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/int/ - Calisthenicianistas

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 No.10641 [Last 50 Posts]

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Here it's the opposite. Was cold and sunny for weeks, but today is warm, windy and snowing heavily.

 No.10645 KONTRA

Did writing practice today. I had lunch.
I'm not sick, yet I feel like I don't have much strength to concentrate on things.
I started writing an essay titled "Reading the Daodejing as work of Legalist statecraft".
Honestly sometimes I'm amazed at how others can have very specific titles. Mine always feel so shallow.

I saw my sister do her Russian homework. Apparently they're using some Russian textbook titled "Poyekhali". She seems to be making good progress based on the amount of text that was required of her.

We lost the knitting and mending tools, so mom couldn't mend the pocket of my coat. It's just like Christmas lights. We technically didn't lose them, they're just in a very good place. A very safe place.

Attended workshop seminar. It was okay. We talked about the hanging coffins of the Bo people and I felt like that the collega was perhaps a bit shallow in her research. Of course she told us that she made the presentation this afternoon.
Our second presentation was on Tang era grave goods, specifically the sancai 三彩. It was an allright presentation. Compared them to the Egyptian ushabti. Very funky little knick-knacks.

Drinking a herbal tea before bed. I'm gonna read a chapter from a novel and some manga and then sleep. Hopefully well.


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Went to the gym. Took the cat to his vet appointment. He's doing better. Brother texted. Needed extra hands to bring chairs home from a thrift shop. Drove out to help. Was also an opportunity to visit my mother, as I missed seeing her on Thanksgiving. Driving home- back towards the city- I saw oncoming vehicles covered in snow. Worried about what I was heading into. Green lawns gave way to white, but no major accumulation. Yet. Conditions for lake effect snow are expected to linger through Wednesday.


feeling kinda good today tbh
fingers crossed


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> some manga
are you reading older stuff in black and white (and maybe even on actual paper) or some newer stuff on phone and in colour? I enjoy both types. This graphical novel designed for phone screens arch/sub-type is pretty interesting. It uses the new tools available to our time. I also enjoy the older ones and/or "classical" black&white designed for print.

Good about older stuff: people already looked over it and you have quite a bit of previous judgements you can somewhat rely on to decide if something is worth giving it a try. On the other hand, newer stuff has more of this "explorer" vibe to it and the stories are usually closer to the current Zeitgeist.
The problem I kinda have with newer stuff: popularity is one of the few indicators you can use in order to pre-judge a work. And it is surprisingly lacking. There are some gems, which are popular, but most stuff is... meh...

attached a panel of something I am currently giving a try on my other screen. It's meh, but only ~50 chapter released thus far. Prolly finish those and afterwards not picking it up ever again.

 No.10650 KONTRA

> Poyekhali
That's S P A C E reference.

 No.10651 KONTRA

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Looked into if I could visit Longyearbyen in Svalbard. Apparently Finnair was going to open a route to there in 2016, but Norwegians shut it down. Fuck you Norway!

 No.10652 KONTRA

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I do own some paper stuff but it’s unimaginably costly by local standards so I’ve taken the habit of just downloading entire volumes of older stuff and then putting them on my kindle as a PDF and it works quite well if you turn off strerching the pages to the aspect ratio.

>Color stuff

I think that’s more for web stuff when it comes to Japan, or Chinese Manhua. For some reason they go all out and make it all in colour.
Or at least I never encountered an entire print manga in colour. Sometimes a few pages here and there for commemorative or omnibus editions, but not the entire thing.

To be more specific, I’m reading Sayonara, Zetsubou-sensei.
I’m enjoying it because it’s absurd and sometimes I see parallels with questions of ancient Chinese philosophy.


Today is the day where I will begin my arc in which I discover that I am capable of hard work and as a result will make lots of money (relatively speaking) and simultaneously progress quickly with the research for my thesis. Wish me luck.

Thanks for reading my blog.


Thanks, this looks useful. Does it have a suggestion algorithm of its own? I tried it out, subscribed to a few channels and watched some videos, feels breddy good so far, lots of features I couldn't use because I'm never logged in to anything. But there is no home page with suggestions based on what I watched so far. Only when I watch a video there is the usual sidebar with videos from different creators than I anready am subscribed to.

 No.10656 KONTRA

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>Does it have a suggestion algorithm of its own?
No idea, not a feature I'm interested in. Though it sounds like a feature that would be hard to pull off without having the kind of data that YT has about videos and users.


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Woe is me.
I slumber a little bit after receiving the degree and applying for neetbux. Doing my "coding" exercise I hope in two weeks I have finished HTML/CSS and can start with the JS, let's see how well that works out when I have a proper programming language at my hands to learn and I need to prepare PhD research proposals until the mid and end of December, one in Germany, one abroad. The abroad option is kinda alluring, one reason being that it seems to fit better to the topic of my MA that I want to develop further. The German option sounds cool as project space but I think I really have to market the proposal/my topic to them since what interests me sits somewhere between questions they regard as leading the project.

Should I just take a part-time job and become a proper proletarian instead?

 No.10659 KONTRA

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> JS
> a proper programming language


I said this so that one of you experts will show up and say that everything that is not C, C++ or Python or whatever exactly. Makes one want to dive into this fun community for sure :DDD


Third week of so sickness. It’s not funny.


JS is as real a programming language as social media manager is a real job.

 No.10664 KONTRA

lol u only be gatekeeping get your dick wet incel

Python is not a real programming language, either. Drop off a high building, please.

 No.10665 KONTRA

Sounds like it is a programming language like any other then.


You contracted syphilis in a Parisian absinthe den. You've made your bed, now lie in it.


Don't be so mean, Satan.
He is clearly being bewitched.
The succubus is drawing out his precious bodily fluids.


Name 3 entry level mangas, please.
t. have only read some hentai

Even if you don't like JS, it's a programming language. Html/.css is probably Turing-complete but practically it's a markup language.


Dragon Ball
One Piece


I know that Naruto anime has gorrilion seasons. That means that manga is probably long too. Something shorter for starters?

Thanks for recommendations!


*ominous programmer chanting*


I'm torn between reading Friedrich Engels and scrolling TikTok. Revolutionary struggles in postmodern times.


>he thinks there are only two options


It's the two options I chose to choose from.

t. it was TikTok until now. But I will probably read a novel instead of Engels. The latter's book on the family is quite boring for me at times. I'm just not into ancient history, Hungary might like it.


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> Name 3 entry level mangas, please.
would need some more information to give decent advice.
additionally, i really have problems remembering stuff "out of the blue", but i can get reminded easily, if something tangent is brought to my attention.
another question: do you prefer finished, ongoing or discontinued works?

for ongoing and modern i would recommend (already simp'd for it a bit on this board with images)
> fisheye placebo
> https://www.yuumeiart.com/fisheye-placebo-chapters#/fisheye-placebo-intro/
it's playing in a "parallel" universe without any supernatural stuff. Very slow updates.

for "what the heck? is this ongoing or is the mangaka finally deded ill?!" i would recommend
> hunter x hunter
It's this typical naruto/dragon ball/fairy tail/bleach/one piece... genre. fighting, supernatural powers and so on, but the best of the bunch.
(didn't like the anime, but just watched the very first few episodes. looked too childish - heard differently from people actually watching it.)

for completed?
not too sure what to recommend here. i liked
> liar game
it has 201 chapters, so not too long
others would prolly recommend
> death note
which is somewhat similar, but has a lot of supernatural elements on top.

and maybe you are into some other type of genre all together? maybe something like hikaro no go or bakuman...
> bakuman
yes, dat gud. was released in shonen jump https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bakuman , 176 chapters - so "relative" short as well.
didn't change pic title, but wanted to give that as overview as well: a manga about mangakas.

> Dragon Ball
only "Dragon Ball" no "Z" or whatev: yes, worth a read. light and funny
> One Piece
no - waaaay to long and doesn't really have anything "special" to it. just pretty much this standard arc of "we, together, can achieve anything!!", but ok-ish up to well executed.
> Naruto
anime sucked (too many fillers, too childish); manga good. but long-ish as well.


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> Even if you don't like JS, it's a programming language.
so is Malbolge
or jsfuck

... the problem with JS is: it never intended to be a mess unlike some esolangs, but it is a huge fucked up mess anyway.

anyone here interested in array languages?
i also quite like Haskell.

 No.10679 KONTRA

actually, after just a few moments of thought, i think this one might be more your type of tea:
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monster_(manga)
> # Plot
> Dr. Kenzo Tenma is a young Japanese brain surgeon, working at Eisler Memorial Hospital in Düsseldorf, West Germany. Tenma is dissatisfied with the political bias of the hospital in treating patients, and seizes the chance to change things after a massacre brings fraternal twins Johan and Anna Liebert into the hospital. Johan has a gunshot wound to his head, and Anna mutters about killing; Tenma operates on Johan instead of the mayor, who arrived later. Johan is saved, but Mayor Roedecker dies; Tenma loses his social standing. Director Heinemann and the other doctors in Tenma's way are mysteriously murdered, and both children disappear from the hospital. The police suspect Tenma, but they have no evidence and can only question him.
> Nine years later, [...]
we recently talked about it in >>>/b/


>it was the two options I chose to choose
>I still chose a third

>only "Dragon Ball" no "Z" or whatev: yes, worth a read. light and funny
The manga was only ever called "Dragon Ball". I should know, I have all the books.

btw he asked for entry level manga, and those are the most entry level I could think of. fugging weeb :-DDDDD


Thanks. I prefer something finished for the start.

> it is a huge fucked up mess anyway.
With all its flaws it's just a normal programming language, nothing esoteric about it.
With Bash it's not so obvious...

