>>10226> my parent think I might have anemia.Maybe your witch gf is not a witch, but a vampire?
Fits with the bloodsucking elites.
Does she like to nibble your neck?
Or other well-vascularized tissues, for that matter?
the retard language also known as "english" does not have an actual word for "durchblutet", so you're either left with the not necessarily correct "vascularized" and some unwieldy construction with "blood flow" No.10229
>>10228Or maybe your domain of the English language is limited, potatofriend.
>>10229Help me out, then, please.
No.10231 KONTRA
>>10230I would use "blood rich". I don't know "daerchblutert" is, google says its Hun for circulation?
>Has she tried to bite your neck? Or other blood rich extremities? In this, I draw parallels with not only the amount of blood, but also another similarity of his neck and benis - both extremities, making it sound even more sexual.
t. Doctor in English Teaching and Humor
Full disclosure - I recieve a meager but sufficient $1500/month grant to help German adults master foreign languages and basic humor. For years, I have billed my services to an entity called Bundesrepublik Deutschland GmbH, using EC screencaps as proof. This neat little scam I've been running is going to dry up soon, as I have on good authority that the Federal Republic of Germany is moments away from total anal collapse. No.10232
>>10226This makes me aware how poor, ugly and insufficient I am. Thanks for reminding me, my disdain for huminiaty in general had me close to forgetting it.
No.10234 KONTRA
>>10227People who realise yeti is a giant source of comedy are great people.
>>10228I might be stating the obvious. But the bloodsucking elite is a litteral reality. In the united states blood donations are privately managed and finacially compensated. Poor welfare or minimum wage workers donate their blood each month to survive. And those companies sell a lot of the donated blood to californian elites to get young blood transfusion. It really happens, bloodsucking elite is even more than metaphorical. They suck the blood. Fuck.
For the rest of your joke I will restrain myself from talking about my sex life.
>>10232But you can hate this social system without being a poor ugly man...
>>10234>But you can hate this social system without being a poor ugly man...Being poor and ugly makes it a hell of a lot more easy, I assure you.
I'm not even really poor, just poor compared to the Suisse/Parisienne upper-middle-class. I put about 2500€/month into my depot, which makes me comfortably middle-class where I live, but middle-class is just another word for peasant, see john lennon/working class hero. No.10236
>>10235I'm not saying this to flex I promise you. But comfortable wealth is so easy to obtain in Switzerland
wehen you have a Swiss passport that it gives to the swiss middle to upper middle class some kind of blind innocence that mutate to a country wide arrogance. Misery is simply too geographically far and sparce coutrywide for the conscious need of socio-economic reproduction.
That's my theory but I may just be completely unconscious about the actual state of Switzerland. I get what you mean with Jhon Lennon working class hero... Sorry Ernst.
>>10236>I'm not saying this to flex I promise you.Eve if you said it as a flex, I wouldn't be mad at you personally, just at my own relative failure to make something out of myself.
> But comfortable wealth is so easy to obtain in Switzerland > That's my theory but I may just be completely unconscious about the actual state of SwitzerlandWell, there are rich countries and poorer countries, some people are thirdies, some people are born in B-rate first-world countries, which is suffering at a very high level. Don't know about the state of Switzerland, just that the Suisse come here to drive very expensive cars very fast, and if they get caught, they laugh at the ridiculous fines. They see it as a kind of fee they pay to drive like madmen, not really as a punishment.
Germany is a cheap playground to Luxembourg/Norway/Switzerland, just like the Czech Republic or Hungary are cheap playgrounds for Germans.
Sickening, when you come to think of it.
>>10237> they laugh at the ridiculous finesSwitzerland uses a function based on income to determine the fine.
Germany has a static hard coded fine.
German efficiency at its peak - a function would eat too many resources. Plus, a fine shouldn't bother the rich anyway; it's only use is to keep the poor poor.
didn't actually look anything up, hope I am not bullshitting old outdated information here No.10239
>>10238I just got a notice about 40 Euros for allegedly driving 14 km/h too fast on the Autobahn.
t. frequent driver of unknown routes
>>10231"blood rich" is not a term that exists. You suck at teaching, I will personally apply to the BRD GmbH to cut your salary.
>>10234I think I have posted this in another thread, but since we're talking about it: No.10240
>>10239Some people read horror stories about count Dracula and Erszebet Bathory as horror stories. Others see them as a motivation. The latter tend to achieve more in live.
>>10237and russian people and other eastern european countries use Turkey as their playground. I wonder where it stops.
>>10239He looks fucked up in the heda with his wide eyes. He make me think off those people who go to great lenght to alter their body and cease to look human in a paradoxical way.
>>10240Both had a lot of legends built in their names with a far more mundane basic explanation.
Funny enough I don't find anything about Bathory pertaining to something I am certain I read somewhere, which is that she was hemophiliac and thus thought drinking blood could heal her or something.
At least we got some nice artistic interpretations out of them.
Additional fun fact: Castle Bran that was supposedly Vlad Tepes's castle, was most likely never even visited by him.
No.10244 KONTRA
>>10239>Choroid. The thin, blood-rich membrane that lies between the retina and the sclera and is responsible for supplying blood to the retina.Federal Police has been dispatched to your address.
>>10242>thought drinking blood could heal her or somethingGee, that's totally different from
>>10239 No.10246
>>10244Just how long did you look to find a single occurrence of that word combination (which doesn't automatically make it an actual term)? Be honest.
No.10247 KONTRA
>>10246It's a standard term in medical literature, see, for example lon did he search for it? If he invested as much time as I did, about 45 seconds.
>>10247>standard termProofs? It's a very lonely result after scrolling down for quite some time finding lots of other unrelated stuff.
And it's still not the same as "durchblutet", because tissues that are not inherently "blood-rich" can also be "durchblutet", or have a substantial increase in blood flow.
We need a native speaker with a medical background here to settle this.
No.10249 KONTRA
>>10246I got it on my second search - "blood rich membrane". The first for "blood rich", just came up with a lot of Indian music videos for some reason. I had already seen the term somewhere.
>it's still not the exact same as [german word]They should be knocking at your door within the next hour.
If Germany was still a functioning country, you would be immediately sterilized for your acute mental deficiencies, you genetic dead end. :DD No.10250
>>10249>nazi referenceLAAAAAAME
Wow, learn to read and think for that matter than you will see that everything you say misses what I said in the first place. I argument was specific enough but you still manage to find a strawman to post.
No.10252 KONTRA
>>10251There was no strawman in that post, just a comparison.
Do think for a change, sweetie, hm?
>>10250What? You want a serious discourse on the idea that one word does not translate 1-1 across languages?
This particular translation works in that context. You have no idea the torrent of linguistic autism that would be unleashed if the other people on this planet carried a tenth of this [kraut] autismal spark. You can't translate anything from Portuguese to English or vice-versa because the intricacies of meaning behind "ser/estar" aren't fully translated to "be"? "Saíste com o teu amigo" can't be translated to "You went out with your friend" because crucial detail is lost. Germans are half intelligent so you are capable of understanding shifts of linguistic nuance across languages but you are so provincial and petty that you blame English for your illiteracy. And yes, I will continue to remind you of a certain historical period because it's important that we never forget, but it's especially so that YOU never forget, vile hun.
Pictured: Me trying to talk sense into German peasants, who meet my wisdom with unjustified anger. Their victims, in Heaven, come to my aid.
>>10253What happened to the bottom left guy? And why do those angels look so tormented?
And more importantly, do you realize the irony of your very german post autistically explaining my autism?
btw, Portuguese is a pretty silly language, too, come to think of it.
I am sorry for this dumb argument, I want to apologize.
I don't want another 50 reply chain of people trying to be right.
I was wrong, blood-rich is probably a good word to use in this, let's leave it at that.
No.10257 KONTRA
>>10256Your reaction images are speaking volumes
No.10258 KONTRA
>>10257What do these volumes say? :^)
How do you interpret this picture in the context of this "debate"?
No.10261 KONTRA
>>10259A tame German encounter still sounds like a football stadium from not so far away.
>>10259*ominous bandit chanting in the distance*
No.10263 KONTRA
I woke up and then lazed in bed for two more hours. Afterwards I read a chapter from this book on traditional Chinese agriculture. Also looked through some of Engels' Anti-Dühring because it had this interesting passage in the Gewaltstheorie section about the importance of irrigation systems in Eastern societies.
Working on my classical Chinese homework. This time it's something ancient (as in, Spring and Autumn era, not Tang or Song stuff) so I'm not having too much trouble with it. I'm actually enjoying translating this story.
Plus I actually like using my desktop setup for this. It's comfortable. I never knew technology could make my life this comfortable.
I had my classes cancelled today. Everyone seems to be catching colds left and right. My sister's been out of commission for like two weeks now, my father lost his voice and my mother had a fewer too last month. I'm basically the only one who escaped unscathed in the house.
Don't know how to feel about this.
>>10178It's a wonderful game, really. Especially if you are like me and started playing it like a decade ago so each time you sat down to play it you got a wastly expanded experience. Almost as if it was trying to live up to rose-tinted memories through the updates.
Though I wouldn't say it gets terrifyingly autistic during an average playtrough.
Once you get into mastermode and for the worthy however.
Anyway, it's one of those games that basically everyone plays differently and using modern vernacular English, all playstyles are "valid" and the devs support that. Personally I just play on classic vanilla and that's it. (I usually just get hooked on it like once a year and waste like 50-70 hours on a playthrough and then swear off it.)
Honestly I like how basically most of the game is just an incoherent assembly of elements. Nobody ever wanted a story from the game and it's nice that way. It's like Doom's textures.
>>10226I should have studied French...
>>10259I missed you.
>>10214I wanted to push the blame on you and the other foreigners.
It failed; can't KONTRA you.
