No.18298 [Last 50 Posts]
Old thread Systemkontra'd
>>4573Insert coin to
play post.
>>18311You go from yellow to blue to red to green.
*autistic screeching*
lmao all pictures in the OP are screenshots I made, and I am not even OP.
Feels important.
Playing Avernum 1: Escape from the Pits.
It's nice little roleplaying game that is a 2011 remaster from it's original 2000 version, which is an expanded adaptation of the 1995 Exile: Escape from the Pits, so the guy behind Spiderweb Software put quite some SOVL into his creations, most notably the said Avernum and Geneforge trilogies.
By far flawless, you really notice the charm and creativity of games over all those eras.
Nice exploration in over- and regular world with lots of dead ends and areas that serve no reason other then a minor encounter, loot or nothing at all.
Controls are a bit finicky and combat can be repetitive at times, but hardly comes without overall progress.
Imagine Gothic meets Baldurs Gate.
By the authority of the all-engulfing empire and without given reason, our group of up to 4 is thrown into Avernum by portal, giant underground caverns without known exit back into the sunlight.
Here they find, that while life is tough, civilization established again and has carved out a rough, but secure survival across multiple cities, forts and a castle known as the Avernites.
Slowly gaining experience in combat and overall knowledge about their new home, the group earns itself a name by their deeds and meets factions like snake people, ex-rebels running literal underground insurgent cells, empire agents, criminal scum and a newly declared city-state.
On the last 2 pictures we can witness the temporary downfall of our group by an undead lord, despite managing to get favorable postions via a hidden route.
Fucker was down to the last bit of health when he slowed down and started to hit really hard.
Prolly time to stop hoarding consumables :3
Ernst played a lot of Touhou: Blooming Chaos 2 recently, a roguelike / roguelite with Touhou characters. It's a dungeon crawler with lots of different gameplay modes. It has a story mode, which would be the roguelite part, which is pretty tame in difficulty for a Touhou game, and most of the modes alternate between normal dungeon floors and boss battles (other Touhou characters). Both are in the classic Touhou bullet-hell-style. You can choose between three different characters, who have a distinct playstyle, and you can unlock quite a few more just by playing and getting stuff from the dungeon, though that may take a while. Objective is basically gather good armor/powerups, get experience, upgrade your abilities in a way that suits your playstyle/character, and then go get 'em. The gameplay modes range from piss easy to insanity difficulty-wise, but the common modes are nowhere near the crazy stuff known from other Touhou games. There's also the "classic roguelike" mode, which is probably closest of what you had in your mind when reading "roguelike".
It's a little rough around the edges, sometimes the game does not behave the way it suggests it will. Also the english translations from Japanese is clunky at times, but to be fair that makes it more entertaining, the gameplay itself is flawless. It's 5.80€ or so on Steam, good investment so far.
Ernst doesn't want to say aliums, but...
we are factually the subterranean foreigners in their land and they are damn PISSED at us.
Also it's 5 years after the deeds of the old posse and the empire is invading Avernum.
Yet due to fighting down-under in their home-turf, the Avernites managed to hold their ground with Ernst and another, eerily-similar Gang signing up for duty.
Ernst likes the second part.
As the games were all redone in one go 2 times over, the second part kinda misses large changes to the first one, it's more of the same with just minor improvements.
Up until now it plays rather linearly too, with just a small part of the slightly evolved overmap traversable, while the first game limited more by enemy difficulty instead.
But, there seems to be a second overmap this time and Ernst is not too far in, things only just get set up.
>>18443Ernst remembers some kind of 1HP mode that was best to grind for coins, but at times infuriating when hit by a stray shot that you walked into all by yourself.
Double so as you already had to pay a coin entry.
K-D Lab was a Russian Kaliningrad (aka Königsberg) gamedev studio that released some very good games. Their first game I can remember was Vangers released in late 90s (97? 98?). Vangers was something like one of those 2D space trader games where you fly between planets, except instead of space its an alien desert and you're a bug of sorts driving a vehicle. Vangers had an interesting overengineered 3D engine with terrain that allowed terrain modification that they used for things like collision impacts, craters or leaving tire imprints instead of just plastering decals like every game did. It was on an intersection of two themes that K-D Lab will continue to develop further - the alien bug stuff and the dynamic terrain stuff. In 2001 they released Samogonki (literally self-racers or moonshiners, depending on where you put the stress) that was basically Mario Kart but for alien bugs.
In 2004 they started the Perimeter RTS series. It was essentially a 3D RTS with alien creatures (not just worms as on the screenshot, actually it was mostly flying creatures) serving as a background threat (and one "corrupt" alien-aligned faction that used them as a weapon), but the modifiable terrain was put front and center as an important mechanic - your buildings needed flat terrain to stand on and any dents or protrusions created after they were built caused buildings to get damaged and collapse. While you could play it like in Red Alert, spamming units and shooting shit, you and your enemies were supposed to also use terrain to your advantage, to maintain flat expanse at your base, to dig holes under the enemy buildings that they'd collapse into, to block enemy turrets from shooting by raising mountains in their line of sight, to use terrain destroying weaponry among other things to make enemy energy transmitters collapse at the right moment and take over their energy network for yourself and the like. In 2006 it got a bugfix and campaign expansion update but afterwards K-D Lab ran into financial troubles.
