>>22636>Pachelbel's Canon in DHappy, as though I am nostalgic for a life I never actually lived. No.22651
After years of hearing americans bitch about paper drink straws, they have finally arrived to my shithole country.
They work fine.
What the fuck was the problem?
No.22652 KONTRA
>bump the old thread incessantly to bring it to systemkontra just to be the first to be able to make a new one with another shitty snapshit
Sorry you don't have anything else in your life. Have fun, I guess.
>>22651Oh no, the gretafication has begun, you will get your steppe version of Anal Lena Bareback soon and become poorshitstan in nö time!
>>22652I delivered this small performance for you, though. You should have adjusted you Startblock better it seems xaxaxa
No.22654 KONTRA
>>22651There isn't an actual problem. It'sjust tribalism.
Like soccer fanatics complaining about the color of the arch-rival's jerseys.
>>22651Depending on the manufacturer they might soak instantly and disintegrate, plus if you have one of those containers you need to puncture the tinfoil, if they are providing only a paper straw the entire thing might be a complete failure of a design.
That said, what really annoys me is those wooden spoons that have replaced plastic spoons. They come from China and you can't really wash them beforehand (unlike the plastic ones), and they have shit shapes.
>>22651I found them sensory unpleasant, but maybe it's just my personal preference.
And yes, it's a tribal political thing in America. Also there were photos of paper straws in plastic bags but maybe they are cherrypicked for political reasons.
Third day of phone upgrade, changed browser from Brave to FF with uBlock, because Brave is a buggy mess.
Also Poweramp is a nice music app, used the seemingly discontinued Music Play Go before which was very basic, despite also being nice.
Meanwhile without connection, my 6 year old phone only lost 3% battery over 24h, maybe I'll use it as backup storage device.
Opened a beer.
In Finland, it's already 4 o'clock, but I have another hour and a half to work.
Is it considered
throwing someone under the bus if a coworker- through laziness and/or incompetence- screws up and instead of covering for them you explain to their boss exactly how simple their task -which they failed to complete- was? I am tired of doing the former and today chose the latter.
>>22658My old phone is sitting in drawer. Not sure what to do with it. Probably going to fill it with music.
No.22666 KONTRA
Broke my running record today. Had a very good lunch later. Turns out there was food home all along, I just didn't check the fridge.
Translated one page of classical Chinese. Trying out new software for it. (Bot trying to use DeepSeek as a crutch and also a CAT software called OmegaT for the actual edition.)
I feel like I'm learning a lot.
>>22665I don't see a problem with this. I have no problems taking all the responsibility for things I am responsible for, but I'm not going to cover for your idiotic ass if it's only making my life harder. Solidarity goes both ways.
Today I had to shit. So I was sitting on the shitter, a Happy Weekend in my hand, when I saw on page 212 a cunt and I instantly recognized her. Last year at a Rastplatz is where I fucked her; her Möse was unwashed and smelled bad and she was seventy-five years old.
No.22675 KONTRA
Went shopping for groceries. Took back the bottles to get the deposits back. I spent the first day of spring in a pretty good mood I guess.
Worked some more on translating classical Chinese. It's going rather well I feel like. Today was a fine day.
>>22674Peak Autobahn literature.
No.22694 KONTRA
>>22692I have to do something with my hair too. I’m starting to look like a mushroom
>>22697Are you a yuppie or how do you know what's trending with them?
>>22698I'm a yuppie on the poorer end of the spectrum, indeed.
No.22700 KONTRA
Having to write an essay on two books, but the use of google scholar to get references was defended as a crucial step by the professor.
I'm supposed to write something on an okay novel and an absolutely dogshit book but I have to pretend I'm a scientist doing real research. Humanities is such a circus.
>>22699Maybe you weren't so poor if you didn't consume so much Yuzu
>>22700>Humanities is such a circusAnd you are just another clown willing to do the tricks and entertain yourself and others.
You like it, just admit it already.
