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 No.11100 SYSTEMKONTRA [Last 50 Posts]


I tried posting something insightful, but it's friday afternoon and my brain is full of fuck.
And today I learned that the next time, and especially the next year will be even harder.
If I don't get that raise I'll quit.

 No.11102 KONTRA

im this cat 282.mp4 (227.51 KB, 1280x720)

Such a bleak OP picture during these festive times. I bet the G*rmans did this...

>Telescoping snow broom
Murica :D We don't need such features with European cars. A short brushed broom with a scraper on the other end is enough with smaller vehicles.

In regards to your shovel, yeah it might be superior with wet snow. I really only use heavier shovels or straight crowbars(?) to break ice.

Nice. Remember to take it easy. No productivity allowed.

 No.11103 KONTRA

>No productivity allowed.
Can’t promise anything.


First snow today.
Very light.
Global warming!(!!)

 No.11105 KONTRA

sleeper cell reading list.jpg (64.05 KB, 500x625)

I'm on the verge of becoming a sleeper cell it seems.

How to make political in 3 2 1


christmas amsterdam 1902.jpg (228.76 KB, 1124x1403)

>Such a bleak OP picture during these festive times. I bet the G*rmans did this...

The Germans will burn through this thread just in time to open a new one that has a christmas eve picture

 No.11107 KONTRA

.....aaaand here we go. Thanks for playing right into Finn's clichés.


>universal basic income
Liberal agenda

>People's Republic of Walmart

Better look into Daniel E. Saros instead.

t. Wohlstand-für-Alle-Sch*chtel


Tried to explain to my 15 year old, soon to be 16 year old younger brother, that he should stop playing Roblox, and learn to earn a living, because mom will go on pension in 5 years, and die within ten, while I'll follow in my father's footsteps and die before reaching 60. So he needs to start getting serious and find a way to fend for himself.
I don't think he understood.

I'll be so mad if I have to quit drinking just to live long enough to escort his useless ass through adulthood.
Our lives truly are not our own.

 No.11112 KONTRA

>Better look into Daniel E. Saros instead.

Heard of Saros. I will read The Stack first I guess or another book which is not on the list but part of that agenda in a sense.

>I don't think he understood.

Why do you treat your brother like you treat yourself?


>Why do you treat your brother like you treat yourself?
(Post-) sovok mentality is primarily characterized by a "crabs in a bucket" mindset.
It basically explains everything about them.


>Why do you treat your brother like you treat yourself?
I treat him way better than I treat myself, or the way I was treated at his age.

Westoids are so coddled, that if they're in any way economically comfortable, they just spend their whole lives on the hedonic treadmill, and only in the hospice, or briefly after a grandparent's passing, do they confront the reality of death. If they're NOT economically comfortable, they experience some degree of misery, but still they never have to really worry about dying on the streets or anything.

For thirdoids like myself, dying on the streets is an ever present possibility. Just having a decent job that supports your life is a privilege. Thanks to the unregulated capitalismus that your angloid masters undemocratically forced upon us, btw.

So yeah, while you might think that I'm being unreasonably mean to my little brother, what I'm doing is trying to remind him of actual reality, in between his escapist delves into virtual reality: if he doesn't find a way to sustain himself, once the people taking care of him are gone, he will die, and unpleasantly so.
Such is life.


In west your brother would be employed as Roblox expert ("Promoting insect-based foods in Roblox" PhD), then complain that he is only paid 1500 euros.


Worst thing about the Internet is that it fools thirdies into thinking that they're equal to the First World White pypo simply because they know the language, and share the same memes on the Discord server.

Only later do the thirdies realize that it is their Passport that determines their worth as a human being in the eyes of the international NWO WEF UN NATO WWE epic heccin wholesome capitalist democratic free association free trade system, not their skills or connections or whatever lmao.


he most annoying thing is that when the world revolution comes and we start slaughtering the firsties, they'll genuinely have no idea why we're killing them, and will keep asking "WHY", and we'll have to explain to them over and over again, or just kill them right then and there lol who cares, but still, imagine how annoying it would be if your oppressors didn't even know they were even oppressing you, and your revenge against them rang hollow
so annoying

 No.11121 KONTRA

People die on the streets in Germany and alcoholism is a present phenomenon on the streets, maybe not in the troves is happens in postsoviet countries according to you.

>while you might think that I'm being unreasonably mean to my little brother, what I'm doing is trying to remind him of actual reality,

The question is how you remind and prepare him for life in your country. From your posts it sounded like you let him know that he is an idiot. Having low self esteem because your older brother tells you will be another failure is a great way towards becoming one. Besides preparing him for life you should prevent him from becoming an alcoholic as well and you know already that you aren't a good role model in that regard from all I know. The tragedy is that people who suffer and don't know how to deal with it unload even more suffering onto them by consuming substances and regulating themselves, their thinking and their feelings this way. Needless to say this won't be successful. I know two alcoholics around my age, one is dead and probably died by overdosing on purpose with heroin, we never found out. Such is life.
And not all Kazachks are alcoholics so it must be possible to live there without falling for alcohol. If that sounds condescending: I bet my fat white firstie ass that you will find a compatriot to tell you the same. If you don't know already anyway

 No.11122 KONTRA

Totally agree, does it feel as good for you as it does for me when you put down some thirdie for being a thirdie subhuman?
God I just love being so morally superior to everyone without actually doing anything about the suffering I am using as a tool to elevate myself over others.


I wonder what comes first, communism or crab mentality? The two seem to be very much related.


Well obviously I didn't call him an idiot out loud, duh.
I just thought it to myself.

And whether he takes my alcoholism as a warning or an inspiration, that's his choice.
All this bullshit about monkey see monkey do bad habits is bullshit anyway, people become druggies and addicts due to their actual living conditions, not because of TV, or what other people told them, or what they saw other people do.
Video games don't make you violent, and seeing drugs on TV doesn't make you an addict, and the same applies to the people you see in life.
Happy people don't need drugs, in fact they'd be disappointed with them, because drugs don't compare to actual human fulfillment, not even close.
It's all about economic conditions. If you live in shit in a shit country, you're more likely to become an addict, if you're either well off, or from a better country, you're less likely, simple ass.

Human will is a lie, we're all just products of our environment.


To be fair, relatively few people die in the streets in Germany. It happens, but it requires a rare combination of bad luck, self-neglect and bad life skills.

It is, however, very easy to become a pauper for life. You won't die in the streets, but you'll be poor with no way out, bad health, bad teeth, bad clothes, moldy flat, and only crap to eat.


my mom wasted my alcohol high on nagging me for 1 hour about being just like my father or whatever
I could have done something productive or at least fun while pleasantly drunk. but no, I'm now on the comedown and it's time to go to bed, and I didn't get to do anything in that time
fuck this
just leave me alone please I don't need this shit

wow, moldy flat, how horrible


>but you'll be poor with no way out, bad health, bad teeth, bad clothes, moldy flat, and only crap to eat.
Bullshit, I've personally known hartzers who lived like kings because the Amt paid for everything.
Obviously you need a modicum of criminal energy to become an actual parasite.


>how horrible
Causes asthma and cancer.

Of course, it doesn't matter for heavy drinkers, they'll die of cirrhosis of the liver before the mold takes its toll, so you'd be indeed save.

 No.11130 KONTRA

FiHLDH9WAAA76yi.jpg (139.54 KB, 975x803)

We're experiencing classic Kazakhposting again.


>Obviously you need a modicum of criminal energy to become an actual parasite.
I wish we'd punish people severely for every little shit, Yew-style. We wouldn't have half as many criminal Arab clans if we whipped criminals in public instead of setting them free each and every time.


>moldy flat
You can also get mold in expensive flats

t. pays close to 1k/month NOT in the big city


And I bet the allergies are really bad as well. And make sure to cut down on processed meat and cholesterol, you wouldn't want to die in your prime at 97 years old.

Why tf everyone got a problem with me drinking
I got a good job and a promotion in 1.5 years while getting shitfaced every other day like wtf else do you want from me
What other soietal standards are there. None. So get off my back

And I'll die after mom dies and I'll be productive as long as she lives whether I drink or not, so wtf does she care anyway

 No.11134 KONTRA

im this cat 287.mp4 (327.97 KB, 374x360)

She wants grandchildren.


She already has some, courtesy of my older brother. And isn't terribly interested in them.
And there's always my little brother.

I am free.

 No.11137 KONTRA

im this cat 281.mp4 (69.4 KB, 426x240)

well then


>I got a good job and a promotion in 1.5 years while getting shitfaced every other day like wtf else do you want from me
That's called "being a functional alcoholic", and it doesn't make you any special.
The question is, what do YOU consider a successful life? Is it a good job and a promotion within 1.5 years? If yes, why are you getting so defensive on the EC?


Dude, you can be unemployed in Germany and receive livable welfare. And additionally have state paid rent. You're a spoiled child who has no idea how lucky he is.

Can your older brother take care of your younger brother?


>says if younger brother becomes alcoholic or not is his choice
>proceeds to tell us something about being a product of your environment (have alcoholic father, become alcoholic yourself, have an alcoholic brother become alcoholic yourself)

Of course it is all statistics and individually one has to see how it all turns out.

>Many studies have shown that children of alcohol abusing parents have a higher risk for mental and behavioural disorders compared to other children

And these disorders - I speculate a bit here - might increase risk for substance abuse.

I'm glad you have a job in order to help your family and finance your alcoholism as well so you don't have to live in the streets. You are still drowning your problems including your family constellation in alcohol. Substances are the easiest way to find a solution to suffering, I did drugs in the past because I did not knew better, until my brain nearly fried and I just carried on being depressive again without the additional load of substance fuckery. What our or specifically my problem is that I hate to see people succumb to alcohol, I have two friends and you had your father (and now yourself) fill up containers of experiences that are enough to never forget what alcoholism does to a person in the long run.