>>10239> I just got a notice about 40 Euros for allegedly driving 14 km/h too fast on the Autobahn.You should apply for "Ersatzfreiheitsstrafe" [replacement imprisonment punishment] to teach the BnD GmbH that fines are useless.
There germany has a function based on income as well. If you are poor, you can make the GmbH pay a lot more for your imprisonment, since you are going to have a lower money per day value which is subtracted from your fine. I was able to get a 20/day value on a 400 fine, making it 20 days. I think a single day in prison is more expensive than the whole fine would have been, $profit§s.
You prolly get something above 40/day. I'm not sure how they handle the imprisonment in that case. Maybe you can get a speeding ticket driving towards prison and one driving away on the same day.
No.10266 KONTRA
>>10265> 400€ for 20 days of your timeThat's a good deal
if you are a seamstress in a Carpathian village.
No.10268 KONTRA
>>10266> 20 daysit actually were just 19 days because I went to the local police station on the "first" day
> Yo, Ernst here. Gotta go to prison....
> Öh... we aren't even allowed to transport you; insurance reasons. Best I could do is bring you to next towns temp holding... but, you should really try to get there somehow by I went back home and phoned and phoned. e.g. the prison and other agencies.
> How am I supposed to pay for the transportation myself, if I am going into prison because I do not have the money to pay the fine?In the end I borrowed a car from my mum and a friend drove me the day afterwards. Phoned the prison and told them that I'm going to be a day late.
Apparently they didn't care enough to update the release date. Was confused as fuck when I suddenly had to leave after 19 days.
>ESLs teaching other ESLs how to speak English properly
No.10270 KONTRA
>>10236Ernst, I'm afraid it's happening again... there's this Swiss qt in my class. There were some looks exchanged but I haven't dared talk to her. I'm trying my best to not let it affect me but she looks just a bit too beautiful. Also quite cold/shy, as seems to be my "type" despite everything.
I have been improving my confidence lately and it's definitely better lately but ofc I gravitate towards the one girl that makes me doubt myself. Dunno why I tend towards this oneitis bullshit, seems like I've subconsciously already sort of disqualified all the other girls in my vicinity for one reason or another.
>>10267I had a long, well-thought out post to reply, but let me just say this:
Jeder Stoß ein Franzos!
t. grew up near the border
>>10267I don't really get French and British class-based society, either.
Story time with Ernst: when I was a student, a friend told an anecdote how he had accidentally broken of the beak of a stuffed eagle or something at a castle during a tour. He had kicked it into the next corner so the guide wouldn't notice.
we had a hearty laugh and I said something like "well don't tell the Hohenzollern, they might be pissed." His reply was "Oh, I told my cousin, he said stuff happens." Only then did I realize that his name is not <firstname> <surname> but <firstname> von <surname>.
>>10277>but at least I mostly fixed my teeth. That is a good decision.
> also got a girlfriendDon't get girlfriends who think you are a purse on two legs. Prostitutes are cheaper.
t. learned the hard way.
No.10284 KONTRA
>>10277> the prices went wild in Russialol, you haven't seen the prices in the Germany. People here can not afford to eat/heat/pay rent anymore, thanks to the leftist-green government. But at least we got pride parades where all the homos can live out their perversions in the open.
>>10277> I really like working from homeI don't. Maybe I should learn to have proper work-life balance like I learnt it with office. But also it's free food, opportunity to ask colleagues without logging my stupidity in messenger, disciplining presence of Master. Commuting as opportunity to walk and read books without feeling that I'm wasting my time.
t. got cold, has to work from home
>>10278>Don't get girlfriends who think you are a purse on two legsIt's not nearly as bad, but since she's younger and a student most of our shared activities are paid by me. It's not like I buy her stuff, usually it's takeout, theatre tickets and so on.
>>10284Somehow I doubt that most Germans are anywhere near the average Russian's poverty level
>>10285There's no free food in our office and the commute eats up 2 hours of my time daily, I'd rather just get up at 8:50 and go to the gym before it's filled up with other people.
>>10292Are you by chance a descendant of Benedict Arnold?
No.10295 KONTRA
>>10293Monarchy is the best form of government, the kikes did away with it during the French Revolution.
>>10284Magically for 2022 the shared flat I live in got money back and we did not freeze to death albeit we tried to heat a lot less. My room has 17°C as I type this.
Prices for canned tomatoes went down 10-15ct is what I noticed. There is definitely less available to spent because of rising prices. I wonder how bad inflation in Russia has been, what can Russo-Ernst tell us about it?
No.10298 KONTRA
>>10293>Benedict ArnoldI’ve been thinking about this for a bit recently, like a few weeks ago. On and off, really, how the American political tradition in my eye seems to have had this mythology of the war for independence as this borderline cosmic struggle, with the founding fathers being culture-heroes and sages who then went on to be deified, despite their faults. And of course this war, or series of events, with Benedict Arnold, Bunker Hill, Washington crossing Delaware, Ben Franklin with the kite etc. all went on to serve as a common ground of politics for the United States and you could say something like “He’s the Benedict Arnold of our times” when someone betrayed the United States, but with the change in culture and the focus on civil rights and the sins of the fathers, this sort of began to completely erode this common ground and mythology, which of course means a sort of political divorce that’s very hard to heal without serious intervention.
And to me Benedict Arnold’s name, because of how his name is synonymous with “traitor” embodies this process the best. No one in modern American discourse would call someone Benedict Arnold. And that’s telling.
>>10295>kikesWhat is a kike? Seen that word before but never questioned what it actually means.
No.10301 KONTRA
>>10300It’s a slur for Jews. It stems from American English and how a lot of Yiddish-speaking Jews at the immigration office would refuse to sign something with a cross, instead opting for a circle, which was “Kikel”.
>>10300It's a slur for Jews.
>>10300How can you be on the internet for longer than a day and not know what "kike" means?
Our lord and saviour Miguel Hijojacob already talked about them: No.10308
>>10306It is not. It only imitates this order of society, but without its essential elements. In absolutism, the genetic welfare of the king is unseperatable from the welfare of the nation. In the Republic, the ersatz-pseudo-king can just fuck up everything and then emigrate, and nothing will change for him, since his offspring is not inherit the natio, his power and his wealth. King and kin are cognates.
No.10309 KONTRA
>>10308I didn't say it was absolutism, but its most direct inheritor in the modern geopolitical lanscape. Of course a president is not the same thing as an absolute monarch.
>>10276I think I even prefer british class based society. Especially for the universities system. They at least, train their elite in private universities and do directly and blatantly use the wealth of their centralized state to fund """"public"""" unis, thus less letting their underclass believe they have any chance to join the rich.
No.10312 KONTRA
Electricity price peaked like crazy today as the biggest NPP went down for maintenance. Was around 1€/kWh. So I did a little work in the morning, slept during the day and watched some videos on laptop using battery. Continuing my workday now as the prices have gone down. T. Sneaky fuck / Jew
>>10312You pay daily prices as a consumer? Finland certified for libertarian paradise.
No.10318 KONTRA
>>10316I have a contract that has hourly pricing. Static contracts like "8c/kWh for 2 years" are the most popular form among consumers. Usually the hourly pricing averages to be a bit less. And even less if you're a sneaky fuck.
Unless the NPPs go down in winter, that is.
Pic: Today's and tomorrow's hourly pricing.
>>10318And why do you need hour pricing? Simply because it is cheaper or also because you have a giant energy consumption?
>>10318So you picked expected value over variance. A gamble where you risk losing 100s to save 10s. The operator is basically offloading the risk involved with running an NPP to you. This removes some of their incentive to keep those NPPs running. Bad decision, I'd say.
No.10321 KONTRA
>>10319>And why do you need hour pricing? Simply because it is cheaper or also because you have a giant energy consumption?I need it because I wish to pay less money. I don't like paying more money.
>>10320Once again a German offering expert opinion on matters they have no idea about. Thanks, but I'll pass. Yes, there is a risk. Though that risk only exists for the industrial sector or for people who don't track the prices. I can get out of the contract at any point with no penalty and switch to a 3/6/9/12/24 month contract with static pricing. Those contracts have pricing variability set in law (so it's impossible to get royally fucked by the timing of the contract switch unless you're months late on it).
No.10322 KONTRA
I think I’m the only one to know in my family besides my grandmother and my deceased grandfather that my father is the result of a rape. I’ll have to die with that secret.
>>10321The other german only wanted to emphasize how bad and unnecessary NPPs are.
>>10321aren't rats eating those?
t. cleaned up fried rats next to copper cable.
No.10327 KONTRA
>>10323>The other german only wanted to emphasize how bad and unnecessary NPPs are.That's not how I read it. What's the alternative for "bad and unnecessary" NPPs?
Regarding the incentives: the biggest owners of the NPP are also the biggest consumers of electricity in Finland, the forest/paper industry. I don't think it's in their best interest to lose on the profits generated by the plant while importing Swedish electricity at 1€/kWh to maintain their production.
>>10324That's what they want you to believe.
No.10329 KONTRA
>>10321And next year
>damn, the NPPs are out every day>>10323Do you honestly assume NPPs have no downtime? Here's news: They do have downtime, and if someone else pays for that, why would the operator keep downtime short?
No.10330 KONTRA
>>10329Shut your mouth-cunt, enviro green homo. No one here is interested in your gay eco-bullshit, you weak green faggot.
No.10333 KONTRA
>>10329>mimimimimi npp bad npp downtime npp expensiveYou dumb son of a bitch are lucky other countries run npps. Once France stops selling electricity, the lights in Germany will be out, thanks to you and your green friends.
But you are too stupid to grasp that, you gay fagot. You should be beaten every day until you either get smart or learn to keep your green retarded mouth shut.
Tell me where you live!
No.10336 KONTRA
>>10333>Malte to faggot to say where he lives, because he's shitting his pantsWhat a surprise. You gay homo. He's gone away with his tail tugged between his legs!
