But yeah, I'm definitely deloading now and working my way up more carefully. Gonna try and replace some exercises like t-bar rows and and standing calf raises with variations that avoid unnecessarily loading the spine as well.
First day at the gym after the holidays. Wasn't as crowded as I feared. Last time I went as the holidays started I left early since there were too many people with bad gym etiquette getting on my nerves. Took it pretty easy, still felt a bit nauseous at the end. Did nothing for almost two weeks, so it's the longest break I took since the summer vacation. Gotta get back into the groove.
Apropos of nothing, here's a finnish guy doing deadlifts until he gets a nosebleed:'s bring this kind of energy into the new year
in a healthy, controlled manner ofc No.21643
>>21642>in a healthy, controlled manner ofcBRO YOU NEED TO LEAVE HUMANITY BEHIND
No.21644 KONTRA
>>21642Oh yes, 2025 shall be a healthy year
in a controlled manner No.21645 KONTRA
I'm thinking about learning handstand, not sure why. The more I get into dance the more I want to train my body to express myself through my body better.
Next on my list is to incorporate a bit of floorwork in 2025. My biggest fear is that my body is not mobile and flexible enough, strength would also be a question, yet I think mobility and flexibility are more important.
>>21645Man 15 years ago I was able to push myself into a handstand from a "crow" position.
I doubt I can do that anymore.
>>2164615 years ago, I was able to get into a handstand. Fat chance of trying that today.
Did my first 10k (actually almost 11k) on Sunday. No, not my first, but my first since ten years or so.
It's not that I couldn't have done it in the past, but I find running just so, so boring.
Anyway, in addition to training my cardiovascular fitness I also got a bit of a bout of ambition and am now working towards running the 10k in under an hour, and eventually I hope to get under 45 minutes.
My time on Sunday was 1:07 from looking at the clock upon leaving to looking at the clock upon arriving, so in reality it was probably slightly less, but that's ok. My calculated speed was still under 10 km/h.
I am now at the point though where heart and lungs aren't the limiting factor anymore, but the legs. Had the same when I was still doing uphill runs (can't anymore because flat land ;_;) in that at some point my legs just gave up. Apparently I now need to build up lactate tolerance or something like that. I refuse to make a real training plan and check my pulse and whatnot, and I just hope I won't become a runner. There's something about them that I don't like, but I can't even really name it, so I might not even notice it when I do it. But I already paid 300 Euros for my running shoes (my last pair cost not even 20, but those kinds of shoes apparently don't exist anymore).
Yeah, that's it. Now I need to go to bed because I need to do a 5k after work.
>>19177I'm still stuck around 75kg and with that annoying fat around my waist and tights (doctors told me that is something normal for men that took Risperidone for years like me), so, I decided stop eating processed sugars and processed carbohydrates for good, even with my intake of such food begin so small.
I also decided join a gym this month, but I think I won't do it since depression and social phobia makes impossible any attempt of going to places full of people.
I'm just a 37yo loser without a career that is still living with his parents, and I don't think the gym is a loser friendly place.
No.22232 KONTRA
>>22226>>22228I have been in two gyms that also provide dance classes that I attend. I rarely see buff shredded gym sharks in the locker rooms there at all. It's mostly unfit or rather fit people yet miles away from the influencer physiques
which does not mean people there are unattractive or anything.
You might want to avoid places/times with lots of teenagers, though. They might feel the need to be cool and laugh about other people. The gyms I go to I don't see those anyway, though.
>>22232Depends on the gym in my opinion. I have also been to two different ones, one was mostly normies, also lots of courses, aerobics and shiet. The other one was more of an MMA club with attached gym, this one had mostly buff guys with haircuts in the milimeter range, and lots of tattoos. Not as bad as one would think though, the buff guys are either bros and really helpful, or they are a walking mess of insecurities themselves. But they never annoyed me in any way.
>You might want to avoid places/times with lots of teenagers, though.This, absolutely. They want to prove their ego, talk too loudly about the last party and brag about chicks they scored with, and tend to hog the bench press forever. Those are also the only ones who would make fun of lesser built guys.
>>22226Reminds me of a gym I passed in my way to uni. One guy who was always there has a matte green lotus and always wore wife beaters. Lots of tuned VWs and Hyundais in the parking lot.
>>22248>>22232>>22228>>22226Thanks, guys. I fear that I don't choice anymore and really need hit the gym, so, the best thing I can do is avoid eye contact with other people there and avoid cry before arrive home.
Went running on Saturday again. Still no sub-hour time, but I managed to startle a woman so much she jumped. At least she took it with humor, heard her say something like "I really need to visit an ear doctor". I really don't know why it's always women who seem to be completely oblivious of their surroundings. And this is not the first time something like this has happened (like when I was approaching a couple walking on the pavement from behind. Hard rubber soles on stone. The man pulled his wife towards him to make room for me because she just didn't notice me coming).
You would think between the loud stomping of my feet, the jingling of the keys around my neck and the heavy breathing one would hear me from far enough to not be startled, and because she was alone I didn't bother yelling something like COMING THROUGH which I normally do when groups of people are clogging the entire width of the path. Oh, and while I was approaching she actually turned back several times, so I assumed she had seen me.
Apart from that, there was surprisingly little traffic overall, especially since it was such a nice day. Running is really not fun though, I don't think I could ever work up the will to run a marathon.