>Can your older brother take care of your younger brother?
eh, yeah, probably, whatever lol who cares
>a successful life
No such thing because there's not a metric against which to evaluate what "success" is.

You'll die. All your personal experiences and memories will be destroyed together with your brain. Your existence will be forgotten within 3 generations. The earth will be engulfed by the sun. The Universe will reach thermodynamic equilibrium.

What the fuck do you mean "successful life".


>No such thing because there's not a metric against which to evaluate what "success" is.
Then why mention those achievements in the first place? If nothing matters, why try to help your brother?
Or are you trying to find a meaning by yourself?

 No.11143 KONTRA

>You're a spoiled child who has no idea how lucky he is.

I'm less lucky than a rich Russian or Kazack. Do you think I fall for an argument that does not consider socio-economic status? I'm more lucky than brick obviously, but I can still tell him that alcoholism and treating people a certain way might be not a good idea. When you are poor, your means are greatly reduced to solve certain problems but it should not be an excuse to make grave mistakes. It's an explanation, not an ethic to take as lead.


These things matter for others, specifically my mother.
In lieu of any other meaning, it will do.
But after she passes away, there will be no more external source of surrogate meaning. And at that point, anything goes.

Just trying to prepare my little brother for that eventuality.

 No.11145 KONTRA

Went to the library today. Crammed characters.
I'm feeling remarkably clear and energetic.
Had lunch at home.

Tomorrow I have a little meetup with friends. I'll probably have a drink or two and go home early.

I'd go to the library but I have a feeling I'll probably be helping with groceries or some shit like that. I'll just try not turning on the desktop.


The frustrating part is that after I expressed my existential views, mom said that she doesn't give a fuck, and either I quit, or I GTFO her apartment.


>Brick wants to be hardcore, but his mom won't let him
too lazy to make the edit, can someone take over for me?


cyp-redonwhite-bkgd.png (270.89 KB, 1000x1000)

1. "Poor" German means very rich thirdie.
2. It's better to be "poor" German than 3-rd world oligarch. This is why there are no Russian or Kazakh oligarchs, they all buy 1-st world citizenship and live there.

 No.11149 KONTRA

You don't get to be an existentialist outside of the West.
That's an intellectual luxury.

 No.11150 KONTRA

> All your personal experiences and memories will be destroyed together with your brain

The interesting thing with this half baked nihilism crossed with fatalism is that in order of this to be realized somebody has to go through all these experiences and make memories and has to live with them their whole life. Death, the universe and you being an insignificant dust particle quickly forgotten after death doesn't matter at all how is that relevant for the experiences you make? What matters is what is happening as long as you are alive because that is when meaning and suffering are real, why think about the end and what comes after, there is nothing.

 No.11151 KONTRA

> nihilism crossed with fatalism
You're just stringing together smart-sounding words without actually knowing what they mean, don't you?

 No.11152 KONTRA

Even you know that this is horse shit and not true. I would gladly be born rich Russian kid, being educated outside Russia, Adidas and iPhones, McDonalds and Mercedes are available in Russia. They also have some good hospitals I'm sure where I am treated like in an average German hospital.

>1. "Poor" German means very rich thirdie.

In what way exactly? How do their lives compare?

 No.11153 KONTRA

Will you just make smart-sounding remarks or contribute anything of value or at least an explanation?

 No.11154 KONTRA

> being educated outside of Russia

That being the point. They try to get whatever they can out of the country, including their children.

Only slightly exaggerating: Russians own nothing. In Russia, everything is given by the czar and everything can be taken by the czar, the whole country and every person in it is owned by the czar. The only why to get out of this system is stealing and fleeing. You got to steal what you can while it lasts and you got to keep your trap shut and you got to gtfo before they put you where they put Chodorkowski, who was too stupid to keep his trap shut and gtfo in time.

Stealing is expected and tolerated, up to a certain degree, unless it interferes with a superior's stealing. Even the god-damn comedian Grimmelshausen describes it that way, and that was in the 17th century.

 No.11155 KONTRA

Because Russia is an Oriental/Hydraulic-style society due to Mongol governmental influence on the Principality of Muscovy.
(I say this in my serious scientist voice, not with a German accent, trust me.)

 No.11156 KONTRA

The October Revolution was an Eurasianist counter-coup against the Kerensky-government and Lenin was aware of this. "State and Revolution" was written as a diversion.

 No.11157 KONTRA

>That being the point. They try to get whatever they can out of the country, including their children.

Ach Ernst. Germans, Chinese, Brazilians, Frenchies, Koreans, Dutchies. All of these have sent children off to the US for education. It's a question of money and rich enough people can be found nearly everywhere. Why do people try to desperately deny that you can live well or at least decent in a so called "shithole" if you are just rich enough. Everything is a better alternative than confronting socio-economics so imageboard country balling will win over that.


> I would like to be born in Africa, there is so much bureaucracy in Germany!
> Why can't I be paid more than 1500 euros? I mean, at this particular job where I'm retelling political tabloids, I'm too cool to switch job. My suffering is infinite
Privileges status: still unchecked.

Yes. Rule of law is just of the things which you can't buy no matter how rich you are. Also you can't buy infrastructure, ecology, society, civil rights and so on.

> Why do people disagree with my bullshit? Why do people try to desperately deny that...

 No.11159 KONTRA

> Also you can't buy infrastructure, ecology, society, civil rights and so on.
*you can, but by moving to 1-st world


>you can buy infrastructure on the Germany
Shhhh, nobody tell him!


Ok, now that I'm sober snd thinking about it, I should probably stop drinking so much.


Listening to orthodox chants while sorting my porn folders


Shall we discuss Byzantine erotica?


Does it exist? Didn't they have feminized boys as concubines?

 No.11166 KONTRA

Rich Russian kid also has privileges. It's privileges to the bottom.

>Also you can't buy infrastructure, ecology, society, civil rights and so on

Well how much these matter can be a question of money and status. You are just too vague.

Still waiting for this one:

>1. "Poor" German means very rich thirdie.

>In what way exactly? How do their lives compare?

So far you just named some big signifiers in one sentence, not very impressive given that you like to scold humanities people.


Poor in Germany has a washing machine, and if it breaks, the government will pay a new one (not repair, just new), poor in Germany eats meat every day, poor in Germany will never have to choose between selling a kidney or living in the favelas, even if he loses his job, poor in Germany can go out on the street without fear of being shot during a fight between two rivaling drug gangs, poor in Germany can be certain his 7 year old daughter won't be kidnapped of the street and sold into child sexual slavery, children can walk to school unattended, they are not even run over, and if they are run over, somebody will actually call an ambulance, which the poor in Germany don't even have to pay for. In third world countries, nobody will call the ambulance, and they won't even come unless it is clear that somebody is ready and able to pay for the service. Poor in Germany doesn't have to pay for bottled water, he can drink the water from the tap. Poor in Germany literally pays half for everything at Lidl or Aldi while abroad, everything is twice as expensive. Poor in Germany can breath clean air, while the air in third world countries is dirty and polluted.

In third world countries like Portugal, Hungary or Russia, only the top 1% live lives that are as save and comfortable, therefore, we must have compassion with posters from these dirty, rotten shitholes.


Ernst, would rather live in a gated community in Africa or Latin America because you have the money, as a homeless in Philadelphia, PA, as a Kyrgistani outside of the city making money with guided tours, Russian code monkey in Moscow or Petersburg, German care worker or entrepreneur in Saudi-Arabia?

If none of these sound good, just add your own!

 No.11169 KONTRA

German care worker, pretty easy. Now, instead of doing whatever this is, take a moment to check your privilege.
Saudi entrepreneur can mean a lot of things, from wealthy to someone who owns some store

 No.11170 KONTRA

Then come to Germany, Habibi.

>Saudi entrepreneur can mean a lot of things, from wealthy to someone who owns some store

Seems like it depends on some variables if something is desirable.

 No.11171 KONTRA

>Seems like it depends on some variables if something is desirable.
Yeah, and "being in a safe and wealthy first world nation with rule of law" is a massive factor. Take a moment and finally check your privilege. I'll even check my own privilege despite living in a poverty stricken barely first world corrupt shithole with no prospects.
>come to Germany
And deal with Germans all day? Horrifying.

 No.11172 KONTRA

>I'll even check my own privilege despite

As I said it is privileged all the way down, you can add sex/gender and ethnicity to this debate. I already mentioned many posts above that I live a good life here but that some Russian rich kid will still have some privileges I don't have. I have other privileges then, yes. Meanwhile, some third world countries are also rather safe to live in btw.

 No.11173 KONTRA

>And deal with Germans all day? Horrifying.

You said you would choose to be a care worker in Germany. Why not make it happen? They look for people that want to do it.


What makes someone so entitled?
Is it a mindset adopted during the comfy laze-out humanities studies?


germans.png (1.5 MB, 1006x1390)

>You said you would choose to be a care worker in Germany
No I didn't, I said I'd be a German care worker. Much like the fish that doesn't know he's wet, I wouldn't know how insufferable Germans are from an outsider's perspective.


>And deal with Germans all day? Horrifying.
But we have potable tap water. No one is burning toxic waste in the streets, so you won't be breathing toxic fumes. Our electrical installations are self and you won't fry yourself or even get shocked turning in the lights. We do not have dog-shit in the streets. Etc.

 No.11177 KONTRA

>would you rather
If you mean to live another life, thirdies likely won't want to remain thirdies. In their own life however, a firstie can of course move to third world and live like a demigod, while a thirdie (actual thirdies, not those southern or eastern euro countries germans think about) usually won't have much of a choice.

Just a quote I felt compelled to make at that point.

 No.11183 KONTRA

>entrepreneur in Saudi-Arabia
To me that sounds like it strikes the best balance. Of course, you're an Arab, but a Gulf-Arab with access to capital.


this Ernst can happily report, that switching from being alcoholic to smoking jointje from morning till night helped a lot in terms of biological longlivity; not sure if that is something you want, though. Maybe you prefer to slowly degrade your body inducing a shortened suffering (aka life). Drugs are never good. But there are some drugs, which harm your body a lot (e.g. alcohol) and others, that do so barely.

