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 No.9269 [View All]

TAKE ACTION v6.png (678.5 KB, 1232x3337)

Generations of people have been, and continue to be, inspired by pervasive violence: namely anorectal violence. Many perpetrators of this violence against one or more others especially in public pornography have not faced severe punishment despite both 1) the high likelihood of anorectal injury to a receptive person due to anorectal fragility, and 2) the significance and potential severity (even lethality) of resultant traumatic consequences. What arguably should easily be considered incriminating behavior worldwide is commonly featured in public pornography, in many cases being sold for profit and far too often serving as an example to be copied. This situation is both one of the greatest injustices and one of the greatest contributors to societal decadence in the modern era. Facilitating factors include prevalent (willful) ignorance, apathy, and misinformation about anorectal topics, which are enabling people with (self-)destructive tendencies to have a field day with anorectal violence and to spread disinformation quite effectively.

BTW: Please delete my last thread. Thanks.
93 posts and 26 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

 No.16743 KONTRA

don't try with this person, there is no point >>16734
> when people very obviously are not listening anyway.


anal insanity 2017.png (Spoiler Image, 178.99 KB, 1017x801)

> pathological sexual sadism and masochism most certainly are involved when viewers and/or participants are deriving pleasure from pain and injury
> it's a normal part of human sexuality. Women are weak and passive gender, and men are dominant and active.
It should be abundantly clear that I was talking about the derivation of pleasure from pain and injury.

As for the rest of your post, I won't even bother with those ridiculous assertions, red herrings, and an absence of proof.
Both the ad hominem and the red herring logical fallacies are covered in the OP image within the paste titled "Logically-fallacious diversionary tactics."

Concerning the attached images: The subforum depicted looks much the same today, with numerous threads devoted to anal insanity* typically being bumped daily.

* Every definition of the word applies, i.e. madness, extreme folly, etc.


*attached image (attaching more than one didn't seem to work at least without javascript)


The Merck Professional Manual's article below about sexual sadism disorder was quoted in past editions of the Anorectal Trends, Risks, and Anatomy compilation as part of Trends & Associations (the 2018/03 edition at https://paste2.org/9XFgn0tb was the last one to include it, although it may be included again in the future). Note that both the URL and the article text have changed over the years, but the core gist of the text has remained the same so far.

"Sexual sadism is a form of paraphilia, but mild sadistic sexual behavior is a common sexual practice between consenting adults that is usually limited in scope, is practiced in a way that does not cause harm, and does not meet the clinical criteria for a paraphilic disorder. However, in some people, the behaviors escalate to the point of harm. Determining when sadism [and masochism] becomes pathologic is a matter of degree."
"Most sexual sadists have persistent fantasies in which sexual excitement results from suffering inflicted on the partner, consenting or not. When practiced with nonconsenting partners, sexual sadism constitutes criminal activity and is likely to continue until the sadist is apprehended. However, sexual sadism is not synonymous with rape, it is a complex amalgam of coerced sex and power exerted over the victim. Sexual sadism is diagnosed in < 10% of rapists but is present in 37 to 75% of people who have committed sexually motivated homicides."
"Sexual sadism is particularly dangerous when associated with antisocial personality disorder. This combination of disorders may result in criminal sadism involving kidnapping or abduction of unwilling parties who may be harmed or killed (1). Individuals with both conditions are considered particularly recalcitrant to psychiatric treatment (2). Such individuals, when apprehended and convicted, are sometimes civilly committed as sexually violent predators for decades due to the lack of effective treatments (3)."


"Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society." --Aristotle (attributed)

Note that an archaic use of the word "virtue" does not always have positive connotations as common usages do today. The archaic version means "effective force; power or potency." I doubt that the original person making that statement was praising apathy, and so it makes sense that they also condemned tolerance as another prevailing force of a dying society.
> "The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man." --George Bernard Shaw
In other words, far too many people are all-too-willing to fall in line and live in a highly flawed and even decaying society. It takes one or more people willing to break the mold to actually effect positive change. History has demonstrated many times that mass bloodshed (also known as "war" when it's officially sanctioned by a government) is one means of bringing about great change that ultimately leads to a better world, has it not? Certainly it's not reasonable, but it is effective...


> I have a very strong desire to start writing things like this: Steve Huffman, CEO of Reddit, is facilitating widespread criminal violence along with factors contributing to it with his failure for many years to enforce his own site's policies on subreddits such as /r/painal, /r/roughanal, and /r/sex. He is one person who should be held accountable by any means necessary. The same could be said for people involved with those mentioned subreddits, among others.
Assuming that someone does try to hold Steve Huffman et al. accountable by any means necessary, a fitting "calling card" would be to finish with rectal impalement (whether that proves to be the fatal act or merely a final addition).

> >Create and post an image called "TAKE ACTION." >Nobody seems to do so. >This has been the case for far too many years.
> What will it take for that to change? (This is a rhetorical question, as I already have some ideas. I am interested in hearing others' thoughts regardless.)
I wrote this up a while back, but refrained from posting it until now:

Scapegoating is one idea, along with "fighting fire with fire" (i.e., returning violence with violence). Among others, I may advocate killing Wikipedia's Jimmy Wales (he has a history with pornography to boot by way of Bomis; it may not actually be scapegoating: Jimmy Wales could well be a pornography industry asset.). That's because it may be difficult or even impossible to track down individual contributors responsible for the misinformation/disinformation I've covered in my Wikipedia critique that has been present in English Wikipedia's articles for MANY YEARS.

 No.16882 KONTRA

He who fights with perpetrators of anorectal violence might take care lest he thereby become a perpetrator of anorectal violence. And if you gaze for long into an anus, the anus gazes also into you.


