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Suffering is unimaginable. What is prostitution like in your cunt tree? In mine it's horribly illegal except in Nevada for I'm sure bullshit evil reasons. But strip clubs are everywhere as well as sex shops.


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I don't really understand why prostitution is illegal. Obviously human trafficking, forced prostitution and all should be illegal, but it seems there is no shortage of women who decide to do it on free will, like it or not. But why outlawing it completely, and not just the already illegal types? It's like outlawing all kinds of employment, because slavery exists. So the thought process here is either that it's completely impossible to separate legal/illegal prostitution (maybe true, no idea), moral butthurt, or maybe people fear that prostitution weakens the procreation drive, so it interferes with their empire expansion strategy. In that case it would basically be the same reason why many religions forbid masturbation. Testosterone must be kept high, so that men are willing to procreate / fight.

For the likely argument that the main reason for those laws is to prevent women from being exploited, I'd like to make similar arguments for total alcohol and tobacco bans. It's possible to use those recreationally and in a responsible way, but it also makes some people addicted and kills them in the long run. So better ban it for everyone.


> What is prostitution like in your cunt tree?
Formally it's illegal in Russia, but practically there are no problems with it, there are websites with prostitutes' profiles, and my friends successfully arranged meetings though them. Also there are "massage salons" for handjobs and titjobs.


1. Sex should not be a commodity but a free act of intimacy amongst consenting human beings
2. If money needs to be paid in order to obtain sexual "access" to someones body there can't be a real consensus

 No.21174 KONTRA

>It's like outlawing all kinds of employment, because slavery exists.

Ach Ernst.

As >>21173 said, a body is sold and becomes a commodity. They say it's the oldest commercial sector in the world. But the thing is that it is also a sort of primal form of wage labor where you sell what is left to you: your work force / body. That's all you own, no means of production.

There is nothing to outlaw anyway, just things to be revolutionized.

> there can't be a real consensus

In a contractual society the contract you agreed to is proof of consensus and its backed by the law in that way even. You need money to survive in this world? Well you have a choice, it's a market and everybody is free to do whatever, that's only fair play.


>In a contractual society the contract you agreed to is proof of consensus and its backed by the law in that way even.
You are mixing up actual sexual consensus and consensus to let some use ones body for sexual purposes in exchange for money.


lol. Everyone pays for sex. In fact, whores are much cheaper than girlfriends and wives, who demand you buy entire houses. For the cost of one house, you can easily fuck whores for ten years straight, each and every day, and that is without buying furniture women see fit for for habitation. (Hint: it must be bought new, it may not be cheap, it best should be custom made.) But that is not enough for women who claim to 'love' you, they will demand a mini cooper (such a cute car, and all my girlfriends have one, too! I need to drive the children to kindergarten, you can't seriously demand we walk!) and random gifts of useless things like perfume (branded, expensive, that is important) and flowers (but not from the gas station!)

But hey, they deserve that, because they like HAVE to use Makeup (branded, expensive, not the cheap stuff), and they menstruate once a month.

So it is totally justified that they demand you buy some shirts for yourself, and get new ones each and every season, like 10 to 15 pieces, at at least 65€ each, and you should drive a nice car, get a new one every three years, what are the neighbors going to think, etc.

So go and have real intimacy by becoming a walking talking atm who needs to have a successful career by kissing every ass that comes along, playing games of thrones with your 'driven and ambitious' colleagues, desperate to make a few hundred more, so you can satisfy the demands of the woman who 'loves' you and have 'real intimacy' with her.


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> 1. Sex should not be a commodity but a free act of intimacy amongst consenting human beings
Oh man, left-liberalism is so annoying. Thankfully, it's practically dead by 2k25.
You consider sex sacred. It's different from other activities. You can do tutoring, work in mine or medical operation for money. Not copulation though, it shouldn't be corrupted by commercial relationships.
But what exactly are you sacralising? Passion. Sex for money is bad because prostitute may not feel passion. In 1949 when left-liberalism was still alive, de Beauvoir mentioned this "free act of intimacy between free autonomous individuals" constantly, by the middle of the book it's impossible not to see her as a fanatic repeating mantras.
In hindsight, we see that free love is a double-edged sword. Sure you can have casual sex or drop your boring husband for chad. But same way your husband can drop you for a young Philippinian or Ukrainian girl. And chad most likely will pump and dump you. And that's when left-liberals abandon the idea of free love. Well, actually it was obvious beforehand. After mantras about "free autonomous consenting individuals" de Beauvoir doesn't forget to mention that "alimony in France is outrageously small".

 No.21182 KONTRA

> And chad most likely will pump and dump
So you get next chad to be pumped and dump. The world is one big parade of cocks you can pick and chose from, and incels want to take that away from women and force them to have sex with average man. This is what 'patriarchy' and 'rape-culture' mean: A culture where the circumstances are such that the bottom 80% of men have a chance of getting laid.


>Oh man, left-liberalism is so annoying.
Left liberalism would be embracing the freedom to sell ones body in sex work not the demand to agree on disallowing it as a society.

>You consider sex sacred. It's different from other activities.

Indeed I do.

>You can do tutoring, work in mine or medical operation for money. Not copulation though, it shouldn't be corrupted by commercial relationships.

No work should be corrupted by commercial relations, but since sex is indeed (or should be) different from work this is especially true in this case, thus it has a prominent position in what work should be stripped of commercial profanity.


> No, I'm not liberal
You're against economic freedom, but other types of freedom (for instance, sexual freedom) are the prime value for you. This is why I call you left-liberal.

> No work should be corrupted by commercial relations

Do you mean that all people should work without expecting any reward for that? It doesn't work even at scale of a hippy commune, but okay.

