The "naggers" dipshit who had been banned multiple times on xyz found his way here.
>>225It lists "cross board links don't work" as fixed on the start page. So, am I just doing it wrong?
>>225>found his way here.Sadly, yes. We already deleted a few of those today, and will continue to do so.
>>226>So, am I just doing it wrong?Use three greaters for crossboard-links: >>>/int/504
The FAQ has been updated on post formatting/linking.
>>227>Use three greaters for crossboard-linksThanks.
And he's back. At least now I can link correctly.
>>229While I'm here, would it be possible to add a strikethrough to links that go nowhere because the post was deleted, like so:
blablabla No.232 KONTRA
>>230I think it's possible, but I haven't found the right place to change the code yet. I'll keep trying...
"kys" - while probably in jest I advise to not tolerate any kind of 4chingspeak here
>>249Agreed. Since the thread is on Systemkontra anyway I'll let it slide, but expect it to be banned if people try to establish it - or if other mods see it now and are less lazy than me.
Nonce thread:
Bitte mal Scheißpfosten entfernen
>>304>ScheißpfostenJa, sogar wörtlich. Gut, dass ich immer zuerst /meta/ öffne.
Some twit is digging up old threads to post single-letter (or sometimes double-letter) "replies".
>>325Also maybe others, but I hid them back then.
>>325>>326Thanks for the notification, it is deleted.
>>327Any idea what that was? Seemed too slow to be a raid or something, and didn't look very angry either.
>>328I suppose someone tried to write a word, but I couldn't make it out.
>>328No idea. I double checked if there might be a hint of a deeper meaning to these posts, because the last thing we want to do is ban someone who tries to contribute. But I couldn't find any, so the posts were removed and a 24h-ban for /b/ was issued.
There's another mass bumper on /b/, at least he's using a real word this time: "Stoss" everywhere.
Somebody please close the "Internetpersönlichkeiten" sic! Es ist übrigens Deutschland hier! thread on /b/, all it really is, is some Drachenlord thread and those have their own containment board for a very good reason, no reason to shit up multiple IBs about that topic.
>>338Hide the thread and you will stop seeing it.
>>338Comparisons to other imageboards don't make sense, since the userbase isn't comparable, neither in size nor in composition. Also please note that especially the mentioned thread falls under the rule:
>It's okay to not like certain topics, but that doesn't automatically make them is committed to allow Ernst to talk about whatever he wants, as long as no rules are violated and a minimum standard of etiquette is met. Mods are not and should not be burdened with deciding what topics are suitable, this is completely subjective anyway, so don't expect that people will ever agree with each other here. Even if a given thread falls below EC standards, we'd rather remove the offending posts than banning the topic as a whole. That said, this thread isn't even close to being formally offending in any way.
I mean, I (>>339) don't like it either, but as far as I can tell they keep their crap in that thread and it doesn't spill over to any others. If it did, that would be actionable. Right now, let me repeat: HIDE and it's gone.
Poaching post for another imageboard (or whatever 3ch is).
Yet another "commiecat" thread, whoever that may be.
And other posts under it. Been there for quite a while.
Some polschizo has breached the war containment. Please monitor closely.
>>354Checked, two different cases here, one most likely harmless, the other might warrant action soon. We'll see how it develops. Thanks for the report.
Reporting myself just in case you assume some nefarious use for the link shortener use on int. It is not, you can add -stats30 to the url to see where it is pointing to.
Only wanted to make a point why one should not post shortened links and rather post the content itself on EC, if possible.
Shitty advertising, even contains the word "spam" twice >>>/int/6564
/b/ is getting hitlerd
>>400Not whataboutism.
I want to report
>>400 for being extremely retarded.
>>408KONTRA-ing a report, did you do that on purpose? If so, why?
>>409I did that on accident.
Using the kontra function is a reflex at this point.
Here, this time without Kontra.
Also, ban the dumbass earnestly replying to him.
only i am playin with him anyway. and i find it kinda funny.
t. dumbass who earnestly replied to him.
>>415We talked about it and decided to do nothing for now. As long as he doesn't repeatedly bump his own thread for attention, it should not be a big deal. Still thanks for reporting.
>>409>>410I'd also advise not to use Kontra on /meta/ when reporting or asking questions, it might lead to posts being overlooked.
>>416just so you guys know:
got bored after he just copy&pasted what he already wrote before
in the same fucking thread.
am done playing with him as well, unless he posts anything interesting.
At one point they let his thread stay there on xyz too instead of deleting it. And just like there, that's not what he wants so he makes another, for attention or whatever.