8i4rV7_lUfw.jpg (Spoiler Image, 314.61 KB, 1284x1260)

>I may advocate killing Wikipedia's Jimmy Wales
Don't forget to mention Ernstchan in your manifesto, it will boost its popularity

 No.16884 KONTRA

>That is, I was being reasonable until given reason to behave otherwise. Maybe it is a better idea to always behave unreasonably...
Whenever I think of being reasonable, I think of anorectal violence guy.

>And if you gaze for long into an anus, the anus gazes also into you.
I think it is about time that we got a meta anorectal violence thread, where we can discuss what rampant anorectal violence threading can do to a MF.


The problem is that people just are not listening. More than reason alone, it seems, will be required to change that.
> It is suggestive of a nefarious agenda and/or psychopathy to purposely and repeatedly try to draw attention away from anorectal anatomy and physiology, rampant anorectal violence, associated traumatic risks, and an epidemic of ignorance and misinformation. These topics, plus the voluminous amount of information from others, are far more important than anything about a lone person trying to raise awareness of them. It is very likely that pornography industries utilize psychopaths as deceitful and manipulative "psyop" agents when some pornography companies already make use of them for perpetration of violence against one or more others.
Does anyone take issue with my own incitement of violence? Then surely they also must take issue with the glorification and (by way of inspiration) incitement of violence by subreddits such as /r/painal and /r/roughanal as well. If they do not, then they are hypocrites.
> "Do not post content that encourages, glorifies, incites, or calls for violence or physical harm against an individual (including oneself) or a group of people..."
> https://web.archive.org/web/20230719232538/https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043513151
> Also relevant: "Note that health misinformation, namely falsifiable health information that encourages or poses a significant risk of physical harm to the reader, also violates the Rule."
> For far too many years now the subreddits mentioned above have been encouraging, glorifying, and inciting anorectal violence in particular that arguably should easily constitute severely criminal behavior when more than one person is involved (at the very least for potentially-lethal outcomes/sequelae). Perhaps people at high levels of Reddit should be held accountable: not only for failing to uphold their own site's policies, but also for enabling the spread of very dangerous violent behavior along with health-harmful falsehoods and omissions facilitating it on subreddits such as /r/sex.

 No.16886 KONTRA


From posts elsewhere that I quoted in >>15893
> I've encountered some people out there who seem to have a nefarious agenda (perhaps even operating out of a playbook using tactics and fallacies I pointed out previously, among others), or who at least seem very intent on wasting my time by having me go in circles pointing out the same things over and over again.
> I'm thinking a catalyst will be needed before many people seriously and effectively address the major matters to which I've been trying to draw attention for far too many years. That catalyst most likely will be one or more people taking justice into their own hands, i.e. bloodshed.
In far too many threads of mine I end up going in circles pointing out the same things over and over again.
> The problem is that people just are not listening.
That's one possible explanation, anyway. The other one I've come up with is a nefarious agenda. I wrote in the past about the possibility of a smear campaign; perhaps I'll quote some relevant old posts of mine in one or more future posts.
> These topics, plus the voluminous amount of information from others, are far more important than anything about a lone person trying to raise awareness of them.
People would do well to keep that in mind. Anything I do, and anything about me whatsoever, really doesn't matter in the least by comparison. That is why there is no need for me to defend myself. I am not on trial here: many violent people are, as well as those who enable them.

 No.16894 KONTRA

> I may advocate killing Wikipedia's Jimmy Wales
It is called murder. Don't whitewash your language. You advocate the murder of that person, which is a punishable offense by law. (That your country allows murder in their law, aka death penalty, is a topic i don't want to go too deep into. As long as you allow murder, you are not fighting criminals; you are supporting them instead.)

> Anything I do, and anything about me whatsoever, really doesn't matter in the least by comparison.
Great take. As long as there is something i perceive as worse as my own actions i can do anything and others shouldn't be allowed to critique me or my actions.
The fact, that you think finding anal stimulation pleasurable is worse than murder, says volumes about you.

Either write your manifesto and go ham or go to therapy.
Stop annoying people, who, according to your words, are not even listening. You can pay professionals and force them to listen to you, aka therapy.

 No.16896 KONTRA

facts.jpg (70.25 KB, 762x683)

>That your country allows murder in their law, aka death penalty, is a topic i don't want to go too deep into.
OP, hit this anorectal violence apologist >>16894 with the red herring copypasta.


Going in circles? Check. People ignoring what is written _especially_ about logically-fallacious diversionary tactics, or even intentionally using such tactics (not necessarily limited to what I covered)? Indeed. Reiterating:
> Misrepresentation—introducing a distorted version of something—is another means of creating a diversion. Attacking a fabrication in order to suggest refutal of what was actually presented constitutes a straw man logical fallacy.
> Speaking [of] people ignoring the paste covering logically-fallacious diversionary tactics... Yet again: Ultimately this is not about me.
> Anorectal violence is defined in the OP image's top paste: anoreceptive activity involving a combination of rapid thrusting, considerable girth, and a prolonged duration. There are, or arguably most certainly should be, criminal implications for people who perpetrate anorectal violence against one or more others due to the possibility of serious injury and even potential for subsequent fatality. Furthermore, various additional factors on their own or combined can in some regions (and anywhere else arguably should) invalidate consent from a legal perspective; these include an actual result of serious injury, consequent fatality, use of a strong mind-altering drug, and the presence of a significant mental disorder such as a severe case of sexual masochism disorder. The image is related, and documents the standards to which it could be argued people worldwide, most especially those within public for-profit pornography, should be held — without limitation.
> Quite simply there is a massive amount of incriminating evidence out there within public pornography. Many viewers, children included, are taking lessons from blatant violent crime. Many of those viewers desire to emulate what they see and a large proportion of them do so, or at least make the attempt. Current and former politicians in governments worldwide who were or are in a position to do something about this terrible situation that has gone on for far too long, yet failed to do so, should face severe consequences.