Stay away from here and don't come back again, Drecksmalte!
More photos of ugly greentards.
>>10335What kind of a "person" is that?
>>10335>>10337lool he even has a girlfriend and a child. Or he thinks it is his, I guarantee you it is not his. Girlfriend's after his money, and I just know she's fugly.
What a cuck!
>>10337A financially clever German.
>>10339If he's financially clever, then why doesn't he earn a fuckton of money instead of living like a pauper?
No.10342 KONTRA
>>10341You can be a pauper and yet financially clever, Mr Medicience Man.
>>10342No you can't. You can live like one, if anything.
No.10349 KONTRA
>>10346Maybe you can, to some extend, in certain situations. For example after WWII, many people who were financially clever to certain degree, more financially clever than average in any case, were poor, measured in absolute terms.
A wanna-be rich software developer who's just too stingy to spent money is not financially clever, he's just stingy.
>>10349Wer den Cent nicht ehrt, ist den Euro nicht wert, Ernst. Rich people became not rich by spending their money. Is the Finn stingy or financially clever
who much does he save in comparison to consumer contract? No.10359 KONTRA
>>10358No, the German Malte is just a weakling not not clever at all, period!
Today was rad. I slept in again, and then I ate some leftovers and had a herbal tea. Studied some grammar and then went to class. After that I went to the library and in a German journal I found an interesting article and marked it for reading later. Discussed some things with the librarian.
Afterwards I killed it at classical Chinese class.
I somehow lost one of my insoles and I only noticed on the way to the bus stop. My right foot hurts because I was basically walking on flat plastic all day.
I did some gaming at home. Almost done with it. And then I'll be free. Also made some French toast.
>>10357>How much does the Finn saveI do not now how much electricity he uses, so it's hard to guess. For me, electricity doesn't matter. I spent 30€ per month on electricity. 20€ of that is the base fee. If I saved 10% on the electricity used, that would be 100€ a year.
Of course, might be different for other people. But making 10% more probably still beats 10% cheaper electricity by ab order of magnitude. So rather write applications instead of shopping for bargain electricity, bargain fuel and bargain noodles.
No.10362 KONTRA
>>10361Looking past year's bills they from -70% to -10% (expected for this month) when compared to static pricing.
>But making 10% more probably still beats 10% cheaper electricity by ab order of magnitude. So rather write applications instead of shopping for bargain electricity, bargain fuel and bargain noodles.This NPP event was in the news and they included a segment about the resulting spot prices and that's how I even knew about it. You simply save money with basic scheduling. Consume when cheap, don't when expensive. There's a simple pattern. Prices drop when the workday ends. Weekends are incredibly cheap. Writing this post has taken more of my time than anything related to my electricity usage.
Monthly averages for spot pricing this year, in c/kWh:
Jan: 8,65
Feb: 8,82
Mar: 8,16
Apr: 6,66
May: 3,31
Jun: 5,38
Jul: 4,09
Aug: 8,23
Sep: 4,09
Oct: 4,68
Nov: 9,16 (so far into this month)
Dec: 8,18 (expected, as per futures pricing)
And my resulted averages are of course below these.
At the moment static contract is priced at 8,9c/kWh (and 2€ increase in monthly contract fee). And when I switched contracts it would've been some 14c/kWh for one year, or spot pricing. Made the right call.
Goddamn I feel good seeing how much I actually saved. It's literally free money. I love money.
No.10364 KONTRA
Didn’t sleeb lol.
Discovered that my teenhood best friend has transitioned and is now a girl.
>>10362You you just save money or do you also do anything with it?
besides ordering groceries in underpants :DD No.10370
You shall not inquire about anything until you have a bulletproof method.
t. wise man
>>10370What do you mean by that?
>find an old post that makes me laugh
>realize I made it
>laugh more and feel good about myself for coming up with such a great joke
>>10371You shall not require a thing until you have the right methods to do so.
t. wise man
>>10373That doesn't make any sense
Woke up at the usual time. 6:00. Wasn't tired. Weird. Realized I had time to go to the gym before work. Went. Couldn't do much, only had twenty minutes. Now to work.
>>10362Nice. Spending one cent more than necessary for a product or service is wasteful.
St.ingy bastard
>>10376What if you can save time by spending more?
What do you value more, your money or your time?
inb4 hurr durr I spend time earning the money in the first place
No.10378 KONTRA
>>10377The Finn is actually too humble, he doesn't do it for the money. He does it for the common good in ensuring the power grid is not overloaded. All to ensure a more balanced national electrical consumption which lends itself better for green energy production facilities. If everyone was like Pekka, we could run most of our electric grids on solar and wind power. But we don't.
>>10378At last I can see.
He is truly the hero we don't deserve, but the hero we need.
I salute you, Jonne.
No.10380 KONTRA
>>10378stop blending us with your enlightenment.
Woke up in the morning and my mind was spinning
thinking random thoughts, no losing and no winning
fleeting, moving, ever onward
none to grasp, none to finish
no conclusion, petrified
got up way too late
entirely unsatisfied
and tired
No.10385 KONTRA
>>10378I definitely do it for the money. But you are on to something. When I was pondering the switch it did really struck me how retarded it is that electricity spot pricing and analogues aren't the only method of pricing utilities. You see it all over this gommie train wreck of a country. Subsidies and lacking incentives hide the real cost and result in absolute retardation.
Case in point: during the NPP habbenings people with static electricity contracts were heating up their electric saunas just to dunk on
rational and enlightened spot pricing contract havers. Because of imbeciles such as these, everything must be over-specced, retard-proofed, safety-margined and government-mandated up the ass instead of building and pricing things with their true costs and letting the market figure it out.
Communism was invented by Satan himself.
>>10377Of course it's fine to spend money to save time. But in this instance we're talking about paying less for the exact same thing.
>>10376>St.ingy bastardHell yeah brother.
>>10375I came across A.I. dubbing and tested the free version on the vid. bad.
> subtitles provided bynaughty stuff seems to work better.
No.10388 KONTRA
>>10378> If everyone was like Pekka, we could run most of our electric grids on solar and wind power.And in Case of calm and dark, we'll just have no electricity, industry can collapse and soon, the only power we'll have will be man-power and beast-power. How romantic! Just like the greens want it to be!
No.10389 KONTRA
>>10388What's your problem? Do you need industrial society to keep you warm in the winter? Baby wants his electric light and surplus production? Are you scared of a world in which only the strong survive? You sound like a shit weakling.
>>10389Its the incel dilemma, making yourself weak and desiring an unforgiving environment at the same time. The result is an incel unforgiving to himself and others with the environment unchanged.
No.10393 KONTRA
>>10389>>10391GDP estimates for pre-industrial societies are kind of sketchy and hard to come by, but a figure commonly given for the Roman Empire is $200. Apart from profiting from a much lower population density that made feeding the population on much lower per-hectare yields possible, the Roman empire was full of people who had the skills necessary to achieve this level of production under pre-industrial conditions. Admittedly, I do not have such a skill-set. Neither did Ted Kaczynski. I would wager that the same goes for both of you and for the overwhelming majority of the population of Europe, even the planet. So, if industry collapsed, GDP per capita would most likely fall below $200, which would spell death and starvation, not just for me, but also for you.
It is very likely not possible to keep industry from collapsing with unreliable power that depends on the weather. It seems that both of you either do not believe this or believe it will not sufficiently affect you to endanger your well-being.
>hurrdurr incel>lol you weakAre you functionally retarded or mentally ill? Is this a case of pseudo-religious derangement?
If you want to live in a cave as hunter-gatherers, go to Alaska or Siberia, there's ample room for your stone-age existence there. I am quite certain that most people in Europe do not want to get dragged back to the stone-age with you, so kindly leave, take 10 million German chronic green party voters with you, be strong there and let us 300 million incel weaklings enjoy our nuclear power.
No.10395 KONTRA
>>10393Nice ramblings bro.
Protip: Most Green voters can not survive outside of a city.
No.10396 KONTRA
>>10395>Protip: Most Green voters can not survive outside of a city.So? Did I claim the opposite? Do you take me to be a Green party voter? Does your post address anything I said? Why should I even take you serious when your only arguments are
>hurr incel>durr rambling?
What is your post supposed to tell me?
It's like talking to an edgy 12 year old.
No.10397 KONTRA
>>10393Bro activated a big fat Ricarda Lang like cope machine hoping nobody would notice that he wants to avoid a manly battle to death. The greens hidden agenda is nothing for sissies and do gooders like you. Mimimi my GDP, just think of the people. I don't have mercy with people that disturb my eyesight with their fantasy of capitalist altruism. Widerlich.
>>10396>It's like talking to an edgy 12 year old.My feelings exactly!
We are not so different you and I.
Wanna fuck?
No.10399 KONTRA
>>10398>We are not so different you and I.>Wanna fuck?Ngl this is what incels think but don't want to admit.
No.10402 KONTRA
This board has jumped the shark and now has worse posters than reddit. The German parts, where the people unable to write an English sentence post.
>>10398I can explain my opinions, while you post insults based on presumed sexuality. We are as different as night and day, so you will have to look for sexual partners elsewhere.
>>10397My impression is that you are relatively isolated in your wish for life or, much more likely, death in a post-apocalyptic dystopia, capitalist, altruist or whatever. You are free to take pride in your death-wish, but please, do not feel too hurt about the green party losing ground when the consequences of its politics are starting to become apparent, which they do and which it does.
No.10403 KONTRA
>>10402>HURR REDDITGlass house, Ernst, glass house.
Now go back trolling elsewhere No.10404 KONTRA
>>10401The word 'wichse/wixe' used to mean any kind of polish. But its common meaning changed with the spread of "wichsen" (which meant 'to polish') as an euphemism for male masturbation during and after WWI. Also see "Wichsjunge", which referred to a boy (junge) responsible for shining shoes (wichsen).