>>>/int/9269 No.422
>>421yeah, noticed it.
am considering to open a thread, because i am somewhat proud of my trolling - and i even tried to talk seriously with him.
would prolly just be the screen of first thread with small context to why i opened the thread.
main reason: so he can't just delete and reopen a thread and we can refer him to mine.
> We already have a thread about that topic.additionally, about half the content of the thread was mine anyway. i don't like being censored by another person
:( No.423 KONTRA
>>422mods, would that be an ok-ish solution?
Coincidentally, I just got that "anorectal violence" banner. I'd like it to get removed.
>>422The damage is done, you attention-whoring retard, nobody cares about your idiotic opinion, FUCKFACE
>>>/int/9274 Another one. That's what you get for not acting immediately.
I recommend that you stop interacting with that thread, if it bothers you. Otherwise there is an option to hide threads, make use of it. Please also remember the following things:
- We cannot prevent these threads from being opened, nor will banning OP or deleting them permanently get rid of them, if OP is sufficiently motivated and technically versed to reopen them. The only way to effectively mitigate this is to block all proxys and Tor, which would lock out a reasonable number of quality posters, so we won't do that unless the existence of the board is in danger.
- if you interact "ironically" with a thread or an OP you don't like, don't complain if said OP feels extra motivated afterwards.
- the majority of /int/ argued against any kind of proactive censorship in a recent thread, even if that thread was originally only about being (N)SFW.
We already talked about the thread within the mod team: As long as it stays in one thread and it doesn't get bumped without content by OP all the time, we'll let it stay, since there is no rule against it. The imitator thread will be deleted, please do not reopen it. Please also contain your autism and refrain from a lengthy response about how that is censorship.
>>427> Please also contain your autism and refrain from a lengthy response about how that is censorship.:(fine, but i can't bring myself to stop from posting at least a short complain:
that is censorship and favoritism towards the other person !!doesn't make a difference, though, which thread stays up. I'm fine with the decision.
everything is fine.
i would have prolly decided the same way, if i had to mod No.429
>>427>The imitator threadI think I counted three threads overall. Might be wrong, though. Also, I am hiding, and not interacting.
I know it wasn't aimed at me specifically, just wanted to say it. No.430 KONTRA
>>427I think I've said it before (on xyz) and elsewhere and want to add for consideration the following:
A shitposter of that quality is NOT a troll.
Trolls thrive on people interacting with them.
And while "not feeding the troll" has become something of a lost art, it's still valid, and a troll obviously has an interest in keeping things going, like a parasite.
This kind of shitposter however does not care. The emphasis here is on "shit", as in shitting up everything and making it worse for everyone, which doesn't need any interaction or attention (although those give the shitflinger extra motivation, which is doubly counterproductive) and the only intention is to destroy. It's very much like a virus in that regard, something nasty like HPV and shit.
And while I understand that constantly banning such a poster is impossible due to dynamic IPs and autism, at least ban the retards interacting with them as to take a clear stand against such behavior.
It can't be that a board is killed by neophytes who are just too damn fucking retarded to be on imageboards and ruin it for everyone else.
Spammers are like diseases, people like that are like antivaxxers.
Remember remember the xyz in februarember.
Kontra because this is really not a report per se.
>>430I think you mention quite a few valid points. I also think that it is quite a big problem.
I don't want to derail this thread, but maybe it would be worth its own thread discussing how to handle such a situation? (other chans have similar or the same problems, so it is not only an EC related problem)
If a meta discussion about that topic is welcome, that is.
> at least ban the retards interacting with themuhm... that would be only me. see screenshot where I highlighted all my posts with dollchan... therefor I clearly don't like this standpoint. But it was the first time I saw this poster [t. returnee], hence I played a little with him.
and yes, I might lean heavily towards the "spam" side of thingsAlso Kontra, because off-topic.
Either the schizo or the schizo larper is currently having a meltdown in the Today thread.
This is getting out of hand.
>>433Agreed, a ban has been issued.
No idea how long the ban was, but >>>/int/10388 is at it again. Maybe it's just the schizo larper, but he deserves a ban anyway, even more so.
>>435It was 7 days, but even without proxies IP ranges can change from time to time. I think the current posts aren't that bad (or maybe I missed some), but still thanks for reporting, we'll keep an eye on it. After all there is a reason why political agitation is explicitly mentioned in the rules, for it tends to poison whole boards.
I advise to not tolerate any kind of (soi)jak posting.