BuckBreaking3.gif (10.64 MB, 520x380)

So you're an American who's against anal penetration. Then how do you break your bucks if they behave badly? Like, pick cotton too slowly?


>Someone misrepresenting what was covered and trying to make this about one lone and insignificant person right after a post quoting what was written about misrepresentation and another post pointing out "Ultimately this is not about me."
Seriously? Can the presence of one or more people with a nefarious agenda and/or psychopathy even be denied at this point?
> You're only proving my points about people not listening (possibly due to a nefarious agenda; at this point I'm quite used to people trying to smear me, twisting my words and meaning, etc.) and about wasting far too much of my time defending myself.
> Whether you actually have trouble understanding what was posted is questionable. Your posts bring this to mind (particularly the part about deceit and manipulation):
> "People diagnosed with APD [antisocial personality disorder, aka psychopathy] in prison populations act as if they have no conscience. They move through society as predators, paying little attention to the consequences of their actions. They cannot understand feelings of guilt or remorse. Deceit and manipulation characterize their interpersonal relationships."
> https://web.archive.org/web/20171002164816/http://www.minddisorders.com/A-Br/Antisocial-personality-disorder.html
> I wasted far too much time in the past defending myself. That needs to end.
Indeed it does. I'm a terrible person (but nowhere near as terrible as those I oppose). There, I said it. Now people should focus on actually important topics (i.e., nothing about one lone and insignificant person).


At some point many people will have to seriously try to do something about all of this (i.e. issues covered in the OP image, quoted below), but...
> I'm thinking a catalyst will be needed before many people seriously and effectively address the major matters to which I've been trying to draw attention for far too many years. That catalyst most likely will be one or more people taking justice into their own hands, i.e. bloodshed.
That's humanity for ya. Oh, and also some people trying to focus on anything but the actual topics at hand and even diverting the discussion: That's 100% humanity too where the subject matter is concerned even before considering the possibility of a nefarious agenda, psychopathy, a [self-]destructive mental disorder, etc.
> Erotic anorectal violence—anoreceptive activity involving a combination of rapid thrusting, considerable girth, and a prolonged duration—is rampant, constituting one of the greatest contributors to societal decadence today:
> • Due to its ubiquity in pornography, several generations now have grown up masturbating to, demanding more of, and seeking to emulate violent behavior that arguably should easily be considered severely criminal when more than one person is involved (at the very least for potentially-lethal outcomes/sequelae). Perpetrators of this violence against one or more others going unpunished is a major problem, as is potentially-incriminating evidence being sold for profit and inspiring countless viewers.
> • Widespread apathy, (often willful) ignorance, and misinformation about anorectal anatomy, physiology, and health are enabling people with (self-)destructive tendencies to have a field day with such violence and to effectively spread disinformation. That unrestrained hedonism is contributing greatly to societal decay. Far too many people neither wish to think about nor seriously discuss anorectal matters, so rampant anorectal violence and its consequences "fly under the radar;" people would much rather focus on some other (in many cases far less dangerous) kind of erotic abuse.
> [...] relevant English Wikipedia articles for many years have had major flaws. [...] Since many people seem to rely on Wikipedia (regardless of whether they should or not), those flaws contribute to rampant anorectal violence along with misinformation facilitating it.

 No.16956 KONTRA

> That catalyst most likely will be one or more people taking justice into their own hands, i.e. bloodshed.
> That's humanity for ya.
We know.
Don't forget to @ us.
Also: plz don't target the hot chicks; target the dudes/gays. else they could misunderstand your action for coming from some incel mindset. ty

Without the /s:
Please correct me if any of these points are wrong.
> You have an aesthetic anus fetish
> Some of the anuses you do not like to look at because of remnant artifacts of (self-)harmful behaviour, coined "anorectal violence" by you
> You want to go amok, because people do not share your aesthetic anus fetish and not every anus is aesthetically pleasing to you
> You believe you have the right to do so, because >>16887 "Anything I do, and anything about me whatsoever, really doesn't matter in the least by comparison [to an unaesthetic anus]"
Don't pretend you are not hinting heavily towards that direction of actions without explicitly mentioning it; we can read between the lines.
> ???
> Profit

t. has an aesthetic ear fetish and wants to homicide everyone wearing earrings or doing ring-fighting :^)


> Going in circles? Check. People ignoring what is written _especially_ about logically-fallacious diversionary tactics, or even intentionally using such tactics (not necessarily limited to what I covered)? Indeed.
> I recognize when someone is intentionally wasting my time, trying to smear me, put words into my mouth, etc.
There doesn't seem to be any realistic explanation other than a nefarious agenda at this point. I encountered at least one similar person in the past:
> I also wrote that the person in question is very obviously wasting my time. That remains true. The person does not even acknowledge some of my points and also makes false claims about me (I will refrain from speculating as to why, although I do have some ideas: none of them are good).

Interestingly, the person in question also complained about my not using post references on Astrochan (post 37256).
> I wrote in the previous thread that I would ignore this apparently-German person, or someone very similar. This is my last intentional response to him or her.
I'll be here should anyone else wish to actually have a two-sided discussion about actual topics of relevance and at least acknowledging points that were made, in some cases far too many times (particularly ones about logically-fallacious diversionary tactics, this being about greater matters than anything pertaining to one lone messenger, etc).

 No.16960 KONTRA

We need a pride flag for aesthetic anus fetish.


