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Dream Thread continued.
Last one: >>899


I recently explained that strange dream with Kali that I wrote about 1,5 years ago in the old thread to ChatGPT and I have to admit that it seemingly fully "comprehended" it and gave me a lot of new insights on how to read it.
Was quite amazed to be honest.


Dreamed about going to the countryside. Big fields. Had to break the virgin land up. And then we were on about renovating a big house in the middle of the land.
Then the dream sorta transitioned to just me fucking around with a tiny pistol. It was red, and looked like it was made for self-defence. You loaded in cartiges one at a time and then you pushed down on the grip to fire it. It didn’t always work.
I told my family that I much preferred using the 1911
I shot a black guy with it and the sherrif saw it but it was legal, because me shooting people was legal but then HE shot someone else so I shot him because “I might not like black people but what I hate even more is people killing in my name”.

Then there was a garden party. A guy was selling fresh, farm-eggs or whatever. He was a famous fitness scammer. I could not defeat him in arm wrestling after me and my sister figured out the eggs he was selling were factory produced, not farm produced.
He threw me in the pool as revenge, where I started dancing and singing about “Umwertung aller Werte” before waking up.


Played too much Balatro yesterday night so I had a dream where I was playing something similar except I had to combine several VN-style dialogue options that were different colors and had different values to score the most points.

In the second dream I went to exercise in my old school gym but when I went into the locker room to change some small kids started bullying me. They wanted me to give them cocaine but they were so annoying that I left. On the way back I saw a group of Chinese bodybuilders, including one who had a pair of nipples on his back. Also I lost my scarf and a milf picked it up and gave it to me.


I was in a haunted place with a girl. A spirit kept trying to take her, so after like three attemots, as the spirit posessed a bottle of alcohol I cut it in half with a swit, stabbed it down and then drowned it in holy water.

Afterwards I had some drinks in celebration and went out for a walk, but I got too drunk and I fell on the ground right in front of my hotel, looking up at the sky. I kept mixing up the moon and a streetlight. The lobby man of the hotel, who was japanese helped me up, though we communicated in Chinese until he asked me to switch to English instead.
Anyway I changed out of my clothes and went to the gym where I ran into the girl who I asked out but told me it’s not gonna work.
Then the dream sorta switched to a sci-fi version of the exorcism dream because I was tasked with breaking out of a metaverse that the hotel runs.
That part of the dream was never completed because I ended up at the Berlin Wagner Museum where I used my impeccable German to buy a ticked to one of the exhibitions as I waited for a concert to happen.

I genuinely don’t know what’s going on that I am having these insane dreams again where I’m an actively participating protagonist.


The other day I dreamed I was in some evil company type skyscraper building which was the party HQ of the FDP (so kind of nightmareish) and I got stuck in a buerocratic loop there until a young woman belonging to the JuLis (FDP youth organisation) peed on my foot in a sexual way.


In dream I heard neologism "jepensism", coming from French "je pense", "I think". It means when you think too much instead of trusting The Experts.


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Dreamt about being in some kind of university, and it was threatened by evil supernatural students, who had enrolled there, acting like stuck up cunts. Like Dracula, but also evil magic. There was a lot of bullying and bloody stuff going on, until one day Ernst, who suspected he was on the baddies' death list, went Super Saiyan, flew up high over campus and challenged Dracula (let's just continue calling him that, he was more of a faceless evil magic villain) to a duel, despite having no notable abilities. Dracula didn't respond, and Ernst then just flew away. Later for some reason Ernst was fighting Dracula anyway, and by "fighting" I mean he got hit by Draculas super death ray while, lacking any suitable offensive capability, cowardly trying to evade. Mortally wounded, Ernst woke up.

Almost sounds like a Harry Potter setting, but it wasn't. No Hermione either.

 No.21409 KONTRA

Bonus: The university building looked like the house of Ernsts grandparents. To be more precise: It looked like someone asked an AI to build a Harry Potteresque university campus in the style of Ernsts grandparents house.