> given that you like to scold humanities people.
that would - among others - be me. didn't write a post in a while ;3


> poor G*rmans

this neetErnst could tell about his sufferings.
> gov replaces washing machine
nope. you get a one-time budget to buy all the stuff you need. that's it. if they didn't change it since i had to use it
> poor in Germany eats meat every day
true. because it is cheaper. But we eat the meat-paste stuff.
> list of bunch of things that should be basic in every human society
it's not because G*rmans are rich - it's because other societies value to pray to the golden lamb (capitalism) over basic ethics and morals. (I really like to point to the 3rd world shithole amürica here. homeless people on the streets in front of empty apartment buildings. it's sooo common in that shithole. not to mention the empty settlements nobody even visits to live on the streets, since you don't have any basic infrastructure nearby. But, hey, those are "good investments"... until yet another bubble pops)
sure, other 3rd world shitholes have other problems, like corrupt government not caring about its population and only worrying about "staying in power" no matter the cost... humans are just plainly and simply stupid whereever and whenever you look. fucking humanities don't even smell their own shit before promoting it

> entrepreneur in Saudi-Arabia
actually, I got most job offers - excluding my time spent in prison - from Saudi-Arabian entrepreneurs. they looked some of the stuff up I "helped" coding and wanted to recruit me. preferred to stay a neet; too much paperwork to get an actual job. The job offers I got in prison were a bit more tempting, though they offered a lot less pay. except the money laundry...


I'm thinking of going out tonight. haven't rly interacted with the unknown normies in a long while. got told ~2am is earliest it is worth to show up; before it is empty af. might drink a few beer and do some people watching; prolly not interact much, if i decide to look at the normies today. have to take a shower, before leaving the house, though...


Are you some new schizo or something?
Your post is borderline unreadable, you should really blaze it up less.


> Your post is borderline unreadable, you should really blaze it up less.
> borderline unreadable
wrote the post pretty much directly after taking a nap. I assume that to be the main cause.


He's called NeetErnst. He writes in a "stream of consciousness" manner and he has shown us his penis.

 No.11191 KONTRA

affe_huh.jpg (31.36 KB, 345x520)

too damned accurate.
> NeetErnst
camelCase, if I may insist.


>that would - among others - be me

It is mandatory to do it on EC ngl Is it 1500€ for a 0.65 Stelle?

Will you tell us about your time in prison?


13 hours later.png (15.23 KB, 574x207)

Decided to let my Windows desktop update. Been shutting that process down daily for a month or so. Click check for updates. Go to work. Get home 13 hours later to pic.

Update status is now pending restart. Not tonight. I'll deal with that tomorrow.

 No.11195 KONTRA

returned from ppl watching.
still drunk, hoping to hit th e keys.
plus, stream of current consciousness

why is everyone so fucking horny?!
got touched by 4 females in a "i wanna fuck" way... and by 3 gay males as well -,.- (srsly not my cup of tea)
prolly is the opposite for most Ernsts, but this site isn't fun either. I end up with too many options and deciding to take none; always.

I do not know how to handle such.
it's fucking annoying.
I want a domina taking care of me and my desires ;_;

> Will you tell us about your time in prison?
i already did?
20 (-1) days, had to "apply" for the prison time. would say ~70% are in prison because poor+stupid... none in prison was rich+stupid. there were some, who were not stupid; e.g. the weed granny i played a lot of chess against or the ex-elite-soldier from turkey. played a lot of card games with/against him. there also was one totally fucked up person, who offered me said money laundry job. that person tortured someone because of weed, but mainly was in prison because of robbing banks (not everything had been found, hence the laundry offer)

i rly don't know what else to tell. maybe, if you are interested, ask something more specific?


I always let my work computer do that on friday afternoon and my private computer once per month.
When it forces me to upgrade to 11, I will switch to Linux.


tegel.jpg (202.3 KB, 1024x1024)

What a Sunday, huh?


I_Want_It_Now.jpg (77.19 KB, 1062x596)

EC is loading slow. Maybe it's me.



He is the arab entrepreneur from >>11168 making use of his privileges.


Hippie Babylon in the center of Budapest. Lawless under Orban!


Have you been to the ruinbars, (Hungary) Ernst? I only heard about them when I have been there and only know it makes sense why they are called like that.


No, it's not just you.
Also, shouldn't it be "slowly"?


ugh.webp (5.57 KB, 350x263)

>shouldn't it be "slowly"?
I'm sorry you had to see this.


I just realized Portugal has Autobahn LIDLs, does Germany? Does your country?


>Autobahn LIDL
Absolutely haram.
The Autobahn is a place of contemplation, commuting and conquering one's female urges and replacing them by pure male hatred for everyone.


tankundrast.png (13.46 KB, 202x202)

Schwarz takeover when?


I wish Germany had the Italian Autogrill instead.

 No.11211 KONTRA

You really don't? Very interesting. I've heard Germans this weekend. Interesting that they don't even have highway LIDLs back home. A former classmate of mine is in posters for the brand. I think I want a career under the tutelage of the Schwartz's system.


What a waste of space. You could have a soccer field on that roof.

 No.11213 KONTRA

Went out drinking yesterday. I went home before midnight. Had a few vodkas and a shot of Unicum.
There was 6 of us in total. Only one girl. The next morning she wrote I'm very charismatic in person.
It's very fun to drink with a civil servant.
I'm surprised the alcohol didn't tax my digestion all that much.

Also did groceries yesterday. Was amused by a very cheap Newton's cradle at the store. If I ever get my own office I'll totally get one

Today I woke up very late and had apple pie for breakfast. I didn't do anything the entire day basically. Save for helping moving a washing machine.

I don't think I ever went to a ruin-pub like Gólya for example. None of my friend groups ever picks a ruin pub to drink at.

 No.11214 KONTRA

It's perfectly efficient, LIDL as infrastructure.


haselnusstafel.jpg (71.17 KB, 735x490)

GaaS. Germany as a service

 No.11216 KONTRA

> I went home before midnight.
> ~2am is earliest it is worth to show up
we live in a different culture.


1702150919487.png (845.76 KB, 1080x975)


My ancestors used the Uhrgeräusch app, I can tell. It runs in the genes.

I actually used it to an unhealthy amount for decompression and avoidance

 No.11219 KONTRA

im this cat 289.mp4 (1.1 MB, 384x480)

EC without nazis! Ban them ticky tocky links now!


"EC is loading slow" emphasizes its slowness. "EC is loading slowly" places the emphasis on loading.
Only prescriptivists don't see this!


john-cleese-no.gif (1.77 MB, 320x240)

A-hem, may I remind you that we don't use the word "slow" in this context, since this is speedist language and thus clearly problematic. We say it loads "cozily".


How about I strangle you cozily?

 No.11224 KONTRA

Something is retarding the loading speeds.

 No.11225 KONTRA

Ergo, EC's loading process is retarded.

On a more serious note, I didn't notice any problem with loading.


For me today /b/ is rather fast, but /meta/ took very long.


Sometimes it loads very slowly today, but sometimes normally.


startup idea: communism bootcamp

video lectures, quizzes, interactive demos, puzzles and a vibrant community of learners from all over the world in the dedicated whatsapp channel.
the whole course is completely free, but you can pay a purchasing power adjusted sum to receive an official certificate that confirms that you have successfully completed the communism bootcamp.


This already exists, in a better and non-online form in which first worlders have the chance to pay for the privilege of working and learning from socialist experience.

The debauched version of this is when European teens take the opportunity to volunteer in "green" farms around the EU, the better version is when they pay to go visit Cuba. A superior version would be to do so in a frozen wasteland in which they don't lounge in sunny Cuba, but instead keep the freezing winters at bay with the power of brotherly socialism. The entire package would cost $3.000-$5.000 depending on length of stay and how many lectures they can hear from people who actually lived and worked under socialism - formerly kolhozniki whose words and accounts will be relayed to our visiting westerner friends via a politically conscious translator.


All OG kolhozniks are nostalgic for the USSR.
the only post-sovok anticommunists are genX and millenials who for some reason blame the USSR for what the revisionists, liberals and wreckers did to them during the 90s and have been doing ever since (false consciousness).

Please see the informative video on the topic:


You forgot to mention Kibbutz

 No.11232 KONTRA

In my communism, arctic temperature zones are a no-go area for any worker.


Kibbutzes are ethnosocialst though, not communist.

 No.11234 KONTRA

I understand that everyone who experienced socialism is a champion for it and never claimed otherwise, comrade. The issue is when these people speak candidly about their experiences, as a young Gorbachev did to one Zdenek Mlynar - they walk away with wrong impressions, first worlders NEED someone to break socialist concepts down to understandable bites. Or you do suggest lax vigilance?

Immensely problematic right now, I can't even.

 No.11235 KONTRA

The Well-Field system of ancient China could be considered a form of communism if you think about it hard enough.
900 mu of land for 8 families. They work the middle, 100 mu of land for the purpose of redistribution. The remaining, partitioned lands are used for self-sustenance. Trading of grain is strictly forbidden.


liberal right wing deviatonist and a stooge for capitalism, sold an empire the last hope for human liberation for pizza hut

all opinions automatically discarded

 No.11238 KONTRA

You're talking about a hopeful 19 year old whose For Labor Valor shiny red medal had just earned him a spot in MGU. While watching a movie portraying life in the collective farms, he casually and absentmindedly mentioned that the film failed to portray the violence at times required to ensure quotas were met.

This, of course, shocked the urbanite from the west. It's this exact same type of misunderstanding that must be avoided. If you're against vigilance, then that can't help but raise suspicions on where you stay on this fundamental question facing mankind.


