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 No.4573 [View All]

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Pirates vs Royal Fleet edition
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>and aren't in fact, an art
I wouldn't lump that statement in with the others, because I, an adult, am as free as anyone else to decide what I do with my free time.

"Video games are art" on the other hand is a statement which I have only heard so far being made by either bad (indie) devs who couldn't make it elsewhere or fans of the aforementioned or vidya "experts"/"""journalists""". It's usually the same kind of people who think story is more important than gameplay.


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Currently playing Cossacks: European Wars

The first mission with the Ukies and it's already busting my balls. First you have to reach a village with nothing but a bunch of musketeers, then defend the village, fail, just to get assigned a tiny village with nothing in it and if you don't know exactly how this mission is going to play out you have already lost because you need to concentrate your forces on a southern gate and shoot everyone there.
Then when it's done they take all your troops away and you have to free some prisoners.
However, you have to build troops first and then make your way south through nomadic hordes (mercernaries paid for by the perfidous poles), breach through palisades and reach the prisoners because a ferry is already waiting for them and if you're too slow (=still learning the mission) they will be taken away. Oh, and that also happens if you don't leave the village with at least one unit within the first few minutes of this.

Frankly, I find this harder than Sudden Strike.


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Finally finished World in Conflict.
I had been playing this on-off for a good year now, no idea why it took me so long; probably because it's so stressful with the constant zooming around and stuff.

I actually find it funny that the devs are apparently swedish because if you had a film written and directed by Roland Emmerich and produced by Michael Bay and Jerry Bruckheimer, it couldn't get any more MURRICA FUCK YEAH than this.

In fact, the final cutscene ends with two unnamed grunts finally finding batteries for their portable CD player (!) and listening to Here I go again by Whitesnake.

So, overall it was pretty fun, though Easy was indeed a tad too easy, but I don't know if I could deal with even more stress on higher difficulties. Missions where all kinda samey, it was always "capture point, move on to next". The few missions that did things a little differently in between really nicened everything up a little.

What I liked about the credits, and realized that I had never seen that before, was "outtakes" from development, i.e. funny bugs and glitches being shown, along pictures of the dev team in different stages of development and drunkenness (which a few others have done too, though).


Finally finished Ocarina of Time. Apparently I had stopped playing right in the final dungeon almost a year ago, for whatever reason.
It was literally a handful of rooms to the final boss. Ganondorf, who then digivolves into Ganon, some kind of pig-minotaur who eventually takes a sword to the head.

It's still a great game.


Also found out that I had started a playthrough of Castlevania 64, was at least some halfway in, castle section with the nitro.
After that it was just a bunch of towers and then already the final boss(es); I remembered it being longer, but oh well.
With save states it's way less frustrating than on original hardware, because CV64 is incredibly janky. You can see they made Goemon right before, it's probably the same engine.
Nevertheless, it's a fun game and it has more than enough funny moments, like when you fight fake Dracula to fight real Dracula who looks like a Final Fantasy villain and then transforms into a Final Fantasy boss that shoots nukes. Funny enough the fake Dracula is the hardest of those fights and I remember WTFing hard when I saw the dragon-centipede thing for the first time almost 25 years ago.

It was hard choosing only four pictures because there's so much funny stuff I screencapped. Last one is an oopsie by the german translators.


Best Dune vidya is morrowind


It's 2k24 and it's the first time when I played "Plague Inc."
Spent half a day and stuck with zombie virus. I've beaten it once on casual difficulty and now trying to reproduce the result.


OK, I've finished every type of game on "normal" except last two which I finished on "easy".
What I liked about "Plague Inc." is that it is a strategy game, and there no tactic and micromanagement here, only strategic decisions.

9/10. Not 10, because not much replayability.


How can a game without replayability be anything more than a 5/10?