In case you meant it as a joke: I used to find this funny, too, back when I was in 8th grade. But after a few years, it got old.
No.10405 KONTRA
>>10404>In case you meant it as a jokeNo, it's a historical fact, wasn't that obvious?
What's not obvious is how you manage to remember to breathe.
>>10404>back when I was in 8th gradeDid you read Gottfried Keller's novella on the poor tailer by chance?
No.10408 KONTRA
>>10405As with most healthy vertebrae, my breathing is controlled by my autonomous nervous system, so I can breath and post at the same time. Since you do not know this, I conclude that it is not the same for you. I assume this puts you in a dilemma to either type or breath, which is why all your posts are made under the influence of a temporary lack of oxygen. I wish you well and hope you will not suffer any more permanent brain damage.
>>10408>Good Sir, my cornhole is sore.Ach, genug gerul0rt für heute, time for a break!
No.10410 KONTRA
>>10408I like how you complain about people not being able to write proper english, while using "breath" multiple times because you can't write proper english.
You're a shitty troll, a very unfun one and you're only making EC worse.
No.10412 KONTRA
>>10411Oh fuck off you virtue signaling fairy
>>10412This board is full of virtue signaling, what are you talking about?
No.10414 KONTRA
Today was an okay day. I had something to eat, got dressed and lazed around a bit and then I went to the library and studied there a bit. Read some Chinese philosophy and then I crammed characters.
The only bad part of the experience was that some Indian chick sat down at a neighbouring table and she smelled rancid. Like absolutely awful somehow. (I couldn't move elsewhere because the place was full.)
This will probably trigger the schizo but it is my genuine observation.
Another strange thing is how on some days the library seems to be over 40% East Asian. No clue what causes it.
On the way home I saw the latest billboard campaign of the government about defending our sovereignty, proclaiming that "We will not dance to the tune of Brussels".
I also went to the pharmacy. Doing normal things. Don't know about tomorrow. I'll go to class and maybe have lunch in the city and read that article from that journal afterwards. I have one class cancelled due to a conference.
On Friday I'm picking up a book donation for our workshop.
Then on the weekend I'll power through Terraria and forget gaming until the end of my exams.
Life at home feels a lot more harmonic recently. Turns out my mother was insulin resistant. The day she started treatment for it and switched up her diet, she stopped shouting at me for the most random things.
I'm glad this was resolved honestly.
>>10414>Turns out my mother was insulin resistant. The day she started treatment for it and switched up her diet, she stopped shouting at me for the most random things. Interesting.
My mother had a similar thing with high blood pressure. After starting medication with beta blockers, she herself noticed that she became calmer and her short fuze became a lot longer. I myself have always had a bit higher than normal (140 sys) and I am prone to anger, too, but I learned to control or at least channel it. And no, (endurance) sports never led to any improvement, despite getting down to a 44 resting heart rate.
I didn't know that diabeetus can do the same.
No.10416 KONTRA
>>10409Ach halt die Fresse, Kevin.
>>10415>mimimimi my mom is sickHope the whore dies.
People here complain about post quality, but when someone makes an effort to post, their replies are spiked with nothing but insults of sexual or vulgar nature.
They view this as a sing of their superiority while patting each other on the back for being what they perceive to be 'quality posters'.
No.10419 KONTRA
>>10415My (expert, medically sound, totally real) judgement on the matter is that in this case, this mostly stemmed from a "lack of energy". Basically if you can't metabolise shit, you can never ever feel well rested, which of course makes you irritable as fuck.
>>10418>I never shitpost but others doPortugal made way for a deeper understanding of how to conserve energy in these dire days of autistic German hegemony.
Also, the schizo is quite active and I'm not willing to engage in autistic bickering that has been proven a hundred times to go nowhere.
>>10393> It is very likely not possible to keep industry from collapsing with unreliable power that depends on the weather.what about
> vulcano> tidesas constant energy supply and
> water reservoiras energy storage.
those do not seem very weather dependent and are still renewable.
I would agree that storage of energy is somewhat problematic, but we could get enough energy out of weather dependent sources, if we were able to save that energy effectively when peaks are reached. I also think atom energy is a good thing for the time where we try to figure out how to balance our energy consumption with typical energy production spikes.
Why should the weather follow the rules of the industry?
Why not just force the industry to adopt to the weather? (in case we cannot find a wide range solution for energy storage)
The only real issue I see is with transporting the energy. But even this one might be solvable, if the industry actually has to tackle that problem.
>>10401you should still use Schuhwichse, if you have actually decent leather boots.
>>10402>>10410Yo, only me iz a lawed to fck up engrish here.
Don't take me avatarfagging.mp4 away
soon™ it will be legal - also: */watch?v=brr7sxyC7rc is age restricted on youtube, loool>>10418> People here complain about post quality, but when someone makes an effort to postt. never complained while shit posting and quality posting about 80/20
>>10421Pumped hydro is not a viable solution for mid to long-term storage of renewable energy. Trying to put things into perspective: Take the Hornbergbecken. It stores enough energy to provide 900MW for 7 hours, putting it at about 6000 MWh storage capacity. This is an immense storage, and there are only two others like it in Germany.
Picture related is the current load curve for Germany. You will notice that the scale does not top out at 40 thousand Megawatt. That's 40 times Hornberg. And there are only two more pumped hydro storages in Germany that are that powerful.
You can also see that the enormous energy of 6000MWh is not much, compared to the energy drawn per day. All the energy that can be stored in existing pumped hydro would easily be used up in a few calm hours on a winter day. But long winter calms in January might last for a week or longer.
A naive suggestion for a solution would be to just build more pumped hydro. But the precondition for pumped hydro is suitable geography, and of course, the best places have been used first.
We might see two or three more storages of that scale in Germany, but not 100, 50 or 30.
Pumped Hydro is enough to smooth out load peaks and to flatten steep load ramps. In most countries, it is completely insufficient for long term storage. That only works for sparsely populated mountainous countries like Norway. And the Norwegians are not interested in having their country turned into a giant battery.
> VolcanoesGeothermal energy is a great idea and very cheap, in Iceland. Not in central Europe, which has little seismic activity.
> tidal powerVery low energy density.
>>10423All valid points; especially if we focus on/assume national borders.
I believe - outside of producing and storing energy - we also need to aim to reduce energy consumption. This doesn't directly go against the typical capitalist idea of ever increasing GDP, but it is hard to imagine that we could achieve an increase in GDP while reducing energy consumption within our current industry. Maybe we actually have to ask ourselves how important the increase in GDP is, how much it actually reflects wealth and probably even if a singular country can abstain of chasing a greater GDP without "falling behind". However, I think we at least have to tackle one very big energy waste within our current system:
> planned obsolescenceYes, it increases GDP, if you sell by design faulty products, because you can sell a replacement faster. On the other hand, it doesn't benefit humanity in any way; you only increase an imaginary
ausgedacht? measurement. No human would be worse off, if we outlaw planned obsolescence - possibly even with custodial sentences without the possibility to "buy yourself out", if you are found to be somewhat involved with it. We could reduce production of a lot of products - which saves a lot of energy - while keeping the exact same material wealth of our society. Only the GDP-measurement would suffer. Maybe our society has to change its behaviour as well, but the industry is the biggest energy consumer and we shouldn't push the whole responsibility on the individuals of our society and their choices of consumption and energy usage.
We do have a lot of challenges to face. - I do not claim to have a solution to any of those; maybe some pointers, at best.
I actually do support atomic power as a ~[band aid]/crutch while we face these challenges.
I want to talk a little bit more about something you ignored in your reply and which I described as
> The only real issue I seeGlobally speaking, we should have enough areas to renewably produce energy for our current population. The problem is: our population isn't at the locations we could produce a lot of energy at. e.g. (sry for not looking up actual numbers) we could plaster a huge area of a desert with solar cells <-> we do not know how to get that energy to us, though.
maybe we should try to invade africa as european refugees?, lol - we just need to build some good shading and cooling with the energy :DYou've already mentioned that norway isn't really keen in being transformed into our energy battery. But, yes, I would look at that as a possible solution as well.
I really doubt energy is a national problem. I would call it a global problem.
Just look at the wars fought over oil.
(maybe it actually is a good thing one country got somewhat of a monopoly on oil, forcing others to look for different solutions for their energy consumption.
wasting so much oil on military to get some more oil is plainly stupid, if you look at humanity as a whole... only makes a little sense, if you think in national terms.)
If we assume that our nation has to solve its energy problem on its own, I would really be a naysayer
Da würde ich schwarz sehen?. I doubt we can. We would at least need the whole of europe to cooperate.
Or we could do nothing and just watch how outside forces instigate a left/right divide in europe, because they don't wanna look for a solution, but instead are fighting for the biggest cut of what is left with our current approach No.10425
>>10424That's all nice ideas.
I suggest we start by banning smartphones. Not having millions of people constantly charging their phones, drawing data (which uses energy) and using telecommunication 24/7 could already save a whole NPP domestically, at the least.
Then you'd save on all the energy used in production and mining the rare earth metals and so on.
Sabaton would be way better without the gay keyboard.
All power metal bands would be better without keyboarders.
No.10438 KONTRA
>>10437Curious, I'm thinking the exact opposite, that the keyboard would be way better without Sabaton.
>>10438Name a single good keyboard without Sabaton.
Protip: You can't.
No.10445 KONTRA
Happy Thanksgiving my fellow Americans (clarification for Germans: we all live in America).
>>10441Damn. That sucks. At least the area doesn't look that large. Yet...
>>10445Amerika ist wunderbar.
today's episode of "the autistic german takes everything too serious":
>>10425> ban smartphonesI actually thought about what kind of consequences this would have for the industry, since nobody cares about how the civil population would feel or react.
First off, it would be nearly impossible to deliver personalized advertisement to the individual. A lot of data would be missing, since it is not generated.
