Working long hours. The cat is alone most of the day. Neither of us is happy about the situation.
University gave us a dummy diploma at our ceremony. It was held before final grades were in, and everything had to be double-checked. Got the real deal by mail some weeks after.
>apathetic about the whole ceremonySame. For different reasons. Classes and tests were over. School was simply a task, and I considered my job finished. Only went because of my mother. Who insisted.
>>18331>Only went because of my mother. Who insisted.Do you regret it? As in, consider it a waste?
What would you have done had you had the free choice?
>>18329Congratulations. I hope you have some feeling of achievement or something.
> but I would like if I said I hadn't almost shed a tear when I looked at the diploma itself. Ok, good for you.
>>18331I picked up my Master's degree at the examinations-office two or three years after I had started my job. They had begun to sent angry emails, demanding I come and pick it up.
I had to take a day off, it was a 600 km round trip. When I was there, the nice young zoomer-girl (unironically named Lisa-Lenchen or something like it) told me she could have just mailed it to me.
I used the occasion to buy wine, but still.
>>18332>Do you regret it?No. The ceremony went well. Social anxiety and sperg moments were kept to a minimum. Dinner afterwards was better.
>What would you have done had you had the free choice?Stayed home. My default position for 99% of all life situations.
>>18342Ahhhhhhhhhhhnow I understand.
I thought you meant going to school.
No.18354 KONTRA
They did not have Kaltschale in the grocery store I frequent after work now.
>>18335I received all my uni certs via mail. What kind of traditional uni is that? I cannot remember what I did after I had my oral exam / defending of the thesis. Which was when it really hit me that uni is over when I went outside the administration office handing in my exmatriculation and seeing all the students walking over campus.
No.18357 KONTRA
I still miss her ffffffffffff…
No.18358 KONTRA
I'm feeling down like I used to. There's a storm coming and I'm going crazy.
I did basically nothing today, save for translating half a page of Chinese.
Actually I kind of love it that whenever I feel like this, my mother feels the need to have the talk with me about "getting a job" and how "Our economic situation is about to take a turn for the worse" and that just stressed me out extra. Took a valerian pill to take off the edge but I think it just gave me a headache instead.
Work will probably make things better honestly. I literally don't know what got fucked up right now besides the weather.
Apparently the Apple™ Weather app has been lying to me and it was like 4-5 degrees warmer than what it said. Didn't even know, I was just assuming I was getting weaker that I couldn't bear with 33 degrees.
Looking at airsoft guns since my mind keeps returning to the C96. Every single one costs twice as much as I'd like to pay for one. I guess I shouldn't be thinking about buying pointless toys like these. I should probably just read a book about it.
Been watching a lot of firearms content on youtube recently for some reason. I don't know. The autistic data just pleases me even though I never really knew much about firearms.
I should just drink some milk and sleep.
>>18331Honestly the main reason I was a bit apathetic about it is because I have seen like a dozen similar events where "someone important" delivers a speech on something. Of course after you attend 2-3 events that are organized by the Chinese in State capacity no Hungarian event will bore you in comparison even if sometimes you think we ought to check Brezhnev's coffin to make sure he isn't dancing on the streets somewhere as he gathers our precious life-force that we waste on really long-winded ceremonies with speeches and clapping.
(Yes, Brezhnevism is when people hold speeches and the more and longer speeches there are the Brezhnevier it is.)
>>18360Looks and sounds like Baumstriezel.
Usually sold here on fairs as a hungarian specialty.
What if your own body inflicts anorectal terror upon yourself? Waking up 15+ times in the night to run to bathroom and letting out long and repeated ass squirts. Who will answer for these crimes? I'm sleep deprived and out of toilet paper. We must address these issues.
>>183621. Basic food hygiene
2. Don't eat spoiled food
3. ???
Aren't you glad to have someone from a civilized society tell you third-worlder how to do things?
>>18362Eat some nice, dark chocolate, that always stiffens up the stool for me.
>>18363I don't know about the global alignment difference, but I always defer to Germans when topic is bowel movements.
>>18368>le german shit jokeOk, that was to be expected. I concede.
No.18370 KONTRA
>>18357>I still miss her ffffffffffff…From my distant layman's perspective, your level of ongoing infatuation with an ex-girlfriend of a few months does not even look that healthy.
>>18370Was Petrarch's infatuation with Laura unhealthy too? You don't understand what is true love.
>>18354>What kind of traditional uni is that? Typical German uni with the typical bureaucracy, just as typically founded in the 15th century, when having your own uni became en vogue for the minor princes of Germany.
> I cannot remember what I did after I had my oral exam / defending of the thesis.I cannot remember that, either. Everything after such tense events seems to happen in a blur.
> Which was when it really hit me that uni is over when I went outside the administration office handing in my exmatriculation and seeing all the students walking over campus.A student goes into a room. A ritual is performed. The student comes out of the room, and he is no longer a student. What tied him to the other students is gone, and his nature is changed. The professor and advisor might as well be a shamans.
Today I am purchasing a piano.
*ominous graduate chanting in the distance*
>>18375Can barely hear it no more, I have coworkers and an office chair, what's the matter?
>Typical German uni I'm afraid the 1960s Bildungsreform unis are far more typical for Germany.
>>18376>are far more typical I assume it was supposed to be a humblebrag.
