>>23142Depends on the type of belief system. But we might confuse cause and effect here, miserable people may adopt certain belief systems to cope with their state:
"It's not my personal problems, it's capitalism/liberalism/Shitmany/Trump/Greens. I won't clean my room and take meds, I'll wait till political situation changes".
An external belief system provides a standard against which you can measure your behavior. Everyone falls short, but there is value in knowing just how badly you missed the mark. Keeps you humble.
The only way to be truly free from misery would be to destroy language
>>23146Language is words. The passage from sensory input to meaning
>>23147Define "words". Are hieroglyphs words? Is a Pepe a word?
>>23148Hieroglyphs are a very good example of word. Words are the lens that makes us able to interpret reality. Other words for it would be ideology as Zizek defines it. The passage from the
absurd to the object is made possible by language.
There’s interesting parallels to be made with god’s creation of reality in abrahamic religions. God said led there be light. And there was light. God is this passage from the primordial void that is reality without an observer to the subject. God is words, is language, is what makes us humans.
>>23149So as per your original post we should kill all humans.
No.23151 KONTRA
>>23150I guess it can’t be the way.
I’m still searching for a solution. Love is one, the fusion of beings beyond language, and understanding of the limit of our condition of subjects. I’d recommend love and meditation before thinking about murder.
>>23151Another question: Can there be any communication and understanding without language? If so, provide examples.
>>23152Niggers communicate without language.
>>23145Animals, unable of speaking, still can be miserable.
>>23156Yea they do. My theories aren’t foolproof yet…
No.23158 KONTRA
Ah clever fools who don't want admit they have convictions. The blind eye always with others.
>>23140>It all does not make SenseA belief system
>>23143>It's individual problems not structural Another belief system
>>23158Having convictions =!= having a belief system
Bamboozled again, friend.
No.23161 KONTRA
>>23160if you believe in something, you are convinced of it.
If you believe in markets, you already are deep into a belief system, a system of convictions that lock into one another.
>>23161Those two statements don't have anything to do with each other and only expose you as an obsessed communist who is butthurt that his dumb belief system is dumb, plus they don't even disprove my statement.
Go sit in the corner with the other dunces.
Btw, what I believe in is love after love.
>>23163>but I will have convictions that make up a system Having convictions =!= having a system
Maybe you should adopt a belief system that makes you less retarded, honey.
No.23168 KONTRA
>>23164You have enough convictions to form a system. Not sure which belief system makes you deny that.
>>23168The most effective ideology is the ideology of not having ideology.
No.23172 KONTRA
>>23168>You have enough convictions to form a system. Assumptions over assumptions, plus having convictions =!= having a system
>Not sure which belief system makes you deny that.There is no system, just the conviction to believe in the fact that a random number of convictions does not make a system.
>>23172I don't deny the possibility that someone could have a set of convictions that don't cohere into a system. There's plenty of incoherent people around.
But since you're not posting manifestos about anorectal violence, or distilling youw own piss for medicinal purposes, it seems in your case you have simply failed to examine your own convictions to identify the system underneath. Nonetheless, the belief functions. The same is true of the vast majority of normal, "apolitical, non-religious" people, who believe passively. So you're in good company.
No.23175 KONTRA
>>23172Yes, yes your pile of convictions will never cohere to anything and never has. You never read anything coherent that informs what you think, and I am the tooth fairy when bored.
You are a good righteous citizen, lets speak the truth. And an annoying citizen on top.
>>23158> >It's individual problems not structural > Another belief systemYes, and? I believe that Earth is round. You believe in Aum Shinrikyo. We both have a system of beliefs, yet mine is more truthful and practical than yours.
For the record, I don't deny existence of structural problems. But let's face it, you live on easy mode in a 1-st world country. There are problems in Germany, but making your whole personality and lifestyle about hating Greens or capitalism or something like that is a huge psychological cope. Clean your room, exercise and you'll feel fine.
No.23177 KONTRA
>>23176I'm pretty sure Russian oligarchs have a more comfortable live than me. However, your post does not makes sense.
>I believe that Earth is round. You believe in Aum Shinrikyo. We both have a system of beliefs, yet mine is more truthful and practical than yours.Does not make sense. I'm not even sure why you bring these up.
>I don't deny existence of structural problems.So you agree with the structural problems pointed out by whom?
>you'll feel fineWhat makes you think I don't feel fine?
Also can you explain to me logically why I should accept globalized capitalism as German citizen? Even though I had luck being born here and not in a poor house of a nation state produced by Germany among other nation states there is no rational explanation as to why I have to take sides with this. Even if Germany has long been a winner in capitalist (world) competition, people here still have to sell their labor power to exist and sell it to people who live off their work and try grow their abstract wealth.
>>23176there's no such things as personal problems, are problems are structural.
individual responsibility is bourgeois propaganda
for example: many people don't have girlfriends. we are led to believe that this is a personal problem.
in fact, problem is structural: government doesn't provide girlfriend
simple as
No.23180 KONTRA
>>23173>I don't deny the possibility that someone could have a set of convictions that don't cohere into a systemIt's not "a possibility", it's strictly logical.
The defining trait of a system is, well, that it's systematical. Else it's just random shit. I never said or claimed anything else.
That's why
>>23175 is an idiot. That is my conviction, my creed and my holy belief.
I can also have the conviction that he's very annoying, even more so irl, and that has no friends because he's such an annoying idiot, and I believe that his belief system is based on being an irritating asshole trying to sound smart while in reality he sounds dumb.
Well shit, turns out I just invented a system of beliefs! I think I will adhere to that. Thank you, annoying idiot Ernst for helping me see the light!