The whole personalized ads industry would collapse and with it a lot of data centers and "A.I." algorithms running over the data would have to shut down, since there is no point for these anymore. Those things use at least as much energy as what is used for telecommunication data streams. We would be saving a lot more energy than the initial impression of that idea would suggest.
my lazy as should prolly look up actual data about:
- how much energy is used by the ad industry
- how much energy is used by telecommunication data streams
- - how much of that telecommunication data is used for advertisement purposes, up and down stream.
- - - we actually did, for fun, do the latter with a few example cases of written articles at the end of month: about
~50 KB content for ~50 MB ads for typical "news" articles, downstream.
- - - we did not find an easy way to analyze how much of the upstream was used to request the content and how much was used for tracking, identifying, data collection and spying. A typical html request doesn't use a lot of data and it was uploaded a lot more than would be necessary.
- when are people charging their phones and how much it affects the energy production.
- - most people charge their phone over night, not affecting the energy consumption peaks. It seems to be one of the few default anticyclic energy consumption behaviours of a typical individual.
No.10450 KONTRA
>>10448I am willing, without even looking at the actual data, to formulate the following hypothesis:
simply banning advertisements would have the same effect on big parts of energy consumption of our industry without negatively affecting the individual. if we ban planned obsolescence on top of banning advertisements we would also effect
> Then you'd save on all the energy used in production and mining the rare earth metals and so a huge amount.
my estimate would be: about 90% to 95% of our current energy consumption regarding smartphones could be saved that way. If we now postulate the individual is conscious about its own energy consumption, we can presume that the individual only charges his smartphone with locally produced energy, which we are unable to store and would be wasted otherwise. maybe decreasing the energy consumption of smartphones further, totaling at ~98%.
while I, personally, wouldn't mind a whole ban on smartphones - since I am using one only because I have to - (neetMonzeys-giver demands statements of account -> bank only provides it via an online platform -> online platform needs 2-factor-authentication...
yes, that is actually the reason I got and had to get a smartphone - I didn't have one until my bank stopped supporting free offline support for statements of account), I believe the huge majority of our society wouldn't like a ban of smartphones.
I wouldn't be affected by a ban of ads much - since I am using adblocker - as well, but a huge majority of society would personally benefit of it. Starting with having more of their data-volume per month for actual content over wasting less time with undesirable and unwanted content shoved into their faces and maybe even up to a healthier mental state, since platforms are not longer interested in keeping the user engaged and riled up in order to shove more ads into their face.
assuming my estimates are somewhat correct:
why ban smartphones, if you can ban ads and planned obsolescence and achieve an energy saving effect that is ~98% as effective and doesn't affect the individual's experience and freedom as much?problems might arise with the profitability of keeping a platform up and runningpic unrelated
>>10445Thank you, Ernestti.
I wish you a plentiful turkey dinner for you and your family. Now I must ponder about the hardships of the first settlers that set foot in this brave and uncharted land. We are lucky to live in the world they built.
No.10461 KONTRA
>long winded German posts
I feel my energy for these is rapidly plunging as I feel better. Maybe it is for the better. EC is freed of Germans bickering to a certain extent and I turn towards real life and things that matter.
I shall mostly shitpost when it comes to serious matters, the Portuguese way of dealing with things: establishing more distance through rhetorics.
Yesterday in the pub I went for a pee. I just about made the way to the toilet. I quickly pulled out the knob, but what did I have to see? My pecker looked different, and it wasn't particularly nice. The noodle was completely putrid, the bag had gone dead. Maggots, flies everywhere, the meat was spoiled. My foreskin was festerings strongly, the glans was puffy. The eel, it itched like crazy and the balls were swollen.
>>10470Leprosy on the hose? No, Ernst, that's certainly from the frequent usage.
just learned about the existence of something called MMD Kamishibai
MMD stands for:
>MikuMikuDance is a freeware animation program that lets users animate and create 3D animated films, originally produced for the Vocaloid character Hatsune Miku.
>Kamishibai is a form of Japanese street theater and storytelling that was popular during the Great Depression of the 1930s and the post-war period in Japan until the advent of television during the mid-20th century.
you're welcome
No.10473 KONTRA
>>10461> >long winded German posts> I feel my energy for these is rapidly plungingseems like TikTok works as intended.
> I turn towards real life and things that matter.or maybe not
>>10461>establishing more distance through rhetorics.Feeling blessed and at peace because I don't understand what this means.
>>10473Nah, it's probably going to the shrink and learning to avoid depressed states by thought & behavioral modification
>>10474Du kleiner Lügner, du.
No.10482 KONTRA
I woke up and had a breadroll for breakfast before going to class. Because we're having an open week they moved Chinese class over to the Japanese department's building. It was very well heated. We had to open the window to not get a heatstroke.
Ran into the workshop's head and we greeted eachother.
After Chinese class I went out to have lunch and it was good. I didn't really want to go home just to spend 1 hour home and then travel back for another hour or so. So I decided to spend my time at the East Asian Library for the remainder of my time. I read the remaining texts for Chinese philosophy class. It was very cold in the library, so I put on my coat.
When I realised that wasn't helping all that much, I asked the librarian if she would be willing to put on the kettle and lend me some tea leaves and she agreed, so we had some oolong. I brewed like 5 cups and was totally energized. Looked through some bibliographies and noted down potentially interesting journal articles and books.
Also looked through all the new arrivals and such. I accidentally came across a book titled "Business Management the Chinese Way" and I accidentally opened it at a chapter titled "Rewards and Punishments" and I freaked out and showed it to the librarian because I couldn't believe it. I felt like I was losing it.
Philosophy class went okay I guess. I had a bit of a hard time disposing of Aristotle while learning about the School of Names. I feel like if I studied more modern philosophy in depth it would have been easier. I feel sorely undereducated in that regard.
Afterwards I had a discussion with the professor about a few things I've read.
At home I played some video games and had some fruit.
>>10482>I accidentally came across a book titled "Business Management the Chinese Way" and I accidentally opened it at a chapter titled "Rewards and Punishments" and I freaked out and showed it to the librarian because I couldn't believe it.I feel there is a punchline missing.
No.10486 KONTRA
>>10483This would have been the best opportunity to fire up your own electric sauna, subsidized by gommunism :DD
No.10488 KONTRA
>>10486Yes, but this takes the previous issue to even new retarded extremes.
>people with static electricity contracts were heating up their electric saunas just to dunk on rational and enlightened spot pricing contract haversNow turned into this:
People with spot pricing contract will be setting up their saunas, ovens, toasters, boilers, space heaters, TVs, lights, etc. to the absolute max. For an expected gain of 30-140€ for depending on housing type.
Even as a
money-enjoyer, this doesn't feel right. There's no actual value being created here. Very much the opposite. In one way or another, the consumer will end up footing the bill anyways. Sure, with maximized consumption I will end up with an outcome that is better in relation to people who can't exploit this. But I also will actively be fucking everyone else over. This is what the Gommunists want. We can't let them win.
No.10489 KONTRA
>>10485The Hanfeizi has an entire chapter dedicated to how the ruler controls his subjects through the usage of the “two handles”, which are also rewards and punishments.
I'm on a ldr. But my gf didn't want to talk about me with people she knows. So it more or less means I'm the only one technically in a relationship. I started to insist lately that she really should be treating me as her bf. She more or less answered me that she didn't know if she prefered to talk about me to people she knew or leave me. On my side she met my parents and my best friends. I feel played, but ther's a form a relief that she finally imposed her own ultimatum. I won't have to just wait for nothing anymore.
She asked me today to come visit her in two weeks. Mmmh let's wait and see first before I buy a train to France lol.
>>10489Is this some sinologist joke I am too wei to understand?
I can’t believe the ancient Romans didn’t even take any videos.
I have over 11000 tracks in my foobar playlist from almost 500 different artists, yet foobar is ALWAYS coming back to either Funny van Dannen or Pain.
Happy belated Thanksgiving fellow Americans.
Worked most of yeserday. Got home to a late dinner. Turkey, stuffing, potatoes and such. The usual. Brother came over. Called my mother. Watched some football. Up too late, slept too little. Now I'm tired.
random track play sucks, too. Recently noticed a shuffle playlist option on right-click. If I want to avoid a small circle of the same stuff, I hit that and then play the list straight through.
>11000 tracksMy longest organized playlist is only ~400. Rock Blues. 24 hours. My Disco 80's list has fewer at ~200, but with the extended tracks comes in at 18 hours. That one has been getting more play recently.
>>10494It's basically my entire organized library (there's still a few thousands of unsorted stuff) as soundtrack while working.
Foobar has several "random" options, with the cheap "random" option that only ensures that one track is not played twice in succession and the better option where it generates a random order right at the start, so that during that session no track is played twice.
Obviously when shutting down and booting up the computer daily, a new list is generated each day, yet there still seems to be a bias towards those two, which is funny because while I can understand Funny van Dannen, since it makes out about 1% of all tracks, pain is only like three albums. Iron Maiden on the other hand is seldomly played despite the whole discography being present. Same with Kataklysm and AC/DC.
No.10496 KONTRA
>>10491I don’t know if it’s really that much of a sinology joke. It’s just that noticing ancient governmental concepts resurface in modern China has been blowing my mind recently and I feel like I’m developing a book-induced schizophrenia where I see parallels in places I shouldn’t.
>>10496But why is that mind-blowing? Monarchy and democracy are also ancient governmental concepts and they are still in use.
>>10493most players have a build in function for their "random"-function that adds a "++" on "user enjoys this track" when it is fully played.
effectively resulting in the tracks the random function picks first to be played the most often, since those have a higher probability of being played after the 1st time, and even higher after the 2nd time ...
you get the idea.
look up where foobar saves these things and just delete it.
