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 No.28 [View All]

buigs.jpg (777.23 KB, 2048x1320)

bugs cruncher.jpg (60.89 KB, 976x549)

ze bug .jpg (5.48 KB, 262x193)

Crunch 'em
132 posts and 41 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


EC has been loading quite slowly the past days, and I don't seem to be the only one affected by this (everywhere else the pages load as quickly as expected).


dev tools.jpg (113.5 KB, 712x569)

I couldn't notice any changes in loading speed so far, for me EC is consistently fast. Can you give some more details? When it loads slow, does it seem like the connection is established quick, but the resources load slow one after the other, like one picture, then the next one, and so on? And is it faster when you reload it right away? Also when you (or anybody else reading this) notices that EC is slow again: Could you open the developer tools of your browser (usually F12), click the network tab, load EC and check for any significant lags? Maybe it's a single resource that causes the trouble. I'd also be interested in where the majority of the items on the page are delivered from. In any case: Most items should be delivered by either disk cache or memory. If not that might be the reason why it feels slow, and in that case it might be a caching issue.


not the one mentioning it, and didn't check for actual data (network tab).
i've noticed that connecting wasn't a problem, but the data (thumb pics) were loading slow.


Yes, it took ages to load the comic thread, for example.


aa.zip (45.26 KB)

I get the same with this.


png.jpg (14.54 KB, 504x233)

s.png (49.45 KB, 1012x348)

It's a png in disguise, that's why the image handling functions complain.


Thanks! Now I feel retarded for not having seen through it.


thumbs-up-transparent-33[1].png (2.17 MB, 8000x7917)

Irfan View is best view


Board.jpg (38.16 KB, 541x286)

Catalog.jpg (461.31 KB, 1853x641)

I think I just found a weird bug: I was searching the Dokumentationen-thread on /b/ and couldn't find it while schrolling through the pages. I almost got mad because I thought it got deleted, but then I saw it is in the catalog on 1st position of page two. Strangely it wouldn't show up when I tried to navigate to page two, the next thread was shown on position 1 (Sauffaden). The behaviour was the same whether I used Dollchan or not.

I bumped the Dokumentation-thread and then it showed normally on page one. I deleted the bump, then it correctly fell back to first spot on page two, form that point on it was fixed, likely because one of my actions caused a thread list to rebuild. I can only assume that some event on the board (maybe thread creation/deletion) caused the internal thread table to fuck up and simply miss out on one thread, while the catalogue still worked correctly. While I doubt this can be fixed easily, because it's specific as fuck, people should be aware that this bug exists, even if it took a year for someone to notice.

See screenshots for details, the documentation thread does not show on the board on page transition, while still existing in the catalogue on page 2 pos 1. It does not matter if pages are switched manually or via dollchan infinite scrolling, so the scrolling function works, it's probably some internal thread list that is delivered to those scroll functions that's already flawed.


filename.jpg (149.79 KB, 651x365)

Just noticed on /b/ that filenames overlap when one thumbnail is not wide enough.


Is that the "Dark"-css, and on which browser does that happen?


Yes, Dark, on Chrome


Applied a fix that should work on most instances of the problem, the element in question now has a min-width-property, so no matter how slim the thumbnail is, the element will retain a minimum-width of 150px, which is enough for the filename in the example. Might still look shit with longer non-wrappable filenames though.


Untitled 1.jpg (236.58 KB, 838x537)

Works now, gudntschopp


Where did the graph go?


Seems to be back, but right now the whole site is slow as fuck.


No idea what happened there :DD Those graphs are sensitive to missing values, so if something didn't load properly, it won't show at all.

It's usually a provider issue. You can easily check this by opening the radio page: If it's also slower than usual: Provider issue. Sadly it happens almost daily these days, which is especially bad for the radio. Temporarily slow loading times on a slow board aren't a big deal, but streams, which rely on real-time communication, will cut off, which sucks.


Code blocks should not have overflow enabled, but instead a scrollbar


Added followwing directive to the general css:

code {
white-space: pre;
overflow: scroll;

That did something, but not sure if it is what you wanted. Also still no scrollbars for some reason, maybe conflicting directives elsewhere.


empty.jpg (14.18 KB, 562x297)

Is it intended to be able to make empty posts?
Just happened by accidentally clicking the reply button.
Before removing the post I took a screenshot.


It is intended, I think we started to allow it when someone wanted to make an image dump, and had to type in random shit to get his posts through, which of course is annoying. Best option would be to deny posts which contain neither text nor images, but there's no config option for that, we'd have to implement this by ourselves. I just checked the corrensponding part in the code, and it should be possible, maybe I'll give it a try next weekend or so.


A change has been implemented, now an error message should display when there are neither text in the post body nor attached files present. Any combination of files or text should suffice that the post goes through. Please report if you encounter problems, like rejected posts which weren't empty.


x_true.png (855 B, 59x39)

why do i get a "true" message while trying to post something?