In 2007 they made a Tiberium Wars-like game Maelstrom in an unrelated universe but also revolving around terrain modification where 2 human factions built over and expanded the land while the 3rd alien one built and better fought over the water. In 2008 they made a Perimeter 2 that was only lore-related to the first game but otherwise was basically like Maelstrom except with only two factions, water and land based one. Perimeter 2 was all around a failure since it was worse in every way than first one, the addition of fluids to terrain made all the complex terrain shenanigans of the first Perimeter unnecessary, and terrain shenanigans was the only gimmick that differentiated their games from the rest. That was around the time K-D Labs had run into financial difficulties so the release was hurried, very buggy, and shortly after K-D Lab and was split and after that nothing remained of it.
There is still some movement from the K-D Lab corpse, like their ex-devs sometimes regroup and rerelease games on Steam for a quick buck, they even have a moderately active forum where nostalgic boomers keep making maps and mods but they havent made anything new or interesting ever since. And that gimmick became less unique in time as more and more games added dynamic terrain features. Faction has its unique terrain gimmick is also now pretty common to see nowadays.
Anyway, the point is, the original Perimeter and its expansion is a pretty cool game with some pretty unique mechanics even to this day. You should try it.
>>18468I think Mandalore Gaming has a good video about Vaginers I mean Vangers.
Seems breddy interesting tbh.
>>18447>Double so as you already had to pay a coin entry.Yeah, that's OHKO mode, never tried that, sounds way too hardcore for me. I'm just happy that in the meantime I managed to clear Classic Roguelike. Though since I now already beat the mode I was most interested in, the replay value dropped off a little. Not a lot more to do despite go for the crazy modes or the remaining characters. Don't give a fuck about all the skins available ingame.
>that you walked into all by yourself.Happens, unfortunately. So many shit on the screen, and especially the characters with emphasis on quick movement are prone to end up on a bullet when dashing around.
Played some Sudden Strike for the first time in a year or so.
Fifth soviet mission: Cleanse a village from a bunch of nazi armor. Easy enough, huh?
Well, in the end I didn't even have any tanks left. And only a handful of men, but frankly, they weren't really necessary.
You see, there is also a small village in the northeast corner of the map, but I forgot that while in the isometric perspective, north is "up", on the actual map, north is the upper left edge, so I was assaulting the wrong village and lost at least half of my men in the process.
However, they gave me a million howitzers, so had I failed this mission and had to retry it, I would just take the howitzers, bomb everything to rubble and then clean up, just like in real life.
And for the actual village I did, by Lenin, I did. I send in a platoon who then shot a bunch of leftover fascists that were left in the one house that was not leveled.
Picture is the field between the northeast village and the north village where there were some attempts made by the fascists, but those were just acts of desperation.
Communism in its tracks cannot be stopped by either ox or ass.
>>18848Sure, if you weren't such an imbecile who can't post the relevant link.
Or is this not actually about saving games but some lame e-celeb gossip?
No.19207 KONTRA
>>19206Made what? Club of the biggest cuck nations on earth? That can't be,because of Poland
>>19207Germany collected the required amount of support for the Citizen's Initiative. Of course it still needs more support because you have to get seven countries over their own boundary and further you have to collect support of a million citizen overall.
Continuing in Commandos.
This mission had me scratch my head in the beginning. In Fig. 1 you can see them at the very southern edge of the map.
Basically I had to take out a village full of nazis to kill a general (all while not raising any alarm) and I don't even have the Green Beret and the Spy started without a uniform, so in half an hour I manged to take out exactly three guards, and from the last one I actually got shaky hands because I had to crawl behind a patrol, ice him the second before he turned around, and while hiding the body I had to drop him once to go down in order to not be seen by another guard.
That's peak commando'ing and now I will watch a speedrun to see how someone actually skilled will demolish this.
As expected the Marine was basically useless. I don't think I used him a single time, and the walkthroughs I read to see how other people did it also only use him just to have used him, basically.
The problem is that while he can kill silently, he can't carry bodies, so anything I want to do I might as well let the spy do.
Anyway, after cleaning up a bit in the southwestern part of the village, the Spy managed to grab a uniform, which enabled him to thin out the herd a bit before actually conducting the hit.
The sniper then crawled up a rooftop that coincidentally overlooked the garden where the general did his morning walk.
In Fig. 2 you can see the aftermath. Took a few tries because the soldiers have x-ray vision and perfect audiospatial detection so the moment the Sniper took the shot, he was in turn shot at, but with a bunch of smart positioning and luck he managed to pull it off without getting hit.
With the general dead, alarms are not a problem anymore, so the only thing left was to blow up the HQ and gtfo.