Morrowind graphic extender is a far superior graphic alternative to Openmw, allowing distant object to get more and more blue as if they blended with the sky. Sadly this mod is incompatible with the OpenMw engine that has a lot of other qualities (tamriel rebuilt compatibility, improved performance and so on). I am angry


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Been playing some Call of the Wild recently again. From time to time I get the itch and play until I find another bug that has been known for years and not fixed yet.
Although I learned that, I think even in the latest patch, they finally fixed a wrong zero distance for some calibers. This has been known for a few years already.
Anyway, here are my recent shenanigans:

1. A pheasant killed by the sheer speed and force of a 6.5mm bullet. It killed it without even hitting it. Probably sucked its eyes right out of their sockets. Also happened with .22lr, and even more dangerous caliber.
2. A gathering of musk deers. I counted at least twelve on that frozen lake, but they didn't all fit into the frame.
3. A black bear killed by a 50 cal lead ball going right between its lungs without hurting or damaging anything and hitting the spine. Probably hydrostatic shock or something, because hitting the spine with a speedy bullet like a 50 cal roundball will explode the brain from the sheer shock.
Although I should probably consider myself lucky, because I remember (and have documented elsewhere) an occasion where I shot a standing black bear from like 15-20m away with a 12G slug right into the chest, and its sternum actually stopped the round.


Man I remember playing some old hunting simulator game at a relative’s house and it was the most captivating shit ever because of how different it felt.
This is unironically so cool.


Tamriel rebuilt is incredible. I’m currently buying stock to fund colonial mining venture with the east empire company.

I am playing a Nordic barbarian dreaming of fortune and slowly getting entangled on commerce and politics, gaining interest for serious trade and turning into an early venture capitalist.


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This one was really, really bad.
Just one ingame hour before I had shot (and instakilled) a black bear female from over 100m away, at night, with open sights; that probably went to my head a bit too much. It was a pretty lucky shot anyway, since I didn't even really see the animal.
And because I'm a dumbass like that I shot the black bear I found drinking also half through the foliage. As it later turned out, this would have been a killshot irl, but the game decided that a 50cal lead ball going through the scapula and into the upper thoracic spine (without even grazing the lungs) is just a light injury.
So I tracked the animal. That is the green line you can see going west from the orange marker.
Apparently it then looped back to its original spot (already hurt) to get some more sips, but by the time I arrived there, sipping time was over (animals in this game are on very tight schedules!) he was already moving away. I tried to shoot him, but had shitty lead, and since I am playing on my non-dedicated-gaming laptop, anytime a shot is fired the game lags like ass because it's doing all these calculations, which makes shooting a moving animal almost impossible. And as I found out later, I only managed to hit him in a hind leg.
And from there on, I tracked him for almost a kilometer.
At the end I thought I had lost him because the tracks somehow just stopped. Then I did what I have done before so often when hunting bears and which ALWAYS spooks them and started running.
Gladly this one was already hurt and didn't just run away, but actually stood up to look and that's when I finally put him out of his misery.
I know it's just a game and I could have just let it be and move on, but irl I would also track a wounded animal (in fact I'd be forced by law).
Didn't take a picture of the harvest screen because it was too embarrassing.


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Last bear for now. This was actually the second attempt. Spent like half an hour yesterday sneaking up on this hunting ground just for that piece of shit to be somewhere else and of course downwind.
Today I spend about 15 minutes sneaking up on it, and it actually was right in the middle of breakfast.
To take a good shot I had to run half a circle and get it from the other side, but it did. Didn't run another ten meters or so.

But now I needed a change of scenery, so I took the .470 nitro express double rifle and went for some lions in Africa.
After that I will do wolves in Russia with the Mosin.


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Lions in Africa it was. But something about this is not as engaging to me as black bears with the muzzleloader.
Maybe because I didn't restrict myself here as much - pretty much everything was allowed, including callers, scent eliminators and tripod stands, but the double rifle for some reason can't take a scope (they can irl), but a butt-ugly red dot sight.
I actually got two lions right at a water hole. I shot the lioness first and then the lion when he stood there like a dumbass while being "in flight" officially.
Then another dude into the other direction.
This last one was about 150m away; the angle was pretty shitty (some 30° behind the normal), but it was a double lung + liver and only just slightly missed the guts. On the other hand, I don't think anyone eats lions. But that's the great thing about games: I can and do do stuff I would never do in reality.