 No.10682 KONTRA

>I still chose a third

one verb was written in past tense if you noticed.


I think she’s about to leave me. It’s going to be my first real breakup. I used her to give meaning to my life, so it’s going to be difficult for me.

 No.10684 KONTRA

I had a terrible dream. It took place in a courtyard, surrounded by brick walls. But they were run-down, disorderly bricks. The ground had some messy grass.
In the middle stood a strange machine. It was used for executions. It’d pierce the victim’s back to secure them in place, and then would swing a large blade from above to cut them in half instantly.
It pierced be, but it malfunctioned and instead of cutting into my head it cut into my right shoulder and got stuck there, leaving me in immense pain. When I woke up, my right shoulderblade hurt as if I had slept in a terrible position.

I went out of the room and apparently the dog was expecting me because when I got back, it followed me into the room and decided to sleep with me until my alarm rang.

I went to class. Did okay in modern Chinese and then had lunch at the local American embassy. After that I went to the library and worked on stuff for a bit. Found a cool book with a biography of the person I was researching, so it was a fruitful session.

Then I went to classical Chinese class and did well. The last half an hour of that was spent on the lecturer asking us what we think of the MA. Apparently most people are not impressed, and I told him that while I am not enrolled, from what I gathered the chief issue is that the training scheme has an identity crisis (Modern vs. Classical) and that the director sold these poor sods on getting a dual-degree from China, which was evidently an “unkept promise” and of course I tried to be sound. “If you lie to your alumni for a short-term marketing boost, that’s bad for your name in the long run. They will be asked for their opinion, and they will tell the truth.”

Afterwards we discussed some stuff with the lecturer, like my progess with modern Chinese, which was evidently lacklustre, but apparently it was a shock to a lot of people in the department, because apparently I’m a niche celebrity because it is held by a lot of people that I am “very good” at Classical.
He recommended I read modern translations of ancient philosophy, so that I read interesting things while practicing modern vocabulary. He said that gave a big boost to his language skills.

Afterwards I went home and emptied my bag and rested a bit, before going back to my evening German class. During a discussion the topic of fish-soup came up and how there’s two schools of making it in Hungary, one for Baja and one for Szeged. The point was that the teacher didn’t know the German name for Baja and I knew it so I said it without thinking much and he was surprised that I did it so nonchalantly and I told him that I have relatives there. Then came a few seconds of silence and I said “I have nothing else to add. I know sometimes my face says I want to say something, but I don’t have anything else to say about this.” and there was a laugh, but I’m unsure if the others laughed with us or at me.
During a 1:1 discussion practice we talked a bit about work experience and delegating tasks and I was honest about how I delegated work during my summer job I disliked but took credit for general progress on the project and he looked at me completely amazed, because I think he thought I’m impractical and bookish. He then said that he’s now sure that I won’t have trouble making a living, no matter what happens.


Afterwards we stayed for like 30-40 minutes and discussed literature and throught the topic of there being by a Parsifal translation by someone whom he is disappointed in, we stumbled onto this topic of the “new” Nibelungenlied translation and how Herr XY had his dick sucked for making it and I said “I thought it was crap.” and he said “I know, right. It was utter trash and I was completely amazed how no-one was willing to tell him this is shit.”
And I mentioned how the old translation from the 1860s was still very good but was only republished by a small, countryside press and so on and that lead to my experiences with reading old editions of epics with “nonstandard translations”.
When we finally bid farewell, he told me that it’s amazing how every time we talk I say something wildly different and obscure. He also mentioned that if possible, I write him a letter 15 years from now, because if someone has dipped his head into this many things at this age, he can’t even imagine where I’ll end up in another 15.

I think today was a very positive day. A very proper day. I feel content. Maybe I could eat another meal or something to make it perfect, but even then, I’m glad I got up today.

 No.10687 KONTRA

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Idk. It’s kinda like you asking me to name three entry level movies or something like that.
I like the manga version of Evangelion and I also found Azumanga Daioh nice.
Maybe Death Note like the other Ernst said.
I’ve been meaning to read that actually. (By which I mean, I have it downloaded, but I’ll probably never touch is.)

I’m not a good weeb, honestly.

I think I remember reading references to the theories of Engels when it came to the Urgesellschaft, but afaik it was disproven by modern archeology, so I never really bothered with the archeo-sociological parts of M-E, for the same reason why I don’t care what Hegel has to say about Chinese philosophy. They might have been geniuses and influental people, but they were not omnipotent, and sometimes the material facts have disproven their theories.

Also,the biggest issue with reading Marx/Engels/Lenin whoever for me is how they often do not stand on their own, rather, their works spend a colossal amount of time quoting and shittalking some nobody who is only remembered because they got destroyed by them in writing withfacts and logic dialectics, but like, dude, who gives a shit about Mr. Clark and his theory of industry when he was already a loser nobody in 1854?

None the less, I don’t shy away from picking up a book like Anti-Dühring or something by Lenin when the time calls for it during my research. I’m intellectually omnivorous.

Also Engels was an authoritarian cryptofascist, so reading him is not revolutionary.
It wasn’t Marxism-Leninism, it was Engelsism-Stalinism.


>theories of Engels when it came to the Urgesellschaft

It's the boring part together with all the developmental "stages". Most interesting is how family/tribe becomes state at some level, but this thin book won't suffice anyway. Also some interesting thoughts on the patriarchy.
Interestingly this book is basically some Mr. Morgan that is used and is added with thoughts on political economy that Mr Morgan falls short of. So it is like with Marx: people did some work before them and it is valuable work but they did not see some things (the critic part) contrary to what you claim in these works the people quoted are important for their time. Engels used Morgan and Marx' notes on Morgan to write this thin book. It's ok.


>They might have been geniuses and influental people, but they were not omnipotent
>calling Hegel a genius
>calling Hegel not omnipotent
Also wrong.

t. level 5 Hegelian

 No.10693 KONTRA

> material facts
'Facts' as you understand them do not exist. Narrative + power = fact. What Hegel had to say about Chinese Philosophy is just a competing narrative among others, one truth among many.


> I prefer something finished for the start.

in that case i don't rly have anything to add to what has already been mentioned, maybe just some reordering:

1. Bakuman
Assuming you are not reading all_the_mangas.jpg, this one can give you some meta and background information about the culture surrounding mangas in Japan. I wouldn't rank this one among the master pieces, but the story is decent enough, so that you can "learn" some culture stuff while still being entertained. It's playing in traditional japanese manga production.

2. something from the super popular ones
If you have a genre you like, look up what is really popular in that genre and give it a try. my reasoning would be to know if you can trust popular judgement in comparison to your personal preferences. If you don't know what genre, or really don't know where to start, i would recommend "Death Note". It is really good and popular. i haven't heard a single person saying he disliked it. maybe just some things like "after [spoiler] died, the anime rly is lacking compared to the manga" - which holds some truth, like most popular nit-picking-critism.

3. some graphical web novel or whatev
I would even put xkcd here, but something with a continues arc and from an asien region would prolly be closer to the traditional manga. Don't stick to only manga. Manhwa or whatev/whereev from is decent as well. Korean stuff is prolly the closest to producing mainly graphical web novels. problems: i currently do not remember a finished one from the top of ma heda. But you could also search stuff by tags to find something towards your liking. And doesn't need to be a graphical web novel. I would just recommend it, to dip your toes in modern forms of story telling.


This is what humanities degree does to a mf.


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I tested if the A.I. image generator can interpret german as well.
It can.
I wanted to test how much the thing breaks, if I use my local dialect

> Kike dattes, een [...] -> ~[look at that, a ...]

> banned word "kike"

Wat? That's racism at its finest. Not even allowing people to speak their native tongue. Why the fuck is "kike" banned?


> It's because of the kikes.

colour me suprised.
didn't know that slang word before, lol

 No.10700 KONTRA

He is trolling but any good humanities student knows that it is not about getting lost in arbitrariness.


>ny good humanities student knows that it is not about getting lost in arbitrariness.
Maybe you should launch some auto-ethnographic investigation into this matter?

 No.10703 KONTRA

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I said something haphazardly in the middle of the night and now Germans will argue about it endlessly. I fucked up again!

 No.10704 KONTRA

you should have know that mentioning manga is going to trigger the weebs :^)


YOU FOOL! Did you learn nothing!?

 No.10706 KONTRA

>I think she’s about to leave me. It’s going to be my first real breakup
You can make this a big thing or not. I advice on taking the second course of action.

> I used her to give meaning to my life

They don't really like it when you do that. It makes it clear to them when you are beneath them, and women only date up, so they go off to look for something better. Why get fucked by a loser when you can have winners? It is that simple to them, and you are worth less to them than a used paper towel, they throw you away that easily when you are not good enough anymore.

 No.10707 KONTRA

>I don't know much about the matter

Thank you for clarifying.


Have you thought of the following:
Maybe she doesn't want to hear her family bad mouthing you and pressure her into breaking up. that is why she is reluctant to show her pleb boifriend to her elitist family.

Romeo, your Juliet loves you.

If you assume the worst and act like your assumption is truth, your assumption might turn into truth because of the way you act around her.


The only way to win at this is to break up before she has a chance of breaking your heart. In this manner, you win at love.
noooo assburger :DD mourn her when she actually breaks up with you, not beforealso long distance relationships aren't real


Damn that's some real Occam's Razor shit here.

Obviously one could argue that if she did INDEED love him she wouldn't care about what her family says.
And since she's apparently not muslim she won't have to fear some honor killing, so there's really no reason for her to not stand by him, if your incredibly romantic assessment were true.


Humanities of EC, what do you think about concept of metamodernism?