>>22701I'm not really poor yet on the lower end of what an academic degree can get you. Yuzu for everybody!
No.22704 KONTRA
>>22702>And you are just another clown willing to do the tricks and entertain yourself and others.I wish, I actually want to learn relevant things. Some classes are serious, which ironically are the ones were the teachers seem to be less adamant about being seen as a real scientific academic. Of course the class on literature is the one that pretends the hardest this is real certified research. It doesn't matter, I'm a fish in water, I'll gather a hundred citations that defend what I want to write, cast away the other ones and voilá, another social sciences banger. Why can't we just admit we're writing essays on books? Why must this class be the one that's so adamant on us putting on our scientist outfits before applying makeup and spraying each other with flowers from our lapel?
>>22697I thought it's not yuppies but weebs because yuzu is Japanese. Never tried the fruit itself but the yuzu juice is very tasty.
No.22706 KONTRA
>>22704>seem to be less adamant about being seen as a real scientific academicSo people like you? Der Apfel fällt nicht weit vom Stamm.
I know some humanities lecturers are horrible but some find a good middle ground between zealous and hater.
That said, it's a systematic approach which is something else than being a critic. How to approach things differently, these are mainly human made objects in a human centric system where materiality and symbols collide in a way I never found explained adequately to my satisfaction, not some mathematically graspable universal constants. I hardly believe that your lecturers think they are doing STEM research, they pretty much will be aware of the methodological difference.
In the end, there are zealous people, people somewhere in the middle and haters. The key is that they all study humanities and they all like it in the end, else they would just shut up and do a real job and not waste time with made up fantasies tbh.
No.22707 KONTRA
>>22705Is it used in Korean kitchen as well?
It's used in fusion kitchen where you get burrata with gochujang as well for example. Korea has a moment, no? K-pop and korean food.
a humanities student might be able to lecture us about food diplomacy after he studied all the scientific methods of historic food studies No.22708
>>22707A humanities student might be able to lecture us about orientalism, cultural appropriation and cultural imperialism. After that you'll be afraid to talk to foreigners and will have seizures when thinking about yuzu.
And it's not a bug, but a feature.
>>22708Portuball and me are the normal breed of humanities students not your telegram pin ups, though.
>>22709>Portuball and me are the normal breed of humanities students>and melol, lmao even
No.22713 KONTRA
My brother has been asked to read Viollet-le-Duc as he would read the Torah for his class. I was completely oblivious to the fact that architecture was full of mystics and Kabbalah even to this day
No.22721 KONTRA
>>22711Update: the new dental hygienist was better than the old one. Teeth cleaned, X-rayed, and poked. All good.
>>22723Maybe the algorithm is made in such a fashion as to make people unhappy so they keep coming in order to get their dopamine high.
>>22723My sister had a similar experience on TikTok. My theory is that new accounts are temporarily boosted by the algo-gods for whatever reason. Proof: none.
Beautiful coat on the doggo. Looks beagle-sized. How big is(s)he?
>>22725Your videos are shown to a certain amount of people first, If the engagement is good, more people will be shown our videos. If you don't have engagement, you are sorted Out and that is it.
If you usw TikTok you get these random zero or one or two likes Videos. Often in bad quality. Sometimes a boomber making a Slide show with pictures of themselves and emojis pasted in and so on.
T. TikTok pro
No.22727 KONTRA
Saw 40 minutes of a Marvel movie on discord. Very enlightening to see the level of culture most people experience as "excellent". Absolute travesty and Kulturterror.
I slept in very late and I felt a bit drained afterwards.
I have a slight cold but otherwise I'm feeling remarkably good. Most likely the sunshine.
Did some reading and also worked on some notes.
>>22727>Saw 40 minutes of a Marvel movie on discord.Es gibt kein richtiges Leben im falschen.
>>22726So the whole "keep posting regularly at good times, maybe your videos will gain traction and you never know when they go viral" is a lie?