No.10499 KONTRA
>>10464I wonder what the probability is of a german casually writing down such language. If it is a troll paste, might be possible. If it is a blog post? Doubtful. Especially all those replacement words... they are easy to identify out of context, but cumming up with those by yourself? unlikely.
Gosh, I really wanna get paid for my shit posting.
How do you get such a job? Or is it impossible as a foreigner? Maybe I can get a fake ID and apply?
>>10496> a book-induced schizophrenia where I see parallels in places I shouldn’tPattern recognition is not schizophrenia. Of course your pattern matching might be faulty when taking a closer look. But it is normal to read about certain patterns and then thinking you see and recognize them elsewhere. The easiest example is reading about social and political organization in a book (for example imperialism) and then see it taking place in the present.
No.10501 KONTRA
>>10499Now that I applied for neetbux I should look for jobs in a troll factory.
No.10502 KONTRA
Have you ever committed a crime?
I did. My surrender of my personal information and purchase records to the LIDL family had netted me a can of beans and a packet of cookies. However when attempting to ring them up, the discount simply wasn't applied. I asked for help from a cashier but he was disinterested in my suffering and not eager to help. Recommended I try another store.
Anyways, roughly 3,50€ of groceries was denied from me. So instead, I forgot to scan some things. I can't believe I'm back at shoplifting from LIDL, but I'm afraid capitalism has left me no other choice.
No.10503 KONTRA
>>10502>Have you ever committed a crime?Depends on what is a crime. I accidentally shoplifted once in some years back and as a child every then and now. The virtue signalers of this board will crawl out of their holes to scold me but vandalism in the lower thousands range, hypothetically, because most graffiti was never cleaned up, so no real costs.
the crimes are time-barred, so long ago, I was a teen/young adultAll Ernsts will have committed crimes against copyright law I suppose.
>>10502> Have you ever committed a crime? frequently shop-lifted when I was living in Berlin.
My closest subway station was only accessible via the ground floor of some random mall. They frequently had some offers placed right in the walk way towards and from said subway station. Not always something desirable, but I stole some socks, a hat, gloves, scarf... mainly socks, though.
If I would have payed for those, I would have needed to wait for the next train. So paying wasn't really convenient.
>>10502>crimeDefine crime.
Why am I called a hero when I kill a man for my country, but when I do it out of passion it's a crime?
No.10506 KONTRA
>>10505he asked for a crime, which implies something going against local law.
he didn't ask, if you did something ethically or morally wrong.
No.10507 KONTRA
>>10506>it's another "Ernst can't get his autistic head out of his autistic ass and doesn't get the reference" episodeSlowly getting tired of this cliché. No.10509
>>10508And you also didn't consider that such a post most likely wasn't meant entirely seriously anyway?
No.10510 KONTRA
>>10506In Germany there is a difference between Straftat and Ordnungswidrigkeit, both are violations of local laws in a sense but afaik only the former could be translated as crime. Not sure how that is for other countries.
>>10509Maybe if it was under any other flag.
>>10510> both are violations of local laws in a sense but afaik only the former could be translated as crimeThat's because today those are two different law books being applied for those, so an "Ordnungswidrigkeit" can never be a "crime" in the sense of the crime law.
>>10511Wow rude
why aren't there services that can induce a near death experience and then bring you back
I heard the high is amazing
>>10515Maybe bungee jumping comes close.
>>10517The people I know who took DMT did not described it has near death experience, rather I think I remember one person saying everything became crystalline, covered in little crystals. I assume that this is just visuals like with most psychedelics. Concerning thoughts I have no idea.
No.10519 KONTRA
>>10518I've heard/read that it is the same chemical your brain naturally releases when you are about to die. If you are not actually dieing, your thoughts prolly are a lot different while tripping. Time perception is prolly still warped as fuck like with most psychedelics.
No.10520 KONTRA
>>10519Yeah, heard that too. Even if, the dose might be crucial. And we are talking about people dying a "natural death" arent we? I don't think that soldiers are tripping or that people nearly drowing trip. Sounds more like crazy adrenalin to me in these situations than people having crazy visuals. The perception of things as the mind thinking things is another question, though. I don't know how to wrap in words my thinking on 2C-B or 2C-E but it certainly is a very strange experience of sense organs and the mind thinking and the overall atmosphere.
No.10521 KONTRA
>>10518As a person has taken DMT (in a cool posthumanistic optimization kind of way, not because drugs are fun) - I had one single experience that fits some descriptions of near death experience. I "saw" most of my life before my eyes, saw myself growing up and a feature vignette of my life's events. Mostly just cried during the experience, laying on a forest floor. It was good and horrible in a cathartic way, I do not feel the desire to do DMT ever again.
god is having so much fun with us
>>10522But God does not exist
>>10524God made dirt and dirt don't hurt, so he rectified the issue by creating a type of dirt that can actually experience hurt.
>>10525You must have that iron in you, god gave iron only to a lucky few.
No.10527 does it make you feel that this is not a common experience to you?
>>10526But Crom gave us the riddle of steel.
No.10529 KONTRA
>>10527What, making low-effort shitposts with a link just shat into them without any further explanation?
Feels good man.
>>10529>hurr durr I won't click a linkThen don't and shut up?
No.10531 KONTRA
Today was okay. I woke up, lazed around a bit and then went out to get groceries. We had to postpone picking up the book donation, but it's not a big deal overall I guess.
On my way home I noticed that the entire town smelled like manure and for a bit I contemplated that I stepped in something, but the dry soles of my shoes made me reconsider this.
Apparently people complained of the foul smell not just in my town, but also in the nearby towns. I wonder what happened.
I had lunch and then I sat down and finally beat Terraria. All together it took me 32 hours to finish this playthrough. I was starting to get very sick of it.
Ultimately it was a lot easier than I expected. I thought there will be a lot more grinding and excruciatingly boring potion making, but no. I just held down the left mouse button with a few buffs active and the final boss just died. I don't remember this game being so easy.
Plan for tomorrow is to go to the library hopefully. Though I have a feeling I'll just get caught up in household chores.
>>10524I'd say there are worse leaders to hype than LKY.
His blend of British and Chinese political traditions is very interesting.
No.10532 KONTRA
>>10530Sure, as soon as you stop posting your low-effort shit. No wait, just go back altogether, dumb tourist.
Did you know Aquinas said that those who get into heaven would be able to see the damned suffering for eternity in Hell, and rejoice at that?
Not in a sadistic kind of way, but because it is theologically required for that to be the case. Like, you HAVE to rejoice at ultimate divine justice being carried out.
C.S. Lewis said that if people in heaven could not enjoy their reward in Heaven because they felt pity for some low life pedophile's eternal torments, then we'd have a situation where some low life pedo fuck could hold the entire Universe hostage, in that Divine Justice would not be carried out, because Saints couldn't enjoy their reward in heaven, just because of this one pedo fuck. So, "pity" as a concept, doesn't exist in Heaven. It is metaphysically required for it to be so.
Well, I say fuck Aquinas and fuck God then.
And fuck C.S. Lewis
I think everyone deserves to be and should be Saved, because:
a) we know not what we do
b) we're just innocent men
even though my father basically broke my brain since childhood and turned me into a perpetually dissociated, perverted, mentally ill freak, I hope he's chilling in heaven.
If not, god can go fuck himself. Nobody's perfect, especially my homies, and I'd rather chill with my homies than the kind of fucko who gets into heaven with THOSE kinds of rules in place.
fuck all y'all.
some people think I need help. some people can fuck off and go to hell
god damn why they criticize me now shit is on the rise
so my family despise me
fuck em and feed em cause I don't need em
I won't join them if I can beat em
They don't understand my logic
got my gat and my money and I'm hooked on chronic
>>10521>>10519>>10520Do keep in mind that not all near death or actual death experiences are beautiful or blissful.
You may very well experience a horror trip as you die.
People don't like to report on negative NDEs, but they do happen. whether someone has a positive or negative death hallucination doesn't seem to correlate with how virtuous the person was. Unless you want to claim that Steve Jobs and Thomas Edison were good people, because they both reportedly had blissful passings.
I think that the afterlife is a time-dilated hallucination you experience as your brain shuts down. Who knows how much time you experience subjectively in those final moments, maybe it does feel like an eternity.
But that does lead us to the conclusion, that the people who go to heaven are those narcissistic and selfish enough to believe themselves to be deserving of heaven. Those who pass away believing themselves to be saints, no matter how much suffering they have inflicted on others, experience blissful hallucinations of heavenly salvation.
Those with conscience who carry guilt upon their deaths, will experience the self inflicted punishments of hell, for any and all sins they believe themselves to have committed, from squashing a bug, to eating industrially farmed meat, to hurting other human beings.
So, the guaranteed way to experience heaven is to never experience any guilt for any of your actions, ever.
Just paid 25 Euros for a haircut.
Danke, Scholz!
No.10540 KONTRA
>>10539I pay more than this. Also: why not go to a türk? 25€ still seems cheap for a haircut to me.
>>10540That's 100€/hour, for some Selina-Jacqueline cunt to cut hair. That's more than the hourly rate for electricians.
It's absolute kikery. If you don't see it this way, you have too much money or are dumb as fuck and love being cheated out of money you don't even have.
>>10540Before the coof I paid 16.
And this was just a regular men's haircut from an actual haircutter who learned that as a trade, so also no whatever the schizo said.
I don't go to turks because I don't enjoy those shops. Having to go to someone to get a haircut is bad enough by itself.
>>10542>Having to go to someone to get a haircut is bad enough by itself.Then learn to cut it yourself, duh.
You can find skilled people for less or more money, it is a gamble in the end. I pay 40€ but my hair never looked this good before because I have a skilled person that knows how to deal with longer hair and curls. Comparing it to the haircuts I got for 30€ (private) or 13€ (chain) or 10€ (türk) in the past I'm willing to pay this every three months or so. If it is not your PRIORITY to have a nice hair cut then just cut it yourself and safe the bucks. A buzzcut everybody can do themselves. Problem solved, no more nagging.