Here are points I made back in 2016 from https://web.archive.org/web/20210207051427/https://desuarchive.org/gif/thread/9369909/#9374267 (originally split into two posts)
1. The rectal lining that is found only a few centimeters past the anal opening and beyond is delicate and insensitive to pain, which is one reason why rapid thrusting is always a bad idea. Furthermore, enemas and lubricants can cause problems themselves. An enema typically removes the protective mucus barrier. Some enemas and lubricants also can (further) irritate, damage, and/or increase the fragility of the rectal mucosa -- and that's before we consider what sexual trauma might do. Both rectal inflammation and fecal bacterial infections (or associated abscesses/fistulae) were found to be common amongst anoreceptive people.
2. The loosely-attached hemorrhoidal cushions become engorged with blood when the anal sphincters and puborectalis relax as a person bears down. That's another reason why rapid thrusting is always a bad idea, especially in combination with a girthy penis/object and a prolonged duration.
3. Anal sex and insertions with a girthy penis/object combined with rapid thrusting and a prolonged duration are the norm in porn, even for "first" anal sex scenes. It is simply not possible for anal and rectal injuries (and serious/chronic/permanent consequences) to be uncommon due to the physiology and anatomy of the anorectal area.
4. Some receptive people--including pornstars--have spoken out about resultant problems. That's not very surprising at all. Also, there are plenty of obviously [self-]destructive people in porn industries worldwide -- sexual sadists, sexual masochists, and sadistic sociopaths are having a field day with anal abuse. It should be obvious that there is a problem when there are people messing around with or even fucking another person's prolapsed rectum.
5. In many cases there are obvious, externally-visible changes to a receptive person's anus. Plenty of young, fit women start out in porn with a healthy anus that resembles the anatomical ideal but it rapidly degrades at some point, especially after she starts having receptive anal sex in porn. I've seen that happen many times, and it's one major reason why I'm so fed up with the rampant anal abuse. (If the tougher, externally-visible tissue is damaged, then it's likely that other/worse issues exist further inside where the tissues are even more delicate.)
6. Those visible changes typically go unnoticed by the vast majority of people, and that [willful] ignorance is part of the problem. Too many people just don't want to think about (much less learn about and pay attention to) anorectal health and the appearance of another person's anus (especially throughout a porn career). That ignorance definitely contributes to the rampant anal abuse that has been going on for much too long now.


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 No.16993 KONTRA

sensible chuckle.jpg (262.25 KB, 1476x1460)


> For how many more years will issues covered in the OP image (not to mention additional issues documented in this thread) remain unaddressed?


Here is a portion of yet another old post from elsewhere (do not ask for a reference, as it probably will not be provided at least by me; the site's gone now anyway, and it's one place—among others—where administrative hostility was experienced):
> Others should feel obligated to fix significant flaws in those Wikipedia articles that I referenced: Even though some intelligent persons say not to rely on Wikipedia and to always check the references, some people may rely on Wikipedia for a quick overview of a topic without checking references (whether that's due to laziness, foolishness, or simply being in a hurry). That's why those major, years-old flaws in important articles of relevance to _many_ people (even all of humanity in the case of the human anus article: an important body part we all [should] have, not to mention the article about simple columnar epithelium that explains nothing about its fragility) need to be addressed. They needed to be addressed many years ago. The fact that they have not been is utterly inexcusable especially for established Wikipedia editors who have worked on those articles.
Concerning the "an important body part we all [should] have" bit, there can be [rare and/or congenital] conditions such as an imperforate anus. Also, some people—some victims of anorectal violence among them—end up needing a diverting alternative such as a colostomy.

And speaking of such victims, here's another old post of mine from a different awful place (so, again, don't expect a reference):
> I expect that people will need a catalyst [before many people seriously and effectively address the major matters to which I've been trying to draw attention for far too many years]. I'm hoping that one or more victims on the receiving end of (what should easily be considered criminal) anorectal violence at the hands of one or more others will flip out at some point and dispense justice by way of a bloodbath.
> Perhaps history has even demonstrated that important issues swept under the rug for far too long need such a catalyst before many people worldwide decide to actually do something effective. (This is speculation, hence the "perhaps;" I have no desire to dig up proof.)


Perhaps I should give up on Wikipedia entirely and shelve the critique.

I Get Paid To Edit Wikipedia For Leading Companies (2013/01/09) by Mike Wood
The Covert World of People Trying to Edit Wikipedia—for Pay (2015/08/11)
The Reason I Never Disclose My Work As A Paid Wikipedia Editor (2016/04/10) by Mike Wood
Facebook, Axios And NBC Paid This Guy [Ed Sussman] To Whitewash Wikipedia Pages (2019/03/14; updated 2019/07/18)
Wikipedia editors get paid to spin articles (2019/03/26)
Fakepedia: Wikipedia editors paid to protect Political, Tech, and Media (2019/03/26)
Wikipedia Is Badly Biased (2020/05/14)
Nobody should trust Wikipedia, says man [co-founder Larry Sanger] who invented Wikipedia (2021/07/16)
US establishment using Wikipedia to wage ‘information warfare’: Former editor (2023/08/02; updated 2023/08/03)
Wikipedia Founder Larry Sanger to Glenn Greenwald: “CIA and FBI Use Wikipedia for Information Warfare” (2023/08/03)
Wikipedia Co-founder: Site Hijacked for 'Info Warfare' (2023/11/06)


> (2023/11/06)
Just before posting the list was rearranged to drop some redundant articles. That's a remnant not spotted in time; the correct date is embedded in the URL.

Anyway, the 2024/06/11 edition of the references compilation is now available:
or https://archive.today/202406/https://paste2.org/L6dB893j

Years ago I used Google to dig extensively for quotable information of relevance, and many books with free, image-based previews of the quoted page(s) were found on Google Books. Quite a bit of time was spent manually transcribing material from those into text. This was, of course, an error-prone process, and mistakes were made. Recently I added to my collection the PDF version of many of the books cited in the references compilation, and several minor discrepancies were noticed. Some of them were addressed in the latest compilation, particularly a few text inaccuracies.

