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 No.22028 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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>Sea fruit, fruti die Mare, Meeresfrüchte.
There's really not much I don't eat, but Sea Fruit is very high on my shitlist. And yes, the name makes no sense. Imagine calling a wild boar "forest fruit".


I wasn't aware that strawberries, bananas and apples are harvested in the San Andreas Fault.



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Seestachelbeere for a kind of jellyfish, I think.
Other than fruit, odd words for sea animals include "sea vaginas" (Seescheiden) for Ascidiacea, and I think I've seen what would literally translate to "penis fish" (peniszhál?) being used for a similar animal but can't confirm because the search engine bombards me with penis pictures, anyway that spelling is not on Wikipedia so it's probably wrong or just something somebody made up because they didn't know the proper name.
And "water meat" for "fish".

I don't understand what any of you are talking about, but the San Andreas Fault is mostly devoid of Meeresfrüchte. I'd expect some harvesting of strawberries, apples and avocados instead.

 No.19 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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This is the Radio Ernstiwan-thread. The server stays the same, but is now reachable at:


It is recommended to switch to this address for both listening and streaming, though the old xyz-domain is still supported from our side. But given what happened on the old chan we can't guarantee that the xyz-address will be kept available for us. Also all technical/festival announcements by radio staff will be made here from now on.

Everything else stays the same: The public stream can be used by everyone (see pic 4 for details), but if you stream regularly, an own account is recommended, write a mail to ernstiwan at protonmail.ch to get one. Include your desired user name and ideally (though optional) an avatar picture for the radio stats page. Reliable and production proven streaming software is butt: https://sourceforge.net/projects/butt/ (lightweight and easy to use, but lacks some features like updating artist/title) and mixxx: https://mixxx.org/ (can do it all, but setup is more complicated).

Also please remember that the radio recently switched from port 8000 to Port 80 (no SSL/TLS) and 443 (SSL/TLS mandatory).
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Are you surprised it's in the playlist or that you have it in the first place?


Not surprised to have it. I save everything music related. The odd and obscure balance out my top 40 pop. The playlist was pulled from two folders labeled happy and party. How it ended up in one of those is a mystery.


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I lol'd


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Today's winner is "Deer Tick - War Elephant"
Good album.

New in poll:

16 Horsepower - Sackcloth 'n' Ashes

Country rock from the mid 90s.

Live: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EE0K6jTka_0
Good album.

Turbonegro - Apocalypse Dudes

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 No.14 [Reply]

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What are some internet weirdos you know of?
How do you know them and do you actively follow them?
Are there internet weirdos in your country that you might want to share with us?
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Maybe you've heard of the book "Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality". I spent my high school years among nerds, and many of them were given this book as award in different nerd competitions. It sounded way too soy to me even though there was no word "soyboy" back then. Author, Eliezer Yudkowsky recently brought attention to himself by proposing to bomb Iranian data centers in order to prevent them from creating AGI.

The book has a fandom of "rationalists". Among them, a transgender death cult has been formed, and now the leaders and participants are being arrested for murders:

Now I wanna read this book.

 No.22519 KONTRA


Why am I supposed to ready this?


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What makes you think that you're supposed to read all this?

 No.18298 [Reply]

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Old thread Systemkontra'd >>4573

Insert coin to play post.
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Haven't played OG Elona+ in at least 10 years now, just now understanding how far development of this game already went.
If Elin one day can build farther with its much more comfortable UI, it shall become one of the greatest RPGs of our time, together with its parent Elona.
With it's townbuilding it already successfully branched into something Elona doesn't even offer, but there's yet a lot of old stuff to add as well.
Also nice to see how the overworld and towns are related between both games.

Playing a lich magi-gunner... buuuuut to get around some grind, the comfy community patch lets you enable save-scumming, which is used in moderation. 0 deaths so far, yay!
Nice experience oyakodoning both games tho :3

Does it suffer from the JRPG overleveling by sidemissions if your somewhat of a completionist?
Had that happen hard with Nier:Automata which took a lot of challenge out of the latter part of the game, despite still being an eyewatering experience.
Feels like as a player you're better of with at least minor JRPG grind instead.