Let me guess, the first known record of this conversation ever happening was after the dismantling of the USSR, in a book meant for mass audiences, where we are supposed to unquestionably believe how ebul the USSR was, and how the hyenas who dismantled it had the best of intentions and felt pity for the poor oppressed proletarians.

Yeah, I believe that as much as I believe the stories about how Yeltsin just felt so very sorry and sad that the soviet people didn't have a diverse enough choice of popsicle brands. Instead of him being motivated by, you know, accumulating enormous wealth by privatizing an entire civilization.

 No.11240 KONTRA

IMG_3295.webp (25.68 KB, 600x340)

 No.11241 KONTRA

im this cat 327.jpg (70.21 KB, 716x636)

>In my communism, arctic temperature zones are a no-go area
Good. Stay the hell away from me you gommie bastards.


Wow I sure am glad that Gorbachev, Yeltsin, Putin, Lukashenko, Nazarbayev, etc., stepped in to stop state violence against the proles, and it never ever happened again.
Surely one of the unambiguously good historical events of all time.


auto floor mats.png (857.24 KB, 876x872)

Bought some winter floor mats for my car. Was considering the WeatherTech ones. Laser measured for every vehicle and a guaranteed perfect fit: $120. Trim to fit off the rack mats at Walmart: $20. I went with the latter. Not perfect, but they'll keep most of the snow from hitting my interior carpet.

>arctic temperature zones are a no-go area for any worker


Everything western communists believed about the USSR was true; everything post soviet liberals believe about the USSR is false.

This is because of dialectics.


No, this is because the westerner knows better.
The west would be better under communism.


You had your chance, but you chose fascism instead.


apfelringeregen.gif (1.55 MB, 460x340)

Today I finished the third mile stone within the HTML/CSS course and made a technical documentation page about being a humanities student for lack of better content.

No no no. You heard Ernesto. You will be personally and violently removed from your icy clay by a red flag-swinging marching band. You are on my list now: the finn who works from home in underpants while a lovely delivery worker was blinded for eternity.
Everybody has to make sacrifices. Just like people working in Congolese mines suffer violence today so that we can have electronics. They never said it would be fair, which I admire.

>This is because of dialectics.

Is it also dialectical of western Marxists becoming aware of the 1 gazillion
dead ("collateral damage") and turning postmodernist? Stalin is responsible for Fashionable Nonsense. The Communist damaging influence (re)appears at the most magical corners of the west if you just dig deep enough into historical books people wrote. I personally despise these people for writing books about what happened in the past, they should have kept winter at bay instead. Useful expenditure of labor power is not made with writing utensils, be it analog or digital.


>Let me guess, the first known record of this conversation ever happening was after the dismantling of the USSR, in a book meant for mass audiences
Maybe not, maybe it was mentioned by Mlynar in the 70s during his exile. Maybe by Gorbachev in the 80s. Would it really change anything, or would it further fuel your contrarianism? I'd up to track the earliest written reference to Gorby and Mlynar if it changed anything.

What's neat is this was during Gorby's maximal Leninism, he'd justify the violence and the lack of goods to trade agricultural output on a still growing industrial base and remnants of individualistic thinking in the peasantry. I enjoy the metaphysical aspect of it being someone from the former Soviet Union jumping to defend the inexistence of corporal punishment in a kolkhoz in the North Caucasus.

 No.11249 KONTRA

eh, only read this post afterwards, like if preempting the counter point, brick moves to pointing out the (continuation) of violence against proles. Fascinating.


1500-1488881624.jpg (267.5 KB, 1500x871)

you fools are still thinking within the context of what already has been.

you are never going to find the salvation you seek within these boundaries.

one of the core problems of our current time is, that we lack a value system based on empirical and measurable values. our value system is based on human stupidity and only has value as long as the society stays blissfully stupid. people with a |BIG NUMBER| attached to their name or their organization only display their horded stupidity with said |BIG NUMBER|. The algebraic sign, that is + or -, doesn't matter. The number just needs to be big in order to show your enslavement and therefor getting honored with privileges. And unlike some might believe, there isn't a central power holding everything together. It's just combined stupidity and the fear of being shunned if you do not partake in said stupidity.

if the market is saturated with a certain product, our current value system punishes resourceful production and longlivety of the product. Instead of being happy about not having to work to saturate the market and therefor having everyone who whishes to have said product obtain one, we interpret it as failed, because the continues exchange of |VALUE| is given the highest importance factor.
I'm not even sure if this is a core problem of capitalism or if this problem has nothing to do with capitalism at all. It is just obvious, that you have to get a new phone, new clothes, new washing machine, new fridge, new [...] periodically in order to keep the constant exchange and therefor the current system working. the people with the means of production are slave to this just as much as those people being exploited for their labor and time. And both help to ensure our current products are all faulty by design and break after a certain period of time.

This "planned obsolescence" was a long time considered a crazy-ass-conspiracy-theory. "Nobody would design bad products intentionally. You are crazy!" look up the light-bulb conspiracy Today? It is common sense, that you need to do such in order to be successful within our current system. Products in our current age even have additional mechanisms integrated to prevent/hinder repairing them. How many of you have a smartphone? How many of you have a repaired one or a smartphone with replaced (or even replaceable) battery? Did any of the last few iterations of your smartphones significantly improved the tool for your use case? I'm not talking about intentionally slowing your old phone down via code. e.g. iOS had hard coded "if (old hardware) { wait x; }" at one point. I'm sure they currently have something in place that is not that easy to detect.

If any of you fools really believe that changing from "democracy" to "communism" or whatev, you are blinded. It doesn't matter if you are using a pot or a pan; you need a thermal energy supply in order to cook. With our current system, you always get uneatable coal bricks. It doesn't matter what tools you use.

Ima need to produce some flyers and pamphlets for distribution within the europes. just you wait; ima save dis. i doubt the world can be saved, though. humans, society and the earth can be saved, but our current world(-view) might need to perish.

> marching band
you triggered me into listening to pic.


Yes, sequences of events happen to matter.
Like, in general, but especially so when talking about an analyzing history / the past.

I can say that I wad raped by my elementary teacher, but it kind of matters whether I said that when I was 6, or 30 years later, after I beat him up and robbed him in an alleyway.

>the (continuation) of violence

There has never been more brutal violence against the proles in the USSR, as there has been in the last 30 years, prove me wrong.


I fail to see how this does nothing but vindicate me. When the yokel talks about the foreman beating him, you could explain to the shocked westerner how actually things were always this way, and in fact they got worse.


You just assumex tbe "continuation" part and ascribed it to me.

When I was ironically parodying the pro gorbachev liberal sentiment, the assertion of there having been comparable violence was part of the mockery ("there was, but hasn't been since"), but you chose to exempt it from that context in order to ascribe the sentiment to me.

If that was not intentional bad faith on your part, then it must be because you are an ESL, and have trouble extracting meaning from English text.


Basically you should watch this video:
Because you committed a similar fallacy as discussed in the video:
Taking a hypothetical someone expressed and then claiming it to be their actual argument.


>You just assumex tbe "continuation" part and ascribed it to me.
No, my fellow ESL, the parenthesis were mine. English is a very tricky language, especially when you're drunk.

 No.11256 KONTRA

> English is a very tricky language, especially when you're drunk.
I've found the opposite to be the case.


Under socialism you would be punished for "parasitism"


red alert.jpg (53.23 KB, 1000x800)

State violence is not normal, but under socialism it is.

 No.11259 KONTRA

don't care.

you also fail to realize, that the environment influences how ppl behave. maybe I've actively decided against helping the current system? maybe I would be the 2nd Tesla, if I would assume our current society to be mature enough to handle additional knowledge about how physics works?

My strong suite srsly isn't communication and inter-personal stuff. I'm actually more concerned about accidently leaking too much of my wisdom regarding physics.


Countries with libertarian presidents:
1. Ukraine
2. Argentina
Who will be 3-rd?


>I am lazy, not dumb
Oh you :3

 No.11266 KONTRA

I had lunch at home. Went to the department library to get my book debts settled. (Technically I never pay they just get written off, because I'm just that fucking good.)
The issue is that until these late fees are cleared off I can't register for my exams. Well, the one I have to register for.

I spent like half an hour at the department library because the librarian was categorising old North Korean books and I couldn't help but look through Kim Il-Sung's "Short biography", in glorious two volumes and this fancy album about some dance troupe in French.
I commented on the language. How the North Koreans write publications in English with each sentence having Kim Il-Sung included three times, each time with an epithet before and after it and then repeating this for three paragraphs. Endlessly amusing when you encounter it.
I said "Short biography? I mean, what, Stalin's was 150 pages or something." and the librarian told me I'm probably the only person who could come up with saying stuff like this.

I couldn't find what I was looking for in the Fung Yu-lan book. Checked two editions but I couldn't find the information. Even though I remember it existing.

Afterwards went to the central library. I studied for a few hours. Did a basic grammar review of a chapter, reviewed a lot of flashcards in general, but also targeted the vocab for the exam. I wasn't expecting to get much done but I feel like I outdid myself. I also wrote a page for the Daoism essay I need to produce by the weekend.

A girl sat to me and damn, she left her laptop unattended after starting it up to get a coffee and I saw that when it started up, it immediately got a javascript error message, started a skype update, and it also had two antiviruses and an "antivirus safe browser", which she actually used. Windows was inactivated, yet it still had the ASUS preinstalled bloatware.
Actually amazing what shit people put up with.

Coming out the library for a second I was feeling like as if something was wrong with my brain because on the stairs and in the lockers I ran into like 10 people, and they were all Asian. Asians arguing about stuff on the stairs, I didn't know what was going on.

At home I had some apple pie. Damn this stuff is better cold once it all settles into a solid shape and the apple doesn't go all over the place. My mother's been baking a lot. Medication made her more energetic. I think I'm going to die this Christmas from pastry and cake overdose.