 No.645 KONTRA

banned!.png (14.28 KB, 479x190)

was a dollchan compatibility problem; deactivating it redirected me to banned! page.
first ban in several years of posting on EC - not sure if i should be proud or ashamed :D


while true krebs.png (762.29 KB, 1024x1024)


You got caught up in the process when (a small minority of) our recent guests started creating several low effort threads in succession, and we felt the need to clean up. The ban has been lifted.


actually went over all my posts and can't find anything with red text or a deleted post. ban doesn't specify any post as well :/
i would assume it is either because of this one >>>/b/24787 - sure... a 3rd thread suxx, but we reopen threda all the time, if it got systemkontra'd.
or this one >>>/b/24756 it would have been funny, but semi-encouraging might have been a little over the top :DD
this might also be a possibility >>>/b/24770 - yes, stupid link shortener cancer, but it redirects to my own ">_"-thread >>>/b/12308

 No.649 KONTRA

ah, thanks :)

 No.651 KONTRA

> or a deleted post
> clean up
oh, yeah. one of my posts actually was in a deleted thread. but that one actually read
> [...] Warum schubst ihr unsere tollen Fäden vom Brett? :(
if a mod just banned all IPs involved in that thread... might have been it. :3

sry for giving you additional work ^.^
but der Ausnahmezustand seems to be over, at least for a while.


> Ernst hat gepetzt und es passierte nichts.
> Dann hat Ernst den Puppenkanal deaktiviert und erneut gepetzt.
> Ernst wurde weitergeleitet.
Hat Ernst doppelt gepetzt und nur die Weiterleitung hat ein Kompatibilitätsproblem?
Oder hat das Petzen mit eingeschaltetem Puppenkanal überhaupt nicht geklappt?


Wo/wie geht das?


Es war nur ein Report da.

Pfosten anhaken, rechts unten auf der Seite ist ein Report-Knopf.


Das ist mir komplett entgangen. Was wohl noch? Dieses Brett ist die reinste Wundertüte.


Anstelle des Banners hast du eine geringe Chance den Link zum Mitgliederbereich und Login zu erhalten.


Sie wollen mich wohl verhohnepipeln, werter Herr?


Ne. Kannst ja aktualisieren bis es kommt wenn du mir nicht glaubst.


Glücksspiel-Mechanik in meinem Ernstchan?


fdsags.jpg (6.7 KB, 184x184)

Es ist kein Glücksspiel, wenn man immer verliert.


Dann halt Pechspiel.


fehlermeldung.jpg (8.97 KB, 234x153)

Irgendetwas stimmte mit dem dritten Bild nicht (violence.png) und die Fehlermeldung war nicht wirklich hilfreich.


Meistens ist das Bild dann nicht die Erweiterung, die es vorgibt zu sein. Wenn du es mit IrfanView aufmachst, wird er sich wahrscheinlich beschweren und sagen, dass es ein jpg ist oder so, siehe >>524 >>525


Ernst hatte sich ja auch gedacht, dass etwas mit den Metadaten nicht in Ordnung ist und ein Bild nach dem anderen deswegen konvertiert. Es war aber eins von vier Bildern und der Hinweis, welches Bild davon, hätte bei der Fehlereliminierung helfen können.


Stimmt, ich habe es mir gerade angesehen, ich habe auf die Schnelle keine Lösung dafür. Das Problem ist, dass an der Stelle, wo dieser Fehler geworfen wird, keine sinnvollen Informationen über das Bild verfügbar sind, außer Erweiterung, Dateigröße und Abmessungen, aber kein Name oder Pfad. Ich könnte die Fehlermeldung zwar erweitern, aber es würde nicht viel bringen. Falls mir noch was einfällt, passe ich es an.


Arabic text isn't displayed in posts
Other alphabets seem to work fine, see >>/int/20584



I had a look at it, everything that has been delivered to the browser is also displayed, that means whatever was lost, didn't make it into the database in first place. It seems unreasonable to mess around with charsets, just to enable a language only few can read, so sorry, can't do, preasu understandu.


Bug oder Feature:

Folgende Situation auf /b/:

- Heute-Faden geht in Autosäge
- Ernst macht neuen auf, verweist in altem Faden darauf
- Anderer Ernst macht andern Heute-Faden auf, verweist auch im alten Faden darauf
- Erster Ernst löscht seinen Faden und Pfosten
- Neuer Heute-Faden ist jetzt in der Fadenreihenfolge HINTER dem alten Heute-Faden

Kann es sein, dass da beim Löschen des Pfostens und Neuberechnung der Stoßreihenfolge die Autosäge nicht mehr berücksichtigt wurde?
Denn rein von der Pfostierzeit her stimmt die Reihenfolge ja, da der letzte Pfosten im alten Heute-Faden neuer ist als der neue Heute-Faden, nur sollte das ja bei der Autosäge eigentlich nicht mehr berücksichtigt werden.


Yes, I have seen that, too, it's very likely a bug, exactly as you described it. However, it seems to be a rare occurence and not a big problem, so I'd rather sit that one out.


Someone seems to have found a way to bump autosaged threads


> sit that one out

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