Blowing up the HQ wasn't that hard, but it warranted a bit of clean-up first.
I tried a few times to run over both patrols in the courtyard, but the last guy wasn't dead quick enough to NOT ring the alarm.
So the Driver parked the tanker right in front of the guardhouse and bailed.
A quirk this game has is that a car that has been in the possession of the Commandos is considered hostile by enemies and they will shoot it on sight, so those dumbfuck nazis blew themselves when they started shooting at a fuel truck in their courtyard. Gladly that was enough to consider the HQ "destroyed". Everyone boarded a truck and left.
Next time I would probably try to clean out the courtyard first, then park the truck there and trigger the alarm - the general will be evacuated through the courtyard, so the moment he steps out and starts shooting at the truck he will blow himself up.
>>18995Nice, I've pitched it to my French friends when Ross released the video in early August. That's at least two signatures.
>>19241Who cares about some crappy gay vidya game not working anymore? Oh, I know. Balding long-haired ugly friendless perma-virgins with mickey-mouse voices do!
No.19252 KONTRA
>>19242It’s about your rights as a consumer, dude.
>>19252Video Games are for children. Once you grow up, you are too old for them. If you want to play, anyway (why? because you are a pedophile or something, probably.)
No.19254 KONTRA
>>19253Just play current games, maybe.
Pic related is what grown up video gamers look like. Do not be like this "man"
>>19241Nicely done. I got my mother to sign.
>>19252Think less about consumer's rights and more about producer's rights.
Neoliberal system poisons you with consumerism.
>>19511Bad game, still should've been preserved. But since they've refunded everyone it will not be covered by the initiative, there's no consumer rights angle.
No.19594 KONTRA
>>19511Off but I was honestly fascinated how this disaster happened.
You'd assume that in a corporate structure at one point someone would stop the train before it becomes a trainwreck but no.
I think while doing a post-mortem of Concord, even without falling back into the chudgument that "It had ugly brown people in it" (Of course the designs being unappealing was one part of it), what you still see is that a game was in development for 8 years and then was thrown onto the market for 40 dollars in an environment where most games like it are free to play.
The competition has been in the game for almost a decade, so the market is saturated, of course nobody is going to pay 40 dollars to play a game that essentially brings nothing new to the table. It's just not worth the investment to jump over into it.
So like even just from a market analysis standpoint I'm surprised nobody said that "Guys we might be in trouble".
No.19595 KONTRA
>>19594As anyone who works in software development or an adjacent industry can confirm, it's always an out of touch C-suite who are either idiots falling for buzzwords or idiots scamming other idiots who fall for buzzwords, plus the "number go up NOW" mentality that plagues all publicly traded companies and, obviously, all of that being led by americans (yes, Sony is barely a japanese company anymore). All of this, while taken by itself, can be alleviated elsewhere, but combined it's the perfect storm of le infinite growth meme and greedy assholes.
In fact, the only two video game industry companies that are currently making any sane decisions are Nintendo (japanese and largely unaffected by american sensitivities) and Valve (privately owned).
>>19594> OffIt was a bait for discussing the game anyway.
> even without falling back into the chudgument that "It had ugly brown people in it"I think that it's a ideology-centered situation and to understand it chuddery is necessary. Investors (including government) were driven not by profit motives but by ethical investment ESG stuff. It were mostly big funds where people operate with someone else's money. So it surprises me when
>>19595 writes about "greed", "infinite growth" and other leftspeak. For him "if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail".
And even when people do market analysis... Who is ready to say what he actually thinks and lose his H1B visa or chance to repay loan for McMansion? It's better to say something socially acceptable like "there are millions of obese sheboons willing to play shooters but discouraged by objectification (=half-naked asses) in Overwatch, they'll pay 40$ for a chance to feel represented".
No.19603 KONTRA
>>19595Idiot weaboo go eat some raw tuna.
>>19603Man I love raw tuna. You should try it, it's great.
No.19654 KONTRA
>>19604> NIHON GOOD BAKAsaid the 35yo fat manchild with yellow and brown stains in his underwear
After building my new PC, I finally decided to play Elden Ring. I've been avoiding any information about this game so the experience is pretty fresh to me. So far, more or less as expected, it's an open world Dark Souls game. Cryptic dialogue means fuck all to me before some reveals probably closer to the end of the game, and I'll probably miss out on a lot of content because, well, it's DS-style hidden in an open world, duh.
I also found the game quite a bit harder than the DS series, maybe I'm just rusty, because I haven't played them since like 2018, but I think they did in fact turned the difficulty up a bit, mostly for the bosses. The movesets seem quite a bit more unpredictable, and I can never guess the delay on the strikes right. The first boss in Stormveil took me like 15 tries before I gave up and summoned an NPC. On the other hand, that dragon in the lake was a walk in the park. Or, rather, a ride, because I spend the entire fight on horse(?)back. I used to be a very good Warband player, maybe it showed.