Made a terrible fuckup in the group chat when I misidentified a Koreanist for an Arabist. It's joever. I am no longer infallible. Zero chance with any of these women.
They even made a faux-motivational image with my follow-up post.
"What matters is that you talk confidently"
Worst fuckup in recent memory.

One thing that's been bothering me for days now is the constant twitching of my right eyelid. And the eyebrow above it. I usually chalk this up to the weather. But a back muscle ha also been doing it randomly.
I'm incredibly paranoid about my health but not paranoid enough to go to a doctor. Peak Eastern Euro mindset.


Talking to you always devolves into a semantic word game of "you said I said".
You're less coherent than a drunk man.


i'm this bus.jpg (296.6 KB, 1170x846)

am currently watching a video essay and had to laugh really hard and needed to share it with someone.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDp3cB5fHXQ&t=4953s [~4h]
timestamp is set to a specific point. ~30s long segment where the guy shows the pure absurdity of youtube content mill.

like mentioned, didn't watch the whole vid, yet, but seems quite decent and not only informative but engaging to watch. he makes somewhere earlier the claim that most of this shit is happening because of monzeys - which is true - but i would narrow it down even further and claim in this context it is purely because of advertisements (and sponsorships).
i like to LARP extrem views.
ads, at its core, are based on someone paying someone else to lie. it is producing and promoting lies as a whole fucking industry. advertisements should be banned and outlawed. product reviews or promoting one's own product should still be fine. additionally, in order to establish a functional ban of advertisements, the person receiving the money shouldn't have to pay a fine or anything. instead, in case he decide to report that crime, said person should be rewarded parts of the fine (50% after cost deductions?) the entity, who is trying to manipulate him to lie for them, has to pay.

we should argue about determinism again :3

 No.11269 KONTRA

timestamp doesn't seem to work with dollchan. it can't handle >1h timestamps - just skip 1h ahead, if you are using dollchan


>product reviews or promoting one's own product should still be fine.
How will you determine whether it's a review or a paid "review"?

 No.11271 KONTRA

pretty much impossible. might only be obvious if a clearly bad product gets a "good" review. could be waved away via "it's just my opinion, man.", too.
hence the idea of rewarding the person being paid for this "review", if he reports the attempt of manipulating it.

to avoid something like
> we pay you sooooo much. it wouldn't be worth reporting us for the small fine cut you get.
you could base the fine on a multiple of the original value, e.g. ~1500%. so you would get 100 Coin for doing the review and ~700 Coin [50% after costs] for reporting it. You could also do multiple reviews without reporting and once the advertiser stops paying you, you report him for a big cash out, since costs deductions prolly do not increase by much if you clump those into a single case.

 No.11272 KONTRA

> if a clearly bad product gets a "good" review
like someone promoting iPhone or Beats by Dre?

 No.11273 KONTRA

Actually, Beats might be mediocre and outright bad when it comes to price-to-performance, but when they initially dropped, they helped spearhead a middle market between enthusiast audio and low level garbage with unbalanced sound.

 No.11274 KONTRA

>Balanced Sound
Base go BRRRRR, now it is balanced.

Every pair of Sony or Sennheiser or Philips for 300€ was better than beats for 300€, but beats were 'by Dr. Dre' and hiphop-children feel for it.

>middle market that didn't exist

Outright and utter bullshit.


>tfw owning neutral Superlux headphones that cost a two-digit sum and enable me to hear EVERYTHING
Now watch me dabbing on audiophiles and conzoomers alike:

 No.11276 KONTRA

I still have those Sennheiser headphones many DJs have from when I was 18 and also wanted to be a DJ. I think they were 180€ back then and they deliver good sound still and cable break isn't an issue because you can change the cable if they still produce these which I think they do, mine has a cable break but it is rather minor. I use them atm when I want to dance and have nice sound, works perfectly fine.

Never tried a Beats by Dre. They look shit as well.

 No.11277 KONTRA

Withouth Apple, there would be no modern headphones.


>Apple invented in-ears

 No.11280 KONTRA

Among other things. Like the mouse, the GUI, mp3 player, the smartphone and the tablet.

 No.11281 KONTRA

It's disheartening that true and honest socialists are at each other's throats while some of our most cherished posters have a permanently dislocated jaw from fellating Tim Cook. It just works.


Apple probably invented none of those I know for certain that the GUI nor the mouse was invented by Apple, neither is that the case for touch displays, Apple made use of these. I give Apple credit for inventing the modern smartphone though in a sense but used them for their business model because Apple was always clever enough to sell a lifestyle product as well.

 No.11283 KONTRA

I’ve spent enough time around linux nerds to know all of this is bullshit.
I just can’t help but troll people with it.

I know it’s an objectively bad decision.


> I give Apple credit for inventing the modern smartphone though in a sense
smartphones were already a huge success in east asia for 2 whole fucking years, before apple introduced them to the western market. And they weren't even the first in the western market.

credit where credit is due, though: apple knows how to advertise shit.

 No.11285 KONTRA

im this cat 302.mp4 (1.85 MB, 724x720)

The intelligent year has treated some of us well.

In other news: iOS 17.2 released today. Spatial videos, Journal app and much more now available!

 No.11287 KONTRA

t. imported his first smartphone, which never was able to use local broadcasting standards except for w-lan, 1 year before the first apple smartphone was released

 No.11288 KONTRA

Whoever can put up with apple's ecosystem will also appreciate chinese authoritarianism, whether they realize it or not. I say it's a testament to hungary's intellectual integrity.

t. has never used a non-apple phone in my life until rather recently, when I finally made the decision to rid myself of everything Cupertinian.


FYI: The maximum size for the sum of all files in a post has been increased to 50MB.

 No.11290 KONTRA

im this cat 334.mp4 (1.24 MB, 270x480)

And that's why I never say anything bad about Apple. You simply never know when you cross the line and are turned into a persona non grata or assassinated.

Great development. Thank you for your service.

 No.11291 KONTRA

 No.11292 KONTRA

Did you drink the kool aid or are you just trolling?

 No.11293 KONTRA

Did you read just four posts further or are you just dumb?


deutsche sommer.mp4 (44.6 MB, 576x1024)

Diligence is written BIG on EC.

It is because we can now upload longer TikToks.

Now I can finally post this Germany core TikTok.


Are we also talking about the iconic form that every smartphone has these days? Or do you also count Blackberrys and other phones into that? What I really mean is Apple's combination of a flat tomb on which most surface is covered by a touch display.

 No.11300 KONTRA

im this cat 304.jpg (69.87 KB, 716x538)

kalakukko.jpg (31.09 KB, 480x320)

Ate over half a kilo of kalakukko today (in addition to dinner). It was so good. Just couldn't stop eating.

 No.11301 KONTRA

>Apple invented screens. AND RECTANGLES!!!111einself


That is not what I said. You could also just answer the question instead of dumbposting, thank you.

 No.11306 KONTRA

yes, the imported phone had mainly a touch screen as control. three physical buttons on the bottom, two volume buttons and one power button.
the only thing apple did to the standard design was removing two of the bottom buttons.

 No.11307 KONTRA

anyone remember the single button mice from apple? EBIN designers; just giving less functionality and branding it as innovative :DDDD


Then they sold dual-button mice extra. Of course, you couldn't just plug in any old mouse because they wanted to ensure compatibility and the quality of the user experience.


Why is the European government so stupid? They’re forcing Apple to put USB-C ports on their phones. Who cares about that? No one does. I rather have a portless phone than a crappy Android phone that gets viruses.


In my experience IT people tend to use iphones. When you fix computers and servers all day, you just want your personal device to work and do what its supposed to do. If I was still doing IT as a hobby, Id probably still have an android.


susan kare.jpg (53.37 KB, 560x373)

Apple is an interesting case, they were heavily involved in researching user experience. Nobody wants to use the command line, smelly nerd.


Apple wasn't the first trying to be userfriendly. Would be interesting to know how Alan Kays concepts of userfriendly interfaces looked like.

Design does matter I'd say. Will you show the phone?


Not him, but here is a photo of a 2006 LG Prada.

But here is a thing apple did invent: a rechargeable mouse with the charging port on the bottom. It ensures you take a break when the battery is drained, isn't that genius?

 No.11315 KONTRA

LG-Prada-KE850-Front-In-Hand.jpg (377.07 KB, 1920x1080)

 No.11316 KONTRA

>here is a photo of a 2006 LG Prada

Reminds me more of a Sony Ericsson than a smartphone tbh. Probably the two buttons and the smaller screen that make it appear as such.


But Android just works too...

Based EU


SonyEricssonSatio.jpg (70.12 KB, 800x600)

> not a REAL smartphone
> because out looks like brand X, although it isn't branded X
> And brand X aren't smartphones, I have decided that arbitrarily


It doesn't. You just made tinkering with trash devices a hobby because you drive your self-with from it, you loser.


Apple invented the App. It's even in the name. Before the iPhone, apps did not exist m


>In my experience IT people tend to use iphones.
Apple store salespeople are not "IT people".


They know more about IT than you, that's for sure. Apple invented cordless charging.

 No.11324 KONTRA

I'm very tired. Survived my two classes. Modern was awful because I mixed classical into it during a translation exercise.
Classical went okay. We had a funny bit where the lecturer showed us a map of the Springs and Autumns period and during it he kept getting twitter notifications for Taylor Swift stuff. Well, it would have been funny had he not come in to class wearing a Taylor Swift hoodie.

Went to the library too. Saw the librarian categorise a book from a series titled "Indica et Tibetica" and I asked if it was Buddhology stuff. She said yes. "They have the money, so they buy books for themselves" and I just couldn't help it but say "Yeah, it must be riveting to write yet another book on a sutra, but this time using a manuscript where three characters are different."
She smirked and told me not to be overly sarcastic. (Well, in Hungarian she said I shouldn't act like "someone who has bad liver".)

