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 No.248 [View All]

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I'm not writing an OP edition.
252 posts and 59 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>Afaik, they tried to storm the boat. We will never know what would have happened.

I saw a video where a policeman/police negotiator is in front of the crowd and tells them there are two options: (1) they get cleared from the pier (2) two people can be selected and talk to Habeck.

They have the chance to talk to Habeck spontaneously a screaming crowd is not able to converse with one person, which they don't seem to understand thanks to their skewed concepts of democracy that has no anchor in reality but refuse to do so. Laughable. Not even "so close to the populus" Putin would let through some people without careful selection.

Like the schizo they don't value democratic values but pretend to do so. They don't want to talk but fantasize about the day of the rope.

>More than half of everything that is grown in Germany is used for animal feed. For wheat, it's 70%. Corn? Probably close to 0% for human consumption, all for bio fuel and animal feed.

But these people provide our food, eggs and all, we must obey what they want and don't look closer into it.

>If anything, organic farmers are hit harder by paying taxes on fuel.

Would be interesting to know who really goes to these protests then. I wonder if organic farmers have a better market, not as competitive as some other markets for farmers. Probably not but I don't know anything about that matter.


Daily reminder: American colonial empire is collapsing

 No.12143 KONTRA

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> their skewed concepts of democracy
I'll go out on a limb here and say that with some people, this is not necessarily a matter of skewed concepts, more a matter of completely rejecting the concept. Yes, when called out on it, they'll answer with some variation of "tu quoque for calling me out, freedom of speech yadda-yadda-yadda". But that's to gain points, not more, and said with a wink to their own rows. "Look how smart I am, I used their own moves on them xd"

> Not even "so close to the populus" Putin would let through some people without careful selection.

In my eyes, the question whether Putin would let anyone through is not a sensible question to ask, because I consider it unlikely that he would ever be in a similar situation. Putin would not use a public ferry. Russian police would very likely find means to disperse the protesters before the arrival of Putin's boat. And imagine putin fans if German police used those means on them. The photos of Putin talking to wounded veterans, talking to lorry-drivers, talking to fishermen are of course photo-ops.

And yes, we could turn this into a critique of Habeck for making life difficult for the police and his bodyguards by not using a helicopter...

> Like the schizo they don't value democratic values but pretend to do so. They don't want to talk but fantasize about the day of the rope.


> But these people provide our food, eggs and all, we must obey what they want and don't look closer into it.

Yes, that's the argument.


Court in Germany ruled that digital mini-supermarkets should be closed on Sundays because costumers checkout their groceries and thus violate the law about working on Sundays.

 No.12186 KONTRA

>because costumers checkout their groceries and thus violate the law about working on Sundays.

The Ladenöffnungsgesetz (constraint to Hesse in that case anyway) is not a law about working on Sundays per se, is it? It sounds misleading because this is not about working on Sundays but the store being open to customers on a Sunday which the law forbids (because back then it implied people having to work for that to be he case). But yes, it was made to protect the salaried people of these stores.


Wait. There are shops that aren't staffed? In a dirty city full of niggers, leftshits and addicts? How come these shops are not simply emptied by drug addicts or asylum seekers? They could just walk in there with duffle bags and carry out everything? Or just wreck the place?

I bet this happens, there is just too much scum for it not to happen. Does the government pay for that? It has to be some project to "establish and expand shopping possibilities in disadvantaged areas" or some leftshit bullshit like that. No other possibility, because no capitalist would just give away stuff for free. So in essence, they found another possibility to make me pay for leftshits, drug addicts and niggers. I fucking hate this 'government'.


Most German thing ever. I hate this fucking country so much.


This. Glad the BRiD GmbH is taken out of commission. The 'government' will not survive this week!

 No.12191 KONTRA

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What does it say about you that the first thoughts you had when realizing these shops exist was about the logistics of stealing everything?

 No.12193 KONTRA

He did not even read the article, which I think is telling but hardly surprising at this point.


Didn't read the full article as well; just overflew it.
> digital verification of identity before entering.
> camera surveilance
> only digital payment options
outside of the goods for sell, there is nothing to rob/steal. seems like a high risk, low value target. maybe, if you wanna dip into organized crime, it could be a barely valuable target with hacking their system (or simply cutting electricity off and being fast) and rob multiple of their stores, before they redo something that could hinder your modi operanti.
But, afaik, the typical robber/thief gangs around here target trucks and not stores. Easier target, prolly less surveilance and the goods are already packed nicely for transport.
Around where I live there also is/was a group or individual active targeting bank-bling-bling-automates without staff and blasting them open. idk if already caught, still active or chilling on loot. But I know that opening times of those bling-bling-booths have changed. When I wanted to restock on some cash in the middle of the night to continue drinking, THE FUGGING BOOTH WAS CLOSED.
I usually side with the criminals, especially if they target banks, but affecting my personal habbenings, especially if it is about consuming drugs? That's gone too far. I will not rest until every soul responsible for this decision has been banished from this realm, every heart, who desired to reduce opening booth times, stopped beating and the blood of those triggering this misfortune has dried. Just finished binging "blue eye samurai". was gud. thank you, Ernst, for suggesting it to me.