The whole Persona series does look interesting, often looked at those games on Steam.
But in the end I always shrug them off due to that time limit and seemingly too character/story driven gameplay, gimme a juicy blank slate to work with anytime.


>Does it suffer from the JRPG overleveling by sidemissions if your somewhat of a completionist?

It has 101 side-missions, some of which include fighting specific enemies or creating specific personas with specific skillsets, and the personas it asks you to create are, while often hard to actually create, incredibly powerful by the late game. If you give a shit it absolutely railroads you into being overpowered.

But it also motivates you. The dungeon has a "Reaper" that comes and hunts you down if you spend too much time on a given floor loitering around. Actually fighting the Reaper and killing it is one of the final side-missions and when you get it you are at around level 70 or so (which is already overlevelled mind you, because as I said, I never had to fight normal enemies after the initial two sections) I instantly jumped up to level 80 and then to 90 the second time I killed it.
And there's no avoiding it, because when you've done 90 quests in the game you are going to keep doing it because you're invested in this shit so yeah, I absolutely was a beast by the end.

(Not that it really matters, initially elemental attacks are the focus and finding weaknesses of enemies to knock them down, the late game is all about abusing the physical attacks and the critical hit system because enemies just straight up stop having weaknesses, so your best bet is to just crit as often and as hard as you can. Even the bosses. I was literally wheezing because the average elemental attack did lik 500 damage unboosted, but for the boss the stars aligned and one of my physical attacks was both normal attack boosted and charged up, landing a critical hit, ending in 5k damage on round one, and this was a semi-normal occurrence.)

It's definitely story heavy.
I sometimes liken it to Asian plays. A JRPG is about fulfilling the role of the ideal protagonist. You're meant to fill in the mold/shoes of what the writers wanted and if you don't like being an actor in a 100 hour long Noh play then it's probably not your cup of tea.

But I personally (no pun intended) am really into it because I like how it has an insane cohesion of gameplay, art direction, music and themes. Every single detail is working towards fulfilling its role in the tePost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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As my god-awful starting charisma slowly develops, I'm accumulating quite a posse of steel-chewing and bullet-spitting girls or are they?.
Obviously those are quite far from being the min-maxxers choice of pet, but it's not fun to travel around a stinking minotaur, unfriendly T-Rex and whatever else is considered top-tier.

First there's the starting Little Girl, quite a pure melee fighter and tank without consenting to it.
Then the trusty nurse, lifesaver with her healing spells and throwing about her magical fragrant panty.
Third of the gang was the Little Cat Sister, thief by profession and dual wielding an artifact mace & axe at high speed & low drag, squishy tho.
And finally I was finally gifted my Goddesses Lulwy's pet, the Black Angel, support gunner and speed buffer getting blessed by my own direct hand-me-downs.
Still looking to catch a Xeren Auto Tank or even better, a Yerles Combat Plane as my personal mount, for the latter I'm still lacking a lvl.50 Pokemonster ball.
Time to finally conquer the deepest parts of Leminas and end act 1 of the game, South Tyris awaits with bigger challenges!

Also I somehow went from 600k gold to being broke again.
Damn all those shopping opportunities and expensive slaves to gene splice my girls into shape.

Also also Card Survival Fantasy Forest finally has a release date end of month, but it rather seems like a heavy reskin of Tropical Survival while 3 big content patches are but a promise for the distant future. This will maybe need another year to slowly stew in the pot.

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FINALLY found a dungeon filled with Yerles Combat Planes and had to abandon it due to only carrying a lvl.49 monster ball while those are lvl.50.
Shamelessly save-scummed at a shop for a lvl.50 monster ball, returned and caught one of those sleek fuckers.
It's even a "female" plane, stringently continuing my harem!
And riding "her" increases my speed tremendously, while she acts as a gun turret under my buttocks.
In party quests I can now pull off 2 consequent ensemble actions, giving my pets a steady stream of income to improve their potentials.