I'm gonna stay up late to finish my essay on the Daodejing and then go to bed and cram the entire day tomorrow.
Turns out the oral exam will be the day after tomorrow for some reason. I doubt it'll be all that hard.

>Apple shitflinging

I caused that.
2bh I hung out with linux nerds enough to know what targets I need to hit to cause this.
(And to know how it's all wrong and that liking this shit is irrational.)
I have this discussion every day on discord. Fun stuff honestly.
My personal tech opinion is that everyone should use stuff they enjoy using. That's all that matters. Do you enjoy working with this tool? Great.

Apple invented cloud services btw.
What else has Apple invented?


apple.jpg (4.47 KB, 224x225)

They even invented a fruit in the image of Apple. How will other OS even recover? Can you eat a Linux? I bet you can't.

 No.11326 KONTRA

retro-gaming-memes-11.png (77.27 KB, 800x458)

I bring forth terrible news.
It's over.


 No.11328 KONTRA

im this cat 303.mp4 (583 KB, 704x720)

>What else has Apple invented?
-The wheel
-Good design
-Wheels for a desktop computer
-Touch screens
-The CPU
-Passive cooling
-Active cooling

To name a few.

 No.11329 KONTRA

mac-pro-trash-can-deal.jpg (21.92 KB, 596x447)

Trash cans

 No.11330 KONTRA

im this cat 328.jpg (39.94 KB, 540x718)

What a beauty!


I got dumped, end of the noble freemason witch storyline

 No.11332 KONTRA


now you may share all the nasty details you've found by infiltrating the corrupt elite.

 No.11333 KONTRA

> My personal tech opinion is that everyone should use stuff they enjoy using. That's all that matters. Do you enjoy working with this tool?
My main problem with apple products is their stupid software.
It simply does not work by design and by default. An older ~friend (father of someone of my closer social circle, who sometimes joins drinking, concerts, festivals and such) recently asked me, because I am "tech savvy", if I could fix his phone. The storage had been filled by whatsapp groups spamming bad memes and he couldn't get any new messages anymore because of that. I was unable to find a simple file explorer or something alike. I found an app for that, but storage was already full... I srsly didn't manage to figure out how to delete files or simply give write access to areas, that were already filled with data, on that device. I've said to him, that there surely has to be some function for it, but since I never handle apple products, I don't know where it is or how to find it. The only "solution" I found - after looking it up in the interwebz - was deleting the whole app, which he was against.

The hardware is decent, but way overpriced. If you can get a jail breaked and repaired old one, they are good tools. I would never purchase a new apple product, though. Only ever after it has been repaired by an unauthorized 3rd party.

If you are into music production, apple products are decent, I think. Not sure if that still is the case.

> I have this discussion every day on discord. Fun stuff honestly.

Kinda is, ye. I enjoy being able to shit on stuff while knowing being in the right.


Apple might have not invented all of the things mentioned above, but it has invented something much more important:
Apple has invented meaning for millions of people.
Apple has invented a way of life.
Apple has invented hope.


bread.png (497.98 KB, 1843x969)

any of you noticed the recent drama around the "charged lemonade" from Panera?

It is a deadly [2 confirmed cases] beverage containing very concentrated amounts of an addictive drug. It is marketed as "healthy" in the americans. The drug is coffeine. Their large cup contains barely less coffeine as their local food safety agency, FDA, deems the maximum limit a healthy, adult person can safely consume in a day. They also market "free refills" directly next to the beverage and place it next to their tea and juice assortment.

If you take this as a starting point for some research, you soon after gonna find, that food companies have been adding addictive drugs to their products more and more in recent years. keep killing dem amüs, swizz overlord. I cheer you on.

Welp, at least it has something reassuring from my perspective:
> Panera bread
> bread
their stores would be burned down around here for insulting our culture.


I have heard they also added sugar to sweets, the criminals.

 No.11340 KONTRA

grandpa, that is not how it is done nowadays. it's corn syrup.

 No.11341 KONTRA

Actually it's glucose-fructose syrup, and they've been doing it for quite some time, Mr. "I only consume american media"

 No.11342 KONTRA

If one doesn't know that this lemonade has just below the amount of caffeine safe to consume according to FDA (400mg), another refill or two can cause problems, especially when you have a condition/weak heart.


If you drink caffeinated drinks on the regular, especially when you already have health problems, you kinda deserve to die tbh.


It's odd that they keep mentioning that the Lemonade has the same amount of caffeine as their coffee per ml of course :DD, I wonder if this could be a little fuckywucky downstream. Even with the angle of adding stimulants for their drinks in order to make them more addicting, that seems like an overkill amount of caffeine. Maybe the Finn enjoy this beverage, but wouldn't the average customer just feel jittery and sick after being overdosed with so much caffeine?


Reminds me of an experiment we did in uni.
People were subjected to substances. Because I wasn't drinking coffee, I had to chug a whole can of Rockstar in order to measure my reaction time.
It was significantly improved.
For the rest of the day I thought I had to die though.

 No.11346 KONTRA

>Ivy-league students
Of course there's a law-suite were they spin the hell out of her death. Bet on your mom that half her family is lawyers, and half her Dad's buddies at the synagogue, too.


If you don't like Apple, you don't understand post-industrial society.

 No.11348 KONTRA

I’ll go cuddle one last time, may revelate secret elitist seggs afterwards.


drugged_out.mp4 (18 MB, 576x1024)

I_need_more_drugs.mp4 (3.47 MB, 576x1024)

> but wouldn't the average customer just feel jittery and sick after being overdosed with so much caffeine?
decide for yourself.
the average customer for that brand seems to be the wannabe woke female believing in the "we are healthy" advertisement.


Can relate. When I was a teenager someone got a few cans of "original Red Bull", I think from Austria, which had the original amount of caffeine compared to the (at least back then) castrated stuff in Germany. I did not drink caffeine at all except for the occasional Cola, and when my pals and me tried it, it felt horrible. Accelerated heart rate, shaky hands and the taste also wasn't great. Bad feeling lasted for several hours, since then I've been staying away from energy drinks. I do drink a cup of black tea every day though, because I like the taste. Or that's just what my brain is telling me to believe as a coping strategy, because I need the caffeine, who knows?

 No.11351 KONTRA

im this cat 326.jpg (46.71 KB, 514x595)

You're talking about caffeine like it's fentanyl. Pathetic shit weaklings.

 No.11352 KONTRA

I feel fucking awful. Pulled an almost all-nighter. I still need to shit out three more pages. But I don't feel satisfied at all with the paper.

Bank sent me an sms that they are making a new card and I got paranoid that timbuktu tech workers ordered it to steal my organs so I called them and apparently it was automatic because my current card is too old. Woman on the phone talked to me a few times as if I were an elderly person.

Preach it nigga!

>It simply does not work by design and by default.
I mean you described an issue caused by a third party app. Okay this sounds like an ironic shitpost again. Which stems from the walled-garden design. But generally I think stuff like this is handled by the app itself. I suppose it has gotten a lot better recently (Most likely because Apple isn't making 16 gigabyte storage iPhones any more.)


Bold move to call others weaklings when you need drugs to survive.

 No.11354 KONTRA

I'm a heavy caffeine addict myself, but I can't handle even half a can of any energy drink. My heart starts to feel like it is going crazy after the first sip. I think it is the taurin in those.

> it's glucose-fructose syrup
made out of corn syrup.
I didn't want to confuse grandpa with those complicated words.

> !w glucose-fructose syrup

> High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), also known as glucose–fructose, isoglucose and glucose–fructose syrup,[1][2] is a sweetener made from corn starch. As in the production of conventional corn syrup, the starch is broken down into glucose by enzymes. To make HFCS, the corn syrup is further processed by D-xylose isomerase to convert some of its glucose into fructose.


It's literally just cleaved saccharose (= Haushaltszucker) and not all glucose-fructose syrup is made from corn, especially not in Europe.

And HFCS is still something else because the fructose content has to be increased for that (which it even says in the excerpt you posted).

It's like saying grape juice is the same thing as wine.


> Haushaltszucker
You do not even speak english, so stop lecturing other people with your pathetic irrelevant wikipedia-knowledge. It's typical for MINT-students in the first semester to lecture about everything because they think they are oh-so-smart, but in reality, they have no relevant knowledge or skills in anythin

 No.11359 KONTRA

im this cat 256.webm (12.09 MB, 1920x1080)

>Bold move to call others weaklings when you need drugs to survive.
To survive? No. To physically, mentally and metaphysically continue to operate on levels far beyond of what you're ever capable of? Yes.


Bold move to call others weaklings when you need drugs to function like a normal human.

 No.11363 KONTRA

im this cat 299.mp4 (2.69 MB, 1920x1080)

You've finally come to terms with the fact that you are subhuman. Great. I wish you well on your path to self-improvement.


That's not what I said though, but delusions of grandeur are a common symptom with stimulant fiends.


IMG_7116.jpeg (3.27 MB, 4032x3024)

This fucking country man.
Translation :« The state invest in day to day transportation »

 No.11368 KONTRA

OUR day-to-day transportation.

 No.11370 KONTRA

They could have spent that money on public transportation 2bh.
Budapest has posters like this too about how bus drivers are glad to drive you to the date of your life or to grandma’s house and shit like that.
Coincidentally they all started appearing (alongside the siege-rhetoric that God Emperor Orbán will smite Budapest for electing a liberal with a learning disability) when all investment into the development of the public transportation network ceased. Makes you think.


>Makes you think.
About just how much more valuable marketing is than whatever it is marketing for?


Tasteful, even for a self-aggrandizing statement. I like it. It even attempts to instill a sense of common ownership of the means of transportation.


I don't want a lot for Christmas
There is just one thing I need
I don't care about the presents
Underneath the Christmas tree
I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
All I want for Christmas is


Santa Claus clothing is not red because of goga gola marketing campain but because he is the harbinger of socialism: presents for everyone. A secret gift economy in which one man exhausts himself to make everybody else happy and give them what they want.