There are a few known minor issues: 1) a closing quote is missing for the first line of Forensic Medicine: Fundamentals and Perspectives (2013) - Page 312, and 2) "[diseased]" was not re-added to clarify hemorrhoidal disease is being discussed for Principles and Practice of Surgery for the Colon, Rectum, and Anus, Third Edition (2007) - Pages 247-248. Those issues have been fixed in the images and shall be addressed in a new compilation to be released probably next year.




Maybe I'll post the latest edition of the hit list soon. Being reasonable clearly is ineffective.

Remember: 1) Nothing about me really matters. I am merely one insignificant person. If I am awful and impatient after doing this for 16+ years, well, I am only human. 2) The issues I and many others have covered truly are important to humanity in general. Perhaps "going too far" is one way to speed up many humans' realization of that fact. After all, it's been said that "any attention is good attention."
> Perhaps I should start posting material that quite possibly will result in the administrative censorship I experienced on the .xyz site* beginning anew on this site. It seems as if there is nothing to lose when people very obviously are not listening anyway.
> * The censorship began there before I posted any such material. That is, I was being reasonable until given reason to behave otherwise. Maybe it is a better idea to always behave unreasonably...
> "The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man." --George Bernard Shaw
> "Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society." --Aristotle (attributed)
> Note that an archaic use of the word "virtue" does not always have positive connotations as common usages do today. The archaic version means "effective force; power or potency." I doubt that the original person making that statement was praising apathy, and so it makes sense that they also condemned tolerance as another prevailing force of a dying society.
> [Referencing the George Bernard Shaw quote] In other words, far too many people are all-too-willing to fall in line and live in a highly flawed and even decaying society. It takes one or more people willing to break the mold to actually effect positive change. History has demonstrated many times that mass bloodshed (also known as "war" when it's officially sanctioned by a government) is one means of bringing about great change that ultimately leads to a better world, has it not? Certainly it's not reasonable, but it is effective...

 No.17924 KONTRA

Here is a man who would not take it anymore. A man who stood up against the scum, the cunts, the dogs, the filth, the shit. Here is a man who stood up! Because he has an "aesthetic anus fetish" lmao

 No.17925 KONTRA

stoll_gesichtspalme.png (121.89 KB, 303x307)

> [...] many books with [...] image-based previews of [...] page(s) were found [...]. Quite a bit of time was spent manually transcribing material from those into text.


> Sat 19 Nov 2016 03:58:02 No.9623910
> "Attack the messenger" and "change the topic" are shill-like tactics that I continually see. Posting about the ad hominem and red herring logical fallacies seems to be rather ineffectual compared to people actually using them, which is probably why I keep on seeing them -- they're sadly very effective.
From another old post of mine (4chan /hc/ probably 2014 or earlier; in response to post 771891) that may not be present on any public archive:
> Bias pertains to opinions and feelings, particularly preconceived and unreasoned ones (prejudices). It does not apply to facts. Whether a person presenting factual information (or a summary of factual information from other sources) is biased or not is irrelevant. As I've pointed out many times before, it is logically fallacious (ad hominem) to argue that anything about a person presenting facts somehow changes their validity.

> It is also logically fallacious (red herring) to try to distract people's attention away from anything factual that someone posts by discussing the poster's personal attributes instead. This persistent discussion about me is nothing more than a diversion; it's an excuse to discuss anything but those inconvenient facts that I've been posting for years.

How the quoted material was obtained really doesn't matter. What does matter is the content.


> Considering that decades have passed in many cases, factors such as statutes of limitations and relocation may render _severe_ criminal prosecution of such violent criminals by governments impossible. In such cases is there any alternative means for justice to be served without one more people taking justice into their own hands?
There appears to be no alternative to bloodshed—violent justice—if many very nasty people (including those directing and profiting) are to face severe repercussions for inflicting anorectal violence on one or more receptive people while inspiring countless viewers, some of whom (probably a significant proportion considering the prevalence of misinformation and disinformation about anorectal topics, among other contributing factors that were covered) go on to emulate what they see.

All I can do is keep on "spamming" on an embarrassingly small number of places while awaiting the bloodbaths... Perhaps I should post the hit list here next. If that leads to administrative hostility, then that's just fine. I've already experienced various forms of it on many places: what's one more? Besides, it feels good to rage and have no need to hold myself back and behave (being reasonable, in other words).

Letting loose one's own monster while fighting against much worse monsters can be quite cathartic if nothing else.


Anorectum has fallen. Billions must die


>Letting loose one's own monster while fighting against much worse monsters can be quite cathartic
If you gaze for long into a prolapsed asshole, that splayed brown starfish will wink back at you.


flash post doctoring.png (48.05 KB, 802x466)

> Perhaps I should post the hit list here next.
Considering that people don't even seem to be _trying_ to address issues that were covered and that this has been the case for many years now... The latest edition is below.

These people, among far too many others, must be slaughtered for justice to be served:
• Rocco Siffredi, plus plenty more violent criminals like him who perpetrated brutal anorectal violence against many victims — and inspired countless viewers while so doing
• John Stagliano, along with many other criminals like him involved in Evil Angel and similar companies worldwide (LegalPorno springs to mind): anyone doing one or more of aiding and abetting violent criminals, profiting from their crimes, and directing their actions
• Kamala Harris, California's Attorney General for many years: Did she do _anything whatsoever_ to rein in California's out-of-control pornography industry? It doesn't seem so.
• Xavier Becerra, another former California AG (now heading the U.S. DHHS, which oversees the NIH, despite having no public health nor medical background); Gavin Newsom, California's current governor; and Jerry Brown, California's former governor: See above.
• Anyone who was involved in the 2008 obscenity prosecution idiocy against Evil Angel, which only made things worse — and I wouldn't put it past the likes of the George W. Bush administration to have desired such an effect. Who in the FBI was involved? Who was involved at higher levels, up to and possibly including Bush and Cheney? They all must be killed.
• Steve Huffman, CEO of Reddit: Failing for many years to enforce his own site's policies concerning violent content (e.g. on /r/painal and /r/roughanal) and health-harmful falsehoods (e.g. on /r/sex).
• Michael "pornlaw" Fattorosi, a lawyer: Back in 2008 (prior to the obscenity prosecution idiocy) he was crusading against anorectal violence and its consequences; he probably was bought off with a pornstar named Vanessa Blue.
• Stephanie Dunn of California & Maine, one potentially-former administrator of AdultDVDTalk (username "Janitor," previously "Steph"): aiding and abetting violent criminals and their crimes — and likely profiting from them as well
• "Flash," a 'moderator' of AdultDVDTalk: image related