>>10541Milchmädchenrechnung, aber das passt ja zu dir. I spent about 45min getting my hair cut including getting my hair washed. I pay 40€ certainly not 100€/h and thus very much comparable to electricians. If you don't want to pay for tradespeople then DIY and shut up, apparently you can do what a Selina can, then why go there in the first place.
No.10544 KONTRA
>>10543>A buzzcut everybody can do themselves.Certain circumstances prevent me from doing this, sadly, because otherwise I wouldn't do it any other way.
Also, stop replying to the schizo, dumbass.
>>10544What circumstances? Does your employer think you will look like an uncivilized and unpresentable person?
When did Ernst last donate for a good cause?
Me: Today. I have been thinking a lot lately about all my money sitting on a bank account without ever being needed. I don't enjoy buying things and have everything I need. Then inflation has been hitting hard in the last years, its a shame to see the money that I have been working for go to waste. So I decided to give some of it away, today I started with a local environmental conservation organization that I think will use it in good ways. I find it really hard to decide on who to give it to, I also considered some software projects that I like but I don't know if money is really what they need and also it feels like software is not the most necessary thing in this world. On the other hand, the countless organizations that collect lots of money for the poor starving children in africa doesn't feel right either. I doubt that a lot of the money even makes it there, and I'm not that sure if it is all that smart to support people living in areas where sustaining yourself is hardly possible nowadays (with current levels of population, climate, markets being shit for small farmers etc).
What would you give your money to, and do you do it? Why, or why not? What else do you spend your money on, do you think its a good idea to spend it that way?
>>10545>first thing g*rman thinks of is wörkJaja, Arbeit macht frei!
No.10551 KONTRA
>>10546> donateif time counts, me helped by something called "Tafel". Few years back.
Basically "handing out"
1monzey for whatever much food that was slightly expired or just about to.
>>10551That's volunteering.
Still a good thing.
No.10554 KONTRA
>>10551>>10552Buying expired food is not volunteering.
>>10554He didn't explain it well:
The "Tafel" is a place where people without money can go and get stuff very cheap or even for free, but these places need to be staffed.
So basically he went there as a volunteer to hand out the food.
It's like a soup kitchen basically.
No.10557 KONTRA
>>10555I stand corrected.
No.10558 KONTRA
>>10546Latest donations:
Signal - Supporting free software that's important to me.
Ukrainian Gov - Supporting the removal of Russian invaders within their borders.
Effi - Funding the operation of a local EFF org. This donation was illegal thanks to the laws of this retarded gommunist clown house.
I don't donate much, or often. I'd rather "donate" to family or friends by spending money on something special or an event for them.
No.10559 KONTRA
Being a man and being masculine means being paranoid of becoming a girl, and being afraid of becoming female.
I want to have sex with an older man, because I am disposed to that. I want to be totally degraded to an object. He gives orders, I obey. Older man, like fine wine.
>>10551Very nice, I thought about volunteering there too a couple of years ago because I think it is one of the only charities that has no obvious downsides. Also it would have been interesting for me as someone who grew up pretty sheltered to talk a bit with poor people. But I figured they would need food more than volunteers, so I did not follow this idea through any further.
What made you stop helping there?
>>10558>signalIt's the least bad mainstream messenger, but forcing users to use their official server is very bad and identification by phone number only is also really cringe. But I understand that it is still way better than the alternatives and at least the crypto seems to be pretty good.
>ukrainian govtI would support them maybe if they allowed men to leave the country. As horrible as it must be to get inavded by a foreign country, I still think its unethical to force people to die in a war if they don't want to.
>effiSounds nice, the fight for freedom is indeed worth some money. Maybe I will look at what EFF would use it for if I gave them some. Not sure if there is a local org like that in Germany
inb4 ccc>familyVery good point! I will think about giving my family bigger presents this year, something like paying for a weekend trip together could be a great idea and it helps people who I know will deserve it.
No.10564 KONTRA
>>10560I do not know why you mistake this place for some assfucker dating-app.
>>10555>The "Tafel" is a place where people without money can go and get stuff very cheap or even for free, but these places need to be staffed.This is correct, but it isn't for people, anymore. It's specifically for foreign people.
Immigrants secure the first spots in line for themselves and their country-men, and those who are served demand the best of everything, for those who come last, nothing is left. Depending on the location, those who get first dibs might be Arabs, Africans, Slavs, etc. the volunteer workers are threatened and pressured to give preferential treatment to the dominant local immigrant group.
Who comes last? Alman pensioners, always.
No.10567 KONTRA
Today I met up with a friend living abroad who came to Budapest for the weekend. We went to a café and then had lunch while talking about random topics of Sinology and life. I gifted him a book he was looking for but couldn't find at the antiquaries.
Also picked up a package.
At home I helped my mother bake a loaf of whole-grain bread.
Also made some black tea in my gaiwan. I think I'm beginning to re-discover my love for tea after subsisting on coffee for so long. Though I think I overdid it again because I feel awful now. Or maybe it's just cold in the house. Dunno.
Nah, I checked. It's 22 degrees in the room. I definitely overdid the tea.
Tomorrow's project is studying and grocery shopping.
National consultation questionnaire arrived in the mail. I think this one is funnier than the usual ones. The wording is especially strong in some sections.
No.10568 KONTRA
>>10566Frankfurter are slowly taking over Berliner in the top spot for unwarranted self-importance.
This particular mascot can be found in a hipster online store for "Frankfurt representing".
They also have pepes, doges and vile Offenbach hate (not that it wouldn't deserve it, Offenbach is an even bigger shithole).
t. lives in the general vicinity
No.10569 KONTRA
>>10566I regularly see a Baden-Württemberg on a pole before university.
"Es ist nett hier. Aber waren Sie schon mal in Baden-Württemberg?"
>>10566You can still get agitated over those? Supporters of football clubs, fringe political movements, or similar pseudo-religious groups put them everywhere. There is no street lamp in Germany that does not have at least one of them.
Picture related is what German football supporters do to trains, and they think it's not a problem. So the person who put that sticker there would most likely be completely unable to see what might be wrong about that, and he'd probably become aggressive.
Unfortunately, all of Germany consists of annoying twats at best and antisocial elements at worst who act out their lust for destruction whenever they can get away with it. Always keep this in mind, and you will not be disappointed.
>>10569And those stickers were printed and distributed by the state government for an image campaign. We are so desperate for attention that we'd rather be known as litterbugs than not be known at all. It's still better than the new slogan.
No.10574 KONTRA
>>10572I don't mind the sticker honestly. In a sense, it's kind of courteous. I like how it says it's nice wherever the sticker is, and then it invites us over for a visit. An expression of Xenia.
No.10575 KONTRA
>>10574I interpret the slogan differently. Wherever it is, the sticker not-so-subtly implies that it might be kind of OK-ish there, but it's better in Baden-Wurttemberg. An expression of an unwarranted feeling of superiority.
In any case, I don't think a state government should motivate its subjects to glue stickers abroad.
How often did I think at the Ruhr, kids, just how nice would it be if - surprisingly, just like over night - a wizard came to me. He would hold his staff over me with hocus and pocus and stuff, and just like 1, 2, 3 I'd be a frisky duck that swam around somewhere in the Ruhr. Yeah, if the water of the Ruhr were blonde pilsner, then I'd really like to be a little ducky. Just how much could I guzzle, I'd never have to buy beer anymore, because the water of the Ruhr will never run dry. And if I were sick of the pilsner beer, I'd swam over to Westphalia and stayed there for some time because I am an alcoholic. But if I'd like to be somewhere else, I'd do a short spin to the Wupper and eventually end back in the Ruhr because that was the starting point.
No.10578 KONTRA
>>10572>You can still get agitated over those?Yes. Our football club fanatics know better than to paste their shit where it doesn't belong. Even more so, it's a foreign thing. Fucking Germans, it is not enough that they poisoned the mountain trails with Ubers and TukTuks, they also need to paste their stickers where people live.
>>10574>I love it when Germans announce they were here, in our loyal province!I don't. Fugg Germans, only people I ever saw bring a bluetooth speaker to the beach and play horrid kraut rap.
>>10568Komm Frankfurt Hbf und du wirst angepisst.
On TikTok everybody laughs about the street interview people and junkies in Frankfurt. I remember commenting on a TikTok with Frankfurt Hbf and peopled liked it because Frankfurt is synonym with crack city and people acting like on crack No.10581 KONTRA
>>10580>being so butthurt about being called out for your low-effort 4chan tier shit post that you start posting *jaks in an even 4channier tier mannerlmoa
No.10583 KONTRA
>>10564that post is hilariously right and wrong at the same time; at least compared to my experience.
The ratio of people there seems about right; a few alman pensioners. But also mainly foreign old fucks or newly arrived families. We had a few assholes as well, one of which was an alman pensioner. The alman grannies volunteering had a system for against
> Immigrants secure the first spots in line for themselves and their country-men, and those who are served demand the best of everythingWe checked how many there are at that day, prepared ~that many numbered eh... little paper schnipsel, basically like lottery. Everyone draws once and gets a number. As volunteer you know what kinda food is there a lot of and what not - and you can somewhat ratio to make it fair-ish, but it's impossible to do perfectly. The first spots are always desired. Simple reason: first asked first served.
If they trade those tickets [or line ordering or whatev], you can't rly do anything against it. But when I helped out the foreign families usually came with mum and a kid. That way it was easier to QQ for a better spot and convince others to trade with ya.
About the
> , for those who come last, nothing is left.that wasn't rly a problem; at least when I helped out. Just the selection for the last few was a lot lower. The grannies seemed to have pretty much everything under control. Idk how it is currently. Maybe saw the crowd waiting there ~10 times since then (that location is on a path I bicycle somewhat frequently). Seems to have grown quite a bit; but not twice as large.