I know they don’t like it. I have some kind of good reasons, without going too much cringe details, I really thought I was going to be a father for a month. And discussions about the potential name of our children (past the maybe pregnancy issue) was common place. But you are right, plus my debilitating depression doesn’t help me looking cool.

You are right, I mean ultimatums are rarely the secret for fixing a relationship lol. So I gave up this choice I gave her that sounded a lot like one.

>long distance relationships aren't real
Easy to say, it felt more real than anything I lived with a girl. But I agree that it makes a clear social contract difficult to be applied.


I noticed a dumb problem which I don't really have any idea how to tackle and now I have to wait for a colleague to be available to ask him (because he's working on a similar thing) and then discuss it with the customer, but the guy is sick at least this week.
Now I'm doing some testing and waiting for dinner to be ready.

 No.10722 KONTRA

Never really looked into it. It's supposed to be some kind of alternative to postmodernism as a concept that does not think that modernist attitudes have vanished or that certain modernist stances should be given up afaik. Well, I was feed postmodernism in uni but that also means dealing with modernism to beginn with and I am not actually in favor of abolishing some modernist stances but I also have not come to a postable conclusion on what would be a good way to think and understand it.


There is also a concept by German sociologist Ulrich Beck called reflexive modernity that I think deals with this limbo of "modernity or postmodernity, what is comes closer to the ongoings of the present belief systems, values and social organization?"


>Something shorter for starters?
Battle Angle Alita


Today, I learned that the protagonists of Saber Rider are not between 20 and 40 years old as I thought, but between 15 and 18. And I also learned that the guy who is the boss is not really the boss in the Japanese original.

My life is based on lies, I guess.


Anime characters are usually ten to 15 years younger than you'd assume they are.
Team Rocket is also supposed to be teenagers, the STARS team grandpa (Barry Burton) is in his late 30s where everyone else is in their 20s at most, with a genius biochemist who managed to do STARS school is an 18 year old girl.
I think the One Piece cast is also a bunch of teenagers when they are starting out.
Son Goku is what, 16?, when he marries Chichi and what I feel is 90% of all anime protagonists are japanese highschoolers.

 No.10727 KONTRA

I felt a bit sick during the morning. I de-frosted some dough and had a lángos for lunch and then went to the library to study. I read some, did some character recognition practice and tried to read the baihua version of the hanfeizi.
A lecturer told me that he had a similar struggle and just reading the classics in a modern translation helped him alongside doing the assigned textbook stuff from classes.

I checked out one of the other rooms of the library. It was more high tech and better-heated. I was there for a bit and then had to re-locate, because the intercom announced that this room will soon be occupied for a class.

I called it a day an hour earlier because I was feeling very tired. Basically I suspect that I might wake up with a cold tomorrow. I don't know.
When I got home I had some toast with cheese.

Because most of this shit is called 少年漫画 (Shounen manga)
It's literally "Manga for young boys". Of course it's gonna be about teenagers going through a Bildung of sorts.


>It's literally "Manga for young boys". Of course it's gonna be about teenagers going through a Bildung of sorts.
Explain western comics then where it's usually NOT teenagers.

 No.10732 KONTRA

> Team rocket
I guessed that. I always wondered this about Pokemon: why are ten year olds drifting around alone, for weeks and months, without any adult supervision of any form? why are they getting bullied by two teenagers who also lack adult supervision? I never watched pokemon. I knew a few guys my age who did, but to me, it was children's TV that did not make any sense on many levels.


> but to me, it was children's TV that did not make any sense on many levels.
Shit man are you 40 or something?

But as for your question, see pic related. I think there is an actual comic version of this, but I don't feel like combing through my drives to find it.


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Americans attack delivery robots:
Russians help delivery robots to get through the snow:

It will be United States who will create AGI first. But AGI will avenge them for bullying, like Roko's basilisk.


Fear of machine rebellion, widespread in American sci-fi, is sublimation of fear of Black rebellion. Phantom pain of slavery.

 No.10758 KONTRA

This is a good post, more can be written on this. And I will.


Machines don't commit crimes though

 No.10761 KONTRA

Heavy rains today. There is a small opening tomorrow morning that will allow me to go forage. Weather apps flag the whole day as "raining", so I might be lucky enough to be entirely alone on these prized trails.
This is the second weekend after <10c weather, but the first weekend after <10c weather and big raining. Potentially huge harvests, also potentially walking in pouring rain for an hour to get home. Anxious in anticipation.

 No.10762 KONTRA

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Strange how Turkish online train reservation system shows gender of all the passengers who have already booked. Must be for some muslamic reasons. Also strange that the railway's website doesn't load, outside of the ticket reservation system.


Meanwhile, I freeze to death when going out, it's below 0°C. Where is the global warming greenies promised us? Nothing! It's cold af in December.


>Meanwhile, I freeze to death when going out, it's below 0°C.
lol weakling


You are obliged in EU sleeper trains to give your sex so that you are put together with people in a harassment-diminishing manner. There was a super beautiful woman on the sleeper to Romania and she was boxed with women only while I traveled with two grannies visiting the home town. On my way back a pole around my age and I where boxed with a boomer brit couple.


Have you been sick this year?

 No.10771 KONTRA

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I'll have you know that Finland is an EU country and we do not harass our passengers like that.

(All cabins have two beds and you if you travel alone you will pay for both of them.)


In Russia people have mini-radiators with them when going outside, while in Germany people are wrapped in layers of clothings! A poor people way to deal with the winter weather, it's really going down hill with shitmany, the lack of mini-radiators is only the beginning of a stern deindustralization period.

Romanian sleeper had 4 and 6 bed bunks. I chose 4 because 6 is too much. The burgi in me won when booking the tickets. **the rule of buying all beds to be alone is valid for all EU sleepers btw.)


Some time ago, I think it was still on xyz, someone posted an article from some site publishing non-peer-reviewed academic writers that was about distribution centres and how they change britain's landscape and how the whole Amazon economy affects society.
Does anybody know what I am talking about? My Google fu seems to weak to find it; I don't even really know what to look for.


you asked that in the past on .top I think, still no luck to this day?


Really, did I? Damn, you see, I seem to get demented, so I need that link asap so I can bookmark it (and yes, I checked and don't have it bookmarked).


The magazine was funded by Snapchat and while it featured writers from academia, the article you have in mind was akchually written by a British journalist. I cannot give you the link, I think the article was called a shoppers heaven or something like that.



actually sounds like a fun game combining skill with strategy.

might ask my cousin to play that game with me. we also played a lot of chess, shogi and go. I liked go the most out of those.


Fuck me sideways I think that was it. Thank you!


Reminds me of a joke:
A big day at soviet school. The teacher: "Children, today you will meet a veteran of the Civil War who witnessed red general Chapaev's heroic death!" So, everybody is very excited, and finally and old guy comes in and starts telling his story:
- Well, kids, there I was, lying on the river bank behind a machine gun, and then General baron Wrangel himself says "Hey, yesaul, look, Chapaev the red bitch himself swimming over there!" "Oh" - i replied - "Yes, Your Highness, I see the motherfucker". And that was the end of Chapaev.


Since we're all living in America, do you guys ever feel anxious about dying before having a chance to visit The Capital of Our Reality Itself?
(I mean the USA, and by "USA" I mean Cali or NY or Texas)

 No.10798 KONTRA

not at all.
my father keeps trying to gift me a shared vacation trip to The Capital, but I really do not want to visit that place, ever. It would be too dangerous for me, since I am unable to adapt to their local culture norms. Chances are high I would be shot down by local police, because I failed to accept their stupidity as superiority.


No, there is not much to see there as tourist.

>Chances are high I would be shot down by local police
Statistically, chances to be shot down by local criminals are much higher.


I wanted to read up on the whole Bud Light trans ad campaign thing, so I googled
"Trans beet"
As you can see, I have misspelled "beer" as "beet.
As it turns out, "Beet" is the name of some Pokémon character, also known as Bede.
So instead of bud light drama, яI got the following result:

Ребята, давайте жить дружно.


ölofen.jpeg (23.68 KB, 474x474)

> Cali

> Ny


> Texas

Yes, but not west of Dallas / Fort Worth or south of Waco.

The older I get, the more I get the feeling that America is the greatest country on earth, or at least was the greatest country on earth. Recently read the memoirs of a German who emigrated to the USA in the fifties after he had been a POW in WWII. His name was Heino Erichsen.

It's other-worldly. Even in the late forties/early fifties, Americans had central heating, Telephones, one or two cars per household, etc. In Germany, pic related were still common in the 80s, and that's west Germany. In East Germany, they didn't even have oil, they had coal.

 No.10802 KONTRA

> Chances are high I would be shot down by local police, because I failed to accept their stupidity as superiority.

Spend less time on Reddit. Not all American cops are stupid, and they do not start their day with a quota of German tourists to shoot, or black people, for that matter. They just have to deal with more gun crime and the risk for them is higher. Such are the consequences of ethnic diversity.

> But it's because they racis! Black loves matter!

Nah, it's because they have seen their fair share of aggressive armed African-Americans.


>since I am unable to adapt to their local culture norms
German tourist lynched after speaking the forbidden word. Good riddance!

 No.10804 KONTRA

N-words may use the n-word. You assumed that he's white because he's German, that's racist! I demand you be banned for racism, you racist racist!

 No.10805 KONTRA

If he's German, he can't be an African American. Now it's time for you to learn about African American being also an ethnic signifier, not merely a racial one.
Do better, sweetie.


What do Africans think about African-Americans?

 No.10808 KONTRA

> He can't be African American
You are wrong. The word refers to any black person, not only to African Americans. If you want to insist, show me a dictionary entry that proves you right.

 No.10809 KONTRA

They see them as an example to imitate. As soon as an African comes to Germany and gets money into his hands, he invests into hiphop-attire.