Uhh... to get back to those automated mini-markets, aren't those pretty common in multiple asian countries? south korea has lots of those, amright? They seem interesting and convenient... but, personally, I prefer to buy at stores that have actual human staff.

 No.12196 KONTRA

Feel free to leave to a better one.


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> I usually side with the criminals
Typical liberal brainrot

 No.12199 KONTRA

> Typical liberal brainrot
I would argue that "siding with the criminals" in most cases doesn't specify the side at all.

...and I really don't understand your *.png. Is it about neglect? (nobody empties bin, repairs window... no idea what those metal cages are supposed to do/signal.)

 No.12200 KONTRA

lmao Habeck is now calling the protests a "danger for democracy". If this were an imageboard I would say he's trolling because nobody can be THAT retarded, but it's the government, so...

 No.12202 KONTRA

Certain people within that protest are.

I'm curious. The farmers want governmental gibsmedat because else they will go bankrupt. Shouldn't farmers be able to live from selling their product on the free market? This horrendous outcome for farmers - not being able to survive without mother state giving them subsidies - has not been solved yet it could have been by the CDU long ago, they never did anything about it and now people say it is the Ampels fault. The Ampel it seems is more conservative and close to market nature with their approach to let farmers perish by saying no to further gibsmedat.
This protest is used by the right to fight a cultural war, it is a protest if identity for people like you, for the farmers it is either both or an existential struggle. I only support the latter as valid protest, not the idenity politics mixed into it activists.

 No.12203 KONTRA

Tax privileges are only bad when someone else gets them. When you get them, they are good and necessary.


>existential matter
For some, it is. Baden-Württemberg farmers usually average a net-profit of about below 40k€ per farm-working family-member. That is not terrible, but it's an average, and some make much less.

I don't know the numbers for other states (don't know where to look.) But if you needed me to make a guess, I'd say: multiply BW-figures by 1.75 or even 2, and you get Niedersachsen.

Needless to say, my compassion for anyone making six-figures and crying about his taxes is limited.

 No.12207 KONTRA

They can't be any less undemocratic than the current government. Remember, it was the Ampel who finally managed to push the Wahlrechtsreform. It is the Ampel who is doing just whatever they want, damn those people and their needs, this is not a democracy.
And that is completely independent of what the Merkel junta has done. In fact, any sensible government would have said "Yeah ok, the past years have been hard, the Merkel has done a lot of shit, let's go a bit easier, especially with how we now support this war and so on", but instead they double down because ideology is more important than people.
The Green Leap Forward is way more important than you or me.

That said, you can fuck right off with your HURR DURR FREE MARKET I SO SMART gotcha bullshit, because it is not a gotcha, not at all.
If you understood anything at all about how farming works - worldwide - you wouldn't talk like this.


>For some, it is.

Yes. For some it isn't. Farmers are entrepreneurs and some live very well from it.


 No.12210 KONTRA

>Yes. For some it isn't.
What a profound insight, Ernst. You just HAVE to be right, don't you? Will you die when you admit you weren't 100% in the right?
Now what will you do, make everyone suffer because some people are profiting or have some people profiting without anyone suffering?
Apparently you choose the former, because you have no employable skills and would rather drag everyone down to your level? Or some other reason?
But sure, go ahead, kill the remaining agricultural sector in Germany. Import everything and be even more at the mercy of other powers that aren't as progressive and enlightened as you. Oh my god, you're so smart and 100% right!

 No.12211 KONTRA

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What are you even yapping about? I either need a translator, a lobotomy or low self-esteem. Not sure which would get me closest.

Why don't you tell me how it works and exhaust yourself? You indicated having preachable wisdom, so throw some arguments and not just buzzwords. My insight was never meant to be profound, take a break from mind reading, you are hearing voices again


Replace "democracy" with "regime" and it will suddenly make sense

 No.12224 KONTRA

I'm not sure if you want to be "revealing" here makes you look dumb again or the ebul democracratic leaders but it has been known for long that a democracy is a form of political organization that technically always can destroy itself through voting off democracy hence elections are technically dangerous for a democracy as form of political organization. That people think this is the case these days is not too far off. People like Putin don't have that problem.


> People like Putin don't have that problem.
Why? Putin is working hard on protecting democracy from extremist protesters and keeping dangerous populists out of elections.

 No.12226 KONTRA

what a postmodern reply, I'm in shambles.

 No.12227 KONTRA

Maybe democracy is a lie if it is so contradictory? Pathetic little leftshit, I laugh about you every day.


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> I laugh about you every day.

Since this is usually the highlight of your day, any talk about being pathetic reverts to you in an instant, which I think is quite funny.

 No.12229 KONTRA

> N-no you!

You know that you are gay, right?


At last I understand how societies can permanently inoculate themselves against populism.

 No.12231 KONTRA

Is this when insults turn into second hand embarrassment?