> since sex is indeed (or should be) different from work

What is the difference which makes it qualitatively different?
In a world of sexual liberalism sex doesn't hold any special value, people have casual sex all the time, and this is praised by libs. So what you sacralise is merely an animal sexual drive.

 No.21187 KONTRA

Do you idiotically believe some Mia-Lisa will dish out to you when you cunt-slave extra hard by repeating leftist-feminist talking-points? Or do you actually suffer from an immense case of slave morality?

 No.21190 KONTRA

Chad, Stacy, cock carrousel, incel, liberal, pump and dump, etc.
A mindset polluted with abstractions. It's actually the same for academic work, battle of abstractions that with each paper become ever slightly more divorced from reality.


Enough with abstractions, just tell:
1) How many women have you had sex with?
2) Are pro or against ban on prostitution?


>You're against economic freedom, but other types of freedom (for instance, sexual freedom) are the prime value for you. This is why I call you left-liberal.
Left liberals would be in favor of economical freedom and individual freedom, in the case of sex work I denounced both or the combination thereof. How would that make me liberal?

>Do you mean that all people should work without expecting any reward for that?

No, you were refering to what you called commercialized work specifically.

>So what you sacralise is merely an animal sexual drive.

Why would that be a reason to not sacralise it? Sex is very much where animal, human and godly characteristics of humanity come into play.


1. Classified, irrelevant
2. Prostitution needs to be legal, these hoes need to pay taxes.


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>Sex should not be a commodity
That's like, your opinion, man. What if the women think otherwise? Force them by law, even when it's about their own body? Personally I don't like it either, but I can't see a reason why it should be illegal, besides "we can't guarantee that there won't also be women that are forced to do it", which basically means we need to btfo everything, because we suck at law enforcement. Not exactly the proudest reason. Also what kind of prostitution would go away when it's banned? The legal or the illegal kind? Since after that last sentence I smell an NRA comparison brewing: That's not the same, because legal weapons can be abused to harm unrelated people, while legal prostitution only "harms" yourself, or the people who decided to pay for it.
>If money needs to be paid in order to obtain sexual "access" to someones body there can't be a real consensus
I think most has already been said, but sex is always some kind of "deal", no matter whether it has been made in a conscious way, or by the subconscious, which decided that a partner is worthy of sex. I even go so far that I'd consider money as one of the more fair sex enablers, because you get born with your genes, but you have at least some influence in acquiring money. Of course there are also limitations, be it your upbringing, your education or your base intelligence, but at least you can put a conscious effort towards acquiring money. That makes it more fair then, let's say, your height as a male, or the size of your tits as a woman.


> No, you were refering to what you called commercialized work specifically.
How do you see non-commercialized work besides volunteering and slavery?

> How would that make me liberal?

Progressives like you, whom I also call left-liberals, are in favor of sexual liberalism. They defend and encourage extremely irresponsible sexual behaviors, because sexual freedom is the main value for them.

You want to ruin your family in favor of a guy who just makes your pussy wet? You go girl! We'll make sure that your cuck pays you alimony and silence any negative opinions about you as "hate speech".
Want to have unprotected anal sex with dozens of strangers? Stunning and brave, and WHO's recommendations to limit number of sexual partners to avoid monkeypox are "problematic".
You have autogenephilia fetish? Government should pay you for hormones and operations.

In all the cases there is nothing human or godly about sex, it's just an animal drive, which should be fulfilled at all costs, because freedom to follow your desires is the most important thing. So when you say "oh no sex for money is so horrible", all you're sacralizing is a primitive animal sexual hunger. This is your god.

 No.21197 KONTRA

I must sadly inform you that you appear to have super AIDS

 No.21199 KONTRA

You have Superaids, I Just can tell you took the vaxx, cuck.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)

 No.21225 KONTRA

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Men of the state taking on the big issues. The ministry of copulation is the most important regulatory body in a world where incelism reigns. I can totally see how the free will of a human meatbag with mind in its almost anarchistic quality is very contradictory to the organization of material wealth in a planned manner btw.


Sounds good. How much do I have to pay for an hour of fuckings or this massage salons? I imagene your whores are very hot


> complain about abstractions
> pussy out when asked about real experience, call it irrelevant

> How much do I have to pay for an hour of fuckings or this massage salons?
Browsed the profiles and looks like the pussy stocks have plummeted since last time I checked. 5000 rub (50 euro) should be enough for an hour of classic sex with a decent chick.
> I imagene your whores are very hot
I don't think that it's better than in Germany. You have plenty of Slavic prostitutes as well:
What about Central Asians though, are they present? And what about prices in Germany in general? Pls tell me.

 No.21246 KONTRA

On the other hand, jerk-off salon is surprisingly twice as more expensive. Maybe this is for aesthetes


I pay around 150 - 200 Euro per hour. But it is really hard to find hot girls with good Service.

Sadly most of my goto Girls have stopped working.

We mostly have massage salons with Thai-Girls, but I simply dont like them.

I have not seen one hot whore from Ukraine in my Town


I still have access to a massage brothel that is lead by a German owner. She is doing also tantra and other esoteric shit. Good service and well selected girls. Sadly mostly on the older side. I prefer service over looks, so it is fine.


There are brothels and whores on the streets and the internet but Ernst never sexed one.
Ernst was thinking about going to a brothel once but after seing all the trucks parked outside he didn't feel like he's in the right place.


Do you have a better idea?


Well, yes.
Have sex with women that won't charge you for it and masturbate in the meantime.

t. keen masturbator

 No.21292 KONTRA

Not everyone can be alpha enough to pay someone to touch you.

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