It's never in good faith and it's one of the worst things to come out of 4chan ever and we really don't need it here.
>>437I removed one of them. I wrote an explanation in the today thread why this was done, since this is bound to confuse people otherwise, and might lead to a general discussion if there is non-illegal content that should be disallowed.
>>438Appreciated, though I don't think any discussion on that will be fruitful. Some people just enjoy throwing shit, despite shit not being illegal.
>>441You'd be a shitty mod. I vote against.
>>442> You'd be a shitty mod.agree.
> I vote against.same.
>>441 No.444
>>441Thanks for the offer, we're good on mod headcount at the moment, and due to recent... desasters concerning moderation on channels named similar to ours, we're veeery paranoid when it comes to hiring new mods.
I dropped a post in the today thread adressing the guy I assume you were talking about. Borderline banworthy stuff imo, but since there also were a surprisingly large number of normal posts, I decided not to. If things get out of hand (especially if /pol/-style posting or shit flinging affects unrelated threads) please report. Discussion should maintain at least a minimal standard of decency, especially on /int/.
Likely advertising for another board
Why is this not banworthy? It's pol posting in daylight. I can use a soyjack anytime, then, it seems.
>>447>others throw shit, why can't *I* throw shit?Try being a decent human being for once.
>>447As already stated before: There are no bad pictures, as long as they are not illegal, no matter if it's Soyjak, Pepe, Apu, Spurdo, Hitler or whatever. However, if it's low effort shitposting or just plain insults, it might still be removed though. It's the same as saying "nigger". You can do that, as long as the post itself doesn't violate the rules.
The post you mentioned does not violate any rule. Yes, I agree it's pol-style posting. Is it a good post? No it's not. Should it be banned in a catch-all topics-thread in which a discussion about pol stuff was already ongoing, and it was just a reply to the content of another post? No. If that was a post in the fitness or literature thread, it would likely be removed, because pol-posting in unrelated threads will count as political agitation. We can talk about declaring the today thread free from politics, if Ernst wishes so. But that would mean that the discussion is moved to its own thread, not that it is removed altogether.
See post.
Fucking amateurs I swear...
>>450Your sufferings have been adressed.
>>451Thank you very much. You do a goodn tchop.
Requesting a personal army for his shitty trolling.
Requesting a bann, for being too much Bernd and trying too hard
>>466here is the same Idiot:
>>/b/14696 No.470
Advertising another board
>>470>>>/int/11765Yet another lostsouls post
Some kind of spam, possibly illegal
Shitty shitpost
>>>/int/12507 ff
I think that's enough for now
What is the point of banning the schizo if he's always back to posting the next day?
>>485Can't have an anonymous imageboard without downsides.
>>487I just checked the situation on /int/, there's some banworthy stuff around in my opinion. I will discuss with the other mods if we need to enforce the no political shilling-policy more strictly. Expect another reply during the weekend. Please also report posts directly if you think they require mod intervention, not every mod reads every thread.
Also what
>>486 says.
>>487We talked about the situation with all available mods, and for now didn't ban anyone. I just dropped a note in the politics thread as a reminder that we don't want to have political shilling or agitation on EC, since a few posts there looked like exactly that. Not sure if it will help, we aren't even sure if that's a good decision. But since we strive to be a home for many Ernsts with different opinions, and sometimes even the biggest schizos make good posts elsewhere, we don't want to swing the banhammer unless it can't be avoided.
You can rest assured that if any kind of shilling gets out of hand, then mods will react. We have no problem with left- or right-wing opinions, but if people just want to advance their political agenda instead of discussions, then EC is not a good place for them. I hope that makes sense and people understand why we didn't issue any bans, despite the posts in question and the existing rules would have justified doing so.
Edgelord on /b/
>>491He now made his own thread:
>>>/b/16639 Please remove kebab
>>490And what do you consider shilling in the first place? Because I see post I think are shilling because they don't engage in anything serious, just positioning in verbal diarrhea or infographics.
Without pinning down criteria for what shilling is how will you deal with this? By feeling? Not a very sensible government, dear Mods!
>>495>Without pinning down criteria for what shilling is how will you deal with this? By feeling?It's not possible to define foolproof criteria for what is shilling and what is not. Defining more and more rules would only lead to people trying to argue about every single word and still complaining about unjust mods. So yes, it's basically by feeling, it can't be helped. I guess that's why you still need judges, even when there are a gorillion books with laws and their interpretations.
>Not a very sensible government, dear Mods!>sensible>modsChoose one!
>>496I'm naturally disappointed in the unscientific conduct on shilling laid out by you.