 No.12233 KONTRA

That Twitter thread is historical not just because it exposed Navalny as problematic, but because it directly led to Amnesty International to implode the remains of credibility and dignity they still carried. Something should be said about how an organization that was founded on a lie was always meant to go.

 No.12234 KONTRA

You have got to be honest to yourself about your condition.

 No.12236 KONTRA

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Twiggy rhetorics@work. In other words, they are weak as fuck. Be boring somewhere else.

 No.12237 KONTRA

Let me put it differently: You just HAD to contradict only to have the last word (like you did in your last post, too). And it's painfully obvious that you don't do it because you're interested in any actual discussion, but to appear as the smarter one (like you did in your last post, too).
Everything you say is either a) some shitty whataboutism or b) NO U.
So why should I try to explain anything to you? You wouldn't understand it anyway and if you did you would just deflect and call me a schizo to appear as the smarter one again. There is just no use discussing with you. You're lost. Or maybe therapy will have an effect so you start thinking like an actual human again.
I will not go and appropriately insult you back (like you would deserve), because that would probably net me a ban.

 No.12241 KONTRA

>that would probably net me a ban.

As so often and it just shows you are desperate and have no means to regulate your feelings well. The conclusion is obvious.

>You just HAD to contradict

Contradict what? I don't contradicted anything. I was merely agreeing with a differentiation: Namely that for some farmers it comes down to an actual existential struggle but for some its simply don't. But you apparently you think that I think every post has to be of impecable significance. My advice again: stop mind reading, it is of no service to you.


Ach Ernst, why do you feel so entitled to defend Habeck?


Probably, because like Habeck, he is bad at everything and thus identifies with this loser who is a minister, but doesn't even have a pair of clean socks without any holes in them!

Our politicians are the biggest losers and failures at life. To dumb to learn something useful, they studied some semester at university, but then, flunked out, because they weren't even good at THAT.

Who elects such people? City-dwellers who never worked a day in their lives, also studied at university and are good for nothing but talking bullshit. None of them has any idea about anything, which is why they are so immensely stupid about immigration, energy policy, etc. They have no idea. They go diesel engine bad, muh climate change all day like the stupid sheeple they are, but they have no idea that streaming movies and the useless video-calls produce way more co2 than driving a diesel car 100km! Facebook alone is responsible for 1.000.000 tons of co2 emissions alone, but they don't know that, because they get all their information from their mainstream-media. They have no idea that actual people need to work and produce the stuff they use, they are way too stupid for that. They though they could do without Russian gas, no German industry is collapsing, people are freezing, and they can't cover it up with government money anymore, because the government money run out! Now, they think they can eat while stabbing farmers in the back, because they think their vegan packed industrially produced shit-tasting pseudo-food grows in supermarkets!

 No.12249 KONTRA

>they have no idea that streaming movies and the useless video-calls produce way more co2 than driving a diesel car 100km!

I was victim to these truths several times in literature from cultural media studies. Thank dog I studied several semesters and did NOT flunk out but got my degree preparing me to exhaust the energy level of potential Haldol consumers, Portugese people and frustrated Russians mathematicians and Russo-Germs.

t. M.A. haver from PsyOP university Quasselstadt

>Facebook alone is responsible for 1.000.000 tons of co2 emissions

Shut down that boomer infowars swamp together with instagram and linkedin and replace it with a sensor network and enough computing power to monitor the planets health levels and use the insights from science to impose automated queer luxury communitism. You will own nothing and big black migrant daddies will care for you regardless!

>but doesn't even have a pair of clean socks without any holes in them

I think this is the best criterion so far. I don't trust that sloppily dressed programmer with my data either, same thing. A lot of responsibility but dressing like a hobo. Unacceptable.

 No.12252 KONTRA

Facebook is for millenials, they are on their phones all the time, but they want to ban cars! I'm in favor of banning the greenvoters! At least take THEIR cars! They want to save the planet, good! Have all the green-voters have it dark and cold without a car! Since they hate farmers, they can do without food, too! Let them starve, it is obviously what they want!


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The enviro green systemlinge will heat with souvenirs I heard. Look what they think modern heating is!


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You're mad on Amnesty International for the report on Ukrainian army hiding behind civilians. But this is a known and well observed fact anyway, what other choice did they have?


Viper, The Rapper kidnapped a pregnant woman and kept her in his garage for years.

>She said when she begged him to let her leave, Carter would force her to take pills along with crack cocaine and other illegal drugs


 No.12264 KONTRA

Nah, that was laudable Amnesty International. I'm upset over the made up origin story and the Navalny two-step.


You should have gone to seminary instead of media studies. You would as well learn no useful profession and spend several years being indoctrinated but at least it would be a normal religion and not a destructive cult.


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Thinking about mediality makes religious people blush in how far it reaches to the bottom of things.



> You would as well learn no useful profession

Somebody has to do the ungrateful job of developing ideologies after learning everything about the trade of how it has been done before.

 No.22345 KONTRA

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