In the end, the Little Cat Sister was still far too squishy, so she was appointed shopkeeper for my first general goods store, while also opening a food, gear and magic store with freshly caught thief guild members for their high charisma/negotiation.
Rotated into the smackdown posse was the unique fairy archer that I found some time ago, some time later I even got my goddesses gift weapon, a strong ether bow that fits her perfectly.

Also doing pet arena battles from time to time and the act 1 story dungeon is conquered to lvl 35 of 45.
Soon South Tyris should open up.

 No.20553 [Reply]

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Old one rotted away >>821

Threda for discussing or just sharing your impressions of movies, TV shows, cartoons and the like.
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>I would have never thought that one day I'll be acknowledging Pattinson as the penultimate Batman, but here I am.
Same with diCaprio after Titanic, most of his other movies are pretty good. Also Brad Pitt to some degree.


Darn those charismatic actors that actually have talent on top of their looks!
If one would just be able to hate them...

In other news, watched through LotR this weekend again and it's still great.

Also, agitated by the other Germans claims, I'm just going through a list of films from 2020 to now and to my surprise there's quite a few good ones on there.
Dunc 1 and 2 I enjoyed, again with the pretty twink that can actually act.
Some John Wicks, guess I saw a few of those and was entertained despite hardly remembering anything except a dead dog.
Saw Furiosa in cinema in Thailand, no actual Mad Max but so so.
Watched Evil Dead Rise 2 times due to being wholeheartedly entertained by a sexy redhead as well as females and zoomies getting brutalized.
Sonic was a great adaptation and I still have to watch 2 and 3.

I think it's the same as with videogames, there just so much coming out altogether, if somebody has an overall negative mindset, it's easy to just see the big pile of steaming shit and feign ignorance to all the gold around it.


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You shouldn't let things get to you that much.
Hyperbole is a common stylistic device on imageboards, so any such statement is only taken at face value by autists and actual 89IQ retards. You aren't one of those, are you?
That said, I haven't seen DUNC 2, but 1 was indeed ok, Furiosa IS shit, John Wick after 2 is shit, any of the newer Evil Deads is shit, and holy shit, SONIC? I mean come on, I know you're an actual degenerate, but... really? REEEEEELY?

However, what I noticed while writing this is that everything really is only -quels and remakes and reboots anymore. So I will now state, without hyperbole, that 2020s Hollywood as a whole needs to be destroyed. The few decent things that might come out of that moloch don't justify all that other trash.


This is perfect. I'm blown away.

 No.10562 [Reply]

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Don't be mad it ended. Be mad how it ended.

An Euro spent is an Euro lost.

God is dead, but it wasn't me.
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Love passes, hectares endure.


The best way to pass time is to wait.


>It's all bullshit. All of it.
Major Alan "Dutch" Schaefer


Blow in a horn and your neighbors will complain.

 No.21043 [Reply]

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Dream Thread continued.
Last one: >>899
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>right down
write down* obviously

Exactly, that's what it sounded like to me at first.

I'm not condoning murder but I don't see why it couldn't be a work of performance art


My family left me alone in a small crowded bus with a giant eery Labrador. I was afraid of it, ended up biting me in the back of neck.
I don’t remember much inbetween but I ended up stalking my ex girlfriend (tm) on a private island she went on vacations with her friends. I don’t know how but she ended up noticing me, she was naked. She had two tattoos of a wing with an eye coming from under both her boobs to her belly bottom, same on both of her forearms, she had both her nipples removed. I was on my knees, feeling powerless.
I woke up at 4 am and couldn’t sleep.


I had a dream a few days ago and made it into a sci-fi short story.
"It came to me in a dream" is appropriate for fiction


Had a dream I quit my job. I regretted it the next day because I had nothing else to do with my time.

 No.18732 [Reply]

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Did you Do It™?
Post your boastings here.