"This study explores female university students’ attitudes toward and concerns about pornography, based on their experience watching it and on sexual encounters with men. It used a qualitative descriptive design. Individual semi-structured interviews were conducted with 22 participants between March and April 2020. Thematic data analysis was performed using COREQ reporting guidelines. Three themes emerged from the data: (1) the sexual learning process, (2) the role of pornography in women’s sexuality, and (3) sexual experiences. Participants reported how they learned about sexuality and how pornography influenced sexual experiences. Self-esteem issues and societal norms regarding hair removal and difficulty saying “no” to unwanted or humiliating sexual practices were found. The young women were not comfortable with women’s representations in mainstream pornography. They blamed pornography for negative sexual experiences and claimed it influenced them and young men. Participants usually assumed submissive roles during sex and permitted aggressive sexual behaviors. The study reveals valuable information on how young women learn about sex and their difficulty in refusing unwanted sexual activities and even aggressive practices. Sexual education programs should include assertiveness training to improve sexual health, consent, and well-being."
"Young Women's Attitudes and Concerns Regarding Pornography and Their Sexual Experiences: A Qualitative Approach." Healthcare. 2023 Nov 1; 11(21): 2877. PMC10649751. doi:10.3390/healthcare11212877.


> • The "human anus" and the "perineal raphe" articles both depict a female's anus and perineum probably damaged by some kind of major trauma.
The English Wikipedia article about the human anus recently was changed, rendering what's quoted above inapplicable to it for now.

The English Wikipedia article about the perineal raphe, on the other hand, remains unchanged so far. From that article as of this post: "The perineal raphe is a visible line or ridge of tissue on the body that extends from the anus through the perineum to the scrotum (male) or the vulva (female). It is found in both males and females, arises from the fusion of the urogenital folds, and is visible running medial through anteroposterior, to the anus where it resolves in a small knot of skin of varying size."

Presently not one reference is provided for anything in that paragraph. Further down the article states: "This article incorporates text in the public domain from page 1237 of the 20th edition of Gray's Anatomy (1918)." Looking at page 1237 right now in the PDF version of the book, it's part of a subsection titled "The Testes and Their Coverings." It is talking about a scrotal raphe. There is no mention whatsoever of a visible anterior/anogenital perineal raphe in biological females.

"Anatomy of the Human Body" (1918) by Henry Gray can be found here among other places: https://archive.org/details/anatomyofhumanbo1918gray


"Although the debate on the nature of the relationship between pornography use and sexual coercion has lasted decades (see Fisher & Kohut, 2017), evidence consistently indicates there is a significant relationship between these two behaviors (see DeKeseredy & Corsianos, 2016). A recent meta-analysis by Wright, Tokunaga, and Kraus (2015) found that pornography use was significantly related to sexually coercive behaviors across studies including general population and college samples, men and women from different countries, as well as studies conducted before and after the advent of Internet pornography (Wright et al., 2015). Furthermore, the relationship between pornography use and sexual coercion has been consistently demonstrated among college males (D’Abreu & Krahé, 2014; Foubert, Brosi, & Bannon, 2011; Marshall, Miller, & Bouffard, 2017; Vega & Malamuth, 2007). This relationship is especially problematic in light of recent findings indicating that as many as one in five females are victims of sexual assault at some point in their college careers (Krebs et al., 2016), as well as research indicating that nearly 90% of college males report using pornography at least once in the last year (Carrol et al., 2008)."
... "The current study sought to apply the sexual script theory (Gagnon & Simon, 1973) to the relationship between pornography use and sexual coercion in an attempt to explain this consistent association found in previous research. Scripts provide conventions informing sexual behavior, interpersonal sexual interactions, and individual sexual desires. The current study examined whether pornography provides a source of these conventions. In addition, this study used items assessing cultural, intrapsychic, and interpersonal scripts, to provide a complete examination of the theory. Cultural scripts comprise beliefs regarding the appropriateness or likelihood of sexual behaviors or situations, intrapsychic scripts involve an individual’s desires or fantasies, and interpersonal scripts entail how an individual negotiates sexual encounters. Results of the study provide implications for each of these inquiries."
"The sexual script theory has been given more attention in recent years as a way to explain certain effects pornography use has on its consumers. The results of this study support those of previous studies (Braithwaite, Aaron, et al., 2015; Braithwaite, Coulson, et al., 2015; Tomaszewska & Krahe, 2018), providing further evidence for the sexual script theory. In addition, these studies highlight the theory’s applicability to the relationship between pornography use and a multitude of sexual behaviors, setting it apart from other theories attempting to explain the relationship between pornography use and sexual coercion. Other theories, such as the confluence model (Malamuth et al., 2000), only focus on the relationship between pornography use and sexual coercion. As a theory is applied to a wider variety of behavior, further support is contributed. Although the current study may not completely “bridge the theoretical gap” in research on pornography use and sexual coercion, it contributes further evidence that the sexual script theory may provide this route. Results of the analyses also demonstrate how each level of scripts works to influence behavior."
"Bridging the Theoretical Gap: Using Sexual Script Theory to Explain the Relationship Between Pornography Use and Sexual Coercion." Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 2021 May; 36(9-10): NP5215-NP5238. doi:10.1177/0886260518795170. (PMID 30193544) Epub 2018 Sep 7.


