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/int/ - Calisthenicianistas

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Did you Do It™?
Post your boastings here.

Previous: >>2356


Haven't been to the gym since May or so :(


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Was pretty sore from the short workout on Monday. Went to a different calisthenics park today, was pretty chill. Felt pretty sick afterwards again though. Probably just a mix of the hot weather, subpar rest, nutrition and anxiety lately. Chugged some carbonated juice drink and feeling better now.


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Similar settis today, except I skipped the pushups since my elbow started hurting during dips already. Still feeling kind of miserable.


Received an email from my gym.

>First and foremost, we want to give a tremendous thank you, to you, our incredible members.

Wait for it.
>We strive to bring you continuous improvement at all our locations
Here it comes.
>we will be implementing a $5.00 per month rate increase

My membership is currently $10, which makes this a 50% increase. Still affordable, and no better local alternatives. So, I'll eat it. I only go once a week but can't imagine dropping to no gym. My muscles, such as they are, would suffer.


Had the chance to go running in the hills again, and I did. By god, I did.
The whole track I used to run back in the day is only about 5 km long, but it has an ascent of about 1,5 km with an average incline of about 8 % (that's a good 130 m height difference), then it's like 2 km through the forest and then back down on the other side.
Back in the day it took me a bit over 30 min from door to door again. Yesterday - granted, I am a bit tired currently and about 10 kg heavier than when I did those times, it took me around 45 min just to the bottom of the downhill. I still did everything jogging, but it's noticeable just how much slower I have become.
Oh, how I miss the hills of my home. Where I currently live there's a height difference of like 10 m to the next village, so basically flat land.

 No.18939 KONTRA

I tried to learn a sequence from dance class which I failed to execute in class because I was way too slow. It took me an hour today just to minimally be able to get the idea of the actual movements at the right speed I more or less postponed training that sequence the last days. Frustrating but I saw some progress at least and it shows me that I want to get better at this.


175cm, 74kg, waist around 88cm, body fat around 20-19%.
I got really sick and had stop working out for almost the entire month July and half of August.
My goal is lose much fat as possible until September 22.
I'm hopeful.

 No.19178 KONTRA

Are you trying to enter some kind of contest or why do you need to lose even more fat?
Or is your distribution that bad?

 No.19185 KONTRA


Pretty bad fat distribution: my waist and tights have too much fat and that makes impossible wear all pants that I have.
Clothes are absurdly expensive right now in Brazil, any decent jeans is so fucking expensive that I can't afford that even on installments and for wear my old jeans I need I need body fat around 10-12%.
My goal is starting to get too much unrealistic and so I changed my deadline to October 22 I guess.


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Been a good calisthenicianista lately, training regularly again.
Experimenting with elevated pushups (like picreal), really makes you feel the stretch in the chest.
Did 3x100 bodyweight squats today. Not sure how effective that really is, feels like more of a mental endurance & cardio exercise, but I cba to do pistol squats 3x/week.
Wide grip pullups my grip felt weak today for some reason.
Making good progress on dips (12/10/10 today) and chinups(13/12/10) though.


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My traps were insanely sore this weekend after I decided to carry 4 bags of bottles to return. Need to do some deadlifts again.
Calisthenics spot was packed tonight. Saw a couple guys with really impressive physiques. Felt motivated. Gonna have to do a real cut to ~12%bf next year.
Almost felt like puking after I was done. Had to sit and catch my breath for 10 minutes or so and only really felt better after having a sugary drink.

 No.19501 KONTRA

Those two guys do not pass. They might be sore, but they aren't traps.


Continuing my blog ITT.

I've been sort of freestyling the calisthenics workouts but I decided to make a custom routine for myself based on the following requirements:
- focus on upper body work, avoid pure legs/lower body days since it's too boring for me
- avoid doing too many heavy compounds on one day (i.e. pullups + pistol squats + dips) since it leaves me too tired
- suitable to work out 4-5x/week since it's a motivation for me to spend more time outside

Here's what I came up with:
Day A:
3-4x pull-up OR chin-up variation
3-4x regular OR pike push-up progression
3-4x hanging leg raises

Day B:
3-4x dips
2-3x bulgarian split squats OR pistol squats
3-4x horizontal rows

Day C (optional):
additional volume or skill work or trying out some new movements

So I can do sth like A/B/rest/A/B/(C)/rest in a week. If I don't have the time I could also combine and do both A and B with lower volume on the same day.
Let's see how this works out.


>Did you Do It™?
03.06. 95,9 kg
07.09. 83,7 kg

that's about 1 kg per week


Autumn arrived, so I guess I'm done with the outdoor calisthenics thing for now. Signed up and went to gym today. Started with some lower numbers to get back into it, hope it won't take too long to catch up with my former PRs and make progress again.

>that's about 1 kg per week
That's a pretty good rate. Keep it up!


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What can I say, doing calisthenics was nice and all, but working with dumbbells and barbells just hits different. Only managed a minimum viable lower body workout today but handling iron really boosts my mood more than bodyweight stuff, not to mention I'm still sore as fuck from the deadlifts on monday.


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I was looking for a Baudrillard quote on the apocalypse but I found this one on jogging instead, so enjoy. Yes, I'm just mad I'm sick and can't go to the gym

 No.19899 KONTRA

> people die from jogging on a beach
> jogging is less primitive than swimming

What a valuable quote by a smart philosophy man.


Exercise is inherently fascist

 No.19908 KONTRA

What are you running from here, hairy man?


Height: 175cm
Weight: 72kg
Body fat: 11%
I finally reached a healthy weight, but should I try gain some muscle despite be a 37yo man?
I'm currently just jumping rope (boxer skip) and doing calisthenics (pull ups, push up, sit ups).



>should I try gain some muscle

Yes. I favor cardio over building mass, but, even so, would recommend some lifting regardless of age. With what you're already doing, you should have a good base to start from.


Any book recommendations on how to get into shape?


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Use this for Maximum edgyness



You can also simply watch some beginner capoeira sessions and do them while playing it on youtube. If you are out of shape this shit will get you on your knees gasping for air and your muscles will indicate WEAKLING before the video is finished, though.


Has anyone here ever found themselves earting 4-6k calories worth of food every day for a week for no apparent reason? How do you break this cycle?


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Back in my routine, progression going well, I'm trying the 8-5-3 method on the main lifts.
Was supersetting squats today and someone took some plates from one side of my barbell while I was doing calf raises despite I left my bottle and stuff in the squat rack. Luckily I unracked slowly and realized it's off right away but still made me pretty fucking mad.


>Has anyone here ever found themselves earting 4-6k calories worth of food every day for a week for no apparent reason?
Yes, I eat like 5 full meals a day and do so without having any real hunger feeling or anything. I just gradually started eating more at some point and it steadily increased to this point now.
>How do you break this cycle?
...I have no clue.


>someone took some plates from one side of my barbell while I was doing calf raises
I had someone take a plate from my bar between bench press sets. I was still on the bench. Some people just don't pay attention.

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