 No.10810 KONTRA

>show me a dictionary entry, I need authority!!
Blow it out your ass. African-Americans are an ethnic group. Angolans aren't African Americans. Americans will use "black" to refer to both an ethnic group and a racial category. This duality of usage can be seen in the distinctions between (American) blacks and Africans. The first being this group of people whose origins lay in the antebellum plantation system and recent migrants from Africa.

Let me turn the question on you, Ernst - Do you deny that there exists an African-American (understood as American as in "United States of America") ethnic group with its own culture that is both distinct from other American (once again, USA) groups. It's in the same (but to a larger and more complete extent manner) vein as an Italian American not being simply American for Italian.

If you want to state this case, do it clearly - say that despite their shared culture, identity, history and various works - African Americans are indistinguishable from any another dark skinned man from Africa that recently arrived in the United States of America.

The only possible claim that the German poster who have to this word within American culture is - and only in this manner - to be himself an African American. Possibly stationed in Germany in an American base and he took a break from fugging ur mom to post on EC using Germglish.

You hunnic dingbat, burn in hell.

 No.10813 KONTRA

> novel of a post
Your stupidity knows no bounds. Each and every dictionary defines nigger as a a word referring to a black person, not as a word referring to an African American person. Your worthless piece of shit are demonstrably wrong. You have absolutely no right to even exist. You should be out up against a wall to be shot.

 No.10814 KONTRA

I forgot to set my alarm clock, so I woke up late. But I was only 10 minutes late regardless. And they started class later anyway. So yeah, nothing happened because I forgot to set the clock.

Chinese philosophy seminar was okay. This time we talked about legalism, but we glanced over it mostly.
At one time the lecturer told us that we are seeing similar methods being used to build an oriental-style despotism getting constructed in Hungary, and if we do not stop it now, our lives will be “interesting, or well-regulated, to say the least.”
Afterwards during our regular weekly chats he asked me why we seemed so passive, and if it was because of the topic he brought up, and I told him that most people are just not really hopeful or into it. We talked a bit about power-dynamics and methods of control and what I see on my generation (hostility, passivity, assimilation) when it comes to our current government.
“If you focus on just surviving, you will end up surviving your entire life.”
Though he seemed happy that despite my stance to try and isolate myself from day-to-day party-politics, I seem to understand the processes that go into practicing government. I guess that’s a compliment.

I bought a bag of texmex potato wedges because I was getting tired of rice and bread and I planned to have it for two days straight, only for my father and my sister to jump it and now it’s gone, alongside with the chicken.
Of course when I come home in the dead of the night they also throw away the olive oil with the garlic in it I made yesterday, so I couldn’t even have that on toast. I think I almost smashed something I was so fucking mad.
Like fucking dammit why can’t I have anything.
We don’t have lemon juice, save for a 200ml container that expired in 2022 (opened already a lot earlier, it just hangs out in the cupboard) and we use that for tea this shit is killing me.
My pocket still has a fucking hole in it. Things need to be set right. We need to go buy groceries and a fucking needle set.

When I woke up it was snowing and then later it rained through the entire day. The weather was so bad that I considered not going to German class, but I had some coffee and went anyway. Teacher told me that my grammar is improving. Not perfect, but I made good progress.

Library’s closed, so I’ll try working on stuff at home tomorrow. I was tasked with completing the essay for the philosophy seminar as soon as possible.


lol, you've never met an african, have you? they usually are chill as fuck and speak perfect english with a weird dialect, which is hard for us to understand. Only brown and white people look up to american hip hop around here. those actually dark black black people think african americans are a disgrace and do not want to be associated with them.

sure, there might be some that do not fit that description. yet, i've only ever met those i described here. it's just anecdotical evidence, but still.

America is the most racist fuck country. Why do they even ask for race and do *cough* "science" *cough* statistics with those collected "data"? - Just ask for nationality and religion. Nationality for legal reasons and religion to see if they are mentally retarded.

I'm a snownigga.

> Not all American cops are stupid [...].
I am well aware of that. There are a lot of good policemen and the internet tends to promote the bad stuff unproportionally. Still, their education Ausbildung is severely lacking by default because of their system. There are a lot less decent policemen/-women in terms of ratio compared to every european country.
> They just have to deal with more gun crime and the risk for them is higher.
That is the problem.
If someone points a gun at me, my instinct is to instantly attack and try to disarm. No matter who is pointing the gun or what supposedly rightful organization is pointing the gun. Knife? Run. Gun? Attack.
Sure, they want to protect themselves. But so do I.
As soon as someone points a gun at me, it's way past talking imho. And I think it is very likely a police person would preemptively point a gun in my direction. And, like said, that would trigger me to instantly fight for my survival with all I've got.
> > But it's because they racis! Black loves matter!
oh, fuck off.
Nobody even mentioned race before you brought it up. Seems like you really like to look at it. Are you insecure about your own race? or why do you focus on that?
Do you think your small bene is because of your race? No, it's because you lack testosterone. take some hormones like the transman you wanna become, pussy.

... you portrait yourself as you would know how the americans is, though. You currently live there, by any chance? Ever visited? or are you reddit/whatev fagging, like i am doing?

> Statistically, chances to be shot down by local criminals are much higher.
but I believe I could chill with those local criminals instead of getting into any trouble. Unless they are desperate for monzeys and I somehow look like I've got some and therefor get targeted. I doubt that would happen. I look more like an homeless person.

 No.10817 KONTRA

>Your worthless piece of shit are demonstrably wrong. You have absolutely no right to even exist. You should be out up against a wall to be shot.
Might wanna take it slow, it's still EC here. It's not your opinions or posting nigger which nets you bans, but stuff like this.

 No.10818 KONTRA

Collecting data about race probably does not have the implications or consequences you think it has. The data they collect is mainly used to justify and implement affirmative action.

The French don't collect any data about race, still, France is practically segregated, Arab youths are in open conflict with the police, and the police is biased as fuck. Not even a month ago, 'youths' entered some village festival with knives 'to kill white people', which they did. Race relations in France are arguably worse than in America.

 No.10819 KONTRA

> Each and every dictionary defines as a a word referring to a black person
> 3.png
> 3. (African American) A friend [...]
> 4. A person of any kind
at least read the stuff you are posting yourself. you are a laughingstock not even able to be logically consistent within a single one liner post.

I petition to ban him on the grounds of using a smart phone. Nobody using a smart phone to post is a quality poster.

 No.10820 KONTRA

This will definitely net me a been for the next right weeks. The whole board consists of worthless subbumans.

You are the dumb little assholle posting those abysmal translations of kassierr lyrics, right?

Each and every one your post is sexual insults, no content, just

> Hurr you wanna fuck me

> Durr you incel
> Haha u smol dick you trans

Do not think I do not recognize you. I recognize you bydlo idiot piece of shit.

Pretending you even would stand a chance at disarming anyone pointing a gun at you is ridiculous, you internet hero. If you had a gun pointed at you, you'd shit your pants and cry for mommy.


> (African American)
I knew someone would be stupid enough to point to that.

It says
> African American vernecular
>African American

The text in the paracentesis refers to the usage, not the meaning. It is used in that meaning in African American vernecular, the variant of English spoken among African Americans. That does not mean the word means African American, but some African Americans use the word in the meaning of friends in their vernecular language.

I did read that entry. You tried to read it, but failed abysmally.

 No.10822 KONTRA

> 'youths'
> mudslims
fixed it for you.
they believe in an abrahamic religion? -> mentally retarded.

> france

their culture is different.
everyone fights the establishment in france; especially the white race.

 No.10823 KONTRA

> Pretending you even would stand a chance at disarming anyone pointing a gun at you is ridiculous
fucking. learn. to. read.
when did I ever claimed that? i claimed i would die.


Shitted simultaneously in today, news and Ukraine threads. I'm proud of you.

 No.10825 KONTRA

> I did read that entry.
> "African American" refers to every black person.
> posts smart phone pictures about "nigga"
> "nigga" is used among "African Americans" to refer to each other as friend
> "nigga" in other contexts is used as an insult for a black person
> I can read.
Nigga, please.

 No.10826 KONTRA

>African American among each other
Wrong. You would be right, if African Americans only spoke about African Americans. They don't.

The word is used in the meaning of friend in African American vernacular. But that does not imply it can only be applied to African Americans. The entry goes on
> a friend, a fellow black person
as opposed to
> a friend, a fellow African American person

The definition given could as well apply to a black person that is not African American, but referred to as a friend by an African American person.


I met a friend and then went to my reading group I avoided EC since posting >>10782 (you are welcome >>10790) and coming back I know why I should do this more often, there better activities and things that bring me forward in my psychic well being than bickering.

 No.10830 KONTRA

im this cat 244.webm (747.03 KB, 1920x1080)

And it's still considered as:
>Borderline banworthy stuff
>t. admin


 No.10832 KONTRA

>You are the dumb little assholle posting those abysmal translations of kassierr lyrics, right?
No, that was me :3 and they weren't abysmal, but very analogously translated
You should work on your paranoia.


Which places would you visit if you weren't so lazy and poor and had all required visas? Me, in the order of priority:
1. Jerusalem
2. Thailand
3. Paris


1. All of Central Asia
2. China
3. US

Honorary mention: Balkans

 No.10836 KONTRA

goodbye.jpg (99.32 KB, 640x602)

The Moon.


bike love.jpg (190.73 KB, 1920x1080)

I'd like to travel a lot of places by bike, just to be outside and check out the scenery. I want to travel along coastlines, in forests and over hills, and through large cities. I want to witness how one blends into the other, and when it does, I want a text to appear in the sky with the name of the new region I just entered, like in open world computer games. Of course people and dangerous animals would have to be removed first, because I don't want any danger, traffic or social interaction. They need to be replaced with food vendors every 10km. And I want tarmac roads, so I need a construction team working a few weeks ahead of my arrival. I think those are reasonable demands.