But yeah, for some reason it's not that exciting to me even though hunting lions should be the MOST exciting of those. And I doubt it would be better with only the rifle without special sights and modern stuff.

 No.14711 KONTRA

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After that I went to Siberia to hunt wolves.
I was actually pretty lucky because I was doing with the wind to a spot I apparently hadn't discovered before and right there was actually a pack of wolves having their resting and drinking place (on a frozen lake).
I shot one from 350m away and then another one because the pack didn't really move, but I was pretty close already so they fucked off. But because their need time wasn't over yet, I set up on the other side of the frozen lake where they were drinking and waited if they come back.
And they did.
I tried to shoot one, but apparently missed. That seemed to have pissed them off though because after that they were coming right at me. You can't properly see it because it's already pretty dark, but I actually shot a bunch of angry wolves that tried to rip me a new breathing hole. You can see the state of one of them when I shot him, he was really angry, and the log in the last picture shows the quick succession in which I shot four of them; the last bitch left ran away. I would have had only one bullet anyway.

But this is also kinda ehhh. I think I'll go back hunting red deer with the Drilling now.


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The game has trophy lodges. It's basically a kind of late-game money sink and a great opportunity to sell some more DLCs.
And it gives someone who has done all the missions a bit more to do. In fact I had ignored them completely, but apparently they made one of them free, so I tried it out.
It's basically a hunting lodge in the first american reserve. It's nice, albeit a bit american-corny.
It has dedicated spots for the basic animals of the basic reserves, so I spent some time getting specimens of those animals to hang in the lodge.
I have to admit, it does push the right buttons (which it was apparently designed to), because of course better trophies means e.g. bigger antlers, and there's a lot of room between a low-level red deer and a high-level one.
What I don't like is the often tacky poses and presentations; I prefer neutral poses IF I really want to put a stuffed animal somewhere (which I never would irl).
Also, you can only do the typical american way of hanging the whole head of the animal on the wall, or only the antlers. German trophies are usually prepared with part of the skull (only the bone), which I think looks better than the variants with head or fur. I still wouldn't hang one of those anywhere, but when it's there I like it more than the other options.

But now I have all trophy spots filled. Next up will probably be getting all kinds of ibexes in Spain to do a big display piece and then it's back to black powder black bear bagging. Or maybe more red deer with the Drilling.

I also took a picture of the full moon (in game, today's full moon is behind a cloudy veil, plus I'm too lazy to get my camera), and the probably longest killshot I made with the bow. It was a pretty risky and lucky shot because I hit him from around 90m away (with tailwind) right from behind into a lung. At that distance, the arrow could have gone anywhere.

What I find increasingly irritating though is the way terminal ballistics are modeled. If I shoot a roe deer into the shoulder from around 30m away with a standard load .223, the bullet will NOT get stuck in the shoulderbone.
If I shoot a fallow deer from 20m away into the chest - even from the front - with a .44mag bullet, the bullet will NOT get stuck in the pectoral muscles. If I shoot an animal into its chest cavity, there WILL be lethal damage even if the heart and lungs are not "directly" hit, because there's cavitation effects and blood vessels there and so on. There are more examples from shitty angled shots, and while I understand that it's primarily my own fault for actually taking unsafe, unethical and shitty shots I would never take irl, that doesn't change anything about just how badly implemented it is. Oh, and the bear that stopped a 12 gauge slug from 25m with his sternum, but I already mentioned that.


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The full gallery of death, including a bunch of ibices - there are four variants in the spanish map.

Also a turkey in the pacific northwest. He bugged out and didn't move even though I stood like a meter away, so I took a nice picture.

Also harvested a Diamond tier red deer; it's the second highest rating possible. Some species have "Great Ones" that are even crazier.

Also a wild boar I hit from exactly 90° into the boiler room, basically the best shot possible (though it will destroy some of the shoulder meat).


Campaign for improving consumer rights with video games. You can do your part. Here https://youtu.be/w70Xc9CStoE is a longer version of the video.