 No.21486 KONTRA

Dreamed of a civil war on campus between different factions of the student council. I was asked to help the “legitimate” side which meant we couldn’t fire until we got the authorisation from the principal of our college, which meant running to his office under fire. So we get to his office, he reluctantly gives us the permission to shoot back and I peak out the window and immediately start blasting the people in the opposite building.


In dream I was in lorehall and I had to write an endeavor about bornhomelism.
At first I wanted to write that most of folks should share tongue and look on the past, afforing Southslavland as proof.
Then I thought that it would be too edgy and found counterproofs.


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Had a dream I was using non-English words to say hello/goodbye and it was irritating my coworkers.

 No.21707 KONTRA

I only remember that I dreamed, not what.

I think there is still some room to heighten your Anglish awareness. Let's do our best!

I wonder what kind of person creates such word clouds. Lazy stock photography intern?


Oh, and

Yes, Southslavland may not be the best one to bring up.


Thanks you for the righting.


It's fine.

To sum up, we get:
> In dream I was in lorehall and I had to write a thought-piece about folkishness. At first I wanted to write that most of folks should share tongue and look on the bygone, afforing Southslavland as witness. Then I thought that it would be too edgy and found against-witnesses.


Dreamed that I was a Red Army officer in Germany after WW2. For some reason I worked as an engineer in food industry. Visited former Carlsberg's facility. Missed gf who was a collective farmer in the dream.

 No.21913 KONTRA

Had a dream where I woke up with several really bad tattoos that looked like random scribbled lines or children's drawings but then I woke up again with amnesia and the tattoos were covered up with some really cool looking ones.


I hardly fear nightmares.
A monster chasing me gets dealt with a gun and falling from high places just adds another mark to the countless others.
But this time, I had a disturbing 2 part dream, once again starting during a lonely night in Thailand.

Essentially I was just dreaming of hooking up with some esoteric chick, actually female even...
There I was only able to remember that she suggested some extremely debauched naughty play, but would first get us high and flying on some not further disclosed substance.
Memories got blurry and all I remembered else from that dream, was that I would suppress something that happened.

Fast forward to tonight, first night at home... sweet... home... ew.
I would be dreaming of driving around my town in my old Peugeot convertible that was sold off years ago. Good so far, great even!
After getting out of town I would plot my route to get something from a store and head back home, but then 2 middle aged ladies would beg me to give them a ride somewhere really far off from wherever I had to go.
After initially trying to talk my way out, they kinda persuaded me in the end, so we would take off to some of the hilltop homes around town.
Arriving there, both ladies offered me a drink in their home, for which I was glad, as I had to use the toilet anyway.
Leading me there, I would get in, let down my trousers and grab... air?
Frantically I'd fumble around my groin, looking down and seeing only one of those classic Ken doll "genitalia" or rather the lack thereof.
Only a small scar with some stitching remained - adding to my shock it was widely off center - BUT THAT FUCKING ESO-CHICK CASTRATED ME COMPLETELY!

That's about when I sped through all 5 stages of dying.
- Denial, can't be happening, this had to be a dream or whatever, rubbing my missing dick but seeing how there's just nothing there.
- Anger about that cunt, now vastly out of my reach to at least deliver vengeance.
- Bargaining, maybe docs can figure out a replacement? God I don't want one of those ugly, inoperative skin sausages... maybe stemcells? Who am I kidding...
- Depression... that thing is gone. I will never ever have an orgasm again. That's it. Nothing more to live for, anything else would just be filler, worthless without some meat.
- Acceptance. I don't want to die, but like that I'm probably going to kill myself soon. Oh well, t'was a good life, but man, just one more fap... please? Maybe? Not happening.

And bam, woke up soaked wet in sweat, grabbing my modestly sized holy place and finding everything is where it should be.
Now that was true horror. That acceptance that it's over and I would have to finish it myself.

Now may I please go back to just fall from a plane or my favorite so far, some airduct on the top ceiling of Neon Genesis Evangelions underground geosphere thing? That was a great fall! Got lucid about halfway down and the impact didn't hurt a bit.