> Who comes last? Alman pensioners, always.If you don't like how your local volunteers handle stuff, you could invest your time and show 'em how it's done.
You would fit in with some of those grannies. :^)
No.10586 KONTRA
FYI: I removed one of the soyjak posts, since there were complains on meta about generally not tolerating them. As a large number of Ernsts argued for allowing any non-illegal content, I only removed the one without content because it was just about pissing someone else off. In the past there also were Ernsts who argued for a general soyjak ban. We haven't discussed that with the mod team, but unless we don't explicitly decide on that, we can't really remove images just because they have a bad rep, unless of course other rules are violated in the process, for example low effort shitposting. Same goes for other content that has been frowned upon in the past, like Pepe, Spurdo, Apu and so on. This is not set in stone though, so if Ernst finds that this current policy should be changed, feel free to argue about it on meta.
Since there was no obvious rule violation, no ban was issued.
No.10587 KONTRA
>>10581Yes Aua Aua my bumhole hurty turty.
No.10588 KONTRA
>>10583>If they trade those tickets'give number or I will punch you, I swear on Allah.' ' Tell anyone I took your number and I will stab you and your children'
It's hilarious and sad that you do not know how 'trading' and 'convincing' works. (Or pretend to not know?)
I really don't like smart-assery, that's something one should avoid in my presence. In our company there was some Abiturient who thought he was better and very smart. I was accomodating, I didn't immediately finish him off, I just damaged him a bit down there. Today, my friends, this Abiturient is not as cheeky anymore, but impotent.
And recently, some student asked my if someone knows the road to Wattenscheid. I really don't dig stupid questions, so I led him to my car, and I said "Wattenscheid is in there, you probably think you're really smart".
In the trunk there was my outboard engine, it smells really nice like gas.
>>10592Don't take this the wrong way but you're probably the walking refutation of the idea that psychedelic drugs offer any kind of spiritual transcendence or enlightenment or whatever.
No.10594 KONTRA
>>10593There are no psychedelic mushrooms in the picture, my Central Asian friend.
>>10592Please tell me you're dipping the mushrooms in the McDolan sauce
>>10594The comment was unrelated to the picture, I just wanted to let you know.
How to be properly racist against cental asians?
Ching chong nip nong and le mongol horde are tired and trite, but I don't know enough about them to be properly insulting unlike e.g. sandniggers or the french.
No.10598 KONTRA
Got served a song that reminded me of a different one with a similar feel to it. Took me a while, but after some mental processing and then searching around I found the exact video. Felt amazing.
It was from a Shores of Hazeron video. It is/was an old indie MMO. Anyone played it? I don't think I ever did, but remember being interested in it. Apparently the servers have gone down not too long ago. Not bad, considering the video is from 13 years ago. No.10599
>>10592the shrooms top right, Pfifferlinge, nice find. Last time I went and looked for some shrooms we only found a few Steinpilze and one that looks a little like Blumenkohl and grows on trees - forgot the name. (And a lot of shrooms that are edible, but do not taste thaaat great. so they've been left standing)
>>10599Porcino/Buleto type mushrooms were plenty, I didn't pick much since I can't really identify the subtypes well. Chanterelles are pretty common too, should have a lot next weekend.
Of note are the Lactarius on the top left, they were a beautiful orange before being bruised up in the travels. Gonna cook 'em tomorrow, might make a pasta.
>>10597Judging by , no one knows how to hate Kazakhs properly because these takes lack patterns and it's hard to generalize them into a Mambet stereotype.
Some of them are a bit funny though.
Going over credit card purchases. I bought gas on October 13th. $40. November 1st another $30 and $43 on November 20th. As most of that last one is still in the car's tank, I apparently spend ~$65/month on gas. Double what I had assumed.
Additional info: I only drive to work
and Walmart.
>>10546>What would you give your money toSalvation Army. They helped when I was growing up poor. Food, day camps and such.
>and do you do it?I've given money to their seasonal bell ringers in the past, not bills but whatever change I had. Not recently, though.
>Why, or why not? I pay for everything with cards and never have change in my pocket.
I finished the first "self made" project that free code camp challenges you to do on its HTML/CSS curriculum called Responsive Web Design code a survey form with certain conditions is the first of 4 or 5 projects one has to do without guidance, just fulfilling certain conditions is the only orientation. I had to do all four training tasks again before finishing the project this time. Going through it again and taking notes this time on how elements relate helped quite a bit. The document/page looks shitty though because I don't really have the knowledge of CSS and it is not really explained at this stage of the training or I forgot, like doing padding, margins, center elements probably wrap it in a div element that you can then text-align or what does the trick? and so on.
Anyway, it kinda makes fun to complete the tasks and learn a bit. The amount of learning required is terrifying, though but from all I gathered normal. Funnily, coding seems a bit like academia: it never ends and imposter feelings are a common occurence.
>>10605Well, you have to start somewhere.
Also, what is the problem with free code camp?
>>10604>coding>HTML and CSSCute. Nevertheless, keep going, well done.
>>10602I am not talking about kazakhs in special though, but central asiatics in general. If I just wanted to insult a kazakh, I'd call him an uzbek, but that's not actually racist, but only playing into local rivalries, like calling a franconian bavarian or a badenser swabian.
No.10609 KONTRA
>>10606writing down numbers without doing any calculation isn't called math, it's called accounting.
> what is the problem with free code camp?finn is wondering, why it is called a "code" camp.
>>10602There's not much that you can make fun of kazakhs for, that doesn't also apply to any peripheral shithole in russia itself, or other post sovok states.
That's because the Soviet Union really did fulfill the socialist promise of erasion ethno-national borders and creationg a New (soviet) Man.
>>10609To me it seems like Finnland wanted to point to the exact same thing as you, namely that HTML and CSS is not coding or not "real" coding (it's instructions after all).
How exactly does one learn to code then? I get things explained and then I try for myself when I know some rules I guess?
No.10612 KONTRA
>>10611To expand on one thing that might be a confusion which is also based on not knowing what free code camp is but it has more than this first curriculum centered around HTML and CSS. No.10614 KONTRA
I felt very sluggish the entire day. Don’t really know why. I read the second chapter of Stifter’s Nachsommer and a bit from the Chinese agriculture book.
The tea I had yesterday must’ve had a number on my digestion.
Went grocery shopping with my father. It was a lot more minimalist than when my mother does it. He was looking for some specific item, but he didn’t elaborate on it besides it being some kind of stand. Couldn’t find it at Lidl.
"liking women" is misogynist tbh
I wonder what happened that Brick is back again.
Something with availability of meds in that post-sovok muslamic shithole?
>>10221>>10578>Fugg Germans, only people I ever saw bring a bluetooth speaker to the beach and play horrid kraut rapoh no people having fun how horrid
old man i swear a giant stick up your ass
>>10618Fun can be had without being inconsiderate. That goes for both sides, the old grumpster nagging about his quiet at the beach and the young rascals forcing their music upon everyone.
>>10615I like people, some of them are women, some are mysogynist, some are both.
No.10621 KONTRA
>>10618You getting ass blaster from Germans behaving like the arabs you see in the park all the time, schizo?
No.10624 KONTRA
>>10527This is a common experience to me
>>10618This might be a cultural thing, here people understand that others at a beach prefer hearing the waves, birds and people playing sports over hearing Hans opening a hot batch musical sewage and forcing everyone in a 100 meter radius to bear witness to it.
>>10623Thank you for solidarity, fellow pensioner.
>>10624My reverse psychology did the trick!
No.10628 KONTRA
Feels good to see the sun and clear skies for a change.
Pic unrelated.
>>10623Ebin picture :-d
I am a gynecologist simply because I am a cunt fan, and this profession is like a lottery win for me. I have observed so many sheaths, did the odd smear, and usually my member was twitching. Pussies are a heavenly splendor.
Recently some ancient woman came in. I could detect white discharge; feces were sticking to her lower belly, and I felt the urge to fuck the old hag. The withered geriatric skin is what seduced me. She was pretty close to death when I inserted my meat probe, and she actually rejoiced "jeez, halleluja" and so on.
No.10633 KONTRA
Ach Ernst. I bought a product from an US seller and got it via UPS within a week in the beginning of summer.
In September I order another product from them and now 2.5 month later the tracking ID still shows customs in Frankfurt (pirateID), the DHL tracking number shows Switzerland which is probably because the carrier from the US to Europe was Asendia, a french-swizz joint.
The seller is extremely unhelpful and probably lied about sending another package as a replacement (was not able to give me a tracking ID/ignored my request).
Now I just hope my credit card provider will give me the money back asap or the package magically arrives within the next weeks still. Apparently, the seller's shipping form let me skip the postal code (I think I used autofill) but my city just exists only once in Germany so it should not be a problem to get it to the local warehouse at least and then check for proper postal code that matches with the street name (also only existing once in this town).
>>10625Bro what waves rather listen to RAF camorra i swear fatty what an Otto.
Ok, ok, I'm only pretending. Germans are like Italians, we love everything that it is loud. Unlike Italians, we are 100% inconsiderate about it. There was a time when a stern reprimand from a person in authority could should Germans up. But not anymore. This is particularly true for 'young German men', which is code for Muslims. They will perceive any suggestion of turning down the volume as an insult to their honor, and they might decide to re-establish said honor by use of force.
It is now normal in Germany to use Bluetooth speakers or loud mobile phones everywhere. At train stations, on buses, at public pools, in parks, etc. It annoys a lot of people, but most won't risk doing anything about it, because knives are drawn quickly.
>>10624A new one. is this about? Just saying Oleg let's chat in the evening? Caption translation is not very good.
I like this style very well, could imagine this works for many other countries or cultural spheres. A sort of Angela Anaconda for adults.