So far, I like the visuals and the gameplay, but I guess I'll need more practice to enjoy the boss fights more, and a second playthrough to see all the stuff that I'll inevitably miss.
>>20811SoC screenshots are always so nice to look at, but HoMM never clicked with me, so I never bought it.
Always stopping at it on Steam until I'm reminded what it's based on.
Listening to too much Eurobeat again and getting an urge to drive though.
Currently getting back into flight sims.
Dusted off the old IL-2 1946, but this time not Vanilla, but with the COMMUNITY UNIVERSAL PATCH.
Across what is probably a hundred download links (because I don't have a Torrent client set up) it will later amount to about 40 GB of content. Remember, this is a game from 2003.
At least it's not like with the Steel Fury Kharkov 1942 supermod that is a japanese one only hosted on a japanese site or a very shady russian one.
>>20956Obviously you missed the red cross truck because you respect basic rules of engangement... right? RIGHT?
t. flight officer
>>20958Frankly, I didn't even see it until I smashed into the ground.
Ok, so I now downloaded all the BAT stuff and installed it.
My IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 folder is now Ninetythree and a Half GB large.
For comparison: The two biggest games I have on my disk are Tekken 7 and Kingdom Come: Deliverance with both at about 80GB. Then again, I now can fly basically every single plane of the 20th century across maps like "Berlin to London" (1:2 scale).
I don't have any pictures yet, because trying to fly with just the keyboard is basically impossible and I have to try again with a proper stick, my trusty Logitech Extreme 3D Pro. I am not autistic enough to get a HOTAS setup, which would also be supported.
>>20959Text-book fighter pro issues :3
Luckily we have more then one try in our modern times.
Don't stukas in those games feature that automatic pull-up feature?
Or did you forget to pass out and cancelled it's input?
>>20981That was iirc after already dropping everything and strafing them. I think the auto-pull-out only engages at a certain angle and with the bomb still attached.
But I have found my stick again and now things are going a lot better. I even managed to land without flipping or dying.
>>20982AFAIK the bomb detaching is what activates it combined with the altimeter, but you can't be unrealisticly steep in your approach.
It's just Kraut space magick, not actual space magick :3
>>21598From what I heard it's "still the same game as the first Stalker, and there are no new features despite long development" but imo that's a good thing. I liked the first Stalker and wouldn't want it to be "enhanced" like Fallout 4. While same old Stalker with new plot and locations sounds cool.
Maybe I'll play it if I have time. But I'd never buy it because developers sponsor forced mobilization ("busification") of Ukrainians while themselves sitting in Prague.
>SoCPlayed for half an hour and uninstalled. Maybe I just like HoMM 3 more for nostalgia than the gameplay.
>MouthwashingFinished it in one sitting. It's mostly just story with a few light gameplay elements. Cool aesthetics, but the story wasn't as sophisticated as I expected. Fine for what it is.
I tried giving Danganronpa 3 a shot but couldn't get into it, like so many VNs it's just too verbose. Baffles me that I managed to finish the first two games.
After finally getting Mythic rank in MtG Arena draft, I got kinda burned out. Started playing some Balatro instead. Got hooked for a few hours but it didn't catch on. Now with the catgirl mahjong game I think I found something reasonably challenging to scratch my competitive itch.
Doing another run on Card Survival Tropical Island.
I hardly ever praise anything Chinese, but those devs really got something relaxing, immersing and still tense with this gameplay loop.
Soon their fantasy forest themed successor should release ...into early access, so I'll take it with a grain of salt.
Already far into comfy survival.
Early need for water was quenched with the tried and tested rain basin in the wetlands, followed by a cistern in the main jungle area.
Even managed to dig out a cellar as early home there, which will be useful later on as food store once I got my stone hut.
Right now just making life more comfortable.
Crafting some scented candles, braising some island chicken, boiling nippa sap into sugar, talking to my BBS-tier friend Weston and playing the lonely flute for fun.
Even trapped myself another boar sow, that will feed me a few days!
Soon the first dry season should be over now, so the next focus shall be some farming once water is plentiful.
>>21598>>21605It's not "the same game" at all.
I played the original Stalker a lot, it had a certain magic about it that dragged you into it.
It actually sold the immersion and atmosphere despite much more primitive graphics, thanks to fantastic artistic direction.
Stalker 1 wasn't actually all that open world and pretty linear, but not in your face linear.
Stalker 2 feels like any random "modern" game with tube levels for dumb console plebs to follow the yellow paint, not like actually stalking the zone.
It is a bad copy that didn't capture the magic whatsoever.
I tried to like it but it was incredibly offputting.
Lost it's soul entirely.
After successfully escaping this beautiful island once, dying once while trying to weather the open sea, this time I embraced the secluded blissfulness and called the island my home.
250 hours into this game is enough... GIVE ME THE FOREST SURVIVAL!
Anyway, next survival to be done is Elin, Elonas unofficial successor.
Streamlined basically every aspect, hunting monsters, dungeon diving, farming, crafting, settlement management, whatever you want, it's in.