Wanted to do this but am too lazy to draw up a letter in my own words to the Verbraucherzentrale. You don't happen to have a template?


I basically did just made reordered sentence out of their bullet points. I have no other template to provide. I think it took me less than 30 minutes to write and I am a slow writer.


That was the wrong screen shot.


Yes, I've seen that too, which is why I asked because I don't want to draft my own letter.


I won't provide you mine. But if you intent to copy anyway just copy the bullet points and remove the not fitting part. I think that will have less impact, but copied is copied.

Maybe some Ernst has experience with letting AI formulate something and could provide that.


Don't worry, we won't get graded on this and there is no teacher to bust us.


You get a 3+.

You get a 3-.



I don't believe that you're a teacher. Can you prove it?


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I just played the morrowind dlc bloodmoon. It’s so bad, nothing is enjoyable. The only positive experience I take from this "expansion pack" is how much Morrowind is well crafted. Every item is supposed to be there in morrowind, it’s not just loot placed there for no reason. The world seems to exist without you in morrowind it’s done in a strange way throughout the faction war I’d say. The terrain is well designed, the enemies are balanced and not shitty hp sacks. The settlements followed a clear logic and were masterfully crafted. Thanks blood moon to have open my eyes to what’s make morrowind special by being morrowind but bad

 No.15430 KONTRA


A video about a ps2 era sequel to a Russian game written by a prominent "vatnikist" politician figure.


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Ohh, I recognized this guy, it's Kirill Nesterov or Kazimirka. He was a eceleb in Runet, making extremely autistic but original videos about computer games and politics. He hanged out with a very toxic subgroup of nationalists (enough to say that their head died by jumping naked from the window while being drugged).
After Kazimirka had a quarrel with them, he deleted his videos and switched to English audience. Seems like he achieved a success in that field.

 No.15616 KONTRA

Shit, it looks like he was pretty far off from all the English written traces of his past I can gather. For having followed him for a few years, he seems to now be perfectly westernized liberal. Though I noticed some fun weird references to some underground internet communities he made in his vids, it doesn’t surprise me, plus his subjects and knowledge base, it doesn’t surprise me that much. Still, it’s one of the best gaming channels I know of


I want to play vidya.
I start up some vidya and immediately quit again.
I think I would like to play some strategy games, but I don't feel like thinking in my free time.
I think I might just be in the process of abandoning gaming as a pastime.


There is a follow up video to the campaign.



I am playing metal gear solid 3: snake eater. The game is called snake eater because the story makes you hunt down the members of a soldier group called cobra. But eating snake for survival is also a core part of the game, there’s a dozen species of snake you can pick up and eat. This is very silly


Zoomers discovering the classics is always c&a.
Keep us updated on when you meet characters and bosses.


Just finished the game. I half expected a grounded, relatively realistic story and serious characters. What I had was the jojo of infiltration games. A dying man, arbitrarily designed as the father of modern sniping, who pops his eye out to better his aim and uses his old people head spots as camouflage. The villain uses electricity to shoot bullets straight from his hands. The characters were hilarious, I didn’t laugh this much for months at the over the top gun tricks of young Ocelot. Sometimes you wonder how much of this goofiness is intentional, but then I realized that besides that the game series manages to be one of if not the only to not have an idealistic approach of warfare and the condition of soldier (in 2005!!!). Being a Japanese game it probably spared it a lot

The gameplay of infiltration in itself got a bit old. Especially the novelty they tried to add to the first mgs formula which to me at least aged better. With things like the new hitman out in store it’s difficult for a game of this generation to be up to date in what it new ideas it tries to accomplish. The bosses as for the first mgs were a blast. The face models were perfect, even though facial expression are now kind of goofy.


> I half expected a grounded, relatively realistic story and serious characters.
Oh, this was your first MGS?
Anway, the wackiness IS what makes it so endearing imo because, as you say, the gameplay is kinda eh.
In fact, I found MGS always to be bottom tier of the common stealth games. Thief and Splinter Cell were way, way better. I wouldn't put Hitman in the same category as the others, because it's not "stealth" in the sense of "avoid line of sight" and such, but it's better than MGS, too, and in fact as someone who could probably still speedrun Blood Money, I very much enjoyed NuMan.