We should operationalize the law on EC unlike normies who still think human affairs cannot be reduced.
>when there are disputes among persons, we can simply say: Let us calculate, without further ado, to see who is rightShould be the motto here.
no seriously some rules would be useful No.498
>>497>no seriously some rules would be usefulThere are SOME rules, you just haven't read them apparently.
Although your uninformed newfag existence actually made me think:
.top was born out of people being fed up with how .xyz was run, so everyone who has come here from there knows what the mods mean and agrees that we don't want that here. People came to EC in the first place because KC died of cancer and the cabbage chan was the direct offspring of that cancer, so they also knew what they didn't want, because they had been there and done that.
Obviously someone who just discovers this place doesn't know about the history, hasn't made these experiences that shaped the longer-lurking userbase. But how can we encourage people to integrate?
I think the lurkers of old had the right idea, so I propose to add a major rule, just so everyone can see it and can be reminded of it:
Seriously, by not spoonfeeding newfags, not entertaining their silly habits they picked up from their favorite social media äpp and, yes, essentially gatekeeping (provided you actually think an online community, especially one without accounts can be gatekept in the first place) by heeding the holy principle of LURK MOAR and acting accordingly, the userbase can keep their values and board culture without giving undesirables the chance to shit everything up - which, right now, is becoming more and more of a problem in my opinion.
inb4 someone complains that the boards are too slow anyway, so what, a slow, but quality(TM) board is better than the drive-by shitposting we can see on the cancerchan.
tl;dr: LURK MORE
>>498FYI I stopped reading quickly.
Anyway, the rule set and its enaction do not seem to work properly. You do not even seem to understand the post. The object of concern was shilling not rules in general as they can be found in the top left corner.
>>499>did not read>hurr durrYeah, just stay away.
The schizo on int is having an episode again
>>503Making everything about Bio Lisa Malte and feminized soy vegans whose climate arguments make me homosex and suppress my chadcore is not political shilling and therefore ok.
>>504It's not about political bullshit, it's about being obnoxious and irritating.
>>505>it's about being obnoxious and irritatingHave you considered that political shilling is obnoxious and irritating, especially if the source of origin is immersed in German New Right jargon that sets the tone and what you seem to consider the problem in the first place. They have to do with each other.
>>506Political bullshit is always obnoxious, but not all obnoxious bullshit is political (like your post).
>>507This does not solve the problem of what we are dealing with, though.
>>508Not until all rvss is banned with extreme prejudice.
Did some cleanup. Seriously...
Can't make that shit up. Please report if it happens again, thank you.
Cleanup on cinema aisle
>>>/int/13149 No.518
>>510 we have du endure his freedom of sppech make it at least in the news thread where this would fit better
>>517>>518Removed the /pol/shit. Didn't remove the homo post, for it had already been adressed sufficiently by another Ernst. Will remove though if it continues.
Jetzt wurde er wohl auf Drachenchan auch panniert und fand mal wieder hier her.
>>519 lost control over his senses again, a bundle of feelings and no rationality, it's a shame.
>>521>>522Did some cleanup.
There seems to be a Bernd or two spreading stinking taint again.
and probably
>>530Those aren't banworthy. On /b/ shitposting is allowed, as long as it doesn't disrupt threads.
>>531>as long as it doesn't disrupt threadsWhat does that even mean?
>>532It means you should stop being such a soft cunt
Bitte den Kanzler pannieren.
>>537Olaf Scholz pfostiert hier? Wo denn?
>>537Für mich (noch) nicht bannwürdig, im Sauffaden ist behindert sein grundsätzlich erst mal akzeptabel, so lange es den Faden nicht unbenutzbar macht. Da der Sauffaden im Moment aber kaum benutzt wird, sehe ich kein Problem mit 2-3 Stunden besoffenem Scheissepfostieren, zumal es nur reguläre Behinderung zu sein scheint und keine Boshaftigkeit.
>>539> (noch) Na dann, Daumen drücken.
>>540>Lustig.Ich fand ihn nicht schlecht. Sey mal ein wenig positiver, so wie du drauf bist, könnte man denken, dass du ein Bernd bist.
>>>/b/18855"Jude" dies, "Jude" das - der Pfosten riecht nach kantigem Unteralter
>>545Stimme dem Anliegen zu. Die Pfosten dieses Möchtegern-Bernds passen nicht zu Ernstchan. Zu KC passen sie auch erst seit 2013, als rechte Jünglinge und verhärmte Rechtsknaller auf KC aufmerksam wurden.