As is tradition, the chosen pet is of course the little girl, quite a fighter indeed :3
5 hours in and I have to settle my first tax bill in the capital, hopefully I'll find some weapons and gear here as well, still rather naked.
Started to train fishing and stumbled upon some kind of seasonal festival held in Port Kapul in which religious followers are tied to gallows and straw puppets are burned under loud cheering.
Incidentally, fishing is also a nice money maker, as I can use my table saw to turn fish into bonito flakes and then ferment them into bonito wine, which ships for a nice sum.
Also sold off my fame to reduce my tax burden, if it would just be so easy IRL...
Also found the casino in Palmia, many high-level customers are packed tightly into different gambling areas, bars and the... snail torturing show.
A great place to rock my extreme bard skills and be showered in money!
Just don't try to loose it at the Blackjack tables...
Then I used some furniture tickets of Olvina to get some steam geyser sources to winter proof the pond in my home settlement for a constant stream of fishing. Although I still tend to it rather pragmatically, tourism already gives a nice small source of income and I can proudly say that my meadow now takes the 135th place of all 136 locations around the map, I beat a deserted swimming beach in value!
Also dabbled a little in automatic farming with the produce going into the fermenting barrels to make regular wine while I'm away.
Should really clean it up and make myself a nice home some day.
And finally we welcome our second constant party member, a carbuncle cat!
With the small accrued wealth enough high quality food can be bought to keep us all well fed and the 12k that the carbuncle cost weren't much of an issue.
In return this great feline offers healing spells and even a daily cast of resurrection, should our eager little girl once again run head first into a dungeon boss and his followers.
Also there seems to be some kind of mushroom festivity going on, no other idea for those succulent headdresses.
Played AoE2 again, for the first time after like 20 years.
And while I find it engaging in principle - especially after learning basic strats - there is still something unsatisfying about it.
Maybe because I am compstomping still on Standard or because I would need to play against a human, but I constantly click and zoom around and keep building and upgrading and harassing and bleed the enemy dry and after an hour (because it was an island map and I am slowwww) it was over because I destroyed his town center.
And I don't even know why it feels so unsatisfying. Like having sex and being really into it and suddenly she comes and pushes me off. I will slowly up the difficulty to see if it changes anything, but after that... no idea, I'll probably go back to RTT and TBS.
Won a match against a "medium" AI.
Now this was better. Granted, it took me pretty long because I'm a scrub AND also played Teutons, but in the end I managed to wear him down with my endless food supplies and forward castles. He was going through the ages way faster than me though, except for Imperial. Fucking Azteks man, I tell you.
But in the end I was victorious, despite him being able to snag all relics and making mad money, but that didn't help him when he ran out of stone and wood (I also started running out of wood tbh).
A thing that I really underestimated and which had me in a bunch of tough spots was just how slowwww the Teutonic knights are and how fucked I am without ranged units. Then again, a teutonic castle with a bunch of knights garrisoned is like an Atlantic Wall, and any infantry approaching will get hedgehogged pretty quickly.
Eventually I felt like he was running out of artillery to produce, so I produced my own.
A handful of triboks, some onagers for the "short" range and like 50 knights to protect them and I was just moving forward, like a steamroller.
And by god, I rolled.
I think I will stay on Medium for now, just to improve my building and idling time, and until then, DEUS VULT.
>>22271It's really intuitive. If you do the little side missions and everything you get really strong personas you can use in combat, tons of XP, etc.
The game essentially railroads you through the missions to build a competent team.
The downside of this is that you have this sunken-cost-fallacy feeling to completing the side-quests and I wasn't really able to complete the final side quest because you would actually need to micromanage things for that and I wasn't willing to follow a guide, I just wanted to play and see the story for myself.
Gameplaywise you get the dungeon and you also have the "social link system" that 3 introduced into the series (which makes the entire thing infamous in a sense I guess). You organise little hangouts with friends, classmates and acquintances or go out to better your skills. These all take up time, which is the hidden resource of the game. You have a limited number of activity slots you can spend on all this stuff, and the game constantly hammers this point that "Time is running out" to you so you are really conscious that every day is a hard decision to who to not spend time with or what not to do.
The social link part of the game flies by really fast I feel like, a lot of my playtime was spent in the dungeon either climbing the new section or grinding resources or XP, though as the game progresses, grinding becomes way less of an issue with you being able to expend some resources to get the lagging party members who are not actively engaging in combat up to the protagonist's level instantly.
So every time something becomes a problem a bit later the game will introduce a new mechanic to solve that problem which shows the insane thought and care the devs put into the game.
The music is insane. I expected the rap parts to really get on my nerves but I ended up loving it anyway, probably just as much as I loved 5's OST, which is probably way too much.
I know I'm comparing it a lot with 5 but I basically never thought about Persona 5 while playing it past the initial few hours.
The game uses a lot of the same elements. Same character archetypes, similar structures, similar references (like the Tarot), but when it's all put together you get a completely different story and message.