 No.11375 KONTRA

Santa Claus is Stalin and the Krampus are the Chekists.


haselnusstafel.jpg (71.17 KB, 735x490)

I bought Hanuta after reposting the image a few times because I cannot get over the fact and this passage from Christian Krachts Faserland in the protagonist rants about German's obsession with abbreviations. Like Hanuta HaNuTa = Haselnusstafel / HaselNussTafel = hazelnutbar or Kripo KriPo = Kriminalpolizei = detective squad.

While it is a Ferrero owned product, I wonder if it was developed in German in the 1950s, such a well-engineered piece of industrially produced dessert. Given the explanation of the name, it only makes sense.


> Christmas
It's New Year

> Santa Klaus
It's Grandpa Frost


They changed the packaging and it's just plastic now. Who wants to eat that, it's not the same. I want my hanuta wrapped in aluminum, with a sticker of a football player inside. They can give me that or nothing, the fuckers.


hanuta.jpg (533.69 KB, 1920x1440)

> I want my hanuta wrapped in aluminum, with a sticker of a football player inside

Glory days fr bro.
Did they had anything else than the football players? I can only remember these. The aluminum wrapper was always nice to play with, I would always fold it afterward.


Stand up shows are not funny at all. They are even more boring than Huberman's 4 hour long lecture "How to breath properly". This is such a shame, why are professional comedians less funny than average people?

 No.11384 KONTRA

im this cat 300.mp4 (541.8 KB, 328x240)

Central European grocery store snacks are horrible. Endless tasteless waffles, small selection of disgusting gummy candy. Only decent category is the meat snacks.

Norm is the greatest. Too bad he's dead.

 No.11386 KONTRA

Have you tried prince polo? I remember that chocolate bar from Hungary that had bana or apricot in it, not too bad in the end nothing beats hanuta tho

There is a standup comedy AI simulation floating around online that is pretty funny and better than any stand up comedy I know I practically don't know much because I never found it particularly funny after getting access to the internet anymore

 No.11387 KONTRA

im this cat 297.mp4 (963.99 KB, 406x720)

>Have you tried prince polo?
Two different ones in Poland. Wouldn't buy again. Bland and disappointing.

 No.11389 KONTRA

Had lunch in the city. I studied at the library. Then I went home and relaxed a bit, had a coffee and then finished an essay. I'm nigh useless but I'm still gonna study for the oral exam.

I'm incredibly dissatisfied with my essay. I liked the topic, it's just that I am destroying myself and I cannot produce something good. It's trash. I hate it.

Thinking of skipping tomorrow's book club event. I mean I should be there. They expect me. But I'll be dead tired afterwards I feel like.

I feel like I'm dancing. With a sword. I'm spinning. Don't know if I'm moving or in place.


s-l1200.webp (45.17 KB, 1200x900)

They had pic related, but that might have been before I was born, I only know because they were still stuck on some stuff when I was a kid. Like stable doors, a wall in a bar, etc. I found them by googling "Ferrero sticker Kätzchen". They are cat memes from before when people had internet.

 No.11393 KONTRA

Download (4).jpeg (118.27 KB, 768x768)

Blubber nicht rum!


There's a whole world of those, none of them are funny (maybe they were funny 40 years ago, but probably not.) People buy and sell them online.

 No.11395 KONTRA

> Hanuta
how do you like Knoppers®, Ernst?


It's good, but it's overengineered compared to the simplicity of hanuta, and it lacks it's iconic status. Hanuta has been around since the 1950s, knoppers only dates back to 1983.

What is your opinion on Nutella vs. nudossi?

 No.11397 KONTRA

Hanuta tastes like an angel came down to earth to directly coom into my mouth.
Knoppers tastes okeh.

nudossi? is that the italien comapny nutella "borrowed" their idea from?


the function of standup comedy, at least in the US, is that of a priestly ritual where a liberal or conservative preacher reaffirms the receptive audience's beliefs, anxieties, and tensions, by being a le charismatic funnyman.


Never liked hanuta, hate the dry feel of the wafers, feels like biting on a piece of cardboard or sth, and don't care for the filling either. Knoppers otoh is a fine snack (for children)

Never liked Nutella or anything similar either tbh, I only ate the aldi knockoff when I was camping with the boyscouts as a kid, not bad in that case since it's so calorie dense.

t. imposter German


>mecker nicht rum

i have seen that one somewhere in the deep past of my life.


Knoppers is great, Hanuta is great, as long as there us chocolate involved, it's at least not absolute shit.
I prefer Knoppers, personally.


Hanuta > Knoppers

I just like that nutty crunch.

In Germany it would say "Der Staat lässt die Infrastruktur verfallen, weil er sich selbst verkrüppelt hat" and I think that's beautiful.

Same here.


hanuta muss weg.jpg (134.68 KB, 1223x702)

Does Lidl stock Hanuta and Knoppers in Portugal? The southerner is the neutral voice we need in those rocky times fighting out the ultimate supermarket sweet.


Haribo [...].


attack_knoppers.jpg (315.31 KB, 1550x878)

 No.11408 KONTRA

tree launcher.jpg (109.37 KB, 985x747)

Bought a pack like that to share with my gf. She took one bite and had enough. I had to suffer through the rest. Never again.

P.S. your pic reminded me of something I made years ago. Picrel.


Healthy kid gets fed tar, develops distaste for goid candy.
Many such cases, SAD!


Not under these names, I might go looking what they have. These types are usually all packed on some bottom shelf in the entry.

In other news, I may end up working with Germans (and other tourists). Lord, have mercy on my weary soul.

 No.11411 KONTRA

ernesto is this cat.jpg (76.38 KB, 603x717)

Cardboard-y sandwich with tasteless palm oil and sugar filling is simply disgusting. Though I can understand your fondness of it as you've probably been subjected to such dietary abuse since you were a small child. And never had the chance to experience quality snacks.

I'm so sorry for the devastating news. I will pray for you.


>may end up working with Germans
Try to not kill them.

 No.11413 KONTRA

aren't there actual tree "bombs" dropped with planes?

at some point they switched to use palm oil. before it tasted a lot better.

 No.11414 KONTRA

vlfz3-tree-bombs-4.webp (38.11 KB, 640x503)


>not liking knoppers

There is something wrong with both of you. What do finns eat instead? granted they like chocolate and wafers

 No.11416 KONTRA

diabeetus.jpg (183.77 KB, 1429x426)

top wafflek.jpg (89.12 KB, 1000x1000)

>What do finns eat instead?
All sorts of candy, chocolates, cookies, flavored nuts and potato chips. Nordics generally have the best grocery store selection of all of these in Europe, bar cookies perhaps. Pic1 is the normal candy/chocolate section of a larger store. There's a similarly sized section for potato chips. Small corner stores cut those sections to half from what they are in the pic. But still feature huge selections compared to Europe generally. The tendency to eat this shit and drink a whole lot of alcohol are the primary reasons why we're so fat.

>granted they like chocolate and wafers

Complex or even flavorful (and non-artificial) wafers don't really exist. And thus they're not popular. They're generally a shit tier snack. Both in terms of taste and delivery. Turkish waffles like in the second pic are so far the best I've had, but even they're not great. Similar to their Central European counterparts, but with more flavor. Waffles in Finland are either super cheap bulk waffles imported from Central Europe (shit) or in small chocolate bar form with way more chocolate than waffle. Stroopwafels are great, but I don't think they belong to the same category as Knoppers and the likes.

Checked the selection in the store I order my food from:
Candy Bags - 328 products
Chocolates - 447 products
Potato Chips - 120 products
Waffles - 59 products

There's probably 5%-10% overlap in every category as some products are features in different packaging sizes. Some adjacent categories are missing, like nuts, popcorns, puffs(like cheese puffs) pastilles, and other misc items such as kinder eggs, licorice bars, salmiak boxes, etc. etc... And there's a lot. Also almost every store has a section of loose candy and you can pick and mix your own bags.


I’m living absolute psychological hell


ice.jpg (2.53 MB, 2670x3110)

VoortmanMegaWafers_Lead.jpg (138.57 KB, 900x600)

Work continues to consume me.

Ice crystals on my car windshield this morning.

>They're generally a shit tier snack
Wafers are love. Wafers are life. Used to be some cheap brand we ate as kids. Can't recall, maybe this is it. Pure sugar but nothing better. Obviously, my favorite flavor was peanut butter.


Now that I think about it, picrel are probably my favorite type of wafers, they're not as dry.
A friend of mine used to work at Manner so he would bring back some fancy new products/flavors each time, now I kinda wanna buy some. Though the classic Neapolitaner or lemon flavored ones are fine too ofc.
Apparently they also have a Knoppers type snack but I never tried it.


>candy, chocolates, cookies, flavored nuts and potato chips. Nordics generally have the best grocery store selection of all of these in Europe
> nuts
> best
> nordics
I know nothing about Finland, but so nuts they sell in Sweden are salted and rancid.


>Apparently they also have a Knoppers type snack but I never tried it.

Quite great.

t. ester

Manner is great, indeed,

Germany does not have that many wafer products either I'd say. What struck me is the large licorice section. Maybe I overlook the licorice section here since I hardly eat licorice but the aisle looks pretty much as big as a German grocery store section of sweets (chocolates, candy, cookies and so on. Nuts, potato chips and the like are also sorted separately)

 No.11426 KONTRA

im this cat 336.mp4 (11.83 MB, 854x480)

>Pure sugar but nothing better.
Yikes fam...

>[...] nuts they sell in Sweden are salted and rancid.
In the section you quoted I specifically mentioned "flavored nuts". Anyways, perhaps you had surströmming nuts or something. I've never had rancid nuts anywhere in my life.


> I've never had rancid nuts anywhere in my life.