>"Jude" dies, "Jude" das - der Pfosten riecht nach kantigem UnteralterOder nach verhärmten Rechtsfrührenter (EU-Rente), der im echten Leben nichts auf die Reihe bekommt und zu feige ist, seine politische Einstellungen auch nach außen zu vertreten.
Vor allem bitte den antisemitischen Pfosten löschen. Davon abgsehen mag dieser Ernst Zwiebel. Sie wachsen unter der Erde. Man findet sie gut aufgrund ihres starken Geruchs, selbst wenn man ein -8,5 Dioptrin-Wurf ist.
Bitte mal
>>546 bannen für die unnötig detaillierte und arschverletzte Gutmenschenbegründung warum ein gemeiner Scheißepfostierer wie ein Scheißepfostierer behandelt werden sollte.
>>545>>546Bann wurde verhängt, allerdings nicht unbedingt wegen Jude dies, Jude das, sowas muss ein Zufallsbrett abkönnen. Was es allerdings nicht abkönnen muss sind Nutzer, die unter dem Deckmantel eines inhaltlichen Beitrages in jeden noch so unrelatierten Faden ihre politische Meinung einschleusen, siehe auch:
>>>/b/18852>>>/b/18841 Jeder Pfosten für sich wäre wahrscheinlich nicht bannierwürdig gewesen, aber alles zusammen, kombiniert mit der langen Vorgeschichte dieses Adressbereichs, rechtfertigt einen Bann. Das ist übrigens genau dieses "Agendapfostieren", was hier nicht so gerne gesehen ist. Man kann solche Meinungen haben, aber wenn jeder Faden nur ein Aufhänger ist, diese Meinung rauszuposaunen, dann ist man hier falsch.
>>547Werde mich zeitnah selbst bannieren für die umfangreiche Begründung. Als ob man einen Grund bräuchte, jemanden auf EC zu bannieren XD, Zensurchan 4 life!
>>548>Werde mich zeitnah selbst bannierenNa, das wäre mal ulkig
Bitte schau mal nach, was der so treibt. Erst, also vor Monaten, dachte Ernst nur, najo, ein Schuchtek, aber joa ... der fersucht es so stark, macht sich breit, fertigt sogar vermeintlich eigenen OI, passend zu seinem Schema, an. Finde es gruselig und bedenklich.
Vertrau ihm nicht!
>>553Du meinst also, man soll ihn nicht zum Moderator machen?
>>554Genau das meine ich. Und ich denke, es schadet nicht, ihn (und jeden anderen auch) dahingehend zu beobachten, ob er sich strategisch so betätigt, wie die Zersetzer zu Beginn der Zersetzungskampagne auf XYZ. Stichwort: Schleichende Verdrängung. Einen ersten Lüfter (er selbst mit anderer Maschine) hat er ja schon. EC ist ein freier Ort, mir ist es egal, ob irgendwer schmächtige, chinesische Männer mit Lippenstift knallt, aber mir wäre es nicht mehr egal, wenn beispielsweise der Heute-Faden über Wochen hinweg von diesem Thema dominiert werden würde. Soll er bitte einen eigenen Faden aufmachen. Ich will auch nicht die ganze Zeit Titten und Ärsche im Heute-Faden sehen. Dafür gibt es den Schmuddel-Faden.
Die meisten Leute hätten über so einen Pfosten wie diesen auf XYZ vor einiger Zeit auch noch gemunzelt. Bis EC dann plötzlich nicht mehr das EC war, das man mochte.
>>553Dir ist schon bewusst, dass das nicht ich war, den du aber eigentlich meinst?
Und den OI hat auch ein anderer Ernst erstellt, wahrscheinlich der Pfostierer auf den du da fälschlich statt mir verweist.
Aber du könntest ja auch einfach nachschauen, der Faden ist ja erst auf Seite 8 entkommen.
>>>/b/6762>>>/b/6757 No.566
>>565Auf /int/ hat er erstmal wieder Pause.
Danke fürs Aufpassen. Empfehle aber, alles was an Kohlsuppe rüberschwappt, wegzubuxxen.
Es wird ein Auge darauf gehabt.
Bisher geht es noch halbwegs erträglich zu.
>>>/int/9726 ff
i dont even...
>>574>10.11.23Just post more and it will be gone soon.
>>574Cleaned up and banned the offending IP range where it was not yet anonymized.
>>>/b/20587 and the next four after it, spam for online pharmacy or something
>>>/b/21885>>>/b/21886>>>/int/16298pls remove kebab
>>586Came here to say this. No need for Kohl drama on the EC.
