Dream Thread continued.
Last one:
>>899 No.21045
I recently explained that strange dream with Kali that I wrote about 1,5 years ago in the old thread to ChatGPT and I have to admit that it seemingly fully "comprehended" it and gave me a lot of new insights on how to read it.
Was quite amazed to be honest.
Dreamed about going to the countryside. Big fields. Had to break the virgin land up. And then we were on about renovating a big house in the middle of the land.
Then the dream sorta transitioned to just me fucking around with a tiny pistol. It was red, and looked like it was made for self-defence. You loaded in cartiges one at a time and then you pushed down on the grip to fire it. It didn’t always work.
I told my family that I much preferred using the 1911
I shot a black guy with it and the sherrif saw it but it was legal, because me shooting people was legal but then HE shot someone else so I shot him because “I might not like black people but what I hate even more is people killing in my name”.
Then there was a garden party. A guy was selling fresh, farm-eggs or whatever. He was a famous fitness scammer. I could not defeat him in arm wrestling after me and my sister figured out the eggs he was selling were factory produced, not farm produced.
He threw me in the pool as revenge, where I started dancing and singing about “Umwertung aller Werte” before waking up.
Played too much Balatro yesterday night so I had a dream where I was playing something similar except I had to combine several VN-style dialogue options that were different colors and had different values to score the most points.
In the second dream I went to exercise in my old school gym but when I went into the locker room to change some small kids started bullying me. They wanted me to give them cocaine but they were so annoying that I left. On the way back I saw a group of Chinese bodybuilders, including one who had a pair of nipples on his back. Also I lost my scarf and a milf picked it up and gave it to me.
I was in a haunted place with a girl. A spirit kept trying to take her, so after like three attemots, as the spirit posessed a bottle of alcohol I cut it in half with a swit, stabbed it down and then drowned it in holy water.
Afterwards I had some drinks in celebration and went out for a walk, but I got too drunk and I fell on the ground right in front of my hotel, looking up at the sky. I kept mixing up the moon and a streetlight. The lobby man of the hotel, who was japanese helped me up, though we communicated in Chinese until he asked me to switch to English instead.
Anyway I changed out of my clothes and went to the gym where I ran into the girl who I asked out but told me it’s not gonna work.
Then the dream sorta switched to a sci-fi version of the exorcism dream because I was tasked with breaking out of a metaverse that the hotel runs.
That part of the dream was never completed because I ended up at the Berlin Wagner Museum where I used my impeccable German to buy a ticked to one of the exhibitions as I waited for a concert to happen.
I genuinely don’t know what’s going on that I am having these insane dreams again where I’m an actively participating protagonist.
The other day I dreamed I was in some evil company type skyscraper building which was the party HQ of the FDP (so kind of nightmareish) and I got stuck in a buerocratic loop there until a young woman belonging to the JuLis (FDP youth organisation) peed on my foot in a sexual way.
In dream I heard neologism "jepensism", coming from French "je pense", "I think". It means when you think too much instead of trusting The Experts.