>Oh, this was your first MGS?
I played half of the first one about five years ago and failed miserably to change the virtual disc on the emulator to play the second half. I found it tamer in terms of wacky stuff compared to snake eater, and preferred the gameplay. As I play it on the newly released steam version, a disclaimer at the start of each game apologizes for the sexism lol


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Getting back into KSP after not doing anything for like three or four years.
Spent the last two days checking and understanding where I left off, what I built why and what the mission protocol was supposed to be.
Also, shame that so many mods have been lost in time (pictures from a 1.8.1 save). Since 1.12.5 seems to be the "final" version, I thought I might aswell put everything there I ever used and deemed good.
Why can't someone just break into their offices and steal the KSP source code? I bet some of the uber-autists would actually go and clean up the codebase. A man can dream, I guess.

 No.16302 KONTRA

Speaking of emulation, I've been thinking about trying it again too.
Played my fair share of NES and SNES stuff in my early teens but never really got into the 3D console emulation thing because I didn't have the hardware for it before.

(But I'm going to refrain from trying it until I get my degree.)


No idea how the state on M*c is, but for Windows, PCSX2 is pretty good, Dolphin works almost flawlessly, Swanstation can emulate most of PS1 pretty well, Mupen64Plus works well in most cases, Snes9x or bsnes are for those, can't remember what I use for Gameboy.
All of this is running on a 2019 upper-class laptop through Retroarch.
The only problem you might run into is availability of ROMs; the Internet Archive has a lot of stuff, but there have been purges, especially of Nintendo stuff, which might now be pretty hard to come by.


Honestly I have zero interest in Nintendo's catalogue.
In general, the Nintendo-centricity of retro gaming spearheaded by Americans online is very stupid.

I'm not looking for anything so obscure I cannot find it. Just the first two three Persona games (will probably never sit down to play them I just put them on my hard drive) and maybe I will fire up Crash Team Racing to see if it holds up at all because I loved it as a kid when I had a PS1.
(None of these will ever happen.)

 No.16309 KONTRA

Okay I fixated on a minor detail in that comment.

I have zero clue about the quality of emulation on Mac but it cannot be that bad. (I mean worst case scenario is that I just turn on the PC. Nope, gonna have to use the PC because I only can get an X360 controller and that's not supported on Mac and I'm not fucking around with extra drivers.)


In wonder where that animosity against Nintendo comes from. Is it pure contrarianism? SNES was the console everyone had before everyone had a Playstation.

 No.16311 KONTRA

It's not really directed against the NES or the SNES or Nintendo itself, rather I just despise their rabid fanbase sucking them off and saying that Ocarina of time is the greatest game ever. (It's not) (No, these people are not in the room with us right now.)

 No.16312 KONTRA

Though I might add that Nintendo's 2D catalogue probably aged a lot better than its early 3D one.
SMB3 is still a very fun game.
Or the Tengen version of Tetris on the NES is an amazing party game with that multiplayer mode. (But it's not like that was up to Nintendo.)

I don't mind Nintendo games, I do mind people fellating Nintendo endlessly as it whips them. It's the oddest mass-BDSM relationship on the web.
(But in general I do have little interest in their games nowadays. Maybe I'd try Breath of the Wild but I don't see myself buying a switch to play it.)


>muh fanbase
Good thing I don't care about that, or I couldn't enjoy Silent Hill, for example. Or Factorio. Or Disco Elysium, or many more.
And from what I can gather, the Nintendo fanbase is not any more rabid than other console's fanbases; and while Ocarina of Time might not be the greatest game ever (because we're not at the end of time yet), it's pretty damn close.

 No.16369 KONTRA

In the early 2010s, at the height of millennial cultural relevance, pixels and 16 bit nostalgia was at its paroxysm, and early 3D catalogue was a bit disregarded. Now that us zoomers have the lead, early 3D nostalgia seems at its height. A lot of creative new games use low poly aesthetics and PS1 UI.

What’s Ernst favorite console generation?

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