... I mean I should have expected it. Still it's pretty disheartening. There are videos of fat ugly dogs who do literally nothing that have thousands of likes and I put so much effort into mine.
>>22725Thank you! He's about Labrador-sized, an Appenzeller. A truly good boi. Very sniffy and eepy.
>>22729You need to add rapid-fire snippets of current music, a fortnite kill compilation and a text2speech heartbreaking sob story over it to keep the current gens concentration focused on your video.
Cute dogger, have some kotters to cheer you up as well.
Has any Ernst ever been in a position where they understood that they had to make a career change but also felt like it isn't worth it?
I've got an office drone job at a major company. The money they pay me covers my living expenses, but the work that I do probably will be automated at some point in the near future and I have no real marketable skills other than being able to speak a foreign language or two.
For the longest time now I've had this idea of picking up a trade, preferably something interesting like getting into the whole access control systems business. However I'm kinda put off by the idea of starting from scratch in a different field and having to actually work instead of sleeping at my desk doesn't sound too appealing either. What would you do in my place?
>>22734I was in sort of the same position, left a cushy federal job in order to dive head first into some extremely complex IT stuff.
Was worth it and I still have plenty of opportunities to slack off, heh
>>22729+1 cute dogger.
>AppenzellerSeems I don't know my dog breeds. Had to google that one.
>>22734I changed from white-collar work to blue-collar. I'm happier now, spending days on my feet, than I ever was behind a desk. If another field is more interesting or engaging than your current position, go for it.
The day is almost dawning and I couldn't sleep much again. I'm under extreme stress, depressed, my heart hurts (tachycardia) and I feel that I will go back to my previous dead end job at warehouse full of coworkers addicted to online betting.
Today will be a long day of job hunting I guess..
No.22751 KONTRA
I had one class cancelled because they were doing a thesis defence in the department and they asked us to attend that (to have the required number of people in attendance) but I just legged it and stayed home. I forgot I had a class afterwards so it wasn't that sweet of a deal. As I was getting ready I knocked my headphones off the table and as the case landed it opened and one of the buds just landed in the dog's waterbowl much to my enjoyment. I was a bit afraid that it's broken or something but it turned out to be working fine after a bit. Noise cancelling worked too because some hobo tried to chat me up and I had zero fucking clue what she was saying.
Regardless I was 30 minutes late for the next class. Went to pick up a book since I was late anyway. It was Canetti's "Die Blendung". On the counter stood a copy of "Inspirational Thoughts of Michelle Obama" and like yeah. Somebody bought that. It's secondhand. I wonder if it was genuine curiosity of ideological obligation. Probably the latter. It's always the latter for shit like this.
Classes themselves went fine and then I got home and wasted time on discord VC before going to bed incredibly late.
>>22734Are you translator or tutor? Gf is in a similar situation, she doesn't know what career to switch to.
>>22734Several languages? Certified and not some self taught internet hobby? You can try policy shit, bi-national institutions or (private) intelligence. But getting in might not be so easy and needs some interest in it. Jobs are not as plenty as garbage on the street of some random city and you sometimes don't even know the right keywords to look out for.
No.22756 KONTRA
Awful day to be honest. Woke up late, went to class a bit late, still managed to squeeze in a short library session though. Found some more worthwhile stuff to process and read the Tang penal code a bit but decided against borrowing a copy.
My first class got cancelled so I went and sifted through the offerings of the bookstands, something which I haven't done in a while. Found nothing. Was amused by a Lenin quote collection.
Went to my last class after wandering around. Did some more reading before class started. Following class I talked with the lecturer a bit and then came home. There was an anime screening tonight but I was beaten so I decided to just get home honestly. No idea why I felt so drained even though I did practically nothing today.
>>22734If it paid as much, I'd love to work a job where I'm on my feet, working with m hands
My time as computer repair monkey at a small office was the most enjoyable job I've had, aside from that it didn't pay for shit.