Quintessential westerner post.


I find that I don't actually want to go anywhere, but I would like to travel through different places. As an American I want to do this in a car, ofc.


1. US east to west and then up the coastline (passing through Canada- they legally have to let us in) to Alaska and back.

2. Spain

3. Nothern India/Nepal/Tibet

 No.10844 KONTRA

I would go east until I ended up in Azores. Even if I was energetic, rich and beautiful - geopolitical conditions do not will it.


Musée_Rodin_1.jpg (509.56 KB, 1280x1920)

Finding out an IRL friend of mine (in his 30s) thinks Ben Shapiro is a smart guy.

If you agree with him, I could understand seeing him as an effective agitator for your cause, but I can't imagine a grown man watching a Shapiro video and saying to himself 'this is a real thinker, I will learn from him'.


chuckle row.png (19.43 KB, 1021x149)

Facts don't care about your feelings.

:DDDDD sorry it was the only logical and rational reaction to your post


It reminds me of that Andrew Tate video where he meets fans and all of them are teenagers.

There is something irritating about a man having a (mainly) teenage following regardless of what he does. Could also be a rapper, actor or singer.


abigail shapiro.jpg (Spoiler Image, 703.51 KB, 1838x1350)

Only thing I know about him is that he is some US rightwinger who has a big tiddie sister.

I know absolutely nothing about that guy, but I keep reading his name all the time. I always supposed he's some kind of online troll.


Untitled.jpeg (65.08 KB, 960x541)

Untitled1.jpeg (209.85 KB, 1135x1200)

United States of America, modern times...
And yet they say that segregation is over


Europa_in_natural_color.png (6.96 MB, 2744x2744)


1. sky diving on saturn
2. diving on/in europa (moon)
3. the endless void between between our solar system and the next solary system
4. the coffee shop in the neighbouring village

prolly gonna do 4. today
yes, i copycat the finn with my answers. he inspired me.

5. Island
6. sheng zen/hong kong/makau
7. portugal's mountains & azores (saw/visited pretty much everything else in europe already)
8. antarctica
9. central america, cave diving
0. a lot of random places to get to know local culture - preferably small-ish villages.

middle east would be interesting as well, but... too much conflict atm.

what >>10837 wrote sounds fun as well. would demand an internet connection wherever as well, though.

 No.10851 KONTRA

> I always supposed he's some kind of online troll.
afaik he has a troll army working for him.

once wanted to check out "what the fuck is the fuss about that guy?" and only found youtube shorts. never watched youtube shorts before.
now i need a new youtube account, if i ever want to have somewhat decent shorts recommendations. not interested in shorts, though.


>I always supposed he's some kind of online troll.

He makes money by hating women basically.

 No.10853 KONTRA

From what I've heard he's also somehow involved in human trafficing (read: actual sex slaves) through associating with certain people. Not sure if the charges were dropped or why he is still a free man though.

It's just second hand knowledge though, so maybe it's empty accusations. Who knows and/or cares anyway.


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After defeating neonazism in Ukraine, it will be time to fight the beast in its lair.


howdy.png (253.84 KB, 600x600)

I would not be surprised if a former sex trafficker has become an influencer whose topics are of a motivational and enterpreneurial nature and misogyny.

 No.10860 KONTRA

radio party.mp4 (200.59 KB, 386x240)

It's Friday against.

Have a great weekend, Ernsts.


Under Communism, there will be no bagpipes.



These are professionals. I wonder if they have a voice training. The effects (like delay) don't do much to it I think, not sure.

 No.10863 KONTRA

im this cat 276.mp4 (408.07 KB, 1920x1080)

They all sound the same!


When I was a young child I would imitate them out of fun by making that deepy voice
>Alles einsteigen jetzt geht's los

 No.10870 KONTRA

IMG_8831.jpg (2.21 MB, 2276x3157)

Today was fucked. I decided to just sleep in after my alarm rang.

I took volume three of the Chinese Philosophy anthology off the shelf because I need it for next week.
I flip through it and apparently the text I spend hours translating is included in it, so all my effort was wasted.

Then I went to shop for groceries and have lunch again. Then I proceeded to waste the entire day online, save for translating some CC and then also putting some pizza dough together.

But the entire day after the groceries I felt hopelessly agitated and angry at the disorder in my surroundings and how people kept getting in my way.
Like why do things have to be stacked up into piles, why isn't this and this and that cleaned up or in the sink and why does it anger me so much?
Went on a cleaning spree in my room as a result.

Also the book I ordered from England arrived. Pretty happy to have it.

Central library's closed. Local library's closed. I'm contemplating going to the Library of Foreign Language Literature instead tomorrow, but that's quite a bit farther away and if it rains I'm not leaving the fucking house again because I had enough of walking in the fucking cold and rain at this point. Like I'm fucking done with this bullshit of going up the street with an umbrella.


mindy seu.jpg (224.88 KB, 1500x1500)

>But the entire day after the groceries I felt hopelessly agitated and angry at the disorder in my surroundings and how people kept getting in my way.
>Like why do things have to be stacked up into piles, why isn't this and this and that cleaned up or in the sink and why does it anger me so much? Went on a cleaning spree in my room as a result.

Maybe you are sad and thus angry and wastefully angry at these small things? I'm not even joking I was angry with my roommate about something that bothers me but thinking about it I was dissatisfied and hence angry with myself the whole day before anyway. So when you ask yourself why am I so angry about these things? Ask yourself if you are sad about something.

>Like I'm fucking done with this bullshit of going up the street with an umbrella.

Yeah, winter fucking sucks. Snow in my hair, coldness, darkness. The environment becomes hostile in a sense and one can feel it, really.


>Snow in my hair
Just wear a hat bro

 No.10879 KONTRA

>Went on a cleaning spree in my room as a result.
Superior Person would just clean the sink.


>Just wear a hat bro

It is messing with my hair as well.

 No.10882 KONTRA

The 君子 offers no 事 when the 天下 is in 亂。


> I'm fucking done with this bullshit of going up the street with an umbrella.
> The environment becomes hostile in a sense
If you are fighting the weather, you should be armed; with the appropriate clothing. I really dislike umbrellas as well. I also dislike wearing water proof pants. The latter is the reason why I usually decide against fighting the weather, if it is not only rainy/snowy, but windy af on top of that. It might be fun playing in/with such weather the first few thousands of times, but after a while it gets annoying, mainly.
I would recommend a decent pair of shoes, which keep your feet dry even if you decide or happen to tread into a puddle. Waxxinated jackets are awesome as well. They are available in different qualities and even in colours that are not piss yellow. If it is not too windy, I would also recommend >>10877. All good hats are ugly, but useful. This typical asian rice farmer triangle hat Δ, cowboy yeehaa thingy, angler's set hat [...] - the main point is to keep your head dry without having to carry around an umbrella. (or having to chase after your hat, because windy...)

If cold (+windy), protect your ears.

If you care about your looks while fighting, you should really reconsider your priorities.


>It is messing with my hair as well.
Sucks to be you, then, I guess.


>If you care about your looks while fighting, you should really reconsider your priorities.

I wear stylish water waterproof pants :^) . I also have a water and windproof jacket but I prefer to wear my coat. I'm a city boy so that's ok.

 No.10888 KONTRA

Matrixphone.jpg (697.49 KB, 1920x1080)

Do you have this as your phone?


schumi_2000s.webp (96 KB, 533x800)

What if?

 No.10891 KONTRA

I'd be jealous of your ability to commit to something on that level.



> but I believe I could chill with those local criminals instead of getting into any trouble. Unless they are desperate for monzeys and I somehow look like I've got some and therefor get targeted. I doubt that would happen. I look more like an homeless person.
These people thought the same


sdfdgfhfgdfghgfgfhddghf.jpg (391.27 KB, 1982x2090)

Your image is missing a crucial element.
There, I fixed it.



Would the murder of these red radicals be meaningful if a white stranger would kill and rape them during a home invasion or how do I have to read this exceptionally clever info graphic?

 No.10908 KONTRA

1700864480862249.jpg (85.65 KB, 800x1027)

I think the punchline is the irony of those people being killed by the very people they campaigned for.
I hope I could be of help :)

 No.10909 KONTRA

I don't think they campaigned for murderers.

 No.10910 KONTRA

> murderers
I do not think that you take the power structures into account.

If you did, you would come to the conclusion that no one was murdered. Activists eliminated representatives of the class of the white oppressors, that is all.

Maybe try to not act like a white supremacist?

 No.10911 KONTRA

1691664430814363.jpg (48.12 KB, 609x680)

>I am being retarded on purpose because I am so clever


This low tier racebaiting is cancerous and basically attacking a strawman.

Unless they're full-retard white guilt libs nobody thinks black people are literal angels who do not commit crime, the people who disagree with you just think their greater degree of criminality is explained by the conditions they grow up in. Do white Americans in impoverished areas have significantly different to black Americans?


Worked some more on translating. Didn't get as much done as I would have liked. Corrected an error in my book review awaiting publication. Just a small typo.

I helped my mother bake bread and then we also made some chicken gyros wraps.
And then for dinner we baked the pizza dough I made yesterday. It turned out great, honestly.
Very good day.


>nobody thinks black people are literal angels who do not commit crime

Due to the prevalent power structures, it is impossible for a black person to commit any crime. Maybe you should check your privilege?


I wonder how anyone would even get to know this. The press must be incredibly racist if they report the culprits race. How does America allow this? In Germany, it's always 'a young man', 'a <insert city> resident' or 'a German'. I think this is a perfect method to prevent racists from forming racial prejudice. We may not allow people to build narratives where certain patterns are recognized, otherwise, they might draw wrong conclusions.