 No.11428 KONTRA

im this cat 338.jpg (91.24 KB, 720x960)

You tell me!


leader-reacts.jpg (511.03 KB, 1080x987)

Am I the only whose romantic prospects come in waves? Celibacy followed by multiple choices, followed by celibacy followed by multiple choices. Absurd.

Finnposting made me think about variable prices. There's a real issue with public transportation being empty at night here and they still charging full price. "It'll be 5€ to go 10 kilometers on an empty public bus". Insanity. As a note, the discount for old bats to take trains should only apply outside of rush hour. Additionally pensioners should not be allowed to use the services of banks from noon to 2pm - time that should be reserved for people that potentially have a one hour lunch break and do not want to sit behind naphthalene preserved zombies who could use any other hour of the day.

On another bus note, a smaller company was purchased by a larger company and while the buses are nicer, they changed the numbers - ruining over two decades of stability.

 No.11431 KONTRA

Elderly-hate is my brand on EC.
You will be hearing from my lawyer.

(But you are right on every single account.)


So, it seems I get the (substantial) raise.
This was kinda expected tbh because they need me.

 No.11437 KONTRA

> Am I the only whose romantic prospects come in waves? Celibacy followed by multiple choices, followed by celibacy followed by multiple choices. Absurd.
same here.

 No.11445 KONTRA

arvostelu.mp4 (2.32 MB, 270x480)

Friday against. Have a good one, Ernsts.

Congratulations my man! Well done.

That's how it goes. All them ladies that show up the minute you get a gf. They sense it somehow.

>There's a real issue with public transportation being empty at night here and they still charging full price.

Insanity indeed.


>Well done.
Thanks, have a good weekend too.

 No.11447 KONTRA

Yesterday I had the Chinese oral exam. Only feedback I got from the teacher was "差不多", then I left and came home. I was very tired but decided not to sleep after lunch. Didn't even drink a second coffee.
Afterwards I went to the last philosophy seminar. Professor was wearing a mask and I thought something was up. Apparently he wore it for "our safety" because he was running a fewer while teaching.

He held a very nice seminar for us on Chinese Buddhism and its effects on Neo-Confucianism. After class he looked a bit winded and I was afraid he was having problems, but he regained his composure after a few short minutes. We talked about my essay a bit and he said that just as I evaluated it myself, it "leaves much to be desired", but he said that what he expects from someone my caliber is completely different from what he expects from someone trying to complete his course. The essay is enough to complete the course with an A, but is unworthy of me. But he read my other work and has trust in me that I will expand this essay into a chapter in my thesis. (Which is true I think, because the topic is good.)

Once I left I was feeling very tired so I decided to not go to the Chinese book club event because I haven't read anything by Liu Zhenyun anyway and one of the people on the stage was that bitch who talked down to me during the national contest and I had no interest in looking at her face. God, I'm petty.

I went home. I crashed into bed, and slept for 14 hours straight. Woke up in the early morning. I had the remaining of a mini-Gugelhupf for breakfast with some tea. Had lunch, drank the remaining half-bottle of tonic, my herbal tea and a coffee and left for the library.
On the way I brought an energy drink and a chocolate bar. The former fucked up my stomach because it hurt when I got home a few hours later. Thankfully it passed but damn, it really felt painful. Though I remember going through much worse.

I was at the library until 8. I crammed passively and actively. Imagining Chinese characters in your head is more exhausting than I thought. But I still managed to review all the chapters passively and also the exam chapters actively and passively.

I got home and I decided to fry my brain by listening to House MD episodes in the background. Also baked a pizza for the leftover sauce so that I have something to put in my lunchbox tomorrow.
Family is going on some trip tomorrow. In the forest. It's almost freezing but "It's going to be great". I told them I'll be preparing for the exam. I don't want to walk in the cold more than I want to.
Funny how the sauce and the dough are never in balance. The sauce runs out, but I still have dough, I make more sauce, I still have sauce, I make more dough, because sauce it expensive to make and dough is cheap.

Tomorrow I'm thinking I'll look at the grammar plus read the texts more in detail. Though I was able to use the grammar during the oral exam too. The battle plan is that I make 20 points with the vocabulary, 20 with the translations into Hungarian, 20 something with the essay and then everything above that is the blessing of 天 for all I care.

I'm feeling pretty good all things considered. Very clear. Very lucid. Focused.
Next year is year of the dragon. Good things are going to happen.


France is some kind of totalitarian dystopia. There’s giant posters in the stations saying that the state is watching over everyone in the station with cameras for antiterrorist action. Every public closed is guarded and you have to open your bag to come in, if you forget your bag in a train station, trafic will be stopped and your bag destroyed. Meanwhile the state is using public money to explain how much he tries to helps with black on white posters signed by the Gov’t. There’s not one thing that’s not profoundly absurd and anxiety inducing, France is a shithole.


Germans were invented by Otto von Bismarck in 1871 to render internet discourse impossible.

 No.11451 KONTRA

> France is some kind of totalitarian dystopia.
Last time I was in france, bicycle tour, it really creeped me the fuck out. humans with machine guns standing around at a normal train station. I've only ever personally experienced heavily armed personal in africa before. really felt like being in a totalitarian dystopia. the more rural areas were fine, though.

 No.11452 KONTRA

>heavily armed people in train stations
Been there done that with the boys in the Swiss :DDDdD

 No.11453 KONTRA

IMG_7257.jpeg (197.18 KB, 1024x668)


Germans have existed way longer than the German Empire, which you mean.

 No.11455 KONTRA

No. They wouldn't eben have thought of themselves as German. Nationalism only became fashionable because people started imitating France. Germany is a 19th century invention.


This is false on a lot of levels, there are multiple 16 and 17 century writings creating some kind of pre-nationalist German mythos. German as a nationality manifested politically mostly during the 19th century people’s spring but Germans existed before as a class in itself, just not for itself.


Are you trolling or just fucking retarded?

 No.11458 KONTRA

Here we go again.


If you had asked a 'German' in the 18th century 'were are you from', he would have told you the name of his village. Certainly not Germany. The German language was only invented by Luther, before that, they're was no German, just local dialects that had as much in common with German as Dutch or Suisse-German.

Maybe go to a school and learn something, or read a book, than you wouldn't have to be Nazis.


The fact that they were writing means they were literate, which means they were either aristocrats or members of the clergy.
And the reason they were writing about it is because they were trying to invent it.

People always mix up cause and effect when it comes to history.
Or rather, they reify spooks and then argue back from the premise.

Kazakhs on the other hand, have a direct cultural lineage and an identity tracing back to the Scythians, true story.

 No.11462 KONTRA

>The German language was only invented by Luther, before that, they're was no German, just local dialects that had as much in common with German as Dutch or Suisse-German.
It's *german* dialects spoken by people in different *german* states. Just like today.
And for that it doesn't matter whether those states are their own duchies or kingdoms or condensed under one big federal republic.
Ironic how you're telling others to learn something when you are clearly just uneducated scum.


It's very telling how you emphasize 'German'. Sorry darling Nazis do not get to call other people scum.

You would not be able to comprehend these German dialects, same as you are unable to comprehend dutch or Suisse. No one today speaks any dialect except for the most retarded farmers who suffer from some congenital diseases caused by inbreeding.

 No.11464 KONTRA

>same as you are unable to comprehend dutch or Suisse
Speak for yourself.
Then again, I now know you're trolling, so troll yourself.


Yes, Germans were invented. But it is a great invention. It brought together people from different counties and duchies into a big community, standardized their language, made them easier understand each other.

Nationalism is good when it serves uniting people. And bad when it serves dividing people (Catalan nationalism, Cantonese, Ukrainian, etc)

 No.11466 KONTRA

Yea, I meant identity in actual PEOPLE (book readers). The rest just can continue to play in their doodoo feces.

More seriously, I Mede reference to a Marxist concept in the sentence just after. Germans existed as farmers existed without class consciousness or in that case ethnic/national consciousness. Germany always had the potential to exist, because people had this traits in common. The means of communication or propaganda were just not developed enough before the Industrial Revolution for this type of state.


Without German nationalism, no fascism and no nazi-junta in Ukraine.


This time it's Americans anyway. And they are as well filthy British separatists.


>The means of communication or propaganda were just not developed enough before the Industrial Revolution for this type of state.
Only in Germany. Not in France or Britain or Poland or Sweden.

 No.11470 KONTRA

The power holders in Germany were scattered. Which made the aristocracy effectively ununified unlike your other exemple. Which were maybe more of a bourgeois and aristocratic nation state than what we now mean by one. Britain stand out as an odd exception I think…


>Nationalism is good when it serves uniting people. And bad when it serves dividing people (Catalan nationalism, Cantonese, Ukrainian, etc)

These are the two parts of the same coin called nationalism and they always exist in parallel. Nationalism is a bad differentiation. It's a low-fidelity concept for idiots.

21st century Schopenhauer

A wise man with predictive might.


Stop making excuses, just admit that Germany is made-up bullshit from the 19th century that shouldn't even exist.


>If you had asked a 'German' in the 18th century 'were are you from', he would have told you the name of his village
And yet others would say he's a German. Feeling very sorry for your fake nations, though.
t. 100% real nation from ~14th century

 No.11474 KONTRA

I feel like I’m being trolled :(



FMJ9n6GXoAMAiAa.jpg (130 KB, 408x384)

Iewelk düdesch lant hevet sinen palenzgreven: sassen, beieren, vranken unde svaven


That map is a lie. The Holy Roman Empire had internal borders. It wasn't 'of the German nation', either, it was multi-ethnic. Go and read a book, maybe you'll learn something, for example you might learn not being a Nazi.

Deutschland ist scheiße, ihr seid die Beweise!
Deutschland von der Karte streichen, Polen muss bus Frankreich richer!


I'm not sure who is trolling who at this point.


I'm 1945% certain that the lefty and the righty have teamed up at this point to entertain the portugal-kazakh faction.

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