Previous: >>2356
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>on an anonymous imageboard populated by misanthropic clowns.
Hey now, this is not 4chan, I am not a clown. I am a jester.
That said, do you check your electrolyte intake? Cramps are a common symptom of some kind of salt deficiency.


It can be a whole lot of things. I know magnesium makes my cramps instantly go away from experience. I also heard lactic acid tend to be produced slower and slower the more your body is used to exercise. Some sport bro even recommended me to just have a bottle of citrus with me at the pool.
It usually strikes at my calves. As a teenager, I wanted to impress a crush with my relatively good swimming skills at the time; she ended up fishing me out of the pool as I was drowning.


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Thanks, I'll look into that.
>the more your body is used to exercise
Definitely doesn't apply to me.

With me it's calf or foot. For unrelated reasons (don't like public pools and hardly ever travel anymore), I've hardly been in water during the last 25 years. When I did, I made sure to be in view of other people.

 No.22480 KONTRA

*did → was

 No.1591 [Reply]

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>The city feels historical and alive unlike any place that I've visited in Russia
What about Yalta? Is Yalta not Russian?


(replying to old post)
Reminds me of when I was in (at?) an ethnographic museum. Another visitor, a child, was looking at Mongolian Mongols in Mongolia, with their yaks and gers, in a room about them and their folk Buddhist items and nothing else. Child exclaims something like "Indians!" or "Buffaloes!"
Child's parents didn't say anything. I wonder if they just didn't bother to correct the child, or didn't have the faintest idea about the exhibits themselves.

Perhaps they just haven't visited Yalta yet. But I think a key difference is that Tbilisi is still inhabited mostly by a people that has always been there (even if it has lost diversity), whereas Yalta and all of Crimea is mostly inhabited by culturally foreign newcomers and probably feels fake and sterile after all the disruptions, deportations and genocides of the last centuries.


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still mad about that conference?
Not him, but Crimea is overpriced because for people with clearance level (many of military officers, FSB, MIC workers) it's the only possible choice as they can't leave the country until the clearance expires. Or because they have state-subsidized vacations there like gf's parents. They love Yalta and want to move there when their youngest child goes to college.

Georgia is overpriced too, but for another reason. Because people who left Russia in 2022 can't get into better country. So it's a pretty curious place, having vegan queer cafes and horizontal safe spaces. Like Tangier was for beatniks.

Good options for ordinary Russian (poorfag without Schengen visa) are Thailand and Turkey.

 No.22423 KONTRA

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This poem conveys the atmosphere of the place:

mom took me to crimea

...mom took me to crimea
against my will
without my consent
to break me
to force
to love putin
to love this country
to stop thinking about freedom
about truth
about conscience
to stop thinking
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 No.22301 [Reply]

Spirit Cooking Edward Snowden PRISM USAID Genocide in Gaza Bohemian Grove Cremation of care Murder of Seth Rich Operation Northwoods Dancing Israelis 4th Psychological Operations Group Pfizer vaccine side effects myocardite Jeffrey Epstein's list
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Wake up bro, Americans are cooked. Elon will turn the US into a giant hackathon, the SSilicon Valley squadron will leave no one behind - those zoomies don't even know yet how under their keyboard and Rothbard novel scrambled brains their exit fantasies are just the preparation for a reentry of bourgeois on steroids - they needled pumped up with 8chan juice . But you cannot expect anything else from a TikTok generation to make politics for the dopamin hits, it even aligns with their evolutionary psychology beliefs about being apes I guess.


I am not your bro, friend.


Donald Trump just forced Elendski and the Europeons to accept peace in Ukraine! He will allow Russia to keep what they righteously conquered! It's over for Urine and it's over for 💩-rope!

Loving this timeline! 🤠


Justice department staff resigns left and right! Trump has those libshit lawyers up against the wall squeeking! This is so great to watch! Ever since Trump is in office I can't stop grinning because Trump makes good in his promises! Be just can't stop winning and America can't stop winning!

The only problem is that Germany is still ruled by gay weak homos like the Scholzler or Friedrich Merz, lol. Pathetic.(Not your Shitmany blog)

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