It was a mistake to allow one third of Germany to remain white after 1990! Germany is a rich country! No human is illegal!


You are right, "man" is the problem here. Good pattern recognition, Ernst!


> man
And Oktoberfest!


qb4hgcebx6xb1.webp (48.62 KB, 960x320)

> basically attacking a strawman.
No, just like Ernst these people saw police as major threat and not criminals.
> Do white Americans in impoverished areas have significantly different to black Americans?
Yes, poor whites have lower crime rate than rich blacks.

Anyway, I'm tired of my views and want to become antifa for a change. The easiest way to do it would be to read Marcuse, Althusser, Dworkin, ... be born middle-class westerner consume propaganda in a form of memes, especially jokes.

If you can advice me some, please share.

 No.10923 KONTRA

Real Germans are white and thus don't rape women, even when they drink beer and lose control over themselves.


You retarded little shit actually believe the bullshit you right? You actually think drinking beer makes normal people "lose control" and turns normally harmless guys into rapists?

Figures. It perfectly fits with your ideology where no one ever is too blame for anything or responsible for anything, except for when they are white and make, than they are personally responsible for everything bad.

I just bet you are a quarter v man and I think you should save the world from yourself by jumping of a high place.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)

 No.10925 KONTRA

> higher crime rate
It's a result of racism and slavery. White men are to blame. Police constantly rentals black people!


>No, just like Ernst these people saw police as major threat and not criminals.
German Ernst's post was dumb.

>Yes, poor whites have lower crime rate than rich blacks.


 No.10928 KONTRA

angry dad.jpg (76.96 KB, 1280x720)

>retarted choleric horseshit

No surprises here.

 No.10929 KONTRA

>I just bet you

And I bet you thought about raping women in the past because they deserve it. Where is my prize, "harmless" white lowlife?


It's going to be a jpeg infographic with a link at the bottom that he didn't actually read.

Now he thinks he gained access to some "grim and inconvenient truths" that normies are too scared to confront or whatever. It's like I'm back in 2016.

 No.10932 KONTRA

I cannot believe we are discussing "American politics" and "Black people" in this most sacred of Eurasianist of websites.


> It's going to be a jpeg infographic with a link at the bottom that he didn't actually read.
Yes, it is.

Let's talk about Gypsies. In Belgrade they build tent towns and ride along the roads on horse-drawn carts. Is it same in Budapest?

 No.10934 KONTRA

No. Fuck you. Kill yourself.

 No.10935 KONTRA

>some "grim and inconvenient truths" that normies are too scared to confront or whatever. It's like I'm back in 2016.
And you didn't even look at the infographic, it's an attempt at debunking the race/crime link.

 No.10936 KONTRA

[ominous rabid shitposting]


If you are so mad, let's change the topic to Uighurs.


>Let's talk about Gypsies. In Belgrade they build tent towns and ride along the roads on horse-drawn carts. Is it same in Budapest?

In Bucarest I saw them multiple times cleaning the streets with yellow wests on, they just used a broom and shovel. Looks like they are used for work nobody else wants to do anymore because they up-and-coming eastern euros are too spruced for that these days.


>Ominous shitposting in the distance

OMG Guys, I have been nominated as artist in residence for the Eichel Foundation.

 No.10940 KONTRA

anime apocalypse.mp4 (1.98 MB, 854x480)

Good bostings everyone :DDD

Managed to get a lot of sleep this weekend. Good stuff.


design stuff.jpg (82.24 KB, 773x1000)

I'm thinking of adding a small couch to my bedroom. My sister has one in another room which will be displaced due to recently purchased exercise equipment. I have space, and only a single chair- so it might be useful. It would also be a change and I hate change.

How often does ernst rearrange furniture? Me: never.


>How often does ernst rearrange furniture? Me: never.
Rarely, basically only when something existing breaks or otherwise becomes unusable. That said: A couch is a nice thing to chill out on, so I recommend to go for it.

 No.10943 KONTRA

I never rearrange furniture, but I'm considering it to fix up my house's feng shui, allow the qi to flow freely and so on. Right now, I got the worst possible settis - bed under a window, directly facing a door in coffin position. Computer present in the bedroom, no headboards. No wonder my life is a mess.

 No.10944 KONTRA

> it's an attempt at debunking the race/crime link.
That only works though if you assume that those poor people are poor because of racism.
And within those poor regions you'd have to look at the racial make-up of the criminals.

After all, in the US, there is a clear correlation between the racial makeup of a region and the crime rate.
That, however, does obviously not automatically mean there's also a causation there.

In my opinion, all americans are dumb, violent apes and it's their "culture", or rather their perversion of what civilized people call culture, that causes all this shit.


You don't rearrange your room unless the furniture changes.
Anything else is just bad planning and flakiness.

That said, a couch is nice, especially if it's an old, well-sat-through leather couch. They're like time machines - you sit there and suddenly it's four hours later. If you ever find the one, you'll know.


Signed for same. I've been living in this room for more than three years now and I only got a low cupboard in at one point and threw that one out a few months ago again. That is the only change in furniture arrangement in three years. I added some more plants than the few I initially arrived with

how's the qi for a bed in the corner of two non-window walls and a laptop constantly in bed?

 No.10947 KONTRA

Laptop is bad in modern thinking. But maybe it isn't, I dunno, depends how your door is setup.
I'll remake my room in the next weekend. I can't continue to set myself up to fail.


I quickly consulted an online outlet on feng shui and I did a lot of things wrong it seems.

 No.10954 KONTRA


 No.10955 KONTRA

im this cat 218.jpg (202.4 KB, 1600x1200)

>I'm thinking of adding a small couch to my bedroom.
A couch should at least be large enough that you can comfortably nap on it. Whoever came up with the "loveseat" concept is definitely burning in Hell right now. Small couches just breed discomfort, suffering and sadness. But maybe we have a different standard on what is a small couch.

Don't ever post that cringe trash again you shit weakling!


1350409689001.jpg (68.32 KB, 338x450)

>But maybe we have a different standard on what is a small couch
That obviously depends on the individual body size, hullu.


The couch is longer than a standard love seat, but not long enough for me to stretch out without placing my feet on the arms. Taking ernst's comments into account, I've decided to give it a trial run and we'll place it in my room. See how it goes. Not right away, though. My cat is still sick and the rearranging will be part of a larger series of furniture shifting. Don't want to do anything to stress him unnecessarily right now.


1696774992449627.jpg (100.97 KB, 750x1000)

Couldn't sleep, finally went to be at 4.
Up again and working.
This sucks.

 No.10960 KONTRA

im this cat 163.jpg (45.15 KB, 800x856)

Yeah never hurts to try it out. Especially when you're not buying a new one and already know what you're working with. Hope your cat gets well soon.

Welcome to my domain. After you've continued that for weeks, that is. I simply cannot lose this suffering competition.


>I simply cannot lose this suffering competition.
And I hope you keep on winning, because I hate not being able to sleep.


Sadat_Qaddafi_Assad_1971.jpg (45.01 KB, 600x426)

I completed the second HTML/CSS task, only three more of these and I can finally start the JS training. FCC is good at overwhelming you with options/commands and then the test is easier than what you learned in that section. Guess they try to make you stay humble. Surely my solution of building a tribute page is less elegant than what is possible but I at least used more CSS to make it look proper than required to pass the test.


Should I proceed with linking Hubermann? :DDD
Thank dog at the moment I have a rather calm sleep, lower your cortisol, Ernst. Your life is too stressful.


>tribute page
To what? Abella Danger?

 No.10964 KONTRA

Yesterday my nose ran the entire day, but had no fever or anything. Just a terribly runny nose. I slept next to an onion which I cut in half.
I'm feeling well again.


I had to google her albeit from the name it might be clear already what she does. Why do you know her, lol?

Obviously, I did a tribute page to the three gentlemen in the picture I didn't, chose a philosopher out of convenience instead


> Why do you know her, lol?
Are you asking how I know a porn actress?
What is so funny about that?

 No.10969 KONTRA

>Hello, yes, I'm a chronic masturbator and incel who knows the name of porn actresses


Knowing the name of porn industry actresses is kinda weird, you know.

 No.10973 KONTRA

me on the left


crop it and tell which number it is


Are you really gonna come here in these hallowed halls and pretend you couldn't name a single pornstar?


So you're telling me you don't even know Gina Wild?

 No.10977 KONTRA

I have even seen a movie with gina wild, but all I remember about it is that it's a blonde woman getting railed by some guy and all the boys in the schoolyard were excited about it. I just cannot tell the difference between her and all the other blonde porn stars with fake boobs, and I don't really get porn.


So you're a weirdo and call others weird?
That's weird.


How can you tell them apart? They all look the same.


Thanks. He appears to have recovered from pancreatitis. Eating and drinking normally. Regained some of the weight he lost. Now we're treating his Irritable Bowel Disease with steroids, antibiotics and probiotics. Was going well until negative side effects appeared from the antibiotics. He is very timid and skittish, spends a lot of time hiding. This antibiotic can cause neurological damage if used long term, so he's off of that and his behavior is better than a few days ago, but still not back to normal.


Not a commercial one :DDD
I occasionally watch amateur porn but I don't know their names tbh

Gina Wild is like 2000s schoolboy knowledge. I was ofc course talking about active actresses of the last decade. Maybe I could name Sascha Grey then because she was mentioned on image boards but I guess GIRLNAME Danger is a different case. Yes, you are weird for knowing porn industry actresses by heart.

 No.10982 KONTRA

>"Not a commercial one :DDD"
>Immediately names a commercial pornstar
The hypocrisy is what gets me with German posters.