Though in general I feel like Persona 5 was a lot more elegant with its handling of the Major Arcana of the Tarot than 3 is.
I was a bit shocked that for example your male team members don't get a social link the same way your female team members get. The girls all have an arcana tied to them and you get a measure of how you're progressing, but the males just get a couple of hangout events and you just become best bros after like 3-4 times. I guess it's realistic in this regard. Still, it felt a bit unbalanced because you're not as motivated to finish their (just as good) stories as with the team members and friends who have arcanas. But otherwise they are also handled like "social links" and are recounted as "fully built up friendships" and the like when you finish the game.
>>22272Also it's a lot more open about its influences. One of the characters at school regularly gives lectures on occultism and mysticism. Telling you about mystic traditions and the like, mentioning names and books. This is integrated to the point where you can meet up with him as an extracurricular activity where the game literally teaches you basic Tarot-divination. (It's not bullshit, I have a Tarot handbook and it's actually teaching you proper divination techniques and the reasoning behind them and everything, it's insanely cool, at least to me. I've actually started reading more stuff because of it.)
Basically it gives you the key to decode the story as it entirely unfolds, you just have to put it in the lock and open it.
It's not "deep" or "subtle" in my opinion, but it's very well executed and it really takes you in with how much they cared about everything in this game, be it the background research, the music, the gameplay and the design. (Yeah, the menus are really fucking cool, very dynamic and so on. Everyone jerks off over them for a good reason.)
Haven't played OG Elona+ in at least 10 years now, just now understanding how far development of this game already went.
If Elin one day can build farther with its much more comfortable UI, it shall become one of the greatest RPGs of our time, together with its parent Elona.
With it's townbuilding it already successfully branched into something Elona doesn't even offer, but there's yet a lot of old stuff to add as well.
Also nice to see how the overworld and towns are related between both games.
Playing a lich magi-gunner... buuuuut to get around some grind, the comfy community patch lets you enable save-scumming, which is used in moderation. 0 deaths so far, yay!
Nice experience oyakodoning both games tho :3
>>22272Does it suffer from the JRPG overleveling by sidemissions if your somewhat of a completionist?
Had that happen hard with Nier:Automata which took a lot of challenge out of the latter part of the game, despite still being an eyewatering experience.
Feels like as a player you're better of with at least minor JRPG grind instead.
The whole Persona series does look interesting, often looked at those games on Steam.
But in the end I always shrug them off due to that time limit and seemingly too character/story driven gameplay, gimme a juicy blank slate to work with anytime.
>>22292>Does it suffer from the JRPG overleveling by sidemissions if your somewhat of a completionist?Absolutely.
It has 101 side-missions, some of which include fighting specific enemies or creating specific personas with specific skillsets, and the personas it asks you to create are, while often hard to actually create, incredibly powerful by the late game. If you give a shit it absolutely railroads you into being overpowered.
But it also motivates you. The dungeon has a "Reaper" that comes and hunts you down if you spend too much time on a given floor loitering around. Actually fighting the Reaper and killing it is one of the final side-missions and when you get it you are at around level 70 or so (which is already overlevelled mind you, because as I said, I never had to fight normal enemies after the initial two sections) I instantly jumped up to level 80 and then to 90 the second time I killed it.
And there's no avoiding it, because when you've done 90 quests in the game you are going to keep doing it because you're invested in this shit so yeah, I absolutely was a beast by the end.
(Not that it really matters, initially elemental attacks are the focus and finding weaknesses of enemies to knock them down, the late game is all about abusing the physical attacks and the critical hit system because enemies just straight up stop having weaknesses, so your best bet is to just crit as often and as hard as you can. Even the bosses. I was literally wheezing because the average elemental attack did lik 500 damage unboosted, but for the boss the stars aligned and one of my physical attacks was both normal attack boosted and charged up, landing a critical hit, ending in 5k damage on round one, and this was a semi-normal occurrence.)
It's definitely story heavy.
I sometimes liken it to Asian plays. A JRPG is about fulfilling the role of the ideal protagonist. You're meant to fill in the mold/shoes of what the writers wanted and if you don't like being an actor in a 100 hour long Noh play then it's probably not your cup of tea.
But I personally (no pun intended) am really into it because I like how it has an insane cohesion of gameplay, art direction, music and themes. Every single detail is working towards fulfilling its role in the telling of an amazing tale.
Also the time limit thing is important but the games are also not very punishing when it comes to spending your time wisely. You can easily get the best ending on your first run if you just pay attention to themes of the story and make the right choices, doesn't matter if you have minmaxed following a guide or just "did your best" and spent time however you wanted/thought it was best.
I got the good ending and I wasn't following any guide or planning ahead while spending the time I have.
As my god-awful starting charisma slowly develops, I'm accumulating quite a posse of steel-chewing and bullet-spitting girls
or are they?.
Obviously those are quite far from being the min-maxxers choice of pet, but it's not fun to travel around a stinking minotaur, unfriendly T-Rex and whatever else is considered top-tier.