"Background: Due to easy online accessibility of pornography its consumption is popular among adolescents and young adults. Considering recently developed frameworks on the effects of sexual media, we assessed how increased consumption of pornography is associated with the experience of certain aspects of offline and online sexual activity in German medical students."
"Methods: Between April 2018 and March 2020 medical students from the Technical University of Munich in Germany were anonymously surveyed with regards to their sexual behavior, consumption of pornography, and use of social media. 468 students (female: n = 293; male: n = 175) were included in the current analysis. Data was analyzed using simple and multiple Poisson regression analysis."
"Results: Only 7.3% of female students but the majority of male students (79.1%) consumed pornography more than 4 times in the last 4 weeks. Female and male students who reported to be inspired by pornography (female: 52.0%, male: 74.6%) and who have enjoyed the experience of anal intercourse in their life (female: 17.1%, male: 32.2%) consumed pornography more frequently. Female students who have experienced a "threesome" (9.0%), have sent erotic pictures of themselves (33.5%), or use social media in their dating life (27.6%) consumed pornography more frequently. Male students who did not experience a sexual transmitted disease (82.9%) and did not cheat on their partner (68.0%) consumed pornography more frequently (results of multiple Poisson regression analysis; all p < 0.05)."
"Conclusions: Many students consider pornography as inspiration for their sex life and frequent consumption of pornography seems to be associated with gender specific characteristics congruent with short-term sexual quality. The desire of adolescents and young adults for practical information about sexual intercourse should be addressed openly and a proper understanding of the sexuality shown in pornography should be taught."
"The role of pornography in the sex life of young adults-a cross-sectional cohort study on female and male German medical students." BMC Public Health. 2022 Jul 4; 22(1): 1287. PMC9252028. doi:10.1186/s12889-022-13699-4.


"Appetitive conditioning plays an important role in the development and maintenance of pornography-use and gaming disorders. It is assumed that primary and secondary reinforcers are involved in these processes. Despite the common use of pornography and gaming in the general population appetitive conditioning processes in this context are still not well studied. This study aims to compare appetitive conditioning processes using primary (pornographic) and secondary (monetary and gaming-related) rewards as unconditioned stimuli (UCS) in the general population. Additionally, it investigates the conditioning processes with gaming-related stimuli as this type of UCS was not used in previous studies. Thirty-one subjects participated in a differential conditioning procedure in which four geometric symbols were paired with either pornographic, monetary, or gaming-related rewards or with nothing to become conditioned stimuli (CS + porn, CS + game, CS + money, and CS-) in an functional magnetic resonance imaging study. We observed elevated arousal and valence ratings as well as skin conductance responses for each CS+ condition compared to the CS-. On the neural level, we found activations during the presentation of the CS + porn in the bilateral nucleus accumbens, right medial orbitofrontal cortex, and the right ventral anterior cingulate cortex compared to the CS-, but no significant activations during CS + money and CS + game compared to the CS-. These results indicate that different processes emerge depending on whether primary and secondary rewards are presented separately or together in the same experimental paradigm. Additionally, monetary and gaming-related stimuli seem to have a lower appetitive value than pornographic rewards."
"Appetitive conditioning with pornographic stimuli elicits stronger activation in reward regions than monetary and gaming-related stimuli." Human Brain Mapping. 2024 Jun 1; 45(8): e26711. PMID 38798103. doi:10.1002/hbm.26711.


"Decades of research have examined the association between pornography use and sexual coercion, with the most significant relationships found between more deviant genres of pornography use and sexual violence. However, researchers have yet to provide a comparable body of research examining the theoretical mechanism of this association. One theory that has shown promise in explaining the association between certain variables of pornography use and sexual coercion is the sexual script theory. In this theory, scripts can best be understood as a mechanism through which society defines and disseminates what is acceptable, desirable, and pleasurable sexual conduct. Studies examining the application of the sexual script theory to the association between pornography use and sexual coercion have found that pornography use has a significant indirect effect on sexual coercion and correlates of sexual coercion through sexual scripts. The current study sought to extend this line of inquiry by examining the relationship between pornography use, sexual scripts, and sexual coercion. A structural equation model examining direct and indirect effects of sexual scripts and pornography use on sexually coercive behaviors was run using a sample of 390 college-aged males. Results of the study indicated there were significant direct and indirect effects in the model. Specifically, pornography use, while not directly related to sexually coercive behaviors, had a significant indirect effect on sexual coercion through sexual scripts. These results further support the use of the sexual scripts theory to help explain the relationship between pornography use and sexual coercion."
"The Role of Sexual Scripts in the Relationship Between Pornography Use and Sexual Coercion." Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 2023 Apr; 38(7-8): 5519-5541. PMID 36181240. doi:10.1177/08862605221123291. Epub 2022 Sep 30.


We are so back.


"This study moved beyond previous investigations concerning the associations between pornography use and IPV [intimate partner violence] by using a sample of young adult couples from the community, examining the directionality of associations using a 2-year longitudinal design, and using a dyadic design considering both partners’ pornography use and IPV perpetration. The findings suggest potential bidirectional links between pornography use frequency and sexual coercion perpetration. This highlights the relevance of addressing pornography use frequency as an important risk factor of sexual coercion perpetration in prevention and intervention efforts targeting young adult mixed-sex couples, especially during this period in life where they are learning healthy romantic relationships. This supports the Sexual Script Theory (Simon & Gagnon, 1986) that young adults are at risk to reproduce violent pornographic scripts with their partner in real life leading to sexual IPV perpetration. Pornography literacy and teen dating sexual violence prevention programs may be beneficial to young adults to help them understand that sexual behaviors depicted in pornography may represent sexual violence and are not necessarily enjoyable for their partner, as opposed to what is shown in pornography (Dawson et al., 2020)."
"Associations Between Pornography Use Frequency and Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration Among Young Adult Couples: A 2-Year Longitudinal Study." Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 2024 Nov; 39(21-22): 4260-4284. PMC11465595. doi:10.1177/08862605241234656. Epub 2024 Mar 7.