>>586>>587Threads have been locked, thanks for reporting.
Er hört einfach nicht auf
Jetzt dreht er völlig steil und stößt irgendwelche alten Fäden. Keine Pfostennummern weil überall.
>>590Gelöscht und paniert
>>>/int/16969Soijakposting should not be tolerated in any capacity
>>600I get where you're coming from, but at the moment there's no rule against it, and the last time we talked about rules on /int/, people adamantly argued for not making too many rules. However, I agree that the cooking thread should stay civilized, so there might be intervention if things get out of hand.
unironisch findet Ernst diesen Pfosten grenzwertig.
* kein Inhalt[⁰]
* lange[¹] kein Pfosten in diesem Faden
* kein Kontra
Je nach Verhalten des Pfostierers in anderen Fäden würde Ernst eine Auszeit für diesen beantragen. Sollten ansonsten eher Kwalitätspfosten verfasst worden sein, könnte man ein Auge zudrücken. Ist jedoch vom sonstigen Pfostierungsverhalten nicht abzulesen, dass konstruktiver Austausch erwünscht ist, die Panne bitte auspacken. Danke.
[⁰] no kink-shaming, aber Ernst würde sich freuen, wenn der Kanal nicht zugeschissen wird. einen dedizierten Faden könnte Ernst tolerieren ignorieren/wegklappen, falls die Intention des Pfostierers war Gleichgesinnte zu finden
[¹] das ist natürlich relativ. Es könnte tatsächlich eine Antwort sein, die direkt nach dem Lesen geschrieben wurde; es ist immerhin Ernstchan hier.
>>603Falls es um den "Ach Koti"-Pfosten ging: Sowas hat auf EC keinen Platz, und wird daher in der Regel kommentarlos entfernt, bei Wiederholung eventuell auch mit Bann.
>Sollten ansonsten eher Kwalitätspfosten verfasst worden seinKommt bei solchen Leuten praktisch nie vor.
>>604>Kommt bei solchen Leuten praktisch nie vor.Erst benennt aber gerne Koti mit Koti.
Und Ernst ein großer Qualitätspfostierer.
Aber diese Ach-Koti-Reihe stammt gar nicht mal von diesem Ernst.
>Kommt bei solchen Leuten praktisch nie vor. No.607
Koti möchte wieder auf sein Brett (ehemals geführt werden.
>>607Beides nicht bannwürdig. Allerdings werden Reaktionen auf offensichtliche Krebs-/Schmalzpfosten ggf. (ohne Bann) mit entfernt. Zudem als Empfehlung: Wer mit Koti um sich wirft, egal in welchem Kontext, riskiert einen Rauswurf. Verlasst euch nicht darauf, dass die Mods das im Einzelfall prüfen. Also lieber Pfosten melden, und es dabei belassen.
>>608>SchmalzpfostenWas ist das?
t. hat hoffentlich noch nie einen verfasst
>>609Äh, sollte Zangendeutsch für Spam werden, keine Ahnung, wie Ernst darauf gekommen ist.
Bitte mal entfernen. Die Behindertheit tut mir in den Zähnen weh.
>>612Poster was already banned for other retard posts. Probably someone who wanted to check if we ban leftist retards, too. Turns out we do.
Also please stick with English when discussing /int/, since non-Krautspeak-posters also might want to check what's habbening on their board.
>>608>Wer mit Koti um sich wirft, egal in welchem Kontext, riskiert einen Rauswurf.Bitte einmal überprüfen
>>>/b/23946 No.617
Gastfreundschaft schön und gut, aber manche Dinge müssen einfach nicht sein
>>617There are some more threads that popped up today that are just shitting up the catalogue.
Kann jeder Bernd ins Gas?
>>617>>618Removed some of them.
>>621Contrary to popular belief most of them actually behave, so no reason for extreme measures.
Ein Fadenthema-Verfehler braucht mal eine Abkühlung.
>>>/b/24983>>>/b/25019>>>/b/25074 No.654
Please remove kebab
>>652>>653Maybe a little over the top, but since he has cooled down by himself, it should be fine now.
>>656>Maybe a little over the top, but since he has cooled down by himself, it should be fine now.Ist >>>/b/25344 möglicherweise wieder der selbe Stänkerer?
>>>/int/18067 "ironic" shitposting is still shitposting. It is spreading. Nip it in the bud, NOW.
>>660It's not a shitpost, and there's no rule against soyjacks. Reminder /int/ itself decided against making more rules. As long as the whole post isn't just ragebait/shit flinging, there's no reason to remove it.