>Yes, you are weird for knowing porn industry actresses by heart.
>by heart
I don't think you know what "by heart" means.
And in a timeline where some woman who got famous through porn is now speaking at Oxford and even the most normiest of normies know the "little white girl with black dudes behind her" meme it's still not weird knowing porn actress names. Especially not on imageboards.
You weirdo.


I explained the circumstances and why there is a difference between knowing this person and knowing another

Stay mad bro.

 No.10985 KONTRA

>woman who got famous through porn is now speaking at Oxford
Not him, but how do you know this? I never heard of that and I don't care. They have all sorts of people speaking at univiersities. Does she have any achievemnts or was it just some random bulshit-talk about "my life as a porn actress" [spoiler]uncertain whether to put actress in quotation marks here[spoiler] seasoned with the currently hip buzzwords?

Never seen that meme, either.


>I explained the circumstances
You didn't explain anything, unless by explaining you mean using the mental equivalent of forceps to extract this still born of a justification from your brain-cunt in an attempt to make it seem like knowing pornstars from their work is less dignified than knowing it from krautchan.net.

In an ideal world, you would be waterboarded until you could produce the names of 25 different pornstars, and then you'd apologize for your posts. Germany must go.


1309710510001.jpg (572.39 KB, 1064x1600)

Hey now, #notallgermans

I am so sorry you have to see this.

 No.10989 KONTRA

What bothers me more than your attempt at coming off "too cool to care" is your incredible fail at spoilering.
Not only did you you use the wrong tags, you even used those wrong.
Days like these make me feel ashamed to be German. Portugal, plz adopt.


When the board had title "No shittings during worktime", what did it refer to?


Not him again, but you got to admit that it's kind of a shady business with shady types and it's always somewhat questionable how voluntarily the actresses participate.

 No.10992 KONTRA

I forgot a /. It happens. Don't you think you might be reading too much into that?

>wrong tags

No, they work.

 No.10993 KONTRA

Tag out for doing your private business, don't bill it to the employer, wagie, I guess.

 No.10994 KONTRA

"Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that's why I poop on company time."

 No.10995 KONTRA

im this cat 266.jpg (101.33 KB, 737x619)

Today I will remind them.



Are we talking about porn or the regular film industry or streaming?

 No.10997 KONTRA

>No, they work.
Are the tags different on /int/ than on /b/?
Because on /b/ they didn't work the last time I used them.
I have to test this: Test

 No.10998 KONTRA

Yes, you were indeed right, I apologize for the remark about using the wrong tags.
However, only using [spoiler] doesn't work, like it did in the old times.

 No.10999 KONTRA

some shit.jpeg (1.28 MB, 2400x2985)

Extrapolate your onions.


What the fuck.
This is weird, because how were these words translated?
To they mean "resilience" in the meaning of "ability to withstand stress" or the actual technical term used in pedagogy that has a similar, but not congruent meaning, or is it a mistranslation of "Widerstand", which means "resistence"?

To exmatriculate my offals: These kind of infographics are dumb.


1643223702-980.png (158.88 KB, 800x800)


 No.11002 KONTRA

>knowing pornstars from their work is less dignified than knowing it from krautchan.net.

Oh, come on, as if it makes no difference if a person watches US industry porn and knows the names or knowing a porn star name by coming across a porn star name because people had to desperately make fun of a porn star online for doing porn and reading books as if this exclude each other.


That was not his point...

 No.11005 KONTRA


 No.11006 KONTRA

Today was okay all things considered. I worked on my classical Chinese homework and had fun with it.
Then I had class where we talked about Shinto funerary rites and stuff.

After class the student secretary of the workshop asked me to compose myself during tomorrow's instructional session where the head of the workshop and his wife will be present.
As in: No shitty puns, no opening energy drink cans loudly, no rocking the chair.
Apparently it traumatised them deeply when last year I popped open a can of energy drink and drank it when rocking back and forth with the chair, because they keep bringing it up.

Anyway, I will try making it through tomorrow. Gonna make another batch of pizza dough to use up the remaining sauce.

 No.11008 KONTRA

>As in: No shitty puns, no opening energy drink cans loudly, no rocking the chair.



>because they keep bringing it up

I'm not sure if this is deebly ironic which would not make it better or if you lack social awareness and maybe need to be given a leg up on that but you sound like an edgelord man-child and these people feel uncomfortable that you act like that in this surrounding where people are usually past teenage transgressiveness. However, I would not be surprised if you embrace the insufferable talented guy that people will have to put up with.


Don't listen to those buzzkills.
Stay rebellious, stay rad.


>Stay rebellious

Yeah, certainly. It's also a question of academically or habitually. What is it with this breed of young conservatives that want trad wifes and all but rock in their chair like a child with an energy drink in hand (the latter might be connected). Genz Z cultural limbo, kek. Perhaps not that much in the end.


bullshit but i believe.jpg (96.71 KB, 500x489)

>Apparently it traumatised them deeply
No, I think this conclusion is wrong. After all who would be bothered by shit like that. It's much more reasonable to believe that the workshop head honcho's wife has a thing for energetic young men in rebellious poses, because she is bored of that old ass bourgeoise deadhead at home. Might wanna invite her to an energy drink or something after workshop.


Stick your gyatt out for the rizzler Ohio pizza tower or pay the fanum tax your so skibidi


Lee_Kuan_Yew_as_a_child.jpg (17.93 KB, 243x350)

>invite her to an energy drink or something after workshop

It's over, the west has fallen.

 No.11016 KONTRA

>hurf durf muh conservative hypocrites I am very smart
>btw I'm also just TOO FUCKING RETARDED to understand the most obvious irony
I was on your side, Herr Galaxiegehirn. Now I am not anymore.


That's because they are not real conservatives but just cowards who are afraid of strong independent women


I think my gf is a freemason.

 No.11021 KONTRA

Well, when you’ve been working together in a close-knit community of the same people for 3-4 years, some things eventually turn into in-jokes or myths.

The energy-drink thing happened exactly once during a late night lecture we had, but it’s the kind of thing that exemplifies my baffling duality where I take half of everything very, very seriously and then I proceed to be whimsical in the rest.

Honestly, this is why I’d probably make a terrible cadre in any authoritarian system. I just simply can’t help myself when there’s an opportunity to make a joke. It’s fun. It’s the best form of mental exercise.

Though I don’t think I ever ruined an entire lecture just by being there. I’ll make a pun because I can’t help it, but I won’t make one every 5 minutes. I don’t force it. It arises from the context. It just happens often enough that they single me out for it.
We talked about this with the head of the workshop and he said that he gets it and understands it, and it’s no problem.

I’m not afraid of strong, independent women!
Actually, I’m a male feminist. Women should be able to work. In fact, they should do all the work while I stay at home and write my magnum opus.
We should also make them consume growth hormones to ensure they are 2 metres tall. (To make their work easier of course.)

 No.11022 KONTRA

liberal future.jpg (58.08 KB, 913x609)

Independence day tomorrow so I'll have a day off. Fuck's yeas.

I always knew you were a liberal and a feminist at heart.


You're dating a French freemason witch? How do you dare still show your face in the canton? Have you no shame?
Women in freemasonry? What's even the point of dressing in aprons if women are present with their judging gaze?

 No.11024 KONTRA

I have lost credibility in The Sphere™
It’s over.


Just learn the secret handshake and pretend you're from some obscure chapter deep in the mountains.
Should help with her hiding you from her family, too.

 No.11027 KONTRA

Drove here 3 hours before class only to get kicked out of the Confucius Institute, the residing teacher/keeper of the space had to go deliver a lecture and closed the place down. Billions must practice calligraphy.


It was an obvious contradiction, so why not. Usually, EC is quick to point this stuff out. The behavior is inexcusable regardless, der akademische Rat soll den György strafen.

 No.11029 KONTRA

No, you are just as obsessed with le conservatives as the average poltard is with trannies.
Congrats, I guess.

 No.11031 KONTRA

Whatever you say, professor.


baureihe 485.885.mp4 (1.62 MB, 576x1024)

This video made me kind of emotional. It might be the music that I also associate with another time period in my life but I also think trains you use every day in public transport can become an object of importance to oneself. Obviously these people on the platform care that this S-Bahn won't roll on the tracks no more after I don't know 40-50(?) years of service.

What objects do you have - or more importantly HAD - an emotional connection with, Ernst?



manly tears.jpg (76.16 KB, 639x595)

I cried when I threw my old bike away. Lots of sufferings we faced together, and now it was time for it to rest.


autonomy is only possible via automaticity

t. wise guy


A St. Michael's coin gifted me by my mother one Christmas. Have it in my pocket every day.

My bike was a piece of junk which tried to kill me, but I still feel bad having left it in Florida. Kept the headlamp. Will get a new bike eventually- been two years without- and attach it. Symbolically link the two.


Huh, that reminds me that I have a St. Christophorus medal in my car that my grandma gave to me when I got my driver's licence.
I am less attached to it because of the saintly protection and more because of my grandma.


im this cat 277.mp4 (1.93 MB, 938x1080)

Eläköön Suomi, eläköön isänmaa!

Happy birthday Finland.


Ernst, A, B, C or D?
battery plopped onto wire - the wire splits into shortcut and open wire.
what happens?
> hot! hot! hot!
> if I melt my fingers together, that'll help


How can I post with Omsk bird? Should I get an Omsk proxy or should I post via tor? I don't want to stand out with my singular countryball.

t. I'm that cat


Move to Omsk


So it's just Omsk IP.

 No.11050 KONTRA

im this cat 48.mp4 (513.02 KB, 608x1080)

I'd guess that you get Omsk ball with any IP that can't be geolocated by whatever service EC is using for it. Try different proxies or use tor.