"Violence against women, particularly sexual violence, poses a significant public health concern. Predispositions toward perpetrating such acts often stem from the acceptance of myths that justify or deny these behaviours. This study aimed to explore how dark personality traits (narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and sadism) and pornography consumption relate to the acceptance of these myths."
... "The acceptance of sexual aggression myths refers to generally false attitudes or beliefs that are widely accepted and used to deny or justify men’s aggressive behaviour against women (Lonsway and Fitzgerald, 1994). This set of attitudes or beliefs entails the denial of reality, minimization of the problem, and normalization of coercive attitudes (Gerger et al., 2007). All of this influences the normalization, facilitation, and execution of aggressive, hostile, and sexually violent behaviour towards women (Fernández-Fuertes et al., 2020; Samji and Vasquez, 2020; Trottier et al., 2021)."
... "The main aim of the present study was to clarify the relationships among the Dark Tetrad, pornography consumption, and the acceptance of sexual aggression myths by the use of variable and person-centred analyses. Our analysis reveals a clear association between higher pornography consumption, elevated Dark Tetrad traits, and increased acceptance of sexual aggression myths. This pattern suggests underlying mechanisms worth exploring further."
"In a latent profile analysis, we identified three distinct groups: a majority with low scores on dark personality traits and low pornography use (49.5%), a second group with medium scores on all five measures (41.3%), and a smaller group with high scores on all traits, particularly everyday sadism (9.2%). Notably, higher Dark Tetrad trait scores were consistently associated with greater pornography consumption. These findings may reflect a combination of sensation-seeking tendencies and a possible alignment with desires for power and control found in certain pornographic content (Muris et al., 2020; Pineda et al., 2023; Trapnell et al., 2024)."
"The influence of dark personality and pornography on sexual aggression beliefs." Frontiers in Psychology. 2024 Oct 28; 15: 1471438. PMC11551036. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1471438.


"Misinformation poses a significant concern, promoting false beliefs and eroding trust in media. People differ in their susceptibility to believe and to share misinformation. In this article, we reviewed recent research on relationships between personality traits and belief in and sharing of misinformation. Findings show that more extroverted and less conscientious and agreeable people tend to be more susceptible to believing in and sharing misinformation. Additionally, the Dark Triad personality traits of narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism tend to be positively associated with sharing of misinformation, and narcissism and psychopathy are associated with greater belief in misinformation. Understanding these individual differences can inform interventions to reduce the effects of misinformation."
"Personality and misinformation." Current Opinion in Psychology. 2024 Feb; 55: 101752. PMID 38065004. doi:10.1016/j.copsyc.2023.101752. Epub 2023 Nov 17.


"An estimated 37% of women and 9% of men report receiving anal sex across their lifespan (Herbenick et al., 2015). Despite this, only 24% of men and 14% of women report anal sex as appealing, and 72% of women and 15% of men report pain during anal sex (Herbenick et al., 2015). Anal sex carries health risks such as heightened risk of STD transmission, abrasions, fissures, bleeding and is associated with higher rates of faecal incontinence (Hutton et al., 2013; Markland et al., 2016). Rough sex, which can include whipping and spanking, bondage, hair pulling, verbal aggression or degradation and choking, is also prevalent, rated as appealing by approximately 40% of men and women (Herbenick et al., 2017). Rough sex acts are considered gendered, where women are predominantly the target of rough sex acts and men take a dominant role. For example, in a nationally representative US sample (N = 2,227, 51.73% female), one-fifth of women reported having been choked during sexual activity (Herbenick et al., 2023). Some research has linked the prevalence of rough sex to exposure to violent or aggressive sexual acts in pornography (Herbenick et al., 2021, 2023; Vogels & O'Sullivan, 2019; Wright et al., 2022)."
"“What Is Normal?”: A Qualitative Exploration of Health Practitioners' Reports of Treating Patients Presenting with Unpleasant Sexual Experiences." Archives of Sexual Behavior. 2024 Nov; 53(10): 4099-4116. PMC11588967. doi:10.1007/s10508-024-02994-3. Epub 2024 Sep 23.
[PMID 39313695 MLy]


> [PMID 39313695 MLy]
That was included by accident. I note for my own personal reference whether any particular study currently is indexed by MedLine (yes or no).


An updated Anorectal Trends, Risks, and Anatomy compilation is now available with several minor changes, the 2025/03/13 edition:
https://pst.moe/paste/agoxto or https://paste2.org/GW9N4HxH

Here is the list of what has changed:
- [T&A] Updated the journal parameters for 10.1891/0886-6708.27.3.378 -- The month was added.
- [A&T] Added a missing closing quote to what was quoted from Physiology of the Gastrointestinal Tract, Volume 1 (2012) - Page 1023
- [A&T] Added a missing closing quote to what was quoted from Forensic Medicine: Fundamentals and Perspectives (2013) - Page 312
- [A&T] Added a "[diseased]" clarifier for hemorrhoidal disease to what was quoted from Principles and Practice of Surgery for the Colon, Rectum, and Anus, Third Edition (2007)
- [AR2] Added a "[diseased]" clarifier for hemorrhoidal disease to what was quoted from PMC7392573

More extensive changes still are planned, but when they'll be completed remains to be determined.

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