I did remove some other stuff on both boards, which was clearly shit flinging, though.
>>661It's a dangerous path you are treading here, Mod.
Especially when the perp is calling it "board culture", which it isn't. It's 4chan post-2016 tourist """culture""".
And going solely by-the-rules is not adequate in this case because it's cancer and nothing but cancer and letting this fly will only embolden them and lead to more posts of this kind.
And that is how it started back on xyz and I don't want that to happen again.
So I will keep warning and imploring, informally now and by affidavit later - time permitting.
I hope my words will eventually be heard.
>>664Umm, thanks for the demonstration of what would qualify as ragebait, I guess.
Bitte mal den Krebsmongo pannieren
>>672Es war KC-Reifen, und es wurde entfernt.
>>673>KC-ReifenUfff, der hat ein bisschen gebraucht, abber immahin nich so schlimm die die Dosenfleisch-Übersetzung
>>674Diese Verschleifung wurde (zumindest auf Englisch) benutzt, seitdem jemand vor Jahren das Logo eines bestimmten Unternehmens pfostiert hat.
Ich als alter Sack wusste natürlich sofort, was die Motte meint.
>>676Na, na, wir wollen jetzt aber mal nicht übertreiben
>>>/b/26027Zählt das schon als Politikschuchtelei?
>>678Der Krahfaden wurde auch geduldet.
Solange es nicht in /pol/ spergerei ausartet hält sich die unannehmlichkeit in Grenzen.
>>679>!!xBSGL81aQE Wat wer bist du denn?
mal ernsthaft gefragt:
> >diese Menschen müssen der Gerechtigkeit™ wegen sterben> pfostiere Tötungslistewo hört das Trollieren auf und wo sollte man sich Gedanken machen einzugreifen?
(es ist zumindest öffentlicher Aufruf zum Gewaltakt -- gut, das passiert auf Bilderbrettern ständig, aber meist ist es getrolle; hier wirkt es stark nicht so)
Hobbypsychoernst möchte darauf hinweisen, dass auf der Liste auch ein Moderator zu finden ist, der höchstwahrscheinlich auf der Liste landete, weil er mit dem Originalpofstierer interagierte. Das deutet stark darauf hin, dass der Pfostierer emotional motiviert ist und man nicht meer mit Logik an ihn herankommen kann. Vermutlich ist Pfostierer männlich und hat in der Kindheit sexuellen Missbrauch erlebt und heute verdrängt (Fragen dies bezüglich wurde ausgewichen
>>431 ). Auch scheint er(?) nicht besonders technisch versiert zu sein (vom Bildschirmschuss abschreiben…).
natürlich kann man das auch einfach ignorieren, wie vom Moderator empfohlen. plusminus Eins Amoklauf fällt eh nicht auf im Besatzerland ¯\_(ツ)_/¯natürlich könnte sich Hobbypsychoernst auch komplett irren; das hat aber schon ähnlichen Vibe wie mitbekommene Selbsttötungsankündigungen, die durchgezogen wurden. Sowas sieht man auf Bilderbrettern ja öfter mal mit :/ No.685 KONTRA
>>684Meine Fresse bist du ein nasses Handtuch.
Hol dir mal den Sand aus deiner Vagina und lass dir ein paar Eier wachsen, ganz seriöslich.
Und mach entweder richtige Psychologie oder hör auf mit der Küchen-.
Vorausgesetzt du bist kein Troll.
Aber das bist du wohl, weil kein solcher Pfosten existiert, zumindest nicht da, wo normale Leute lauern. drinbevor irgendein Schizo hat das mit Kontra auf Seite 10 pfostiert.
>>685> weil kein solcher Pfosten existiert…
>>>/int/[Seite_1]> >>[Selbstzitat]> > Perhaps I should post the hit list here next.> Considering that people don't even seem to be _trying_ to address issues that were covered and that this has been the case for many years now... The latest edition is below.> > These people, among far too many others, must be slaughtered for justice to be served:> […]…
> these people must be slaughtered for justice> people must be slaughtered No.688
>>684Zum Arschmann kann ich dir Folgendes sagen: Wir haben genau eine Möglichkeit, das zu unterbinden: Proxys/VPN/Tor verbieten. Alles Andere wird nichts ändern. Da wir nicht unsere Brettpolitik nicht wegen eines einzelnen Typen mit Analtraumas ändern werden, empfehle ich einfach damit zu handeln und ihn in Ruhe zu lassen. Wenn man mit ihm diskutiert, dann sollte man sich nicht wundern, wenn er hinterher öfter vorbei schaut. Zudem pfostiert er seinen Scheiß nicht nur hier, kannst es ja mal gurgeln.