 No.21947 KONTRA

schielschulterzuck.png (5.82 KB, 239x160)

> hooking up with some esoteric chick, actually female even...
maybe you should hook up with less trans people.

 No.21971 KONTRA

If anything, it is a cautionary tale teaching people to steer clear of benis-removing cis females.


Had a dream I was cycling with a group of dedicated cyclists. I hadn't trained at all and was just trying to keep up.

My subconscious knows I am getting weaker as Winter drags on.


I had a dream that I was traveling with a group of ancient Chinese officials. The senior one had his daughter with him. She was sick, but my medical knowledge saved her.
There was much rejoicing afterwards though I don't think I got to marry her.


I was a language instructor in class. I think I was trying to get the learners to construct a sentence with a direct object in Russian. I realized that even I as the instructor struggled to do it myself, and conceded it must be way too demanding for them, so I decided we'd go back to the first pages for a while to have the learners try to identify direct objects in sentences. I think that's when IRL a doorbell woke me up.

 No.21994 KONTRA

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He who helps with impure thoughts does not help at all.


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warning: schizo post ahead

I may have permanently opened a door into my unconscious. This only took a couple of months of sleep deprivation and meditation-like techniques. Basically I would get 4-5 hours of sleep and then go to crowded place like cafes and train stations where you can doze off but can't properly sleep because of all the noise. As I dozed off I entered my unconscious but the surrounding noise kept me awake enough to process the things I was seeing and hearing.

After a while I got a hang of things and learned how to tune into two different planes. One of them is pretty much a stream of unconsciousness. Basically it's a flow of words going through my mind. Nowadays if I enter this plane, I listen for a bit, snap out of it, right down the things that I heard there and go back. "Last year the chairs declared that they have 16 genders" is just one example of what I wrote down recently. This is gibberish, sure, but I think it's very inetersting to see what ideas and concepts I think of without realising it.

The other plane is far more interesting. It's like ultra lucid dreaming and it makes psychoanalysis infinitely easier. Every dream exposes the main issues that have been tormenting my psyche since I was a kid. The details of each scenario are different, but every time I go through this I have to confornt the same issues. Ones that I've tried to suppress or avoid for years now.

I no longer need to be in a crowded space to access these planes. Feeling just a bit sleepy is enough. it takes mere seconds. Though one troubling side effect that I've noticed is that my dreams sometimes seep into my real life memories and it takes a moment to recall whether something actually happened to me in real life.

Has any Ernst tried anything of this sort?


>One of them is pretty much a stream of unconsciousness. Basically it's a flow of words going through my mind
This happens when I am extremely tired. I'm still awake but can hear a distant conversation. Weird feeling. Never done it intentionally.


Sounds like something a surrealist would do.

Speaking of surrealists:
>In the Second Surrealist Manifesto (1929), André Breton (1896-1966) claimed that the “simplest Surrealist act consists of dashing down into the street, pistol in hand, and firing blindly, as fast as you can pull the trigger, into the crowd". This article assesses whether shooting somebody could ever be considered a work of art, by assessing loyalist paramilitary Michael Stone's claim that his attempted murder of Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness (2006) was a work of "performance art"


>right down
write down* obviously

Exactly, that's what it sounded like to me at first.

I'm not condoning murder but I don't see why it couldn't be a work of performance art


My family left me alone in a small crowded bus with a giant eery Labrador. I was afraid of it, ended up biting me in the back of neck.
I don’t remember much inbetween but I ended up stalking my ex girlfriend (tm) on a private island she went on vacations with her friends. I don’t know how but she ended up noticing me, she was naked. She had two tattoos of a wing with an eye coming from under both her boobs to her belly bottom, same on both of her forearms, she had both her nipples removed. I was on my knees, feeling powerless.
I woke up at 4 am and couldn’t sleep.


I had a dream a few days ago and made it into a sci-fi short story.
"It came to me in a dream" is appropriate for fiction


Had a dream I quit my job. I regretted it the next day because I had nothing else to do with my time.

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