>>23180no such thing as "randomness", is bullshit invented by anglo mathematicians to trick normal people
you've been brainwashed
No.23182 KONTRA
>>23180Are you so butthurt about adhering to a liberal belief system like most people do or what exactly makes you act like a retarded child and deny this?
>>23177You're a good illustration of my original point.
One could say that your belief system makes you miserable. Instead of appreciating what you have (as 1-st worlder in 21-st century) your beliefs make you suffer because you're not an oligarch and you don't live in some imaginary communist utopia.
But it's more likely that you chose this belief system since it perfectly matches your depression, frustration and laziness. "It's normal that I'm unhappy, I'm living in capitalist hell after all. I'll just wait until capitalism collapses, and then my problems will magically go away".
Well, it's your decision, maybe you like it more that way.
No.23187 KONTRA
>>23186First of all: you explained not what I asked you to explain. Because you cannot?
>One could say that your belief system makes you miserable. Wrong.
(1) The feeling of being miserable comes first, then comes a good explanation for why it is like that and that can be depressing to realize, indeed.
(2) You assume I am miserable. I feel quite good actually. Just because I think capitalism
its globalized form is normal development is a shit system in which violence and suffering are inherent and its beneficiaries are a minority, does not mean I cannot be positive about other things. As the saying goes: a good beer does not know critique
and cuddles, good sex or having friends neither
>your beliefs make you suffer because you're not an oligarch and you don't live in some imaginary communist utopia.I don't suffer because I'm not an oligarch. My personal (and other peoples) suffering comes from societies being organized around abstract wealth maxxing of heroic few to whose maxxing I personally need to contribute by wage labor so that I can have a roof over my head and food in my belly. This is where the individual life worlds and structural organisation meet.
>Instead of appreciating what you have (as 1-st worlder in 21-st century)Empty moralism. Sure, on the level of nation states, Germany is quite a Chad., large parts of the German people have it better than some African in his mud hut or some salsa mud from the favela, right? A roof over my head, a full belly and health care are great, but capitalism and all its misery
for the african, the latin mud and even the German Michel with two kids and a riggedy rigged wifey, who is afraid of losing his job and the respect of his unthankful wife and spoiled commie kids, who has to perform and be competitive, not just in his job, but also when applying for housing for example, sometimes he will think that he has to be buff as well in order to be a winner guy and not a loser in free competition is not needed for this to happen. You simply don't need a class of owners of the means of production and people who work for them and be given only a small percentage back from the fruits of their labor. There could be more for everybody. That is why I critisize the current state of things. It's badly organized, even luckily my belly is at least full. Could it be worse? Yes. Is that a reason to be satisfied with how it is and accept the status quo? No. Even you should understand this reasoning since it is structually close to retarded Entrepreneur speak that puts forward how you should not be satisfied with a given situation
though for them it happens within the gutter they were born in and want to stay in, their imagination is limited and tied to the status quo in a sense.
No.23188 KONTRA
>But it's more likely that you chose this belief system since it perfectly matches your depression, frustration and laziness. "It's normal that I'm unhappy, I'm living in capitalist hell after all. Haha. Most that can be replied here can be read above. Though: what makes you think that I am lazy? I put much work into what I think deserves work to be put in. You should stop your overconsumtion of Telegram and political cartoons and focus your eyes on the offline reality.
>"I'll just wait until capitalism collapses, and then my problems will magically go away".Yeah, a lot of my and other peoples problems might actually go away. Why are you mad about that? Communism is there to get rid of certain problems, not all problems. Not sure why I have to explicitly tell you this, but looks like it actually is necessary to do so.
>Well, it's your decisionYou are right, I decided to settle on good arguments that explain the cause of certain problems and not go after the words of people that have nothing to offer besides moral advice, kitchen sink psychological and rallying calls that want you to comply
clean your room and think like an entrepreneur idiocy, it all wants you take part in the game instead of just thinking about exiting it and create another way of living with each other No.23189
How can you hate someone when you’re structuralist?
This is a genuine question. I feel I can’t hate anyone, but the thing above him that controls him is ok to hate. Maybe I have contempt to people adopting some structure. But never hate.
No.23190 KONTRA
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>>23187>>23188tl;dr: "I am really full of myself, also poopoo peepee"
Really wondering if you're the schizo, the schizo larper, or the farthuffer.
Maybe all three are one and the same person.
No.23192 KONTRA
I just relaxed mostly today. Watched some anime with a friend and then played a lot of Command and Conquer. I keep losing matches, but allegedly I have been improving.
Did some reading and I found a book that might be interesting and a copy for two euros so I ordered it from abroad.
Also on the book front, I stamped another half a dozen books with my seal. I found an old ex libris stamp my parents made for me, dated 2014, and that just made me realize I've been collecting books for over a decade now.
I pushed down so hard on the seal stone that it's sharp edges cut my palm.
I basically feel like I did nothing worthwhile today. I'm neglecting my duties again.
What if you learned that imagined worlds are real?
And that every author who ever invented a character is a sort of god for that respective world?
What if this world is imagined, too, and our God doesn't even know it's real?
>>23199What of you learned that all doors are created by hitting people? The stronger you hit someone, the better the door turns out to be.
>>23200Then there’d be like super strong murderers who’d punch people into Venetian doors and shit
>>23199But who was phone?
>>23200I am already in the club
>>23208>Busy intersections with a 4-way stop sign...but why?
>>23209Traffic is not consistent enough to justify a lighted signal, and Americans have collectively rejected roundabouts. They confuse and frighten us.
>>23210That still doesn't explain why there would be a 4-way stop sign construct instead of declaring one road the main road.
>>23215>Being a pilot has actually been one of the two professional I had as a kidGoddamn did I have a stroke writing that?
I meant "one of the two professional paths I had my mind set on as a kid".
>>23216Nope, as that's basically ground piloting.