Wenn er grillen geht und in seinem Abschiedsbrief auf sein EC-Manifest verlinkt, machen wir den Kanal zu und einen Tag später machen wir Horstchan - sehr ähnlich dem alten Ernstchan, minus dem Arschmann.
>>688>HorstchanSollen wir schonmal ein neues Maskottchen erfinden? Eine Wühlmaus vielleicht? Oder einen Nacktmull?
>>687Ach, der Arschverletzertyp. Okeh, der Faden läuft eh vollständig an meiner Wahrnehmung vorbei und meiner Meinung nach sollte auch jeder, der in dem Faden pfostiert, permabanniert werden.
>>>/b/26401Völlig inhaltsleerer Müllpfosten. Nicht mal im Kontra pfostiert.
4kanalmäßiges Scheißpfostieren
>>697Da es nicht bösartig oder störend ist, ist es in meinen Augen kein Problem. Generell ist Scheissepfostieren auf /b/ erstmal okeh, so lange es Fäden nicht entgleist oder unbenutzbar macht. So eng wird das von den Mods nicht gesehen.
>>698Es geht aber nicht ums Scheißepfostieren, sondern um den spezifischen Stil, der so 1:1 vom 4kanal übernommen wurde.
Reicht schon dass auf /int/ irgendwelche soijaks pfostiert werden. Ist es denn wirklich so, dass wir jeden Scheiß übernehmen müssen, der aus dem 4kanal kommt?
>>699>wirMusst du nicht, nein.
Bitte mal den Entgleiser entgleisen.
Die "Nein Du"-Taktik in freier Wildbahn
Es wurde aufgeräumt.
Bitte KC-Drama-Kasper entfernen
>>725Hey, das wollte ich auch gerade pfostieren!
The bad tempered Germanball on /int/ is back, and he's more annoying than ever.
The schizo canadian has found us.
>>730was that actually a human? read like a rly badly trained LLM
>>19384>>19385>>19386 No.732
>>731You have to add /int/
Bitte mal den behinderten Pöbler auf /b/ totschlagen. Sieht aus als wäre er aus /fefe/ ausgebrochen.
Pfosten z.B.
>>>/b/32181 No.762
>>>/int/20492Please remove that retarded larper, he's been shitting up several threads over the past days
>>762Not banworthy imo. And no shitting up threads by this IP either.
>>763So you're saying there are multiple posters with the same insufferable style? They are multiplying AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!1
>>>/int/20567Come on now, whoever it is, remove kebab plz
Der "neue" Brettschizo kotzt sich wiedermal aus.
>>>/b/33612Ja wir sind auf einem Bilderbrett, trotzdem gibt es hier meiner Meinung nach eine gewisse Etiquette abseits von Scheissepfosten.
Ausserdem kann er ja den Hanf-Fragen-Faden ausblenden wenn er dort nur "linksversifften Kifferdreck" liest, oder?
>>777Erledigt. Ja, wir sind ein Bilderbrett, und auf /b/ geht mehr durch als auf /int/, aber unrelatierte Fäden zu /pol/-Fäden entgleisen zu wollen ist trotzdem bannwürdig. Das ist genau die Scheiße, die wir hier nicht haben wollen, dann lieber nur 5 Pfosten am Tag.
>>778>lieber nur 5 Pfosten am TagDas schaff ich auch allein und ganz ohne Scheißpfostiererei. EC ist gerettet.
>>>/int/20787The rudeposter has his episode again
>>>/b/35992Bitte mal den Kohlnascher entfernen
Just in case you were wondering why some posts disappeared: The /pol/ poster, who just tried to derail several unrelated threads on both boards with his /pol/ bullshit, has been removed.
>>847Great job. Now give me his address so I can break his legs.
>>848You can still shitpost with broken legs. Wrong way to do it.
>>849Violence is the absolute correct way in this case.
>>850Sure, ok. But why the legs?
>>849>You can still shitpost with broken legs. No.854
>>853That's technically correct. But if someone breaks your legs for shitposting, will you continue shitposting when there is a prospect of more violence?
I have an idea: Give me your address and I will suggest a little experiment.
>>854Do you want to get buried, or cremated?
>>>/b/37514Der Flamer ist wieder da.
>>871Besten Dank. Hab dann auch gleich mal einen neuen Faden eröffnet.