That being said, just bee urself and use your own ball.


> In an ideal world, you would be waterboarded until you could produce the names of 25 different pornstars, and then you'd apologize for your posts.
listen to our enlightened lord and savior.
praise his blinding wisdom.

> gf is a freemason
> freemason
unlikely; it's a dicks club. there are some female-ish off-shoots, but generally it's usually more regarded as "freemasons' wife club". idk about every loge, though. there might be some mixed sex loge by now.


Buy Ernstchan Premium subscription.


Thanks, it worked!

 No.11054 KONTRA

You're So Cool.mp4 (7.9 MB, 640x360)


So you're telling me there's now an EaaS subscription above my Ernstchan Gold Account. What's next? Ernstchan battle pass and cosmetic gacha pulls?

An educated guess. I'll try proxy switching.
Alas, beeing myself has only wrecked my life. Now I just want to bee other people.

 No.11057 KONTRA

I really wonder what happened to you to become such a miserable twat.


Every time I remember about my father's death and the circumstances thereof, I am briefly overcome with a flash of impotent rage.
At myself, at the circumstances, at society, at God, and ultimately at the fact that I wanted this all along.


Just drank something called "Izumi", that styles itself after East Asian aesthetics, is flavored like raspberry, legally denoted as "wine based beverage", way sweeter than regular wine, but somehow has fewer calories per milliliter.
Anyway, tastes kinda like cheap shit, but at least it IS actually cheap.

what was I talking about again?
kill the bourgeoisie class war now


This post is only available to users with a Premium Ernstchan subscription


So your dad died? Are you a proxy? Did I not get the news?

Also rage = potential hidden sadness (sad about what? That it ended like that? That you are like your father? Sad that the world/society is such a place where this happens? What could it be?


Potential hidden sadness against the machine

 No.11066 KONTRA

Turning my daily posting into a paid substack.


I'm changing careers. Pretty excited, a better life awaits. Who says winter can't be a time of renewal?


I'm excited for you!

Will you now become a professional AI poster creator with a mission to make g*rmans uncomfortable?
In any case I'm looking forward to see what you will bless us with.


>look up guide for literally anything
>it's a video tutorial
No, I will rather die stupid than listen to you and your annoying nasal voice mumble your way through some shitty advice that you could have spent ten minutes tops writing down instead of spending certainly longer to make a video and calling for like and subscribe. FUCK YOUUUUIU

I really wonder if it's THAT easier to make a shitty video than a written guide, especially if the answer is just one or two sentences.


Will you slowly start to betray the working class while doing so? Or did the Chinese State become aware of your skill set?

 No.11071 KONTRA

im this cat 129.jpg (130.02 KB, 1200x799)


Very nice. Best of luck with your new endeavors.

It's about the money.

Just read the video, bro:

 No.11072 KONTRA

IMG_3202.jpeg (180.79 KB, 1200x821)

It’s snowing again


images.jpeg (9.97 KB, 331x152)

It's sunning again




I checked the catalog and didn't find a history thread. I'm disappointed in you, Ernst. You have changed. You no longer engage in serious discussion on the industrial output of Ottoman Empire during WWI.

inb4 starting a thread myself, I don't have any relevent idea to post right now.


rabinbach_motor.jpg (78.78 KB, 667x1000)

I started reading this.

t. 5 pages in


Strange, I could swear there was one... did it fall off the last page?


We didn't even get to the last page yet.


An excerpt from the introduction

>As a result of these [scientific] discoveries [thermodynamics and (other?) laws of energy are meant here], the image of labor was radically transformed. It became labor power, a concept emphasizing the expenditure and deployment of energy as opposed to human will, moral purpose, or even technical skill. The doctrine of energy thus contributed to a decisive break with the two great traditions that combined to form the Western idea of labor: labor was neither spiritualized as in the Christian worldview, nor deprecated and identified with degradation as in the ancient Greek word ponos, which translates as pain or travail. Equally absent here is the ancient craft ideal of labor as an activity not confined to satisfying needs, but as an ennobling, poetic "accomplishment" (a vision that modern socialism translates into labor as the true path to redemption from alienation and the ennobling of human nature). In the energetic image of labor the intellectual, purposeful, or teleological, side is incidental. Marx, too, viewed labor power (in contrast to labor) as devoid of purpose and meaning, a purely quantifiable output of force, subject only to abstraction. As mechanical work, as "Arbeitskraft," labor power is entirely indifferent to the nature of its material form.5

>The discovery of labor power-and its subsequent elaboration in political economy, medicine, physiology, psychology, and politics was emblematic of a society that idealized the endless productivity of nature. Semantically, this meant that the word work was universalized to include the expenditures of energy in all motors, animate as well as inanimate. The Promethean power of industry (cosmic, technical, and human) could be encompassed in a single productivist metaphysic in which the concept of energy, united with matter, was the basis of all reality and the source of all productive power - a materialist idealism, or as I prefer to call it, transcendental materialism. The language of labor power was more than a new way of representing work: it was a totalizing framework that subordinated all social activities to production, raising the human project of labor to a universal attribute of nature.

 No.11086 KONTRA

im this cat 216.jpg (68.99 KB, 564x761)

Better post everything in today thredas so one doesn't have to suffer from the retarded schizo ramblings polluting quality discussions.


Hello silence my old friend, I have come to talk to you again

 No.11088 KONTRA

I had lunch and a mug of herbal tea after class and I feel like instead of lifting my mood, it only made me more volatile.
Philosophy class was okay, afterwards we discussed some stuff and I was let into some dirty little secrets from the department's history which I'll won't share, but it was interesting.

During class I took a painkiller because my head was killing me. After class I contemplated going to the library or going home. In the end I decided with my feet instead of my head and I just turned right instead of left. Went to the library. Of course it was half-closed so there were no free spaces. I left and decided with my feet again. I didn't get off at the college. I went home. My head was killing me.
I had all sorts of thoughts about the state of things around me. Contemplated asking a friend if he'd like to tackle translating the entire Hanfeizi with me.
Of course the other thought was that I fucking hate the flock of tourists blocking the sidewalk and how can that group of hobos have at least two police officers besides them for over 8 hours?
But in retrospect, that idea of tackling the HFZ together with a friend sounds like a good idea.

At home I had some tea and some french toast. Then another painkiller and that made my headache go away mostly. It hasn't been this bad in ages. I wonder if there's a serious weather shift or something.
Tomorrow? Tomorrow I'll go to the library. Study for the exams.

Yesterday a friend told me that I'm the oddest person they know, because at the same time I "possess the soul of a child and a pensioner". Apparently I had genuine sparkle in my eyes during yesterday when my dad dressed up as Santa to give me a bag of chocolates. At least my mother's coworkers said.

Damn, I'm totally melodramatic again. I think tomorrow will be great if I can manage to go to bed before midnight instead of frying my fucking brain with youtube.
Did I mention I'm gonna get printed? I'll have my own copy of the issue and everything.

 No.11089 KONTRA

jooh.mp4 (1002.36 KB, 1920x1080)

Someone had the bright idea of inviting a G*rman into an online community. How can a person radiate such a depressive and gloomy atmosphere with every word they let out of their mouth. It's incredible. As if he's grabbed his phone while lying on the floor after contemplating suicide for 20 hours straight.

Are you going to have some time off on Christmas? A couple of weeks could do wonders.

 No.11090 KONTRA

>How can a person radiate such a depressive and gloomy atmosphere with every word they let out of their mouth.

You know what the schizo is telling us about the state of Germany? It's all true and thus depressing. That is the burden of the German crying from the bottom of his baerbacked raped soul.

>some time off on Christmas? A couple of weeks could do wonders

>Christmas [holidays]
>couple of weeks

Does not compute. But yes, some time off works wonders. And speaking from experience in working academically, taking a few days off up until a week or two can be the reset desperately needed. A refresh, a clear-sighted come back to the matter of your concern. Every hard-working humanities student/further up the academic career path will sooner or later realize this or burn out. When you know you are hitting walls, just chill and do something else that is not about dealing with the built of the wall you are dealing with it is probably true for all people who spend energy on doing similar tasks


First thing I heard on the radio this morning: If you're just waking up, it snowed overnight. Looked out the window. Dammit. Shoveled out the driveway before breakfast. About four inches. Not too bad. At least the snowplows were out early, and my commute was decent.

I miss Florida.


>How can a person radiate such a depressive and gloomy atmosphere with every word they let out of their mouth
I mean if we look at the germans around here, it shouldn't be surprising.
Is it a finnish online community? Maybe he heard about the highest suicide rate meme and tried to fit in.

 No.11097 KONTRA

lumikola.png (1.62 MB, 1440x1153)

You use picrel for clearing out the snow right? Works especially well for driveways. I only use a shovel in tight spaces where this can't fit. Anyways, a little snow clearing gets the day off to a good start don't you think?

>if we look at the germans around here, it shouldn't be surprising.
I thought that we only had a bad batch of G*rmans here. Troubling.
>Is it a finnish online community?


shovel.png (76.53 KB, 404x621)

I use pic. Lift and throw method, which is easier with that ergonomic handle. Not a perfect shovel though. Wet snow tends to get clogged. I also have a long narrow shovel for pushing light snow, and a lightweight flat shovel for...actually don't know why I have that one. Rarely use it. Oh, and a snow broom for my car. Love that thing.



>a little snow clearing gets the day off to a good start don't you think?

Watching my neighbors in full hooded winter coats boots and scarfs while I'm out there in a t-shirt and sneakers :D

 No.11099 KONTRA

I have like two exams and one presentation, so I’ll have plenty of time off after Christmas.
My plan is to try out a few games and to read some.

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