First there's the starting Little Girl, quite a pure melee fighter and tank without consenting to it.
Then the trusty nurse, lifesaver with her healing spells and throwing about her magical fragrant panty.
Third of the gang was the Little Cat Sister, thief by profession and dual wielding an artifact mace & axe at high speed & low drag, squishy tho.
And finally I was finally gifted my Goddesses Lulwy's pet, the Black Angel, support gunner and speed buffer getting blessed by my own direct hand-me-downs.
Still looking to catch a Xeren Auto Tank or even better, a Yerles Combat Plane as my personal mount, for the latter I'm still lacking a lvl.50
Pokemonster ball.
Time to finally conquer the deepest parts of Leminas and end act 1 of the game, South Tyris awaits with bigger challenges!
Also I somehow went from 600k gold to being broke again.
Damn all those shopping opportunities and expensive slaves to gene splice my girls into shape.
Also also Card Survival Fantasy Forest finally has a release date end of month, but it rather seems like a heavy reskin of Tropical Survival while 3 big content patches are but a promise for the distant future. This will maybe need another year to slowly stew in the pot.
>>22294>I got the good ending and I wasn't following any guide or planning ahead while spending the time I have.Well, that's at least something, still I'm rather turned off by such time limits.
Fallout 1 suffers the same issue, no matter that you may actually only need half of the given 6 months until the vault runs dry.
Seeing how all those console titles slowly drizzle onto Steam is still great though.
Got myself Rune Factory 4 some time ago and liked it a lot.
FINALLY found a dungeon filled with Yerles Combat Planes and had to abandon it due to only carrying a lvl.49 monster ball while those are lvl.50.
Shamelessly save-scummed at a shop for a lvl.50 monster ball, returned and caught one of those sleek fuckers.
It's even a "female" plane, stringently continuing my harem!
And riding "her" increases my speed tremendously, while she acts as a gun turret under my buttocks.
In party quests I can now pull off 2 consequent ensemble actions, giving my pets a steady stream of income to improve their potentials.
In the end, the Little Cat Sister was still far too squishy, so she was appointed shopkeeper for my first general goods store, while also opening a food, gear and magic store with freshly caught thief guild members for their high charisma/negotiation.
Rotated into the smackdown posse was the unique fairy archer that I found some time ago, some time later I even got my goddesses gift weapon, a strong ether bow that fits her perfectly.
Also doing pet arena battles from time to time and the act 1 story dungeon is conquered to lvl 35 of 45.
Soon South Tyris should open up.
Playan' Cataclysm DDA Bright Nights!
No more bullshit pocket system, no more bullshit proficiency, no more bullshit crafting times to nudge you towards an even more bullshit follower system!
Instead all the magnificent boomsticks, explosives, magick and whatnot to RIP'N TEAR!
Sadly dev is obviously slower, but more and more people seem fed up with the direction DDA is moving and convert to BN instead.
Another lad seems to have forked Cataclysm on her own into a third direction even, no idea when we see something happening there, but I'm glad that people start to front the DDA devs that only are interested in adding chore while removing endgame & sci-fi features.
Been poking at some zeds from a rooftop and managed to haul some stuff back into the starting shelter.
Now plotting my next raid.
The FEMA camp would be nice, but I'd have to poke through breakable fences and hope to be able to take all zeds out before I run out of length of fence.
A garden shed near the house that I liberated sported a pitchfork I was unable to carry, which would be a great poker overall instead of long pointy sticks.
That wizard tower has a deadly plastic golem, can't go there for some time and directly outside south of my shelter are nether creatures, so this direction is off limits without guns as well.
>>22791Oh wow, remember playing this game at a schoolmate with us both having no clue what to do and how to use which gadget where.
When you say it's easy, is this pure gameplay wise? Because I can't imagine getting a lot of stuff done without guide next to me.
The next game my pampered friend got was WinBack with which we had more luck understanding what's going on and after that Castlevania 64 with which even his cool older young uncle miserably failed.
>>22793If you're not a 89IQ you will get by, although sometimes progression is a bit unclear.
Never played Winback, I always thought it was just some TPS.
CV64 is also not that hard, except on Hard, where I am currently stuck in the hedge maze, since the chainsaw Frankenstein's attack is a OHKO attack.
>>22795Two elementary schoolers clearly didn't add up to >89IQ.
But for all the remaining time we stayed in touch the "Sauber." when you took someone out stayed as some kind of meme between us.
With CV64 we hardly ever made it through the motorcycle boss and mostly ran out of lifes in the stage right after that.
Better pop the tried and tested Zelda cartridge for the nth time... :3
>>22799>With CV64 we hardly ever made it through the motorcycle boss and mostly ran out of lifes in the stage right after that.Now we need to dig a bit deeper into your memory.
In CV64, there is not "motorcycle" boss, just a big skeleton that has two bikers with it, and it's the boss of the first level.
In Legacy of Darkness, however, there is indeed a fight with biker skeletons as "bosses"; it's part of the hedge maze.