"Oh, oh, I studied in Heidelberg/Tübingen/München/Greifswald/(nothing more here because there's nothing more of note from that time), look at me!"
Did you know universities in Estonia and Latvia practiced academic fencing? It must have been predominantly German universities, I wonder what’s the history of baltic universities…
>>18370I don’t know if you’ve written out what you meant, your phrasing is weird. I may have overused EC for venting though.
>>18380Was academic fencing such a particularly german thing?
But yeah, at least Riga was prussian until the 20th century, so I'd assume any unis from that time had a strong german influence.
No.18384 KONTRA
>>18383You know, ever since I know Omskbird is not necessarily Omskbird, I perceive posts like this with tiktok videos like in a very different way.
>>18384Is it that hard to distungish between the russian and me?
>>18385For me, yes. At least at the moment.
>>18386I'll try to imitate his posts to make it even harder.
>>18388Because he is a russian. Mysterious soul etc pp.
Woke up. I think my alarm clock's going bad again because it wasn't as loud as usual and it can't be the battery. Had breakfast and then just prepared a bit for the interview.
My father offered to give me a lift and I took him up on it. Got there in a third of the time. I recorded around 30 minutes of the interviewee talking. Had a nice chat with her, asked her to sign my copy etc. She's supposedly over 90 but I wouldn't say she looks a day over 70 honestly.
Offered me coffee. It was that good, old style stuff. Anyway, I think I will be able to write a nice article using the materials.
The ride back home was pleasant. I had to use something called a "Railway of Local Interest" which I only heard bad things about. Walked like 15 minutes in the small town in the scortching Sun and I enjoyed it immensely. Lots of people around for such a small city, lots of tradesmen.
The train station was clean and newly renovated. A bloke asked me when the next one's coming and I replied, then we had small talk about the weather. Was confused which of the platforms my train would depart from but the loudspeakers handily announced it just as it was coming in. The ride was very pleasant, quite unlike the memes. Read like 50 pages of Aristotle while occasionally checking out the window.
Budapest transport was a mess but I eventually made my way home using a different route I didn't plan for.
I don't know. The entire thing felt very idyllic and in the end I felt like I had a weight off my shoulders that I finally did this thing I was tasked fucking weeks ago. Feel like this little excursion cured me of whatever was ailing me for the past week or so.
You know, green flora, blue skies, a train gently rolling down the tracks through pleasant townships once inhabited by jovial Germans.
Actually kind of a nice contrast with going to the Eastern part of the country by train where townships alternated between looking like Half-life 2, Stalker and Fallout.
Baked some pizza. Drank a lot of tea. Harvested the first batch of tomatoes.
Tomorrow I will dig a hole and help finish that deck. On Monday I'm starting work.
>>18360>>18361My first thought when I see this is the beach and sure they sell it there but I have more memories of eating it during winter I think.
It's usually pretty good, mainly because it's just sugary. Especially good with vanilla sugar. Though I prefer the smooth insides to the crispy outside. Don't really know why I just do.
I remember having one on the way home from university when I bought one at a metro station for some spare change I had. I think it was 600.
That was a good day. Idk it's just nice when you nonchalantly eat something while walking somewhere.
Staying up late to let some cool air into the apartment.
Though I am actually getting tired now.
>>18398No. Yes. No.
I will study it daily, still.
No.18403 KONTRA
>>18402(It's a small virtual piano)
>>18403I applaud your decision to abandon this respectable intellectual life for a free electric band. No.18406
I watched this while having lunch me think of that little info sheet pinned to the wall over the gas stove at my grandparents house warning about gas leaks and what to do in case of suspectible smell when I was in elementary school or so. It just occured to me that a gas explosion prematurely ending my live was a fear in my childhood. Not in a life influencing way but still somewhere in the back of my head so that it could pop up into consciousness every then and now.
No.18412 KONTRA
lemme guess: no need to register; it just wörks.
now i feel old, because apple's faceID failing in asia seems like yesterday No.18413
>>18406God, what a disgustingly ugly country they have made out of Germany. It was rebuilt ugly on purpose as a punishment for Germans after WWII. This is not a Christian church, it is a church of the leftist anti-German guilt-cult. This country is so over. I hope Russia will actually follow through with their threats and actually nuke us for having American cruise missiles stationed in this pathetic colony.
The collapse of civilization in decades due to catastrophic climate change and the primate of economy over politics is a certainly, either way, and I prefer a quick and painless death by being blown to pieces with a nuclear bomb.
No.18414 KONTRA
>>18412Another proof of how technologically backwards Germany is. In Asia, they pay with facial recognition. Germans refuse to pay with cards and refuse to use AC.
This country is so completely finished, but Germans are too retarded to even realize and continue to go "nein nein ich will bargeld keine karte" "nein nein keine Klimaanlage es zieht".
Deutschland verrecke.
>>18406I also have this fear. Yet I like and miss gas stoves. Except for the risk of explosion, they're more convenient than electric stoves. No need to warm up and very visual.
>>18411SODA SHKA
PUSH PUSH PUSH PUSH PUSH>>18413The pinnacles of modern architecture are buildings which looks like Holocaust monuments.
>The pinnacles of modern architecture are buildings which looks like Holocaust monuments.
That's because modern architects are shit.
>>18417>and closer to proper christian asceticismYeah, I need a sauce on that opinion