As my god-awful starting charisma slowly develops, I'm accumulating quite a posse of steel-chewing and bullet-spitting girls
or are they?.
Obviously those are quite far from being the min-maxxers choice of pet, but it's not fun to travel around a stinking minotaur, unfriendly T-Rex and whatever else is considered top-tier.
First there's the starting Little Girl, quite a pure melee fighter and tank without consenting to it.
Then the trusty nurse, lifesaver with her healing spells and throwing about her magical fragrant panty.
Third of the gang was the Little Cat Sister, thief by profession and dual wielding an artifact mace & axe at high speed & low drag, squishy tho.
And finally I was finally gifted my Goddesses Lulwy's pet, the Black Angel, support gunner and speed buffer getting blessed by my own direct hand-me-downs.
Still looking to catch a Xeren Auto Tank or even better, a Yerles Combat Plane as my personal mount, for the latter I'm still lacking a lvl.50
Pokemonster ball.
Time to finally conquer the deepest parts of Leminas and end act 1 of the game, South Tyris awaits with bigger challenges!
Also I somehow went from 600k gold to being broke again.
Damn all those shopping opportunities and expensive slaves to gene splice my girls into shape.
Also also Card Survival Fantasy Forest finally has a release date end of month, but it rather seems like a heavy reskin of Tropical Survival while 3 big content patches are but a promise for the distant future. This will maybe need another year to slowly stew in the pot.
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