I remember at least reaching the Castle Center, but not getting any further until like five to ten years later.
>SauberDo you also remember the sound of enemies dying?
>>22802Yeah, the boss of the first stage, could have sworn it's a giant motorcycle.
And no, only this oh so dumbly spoken "Fßauber" still lingers in my head.
>>22806The dying sound is also great, it's a long, drawn-out, very theatrical HHUARRRRRRRRrrrr
The HUAARRR reminds me heavily of Gothic tho, when you kill somebody in direct combat without the stabbing animation or maybe when you die yourself.
Tried to look up for some samples, but couldn't find any.
Restarted Deus Ex as I blew all my weapon upgrades on the assault rifle and yet had to be reminded how shitty every weapon except the pistols are in this game, a 7.62x51mm pea shooter, 12 gauge fart gun and 30-06 Parkinson simulator, literally.
Now I'm just sporting both pistols, a scoped silenced and regular, to sneak around and execute by headshot.
Ensuing gunfights feel more "police-y" or "agenty" this way anyway, as I'd be Nano-Mulder and investigating an X-File.
Also loving the jank and style of this old game, trying to jump and grab the edge of a ladder can fail easily and climbing a ladder needs to be taken carefully as well or else you slip and fall.
Anyone cares about spoilers for this 25 year old game?
Executed Anna Navarre with 3 headshots on the 747 to let Lebedev live and talk.
Also saved my bro Paul this time, didn't knew this was possible when I first and last played it 15-20 years ago.
Now I'm done with UNATCO and Hells Kitchen and tried to take down that zoomer boi Gunther at Battery Park. Managed to take out his guards & bots with a well thrown scrambler grenade, but after countless reloads I was reminded that it is part of the story to be captured here, not optional.
Also playing it now I notice much clearer the many subtle hints of how many actors are really and willfully in on MJ12, while JC is just the newcomer with Angel/0A clearance which doesn't even grant knowledge of MJ12 itself, yet. Grunts and menial staff at UNATCO thinks it's an UN organization, but at least from Navarre, Hermann and Paul upwards, everyone knows that they are actually working for MJ12.
Oh well, time to be saved by AI.
>>22917Man I still haven't managed to finish it.
Started it several times, but I never seem to be able to get past the first level for some reason.
I think last time it was the awful hit detection of the cattle prod, or me sucking at hitting the proper spot.
I have played through HR and MD multiple times, though.
Visited a triad bar, took some bar fly dancing, did some business.
All great fun until some MJ12 mechas stormed the place.
Not on my watch.
>>22918It's great, ignore the non-lethal stuff, that's for a repeat playthrough.
Take pistols, makes you also safe skill points for the more useful interactive stuff like lockpicks, tools and hacking.
On Steam that Revision mod is a separate install you get from the store for free when you have DX, so there isn't much hassle modding it.
>>22919Ok, I reinstalled and will start a new playthrough soon. I'm your responsibility now.
>>22917>>22918once you get a silenced pistol, you can easily distract guards by shooting walls, making them turn to stare at the spot that you shot
you can easily sneak past them this way, it is the only legit use for weapons for most of the game
>>22962To be fair now in the Paris part of the game enemies are wielding so many rifles and so little pistols that I'm running dry on 10mm ammo, some elite gunslinger down to his last mag...
On the other hand, a quick double tap still takes them out without alerting much unwanted presence.
On the other other hand, I came by many silencer upgrades for the assault and sniper rifle which I simply discarded due to being useless to me.
Time to tap into those 50 throwing knives I hoarded, took a point in primitive weapons anyway for the Dragons Tooth sword, may as well go more into melee.
>>22922 here.
I still find the movement feeling a bit weird, though I can't say why exactly.
I finished the Statue level now.
Was easier than I remembered, and I got the first massive redpill by the NSF commander dude. I put all weapon modifications I found into the pistol because why the fuck not.
>>23006Just did Battery Park and Subway Station. Was really easy; I just gave a little boy a piece of candy and later sneaked through some vents.
That's right my jam.
>>23034You're about to enter the highly entertaining mid-game section.
Wish Deus Ex would be more of an open-world RPG that lets you discover more world hubs and do quests like in Fallout 1/2.
I finished Vandenberg AFB and lost most interest, as now it's mostly a constant fight till the end and all good encounters were mostly had, except the endgame decision.
Completing that thing is up to you, champ.
>>23038Hey don't worry, I'm fully engaged now.
Turns out I just had to get into the jank, which was a slight hurdle because it's no jank I grew up with, but now it's smooth sailing. I just witnessed the unlawful termination of an arrested individual telling me about my parents.
I find it interesting to see how much DXHR pulled a memberberry.
Pilot ally, Hongkong, double-crossing asian woman...
Shame I played HR first.
>>23072Yeah, even that your globetrotting pilot either dies or survives according to your actions was 'memberberried.
In HR it's a shootout IIRC while in DX it's more of a easily missed, short dialogue chain.
Try to get it without further hints!